My Book - Its Only I View My Perception Is Reality PDF
My Book - Its Only I View My Perception Is Reality PDF
My Book - Its Only I View My Perception Is Reality PDF
I have to say here for myself personally, this is not about religion or politics and
yet it is also “duality” as they are both born of what is?
“the true in the truth that I am”
As in the expression
Recall that memory of experience “feeling felt state” that is “I have new!” in
my possession, greater than for things of material worldly possession.
The place has and is, still working under a regime of oppressive labourism as
the back bone of “uniformity through conformity” Low paid, highly justified
There’s another mountain on earth much, much! Taller than Mt Everest, we
never see the top of, it’s called “equality”
Being aware of the pleasure is what makes the pain.
Who’s more important? The one who built the house? Or the one who lives in
it? What if the builder is the tenant?
Democratic capitalism, funny… NOT! The minority say “majority” rules, yet
when it comes to the people’s wealth the minority who “HAVE” the majority
clearly! Rules.
Everything’s ten times bigger when I’m ten times smaller and obviously vice
versa. “last is first and first is last” humble I do under-stand is to stand under
thy stance in! is true truth.
Note: Throughout this book when I use either of the two terms spirit or soul I
am referring to the same thing as I know many people use either to refer to
the inner non-physical part of human and all bio organic life and non, bio or-
ganic life, meaning the inanimate such as rocks, a single matter particle to
quantum particles, waves, etc, at least one version of the Christian Bible does
actually separate them as two different aspects of the being, I have not as I
don’t yet have any personal experience telling me this is the case, not to say
they are necessarily wrong about this point either, as I said, I use them inter-
changeably because I know many people do. Such also as people, cultures,
have the various of each own chosen name’s to reference our creator.
I am a feeling energy magnetic field light being co-existing with this mind body
for a brief momentary part of the eternal immortal life space moment we call
time, to have a personal experience of this co-existence and share the same
co-existent experience with other equally created endowed light beings of the
same order in our father lights heart who did in entrust all into being of in-
formed to outer form order.
We are all here for the same created core purpose.
We are simply proving thy self to self by forming our own existence “feeling
energy magnetic light” constantly through our eternal personal and collective
personal experience, the same as the Prime Ultimate truth is doing eternally
on the whole with him us in thy self, hence I am made in of, too, the same sub-
stance 100% truth, meaning the actual, not past, present and future divided,
truth is all incumbent life, we are same of one, all, one in the same. (101) “one
all one” family.
The person-all being the thought mind flesh reality that we call life real is
called person-all being because it through the apparatus we call ego “takes”
(key word) all experience and universal structure personally, it sees itself
falsely to be the centre of all universal reality, it’s wants come first above be-
fore universal need and thus all reality is viewed judged through the eyes of its
wants confused justified as needs, my mind is deaf conditioned so well to its
own noise of thinking that I the spirit co-existing with this mind end up believ-
ing, knowing, accepting myself as a living being to only be this noise of thinking
thought and the recurring reactional emotions of my met and un met wants
and desires of the flesh sensations brain body, never questioning my own
noise, its noise of uncontrolled linear thinking emotional stimulations, thinking
past future emotional act reactions, it appears quieter in my normal wakened
state yet far easier I notice my minds noisiness when I seek the quietness of
Yes I’m saying we as a physical of spiritual formed being have “two attentions”
one is the conscious formed in thinking thought mind self and the other is the
heart placed in physical space spirit, it is when we marry the thinking conscious
competition for a position closer to the front, trying to become the leader, that
is considered to be the winner, the one most best important above others, be-
lieving that life will be so much better, some of us become so, self-absorbed
entrenched in our belief that being the first is the best that we become willing
to action varying degrees of passive aggressive violence and plain violent act
against our brother and sister to attain through competition a place further
forward along the chain, the food chain as we often call it, even though we
don’t actually know if it really is better until if we get there, our actions are all
based on our chosen formed personal belief that is so often actually a product
of some external source that we import and take ownership of and tell our-self
that it’s my own original idea, thought, simple examples of this are things like,
religion, fashion trends, tattoos are a very good example of this currently, reli-
gion as most of us are aware is a prime example over recorded history of one
that is very dangerous as the ideologies are often used as an excuse justifica-
tion to enact the acted out horrific violent desire to control others for a sense
of self ordained above others self-importance of being in more favour of God,
gained through extremist extreme violence against the judged to be lesser
people in the name of a higher power thus it, they, are right, righteously good
justified to act, when really it’s just them being personally then thus collec-
tively taken over in self by the dark left side, left alone, left bereft, belligerent
spirit, the opposite opposing image of God, remember the opposite in printed
word of the spelling God reversed funnily enough is dog hence the expression
for a godless act is said to be a “dog act” the opposite opposing side of a dogs
personality is they are fiercely loyal and forgiving, said to be man’s best friend,
it’s no coincidence that we have come up with these things, thus the darkness
is convincing them to do it’s bidding in our good creator fathers name, as it
knows if it masquerades as God the weak will comply, as to the measure they
are already blind of, to, him, in each personal self is to the measure they are
available easy targets to be deceived in his name, the only place we can per-
sonally first find is found him is in our self not in some outer resource im-
ported, that is what makes us easily vulnerable to being deceived, any text or
other of another is only useful to hint, help point the way maybe? The living
God lives thus he is first and foremost found in our selves formed first, then
unto all others do we see him clearly and we don’t attack him in others be-
cause of the log in our own eye, being blind is not selective, blind is blind to all.
In truth very few of us very often have a pure genuine original thought pro-
duced from within our unique personal self as we are major majority spiritually
resident with our attention in our thinking thought mental minds alone from
heart thus we don’t have a personal physical life experience of our creator fa-
ther where we actually do experience seeing the physics of the physical world
bend to his will for real, we only experience the somewhat more mundane
static physics laws unchanging in and around us, thus we are all collectively
connected to the same mental conscious data bank mind drawing our ideas
and sense of self identity and accepted perceived reality from copying each
other hence great confusion in selves for understanding mapping the actual
unique self-true in truth we each actually are in this divine will and plan of life
we are all playing part in, confusion equals competition rather than a complete
happy balanced circle of all, is fair equal all, supporting to work together fur-
thering our global species loving each other forward development, in other
words we are copying each other’s mistakes more often than not rather than
copying the divine will and plan that lives resonating within each our unique in-
dividual matter formed of spirit selves hence we are really just slip streaming
each other in this life with the windows down getting a waft of the scent that is
the wake of the car in front of us, the linear logic of thought that is the thinking
thought mind and the self-memory re-actioning emotions there to, that we
then claim as our own because we can smell it, we are aware of it and then
claim it to self to be genuine self-awareness, self-identity being our chosen
likes and dislikes, it’s the easy way to avoid doing the self-help work he our di-
vine creator father offers and asks of us so that he may genuinely for real be
manifest divine, physically living on earth as he is in heaven. Slip streaming
each other with our windows down, truth, we do unto others as we do first!
Into, unto thy self. Truth discovered is living true, no truth is lie owned, lie mar-
keted and soul sold at a loss! That is lost! Truth, and lie, is the spending cur-
rency of trade that is life, soul dollars, motive is the purchase of the soul. This
is the actual wealth we bank and spend that O Father is % interest-ed in, as the
ONE owner share holder of him is the bank “the prophet” % is his margin. Bible
quote “what did it profit thee?” I say, did it profit! $$$% me? or am I inner self
% whole prophet?
That’s what the chip will be about so they can monitor how much air we
breathe, how much time our eyes were open, how much thinking and about
what, how many steps we walked, how many heart beats we used, then we get
sent a bill, actually no! more like direct debit and if the funds aren’t there! than
they own us automatically for real and the law says they own us until the debt
is paid with % interest on top in full, welcome to where we humans are taking
this “freely given” opportunity that was not given by any human to all spirits
“light beings” they use their opportunity freely given from O Father to rob and
down grade others of theirs. So, in truth their free will destroys the free free-
dom of us to use ours. Oh! but they care so very deeply about us, yeah! How
deep our debt drawn down pockets are, even unto into our death! As they
pass the buck drawn down debt onto next of kin as if that’s fair free trade
agreement, we none actually agreed to, not even in death do they allow us to
rest in peace, they just continue tearing our tears into pieces with the counte-
nance of constipated faeces faces and so we they gnash our teeth as we they
gnaw ourselves to the bone and suck! For the marrow of every debt drawn
down morrow! The Christian bible speaks of “the mark of the beast” in revela-
tions, I have a strong suspicion that what it is referring to is the electronic chip
people have already started to get placed under their skin at this time volun-
tarily but in the future I believe it will likely be made mandatory by law, it will
contain your banking details, identity proof, and many other things, it also
states in the Christian bible that there will come a time when no one with the
mark of the beast will be able to buy or sell, my feeling is that once they have
completely abolished hard currency money and made it all digital that because
all banking is then digital they will make it law that all our needs for daily living
survival are loaded onto the chip meaning your pay for working, details for
medical help, identity and so forth that unless you have the chip you will liter-
ally not be able to get paid or access your money and thus literally not be able
to sell or earn and pay for anything! In society without taking the chip, mean-
ing we will not be able to literally buy food or any necessities of physical life
our life will literally be attached to this chip, without it we will no longer be
able to function at even the most basic level without accepting it, the bible
says the mark of the beast will be in the right hand or forehead??? They will as
they have already started doing through trials of voluntary private enterprise
market it at first as a voluntary good thing to do by appealing, stroking peoples
egos of self-importance and life bettering convenience to us that it’s a harm-
less better way forward of living in the future as they will also be able to take
much better control of lowering financial related crime, much harder if not im-
possible for black market business to exist anymore so things like illegal drug
trade income will be stopped and other, it will all be postured on how much
better society will function for all, if you don’t voluntaralliy accept it you will lit-
erally no longer be able to live in the modern society, eventually they will intro-
duce a law that all new born babies will automatically be chipped at birth. They
have and will endeavour to make it impossible to legally produce any of your
own food by making legislation against it in suburban settings and take tie up
all free space land under their control with extreme penalties for being caught
doing so on any land if you’re not a registered government licensed farmer to
do so, we already have much of the building blocks being put into place to fa-
cilitate this complete control through things like genetic modified foods that
are sterile as to stop people from being able to cultivate their own from the
seeds, similar related practices will and are being investigated and tested to
stop private individuals from raising any meats as well, the first most obvious is
that if you don’t have suitable land space of suitable quality you cannot raise
any animals for meat, then if you breed only sterile ones that can’t be bred
from thus holding the only viable breeding stock under heavily locked down
and guarded control as done with all vegetables and fruits people will feel
forced without choice! Their very physical survival cannot be attained and sup-
ported without taking the almighty life granting chip, the chip will become the
world’s new God as all life survival and prosperity access will be governed by
the chip! It will also be constantly transmitting our physical location and health
and data of every single thing we do from life signs to type quantity and quality
of our thinking and desires thus if a person starts to have thoughts and or de-
sires motives that don’t fall into line with the state they will have complete
power and ease over controlling stopping you, at first as with all the other stuff
it will be marketed as a huge magical breakthrough in stopping barbaric ideals
and ideaoligies from taking root in society it will seem like the blessing, “the
magic bullet” as that expression go’s, the world has been craving and waiting
for throughout recorded history, a way to now stop much of the unrest and
poverty of the world, it will seem like technology has come to our rescue and
saved us from ourselves until when it’s too late for the masses, it they the ones
responsible being governments in collusion with the large corporates and reli-
gions will reveal their true intent! The beast has devoured the world, old “rule
of thumb” as that expression go’s “if you’ve got something really ugly you
don’t want people to see, you hide it in plain sight in the most beautiful ap-
pealing disguise” the trojan horse! Funnily enough we have already got com-
puter viruses referred to as “trojans”
The pressure is either ON or OFF, this is truly “I say” a literal binary life we live,
two half-truths do or don’t come one all is as one what we humans term as a
true team, our work is together, a team is doing circle work, all is only able to
support all is as one, it only takes! wants! (key words) one of us to be inner di-
vision in of our personal inner vision “motive” to divide break the circle that is
was one circle that is thus eternal life omni eternal manifest spherical, a beauty
full bub baby bubble, he who is O Father in us son the childlike one. so! sadly
harm fully we are choosing for real reality here in this flesh form life world to
not! do global spherical is circle joined together work as all come one because
our each one owned division of divisiveness ego false world wealth material
glutton lustful false prides are making us lost in our own punitive alone self-ab-
sorbed ego, outer devoid defiled of our hearts to minds, one alone only desires
of thinking emotional alone from Godly heart inspired emotions immersed in
our sen sin sational pleasure lusts of the flesh here on mother is earth.
Black or white, grey is confused of being mixed in between the two, meaning
as yet undecided as to which side of the fence we have given our full-hearted
allegiance to, trying to serve two masters “fence sitting” as that expression
go’s. Hence one example we have in the literal outer space beyond our planet
is labelled a “binary star” Two stars in very close proximity orbiting around
each other thus influencing each other “duality”. The only grey zone in this hu-
man existence is our human born brain, where the two doeth meet hence the
expression “the meat in the sandwich”. Meaning squashed between our ego
false pride of the head wants and our Allah self-truth needs of the heart. The
two brain hemispheres, Needs and wants, light and dark. Our brain is labelled
funnily enough “the grey matter”
Expression: “walk the walk and talk the talk” Another “your mouths writing
cheques your body can’t cash!” this latter one meaning the person is unable to
put into action what their mouth is professing, essentially being hypocritical or
self-divided. I say in this flesh form life our work is the walk and talk we talk
walk work of which brain hand and foot, our work for and against the light
right of God, the work of the spirit the actual reason we came into this human
form on earth. Expression: “living hand to mouth” Is an expression for describ-
ing the poor, another “take my foot out of my mouth” meaning I’m not really
making sense I’m in the way of myself, the other bloke and book said “it’s not
what goes in your mouth that defiles you, it’s what comes out!” Food for
thought, he also said “a dog returns to its vomit!” Another “every dog has its
day” this latter one to me meaning, at some point in life time of space we all
will come to be accounted to no blind eye of self-aware is justice judged, all
will be revealed for good or bad. Probably means some sense and form of
court, “justice” I’ll let you be the judge of that one, if we think feel personally
that judging is really in our, on earth life mandate? As our life on earth is con-
tinually a work in progress so probably not fair or smart to start judging each
other or even thy self too much either, as I said we each while here are all
works in progress. It feels appropriate here to mention another bible quote
that to me speaks directly about judgement and doing unto others “those who
roll a stone, will it roll back onto” the two hands and two frames of Allah’s one
mind, right hemisphere and left hemisphere, on the right mercy, on the left
justice. I repeat, the opposite opposing image of God is Dog, vice versa.
Note- if we want to be spoon fed all of our lives here than we obviously will
continue in all ways to only shit baby mustard yellow like a baby does, so to
speak, it’s our gifted choice to choose living spiritually “hand to mouth” whilst
trying to make room to eat by having to continually “remove our foot from our
mouth” Incidentally, where is the sole of the flesh form? Bottom of the foot
and what does it often smell like if we neglect it? Personally, I hate to even im-
agine what it might taste like, let alone tasting its neglect physical real, funnily
enough another term often used to describe the spirit is also soul, different
spelling to the sole of the foot physical but pronounced the same “on Earth as
it is in Heaven” Or hell. I say in repeat of myself to you “time will tell as it can’t
keep a secret” It just takes its time, have patience not become a patient.
In my experience on this earth so far, a negative or at its extreme worst! A dis-
embodied evil evolved spirit does have the awful smelling odour! Of rotting de-
composition much the same like a septic sewage tank, extremely bad foot
odour or decomposing flesh, it is literally the scent of the spirit, which is the
product of their long applied, actions of attitude “motive” that do stink! Apply-
ing them self to a life of destroying, decomposing the expressions of what it is
to live the actioned definitions of a loving life, hence the expression we have in
English when someone is being negative off in their view and motivated ac-
tions in life “your attitude stinks!” this expression is born of an innate but con-
sciously forgotten understanding of fundamental spirit is first and last formed
life. What we do here in this physical form life does become our collective col-
lated formed self-reality in our life that is self in spirit, obvious and unescapa-
ble after we return to nakedness through the exchange from our physical form
in physical death. Self-truth becomes total unescapable self-awareness, there
is no longer the buffering illusion to actual self-truth created and maintained
by the belief constructs of the physical mental emotional conscious blind eye
self-absorbed mental mind. Thus, the expression “the naked truth” naked as in
we no longer wear the garment of flesh with its fleshly formed mind upon the
spirit, hence we are all visible naked in this way to each all other. Thus if we
consider the idea of our father creator going to judge us each as individual
unique spirits for what we have done in this life, it is easy for him as he sees
simply all the time eternal what we each “have become” including the inten-
tion attention of motive we chose to act from throughout the whole experi-
ence “the proof is in the pudding” as that expression go’s.
As the expression earlier mentioned is used to describe the poor in this physi-
cal world, we in Australia have an expression for when bad things happen to a
group of people, which is “poor bastards” hence the striving to be rich I’m sure
think the poor ARE BASTARDS as they relish and revel in their revile for them in
their daily application to legislate laws and business protocols policies that only
suit the suits them-selves, no one else when it comes to moral and material
world wealth, after all it was them who saw it as a great business opportunity
to be exploited to make squillions of dollars profit by creating this current cur-
rency of the vile capitalist debt based economy where all now suffering and lit-
erally dying in, for a so called fun learning growing life on mother is our dying
exploited earth, I say cheers for that godless ones!
It’s apparently supposed to be “on earth as it is in heaven” which according to
my experience is very much a place state of rich old gold light that is a loving
humble fair equal sharing amongst all feeling, not HELL as it is on Earth for the
major majority in the current of greedy for currency climate, maybe if we as a
global collective species make the real needed climate change of the collective
head of heart then the climate change needed for physical mother earth will
easily naturally “just fall into place” as that expression go’s, truly I say many of
us the rich on earth are so very! very! poor in heaven, last is first and first is
last, meaning if we first choose to strive to be rich in worldly wealth possession
on earth, that is to put our-self first! In purpose for life on earth we have also
now chosen to be last and poor of possession in heaven as choosing to fulfil
this desire on earth means we have desired to trade away the good God gold
of the heart in equal measure of desire to make this possible, to desire and
strive to have more than one needs is to strive and desire to deprive another
of theirs, heart shares equal fair for all the head on its own hoards from lonely
based fear which causes it an unsecure life as it knows it’s time is finite limited
and thus justifies out of its felt thought fear that it is righteous right to try and
cram as much worldly engagements based on its accumulated worldly wealth
in as it can, “life’s too short” as that expression go’s, essentially you could say
it’s trying to buy, its way out of death. This is an equation of life and death of
thy spirit? The light, light spirit on the other hand knows only eternal life so it
has no sense of finite existence thus it knows no fear and loneliness thus it has
no desire justified to take and cram for more than it needs as it has and always
knows there’s plenty enough shared fair equally amongst all, all its needs are
always met in by the love given unto thee by its parent creator O father, it is
eternally fully relaxed with its own existence that is life, it knows this because
it is in full possession of its total pure unadulterated actual self-truth, not a
speck of lie in its self-eye to I vision of in itself. Gold the material metal and
God always precipitates to the bottom most available point in this physical
form of life world, as it and he has a particular type of great purity that is den-
sity of physical and spiritual substance in occupied space of form, existing in
the opposite opposing image world of spirit that is matter the denser slower
second formed light world, hence what is first in one world is last in the other
and vice versa, thus his sacrifice of self on earth, puts himself last for another
on earth and is first of all other in heaven, himself.
Directly governed in form by purity to impurity ratio, lore and law is! “like at-
tracts like” in the first form light spirit world hence why here in the opposite
opposing image world we see the apparent of both, opposites attract and so
does like to like same as it is a world core created in the duality of light, light
and dark light existing shoulder to shoulder which is the opposite of a world
existing as pure light, light with no dark light. Gold and God, we have to dig
deep to gather them both, unless we can turn it the dirt and are we physically
not clay flesh which is dirt also, carbon based life forms mixed together with
saline water thus we are mud becomes clay and clay moulds to make a vessel
which holds the substance water and we are 70-90 % water, upside down, turn
ourselves upside down in the sense of think not of what God can do for me but
what can I do for God, look first inside for him then see him outside too? Last is
first and first becomes last thus then it becomes easily obtained as the first!
leaving all the dirt “LEFT BEHIND” is last. The word “behind” in Australian Eng-
lish language also describes OUR ASS which as part of the body is considered to
be last, IS LAST! where does shit exit from and what is shit! but the waste left
behind from the extraction of the good useful is useable nutrients, same as
when we smelt ore to extract the gold hidden within, a process to release it
and the waste is known as slag! it floats to the top and the precious gathers to-
gether at the apparent as we refer to it bottom, bottom in Australian English
also refers in context to our own asses, where the shit or slag you might say ex-
its from, it is a process that the desired is perceived to be available for gather-
ing last! yet it is our first most desired because we have a use for it, thus a
value assigned to it and so much more is the value assigned when it is per-
ceived known to be RARE! Hard work is much labour of effort “blood sweat
and tears” as the expression go’s, to achieve. A great deal of process metered
out over measured TIME, maybe a “LIFE TIME” It could be a perceived thus
choose able chosen life time purpose for living.
Opposite opposing image of form, old photographic need of process, make a
negative to then create the positive image an image filled with the 7 rays of
rainbow colour, not merely two tone of black and white, a colour full life here
physical dimension. Leprechauns guard the pot of gold at the end of the rain-
bow in Irish folklore? Where and why did they come up with that one I won-
der? interesting sort of so-called coincidence to me in relation to this last topic
on gold and God and opposite opposing image.
Looks like a mountain, used to be a mole hill. Expression: “don’t make a moun-
tain out of a mole hill” he the other bloke in the other book apparently said
“truly I say to you, if you had the faith of a mustard seed you could say to that
mountain move! And it will be done” The Lord’s prayer “thy will be done on
earth as it is in heaven amen” In other words, our Lords “will” will be done in
his good humour and fun! despite what our mouth and hand have to say and
do. He is who does see and hear all we do and say in this life because we are
literally made IN of him dwelling at home where the heart is literally, matters
not, if we be judged by our human brethren to be illiterate. We literally can’t
escape ourselves, him who is the gold, dwelling inside our right is him our
righteous side over our physical flesh formed left. “brain hemispheres” and in
opposite is the dead lead heartless head that always wants to take the lead.
Question, what colour do we perceive the substance that is lead? And what is
the ultimate famous quest of Alchemists in folklore? Yes, they strive the not
yet achieved, to “turn lead into gold” reform the grey matter making it into the
most valuable of the two substances, hmm… the sub-stance, in geology we talk
of the sub-strait, sub meaning below and stance meaning where I stand, “I
stand humble under the “golden is ultimate true in truth”
The mind is not the intended place of residence for garaging my attention, but
through programmed coerce to my intention of derailed defiled motive I then
learn to become spiritually residential in my second state mind body, grey mat-
ter bio chemical computer brain inter-face, the countenance lost, of first form
love inner life, rather I am designed to reside my intention thus attention in
the centre of my motive, housed by physical chest “space” Expression “need a
roof over my head” the roof over is my head over heart, we also used to say
maybe still do “fall head over heels in love” not so much with the actual physi-
cal matter the flesh form that would be akin to worshipping it and that is akin
to worshipping an idle idol. Any one thing all things physical matter thought
formed is an idol if it is used as a focus of intention attention to attempt access
that is personal experience in of to, he prime master truth “our father spirit” in
us. Bible quote “lead us not into temptation” there all external not internal
eternal. He the divine living eternal spirit NEED (key word) ONLY the spirit to
exist in living “living feeling” NOT! only emotions of the mind, the physical mat-
ter formed emotional emotions mind is merely the second of two expressions,
one does with its expression make an impression on the other that does mirror
backward opposite visible for us as slow light spirit, the physical self and world,
what we in self now state are actually doing in either our heart and or alone of
heart, conscious attention to in look on of it thy self in a state of notice not ap-
plying any attention of thoughts that may want to pick at the experience by
getting our attention, distraction is the destruction of the inner connection and
maintaining it, analysing think thought alone mind interrupts so it corrupts, it’s
a stone thrown in our still pond, past present future is one! or alone, funny
open the word alone (al-one) and you get “al one” kind of simply its positive
opposite and literally being alone is, being all one separated from all other all
that is all one divided, past present future divided out to form as physical
dense light we call view measure as time, the observed passing of physical
form, the process of “birth age decay, future present past” last is first and first
is last slow light is the physical form 3D universal universe outer delayed re-
sponse second world half-truth of life, hence what we call “outer space” the
out is space filled with the form that is slow light, the past is matter existing in
empty absence of light vacuum void, that is actual de-void of life animate or-
dered expression without him within it, living formed form blueprint who is ac-
tual feeling life light, the golden gold, old gold ancient one that Christians in
English language call God. “it’s an oldy but a Goldie” as that expression go’s 😊
the countenance of he him is who heart. “o-u-r! our father” the opposite op-
posing sight is him the wife that is mind, emotional emotions divider, funnily
enough if we divide open the word father we get an opposite of “FAT-HER”
gluttony, the “gluttonous glutenous lust” weirdly I see another sought of con-
nection there in that gluten is a major part of bread and bread is said in Christi-
anity to represent the body of Christ, there saviour? Which to me means, in
our body dwells his body the divine truth who is actual self-truth that is our
him in self-personal creator saviour from being self-blind and deaf of the much
greater truth of what we each are in this made self here existent and further
from that it makes me notice funnily enough ha, ha not! that there is or has
been apparently a growing rise in the actual physical allergy to gluten and aller-
gic desire with more and more people to not eat it, choosing I need or want to
be gluten free? Can’t eat bread and others don’t want to, can’t don’t eat food
from for the soul? We can read, know, look into any religious text, science
texts, really anything to seek for further self-truth understanding hence a
greater experience and wisdom of our life and physical form, we don’t have to
become a member of them, now personally identify as one and thus obey limit
myself and my creator’s potential of opportunity to any and all restrictions that
come with it “I’m a Christian, I’m a Muslim, I’m a Hindu, I’m a science and so
forth, don’t be stopped or afraid to seek for oneself don’t allow the past and
present acts of others committed in their name scare stop, tarnish or perturb
us into avoiding being open to all without limits of preconceived imported at-
tachments that prejudice us against something over another this is us creating
what’s called “a man plan” limits on how, where, what we can will allow our-
selves to experience, to discover my personal puzzle pieces, no limits on Allah
be open to finding the pieces of our each common and unique personal puzzles
as the pieces are hidden anywhere everywhere the spirit is everywhere around
us hidden in the pocket of physical form. Is there a growing desire to deny the
bread the body of truth, self-inner truth, be nice if it was us getting a growing
desire in, we the people of the world to be glutton free? The spelling of the
word gluten allows the mispronunciation of it to easily be spoken as glutton
not gluten, food for thought? The afore few lines about gluten and glutton,
bread etcetera is an example of a part of seeking to see past the veil and para-
ble of this physical formed self and world, bible quote “seek ye and you shall
find me”
For the worldly emotional emotions sen sin sations, note: plural is two and
many divided not! (knot) “one whole wholesome holy one” notice also in mari-
time measure of speed travelling the great blue/purple seven seas (sees) the
measure is knots, in a state of stress we often express in English language the
expression “I’m all knotted up” another “my stomach is tied in knots” Another
“give them enough ROPE and they will hang them-selves” The purple heart
truth is simply whatever our now actual is of spirit heart and or! Mind alone of
heart self-aware state. The illusion that is delusion of the plenty one, the many
who is thus named “Legion” e.g. “the roman legions” divided is “ro-mans” thus
is for all mankind that they are thus! hence woman’s is the mind of alone, wo-
man the world alone is woe to man woman all is divided thus lost is conquered
“lost in the outer space” vanity is vain lusts of the flesh formed sen sin sations
mind flesh form. Our eye to I is all about “my I wants of the flesh lie eye” the
empty alone of heart home is ego of false prides. plural is thus us divided from
in, in is true in truth “the two true truths is, spirit + mind/flesh = now thus is
come one married in self, my love for you is true, o u r our father in us one son
shining golden sun “the halo” he thus we is thus now wholesome holy in spirit
“the whole is holy spirit” one! is thus undivided in our attention of our motive
driving the formed intention, has come back home in on itself, thus attention
of mind with heart married in whole holy true in truth matrimony (not matri-
money “the married love of money” beware! Aware, “as it is easier to push a
camel through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter heaven”) as
that expression goes, meaning, to love something before our love of our crea-
tor is to turn our back on him by serving a “material master” that is to love the
second form not the life that gives rise to form, “getting our wires crossed”
again, as that expression goes “nothing but the truth so I/we each all one, help
you golden God our son” expressions “a golden age” “we have come of age”
“the age of reason” the youthful is ageless in all their ages “come to me yea as
little children with your garments folded neatly underfoot” (manners maturity)
garments being the worldly lusts of the flesh form have been thus conquered
through being naked humble humility that is actual, of we do understand in-
side thy each self “O-U-R, our only one origin-all father” I/we all are son shined
upon by you our golden one, is warmth, golden light is life, sun “on Earth as it
is in heaven” 😊 now our faces shine like the sun. Expression “he/she lit up the
room” hence the words “enlightened” “de-light-ful” meaning “of light full”
The centre chest space (spinal cord) is where each of us ” I “ the feeling energy
magnetic force light being naturally resides geographically speaking within our
physical body, thus our attention need only go to our mind as a place of visit to
facilitate the motor functions of our physical form to manifest the continual
life breath of the living truth to which we “I am” are made in of, too our crea-
tor in self we are creators will and purpose that is life, thus the aim is to marry
as one immersed in of each other truth, join the two ends that is I him spirit
and I her Earth clay flesh vessel think thought mind “together” is “to get her”
(marry our wife mind to husband heart, attention on attention) “the circle of
life” the word “HALO” is the word “HALLO” is the word in English “HELLO” is
“WELCOME” welcome is “WEL-COME” is “WE’LL COME” is “BECOME” mind
her, immersed “married” in him, (spinal cord center in torso heart self) “recon-
ciliation” thus we have said “hallo, halo” hence the expression referring to our
creator “hallowed be thy name” “the completion of understood real eyes-ed
(realised) self-truth, not gone to bellow! The perversion version that is “HELLO”
is “HELL-O” hence the expression we use when somethings going, gone, very
wrong! “OH HELL” thus is “O-HELL” the reversed of “HELLO” and it’s conno-
tated meaning in English language of friendly greeting of warm heart, thus
onto others, is thus now, come one whole holy is actual and real in to out, one
now, is no time, hence the expression “there’s no time like the present”
amended version “there’s no time in the present” meaning one whole is one,
no division between past present future, they are all experienced as to exist in
form as one! As to say, “what I do now” is my present future past, Whole undi-
vided entity of life existence, spiritual self and mortal form perceiving one infi-
nite eternal moment, meaning before mortality I am life and after mortal phys-
ical death I am life, clothes on, clothes off, naked before we come and naked
we are whence departed, thy truth is the same with our evolved character in
between, “not a split into second, seconds of passed, behind us linear broken
from circle time line” a broken circle is now a line of a start and end point
hence mortal physical life the passing from youth of birth new to aged use into
youth-less useless death, we call personal experience “first, hand knowledge”
new is often considered to be “first hand” also, we tend to crave first, hand
knowledge as we say because it’s considered to be much closer in purity to the
actual truth not A plural past gathered of lies, as truth seeds us on a straight
path and A lie seeds us on an ever bending contorting of truth as to be a lie it
does form second of truth, truth is always the first event that then has created
a space of potential that a lie can then follow in opposite opposition to truth,
the reversed image, “God or dog” not the straight path which is the shortest
distance between two points that is the most desired path as it is the most effi-
cient to navigate, the straighter our path is the least of “time” to navigate
through life. expression statement of time “a split second” on a clock we have
for the smallest splits of incremental measurements of time, the “second
hand” and the expression for old goods is called also “second hand” not new!
“New is first thus one” when used thus considered old we split it and call it
“second hand” meaning the advent of time is what determines new is as one
and elapsed time, even a second, is thus then constant splitting’s, dividing’s of
first state, spiritual left side is left behind is second hence time, thus past is
“second hand” is thus divided in itself of the existent of passing is to split the
present as one to pieces we then have the formation of physical reality as
“time” it’s second old not new first, first is ageless state of youth, second is ag-
ing the passing of time as a divided reality, hence now “second of hand” is not
whole as one is thus considered new, as in the statement expression for us
when we arrive into the flesh form life world, we call the freshly made and ar-
rived “a new born” as time is yet to elapse thus split the reality into a divisive
of pieces, that we then call “past, present and future” we say an infant has
“there whole future ahead of them” they don’t yet have a form of past as a
third element in there reality, so not a split life of living dead to thy “self-
knowledge” and the wisdom that cometh thereof, what I term as the half-truth
whole lie in the physical eye, for I life here on earth. Self-leisure and pleasure
of the flesh form focused first attention of reversed intention, the crossing
over of our wires in self again, don’t we say of the event of mortal death
“he/she has crossed over” “alone” (alone being the key word here) it’s a result
that is obvious and inevitable! If we choose to choose out of the given availa-
ble purpose for coming here. “to seek our creator living in self thus recognise
and treat him with respect in each other” Seriously I cannot blame
Wukantunka for not being “visible, tangible” in my personal physical here
world life experience, let alone delude myself that humans are going to one
day just “wake up” expression for when we are being dumb dark in our behav-
iour is “wake up to yourself!” and start treating each other with a God like
common respect of behaviour towards each other, prosecute a just, justice of
daily living respect on each other “have first-hand knowledge experience of
him” if we have exercised his freely given free will to simply conveniently
IGNORE him in our self hence this life in exchange for the riches in pleasures of
the matter formed world “flesh” Sen-sin-sation-able glutton it is, because we
believe thus perceive, that to seek him, his standards of just justice in self for
life here “on earth as it is in heaven” gets in the way and thus deprives us of
the “good life” that is, “what we want! Is what we deserve!” and we all de-
serve it all over and above our own and others, needs. “dog eat dog” another
“every man for himself” “consumers, is! a consumer species society” are we
not at the modern moment, as the two expressions go, “placing all our eggs in
one basket” and “don’t put all your eggs in one basket” meaning don’t put all
our faith of expectations in one idea act! in this case, we the human species
gluttonously consuming the whole world and each other for life purpose and is
there not an old expression in English spoken language for life when someone
or something is so utterly broken, dysfunctional, we say he/she/it “is a basket
case” common application of this expression is for when someone is so men-
tally psychologically lost, deranged, from “physical reality” become fully self-
absorbed into there, own self, created imposed reality and it’s much a futile
exercise to heal, pull them back out of it, we say, “there a basket case” you
could say in a way they have put all there psychological eggs of self-sanity into
one complete dysfunctional basket of “non reality insanity” a self, psychosis, a
species that believes and acts that it can have infinite gluttonous every man for
himself consummation for growth of a finite resource reality for a life purpose
as a replacement for the seeking in self, reality, of their maker creator without
it coming to an implosive! End, is definitely the definition of utterly broken,
dysfunctional in it’s psychological basket of self-imposed insanity reality, hence
most definitely fits the description definition of being described as a true “bas-
ket case” as we have and continue to put all our eggs in the one idea faith ex-
pectation basket of infinite growth consumption of a finite resource reality,
“grow, feed, the $$$ economy God for eternity for predominately a select few”
in a finite start to end universe??? this god is all consuming in it’s disorder of
orders, we/it is starting to really fit the psychological profile definition of being
diagnosed as having psychotic psychosis, overwhelmingly we have, are, depart-
ing from obvious physical parameters of physical formed real, reality, Huh! ???
hence of our departure from given spiritual inner real reality. The most obvious
great loss in the physical side of the “two come one, reality” will be when we
have completely devoured our mother earth and then thus the human race to
our own won destruction is complete and final. “winner takes all” in this case it
won’t be “winners are grinners” it is “winners are sinners”
With my intention attention residing in on with itself in the centre of my chest
space I am in a quiet place absent of running thought (leisure/pleasure/any-
thing of stress, any past, present or future in self, created in mental form, de-
sire devices of minded linear logic (being in a state of want rather than need,
self to self, meaning self that is mental mind, focused on, in looking to self-in-
tention of motive thus attention for feeling felt noticed in form of god in self is
son spirit actual hence true in truth, I am of him that is common same, we am)
but still very much present conscious and aware of, too in thy self a state of
notice to my/we reality here “real life” as we call it, not judging it (thought
when attention moved, of intention is left idle in the mind) it is in this place
that I experience what has been over time, recorded often, called or known as
a “spiritual experience” for Christians a “biblical moment” in their life. A place
where we experience simultaneous expression of the living “feeling felt” prime
truth, the personality Prime Ultimateness inside self, noticed manifest in the
physical thought form world also, what I am calling “whole” is thus “holy”
truth, the inner and outer of the being are inside to outside order of motive in-
tention attention agenda orientated “the moral compass” as the expression
go’s, with the physical second is servant form, the flesh 3d universe both all
the same, designed to be the serving second, aligning the two into one is the
purpose for our life here, without the wallpaper details of each our own indi-
vidual life event unfurling’s to complicate, cloud the vision in self of self to self
about self, the one! I am “real-eyes-ed” my eye, see I to eye in of I thy truth,
that the master father truth is! I am we one, all one living eternal-eyes-truth, is
thus now, crystal clear face faceted vision, no bifocals (vision divided into 2) re-
quired, nor rose coloured glasses donned and certainly not! desiring for the
want perceived justified as need, to buy and don “beer goggles” as that expres-
sion goes, to make drunk of our view in life.
Personal experience regardless of whether other people judge it to not be real,
“believe it or not” out of their lack of perceived personal experience is a very
real experience in this physical thought formed world of the feeling energy
light world, we actually can’t escape this fact even if we might convince our
self through what we choose to believe hence by default choosing also not to
believe (duality, cause and effect) in other does not effect, it’s existence only
our conscious mind self-aware reality of perceiving and accepting it, as even
when we have chosen to not believe certain aspects of our and others experi-
ence to be real we still can’t escape the experiences of things like “de je vu”
and “coincidence” to name a couple, we push things like the experience of
knowing what someone else is thinking and or going to do at times aside be-
cause our programmed logic beliefs loaded into our mind then feel emotional
fear of being challenged, undermined of our, it’s control hold of its sanity con-
trol of destiny, stable reality without barriers being placed to challenge its au-
thority over ownership of life, its very existence as it is actually innately living
in fear of its terminally guaranteed at some time, untimely death, as it is the
vessel for life “physical incarnate” not actually life itself, its animated not the
animater, we have limits placed on our personal validity as “real or not” by hu-
man set standards, imposed by labels of judgements that others usually with-
out the personal experience define against us what is acceptable as real reality
based on the limited slow to expand parameters of science exploring through
study of matter formed existence is reality only and other peoples self-ab-
sorbed perception that everyone else’s real is reality is only valid if when I per-
sonally perceive my own experience of it, the old statement of “I’ll believe it
when I see it” not “I’ll see it because I believe it” thus our opinion is what gov-
erns other peoples and our own validity of what’s real and what’s fake, opinion
through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter heaven” and thirdly I
say this modified one of a bible statement “on earth we can choose to make it
much like heaven” thus why I say physical matter is an extended existence of
the spirit only that it is denser thought, yet proven in our science of today is
the backing fact! That the physical matter form, us and all 3, Dimensional mat-
ter formed universe reality is almost! Completely empty in its own existence of
made existent occupied available space, which states to me also in actual real-
ity that it also actually has a very! Very! Tiny actual mass and thus the effects
of gravity there to, we the spirit occupying the total space have a much greater
mass but so much finer is the density and variant thereof in direct measure of
the relationship our feeling felt heart and mind spiritual state does govern,
thus morphing our total density of self through our raising and lowering of our
spiritual vibration that does thus then by same marriage relationship between
the I spirit incarnate in of physical form density does raise and lower its vibra-
tion also, it’s density of occupied space also as it is they say, define with their
current observations at infinitesimal depth of this our physical present reality
99.999999999999 empty space, hence I say the rest of that so called empty
space is also filled 100% full with what I’m as others have and do the spirit and
or soul, our father actual creator, it’s filled completely with life! Not actually a
true void not possible just almost completely devoid of slowed down spirit en-
ergy thus made matter of denser coarser physical formed thought. It’s a little
like if you go to the beach or a gravel pit and you look at the grains or pebbles
depending on how “coarse” or “fine” meaning the size of individual compo-
nents when bunched together “collective density” “collective thinking” there
occupation of available space, the coarser the particle the more visibly accessi-
ble apparent unoccupied space between them is and thus calculatable as a to-
tal of the collective gathered together form and the finer the particles the
more occupied is the apparent empty space by them so less visible apparent
empty space between them hence greater density and mass contained in of
available to occupy space also dependant on what we call, measure, as atomic
weight, to me simply meaning also what the actual particles themselves are
made of thus their own actual individual then thus collective weight of individ-
ual density does gain or lose mass for self and total collective surface available
to gravity to exert itself as force upon, thus adjusting individual and therefore
collective weight being suspended in space much like a particle of sediment in
an ocean will float suspended at a particular level based on whether it has neu-
tral buoyancy achieved of, its density and mass ratio in relation to its surround-
ing environment with the forces of currents, gravity and density of the water
itself, only an inanimate particle doesn’t have the ability to self-regulate its po-
sition it’s at the mercy of somewhat static physical physics laws of the matter
formed world, like the dead sea is so dense with dissolved salt content, thus a
very dense liquid, it’s almost impossible for us to sink in it, but a large rock will,
as we will if we self-regulate by adding enough extra weight to our body to
overcome the stated physics laws present of density and mass, gravity and wa-
ter currents, ratios of mass density and force of gravity exerted upon density of
mass is the fundamental equation, we do very much regulate ourselves in
much the same way as a scuba diver regulates there buoyancy of position by
adding or subtracting air from there buoyancy vest to go deeper or raise up-
ward closer to the surface, spiritually we do it by regulating our self-particle vi-
bration, faster is higher less dense, less gravity of depravity or slower is denser
deeper down through our motive thus intention hence positioned attention
thence to our behaviour, what we make of, for, our self, “free will” floating in
an ocean of free to choose good will or not! meaning sink deeper into the
depths becoming darker in our desires with more pressure being exerted on us
by surrounding fluid occupied space “influenced of spirits nature” bible quote
“lead us not into temptation” we will gather accelerate faster towards the
maximum possible depth in direct measure of ratio the further we sink “stink”
expression “your attitude stinks” as we sink further the surrounding pressure
of gravity exerted force “spiritual will” does compress us into a denser smaller
occupation of space thus buoyancy is being lost and it forces us to go eventu-
ally as far as we can hence the statement when we feel completely fucked shit
destroyed as a person in life “I hit rock bottom” we spiritually do adhere to the
same effect on us as spirits in the great ocean of our O father himself totally in-
finitely personally, we are those particles of sediment floating or sinking based
on our free given gift of will that we can and do regulate our position and size
through the arrangement of our spiritual density much similar to how water
responds to either being heated it thus becomes a gaseous vapor thus occu-
pies a larger overall place in space but less dense in its occupation of that
space or cooling it and it becomes a solid, it becomes more compact dense
thus occupying a smaller overall place in space, hence the expressions in re-
gard to our attention in terms of describing it’s level of negative focused self-
density when not able to best function “I’m spread too thin” “my mind is
foggy” “I feel foggy” “it clouded my judgement” “pull yourself together” “I
physical form of a duality made into it, is thus corruption in it, we are “know
thee by thy works” “a good tree can only bear good fruit, a bad tree can only
bear bad fruit, you cannot get good fruit from a bad tree and bad fruit from a
good tree” “a thistle does not bear good fruit” and “tares look much similar,
confusing imposter almost the same as genuine good wheat” thus rise, raise
ourselves upward in our vibration “self-raising, flour?” a baker needs to first
wait for the doe to proof itself “rise” before it goes into the oven? He appar-
ently said “my body is the bread of life” interestingly bread after it has risen is
less dense than the doe it started out as before it was proofed and baked? thus
less dense is closer to him the loving light side him and in reverse, slow our
personal vibration and sink further down away from the surface light love him
identity and sink into the darker becoming denser opposite identity nature re-
ality him, hence the expressions “you don’t want to get on their bad side” “it’s
better to stay on their good side” his left and right hands, ears and feet. these
things we are made in of too, both, spirit first and physical matter second,
same creation laws governing our existence, in both worlds, life, “on earth as it
is in heaven” Thus, it is for us to know that this physical form world life as the
opposite opposing image is the parable of, for, the first real only actual one
life, “him in us” the whole 3D universe is the bread, “his body” Physical vessel
of spirit, hence why he said “split a piece of wood you will find me” “roll a
stone I am there” when I was a child we learnt very early, fast, that one of the
best places to look and find critters, lizards and snakes etc, was to roll rocks
over and look underneath, there was always some form of life! Hidden under-
neath them. Expressions for when we are behaving in an unintelligent way,
sluggish of thought to realise, understand and act “are you dense?” “thick
head” “nothing penetrates your thick skull” “your thick as a brick” “you’ve got
rocks in your head” what we are really talking about and expressing with these
kind of statements is an innate self-knowledge true in truth that density of the
spirit, and or physical mind is what regulates how much light of the soul “O fa-
ther” is able to shine through into our conscious physical self-aware linear of
logic mind identity self, visible physical light in this world does not penetrate
the density of dirt or metals etc, very well deep at all, certain frequencies be-
yond human eye perception do better, gamma rays, X rays, ultra violet etc,
light spectrum frequencies that penetrate the dark density in this physical
world are generally very harmful to the human physical life form and thus we
need to be shielded from them, such as our planet’s atmosphere, lead shield-
ing against harmful forms of radiation etc, a bit like how a parent feels the
need to shield there child from the human harms that may be perpetrated
against their child while in its innocent and growing form of mind and body it
has little no mental physical defences, it’s very vulnerable as it needs time of
education and experience to form it’s intellectual emotional shielding from the
harmful radiating energies of human dark desires that come from human den-
sity darkened intention backed acts of choices, expression “toxic relationship”
our mental mind due to lack of loaded “true in truth correct programs” that
open it up, making our mental conscious denser self, more, trans-“parent” is
what shields us from light indiscriminately, meaning some of the harmful rays
of density darkened spirit will to desire nature of self are consumed controlled
when they surface in our conscious is aware mental mind “keeping a lid on it”
but also shield us from the inner our father illuminating thus enlightening real-
eyes-ation of him real present actual dwelling in self with a will too, purpose is
plan for our life choices thus there to actions on earth in physical form, we self-
regulate, “free will” meaning the given gift from our creator that we are able of
freedom to stray our will free away from his desire is plan for us, meaning, to
seek to find understand his personal desire is plan for us and will freely without
him forcing it upon us to align our will with his together, hence come closer as
is one together remaining free in, of, will to do our chosen choices at any for-
ward in the moment we call time, “man plan or Buddha plan” remembering
that the law of cause and effect relativity does innately carry its response that
is consequence “we are gifted of being made in his our creators image that we
are mini many child creators” thus we are free in adoring or suffering our out-
come created of our chosen in will choices, expression “do the crime do the
time” hence we are given self-autonomous will, thus by default the faculty of
choice from the made in of him, our creator, available choices on offer, some
of us get angry with the idea of the concept that we have, therefor are, made
unto having a living feeling non-physical spiritual, first energy breathing creator
being that does hence own us, therefore govern with his chosen laws things in
us, our lives personally, destiny or some such other idea that we don’t actually
have true freedom of being wholly self-autonomous free will to do as we
please beings, actual for real true in truth in control of our destinies, the truth I
observe is that he has given us the ability to much shape our own destinies,
lives, but he does not give us as being an imperfect of physical spiritual form
being “as you wouldn’t if you love yourself first” the power to make, state,
control govern, set the rules that make and thus take control of his! Life, yet
we have and do recognise that to have life that isn’t a complete state of cha-
otic mismanaged selfish for self alone wants, of self completely autonomous
determined standards we must and have created what we call legal laws to
standardise at least in theory the fair equal minimum rights of living to miti-
gate the destruction to other free will entities lives of the poorer destructive
choices acted upon the earth from the darker denser dirtier desires of the evil
side self we all carry within, to continue growth of the species rather than its
finite then guaranteed implosive destruction of itself, we selves, “mitigate each
-others suffering” while here on earth the edge world it is, existing here we are
on the edge of two fronts of spiritual self-centred being, we don’t genuinely of-
ten get angry and defiant emotionally for real at the laws of physics that have
great measures of governance, limits! Placed on our freedom within them? Yet
in the view that all in created existence, physical physics laws making structure
of ordered form and same of non-physical is abided in of him, What’s the dif-
ference? We perceive that there not alive with faculty of free will therefore
they can’t don’t act with chosen of intent actions? There perceived as being
benign neutral, “neither good or evil” We accept to bend to their will and not
expect, believe, them to bend to ours? We don’t judge them, as we too often
easily out of our flawed darker self-nature judge each other? We even have a
sense of respect and reverence afforded them? Yet they place huge amounts
of limits on our mental physical life experience and “we let them off the hook”
constantly, to use that expression, in other words, we “forgive them” we don’t
generally hold a grudge and take an action of malevolent intentioned revenge
against them? “blame them for the suffering misgivings we experience in our
days of life here?” do we expect, like ourselves, our parents feel that all our ac-
tions necessarily mean that all our chosen choices are of good character pleas-
ant pleasing’s to our parent? particularly if there leading us and others into
harm’s way? as duality exists here for us it also exists in of for our creator, “on
earth as it is in heaven” meaning “pleased or pissed” is “happy or sad” duality,
cause and effect relative to of each other, do we not have family here on earth
and we call them “relatives” as in, we are physical related “genealogy, DNA,
cellular memory” one is always, in all ways the catalyst of the response to, of,
the other and vice versa, our parents are reflected in us as we the children are
reflected of our parents hence the statement in Christian bible again “the sins
of the father shall fall upon the son” “the circle of that which is life” as it is for
him first personally, as the expression goes “nothing ventured, nothing gained”
The expression “keep a lid on it” like a boiling pot on the stove, a lid stops it to
“some degree” as we say, from boiling over, “heat measured in degrees?” our
physical mental logical linear operating formula of mind is! the lid we keep on
both our emotional expressions of thought “certain unwanted, feared im-
pulses” and spiritual heart felt noticed knowing truth that is will and purpose
experience of O Father, the Christian bible mentions the “veil” between us and
God, I say it is referring to our mortal mind as they called it back then and
hence the main culpable culprit responsible for making separation in us be-
tween him and us being in him together as is come one married together as
one happy complete life self being, hence the expression statement “a house
divided is a house fallen” in the bible story it also talks of “fallen angels” he
first “lucifer” divided from God by using his free will to challenge the real valid
existence of God and thus divided himself away from God the divine light (DIV-
INE, opposite is DIV-IDE, only one! Letter of difference between the two! reali-
ties existence) and hence become by result of self-willed choice (cause and ef-
fect, relative, related truth law) a further, farther from him denser darker slow
vibration of spiritual light that then is opposite in of self-nature to be, is come
many divided in self-truth, hence us humans (the bible story of original sin,
meaning he of former favour in Gods heart does, did, become the opposite op-
posing as “father first created sin” thus now to exist very! Close in form, effect
of corrupting the physical form universe former pure divine thought, brought
the state of infection to life form here that is now a made duelling duality of
“two opposite opposing self-natures” inside physical formed reality”) home
cold now hearted divisive pack of lies “EVIL” is opposite spelling of “LIVE” him
that spirit is now a vibration in its particle wave make up DENSER! than slowed
dense as physical flesh formed thought reality (hence why they say hell exists
below earth) his nature in mothered nature is the impurity that brings a grey
form of spiritual physical form, is the program, “the veil” of “only takes “one
single gram” of the weighted density of mind believing in doubt (he used his
freely given gift of free will to “doubt” by way of forming out of choice chosen
that he questioned by way of logical justifications Gods actual existence? I ha-
ven’t personally seen him? I haven’t personally heard his “voice?” then put,
propagated those same observed of logic justifications as questions to other
angels (divine purposed beings) and thus became responsible for the war in
heaven as the story calls it and the responsibility carried by him alone! Of, for
causing the falling of others, “planted the first seed of doubt in Gods perfect
garden of pure! unadulterated love” “caused the corruption eruption of divine
first in there making hearts” hence the father of sin! “the antichrist” Hence our
statement on earth among us humans of “seeing is believing” the opposite of
“faith-fully believing” outside in verses inside out, hence why we say in expres-
sion for when we are professing to know the whole genuine truth of someone
or something, we don’t say “I know them outside in” we say “I know them in-
side out” meaning we know the hidden things in our view for finding thus
knowing the truth in or out physical of life, we are either looking one eyed
blind from the physical outside form first (deceived) or looking from spiritual
eyes first into the echo reflection that is matter physical of spiritual formed as
life is reality, the “whole is holy truth!” not deceived? Thus, the vain is vanity of
the view only of the flesh and further, farther, physical formed cold is packed
dense space, 3rd dimensioned universe reality, hence why we do it so easily,
questioning also of “him being real???” because we actually crave! His per-
sonal attention relationship to be with us, no child actually wants! and needs
not! to be parted from a parent that genuinely loves them as it means they can
love them back, to feel experience love inside our self we need a place in space
we can pour our love into, out to “family” physical actual immediate is simply a
microcosm reflection of our actual cosmic eternal spiritual family dynamic of
law, hence why we have a thing on earth, legislated to be a governance of ap-
ply able love that is dubbed “family law” and it is a criminally liable offence to
violate it “on earth as it is in heaven” the reflection of our father creators di-
vine law hence also why it is said in Christianity, the bible “honour thy father
and mother” and vice versa for parents of children, because of his directive for
divine balanced just, justice, is his law that “the sins of the father shall fall upon
the son” we can only give what is first given and we only get what we give “do
unto others as we enjoy done unto us” treat a child badly and be badly treated
by the child, vice versa of children to parents, the most important scale in be-
tween bringing balance to this equation or not is the act or not of “for-
giveness” hence I believe that the reason why it is said in the Christian bible
that the one “sin” that is unforgivable, is “with holding forgiveness” is this be-
cause it is the quality that heals and binds all family together, meaning, truly
being unconditional love, not forgiving in family is saying, stay divided, “a
house divided is a, house fallen” just look at our actual current global family
and all the strife! Wars etc, social injustices that are all born present of our
global collective unwilling of willingness to forgive each other, countries hold
each other in constant financial physical emotional debt, we is, they, who re-
fuse to forgive each other’s debts to us and against us except under the deceits
of being false for political financial selfish so called progress for home country
gains. We the house of the world are a, house divided and obviously fallen. Of-
ten if you ask a very young child that tells you they like you, why do you like
me? The answer is more often than not “because your nice to me” in the bible
Jesus apparently said “come to me ye as little children” and you will have and
see a place in my father’s house “heaven” expression for when things are re-
ally, really good, great! “it’s heaven on earth”
To put a lid in on us stopping the living for real him in us from “welling up”
into our mental logical linear thought emotional of stimulated physical self-re-
alised reality “the well spring of life” and hence “cool bubbling or hot boiling”
experienced choice of two realities, expressions of the duality in self “keep
your cool” “don’t be a hot head” over into our individual thus collective self,
conscious aware, mental physical universe reality as more than static forms of
made necessary physics laws that stabilise base form, platform physical dimen-
sion reality, the stage of life, set ready for us, all life, to perform our individual
is thus collective performance play on, you might say the myriad of other bio-
logical animate life forms here are the extras employed in our production “the
eco systems of the world” microcosm’s to macrocosm’s “the cosmos” that thus
allows our father creator to see, personally experience “what where chosen in
self, thus made of” what flavour, “kind or crass” “sweet or sour” character we
have, are, building in, of, for ourselves thus personal treatment behaviour
character directed towards him our loving us parent, all “loving” parents are
very much interested in what kind of life there children are building and partic-
ipating in for them self and others, how, what, it does effect and bring to their
parent “pleasure or pain?” “honour or dishonour” honest or dishonest” hence
the expression “it’s a fine line between pleasure and pain” the fine line in us, of
this for ourselves thus him our creator is our beliefs of the mind, the duality of
choosing between “seeing is believing or believing first, I then thus see” in be-
lieving first we have actually sent out an invitation to him to please come into
my noticed is perceived physical life formed reality, to set the bar for our per-
sonal life experience in relation to Allah as seeing is believing is to say to him, I
the created not creator thus lessor smaller second, demand thus expect of
you! to bend to “my will” and do as I say, “I own you!” not the other humbled
humility way around, personal experience of him lives unfortunately blanketed
under the physical minds programmes of various opinionated beliefs that
densely intimidate discriminate against the healthy happy good enlightening
rays of O father our creator from being perceived, getting through to our men-
tal physical formed conscious self-aware, self-personal, hence collective experi-
ence, thus we live our lives here essentially personally much in the dark as pro-
grams to shield us from the harm, were not design able to allow much of the
harm-less light to shine through, the lie programs installed “no God, creator liv-
ing being in of surround sound around us” and the pre thought formed in self-
manufactured opinion placed expectations of what forms and manner he is
and will only be able to manifest himself acceptable believed to us have made
us slower thus denser in our physical minds molecular arrangement of atoms,
neural connections etc thus greatly diminish our real-eyes-ed (realised) “my
eye see I to eye” in of self, him true truth as a physical life gained personal thus
collective life experience, we are missing out currently on unfathomable
amounts of unique of him fun joyful filling truth wonders, “food for the soul”
much grey and little colour full life, we operate a bit like trying to control a
bush fire, we back burn constantly in ourselves, destroy healthy unharmed
bush to arrest the damaging spread of the fire and thus do the same in of our-
selves to mitigate the harms of darkness at the expense of “burning our
bridges” as that expression goes, with O Father but transparent glass or no
glass at all, Christian bible passage does talk of the “veil” that separates us
from our personal experience life here with God as a real presence person, I
say the veil they are referring to is the thin line of very dense mental abolishing
him programs, in the bible the main culprit in self is said to be “doubt” as
coined from the fact that what constantly stood obvious causing Thomas prob-
lems in this, his Lord God pointed out to him and others for them to be aware,
understand, was his formidable trait of doubting hence the expression we
sometimes use for a persons displayed lack of confidence, dare I say it “faith”
“trust” in someone or something of life “doubting Thomas” “your, being a
doubting Thomas” etc, the veil you might say is as comparably thin as a mus-
tard seed is small but both have massive cause and effect ramifications on spir-
itual matters of the heart (the correct accepted programs loaded from our
birth on into adulthood) hence the duality, cause and effect law relationship in
a duality made existent universe, Christian bible quote “the sins of the father
shall fall upon the son” this statement also encompasses the reverse of cause
and effect married couple law, “the love of the father can rain down upon the
son” is literal physical rain not known to cleanse, clean and bring, sustain, vital!
Element for life, “new life” on earth and is pure rain not transparent, “trans-
“parent” and also water is much often a symbol for truth, life! Without
healthy! Water where literally fucked as “bio-logical” life forms on this planet
in this universe, stagnate water kills! Life, duality, cause and effect, there’s no
escape from these laws we are fabricated as spiritual physical incarnate beings
of them, are we also not each personally as physical beings approximately 70%
formed of saline water, expression, “salt of the earth”. Slower in its oscillating
frequency particle wave vibration substance existence by comparison to the
existence same that which I refer to as spirit being, this latter mentioned first
self is higher accelerated in oscillation frequency particle wave vibration sub-
stance hence determining physically perceivable and physical limited percep-
tion of its existence and the perceivable delay between the action of one, the
first, upon that which is a reaction as form of the first hence a slight apparent
division of one all incumbent life form expressive reality, our perception of
what we perceive as the passing of linear physical time as future present past,
yet funnily in real terms of our normal verbal expression of this we usually say
it in the reverse of how it actually unfurls to us, we say “past present future” as
we innately in self, know we as physical beings are actually the past second
part of the life equation formula, physically we know innately that our physical
self is, was, created second of, from, spirit thus we know, physically speaking,
we are a living in the past relic of self, hence our obsession with the past and to
continually use it to write/plan our physical future as a reaction of the past,
our wires are crossed, hence our brain hemispheres controlling opposite sides
in much of our physical bodies functions “we look mostly from outside in, not
inside out” we as physical incarnate of spirit beings are the opposite opposing
image of the first self, eternal spirit, thus the bible quote “first shall be last and
last shall be first” hence the reaction that is physical form self is that we are
opposite opposing of eternal self, life, that we become the dark carbon matter
self of which we experience a finite life to death short fearful self-existence,
the physical flesh self and all 3D reality is an echo, thus physical world of
formed truth, what we call “reality” is a slower, thus denser apparition appear-
ing greater, due to being the opposite opposing is physical self, we have the
opposite opposing made physical view sense, one of “the five physical senses”
peering into this world of “two eyes” the made present parable to the fact we,
are! as made physical of spiritual beings “two realities” that are our split of the
one whole holy truth eternal eye “I” into a one eyed physical view only of cre-
ated existence, our is self-attention is our physical present one unsplit spiritual
whole is holy eternal eye “I” occupied space relative to outer space in physical
matter formed terms creating a more available surface to which gravity does
exert it’s contact thus measure of force upon it, “we age” the measure of den-
sity we are is to the measure gravity acts against us is to the measure and
speed of time elapsing we do show and feel emotion of the debilitating dark
side of age, aging towards a self-annihilation that is death, if we are heavy
dense of mass thus extreme amount of surface for gravity to exert itself upon
us we do also spiritually tire and become crusty rigid devoid of youthful self,
feeling like we are having an eternal death, we experience friction in self thus
heat! Hence the expression “hot headed” “hell, fire and brimstone” we are,
have, the given gift made in us from our maker to create self into light of
weighted density thus lightly exerted in upon us force of gravity, enlightened in
of right side choice chosen spiritual nature is bright light “being is righteous”
hence the expression “I feel light as a feather” or dense dark tightly packed to-
gether density, little light able to penetrate permeate its existence,
“contraction is of contradiction” trying to serve two masters is! “divided in of
self” hence trying to make our creator a divider, in the bible story of his life, he
apparently didn’t react to favourably to the idea of him being made, judged, by
humans to be a judgemental person, a judge of divisiveness, a lord and God of
division not a total together harmonious one all is as one creator, when asked
by the apostles to divide something evenly amongst them as they could not
come to decide a fair sharing of it amongst themselves, who deserved the
most or what etc, his response was apparently “who made me a judge? a di-
vider, over you?” “I tell you I am not” expression “I’m in two minds” heavy
weighted of gravity force exerted in upon us, hence the expressions for an idea
and action taken “that went down like a lead balloon” “sank like a rock” as we,
like made, of mother physical is earth of the world, the more we pile on top,
“negative misunderstood is unenlightened past with echoing emotional reac-
tions” hence the expressions “don’t rehash the past” “don’t dig up the past”
dead in physical form of death is an ultimate form of past, the only time in
terms of motive, intention to move attention to “resurrect” the past, bible
story of “Lazarus” Jesus raised him from the dead, meaning breathing himself
in the ordained answer of asking our father God the truth, the light of the nar-
row path way into our past begrudged, misunderstood life, we, of him found
present understood in us does resurrect our dying dead selves spiritually, res-
cue resurrects us from “the second death” he spoke of in the Christian biblical
story and thus forgiven to our past is eternal life, is to breath the new life into
it of becoming free of it through the enlightenment that is brought forward
from understanding it, finding him the truth in of it thus able to forgive it
hence lighten, enlighten our load, hence the expression “we all have our cross
to bear” bear our past and be slow! tortouressly killed on it, by it, or sacrifice
our reactive misunderstood grudges against it and be put out of our misery
thus saved from it, “the spear that pierced his side” hence expressions like “get
to the point” “do you get the point?” “what’s the point” all referring to the
subject of attaining, finding, expressing, being truth, truth-full, that the misun-
derstandings die that the new light of truth may be born again in us and live
eternally in of him our lord know by several names one being Jesus is true
truth, hence thus creator in us eternal, him the all, another for when we are
angry hence a state that is reactive to past event “I’m very cross” clear the con-
science, the denser we become, the more friction of gravity force exerted as
applied pressure we do sink deeper into the dense chosen choices of dark left
side spiritual nature and increase in our temperature of friction temperament,
spontaneous combustion is a real possibility both physically and spiritually, we
can become made of self-inflicted, afflicted, fused in of to traits and habits that
we become a now made denser heavy weighted spirit of our dense darkly
formed chosen made character, expression “stone hearted” both, all, immate-
rial and material thus have mass, existence is occupied space hence what is
generated is having mass including what we view to term as “empty space” not
actually possible in real terms, as previously stated, to exist in of any form is to
exist is to be mass, in Christian church terms they call a gathered group of peo-
ple to worship “mass” “I’m going to attend mass” a negative one for a collec-
tive psychosis “mass hysteria” hence the expression we have to describe an
emotional “e-motion-all” state of self, “past present future” feeling in physical
form self we sometimes say things like “the gravity of ones thoughts” mass!
