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COBIT Focus Vol 1 2011

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Volume 1, January 2011

In This Issue:
• IT Organization Assessment—Using COBIT and BSC
• Laugh & Learn: Cloud Computing and the Genie
• Solo Cup: Using COBIT to Develop IT Policies
• The Need for Value Management Has Never Been Greater
• New COBIT Case Study: Banco Supervielle S.A.

IT Organization Assessment—Using COBIT and BSC

By Serena Frank, PMP
Organizations wanting to assess their maturity level and access a road map for
achieving maturity objectives can benefit by using the COBIT framework, along with
the Norton/Kaplan balanced scorecard (BSC). COBIT provides best-practice
guidelines and operational metrics, while the BSC provides a strategic planning and
execution framework. Together, they create a powerful arsenal to evaluate and evolve Call for Articles
the efficiency, effectiveness and quality of an IT organization’s performance.

Situation How are you using COBIT®,

An organization was in the process of developing a comprehensive strategy using the Val IT™, Risk IT, BMIS™ or
Norton/Kaplan strategy map and BSC approach. At the same time, its five-year IT plan ITAF™ at your enterprise?
was expiring. Therefore, it needed a refreshed IT strategy and multiyear plan to reflect
the organizational strategy and support its objectives. A management consulting firm
was engaged to provide an assessment of the enterprise’s current IT operations and to Submit articles on your
develop a strategy and three-year plan. experiences with these
frameworks. Deadline to submit
copy for
Figure 1—Assessment Process volume 2, 2011: 10 March

Submit articles for

peer review to:

Case Studies

See more case studies at

Figure 2—Subset of COBIT Quickstart Assessment Tool

ana g

a ged

e ly M
C OBI T Quickstart, 2nd Edition


De fin
Ini ti

Opt im

it at iv
Qu a
Processes and Good Practices Maturity Assessment Responsibilities Key Metrics


Head of IT


nt Mgr
C OBI T Quickst art


Quickst art 1 2 3 4 5 Control Objective Metric IT Process Metrics


Management Practices

PO1 Define a strategic IT plan.

1 Define the necessary IT contribution
- Number of IT related cost &
towards the achievement of the
performance objectives in the
entreprise's strategic objectives, related
cost & performance objectives and A R C
strategic plan that support the
assess how IT can create business
opportunities in a strategic plan.
business plan
IT strategy is aligned
with and supports the 2 Translate the strategic plan into short - Percent of strategic/tactical IT - The existence of an
overall business terms IT operations, IT projects and IT plans approved strategic IT plan
strategy. objectives. Assess the tactical IT meetings where business
performance objectives in terms of representatives
availability, functionality, current total A R C C I have actively participated
cost of ownership and return on - Delay between updates of IT
investment. strategic
plan and updates of IT tactical
PO2 Define the information architecture.
3 Create and maintain one list; identify - Frequency of updates to the
and describe the major data elements data
Establish an
for the enterprise and their syntax enterprise model
enterprise data model R C A
rules, and consider who can access and - Percent of data elements that - The existence of an
that incorporates a
modify. do not have approved data model
data classification
an owner - Percent of
scheme to ensure the
4 Define and implement measures to redundant/duplicate data
integrity and
ensure the integrity and consistency of - Percent of non-compliance elements
consistency of all
all data stored in electronic form, such A R C with the data
as databases, data warehouses and classification scheme
data archives.
PO3 Determine technological direction
Verify that the 5 Be aware of continuing support for
technology plans are current systems for their expected life
- The existence of an
adequate to span. Compare actual value for money - Frequency of the technology
approved and updated
accommodate likely against potential value for money of A R R infrastructure plan
technology infrastructure
changes in technology more recent but proven technology. review/update
and business

Complicating the current situation was an ongoing crisis—a failed implementation of the organization’s core business operations
system, an industry-specific common-off-the-shelf (COTS) application. This was the outcome of a three-year,
US $12 million project. Phases I and II were implemented in the prior year, and although there were several financial anomalies,
such as miscalculations of fees, the system response time was acceptable. When phase III was implemented in the current year
for the business areas with the highest volume transactions, response time plummeted. In some cases, a standard record update
resulted in a “hung” system—leaving the user to wonder whether the transaction had been processed (often it was “not”), which
resulted in lost records. Another serious issue was lack of data integrity, which was caused by a faulty data conversion process
from the previous system, which, it was later discovered, was the result of failing to successfully test the data conversion process.

