BIOL 2520 Course-Syllabus-2019
BIOL 2520 Course-Syllabus-2019
BIOL 2520 Course-Syllabus-2019
Office Hours or Availability: Available to meet MWF from 11:30-12:00, or email to make
an appointment
Office Phone No. 204-474-9418
Course Description
A survey of cell biology. Focus is on an integrative examination of the structure and function of
subcellular compartments, organelles, and key molecules. The course attempts to explain how
the cell functions and how it interacts with other cells and its environment.
Essential Cell Biology – 5th edition, by Alberts et al. The syllabus indicates the suggested
readings. These readings are intended to help you understand the material covered in class. If
you do not understand the lecture material, please read the textbook for clarification. You are
not expected to know the material in the textbook beyond what is covered in class, but
knowing more than what is covered in lectures is always useful!
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Class Communication
The University requires all students to activate an official University email account. For full
details of the Electronic Communication with Students please visit:
Please note that all communication between myself and you as a student must comply with the
electronic communication with student policy
ation_with_students_policy.html). You are required to obtain and use your U of M email
account for all communication between yourself and the university.
If you do not fully understand some aspect of the course material, and you could not get
clarification directly after class, you should first read the text book or access online sources
before making an appointment or sending me an email with your questions. I would like to see
evidence that you have made some effort to find answers to your questions on your own, and
for you to define as clearly as possible what you do not understand. If you make an effort to
seek answers independently, I will be more than happy to help you understand the material
more fully.
Academic Integrity:
The Faculty of Science takes academic integrity very seriously. Any evidence of academic
dishonesty on assignments, labs and/or tests will be forwarded to the appropriate authorities
for potential disciplinary actions.
Class Schedule
Final exam
90 + - A+
80 - 89 - A
74 - 79 - B+
68 - 73 - B
62 - 67 - C+
56 - 61 - C
50 - 55 - D
0 - 49 - F