Density! “I’ve got a heavy heart” the mass! Density! “a weight off of my shoul-
ders” a lightening of personal mass! Density! Confession lightens our load, re-
duces personal density mass of thought consuming our personal occupied self
space thus reducing the force of gravity induced friction exerted in upon us,
spiritually mentally physically, note in its order “spiritually, mentally, physically,
is the three states of what we know and call time, “spirit first is future, mental
mind is present and physical form is last past” meaning, these three elementals
make the formula of creation in this formed as physical world are the 3 differ-
ent dimensions that are manifest as the parable that is the 3 dimensional phys-
ical existent universe, “length, depth and breadth” notice the last one the body
of its form is “bread-th” hence Jesus said “the bread is my body” meaning the
third is/was the physical dimension of his existence and God apparently also
said these 3 statements 1. “I am the alpha and the omega” “101” “one all one”
hence him spirit is first, is thus last, thus first, is last and last, is first, hence his
humility on earth of putting himself last as a servant of God too for man, hence
said and described as “the son of man” thus the meaning and statement “hon-
our thy parents” “his act” of “honour thy father” represented in his act of
washing the apostles feet, meaning, through his “back then” soon to come sac-
rifice of him as son at the hands of man “us” he did wash all of our “soles
“feet” souls” in the water that is his blood, we are all washed of our sins in for-
giveness given us through the spilling of his blood that did wash us in his wa-
ters of truth “thus why, when he was pierced in his heart through his side on
the cross by the roman spear out poured “water and blood” “water and wine”
thus why he said “I am the true vine” hence the washing with water and turn-
ing water into “red” wine, symbolising his blood “his acts” “on earth as it is in
heaven” of O fathers willed laws and teachings, empowered gifts, is the water
he washes us in that we may walk with clean soles “feet” symbolising “souls”
“hearts and minds” on the narrow path of ground (on earth) his laws and
teachings in too for him O father is him our divine grace given sacrifice sound
ground we can now choose to walk on, “the narrow path” he spoke of, a diffi-
cult choice to choose in the face of the tempestuous tempting’s of the we are
flawed in lust for pleasure tempting’s of the “I alone is plan of the mortal made
flesh man mind” the effluent to be affluent influences of the opulent tendency
tempting’s of dark dense half of heart spirit natured in of darkness opposite
opposing image “king-domain” “kingdom” world “the anti of light dark matter”
“anti-Christ” that is “where angels fear to tread” that is, our flesh form worldly
lusts of man plan leisure pleasure alone lonely against him doubt of “divine”
law and grace given in of him “the wide path he spoke of” “di-vine” hence the
actual act of “divine for water” is literally the act physical on earth of seeking
to find “hidden” in, under the earth water, we are each a vessel made of clay
and we are literally physically made holding about 70% water, earth formed as
flesh thus we can divine for, HIM, in our underground us made of earth “physi-
cal self is church, temporal temple, front vulnerable sides of our head in Eng-
lish are called the left and right “temple” furthermore in actual anatomical
terms the temple is the juncture in the head where 4 skull bones fuse together,
the frontal, parietal, temporal and sphenoid bones, it is located on the side of
the head behind the eye between the forehead and ear, the temporal muscle
covers this area and is used during mastication, the act of chewing food, “our
daily bread” The word temple is derived from the Latin word “tempus” which
is in turn derived from Greek and means a “vital spot” and is a “church temple”
not viewed and revered as a very sacred and vital spot? For they say it is the
house of God, Allah, people go there to “pray” speak, connect, be close to their
creator, in Christianity God apparently said that the physical body is the temple
of the holy spirit hence if this be so? it is ours the most personal for us each
loan own one “church” a, the, house of God for us each to personally and pri-
vately worship him in, means to find him in, does it not? by simple childlike
way of logic? (in church they sing “hymns” to for “him” same pronunciation for
both words in English) “the way, the truth, the light” is three him “hymns” we
can sing to him by way of our seeking him in self and each other on earth,
growing him is his will, in our, made on, of, earth soil self with toil of making
our hearts and minds our hands and feet to be his matter, does matter, in our
daily life seeking for our daily bread. “the true vine” “the waters of truth” now
come forgiveness manifest in us of him for our on earth acts of sinning against
his will that he does “on earth as it is in heaven” 2.“split a piece of wood and
you will find me” meaning open our mind by way of childlike belief that he ex-
ists for real with faith despite of not yet! Having seen and knowing him physi-
cal personal manifest of works, thus is seeking for his manifestation in us is our
physical expressed personal experience of him, 3. “roll a stone I am there”
meaning “seek for me under our mortal physical mind and we will dis-cover
me” meaning “attention on attention is centre self, him heart of our being”
thus a personal physical experience, experienced in personal relationship with
of him, “father, son, holy spirit” meaning “God” as the “whole is holy true
truth” thus “the all” “I am the all” “the holy trinity” the three divine dimen-
sions of our father creator, knowable in our three dimensional life formed ex-
istence, a clear conscience is a lighter brighter self thus less do we heat up in
self-temperature of temporal temperament, Frustration! On to anger! etc,
hence the expressions “hot headed” “just cool off” “cool calm and collected”
“keep a cool head on your shoulders” in other words don’t burn down our
temporal temple house of the Lord, hence our own gravity created of our mo-
tive behind intention that does move our attention to which we form our
thoughts thus form our emotional reactions and physical actions does much
determine our feeling experience of age and how well, gracefully we actually
for real do physically age, in that we at one moment feel like we are old and
aging, fast even and at another moment “time” we feel ageless, youthful, full
of energy and vitality maybe even a sense of being a little wiser in, of life, as
wisdom is born of experience dependant to what motive intention we view
process the accumulated data through of thus placed attention to purpose for
outcome, thy self-computer and therefor what software self, program we are
running, not necessarily by default of physical age hence the expression “your
wise beyond your years” or I might say “your wise beyond your ears!” the spir-
itual self, immaterial self being is also subject to the same law of created exist-
ence that because existence is mass, it we the spiritual self does self-generate
regulate inner gravity of self and is subject to the gravity exerted upon our in-
ner self surface mass generated by our creator father “him our conscience”
that does weigh thy self in judgement to his innate in us installed laws and just,
justice principles that bind us together in the form that is existent as we be life
generated, first is all creator, his mass “the gravity of his thoughts” in Christian
bible terms “the will of God” thus if we as science are saying, defining matter,
as matter, because it has mass then I say obviously all existence is matter as in
to say if something, anything, of any, is holding in form it thus has mass, as to
exist is! mass, regardless of measured physical measurable density little or
more, it has mass thus is existence hence existence is! mass, expression “mass
hysteria” the occupation of space, it has “a house” “a roof over its head” to
coin that expression, of thought is matter, no matter the thought, physically
measurable or immeasurable of density in its physical and or called “non, phys-
ical” existence, present of an order that which suspends it in so called previous
to existence, being believed to be called empty space therefore a place that is
existence to be its form of infinite probable potential is host to other denser
and less dense of matter and non-matter formed is its form, expression and
impression is existence thus mass is body, is the thought thus formed, hence
the expression “body of thought” is thus inherited to the substance as exist-
ence, enacted of its presence to have a specific and changeable gravity pres-
sure exerting its existence in form throughout “apparent empty space” exist-
ence is mass and mass is existence you cannot have one devoid as a void sur-
rounding the other the absence of one thing of form does not present the ab-
sence of total existence, not spiritually possible, it is only present as an ab-
sence of ableness to perceive, thus the expression “a hole in my soul” mean-
ing, for that person the lack of perceived received existence is a lack of real re-
ality which means it’s not real so I have a hole in my soul “apparent empty
space” that I now must fill with a physical substitution of another matter, even
non-belief of one thing is the created existence of believing in something else
as there is no such reality of actual empty space in creation, when we remove
something we create an instantaneously filled void existence, thus the mass
that is existence no matter of what order in form is thus simply termed in de-
fining it, life! Hence self-aware in self is, that it thus has, is, what we call con-
sciousness that is then thus a living form contained in of its form to have a liv-
ing personality that is self-aware existence “spirit” in its entirety complete all
in, of formed existence, I call as others have and do to be Original existence is
thus all O Father that some call God, Allah, the Buddha, Wukuntunka and
more, the energy of a thousand names for his faces of his existence expressed
in, as the form in it, his many all infinite eternal forms. Evolution as we call it, is
the thought formed world of the feeling energy magnetic light world being ob-
served unfurling from the thought side of our infinite reality only, (infinite is in-
fi-nite, nite, change of spelling “night” is the apparent infinite vast night we
gaze into at night from our vantage point here on earth of the so called dark
empty space of our infinite 3D universe real reality, forgetting and or not being
aware that what we are staring into is 99.999999999999% devoid of atom
sized atomic mass “visible to human five primary senses tangible reality” hence
the exquisitely thin “almost! non, existence” formed veil covering thy spiritual
truth is actual self O father creator, created is living existence the life physical
we all take form from granted because no self is actual true in is truth planted!
Thus what this is telling us about ourself as a physical present formed real real-
ity is that the infinitesimally smallest part of our own existence is atom sized
atomic matter density as we are only 00.0000000000001 % physical matter
formed present in occupied space we are 99.999999999999% present of
formed existence something else hence no wonder we have the experience in
self-felt feeling that at times we describe ourself as feeling really full and other
times feeling empty as physically speaking we are literally “all-most is majority
in self-present form of occupied place in space empty of physical matter form
we are the majority so called apparent occupied emptiness in place of occu-
pied space? Our physical flesh of clay form life time of span is our mother Earth
land given to us of our loving O fathers right righteous hand, to cultivate this!
with our second self-hand laid righteously on all this mother earth land. “we
each one all is one are thine tine for all life time” Garden our Eden, is garden
our Need. “Notice both Eden and need, need only the same one letters to form
the two words of one in the same” 😊
Duality is the fundamental of the two opposite opposing coinciding spiritual
natured living personalities in “all” aspects, meaning things like motive inten-
tion thus moved through space to a place in space of time, timing, timed real-
ity attention, hence why now science is very aware as state formed fact that
even in the quantum world reality the existent state of duality is formed and
played out in the laws and principles of the laws and principles thus making
form that is our “physical universe reality” in the form of light behaving formed
existent in its duel behaviour of being observed to function its form as a parti-
cle and a wave, physical atomised matter having the same property principle
laws also observed to have and be a particle and wave duel present formed re-
ality, thus again I say “create in spirit is to the duality of form in thought” the
two come in as one is then thus wholly true in truth the manifest truth we are
actually two realities in-separately merged as to form one, this can only occur
due to the fact that we are made in of thus governed to by of, the same one
original divine creator existent self is existence is law and principle tapestry
creation, no separate for real actuality available in creation (entanglement the-
ory and spooky action at a distance in quantum mechanics) as otherwise they
would eventually inevitably as wave forms cancel each other out of existence
and as particles they would always exist as two masters at odds vying for place
in of space to occupy as if space is in itself a third separate entity as a commod-
ity to be conquered thus exploited to expand territory thus now there would
be a third master or god enslaved and warred on by both thus a chaos of no
eventual harmony and creation would never actually exist, as creation cannot
serve two let alone three or more masters, an eternal existence can only exist
from, as, is, one! Creative thought planned of singular purpose derived of one
un opposed is total unconflicted will, “whole hearted” partitioned areas of cre-
ation space may be allotted in a contained place of space to play out this kind
of experimented scenario only thus it is only an apparent state in creation be-
cause it is contained from actually having full free will reign to manifest its na-
ture, its still governed by the one that is all one will to purpose a plan, it is the
created not the creator! non-existence in core fundamental terms is not actu-
ally possible there can only be one as two separate worlds, particles! Cannot
occupy the same space as twice, only if they come, become is as same one all
is as one merged, from whence came all does eternally return, “alpha and
omega” (101) only “apparent” manifestations occur of the “seeming” to be
separates for limited measure observed of time does this occur.
Science says it’s the study of nature, to thus understand its nature of what,
how and why it does what it does and how it came to be, we often say what is
the nature of someone or something, meaning character, personality, identity,
good or bad, etc, to help us understand what and why they will and do, what
they do, we often refer to our physical world reality as nature and “mother na-
ture” if nature is, “mothers nature” does this not denote by childlike logic then
that if nature is mother then does she not have a husband who is then by “de-
fault” father, so if this be true, then who, what, is father nature and what is his
nature? Further more if then, we have now a mother nature and a father na-
ture who are therefor married, two has is become one nature, a common goal
of will and purposed plan that is a shared life then through the intimate nature
of there relationship is it not profound to be found that as a result of there inti-
mate joined and shared natures that they produce offspring, children who are
a now composite new life formed of the two natures and therefor the parents
dwell in the child and the child is a dwelling product in the two parents as they
are family familiar of each all other, they are “blood relative” relative to the
composite merged natures and there life product outcome is “naturally” in
large part there to? For the child to truly understand itself in meaningful way
to purpose and other “self-truth” it needs to know its parents and their nature
as it is a made product of the two? “Family tree” “the tree of knowledge” the
story of Adam and Eve eating of Gods forbidden fruit from a “family tree”???
old expression to children “father knows best”
So, question? Is God, Allah etc, real? Well this question is “I think” one of the
best examples of what mathematics would define as “fuzzy logic” as lets say if
you asked 1000 randomly sought out people this question you would most
likely end up with an answer that represented mathematically would be a
number somewhere between 0-1 true or false hence the only way this ques-
tion can be answered as 0 or 1 (0 meaning completely false and 1 being com-
pletely true) is by personal experience married into self-evaluation to arrive
through a method of self-determined discernment at ones answer for thy self
personally, thus to say there is no likely actual firm logical solution of logic
alone to derive a physical formed absolute one or the other true truth to this
question dilemma as the nature of the question is so extremely vulnerable to
the variable of half/partial truths when only mental mind logic algorithms are
applied to seek an absolute answer of true or false, belief is a wonderful sliding
scale that requires no personal experience to make apparent logical concluded
truth and false of this question but if we marry our belief in it first as a maybe
possible with the logic parameter of, if it then is noticed manifest in physical of
it first occurred in thy inner self world state, the so called coincidence then we
can through childlike logic conclude its true truth or choose to destroy that
truth by choosing doubt, usually easily chosen when the obvious result con-
flicts with our own wants plans for our personal life but if we truly are humble
beyond our mental ego identity then doubt has left the building and we really
start to experience a physical tangible miracle supernatural like life experience
of our creator being unquestionably real in the logic fact demanding mortal
mind existence, cohesion of timing is a BIG! key in this seeking the answer
equation, we need to start and maintain our journey though being open in
both directions to the sense that 0 to 1 is all “possible true” the “maybe factor”
and then allow our experience through the above formular to start sliding our
scale between, it is equally important to discern the false as to discern the true
as to accurately do both ultimately leads to one inevitable outcome a whole
true truth, as one, does always denote the other, “duality” to accept the false
outcomes even when they disappoint our desire to believe does focus the true
into view and vice versa, hence the actual true truth is then bit by bit coming
into focus in for the fact loving intellect ego “our own personal pessimistic
doubting Thomas” the main key is “does it move something in the physical
world second of the inner world motions first, not!!! the physical world first
then justify it to the inner ego mind logic to believe second, that is the blind
leading us blind. Example “I had the thought/realisation first and then it hap-
pened in the physical world second” pondering, wondering, wandering the
physical form world as a “parable and metaphor” of the inner self spirit world
is the second key to true truth in of self, creator father discovery as it is still
starting from the inner self world first as in motive intention attention of de-
sire, we can never split the reality into two halves and treat them as separates
and come to a coherent understood self-internal to external whole is true
truth, only ever have confusing half/partials is truth’s plural that are then by
“de-fault” is “of-fault” really a lie, a growing pack of lies actually, always a
never ending fraying of loose ends to be tied up, not a growing together form-
ing one cohesive coherent truth, making order, a full formed baby bubble ra-
ther than chaos of confusion, confused is a “con of fusion” being conned is to
be deceived thus becoming fused to things that conveniently don’t upset our
plans for trying to full fill the un fillable empty of purpose wants alone that are
only designed to try and fill the de-void “of-void” is a vacuum empty sense in
self-void that is there due to a lacking of self-true truth life food digested into
understanding “the insatiable wanting device” that is physical flesh lusting’s
that can’t be satisfied, to a lasting is genuine feeling felt full contentment, is
inner peace, because is “be-cause-d” of its own wants, divorced from the
needs of the spirit, when food comes from the inside self it fills the inside self,
when food comes from the outside of self it only briefly fills the outside self
“spiritual food vs physical food” thus that statement in the Christian bible
again “its not what goes in the mouth that defile’s us it’s what comes out” and
same in opposite of duality “its not what goes in the mouth that nourishes us,
it’s what comes out” further to, one might recognise that to the measure of
our inner defilements is to the measure we will consume physical foods that
defile our physical form “inner junk food will attract us to put outer junk food
in” in computer terms its simply described “garbage in, garbage out” slowly fill-
ing that spatial void in self with genuine “food for the soul” is eternal muscle of
the spiritual body not fat and fleeting to the loss that is death of the physical
body that physical pleasure leisure alone wants are, they die with the physical
form as they are formed alone to, of, the flesh mortal mind emotional stimu-
lated physical reaction sensations of the five physical senses, they have no
eternal purpose thus no need of the eternal form “duality of opposites” Hence
the statement in the Christian bible “what did it profit thee to gain the whole
world and lose thy soul” What we spiritually eat now in this physical of spirit
formed life will either nourish us in eternity or leave us hungry for eternity?
Pulling our attention of intention back from our mind also pulls it back from
other peoples (the collective) as it is all collective connected, inter bridged with
the feeling energy magnetic light world, in one world on its own I experience
the chaos of collectiveness, in the other (the first) I experience the quiet calm
simple contented truth “peace” the absence of irrelevant running thought
trains, trained to hold me distracted in pieces! As opposed to the inner peace
feeling, felt of my self-sight married immersion with the master truth O father
in Son (in us and all matter form) meaning, the one-origin-all father one life
light original is all, dwelling in all, connected with all, thus one,
“quantum observed spooky action at a distance, entanglement theory, the
elasticity of creation” The ocean of life space in which all expressions of formed
life, us fish, real fish, etc, swim suspended supported in “the waters of truth”
as that expression go’s, hence why, we as an infant forming life form do incu-
bate in a water world womb of a sentient saline mother, she the outer is of the
mother earthen clay thus the inner half of this truth is father
“the salt of the Earth” as that expression go’s.
“The man impregnates the women” For the woman in pregnancy, the new-
borns time of arrival here world has come ripe ready announced for worldly
engagement when “her water has broken” a man and woman are first “en-
gaged” “conceived” before marriage can take form, meaning “create in spirit
form in thought” the “vowels” that join the two into “whole as now come one”
is representative of the joining of the “spirit father” with the “mother matter”
form vessel of the earth thus “holy matrimony” is “wholly union” in religion
they have “holy communion” the two are now conjoined into whole truth, ex-
pressions between males and females “my other half” “my better half” “look-
ing for my soul mate” thus birth of their new life, “whole truth, new truth, so
we help you thank you God”
water” and in opposite opposing, toxic and false, in its provided false fleeting
happiness is “alcohol” also called “spirit” and we have made both “dark and
light spirit” the more distilled to purity it is then clear or what we call “white
spirit” “clear water” less distilled in its purity and we have what we call “dark
spirit” “dirty water” but after we consume either we pay for our fleeting false
happiness with a period of sick sadness “the hangover” real water, real truth, is
real happiness that we do not purchase on the credit card debt of false wages
that we are summoned to pay back with interest in suffering “the hangover” is
the debt we pay, for the credit of false happiness we pay back real debt in real
suffering “duality of cause and effect” Alcohol as opposed to simple water also
has the opposite opposing quality that it lends itself “well” to very brash una-
bashed and debauched behaviour with a strong tempting willingness placed in
us to dig up and relive the deep past pain of unprocessed past not understood
and accepted, thus emotionally healed events, water flushes toxins from our
body “healing hydration” alcohol is a poison we drink that only water can
cleanse us of hence the spirit waters of truth are what we need to drink of too
flush us past of our past painful toxic life events, alcohol is like our pain past
both are made from fermenting them, stewing in them and thus we make poi-
son, holy water, a symbol of truth “holy spirit” the “waters of truth” that
flushes away our spiritual past made poison through understanding is thus able
of forgiveness, detox! thus also the same in opposite duality of water if it sits
too still for too long “fermenting in its past” no fresh inflow of exchange from
past to present of future “new waters, new understanding, is new truth” re-
freshment from “spiritual parchment” is new life! it does become stagnate
toxic to life also.
The lead heavy dense grey head dead emotions being reanimated as animate
life, “Lazarus the Resurrection” better to have a healthy erection if we are to
continue living outward love “make love not war” as that expression go’s, if we
want to find our need, which is to grow through the processing of our past lead
dead head emotional reactions to stop them being consistently reconstituted
constipations re-actioned as apparent new ones that just can’t, thus won’t be
passed onward outward as the waste product they actually are, lead is always
lead till we are dead and gold is ageless youthful old solid malleable wisdom
that never tarnishes of its exposure to the challenging of outside that is oxidis-
ing air lies and opinions of life, “old gold chocolate” sweet gold wisdom is al-
ways found to be the one true truth that is held at the profound is deepest
able position in place that is its occupied space by its own gravity of mass den-
sity “sub-stance is to stand under a posture stood of profound inner humility of
service” hence the expression “stand your ground” thus exists as a substance
code, encoded under the external event experience that is “the parable and
metaphor” of that, for that, at the very deepest inner below all other of mind,
thoughts, thinking, opinions, beliefs, emotional bodily reflections in form of
glandular released chemical felt expressions, perceptions, sensations in physi-
cal matter, rippling throughout the 100% full occupied space supporting the
physical matter, the atomic, sub atomic, quantum and sub quantum particle
wave are all denser because of slower vibrationally formed bubbles within
bubbles that are layering’s of spirit, faster is closer to our creator in self,
source, slower is farther from father creator in self center source thus the neg-
ative context expression to describe a person’s behaviour/attitude “your being
self-centred selfish” the slowing down of our vibrational self-spirit is thus tak-
ing us farther further away from fathers self center that is the leaning light
right loving righteous right side of leaning in his self-centred nature to be and
thus becoming the opposite opposing darker is denser left behind of loving
light right nature to be thus negative growing in nature to be nasty not nice
“polarities” of spirit inner verses outer, hence the expressions like “being in the
inner circle” “being on someone’s good side” for being highly trusted, ac-
cepted, loved etc, in opposite “on the outer” or “left out” “left alone” “left be-
hind” no one likes to be “out of the loop” “on someone’s bad side” as we say
meaning untrusted, unloved, suffer their wrath of anger and so forth, remem-
ber a circle made of three dimensional space is actually a sphere which is actu-
ally a bubble hence that expression for profound understood understanding
that we often refer to as wisdom of being wisely understood “I know it/them
inside out” not the reverse that is to say “outside in” that is to say we have a
very shallow misunderstood gathering of the true truth yet when we do true in
truth have the inside to out wisdom that is true in truth understood we then
do have actual whole is eternal truth understood as we do then understand,
have the wise domain of wisdom as to the what, when, where, how, does re-
veal the why and vice versa of the matter form physical self and all matter uni-
versal existence, the measured of only looking from outside in with only physi-
cal matter made measurement observance devices for the inside out true in
truth is limited to man made physical implemented mental mind peering’s, the
physical cannot! directly stare into the spirit only see the confusing always next
level questions provided through the stand point of being at a second of hand
a whole that we are not able aware to see and know thus it is an always half-
truth detailed confusion of a limited compartmentalised view that the mind
then tends to without thought for the other to somewhat weaponize it in the
form of judgements is inclusion conclusions that suit the frail, fail ego to be
suspended in comfort of superior intellectual worth through its self-awarded
sense of controlling the material made visible space of its external five senses
material touchable is real all reality, assumption is logical thus tenable to it to
be ultimate truth. “Com-part-mental-ised” is “come-apart-mental-eyes-d” view
“a house divided is a house fallen” (fallen angel) as it is someone else’s life ex-
perience that we are being made of making their business our busy-ness, ex-
pression “a busy body” meaning nosy! “keep your nose in your own backyard”
“get one’s own house in order” as those expressions are utilised, Being atten-
tive attention resident where our attention does not belong “following our
nose” expression “just follow your nose” “have a nosey around” parking our
car in someone else’s garage, the world “truth” is much unobstructed, we are
not now of attention to forming an opinionated belief that is judgement
formed and placed on each other to try and make sense and structure we can
believe is a road map of our true understood own existence, (dictionary defini-
tion of opinion is “a view or judgement formed about something not neces-
sarily based on fact or knowledge” belief “an acceptance that something exists
or is true, especially one without proof”) to choose to believe thus have a cho-
sen belief, a hypothesis, theory, is fine if it leads us to openly without judge-
ment to go about seeking for some form of proof to its existence, actuality is
truth, the weaponizing of it is when we simply act! without seeking the former,
even if it’s a subjective subject like personal existence true in truth that is
largely only made proof to thy self through personal experience, the true hu-
mility of this one is that we cannot and do not weaponize it by trying to forcea-
bly impose it on each other, another, we simply live it in physical of spiritual
made form and allow, accept others to come follow, drink from our vessel if
they feel thirsty of interest to know more of our way “lead by example” not al-
low our ego to bomb them with awarded of self, imposed judgement against
them, meaning as this expression goes “my way or the highway” which funnily
enough is actually saying in literal form of the word here “my way IS the HIGH-
way” expression “taking the moral high ground” this is not safe ground we
walk on, this is “where angels fear to tread” as that expression goes, the ego
trying to feel important by making false sense structure that it is therefor,
clever and in control of life the world, , it is, has desire, want confused as need
to be wise to wisdom, making itself that is actually literally made last of to the
first, spirit, to be here in this now “first before last” the servant second trying
to micro manage macro maul the master, be all knowing, enlightened!
“Superior” in this case translates to “super-exterior” dense in the dark of its
own space thus of its own logical assumed opinionated beliefs about itself,
confused is controlled hence a struggling for its worth of self, esteemed exist-
ence, CONTROL.
The finest silk substance in form that is force, energy, life! Spirit in, residing of,
with, too physical matter, “physical spirit” is the defined purpose, the cause
and the effect of all choices, actions manifest, it is the reason and result of all
life express formed personal thus all collective experience, the only way to dis-
cover, recover, it for our individual life self-aware existence, then thus the
greater of all life animate, in-animate is to seek with, of, a whole unfragmented
home heart (attention on attention) desire to know an understood under-
standing of our creator, “personal living relationship” engaging in, to be en-
gaged in marriage within each other, individual sense of each other’s self is our
identity occupying the same place in of space, experiencing each other’s feel-
ing forming thinking self as each other in self, not a “broken heart is a broken
home”, only the designer can reveal the design thus the purpose hence the
meaning meant is met.
Our mind through personal experience training has learnt to pull for our “un-
divided” attention and thus divides it/us so, over time not having been made
aware of who and what we actually are, we pattern program our self and
eachother to keep our attention through the act of intention on/in the mind
thus garaging our intentioned attention there, becoming owner resident to its,
our physical material world wants to be planned out to obtained is perceived
success is life desire, designed purpose above beyond needs that then do ena-
ble us to excel in our position of possession at the expense of genuine empa-
thetic considered compassion to balance our obtained desires not beyond the
actioned consideration of all other life’s, lives needs and balance the sharing of
surplus generated with our fellow life forms all incumbent inclusive of inani-
mate and bio animate expressions, thus the experienced here world lack of
personal experience mental mind self-aware conscious of the feeling energy
magnetic light world forming this thought matter “formed, forming” world, the
“one eyed” life “time” process we accept as “random chaos” natural selection
evolution, chance and coincidence, no intelligent living spirit plan blueprint for
life creation form. The expressed separatist arrogance of the infantile mind
“alone” I am thus justified I do. The mind holds the transpose of this empirical
denial as its apparition of order through the illusion that it makes and holds or-
der by way of heel to toe linear logic thought trains. “Detail last past to next
last is past detail” individualised is “in-divided-u-all-eyes-d’ separated half-
truths strung together (string theory) the apparition again of what the human
race is calling accepting as the act of “team work” working together and then
accepting presenting it as a “whole” truth, the “illusion” that is its “delusion” of
truth understood.
That is why we say something “does matter” meaning physical atomic ar-
ranged particle present formed existence is real thus due to the limited physi-
cal senses perception of physical presented reality (mental mind ego) is thus of
importance, or doesn’t “does not matter” un-formed to physical sensory limits
of perception “not real” hence not given to importance, “too subjective” for
ego physical fact of repeatable man planned controlled experiment based
proving, outside of physical matter physics laws of human perception, our in-
tention/attention is actually the core real us (the eternalised) “eternal eyes”
being we each are “feeling energy magnetic light” this is the electrical part of
us as a complete physical reality being that leaves the physical body in death
(the dirt becomes dust again) no presence of the spirit now to hold form so
“ashes to ashes, dust to dust” as the verse expression go’s, from whence came
all shall return as all is in its place in space all ways in front of the fathers face.
Chaos is not actually real, not possible in a living order of intelligence, only the
“apparent apparition” appearance of it to the unenlightened density that is
very small tunnel visioned novice mind to the marriage in of too thy own truth
is at the heart of matter, formed of spiritual ordered arrangements, thus small
is very! Limited letter box slit view confined to the trees of physical matter ma-
terial doubt is denial details “apparent chaos” thus not the view that which is,
“I can see through “eternal-eyes” so I know it’s a forest made of the collective
many trees, (details) now I see many patterns of order in the overall pattern
ordering of it being a forest, no chaos of doubt creating opinionated beliefs un-
founded in personal experienced fact, instead a truth sense of noticed knowing
feeling, felt inner hunch then manifest physical moved matter is fact at peace,
not “I am pieces”
Death as we know it is simply the transition separation of the co-exist experi-
ence formed being, the human half, lives on as star dust returned waiting in
the Mothers dirt (womb) and the other half lives eternally raised in it’s pre-
served form eternal in the father. Expressions, “like father like son”, “the apple
never falls far from the tree”, “the apple of my eye”, “the tree of life”, “the
tree of knowledge” bears the wisdom to not eat the forbidden fruit.
Note: Aware beware of bait! Communication mates. Text messages, emails and
face to face verbals etc, I call it “bait mates” the internet is absolutely rife!
With this sort of behaviour these days, scams! To try and “friendly” fleece each
other of our energy wealth’s, money and all other material things are simply a
physical tangible embodiment of our energy put out and returned to us includ-
ing our emotional expressions, they are all expressions, labours and wages of
the spirit, BEWARE AWARE! OF UNSOLICITED QUESTIONS, communications de-
signed to grab our attention in such a way to enable the propagator access to
us in a way that they can hook! Us into them getting what they want from us,
usually if possible, for free, beware! Aware, text message “hi are you busy?” or
“what are you up to?” unsolicited questions are often a designed mechanism
of ego mind strategy to hook our attention, the person, that is to actually say
the spirit, into their want being gained, granted through “now no excuse avail-
able to reject their asking” before we’ve been actually asked/told of what it is
they want! and or need from our behalf, the power play of the law in creation
here of “dominant and subservient realities” the wolf almost always comes in
sheep’s clothing to disarm our self-aware beware guard, it’s an opportunistic
feeder just like crocodiles and there very! Successful, primarily because of cam-
ouflage combined with strategy based in behavioural pattern recognition, this
can apply very strong strategy pressure of unwritten passive aggressive guilt
obligation for us to dine on while we digest the entre’ of the “open me line”
“the ice breaker” as that expression flows, warming us up to their design of de-
sire, our fate being decided “strategy” a very favoured thus well used strategy
of darkness is to use our compassionate heart felt feeling against us rather
than straight level open book honesty of asking, stating straight to us their de-
sired need or want up front polite so as to respect! Give, the unguilted free-
dom to say no if that’s what we feel to do, with no forms of emotional punish-
ment reactions, blackmail, on the askers behalf, example “the cold shoulder”
any manipulating for us to feel like we are somehow being unfair or a bad per-
son if we don’t comply with their desire, as we say, no baiting, save that for the
other fish in the salty brine Lol ☺ Manipulative strategies being masked and
calling it an actual for real friendship, obviously with a true friend it’s not of a
sinister chosen motive personally (good intentions) it’s more likely we haven’t
been taught a better more honest way to understand thus give whole respect,
we tend to learn these behaviours of strategic manipulations at a very early
age in childhood through the lack of sane wise interventions from adults who
haven’t learnt better either, old expression “monkey see monkey do” and we
go on into adulthood honing and perfecting them if we have seen felt gained a
measure of efficient success using them and no intervention of wise education
about/against the use of them, expression for this is “the end justifies the
mean-s” and we know the definition of many English words is dependant on
the context its used in of expression, in this case I mean the meaning for it of
“unkind or cruel intent” “the sins of the father shall fall upon the son” at work
in real time, after all there’s another motto! expression of modus operandi we
grow up with from an early age that we have implanted into the
“sub-conscious mental ego of conscious consciousness” of thinking thought
justification, the mind married into the propagation of being pre-dispositioned,
pre occupied programmed to the programming of our wants! being placed
higher before ours and others needs thus is our view, attitude for all life exis-
tential of us “there’s no friends in business” “don’t do business with friends or
family” “it’s not personal” as if that makes it a right righteous act!??? in other
words we are saying we know we are going to do un-holy acts in the name of
getting what we want and justify it to be ok! So out of our “conditional” love
we say keep family and friends out of it because we know and don’t actually
care we are going to hurt people/planet etc, to get what we “want” “the end
justifies the mean!! Means” some might say this also occurs to get things we
“need” quite likely, only because it’s a domino effect we have created over
time of generations putting the whole balance of the human and natural world
ecosystem out of balance by “taking, stealing” more than we need by pursuing
the unbridled created chaos of wants above before beyond our needs, then
justifying it as being a healthy state of abundance! And abundance is different
not born of greed well that would be true if “all needs” for everyone including
the animals and planet were catered for first and then the surplus if any was
fair shared among the all, it’s easy to share a so called gift of love for another
from what we don’t actually need that we have stored up beyond our needs,
this is essentially what I would call conditional love as it requires the condition
that I can only “help you” if I have some spare, a true act of selfless love is to
reach into what we actually have for only our own needs and choose the no-
bler act of giving knowing full well it will be to one’s own detriment but choose
to do it anyway knowing there’s nothing in it for ones self really, only a likely
increase in personal suffering struggle to survive hence the bible story of “who
gave more the poor peasant girl who gave a meagre few shekels which was lit-
erally “all” she had or the rich man who gave a hundred or whatever but it
didn’t even make a dent in what he had?” The percentages for economists, her
100%, him .00000000000000000001% or sum such, who is really the giver of
true “whole hearted” unconditioned all love? Only Wukantunka knows the
true truth that is the motive in each ones heart, having said that “know thee by
thy works” hence the expression “gave his shirt of his own back” thus to give
from our un-needful amassed abundance does not actually require a genuine
act of “chosen” sacrifice, yes a person may have made some sort of self-as-
sessed “sacrifice” in terms of giving up on some measure of personal want in
their life to gain there abundance but is choosing to mitigate a want only ra-
ther than a genuine need a true sacrifice? Or is it a bit like what we call as an
expression “hollow words” which follows then to the expression “actions speak
louder than words” and “a picture is worth a thousand words” thus the bible
quotes “know thee by thy works” and “the fruits of his labour” As it won’t ac-
tually downgrade, hurt us, just that we may do without some measure of extra
pleasure along the path to our greater material wealth gained beyond need
pleasure measure pushing the scales of balance for all needs further out of
healthy order. Darkness is always seeking to find the weakest link closest in or
to us to have its destructive desires fulfilled in the physical world stage, it’s
basic M.O is to try and work itself into us personally first “plant feelings,
thoughts, desires” tempt us personally first, if that can’t be achieved it then
works it’s way out around us trying each next closest layer of people, events to
infiltrate, tempt, control, such as immediate family, friends, work colleagues
and any complete stranger it can tempt into some form of contact or action
that will “press our buttons” to use a common expression for getting us to re-
act negatively emotionally thus putting us off balance to our inner cool calm
collected self, cause us to not think and act clearly, rationally but rather impul-
sively “sudden felt impulses” are a form of unsolicited inner question/tempta-
tion to be very! Aware beware! Of in self, almost always when these manifest
in us they are married of presenting some form of justified it’s harmless of dan-
gerous consequences to us and all other and that is where the true danger of it
is, we need to be constantly on guard vigilant in our self with our inner aware
observer guidance to always Immediately when it’s felt noticed use its strategy
against itself the same way it uses our heart against us, consciously from a de-
tached in self, disposition, ask our own questions of it if it’s of a darkness influ-
ence it will in most cases go down without much of a fight meaning it will
quickly retreat, the impulse will dissolve from our inner aware feeling it exist-
ence, darkness is never really off duty in this world, physical self, inner world as
we are 50% made of it while we inhabit the physical matter form self it simply
retreats, regroups and tries again, this enemy like in any war when fighting an
enemy that is fighting for its very existence will never stop it’s attacks, in other
words it will just attempt to find another crack in our armour of inner ob-
servant to self is awareness, the lack there of and try to exploit it/us again
“tempting tempestuous justified impulse, impulsive desires” based in some
form of open unmasked want and wants disguised, justified, in a false mask of
need, one of its greatest weapons is impersonation hence the Christian revela-
tion in the bible that the anti of Christ will fool the world by impersonating
peace brought by him upon the world and then reveal himself when all have
been tricked past there ability to abscond from his will, e.g. the implanted mi-
crochip, treaties of short lasting is false “outer made” peace among nations,
extreme economic wealth beyond the needs of one in the hidden is ignored
thus justified behest of detriment to another, etc. Thus making it a spy for all
intents and purposes, it spies in the quiet of spirit the heart and our mind for
our secret desires of our flesh form and fills us with “harmless” justified I de-
serve it impulses to fulfill them, it the same as the light bright righteous side
God with an opposite opposing agenda sees and hears in secret of our inner
most being what our flesh truly desires and then attempts strategies to tempt
us into fulfilling them thus if we don’t really for true truth real reality get to
know our inner self noticed desires we are defenceless to them, our freewill
becomes something of an illusion, delusion as we become essentially puppets
on its string that is it’s “harmless” we are deserved, highly justified wants of
will as the law of create in spirit form in thought is the same for both spiritual
natures, if the dark will controls from our heart to give impulse to the mind it
does then own its ability to create through us of our physical body formed on
earth actions hence then things like literal war, oppressive killing of human
rights and fair for all standards, corrupt political wills and agendas, corrupt cor-
porate company wills and agendas and the same of us each individual on any
scale of intent to action through our mind and hands upon this land. The mind
infiltrated by the left of heart leaning payed attention is darkness thus given
justified, opinionated belief permission to override the Allah, God, given in
right side leaning of payed attention to heart conscious conscience of his con-
sciousness placed in us spirits will that is sacrificial loving for purpose plan of all
others balanced compassion considered need, bible quote “lead us not into
temptation” this requires us to do our own personal little! Bit, that is to de-
velop our own mapping of inner self workings that lead us into finding our own
developed need successful of discernment guided from an identified in self,
place of considered compassion for need above before want “remembering
that a want is not automatically necessarily a need, a need is always automati-
cally a want even when we don’t want it” obviously our sense of what is a want
verses what is a need in this life is going to be based in first what our chosen
motive for getting out of bed literally every morning is, our genuine if found
courage honest in with self is reason literally for taking our first conscious I am
aware aware breath in the morning, every morning for the full term of our nat-
ural born physical existence? The convened in convenience of the ego mortal
man mind suppressing thus oppressing the God indwelling in us to make domi-
nate the physical over spiritual reality, the opposite opposing to make itself the
servant become the master this being the actual greater jihad spoken of in Is-
lam, the holy war that is then missed of illuminated guidance poured out on
the earth by the extremist warring will “dark light will” his adversary dwelling
in and around us, the duality of us world law off tilt become world war of dom-
inate and subservient control of both inner and outer reality the true first jihad
is the greater jihad, in Christian story it is called the “war in heaven” in both re-
ligions it’s known as “holy war” because it is a war of the spirit between the
two opposite opposing natures of spiritual will that is poured into our minds
out through our hands on earth thus the human form whichever side we have
aligned our will with, views the other opposite will as the opposing infiltrator
infidel dark will so, really if we choose to neglect, cower away from fighting the
actual first and only war of the spirit individually within us each own thy self
we as humans are destined for all our generations of existence on this earth
doomed to repeat the fighting of literal wars amongst ourselves and this in-
cludes many of the disease wars being fought in the literal physical bodies of
people to, if we win this greater first Jihad then we have not the existence of
the lesser Jihad to be fought on the soil of mother earth between us and many
of those disease wars in our bodies, if we don’t fight the first greater Jihad of
our inner selves and win we will forever be fighting the lessor second Jihad
amongst ourselves as a literal physical war and common competition peti-
tioned for here on earth in other words taking each other for what we can
and act clearly, cool calmly of our emotional state self when we are angry
hence the expressions “cool off” “you/I need to cool down” to calm down
hence hell being described as “fire and brimstone” “only I view my perception
is reality” another way of looking at it is to say, claim ownership of another’s
personal experience reality, known in mining terms as “claim jumping” or
“night shifting” meaning working someone else’s claim “life” as if owned know-
ing it isn’t, work performed in darkness is hidden agenda, in this case someone
else’s personal life being exploited, mined for personal self-gain E.g. Help, a fa-
vour, without being transparent unto their knowledge to weigh their options
give permission or not same as our creator who owns us for real gave each one
of us, which is the on loan disposition faculty of self-autonomous free will self-
actualisation expression not oppression of suppression self-actualised of per-
sonal perceived impression, not to to passive trick deceive thus enslave an-
other’s free will reality to get what we want and or perceive, confuse as con-
venient justified need that we then use as lawful permission given to our self
to go after it, not genuine friendly friendship in my view, “tricked by manipula-
tion into reciprocation?” old expression “backed into a corner” or when we do
it solely unto thy self “painted into a corner”
The wanting mind flesh, being its usual bent under handed self to the inner
honest self thus so to all other and others to claim gain more of its vacant of
heart wants to try and address its needs and feel alive and living a “worth” full
life purpose here world, the half-truth whole hole! yeah “black hole!” of it a
whole lie grown in the soil of half-truth is darkness. Bottom line if you don’t
want, need, to swallow the hook! Then only if you choose to answer, NOT with
a question like “what’s up?” or an answer like “na, nothing” etc. Only use very
simple straight honest “closed” responses, keep it short not rude!
A child learns best when its optimistic and at play in its disposition, the feeling
energy childlike part in I the adult is the part that also learns best in same
above mentioned disposition, nothing has changed in that way in me so, also
it/I need variation and new in my life experience, in my thy self to maintain a
healthy wellness in spirit and mind of flesh body as a co-existent flowing one
whole, holy truth, therefore the innocence, the need of the truth is hungrily
present with its appetite also and it starves as a child does when its fed food (a
lie) that has no nutritional value for its growing spirit mind and body “food for
the soul” “food for thought” “truth” as those expressions go. Being forced to
do something of repetition beyond the felt interest attention span starts the
causal chain reaction of getting unwell in spirit then mind and kept going long
enough eventually the physical body, “create in spirit form in thought” “im-
prison the spirit the mind will try to break out in the body” left to continue rot-
ting in this way eventually it will eat its way into the physical being so far it will
become a manifest physical disease. “forms of cancer and other inner first
born formed diseases “dis-ease, is literally a word describing “removed from at
ease in self” dis is a prefix word simply meaning in basic terms, forms of “no” a
negative vibration of energy in it’s fundamental, hence an expression between
friends like “don’t dis me” meaning, “don’t NO me” meaning don’t forget, dis-
card, reject, attack, hurt, turn away from me, dis-respect me, I’m referring here
in the former passage to states in physical formed self with no actual physical
causal catalyst, such as asbestos or some such other chemical ingested, in-
duced exposure, forms of physical radiation exposure etc. The harmful radia-
tion of harmful negative misunderstandings about our own personal life expe-
rience such as severe emotional forms of attachment that are broken then not
understood acceptable can and do often manifest, as the expression goes,
“it/somethings eating me up inside” we dwell on them with very intense emo-
tional mental mind reaction “thinking pain motivated thoughts in an intensify-
ing self-funded loop” hence the expression for self or someone else when feel-
ing or being observed to be getting, going, a bit crazy, lack of true understand-
ing, reality etc, “going loopy” “it’s driving me loopy” “he/she is loopy” and so
forth, the mind turning on itself, expression “own worst enemy” long enough
and we start the process of breaking down our physical immune system to the
point it even turns on itself in the same echo reflection of what our own men-
tal mind has, is doing, in that we/it turns on itself, we are progressively intensi-
fying the loss of our mental mind immunity of thinking emotionally to the situ-
ation/event, “thus activating the various bio of emotional chemical producing
glands of the physical body” it’s all past based reactional energy being con-
sumed, even when it’s a perception of future outcome it’s already a past in
thought as it’s an assumption or some other external imported to mental mind
received energy, the physical mind itself in its made state and nature thereof is
second of spirit so it is always in the dark of past waiting/seeking for enlight-
ened illuminations of the soul to breathe life into its living temporary temporal
future, even a true in truth genuine noticed discerned knowing in mind from of
the spirit is still always subject to the laws, “flaws” of mental mind reaction
experience current, the lie itself is what keeps the thinking thought processes
alive to keep itself alive for real in this world, it always wants to own the here
world stage for itself the half a life it BELIEVES is a whole one, it’s a lie remem-
ber, a part truth is not actual it’s a detail, if you want the truth you start living
looking for it, you can’t keep the comfort of the old lie (the past) while you go
look for the truth. “future present”
When we give our attention to something, we give it energy, if it gets energy it
lives! Simple. We give our attention to an idea we give it life! Simple.
We position our attention, moved, focused, of intention of motive to thus form
a formed thought, guess what! its energised in of self “the inner living creator
we are in image made there of” meaning same laws and faculties of creative
self-autonomous governance our full ultimate maker father exists in himself
first, dwelling in us second first of him, conception onto birth then possibly
other peoples “self is spirit, mental mortal mind” picking up imported owner-
ship of it does further add more energy to it, a bit like the whole village raising
the new born child, we are one all one connected collective of one and both
two spirit natures, we WILL it too express actioned behaviour from subcon-
scious (spirit) to conscious (mental mortal mind) levels of our being as to be-
come physical form in this world, we birth it, if a CONSCIOUS CHOSEN collec-
tive begins then obviously it propagates much faster with more variety of de-
tail expression but still of the same tree just more foliage. The true truth is al-
ways the origin-all is first inner root conception, all other is reaction of relative
in nature there to origin, same such as we each are foliage of the origin root
that is father first only is ultimate spirit one living true truth tree, “the tree of
life” “the tree of knowledge” hence made in his image as all in spiritual physi-
cal creation animate and inanimate is, thus is “one all one” (101) meaning the
digit 1, first, is him in us all thus origin all first one, hence the digit 0 is all the
circuit circle him is all life, thus the last digit 1, is the completed return of all
him in all makes us him the origin in all is true truth actual one. A very simple is
best description “from whence came all shall return” hence a funeral right of
spoken truth is “ashes to ashes, dust to dust”
“familiar family”
Consciously catching one’s own “irrelevant” therefore unnecessary mind clut-
tering thinking thought trains out, I sometimes find the simple act of con-
sciously choosing random quick disconnected nonsensical statements breaks it
quickly in that it becomes kind of dumbfounded so it stops because there’s no
linear line of last past reactionary logical thought for it to grab and propagate
further forward of, meaning “add more carriages”
e.g. “green eggs ate purple spanner’s” or “Siamese cats fly pigs eating reggae”
Now in a state of thoughtless mental mortal mind “relaxing of ones attention”
allowing it to rest on, in looking itself without impulse intentioned thought of
impulsive agendas propagating logical last past connected on forward moving
thoughts, constructed scenarios and thus associative emotions, thus making
room in self, neutral potential primed space for discernible experienced feeling
felt of informative bursting bubbles information “noticing” my world again “a
fountain of bubbling up bright ideas complete in each unto itself with no logi-
cal loose end questions/answers to be added of mental mind, like an actual
bubble they arrive with a defined sense of noticed feeling felt sensation pop! In
the quiet, primed of potential inner self attention aware self, inner space un-
der the resting watch for observer in self, “I to eye of I” unwound, acting on
noticed knowing’s again, not! Thought for the sake of thinking (logic) reengag-
ing with the inner self childlike self that operates in a state of “wonder, wan-
der, ponder of existence “life” hence bible quote apparently from God “come
to me ye as little children” which to me also states something about being
whole hearted passionate not half hearted, luke warm in our personal self-
seeking for him our father true in truth creator personal relationship with him,
in other words not making our seeking for him second as a hobby or some such
to our material flesh desire life pleasures rather the other way around, its
about our physical here of spirit life purpose first choice for living. So, exploring
with little of logical pre thought, opiniated beliefs, only the motor skills to
make it real here world. Less effort is effortless.
Things like, clear, doubtless present aware noticed of the arrived presence of
other people’s attention/spirit, incarnate ones and discarnate ones, coming
into one’s own personal life space and the topic of intentioned reason for be-
ing there and even what they’re going to do next, spiritually and onto physi-
cally as a person if it’s an incarnate one and same such of what a discarnate
one is purpose planning to do. The physical body has no meaningful placing of
limits in this area of life existence as its 99.999999999999 % empty of physical
matter occupied space presence thus it is 99.999999999999 % occupied by the
higher faster accelerant vibration of spirit (majority rules as they say) hence
dominant and subservient realities or specialised space in spatial dimensions if
we like that terminology better, hence in the Christian labelled story of God he
apparently said “split a piece of wood and you will find me” “roll a stone I am
there” and modern science split an atom and look at how much energy is re-
leased from its containing physical vessel.
The here world clear felt known presence of other spirits, like the same poles
of two magnets being pushed together and in reverse, as well as other physical
bodily sensations like tingling’s, warm and cool pressures can be noticed/felt
on part or parts of body, altering ear pressures, literal hair raising tingles, shiv-
ering goose bumps or chicken skin as some call it, my friend calls those “cham-
pagne bubbles” various pitch altering ringing’s in one or both ears sometimes
altering depending what the left and right light worlds are doing in a person’s
personal life space here world. Often connected to the subject matter of one’s
attention at the time. The pleasant invigorating “CHILLS” tingles! or goose
bumps, champagne bubbles, chicken skin are in my experience as a friend once
alerted me to, the confirming of truth being manifest in whatever form e g,
someone speaking we are listening to, sharing of some genuine spiritual true
truth or when we speak share of some spiritually related topic to someone that
is true truth, an event of “miraculous or divine synchronistic timing is true
truth” “an awesome piece of music” is another face of divine true truth, no
limits just the confirmed presence of “that/this is true truth!” for me it always
means at the very least “take note” “pay attention to this” it is for me the di-
vine truth present and making it self-known to me in physical sensation felt
sensations of the flesh, thus unmistakable, relieves a lot of confusion and gives
fantastic felt reassurance, old expression “someone just walked over my
grave” It is also the case for negative perceived things/events also, truth is
truth regardless of whether it be positive or negative by origin, the light is/has
it’s truth and darkness is/has it’s truth, even if it’s truth is the nature of a lie
and half-truths, a measure of the two truths blended to seek and obtain it’s,
own only self-absorbed interest to selfishly (sel-fish, add one letter and we
have “sell fish” fish market, fish monger, or mongrel, market its blended half-
truth to hopefully deceive us into giving in to it and getting what it wants
through us, “our vessel” as it only has vessels of a very small number to itself,
meaning actual evil incarnate spirits do exist but “they are few and far be-
tween” as that expression go’s, meaning it has only a very small amount of ves-
sels on earth that it has full sovereign control of under its uninterrupted un-
challenged will, meaning no inner conflict of conscience between a light right
righteous self-heart/mortal mind and the dark opposite will of its nature com-
peting for ownership of the heart and mind to get us the meat in the middle to
become chosen into whole hearted motive and intention to place attention on
gaining a sense of experienced feeling felt happy satisfaction from doing wilful
only against good God acts, trying to get us to reverse our spiritual self-polarity
through tempting us into choosing devaluating actioned choices that continu-
ally progressively aggressively slow our spiritual light self-vibration down until
it reverses meaning we become a whole hearted opposite of our former spir-
itual made self and thus our free will is now willing of the opposite will to out-
pouring of compassion and empathy becoming only concerned with strategic
manipulations to create self-absorbed interest in things of personal gain at the
expense of other, others, without conscience or care for consequences of hurt-
ful nature to the spirit of nurture “Wukantunkas light bright right side” a sym-
bol in Christianity for our Lord God is “a fish” and water is often a symbol for
true truth, meaning Allah you might say is the life that swims his existence in
the self-existent waters that are true whole hearted nurturing of truth that is
by nature the nurture of “just, justice” the even balance of the scales (fish
scales) “his left and right hands” that is life here in physical revelation and one
always has it’s opposite opposing image thereof, the opposite smell! Of fresh
fish is very! Potent vile bad! Profit itself at the expense stolen/deceived from
another, exploited, exploitation of another with no regard or care for how it
might, effect the source it has exploited. Prophet or profit, bible quote “what
did it profit thee?” abundant poverty of heart felt empathetic compassionate
love for life! or abundant in, it’s love! for a Godly lived, living life? Our actions
formed in mind and body, the fruits of our labours of our heart, bible quote
“it’s not what goes in our mouth that defiles us, it’s what comes out!” Our mo-
tive to intention does thus move, focus, our attention, is what separates the
wheat from the chaff (tares) in thy self. Bible quote “the bread of life” So you
could say, woven together, one is a tapestry of true truth and the other is a
pack of half-true loose ends lies, woven together to form a pack of unpackable
impeccable lies, that are the fly’s that get in our true truth eyes, in other words
“what do I real, real eyes” realise? Light bright, is enlightenment! And darkness
is a black of light appearing as the apparent lack of light! Thus, a void is de-
void, is “of void” apparent empty space, hence the words “a-void, a-void-ance”
of light, is to escape from a situational truth (in opposite when “de” in French
means “of” we then have “of-light” which is then thus the words in English for
joy, happiness etc, delight, delighted, delightful-l meaning “of light full” is “full
of light” that is thus then the state achieved in existence of being “en-light-
ened”. Darkness could easily be simply described as “a barking dog! A pack ac-
tually, hence the expression “a pack of lies” and “a wet blanket” as that expres-
sion is employed to describe a person when we are being a damper of positive
fun and enlightened enlightenment. A fire blanket is literally one of the fastest
most efficient methods used to extinguish a real fire and hence thus darkness
being described also as a “wet blanket” meaning it is dense wet, cold, like
outer space is also very cold wherever there is no close source of light, thus no
life fire passion, expression statement “the spark of life” in opposite is “smoul-
dering” the dying remnants of what was a flame, the word is also containing
the word and one acronym also “s-mould-er-ing, “er or spelt as we use it is
”err” is short for “error” is the opposite of enlightened truth or “order”, order
is generally thought of as something like, freewill that does control by self-
aware willed design to arrangement of something, a pattern, designed for a
specific purpose to reach and create and end of means, “form” the opposite
we call “chaos” a random, meaning without understandable, visible, measura-
ble pattern of freewill self-aware design for a specific purpose, a form created
of no specific design of freewill to an end of means form without specific
known purpose. Now this is where in a world of duality things can get a little
“sticky” as we say, often when we might be approaching a state of something
becoming what we call a paradox, as the question begs to be asked and an-
swered, is there really any such thing for real that we can true in truth define
as “chaos” or is it just that while we can’t discern the purposeful pattern of
something, how big or small is our view? That we do or don’t create the per-
ception of dividing creation into a duality of order and chaos? An old expres-
sion we use is “can’t see the forest for the trees?” so, does the state of duality,
meaning the existence of chaos against order we experience here as physical
formed beings really permeate throughout the entirety of infinite eternal crea-
tion? Or is it simply that we can’t as small physical formed beings see the for-
est for the trees? I say ultimately no it does not! as God our infinite eternal cre-
ator holds an infinite ultimate eternal planned understanding of his freewill
self-aware design of purpose to a means of form that is thus collectively infi-
nite eternal complete order, we as yet! Just can’t see the forest for the trees
because of the darkness that thieves! Our understanding by being what it’s de-
signed to be hence do and that is, a barking dog! loud chaotic intrusive unintel-
ligible thought of logical limited theory thinking often birthed from a source of
doubt and or pre self-ordained opiniated beliefs, formed usually either out of
some external imported source of others experience “something I read, saw on
a media platform or story told of, from, someone else” or personal experience
also formed into opinion that is self-satisfying to the personal ego to be per-
ceived in the power of being right, intelligent and or wise thus self-important
and valuable, self- seeking to be centre of others attention rather than “paying
heed of head, to inner notice in self-attention” thus self-worth of the ego being
propped up, nourished, then placed as a limit through judgement “the act of
self-absorption” not factually able to be validated thus looking outside in “if I
see it I’ll believe it” as opposed to knowing from first inside then observed in
timing of the outside reflecting physical manifest echo, noticed in direct rele-
vance to the first came inner experience hence opinions are a wet blanket! We
place over self and others. We can know it in this physical life bit by bit the
same as when we eat, we eat by mouth, bight by bight is bit by bit not only
physical sight, we don’t literally shove the whole meal in our mouth at once
(expect to know the whole literal eternal fact of our creator made us existent)
then try to chew and digest as we will be behaving piggish! (gluttony) expres-
sion “a glutton for punishment” meaning if we try to solve, understand him the
divine question all in one mouthful the ensuing confusion and feelings of being
on unstable ground “where angels fear to tread” we will feel like it is punish-
ment rather than loving enlightenment, the story of Lucifer and the other fol-
low him fallen angels is much about this in that Lucifer formed a question in
doubt of understanding the full ultimate terms and measure of his father
maker, that was a place other angels feared to tread, in wanting demanding to
know “it/him all total ultimate” as he found doubt in himself, he tried in es-
sence to put himself on the all total ultimate complete level of existence that is
his own is first maker thus he became an adversary in his doubt born confusion
of his own existence and position within heaven, threw away his divine humil-
ity of trust in his father, thus separated himself then others by doing this, we, if
we “demand as questioning doubt” of his full revealed self are exhibiting our
own lust of lost trust in him to be “father knows best” for his children also, we
are challenging him effectively to a duel and to duel is to become two is to be-
come a divided divisive duality of existence which is to now be a half and half
divided of opposite opposing natures half-truth being, a liar, a “fall from grace”
hence regain, redemption, that we again use our freely given free will to
choose our trust, belief of faith in him that father knows best! And funnily
enough are these not the very recurring statements in the Christian bible said
to be the required needs to find and know a personal experienced pleasing re-
lationship of, with our God, father? “believe in me” “have faith in me”
“trust in me” is it possible that there’s some truth in the Christian bible story of
Lucifer and man being deceived into “sin” “original sin” Lucifer said to be the
father of sin “the anti-Christ” trying to build his own opposite opposing king-
dom to God? Being cast down to the earth? as they relay it in their story, the
loss of “belief and faith” in God through the inception of Lucifer first losing his
belief and faith in Father knows best for himself personally, then promoting
propagating the same loss of belief and faith in other angels ”the army of dark-
ness” the light of their belief trust and faith in “Fathers existence” being real,
went dark, to use those terms and here we are! The imperfect flawed makers
of mistakes and confusion particularly in our individual to global accepted un-
derstood as fact knowing belief and faith in our creator father’s actual for real
existence, thus more importantly, choke! Vomit! regurgitate is rejection! To
simply regurgitate the opinions of self and other, others, is to reject the poten-
tial in possibility of perceiving the heart and mind of our creator and thus what
is! actually relevant to our each own in him unique path being laid out for us to
actively have an input in understanding the building of the personal relation-
ship living in self with him and then in him in other, others, expect him to
shove the whole meal “truth” in our faces at once, babies don’t immediately
start on solid food they grow progressively to it with age of time, from first
easy digestible regular high nutrition feedings, start simple on the nipple, “sim-
ple to see first piece of the true truth puzzle, “one’s own existence” second
easy to see is believing piece of the puzzling holistic material physical formed
truth is the present 3D universe and the myriad tapestry of ecosystems full of
animate biological life contained within, “baby steps” and babies first grasp is
grasped pieces of the puzzling jig saw true truth” then progress to the more
complex solid food “greater true truth” if we don’t study examine our own in-
ner self workings and map them we will never in this physical life find much of
a personal understood relatable relationship of family familiar feeling with the
living presence of our made us Father, “hidden go seek” the first most im-
portant meal of our spiritual days feeding, “break-fast” is the simple whole
hearty meal of desire in self, chosen to want the need to know him true truth
without placing the arrogant expectant limit of a tantrum throwing child on
him/self, demanding for an easy “I see it I’ll believe it physical formed fact!”
“tell him to come out of hiding, rather than we play with him by seeking him in
his hidden domain, in other words telling him “the games over, I don’t like the
rules, I’ve changed my mind against your my heart, I don’t want to play with
you anymore!” a personal tailored from him, for me personally miracle! Of
proving his existence as an external physical fact formed event tangible to my
five physical senses, that lie to us in a myriad of ways, anyway, as modern sci-
ence has/is discovering, just look at how the brain behind our eyes actually
works to process produce the physical image we all take for granted in front of
us? Then our physical mental mortal mind makes opinionated beliefs about
what it sees in the form of judgements procured from all sorts of shuffling’s of
the data it has access to from past perceived experienced events and physical
hard copy 3D world imagery formed “facts” logical “imaginary” future con-
structed scenarios from past experience logical/illogical reactions of mind to
the physical expressed imagery that is the five senses grasp of its “real” is now
reality, here fits that old saying “don’t judge a book by its cover” our physical
formed self and greater external surrounding us presentation of “reality” is
merely the clever cover over containing him in us pages that are the actual
story, “the book of life” of his living presence for our selfish self-important per-
sonal I’m special ego, he has already done this for us in abundance with all the
myriad of physical formed universe physics laws, structure construct, principles
and bio animate life expressed as physical form in it. Question, if I work in a
very large corporate conglomerate company and I’m not the owner architect
of its existence somewhere far removed from the top management position,
does the very top owner/C.E.O have an everyday for me personal special only,
come out of his office down to me day to day relationship to “prove” he actu-
ally exists and is, who he said he is? given that the first most obvious fact of his
existence is the fact that the company exists and I’m employed to a position in
it? furthermore, in such company do I expect that the owner/C.E.O will have
to, because I demand it to be so, tell and show me the whole ultimate plan and
purpose thus direction for the company into the future of now, particularly if
I’m lacking in fundamental interest to gain knowledge and wisdom of the com-
pany or would it make more sense that if I’m getting educated in it of my moti-
vated intentioned interest, shaping my attention to know then would he
maybe have a greater visible presence to me of my interest in him, whom is
the company, expressions “we are known to the company we seek” thus
“we are known by the company we keep” We could see ourselves like children
and simply see it that the childlike friendly heart self in him does love a good
game of “hide and seek” for us here it’s his turn to be hidden and our turn to
seek him, this physical life experience is designed to be an adventure “camping
trip” which means not like a movie we have watched many times before that
we know it all, all the plot twists etc, before and during watching, experiencing
it, otherwise the mortal man mind easily becomes tired and know it all arro-
gant disinterested thus apathetic to the experience, nothing new is nothing
gained is nothing of interest and if we get too hung up on being ultimately
power hungry for total, “I only, own understood above all other truth, I’m
RIGHT!” Place more reverent relevance value on our opinionated beliefs in
thinking we are being right, self-righteous! We have and do miss the point as
the true truth is a humble living, continually evolving, “evolution” changing,
growing being, like a child “childlike nature nurtured” hence the expression
“mother nature” as a friend said to me once “inch by inch is a cinch!” baby
steps “yard by yard is hard!” as it becomes “relevant” to our growing under-
standing of seeking desire to know him as a living being personally,
“NO SEEK! NO KNOW!” is true family and friends anything but a two-way street
of interested desire to know each other’s personal lives mutually rather than
one-way street of mutually excluding exclusive? “self-absorbed” so shall all be
revealed of motive that is our motivated in motion of in-tent, we each physical
body is the tent we camp here world in that does house and cover our true self
intent, not his fault if we aren’t paying attention, he gave us the freedom of
the faculty that is freely given free will to do that as well, but we need to real-
ise that one physical life is finite in its own potential and propagated oppor-
tunity and not blame him for what we chose to squander with ignored of inter-
est attention while we are and were, here. We might recognise that it is the
dimly lit dim-witted of darkness “the double doubting physical mortal man
planned mind” that is his thus our adversary that shines dimly lit of wit into us
thus making us dense through as humans, the opposite of transparency that
we demand our maker to make a new set of rules to suit his adversary in us as
duel made existent beings to reveal himself to the bullying demands of dark-
ness to command the master as the servant. Its idea of last to be first and first
to be last, rebellion. Expression “rebel without a cause” is deaf-in-innately born
resistance to the effect of being dumb and blind leading the blind from left
An expression we have is to say “to err is human, to forgive is divine” and
“mould” is generally thought of as something negative, not healthy, although it
too, has it’s for us, useful positive pole opposite in duality (magnetic light) in
that we have discovered a healing hand made from it called penicillin, an effec-
tive “anti-biotic” that is a killer of bad bacteria that does then restore good
health to our physical form. So here we have an example of a negative mag-
netic light form in the form of decay that actually also has the power of healing
restoration contained within it, as its first form was/is of the positive spiritual
nature of created expansion the opposite magnetic pole of decay, Anti, mean-
ing a negative opposite pole of magnetic light hence a form in state of duality,
two natures of opposite opposing magnetic living light both imbued with the
power of cause and effect, “creation” the creation of expansion and contrac-
tion, the wires are complexly crossed over in the physical of spiritual formed
world, due to the physical formed light universe being the second expressed
opposite opposing image of the first light nature that is light bright right, right-
eous O father spirit, him the expansion, before him the opposite hand her of
contraction thus the equation of 101, his right first hand and second left hand
makes two hands. Join them in “A hand shake” and we have “love thine en-
emy” is 101, the devil is said to still work for God, expression “God works in
mysterious ways” a psychologist in the 1800’s said “to live is to suffer, to sur-
vive is to find some meaning in the suffering” thus I say “suffer our sufferance
well” Hence in the Christian bible Jesus apparently said “love thine enemy” Ex-
ample in simple terms, a Women when giving birth to life must have contrac-
tions to deliver the new born expanding life. another expression and some-
times strategy in war is “my enemy’s enemy is my friend” the two natures con-
tain in each the two natures of each other, expressions for this might be “dou-
ble jeopardy” “double Dutch” a paradox observed. Having said that, for us here
majority choice of one over the other is what/who rules in us “our chosen to
serve master” and ultimately forward forms us as a child growing spirit then
thus to is the concept put forward in Christianity of judgement and the weigh-
ing of us each the soul on his scales of divine just, justice as to our worth to
him as he is our maker therefor only he knows what it is that he desires and
deserves from each of us as to our worth to him or not. Thus why he said to us
“judge not lest ye be judged” of each other as people, spirits, souls, worth wor-
thiness as people and spirits, just love and help support each other as doing
this is how we are treating literally our creator as he is the parent maker father
dwelling literally inside each one of us, we are not him whole absolute person-
ally so we are a very far cry from being divinely endowed to the point of being
qualified to weigh through judgement the worth of another soul to him when
we are all in fact flawed by the made nature of the dark half that is our physical
formed being makeup hence he said “let ye among you without sin cast the
first stone” even he “God on earth as a man, albeit a divine form of man said
“only! My father in heaven does, can, judge” He only knows what it is he is
making ultimately through his works of us, his ultimate divine plan of his will
and his will, him alone. He did also say apparently that we if interested to
strive in our lives to seek him can at some point be in a position that he will re-
veal all to us. That is a massive! Statement, considering how much we know
that shows us how little we yet know of even our local made physical universe
in creation, ourselves inner and outer form, if we then consider some sense of
a feeling intuitive hunch for what is??? all him our maker creator in existence
of totality, I personally suspect that simple logic of the mind would say I liter-
ally need an eternal life existence given to me from him to have any chance of
that being full filled for real.
A blanket that does smother smoulder our God in self hence then the recogni-
tion of him in other, others, real self, realised with real eyes of the fire of life in
our self, hence the expression for intense passion in life for something, some-
one is “a fire in the belly” the belly, is the stomach, where we have what’s
commonly known as “a gut feeling” a hunch, intuition, the ability to know the
invisible void, devoid of human mind of matter, formed visible as physical form
fact! Physically it’s where we process our food for nourishment of the physical
form, thus it’s also where we gain insight or “food for the soul” as that expres-
sion goes and thus also the expression for pondered insights we often say
“food for thought”
Aware of a person’s attention (spirit-feeling energy light body) in your space or
a friend’s house because they are intently focused on the person (hence if your
there than it’s also in one’s own personal life space) thus can be consciously
felt/noticed personally experienced, this is the point no matter where we go
we are moving in and out of each other’s personal life space place constantly,
if our attention isn’t resting/looking inside itself, then it is being dragged
around chaotically by every passing thought and physical distraction thus if our
attention is being dragged around then so are we ‘thy self’ as we are our atten-
tion/intention, our pure light self does travel instantly to the destination of our
intentioned attention, we are there (thinking/wondering/pondering or bitch-
ing/complimenting) e t c, this is examples of how we are form focusing our
own being in the life space of another, the human infant aware mind
shields/blocks most people from this conscious experience faculty because it
has not yet been programmed to be quiet long enough for the spirit/actual life
energy light to be self, aware noticed/discerned (a conscious experience of an
actual (true) feeling (the opposite of an emotion) emotions very, very noisy!!!
Feeling is information state felt benign of harmful unbalancing emotions
it/they live underneath, expressions: “It’s deeper than that” “wow that’s very
deep stuff your telling me” “don’t be so shallow” “their shallow plastic people”
e t c, shallow depicts literally the mind, it’s on top “the head” underneath is
the heart/feeling the actual residence of the “life fire light being” that does
come to the surface through minded expressions of the mind and physical
body (Quote: “it’s not what go’s in that defiles the self, it’s what comes out” so
we are detectable by other feeling light beings in or out of matter formed body
doesn’t matter, if a person in physical body is tuned to their noticed in self they
then know literally thy self like a road travelled before and so discerning the
feeling felt noticed presence of another soul is a quite obvious experience, yes
like a still pond then a pebble drops in (or thrown) expression: “Why don’t you
‘drop’ in sometime” “I might ‘drop’ over later “he ‘dropped’ out of school way
too early” “it’s good he dropped out when he did or he would be dead!”
there’s more. All verbal language is formed from/to the forming of conscious-
ness the light world inner so it is also the case that so much of the information
we seek is hidden literally under our very nose (where’s thy mouth) ha-ha ;-) as
it is there living in the established words/language if we apply our intention at-
tention to “see” the “inner eye” is “I” bottom line is where ever we put our at-
tention we the spirit are automatically there! (our attention is moved by the
act of intention) In part enough to be well noticed and causing an effect in that
place/space we are visiting by choice, choice in this meaning “only thy self can
move thy self” not referring to physical body here “we are our intention atten-
tion” thus we move through the “life space” where it go’s we arrive.
In the noticed knowing known feeling felt state I’ve experienced it’s possible
even automatic/natural that I access feel some of what the person’s motive/in-
tentions are thus able for real in this world conscious state to know confidently
what their next actual here world action will be e g: call on the telephone be-
cause there not satisfied with the excuse/information they got that broke a
very long planned prior engagement with that person so, their quite flus-
tered/concerned they felt the persons behaviour was very out of character to
the person they thought they knew well. (this is an actual experience, wit-
nessed by said friend as it all happened)
The feeling being I am doesn’t often feel well or do well doing an activity that is
accepted to do under the protest of it’s the only thing accessible at the time so
in other words not being able as the parent of myself to provide the childlike
part of me with its needs really buggers me up.
the perpetrators of said same and or similar and couldn’t/didn’t see through
the fog of our justifications at the time to do more respectful actions, check
where from other peoples need point of view in their now life is the best place
to have our gathered “important” chit chat, but as always everyone else is
“well” aware of “their” actual now because they all have to deal with it,
whether they like it or not “if they wish to continue living their lives that is” ha-
ha hmm… and all the while each depositing a little of the attention that has
been fairly forcibly strategized out of them into the “pull to be the centre of at-
tention absorption” bank accounts of the gathered VACANT ones (vacant
might be a good word to ponder/wonder/wander with a bit) I’m sure there’s
plenty of enlightenment to be un-veiled there! Oh, you know things like the
connotation of not being at home or the “home/heart” is vacated in favour of
the temptations the wanted de-serve-d mind/flesh body is marketing to one
self as highly justifiable treats! (vanity is always EGO/eager willing to play if
we/I “PAY” and oh boy! Do we pay, almost always if I stray into that world I
“find myself” in “HIND SIGHT” left! holding the bag as the expression go’s,
hmm maybe squatters and things like that, other people’s thoughts are often
the squatters of our vacant attention in of to, self “at-tent-liveness” left behind
my tent, my experience up to this point indicates to me clearly that this is all
caused by the simple erroneous art of vacating the attention from itself so
much so often for such extended periods that we become spiritually blind,
meaning, “no eye in I” actual, feeling knowing known noticed discernment ac-
tioned of aware, vacant in our attentional awareness of/to what’s going on “in
around” us right here right now, THE LIVING IS! NOW, the living feeling, which
is! The actual living truth that we each are made in of to, “The Prime Ultimate-
ness” So is it any wonder that we see the insidious demise of basic mannered
life respect for each other in the exchange of intermingling our way through
our day, sadly for me I say “I think not” best way to go I reckon, that last state-
ment, less way less! Fog of war when I don’t think in a way that I stink! Oh, you
know, that old saying “your attitude stinks” me thinks it thinks too much! The
stinks, if only these kind of life stinks! Were more like our native Skinks they
can drop their tails when under threat, if only our stinks could be dropped off
like the tails of skinks, maybe they can it just takes a very big!! Stress for us hu-
mans to finally let go, drop our stinky! Skinky slinky skanky! Tails or is it?
“Tales” lol 😊
The mind “self-absorption” has many techniques blunt and subtle for manifest-
ing the “I want/am to be the centre of others attention” because I vacated my
At this point now, in my now life I’ve come to start real-eyes-ing that my here
world life the thought formed half is a parable for my personal and collective
experience truth, expressed as a living transfigurement reflection of my here
now in the energetic feeling light world, I the feeling energy light being occupy
the space between (the overlap) the apparent two separated in the one, it’s a
grey zone here on earth/3D universe in the sense that we have a gradient of in-
tensity of both “left and right” choices for expression as each our “unique” life
lived event thereof. hence why it is a side-stepping experience we come here
to have, meaning to turn to the self in heart (O-Father) we must make a choice,
then supported with all the “needful” choices it takes to “sustain” our choice,
serve thy own choice by the choices we action. The movement forward and
backward in life is actually from side to side “left side ear and hand actioned
choice/choices” and or “right side ear and hand actioned choice/choices. Left
and right is forward and back in this partitioned area within the energetic light
feeling world seen form expressed here as the apparent left and right moving
in the grey zone to “lighter or darker” straddling the line so to speak is not a
choose able option only one or the other “left or right” expression: “there’s no
middle ground” or “where’s the middle ground in all this” and so on.
Human life, third dimensional space, the universe, three verses, three same
time notes in resonant harmony, tempo and rhythm e t c. The human experi-
ence, planet earth the whole three dimensional formed universe is an edge
world by design, quite literally we sit on the edge of two spaces in the one
place, the edge of two different frequencies in the spirit, “the two overlap
merge and separate at the same time, yet time as we know it is also quite dif-
ferent in these two alternate oscillating places with in the same whole one
space, essentially it moves much faster in comparative terms in the first world
pure state unviolated by the donning of the flesh form body that connects us
with this a much slower time in of space due to it being a matter formed di-
mensional space/place thus it means the frequency oscillation of the physical
matter form is much slower denser than the feeling energy light that we each
all actually are, in other words quite simply the mind is physical form matter so
it is much slower in its presented existence expression, the heart is Omni pre-
sent internal eternal so it actually exists/lives in a space/place that is beyond
the concept of the mind and it’s anchored relative view based on the laws of
three dimensional physics law (half-truth) the three dimensional universe is ex-
actly the parable, an image made in the likeness of the made fact that the
three main facet aspects of the heavenly father one all one is as the Christians
relate to try and understand “the father, the son, the holy spirit” the three top
elemental life verses, resonant harmonic notes that are literally the living blue-
print form holder of this matter formed world so thus in image thereof we
have a place space we currently inhabit that holds form (existent reality) as we
call it, because it is a slowed down image form expressed of the father master
one all one thus “whole” now actual “the truth” if we desire to “understand”
this physic form matter world in its details of expression, the inter connected
relationship of the many varied elemental forms that co-exist/correlate with
relativity, the married relationships between the atomic particles, atomic
chains, the manifest super fine particles e t c, than we need only seek our an-
swers (enlightenment) of this world by seeking to understand the father who
in dwells holding us each in form as the image of him that we are made in of
too! The laws and lore principle relationships that which the father abides in
are the very ones governing this matter formed world as it can only be this way
because it is a slower competing form of the master actual truth, what life is
and how it all connects lives together as one, so here is where in part at least
the quote from the bible fits in “seek ye first the kingdom of God and all things
will be revealed unto thee” instead of seeking the matter flesh form to reveal
the inside core truth, seeking the external to try and find the internal depth
“the truth! about the truth, what is life? WHY??? Evolution cannot reveal the
ultimate actual living truth “the core of life” because that is to seek the living
now in a past formed, now dead of the living spirit which definitely plots where
our current sciences are at the moment, (lost in the details) not starting with
the simple truth at the trunk from the seed to the leaves then flowering to its
fruits of the one truth whole understanding, our science is a brash! with itself
and us, bullying us with its apparent facts “truth-s” of “we know the FACTS!
Life!” and then find something that out dates/contradicts it next week, all the
yet the best motive, then to my way of looking at this I’d say ”ask ones crea-
tor” if he could would help thy self to help thy self “God helps those who help
them self” as the expression go’s in the understanding that by truly helping thy
self in this regarded way is also automatically an offered gift to our creator as it
is an asking directed with the intention to get to know make friends with our
creator personally which is his it’s we greatest love is to be loved, “we are for
real created in his image” we actually have the same needs! Allah, BUDDHA,
God, Jesus the son as in “He” our actual creator incarnated himself personally
of his personality “the Son” the knowable father creator, for us humans we can
have a relationship with the father because the father now also knows inti-
mately personally the experience it is to come and be a human for a while, so
he now knows all the trials and tribulations all us/we humans do face in the
course of our learned or un-learned time here, he knows now literally because
of the Son all each one of us past present and all in the apparent future to
come “inside to outside” literally because he’s been in his own making and
continues because of this, the experience of he himself coming to earth as a
“man” so he in-dwells in every single one of us patiently waiting for each of us
to partake in the gift he’s offering, to know him each of us “personally” so he
waits in silence seeing in silence knowing us completely inside, inside his ap-
parent silence as a patient loving father does for each one of us to give him our
answer by turning our intentioned attention to seek our relationship with him
“now” in this life, my experience is “he has not indicated in me that I must at-
tend a church of any man made denomination or apparent faith, as we dwell
together in this body that does pen these pages so really I the body am the
church, the temple of the whole holy spirit thus I need only to “turn my atten-
tion through the act of intention desired attention to look into itself and I’m
progressively journeying closer and closer to his in-faith exuberance of “feeling
light” hence bright.
When our attention is intention directed, placed on the external matter flesh
form world we are now connected to it for however long we place and leave
our attention on it this now opens a conduit between the self and the other ex-
ternal thing/form self, this very much includes pertains to holding desire for
some “thing” some “other one” other than one’s personal actual creator the in
felt carried love for him/her/we, life itself the energy it is ”living feeling“ When
we connect by the attaching of our attention there is immediately a “back flow
of energy data” coming into our self if we are externally connected in this way
to whatever, it now own’s us “the self” as in we are not getting our infor-
mation energies, purpose, motive, leadership from our father in dwelling living
one, we are at the mercy “blind leading the blind” (as the expression go’s) of
receiving the back flow and not knowing of this it is perceived as to be the
product living of thy own self-aware life living state “me” mine I own it so now
in actual fact the person is being led by the principle flaw of the matter form
world “thinking analytical mind” expression “being led by the nose!” self-de-
servant (defiant) wanted-ness of the second made image state of the actual
truth living inside each every one of us including all 3d formed matter, tangible
and apparent non-tangible in its form but still an elemental “ele-mental” (men-
tal is a term for the mind is it not?) of the matter formed universe. So if the
made nature of the thinking thought form universe “life” is flawed so to speak
by the fact that it’s a “second” as formed “slow matter” expression: “don’t give
it a second thought” or “on second thoughts I might…” therefor in a state of
imperfection “half-truth-half a life, half a everything it is also experiencing an
emotional reactive state of “inner” longing for satisfaction salvation peace con-
tentment “love” “to find its “missing half, my husband, my wife” because it’s
made nature is the second form it does not carry in self these this “love” so it
in itself is an empty vessel for real, it’s made as a skin if you like to one purpose
to house/challenge the spirit that is indwelling “us” each one all, so if we shift
through desire inspired intention to thy own attention our self, truth self, ac-
tual to become resident connected to the matter flesh form world we are now
“its SLAVE” expression: “a slave to desire” we do constantly “feel” (EMOTION
the minds image made expression of actual living truth-feeling-information)
physical sensory “sen=sin-sations” of the mind filled flesh) its constantly trying
to build its “BETTER” alternate in competition world in opposition to the first
actual “meaning eternal” (no start no finish infinitively always in existence, ex-
istence itself it/he living is) The self “a person” doing this becomes a person of
unsatisfied desires and quietly disturbing cravings and a growing abhorrence
for the idea of there being a divine living loving truth intelligence that did/does
create and sustain the experience that is life here matter form flesh form
world, “I’m self, life sustaining self-autonomous” separate single! I’m an indi-
vidual, there’s no such thing as Buddha, Allah, God, Wukantunka etc, as are the
current various cultural naming’s (a prime creator living spirit, that is the crea-
tor sustenance in! of us we each all, “one all one”) the naming I’m currently us-
ing is, “us we him her I, one all one” the “Prime Ultimateness” or what about if
we just say “a living eternal energy personality” life is eternally alive, a change
of form doesn’t mean it’s dead! “non-existent” that’s a fact! When we atten-
tion connect our self to the flesh thought form matter world life we are living
in “one-half-one” life/world, if we intention attention connect to/in it! “I” that
is thy self “the heart” in the centre chest space, we are living in “two” worlds
as “one whole cohesive” world life, “spirit/human” “one foot in Heaven, one
foot on Earth” as the expression goes (thus a human HUMANE being) The in
self-world time space experience of self “inner self” expressed in slow matter
flesh form world, unveiling the “is-ing, isness” in! too here, the slow matter
form world, the prime only! one all one truth that is life in-itself, one’s own
won now eternity “is has is” already still alive whilst housed in the challenging
lie, eye “I” of the flesh physical eye! Mind reactional “I defined real” through
the dream of my construct that is memory and reaction formed of compu-
tated, tainted logic rendered form. Shallow of “self O Father view” under-
stood/misunderstood emotional world “random logical-eyes-ed construct”
can’t doesn’t see/conceive of “a forest”
So quite literally earth is an edge world, we sit on the edge of two places
spaces within the one eternal life space, we have that duality expressed here a
myriad of expressions. Here as a human we sit internally on the edge of two
worlds between them, the observer I am in me sees both, so essentially I could
say “I’m the meat in my own sandwich” as the expression go’s, therefor the
observer (observer, is it the “obedient-server”) {ob-server, the opposite of the
“de-serve-r” interesting…} the actual feeling energy light being I am has the
ability option on offer for the term of my natural life here on earth to choose
multiple times “back and forth” (left and right-the crab walk in spirit-forwards-
backwards) “DUALITY” one at a time either of the two choices on offer
throughout this life experience, hence why we innately love having choices in
this life, (sides, a step in heart or to the mind/thought think matter world)
“alone” one at a time, quote “can’t serve two masters” this makes for self, in-
ternal war with “one” self, make “one” happy and the other NOT! Competition,
expression: “one! At a time” or choose one once! Hence the “three verses” (all
brought as to one) Uni-verse the third dimensional world we “find our self” in
or not! The three dimensions, left is thought matter formed flesh world, right
is the feeling energy light world “O-Father” in the middle the depth of both is
“I” the observer available and interacting, but am I working left of centre or
right of centre, leaning one way or the other or occupying the apparent middle
ground “undecided” the “apparent fence sitting option” or the actioned here
world thus a choice (decided) made, the attention in the heart centre chest
space need is right to light of centre, attention to the west is bereft mind
wants (the flesh thought emotional reactive competition left of centre) (head is
left, heart is right) attention up north is west, attention down south is east “the
moral compass” North west or South east. expression: “I’ve lost my bearings”
state of confusion with one’s life direction between the head and heart “the
knowing notice world” as opposed to intellectual/analytical thought thinking
out of pure self-indulgent wants of the sen-SIN-stationary (STAGNANT) flesh,
crossroads in my life” This is a decision that the mind thought flesh can only
tackle direct from one thing it’s “own” competition wants to try and full-fill it’s
innate sense of emptiness withdrawn from (denial/doubt) of the in dwelling
“feeling light” If the simple act of donning the flesh thought body immediately
un-balances thy self to the left slightly then surely logically if nothing else we
must surely understand thus accept that our life mission here is to restore our
balance in despite of the challenged lent left state we find our “self” in upon
arrival in this flesh thought form, thus a life designed to need the need to step
a walked path to the right thus centre balanced the two worlds are now
aligned into one whole truth again, we have turned from darkness to “right
light” what an against the “ODDS” achievement considering the magnitude of
the donned handicap, this achievement equals “dignified” equality, equal is
“balance” so my personal “tree of life” does continually produce the fruit of my
balance “left or right” “north or south” life actioned choices, at the end I will
see wholly whether my tree produces sweet tasty life sustaining fruit or rotting
poisonous! Death dealing fruit, maybe “deadly night shade” if you know this
“weed” it’s a real weed on the planet. Prefer Mangoes myself ☺
Our fruit is what where known by in the Fathers eye, hence the expression in a
gesture of approval and affection “You are the apple of my eye” others for ap-
parent negative connotation context “it only takes one bad apple” “he’s a bad
apple” “the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree” (“sins of the father shall fall
upon the son”) funny gravity discovered/described because of an apple! How
about “I heard it on the grapevine”
So here I would also say we are but computers as far as the new born mind is
concerned, we arrive in this world an almost blank slate as far as the mind
we’ve connected with go’s “the flesh body” now the all-important life program
software is being loaded as we “grow up” very apt term actually because the
information being loaded into us is making/taking us as we age to grow further
farther more permanently self-attention intention slave resident in-to our
thinking thought form matter skins, essentially to the surface the top! Shallow,
exterior external/exterminate. Expression/statement: “it’s of top! Priority” Our
head/mind self only empty interested take WANTS! “thus, there is by NO
sustenance, love in-dwelling in heart below the nose.
Adjunct to the hard-wired programming of the actual thought flaw matter
world, (cellular memory) then the self-denial ignorance, doubt of the self in
dwelling lighted truth O Father (the Prime Ultimateness) fill it with “ME NUM-
“take” from something “offered” so “take-steal” from a “gift” hmm... just won-
dering… “is it better maybe that we/I “receive” when life is offered, with
“thanks and grace to life O Father” TAKE NOT! Lest we be STEALING from LIFE!
we “one all one” O Father, life in life itself. “life is about give and take” or is it
more! Like “life is give and “I TAKE!” exploit steal but hey that was in the fine print. Hypocrisy
So as we the mind thought thinking part is a computer the exact same basic
law/rule “design” applies “GARBAGE IN IS GARBAGE OUT” WE THE SAME, Gar-
bage input makes garbage output, we like our computers are only as good as
the programs and available “data” accessible to our task processing processor,
“our analytical know it all ego of-self mind/thought” Simply put
Something I observe quite religiously, give my intention/attention to is this
principle law/understanding of life (garbage in garbage out) as one of my main
life navigation aids, rooted in my ongoing one moment now, it is where I con-
stantly weigh my own life accounts, “credit debit or broke! Even” what did I
“profit” in other words truth lie and or being a fence sitter in myself, here “real
world” life. Left of centre, right of centre or “middle” between the two i.e.
making real life decisions to go one way or the other, left right choice life deci-
sions for real in this life (physical) Democracy, politics in general, the right wing
the left-wing, middle left, middle right or centre left, centre right “leanings”
world life, in other words persistently choosing to “ignore” the truth! the in
self-felt feeling in! of the Father “O Father” thus passing/perpetuating the
blind left side deaf to the heart left ear thinking competition mind flesh self,
“self-worshipping itself the image” (VANITY) not the “in-self” living one truth,
living light, feeling knowing “O Father” Quote “the sins of the father shall fall
upon the son” generational breeding in of the lie “the physical eye ”I” (cellular
memory) bastardly ignorant, defiantly doubting, bullying to the heart by the
EGO mind “self” passed on programming that there is either “NO GOD” WE
life to create our minds EMPTY! Self-deserving, self-awarded comfort luxuriant
opulent! Desire of its own only! highly justified wants. JUSTIFIABLE competition
for its own well fed! Ego/brain/flesh body, what it “believes” to be the one
only “truth” in of life.
This the latter example is the most common essential all-pervading one that al-
most all humans are loaded with in their growing years, whether there be a be-
lief/idea or concept even of “God” An only one complete living existent being
that has and does create, sustain and hold form that is all life animate and ap-
parent inanimate e g: rocks, water, gases and so forth even the finest of all par-
ticle form existence is life in-out formed in our “O Father” thus all is in their
part, there-of. But this program is very powerful in its effect once it has taken
root in the soil (Bio computer flesh mind) it does hold forward to thy self a very
convincing case if/when occasionally its challenged by the slumbering observer
in self for “other truth” by self-stimulating ones physical emotions by instigat-
ing its own thinking (apparent obvious reality logics) like look and see touch
taste hear “feel” (emotions) your reality, I am you your actual truth, your us we
reality, the matter formed world universe “the obvious your physical senses
experience that you relate with to “know” you are alive for “real” and con-
stantly bully justified acts based in the extortion thought program of “thy own
death is imminent at some unknown soon to arrive point when you/I least ex-
pect it so “live lust” it up here while you can because after this you I we don’t
exist! No more life.
competition/rivalry for ownership of the body and the/this life, being the
“meat” in one’s own “self” sandwich. “I’m in two minds about what to do”
“well I’m leaning towards this or that” decisions.
Base line: left of centre decisions only most concerned with the here thought
formed half-truth life which equates to a feeling energy light, being incarnate
and oblivious! To its “actual” real-eyes-ed self, that is the true about the truth,
thus has nothing “really” as a life purpose bigger than itself so, at the root a
person/life designed and being lived as “only my leisure and pleasure” enter-
tainment is truly the purpose for my living a life.
Fuck the others! Rest really! I worked really, really! Hard to enjoy the fruits of
my chosen ignore-ance at the ignored expense of the truth, others need’s.
same purpose opportunity of life to find and love the truth, thy self the truth
one all one! “O Father” the Son, the same spirit that was incarnate here on
earth some 2017 years “approximately” ago “he as human man” the Father
here did incarnate as him/his living one whole holy one truth Son-self that we
know as Jesus Christ. “the Christ” “Son of man” “Son in! man” “the life! In
man” man woman, Human. H-im U-s Man.
“Look on the bright side”
Look on the B-R-L-ight side.
One world hemisphere experience, two realities, one space, two places parti-
tioned in the one space, light and dark, good and evil, “left and right” Northern
hemisphere and southern hemisphere partitioned by the equator, the actual
planet earth, outside image reflections, matter formed thought of thy self-one
all one truth.
With the advent of modern science we can experience all these states of self-
placement truth in the physical form world, we can travel quickly to any
part/position of the planet and even outside of it for some, which allows us to
experience here the presence interaction of light and dark we can choose to be
in either or stay in the same place and eventually inevitably we do experience
both as a repeating cyclic of here, life, travel far enough north or south and we
can experience a period of either constant light or dark and the long constant
in between “the grey zone” twilight. The two states of light and dark physical
here show us in very concrete simple terms (action) what the two states do
make in creation, light is life revealed and dark is the recoil from life revealed.
A person is accused of being a split personality, a life choice behaviour ex-
pressed from the two far flung ends of the stick, “the left and right, world?”
the North and south of our self-compass. “G P S”
Left brain hemisphere controlling the right side of the body, right brain hemi-
sphere controlling the left side of the body, we have a slang expression here in
Australia for when someone thinks they have the truth but realise they don’t
when they find it out “I must have had my wires crossed” from another in re-
buke of a person “Na mate! you’ve got ya wires crossed “
To my r-ight
I sea l-ight (see)
To my l-ight
I see L R-ight light
The point simply of this is to illustrate “say” look at the fact of how easy it is for
a/the message to be completely changed/perverted by even changing “one”
letter (let alone if we start changing whole words adding or deleting any part
right down to the grammar as the accurate message intended is in the feeling
felt understood knowing that the words and applied grammars cradle for us to
accept into thy own bosom, this is why translations must be read with a meas-
ure of internal faith asking for help from O Father the master truth to get/un-
derstand the actual intentioned need the message is, or learn the origin lan-
guage it was recorded in and still ask for help to receive it’s intentioned truth
“the message” un adulterated by the “fiddle fuck finger” of our think/thought
lust want mind flesh) in the written language of consciousness form expres-
sion, thus if either! not program aware to be on guard for, to recognise such
things in it we are easily led off the “true actual” message meaning convey-
ance, but at a glance it looks fine true to its own word, but on close paid atten-
tion examination we dis-cover that a letter has been changed which changes
the validity, meaning accuracy “its truth” now if this was done to things like
biblical scriptures, let’s say or even a manual for a surgeon to operate on us,
the outcome will not be as it was intention needed to be for the attainment of
the actual truth to the message conveyed (looks like but isn’t) only with strict
adherence to the need that the message be understood before any action is
decision formed, that a small detail does reveal the difference that is critical to
was aimed and fired it all “looked correct SURE on target” looks like! but given
enough distance travelled in of time and time reveals it’s secret “time will tell”
it can’t keep a secret “it’s off by a mile” we end up completely lost until we re-
plot thy self with our compass. (our intention/attention self-observer chosen
state, “left or right” north west or south east) choosing to the right “sunrise” is
a horizon growing bright! Choosing to the left is the dimming twilight of the
dimming declining sunset horizon, moving away from the source of light into
the presence of absence we call “darkness” the void an emptiness trying to fill
itself “perpetual in state of unsatisfiable want” eternally discontented, eternal
“The weather always take it with you”
“Argh! Did you bring the weather with you, it was good until you arrived” a
joke ha-ha ☺
“Walking on sunshine”
“he/she had a storm cloud following them”
“Ah! Thankyou you bought a little ray of sunshine into my day”
“I feel gloomy” “what a gloomy sort of day” (experience)
The feeling energy light world showing itself in the thought formed world (here
real world) for real and quite obvious really.
The physical weather works around the principles of high and low pressures
spinning either “in” or “out” thus producing two main opposite weather pat-
terns, spinning out “A high” fine calm sunny weather generally, spinning in “A
low” stormy windy wet rough weather generally.
We the human being do also operate to these same principles, high pressure
life experiences and low pressure life experiences. ‘I’m under a lot of pressure”
“there’s a lot of pressure to get this done so hurry up!”
“glad I’m not under that pressure” “she’s right mate there’s no pressure, take
your time” ”what spin did he put on it now!” “wow that really spun me out”
big surprise e t c. We often look/question for the true spin on life experiences,
expression: “Oh! He’s spinning out of control in his life everywhere, who knows
what spin she’ll put on it (truth or lie)
Here in the “real half of the world” as the actual physical weather spins out-
wardly and “gives” favourable nice weather, we people when our personal in-
ner self (mood) weather is spinning outwardly (giving mood-happy calm) we
also are giving producing sunny calm “favour-able” social emotional spiritual
“heart” weather in our local environment and ripples further through, in me
and you. Same in opposite reverse, no favour-able weather, this is when
oceans churn, rain, grey, many places very! Cold, but always a “drop in temper-
ature” when the in-ward “low” begins to spin, for us as people generally we
become “introverted” in these times, depressed starving for some attention,
alone and lonely, easy to feel/emotion a very low tolerance for people, life
making, providing a giving favour-able social friendly spiritual environment is
not felt easy or high in the list of self-priorities, self-pity can often easily get in
and make it “spin faster” so the gravity of it increases exponentially. The ex-
pression “thy own best friend or thy own worst enemy” When a physical real
weather inward spin happens it sucks! Cold air in, A black hole out in space is
spinning inward so it sucks everything in, matter, light, gravity and so on, this is
our one best known here world example to view of our “actual self in truth of
function” (same laws/principles) if or when we become an in-ward spiral even
for a short time we immediately become a “consumer” of life/light and in-
creasing in our “gravity of greed” expression “the gravity of the situation” “the
gravity of thought” “that’s a weight off my chest” hmm “heavy hearted”
“heavy shit” “heavy in thought” “carry the weight of the world on one’s shoul-
ders” there’s more. Hmm… I’m sure you picked up on what I “noticed” also,
that is “consumer” isn’t that what we are all referred to as, by the “ECONOMY
GOD” that we all bow down too! for our daily everything including life purpose
for living, some might say “for the love of money” more so than “for the love
of mercy” so two avail-able states/spins we can choice “in” for our “out” to be.
(left of centre spin in, right of centre spin out) expressions both in the context
of “very much” possibly too! much “you’ve been arguing with everyone left
right and centre” “she’s been handing roses out left right and centre”
The most powerful of all these storms on the planet “CYCLONES” massive
super intensified spinning products of great depth “LOWS” first a very deep
trough or “gutter” (gutter- many expressions for the shit side of life are ex-
pressed as “something blah blah… the gutter”) expressions: “I was gutted” “get
your mind out of the gutter” favour-able environmental conditions present
(fertile) now just needs the right trigger to start the spin, “A great depression”
means very! Low, remembering even though a cyclone has formed just like us
in the “true eye” of it is calm sometimes even sunny! But literally only in the
actual true centre space as we move further away from the centre (the eye)
we have our centre “eye” also and in there we too are “still” (absence of irrele-
vant thought train emotional states/judgments and functions) calm in a sunny
disposition of self, maybe not or hardly fazed by what’s going on just out of our
intention/attention centred state conscious self (around us-physical outer
“real” world)
The winds start to be felt “personally experienced” so now the cyclone is being
recognised through feeling and physical felt sensations experience of the first
winds now thunder lightning and rain! It’s happening for real we accept it, the
winds are at their most intense powerful close in around the wall of the “eye”
the edge of the inner eye where it meets the edge of the physical outer, the
touch it has with the physical thought form matter. “IT’S PERSONAL” (frictional
stimulated sensations in flesh body by the “touch” between the two as now!
One, “a human being”
Us like these cyclones have the same laws/principles governing operating in
our-self as we are a feeling energy light being co-existing with this physical
thought formed flesh body and 3d world wider as to have the opportunity to
see under-stand (humble to the same in self-truth) that we are “one” in the
same all is! One all ONE collective cohesion vibration sensitive organism. Thus,
it is the same laws that we express and form our life here from. “the how and
what of us who’s”
We have a tool builders use to find level balance in their building life, funnily
enough called a “spirit level” does it get any more obvious of the fact! It’s hid-
den right under our noses, but we continue to choose ignorance, banish! It the
“real living spirit” the Father O Father that we each actually all are in living
truth, we constantly demand proof! To be in belief, simple humble to the living
fact! But then allow the mind to snub! It’s true living existence so we can con-
tinue with our wilfully willed self of indulgent self-leisure, pleasure at the ex-
pense! Of all life balance!
Hmm kind of sounds a lot like human historical recorded individual and collec-
tive of individual behaviours “I’m righteous! Not you!” My “belief” my attach-
ment is stronger so more valid than yours so stop doing it or I’ll decide for you
by force! “if it’s outside harmless “live and let live” than it is obviously “kill and
be killed” expression “live by the sword die by the sword” If we believe in “kill-
ing to make a point, force a change than we must surely accept “EXPECT” that
the chooks always come home to roost! Like attracts like “love loves to love!”
Bigoted beliefs always recoup an influx of belligerence.
Use the wisdom of it for new, doesn’t necessarily equate to the experience of
an easy life on earth particularly in regards to money and general material life
wealth distractions. But here is the reflective image express transfigured of the
feeling energy light world so, loss apparent here is often the gains, deposits in
the bank there we’ve made for thyself, only there too! opposite of here world
is any wealth we bank there is freely shared among the one all one, it’s a con-
nected collective both worlds same laws principles not one particle of any kind
anywhere is absent to these laws throughout creation there’s really not any ac-
tual therefor true separateness in creation, it in simple logic if nothing else ne-
gates its own ability to exist, be living, if that was truly possible none of us
would be here or anywhere else, nothingness is impossible to create-ness.
Judge if you must, immerse if you can, when we cease to judge (judge-mental
“we are all aware that the word “mental” is for “mind”) immersion has imme-
diately begun but it is immersion and immersion means process of journey in
this world, in the feeling energy light world time as we accept it here is differ-
ent according to my digital clock on my phone, in one experience apparently
the time I had un-aware spent there equated to 2 hours and 58 minutes in
here world time “ahead” (the thought form world-half) my phone literally on
the display screen was showing the time now as 2 hours 58 minutes in the fu-
ture I checked it against my friends phone, my phone was same time before
this experience which centred around me playing the Didgeridoo for the pur-
pose of pushing the intention thought interruption attention straying into my
space by all manner of various passing strangers out, as it always scratches dif-
fuses the rhythm relax undeterred flow of the energy, it causes strong interfer-
ence/distraction, the music stops unless you can push it out from its intrusion
through curiosity, judgment and appreciation, whenever our attention leaves
our centre self-self-interned rested in self-view, we attach to the external
(where our attention is sent we arrive remember) this was not a planned exer-
cise it “just happened” in the course of everyday life, except for the fact that I
was putting a lot of effort intention desire into finding and residing in my no-
ticed un-thinking state of knowing known self-aware now, so strays are obvi-
ous at this time.
Another the first of these two experiences happened a few weeks earlier, it
just apparently happened by my way of perception at the time, I’m sitting in
the car waiting and wonder what time is it? What day is it for that matter? I’ve
been homeless living in my car again for a few weeks at this time, so I have lost
track of time, days e t c. I turn on the radio thinking I’ll get the time and maybe
the day also, I start searching for a station and in my scanning I catch one and
they say it’s the Friday edition blah blah this is radio blah blah e t c but not the
time, so I have the day as far as I’m concerned but still no time so I decide to
stop being lazy and check the time as I have my phone close, I do and it’s
somewhere close around midday, this means for me in my reality it’s happily
Friday at around midday, I go on through my day happily pretty much by my-
self right through until later that evening I see a friend and in the course of
conversation I find out no! it’s actually Thursday my whole day in my reality, I
know people often forget what day it is and think it’s one it’s not for a while
but in this experience for me it’s the fact of the radio, I know how this comes
out/sounds to logic mind world “reality” but it is the truth as I experienced it,
the radio announcements were “very clear distinct” if you read the bible you
will find far harder for the mind to believe events said to have happened, I.e.
“Jesus walking on water, the healings, the knowing of peoples thoughts” and
more, my point being, not in any way that I think myself to “be” Jesus in the
sense of him being who he was “the man” “the Son Saviour” but to simply illus-
trate that in some of our most revered literature we have many rec-
orded/claimed examples of “let’s say” things that defy our life NORMAL view
accepted understood reality, I call it “locked reality” it’s up to each us thy self
to open our locks, stop watching our clocks” “the whole world was flat thing
with Columbus” man on the moon and the list of sci-fi becomes sci-fact just
keeps growing, there’s people doing all sorts of life normal defying things eve-
ryday only a matter of if we are aware of them or not, same in our own life/re-
ality “it’s only if we are aware of them in it or not” if we are we can choose to
be conscious with it “acceptance” and build on it, propagate! “Prop our gate”
“keep it open” there still happening constantly, the so called “coincidences re-
ality” popping “in out” occasionally, it/they can’t not as “we are life incarnate”
so therefor we are “part and parcel” as the expression goes, of life itself, the
fabric “tapestry” in of O Father, I on a couple of occasions did have the experi-
ence of “waking up” in my dream (my actual I’m asleep dreams) and then real-
ising that this meant a huge very cool change of options/possibilities I could
now do in my dream life world.
Becoming self-conscious aware in self of in-to thy one all one-self all incum-
bent truth is a bit like chasing the idea of being able to wake up in one’s own
“dream” if we do manage to achieve this it automatically changes the “rules”
in this physical reality, all of a sudden “this” life is completely about a purpose
that which doesn’t “left lend” itself to things like greed-full capitalism/capital-
istic attitudes, dictatorship thinking purpose “control” (only the OUT of CON-
TROL) with thy self in ones lack of self-realised actioned truth life purpose lived
behaviours LUSTS for the control of others/the external “THOSE WHO HAVE A
empty internal, can’t control its own hand enough to feed itself from its own
won now bowl so it snarls and takes/feeds from another/others “I now own
your won bowl GRRR..!!!” SO, YOU! I “will” that you do as I order you! Or else!
Extortion, it’s all through the democratic capitalistic attitude that continues
funding its extortion of wealth from the spirit, the planet, the masses.
“THE CAPITALIST CATALYST IS CONSUMER” little! Cash! “cash cow” in making
and selling things THAT LAST, the mind/flesh never WANTS to be “LAST” re-
member, hence why the Chinese economy has grown to such lofty heights so
fast, was/is a mass! Resource of untapped poverty for foreign companies to
profit from massively in the so much cheaper labour force-d “market” it’s only
friendly for the duration of the profits “its loyal to where’s? profit!”
We actually for real live in a “world species society” that is literally basing its
life wealth of purpose growth as a species on the principle of “loving and wor-
shipping “decay and waste” to prop up our opulent lust to reach the top! What
top? Do we not see that the top! Is in fact! the top of a huge garbage waste
pile we’re relying on for our ability and mobility to live and interact with each
other for a life purpose???? Huh!!! “feed the economy of blasphemy against
the heart is true truth” A society formation con-formation built on the sand
foundations of capitalistic ideology, ideology is all it can be awarded as a pre-
cept for building a spirit truth life world species society because it will only
ever deliver any of its “Utopian” promises to the masses as a “fanciful” predi-
cation of real life “EQUALITY” for all equally adorned in-entrusted feeling light
beings coming here.
Now back to the weather so, us we people do spin also in our own make up
(does this explain why women are so into doing their “makeup”) ha-ha joke!
When we engage the practice of self-absorption we engage our-self into an in-
ward spinning inward to self-spin, so now light feeling and thought “energy” is
being drawn/sucked into that energy light beings space, all their real world
(here) behaviour whilst in this spin is strategic to achieving energy input to
keep itself alive in both worlds for real, has to “needs” to be the centre of at-
tention at every opportunity, but often does way less well when centre of at-
tention (spot light exposure!) is thrust upon it nothing that is dark in its make
up likes, handles being thrust into the light of exposure (it and all others seeing
it’s-self truth) that requires their energy to be spinning in the opposite direc-
tion so as to be-come (re-turn) to the self-state of being a giving living “light”
hearted being again. Spinning outwardly from the light being’s actual truth
centre self, the “heart of hearts” as the expression goes. “the will well spring is
Where’s my “own won now” intention attention in residence? In mind think
thought and reaction produced emotions sin-sensations of the flesh body (the
slow matter world) expression “the devil is in the detail” or “on with residing in
heart, looking into itself” a state of in dwelling notice! To thy “in centre self”
and outer “slow matter” life. life creation is one! Always moment, NOT mo-
ments, the concept we use of “moments” in this life is a typical example of the
mind “dividing and conquering” it thinks justifies! Believes it is “in order” and
“control” fair even, it is actually not able made in its “self-nature” to be one! It
doesn’t can’t see life creation this way, this view/understanding is fruits of the
one truth heart, one all one, “the living truth” team work, team player e t c, is
from the heart not the mind its self-interested/selfish only “my wants” if its ap-
pearing to be a “team member/player” it’s purely a strategy to achieve what it
“wants” its cold (cold blooded murder) or is it WARM blooded murder done by
the cold of heart mind/flesh warm body, it’s a divider! Conqueror! “A cold-
blooded murderer” Of the heart felt feeling known one all one in-self eternal
living truth “it’s Master” it’s always planning enacting acts! Of treason against
thy self in heart “Master” of the house, expression “a man’s home is his castle”
I say “the moat” around his castle protecting it from uninvited guests and out
right intruders looking to sack! the “Master” of the house, drain, distract thus
destruct! Is one’s in-self own won now intention attention to thy own noticed
self in centre space. Actual balance in the self-energy, we each are “I am inten-
tion attention present!” feeling my self-filled energy present self-felt space”
goes beyond my slow matter bodies apparent outer skin. I am not be-side my-
self, I am “in-side” my-self, self-full-filling thy own won now prophesy “the in-
nate plan of the heart “O Father” feeling living truth” It’s one always moment
in the “eternal infinite moment” not! “moments” that is the clever devised di-
vision made by the human flesh thought mind” “DIVIDE ALL, CONQUER ALL,
marks either “please wait! I’ll only be a few moments/minutes” “please give
me a minute, I’ll only be a moment” “there’s no time like the present” I say
“there’s no time IN the present” “time flies when we’re having fun” “time
drags when we’re not!” (one moment, it’s not plural) hence “past present fu-
ture” is actually only one, “it’s literally in thy own won(one) now that we each
uniquely individually and collectively create all “three” at one same all one
time (three, dimensional unique-verse) what I/we do now! (present) Is my/our
past and my/our continual unfolding future, the mind is the divider of the mo-
ment, the separator, “anal-eyes” chop box and label (analyse) “judgement-
judge-mental” static quantification of face value viewed outcome and or as-
sumed/presumed. Surface “sur- “face” countenance of shallow expression
“beauty is only skin deep” and or “beauty is IN the eye of the beholder” The
physical is often described as being “shallow” shal-low “not a blue/purple
beautiful deep! Ocean” (that’s more like how the heart is often described simi-
lar, hence in death we “the physical body” return first to “blue purple” there’s
no lie in death, it’s actual!) more like! a shallow “muddy” bay, makes sense re-
ally to my way of seeing as the physical body is literally made essentially out of
dust and salty water, mix the two together and wallah! “MUD” ha-ha, humour
☺ salty water quite a good conductor of electricity, hmm…?? So, are some par-
ticular earthen elementals, hmm…?? Computer…? circuits with electricity flow-
ing through them, without it (electricity) it the computer has no life, can per-
form little function more than a great oversized paper weight hmm…?? “physi-
cal flesh form” without the with in! electricity it does even less really, it can’t
even maintain its form, it literally decays falls/feeds apart back to the mother
in a very fast process if “left” to its “own devices” so that’s pretty much what
the physical body can do on its own, WOW! No hint of sarcasm my lowest form
of wit there! Ha-ha! Humour ☺ the “think thought” mind is no longer present
able functioning either without the “with-in” electricity, “the actual truth real
self “I am feeling energy light” I am an electrical feeling in physical conscious-
ness being/organism.
The ongoing attempt by it “the think thought flesh body mind” to build its BET-
TER version opposite opposing “slow matter-dense matter-empty matter king-
dom” where it and its “loyal subjects!” (slaves) all bow to it “ME” in uniformity
through CONFORMITY, the wielding of EXTORTION to “hammer!” all into line,
behave! Your purpose! Is to service my empty highly justified need of, “UNBRI-
WHAT LIFE HAS TO “offer” “I snatched! It from the jaws! of life and… devoured
thy self with it!” Bottom line “every man for himself” “every dog has its day”
“dog eat dog” oh! And that other one the other bloke said, quote “every dog
returns to its vomit!” as the expressions go! “Hungary” I reckon.
This is the fact! In life, here creation why! We have the expressions that per-
tain to people referring to their state/level of perceived intelligence “he/she is
a bit slow” “he/she isn’t very quick on the “up-take” as opposed to the expres-
sions that we use actually referring pertaining relevance to the feeling energy
light world (the Omni eternal infinite “SUPER FINE” “bright idea” intelligence
“O Father truth one” A world life state that is “SO FAST” so accelerant in its
Omni eternal oscillation frequency that it “feels” still calm, hence why we need
to “slow down” the mind think thought trains to slip into the accelerant still
state to obtain the “light-ning” fast “up load” that does give here world the ap-
pearance apparent of very high I Q evolutionary (so called random natural se-
lection) life planet form advancement in here world survival efficiency through
motion of modification moulding, even the odd “genius” expressions:
“he/she’s a very QUICK learner” military motto “slow is smooth, smooth is
fast!” in some of the spiritual biblical teachings/stories there is reference made
old block” The inner form fragment (seed) is “motive” for form of motion, ex-
pressions “I motion we blah blah” “the motion is carried” Now to be imple-
mented as form “the vibration” slow matter, the flesh matter material, I am all
of my thy self here, I am in my manifest all, as my viewed through order as
one! that is action, actual now truth. The same as when we fill the waters that
are true truth, actual physical water (the Emoto water experiments) this in-
cludes our own literal water that thy physical is made/gathered in of, with our
attention moved and focused of our intention, then do freeze it “slow it down”
(thought formed vibration) the solution we do see our intention/motive crys-
talize (crystal eyes) before our I to eyes. Expression “crystal clear” meaning
“perfectly understood is, formed perfect order is vision” (the crystalline lattice
that is ordered alignment of its molecule self) divine plan and order in will.
The blind luck philosophy “definitively” built here “in” of thought, has no
knowledge in itself alone of absolute order “polite of timing” in the feeling en-
ergy light world apparently, the world of “faster time” also “has is, owns!” time
and “timing” the appointed meeting of all substance in creation, in the heart
and mind that “in” is O Father living feeling truth. “It” him/son we that are all
one “I” to eye do have living order made given in the essence that is timing,
timing is the product required to full fill the will that is O Fathers plan for “in”
each uniquely one of us, hence the tool of dreams and de je vu or as I call it
now, de je “view” as it is the case that when I “notice, remember” have a de’
je’ vu’ view experience it lets me know I’m still in/on target! O Fathers “will” is
his/my/we our life plan “the book of life” My inner eye, “I the observer” have
noticed so “real-eyes” my “view” that is my path in his/she/we divine plan of
“living feeling truth’s will”
Timing is a “here real world” life experience of the feeling energy light world
action of self-timing “colossal divine will” that is O Father alive! Now!
In “all-ways” now! Absent of any kind of doubt stop pull fiddle fuck with ana-
lysing (anal-eyes-ing) finger of thought actions/presence, judgemental move-
ments of the thinking “second” that is our slow matter formed mind “the no-
ticed knows!” is easily quickly lost in our active front here world consciousness
if we allow our mind to start questioning its truth “validity” loss of un-thought
here actioned discernment, the un-thought space is a place where one exists in
a somewhat unbroken moment of “self being faith” ( acceptance ) “a feeling
felt fullness “in-is-of” self-full life aware present immersed in the one all one
living I being existent consciousness” I am vision, in feeling felt knowing known
life self/we presence” thus when noticing’s arrive “faithfully in faith we act”
(actioned, here thought formed, dense matter, world life) expression: “what
are you dense! Or something” as in the context of “are you stupid!” (dense)
very difficult for “seeing light” to pass “flow” through “absorbed in self” hence
the actioned state of self-absorption thus reflected” hence the term for the
state there in, of being we “self-absorbed person” with our “in life” (external
attention connected thus lost) so actually funnily enough, YES we are! Dense,
“slow compacted matter” expression: “clear as mud!” context of “vision is
lost!” doesn’t can’t “penetrate” see little and nothing into of it, all light is ab-
sorbed lost, not “trans-parent-ed” only maybe “FACE” value reflection (the sur-
face of subject) So the issue of subject that is timing lives here in this same
place/space way as well, faith-fully timed, thus divine polite living “order” in of
space/time life substance moment fabric cohesion. “the tapestry that is life
eternal” ONE ALL ONE, no loose “ends” of chaotic think thought mind wants!
No matter in the no matter world, but matter is support formed by it so the
matter around it is also inside it, “its charge” negative or positive is what deter-
mines it to be either and revolving through the whole that is O Father the
Prime Ultimateness in, of infinite eternal life particle substance.
out/back returned to you and see if you can use/apply to said “first place
need” That truly would/is a world built on “blind luck”
So, it might make some sense “cents” profit the truth, profit the soul, profit we
the per-son in heart that is “O FATHER” thus profit the world our matter
formed body, the planet, 3D thought formed slow matter universe “MOTHER” I
quote the other bloke again “honour thy Father and thy Mother” know from
whence we came that we shall return, the respect! The understanding, the
humble humility “giving gracious thanks” for life, a living here world recogni-
tion actioned understanding of the “two” (duality) our “parents” that did and
do! give each us “one all one” LIFE (physical body-the vessel, the temple! for
Father “the holy spirit” in us to dwell co-existent with “Mother”
Now… for the detail science interested of us let’s make ourselves very, very!
Humble small and slip! Into the in-fine infinite small space through our own lit-
tle EYE OF A NEEDLE! (Quote “it would be easier to push a camel through the
eye of a needle than for a rich man to get into heaven”) in the “whole” and see
what we may find…? Throop! I’m here! Hope you are too! If not I will endeav-
our to describe, paint a picture for you of what I experience “in” seeing, I’m in
a place where I can see the infinite space infinitely alive packed full with spin-
ning substance particle consciousness waves, particles spinning within there-
own axis in inter-looping/locking through each other orbits, mapped and order
of timing balanced by the infinite living enveloping “empty” space father one
“our master” it’s so beautiful so vibrant! Excited ALIVE!!! There’s no verbal
words that can or will ever capture quantify the actual truths glory in its his/us
magnificence of self space is so “full occupied” with this BUZZ! That is living or-
der, in timing every all activity thus all is a buzz! In such an accelerant state of
its own “individual” path of spinning in-self axis orbit passing through the orbit
of others/other that “all is everywhere, at one-ce” the space is full occupied at
“still state speed” the excited field (omni-presence) the child like excitation
state in of “I am self” full con-tent! substance life consciousness light self-calm
content one! All one! Living alive space place, “the heavenly mansion” that is,
“O Father truth light life way”
The living married consciousness, to quote “I am in everything, everyone eve-
rywhere, I am the alpha and the omega, I am the beginning and end” end
quote so, there is by no means a finish! I am eternally infinite eternal, quote
“split a piece of wood you will find me, turn a stone I am there”
Eternal life is O Father alone/together, so for a human to attain the ongoing
created self-state that is life eternally eternal we can only achieve this through
finding discovering “our son” inside thy self, who is a “warm” heart, that is he
who went by the name we know as “Jesus” our O father who did incarnate
himself personally, of himself the eternal living personality into the thought
formed slow matter we call physical body, himself now the one only begotten
son that did live the human suffering experience of the slow matter flesh body
world, thus he himself has a full in self-aware personal experience of the “hu-
man condition” as we call it, it is this living humanised aspect experience that
we can discover and form/invite a personal life here experience that is him!
“the living holy whole trinity” we then in this “life physical” marry into thy
whole holy O Father is my I eye self-truth living revealed into thy conscious
matter formed mind self. He as the “son” Jesus did suffer literally for us all to
receive “forgiveness” when we ask! Benefitted to us through the fact that he
did create/achieve “in” for himself all empathy, compassion, understanding,
for us the “flawed” ones, through his personal lived experience in, of his own
making, he walked the hundred or more miles “the full-length, width breadth
and depth” required to personally experience and humble! Himself to the un-
derstood living truth within us all, thus he forgives us our temptations on earth
as he is literally! In heaven, he can only “own his own one now” love for him-
self that is living in all of us “ONE” HE IN HIM, O FATHER.
The mind thought is tyrannical in its demands for evidence of this other worlds
existence in its doubt denial pessimism attack on any experience that doesn’t
prove itself to the mind by “birthing” from the physical world “first” The world
it knows to be apparent real “whole” (in its half a mind state) “seeing is believ-
ing” as is the expression, another “I’m in half a mind to …, -; Blah blah) this is
the backward half-truth it actually is, as in, the mind thinking thought is by in
itself an apparent non-physical non-tangible thing, life itself and by the same
measure it won’t can’t see this in of itself, it also applies same to the pres-
ence/actions of the feeling energy light being assimilated with it and the
greater world thereof. It’s not its fault it was programmed since before it actu-
ally left the womb, all environment is programming to/for the mind, one of the
most critical is “the energy first” the gestation, (very first of the energies we
are Conceived in) “peace love or war” after that, the ongoing state of environ-
ment through pregnancy equally important because this is when the physical
hard wiring, the actual building of the brain (main frame computer) nervous
system (wiring loom) in which the energy light being will inhabit assimilate
with, thus express and experience this world life through, the building process
is most definitely affected by real time events, thoughts/emotions/feelings,
this world environ-mental conditioning experiences, the energy of its factory
where its constructed makes real time adjustments to the structuring that do
avail a pre-dispositioning of the vehicle/vessel to “tendencies” of the “mother”
and its own molecular repositioning’s reactions (its own actual self-truth) for
example “building a unit based in heavy environment that is fear! Cellular
memory, pre-set made circuit paths in the “grey matter” that is “brain” expres-
sion: “the grey zone” (where things are “hard” to discern/identify truth-
fully/solid understanding) “grey! the outcome of “mixing” light and dark-unde-
cided of the choice to be made between the “two” for, one self, a life, thy own
won now “light” or “dark” (the computer hard wired hardware “hard-ly
aware”) hmm I see here that the actual physical form matter part, body/brain
e t c, is all about “hard” Expression “life wasn’t mean-t to be easy” quote
“don’t harden your hearts” then we have the apparent “non-tangible” part,
the actual “thinking thought-mind” and it’s “a-kin” to something we call “soft-
ware” in a man-made computer (soft-a-ware) maybe..
It works about building the most operatable best car for the environment, that
it knows from the time in moment of conceive Ent to delivery is what the car
will be driving in, “known/interpreted” by the inner/outer environment it “the
factory” is experiencing for “her life” Mum/Mother (peace love or war) high
stress/fear e t c, or calm peaceful loving “no or little FEAR!” This is the next/last
phase of predisposition building of the vessel added into/onto the whole previ-
ous collective of the family tree line from the start of the actual first life cell in
the thought form life expression creation process, through the whole evolu-
tionary process of here world evident evolvement in the circle of life, as it the
thought mind flesh body knows it “the WHOLE collective knowledge wisdom
and blind follies of the thinking thought mind flesh want sin-sen-sation body
vessel device” the lives of all before are collectively collected in the memory of
the cells because the thought form mind is a think thought linear reaction one
to the next expansion detail device NOT a faith in heart spontaneous new!
Bright idea of the O Father in one moment truth. It is a past! To past develop-
ment of itself because it’s made actual nature is that it is the “second” thought
(Expression: “don’t give it a second thought”) that is thought “a reaction-ing”
from the “last past” event/thought that determines the next bit of itself (trial
and error!) “learn from ones “mistakes” not an “empty” clean slate to which a
“whole” complete no loose ends idea/understanding is birthed “un-earthed”
from within. (it essentially starts its existence “life” as the product of the left
over’s from all previous life that has/was been formed expressed here in the
flesh 3d thought form before it) it in itself alone is literally a constant past!
Event, hence we are literally in flesh physical form a being made in of now! The
divine life eternal moment having a now experience in the hindering of the
veiling flesh that is! The “dead re-animated” past! (resurrection) We are for
real living in our past in our present that is our felt/thought future. (even the
star light we look at in the night sky is largely our past being viewed in our
“now apparent” which is also past with us self-channelling our “actual truth
that “in” is now!
Cellular memory is actually a major asset or block to the newly arriving feeling
energy light being, as obviously it is a predisposition of the mind think thought
body it is going to occupy for its experience, so if the evolution of the body has
been a long moment (thousands or millions plus! Years) then the framework of
predisposition will be quite significant thus if the evolution of it is living the
whole life truth as “one growing understanding” (feeling energy light being
light world O Father is connectable through the in self-truth that is our son,
him/his self the per-son- ality that is the “form-er” in of the thought formed
here slow matter world-3D universe) the canvass used for us to express our
each unique form/flavour on and have it reflected back to thy self so as one
may “reflect on it” as the expression goes, ponder wonder wander for deeper
understood understanding in of the works “in to out” of self, that then flows
easily into/onto a deeper applied here world understanding of the two as one
world knitted together in a marriage of equal and opposite action. “charge
negative and positive” so this kind of pre-dispositioned body/mind will be sig-
nificantly useful “an easier more efficient” like “getting a head start” as the ex-
pression goes, quite literally this is the case for the new arrival, the “head”
they are going to rely on for their life experience has been pre-loaded with
much useful helpful data from dad mum and the whole eons of the both one
all one passed in onto the latest new one, so a much more playful free-full en-
joyable disposition in self, expressing/creating a fun life for self and the all,
much like a fun school yard event not a slave oppression to rape excessive
profit from all life at the expense of LIFE BALANCED NEED for all, then we ar-
rive with “the wind at our backs” as the expression goes, but if it’s the opposite
as in “the current actual here world” as it is now for “real” in EXTREME! DOUBT
KNOW it though, it/he/her/we are “alive” a living being, not a “one off event
to convince us” the doubt sheep denial thinking thought anal-eyes-ing mind
flesh form, this one is for “real” an arrival into a very! Strong “HEAD wind” as
the expression goes, as it will/is working “hard” against thy self, real-eyes-ing
in self, the actual truth “we each are I AM” one all one in our O Father one only
all creator who is “our” in entrusted sustenance that is life.
we self each are, not re-in-force the old way! Program for “deaf dumb blind liv-
ing dead” sounds a lot like those Hollywood zombies! Notice you usually have
to shoot! Them in the “head” it’s where all “the dead life exists” they are truly
the “past” resurrected, re-animated, just a “head/flesh body” no living heart,
sounds sadly obvious what we’re dealing with, doesn’t it? Can be same similar
awe-full pain if you arrive as an awakened! Self, real-eyes-ed self-truth and the
car you get is almost completely built and wired against what you came for
“knowing experience living of thy real-eyes-self” for O Father one all one,
us/we are “I AM”
The mind is very hardwire developed to support its own “truth-lie” that it is
“life real” alone without “the feeling energy light world being” co-exist assimi-
lation. So, it is true for me to say, I can and do forgive my own mind because it
“know not, what it does” without thy Prime Ultimateness O Father.
It’s important to remember that the feeling energy light being never actually
for “real” sleeps or requires it, as we know and accept what sleep is (does rest
though) the tiredness of the mind due to its very own “self-program inflicted”
afflicted denial doubt pessimist “ignorance” ignore-ance of the first truth frays
its experienced connection of the first and whole truth which effectively cuts
its “own energy supply down” and its usage goes way! Up, so therefor it is en-
slaved to itself to shut down and allow the time passage of “sleep” to recharge
itself (no wonder we invented the battery) and charges best! On “trickle
charge” we’ve become bio-organic batteries as beings ourselves, the feeling
energy light world connected being has the energy of a child as it is a very
child-like being in its “feeling excited” state in of self, so energy levels are very
new and high flowing directly from the first world that is life true in its truth,
the Prime Ultimateness. (a lot like the “excited field” Nicola Tesla discovered)
Nicola Tesla very worth checking him and his life story achievements out)
search his name on the net, “highly recommended”
It’s true for me to say that if I applied as much effort intention attention that I
have in past experiences to try and repair a damaged/broken relationship with
another human (friends, family, partners etc) on finding repairing the one with
my actual truth that is self “the Prime Ultimateness” I would no doubt be a lot
less in my “dark now” now!
Thought itself is really just its own original thought of self-asserted deserved-
ness justified in the propagation of the lie “separateness” No Prime Ultimate-
ness, no prime connectedness, no life bigger than its own short physical
thought formed flesh want “self-master” of the world, self is lie! Half-truth
whole lie in its eye! “I”
The trouble with childlike adults is they also feel and see life with issues like
sharing and caring in a very childlike way “let’s all play together” fairly “if I give
one, one! I have to give all one” or “there will be fights” says the parent who
knows and loves kids, loves peace, for real.
Well! Formed, children are the ones who learn to “share” NOT HOARD! their
“share” everything-ness, fearful unsecure inner security is good soil for propa-
gating the desire reaction habit “need” want! To hoard for that so called (un-
supported in the truth that is now) rainy day assurance “insurance” can’t get
around it people, we all die and if not done in our living here world now! Sacri-
fices of material and or emotional self-gain in our life for understood truth, do-
ing the will that is O Father are all little deaths of us freely choosing to lay
down our life for our friend! comrade “O Father in Son” master living truth, our
this! life lessening of ego through self-administered lessons, discipline deliv-
ered from the inner child fragment parent, prime in-self true in truth “the no-
ticed knowing known” expression “Father knows! Best” If we choose not to go
the afore mentioned way then maybe “all” in our face at the “ONE” time, then!
When we “die” Passover. If we are children as far as feeling energy light beings
go then we are likely (obviously) learning here! From for there! How things
work, what things work, bring forth from self into this outside place space we
“half” or “full in-habit” (dwell in a dwelling is life in a home) expression “make
a habit of it” or not! Another “make your-self at home” thus what the rules
are, how to behave “be-have” be a state in! of “earned received giving order”
behead, behave, sometimes it’s like we have to choose to “be-head, de-head,
lose head” of ourselves, expression “don’t get a-head of yourself” in a race!
“competition” “get a head start!” to find what/who I? is “I AM” remove the
“shutters” the death dealing denial doubt campaign that is thinking thought
mind, THE DEAD HEAD! Is STALE BREAD so, why would we bother! Learning
manners here “well some of us anyway” (they disappear a lot! I’ve noticed
once behind closed doors and getting pretty thin in the open public life space
as well) if we didn’t NEED them there, vice versa. The heavenly mansion that is
O Father in Son is a space place that is built of “divine polite of manner man-
nered manners respect” for all living that are dwelling in his dwelling. Expres-
sion parent to child “you will do as I say while your living under my roof”
“my roof my rules!”
Hmm I’ve sometimes thought to myself at times, “I love us all” but the way we
live/behave here if we’re all going to heaven just the way we are and it’s the
way the bible states “on earth as it is in heaven” then please! No offence we all
and especially!! God, ALLAH, BUDDHA but I don’t want to be there, that
would/will be my ultimate NIGHTMARE! IN HELL, particularly the way we
many! Be-have with our LACK of basic toilet training (public toilets they tell a
true! story) of how we can’t see its SHIT going on inside self until its out and
everywhere scenting! Obvious!! “don’t judge a book by its COVER” as the ex-
pression goes, as it may be nice/normal acceptable to the “trending” norm!
but in actual fact! It’s disgusting! On the inside to then outside, it’s we whole
truth in the light of day exposed, don’t get me started on the rubbish inner
shit! Self-absorption we’re all justifying to self to continue our “hidden talents”
every act! Thing we do in life here, put our hand to, is our SIGNATURE! Our
works here slow matter world are the fruits of our now! Exposed by our “self-
made “signature “sig-n-ature” this means “sig-n of my nature” thy own won
now truth so for me if we’re all going to behave like this for eternity! NO
THANKS! I’m out! Let alone the real issues, behaviours like real here world
wars, famine, homelessness, child abuse! In all its sordid forms/behaviours and
the list goes on.
“cleanliness is next to Godliness” the expression goes, wrong, wrong! I say!
“cleanliness IS Godliness” just change one word, a letter, that’s all it takes to
divert/destroy the actual meaning meant truth, lead astray, never quite get
there, “but it looks like it!” until you do it and it never quite fruits the way it
was designed to. “even when ripe, still got that sourness in it” not fully truly
“sweet” to the eye and tongue “heart and stomach”
If we want to meet our God, Allah, Buddha, “our creator” then become God
like with our own won now behaviour, if I was a person who believed in a
heaven, do I honestly believe/think “feel” my creator would behave as trashy!
As I can/do! Would I be a good worthy! Guest of him/her with my trashy be-
haviour and if I was well behaved “worthy” my manners were/are in good
“working order” would I want to have others visiting/staying with my very
awesome! “HOST” (quote “Lord of Hosts” Christian bible) and myself, if whom
it may concern had/has trashy! “Not working” ones, after all (life’s all about
WORK and WORKING, just ask any! most humans) Definitely NOT! Thanks! I
and HE we do have good working ones and it’s because we bother care and re-
spect! Each other for who and what we actually truthfully are “one IN the
same” as the expression goes, it would be nice! To hear other’s say “I’m in”
knowing what’s required to “be in” to some extent at least, always work-
ing/building to “dis-cover” further the humble understood respect that is
This world, the human here on Earth world really doesn’t have much at all go-
ing on in life manners department for real “let’s face it” whipper snippers, lawn
mowers, jack hammers, hammer drills, angle grinders and the list just keeps
going, all before 7am whatever morning, completely justified under section
666 “the number of the beast” subsection (5) any and all activity regardless of
how ridiculously early or late in the day/night is fine even encouraged no mat-
ter what discomfort and or “outright” obnoxious disrespect it has/causes for
others, if its “my job” bosses instruction to do (cant/wont sacrifice any of my-
self for what’s fair respectable, “respect-able” or not! It’s a choice! Like all
other in self so, for the ongoing must be in a hurry to exploit as much time for
“self-wealth beyond need” as we can, the real bonus is it also helps, supports,
propagates the up sell of the scale of upset, discomfort of other light beings
(people and planet) so as to help perpetuate a lack of calm un-thought aware-
ness to one’s own actual self-truth awareness, thus helps keep me “self that is
thought” alive and blind so as to keep good conformity uniformity labourism
soldier robots, if I/they have an independent thought or wondering about
pretty much anything, life truth for self and the world, ARRRGH!!!! Shut up!
Keep that shit! Quiet, are you nuts! Quick!! Keep them distracted! With all
these for my... (the communities) self-leisure and pleasure dreams for their life
purpose! They/I/we will always be too! Tired, busy! To pay any actual relaxed
intention attention to our actual inner self discovery of thy own and each
other’s truth, thus they will never start building that life here in “MY WORLD”
(thought formed slow matter flesh physical here world) thus I will rule! As
King! Over them for ever and ever, “its bent idea of immortality for “it-self”
keep them competing against each other if they “wake up” my tired “old” self
(thought) gets no sleep, no rest! expression: “no rest for the wicked!” so there-
fore “NO MORE” of “MY DREAM” to keep them asleep! Even with their eyes
“wide open, shut!” (self-absorption) absorb-tion take from I me thought, the
here flesh physical world sen-sin-sations not receive the gift of “actual living in
heart, self-one all one! Truth” feeling energy light beings made of for the same
purpose substance as the prime ultimateness that trusted, trusts! “In” us into
being existent, existence existing, it’s his O Fathers ultimate gift of trust that
made created me, as long as O Father “the Prime Ultimateness” holds “it/his
we” trust “IN-SIDE” (things happen in through the “side” of us in life) me/we
“literally” I/WE exist! We are life “it-self” if ever the prime one does WITH-
DRAW this trust I/we die literally from existent existence existing in the form of
a created gathered self autonomously aware feeling energy light being, “a liv-
ing self-aware gathered point! Of light “no more” re-formed to other some-
thing of the O Fathers WILL. Expression and quote “the lord giveth and the lord
taketh away” isn’t that the truth! So as a gathered formed forming feeling en-
ergy light being I would not have/be! Life, hence why we place so much em-
phasis on gaining, holding and maintaining our trust for/in each other here in
this physical life state, hence again why! We hurt feel pain “in-side” when we
lose our trust/faith in someone, something else and or most importantly!
“charity begins at home” we lose “dis-posses” self of in felt feeling trust in one-
self “our creator-purpose for one’s own life” the in-dwelling felt feeling of uni-
versal life light love. So, we feel this pain because innately “deep and shallow”
the actual truth! we are made in/of knows! without trust “IN US” we are liter-
ally re-formed as something else in the Prime Ultimateness, not an eternal
“eternal eyes” feeling energy light being gathered self-awareness with in him/it
thus no “we” anymore. “the lord giveth the lord taketh away” we have choice!
Here now! Whilst in this time life experience.
We maintain trust by living the asking’s, true to thy “word” Earn trust! (trust
account) give a trust-worthy “account” of one’s life with “in” the “out” lived
here world flesh 3D to the asking’s of thy O Father WILL “thy will be done”
amen! To quote that other bloke and book again. “our received, up given per-
sonal responsibility that innately goes in/with law in O Father of the manifest
state of having “free will” self-aware state in/of gathered created-ness-ing” we
are in measure responsible for our choice in heart as to what where who! We
place our listening ear! Too for the “pulse” of our here world life compass. So
“do the actions” of the willed asking and we “bank trust” in our light Fa-
ther/Mother “trust account” we by living either! “enrich” our Father Mother
“JOINT” trust! Account (grow bank faith in O Father) by how, what? We dis-
cover live here world thus he/she/me that is WE have more that can and is “in-
vested” in us! Or we are “FLIPPANTLY” squandering his/her we/our wealth,
taking him/her thy we self for “granted” akin to theft really.
So, from myself Andrew I can honestly say, thought can go fuck! Itself because
it surely has/is fucking! Me at every all chance of opportunity it can propagate!
Probably most if not all of us actually, considering, noticing! The way this world
around me as a whole “half” is behaving, “believing its going somewhere right-
eous” with self-righteous!! Abandonment of consequences, we DO NOT OWN
LIFE ITSELF, LIFE OWNS “IT-SELF” yet on we justifiably go! Fucking each other
everything one else over with “in the law lawfulness of MANS law!” Poverty,
famine! WAR! Living standard disparity, HA! Listen to that one! “we have a
thing called “living standard” yet NO ONE! IS living as a standard! That’s equal
fair for ALL!! “ARE WE?” MR and MRS CAPITALIST! Democrats, more like self-
ordained DEMI GODS! Of our own one now GREED! To KILL!! The poor with
“our” hard justified earned! Wealth, “what rhymes with GREED! Certainly, isn’t
NEED!!” is it? The only need that greed knows is its own greed to NEED greed!
The worlds beautiful, wonderful FUN! Even, yeah if “your” not one of the mul-
titudes starving! For food, shelter and love! “ACTUAL” REAL NEEDS! OF THIS
LIFE ON THIS EARTH that we are all supposed to be equally giftedly endowed!
With for our time spent here away from HOME! But then are we away from
home!? Only if we each individually thus collectively stray from the “will” the
“voice” of the Impassioned heart with its love and lived let living grace! For ALL
formed life.
Try selling! this one! To the young orphaned! Children as they scour over the
worlds rubbish!! Each day for “THEIR DAILY BREAD” LITERALLY!! To quote the
other bloke and book! “give us this day our DAILY BREAD” “forgive us our SINS!
As we forgive those against us” no we just JUSTIFY OUR WAY OUT OF ALL LIFE
HERE RESPONSIBILITY, FOR OUR BRETHEREN, oh! That’s right anyone who isn’t
doing well in (wealth) material physical only has their self! To blame! HOPE
FOR HUMANS SAKE! (SOME OF US ANYWAY) that if there is a God, Allah, Bud-
dha, the Prime one all one Ultimateness that he/she/we doesn’t ISN’T! viewing
us the way we view each other through our made of MUD! Beer goggles, ah ya
know that dumb old quote! And expression we often “so self-righteously”
point at each other “do unto others as we would have done unto us” fuck! Life
is so hard to work out! Eh! Complicated, well only when we take up the yolk!
Of greed against our fellow one all one self, for the sake of a comfy! Little
SHORT! Stay here on Earth “the EDGE” world. Maybe the God, Allah, Buddha of
us all will just JUSTIFY! His/her actions or lack thereof, TOO! I know! let’s just
have our “own won now” competition! For our personal at the “expense justi-
fied” cost to others! leisure and pleasure shareholder investment “GOOD LIFE”
expression “live the good life” lets “wait for the weight n See” good plan
man/woman, wo-man does this mean “wo to man” for his obnoxious evil
against “truth is we life” MAN PLAN, yes let’s just stick our heads! in the sand!
like all good little “don’t want to deal with it or “heal with it” Ostriches!” for all
time immortal, expression “the sands of Time” yes time can/does cover things
over with the sand of ignored! so Forgotten! But! It’s all still there! Isn’t it?
Hmm curious! Did you notice that one! (Ost-riches!) change one letter and wal-
lah! Now we have (H-ost-riches!) but wait! There’s more “free steak knives”
we’re on a roll now! Expression “curiosity killed the Cat” maybe that’s why
they say cats have nine lives, there very curious! Maybe that’s also got some-
thing to do with why they also say “it’s 7years bad luck” if a black cat walks in
front of you, just a little harmless divergence there, now back on with it “any-
way what can I do!” we all justify with ourselves and each other, well I have a
couple suggestions! We might have a go at that we each can do if “genuinely”
we care! After reading this and putting it into here world action, pass it on to
someone else, share your “own won now” life journey under-standing (humble
to the truth) live it with the gifted to each us all PASSIONETTE heart for liberty
of the inner found loved truth “write each our own won now “book of life”
shared in gracious blessing to the reverent understood felt feeling that is O Fa-
ther in me, my love is you we all one all ONE! Eternally eternal, amen. Have a
go who knows it might make life more interesting, maybe get a sense of actual
truth that has a filling feeling felt connection, finally have a full filled feeling in
the stomach literally, expression “I can’t/won’t stomach that” (digest-accept-
that!) expression “food for thought” or “food for the soul” I say “or not!” our,
each own won now choice.
No wonder the world obsesses over “physical work” it appears there isn’t a
whole lot of energy “work” being delivered outside of fancy words and more
laws to oppress and blame/rob! from the “poor” in this real here world life to
“pursue” the wealth, yes! Which one? Is my question to us all each to look/ask
inside thy self with thy self, if we don’t try/do in of self then how can we pre-
judge! It’s “worth” (works, doesn’t work) Really this Earth life itself is all about
work “do the workings of will that is in dwelling noticed knowing known living
to the pulse in heart of “I/we O Father inside us our son” Quote “the son of
man” a “state” pertained to by the statement “son of man” meaning O Father
is made in of PURE humility, thus he humbles himself even to us! And lowlier
creatures beyond. Quote “the first will be last and last will be first” our Master
is/does also humble himself to service unto us as he offers us to become his
humble! Service to O Father him only one actual great! Love living light, the
purple heart that is indwelling living truth. So, we find here that it is the case if
we put thy self “FIRST” in this flesh worldly lust life, our over self-ordained de-
serving in life to the served want wishes of thy “pride full” inner self that is the
“second” (thinking thought mind flesh) hint! “Pay no matter” (anti matter) to
the “slow matter” don’t “reverse” our “charge” (positive “self-state” reversed
to negative “self-state”) the lived choice of giving one’s allegiance! to the man
plan mind pride ego! Of self “IMPORTANCE” I EXPECT! (to always be disap-
pointed) “dis” meaning removed “a-point’” meaning, “gathered in-to a point
that is now! Existence “life” so dissolved dead to that former state hood, not
“willing” to choose “I come second” that is first! made in! that is “self-state-
hood” outpoured in dwelling governance that is LOVE “divine order” of that
which is timed! “Timing” GOVERNANCE. Expressions “all in good time” “there’s
a time and place for that/everything” very old one “a stitch in time saves nine”
I also say personally “don’t charge from being charged a positron!” To being a
charged! “neuron negatron megatron moron!” expression in law “you have
been charged with… do you understand these charges against you?” and neu-
trons, well they just don’t have a “choice!” Do they! their “neutral” electrons,
well there pretty much us in a nut shell, they will move anywhere and take up
residence where there is “un-balanced therefor vacant” space around some-
one/thing else, expression “I’m feeling a bit vacant at the moment” “he/she’s a
bit vacant” not real bright! Seems a lot of us have gone on permanent lunch
break! Oh! There’s always Justifies wife, we can ask/talk to her, her name is of
course “Blame!” She loves her own “name” for a life game! Had a child too! Its
name and game is shame! What a shame, what a shame! That’s a shit! Game
of that name! Oh! Look a sibling! Of shame its name and game is pain! That
makes people in self, truth lame! Thus TAME! They conform just nicely so long
as everything looks nice where all good! Expression “Don’t! raise your voice” or
your “self in true awareness” most certainly “you will not! raise (resurrect)
your self-truth living light hearted “in-form-ed-ing self” that is! “living life no-
tice!” from the tomb of the “flesh want sen-sin-sation dead! slow matter,
dense image density!” that is “thinking thought” the veil! “too much anal-eyes-
ing” thought trains of apparent logic trained perceived outcome projections
that succumb one’s intention/attention of self-attention on itself (residing in
heart at home, resting in one’s given abode) to being lured away to the mind
Find in inner world first, validated on the canvass that is slow matter physical
world second, believe, look inside first, it doesn’t leave you hanging, PATIENCE!
For timed timing to come to its time appointed. Don’t like his/her design or
his/her rules! Well it would be a very good human thing of him/her self to do
and say! Stiff shit! It’s the same for everyone, I’ve made y-our choice so start
paying y-our own way, “the age of entitlement is over” to quote one of our re-
cent past ding bat! Prime ministers (didn’t effect, his entitlements too! badly
though did it!) If that’s true! Then the age of entitlement to go to Heaven must
also be over, after all they know! Because look at the job! They hold/held,
that’s why there worth so much more than you me we, I’ll bet! Not one of
them ever (politicians) goes into politics “public for the countries people ad-
ministration” for the “benefits” (over payed cash, power and perks!) yes! Mr
Prime minister and cohorts! Or is it minions! This country “our” country is a
nice “little” cash cow earner for you all isn’t it!! Nothing better than “fair and
equal” democracy hypocrisy elected common disparity!
Well it’s not what you know or don’t actually! Either, it’s “who” you/we know
or “who” you/we come from so often isn’t it! Good system nepotism, everyone
gets a fair equal share regardless! Of “work performance” quality, remember
it’s your skill level, how much time you/we spent studying that determines the
“fairness of equal disparity” our worth as a living breathing creation of/in the
Prime Ultimateness (or just what we justifiably justify with our mates) So
therefor yes! I me we not! of your occupation but ours! Who we aren’t worth
shit! Compared to we, us! Whoever, I mean of course! We built our own
house, car, the roads our “self-built” car drives on, we obviously educate all
the children our “self’ too! I bet we all grow all our own food with our “own
hands and lands!” Yes! we did grow, dry, roast and deliver! the coffee to the
shop we like buying it from and ENJOY! The fruits of our singular! Effort, well
done all us better! Then we, “we SALUTE us!!” we humans always! Banging on
with BIG! Lip service to the belief in “TEAM WORK” we liars! Don’t do it for
real, just little self-serving competition winner/loser games, never applied to
the “actual manifest needs” of disparity living e t c) we did it all and even if we
actually didn’t “we’re just justifiably! Better! Worth MORE!” than we others
“we self-awarded ordained deservedly deserved better!” we MORE! intelligent
than we so! “we” deserve a “luxuries!” more than we mob! Comfy life on earth
at we “con-formed” expense! expression “it’s the way of the world” guess
what! Yes! it is the way of the world and “WE” the people all “one all one” are
the/that way! That has/is blocking! Robbing! The WAY! For, from, we need-full
needs to us/we, our journey of! through life, Earth edge world experience.
Does ANYONE! Honestly? Really think/believe! Feel, enjoy the felt feeling state
that is “faith” that someone/something as magnanimous! As life, creation! the
known and yet to be known! Universe verses are particularly impressed! Have
an agenda! That is mastered! Measured, by how much EXCESSIVE!! Wealth
that is material, anyone or all of us greedily take! And hoard! Up for ourselves
(if we’re going to have so many much “save for rainy days” in the future than
we better find Noah’s Ark again! (achieve SUCK! CESS-EXCESS!) in relation to
the schematic that is life! That our material world wealth greed! Success is/will
advance to thy self a GREATER more power! Prominent luxury!! Space place in
the heavens! For thy all self! Eternity, let’s say, will any of us feel FINE! No re-
gret! No heavy! In-ward! Hearted gravity when we pass from this thought
formed life space place and find out because “now” we are in the now! Fully
exposed! “In-self light” to our whole or (hole) self-truth that is “we came in-to
this Earth life to be the humble “second” servant service to our Prime O Fa-
ther” by the expressed delivery of his/her divine willed wish! Of asking each in-
side! One of us to expel! “Our” for “self” only! willed choice and endow! The
good willed gift that is love in the heart for our one O Father by lifting up the
health, wealth and GRACE! Of each other “him” in this life, a living feeling be-
ing that is made IN of the substance that is love is swayed, pleased! IN! IM-
PRESSED when he/we see Feel! the love we share with our off spring being
freely returned to us by the self-choice free will able state in the offspring of
“humble gracious graciousness” in their “great-full-ness” One of the greatest!
Expansive expressive acts of expressing our felt feeling of love for O Father is
to express/share love with the “him” that we feel, see and recognise in each
other whilst in this Earth flesh de-forming form life (decay is life’s matrimonial
partner here) that is the flaw, in actual life there is no decay only Omni present
rejuvenation, hence why human body cells can be individually in a state of re-
juvenation but overall we age to death despite this, it’s a capable state we can
achieve as a species if we embrace the fountain of youth true truth “align the
mind with the true in self, purple heart” thus a frequent fountain of the truth
youth flowing constantly into the physical appliance thus forming it to state of
self is its expressed truth, the ever expanding growing of the light truth, not
the continual imploding presence of decay trying to masquerade! As life “it-
self” “the thinking thought mind on its own alone” not married to in with thy
purple heart self.
So, in summary, yes! Obviously, we self and our own won now physical energy
life of self-leisure and pleasure can do very nicely without the rest of us “Nean-
derthals” doing what we do, therefor not worth “stuff” all, but we couldn’t
can’t! possibly live at any level capacity without WE! And our immeasurable
contribution! That is “all” life giving better best then us/we rest, so again this
time down on one knee! We beg! Our humble forgiveness for our poultry mea-
gre! Attempt to be living worthwhile amoebas! In the “self-righteous” Rule!
We decaying! Hardened in heart “macro-organisms” designed and rule! With
It’s a story written in glory, they stole it and now there alone, to which the Fa-
ther assured me, if you know me, you’ll never be anywhere but at home.
(you can sing it to the tune of the “Brady Bunch”) fitting really as they are a
family that is/was two that become “one” in a home. Ha-ha! Lol ☺
ones who only got/get to sit! On the wood plank (cheap common) seats at the
very back! Far from the close-up action, NOT THE POLISHED MARBLE ONES
RIGHT UP THE FRONT (corporate/VIP boxes) expression for being in the best
position possible! First before all other VIP (SELF IMPORTANT THUS HAPPY IN-
FLATED EGO) “I’m in the box! Seat” that’s just a billboard they used to an-
nounce/reaffirm who is in control and most “deserved” SUCCESSFUL of “com-
fort” for their mostly self-bestowed importance butts! sound a little familiar
political “dignitaries” with little to no “dignity” in their political “politically cor-
rect” behaviour, not that I personally particularly “need” or want polished mar-
ble (probably gives you piles! In cold weather, anyway. Oh! NO that’s right they
most likely had heated seats, like the dunny seats our so hard done by political
leaders decided they just had to get made heated! at the tax payers expense
and keeping their butts! Warm only made the shit! That comes out of their
mouths come out faster with a nice warm “smell” (your attitude stinks!) “Your
breath stinks!” so on we go busy! and confused! but oh so well informed of the
worlds affairs, oh yes we can “feel think believe!” We are part with a say! Our
voice! Will be “heard” or is it “we are the HERD!” that they keep “shocking”
with cattle prods! Of temptations, media fear! Inducing reporting of repeti-
tively saddening carnage events (keeps plenty negatively charged molecules
encircling and penetrating our truth is self-place, life is self-space) my/we our
place and newly fabricated legislations to stay in line, CONFORM as we all go to
the “slaughter house” and end up as “bones in the bone yard” of thy self life,
to feed us! Our hungry! Self-ordained well important politicians empty hearted
guts! So, they can make more! nice warm smelly shit! To promise!!! They are
going to feed/do! For us! The meagre plebs! That are all doing so very much
too! Well for ourselves so can afford! To “give” lose! A little huge amount
more! To us the better quality! Of people, more “de-serving!” (isn’t that the
truth) we others all. I personally would just be content! To lick and kiss! We
“warm” arses! Don’t pay we, well certainly not enough to really get we head or
heart! “Above water” (not drowning in we life) let alone a boat to go on it ha-
ha! expression “I’m just trying to keep my head above water” (life general, usu-
ally far leaning to the financial side of it, expression “drowning in debt!” which
is the! “LEFT” what’s soon to be left! For we rest, particularly we the new! gen-
erations, nothing fuck all, who cares anyway! Oh! We can give WE a huge debt!
Incurred by we parents! Or other WE family members, for a life start platform
we need! To do well in this HELL! Yes! Increase the “death” taxes! We all will
and testament pay! For eternity! Don’t worry when we get to the next life
there’s a huge debt from that A-hole! “What’s his name!” ah! I remember, it’s
“PAY BILL” Suffice to say nothing’s really changed, we all see it all around us
every day, it’s in our face everywhere, just updated our threads and chariots a
bit, unleaded! Nice.
me ye as little children” a game of hidden go seek! “I’m hidden come seek me”
said Father (kids game real “hide n seek” with the kids! “a childlike wonder
wander, ponder and amazement! For “to find and know me” innocence “truth
in inner, in of sense” that is truth O Father, apparently it’s all “hear say” any-
way as they say, or is it according to the established fraternity of churches/reli-
gions “heresy” yet none of the Bible is written “apparently” by Jesus “own one
now” (then) hand, all by others accounts, translations of apparently “Gods will”
point being for me that this book is my personal “in this life here now” 1968-
2017 (not yet concluded to it’s coming conclusion my “death” is to “life”) ac-
counting of my personal self-life experience pertaining to what I’ve experi-
enced, discovered of my “thy personal truth” written by my own one now
hand of the “man” I am, in my home land, “not someone else’s view” “point of
view” as the expression goes, of what they “saw/heard” (ask a forensics inves-
tigator about “the facts” of “what happened” when it comes to interviewing
several eyewitnesses of “the event” let alone the old adage of “the Chinese
Just for light hungry hearts, me and a friend unbeknown to each other used to
walk past a shop here in cairns on the waterfront that was called “Lucifers”
now funnily enough “unbeknownst” to each other we were both having the
same “funny” felt dislike for the name due to its religious story connotation,
we actually had no idea we were “both” so caught by “noticing” it, then all of a
sudden one morning my friend said to me “oh there’s this shop down the wa-
ter front that “was” called “Lucifers” I said “what do you mean was? He said
“overnight” (so literally “out of the blue” as the expression goes, when some-
thing very unexpected happens) it’s changed name and the whole fit out in the
shop as well to the “Pancake kitchen” even with little “kid like” pictures
painted everywhere on the front, so we both started laughing “awesome Luci-
fers been PANCAKED” won’t have to worry about him anymore he’s covered in
maple syrup lol😊 then we discovered both of us over the last few days had
been “noticing” the name and not “liking” it very much because it made us
think of the biblical “BAD Lucifer” so we laughed harder now because of the
whole I say, so called “coincidence” of it, the experience that both of us were
independently having the same “funny” little experience (wonder how many
other people might have been experiencing the “felt intention” of “no good”
change it, get rid of it “the name”) we both got what we in no particular detail
of choice “wanted in need” the END of “Lucifer the BAD” ha-ha lol ☺ Ps- “he’s
all sweets now” he’s been “re-formed” whip cream, yummy! yay!
The “gem” I allude to is not the “acts” (details) of my past so much as the fol-
lowing awakening I got about its truth, for me this is the “true gem” I “un-
earthed” dug up! from all my “digging” in this earthly flesh realm. Expression
“dig deep!” as in “find the truth” don’t “rest” until we do, another is “don’t dig
up! The past” “you keep digging up! the past!” I wasn’t paying any “conscious”
attention at least, to the subject of this book, although it’s pretty much always
in my desire intention attention general self to find, discover, map, understand
myself, life, “I” the Prime original “origin in of all” the fragment truth that is
life, I wasn’t underground thinking, trying to learn, grow, understand any par-
ticular truth except where and how to find/extract as much opal as we could, I
discovered (removed of the cover) that is “my thinking thought mind-physical
computing brain” that my past physical life, thinking thought mind life expres-
sion is a lie! A life centred in my wants! That are vanity vain! empty thinking
thought emotions of brain mind flesh “sen-SIN-sations” I have been living a liv-
ing dead lie, my thy “I” life has been constantly consistently viewed experi-
enced, thought to be understood solid real reality through the blurring blind-
ing! dream veil of my pre-programmed bio-chemical think thought linear line
of logic, that is rendering emotions that are reaction “sen-sin-sations” in thy
flesh, output of my flesh mind computer, the common “assumption” that is be-
lieved to be single solid real reality the five senses temptation “pentagonal re-
ality” pentagram often symbolises the occult, (dark matter) flesh worshipping
mind is vanity VAIN self, the flesh man/woman matter world LUST! dense sec-
ond (time) slow matter, dark matter that is thought form, formed of the living!
Light matter, that is “non-time” one “eternal-eyes” moment that is spirit (living
energy with personality) hence the “second hand” on our actual clocks, expres-
sion we use to refer to something used not new (first! That is original unused
therefor in a pristine state) as “second hand” that is the “left bereft” old! Hand,
the “aging one” that is “split two” of “one all one” duality that is this! the con-
sidered whole “real” reality. Expression “he/she’s an old hand at it” this is an
expression for “experienced” that is of past! Linear gathered life actioned ex-
perience, hence “second” measured in of “time” the motion passage of the
one eternal moment “split broken” linear line moments flow of the think
thought mind logic wanting device that we consider/accept take for granted is
this our here living that is life accepted to be real that therefor is reality
“alone!” the separatist revolt of thought against heart, expression “that was a
heartless act” meaning an action of the no heart in mind self “I WANT” propa-
gated in think thought that is only concerned with it, thy in divided single cell
Hmm I’ve also noticed that we can have any experience we desire here in this
life if it only requires another person to talk about it with and we convince our-
self (thought thinking mind self “ego” that is mind self-identity) that because
we are talking about it that means it’s “really happening” even an apparent
spiritual one, it’s a bit like going to sleep (for real) having a dream and then
when we’ve awoken from it we talk to someone about it “big discussions” in
great! Detail and now we go on, actually! Believing it happened is happening!
here for “real”
The mind “thought” is a real “malevolent trickster!” When it lays its baits and
traps! For thy self, it! to keep any “game lie” happening/going so we
don’t/can’t find! Experience for real the truth in self as a cohesive this world
flesh physical experience, it! The think thought mind “thinks” assumes through
its arm pit ego! (that expression again “your attitude stinks!”) ignore Ignorant
ignorance! To which is its “arrogance to enjoy being arrogant!” that this
would/will be the demise of itself as an identity, the “master” boss! in entity
life existent form and attribute, won’t forever get what it wants! The spoilt
child, in other words literally scared of “it-self” that is the “shadow” second ex-
pression of the life light feeling bright current, an expression we have here in
Australia is “without a shadow of a doubt!” also a less used one these days, old
biblical “don’t be a doubting Thomas” Thomas being “the great! doubter” in
the bible story transcript so, decided, choice chosen, a certainty! “no ambigu-
ity” We all inevitably in this physical life, time, space, place “choose sides!” col-
lectively in self over the period of our here physical life space, time, place, we
do choose form self to our overall majority collective lived choices, born to our
optimum first loyalty “chosen by thy self-motive” for life, one simplistic true
view of this would be to say the expression “head or heart” I add to this an-
other extension “lie or truth” half-truth hole lie the wants of the physical eye
for “I“ or whole truth holy I, is WE one all one in O Fathers eye, we are him I
“The apple of my eye!” Expression “the apple never falls far from the tree”
form thus “pure formless form spirit” the thought has been let go off! Of, rot-
ting, rotten, decay, the smell! The passing of past! Expression “to pass wind” a
fart! Gasses reaction formed of past event processing (space described as
smelling like a “strange sweet after scent of welding”) extraction “consuming”
the energy wanted by the flesh so reforming through decay, hence an “off
thought/idea” meaning of left ear/hand order, dark thought alone (selfish,
hurt-full) expressed has a past waft of our attitude, stinks! “it is literally true
that we can and do on occasion smell the bad smell without any physical
source, Source able” it’s the decay in motive/intention of the spirit
(heart/mind) driving the placement of attention thus they “the thy” is actually
present that we can/do smell the “self now true self” they are “their feeling
energy light (darkened) signature” (signed nature, attitude)
Expression “let go of/off it” another “he/she has a very short! fuse” (thinking
thought emotional de-basing anger reaction “sen-sin-sation” behaviour) a
“some-thing” tangible here world cause and not! such as the thought based
created view “reaction” the persons emotions explode as a fire cracker does or
any other explosive! many an expression metaphor about explosive things in
life and our behaviours there to, “once” that “one” stored energy is released it
holds form for a very short! time expansion of inner to outer forming form,
eventually it’s event horizon is out of time!” so not being energised by spirit to
“hold that thought” (form) as the expression goes so, reforming to point of
origin, all forming forms form to their former formed self “ONE ALL ONE THY O
FATHER” because it is not! “eternally form backed” expression “I’ve got your
back” (meaning the support/protection of a faithful friend/family member) by
we O Father in son self that is self-aware self-consciousness.
Intentioned “doubt” intention is his attention” a spirit that we know by the
name “Lucifer” him that is “her the whore” spiritual signature “sign of its na-
ture” (mother nature, mother natural nature expression) “it’s human nature”
human by the acts acting of the nature to selfish competition for one’s own
won now greedy over fill of any every-thing “life” hence the Christian biblical
story explaining the first inception of created thought “slow matter 3D uni-
verse” this is literally us incarnating into the thought of that spirit we know as
Lucifer, an opportunity for us each to experience what it is to be a split being
by thought, hence the biblical understood message of “original sin” the first
that is second “half-truth” actual truth of this here world life that is the fleshly
human experience, the thought of Lucifer is a “first thought” second that is
thought Lie because “he” who became “her the whore” spirit in of thought had
“forget” is! Actually “for-get” meaning to “afore gain” thus have before its
used in a “given” thus! Now we can choose! the “act-u-all” act! That is the art
“for-give-ness” that is thus then established to be “for-get-ness” forgiven
means also forgotten hence reborn “a clean slate” as the expression go’s
“forgive and forget” for-get means afore gained, forgive is afore of ask is al-
ready given. cheerfully! Forgotten is forgiven.
Flies “f-lies” are living dead “lies” always getting in our “I to eye’s” lovers of
there want/need for decaying, rotting past! To live to distract! Destruct! Hin-
dering to the truth “our relaxed focused attention of our intention” to rest in
looking, into self, connection-ing with truth we are made in of to! Our master
Lord in O Father living is-ness, is-ing truth.
Our Lord the innocence came from “stable to s-table” the last first! Supper
amen. Amen is a group of men “a-men” is a man the flesh which is end in first
death, the second that which is first! Is eternal life, for some made thy “own
won now” choice to seek! For me now! In the actual! That is “in living” now!
Others! Chose then in the latter! That is Later! Expression “I’ll do it later” or
“never put off till tomorrow! What you can do today!” thus have “chosen!” to
make God wait!! Until if they have a problem in thy self-interested agenda of
WANT, thus a need to call on “him” in the heat! that is! of the moment! Fear!
(At time of physical death) Old saying from war “there’s no! atheists in fox
holes” (when death is so very close to one’s life) Expression “in the heat of the
moment” another “the moment is at hand!” my question is “which hand?” The
on gone lust to alliance thy one-self with the enemy! Instead in steady fastness
“steadfast” destroy! The enemy with one self! In state in self-choice to stay at-
tention in on with in it-self intention with our living!
“patience is thy I in thy heart” Connect with the is-ness is! That is observant in
is! That is, it! In unto self, no thought trains in this connection space that is!
Place, thus become a state that is one in the state that is “IS” connection in fo-
cused is self-actual otherwise labelled “truth” that is the substance truth “sub-
stance” a standing of stance to which is “under” hence I understand, I am thus
in humble attendance to “I is” is thy one-self all one truth. O Father in the one
all one Son! Who did live the innocence that is the untainted spotless truth to
which he is the “in is! living connection!” that we enter into through him into
O Father, God, Allah, Buddha, Wukantunka! More are the names for the one
living ONE! Expression! “all roads lead to Rome!” this is pertinence to the many
races visited upon the Father/mothers children that do dwell Father in us, who
stand our stance here! “on with” Mother (Earth) expressed of the will that is! O
It’s the wonder! Of the wander, we ponder! the key that is connection is
deeper in the pond under the sur-face that is thinking thoughts mind/brain
motion, emotional-eyes activity! Intentioned attention on “in looking” self-ac-
tual “the observer” noticed to thought, aware of the “in self” that can and does
look around inside thy self, inside the slow matter body vessel housing thy
intention/attention self, the space is! Each of us the “I one” of the many in
one! That we are intentioned to look in on inside it! Itself thy actual “the ac-
tual” feeling energy light self we each are “in dwelling”
Human that is man/women (broadly labelled “man”) thinks! That thy O Father
is owned in the hollow image that is “I am man/woman” gender split personifi-
cation of the “two worlds” Father “man gender” Mother “wo-man gender”
first is “husband heart” Fathers teaching “will that is wisdom (wise-domain)
about him that is “thy” in self, second is the “add on” adjunct too! (wife)
“woman think thought emotional reaction mind” the multi emotional tasking
nurturer of the, from mother “EARTH” moulded form, water + dust = clay
“the physical vessel” the “temple” (bricks and mortar) is made in of “water and
HIS! MIND” made version to which the in self “holy spirit” the SPARK! that is
Lord the Son in Father does in dwell to make choice expressed here in the slow
matter flesh physical world that is the Lucifer thought made outer! skin form,
hence the birth of that UGLY! Baby he so named “Vanity Is Vain” expression
“beauty is only SKIN! Deep” very shallow waters are of the sly! Lie physical eye,
hence another “beauty is in the eye of the beholder” connotating to look see!
Past the vain vanity that is skin! The outer! Hence thus also “don’t judge a
book by its cover” thus the truth is there inside! Slightly veiled to “need” us,
we each to “dis-cover” it from “left” behind the covering veil, NOT! Be-come to
the lame! Vain vanity game that is the Lucifer name! To out-do!
PENSE! OF CONSUMING! OTHER/OTHERS, sound familiar! Earthlings, we have
IS! “I WIN YOU LOSE!” ITS YOUR! FAULT that you are the HAVE NOTS! In this
life/world. Expression “YOU MADE YOUR BED NOW LYE IN IT”
Yes! I say, WE LIE in OUR Bed HAS! made we die! In ours too “we in one!” THIS
TOGETHER but we make us “a-part” of our zombie! Dead apart! “Human house
divided” FALLEN! living a life that is! plain blame made torment! “cheers,
thanks we for that!” NOW HERE COMES THE ENDLESS FLURRY! of snow “ICE
COLD” blizzard of heart-less JUSTIFICATIONS that are our DEFACATIONS.
So back now to my gem of a past, to try and give the detail of this would be
very confusing for a reader and too vast to recall with useful application, but
suffice to say through a series of personal realizations over almost one week, I
arrived at the understanding in very strong felt feeling KNOWING KNOWN that
my past is a dead entity of thought and I’m literally dead also if I allow my thy
self to indulge my attention there in any way that isn’t looking for wisdom (de-
tached) that my attention is not allowed to attach to any of it, particularly in a
way that resurrects the emotions of it (the same original ones) good or bad
ones, none of them are healthy for me, they are still the spent past skin of life.
Even when science looks out into the universe we see for real in here world,
we are living now! But also, living experiencing the “living dead past” (as the
long ago “light of past” emitted by stars passes through our local space we ex-
perience it, relate to it, as the current living now! Because we personally expe-
rience it “only now” but in “truth” it was born lived and “died” long, long! Ago
in earth man time measure!) thus we literally see experience it in our night sky
as part of our “living now” it’s alive to us without knowing from science that
the actual star this light has emanated in life from is actually long dead and
gone many millennia ago “our deep past, space” the human senses physical
are easily tricked, by taking for granted all is the truth as it visually appears to
thy physical eye, “my eye “I” view point. So the constant lack! Of information
(in-form -is my – nation) is being judged and used constantly to build behave
our lives on, as our “solid” rock platform for construction, “not sure how the
engineers will feel about that!” so we are continually putting into action lies of
our eyes, Our brain blindly implements as whole complete safe truth (half-
truths) truth is! our physical brain/mind actually has NO REAL ability or care to
decipher truth from lie, its simply running robot cold programs, whatever its
loaded with in real time (external) manifest overlay expressed of deeper back-
ground running earlier past O S system programs. The care and decipher de-
liver action now program is the living now dimension time heart that is pump-
ing the blood of truth through itself So, a lie is cold of anything so not malevo-
lent as such!
Only! like “a loaded gun” does it become malevolence of man when! It’s made
“expressed to intent of motivation” it does become truly evil in its nature, that
is man flesh twisting the heart, external infiltrating cancer to the internal be-
lief, that is the internalisation through the act in self of accepting without a
shadow of doubt the things we see and think “judge” them to be, assumed for-
ward outcome perceived event expressions. “best defence is OFFENCE” as the
expression go’s.
A “lie” means not true, “not actual” that’s all, expression “tell a white lie” in-
tent and motive the inners of heart that is self, married/applied to the colds of
the head (mind) expression “I have a head cold” is where evil is manufactured,
so even the very most recent past is still the past! it’s now existent in the same
time space realm as all past image formed of actual now.
tempting us away from “still self” empty of linear line thought train recogni-
tions is recognised full in with of feeling noticed knowing of all, that all is self.
Here we need only “wonder” our questions and our answers “wander” back to
us with a bursting flash of “bright idea illumination” in feeling felt noticed
knowing, not then allowed to be “mind fiddled” that is corruption of its former
“simple no loose ends tie up needed purity” It all-ways wants to “anal-eyes it!”
(expression “your, talking out of your ass!”) to a greater “apparent” perfection
that it must/can! Create thus obtain “be right” of EGO not wrong, the emo-
tional need to be argumentatively “right” not wrong! Is of the EGO-TESTICLE
view in eye is eternally too! Small to see “fathom” the order that is in the
One might say the answer is “where ever” is “whatever” I give my attention to
by giving it thy I intention, is thus where I the energy light being actually is/are
so, master or servant first! Is we choose action it “intention to our attention to
our intention chooses our now! Dimension” that in negative is dimensional de-
The truth in the master/servant equation for us humans is we are actually
both, it’s really only who do we put first in self as in “husband heart of loving
wife mind” or “wife mind bullying husband heart” expression; “who wears the
pants in the family” what order have we got thy self, working in? good working
order or not!? I don’t know about you but I prefer/choose things that are in
good working order otherwise there just a pain in the ass! We have to continu-
ally anal eyes it for fixes.
Ever asked one self how many people have I met, spent time with, even con-
sidered a friend at the time, then dropped them like an empty “lolly wrapper”
(the sweet, the fun! Is consumed) without thought to do so “wasn’t my inten-
tion” no actually it was my attention! I let get stolen away by some other ex-
ternal passing curiosity, it “killed the cat” we have an expression “curiosity
killed the cat” meaning a vacant, possibly vain interest self-determined does
lead to a problem that need not have existed before we did “kill the cat” we
also say as an expression “cats have nine lives” maybe it means it’s easy to get
caught repeating the same vain interests and living the failings that are result-
ant thereof. Particularly after we get/got what we in our self-absorption
wanted/needed. An expression is “your using people” “your being used” “I feel
used!” and so on Yep! that’s what self-absorption is! Does, it’s for real in the
mode of “my life” “my life” everyone thing else is actually here for my own
convenience of emotional wants labelled as needs (physical material emotional
advantage) As in, as far as the mind/thought is concerned “it’s his/her dream
and all other people and things are just props! Like a movie or theatre stage
set to be used for MY I production of theatrics, it’s so easy for it to behave in
these ways as there’s no “feeling” when it’s alone in denial of the informative
inner that is self “feeling” (information) NOT! “emotions” of thoughts alone!
(emotions are not a carrier wave, they are only a transverse wave moving the
matter they contact up and down) hence the expressions “I feel up or down”
(my mood, mood swings as we term it) I can’t amplify that enough! To myself,
emotions and feeling are two completely different aspect layers of the self as a
“human being” co-existence of self, the first “thy am in energy” and the “I am
flesh dense, slow matter thought form energy body, second” the physical body
we dwell in is simply the reflex of the spirit in dwelling it.
Emotions are trained/hard wired into the thought mind to assist personal ex-
perience expression of the actual “I” the feeling energy light truth, they are de-
signed and able to be either a blessing for enriching! Firming the discovered
experience that is “O Father the Son” is “I’m in self” expression “have faith in
yourself” but not blinding our personal experience of notice feeling knowing
known information in the physical body/world life dimension space time (ex-
ample (truth confirmation, the excited chills/goose bumps of the flesh) or a
very tough! Confusing device because thought itself can trigger its own emo-
tions as well, it does not “need” feeling to do so, this is part of its made flawed
able nature to be, that is life expressed as arrogance and denial of the feeling
energy light father in heart, that is our son in this each of us bodies world. Bi-
ble quote “the son of man” (temples of the holy spirit) thought alone no con-
scious connection, realisation of what a feeling actually is! does make its, own
plans (man’s plan) and in doing so also falls fowl to its own expectations, wants
that are justified with misdiagnosis as needs, it’s often very debatable what we
identify through thought logic as a need So, given enough time alone like an
unguided uneducated child “left” to fend for itself, it then builds its own whole
(hole) experience it identifies with as life “my life” whole reality. Expression
“one foot in the grave” another “in grave danger” apparent real world logic
life, including its picture of what happy is, that sensation (past) of myself/flesh
think thought mind body, it’s a memory in the flesh reaction I have had la-
belled “is” I’m happy “feeling good” repeat these programs because pleasura-
ble sensation in flesh form rendering. (emotion of me my mind) others are
broadly that! “in my body does not sensation flesh “feel” good” so they were
also past labelled “bad, very unpleasant sickly flesh memory reactions” of my
mind not getting what it wanted and or “way” it wanted, when backed into a
corner in self with our self-made plans, likes/dislikes plan full of expectations
we do immediately go into “fight flight or freeze” survival reaction mode and
thus for each us unique we do make our behaviour attitude from this. “tight
fist of owner ship control/expectations” (the ego) which ends up being so
many things of material physical want which are emotional mind wants alone
“I’m lonely” the black vacuum void that is empty space in self, the abyssal ab-
scess absence of “warm hearted feeling notice knowing known” in self, present
alive/aware. Living in, the living in self O Father in Son truth.
Like to “own” understand make “sense” of someone/something) but can’t,
couldn’t for many a “reason” (obtain-unobtanium) so denied wants of the
think thought “be always right” (understand) logical ego self “I am mind flesh”
jealousy, envy, anger, vanity, gluttony, pride of ego (self) and so on. Thus it will
and does throw tantrums of emotion fuelled expressed thoughts (actions, ver-
bal and other) when it “feels” (meaning thinks judges) denied, just like angry
selfish unguided undisciplined child because that’s essentially what it is with-
out the parent master ship of the feeling felt guidance from the assimilated
light being whole, therefor first truth to deliver its wisdom as an expression of
love that is electrical current to its “current other half” expression in marriage
“my better half” thought that is past slow matter flesh form, referencing the O
Father heart light truth energy world notice knowing now self. (Better half)
meaning husband for wife and wife for husband, either way between the sexes
this is referring to the “purple heart truth” O Father in Son with holy helper
(holy spirit) my I to eye of I “better half”
“spooks”) so actually we each all are ghosts even right now! because we as an
energy feeling light being do still move about the cosmos ether creation inside
here world, the inner beyond, the same as we do without the heavy physical
“Our intention moves our attention” as its all one connected hence collected
time place in space, when we move thyself through the above equation
whether it’s ours or someone else’s we are for real actually there in that place
at time in space, which means our “feeling self-signature” is present and if al-
ready experienced thus familiar we can identify each other as known or if “un-
familiar” to the presence self we can at least be discerned of its character thus
aware of it as a foreign occupation “visitor” if we literally have not yet! got to
know thy in self, feeling in felt self! than it is highly likely that we will only per-
ceive the foreign energy self that is visiting present as another “gram of thy
self” blind thus unquestioned acceptance. Expression “entertaining strangers”
it’s our feeling felt/smelt waft that is our energy so, we can and do visit into
each-others life space self, thus our feeling signature intention/motive felt
smelt waft flowing through thy attention is there so, first question might be
“do I recognise this feeling? This waft!” “Is it mine thy self?” Or “I wonder!”
Feel it out more, be more objective, less personal owner ship in self of self, fo-
cus the in self that is attention on itself at rest to the intention of feel find
know truth, our master “He/thy I master truth” focus the focused felt feeling
that is truth in it-self, the feeling substance in self is truth. Wonder in the wan-
der through the ponder of “who, what, when, where and how” adds up to the
“why” questions under the guidance light of intent to find the truth, maybe its
new to me so no limits as to what can/could be found existent. “Do I identify
with this feeling?” is it in context “what relevance?” with my actual! Here is
now! Old adage expression “asking the right question is 90% the answer” won-
der the wander we ponder in the still pond self.
The mind on its own (I own it!) un-educated of the afore logic noticing thus no-
ticed! Knowing thus known! self in, inner world things, immediately in a weird
sort of arrogance thinks judges that all experience activity that occurs in, inner
self, in the inner space that self is occupying, the measure and beyond of the
flesh form occupied space is all its own because its programmed to ac-
cept/know believe/own its “apparent separate existent that is self (ego)” sur-
rounded among empty space ( I’m an individual) more than just “unique” per-
sonal life experience, meaning alone because “I own” no such thing in its pro-
gramming as completely full connected thus “shared” it has concept that is its
own linear line logic built backed belief program running of “empty space” (no
one is using it so it’s available for me to own/exploit) so, has no able platform
in itself to even wonder, wander the ponder! The examining through question-
ing the experience, current in one’s personal inner self space. No one teaches
us these things here on Earth, it’s not exactly on the open curriculum for cur-
rent schooling or parenting, is it! Only if science does at some point! stand up
and endorse something in this subject space would it be an implemented pub-
lic societal accepted action.
“Please don’t at any time make the mistake that any of this book is for or
about wanting to cause, give interpreted cause for any kind of institutionalised
religion or other “club institution manifest ideas” mentality thinking/justifica-
tions” I would personally be manifest happy! Though if this subject became a
home and schooling implemented facet of set forth curriculum for life, given
heed greater than teachings for manifest wants gaining of the flesh “alone”
But I guess when we starve for long enough in our self of self, meaning the ac-
ceptance in the conscious linear logic think thought analyse mind of “Prime O
Father in Son self” that is truth, inner in! thy truth, we will “WILL IT” that we
start looking to feed thy self as oneself out of sheer desperate spiritual survival
instinct, our instinct is our “in-self recieved language” with O Father that sur-
vives us in seeing this world past the viel of flesh sensation self that is ego
(the leaning left life, motive/intention/attention) If we don’t question “the I’m
fine! Dullard state that is lack! To the lustre! Of the pearl, we each are in self
“collectively a string of pearls” Bible quote “do not cast your pearls upon
swine” (the pig! On its own alone gluttonies in self for selfish! fleshly want sen-
SIN-sations of ego self, mind that is see it to believe it ig-norant of O Father in
is Son self, humble ancient grandeur of magnificence, expression in negative
context of selfish self-ordained ego inflation “delusions of grandeur” the “con-
sumer” expression in rebuke of another’s behaviour “DO YOU MIND!!!” we will
just “WILL” with thy self that is “WILL” to justifiably continue casting our collec-
tive pearls upon the swine “only I’m mind” self alone ex-existence that is our
own thoughts in self FOR THE LUST WANTS of flesh material wealth sin-sensa-
tions experience, the mind runs amok! Chaos born unto no collective under-
stood of peace purpose on this Earth, in this our “WE” wee! Little lives, guaran-
teed! it’s essentially a school yard full of spoilt child tantrum throwing children
in that it’s our collective “I want” disposition.
not actual physical here world acts, still the same we are at our most colourful
in/of self when at play, our humour, our cheerfulness, playfulness etc. Old ex-
pression so very clichéd! Often “don’t judge a book by its cover” but oh! So,
true and timelessly relevant to us all, for both sides of the coin in this one. So
why do we so quickly, easily judge ourselves and then others/other that we are
such a dull unanswerable equation as a life being, here without even truthfully
exploring our own personal experiments/experience, if we are truthfully capa-
ble/interested, passionate, impassioned about, by anyone or thing else, if no
news! Here truth known! Do can we for real truthfully understand anyone or
thing else???... all sounds feeling logical to my way/view in life.
If you the reader were able to view my original writings you would clearly see
for real how many times my own mind/think thought person-all being has
managed to interrupt the flow of energy through me, every scribble cross out
and change are due to my think thought mind self, getting in the way like an
undisciplined child in training, even down to the physical penning of the words,
neatness, shakiness, style etc of hand writing, everything we do in this life is an
endless self-reflection expression from/of our deepest that is self-actual, the
one all one prime truth “O Father” does well up and filter through form of
mind, then comes forth all-ways in all time. Expression “my mind is made up”
meaning its formed of thought, what we have been calling a “decision” so a de-
cision is a choice in action…yes? Then a choice does only live in the need of the
think thought mind to choose/make decision, to agree with the heart or not!
Omni present infinitive acceptance is the action that brings forth the form ex-
pressed will of O Father in/from us as a child human man/woman being.
The law/lore never rests and none nothing ever escapes, because the law/laws
and lore live in of all us, even a rock! for real, in fact I will go as far as to state
for myself that he we him made and put things like the opal, very much on
with the full purpose to reflect, help us see our own one now whole truth, per-
sonal experience real-eyes-nation (realisation) knowing the experience will re-
quire our own he we him prime ultimateness help to real-eyes he we him, but
we must be paying attention by way of our self-intention to self-desire for he
we him to, well up and form visibly in our personal life here experience, other-
wise it’s just a pretty rock we can exploit for money/material wealth comfort
contributor, something to adorn our physical bodies vanity of self, “I’m pre-
cious! Look at the preciousness I adorn myself with” Our life here “is and isn’t”
a dreamt fabrication of the brain/mind, the body physical fades away with age
of time, returns to “mother that is it’s nature” thy self the light energy feeling
drawls from this bank, my first was to start spending of the deposit “he first!”
put in my account which was/is the gift of “self-become aware is life” So I
spend it here for anyone with interest% no charge! $$$ every-one pays their
own interest, or not! We choose how much where “willing” to pay, what’s
one’s life worth to us each “is it worth its weight in gold” as that expression
go’s hence another old saying here, I feel is “you get what you pay for” low
price, little worth, cheap shit! Breaks shit, if we want quality we have to pay a
bit more, personally by nature, I’m only attracted to quality, but not to be
blinded by the “quality reflection” of what quality actually is! in this flesh phys-
ical realm. You pay more upfront and or overall but it works well, reliant able
and can easily with maintain-stance live for a life time, abusing it is not the
kind of maintain-stance that will live for a life time, try abusing a person and
see how long the life of that action is before we arrive at the motive purchase
destined destination of that quality, jail, alone, loneliness, just bereft in self. No
I have not been to jail for real in this life, if your now wondering.
Ever heard or used the expression “time will tell” My upgrade to this saying is
“time will tell, it can’t keep a secret” in other words “employ” patience (ha get
a job) through the acquired, acquiring that is faith/trust/acceptance to our de-
sire, intention/attention (seeking) and it will illuminate itself to our “noticed
noticing knowing known” un-thought eye “I” we can’t enforce force it, try en-
forcing your force on a person and see what happens, you get resistance! With
resistance also comes heat! “a heated situation” “he/she’s a hot! Head” sound
familiar, to try forcing something, anything through something, someone cre-
ates an innate resister (as in real world electrics) when we purposefully install
resisters along the line for controlling current, inducing certain behaviours with
the electricity it-self in the environment of a “wire host conduit” our flesh
body/think thought mind is exactly that also, “a water/clay wire conduit” for
the spirit (another formed expression that is also electricity itself) if we try to
force x amount of the current through and stimulate an inbuilt resister then
same law of behaviour with us and real world electrics takes place, try to force
more through than it has space/place for and it heats up (friction is resistance)
the answer is either reduce the amount of current (force) until it only self
NEED) or give it more space/place to go occupy “EXPAND GROW” deplete or
grow, negative or positive, yin and yang, the list goes on, in real world electrics
this means add more appliance, lights, fridge, heater whatever just run more
stuff so long as it doesn’t go the other way and we’ve created a place that
wants more than the current through conduit (wire/resister) can let through
without damaging itself, this is forcing the issue again! (burn out!) expression;
“I feel burnt out” otherwise we have recreated old problem, sound familiar
world, history here is always repeating, very hot, very cold, no balance that is
harmony, right amount of applied appliance to the known avail-able current as
to not! Stimulate the resister that is mind think thought that is greed not!
NEED. We work exactly the same our mind thought is our inline resister, the
spirit by volume apparently applying pressure to act! To force its way through
“pressure” (frustration-anger-ultimately stimulate/activate negative emotions
of mind in the flesh) can’t sufficiently express itself, first frustration is low heat
but heating up, keep trying to force it and now! Getting really! Hot (high ele-
vating anger etc, could be tears too!) soon to overload, keep forcing it! Snap
from reality?” “he just went ape shit!! Smashed people and everything in the
house” or “he/she just gave up! Just let go” “just give him time to cool off”
“just keep a cool head” there’s quite a few, hence when we say “I’m resisting
the urge, this or that” “I’m resisting the urge to temptation” here’s one “your
charged with resisting arrest” your resisting resister does not want/won’t allow
us to stop/reduce the amount of current forcing through you (arrest) it’s too
much for your circuit, hence the real here world behaviour of the person.
The circuit we are in is “feeling energy light being (the current) co-existing flow
inhabiting the physical body mind wire resister, the mind wire resister is in
need to stop being resistant, in denial, doubt of the feeling energy source that
is on flowing its life essence light electric into it, animating it to the bio-chemi-
cal posture that it is we call life and it resisted! causes what we call death!
“burnt out” “his/her lamp went out” “lights out” etc. Through programming
the mind, no matter how little or big the feeling energy current is, the mind
can’t /won’t allow any or little to flow through it into this world, “the light
globe” “a bright idea!” we call the planet earth “the globe” and we “earth” our
electricity so it has somewhere to go, to “complete the circuit” we must earth
our circuit to work, we are not a properly full efficient functioning circuit when
we have resistance, “thought factional friction denial/doubt/justifications”
FOR SELF AWARE EXISTENCE” no horse to share the rains with. This world is
the designed appliance (apply) for the feeling energy light life current to flow
through (create make life action animate in bio-form) thus the expression
“bring some light into the world” this is a dark space for “real” without the
feeling energy light current flowing, forming, expressing into it/through it, in
this world either creator or destroyer, we each are living out here that we be
either an expression of divine that is “light in feeling” or “dead, doubt, dense”
in thought, the flesh is dictating through e-motion-al physical flesh sensations,
thus reaction to physical body based decision “choice” making for governance
in self of one’s “own” here world life. The mind/flesh has become the master
of the now enslaved heart felt feeling knowing known noticed noticing in-sight,
the “in dwelling truth son” the in dwelling that is each persons, personal per-
sonality knowable to that which is O Father. “the living whole one all, is one
truth” expressed in us as the son, his personality knowable in us to us, meaning
the mind can marry into a relationship with him “the lighter feeling knowable
energy personality” thus become one husband and wife team “one will and
purpose” one will, is order no conflict! Of competition then NO WAR!! Any-
more. “Throw a little light on the subject” another fertile expression, every-
thing here is “simply” multitudes of photon particle vibration frequencies exist-
ing together and separate to each there self together through like attracts like.
A full space visible to us in spectrums only. Our visual spectrum in for of
self/the world increases as our correction connection with the son in self O Fa-
ther increases, things like the self-chosen willingness to accept his/it’s truth is
real reality and so thus having given permission in self to him/it/her to be-
come manifest in the given back physical body space of the “person” that now
there is three way one co-existence animating the life expressed dense matter
form that is thought. Truth that is substance us is what we light on the subject
that is “matter” when the mind is disengaged as a resister in our person that is
“thy I am circuit” new program installed i.e- allow the “literally” unthinkable to
occur be noticed and given an objective unbiased approach with acceptance,
relaxed and not bullying with logic doubt/denial linear frail justification think-
ing that aims to douse the flame and we become wooden in our heart “a block
head” means, blocked by our head.
Energy, re-moulded, re-shaped, re-formed, is a new conceived pregnancy in/of
idea, creation literally no pauses in all ways always in motion of creating ex-
pressed as form new that is formed of that is self, thus without break or pause
I am real omni eternal living self-aware! Expression “he/she’s in good form”
“I need to form-ulate my opinion” “that was just poor form” meaning first
world bank deficient of funds (fun-ds) A criminal we say is sent to prison to be
“reformed” they need to be “re-form-ed” (formed again) before they can “re-
join” (become one again) the majority accepted norm of species society life
standards. We’ve judged/decided that we don’t like/need thus accept the en-
ergies this now form so, re-invigorate, re-mould, re-shape, now re-formed thus
created it/them a new! Like attracts like, two must become one to exist as the
substance that is harmony, truth! Truth is actual therefor ONE! Therefor omni-
present eternal in resonant harmony, total organised eternal order. We must
come to our creator not the other way round as we are in a state of chaos, dis-
order so, if the creator were to come down to us for eternity it would be eter-
nal chaos so that is why we come/go/look/seek/find and inwardly ascend into
him as that is where thus how we can/do come into eternal life by being be-
come part and friend/child parcel in with him/it/her. Bringing our
think/thought mind to calmed order, not leaving it in an apathy state of self-
The minds obsession, pedantises over detail (part half-truth) is a very common
be-fouling I’ve noticed, it’s the minds way of how it fiddles with the energy and
thus stops it flowing through one-self un-bridled, spirit O Father self in my ex-
perience is very often much! “a bare back unbridled ride” no forcing the turns,
the speed or the stop, faith, in the steed knows it’s able capabilities, knows the
destination and will with its “will” carry us safely there in time, through time,
on time, all the time.
“mind your manners” “look but don’t touch” common commands given to chil-
dren to “raise” “arise” them, lift them up in through life, guide them towards a
good maturity they become, the mind is the child remember, the mind is also
part and parcel one in the same thing of the flesh form total itself literally,
hence cellular memory so, we must discipline, love, raise it as the child it is, do-
ing raising ”arising” thy self, thus then for its whole physical determinate life
span, hence why we often see the elderly returning to a child state of self, the
illusion of we innately grow old and wise is a placation or farce, actually we re-
turn to whence both halves of us come from, the child that birthed begins to
re-reveal its birth state again as the mind think thought computer degrades
through elemental life time space activity and the natural unminded state of
pure spirit begins to become visible physical manifest in this thought form half,
with less form fences of the mind able operational, our mind made able veil is
disintegrating, truth that is a living being is becoming unveiled in this aging pro-
cess that is “time” the end is now close to the start, one! EON=ONE “notice
same letters” just re-shaped, re-formed, revealed not reviled re-veiled thus liv-
ing towards death that is the state of “no veil” expression “the circle of life”
To afore mentioned fiddling “look but don’t touch” as the expression go’s THE
GAIN! TRUST, for real we must do this training to re-gain our true is self-ter-
rain, the ground we stand and live on each for real. Expression “stand your
ground” land is created in truth, in self-first, only solid foundation there is,
what inner ground we first build our clay temple of self-flesh world body on of
to. Live our life out here from thy heart home within, the mind with its physical
half-truth training does become a practiced thief of our own home “the con-
scious notice knowing known felt connection in self” that is what I connotate
to be divinity “O Father in Son” that is “intention attention driven of motive
self” every time we/I the observer in self looks the other way “through dis-
tracting think thought emotion mind” it’s trying to break in somehow to thieve
our heart home wealth’s “the knowledge ledger source data base bank for
forming actions here world through applied humble! Understood stance that is
wisdom” it! with its uneducated “I am alone” made sub-stance “sub-standard”
state does fiddle fuck! Our experienced truth is self in self O Father through
Son that he is truth! seek open! thy in! is self-truth no limits, no pre-concep-
tional judgements! as in religion an institutionalised man mind driven dogma
of symbolic physical past memory based ritualistic behaviours they use to jus-
tify adorning them-selves in the manifest material riches of the flesh physical
form world wealth’s, they blind leading the blind believe they are servicing the
living will of that is! O Father in Son divine living plan of his willed willing wish
for of us purpose plan to in thy I we physical form life, for me this is not doing a
godly truth act! So, therefor God or Creator, Allah, Buddha, the naming’s for of
the “truth” without limit is still truth, just because a fraternity painted it one
way and we do or don’t agree, connect, accept with it, doesn’t mean the sub-
ject that is source is inward valid or “invalid” crippled! non-existent not real
“the world was flat once, remember” this one’s interesting because it’s a
source, causal of many a view resulting in bloody! “blooded” arguments! Over
through the ages, a strange dark heinous! idea of high ground morality owner
ship of the true in truth often descends in people to become their own fac-
tional slaves to the ownership of their viewed personal experience, that they
think they have ownership rights to judge and punish, inflict! Retribution on
others if they don’t conform to with their self-ordained awarded “owned”
view, many roads to Rome. Expression “all roads lead to Rome” let’s not block!
Expression “block head” Others! after all SPIRIT THE ENERGY IS SO INCOMPRE-
GETHER. The mind loves to steal the “lime light” “IT ENVY JEALOUS” in dark of
the thy I we seek the light in O Fathers eye. All “one all one lamp light in O Fa-
thers SIGHT” the apple of his < I > thus so it can vainly with vanity try to
make/form its better version, what would it know really from a bunch of half-
truth logics piled together and organised through emotions expressed as emo-
tional decision to formed action. (it’s “in” inner is divided “all ways” of the past
last! Is last!!!) Don’t they say the longer we keep up the lie the more we have
to lie to support it! Keep it alive/going otherwise it could easily quickly unravel
and WORSE!! it could happen “at any very! NOT CONVENIENT MOMENT-S”
truths funny like that “very small simple looking seed, make very big! True
tree” sounds a bit like a mustard seed maybe (to reference another very cool
character in our history) truth come out “wrong time” human can get very,
VERY!! Upset, embarrassed to put it mildly. So, the
Hence the expressions “I’m putting you on notice” “did you notice what you
did?” “I’m giving my notice” The word- notice, noticeably, noticed, the act of
noticing is noticed, “you gave no notice” “I noticed you were noticing!” not in
thought, an un-denied awareness the observer ready watching to not allow pe-
dantic analytical “I’ll just add something in to the noticed space, to finish it,
whatever it! is doesn’t matter (always wants the last word and gets emotional)
Leave my attention resting on itself thus staying in the noticed space place,
don’t allow it to attach to anything, stays on with in itself regardless of what’s
noticed and or happening around self in the physical environment, distraction
is its immediate destruction any actions required by the energy do auto take
care of them self through the all-ways same consistent, held focused, practice
in act, of the knowing known noticed.
Conscience, as we call it is a harmonic of the attention on with in itself, at
home in the heart not out visiting or worst! living in the cold of the heartless
mind. “Is the Master in the house” butler? The butler is the observer watch-
men servant to the masters, home and the master himself. Are we here for a
real time or just a good time distracted physical life? This question belongs to
each us alone! Waste-wasting-wasted or wake-awakening-awakened, “WORK”
only “works” for those who “work” for it “truth” self-prime master ultimate
truth. This world as it currently works is the backward opposite of the first
formed forwardness, truth, honesty, confident, is confide-nt, confide in. ex-
pressions; “sorry to be so forward” “well your, not backwards in coming for-
ward, are you!” “I know it’s very forward of me” “don’t be backward in coming
forward” “two steps back one step forward” “two steps forward one step
back” the walk of life, hence “don’t let them/it walk all over you”
The mind, an unawakened self/person here, life physical will/does walk over
anything/anyone at any time to “gain” its profited wishes (waste) does use an-
yone anything at its “disposal” (waste) to implement gain it’s wishes, will even
invent man laws of legislation to justifiably allow itself to do it with no account-
ability or conscience, no recourse for other/others. “We all know about politi-
cians” they are our one finest! example of this fact! As “charity begins at
home” as the expression goes, this means all starts in home self, first! so a per-
son must first walk over truth/love/heart in self, before they can achieve ap-
plying it beyond their own physical form of self to other/others, this is why jus-
tification exists in the mind, to address this! Dilemma, otherwise it would be
trapped unable to move/express itself in this 3D flesh clay formed day world,
what it calls/knows as life, being alive, the self-take manifest of its want. Fo-
rensics law, if there is a story let the evidence tell its own story, if we
don’t/can’t see the evidence yet! but we see the story “I’m here, I’m alive, I’m
existent-self-aware” then we “need” must go to “work” seeking, finding, col-
lecting and collating the data, then work! To “understand” it and Wallah! We
have the story unfurl to us, “truth” (the who, what, when, where, how, thus
why! is unveiled) time tells it’s secret because “time will tell it can’t keep a se-
cret” I’ve found you have to “ask” it though, generally speaking it’s keen to
blab! If you ask. Just don’t judge pre-emptively what may come, how it may
“look” to the mind looking through its fences of pre-program past experience
judged outcome, “statistics” and fairy tales. Truth, living spirit is so very often
illogical, defiant of our minds settled judgements about what’s real, or not pos-
sible, impossible, implausible, to the man mind, hence the expression “God
moves in mysterious ways” the universe that is the mystery mysterious heart.
The conditional love that our mind is, “I love me and make love to me when I
feed me facts!” hence the expression “fuck head, head fuck, fucked in the
head” “proven by physical apparatus details” then grows them with its opinion
into larger than life facts! Laws! Judgements, then proceeds to blanket cover
everyone/thing with said judgement, “don’t judge a book by its cover” remem-
ber it’s not confined to just people relations, judging someone’s character etc,
it applies to all that is presented to our eyes “I” including the not yet physical
presented. Each time we reveal another fact of self to our mind we become a
little more resident in our house (temple) with a little more peace throughout
the house hold, “home, temple” same is Same both the same, it’s what we do
in them that makes it one or the other or both! A temple is where and when
ever we perform spiritual duties, a home Is wherever we “feel” at home. Old
expression “a man’s home is his castle!” what about “man’s home is his tem-
ple” so maybe now we just purchased our fridge and installed it, now need to
stock it with food “food for thought” find food hunter gatherer, wonder the
wander we ponder (pond=still water) no running water of running thinking
thought-trains of thought, just notice the knowing’s, wonder wander ponder a
question? The way a childlike one does, the innocence “in-of-sense” inner
sense of a child is “it’s all spiritual truth to it self” until its programmed to
prove in its mind that it is not! Hence the law statement “innocent until proven
You sharn’t! you can’t, you have to work! Down! At the plant (factory) Bummer
we put it off till another time? The mind living its own “demon-strate-d” lie,
separateness! Division, expression “there’s time enough” “we do it later” hmm
I wonder is there? The now don’t play like that, it’s now, now! Expression “no
time like the present” unless it involves a wakeup call “na rather stay in bed
asleep, too! Tired” call me later! Don’t know does our creator have “message
bank?” or is it more like “there is no time when we each are in our “own won
(one) now” present now! In now is in time. Expression “time flies when we’re
having fun” Fact! “time DRAGS! When we’re not!” So, time it appears is actu-
ally owned in each we thy self, the state in self is what quantifies our experi-
enced perception of its flow rate and even the very experience of it being real
NOT! AS A PRESENT. Fun or not fun engagement appears to be the key to its
noticed presence and flow rate, which leads me to “time is childlike” same as
us “the Son in O Father” It sprints when its having fun! But drags itself very!
Reluctantly when it’s not!
I say for myself personally permanently “don’t ever forget or be forgotten that
self, is! “Me/we in my thy eye to I self” the holder not! Hoarder, of all life
mate-ship and love, in, for in self we him/her I, one all one collective, not one
sheep is “left” behind astray! Alone separate separated.
Did you hear about Dave? Na what? He was down at the factory working, hav-
ing smoko break, wham! Out of the blue he has a massive heart attack!
Dropped dead! At the table, shit eh! Poor bastard, wasn’t very old either, yeah
just goes to show we never know “when our numbers up! Our numbers up”
yeah! “God moves in mysterious mystery ways”
Hear about Rick? Na what? Well you know how he just lived for footy (football)
loved the game it was his “passion” yeah… you just spoke of him past tense
twice! Why? Last Saturday he’s playing waiting for the ball to be thrown back
in second half and wham 22 years old, he drops dead right there and then on
the field, no warning! Nothing, was “looking” fine and then gone! Just like that,
bloody sad! I tell ya, bloody sad… what caused it? Fucken brain haemorrhage
can you believe it! Here one minute then gone! When’s the funeral? Wednes-
day. “Well there’s always tomorrow” another “don’t put off till tomorrow what
you can do today” actual truth, we only have now! That’s its own guarantee
and reward, no-“thing” else.
Don’t assume, judging with or without truth/facts to support said assump-
One fact! We all definitely do have is, NOW! we all have now! Our now. Ex-
pression “I’m really short! Of time” personally I say good! Stand tall in our
now! Is the opportunity. OPPORTUNITY is OPTION TO “TUNE IN OR OUT” “OP-
OR-TUNI-TY expression “opt in or opt out” it’s our opportunity for option.
There is literally only one eternal “time” moment, here on Earth it’s called
“NOW” this is otherwise knowable as “heavenly time” that is “no time (like) in
the present” “no time is no aging” hence, O Father is ageless therefor a child of
I hold the compass one way, someone else holds it another, no one’s fault ex-
cept it would probably have helped if the one who “gave” them their compass
had shown them which way to hold it if they have never had one before. Ex-
pression “his/hers, moral compass” having said that though the other side to it
is, if no one bothered or knew how to hold, use, what’s its purpose? How to
navigate with it, then there just going to pass it on as it was passed on to them,
“the sins of the father shall fall upon the son” as it was expressed in the Chris-
tian Bible by Jesus. So, history repeats itself over and over, each new! Genera-
tion is “left” to “work it out” use it or not, for them self, no one suitably quali-
fied available to help, thus the much current system here on Earth of “work it
out or drop out” another expression that springs to mind here is “drop dead!”
welcome to physical life on Earth, no wonder everyone “thought” “believed”
the world was flat! Good on ya Columbus for following your own truth! Making
the trusted leap of faith required to sort that one out. So, maybe just maybe!
Our inner world isn’t flat land either! Who’s got the gumption! To make the
leap of inner faith required to find/prove for self, in self, that we are made in
self of Allah, Buddha, God, prime living is now truth, no one can actually do this
for us from external, only the internal that is eternal can form itself as an ap-
parent external of its internal eternal. Expression “you can lead a horse to wa-
ter but you can’t make it drink” the external can only go as far as pointing to
the way, the door, the water! But we must drink if we need/want to quench
our thirst, “save thy self” no one else literally! can do this for us, only help us to
do it, in with thy self, we have to get on board and sail our own ship off the
edge of the “world” (our mind) as Columbus did, we never know if where too
prime ultimateness has its place and it loves being in its place because it’s a
space for its place that like self is made in of too from love, “like attracts like,
like loves like” TRUTH it’s alive, it’s us, it’s all one actual for real living being,
entity if we would rather say, or God, Allah, Buddha, Wukantunka, living self-
aware energy. In my view it matters little what we here choose to call him/her
we, the importance is the intensity of the personal reverence we feel for our
creator through the chosen outward naming we affix/invite our intention/at-
tention to him/her us through. Like us, the Prime Ultimateness is for real “full”
in, of feeling light energy intention/attention self-aware. Eternally in/on/with-
in him/her/us we self, proving continually consistently to self “I am existent liv-
ing aware, self-perpetuating my I life giving-ness, living-ness, the prime all one
is one all, is truly a perpetual energy device, you might say a “feeling energy
light engine” no unleaded required thank you.
The greatest challenge, weak link we face down here in this our personal life
experience is our own flesh think thought mind, incidentally the flesh body
and all the formed 3d universe is one of the denser forms of thought we inter-
act with, with in it-self is also the reflected opposite of the “feeling energy love
light world” inner self in the form of the “in-un-tangible” part we experience as
our own thought thinking thoughts (software) “one feels” constantly knows it’s
self-actuality (truth) the other “thinks” its own known self-actuality by scaffold-
ing the construct that is past memory and hope planned pre-outcome organ-
ised/judged to an expectation future. One imminently important detail of dif-
ference here is, the feeling energy light created this, all thought in all its forms
so, it knows thought better than thought literally knows it self, hence the idea
that our creator does literally know us better than we know ourselves because
we are lost in the dense identification with our flesh body minds which are
dense thought, the flesh emotional personality we identify with as “I thy am
self” my wants! So, they are the same in the unpartitioned space that is one all
one. (the total in ultimate one) Old expression “the Devil still works for God”
Part and parcel of one in the same the Prime Ultimateness one! Two, aspect
expressive forms, one the second in service to the other by created order that
is existence in form (the outer) I have a memory from the bible of this being
described as the “hand maiden” and “the footstool” (the think thought mind)
our enemy at worst! “the footstool” Our wife at best! “the hand maiden” It’s
actual purpose is to be in servitude, the hand maiden mind becomes wife to
the husband heart “wisdom and worry the nurturer” the mind is not the Mas-
ter of the house, the hand maiden is not the Master of the relationship (the
house his castle) a footstool waits in ever patience too “if and when” the Mas-
ter decides to recline his feet upon it.
Another way same to say it is, the mind is not the master of the house it is the
butler, it knows, is aware of the house but it doesn’t own the house, it doesn’t
“hold the keys” the master does! As it is the master who entered the house of
the flesh not the other way around, it is the entering of the master that bought
and brought life into the house, made form of it and then chose to dwell with
in, again NOT the other way around ‘life before death as death is born into life’
so, the butler may enter and have the house as a place of ‘live in residence ser-
vice’ employment to the masters wishes/commands, the law that is will willed
of the master and lore that is him/her we thy “in-self” O Father, that which is
“living in life” it I thy, all in each, is-ing is thy self.
The masters aim you might say is to train “one” good butler or marry “one”
“good wife” acquire “one” good “foot stool” to last him a life time, which in
turn does, give the butler, the wife, the handmaiden, the foot stool an employ-
ment/partner in ship of engagement to that which is life for at least as long as
the masters life and if the master, is the master! that is eternal long life, well it
can make for a very good happy that is time, the master is the “bread winner”
of the house for the house, the butler, wife, hand maiden are all roles of the
“house keeper” home maker “the wife bears Aire’s of the master to the house”
Mother is maker of forming the earth to flesh “the holy whole house” of the
“Aires” to the Father. Being an Aire of someone/thing also denotes the possi-
bility of wealth attained through the gift of inheritance, the light of O Father
shines! inherit in the children” (humanity) “in, is the given that is heritance” O
Father in Son living needs, motive, intention thus attention and attribute traits,
personality is living inherit in each all of us. Expression “it’s inherit! of those old
days under king Blah Blah and his arrogance!” “sins or blessings of the father
shall fall upon the sons and daughters” we have space and place that is oppor-
tunity while here on Earth to choose which who is our father for father, who
wears the pants in the family, mum is dad!?? Dad is mum!?? Huh! Or dad is
dad and mum is happy being mum, no domestic front! Going on in the “home
that is up front” So, the master that is husband is very keen and able willing to
look after his wife, children, butler, handmaiden, foot stool, a good master is
he who loves his “wife, child Aires, servants to him/her the house” and his
prized possessions.
The flesh is always on the HUNTER! GATHERER trip for opportunity (CROCOD
ILES, OPPORTUNISTIC FEEDERS) “it’s alone self-given/ordered bullied, tempt-
ing’s” purpose to stimulate, personally experience its own fun-de-mental “de”
in French translates in English often as “of” so “fun of mental” sensations in
the body, the flesh that it perceives “real” proving lust-fully through the enjoy-
ing to it-self its own existence “sensation able-ness” sensation is “sin of satiat-
ing its own alone lusting desires” its own self-ordained plan (mans, plan) that is
against the willing WILL that is O Father (Gods plan in for man) “turning our
back on our creator) salvation for the mind that is man “died for the sin that is
flesh mind the man” to first hand give forgive out of personal experience, to
which empathy and compassion are born out of “THE HEART THAT IS THE
MIND OF OUR CREATOR” the Prime Ultimateness is in living “gods man plan” is
him/she in we man/woman. “The divine fragment, seed” Expression in terms
of endearment, proud, pleased e t c, he/she’s “a chip! Off the old block” a copy
that does flatter and fetter the original. In negative context is “a chip on one’s
shoulder” “he’s got a chip on his shoulder” a grudge “a chip” is held on of past
experience, thus it has become the person’s proxy parent original colouring thy
self in mind thus souring! to thy is I heart.
Shit eh! Who would’ve “thought” ha ha Yippy! Yippeeee!! “More feeling” that’s
better isn’t it!? Fun in the “son” pardon the pun! Well I’ve gotta run before an-
other pun! Bites my bum! ha, Ha humour LOL 😊
We can’t for real here Earth world really understand any human culture in any
depth without being able to immerse ourselves through the language into the
“feeling felt” thus thought, emotional expression world its actually made in of
from too! here, slow light matter world. I think that other bloke in the bible
made a mention about the issue of compassion and empathy when he stated
“we need to walk at least 100 miles in another man’s sandals” to understand
“before we judge!” if any of us think/feel judging each other is a warranted
practice to take up against each other, after all old saying “he who lives by the
sword, dies by the sword” do unto others as we would have done. There’s an-
other that screams out for a mention here also “don’t throw stones in glass
houses” judging we might say is akin to the old expression “out of the fry pan
into the fire!”
Wo-man, “Wo” is the think thought emotion-all state thought body incubator
and nurturer of the species that is mind/flesh thought body “man-woman” the
we can only “feel” them by touching/mouthing the bait, very high risk of being
hooked, if we are gentle quick without struggle (accept, trust, faith) in acting
on the felt feeling it can save us from getting hooked! Slow to realise (real-
eyes) “discern, accept, trust, faith” we are not able to swim for our food in the
ocean anymore! We all know what happens to the fish who gets hooked! No
Expression is the convergence of feeling married with thought thus action is
output, their new! Child is form born, birthed of this truth has revealed that
the two have be-come one, showing reminding its form as symbol that the liv-
ing truth is eternally birthing its own “I am self” existence, hence “come to me
ye as little children” to quote the Christian bible.
The sound of truth, he/she said “it had a real ring of truth about it” “well it
rings true” “hmm… it had a real ring about it when he said that!”
The truth when its delivered (delivered the baby new born of innocence) has a
unique feeling felt “heard” tone that we experience in our “inner house” (chest
centre of physical form occupied space) the heart as we call it, that “tone” is its
ring! Of our home heart front door bell “Please! I’m here may I come in” obvi-
ously if where resident in our inner home we will always answer this ring! Of
our door because only truth knows we have a door bell to ring for alerting us
of its polite arrival, specifically it’s the truth’s signature (signed nature) thus we
can/do know without hesitation of confusion “broken discernment” it is who it
is so, definitely “please come in your welcome” can I get your coat? A drink of
water perhaps? Please let me! Make you! Comfort-able as we are that very
same truth that has/is just arrived, that’s how it knows we have a front door
with bell to ring! So essentially, it’s thy own thy self all incumbent truth prime
ultimateness arriving home to our thy self, own home, like attracts like remem-
ber, the law/lore never falters or alters throughout one all one.
Funny here on Earth we say opposites attract (this has function due to the fact
that the apparent opposite feeling energy light is, to dense thought matter, are
attraction in traction co-existing to make us! 3d all life formed forms) life to ex-
ist here relies on the feeling energy light facilitating itself, chosen will to be at-
traction coupled with form that is “thought light” dense, hence apparent oppo-
sites are observed to attract due to this base foundation of 3d life to be-come
matter form expressed, the two of one have re-come become one. Yet when
we look for a life partner of the “opposite” sex we tend to look for someone
who has same/similar interests/views in life but not too! the same in too many
The physical body, welcome to gland land, we’ve got a gland for every part of
our physical body land, physical body thought formed of the feeling energy
light beings experience expression, we have glands that are experience recep-
tor reflectors. The chemical submission sensation expression receptor reflec-
tors in the physical body thought form are to enable a physical chemical emo-
tional sensation all body expressed experience of the feeling energy light being
“in-self” world that is “in” personal experience, thus a whole truth of self here,
not blind in self-halved. Expression “half hearted” Personal, feeling felt formed
experience, output as a physical chemical in body reaction “sen-sin-sation”
reflection. (sensation is chemical of reaction emotion that is, mind experienced
in physical body) “the tangible mind” feel think “this” gland expresses of that!
like attracts like through the opposites that are in a state of formed attract co-
habitation, all action in one is re-action in the other, thus are come one, whole
truth in experience, the inner is to the outer. Einstein said “for every action
there is an equal opposite re-action” first! Is to second as is master to servant,
husband to wife, left hand to right hand and so on.
How b-land is my g-land, not desert dry I may die! I’ll have no land to stand!
The physical dust and water “clay” the physical body, is our personal island of
land we are gifted to stand, our personal garden to cultivate.
Expression in negative “I won’t stand for this” or “I can’t stand it when they do
that” there’s many expressions of this nature, “we stand united” “stand alone”
our life is very much about our stance in life (do we “under-stand” or “I don’t
our day fact! That our whole “five senses” accepted reality we relate to as life
“real” is just a bunch of narrow band perceived spectrums of “motion vibra-
tional frequency in energy waves” with pre-program processed data outcome,
interpreted, assigned signals passing through our brains and self in self, choos-
ing to accept without question the interpretations our brain is assigning
through pre-loaded judgment programming, the inner first truth is self O Fa-
ther in Son is also a bunch of energy wavelength signals passing through the
self that is space and being processed by our brain with the same programming
we use for everything else so, is it very hard to see/accept that our brain is
merely assigning interpreted established reality belief to this also. “real or real-
ity” is merely the collective accepted norm of interpreted agreed meaning as-
signed to sensory experienced sensations. We have this experience of physical
reality is “real” only because we the light being self is co-habit assimilated with
the slower lower denser form that is physical matter, same motion vibrational
frequency in energy wave as the rest of this, the 3d universe, we have the so
called reality experience through the principle made law that is like attracts
like, same can experience same, hence the flimsy yet very real that is illusion
and not, if our self, personal in self or the wider 3d universe does accelerate or
decelerate the motion vibrational frequency of the energy wave in relative
terms of each other than we immediately slip in phase out of sync thus we are
not of like is to like so we for all intents and purposes no longer exist as “ac-
cepted reality” for to each other, yet in truth we both are still one in the very
real, just not currently spectrum perceivable as a “solid” that is the minds in-
terpretation of what is real.
What if our creator appeared “boldly” and said we are not merely here to la-
bour in the world for the wants! Of thy mind flesh sensations and lament the
emptiness they leave behind but also to sacrifice the labours of mind to our
flesh worldly wants! for the labours of the heart “find me that is your living
now! creator” your Father, in you thy self, I assure you I am there as much as I
am here.
“Sacrifice is truly the crown jewel of expressed love, to demise oneself of self-
benefit for the benefit of another” selfless is “self-less” remember it is the act
of making “less of self” thus I need little and want even less so, I have a “lot”
that is lots to give. Expression “it’s my lot in life” “the life I lead is my lot! In this
life” lot, is a space, place and position that does contain stuff, a house address
is sometimes called “lot 2970 happy street, happy heaven 0001” “a lottery” is
“lot-s of money” at auctions the items for sale are arranged into a collection of
“lots” for sale, “lot number 1” “lot 2” and so on, there is not one thing, mecha-
nism, law of physics, quantum physics, human attribute/behaviour in this phys-
ical thought form universe that is not ultimately expressive of/to the prime ul-
timateness O Father in son one all one, the self-choice to intention our atten-
tion to doubt, defy, defame, turn our back on him/her we, is still expressive of
him/her we I one all one because quite simply we each are made in, of, too,
the same substance thus parameters of for life existent, utilising our freely
given of thy Father to thy self, free will to choose doing any and all we do, from
intention to attention to the final formed outward expressed act! Thus, all we
do in on all levels is us expressing our heart to thought for our creator Father,
it’s our attitude towards our family put into formed act! Behaviour “are our
manners before us or are we before our manner” it’s never not! Our self in self
of our own won now choice, chosen in, to out our act! (coercion in life here
can and often is, very violent of manner so very hard!! Choices, but still choice,
“test of heart” one might say)
A circle is infinite, all shapes possible, thus it symbolises with its actual self-
truth that one, is all in one, hence again the reasoning behind the presence de-
picted of the halo “ring of truth” one all one “under-stood” to “under-stand” is
humility. The beckoning of a childlike being, sparkles! In our “I to eye to I”
The “unhappy” (malfunction) gland or glands are an obvious physical indicator
of where to look in the marriage for the said malfunction , thus also the re-bal-
ancing solution required to arrest the condition before irreparable damage oc-
curs, worst case scenario being the divorce of the co-exist between spirit self
and thought self, physical death, one level back from death being, a mal-per-
forming receptor reflector or exactly working perfectly depending on how we
look at it, the receptor is actually doing the only thing it can do which is reflect
what it recepts so, it’s a reciprocal receptacle reflect-it-all. If we physically lose
a receptor reflector through some accident or illness then we grieve the loss
because now we suffer a measure of spiritual/physical imprisonment because
a portion of self that is experience can’t now have the whole truth expressive
experience, physical in this life anymore “cut off” Now a diagnosable physio-
logical condition of impairment, a part of the self-truth expression lost so, as to
reveal the self-truth that “is” the loss.
Vibrational frequency is what actually makes us “real reality” to each other,
the quantum small motion vibration variation in frequency is what makes the
particle self, slip by quantum measurement in and out of phase/sync with each
other and the broader 3d universe otherwise we would not have “five senses
perceivable wavelength” made manifest by quantum friction, the manifest vi-
brational waveform of quantum interaction that makes us “solid reality” to
each other’s five senses sensory perception, that is slow matter physical den-
sity reality, second skin matter density intermingled of the finer feeling energy
light spectrum. We are actually a movie reality to each other because we ap-
pear and disappear as quantum phase/sync frames per quantum measure-
ment, we are actually apparent real in “two places at once” in the one ultimate
one all one eternal life space place moment, also made “visible real” through
the passage of the substance we call motion that is labelled as “time” as with a
piece of movie footage it must have motion of minimum frames per second to
fool the human physical brain into perceiving the illusion as a fluid seamless re-
ality (in this case a minimum 24 fps) so it is with us in this 3d form of heavy
matter, if the motion space “time” (the switching rate) we are in slowed down
enough we would appear to be “frozen” or “slow motion” five senses “real”
for a block of time than we would “disappear” for a block of time, apparently
real here than not. So the motion of what we call time is what in large part
keeps the physical matter formed brain, us all life in this world fooled into in-
terpreting the phase flash as a seamless “real” that is “reality fixed and solid”
As I mentioned earlier in brief our Father creator is at one level a binary being,
this life experience we are in here is an expression made form of the binary
state of O Father, we each exist as the two states of “on and off” flash, expres-
sion “I’ll be back in a flash!” a bit like a strobe light or fluorescent light tube,
the strobe light very slow, easy to discern the cyclic “on and off” flash! the flu-
orescent tube harder because the cycle (frequency) is much faster it appears to
the brain “us” as an “almost” seamless flood of light but it isn’t and its percep-
tible. “what’s real! Reality for us is all built on frames/flashes per motion accel-
erant is time” to “brain receptor interpreter reflector, the “computer” it will
deliver a rendered image from what its pre-programming assigns to the data
input, it the brain just casually fills in the gaps with its “linear past memory
logic” (photos) “must be” (the interpreter) “assumption” reality “illusion” an-
other word for illusion is “LIE” (meaning not actual) expression “I feel like I’m in
a movie” another expression “don’t judge a book by its cover” thus we are “in-
ner formed” of the duality system reality we find our self in and not, as when
we are in either one of the two states possible (the two available choices-only
one choice choose able at a “time” (can’t serve two masters) we are actually in
“one space time place point reality” hence the only actual true “reality” to la-
bel life in such human terms is NOW, where ever we actually are “point space
time place” for each of us is “the truth actual existent self” our omni present
point is “reality” what we call “now” hence these expressions “I might pop! In”
“I need to pop! Out” “why don’t you pop! Over” “can you pop! across” stress
expression “I feel like my brains going to pop!” “well that just popped! Out
from “nowhere”
View from self-existing point makes what we call relativity, our view is relative
only to thy own point space place motion is time, as when we are in the “off”
state self we are actually in “self-point is I reality “on” existent, when we are in
the “on” state we are on only from thy “self-point is I reality view” hence the
expression “my/his/hers view point” “point of view” “real in reality” but in rel-
ative terms that is time view from a point to another, we are either “on” exist-
ent or “off” non-existent, but in actual fact “we are on and off at the same
point/time” in all motion that is “time” as the something is something and the
something is nothing is perpetually eternally all-ways something (the omni pre-
sent eternal existent that is living life O Father in Son) when we made a photo
in the old days before digital cameras we had to first produce what we termed
the “negative” image and then reverse it to produce the “positive” image,
what we on this side of cohesive duality one reality assign the labelled identity
of “positive” as it’s the same as we the brain see/interpret it “we don’t in our
self-life “reality” see/perceive this so called “negative-reverse” image of the
same reality, yet if we are “life form existent” in the so called negative image
world as we term it then we would/could if so chosen term “it as the positive”
and “this side” the negative! (all charity begins and stays at home) our “reality”
is constant to relative self-point space time place, our view point being relative
only to/of self makes all creation “self-existent malleable” as the human brain
is with the “image” it perceives through the human eye, “movie camera” all of
creation is code, living in form that is expression thus existent “reality” birthed
of the assigned rendering we each are as self that is assigned to the code. In
this world, certain spectrums of the code have been assigned renderings that
are hard wired in our bio-brain chemical computer thus apparent commonali-
ties that are agree related to as “here 3d life is reality” the five senses render-
ing assigned to the code (binary life light pulse wave) I’m labelling this as the
“Sub Quantum DNA helix” we are the substance that is “Sub Quantum DNA”
thus through to our familiar physical DNA double helix, expression from the
Christian bible “on Earth as it is in heaven” a “double helix” the apparent two
Spirit “O Father” is made of “need” hence then need is functional formed, thus
meaning all external “symbolic” gestures we do in regards to spiritual intent/
motive e.g. bowing or going down on one knee are actually a mechanistical
function of the heart, the act of doing it, is either the mind of remem-
brance/gesture of taught or it is what naturally immediately results in our ac-
tion of self, our body when we “for real” have the experience of “O Father in
Son” open the density between thy self and him, my experience is that “he it,
him” with me, appeared through a tunnel opening inside and outside of my thy
self, it was a shaft, a pillar spotlight that did shine down inside me and outside
of me at the same time one in the same “he it, him” felt and looked of a light
that I can only best describe as “old gold” at the immediate moment of this
taking place I felt only one thing through thy whole self and it was “HOLY”
humble! grandeur and ancient magnificence! I found my-self immediately go-
ing down on one knee such was the abundant! Feeling inside outside my thy
self (outside light was approximately two feet wide round me) and began apol-
ogies for being the dense me that has done so many dense doubt dumbed
acts! In my life, upon this experience finishing after what felt like a minute ish!
I had two statements in me, in felt feeling, first “GODS REAL, NA!!! GODS RE-
ALLY!!! REALLY!! FUCKEN REAL” the second was I looked at my mate playing
music across from me and the second statement was voiced to him! “Without
you none of this is possible” I did not know at that time what! if anything that
really meant! But as time of experience passed after this event I discovered it
was about showing me that to save thy self as the expression goes “be in the
enlightened” one must save another (help another/others to find their way!)
Inwards that is “the living light “OLD GOLD” that is “he it, him” living feeling
light, the desire to support be of service to another/others as a vessel of “he it,
him truth” is a big part of how we make thy self, able available to spirit the
“light hearted truth” to come close and even enter into through thy self, “our-
selves” the more we empty our glass, “share our share in the vessel” that is
self, the more it is filled, we empty “share” it more! “He it, him” gives us a big-
ger vessel until if we be-come an “open space of place” the HE IT HIM does
pour through as a river. “the electricity can’t “show itself” if it has nowhere to
go, “the appliance that is defiance! Is switched off!”
Humans we the ones who profess to believe in God and even some who don’t
are always in our life looking even demanding that God give help provide us
with what we want! “Think we need” sounds a bit like me, me, me! But ques-
tion do any many of us consider wonder ask our self him, what he it, him
needs/wants from us, as very good friend pointed out to me many years ago
“what can, I do for you God” in my him/her us we now personal life experience
here world (none of us! Own God under any named label) it’s the other way
around, parent to child, King to Prince etc.
gious, family structure, upbringing lessons (family lore/law) literally families in-
dividual to families, country and international “global” universal. Finally, and
first! We are the family that is “he it, him “we” children in of same parents,
brothers and sisters.
A want is not necessarily a need but a need is automatically a want “because I
need it I want it” in other words even in despite of how distasteful it might be
to acquire/do, I still do actually want it because I’ve identified it as a need,
need is un escapable. So, a marriage has/is occurring “two are becoming one”
very powerful in the here, life creation department, we become very passion-
ate, impassioned to make/create it here world formed to the point we will and
do individually and collectively judge and justify it over the top of another’s
said need/want and if they get in the way! In any way shape or form, resist it,
we go to war! Real and destroy! Kill each-others physical bodies (kicking each
other off the planet) to disconnect the unwanted expression of those spirits
physical minds (no spirit is now no mind) To crush that culture/society expres-
sion of those spirits heart/mind.
Don’t tend to fight a war of many long years to make it happen, unless we,
they have our personal and collective needs/wants misidentified thus misun-
derstood, resulting in confusion, thus even one person with enough real, world
clout! can and has repeatedly throughout recorded history started! sent others
to war! Bringing the same! Always result nothing less! Than “absolute car-
nage!” Of life for all feeling energy light beings, millions of lives “taken stolen”
on all sides, “the maiming” all social life experience, socio, economic, political
and spiritual structure “left” in tatters for indefinite time period, many often
never fully recover and some never do they just disappear into history.
Confused in/of actual self-truth, truth understanding to one’s self the pendu-
lum of life choice, expression “the war! Within” jostling, fighting for an out-
come final first! Truth experience, expression “my stance in life” expression
“stand up and be counted” “what did that/this count for?” “what’s there,
stance on that?” “how do they stand on that?” “everyone has to make a stand
in life” “the last stand”
Question? Have we ever asked oneself “seriously” what do I/we “need” as a
human to be here on Earth and live “survive” exist, ask anyone who has been
stuck! Lost in the very remote parts of the world and had to survive literally an-
yway they could and they will likely tell us “very little actually” at the most
basic end of the stick! I say. The first thing that dawns on me is “my life goal
purpose, motive!” If I’m going camping what will/do I need First! Most im-
portant “can’t be forgotten!” following that I may look at what I might
like/think want! That will enhance/enrich! The whole experience, meaning all
other light beings “people” inclusive. Immediately as an Earthling I see “food
shelter and love” food and shelter covers the primal basic needs of the physical
body sustenance environ-mental care, as to quality, style, level of comfort!
Particular types and variety of foods we are going to eat, are all wants! That
may or may not actually enrich! The person and collective people’s life experi-
ence wealth in terms of lifting us up as a species, once we know “accepted”
that we are eternal beings for “real” this here life we call real reality becomes a
camping trip away from home for a while, preparing for a camping trip away
from home here world is much the similar to what takes place for a feeling en-
ergy light being before we “be-come” physical incarnate life form.
A little while, hopefully with good fun company of friends and family, there’s
one aspect of love taken care of, another the important above literally all,
meaning all other acts and agenda for one’s personal life in the collective,
“love to of our creator” (acts out of recognition, reverence, empathy, compas-
sion etc) Now everyone who’s been camping knows anything can and often
does happen like “I didn’t factor in a snake sleeping in my bed” as part of my
chosen desired personal experience, variables unseen at time of forming
choice and said planning for our chosen activities are “our placed testings of
heart” in each our own and collective life here world, shows us for who and
what we are! To our self and what form we are making of thy self with the gifts
of the spirit given us each all, to our creator Father, he sees through the inside
that we each are, expression “straight to the heart of the matter” meaning the
“TRUTH” actual is. Ever noticed you can always see more of the view from the
inside of a window looking out then you can from outside in, especially at dis-
tance (di-stance) “stance in life again” it’s a must to not get lost in this here
world that we keep the present view of a child that this is an adventure of fair
share play time learning, otherwise “other eyes” it can and does turn quickly
from fun time (no time!) away from home adventure to “very share not! Seri-
ous” “pain in the ass!” as the expression go’s, problem for self and all on said
trip! No child in with us, means no humour, no fair, fair play share, no “look on
the bright side” as the expression go’s view/attitude inward of the current and
apparent outward (here world our said camping trip) little things like 10 feet of
thumping fat! Healthy snake has evicted oneself from said sleeping bag, one
view might be to say “awesome! I’m Hungary, he’s like a giant! Sausage roll we
can just pick him up in the sleeping bag and toss him in the fire! And eat!! Yum!
Good tucker!” Or “fuck this! Get real stressed angry what do I do, my behav-
iour makes life a misery! For all else present there on said trip at time of event
(not advocating we should start throwing poor snakes on fire when next we go
camping) they need the warm comfy sleep too! “It’s all about our attitude thus
controlling our angle/state of view” this includes affecting the timing of all our
said views in this life, the timing we will actually repeatedly keep seeing/creat-
ing our reality “our view” constantly “seeing” the view of thy creator or not!
Attitude and belief are very close working colleagues, who have much com-
mand over what we do and don’t see! In this here physical life, attitude is open
no limits, belief is tainted as it has some measure of pre-formed attribute, ego
of mind engaged in attitude often stimulates the forming of a belief “a limit”
the playful disposition of the child like one is the go! Only fear! only a self-ab-
sorbed attitude/view would bear the fruit that is fear! and make a snake in
ones sleeping bag a big! fun destroying event! Of experience for self and oth-
ers present (the loss of my I gathered full filled wants!)
Expectations ownership, monetary fortune and or status accolades fortunes,
the pleasing pleasure wealth’s of the flesh material world, not warranted to
cancel ones “trip” away, not “need” necessary “don’t commit suicide!” IN DES-
SELF FIRST AND LAST! “ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN” this is actually an awe-
some! Opportunity to make huge connection with thy in-self creator O Father
in Son living true truth, because if we turn our attention with the intensified in-
tention resulting from our fear/desperation of situation/view! a truly honest
moment in of self with self to our creator for help (a prayer) cry out from the
heart!! This is very much the language of him O Father/Son “whole hearted
honesty in of self with he it, himself living truth, no lie! In thy “I” genuinely! A
EVER IT IS AND MEANS?? “humble understanding in of self o father son”” no
limits! For real a chosen act! Of freely given freewill to separate with force! The
self, co-exist life form state (rip! “R.I.P” THY SELF/O FATHER IN HALF) not an act
of self-love for in-self thy I truth, O Father in Son “motive, act of pain not love”
what colours the energy. Expression “what a colourful person” “a very colour-
ful event” “it was a very colourful lie told” “a man of colours” just look find get
help to tip! The snake out free of ones sleeping place, not warranted to let
fear/anger kill the snake for punishment or other justifications either. The
snakes just self-absorbed with its needs/wants too! It’s not personal as far as
the snakes concerned either “it’s warm and soft practical to his needs/wants,
he might say “sorry! I just had a big feed and haven’t eaten for quite a while, I
noticed the sleeping bag and no one was using it so, I thought maybe we could
share! that might be a nice warm! Comfy place for me to digest and rest for a
while as I “need” heat to metabolise my food and it was a lot of work! To catch
it, I might not get to eat again for up to a year from now so, I really! wanted to
enjoy it “sorry it wasn’t personal, I didn’t mean to scare! You, had I known you
were coming and “needed” it I would have moved, after all it is yours, but we
don’t speak the same language so, I can’t tell you my side of this, I was just
hungry and self-absorbed to my needs and comfort! Wants, not too often us
mob see the opportunity of a nice warm sleeping bag to slip slide into, espe-
cially this time of the year, not many tourists winter ya know, bloody chilly!
Out there if you hadn’t noticed, sorry! Mate, no harm done I hope”
Incidentally if we don’t judge the Australian Aboriginal culture through the self-
ish imposing eyes of western culture views and desires of comfort, conven-
ience through technology “wealth” we see a culture of feeling energy light be-
ings who have lived the co-exist experience with the physical body as a very
“low key” (as the expression go’s) environmentally disruptive moulding chang-
ing co-exist with themselves and physical world here environment for 60 plus
thousand years (according to western science) apparently quite happy in there
big picture long history that is now “the dreamtime” as the English translation
go’s. Apparently as in from the western point of view then and not overly dif-
ferent now, I’d surmise, was/is they didn’t evolve hardly any forms of tool
technology to assist enhance convenience them-selves in this physical life, they
were judged very badly as a culture and people against this criteria of, they
went global we would be a long! Way forward free! of the current mess! We
are still foundering floundering! ourselves in.
No wonder if it be true, global warming that is, the colder of human collective
heart we become, the HOTTER! It gets for real, we have/are created one GI-
ANT! Resistor (our think thought want for me “doubt you” mind) in our line of
“heart felt recognised expressed equal level consciousness” self-truth that is
true in thy self. I have to ask out loud! What “will” of will, will it take, how
much heat! To melt the ice of global collective human heart-less-ness??? Just
“think positive” they/we blindly say, “I say!” as just because we focus positively
on getting what we want doesn’t automatically make it an “actual” positive
thought, considering what thought is in it’s “made alone nature” apart from
that, there is also the fact! (photography) that the “negative” image is really
much in the global/local mainstream media to the masses in the way of get
business “profit%” out of it, even charities are often found to be doing well out
of the “misery industry” of others, medical, pharmaceutical, the list go’s, on!
“A little misery! Makes for a lot! Of wealthy % profit happiness” what about
PASSION. Oh! That’s right we don’t do that as a global dysfunctional family that
has divorced! Itself at the root! Of we, that are “itself” Besides if we did do
that, who?? Would be “left” to exploit! Everyone and thing in all of creation for
a nice “over kill” % profit! For the God of that is the HOARDENCE! Whore. Are
we still this dead, hard of heart and decayed in mind? Obviously! Yes, Take, no-
tice! Oh that’s right we’re having an identity crisis! We many think we are Os-
triches! Got our heads and therefor hearts buried in the sands of time “not my
time to shine!” for all mankind so, “who gives a, rats!” as the expression go’s,
certainly not the rats! Nor the we/us humans behaving with a “rats brain” of
devotion motive motion, Is there truly any! loving hope for this ice to melt???
Strait up from where I’m standing clearly not! History proves it inside out, back
to front, left to right, top to bottom, the human species is still an ongoing
“failed project” in terms of actual even respect love for each other equal, un-
less the aim is to go as far backward! Nowhere! As fast far as we can, probably
need a shit load more unleaded for us to keep going “forward” in our blind
I know have pity! On with ourselves because where justified! Plain (plain, de-
void of any prominent “rises” in the terrain) stupid dumb, we lack the intelli-
gence “pea brain” to do much more than eat shit fart and breed, all good! even
a “pea brain” can work out what a 600% mark-up! is, but wait there is hope!
For the less of hope hopeless, if an inward spinning spiral is left to go viral long
enough it will disappear up its own ass! So hang on! have we all got our pegs
ready, it’s about to get very, really! Smelly and don’t take our blankets with us
as we all know how shit sticks to blankets, ah… well we did all make our beds,
now we have to lie (lye) in them, expression “you made your bed now lye in it”
Last word heard across eternity from the human species “ITS NOT MY FAULT”
he she they caused it! We’re Ostriches! What could we do! We’ve got our
heads in the sand and the sound of one long! Collective fart, go’s out to the
Uni-verse-all one at 10,000,000,000,000, % per annum for all eternity, oh! Well
the God, Allah, Buddha bank will have to for close on our home given on loan,
Humans make the rules! “Can’t pay, can’t stay!” “on Earth as it is in heaven”
there was once a question asked of Jesus in his “as a man” life, our in self
“master” that is crowned King in by the is Father thy true truth “how many
times must we give forgiveness!” somewhere in the vicinity of 700 x 77 or
some other large equation, point to me is simply be “very generous to this
act!” with each other in “ALL” regards, expression “wipe the slate clean” an-
other “lend to one who can’t! pay it back” to me this simply states “give to the
one who ever that is in true “need” as literally if unable to pay it back then it is
most likely there need is real, thus if they can’t pay it back and we lend to
them are we not choosing to let go of thy self-agenda “man/mind plan” for the
love (need) of another other of the light! “he that is him who created and loves
us through the Son our master that is who thy in self is the I truth him O Fa-
ther, who did sacrifice himself to die for the transgressions of the flesh, hence
“us” as in we “all” sin (to use that word) to the will of our flesh which is rebel-
lion against the in, self-felt-feeling found love of to, truth O Father in Son “Son
of man” as in! is he, dwells, the Son is in man.
So, simple for the simpletons “obviously! No pay means no stay” which means
“no play” kids, I’d say “go to your rooms” Sais Dad but you fucked up and now
you don’t have one, no house obviously, no room to stay in, ah! You can all go
and find a share house and “split” the rent, by the way everyone “tough titties”
as the expression go’s I don’t clean! up after myself, someone else I don’t care
who, does that after me, I’m here for a “good time” not “your time” suck it up
stop whinging we made/make the rules “every man and woman even child for
them self” remember “number one” WE ARE ALL GOING TO LIVE HERE ON
EARTH FOR EVER! Aren’t we!??... so, hoarding as much for a “rainy day” as the
expression go’s makes perfect “justified, justifiable sense, “ALLOWABLE” in
fact! let’s make it the life game way purpose for life here, competition! The an-
imals do it, its justifiable, undeniable, we all see it. Remember that idiot up the
back somewhere who said some stupid and I mean really clown stupid! Thing
about “self in true truth” was actually onto something, hmm… sigh! If only we
had a second “chance of the hand” (left hand got left be-hind) to do it all over
again, yeah! Too late! Now though, why? Ah remember that other backward
comment he said something about “NOW!” as opposed to second hand, used
moments of the last past moment, time! “get it better second time round” as
the expression go’s. Hmm don’t know wasn’t really paying attention of inten-
tion, well we weren’t payers players on Earth, we were getters betters laying
our bets! With the bookie of the flesh! Guess the “gamble” didn’t really “pay”
off did it? Na the house in “all-ways” wins, hedging our bets didn’t exactly fare
much better profits% either, if only we had a second chance… yeah… I know
we could do better! Pforr! What’s that God! Awful smell, oh! Its ok it’s us! Not
him/her after all in our “after life event” “nothing but the truth so help me
God” as the oath and expression go’s. No showers or water here either, can I
borrow your peg! It’s starting to get to me a bit, lot! I lost! Mine, sure you can,
we can work a deal, after all its only business 200,000,000,000,000,000 % in-
terest payable over eternity if no other admin, account keeping and miscella-
neous charges crop up, sounds a bit steep! yeah well there “rare” ya know, not
anyone’s got one, I thought we were mates, mate! Yeah! We are! Otherwise I
wouldn’t have let it go so cheap! Mates rates for ya! Don’t be late on the pay-
ments eh! Wouldn’t want to have reason, just justice! justification, that is my
defecation for close on the deal re “posses” you! I know where mates an all,
but business is busy-ness and there’s “no friends in business” busyness! as the
expression go’s, anyway what are you bitching and whinging about, we started
and propagated that policy! Ooh! Look at the time already first payments due!
(big smile!) or I’ll have to “take” it back and as per contract! Our deal, you’ve
got to pay anyway whether you still have it or not, with our very great! Extra
interest% in you for being late! Or unable, Oky dokey! Bend over! Here comes
your first! Of many!! Payments to “come” feels amazing! To be a suck! Cess
pool pit doesn’t it! It’s a great feeling, you really know your “alive” by the smell
of one’s own death! don’t worry you’ll get it paid off eventually it’s only a bit of
my self-interested interest% and then you’ll be onto paying the principal! Fuck
me! “I think I’ve rather achieved that already” What are you a bank or some-
thing/someone, Na! I’m ya mate! remember (smiling!) yeah! Tryin not to now!
Hmm its getting a bit, foggy! in here I’ve noticed, smelt! (biggest! Smile) Ooh!
That was me I farted! Cheese (Maccas) onion, garlic, chilli peri peri and a nice
little helping of last millennia’s curried left in hot weather eggs! Foods not bad
in here! Yeah all I got and keep getting! Is “second hand spam shit! ass sand-
wiches, chin up mate! (As the expression go’s) eh! What! Why? Wipe ya chin!
Why? “Your dribbling shit! Talking shit! Eating shit! Again!!! SE’ LE’ VE’ such is
life here in “death” world. In the far distance of echo’s “anyone got some polit-
ical correctness I can borrow!?” shaw mate! we can work out an affordable!
Deal (hugest! Smile) good “fair” for both of us deal, I’m your mate! just looking
out for “your” best interests% behind his back the echo of ha ha! “There’s one
born “dead” every minute” and eternity has a lot!! Of minutes, this joint might
still be not! too bad… “shit! Vomit!! Anyone? Nice stale! So fresh! Here shit!
Yummy if ya feel “think” you’re a bit peckish! No plates but! before it starts
getting fresh! “second hand” again, IT will give you gas! Otherwise, no fun at all
the place will start smelling NICE again! FUCK! THAT! If that happens I’m leav-
ing! Who are you? Me!? I’m the KING of blind deaf dumb mouth eyes ears, Oh!
What kingdom do/did you rule over? Err… I’m “YOUR” King of this we/your
kingdom, self-made true in truth manifest in our death so, it’s time to pay your
taxes and other worldly dues! (very happy rubbing of hands together, very big!
hungry! Smile) again!? I just payed not long ago, well you know the rules! And
rules are rules! They can’t be bent, modified and certainly not! Broken, no
heart here! my mate! (arm around the shoulders, affectionate! Genuine even)
Ah! Man, I just paid, g.s.t mate! Rules are rules! There what binds! constipates
contemplates and defines! Defiles! Us each all as the collective one organism.
Same for everyone your, not “singled” out, it’s not like your “special” remem-
ber, what is your name? 66629c-419890() – 49% 7 000mnk $4, do you want my
last name too? Na I used up the last dunny roll writing my own, now time to
pay! Your own! Way, have a nice equitable day! Ah!! Those payments get more
painful every minute! Well you know “in-flatulent inflation” is what keeps a na-
tion! peace bro! I’ll see you in a minute! Don’t be late! If you don’t want to pay
the late! Fees (smirking, smiling again) fuck me! this is hard to keep up! Mate
nobody held a gun to your head, Na because it was too busy being pointed at
my “heart” you made all the “smart head best!” decisions for yourself and you
still/shaking your, self-head are! Your, in control of your “own” owned! Life re-
member, there’s no infinite in self, true in truth Father living Son in self, what
those! mob back on Earth called “deity” Buddha, Allah, God, prime living being
truth, etc. Bloody fine print! Knew I should’ve got my “eye to I eyes fixed” “it’s
all fun until someone loses an eye!” as the expression go’s, ah! “Kids will be
kids” as that expression go’s, just can’t seem to play together without some-
one getting hurt! (WAR!) all human exploit human in exploitive trading for
trades general climaxes! To this end (make something that lasts) huh! No cash
to stash! In that idea! Is there? “besides if we stop! Chasing frivolous flippant
wants! We might end up having the time and notion to notice! Someone/thing
else in us this world, this life.
Humans we either live so someone I and or whoever have to continue cleaning
up their shit! Both literal and life areas other, to keep thy own standard, level
or take the “fall” and drop thy own standard to their disgusting excuse for a so
called fair and operatable equitable standard, if theirs is a standard (a stand
in/on their life land view) NO THANKS!! As I me and I’m sure we, are often
down on one knee literally cleaning scrubbing out the shit! From in, their bowl
that they have “left and let” build up over months/years (no brush...?) of them
thy self “the passing’s” of their, thy self, literal defecating decaying past! Of
consumerist consumed wants! They let go until we feel no choice in our choice
that we choose to not be of this order but to “go in” FREE handed (no gloves)
expression “the gloves are off’ (RAW WAR) no rules! ad hoc! “as the need, has
arisen” and start trying to scrub it out! Get rid of that rotten past that is now
waste decaying for everyone “US” enjoyed benefit (no sarcasm ha!)
That’s a bit how I see this book I’m attempting to pen, it’s my “free handed”
(no gloves) go in! that I see great need to do! whatever “I can DO!” to try and
help clean away this situation in our species, to grow up/out of it, as I’m sure!
That this is the only way! We will clear light our way! is to find our own one
(won) now way in-side we each all collectively thus together one happy driven
drive of purpose together. An attitude a little more like the military in the
sense of “we leave NO ONE LEFT behind” a world where we have grown from
in dwelling up out of “things/relations” wealth hoarding of the “needless” I am
“wanted-ness” LEFT be-hind mind, for collective life here, purpose.
So, if this is Mr/Mrs acceptable good even equal to all out here public standard
their happy to live for everyone else to share! then it begs the question “what
kind/unkind of inner house world is thy standard?” I’d hate to see some of our
inner bathrooms! Don’t get me started on the rest of said house/home, the in-
ner is the world we live, in our outed expression thereof, that’s the whole
point! Isn’t it? this world here physical is! our inner world bathrooms etc too!
There’s no actual created able separates, the idea defies defiles! actual cre-
ated-ness so, it cancels out the actuality that there is separateness living alone
in some part of the one all one. Oh! Just to add some real here world spice!
“hand up to elbow in public urinal” (as the management wasn’t looking after it)
“what is it here, Earth, a cactus! Seems to be covered in pricks! Everywhere so
often you go!” (a cactus is a thing covered in sharp! Protruding objects of its
“own growing! grown growth”) “public toilets! I’m scarred! scared, for life”
Ooh! Sorry! political correctness required, spirit in my experience is very “ad
hoc” spontaneous to the now! “arisen need” “LAZARUS” (illogical ill of appar-
ent “logic” to now or now later!) That is presented need, if we are not able
“cooperative self-willed, willing humble with “hu-man-ility” to choose our
agreement in doing this sort of thing then we are of “limited opportunity” to
self/spirit to be 3D manifest! In our personal lives, “he the living truth” doesn’t
mind getting his for her its! “our hands” dirty for the love of the need for one
all one happiness equal comfort! I did not and have never suffered any ill phys-
ical health from the doing, that is these experiences “he/her it him! is fearless!
In my experience” so far, no thought or worry for itself “the light spirit” sacri-
fice is its first made nature and shield against fear from what I’ve experi-
enced/seen. “when we’re in the midst of doing an act of sacrifice we feel no
fear in our presence” (only if we slip into questioning it, doubt! Thought for
self, first before viewed need, lose thy faith) hence again here I feel moved to
quote what I felt as a statement after my “God light shine” experience “with-
out you! (pointing to my mate) It’s impossible” by sacrificing for each other
(the truth) Allah, God, Buddha, Wukantunka, we each can experience the state
of “no fear safe state self” if we were in a perpetual state of “in doing the act
that is sacrifice” we would not! Know fear, just the joy! We experience from a
job, well done, the giving given rewards!
Hmm don’t ask me why but I’m feeling to quote “the chosen ones” “many are
called but few! Are chosen” both Christian Bible quotes, now just for examina-
tion lets “change 1 word” expressions “don’t change a word” “don’t utter a
word” now run that all again, see what we get, what if we go with “the decided
(chosen) ones” and what if we go “many are called but few are decided (cho-
sen)” has someone “chosen me” or am I “chosen of my no choice but to
choose” decided thus “chosen” expression “I haven’t made up my mind yet”
“I’m not yet decided to back a decision” “get behind it” “back it” “I’ve got your
tion! “I haven’t chosen/decided yet” that I make myself responsive responsible
in, for, my life purpose of MOTIVE MOTION, I postulate here, that we are “the
chosen ones” by our choosing! Or not! if we exist as a human on this planet
then for the term of our physical natural life we are all “being called” or “of-
fered by calling” might be more accurate, he in all is in all-ways calling us each
to come and be-come ONE! (invitation same as we do) “ON EARTH AS IT IS IN
HEAVEN” choice! Which is our actions “on Earth as it is in heaven” “with him
one!” the “true in truth” revealed not veiled in of to, self. To say “the chosen
ones” in the context of an external chooser! In this subject, potentially is to de-
note a field of very serious! NEED, thus justified competition, “winners and los-
ers” again by some other external figure and force, even if it is an external
chooser, then unless we have no idea of what there choosing for, what it is
they are looking for in a player, we can train the best we can for the “time” of
choosing “choose sides” ALLIEGANCE! WHICH??? MASTER, CAN’T SERVE BOTH
(choosing “being chosen” can also denote bestowal of promotion) Even when
we live this life in a conscious no decision/choice of this subject we are still our
choice through our lived actions and no different if we have made a conscious
choice one way or other, our actions lived here world physical are our render-
ings of chosen choosing’s, expressions “actions speak louder than words” “a
picture is worth a thousand words” bible quotes “know thee by thy works”
“you will know them by the work of their hands” OUR HANDS ARE THE WORK
OF THY WE HEART AND OR MINDS expressions “that’s your HANDY work”
“that will COME “IN!” HANDY” “take a HANDS-ON approach” I say!
“not reproach” there’s no choice to make choice and choices thereof. The dif-
ference I guess is that if we make a conscious choice of listening to “one ear or
the other” it means we can/do give it a lot more! better focused intention to
attention to it, we discover more thus experience it in growing greater meas-
ure, a personally involved hand in our own making (an element and illusion of
control in one’s own life) “freely given free will never stops willing its will” it’s
either guided of the heart (truth) “the state is notice feeling felt formed know-
ALL “ONE ALL ONE” ( 1-0-1 ) binary or freely wandering to its unguided, unbri-
dled want of its own will “MANS PLAN” as the expression go’s (think thought of
its own on its own is alone mind) So, an example of changing even one word
for whatever reason and it can change the whole message, the context, all
sorts, may well still look like the message in words but it’s not “ON TARGET” in
on its own in the actual of first felt expressed fact, translations to me are al-
ways going to be difficult, must for all messages “feel find found NOW! is
NOTICE IS NOTICED KNOW IN KNOWING KNOWN the message” ask spirit “the
truth, the light” in us, to be with and help us understand HUMBLE IN! TO OF!
IS! “the way” that we action thy self to standing under the truth in humble pos-
ture of ego.
love living un condition all, no chains! no bonds! That are, think judged thought
mind ego self-limits placed against the will there of.
The trouble with part truth, half truth is that the next truth often presents the
former one to now, to appear as a lie negating its own appeared understood
truth thus creating the illusion delusion of separateness, separated of the one
space truth, trying to understand through detail to detail external peering in of
another’s windows, to find charity (core truth) is in at home heart self. See, un-
derstand in, is core truth, core in all 3d here real reality, to understand this ap-
parent actual outer formed body of its seeded truth (divine fragment) expres-
sion in context of truthfully fully understanding knowing it/person etc “I know
it inside out” “I know him/her inside out” very good long term friend/family
etc, we don’t express this in terms such as “I know him/her outside in” to de-
note play the music of “honest truth” the depth of it/someone us! Pleasant tin-
gling, enlivening! chills of the flesh! And more. “come inside or come outside”
to arrive to of our motive intention/attention chosen placed of form. No mat-
ter the space place in time I come from or go too! Arrive at the same truth “I
AM” no matter what the space in time place I’m in. E g when I write the above
now, I’m looking from inside to out, when I read it I’m looking from outside to
in, the words are literally the birth formed body of the message, we must seek
inside to understand the outside input, which in this case is exampled in words.
Must through motive to intention moving thy attention seek for the feeling felt
notice knowing known self in, is actual self-inner aware, O Father in Son self is,
truth structuring outer here physical real reality. The message its actual inner is
not plain in its totality to through the outer, the words themselves are the
house but not the master living in the house (words are the skin of the body)
the message, the understanding understood stance of humility humble to its
truth is the whole body, when we have the “message” we have the whole
body, its whole one true in truth.
When I approached the moment to start writing this last piece in the hand
written skeleton I didn’t have a completely defined passage of content to be,
midway section new page I noticed I was writing it from right to left instead of
the standard normal left to right I had been taught and used to as an English
speaking born person, so now I see it can and does express from both ways.
The mind we often have to “drum it in” as the expression go’s “marching to the
beat of one’s own drum” expression in context of living decisions based in self-
awareness, not deciding from imported externally sourced opinions marketed.
Internally blocked and fooled of external decision through minded think
thought logical justification mapping proposed form of future.
I’m reinventing the wheel, there’s nothing I can say, there’s nothing I can do,
there’s nothing I can be that I’m not already.
Hence the story/idea of an Anti-Christ and the Christ being viewed/judged by
many with selfish! Agenda orientated hearts (state of opposite is product in
mind) “let those with ears hear, let those with eyes see” The reflected reverse
same hence the expression “no good deed go’s unpunished” 3-dimensional
space, two spaces in one world in one truth “two-dimensional space” appear-
ance + 1 dimension actual “what it is!” the reflected opposite same “on Earth
as it is in Heaven” a/the parable that is human here on Earth life, we each are
thy in self out formed own world here events parable (our, each unique wall
paper life event unfurling’s) of thy self-incumbent truth. Appearance of spatial
perception in its! Space, its appearance to our perception, reversed but still
same in its actual “truth” appearance “the books cover” must open the cover
of a book to actually “read it” gain the story/message, understood stance that
is “I understand” personal experience.
Expressions “all fired up!” (excited, very ready strung to start/do) “fire it up”
(to start it) “fire in the belly” (highly driven, passion!) I have feeling felt hunch
that these expressions are ancient, derived from man make/release fire “re-
lease energy” fire for humans in apparent primitive early culture and to a
lesser extent, so called “modern life” culture is life real, light, warmth, cooking
food, protection from wild animals “release energy to our self-benefit NEED”
so attributes of fire in its actual self-state and our found self-benefitting uses is
very much thy spiritual parable of truth we self in are! We seek same similar
from our God/Creator the prime ultimateness “the spark!” expression
“he/she’s a bright spark!” (denoting intelligence) or (sarcastic! Derogatory for
dumb!) “the spark of life” (the passion LIGHT ELECTRIC burning with in self) a
reflecting parable of actual in self, truth “you just sparked an idea” (seeded an
idea) “a bright idea” “the light when on” in self, enlightenment.
Externalise is “ex eternal eyes” (divorced)
I have no idea because I don’t drink beer so as to sneer! Leer! Cheer! Shed a
false faulty tear! To the fact, I’m not really here so I drown it in beer! To make
a false cheer!
In my inner feeling felt truth space, in on notice! I’ve noticed my eye to I truth
literally pops! Inside me like a bubble Pops! Open like a bubble releasing its thy
ribbon and bow! (not a thought heel to toe unfolding linear logic with nagging
unfinished more to go itch! ongoing propagating itself) “holding tempt” of its
contempt for being restrained in self by choosing in self to disengage from it in
such operations and simply grow the repeated experience of gaining trust faith
in the notice knowing know self O Father in Son prime incumbent truth living
light feeling life. Truth has/is always in all ways tied up its own loose ends so
expressions “tie up those loose ends” “no loose ends to tie up” none “left”
hanging ambiguities. KEY “is it relevant? Or! irrelevant??” to thy in actual now
life in the moment.
Only when we are sick! Of “being a sick! Species” as a collective of unique ap-
parent “individual” status! beings here physical world (become self-inner world
life seeking motive intent/attentive) will we move “in ascending” as collective
species state, farmed faith formed society. Sad bad programming of think
thoughts mind self (our own unfertile bullshit! Of our brains) is forever our for-
midable forlorn enemy to “feeling find found self, the in! light” Is it! The “SICK-
NESS” enough yet! Do we need more to engulf with engaged disaster! To
twitch! With a slight global O Father in Son self, genuine act! That is divine em-
pathy equality compassion with applied passion to thereof! “start living the
recognition of the obvious!! “DIVINE” visible knowable Father/Son self in each
of us other. Engage the motivated desire of intention to attention to earn with
a Yearning earning! heart for seeking our own in self “saving” quote expression
“God helps those who help themselves” this I’ve found to be literal true in my
personal seeking search experience voyage so far. As the purity and form
forms, more and more in with self-stance humility I’ve noticed I must/do be-
come more and more studyess to where I’m allowing my attention of intention
to go. If there’s any unguided floating! Intention there with it (my attention) it
starts forming (so called accidental) if my I the inner observer (butler) isn’t do-
ing its (his) job! Paying attention, noticing/mapping my thy in inner self work-
ings, then it is a case of what a friend said to me once in serious of jest “be
careful where you point that thing” the energy when we are in self-intention of
motive attention aligned in with O Father prime truth self does begin to mani-
fest here physical world form very quickly, Expression “be careful of what you
ask for” Accidental “acci-dental” dental is teeth yes! So what’s that mean “be
careful or we might get our teeth knocked out if where not! Paying our toll of
attention to thy intention of motive in this physical is NOW space time in place,
Expression “accidents happen” when the mind is in the dark of no intention at-
tention in self, left/right energy awareness of presence manifest, it/we label
the event as “an accident” “can’t see the forest for the trees” as the expression
go’s, only some apparent disconnected details too slippery! To grasp with any
traction, understanding stood of humble there to stance, expression “the idea
is gaining traction”
Full fill our needs first! Want for no-thing! If an opportunity presents itself
through the act of fulfilling said need then only then make our choosing, being
careful to remember realise that often a want becomes available right on the
timing perfect to make an opportunity for us to fail through the destruction
that is distraction away of thy need to the opportune opportunities arrival, of-
ten it will be an earlier want we have been harbouring for X amount of time
contracts of any depiction, even our own stated promises, the “dark thought”
spirit in mind flesh form is very tricky and subtle in the plays its making, con-
structing tempting’s in our thy own mind “our own web of deceit” of in self, I
am deceived unto my deceived, is think thought mind programs to doubt.
(where’s my “the evidence” to see it to believe it) The physical mind eye exter-
nal ex-eternal. Wants of this thought form flesh material world wealth’s lei-
sure’s/pleasures sensations “FIRST!” before first actual, thy find in self “O Fa-
ther in Son” indwelling living is energy, one feeling form self in notice knowing
known, is our “each thy own web of deceit” darkness deceived to/of my minds
flesh self-ego that is competition with all, for the gain of its external wants
(proofs of life) see it to believe it “I am alive living existent” I say “on its alone
of truth self-own, is fast soon to manifest extinct! is first a stink!
Age of decay.
“our thy in-self each one all one true in self is truth (actual) is the message. We
are literally eternal stars in the living is life light feeling energy tapestry “the O
Father in Son Heavenly Mansion” hence the expressions “you’re a star!”
“movie stars” “the star of the show” this movie is “starring” such and such, we
are! The “star Son” stars! In our own each unique physical here world stage,
life theatre act, acting actions. We weave our own web or “tapestry” in this life
expressive of thy inner woven tapestry and collectively a global tapestry of
species society expressed in physical worldly form.
Today I have cause to wonder wander in ponder the Palm Sunday subject I
don’t here now remember any of the actual story details thereof, just that I re-
member reading once about it many, many years ago, simply because “I no-
ticed” today is Sunday 7th day of week and 7th day of month, along with the fan
of a fan palm outside my window I had not previously noticed, when noticed I
had/have an inner ring! About it being relevant to my ongoing expedition to
unveil thy in self what is it! true in truth? life here world, there’s just one! Very
neat perfect healthy, tidy well-formed hand of the frond visible, timed of tim-
ing, noticed in angle of view is so often how the truth “in life” O Father in Son
self does appear clear visible in our physical form world personal experience, if
we have thy self “in” on a state of motive to intention/attention notice for the
workings of feeling energy light truth activity, we do “naturally” (meaning with-
out planned out external import thoughts thinking) “find thy self” in just the
right place at the right time to “see” experience it in here physical world “real”
what we term relate in mind to be “reality” real “seeing is believing” as the ex-
pression (compression) go’s, except in actuality because we are here this world
in the opposite opposing image made thereof the in-self first actual truth, we
“the mind” do naturally when not taught “programmed” with different do op-
erate in reverse! of “truth self-true in truth!” meaning “seeing is believing” (the
second that is thought, the external ex-eternal “being” put priority of agenda
first! Thus equals “un-equal” divided living here world, I’m “conned-fused”
(fused to being conned by external import thinking mind) confused to a/the
false of true in truth self-real that is reality, but in actual fact! “my thy experi-
ence is saying” The way it works is through my accepted faith in it being real, I
thus do see! Hence it/we also “see me” back, expression in context that is
given support/help “I’ve got your back!” a cohesive (co-hesive) friend/Allie
“adhesive” is glue to stick two together as to be now one, thus it be “co-add-
hesive” is to bond as “one together point” reality. Anyway another noticed in
my palm Sunday day is also feeling reminded in notice to the fact that the
number 7 is very prevalent in the Bible story and also the physical here “real”
world such as things like the “7 colours of the rainbow” “7 seas” “7 wonders of
the world” the Australian flag has 7 pointed stars on it representing one for
each state and one point! For the territories, expression for ultimate good feel-
ing in self “I’m in seventh heaven” “7 continents of the world” the world is “ap-
proximately” 70% water “lucky number 7” in the Bible the number 7 is said to
be the foundation of God’s word and I say! “foundation of his world” “founda-
tion of t-his world” again one! Letter is difference (wor-d) add one letter and
wallah! Now we also have “world made from word” (WOR-L-D) Bible quote,
“first there was the word” Also in bible said to be the number for “complete-
ness and perfection” in both “spiritual and physical” (two have be-come one
whole one! Holy true in truth word in world) expression “he’s got the whole
world in his hands” I had the feeling just now to search the number 7 meaning
on google because it’s been/is my prevalent number showing up constantly in
my life, a friend many, many years ago said he had a message from a spirit for
me that was very important to my life this time this world, part of it was to say
“tell him the number 7 is and will be “very important” to him in his life and it
has been up to this point very, very often prevalent! obvious in all manner of
things, life event unfurling’s, the google meaning I got straight up, first site that
come up is as follows.
The number 7 is the seeker, the thinker, the searcher of Truth, the 7 doesn’t
take anything at face value, it is always trying to understand the underlying,
hidden truths. The 7 knows that nothing is exactly as it seems and that reality
is often hidden behind illusions.
I say “behind the veil that is flesh man mind” (the think thought mind thus illu-
sion!) so even though man made organised religion is not my thing in this life
search, each! To there, own! I don’t block! Label or doubtfully question
through applied judgement what I notice! Where ever, however, whatever,
whenever and or whoever, just notice! And keep living time will, does always
in all-ways tell as it can’t keep a “secret” it must does in its made nature “se-
crete” secret truth, again just one letter changed/added in and now we have
“secret is to, secrete” (secret-e) I’ve noticed that kids love to hold a secret and
love even more to tell “share” it, if you ask nicely! And are nice to them, most
often they will give it up to us without hardly! A struggle, bless them. I make no
attachments to what I notice with my mind thought logic computer, just notice
and notice the knowing’s known accepted in faith that all “the will” will be re-
ceived not de-ceived, revealed not re-viled “time will tell” if given myself, in
stationed to of patience, allow the divine will in of its own timing to time its
chime! (ring! The bell of truth) In out to of true is in truth, O Father in Son self
we each are we! One all one, life will to of plan, not man plan but divined will
in plan for man. Anyway, just for record I will let you know (reader friend) to-
day this written date is “Sunday 7th February 2016” I have been writing this
without any pre-planned or formed thought plan of minded will same as all of
this book, just following as the cape on its back! “I’ve got your back” Super-hu-
man. Question “why does Superman wear his jocks! (under wear) on the out-
side???” ever wondered! easy, it’s to state to everyone “I have nothing to
hide! Honest, my most inner “truth” is outer for all to see I’m me, Sais he!” (al-
ways clean under, is his under wear) needs to be if we are going to put it on
show! For the world to see! My/we inner me! Truth leaves no one left! behind
in hidden that is darkness, all inner is outer exposed of its inner form “good
form” or “poor form” behaviour! Here, life physical is exposition of thy self “in”
thy side leaning is truth. Expression “who’s side! are you on?” which ear! Do I
hear as I peer, which hand! Do I lay on my land, Is the “time is at hand” as the
expression, goes!
The cross as in Jesus “Cross” Christ, took one step once with each foot right
and be-come came light.
As left is to right and Right is to left, don’t let what we here in the left ear be-
have in the right hand, let the right ear we hear love in the left hand.
The Christ Christian Cross itself represents the left and right of left and right
light, darkness IN DARK ARK, IS DOUBT IN DENIAL flesh thought physical emo-
tional sensation want world and light right! righteous O Father in Son true in
truth need world. Left and right brain hemi-spheres are of the same X-pressed.
WORLD” “left over right” “left thought Lucifer like thought” over Right Light,
Right, over Left is love in the “left hand” expression, quote from bible “love
thine enemy” I say! “forgive forget” a little! thine own mind, active in self-last
past thought thinking, manning planning logic assumption fencing itself against
light right heart in self is thine I am actual is truth whole heart hearted light
(one “two” brains, step right) not HOLE HEARTED, one! two step LEFT BEREFT!
FLESH WANTS, expression “takes two to Tango” “two sides to the story” “two
sides of the coin” “the other side of the coin is…” “two sides to every argu-
ment” “what’s, there side of the story”
I postulate here that the early original crosses used for crucifixion stood physi-
cally on the two feet facing down roughly West and East with two
arms thus raised at roughly Nth East and Nth West, due to an active expressed
understood standing of the left and right light worlds meet in CENTRE OB-
SERVER/OBSERVANT SELF “the meat” in the “thy self is sandwiched” is be-
tween the “light right heart brain” and the “low dark left brow thought brain”
(last past logical eye lie brain flesh body) to make choice in self thus the ex-
pressions “X marks the spot” “at a cross roads” “you’ve got your wires crossed”
Literally it aligns at the centre of the chest torso space, centring all the stress
strain in/on the centre IN self (THE ACTUAL PUNISHMENT) THE TARGET! “the
heart of the matter” literally the spirit in centre that is heart/point in of matter
as flesh form “feeling energy self” The cross being, thy crossed over state we
each human being are as a physical here world life form “thy self” thy “I am
spirit” has crossed over to here! flesh slow matter vibration form world, from
“no matter form” feeling faster vibration pure light heart spirit world, thus in
death we often express “THE PERSON HAS CROSSED OVER” or “PASSED OVER”
hence the issue of actual real, self-state life importance to “motive intention to
attention” heart/mind state self, thus working out of,
for! “employer chosen” “which master? one at a time here in time world real-
ity, too! “light love in right over under left” or “dim it dark!” is in the stark left
brain heart, choose/listen in nth west sth west ear, mind over heart hand to
this thy land or nth east sth east ear here, heart is to hands of the matter mind
lands, expression “heart lands” “the heart of the matter” each us “I am self” in
centre is true, that is “thy i feeling energy light point” hence Jesus the Christ
sacrificed himself in the mind/thought brain body of the “heart right is light o
father the in son himself” truth actual energy spirit in life living.
mother earth land, left hand. father heart right is living land light.
point of notice note.
darkness is dark! so, it literally can’t see itself in its own dark, that is self “its
self in self-world is its reality”
light is light in its self in self-world thus is its reality, hence it can doe’s omni
presently see it self. (the spirit can see it self! the flesh mind cannot!) right light
lives in heart and left! dark deaf dumb blind to/of heart, in head to hand.
If you don’t believe me when I state, say! we have turned the “new
church/house” into a junk shop! second hand waste trade, for gratuitous self,
want satiate flesh wealth want then I say just google a NASA picture or two of
the space junk currently engulfing our “inner and outer” round planet “Mother
Earth/church” orbit, of our here inner on surface countenance of consumer!
purposed life, species existence form, forming, the bigger picture of our collec-
tive thy self, species society, inner to outer orbiting as form still forming. “the
product of our man, land mine explosive! mind alone hand” one letter! (many
much explosive, principle based, energy release technology we are forming
this world of) “left hand, right hand” expression “an explosive! Situation”
“he/she just exploded” “explosive anger!” “explosive temper/temperament”
“exploded into action!”
As always, we humans have, keep doing, choose! “this house has been divided
into five rooms” the five physical sensory senses are only revered as real is re-
ality for living here life purpose
“the pentagonal real occult reality”
The two states of in self when we connect, there is immediately a feeling feel
felt noticed thickness, substance form felt of self beyond the physical form uni-
verse an open infinite felt space to the left and right, in to each of the two
worlds beyond physical self-occupied space in the all one, one all one space.
mentioned earlier go pop! Through the pen to page, hence there’s no planning
mentally for layout, order and subject with content there to. How it comes will
be close to how its printed, change little nothing, the book is its own master,
meaning it embodies (the actual words) its own truth, that I have put in it the
same message that is in “thy is I” first! It “the words” are “the thought form
body” come second incarnated with the life message poured into unto them
(the flesh and bone) My feeling energy light poured into them (the words, the
body) thus I give it/them “life” therefor I am the books word, the message, cre-
ator and master, now come physical thought form incarnate, we are one in the
same one, as I am in it and it is image formed of “in I” because we share, are!
the same truth, thus the book is my born child in the feeling energy light right
world and here physical “real reality” world too! Because it now! is incarnate in
slow matter light formed body, I am the parent in child, now child, come next,
one all is us together one new! One. This book is now! literally living in the
“two” worlds as here world one simultaneous “whole truth unto of self” We
could simply look at ourselves as being literally the child “book of life” of O Fa-
ther in Son Prime ultimateness book of life. We each personally collectively are
the message and the word contained (the vessel-blood vessel) with in the book
(flesh book body) the covers we live/exist between.
Intent is literally each we, “I” are “in-tent” thus camping actually, as you can
see here, we are for real just here this world physical life on a camping trip
away from home “O Fathers heavenly truth mansion world” otherwise why
would we have packed “in-tent” the physical flesh form is the “tent” we “in”
habit, so I have my “temporal temporary” tent, I in dwelling for a short! Mo-
ment we here know, relate to call time “a life time” simple! I have my tempo-
rary shelter so I thus do travel and move across this landscape setting up camp
wherever when all time here I camp my “self in-tent” of my hand on this life
land-till I-scape (ploughing the soil is also called “till-ing” the soil) working the
land of the hand I stand “my life’s work” the seeds I sow, quote from Bible “we
reap what we sow” “we reap in the next life what we sow in this one” bank de-
posits in and withdraws out, of the family “I trust in of my account” I love
returns to its vomit” It’s what we do to it and it does to us inside that deter-
mines whether it comes back up re-formed into vomit! (poison make thy self,
vomit sick!) “must get it out! sick is pain” Or good food absorbed into the bet-
ter whole health of the being, giving to self-energy sustenance is life. Expres-
sion “don’t get your back up!” “settle down” “settle the stomach” what
kind/quality of food we ingest from where definitely “cause and effect” how/if
our stomach can/does digest our meal and what? Sought it, discern kind “kind
or not kind” (Kind-er-garden or mal aligned is misaligned Kindergarten “child-
ish”) of “food for the soul” is “food for thought” as the expressions go. Is it
“left or right hand??” feeding thy own! Mouth. “intuition-gut feeling-gut in-
stinct” or “gutless-gutted-glutton no less gluttony-glutton” how is! My inner
stomach digestive journey??? “can I stomach it?” expression “can’t stomach it”
“he/she’s got no stomach for the work” “he/she’s got a weak stomach” “a
strong stomach” hungry, need food! “ENERGY” to function of living alive life,
stay alive “survival instinct” (in-is-distinct) loud to thy in self, for self, inner ear!
For soul, survival here! “feeling full?” or “feeling empty?” fed or famine of the
living in true truth.
TO LIVE. Deliver thy I, is self, from the thieving self-serving wanted-ness wan-
der of our separated alone thinking thoughtless mind, that which is our “blind
eye” “mind’s eye” as the expression go’s. Twisted in context/connotation, an-
other me, me, ME! Of the selfish separate self-mind. There’s more here than
any all of us could poke a stick at, I’m sure.
“Thoughtless act” connotation context is often of the negative in that we apply
it as an act of acting selfish and or stupid, one’s own wants over the top, ex-
pression “that’s a bit over the top” to walk over the top of other need, others
needs/wants. “walk all over you/me” “when we walk to our walk, we walk “all
one over” the divine in self-truth spirit feeling light” Allah, Buddha, God and
more the naming’s. Remember, reverence inside for the one actual named is
the point in point of heart to hand. So, as I’ve repeated over and over previ-
ously, it is my personal experience that it is the act of not thinking (empty
head) but noticing that connects me in actualness true in I truth, the prime O
Father in Son self-actual.
“Magnetic informative feeling felt as substance reality” hence “thoughtless”
(less thinking of thought) thus disconnecting our intention/attention from re-
siding in/with our thinking thought selfish, self only interested intention/atten-
tion wants against innate true in truth is heart-felt feeling notice, knowing no-
ticed known is “substance reality” Thus why I do well in for myself to evict! my
is thy intention/attention from the gluttony ig-norant self-pleasing plan mind,
running water thought “thought trains” move it! Me my I actual self I, the feel-
ing intention/attention of motive energy light being I am back home! With my
“parents” family home (centre chest space) meaning O Father is truth sub-
stance fragment I am un-veiled, meaning connected in mind/flesh thought
hand of the divine fragment “will” is plan for thy hand o man “not man
planned hand” Expression “don’t man handle me” “I don’t like being man han-
dled” dislike of being controlled by man enacted plan, the violence of it. Inten-
tion/attention of, motive is to know glow show thy O Father flow in my-self I
know, in the middle of my physical chests space on in with itself, the “heart” as
we identify label it, the “central self-space” “go to the heart of the matter”
“home sweet is sweets at home” now I can ask the family for help if I need it.
Quote from Bible “ask and thou shalt receive” “seek ye first the kingdom of
God and all things will be revealed unto thee”
My own thinking ego eye is the very fly, my tricking lie that fly its lie into my
eye to which I die, if I get a fly net veil I won’t have to bail from the constant
cold hail that robs me pale of a warm blood trail through desert Earth shale.
Testing, well in the bible it mentions essentially two kinds of testing, one good
one bad, we have an expression for when someone is being obstinate pushing
the boundaries of our self-space (person) “your, really testing! Me” “your test-
ing my patience” “he/she’s being very testy!” bad behaviour, confronting, de-
manding, assuming entitlement and argumentative etc. If we were to approach
towards our parents, friends, wives, husbands and wider human species soci-
ety, do we feel we would be fair to expect! in entitlement demands to prove
their love be shown manifest to us, demands for them to supply proof of their
love/existence through purely slaving, serving to my wants for “my life” I’d be
very surprised if I got many yes’s to that one, thus such is it not reason-able to
be acceptedly understood that to approach our creator in self with same such
way that we would only at the lesser to least end of the stick be responded to
in similar same fashion, “as on Earth it is in Heaven” Our creator is one of us as
in we all together each I, hence is, has same “feeling self-person” who can be
hurt and feel offended, “never forget truth, we “I AM” is indwelling each one
of us, thus to test our creator thy one all one true in truth, we in each are all, in
this way is to him in self and thus we each all, one all one suffer, ANGER EMO-
TIONAL AND LOVES CALM are at odds to say the least, except one has power to
heal, FORGIVE the other and the other can only destroy, it grows only nothing
for all in its self only state alone. ABSENSE OF FORTH RIGHT FIRST SHINING
LIGHT, Pulling to self in self, not from in self to out self. TESTING OUT OF
TENTION THUS ATTENTION and then seek unjust payment back to thy self that
won’t own its place in time of space. The other is to test out of the abundance
heart, which is to first give and thus do we receive the manifest “proof” of the
love, expression “the proof is in the pudding!” love is to love first! We love we
receive love, be-come what we ask for, if its proof then we need to prove our-
selves “who made who?!” if we demand proof of our creator then we need to
full fill our own demand and prove to him we know he exists, hence seek! For
him, means “do for him the things we demand of him” Someone might say
well if love loves first! Then why isn’t he showing himself to me first! The only
thing I could personally say is “are we not here created existent and if there be
a he who created we, the world we are in then surely he who, has is loved and
loving first! Is it he who’s fault! Accountability for my self-reasoning him out of
my personal conscious thought felt emotional flesh space reality?
Making test exercises, or missions for oneself to make space for living truth to
reveal himself in our daily life is “inviting the truth” being in a cave is one envi-
ronment of opportunity to the spirit, being in busy modern society on the
street is another, this is not Prove yourself to me, rather I know you and I like
having you in my life here as physical being reality, thy love is first! From our
side we are “getting off on the right foot first” as the expression go’s, When we
already have, know, the state in-self faith “he in me is we truth now willing
alive real substance magnetic feeling here felt reality” The truth can withstand
“testing times” “I’m being tested” “stand the test of time” “time will tell it
can’t keep a secret” holding the faith is the test that unfurls its proven self-ex-
istence constantly through our passage of “life that is time” exploring thyself in
seeking for discernment between left ear hand foot thought alone side and
right ear heart hand foot side and thus conscious feeling felt willed connection
through testing, running tests/experiments of notice and observance with in
oneself and thus notice observing a further field viewed in the external physi-
cal form reality is how we sought dirt from gold in cleaning house “self-heart
from head self” finding our ears and learning to hear and from what ear am I
now hearing with my ear-ring! Of truth. I do understand why a cave life exist-
ence here is appealing to some though because inevitably if we associate with
other humans in our life, troubles and issues “tests” do come forth, oppor-
tunity to see what how who we each are when there’s some sort of stake, per-
sonal in it “the situation” sacrifice or not? Our self in “self-view light” (expres-
sion “throw a little light on the subject”) is under the test of time, expression of
which ear and hand on the time scape land. “fruition” truth is actual ground
wherever it exist “solid rock” literally the stable bedrock all is built of/on “slow
matter form” the flesh 3d world simple and intricate has/is no exception, a
Tapestry that is the opposite opposing reflections of each other, we each as
one collective stand inwardly to out warded expression on and over the line in
self, observant choice control to express live from one or the other we rub
shoulders with, one tests for the demanded faithless arrogant motive to seek a
life in its half true truth, the other chooses to thought-less for its doubt de-
mands of truth and in faith accepts that “you truth” will in unveil your-self to
me on your terms and timing, as to say rather than me coming to God with
“my script” and asking/demanding “God “is this it?” I don’t know Sais God you
brought it to me, again changed a little “is this it God?” Very politely! I don’t
know you brought it to me? Again “is this the one! God?” and God sighs a little
and Sais “if you need to know me than just ask me?” (Bible quote “ask and
thou shalt receive”) I need that you! “know” Me and to do that, you need I
know where I am, to come “ask me” you are my Son and Daughter therefor I
say to you “I am in you!” So, you may “come in close” with me and find dwell
with me there in shall I am revealed received”
I say test thy self (meaning us humans) the prime ultimateness knows! what he
the living one knows! meaning him itself inside out as outside to in. But are we
and pleasure seeking to fill the void wanted-ness short time term physical life
time, the other! know thyself “I” our creator, giver, sustenance provider, our
host is him literally with the most (Bible quote referring to God “most high”)
true “in” is truth. Through inner governance of self-notice, don’t think, we/I
“will it” notice! Is, in I, the truth, the life, that light the way, the knowledge and
wisdom to use apply and play thus participate in my I we plan. Thus I reveal
into you my eye and plan to hand, expression “the time is at hand” “my way of
life is our shared one! Way” one way street? Be the first time I’ve thought
good of a one way, street lol.
That’ll keep us distracted and destructed! A space with in a place, a distracted
from place is a destructed space of distracted face. Old oriental expression for
dishonour “lose face”
Money! Is the honey of the thinking thought physical mind body, for validating
“dating” its own “vanity vain” control comfort leisure pleasure life of Ego pur-
pose, pursuit! Expressions “money makes the world go round” “it ain’t about
the money” “show me the money honey” Bible quote “the land of milk and
honey” “the promised land” was described as the land of milk and honey,
these days I’d swear they misspelled it, being more like “the land of milk and
money” not honey unless you change one justifying letter when it suits and
now our M-oney is our H-oney.
If we conduct thyself in to slow a working mode we throw our inner house is
home to the thieving dogs of interference that is “mind methodical thought”
processes as opposed to allowing the noticed self to flow its own arrival in its
own is given time. Expression “no time like the present” notice! No time in the
present, only in the past and future, “present” a gift? That gives and gives
some more of itself in its own is timed hence we need grow in the art that is
acquired wisdom, applied in patience, not applying pressure! Leave Rushing!
To the Russians! Ha Ha! Lol humour! giggle Giggle! Life’s a twiggle tickle! Don’t
be fickle! Makes one their own prick! Prickle, hence let’s not be a cactus! A
bunch of pricks! Be sharp! Like a loved knife, not blunt! dull like an unloved,
missed understood dullard one! Sharp! On the cutting edge of one’s self own
life on loan, not! A sharp smart prick! dull of self and thus edgy! to others. Ex-
pression “feeling a bit edgy” “felt quite edgy about trusting them” “makes me,
edgy!” “he/she’s got an edgy feeling about them” “life on the edge” “I’m feel-
ing on edge”
That other book said quote “the meek shall inherit the Earth” and I say! Yeah!
they would have to inherit it because their all to bloody poor to buy anything
ON IT! Such is fair go, fair trade, sounds fair-less-ly obvious! fair is for the ones
who sell it and can “afford” to buy it, the rest are fair-ly well fucked! Have to
try climbing that mountain we never see the top! Of again, oh! Wait I just
found out some of us actually do! shows how in the dark! Little I know, You can
get there, it’s called “climbing the corporate corporeal ladder” I guess this ex-
pression makes more cents are dollars here now “stay on top of things”
The land of a “fair and equitable” go for everyone! Equal, yeah! Equals the eq-
uitable out payment from me of $60.00 for one packet of cigarettes because
“my government loves me/we” so much $$$$%%%$$$$! Plus G.S.T, I’m far
too! Immature at 49 years old (well I am a child literally at heart) to decide for
myself if I smoke or not! But they care about me/we us so much! They “want”
(sounds familiar) me to give up for my longer! Healthier equal fair go life, that’s
why they put the price up! so far above any chime! Of a dime! But no crime!
Reasonable fair, because they are putting all that tax revenue we each! Pay,
into private bank trust accounts opened for each of us, thus we can after a lit-
tle while use the money for a poultry little by ratio house deposit, they
wouldn’t dare! Go and spend it themselves on themselves for things like a heli-
copter to go around the corner, perhaps to go shopping for another private in-
vestment property or take the family away on an international “business” holi-
day trip all expenses paid, yeah by all else of the country embezzled from.
Shssh! Don’t tell anyone kids! I took it out of petty cash! the petty! Pleb slaves!
“willingly! donate” to me for us, “Wanna go to Disney land?” I’ve got some
very, very! Important business to do there, you know a meeting with the U.N
“ice cream anyone?” its ok I’ll just “fair-trade free trade!” another packet of
smokes to my much loved cared about “equal brethren” back home in OZ land
conned of my head hand, I mean they want me/us to be here! They must, they
so willingly “paid” paying for it and everything! I told them I was coming here
in “there! best interests%” (shhsh! spent on my account) fairy floss! Anyone?
hey kids! Sweets for the sweet! Pass me that voting ballot! Please honey, I
need to take a shit! Tar! My little tart! Sweet, you’re the best! Your new shoes!
Look great on you, “thank you, except for the dress, hint Hint!” oh! Ok, go on
then I’m sure the plebs back home won’t mind not knowing about it, well we
should all give them (government) our full loving support! It’s obvious they are
on a mission from GOD! God clearly obviously! Needs a new helicopter to go
pick up the kids from school, as you do. Ha Ha funny, NOT!
An actual real in true truth of self, in mission with, of God the prime ultimate-
ness, which believe it or not we and they aforementioned are all, in the actual
for real, all verse three verse universes existent equal expressed in form that is
O Father. Yes! Believe it or not! Even Lawyers I’m told and wait for it still not
Origin in all Father formless and formed is 1 truth actual love for eternity! This
physical world personal life encounter is but merely the start and end of slow
matter temporary temporal reality, start here, for in now we are new! Eternal-
ised gathered point in entrustment beings, we move on, in from here for eter-
nity, the falling away of our physical thought form body is the releasing of us
from this flesh physical outer dense spatial time in space is place reality, find-
ing thy is self in-side a deeper spatial space is place reality occupying the so
called empty space is place between, enveloping the much slower vibration
dense particles (matter) of the thought formed shallower outsider world. We
are all each eternally eternalised energy all vibration in of prime ultimateness
feeling, is “vibrational light land” Bible quote “the kingdom of God” The eter-
nally eternal child-like fountain is youth-full flowing one!
Our physical brain, the grey matter, formed light made vibrationally slow
enough to make dense light to accommodate the assimilate feeling living light
energy being, the flesh body/brain is a gate and foggy window to this tempo-
rary of temporal world.
Doubt keeps us out, pessimism and denial are its loyal subjects, the gate is only
swinging one way to its own known quantity and quality of “comfort zone” ex-
pression “time to get out of your comfort zone” the place its arrived at current.
The collective construct its built for itself of past memories, emotional reac-
tions as memories of its past experiences that it perceives of itself is self, I am
alive thus progressing forward, whatever it ordains to be forward which is gen-
erally what it “currently” want’s “left face forward march” apparent negative
and positive energy view bias based on its wants being achieved or not “its
plan” negative being when it doesn’t go to its planned advantage, positive is
when it does “self-absorption” apparent negative and positive matter-s. It’s
not fussy of this, stimuli so long as it’s being fed on inner emotional triggering’s
to the emotional receptor collector glands in the brain thus creating a physical
sensational experience reality throughout the whole body, produced so very
convincingly by the emotion thought chemicals released through the trigger-
ing’s into the body thus it validates its vain is vanity existence self to be, is!
“real” the master of its own home castle, expression “a man’s home is his cas-
tle” Definitely not! A feeble of lowly “tent” it doesn’t like to see itself as a
camper! No humility, meaning of little physical want before its need and of
smaller the need to want “its above that” important! But it’s a castle of its own
just justifications underpinning it’s want, hence the highly, inflated ego! Self-
important justified view of itself, it can’t, won’t stand for itself being the serv-
ant, it’s the master of itself own castle constantly furnishing it with vain wants.
Expression “a house of cards” flimsy! Very unstable, like a house built on sand
with no find found sound vibration foundation, expression “that’s un-founded
hearsay” “heresy” not qualified of any popular opinion. No actual solid bedrock
in of its own truth, an actual solid, is found sound! Foundation, bedded in of
truth. The true castle must! Have, to stand alone the test of time immemorial
When the self-validated! Actual self in is truth is experienced as conscious real-
ity, the in is out! Physical action formed, the mind comes bit by bit grown into
faith in “self” the gate swings further open in opposite of its former direction
thus now positioning itself to let inside in to outside out. The mind becomes a
turn stile is its new! Style, hence the expressions “wait your turn” “that was a
real turn around” “turn this way, turn that way” “I didn’t get my turn” “it’s not
your turn” “turn away” “don’t turn your back on me” the Earth itself is turning
“one good turn deserves another” “what goes around comes around” the list
keeps on going, there’s more I’m sure. Every turn we make is “a turn for the
worst” or “a turn for the better” as the expressions go. “turn one’s life around”
alternate “al-tern-ate” northern and southern hemispheres of the world the
water turns (spins) in opposite directions of each other. “wait your turn” “how
did it turn out?” we are each conductor in our own instrument for our section
of the feeling energy light world O Father in Son is holy in spirit light orchestra
musical, eternally now in now being per each one of us formed (performed)
each here performance “per-form, is each, thus enhanced” “resonance reality”
The forced manipulation of the physical thought matter verse is an illusion de-
lusion of the wanted state of mind, hence the expressions “what’s your state
of mind” what was the political state of mind” “what state of mind were you in
when you did that” “I’m stating my mind” “state your mind” “I’m not in the
right state of mind” “I’m taking statements” “state your case” “state your
Do not!! Log onto the web address at the bottom of our screen that is top!
now! we won’t find us the prime ultimateness living true in is truth at this ad-
dress, we are “feeling felt flowing found” thus find us at
We of the never, Never! Choose chosen to play fair together “to-get-her” to
exploit our mother that is Earth for self-awarded self-deserved physical mate-
rial wealth, competition to own who can thieve the most from her, rape! Her
of herself, that man has made to be material wealth/trade, self-assertive, self-
or end thus eternal. The whole truth works as one holy triune truth, three di-
vinity self-aware self-aspects working real together, the truth “ACT-U-AL”
means team working together as is one! hence “ACT U ALL” add our truth self
and we are now! the team truth in our act. Feeling energy light hearted hus-
band being’s world and thinking alone for me thought world wife is now! hap-
pily married in as two have be-come one in same life is heart in felt feeling no-
ticed true is truth, flesh world formed.
viewed, continue to breathe deliberate slow relaxing rhythm and patiently ob-
serve in notice what comes into vision emanating from the subject, for some
people the first thing they notice is a shimmering emanation much similar to
observing the heat haze/shimmer above a hot road, if light is becoming em-
anant visual than awesome! Welcome to your personal here world life experi-
ence of seeing/experiencing with the mind conscious of the feeling light energy
world, living life truth spirit “a man of colours” the light in!
refracted in man is opalescence of truth. “motive colours the energy”
Expressions “I saw right through him/her” “they saw right through their plan”
“he/she saw right through me” “political transparency”
“Right is light, the light right truth” expression “the light of truth!”
“see if you can shed some light on it”
Expression “you don’t have a leg to stand on” the lie has “no truth” no solid
footing on stable solid foundation. (sand lies land) or is it? maybe both “sand
flies land” itch! Scratch! And suffer! The torment of them, the aftermath of
sand flies lies. (sand fly’s urinate on us with an acid to soften us up enough to
bleed for them to breed as they are so small our skin is otherwise to tuff) that’s
what lies essentially do to us isn’t it, they of the thinking mind want “soften us
up so we bleed for them to breed” they breed, we weed, lost is the need. “the
world needs to snort! Need, not speed” expressions “tuff n up” “thick skinned”
yes lies do toughen us up with a thickened skin (Elephant hide) after you’ve
been on Earth for a while, they thicken our veil “skin” to the possible finding of
innocent untainted child-like is truth (the secrets of creation) that in dwells
Human humane heart (centre chest space) the light is of truth sees thus knows
it himself in all that is all one creation living organism, can does recognise rec-
oncile with himself everywhere he is, is him in self and all other self in vessel
format. We take with our intention to attention for granted more than we may
observe in notice.
Sargent to Soldiers order given to “stand to” stand to attention, focus in/to the
now, ready for the “task at hand” “the time is at hand” no distraction destruc-
tion of attention here. “have I got your attention now” we say, in other words
“no distraction” dis, is to remove, traction is grip so, remove grip on “now is re-
ality” which is for each one of us, where ever “each our thy attention is!” by di-
rection of intention, expressions “he’s lost his grip on reality” “their grip on re-
ality is tenuous to say the least” “her grip on reality is slipping!” “get a grip of
yourself” “monkey grip!”
When we don’t have thy is first! Formed in/of substance truth is I living light
energy, conscious in self, realised in the physical flesh veil, mono think thought
mind, we are lost in, thus of, our real is reality, the mind is an interpreter com-
puter, thus any program running is actually its real reality, it’s all just signal
wave generation of energy to the computer mind receiving them and render-
ing according to the affiliate programs installed to take care of jobs “in-
puts/outputs “renderings of input rendered”
For myself I noticed in myself that I wasn’t consciously (here physical life body)
very able aware actually in feeling seeing self-able quantifiably of it aware ob-
servant conscious self of self to my is I, inner actual attention, knew I have it
but what where how is it??? Me my eye to of I is thy, hence truth rendered.
Walking one day with my level facing forward physical gaze, in my little think
(empty head) notice everything conscious state of, is awareness. All of a sud-
den! I had a quite amplified “thought bubble” pop! In me with an invite confi-
dent polite! Suggestion “start practicing standing on one! Leg at a time (one
master) each side to discover practice notice “map in, of self, in “conscious
brain me” the centre point balance in, that is me, I thy is actual, is truth ren-
dered, is self, inhabiting co-exist attention attached with this is me my I physi-
cal eye, computer flesh brain body form “the true skin” of the truth, “is me is
we each one is I” “apple of our O Father Sons eye” is in each us I. Balance of
my physical body, I discovered is not based thus governed by my physical
ears/hearing brain so much as it is held in/by my inner attention I, thus I found
that my intention was flying my attention which is holding “me the stick!” (the
physical body) in balance of physical stature state position, meaning where my
attention go’s my body follows instantly! Left of centre, right of centre, up of
centre, down of centre, forward of centre, back of centre. First actions done of
standing on one leg I found I was absolutely terribly out of control of thy inner
self is intention/attention I was flopping (falling) off balance physically left right
forward backward all over the place, very out of conscious control of thy physi-
cal body balance, I noticed every time I flopped, fell one way or other, the in-
ner observer in, is self could see feel notice aware that it was the unguided un-
controlled (de-fault-ing) intention to my attention that was causing the fall-
ing/flopping off balance of thy physical body so, I had/have now solid personal
anyone of us can do it “ITS CHILD’S PLAY” this is the best self in position of in-
ner disposition (attitude, approach) to be in for best results, not a pressured
self is serious it all depends on this one thing experience, first try! To attempt
having a go at this experience is to literally point/turn our self in the opposite
direction of our life time thus far programming to our mind, “the life we
know!” accept as self all here is physical thus is only real that is reality. “the fi-
nite being world” starts and finishes “finish line” the compete is “competition
for harvesting the half world truth” one eye to I is lie, one life eye, blind I, too
two, one the other. Expression “don’t be one eyed about it” “your very one
eyed in life” So, a childlike experiment to experience, the energy presence if
felt “IS” actual the truth us we are “a feeling energy light self, gathered point in
being is aware”
Reminder “RE-MIND-ER” to retrieve reinstall a data pack to the mind, thus I
now conscious real reality thereof “energy!” a past, of something, prior
thought to do or engage in later “thought mind made future” man plan.
Now a reminder as regards to this book, JUST READING the words in this book
does the will to not! Find thus found, inner feeling energy light magnetism of
heart greater than I alone IS truth. Self, a real feeling felt noticed seen touched
touching tasted in too out knowing personal experience event in one’s life,
physical. If we don’t do the words/works as real here, life actions in the physi-
cal handicap form than we are really just in thought paying self-fulfilling lip!
Service to it, another entertainment only in life. We Is in I invite each all us to
test, check the validity of these techniques as functional reality real exposure
points to set us off “on the right foot” as the expression goes. “one small step
for man” “one giant leap of faith for mankind” thus “man is kind” to his “own
kind” the soul has no colour, only the skinful thought that is vain in its vanity,
envious and jealous does attack the skin. (skin disorder is! dissed of its order)
thinking thought mind form flesh, aging, diseases, loss of taught form fit and so
on. These techniques offered here are simply being offered for us each to plant
in our personal experience garden here on Earth, in our earthen, that is clay
flesh in form, the vessel, we each are poured in thus animate physical, as life
comes to the vessel comes to life. So, water and feed them in the light of prac-
ticed repeated action, rescue revealing them to the light is shining in, O Father
fragment is the Son in thy each one us, is true the truth nature innate is the in
self, divine fragment self, thus! the way in is heaven that is heavenly! O Father,
Divine in Son, Holy in spirit, Purple in truth. “DI-VINE” “parables of the grape
vine” The KNOWING is! KNOWN, the FEELING is! FELT the FACE is! FULL in its
countenance thereof. Expression “don’t be two faced” meaning “a liar and
back stabber!” say one thing do another so, also hypocrite! in its further nega-
tive, as opposed to “don’t take everything at face value” means, look now in
beyond deeper for the illusion is confusion (cold! Fusion) OR! “full face value”
“whole! is holy! full in of faith is countenance of face” in this, the living one all
one holy is in now, is thus rescue resuscitated from the soiled soil of that, thus
is, darkness not doing, the spirit of, is! being idol in action but lost in words,
mental pictures of going places are pieces “Not! Peace” judgements, boxed
and labelled, divided is dementia the dimension conquered “understood” ha
Ha! now memory filed in cabinet that is judgement of thought, emotions are
action (reactions) love them in the faith faithfully applied, cared for, nurtured
and taste the fruits beared and share them “bear witness” of thy own personal
experience to others thus helping each other be lifted inward upward “ascend
each us come be-come together” is one all one, O Father in Son Holy in spirit.
“living feeling truth”
Old expression “nothing ventured, nothing gained” I say also “nothing teth-
ered, is nothing tended, is nothing mended, is nothing rendered” expression “a
thread of truth” “didn’t have a thread of truth in it” (tapestry) fabric of space,
is fabric of life, expression “fabricate something” “they fabricated the whole
thing, there wasn’t actually a thread of truth in it” “fabricated lies of deceit”
the left of centre heart hand mind is the fabricator of all appears chaos and
lost in lies, we dies eyes to I wide shut! Funnily when we actually do die physi-
cally our physical eyes stay “wide open” or “wide shut” until if some other in-
tervenes them, much is this the same of us in our life is self-state “statehood”
If we don’t plant and grow our own seeds then clearly nothing to harvest bar-
ren ground, unless we are thieves at heart planning to steal someone else’s,
now if the seeds that are being planted by each us, for us, are thy self, is thus
my thy truth, then if we thieve from another we are importing through theft to
look into someone else’s windows, not at home loving looking out through
ours from within our own heart home. Expression “home truths” “well I’ll tell
you a few home truths about yourself” “time you had a good long hard look at
a few home truths” we personally each are our own soil and light “prime ulti-
mate true in truth is self, O Father in Son holy in spirit” “the living light” is us
the farmer who tends the plot! Expression “the plot! Thickens” have fun kids,
play well for happiness together kids!
agined this to happen most particularly when it would have the absolute great-
est impact of so many! “the only thing that saved myself and the tiny! few was
that “flash felt feeling knowing noticed is known to act! Without doubt in ques-
tion of thought to challenge! Analyse with Anal-eyes “second nature to act of
first nature” automatic like opening a door, we don’t question it to how to do
it e t c, we just do it and go on through no analytical anal-eyes-ing thought im-
pinging the full flowing un-thoughted outcome of, DO ACT! “opening the door”
Last point of interest to me is one week later not so far from where I lived at
the time, the police found and seized a large quantity of high grade commer-
cial explosives stashed in the bush on the property of one of the state’s capital
city water supply reservoirs, that does have exactly this typical, actual kind of
concrete dam wall I was standing at the bottom in front of with everyone else
in the dream. Point of extra interest, spirit is often symbolised by water. Ex-
pressions “the waters of life” “I can feel it in my waters” “don’t water it down”
“when my water broke” for a few of us in this dream life experience we might
say “we were very lucky” for the others the many very, very! Big “bad luck” un-
lucky. So, here’s my pondered wandered wondered to outcome, now put here
for your, ponder wander I wonder…?...
its vast length to irrigate, propagate profits! People frolic now with gay! Aban-
don, swimming, boating, fishing (catch mostly only horrible introduced carp!)
Sunday leisure and pleasure. The rivers water for my whole life (48yrs) has
been a constant awful now! of grey/brown muddy coloured water, highly in-
tensely polluted water “it’s always grey! You can’t see into it but hardly a few
inches on a good day! Even with, no doubt Chinese made, polarised sunglasses
it’s little better. You pond-er if you choose, I’ve pondered in my pond! Thus, I
have my part answered. Pond-e-rings! pond-ear! rings “pond earnings” it’s
their/our pondered “pond earnings” for the last couple hundred or so years
white Australia that “need warnings!” 60 plus! Thousand years “successful sus-
tainable ponderings! wanderings of “pond earnings” by indigenous Australians
prior to “white BOSS!” arriving here to reap rape! The pond for his greedy!
Yearnings, he/we mislabel as honest earnings! The mouth of this mighty river
often silts up to almost blocked these days! Never gets a proper flush anymore
due to all the irrigation locks stopping all, natural flow, only a controlled
amount when man deems it so, sometimes it does block completely and they
have to dredge it out, the huge estuarine lakes have all been isolated from any
salt water being able to mix within them, there all locked with flow locks that
stop all sea water from entering upstream into the lakes and main river “no
tidal flow” very! Bad for health of river and dependent surrounding eco sys-
tems. Man dams, have DAMBED! It to a very painful slow dying death. Inci-
dentally, remember we are saline physical water beings not! Fresh water be-
ings and in Australia “grey water” is the term for describing/referring to “raw
sewage” Hmm I wonder, wander in OUR COLLECTIVE stinking! POND! ER. Join
the dots! Kids, and then see! Smell the whole ugly! Viol with violence! Picture,
we have/are still painting of our species collective selves “global mirror” ugly
global shimmer! How do we all feel about watching our own reflections up
close in “grey water” rather than a clean stream global feeling felt dream. We
also label the brain what? “grey matter” the beginning, the well spring! Of
“grey water” maybe…??? “man, alone plan, grey plan?” dries up to grey dust,
man’s ashes! Are they not grey too? “ashes to ashes, dust to dust” if got it
wrong is grey my dust. Expression when unsure not clear defined in truth “it’s
a grey zone” “it’s a grey topic” “grey skies” gloomy! grey is the feeling in the
current weather. “Often our view point is another’s spew! Point” get the point!
Or is this all pointless? thus it is less of a point, dull? No sharp! Shimmer or
“sharp! Shimmer, eternal grinner, eternal winner” (winner winner! chicken din-
ner) A popping/popped bubble in me now indicates to sign of here with this
passage “let those with eyes see and let those with ears hear” gaze and ear
into the noticed noticing self-world sphere. Look! Hear, is listen! Around notice
the actual events/behaviour of our global species society is world including our
own backyards, expression “keep your nose in your own back yard” Pinocchio
has a nose! Too, for those who know the story, have a read if you don’t (chil-
dren’s fairy tale)
Strange thing happened just now! literally I was drinking a coffee from nearby
coffee shop whilst writing those last passages, having finished them, I went to
drink the last of my coffee and Grose! The milk has now curdled! In it, yet prior
meaning the rest of the coffee I have already drunk is/was fine, normal, I didn’t
notice/taste anything wrong with it, just a noticed event with noticing! Known
with no attachments, extra scaffoldings, I had/have my feeling felt noticed
knowing in “so called coincidence” of timing for me of what its true in truth is, I
leave yours in you.
“Let those with seeing eyes see, let those with hearing listened ears hear”
Just penning as it presents in self, minimal thought fiddling fiddle fuck finger al-
lowed into the feeling noticed pop! Of inner bubbles! Yes! I do always search
and seek for the physical and physiological logical answers to presented events
phenomenon in my personal life experience and when listening to other peo-
ples but still evaluated in noticed feeling felt noticed knowing, feeling hunch in-
tuition, gut feeling heart felt thought, never just one eye without the other on
events, for in all events from feeling to thought to physical form output come
is one truth or half parts thereof confusion (cold fusion) I feel cold in the fusion
that is collusion of various divided scenes through fusion into elaborate illu-
sion, to only a part thereof, confusion is my state! Of, marketed to me what is
easy to behold my belief, I into make self a swallowed worldly con that is now!
my I self-state is real reality, confusion, thy I fused too! expressions “let it go”
“you must let go of it” “I just can’t let it go” “he won’t let go of it” “if they let
go of their faith then all hope is lost” “he/she’s got a very short fuse!”
Just because we other/others can’t do not! See, believe, have faith in that
someone else is having a “spiritual energy supernatural” in there! life experi-
ence does not! In anyway mean they are not, to quote the other biblically fa-
mous gent! “remove the log from thine eye to see to remove the splinter from
thy neighbours” Maybe we need to remove the log from thine eye and then
see “if!” There is a warranted splinter to remove in our neighbour’s eye” “do
unto others as we would have done unto us” find cultivate our own one now
truth, in faith we faithfully accept and act!
Opinions, simply the act of trying to own someone else’s experience/life, the
act of actively looking in someone else’s window and judging their house on
the reflection of self in their window. As my long-time friend said to me one
day so eloquently! “opinions yeah! People have usually got at least a couple
and like arm pits! they usually stink!” expression “your attitude stinks!” re-
member our physical body is constantly a reflecting matter mirror of all as-
pects in, inner self reality world thus real in this “here” physical word, world.
E g: strong body odour of the arm pits is not necessarily obligatory to being
alive and not washing the physical body every day, it is my experience over
many years now that I’ve noticed through periods of certain stress to particular
life current subject that depending on how I allow my attitude to be twisted
morphed by the stress does very directly and obviously affect the manifesta-
tion of armpit foul body odour “your attitude stinks” yes, if we don’t wash thy
physical for long periods and particularly living in the warm/hot climates we
will/do start to stink! But what I’ve found is that I can go very long periods
even living in the tropics without washing and not discernibly smell underarm
odour hardly at all, (a couple of weeks) living homeless can limit washing avail-
abilities depending where we are, but this does not mean we can’t wash spirit-
ually by maintaining a clear clean attitude intention of motive attention to
truth in is self, but if as I said, I succumb to some flavour of stress in my life in
some very consuming me way of the mind/emotions I can produce a bad under
arm smell in short time and even if washing every day so, I say either! “our atti-
tude stinks!” or “our attitude sweets” even when we sweat’s “sweet attitude,
sweats sweets” food for thought, our attitude state self is for me clearly linked
of thinking thought mind emotion to the body odour glands in our self is physi-
cal. A skunk and some other animals have direct conscious connection with
their bodies odour glands so they trigger them of fear in self-defence. Sweating
is a common stress response “stress sweating” releases sour self-secretions of
the mind from the body over the skin thus building a stale decaying oil slick,
crust over self hence odour of decay. Expression “the smell of fear” Quite
“lows” the physical form vibration “the prime ultimateness, Allah, Buddha,
God, living truth” IS NOT! “slow fast food fix” easy fixes without patience and
the nutrient of self-funded chosen choice effort in seeking for finding then thus
found is feeling on felt as discernible form does thus ruin us to be-come, come
fatty junk! “junk mail” or “junk! male”, “junk female!” “a junkie!” as the first!
Food insumed in spirit is a “dumbing down lowering of the self is spirit vibra-
tion” motive is “life” vibration is its form, law is “like is like of its first form”
Cognisant to of the heart feeling felt noticed, formed true in truth (the purple
heart of truth) motive! Hence “on a need to know basis” as the expression
go’s, at a “time” “the need has arisen!” (Lazarus) divinely divined timing is of
plan unto living truth, O Father fragment is child, thus parent in Son and like
same is everyone “on Earth as it is in Heaven” “food of the heart” feeds the
mind to a “full feeling felt flesh” or food of the head bereft left! feeds the head
does ache! And the stomach! does groan! Its I’m empty vain moan! Can I
please get a loan! alone is my grown! moan on my own! “I’m Hungary!” said
the “Flesh-a-sore-ass!” diabolical Dinosaur it is! with a “mount-you-me-ing”
hunger that is aggression of the obsession to consume us, ASS! all. Expression
“got you over a barrel” “they’ve got me over a barrel” where’s our ass! Point-
ing! when we’re over a barrel??? Hmm… others in aggression “I barrelled him”
“I got barrelled” there’s obviously the quenchable connotation of a “gun bar-
rel” being used in metaphor here as well. “staring down the barrel” a couple of
my own sadly observed on Earth is “slavery chains of opinion” is thy belief I do
enslave others too, by the barrel of a gun fuming the fumes! of “spent powder
is power!!” stink! From the fired! barrel of “oiled” with a barrel of “economic
inequality called equality, quality reality, oil is freedom GUN!!!” is not! Equita-
ble findable found feeling is felt formed freedom, thus! can we afford! afford-
dom is born in the barrel of a gun!” And or “Freedom is bought $$$ in a barrel
of oil, oiling a gun” literally all life here is governed consumed/exhumed in the
dead drying dying decaying body of economics exploit energy is thus exploit-
IN EACH ONE, US, ALL IS THUS ONE! Expression “rob Peter to pay Paul” now if
Peter Paul and we! are in of the same tree, then now we be, strife! division is
house divided thus dead decayed and dusted, forlorn is unforgiven thus forgot-
ten is us rusted. Expression for when it’s all over, no more to be done or can be
done “it’s done and dusted” as the expression go’s and of course “ashes to
ashes, dust to dust” the spirit hath left so death is just!
ego saving grace and face in the countenance of others, the embellished tar-
nish! On the truth, under covered of the oxidised darker dense dirty deterio-
rate that is, past of “pure! is truth” expression for easy clean immediate solving
solution to problem “a silver bullet” meaning the simple sweet truth “a magic!”
would “save” us a lot of dramas and toil! Of trying to find the solve that is solu-
tion to problem. Skin surface weathered with embellishment of time mind
thinking, add and subtract thinking fiddling with the past, is! half-truth emo-
tional reactions output from thinking thoughts formed of judgement in mind
grey brain matter, scaffolding versions of embellished truth from chemical
copy file memory and outputting “apparent” new emotions thus is “now” my
real reality, life! memory is a copy print image “imagining” of was then, actual
truth is now, has passed thus on forwarding them as “our here is now!” to
form as distortions of “I am! past-present-future 3 incumbent” is “actual now”
rather than the left hand hemisphere splitting reality into time-emit “past pre-
sent future” expressions “stop living in the past” “live in the now” so “living in
the future past of now” OR “living in now is future presently past” real is this,
thy is I is-sing! hence perception is each reality. Perceived or deceived is still
perceived perception is reality, thus life is the all incumbent perception multi-
verse, we each one’s in of O Father Sons all incumbent one, are a
“Uni-que-verse” each thy perceived perception is one verse in multiverse come
universe self, is thus real, actual is reality “the message inward, in word the
body bubble! Is a universe unique of the clustered all, is as all one real is real-
ity, whole is “Holy Spirit” in word that he is message versed of Uni-one union is
origin in all the original verse. Hence the structural strength that is the form we
call “tri-angle” three angles, is really “Tri-Angel” three Angels, tri-une angle is
tri-une Angel, the actual form that is triangle is three “I’s” with of eyes left and
right is three felt fold full whole sight, past is! “present now” is! future) with
outstretched arms and hands of left and right lands, to which identify work of
both hands in physical flesh land. hence yes! He all and we, are 3! Holy trinity.
The universe is triune true, in living! it is loving truth “delivered” not! “livered!”
as that one, word expression go’s, for when someone is very, very! Pissed off!
About someone something. Funnily enough which organ besides the brain
does the “false fake!” Pure that is called “spirit” of the fermented sour from
sweet tormented demented Earth order, intensely attack!? “the liver” The fil-
ter of toxins to truth, organ of purity “truth” liquor “lick” or be “liquored” is be-
ing drank drunk to try and get out of emotional past felt feeling livered! Emo-
tions of the ego angry mind, to try and “lick!” it, as the expression go’s for
when its solved. “I/we’ve got it licked!” or when I/we personally have failed,
we’re beaten! “it’s got me licked!” “it licked! Me” Sorosis! of livers life, is! “liv-
ered!” with life delivered, remember “de” is “of” thus is “of-liver” “I am liv-
ered!!!” or “de-livered” meaning “not! Livered” pissed off! Anymore. “De” in
English is also used as another pre-fix to make known in the message some-
thing has been “removed” hence live is life, or de-live is the removed thus op-
posite we call death and de-livered is to be removed thus nil and null void to
thereof being feeling emotionally livered with life, which is basically my broken
un-full filled to my planned life wants and my emotion experienced reactions
to the perceived inflictions from others on me, I take in own me emotion all re-
sponse/reactions that do crowd cross! “make me cross” out! future with thy
past and kill crush cap! thy actual is “self in thy I right eye and hand now loving
in the left-hand land as I live on Mother Earth matter, she is my left hemi-
sphere hand on her land. On earth as is left as right is in heaven, Opposites at-
tract! expression “heart land” Expression for when all is good calm “right as
rain” remember water is often the sign symbol of spirit/truth and it does come
from “above” is the right golden light “waters of truth” doth cleanse away the
weary eye of lie, see read our physical world word and under I stand the stance
of humble it is parable comparable O Father in Son, truth the divine living vine
of the fruit “I am the alpha and omega, the vine and the fruit, “I am all in all
things” “love thine vine fine enemy” married is love wife does forth spring new
life, the well spring heirs! of life, is mountain fountain feeling, felt form found,
in! is you me, youth we.
You would be surprised what a simple left-handed hand shaking practice can
do, it automatically puts our right hemisphere brain over left rather than left
bereft militant over right, physical heart is “most commonly” on the left side
so, literally we can heart to heart stand a hand shake, and our wires are thus
un-crossed now whole true is in truth revealed not reviled, requires us to stand
literally a small step to the right for our hearts to line up, see heart to heart,
speak heart to heart, see eye to eye, hear no fear ear to ear, I too I peaceful I
die, resting in peace not rest-less in pieces! thus intention attention is in, self-
engaged heart light right “one step both feet side to same side”
(intention/attention ear eye on in I) expressions “who’s side are you on?” “I
hope we’re on the same side!” right intention attention on itself notice! Pay
full attention to/of thy both right and left side in, of body self, brings left be-
reft, left hemisphere right thus now two in the right is O Father Sons light in-
sight, one old gold, golden lamp! light lit, the two come one is heart and mind
male and female gender in self together married as one in self, whole is holy
immersed of each other complete as a physical matter form being. Expression
for when an experience is really favourable good, something of great intelli-
gence, ironic e t c “it was gold” look at the literal metal substance gold and its
physical properties, attributes, molecular density, the gravity that it has ex-
erted in/on it and so forth its known obtainable observable qualities and we
can do discover much about our creator, self-made in the image thereof same
as gold is literally made in the image of him also, as he said “I am the alpha and
omega” “split a piece of wood I am there, turn a stone you will find me” if we
can see the veil everyone refers to between us and “our creator” is simply the
ability of our mind to see through/understand the world here, life! as that it is,
all for real reality fact! A living parable of O Father in Son Holy in Spirit for us
each to experience, seek to stand humble under him in us, is the truth unveiled
in self of him, his! the kingdom is of all in creation, inside first, outer side all
second, to each one of us he is in first thy self “the quieter current in the
heart” in is HE I we are Holy so, love her, the world is mother, second of too! O
Father the Son in self and leave her “the nest” with whatever gathered charac-
ter self we have formed our wings of, meaning all our gathered physical time
life experience fruit “acts” does collectively culminate, displaying thy truth of
what who! we have made self-chosen choice! Into, whilst here! creator? no
creator? mother earth material money, hoarded fear in wealth collected of our
temporary temporal mother matter mind, or! the truth of! what is me thy life
and life! what greater is there, I’m a part in! of??? “did I earn through growth
my wings!” Or! did I “fall from on high” and “land myself” on the dirt is earth
mother and dwell here with no grown able wings to ever soar in the heavens
above! Her, the “tasty tempestuous tempt us treat!” she is, on offer! for all my
labour is distracting draining me of growing my wings in time of this body, to
thus fly from the worldly mother’s nest and soar nearer! the Son, shining! In,
on everyone “Old Gold light” from heaven, heavenly! In us above. If we decide
to become a ground dweller than we have little no need to grow wings of free-
dom is flight! in the day is no night (expression “he/she’s a flight risk!”) or
would we rather become bats! A flying skin in the darkness is there day! there
night! Is upside down of the light! Just to note, if we haven’t noticed it before,
being upside down also means that when they shit or piss! It runs down all
over themselves “where’s their ass pointing? And which way is gravity going?”
In truth I state, if we are only chasing the wealth of the world/flesh! Than we
are truly bats! With our asses, up! gravity down!
I’m so tired, worn “out” mind thought flesh brain computer the outer second
too, observer in self-inner aware consciousness with the abundant energy lev-
els of a child animating thy flesh form due to the conscious chosen engage-
ment in whole one real is reality life truth, seeking thy in, is now known no-
ticed self-knowing truth, in this human place Earth life engagement of the flesh
form does place us each on the line where the two oceans of light and dark do
meet inside of us offering and or tempting us to come and swim in one! over
the other “fresh water floats over salt water” for real in this physical physics
world, One, the fuller salt solution substance is more life! The efficient correct
conductor of us each the prime image self, the salt same we are! Sits deeper
under the vainer of substance fresh, we drink “fresh” the vainer water to make
thus replenish our saline self “the fresh is representative of the flesh form and
salt is spirit” so in other words the two need each other to make animate life
form here world, the “fresh flesh bride” needs the Salt Spirit Prince of charm-
ing “bridegroom” to thus come together in marriage immersed of each other,
is thus “one electric anti of matter life current” married into fresh flesh form is
now! animate matter. It’s the loss of the salts primarily that is the state of ill-
ness we call dehydration, removed/lowering of saline sea self, the evaporating
ebbing away of the saline spirit self that is life! from the clay animate vessel
fresh flesh form is death! inanimate of the carbon flesh form.
Need editing done from here forward.
Real here world physical, the inner first born, truth engaged in a whole one re-
ality life truth, actioned in/to the physical body as-well, as in feeling well, good
happy health as opposed too, dis-ease, meaning removed of ease in self,
STRESS! no happy whole truth, happy health life coexistence that is spirit and
body understood of a happy humble marriage between the two have come
one. The ring of truth heard humble in heart and ringing in ear, as in the ex-
pression “it rings true”
Societies work here physical world, both intellectual (cognitive) and actual
physical laboured that we call jobs, actually all physical activities, are active en-
gagements designed for our think thought mind formed body to opportune it-
self in self, of a self-seeking search to experience/prove that our self is a
created spiritual eternal truth, this is the simple said, harder to do truth of why
we have come into a physical formed life animate world.
The Prime Ultimateness is only concerned with this being the work we do here
with our time on Earth, the work of the heart is us doing his will and work, in
this we do get his full attention because we with our freely given free will have
moved our intention to find his attention. How much we have ac-
crued/hoarded of the worlds worldly wealth’s etc is really just an abomination
in his heart as it is us forming our attention away from him and his works “man
plan” becoming a separatist revolt is actually revolting to his will and plan for
us, as love given of the heart is to share freely and evenly, he in his infinite love
and wisdom does not rob or rebel against one of us his children to give more
to another, only we do this when we separate from his heart and thus dwell in
our separatist mind alone, we, it! does unjustly lust a justification to prop up its
separatist will “I deserve all this and more” life is too short, this statement is it
the mind alone exhibiting its fear when lost, of its humble understood given
life of O Father.
This is really the only best reason for each of us to get out of bed in the morn-
ing, to embrace each new born, physical formed light of day is the sun (Son)
truth, does shine physically from above us and spiritually from within us, the
whole is Holy true in truth.
Ever notice that when we awaken from our night’s sleep there’s a short pause
of time where we are consciously awake and cognitive aware in a place space
of self that is without thought of any kind, a state of mental conscious peace,
just aware of happily being alive existent, no expectations or wants and our
needs are silent and few, this is the place we are cognitive to thy self is spirit,
it’s a very much uncomplicated self, thoughtlessly aware to noticed knowing is
feeling, the same is true often after a mental/physical sexual orgasm, peaceful,
meaning for a short time in our conscious self, peace is full, no wants bugging
us for fulfillment no needs stressing for a solution just pure calm state of self is
existence, this is the state of self we are seeking to find, establish with self in
our normal wakened day “being truly in thy self is now” to unfurl the noticed
knowing bubble pops of wisdom our Father great spirit wishes to communicate
with us, a noticed felt conscious real personal experience of “we each” are
“I am spirit” It’s often in this place state that our best bright ideas come to us
in a pop! A flash! of inspired understanding attained of youthful enthusiasm,
it’s an eternal feeling as the moment is not divided by thinking thoughts that
then thus dissect the self of state is wholly ongoing noticed at peace, to de-
scribe peace is simply to say, no conscious emotional triggering tagging nag-
ging thoughts, that is why death is considered to be a place state of eternal
rest in peace as we no longer have the affliction that is untrained thus unsatis-
fied wanting’s of the mental flesh flawed form. It is “the sinner” to use that
Christian term that does cause our griefs in this life through mental made
forms of emotional attachments, our wants and perceived un met needs trig-
gering the flow of mental conscious mind emotional reactions there to.
“DISEASE” The anguish arguments come forward from the flesh. It is it’s made
nature of flawed form to do so when not married into the whole truth of itself,
two halves come together, we mind led of heart, thus now a spirit being in
physical form is oneself, not!
But instead what we have been trained so commonly to do with thought
“paradox” is to engage our attention of intention to the craving of the mental
mind to be heard “exercise it’s living” so as we become more conscious aware
to our physical awakening we have the first thought for the day then the sec-
ond then a third and so on, a bit like getting in the car and putting it into first
gear to take off, then second to go faster, then third and so on, we are now
driving our mental mobile again “consciously alive” we don’t hardly notice that
we have gone from peace to war in an instant, the mental mind has taken over
and we have turned our back, blocked our ears, dumbed our speech, to thy self
is spirit, O Father dwelling in home where thy heart is. Our awareness of the
much greater deeper reality is life, quickly gets dumbed down to a very shallow
felt experience that is only our VAIN physical emotional wants adjunct to per-
ceived justified needs of the flesh alone again.
The flesh mind is designed this way as to challenge us each to seek our O Fa-
ther in self by free will conscious choice, not to easily simply just stumble con-
sciously into knowing him by default as that would be no test to our freewill
that is personal choice to love him back. Does a child truly love their parent if
they have no choice given to do so or not and when does the parent rejoice
the most! but when they see, feel, the love the child has freely chosen to give
back, more so than out of a forced felt sense of owing that they must. Love is
autonomous freedom to choose and make mistakes that we know we can ask
for forgiveness and be forgiven is it not? Among so much more. If a parent in
their loving wisdom sees this lacking amongst their children then would they
not endeavour to correct them that they may love equally each other as their
parent loves them.
The faculty of having a conscience, the expressions “having a guilty con-
science” “my conscience is clear” the voice of reason is the voice of God.
Hence why we feel “bad guilty” when we do something that goes against fair
equal respect of love. This is him speaking, trying to correct his children that
they learn to love each other as he loves them, equally is equality, equality is
his alone quality. When the conscience is clear it may be one of two things, ei-
ther he has no problem with what we have done or the mind in its LEFT alone
flawed state, quickly if allowed will justify its way out of “feeling guilty” its
wants have become its only perverted need “the psychopath” the mind has be-
come very trained adept to have no connection to felt guilt, the mind of God. It
has genuinely made great effort to block its ears and blind its eyes to the good
godliness voice of reason “conscience” dwelling in home heart house
“The house of the Lord” thus has become free in its choice to do Godless acts
and we others are really just practicing to become “the psychopath” every
time we ignore our conscience and crush the guilt, a bit by bit desensitizing of
our self to O Father indwelling of the heart “a heartless act” “a mongrel” in
Expression “a dog act”
At the other end of the spectrum the conscious conscience voice of reason is
also him, our loving sense of compassion, empathy, the sense of making sense
out of our own struggles to walk the 100 steps in one another’s shoes and
hence thus formulate that compassion, empathy and desire to help heal,
lighten each, others load in life, bear each, others cross in life, the point here is
that O Father our Prime creator, is the one responsive responsible for these
gifts given us, does any human claim to have truly invented these faculties
first? Have a monopoly on them? How is it then that we all share these quali-
ties within us, does one go to the empathy shop to buy some more empathy,
“I’ve run out” I must go to the bank and get a loan to buy some more, in of we
created in his literal image meaning him ever eternal existent first and we cre-
ated of him thus second hence in his image, we carry in us all the same able to
do qualities of his quality. The human mind flesh ego conscious sense self-
aware commonly takes all credit for good ideas, inspired inspirational “bright”
are we just made of inferior quality materials? in despite of this micro cellular
regeneration, which to me suggests that we are out of balance somehow as
decomposition is greater than regeneration so, is it possibly the mind is vacant
of the spirit thus a loss of balance in compleat renewable energy, are we not
now in our modern world getting thankfully more obsessed with renewable
energy as we are slow coming to realise that anything that is done on non-re-
newable energy has a very limited lifespan, not sustainable, thus it really is a
dead economy of equation. Then are we not personally sustained and suscepti-
ble to the same physical and possibly spiritual to use that term, all is said to be
accepted as energy in its fundamental state of existence no matter the form of
the matter and beyond so, does it make sense to postulate that we personally
are governed by the exact same laws, principles? Only we are still fumbling in
the dark of our minds for an understood applicable truth to this self-existent
equation? We are living currently to our each own unidentifiable use by dates
and science is slowly trying to circumvent this with the technology of replaca-
ble organic and non-organic body parts but what if the true answer by design
in us is literally right in under our noses, the best place to hide something is
said to be in plain sight, is it not the first best place we can start seeking, look-
ing is in thy self after all that is where and when the “problem” we each are
first most concerned with exists? We are told from child on through adult life
to believe our eyes that we will age decompose to finally death, my question is
this, there apparently was an experiment done by the Nazi’s in ww2 called the
ice experiment where they got two prisoners, took them into a room made
one watch while the other was strapped down blindfolded to a table and then
had his wrists cut and allowed to bleed to death, the other prisoner made to
watch the whole ugly process unfold before him, they then removed the first
now dead and proceeded to repeat the same on the second one including the
blindfold, only with him once he was tabled with the blindfold in place they
took a piece of dry ice and proceeded to run it across his wrists as if to be cut-
ting with a knife, he apparently spontaneously bled to death from wounds that
opened in his wrists, if this be true, like what is in our modern day medical sci-
ence referred to as the placebo effect are we seeing that mind made belief
“program-bio organic computer” is what more so governs what our physical
body responds to than what our physical body ingests in the form of food, ex-
ercise etc, does this postulate that belief/faith a taken to be true programming
of the mind has more power to heal and destroy our physical form than the
process of “aging” then thus if we were programmed from conception through
birth and into full adulthood that we are an inner eternal youthful ageless
spark of divine creator first light would we now circumvent the status quo of
physical life time age span and the state of youthful longevity quality of our
lives, the program of ignore or adore our inner true in truth nature. Truly in our
physical form lives bring the two half-truths together as now come one that
one half the first has compleat power over the second to make it “con-form”
to its will, in my lingo “his will” our divine is first form creator, the master of
the second form is physical. I’m not referring to namby, pamby half-hearted
beliefs and ritualistic practices here I’m saying what if we trained our young in
this, to see the inner self made self in the same stead as we train the brain to
walk, we generally take walking for granted as adults that it requires no
thought we just get up and do it the thinking time learning is done, but as I
found out after a very bad motor cycle accident I had to learn to walk again, as
an adult the brain quickly forgets it if we aren’t continually using it, the old say-
ing “if you don’t use it you lose it” but it’s never really lost, it remains stored in
the brain, only in terms of not used is lost, so is it possible that our brain al-
ready has this mateship knowledge of the inner self is spirit in it from first
point of inceptual design but we have for whatever reason stopped using it
and thus like losing walking we have simply lost our spiritual walking ability
too, maybe it the brain just needs us to re realise it and like the old saying you
never forget to ride the bike you just get rusty, if we start looking for it doing it
bit by bit the brain wakes up again re-establishing the neural pathways re-
quired to regain this ancient in self is our creator knowledge as a genuine phys-
ical formed here, life incarnate personal experience.
Really it sounds to me like we the physical half of our self are currently operat-
ing as bio-organic batteries as we need to sleep to recharge ourselves hence
the expression we often use to describe being tired “I need to recharge my
batteries” if we are currently performing just like batteries then it makes sense
to me that just like a battery long sleep is our trickle charge and “a power nap”
as we call it is fast charge, trickle charge like batteries is the one that sustains
us the longest, the fast charge is only good generally for a short boost to get
the appliance through a job under way, much shorter lasting, also we, like bat-
teries, if you link them/us together you get a better result as you reduce the
load by way of sharing it “sharing the load we say” which allows charge to be
passed from one to another “team work” do we not as a team re-invigorate
each other by passing a little of our energy charge to each other to share the
load, expression “many hands make light work” to get the task done. When we
operate, depending on the load we are under to perform does determine how
long our charge will last, heavy load (feeling heavy hearted, stressed, de-
pressed etc) and we drain (decompose) faster and like a battery the more you
flatten it and recharge it the quicker it wears out the “cell plates” are we not
simply “a collection of cells too!” in our blood we have what’s called
“platelets” but what if we like a dead battery have a different kind of electricity
hooked up to us to charge, meaning other than just physical food sleep and ex-
ercise, we can come back to new state fully charged again, (personally I oper-
ate fine on one meal at the end of each day and little sleep necasary and have
been this way for many years) if you get an old car battery that has died and
hook it up to Tesla energy “the excited field” which is D/C (direct current) as
its referred to it does an amazing thing it causes the cell plates to shed their
aged crustiness and re in vigour obtaining full charge once again and some-
thing else unique happens also, you discover much the same as us, each bat-
tery has a personality in a sense, in that some batteries after this treatment
will only now charge from the excited field energy they won’t accept normal
a/c current anymore where others will and some will even accept both, we
have an expression in Australia for when someone is getting old, past there use
by date or when where feeling old and worked, drained etc “I’m feeling a bit
crusty” “he’s a crusty old bastard” funny that, a coincidence? Are we forming
our expressions in language of some so called subconscious latent inner know-
ing of our true in true self? A child is essentially a brand new battery full of en-
ergy and youthful vigour as opposed to an aging adult, what if we like the car
battery just need to be plugged into a different kind of current to shed our
crustiness and that current is the eternal inner O Father childlike one, thy self
is spirit that which is forever new the generator of the charge not from another
battery that ultimately goes flat from supplying too many recharges to an-
other, I say it is from here that our youthful state of energetic vigour flows
from, meaning life itself as a substance flows from our Father in self is spirit, it
he is eternally abundant of youth never draining away thus our cell plates “tis-
sue cells” never crust up and become decomposed dysfunctional, decompose
means to deconstruct from former form does it not, he is the one that holds
our spirit and physical body to form if we detach from him the life light current
then we do start to lose our former form “decompose” compose is the act of
creating, he the spirit is the almighty all composer of that which we call life in
all its forms both matter and anti-matter, etc.
gives one receives, one spirals in and one spirals out, O Father is the giving out
positive terminal and the “Devil” denser darker matter form of thought is the
receiver or taker terminal. Hence the flesh coming to its eventual “terminal”
end. It is not the giver of life it is the receiver, so not the master but the serv-
ant, thus the spirit, depart and its life is terminally at an end.
There is coincidentally no coincidence that these things exist in occurrence
here world, more and more we discover that all life animate and inanimate on
all levels, in all spectrums of energy observable here are truly connected
through this basic duality principle that is made in, of, to, the light right and
dark left, notice the negative terminal or Earth in the circuit is coloured black
sometimes brown.
Coincidentally how many coincidences does our mind need before it gives in to
the fact that there’s too many coincidences for it to be just a coincidence?
Then thus allowing thy self the mind to step back in silence of further manipu-
lative arguments and allow our attention to start noticing, seeking the truth, it
would be of great favour to thy mind to allow this, as the truth is called fact
and the mental mind loves, lives for having facts, as it then “feels” an emo-
tional justified confident correct power in itself, the mind actually wants to co-
operate with this at its fundamental core self as it knows this is where it finds
true humility of ego and thus greater longer life, it’s when, like an undisciplined
uneducated child is not guided and fed fun facts that it does evolve into a
mega manipulative egotistical egocentric tyrant of its own imagination that
“thinks” for the sake of thinking to justify its own existence. Our attention is
then left exhausted unable to comply apply any noticing attention to the seek-
ing is for thy self-inner is life abundant true truth. It replaces its starved lost
love of fun filled facts about its own existence with its own mastery of opinion-
ated judgements and calls it awareness.
Our acts of mind alone when not self-realised of our truth that is, O Father
dwelling within us, are really small change worth not big dollar value.
Here’s a Coin-ci-dence (dense) is it a coincidence that this word prefixes with a
word that is for money? (coin) we also say sometimes when referring to an ex-
pression “to coin the expression” In our dense (dence) minds we have made
money, our one collective access device to the fruits of the material world, an
object of worship as a species society, rather than our creator father who is vis-
ibly dwelling in each other, thus to inflict this disparity on each other is to di-
rectly inflict it against our father creator, Bible quote: “do unto others as you
would have done unto you” the invented advent of money was given to us by
the great spirit to facilitate a fair, trade exchange interaction, representative of
our creative efforts in the energy, to fair share between us, money is simply a
physical form of spiritual energy. Bible quote: “love each other as I have loved
you” he did not intend for us to weaponize it with compassionless competing
for it all competition “our object of affection” causing such disparity of violent
hardship on him, dwelling in his equal created children, this is what has come
to fruition of the persistent left leaning hearts of men. “the Devils hand ruling
the land” “an iron fist!” A living hell on Earth for so many, too! many, in too!
many ways, we have made life on Earth the Devils play on ground, as opposed
to Heaven on Earth as he intended for us. The power over this is literally in our
hands as to what we put on this land. His plan fair land or man’s plan robbing
all on the land. “profits or prophets” “Left of heart or right in heart” I suspect
that we have done this because of the interference of the dense left side of our
duality, thus the will of the heart is blocked by the density of left mindedness
so, we lack the necasary heartfelt love for each other to make a better fair
equal system for helping each other through this life here. Make it fun fair for
everyone. Why is it we are so happy to live in a world of such disparity?
After all, if we strive in our life experience efforts here only to get monetarily
rich, make no mistake! we are also striving to make another poor! As it is sim-
ple explanatory truth in a duality world that you can’t have one without the
other or one simply does denote the others existence, is this really how we
want/need to go forward as a species, does real love treat each other this
way? I think “feel” not! So essentially from an energy point of view we have,
are onward perpetuating an imbalance in of self, we are choosing as individu-
als thus a species collective to give our allegiance to the dark left heartless
mind “the Devil” to coin that expression. This does not! Make me feel good
about myself, what about you? It’s certainly not “on Earth as it is in Heaven”
“It’s every man/woman hell on Earth” this behaviour we are indulging in from
O Fathers point of view, as he does love and provide for all his children without
partiality or disparity in his gifts unto them, as really in actual fact it is “him”
giving to himself and he loves himself, otherwise he would negate his own ex-
istence as a being of first and for most love, thus in his great freedom that it is
freely given freewill in us, he allows us to choose between loving light and
death decay dark to give back to him in the form of how we treat each other
here on Earth. Justifications of the man plan mind abound in this to continually
perpetuate, prop it up on Earth, how can a species so rich! In heart be of such
cruel poverty in soul? One of the most perplexing things in this to me is that
we make bold accolade claims that we are trying to eradicate poverty and
make equal fair for all, yet! We make no effort to rethink, revisit, overhaul the
structure of the failed system we are operating under, which in the western
world and most where else is capitalism, you don’t have to have capitalism to
have democracy that’s a farce to say the least, no one will ever be fairly pro-
vided for in a system that operates to this imbalance of duality. Oh! and by the
way just having a job for all does not equate to equality for all when there is
such disparity of income for effort and what about the severely disabled for ex-
ample, through no fault of their own they find themselves unable to work and
earn and the state in many countries either takes no care of them “there fel-
low brethren” or they give them such a pittance of payment compared to the
working that they can only barely exist but never live the enjoyments of the
world that which surrounds them daily and some of the working freely enjoy,
of course so many of the working by comparison to their fellow working breth-
ren do so much worse in this also, the extreme disparity of incomes, there’s
not actually a shortage of money in the world just a shortage of loving heart
placed in the management and distribution of it. I have a question: You have a
plumber, a carpenter, a waitress/waiter, a farmer, a doctor, a lawyer, a judge,
a severely disabled person, pick any occupations or people you want for this
question, the question is, who of these can we do without? There’s a simple
right and wrong answer to this in my book and that is none! Does the farmer
build the roads they drive on? does the lawyer build the car they drive? Does
the waitress/waiter grow the coffee they serve, does the plumber heal their
broken bone? Does the judge build the house they live in? Does the disabled
person make absolutely no contribution to society? After all, if they weren’t
disabled there would be no care industry for carers to care for them so, the ob-
vious point is that no one can enjoy this life in this modern world where so
proud of without the efforts of their brethren so, is it fair equal sense to have
such penalising income disparity between them, they all put in hours of effort
yet receive such grossly uneven unfair rewards, are we stupid! Or just plain ar-
rogant! Everyone can’t occupy the same occupation just because it pays the
most! True love is lost here with us, yes, we’ve improved from the dark ages
but come on when are we going to give the left greedy finger the flick! In this
Who amongst us I ask is rich, enriched of heart enough in their physical ac-
tioned life to enter into heaven? Do we honestly believe, have faith, in we can
behave as shit! As we want here, deny our Father creator, give no thanks for
his gifts, pursue foremost only our leisure pleasure of the flesh and then just
casually uninvited stroll into heaven like we own the place and recline at his ta-
ble, thinking his made truth, law and lore doesn’t apply to me/we, it’s for those
over there, not I, it’s not my fault, or my doing. Bible quote “let ye without sin
cast the first stone” where doing it, all of us individually and so thus collec-
tively. This truth in of us all is a buffet supper, all can come to be self, served.
The meal on offer is that we hope-fully fill our spiritual is our physical need, fill
full in our hearts from our stomachs, soul food, food for thought and it’s our
first love and last meal we ever need then thus stop! Our greedy over eating of
the leisure pleasure only lusts of the flesh, empty want’s life.
The poor, the struggling, the discarded children of this world are just, justifi-
ably too! expensive to really pay economic intentional attention too, they
don’t turn a profit! Their a cumbersome overhead of busy-ness business we
don’t want or need to accommodate.
There’s copious quantities of money, skills, building materials, labour, food and
water being justified hoarded by the worlds minority ultra! rich nations and in-
dividuals collectively alike, we all know who we are in this.
The economic problem of economy here is the empathy, compassion, love
banks, are closed and or broke for busy-ness business, it’s all being spent on
our self! leisure, pleasure interest at a %interest-ed rate of stiff shit! For them,
go get an underpaid job! Tell that to the orphans scouring literally through our
rubbish dumps for their “daily bread” as they then sleep on the pavements of
vulnerability, as they made their beds now lay in them, say we the dead of
heart collective doers.
Little of us collectively are even trying looking, seeking to $pay! Any real inten-
tion to move our attention to create a new! Genuine love equal fair comforting
system that does take care of the needs and comforts of all, collective gestures
of cursory addressing to the outward symptoms only, but corporate, governed
governments make little real empathetic priority of this, always tell the masses
where too broke! we don’t have the resources, a reckless lie that does make
fly’s in our eyes, to the face of reason. We just continue to economically charge
the same old dead crusty encrusted battery of justified systemic reasons. The
same old! Crusty game “who can amass and die with the most” may it be blood
on our hands, look into the eyes, the countenance of a child and tell them that
it’s their fault! So thus, they deserve no better.
The only way to defeat the Devil in this world is to confront him in ourselves,
individually thus we stand collectively not! for this abhorrent unloving systemic
way of doing things anymore, instead we stand in good stead for the true truth
that does illuminate our global path to “making Heaven a place on Earth”
Heaven, a golden age comes out on Earth from within us all, doing as for all, as
one, is has come to become one, all one, in love with us each all collected, not
tolerating, the one is lost forgotten sheep from amongst us. Find our gold, is
our golden hearts age on Earth, as old gold lasts forever, hence good old is God
Give the training, the good old, gold God programming that is “self is the cre-
ated in, that is him true truth” to the new born child innocent, in-no-cent,
meaning, not being in! all about money for thy self, leisure and pleasure only,
rather, in of empathetic good sense is the faculty of innocence. Innocent is
riches of the heart, to share our “pennies from Heaven” with all on Earth. The
prime old gold good God we each are made in of to, dwell in here and thus our
riches fall to Earth from here. Comfort of the heart not the greedy chosen to
be, only my comforts of the mind, my fleshly wants. Heart of matter, not my
minds wants are the only thing that matters.
Language is light, both dark left and right light.
Bible quote: “a wise man’s heart inclines to the right but a fool’s heart inclines
to the left”
Hence when we go to war for real in this world we ARM-OUR troops, to defend
our apparent righteous truth, I say apparent because it depends who’s side we
are on, as what we are calling righteous here is subject to belief and belief is
often an unqualified construct of the thinking thought emotional reaction
mind, who’s point of view, who’s eyes, where looking through. It’s often a bit
like “which side of the cup is the handle on?” Who if any here are actually right
righteous of life, defending or attacking, both act on its behalf, BE-HALF, does
this possibly denote that both are only half true, half right in their truth? Two
separated half, truths maybe don’t make a whole wholesome, truth.
Expression “two wrongs don’t make a right” War for real here is always started
because of some one on one or both sides separating in them self, their self,
true, true truth in self, the mind breaking away from the light right righteous
heart, losing the love, the Devil doeth win! Someone or both has slipped into
self, splitting is self, competition, life has now become separated in two, win-
ners and losers, the Devil divided think heartless thought mind. All, is always, in
all ways, an outward expressed truth of the inner self wealth world. Sometimes
the inner wealth world, is rich with poverty.
focus all of your intention/attention flowing perfectly upward of the self and
the stick one in the same space place, allow yourself to go into a trance that
nothing of the outer environment is present anymore just your aware in self is
observer flowing wholly upward including the stick. If you find that the stick is
wanting to fall over in a direction pay careful notice in self with the inner self
attention observer and you will notice for real that the stick is responding ex-
actly to where your attention of intention does go, meaning left, right, back,
forward and or somewhere between, you will actually begin to feel a genuine
connection between your inner self attention and the stick, much like the en-
ergy of a magnetic connecting force, much like when you wave a magnet just
close enough to a piece of metal to feel the magnetic force starting to try and
connect, the moment you notice you are able to steady your intention/atten-
tion flowing steady strait up you will notice that the stick balances perfectly
steady upright also, what this little game taught me was that my intention/at-
tention in of self, the inner observer is what does actually for real control my
physical form being and all other physical formed matter placed within my life
occupant space of self, further experiments of the same principle with things
at greater physical distance than arm’s length showed me that physical dis-
tance is not the controlling factor but only if I could focus my attention of in-
tention well enough the same force of connection and response was exhibited.
Something else I found very interesting was that I had very great difficulty
achieving the same connection with man, made materials, in fact in my limited
times of experiment I found it almost completely impossible, it certainly was
not anywhere as easy to do as wholly natural things such as plant material but
that may only mean I needed a greater level of focus in self to achieve it, only
time of more experimenting could answer this question. I did achieve quite
good results with the same technique of experiment with a polyester piece of
string attached to a piece of wood, namely one of those giant pencils you find
in souvenir shops, this type of technique experiment was shown first to me by
a very good friend, with the string experiment I actually got to the point where
the string was so well held in my attention field that I could hold a conversa-
tion for a couple of hours and it did not fall from its upright state, even with
considerable bends in it and some gentle breeze blowing through the room, In
fact when I tried to topple it using just my attention as an opposite it was al-
most harder to break the connection than it was to make it.
KEY: You don’t make this work by thinking thoughts it’s the opposite you go
into a place space of self without any thought, just feel for feeling it happening.
Expression “I lost my train of thought” Look at a real train with all its carriages
being towed behind and you can see easily how the thinking thought mind
works, forms it’s way of operating, same as heel to toe walking, hence the ex-
pression when we demand cooperation from someone, want them to conform
to some idea, instruction “just tow, the line” or “there not towing the line” The
engine at the front of a train doing the actual towing is the conscious self that
is mental mind, it’s the one that forms each next leading thought to the last
one formed in a procession process of reaction to the last past thought thus
creating a “train” of thought, a long linear string of thoughts strung together
just like a train with all its carriages. This is the opposite of the feeling felt no-
ticed self, world that is heart, felt formed of spirit, where in the unthought
space comes tiny expansive popping bubbles of bright idea wisdom, that the
mind if allowed does instantly like to try and add some kind of detail extra to it
thus polluting its nice neat no loose ends to tie up presented wisdom of under-
stood truth, as the mind of thinking thought conscious self is ego, does always
want/need to have the last word “the last say” to make itself the master of its
own existence not the second is servant, it naturally rebels against the idea of
being in a state of place that is considered to be servitude hence thus the ex-
pression “mind over matter” it wants confused in its needs, does emotionally
feel compelled to be the master of the matter formed flesh body self and will-
ing with its conscious will does ignore the noticed attention self that is spirit. It
is seriously often by its nature leaning towards lost in the detail as it is the tail
of the two part self we are, second last not master first in the order of self, cre-
ated state, remembering in French “de” often means “of” in English translation
so, literally “detail” comes out as “of tail” the carriage being towed not the en-
gine first, as in to say “I am spirit” is actually the engine first towing the mind,
that is our designed to be operation of self here in our physical formed life
state, notice the hearts will and form it with physical thought in the flesh body,
hence spirit does enter the physical realm of existence, the physical formed
choice to listen for the spirit by way of “noticing” the wisdom bubbles that sur-
face in the felt unthought “I am” and follow in conscious physical action. Thus,
I say “create in spirit” form “in thought” The tail is always found at the end of
the physical body not the beginning, its designed this way primarily to perform
an action of balance to the rest of the body. We still have one at the end of our
spine the very last few small vertebrae, it’s called the coxsis “the tail bone” our
mind is meant to be a tool of balance “the physical formed action” to the will
of noticed heart felt home feeling, the “I am is-ing in is” The balancing act of
the mind is to ponder, wander, wonder with intention/attention of “subject at
hand” to coin that expression, like a child for the answer that then with pa-
tience does return in the form of the wise little pop! of expanding bubbles “the
bright idea” that arrive in the conscious self, full and compleat, with no sense
of loose “tail ends” to tie up, each is compleat in unto itself, a “whole” story.
Thus, I say “this is the wise domain of wisdom” funny, is it “coincidence” that
we have “wisdom teeth?” that appear with a coming of age?
The eternal cycle circle of giving and receiving, we all need to be equal able in
both to be eternally happy in heart and mind, as we are made in of to this law,
lore and principle, made in the image of our Prime O Father creator, it is this
algorithym that does in so many ways sustain the formation of eternal life for
the spirit, it is literally a perpetual engine of feeding energy one into the other,
as common sense dictates that if we don’t first receive something, in this case
our very life created state of form as child spirits “the life O Father gave us
first” we have nothing to give, to give nothing also denotes no space place in
self to then again receive something so, it is this that holds us in balance or out
of balance, if we are out of balance in this we are putting our eternal life cre-
ated state at risk of deforming into a new and broken state of self, losing the
beautiful geometric form we are, “much like a living kaliedescope” slowing
down in our vibration of self and fast becoming the form of a blob “pear
shaped spirit” definition of balance is “equal in as equal out” the physical flesh
form will and does follow given enough of our linear logic mind time here
world, expression when things are breaking down, not succeeding as desired
“it all went pear shaped” this created of him image law and lore pertains to
things like the act of “gluttony” “selfishness” and why he has warned us
strongly about it because it is these imbalances that are of our mind that do
thus feed back into thy self is spirit that cause us to create decay of the eternal
self thus putting happy eternal life in spirit at risk of being lost, when he gave
us free will made in of his image he wasn’t joking, he gave us full command of
our own life creation self, formed and forming state. So, to blame him for
where we end up as a product of this life is truly selfish and stupid, as to then
expect him to fix us? Well only he in his infinite wisdom of plan with his capac-
ity for forgiveness can command answer to that, but if where so hell bent as
requires only one same step to move in all directions, no edge to climb or fall
from, a sphere rolls evenly continuously without bump! One illuminated truth
in all of us and no more, do things “go bump! In the night” So would we also
then, now find it in ourselves to stop the division of the planets resources and
also overlap share them also? Rather than who can afford $$$ them, has them,
who has them gets opulently rich off them, thus eradicating this crusty old ap-
parition of the greedy wants is mine mind, O Father gave us all this one mother
Earth with all that is contained within her, have we ever asked how she feels
about what we are doing, in this dividing of her spoils? Most mothers I’ve met
have one obvious commonality, that is they won’t let one child starve while
the other eats, they instinctively know if you give to one you must in love give
evenly to all.
“I’m blocked”
“it’s blocked”
“I feel blocked”
“writers block”
“block head”
“your blocking my way”
We have many expressions pertaining to squares getting in our way in this life,
again is it just another coincidence? Why don’t we say things like?
“your circling my way”
“I’ve got writers circle”
“it’s circled”
All these square things are Separatist constructs of the half-truth, thinking
thought, divided it self-truth, mind.
Which way is my mirror facing, towards me or away from me?
continues with dam the consequences attitude and hastens its physical life ex-
istent demise, “early untimely death” with great sufferings on the road to get-
ting there. Simply put if where not into eating in spirit we most like to likely
over eat in thought, the mind will try to address the imbalance of self with
physical cramming as it can’t arrest the emotional hunger it feels in absence of
the spirit feeding it, the food for thought it needs, thus the vanity vain physical
emotional pleasure senses are constantly over stimulating it to continue, the
think thought now alone mind is basically panicking for its life survival as it in-
nately deep down at its core “subconscious” knows without the food of the
spirit it has no life.
In opposite same we find the condition that is called anorexia, the disconnec-
tion of said same “mind alone of spirit” manifests itself as a fear or repulsion of
food attitude, it sees itself in a mirror and is repulsed, it vainly thinks it sees it-
self fat, the mind is starved of spiritual food thus it starves itself of physical
food, even when it physically eats it then makes itself vomit it back up to try
and align itself with the emotional sense that its empty, starving, justifies it
with a perverted vision of itself that its becoming unattractively fat in physical
form, thus “I, it, will be alone, lonely” will have no friends, no one will love me.
As it is in a state of spiritual aloneness it fears it will in its vain approached view
be alone. The think thought mind when separated of the spirit does become a
very emotionally self, absorbed device, self-conscious in a very negative unbal-
anced way is its judgmental views of itself. It really is writhing under the pres-
sure of separateness hunger that is loneliness, for the life, giving food that is
company of thy self, the spirit. “a house divided is a house forlorn and fallen”
The company of self it seeks is the “feeling informative, self, life illumination in-
formation” the “voice” of reason, O Father.
“OUR GUT FEELING” intuitive intuition. Like when you know the phones going
to ring and it does! Same applied faculty with different intended intention of
attention to subject at hand. Motive is the purpose. We can wonder, wander
ponder for answers to anything with God, Bible quote “seek me first and all
shall be revealed unto thee” Meaning seek to know him the spark! Dwelling in
self and the things that means thereof first! And he will reveal them unto thee,
if where just going to ask for things like what are the winning numbers for lotto
this week we might be disappointed! Not that it is for me to say! As I’m only
one small part person in his infinite will and plan, who knows for you it may be
the case that he sees fit to reveal that for your life’s plan of personal experi-
ence, the point is to not allow our mortal finite mind to fence limits in on him.
My experience so far is that he wishes for me to know him as a personal in self,
life truth “to know him is to love him” he wishes for us to gain things of value
from him that are eternally valuable. Not first! Just things of worldly wealth
only as they are of the world and will remain in the world, meaning “from
whence came all shall remain” If we remain reside with him here then we shall
remain reside with him there. This life is a two, edged sword, duality.
I got it at a bargain. It seems to me that the capitalist bargain of discounts, it’s
on special “I got it on special” “ego, therefore I’m special” is most only helping
us to dis-count our true in truth nature “O Father” by way of keeping us dis-
tracted from “spending” time to look inside self to find him, the “bargain” he
is. Bargain is to gain something, I’d be horrified if in the next life I found out I
had only sought in this one to “dis-count” God my Father friend creator. As dis-
count means to “not count” bring down not up, this is the mortal mind physical
opposite opposing reality. “Him” is first true truth value, not just money! We
spend much time and effort to seek out the daily specials of bargains with
spending our money, what might happen in our personal experience Live’s if
we spent equal effort “soul dollars” on looking inside for him? Not to mention
the flow on benefits it might have on our species society system we are living
in. Food for thought? We live in a society now more than ever that is a flood
with things to hold our minds in distraction from spending time looking for in-
terest in what, who, am I purpose for being here in this physical form life
world, our collective of mind made distractions, entertainments, is so vast and
growing exponentially every day, I’m sure the way we are going we will dis-
pense with having any more self of form than just our “heads” soon, an emo-
tional head heart only. Bio mental made mind computers only. It will be easy
to become a fully heartless corporate conglomerate species society when we
have finally found a way to dispense with the annoying non-profit help each
other heart that dwells in the physical form centre chest space.
I’ve said on multiple occasions that the physical form is the second expressed
or mirror of spiritual self, formed, thus it does react of the workings within.
I have noticed now over a period of years that when I’m inwardly seeking the
true truth of who what I am as this cohesive two part entity reality , thus pro-
cessing energy, my physical body responds with very specific actions, one of
them being a major increase in urinating, it’s always a very same specific type
of urination, no matter whether I’ve drunk a lot or very little fluids it always
does the same, I start needing very big healthy pees, there very frequent as in
every 10 minutes, 20 minutes etc and there always as clear as tap water, we
have the expression “truth waters” or “I can feel it in my waters” meaning “I
sense the truth of the matter” What this tells me is that I’m a physical sensory
spiritual being designed to run on a specific type of energetic processing and
thus my physical body follows true to this and that is to seek thy self, sensed
true in truth hence my body does immediately respond by processing and ex-
pelling it’s waters of truth. One of the most prevalent experiences of this hap-
pens every time I write this book, without fail every time! The reflective re-
verse of this is that when I become lazy of self, seeking my inner world answers
again regardless of how much fluids I do or don’t intake I urinate very, very lit-
tle and there always very dirty! Very yellow and acrid smelling, the act of actu-
ally peeing is also not a good healthy one either a very low slow flow that often
only does little more than a dribble, if it wasn’t for the very obvious to me con-
nections I’ve noticed between my inner self processing and my bodies re-
sponse I would be led to believe that it’s a prostate problem, maybe it is and
this is also telling me that the prostate has a major connection to this function
of self, is it telling me that when we are young we do a lot of energy self, pro-
cessing, learning and as we get older we tend to do much less, we become
crusty in our inner self world and the physical form, functions its form there
to? Do women also have a female equivalent response process with their bod-
ies? I’m curious.
Example of just a little insignificant thing, daily event of “no order” that did en-
lighten myself to thy self, true truth.
I went to a public toilet for obviously “only my own want/need of personal
business” and when I went to leave I had to turn “the lock” to leave, I had paid
no real attention to which way I turned it to lock it when I entered so, don’t ac-
tually know which way to turn it to leave, I found this little experience so very
“apt” to my learning with what happened next, meaning that the metaphor or
“parable” of a toilet said it all to me.
With my mind “random logic” I first tried to turn it to the left, no good, that’s
how I locked it, so now by way of obvious logic “it only turns one of two ways,
one of two choices” I must turn it to the right to unlock it, as I formed the in-
tention to my attention to do this, I had a loud noticed knowing in self, express
itself to me “see you must one way turn to the right” to let yourself out, as I
locked it myself from the “inside” by turning to my “left” not someone or
something else of external event/force from the “outside” So the power is
within me and up to me to let myself out! I’m in a shadow darkened room
without windows and only “diffused light from above” that smells! Literally
bad! of my own doings, but I am alive, aware conscious, able functioning of self
to do so, as I turn it to the right my noticed in self, knowing self, says to me
“see! To the “right” you turn and you open your “own shadow darkened room”
“my own darkened with shadow mind” now you are free to leave it and walk
out into a “world of light!” That is vast living formed life! A vista of infinite
place in space reality opportunity, it’s all on the other side of a door that “I
shut and locked myself in from the inside” without paying attention to how I
locked it with my physical formed act of mind.
That Bible quote comes to mind again here “a wise man’s heart inclines to the
right, a fool’s heart inclines to the left”
Incidentally I had no idea of this statement in the Bible until approximately
three or more years after my inner self alerted me to the understandings I
have of right is light and left is bereft alone dark.
Maybe I am just “nuts!” “Crackers!’ “off my rocker!” To use those expressions
but this is what happened. A great example to me of “cause and effect”
First, I would say institutional religion in itself is not God “him our Father”
From where I’m standing I would say more like “re-legion” Not “re-ligion” Due
to the vast legion of Godless acts that have and continue to be, inflicted on
people by people’s self, served twisting interpretations of it, in his good name.
Point of interest, the bible mentions a Demon by the name of “legion” Mean-
ing it is made of many, a collective of dark spirits working as one, a multiple of
personalities. Religions are many, made of multiple personalities also and
many of the personalities operating in them have individually thus collectively
committed abhorrent Godless acts. We in this light could easily be branded le-
gion Like him. We have placed ourselves in between people and God, teaching,
leading, people to believe that to find our creator father we must join a reli-
gion, be a member of a legion “a club” that pays more effort of time to per-
forming physical rituals and collecting money then showing people how to
seek inside themselves for him, where he really actually resides first for each of
us personally, after all, speaking in terms of Christian religion he said “I am eve-
rywhere in everything” he also said “Our physical body is the temple of the
Holy spirit” so, sitting alone at home or, as many gathered in a park, where
ever, he is there, available “I am the living everywhere now!” very simple! He
also said don’t worship idols, yet how is it we then go and collect squillions of
dollars off our parishiners to build mammoth temples of brick and fill them
with physical opulent décor, idols to be worshipped “wooden crosses of Jesus
nailed up” “marble statues of mother Mary” “statues of various saints and dis-
ciples in all manner of fine stone” Relics! Some claim to have Jesus’s dried
blood held in them, nails from the cross he was tortured on, In fact! One
church I visited in Europe even had the dead decaying corpse of a person in a
glass case on full display in the main church, to the “left” after you entered, as
if paying our attention to these dead things will somehow get us closer to God
for real, he said “I am the living God” not a dead past idol, relic or corpse, not
to mention the so called “holy ones called” to gods service, cloth ourselves in
the finest decorated linen robes, the finest of the rarest gems in jewellery
upon our bodies, house ourselves in opulent mansions and service “save” the
attending parishiners with all manner of ritualistic behaviours, all paid for by
the “business” we have made calling it “God” when he actually said “don’t
worship idols” “don’t make occultic rituals” “don’t give in to vain vanities of
the flesh” also “it would be easier to push a camel through the eye of a needle
than for a rich man to enter heaven” what do we suppose God might think of
this collective of behaviours claiming to be done of his will in his good name?
we’re making more atheists out of people now than ever before, yet we still
refuse and remain idle of taking down the idols and opulent adornments in the
buildings, defrocking ourselves of our lavish fleshly vanities and awarding our-
selves mansions to occupy here on Earth, while others in our flock go homeless
and hungary in rags, did we not grasp “listen” “see” what our creator, when he
visited Earth as a man did instruct and more so for the ones of us who would
take it, on his behalf, to instruct others, in the Christian book of instruction he
said “let those with ears hear and let those with eyes see” he also said “those
who are given more, so much more will be required of them” Hence I say
“distraction is surely destruction” he also said something to the effect of “a
dirty deed will assuredly defile all our good works done”
Speaking of other religions whatever the flavour it might be, they all have
these things in common, the building of mega opulently decorated temples
and mansions filled with physical idols to apparently invoke a personal rela-
tionship with our creator father, yet if it be true? the one place he dwells clos-
est to us all is inside each and every one of us, than why is it necasary for us to
waste so much money and effort of the human hand in making these architec-
turally amazing temples to find him and get closer personally with him? Have
we genuinely asked ourselves if this might actually be pissing him off! That we
are so blind to see and our ears are bondage blocked to his simple wishes for
us to love each other as he loves us, one all, as one equally the same, I wonder
would we impress him more if we went about building temples “houses” for all
each of us here on Earth, no one was being “left out” we put so much energy
of our hands and money of our pockets into building these opulent temples
here on Earth, apparently for him, yet we leave him out in the cold homeless
and hungary dressed in rags everywhere! As he dwells in the body mind and
spirit of us all, so to leave even one of us not adequately provided for on Earth
is to leave him literally destitute on Earth also? “do unto us, is we do unto him”
Literally! Does he “need?” one of us to be clothed in the finest linen while an-
other, him! Is left in rags next to riches? “know thee by thy works” is another
statement in the Christian Bible, an expression we have in English language is
“a picture is worth a thousand words” another “actions speak louder than
words” going by these statements one might say religion can’t hide its “legion”
of truths, collectively “one shaky truth” expression “on shaky ground” maybe
not! on “holy ground”
I’d like to relay here an experience I had many years now ago, it was a very,
very! lucid dream that even now so many years forward from it, I remember it
like it was last night, it was what prompted me at a later time of opportunity to
visit the Vatican in Rome.
I laid down this night to sleep as normal and in what seemed like only seconds
of closing my eyes, I awoke to find myself floating very high up, near to the
ceiling inside what was clearly a very typical mammoth large Catholic church,
the kind you find most common across Europe, I could not see my body but I
felt and knew in self, conscious awareness, the same as I know myself in nor-
mal physical awakened form and state, as I looked in front of me and around
me I could see many other people floating in human form, just normal typical
everyday people. As I focused on the first person immediately in front of me I
noticed a presence of another being in my self-space and it was God the son as
in the story personality of Him Jesus, I could not see him but I could feel he was
occupying my body with me, I felt much like a secondary passenger in my own
life space, my analogy is to say I was only the cape on Superman’s back, as
soon as he/we did gaze upon this person in front of us, immediately I saw a
quite small dark blob of light/energy flee ultra, fast from their self, he/we then
looked at others and the same thing happened with them also, sometimes one
and with others a couple, as I observed what I was seeing I wondered what
they were and as soon as I wondered this question to myself He/I answered
me with a silent voice of knowing that they were dark thought forms that were
causing these people strife’s of different kinds in there human physical lives,
there were very many people floating around me, than he in me focused on
this one particular male and as soon as we focused on him we started to float
towards him and we came literally almost touching nose to nose close, I was
expecting to see more of these dark thought forms flee from his space also but
instead of that happening I immediately felt this huge violent defiance coming
from him and he began to audibly start snarling like a wild animal looking dead
strait into my/we eyes with “no fear” Completely full with challenge I felt he/it
knew exactly “who” meaning God, the son of God, was confronting him and he
began to dig his heels in is the only way I can describe the way he began to be-
have, when I as the passenger saw and felt this I basically started to shit myself
with fear thinking this “person” thing “evil incarnate spirit” was going to tear
me to pieces, “a very violent fight” was going to happen, he/it was not going to
back down one iota to the master God himself, the more he was being chal-
lenged by Gods presence of attention the more defiant he became and God
the son in me was not the slightest bit scared fazed or challenged by its behav-
iour, then just at the moment I thought all hell was going to break loose be-
tween me/them, we him, in with me, started to gently calmly float backwards
to where we started from and it just stared with its challenging defiance back
at us, I wondered/asked what was that about? The answer I got back immedi-
ately was “where not here to deal with them yet, just to identify them” Then I
felt a sense to look down to my left and there I saw the main large alter of the
church and standing behind it was three priests dressed in very typical gar-
ments of the Catholic kind, highly fine decorated with the funny tall shapely
hats of same design and finery of decoration and stitch, they were standing lit-
erally shoulder to shoulder touching, the moment that he in me cast his atten-
tion down upon them they one after another fled as fast as they could out a
side door from behind the alter, when I saw this it immediately came to re-
mind me of when you get up in the very late night and turn a light on and you
see cockroaches surprised by the light hurriedly start scurrying for the nearest
dark place to hide, I wondered to myself what was that all about and the an-
swer I got was “they do this because they know the abhorrent deeds they have
done “in God’s name” they know that they will be accountable for all of it, they
ran also because they, like cockroaches could not handle the “light” of the
slightest bit of his attention being placed upon them, they were very, very!!
Shocked because they didn’t actually believe their own book the Bible that had
foretold of his return, that he would come to Earth a second time and they had
been severely caught out by him, the expression “being caught with your pants
down” then I heard loud happy cheering in the distance and I saw the massive
double doors of the church were fully swung open and I had perfect view from
where I was floating strait out of them and I saw a massive column of people at
least five or more wide shoulder to shoulder packed very tightly coming to-
wards the open doors of the church, the column stretched back to the very dis-
tant horizon and they all had the biggest happiest smiles and grins on their
faces, they were cheering, shouting with extreme jubilant joy! but I couldn’t re-
ally make out exactly what the things they were cheering were, as soon as I
wondered what’s this all about the answer I immediately got was, they all
know God as the son has returned to Earth as he promised he would do and
they were coming to see him, rejoicing over the fact he had finally returned, I
remember wondering to myself “but how did they all know?” then I woke up
immediately from this last scene before me.
Another very, very! Lucid dream experience I had one night many years now
ago and again I still remember it like it was last night, it’s all still so fresh and
recollect able.
I laid down to sleep and again in what seemed like seconds I found myself
standing in the home dwelling section attached to a church of some Christian
denomination. I find myself with a male friend that I do not actually know from
“real” life, he’s approximately 18 or so years old much younger than me stand-
ing next to me and doesn’t speak throughout the whole ordeal just watches
everything as it unfolds, there in front of us is two baby prams and a priest
dressed in obvious Christian clergy apparel, the white collar band and all black,
he says to me sounding and appearing very calm, safe and friendly as one
would expect of a servant to God, that one of the infants is the Christ child and
the other is the anti-Christ child, one had black hair and the other was blonde, I
must take the anti-Christ child outside into the cemetery and kill it! I had a very
large bladed knife, I believe him without doubt of any question, no real fuss! I
don’t feel real great about the idea of killing a baby but I feel a job is a job and
this one is important and must be done, so I agree to do my duty for God, so
he picks up one of the babies and passes it to me, the black haired one, I re-
member apart from the difference in hair colour they both just looked like nor-
mal healthy babies, so I accepted the one he handed to me in the “belief” that
it is the correct one, I remember thinking he’s a priest so he knows! So I don’t
question him or give it another thought, but I do remember having a slightly
dubious feeling that maybe he noticed as he became a little insistent in how
important it was that it be done and done right now! waste no time, so I turn
around to go outside accepting of the deed to be done, as I start walking to the
door committed to doing it, I notice my still unspoken friend just watching, as I
get to the door which is already open I’m about to step outside, all of a sud-
den! With very great noticed knowing feeling inside myself I realised I’ve been
tricked! He’s lied to me this isn’t the anti-Christ child it’s the Christ child, I turn
around in a very quick confident alarmed! Haste towards the priest saying out
loud no! it’s the other one! This is the Christ one, as soon as I do this the priest
immediately deforms and his outer self, peels! Like a banana revealing his true
form and nature of a very! Angry! Ugly demon, snarling and growling pro-
fusely, he tries to attack me, kill me is his obvious intention to stop me from
grabbing the other baby, I managed to do so with whole hearted conviction
and kill it, he continued trying with all his effort to catch and kill me! The last
thing I remember is him chasing me up a flight of stairs still more than ever de-
termined to kill me and then I woke up, wide awake!
The main points I gleaned from this particular dream were, if it wasn’t for my
already established inner self trusted communication I can easily be deceived
in this life by even the most apparently safe sound looking things “a priest” re-
ligion in this case and God, for real, doesn’t always appear as what we think is
logical obvious! The Christ child had “black hair” logic of the mind easily fooled
by its popular programming of “stereo types” Bottom line, nothing here in this
life as it is the opposite opposing image of the first is born truth is very often as
it first presents to look, the only thing capable of seeing past the lie of our
physical eye is the trustfully cultivated emergence of self, inner noticed know-
ing felt feeling that lives in our quiet unthought self of space, it “him God our
prime O Father creator” in self is the only one that can and does see the truth
behind the veil of physical flesh form reality. Third I see he “God” was warning
me of these things literally about the religions of the man, made sort on Earth.
They are not entirely what they present to be? They will not respond well to
being questioned and they will expose themselves for all there not so pretty
truths, yes since this experience I have had personal real here world experi-
ences that do support this fact, many of them are not the helping hand, in all
what they proclaim to be. There is prejudice and racism alongside a great love
of money, material wealth, leisure and pleasure desires of the flesh form
world. Many are far from infallible as they are much a manmade device that
serves man made agendas, some are doing better than others as do we peo-
I guess to my way of thinking, all I can say here is, if we want someone to do all
the work for us and thus have someone to blame if it doesn’t work out then
join a religion, I would also say one must participate in their own saving, hence
I would coin the expression here “save thy self” as according to these above
experiences not even religion was apparently going to save those priests. “Love
each other as I have loved you” all of us will be and are, known to him by our
works “know thee by thy works” it’s easy to know who’s who in the zoo by the
“works in we, he, do” evil incarnate or just a mistake of the mortal mind?
Having said that, it’s very dangerous ground to walk on judging each other, ex-
pression apt, might be to say “where Angels fear to tread” as not even real An-
gels pass judgement on us, for us it is always good to finish what we have ob-
served, experienced with a dose of “maybe?” attached.
I’d like to now share an experience that had profound effect on my life, I
simply call it the Cairns experience as that is the city where it occurred. It’s in
far north Queensland, I like the place because it’s in the tropics surrounded by
rainforest and I love palm trees.
When I travelled to Cairns I wasn’t feeling very happy, in fact by the time I ar-
rived, after several thousand kilometres driving, which gave me a lot of think-
ing time I was feeling very! Fed up with a lot of stuff I’d been enduring for
many years in my life, suffice to say many things/events of my past life, so I
was much in a state of progressive realising that a lot of stuff, things I had be-
lieved and experienced was looking and thinking/feeling like a painful lie.
I was very frustrated and angered by a lot of it, when I first arrived it was typi-
cal dry season sunny days but within hours it suddenly turned to the opposite,
very wet and stormy for the next few days, I immediately had this overwhelm-
ing feeling that it was responding to how I felt, madness maybe? According to
the weather man, department of meteorology this was completely “out of the
blue” as that expression go’s, it was very unseasonal it had been very calm and
nice for weeks prior, there was no warning of it going to change like it did.
When I heard this on the radio I just noticed the feeling, knowing speaking the
reason to me and logged it and left it on “the shelf” as a good friend once said
to me about some of his stranger experiences in life. I didn’t allow my brain to
get into heavy analysing of it or doubting, just noticed and moved on with
things, I know this will sound fantasy far, fetched to most people. During the
next two three weeks I noticed my feeling in self, went to the extreme oppo-
site, a very strong growing feeling of care and generosity took over growing in
me, for people and life general, I started without much thought of argument
against it to begin fulfilling its wishes, which amounted to giving to any ones
request, small change money, conversations with people to try and help them
with their own self truth search, talk to try and help homeless youth get better
lives and just filled with this very clear buoyant feeling for life, compassion and
empathy for all, filling my being.
Then I started to talk with buskers about the idea of making a charity music
event to benefit the underprivileged in Cairns, in the course of doing this I met
an American fella, real nice very chilled energy and we started busking to-
gether, me playing Didgeridoo and him playing an instrument he made himself
which consisted of a key board fixed to the neck of a guitar. Now I’ve said be-
fore that time is no keeper of secrets it just needs time of patience to play out,
by, I say no coincidence after getting to know him a little he told me of a recent
very! Life changing event that had occurred for him, he was 56 yrs old from
memory so, he had a fair bit of “life under his belt” as that expression go’s. A
few months before we met and before I had even got to Cairns he and some
other people were trying to save a big old Mango tree that the local council
were planning to cut down, this gave cause for him to spend many, many
hours sitting up the tree with nothing to do, nothing to distract himself from
being with himself, so he told me in no huge detail of how one day while he
was “sitting” something suddenly woke up in himself and it shattered his
whole known self of mind stable reality, as he put it “he started having feel-
ings” not just the switched on and off emotions he had become accustomed to
over his past 56 yrs as his “normal reality” of knowing himself, the way he put
it to me was “man-go up tree and 4yr old child came down from tree” he then
spent the next three months completely lost from his former known self, so
disturbed from his former known self he spent almost all his days reading
shopping catalogues just to try and regain, hold onto, a stable sense of his self,
sanity reality as all else he had known, took for granted of stable self, reality,
dissolved in a blink! He realised he had been judging people and life in general,
all the time without even realising he was doing it, it was so automatic normal
to do, he said to me “I realised, I don’t judge the trees, the birds, other things
of the natural world but I’ve been judging people, a lot!” I say now “who
hasn’t, doesn’t?” He told me, he had spent his whole life from earlier than 4yrs
old invested in exploring and playing with the physical 3D world reality and not
much else, he was building and redesigning electrical circuits in his toys etc
from the age of 4yrs old. He was discovering he had a great natural talent for
understanding electricity and circuits much like Nicola Tesla did. So in adult life
he spent hundreds of thousands of dollars he earned from his very successful,
self-taught, audio visual fit out company on building, studying and modifying
Tesla technology “a very intellect of mind intelligent man” but also a very tal-
ented musician and audio engineer. He was asked in his music studies when
there as a student to become a professor of it and teach rather than “learn”
His “motto” for all his learning and doings was “from personal experience
hands on only, not from a book!” We busked together for about three months
before we were shut down by the council, one of the fella’s begrudgingly sent
to tell us to stop one night said in jest “turn down the positive energy fella’s”
as the more successful we were becoming at it, the more someone would
make complaints to the city council to stop us, to the point we even started to
have undercover police posted at times to see what we were up to, we were
getting quite a growing following of regulars stopping nightly for there “fix” as
they put it and we were starting to make quite good money, the moral of that
story to me is that the negative half as usual in this life experience does seek
always to find the “weak available link” in what we are engaged in to cut us off,
pull us apart, shut us down, to divorce us from finding and shining our light, es-
pecially if it is helping others to find and shine theirs too! I call it the “onion ef-
fect” funnily enough, don’t they make us cry! Meaning if it, the negative side
can’t find something in our own mind to twist and manipulate to shut us down,
divorce us from our own self “light” it will work layer upon layer outwardly
from us personally to find the closest weak link, such as if it can’t get to us in-
ternally personally it will then go to family, friends, work mates, government
and finally just a random available fertile mind, member of the public domain,
any and all it the collective can find to derail us from finding our innermost
self-truth enlightenment and shining it into the shadow darkened world
around us.
In the second week I was Cairns I was walking with a very determined attitude
of intention/attention to not accept think or indulge in any of my upsets of the
past, mostly the thoughts and trauma effects of my first twelve years of life
“exposed to a lot of family violence” With my physical eyes level direct for-
ward, almost like I’ve fitted myself with blinkers like you put on horses to not
be distracted by other people walking past and doing whatever around me, in
retrospect it was almost like I had a borderline anger in self against “allowing
any distractions of any kind to be paid my attention” but not actually angry just
a very, very steadfast conviction of decision to not think, not be distracted, af-
ter a couple days of doing this constantly whenever I walked anywhere I began
to notice the reappearance of a familiar experience that I had only very briefly
had a couple times in the past but this time much stronger! Clearer than previ-
ously and that is the passing “bounce, touch” like two magnets of the same
pole passing or bouncing off each other as when you push them slightly to-
gether, the energy of myself the energy light being I am, passing “touching”
other peoples energy light self, space, when we passed close enough to each
other as we walked, other sensations were felt also such as an almost slight
flesh physical” self-absorbed in the physical desire for my leisure pleasure life,
as much to paste over past pains and just no other known personal truth to
live out of. This had become the root! Of my now lost living lie, death! The soft
centre heart “the yoke” buried and becoming hard in the very far! Inner
reaches of self. In summary I would say I had discovered that the thinking
thought mind of myself is a device that by it’s made nature does literally oc-
cupy the past as it is the second self, nature of created spiritual physical
formed life. There is literally a small delay in linear time between the hearts
will and the mind to act so, if I’m living in my mind alone from the will of the
heart thus alone, a split self of now, expression “a split second” only a half-
truth, I am literally living only! In the past for all time as the heart dwells con-
stantly only in the eternal living one moment now and the will of the mind is
following “second” of time, behind in time, hence it literally dwells in the past
as we know it, this may go a little way to the reasoning of why we as a species
have such an obsession with history recording the past events life “time” then
thus forming the next part linear future. Incidentally, another form of “hard
yoke” is a device used to tether oxen for hard labour. So as this became more
and more visually felt in myself so did the real pain! Of my lost self-hearted
personal truth, this continued for a few days maybe a week, in the course of
this happening I remembered parts of stories in the Bible where people appar-
ently, as they put it “cried out mightily to God” so as the pain of my new reali-
sation formed in me, thus did my groan against it, my desired needful want for
it the painful lie to be gone, free! Of it, I was unable to refrain from expressing
it out aloud with myself and to “God” PLEASE! PLEASE! I need you! I NEED
TRUTH! This was only the beginning of, as the expression go’s “a change of
heart” I was walking around for days with these words of feeling in me and re-
iterating them quietly and aloud on and off, the feeling, the pain was getting
more and more! Overwhelming. After however many days of this walking
around the city “totally broke of any money” for a vast majority of it “which in
hind sight I can see helped” money issues and views was/is definitely part of
my self-truth “half-truth whole lie life” when I was seven years old I said to my-
self one sunny summers day afternoon “if I want to have a good life on Earth I
will have to make out God doesn’t exist” I could see already that many of the
teachings of or about God “our maker” were in stark contrast of what the rest
of the world was teaching, material leisure pleasure, get rich! For a life etc. I
did a lot of walking in the first few weeks I was back in Cairns, anyway one day
I’m walking feeling “emotionally” a good full measure of the weight “the grav-
ity” of this life stale situation, pretty miserable “miser-able” meaning, miser
tight arse of able-ness to continue doing my old lie life “half, truth” I needed to
go to the toilet “lucky for me, not too! dirty for what was soon to happen” I
went in, locked the door, did my business and then after a short pause before
going to leave, I had this overwhelming feeling, whole hearted, whole being of
fuck it! Here now is as good as anywhere, anytime, in fact kind of appropriate
really because my life felt like it was in the toilet at this stage anyway, I was
done! I couldn’t take or carry this shit! Any longer, anymore! I let myself just
drop and slump! On the floor and proceeded to let my heart and some of my
emotions just pour out while I lay in the foetal position on that floor, I didn’t
care or have any fight! Denial left in me, I didn’t physically cry, though very
close, I don’t cry physical tears very easily, I just let the pain of my lie self,
come pouring out, I pleaded and pined my case of self, disgust! For the “lie in
my eye to I” to God the one I perceived as truth, my felt feeling of emotional
seen inner and outer death, heartfelt lie, invited, BEGGED! For help from the
truth, God, my personal real actual self-truth to reveal itself in me or fuck it!
“God just please kill me now!” I don’t care anymore because myself, my life
without the true truth is fucked! I’m fucked! Anyway so, it doesn’t matter! I’m
just worth-less fucken shit! As a person, a being, without it anyway and I don’t
want! I need not! to be a worthless lied piece of shit! I don’t care if I don’t go
to heaven! I’d rather be fucken destroyed! Then go on like this, if you’ve got
any mercy for real, you’ll kill! Me now! and do you, me, the world a favour! Be-
cause I don’t, can’t, contribute anything worthwhile, useful, like this, just kill
me please! I NEED the truth! This feeling and the accompanying thoughts took
over my whole being, it probably went on like this for about ten or twenty
minutes, don’t really know, I had no real sense of time, then it stopped, I got
up quite calmly off the floor without any real emotion and walked out, went on
with my day feeling that was a bit weird! “I’m weird!” the rest of the day was
quite “normal” nothing out of the ordinary, went to my rusting, old faithful car
and went for a drive etc killing time and then slept in my car as was the rou-
tine. The next day I awoke early as the routine ritual always happened, need a
coffee and I was feeling really, really shit! Both physically and every other inner
part of me, I mean, I was literally physically mentally stumbling to maintain my
steps of walk all day, literally felt like I was on the verge of death, I stagged and
stumbled like a sober “drunk” everywhere I went, felt like I was going to pass
out or pass over! I literally felt like I was living my own death but my body
hadn’t had the decency to give up, my speech was slurring at times, my vision
was going in and out of Blurriness, quite simply I was just very fucked up on all
levels for the whole day, occasionally I’d sit just to survive and couldn’t eat no
appetite. Late morning, I had this noticed felt feeling saying yes! You are living
a version of your own death but because you have chosen to live it in life you
are not actually going to die but you will have to endure it for a time with your
eyes, ears, mind and heart open, didn’t feel any fear through the whole ordeal,
just went on noticing all the different effects going on and thinking, interest-
ing! See what comes next? Where, what, will it lead to? No fun though, very!
Sick. It went for one full compleat day into the night until I was able to sleep. I
awoke in the morning feeling quite back to normal “for all intent and pur-
poses” to coin that expression, just the very vivid lucid memory of it all, like
waking up from a lucid dream nightmare! As the day went on it slowly lost its
sting! You could say I felt a little confounded but very Relieved. My life men-
tally, physically emotionally had returned to exactly the same as before this all
happened, calm but bit mundane, “normal” But by day two and three after, I
started noticing that my attention with an emptiness of irrelevant thought was
much better, I was feeling very clear! Awake! In of self, I was consciously pin
point noticed aware accurate of people’s attention on me and from what di-
rection, meaning without physically seeing them I would feel them and then
catch them out at any and all angles of any distance, a bit like the feeling of be-
ing watched and you catch them and they look away immediately when you
look at them but amped up with extreme clarity compared to anything I had
experienced before in my life. The best description for it is the expression
“eyes in the back of your head” literally. In the clarity of being empty headed
of thinking thought it is/was very easy, quite loud! To notice know, distinguish
discern when and often who “if I’d previously met the person at some point” is
putting their attention on me, our attention is on whatever we are paying at-
tention to, meaning, thinking, envisioning, wondering, imagining, simply some
form of interest being payed, in any form, thus our spirit does touch it. So
aware of the energy being’s energy space feeling in self, signature.
Signature is “sign of nature” So it became a heightened state of being aware
not just of people’s attention on me but also what is their intention, thus also
motive, hence this is actually why we have the physical form of penning our
signed signature, the reflective half-truth of our first made spiritual self-truth
“the sign of our nature” is our name in spirit, thus the feeling we each are in/of
our uniqueness made flavour in/of same one true truth is our open plainly
viewable, feeling available signature of self-truth “transparency” hence the ex-
pression “I see through you” when we know beyond any deception or façade
being presented what the “deep actual truth is” hence why it is such a big im-
portance for us in our daily life dealings with each other, especially when it
comes to things like government, that we demand transparency, “no deceit”
give us the full naked truth, identity-discernment-discover-identify the open
plain nakedness truth. We arrive in this world naked, naked of mind and body
but the spirit is clothed of the flesh, we leave, often covered of mind in our
lost, of transparent naked self-truth, open plain of view we came in, the child
infant innocent truth self-heart then become mind programmed “lived dirty”
thus covered away from the innocent arrived new born first truth, hence in
Christian Bible descriptive “one must be pure! spotless! not a speck!” to enter
heaven “come to me ye as little children” innocent self, realised “real-eyes-ed”
pure is of the heart felt in feeling living truth “I am the living God” “pure
hearted truth” expression “the truth shall set you free” “unburden your heart”
meaning unburden, unshackle, unchain, unveil thy self of the weight that is the
gravity of depravity of the think alone self, selfish wanted-ness that is mind
alone of man. Suffice to say after this experience of crying out on the toilet
floor my life had a significant change for the better, all sorts of amazing things
began happening, things that defied my old known reality, things that were
having obvious impact of manifestations in the physical world.
In the course of all this stuff happening I found out from my new friend that af-
ter his mango tree experience and he found himself in his new unknown unfa-
miliar place of self “catalogues” He put out an “asking” to the universe for
help, someone to talk to about this stuff because if it couldn’t get any worse,
he was also in the middle of his marriage breaking up and visa for being in Aus-
tralia was going bad sour because of it as well and his wife was sending really
nasty accusation emails to his sister back in the states undermining his charac-
ter, he was getting hammered! By life. As it turned out unbeknownst to me, we
met shortly after he made this call for help to the universe. We got on so well
so quickly that he offered me to move into the flat he was renting as he had a
spare room now that his wife and step daughter had moved out and as it was
for me, I was currently homeless living in my car so it was timely so called “co-
incidence” in that sense, we spent pretty much the first whole month in the
flat not really leaving for much at all, it was school yard fun for both of us,
something in the order of 18 hrs give or take nonstop every day, learning
about the prime inner self world of spiritual/physical self-truth. A big chunk of
this involved me with his ask/permission, picking, pointing, catching his mind
out, showing him his mind when it was playing its trickeries on the kind self,
spirit he is and how with its devices it was keeping him prisoner and destroying
his happy reality. I by being part of this was learning/experiencing many in-
credible things that I had only just begun to discover myself. One major part of
this was disembodied spirits visiting me and passing very insightful wisdom
about the spiritual physical life relationship, me experiencing/learning how to
receive and then pass on this knowledge to my friend, so I became the inter-
mediary for them to help him with his current dilemma whilst learning all this
new stuff myself as well, “all information is always for the messenger first” An-
other part in it was actually seeing knowledge packets in visual form, I could
see various shapes of geometric formed light in various different colours float-
ing in the room around me and I observed one of them move to the side of my
friends head and watched it go into the right side of his head as soon as it dis-
appeared he immediately blurted out a discourse of information in words. I
had a very solid awareness of the two light worlds, light “light” and “dark light”
left side dark and right side light that we in human form do sit on the edge of,
meaning I was very physical validated aware of what the two were doing, e g:
when the darkness would try and send someone around to the flat to interrupt
what we were doing I knew they were coming and could tell my friend and
sure enough the person would very soon turn up, on other occasions not dark-
ness manipulating, just the everyday workings of peoples spirit, such as on one
memorable occasion we were sitting at the small table between us and he in-
formed me he had made a dinner engagement with a friend several months
earlier before we had met and it was supposed to be on this particular evening
so he had to make a choice between breaking from what we were doing at the
time and attend or cancel it and continue with us, he chose to break the dinner
engagement so, he phoned his friend to tell him, immediately after he hung up
the phone I felt very clearly a spirit come into the space between us where the
small table was and also felt/knew what their intended reason, motive was for
being there and thus knew who it was, it was my friends friend who he had just
phoned to cancel their dinner engagement, his spirit had come there because
his attention was very strongly focused on my friend as he wasn’t fully accept-
ing why my friend had cancelled at such short notice, to him this was very! Out
of character to the person he thought he knew, thus he was wondering very
strongly what was really going on, he didn’t really accept the reasoning he was
told and so he was basically having a “nosey around” as we say, in spirit, alt-
hough in his own physical form mind he is unaware that this is what actually
happens when we put our attention on anyone or thing, hence why I say our
attention is moved of our intention thus does thy spirit move there to so, I was
able to tell my friend what he was up to right down to the fact that he was so
unsettled about it that he was planning to come around or phone and as soon
as I finished saying this to him I felt his spirit leave the room and go back to his
own body at home and then the phone rang immediately and yes it was him
calling to investigate further for a reason why my friend had cancelled. I have
to say here at this point one of the major signature indicators of a spirits iden-
tity as to which side of the “left or right light” they hail from is whether they
have impeccable manners or not, my experience is that when any spirit is com-
ing from the light “light” side they do inevitably exhibit impeccable manners in
everything they do, the dark light side has an obvious lack of manners sup-
ported by justifications, this is a very good compass for us, as in the expression
“moral compass” for discerning which side we ourselves and disembodied spir-
its also are operating from at the time, as in the expression “an Angel on one
shoulder and the Devil on the other” which ear are we listening to? Are we
many mannered respectful or much less mannered? The good light in my expe-
rience is always exceptionally well respectful mannered to our best interests at
heart, no interference with our free will choice to make our own decisions in
forming our life, they don’t just barge in without asking permission to act! This
brings me to another fantastic experience that occurred with my friend, I
shared this information with him one day which was first time new for me
when I shared it, it was directly shared with me from a disembodied light spirit
that came to me on my “right side, right ear, felt presence” with a clear pres-
ence felt/seen of gold light, they conveyed to me this clear understanding that
the workers for God’s love visit with impeccable manners “always on the right
side” in my experience so far, it made perfect sense to me but it was still just
an intangible experience so could still be open to question? meaning as the ex-
pression go’s “hearing what you want to hear” but then this happened, just to
clarify I don’t go to church or churches hardly at all, I don’t subscribe to any re-
ligion or attend services except when something like this happens, the follow-
ing day I had this very strong clear respectful feeling with no detail attached to
go to the nearest church for something, point of note: we had no bible I’m
aware of at the time in the flat, so I went to the church and followed my un-
thought feeling that was indicating “open a Bible” so I did, randomly, open one
and began to read a little of the first part my eye went to and fairly immedi-
ately felt this isn’t it! So I opened it randomly again and did the same and again
very soon I had the same feeling/thought this isn’t it either! this is where I
would quote the expression “third time lucky” I had absolutely no idea of any
particular thing I was searching for so, I opened it randomly a third time and
fuck me there it was, a full page on the “right hand side” devoted only! to tell-
ing how to recognise workers of God the light in very specific terms, it was a
list of attributes and indicators that basically, I say, amounted to impeccable
manners. I had absolutely no prior knowledge this existed in the Bible.
Another experience was one night I was standing up in the main room of
the flat talking and having fun with the continuing new place I was finding my-
self in, when all of a sudden mid, sentence, I felt this almighty push from be-
hind me, slightly to my “left side” and when I made vocal recognition of it hap-
pening to my friend it happened again! a spirit was giving me quite obvious
pushes when I said something in regard to them, I made comment that this
“person” was a bit angry or frustrated about something, they were not one of
these other enlightened ones that had been sharing all the good fun filled
knowledge. When I say “pushed” I mean, I feel it like one magnetic pole of
force bumping against another “me” as I’ve said before, it’s like when you get
two magnets of the same polarity, on other occasions less frequent in my ex-
perience, it’s the same, as in, magnetic, but I feel the pull, like when you get
the opposite poles near each other, as in the expression “opposites attract” On
some occasions there’s also an aroma either fragrant nice or septic sewage
bad, but not always.
my thing listening and getting connected with my inner self, attention on at-
tention looking into itself and continuing to do this in between our sets for an
hour or so, It was now well after dark and I was getting very deep into my
thoughtless noticing state, very relaxed when all of a sudden I felt this wonder-
ful overwhelming “old gold” feeling, it immediately made me think of the say-
ing “old gold” it felt of ancient beautiful wise Grandeur, I stood up and immedi-
ately was aware feeling, seeing a very rich! So pure of full feeling, old gold light
beaming from above, inside and outside of me at the same time, like a spot
light, a beam of “feeling light” in an instant I felt like I had the whole truth of
everything, all life, all of creation infinite, God, nothing was a secret from me
anymore, but only in feeling, no particular thoughts of details to it, it presented
as being far beyond the limits of thought. I felt completely, instantly so small
and humble but not! insignificant, I immediately went down on one foot and
knee such was the overwhelming feeling of humility, bowing my head, not out
of some thought, “the feeling just naturally felt correct to do this automatically
out of respect and understanding my place in relationship to this light” it was
definitely a clear unadulterated knowing of “it” the light is “him” O Father, also
known as God and many other names, the feeling was so simple yet all com-
pleat total “one all one” ancient wise loving magnificent Grandeur, the only
thought from me back to “him” that felt appropriate was to apologise for “be-
ing me” the small feeble bundle of human weakness! Mistakes of behaviours, I
am. I had no visions or voices just this almighty feeling felt noticed knowing of
him being “I am yours, the Father living truth” compleat warm caring friendly
and understanding wholeness. It looked, felt, very distinctly of old gold, to try
and describe here in the feeble medium of words. The light extended approxi-
mately one and a half feet as a spot around me from inside above me, it re-
minded me immediately of when I used to be an opal miner and you would
stand at the bottom of one of the narrow access shafts right in the centre of
the shaft of light that came down hitting the floor of the mine from above and
that is what it was somewhat like when I looked up I was very aware of a place
that existed above me that was immense, made full of feeling light, the only
description that comes to hand is the cliché “heaven” I was aware of a great
thick earthen brown and black in colour density that existed between me and
there! “him” as we in the west call heaven. The whole experience felt like no
more than a minute or so but I have no idea in real terms how long in our time
it really was and I feel it ended because of my own infiltrating thinking
thoughts mind trying to start analysing the experience I was having, along with
that while in it I had the distinct knowledge that “he” had met me half way so
to speak, in that this happened because of the effort I had made in focusing my
attention on itself, in other words focusing my attention of the physical mind
on the spirit that I am is heart thus he/we then opened the density in between
us, hence a pillar of him the light shining from above. When I came out of this
experience, I was just thoughtless clear with two complete statements, I
looked at my mate a few metres away until I had his attention he could see
something had just happened with me and the first was a very profound felt
FUCKEN! REAL! The next was for me and him personally, of a sort, as it was no
coincidence that me and him had met! It was this “without you this is impossi-
ble” over the course of our time together I discovered it’s meaning for me,
without him my new friend things that were to happen would be impossible,
meaning if we don’t pour out our cup of self that is our compassion and empa-
thy to help another in this physical life than we personally cannot be helped ei-
ther, hence the expression “you can’t fill a cup that’s full” the next expression
thereto, is we say when someone is being selfish! “your full of yourself” Spirit
would be unable to share things with me if I didn’t make my best effort to
share them with another. For me this all amounted to my understanding that I
say, to “save thy self” we must “save another” we must participate “in our own
saving” expression “God helps those who help themselves” in this life we are
granted here on Earth. If we can make sense “cents” of our own personal life
experience here on Earth and thus share it with others we make big! dollar
value in heaven. This is some of the “money, riches!” soul dollars our Father
creator is most % interest-ed in of our earnings on this Earth, this is the
“riches!” we do or don’t find waiting for us in the next life, it is the life that al-
ready existed before we came here to Earth, our life here on Earth is our day’s
work of the spirit and we are each payed our wages, by O Father according to
our works, hence that expression again “know thee by thy works”
For me personally this experience was a major jolt, lightning bolt! In my life be-
cause my mind with so much doubt! Was waiting, hoping, wanting, needing it
to be dispelled with facts! and this really did change the game for me a lot, it’s
one thing to read about it, own trinkets, wear the so-called right clothes, talk
the talk with others, have a belief! The mind will tell itself because I do have
these things “it’s real” because I’m choosing to have my belief regardless of
whether it’s bearing any real in physical action fruits, it’s the master of building
a “false of reality” out of making up a concept, a theory, an idea, an Ideology,
the way it thinks/likes for it to be and it’s not easily dis swayed from it while it
all just lives in it alone, meaning no actual inner outer physical formed fruitful
actions to say different, it can and does judge, justify it’s real because I’m be-
lieving my own doings “my own construct” of thought so, yes a life of thought
constructed “belief” in God but for me after this experience a whole lot of stuff
just fell away, Gods not an idea, a concept, an Ideology, a hobby! or any other
just thought up in the mind alone construct of belief anymore, belief became
very obsolete! After this happened. Hence, I say once we know “he” the prime
living truth is alive and well real, belief is no longer required, we just do from
as we notice know feel and he keeps validating himself to be present and thus
alive, in physical formed actions to the inner felt noticed knowing, of heart
filled attention placed of our intention to seek for personally knowing him. Val-
idation that comes in physical form of the first felt noticed knowing is food for
from faith, my definition of faith is that it’s unshakable “I would take a bullet
for it” as that expression go’s, don’t we say, a “real friend” is someone you
would take a bullet for? Beliefs change, often “friends” change but a faithful
friend never changes, faith is a force of power backing the knowing noticed to
act regardless of the difficulty. It’s a stride! Of courage into the not yet! De-
tailed known fact! It is our think thought mind that needs to take this stride as
it doesn’t have its usual comfort zone of “I know the details as facts” Hence the
expression “step into the unknown” Not a heel to toe step clinging to the last
past step that is the form of belief constructed in the mind alone. Faith is what
parents our infant alone mind to spiritually grow up! Teaches it the mind to let
go of heel to toe walking doubts. Thus, to not be an adulterating mind active
merchant against the heart centred truth self, then thus accept the inner heart
feeling felt noticed knowing to not interrupt “erupt!” like a volcano with
doubts designed to bolster its alone desire of physical ego only wants, main-
tain its, I am master “man plan” The thinking ego self, attention, mind will eas-
ily allow us to have our “belief” in a prime creator father if that belief “life”
doesn’t interfere “cause it to fear!” What it on its own alone wants, to be $$$
rich wealthy, my leisure pleasure comforts life, until it fathoms a source of
riches! Greater than worldly wealth’s alone.
Yes I’m saying we as a physical of spiritual formed being have “two attentions”
one is the conscious formed in thinking thought mind self and the other is the
heart placed space spirit, it is when we marry the thinking conscious attention
to be on looking into heart attention, spirit self “attention on attention” look-
ing into itself that our physical world then literally bends to the noticed know-
ing of spiritual will, we literally have a physical formed experience found of
God “our creator O Father” Another addition of this understanding is to say in
ultimate terms that we each are one self-attention that we do become split in
of self that is thy self-truth through physical upbringing “programming” in of
conscious mind that we do then reside a large portion of our one attention
self-spirit in to garaging it in the conscious thinking thought ego flesh self, de-
sires of mind, thus now split of one self that is inner doubt divisive decision
thus we do have become the doubt of inner indecision “confused” to thy ac-
tual self-truth hence the existent apparent of residing in a state of two atten-
tions, (the expression we have for this in English is “I’m in two minds” occur-
ring over the need to make a decision, a state of inner confusion about which
way to turn) formed inwardly to make one self thus we are now living as an ex-
pressed existence that is two opposing thus colliding desires vying over a colli-
sion “inner war” of thy self-motive for our physical life purpose direction ex-
pression of spiritual existence. Hence the expression “pull yourself together”
meaning literally we have inwardly slit split our oneself all incumbent self-truth
into two half-truths, we have now divorced our self, the marriage is over, we
now live seeking to find our other half, the feeling humans go through feeling
alone and lonely seeking to complete them self by binding them self to another
of opposite sex or same, “my life’s not content complete” until I meet find my
partner in love to marry immerse for life long connection. Expression when we
have sabotaged one’s own life with a wrongful decision “I slit my own throat” I
have separated my head from my heart. The wisdom of heart “spirit” required
for good decision of the head was lost by separating divorcing them of each
other. Being that this life is flourished with duality this same expression “I slit
my own throat” can and does sometimes also refer to making a self-sacrifice,
the loss of my head “ego thought” for some larger than self, greater good, I
stopped the decision of my selfish ego head and bled from my heart, poured
out my life from thy heart, from thy spirit.
I am happy to report that after some time of effort my friend did have his mar-
riage and relationship with his sister all restored to him, they were all going
great guns to use that expression last time I spoke to him, he left Cairns pretty
much after these few months of self-work.
needs, wants, is actually right under its nose literally, already living in self, it’s
just lazy by its nature to go there and look listen notice to feel, it in its made
nature of defiance against accepting that it’s the second part self does not
want to serve but be always served “the master” important, someone some-
thing else should do the work and allow me/it the ego! to reap all the wealth
of benefits that do come forth from it, we the observer in self, have to take
charge and put it in its rightful place or doubt that serves its selfish wants of
pleasure will always be its order of the day.
Because we are composite beings comprised of the fundamental duality of
what we call light spirit and dark spirit coupled with the fact that the physical
form is the second left matter formed expression of the two as in create in
spirit form in thought we either create in of left dark alone ignorant selfish self-
centred spirit and then thus support its will to express through our physical
right side of no physical heart, right side of the minds mental category of it be-
ing dubbed “right wing ideology politics” and the same opposite is true to the
fact that right leaning of the spiritual heart “our attention” to the right is light
righteous loving spirit that it expresses as literally physically “where the heart
is positioned a slight left of centre” in the physical form body and thus the ide-
ologies of the right light spirit are categorised and label named recognized as
the “left wing political ideology” then thus the same in moderating gradation in
measure to the further centring of one’s own attention in self of intentioned
self, moving ones inner self attention is the expression as what we call free will
to choose, maybe what’s needed is further enlightened understanding to move
our species forward out of the past frequent time loop the species is fighting
against itself to move away from or further into is to come to collective under-
stood thus accepted understanding that this is the fundamental self-truth we
each are whilst physical incarnate expressed in of matter form, we come to this
understood enlightenment and we then truly begin to experience the power of
god present conscious realised in actioned of thought matter formed here on
Earth for either a chosen left in spirit over right in physical mind made up
thought ideology political form or same in opposite right choice over left same
opposite ideology manufactured auto stated expression of the right wills inten-
tions over left physical man matter mind thought expressed on Earth is heav-
enly in form hence again the Bible quote, literally our self in centre true form
zone with himself, otherwise he would cease to exist, it is said in the bible that
he said “a house divided is a house fallen” in the Bible he refers to heaven as
being his mansion, “he himself is literally his house and home” thus the expres-
sion we have “home is where the heart is” we don’t say “home is where the
half hearted is” he also said in the Bible “come to me ye as little children” in
other words he is like a little child in the sense of not childish as we say when a
mature adult is behaving in an immature way but rather childlike in his nature,
meaning pure of innocence, un tainted, without blemish! whole hearted that
when he’s happy he is 100% whole holy happy and when he is angry he is
100% whole holy angry, “his righteous wrath” he is never partly one part of
both at the same time, same as little children are not either until they learn,
become dulled into grey of the two by the human parental and society adults
inflicting the programming upon them that is their legacy of “the sins of the fa-
ther shall fall upon the son” Gods heart does not, cannot, flat line into death
that is to become grey between the two “life and death” he is us in spirit
wholly alive life and the physical body does return to wholly dead immediately
on the departure of the living spirit that is him who did bring it to life, only
here in the physical of spirit reality does the apparent state of in between grey
zone exist, that we do have a relatively short window of opportunity in physical
death that we can sometimes revive, bring the person back to life from death.
Due to the meeting of the two spiritual natures, one the slower is lower vibra-
tion of physical matter being a vessel for the more accelerant self-state that is
spirit, the dark spirit is much closer in its self-state spiritual vibration to physi-
cal matter thus why, at least in part, its nature is most concerned with and de-
siring of physical matter flesh form “like attracts like” to indulge itself in the
sen-sin-sation wants and desires of the pleasures of the flesh as opposed to
the faster light vibration of the right which is thus then “above” the state of
concerning itself with being first interested in desires of the flesh but rather
matters of the light best whole righteous heart of wisdom to love all in as one
only whole him holy truth, “the God in me recognises the God in you” hence
the expressions we use, to say first “don’t get bogged down” and “rise above
it” in other words don’t choose the left lower slower spiritual vibration to de-
base our desires to of the slower mental matter form desires, rather raise, rise,
hence the expression “rise to the occasion” choose to be raised in our spiritual
self-vibration to the faster light right righteous wisdom of a bigger picture of
whole hearted one for all one on Earth love, strive in our chosen choice to
serve the one true in truth whole holy who is master for real not the second
state opposite opposing imitation image that is flesh self-ego of mental mind
matter man “man plan” and bring together literally our lives “on Earth, is as it
is in heaven” hence the expression “to err is human, to forgive is divine” to err
is our past to forgive is our future and present is want for none and need for
As in spirit is matter formed. Spirit/consciousness is the inspiration, matter
form is the consequence, not the other way around.
“on Earth as it is in heaven”
very flat no uncertain terms response “we don’t do that” and the irony to the
catholic church experience aforementioned is at a later time while I was still
in Cairns me and a friend of mine at the time decided to go and sit in on one
of the sermons at the catholic church and within a one hour sermon they
brought the donation hat through the congregation twice collecting money?
Their teacher “Jesus” the one they say claimed to be the son of God and God
himself apparently said at one point “know thee by thy works” and “you will
know them by the works of their hands” ??? now having relayed these experi-
ences about churches I would also be remis in bearing witness of personal ex-
periences with churches and other institutional organisations who claim to be
there to help the poor in times of need if I didn’t mention a couple who I have
personally been well helped by in past darker days of my life and that is to
thank the Anglican church in Cairns for all the food help they gave me, the
Living light church in Cairns also for their freely given guilt free abundant food
help and finally the Salvation army for food help in the form of food vouchers
on a couple of occasions as well, so in summary I guess churches and people,
being that one is actually the sum of the other, just like individual people
some are true to their word “practice what they preach” and others not so
much, again the unescapable fact of duality that it is to live in physical form
life on Earth. So, yes some time back in Cairns for a while then Exmouth WA
for a few months, now back in Darwin for the past year, all is good, many di-
vine moments along the way, culminating recently with the fact I started for-
mal legal proceedings against my biological father for his violent crimes of my
childhood, which in itself is nothing of great interest but what happened in
the wee! hours of the morning 6 or 7 days after I made the initial report to
the police was and still is truly amazing! Full of interest for me, it literally left
me for a whole day, would have been more, had I not with considerable effort
been able to mentally rain it in, shift my attention away from it, a verbal bab-
bling mess! I just couldn't for the life of me all day! stop verbally babbling out
loud to myself about it and it left me with a healthy kind of fear in me as well,
as in, it reminded me of a statement in the Bible "the fear of God" A couple of
events that led up to it have to be said first, one week or so prior I stumbled
onto a documentary on Amazon prime video about an American fellow by the
name of Paul Longgrear who served in the Vietnam war, a long story short he
went to war as a complete atheist but his wife was very religious, any way in
the wee early hour just getting light of the morning Feb 7th 1968 (the year I
was born) after surviving the most horrific attack where he and 7 other blokes
which resonated very strongly in me, I reflected on it quite a few times and in
amongst that during that time I was also reflecting on the two natures of my-
self personally, me the light and me the dark in terms of my personal identity
in human form, the duality of self as a human being, seeing my acts, thoughts
and feelings of past dark things against my feelings of light and the inner con-
flict, war! Between them, the two natures of self and a part of me feeling like
it was stuck! In the middle between them “the innocent bystander” “the meat
in the sandwich” as that expression goes, being shot from both sides as I
wasn’t wholly on one side or the other and their war took, takes precedence!
Over everyone all else. So I was quickly discovering that “being on the fence”
as that expression goes, undecided, “un chosen” of taking sides thus in be-
tween the two is actually the worst! place you can be in a war on a battle field
because you don’t really have any allies to help you so, if we’re in the way
“the firing line” as that expression goes, we live in fear and worry of getting
shot from both sides, we are now forced to conduct our own little self-war for
simple survival, actually against “two enemies” not just one because we ha-
ven’t chosen a side and we all know what generally happens to spies, people
who try to play both sides, “serve two masters” if caught by either, executed
by either, even if not wilfully playing both sides we think through indecision
and personal chosen beliefs we become what’s called “collateral damage” by
both sides or we are actually viewed by one side or both as the enemy also
because we haven’t picked a side, we might pick up a weapon at any given
moment and attack either side and thus become viewed as a legitimate en-
emy target by both sides regardless of what personal beliefs, ideaoligies good
intentions we might hold in secret with our-self, after all, so often war is the
product of two or more ideaoligies, beliefs, “good intentions” they both claim
to have that can’t wont don’t reconcile compromise with each other, compro-
mise is forced through the violence of bloodshed on both sides and if we ha-
ven’t actively picked a side in a war we might be viewed simply as no great
loss! Hence by virtue of the aforementioned, no great worth either as we
serve no cause, no mission, no ideaoligy except our own, good intentions?
known only unto self? is this then depicting us as truly being actually selfish??
So many in the world past and present have stated that their life only gained
true value and satisfaction, contentment when they took up a cause, a mis-
sion, greater, than thy self? giving up by “choice” Living a life that was only
centred around there personal wants often confused, justified, as needs? To
move forward against their innate human, spiritual conscience.
I have a lot of dreams about war! all throughout my life and have a strong fas-
cination for war, watch a lot of war movies, always two! Pervading overall
themes in them either very powerless to be an effective soldier due to being
made powerless by malfunctioning weapons and or ammunition or quite ef-
fective because weapons and ammunition is working as it should, one odd
one I had many years ago that was out of the ordinary two aforementioned
common themes was in the midst of a battle field that looked much like the
scenes of world war one, meaning it was a very stark barren place that had
been bombed so much! that all the trees except the odd small piece of dead
trunk remained, blown away nothing left except a myriad of bomb craters and
mud, I ran to take cover in one of the old bomb craters and to my astonish-
ment! There was a Women hiding in it completely alone, dressed in complete
perfect clean white dress terrified, so completely out of place for such a place
of scene and ongoing ordeal? "war" I always say "is raw!" notice it's the same
word but spelt in reverse, war-raw, I’ve heard veterans who have suffered
real war describe these sorts of things “raw emotions!” “Under fire! no time
to think, just act!” “survival instinct! Instinct born of training” “hesitate you
die!” I tried to join the Australian military when I was thirty years old but was
rejected due to not meeting their height requirement at the time, I was and
have been in a self-state war and feeling somewhat raw for a long time, (I'm a
Gemini star sign funnily enough, the twins, duality) I hadn’t noticed that fact
until after the next two experiences that took place, on the early evening of
the night before the second experience happened, I in the state of identity
war decided "fuck it! I'm darkness!” and decided to accept it as fully as I could
immerse myself in it, in inner feeling self, identify my identity with it, as on
self-examinations of the past week or so particularly, I decided I could see
many of the hallmarks of darkness in me, so I thought, “well try it” as in I
won't fight with the other half self anymore and see how what I may feel, see
what if anything happens, “face my demons” as the expression goes, “maybe I
really am a dark spirit?” a strange-ish! thing happened, (I was sitting in my car
for the most part of this first experience) as I focused immersed my inner self
will, attention of intention into trying to accept and take it on as my “new”
identity I slipped into a slightly odd feeling of peace but still throughout it no
sense or feeling to do any evil things as such, which I found a little odd, con-
founding in a way, but there was a sense of something off! about the “peace”
I was experiencing, it wasn't genuine or something, like it was a copy! Of gen-
uine peace, so anyway I went with it for a couple of hours or so and the whole
time I was wondering "where's the desire to do harm! do bad things etc?" not
feeling it, as I had some idea/expectation that, that would be what
would/must happen if I'm really now decided accepted that I am actually an
evil spirit incarnate, anyway it faded away as I let it by letting my attention
fade from the idea and practice to sustaining it, trying to accept it, identify
with it as to be what and who I really am, later that evening I went to visit a
friend of mine and hung out for a while, I left and got some weed as I was
feeling some stress etc with the events of trying to prosecute my bio father, I
hadn't smoked any for a few weeks or so.
Incidentally there’s apparently some part of India where they call it the “God
plant” as they believe that smoking it invokes the God spirit? one thing our
sciences and now broader general population is discovering is how misunder-
stood, under understood this plant is, in our modern, particularly western
world, many effective healing applications are now being discovered and rec-
ognised now that it’s not just being black boxed with bias arrogant ignorance
by governments, the science community, the medical industry and the more
general populace, “the same cannot be said of alcohol” funnily enough an-
other name for alcohol is “spirit” I say which spirit? Light or dark? Just like it is
classed literally as two kinds of alcohol, “white spirits and dark spirits” is any-
one besides me seeing some interesting so called coincidences going on here
with alcohol, then related to the idea of fact in duality and opposite opposing
image worlds, the two natures of the human manifest physical spiritual beings
we are whilst incarnate physical here on Earth? “cannabis alcohol a duel of
duality? Two, much opposite, opposing by natures of effect they have on the
human being when ingested?” our body designed to a large extent for the
presence of one and our body treating the other simply as a poison! It must,
needs to dispel as quickly as possible and many if not all the cultures who
have the enzyme in the stomach purely for dispelling alcohol from the body
only have it as an evolutionary reaction to long prolific ingestion of it and oth-
ers that don’t have the enzyme in the gut because of no use or only still re-
cent time of use in physical body evolutionary terms so not yet developed it
to cope with the poison being ingested into it, thus to meaning no physical fa-
vourable innate design mechanisms for bodily health based around the bodies
welcoming of alcohol, nor any major medicinal benefits for combatting some
serious debilitating ailments of mind and body, in fact to the best of my cur-
rent experience and knowledge mostly quite the opposite, just the physical vi-
olence and social disorder and destruction, directly attributable deaths and
disease that is so well known from the ingestion of alcohol should be enough
for a major serious rethink on alcohol and it’s use and place in modern social
society, keeping in mind here the idea I’m proposing that ALL MATTER
TER FORMED LIFE STATE TRUTH. there’s some very big hypocrisies going on in
relation to alcohol and it’s use and usefulness in social society” just put some
large many $$$ signs in front of alcohol and most if not all of the mystery be-
hind why government, corporate and possibly medical/pharmaceutical frater-
nities continue to unabatedly allow it’s useful most obvious destructive use in
social society, by contrast our physical body actually has multitudes of canna-
binoid receptors in it and also produces its own very almost exact same can-
nabinoids as the cannabis plant that apparently help keep our cells in the
“goldilocks zone” of best needful balance too promoted health and funnily
enough to me I notice that we have also chosen to call where our planet is po-
sitioned in its orbit around the sun as the goldilocks zone too as it is posi-
tioned in the small zone of distance orbit from the sun where it’s not too hot!
And not too! cold but just right for bio-organic life to thrive, just like in the
fairy tale where the term is drawn from, of the three bowls of porridge goldi-
locks finds and tries only one! Is “just right” for her to eat, not too hot and not
too cold, just right! So, for me given that I see that nothing! In this created
universe is without very specific order of purpose I’m left fascinated and won-
dering about this very amazing unique plant and it’s capabilities given that our
physical form being is actually designed with it incorporated to facilitate an
aid to good physical health and now we are discovering in the modern world
that it also has some very potent mental physical health wealth medicinal ap-
plication values also, something humans of much, much earlier history were
already to some degree aware of, our true in truth actual is self-truth is vast!
and still so very much under understood, “hand in hand” as that expression
goes, with being under appreciated, we marvel at our achievements and ex-
plorations of understanding the planets natural world eco systems on land
and under sea, the same of outer space yet the greatest most complex vast
Eco system of the under explored in all creation, that any and all of us has
free access to participate in is “our inner selves” sometimes referred to,
as “inner space!”
By the time I got home it was the very wee hours of the morning maybe four,
four thirtyish a.m. I packed about half a very small pipe and smoked it, then
walked from my front door around the other side of the kitchen bench, about
six or seven steps maybe and then it happened, all of a sudden without
thought I spoke explosively! from my heart "wholehearted" about some stuff
to God, I don't really remember exactly what I said, then all of a sudden it was
like I was catapulted into another place/dimension or something? the over-
whelming presence of a presence/person/spirit, like a magnetic field that
started speaking to me inside, was with me inside and outside myself, a very
big! obvious presence that was not! me, there was much similarity to the ex-
perience I was having with you back then in the flat and cairns except this was
amped up about a hundred times more and a different one much! much!
greater in every way, than the sense I had back than of primarily two smaller
spirits (my guides/guidance) AN AUTHORITY! but very matter of fact, honest,
polite, with very simple, very deep expansive statements, he it, identified
himself by first reminding me of 5 parts of the Bible I was familiar with and
said I am the one that book is about, the one who lived that life the story is
about, I was being progressively as each next bit unfolded so completely
blown out of my "whole 52 years of life reality" I couldn't stop saying "you've
blown my whole reality out Lord' I can never really convey to anyone what
this was like, he asked me questions on things all related to the subject of jus-
tice, just justice, judgement! (meaning fair balanced of a truthful even hand)
allowing me to know a greater depth of what he said and felt, meant! back
then when he said those things to people in his life on Earth that the Bible
records to have been said by him "do unto others as you would have done
unto you" this is a massive part of him so very close in his heart and what he's
about as a being, it's the foundation in many ways underpinning his closest
love, which is just! justice, it's as best I understand the reason for what and
why I got his attention to come to me personally, the fact I had decided
wholehearted to seek for justice, I had vowed to myself when I made the de-
cision in relation to my bio father that "I would drive a solid gold tank over an-
yone who "Wilfully" (essential key word) gets in my way of seeking justice
against him" except now I understand it to be more like "do unto others as we
would "enjoy!" done unto us" as he shared in me a few very simple state-
ments about things, I got the experience, strong obvious inner state feeling
that he was implanting in me some of himself and that was why how I was
getting a very much greater deeper expanding understanding of what he re-
ally meant with some of the things recorded in the bible he apparently said,
to the point when I started, felt realised what was going on I said, asked him
"is this how you actually feel" felt, mean by the things they record you to have
said, the answer was a unequivocal yes! the reason I was getting this was be-
cause "he me is we at the time" I was feeling for real what how he personally
feels in himself as a divine living light, "spirit" he never once said "I am God"
only identifying himself as the one the book is about, "I am the one who lived
that life, the book/story is about" he didn't say Bible either, only that I was
pointed to the one sitting up on my shelf when he was saying this, I was just
thinking does this mean that whole story of that book is! actually really! real?
we spoke about judgement, prosecution, trial, eternal life and some other
stuff, as in for example, a statement I came to shortly earlier than this experi-
ence itself, like "prosecute someone, prosecute oneself" I realised that for
real in this world when we make accusation to prosecute someone in our
criminal justice system we also literally put our-self on trial along with the ac-
cused as the accuser, pervert the course of justice, our character and truth-
ful witness is on trial at the same time as the actual accused, the one we pros-
ecuted our actions upon etc, the risk of being charged with perjury and or
contempt of court is on all who participate in the trial, hence his statement
"do unto others as we enjoy done unto us" it's all about the literal actual of
him God our actual who thus owns us creators divine just justice will, that will
does judge us each to the standard of our life’s standards, our prosecutions
against each other as that is literally judging him personally, prosecuting our
actions on him personally, literally as for the fact he literally does for real
dwell in the house that is our human spiritual heart, the expression "home is
where the heart is" hence his statement “do unto others as we would enjoy
done unto us” first means what we do unto him is then his commission of bal-
ance done unto us, hence another of his statements “walk a hundred steps in
another’s sandals” meaning his commission of balance is that what we have
done unto another we will then walk in their shoes, in other words personally
experience the same feelings, fears, joys and or whatever they did caused by
our actions prosecuted (enacted) upon them, hence his statement “he with-
out sin cast the first stone” this is thus the only way we can grow genuine
meaningful empathy, compassion, grow in character as a spirit, move closer
to him by illuminating the divine spark that is him planted within each of us.
Align our self with him, his will, character, standards, thus become “one in is
the same” as in, “on Earth as it is in heaven” in our Earthly justice system we
reflect this fact that we are at the full measure of the law against us if we lie
or falsely accuse or are found to have committed a crime of some nature that
comes to light in the proceedings of trial against the one we accuse, essen-
tially it is simply about the truth being put on trial, thus it is always him our
creator being put on trial, he, meaning our actual creator is the only actual
therefore true truth thus he also holds himself first to the standard of truth
only, he’s uncapable of lying, he does not operate to two different sets of
rules, standards, two masters! he is not the founder of hypocrisy, meaning
the rules don’t change to suit himself, we all know how unfair we feel it is
when we are playing a game and someone keeps changing the rules as they
go along to suit themselves “their personal agenda” no one can have a true
account of who won under those terms “double standards” he first holds him-
self personally always to the highest standard of truth, as he is made literally
of the substance, we call truth, he is purely actual! What you see is complete
in what you get, no lie! Thus, no capable attribute of enact able hypocrisy!
“double standards, two masters play both sides” whole hearted, not half
hearted, half-truths, plural meaning division of self, if truth is divided even
once! It has now become a lie, hypocrisy, hence why God sent himself as the
son to Earth and prosecuted himself personally on Earth for the crimes “sins”
of man, to sacrifice himself first, took full responsibility for the fact that he
personally dwells first! in the heart of all people and creation on the whole in
every aspect, planets to people to summarise it that way, as then to forgive
himself, he can, thus does have the character first in himself of mercy thus
forgiveness for himself thus us. Do we not here on Earth talk about being able
to first forgive our self before all other forgiveness is then thus genuine? No
hypocrisy of double standards, playing two sides, serving two masters, again
“let those without sin cast the first stone” the whole experience was related
to the subject of divine and earthly justice, he asked me what? how hard? I
wanted to be on my father in doing what I was doing and what? how? would I
feel and want? if I was in his shoes? in other words the subject of mercy? "do
unto others as we enjoy done unto us" I said I didn't want to crush him and if I
was in his position I would definitely want another chance, not be judged in
other words to be wiped out of existence or suffer for eternity, to desire this
kind of judgement and carried out sentence literally condemns myself! To my
own desire same fate, all of the statements in the bible about "he without sin
cast the first stone" were resonating in me in feeling, the greater depth real
things he meant with the do unto others statement, the warnings about bear-
ing false witness in this life, in court of our daily relations, treatment of each
other in this life, we live with each other on Earth, law and court of physical
life and living with each other, everything is so much for real dear close, to, in
his heart about "just justice" being just and the implications of bearing upon
each other any form, forms of false justice, lies in relation to being under-
pinned, in, by, him, real! Justice is just of an even unbiased heart and hand,
only "qualified!" to make authority in being qualified to meter out true and fi-
nal justice, is his will and just justice. I started the experience and went
through the experience with several "grains of salt in my hand" as that ex-
pression goes in regard to "is this the true one actual who created me and lit-
erally everyone and everything all for real, therefore owns me for real, has ac-
tual power to do with me as he/it pleases at any and all time???" I was very,
very! nervous, concerned, about that question! and being tricked by darkness
and choosing darkness, as I was and still are aware of what the ability to lie
can implicate and darkness is the one capable of making false things, lies! it is
endowed with the power of reversed divinity and even more fearful I was and
are of denying him, “God” in a made choice thinking it's him and it turned out
that I was skilfully deceived by the false one, reality, hence all I could do was
ask for time? over the next passing days a week or two I came to saying, de-
ciding with myself that I was down to ONE SINGLE grain of salt kept in my
hand on the issue of "is was this really our genuine true divine creator Lord
and Father" who has just visited me personally, so, to say now
99.9999999999 recurring, mathematical formula of "pie" so to speak, the infi-
nite recurring of the "point something %" of my ability to accept and say yes
God our lord known as Jesus in Christianity had come and visited me person-
ally in my lounge room/kitchen. (one bedroom flat, ha ha!) Judgement is his
alone! none me or all other on Earth are "qualified" to judge each other in
terms of worth, good and bad spirits/people etc, this was another thing I just
couldn't say often enough to him, "I'm not qualified Lord only you are, you
made me" not to say we don't implement having our justice legal system on
Earth as it is a test to create ongoing our best reflective image of him, to
merge with him and walk those hundred eternal steps in his sandals, his the
authority of divine justice here on Earth is the production of order against
chaos, the implementation of love that is order created through the even un-
biased hand of commissioning balance to the crimes of chaos created by a
persons choice to implement their freely given free will to serve their own
only self is selfish desires of gain to the hurt and suffering of another, to step
aside of compassioned balanced respect and reverence for all life and form he
our father creator has created, in other words, to correct the error of casting
him in another aside with malice and belligerence for selfish willed gains. As
in the statement "on Earth as it is in heaven" he also asked me if I personally
wanted to face my judgement now or later, meaning literally in this physical
life form time or the literal later when I have died of my physical life form,
(my words description here not his) he just asked in simple statement "do you
want to face it now or later?" I knew exactly what he meant in terms of topic,
time and timing, I don't yet still really know what that means so much in real
terms, although in a state of some confusion in the strong sense of wondering
is this really! him our lord God or a very clever trick I'm being tricked into by
the darkness impersonating him? I asked for time when he asked me if I
wanted/needed anything, as I was feeling like he was also there for me to
make a choice between him and his adversary for my eternal existence, hence
the feeling of the statement in the Bible they say there is only one! righteous
fear in this life we need to concern ourselves with "fear of the Lord" My an-
swer was a definite "now!" rather than later if I have a choice as there was is
just something in it about how we say in this life "why put off what we can do
today until tomorrow" than after the whole experience some days later I was
reminded of a real experience in my physical life past when I was still much
younger where I had fucked up and had to go to court for it and my solicitor
had failed to turn up for my case twice and the judge asked me do you want
to have it adjourned (put it off till later or deal with it now) I chose than for
real to represent myself and deal with it immediately and the court showed
some mercy/credit on me for doing that and not forcing it to wait again and
do it later? there's so much more to this experience like how he shone like a
thin pencil beam of light on into me, a light that spoke with me, my best de-
scription of that part of the experience is it made me think of the expression
"the pen is mightier than the sword" I felt like I was a pen on a desk standing
upright on its point with a finger on top of its top end swaying it/me gently to
and FRO for a while, he also split the two realities of him light and the other
darkness with me left standing in the middle between the two and witness-
ing, feeling experiencing the two and FRO "war!" going on between them over
each of us, (me) to win/claim a spirit is to gain more space “land” to dwell in
occupation of hence enact ones own will and law of their nature, gain ground,
to the point at one stage I remember saying just leave me out of it and you
two duke it out! The parting of the realities/dimensions reminded me of the
story in the bible about exodus when he/Moses is said to have parted the Red
sea for the people to pass in between the waters and escape pharaoh from
Egypt, it was all so fucken real, all of it! He gave me a glimpse into his life and
world and the comparison of the world of his adversary the "barking dog!
actually a pack of them, hence the expression "a pack of lies" and a "wet blan-
ket" darkness! that was the description I ended up with for describing dark-
ness in simple terms "it's a barking dog!” and “a wet blanket" we have that
expression in life here when someone is being a "kill joy" as we say "don't be
a wet blanket" fire blankets, a wet blanket, is one of the most effective fast
ways to extinguish a real fire "smother it" no oxygen is no life for fire and we
as spirits being "fire lights of love" hence the expression we have for when we
feel intense passion for someone/something "fire in the belly" are extin-
guished when smothered by the wet blanket that darkness is, in the form of
bringing our conscious mind physical self-awareness through doubt/unbelief
to the ig-norance of God divine is living dwelling in we/me, starved of spiritual
oxygen, "life" at one point we, meaning he completely merged together as
one light/spirit briefly and I saw myself we as one and I we began to shine re-
ally bright together (still completely in possession of, aware to mine and his
"separate" identities but living in the one space) to the point I looked down at
myself and saw that I had what looked very much like the filament of a white
Incandescent light bulb in my centre torso abdomen area glowing really bright
and I knew it was barely close to how bright it could get and my mind started
to think notice anal-eyes the experience and it faded to a stop fairly quickly,
he also allowed me to see and feel what the "real me" actually is as a whole
created self-formed living person/spirit and it was just amazing and humble
correct in the sense that when that happened I felt like wow this is the real
me buried under my crust of the spirit darkness made into human darkness
disaster experiences etc, the wet blanket stopping hiding me from being see-
ing knowing the me/we I am he created me as, a complete one full head to
toe whole spirit, together living dwelling in his kingdom, what we call
"heaven" at another point earlier in the experience I saw an image of
him/Jesus as an a typical type of picture from Christianity depicting him as the
person but saw two crowns on his head one of thorns superimposing itself in
flashes over the one of gold that actually sat on his head, immediately upon
wondering to myself what’s this about it occurred to me that what I was see-
ing was darkness being represented present doing as it did back in his physical
life on Earth trying to mock and down grade him as the true King of life, es-
sentially stating he was a liar by placing it’s crown of thorns over his crown,
which is also it stating that it in opposition to him is the true king and its will,
will/is conquering him represented by its crown of suffering being placed over
and therefore above his own true crown and thus signalling the over throw of
him, his kingdom, thus winning of the war, hence who and what is stating its
will of intentions for us and the world, what kind of king and kingdom it in-
tends to rule in over us each personally and reign on Earth and all creation,
exactly what it did signal of its nature and intentions on him personally
through the hearts and hands of men while he was on Earth, a show of defi-
ance in its arrogance to wilfully not recognise him our heavenly father to be
the one true King of creation, “life” to mock and destroy life with suffering of
bloodshed, simply stating that it sees itself above Allah. It really was a perfect
simple summary depicting of the fact that there is a war being fought in us
over occupying each of us spirits incarnate here as humans and the formed of
matter universe. It’s maybe worth noting that sometimes in a war even
though ultimately in holistic picture the war has actually been won and lost by
the respective sides there is still a period of battles being waged on the
ground in the lag between the actual time of official capitulation of one side
to the other that then ultimately all hostilities end! And peace is returned to
the former battlefield. Thus, it is obvious to me that only when one of two
things happen will we here on Earth have an end to the sufferings that we in-
flict on each other of all kinds including wars among people, A:- God, Allah,
Buddha, Wukuntunka, the Prime ultimateness decides to exercise power of
will and completely remove the spirit darkness from humanity and the physi-
cal formed universe thus making no available second choice to choose from in
self of an opposite opposing nature and will or! B:- we each personally thus a
species collective elect to utilise the freely given freewill we have been gifted
and choose our same light right side in self and thus end the war in self, will
we for real realise literally here on Earth the actual for real end of human
wars and stop returning to our historical vomit of the past and enjoy the “new
age” that is actual peace collectively shared among all nations cultures and
tribes “the golden crowned age of him heaven on Earth”
“on Earth as it is in Heaven”
I say ask ourselves? which would be the greater achievement in on before us
then thus our legacy, to have him our Father creator feel forced to step in and
do it for us against maybe his original hope and plan hence we have failed him
in our-selves? Or, that we do arise to the challenge and impress the shit out of
him by winning our war and restoring peace among ourselves for now and all
future generations to carry on the legacy of peace and prosperity for all, thus
signalling we as child spirits have finally come of age.
Justice, the real that is divine just justice "is Gold" and drop one letter from
the word "Gold" and we now have "God" and the opposite reversed spelling is
"Dog" and the duality of Dog is, A:- loyalty, forgiving, said often to be
"man's best friend" and B:- in opposite we have the expression for when
someone is being a bastard etc, behaving badly! "that's a Dog! act" and he, Je-
sus, apparently said “a dog returns to its vomit” and that’s true in my personal
experience as I have on more than one occasion watched a dog vomit and
then come back later and eat it! Which almost makes me want to vomit!
The difference between living and merely existing for me is very simple, to live
is to have abundant “accessible” opportunities to participate in exploring and
expressing oneself in physical form, to merely exist is to not have accessible
abundant opportunities to do the aforementioned and the main difference in
this modern world defining the difference of people between the two is quite
simply money! “the ability to gain enough of it or not!” as money is the keys to
opportunity and necessity in this modern man made world, one simple exam-
ple of necessity in equal opportunity is medical help, if you disagree with me,
then please show me in real tangible terms an opportunity at living life or even
merely existing for that matter that genuinely doesn’t require the obtaining
and spending of money and isn’t limited in any way by how much a person
does or doesn’t have anywhere in the full circle cycle of bringing it to success-
ful fruition, meaning to fully achieve the planned thus desired outcome of it
being physically mentally psychologically formed, as even the lowly state of
mere human existence now requires the monetary obtain it and spend it equa-
tion with all the limits or not, governed by simply how much you have or not!
We some of the human species are actively making sure that the only people
who can escape, be free of this imprisonment! Are of course the ones of us
who actively believe in and support with physical actions the current system of
life that is first and foremost about the accruing of as much personal finan-
cial/material wealth that we each can exploit from life, meaning everything
here in physical form, intellectual form made of from spiritual first! Form is up
for grabs! We have are become a species that at it’s core are developing our
collective world from a consciousness of the old expression “rob Peter to pay
Paul” with how we treat the “resources” of planet and people, we have en-
slaved our mother earth and all forms of life she host supports including each
other and thus continue to justify enslaving each other for personal gains that
step far outside of “needful” purpose for life as physical of spiritual incarnate
beings. Thus it is that some have the major majority of it hoarded away for
themselves, by various exploitive means like for one example avoiding pay-
ment of the correct tax percentage of income received that is supposed to be a
fair community contribution to help facilitate community for all equal fair ben-
efit, E.G - health, education, infrastructure and so forth, this obviously keeps
the government of the collective peoples wealth poorer and thus more unable
to provide these things and thus then a sticky! Conundrum develops where pri-
vate enterprise is invited by government to tender for government contracts to
provide these needs and it is pretty common knowledge as far as I know where
I come from here in Australia that whenever companies tender in competition
of each other for these contracts they massively inflate there tendered pro-
posed costs for doing the job as opposed to what they do for a private enter-
prise customer contract thus in actual fact they rip off the actual very commu-
nity they say they support, for there, own enrichment, justifying it by telling
themselves that the government can afford it and if we don’t do it someone
else will, as if it’s inevitable and needful that it should be this way, as everyone
states I pay too much tax and it’s a way to get some of it back and in the same
breath will say why isn’t the government doing more better for us in terms of
community development, health, education, infrastructure and so forth, but in
actual fact! Obviously there unjustly enriching themselves off of the collective
people’s wealth, the same way government does with its tax payer paid bene-
fits rorting and self, imposed gifts of massive more often pay rises when they
sanction close to nothing in legislation of pay rises for the people they govern
who actually are the ones who generate the countries, peoples wealth, that
they are only supposed to be mandated by election to be the administrators of
the peoples collectively forced paying thereof, through tax law to guarantee
that the people collectively of the wealth receive fair equal community benefit
from it, and this proves to me that we most people are really only in life for
self, gain still at the moment because if we collectively really did care and love
each other therefor love to build community together for each other we would
not need to be forced through government controlled law of legislation with
heavy penalties supposed to be imposed for tax evasion offences, to pay a
needful contribution and we certainly wouldn’t be hyper inflating our prices
for jobs tendered out by government and most obviously the government,
members thereof, wouldn’t be constantly unjustly enriching itself, there selves
at the exploited, massive wrongfully justified expense of there community
peers that it’s supposedly an honour! To serve, “not dis-honestly de-serve and
reserve for themselves and corporate mates” “we are hypocrites living in a, liv-
ing hypocrisy, we call human life” I’ve met several different people over the
years in the community who have done this and others who though they ha-
ven’t done it personally do believe the practice is fine when done to govern-
ment but not to private self, enterprise interests, in other words it’s fine to rip
off the community so long as it’s justified as government because they rip me
off! But how dare you try and rip me off personally my community fellow hu-
man? Private enterprise as mentioned, only paying the bare minimum incomes
to people under their employment and government only paying other by title
meaning forms of welfare payments, that they can get away with, among other
measures, loopholes their lawyers and accountants ferret out for them found
in inadequate government/community legislations and back door deals with
governments to make legislations and ignore inadequate ones also that further
allow them to continue exploiting the people majority, again if we truly had
community heartfelt minded love for each other we wouldn’t have need of
minimum wage awards that are far too inadequate of fairness and unions to
just manage to fight and get that for the lowly worker installed as government
legislation and even then we still hear of some of the ones out there that try
and do, get away with paying below it and or not at all, our choice of who to
vote for, for us that have choice of voting in countries of apparent democratic
government election is largely only decided on how it will best chance me to
exploit a greater percentage of personal financial/material wealth hoarding ad-
vantage to thy self, not how this or that government will govern for the best all
round fair for best community together outcome. That the lack of sufficient fi-
nances in the hands of the many is imprisoning the many and growing majority
in, essentially depressing, suppressing, is oppressing the human rights freedom
to life that we hypocrites say we are all entitled too, “equal fair opportunity, in,
to, for, of life” the most! Evil of sufferings a human physical of spirit being can
be placed in, is to only at best with extreme hardship exist not actually live, for
the simple crime it is in this world now of being born! Hence thus one of us,
you, not we! is more deserved and provided for than others, platformed on ob-
vious loveless justifications and token acts of philanthropy designed to mask
the true intent funding our actions, which do nothing for amending the broken
disparate system that divides and conquers us many growing majority into be-
ing peasants of willed against us to be poor and thus control conformed to this
system as mere struggling for physical day to day existence beings that we
have not! a means to overcome this hoarding profiteering control of us elites,
protected and provided for largely by our corrupt, chosen to propagate partici-
pate governments of the world. Old expression “out of sight is out of mind” an-
other “if I don’t mind it don’t matter” “third “it’s a dog eat dog world” only
dogs didn’t make human life society like this “dog act” humans did, do, these
are two favourites that are obviously back bone philosophies of our nation’s
governments and many employers of people, in regard to the lives of the peo-
ple they govern and employ. A system for life between us of simply every
man/woman for them self “capitalism” I’m out to have it all, is a magnanimous
hypocrisy!!! When we attach the statements like “believe in human equality”
“human rights” “FAIR GO FOR ALL” to the society and system we are operating
in, this goes the same for any system of political capital governance of people
that incites the aspiration of individuals, people single, families, corporate enti-
ties and governments to drive a wedge between us with their efforts of divid-
ing apart among its peers and brethren to rise financially above beyond others
that so much, all unlimited of finance opportunity thus personal creativity is
won by a few at the exploited expense of the many majority, “crime against
humanity, wilful woeful low paid incomes” to ever pursue infinite profit
growth, to strive to be rich as one individual amongst the many is to strive to
create poor of the many, in my view any who actively, wilfully, make support-
ing actions of this are committing crimes against humanity and should be
charged and prosecuted as such in court of law, in all possible aspects of physi-
cal existence and life, as we call living to be above better more desirable differ-
ent to merely existing! “its human right” Many might define the difference be-
tween mere existence and what we call living as to be the yard stick of “suc-
cess or failure” in a species society life. In a truly fair healthy abundant with
love for each other society, a person has psychological opportunity to refuse
money too because it’s clearly abundantly available, not! that there forced to
go without having it because of the loveless greed being incited and rewarded!
by political capitalist intentioned regimes legislations and the lack of legisla-
tions to put the worlds wealth’s in the even hands of all, that only propagate
the massive accumulation of financial wealth in the hands of a few, thus not
enough of it for the many majority to avail their imaginations of the same
quantity of opportunities it has and does bring into the scope of imagination
for the current and long term past, few.
I have a question, “has anyone tried to ask there employer or government to
let them see the books” have their own independent accountant allowed to
come in and look at the business books and make an audit of the true profit
and loss of the business? thus get the “actual truth” of, if and how much the
disparity between them is or isn’t? “the employer the employee, the payer
and payee” would it be fair to say in truth that if the payers in this world are
being completely fair in how much they pay themselves and how much they
pay others that they would have no fear or problem in letting anyone from an-
ywhere else see these true figures? Including government to government of
different nations and cultures? Afterall if we are really all in this together with
no! foul smelling underhanded lies in regard to achieving actual best fair life
living outcome for all, we are one big global happy family now or at least that is
our genuine true goal we are striving to achieve as soon as humanely humanly
possible then there wouldn’t surely be anything to hide would there? Full
global to local transparency of our financial affairs??? “the worlds affairs” as
we say.
Maybe if we as a species individual and thus collective stop lying to ourselves
that where not hypocrites! And admit we are, have been, We might actually
stand up for, to, a real actual genuine chance of ridding ourselves, thus our
global community of it and actually make the claim we are telling ourselves
that we are loving for each other beings and life itself, a physical of mental that
is of spiritual self-heart, a reality truth, of best humane humanly possible truth,
manifest “on Earth as it is in heaven” for all of us, they say the first thing an ad-
dict needs to do to start a genuine road to recovery is to admit to them self
“I am an addict” The self-denial must stop before any real, that is actual long
lasting change is possible.
Until then it’s really all just “Smoke and mirrors” we are hiding our true faces in
front of.
I guess I might observe here that we as individuals there on Collectively, be-
cause of our “every man for himself” and “dog eat dog” attitude to life have a
very major fundamental issue to solve first with ourselves that thwarts our at-
tempts even with the best of intentions, if they exist, is “TRUST” we don’t,
can’t truly implicitly trust each other, until we make some genuine inroads on
the aforementioned book of all topic with our selves, I see that we are doomed
to perpetual failure of all our major human rights fairness for life endeavours,
nothing forms and stands on solid unshakable ground that isn’t built on the
bedrock of trust, before all else may be built and stand unshakably upon it. The
moving sands of time may blow over it but they will not undermine it. It may
be the case that we are at the point where we now need to consider the idea
of negotiating a global constitution in conjunction with individual constitutions
of our various countries? First, we each need to make right our own personal
act of self, constitutions, after all we do say when some behaviour or act is per-
ceived to be worth shit! “that’s unconstitutional” The U N is I guess supposed
to be a step of form towards this with signatories signing up to agreed interna-
tional laws on various human rights issues but in truth it’s still plagued with the
hypocrisies with in each and all who have signed up, it might look on govern-
ments paper that there all fulfilling agreements but in truth on the ground in
all member countries human rights issues not solved are still rampant, can we
do better??? Having said that we all as individuals thus our own countries need
to help each other fix our own back yards before we go on self-righteously
sticking our noses into other people’s back yards, in other words as Jesus ap-
parently said “let those without sin cast the first stone” False prides of trying to
ignore, make ourselves feel better above another of “our own sins” by judging
them outside of our own obvious transparent for self to see truth. Trying to di-
vert our own attention away from our own imperfect flaws by picking at the
often same, flaws we have in another “out of sight out of mind” if I’m not look-
ing it’s not mattering, hallmarks of our personal thus collective darkness that
dwells within us, it in ourselves is the true adversary not the vessels of each
other that we project and attack our darker self-natures upon, “smoke and
mirrors” is our distorted truth reflecting back of us. Old expression “where
there’s smoke there’s fire”
A couple personal examples of capitalist “dog eat dog” for the employers pure
benefit, I worked as a tour guide in the tourism industry up here in the top end
of the northern territory Australia for a number of years, it was primarily sea-
sonal due to our monsoonal tropical climate and within a fairly short time after
starting my life in this trade I discovered that the mentality of the companies
employing guides was “don’t pay them too much, because otherwise they
might save money and go away and not come back next season” another when
I did a month at sea on a long lining commercial fishing vessel out from here in
Darwin Northern territory, I spent a month strait at sea working 20 hrs a day in
hell and when I finally escaped off the boat at Nhulunbuy 500 kms away from
Darwin still in the Northern Territory, I was supposed to be getting paid a per-
centage of the catch, no hourly rate as all the commercial fishing vessels do up
here, according to the other two deck hands who had been on the vessel for
previous trips this trip up the point when I got off due to sickness and genuine
safety concerns and legal concerns of the fishing we were doing I got paid ab-
solutely nothing, not one single cent and that’s not the only time I had this
happen with a commercial fishing vessel, so obviously I gave that sick profes-
sion away, another working in an art gallery here in Darwin again, I spent
about six months having to go in on my weekend time off to chase for me
weekly pay that was supposed to have been paid but had not, I did get my pit-
tance pay each week but not without the imposition of having to chase after it
pretty much every week and I have other employment examples of similar and
other throughout my former working life, I’ve had without exaggeration some-
where in the vicinity of 30 different jobs in my former working life, including at
one point I started my own tour company and due to largely the underhanded
practices of other people in the industry I had to close the business before try-
ing to go into major financial debt to try and prop it up against their selfish un-
derhanded acts, I chose to close it rather than look to the banks to borrow be-
cause I only for sore that with these acts going on maliciously against me by
my, they love me as a person equal fellow community spirited people that I
would be going fast to bankruptcy, as it was I lost about $80,000 dollars of the
families money that they invested in me and the idea, which I know in business
terms is not very much compared to others in this world who have lost money
in business failed for a myriad of reasons, it for me just states the hypocrisy
that it is we humans claim to love and care for each other even when it’s not
family or known to be friend, the community spirit so many of us claim to have
for our fellow humans, particularly when it comes to the subject of money, let
alone many other issues of so called love and humanity exercised for each
other, “not!” old expression for when someone is denied fairness in life, inclu-
siveness,, “left out in the cold” and another for a person being a inhumane
example of humanity is “cold hearted” “cold blooded murder” “a stone cold
heart” so many, too! many of our brethren in this world and human life rela-
tions are bluntly left shivering in the financial of spiritual heart cold, outside in
the dead of a financial living life opportunity deep dark! Winter and many, care
not with any genuine heart, is there any real genuine hope for the humanity of
humans to extricate ourselves from this abysmal treatment of each other? Oh
yeah! We will lend money to huh! “help” each other but only as a business
profit model and yet in reality if we have money enough that we can lend it
doesn’t that actually exhibit that we have more than we need for our own
needs? And the same of other physical assets that we lend lease for monetary
profits? The banking/capital finance based on in debiting everyone money for
nothing industry, lend for profit to make money for nothing actual tangible
made, I put excess money I hence thus don’t need for personal needs into in-
vestments to reap the profits I make off of someone else’s financial imprison-
ing hardship that is they are paid woefully little to not be able to obtain some-
thing without appealing to borrow off of someone else’s profits of greed with
the forced contractual agreement of paying back more than was borrowed and
when they fail the contractual forced agreement I for close the contract on
their asset as they don’t actually own it I do until if! they pay the full amount
with my money for nothing added on top and I thus either way make more
money for nothing, I rarely, if really ever, lose in this practice, as long as I have
the backing enforceable power of legislated by government law to carry out
my retribution of recovery, thus just like a casino, ultimately the house always
wins as my small amount of losses never! Come close to my wins and thus we
all endeavour to “put a little away” and gain some interest on it for being made
available to perpetuate our own little money for nothing self-industries with in,
under, the umbrella of the bigger established first perpetrator and we all then
are part of the same evil done deeds, guilty of the same sins! against each
other, no wonder we don’t trust each other, questioning each-others honesty
of integrity, old saying in life “there’s no friends in business” agreed, it’s cer-
tainly not! a friendly busy-ness in each other’s business
“dog eat dog” not “God feed Dog” “dog eat own vomit!”
Who would have ever thought that the simple act of breathing with a beating
heart would have been steered to evolve into this, life!
“on Earth as it is our Hell”