Volume 1, January 2011 Page 2

Figure 3—COBIT Quickstart Evaluation Results Additionally, the previously identified financial
issues had not been addressed, and new
functionality designed to support web-based
COBIT Quick Start Evaluation Maturity Levels consumer transactions failed to process
Column1 1 2 3 4 5 information correctly. In short, the
PO1 Define a Strategic IT Plan organization was reeling from poor system
PO2 Define the information architecture response time, nonperforming functionality
PO3 Determine technological direction. and data integrity issues.
PO4 Define the IT processes, organization, and relationships
PO5 Manage the IT investment The consultant team was, thus, tasked with
PO6 Communicate management aims and direction. responding to these serious problems in
PO7 Manage IT human resources. assessing the IT organization’s performance
PO8 Manage quality. and maturity; additional root-cause issues
PO9 Assess and manage IT risks. would be discovered through the
PO10 Manage projects. assessment process. The consultant team
AI1 Identify automated solutions. leveraged several frameworks, including
AI2 Acquire and maintain application software. COBIT, the Norton/Kaplan strategy map and
2 3
AI3 Acquire and maintain technology infrastructure. BSC, ITIL, and Lean Six Sigma (LSS) to
AI4 Enable operation and use. identify issues, determine root causes and
AI5 Procure IT resources. recommend a go-forward plan.
AI6 Manage changes.
AI7 Install and accredit solution and changes. Objective/Approach
DS1 Define and manage service levels. The objective for this engagement was to
DS2 Manage third-party services.
provide a comprehensive strategy using the
DS3 Manage performance and capacity.
Norton/Kaplan BSC methodology and to
DS4 Ensure continuous service.
present a three-year operational plan
DS5 Ensure system security.
including recommendations to remedy issues
DS8 Manage service desk and incidents.
and measure progress. After the start of the
DS9 Manage the configuration.
project, the scope was increased to include
DS10 Manage problems.
root-cause analysis of the project failures.
DS11 Manage data.
DS12 Manage the physical environment. The time frame for the engagement was
DS13 Manage operations.
approximately three months—a relatively
ME1 Monitor and evaluate IT performance.
short period of time given the broad nature
ME2 Monitor and evaluation internal control.
of the objectives. The consultant team
ME3 Ensure compliance with external requirements.
designed a rapid assessment process
ME4 Provide IT governance.
(figure 1) consisting of interviews, focus
groups, a documentation review and observations. Both IT and business leaders were interviewed using a structured set of
® nd 4
open-ended questions and a COBIT self-assessment scale based on COBIT Quickstart, 2 Edition.

The data collection tool was tailored from COBIT Quickstart to focus on maturity and use of best practices. Practices were
assessed based on five levels of maturity. Figure 2 is an excerpt from the survey tool used to assess the client organization.
The maturity rating scale used in figure 2 is:
• 1—Initial/ad hoc
• 2—Repeatable but intuitive
• 3—Defined
• 4—Managed and measurable
• 5—Optimized
COBIT Quickstart was selected as the assessment framework, rather than COBIT 4.1, for two reasons. First, the length of
time for this engagement could not accommodate a full COBIT assessment, and second, the client did not specifically request
a COBIT assessment. The consultant team opted to use COBIT Quickstart as part of the assessment process because it
provides an organized IT evaluation framework with control objectives, best practices and suggested metrics for continuous
improvement. Use of this tool enabled input from the leadership team, users and IT professionals in a consistent, reliable
manner and within a compressed time frame.

Volume 1, January 2011 Page 3

As a result of the COBIT Quickstart analysis, several key issues were identified. These are indicated by the low maturity levels
shown in figure 3.

The issues identified in the survey and by the consultant (see figures 4-7) were summarized, and recommended initiatives
were defined. The summary tables were organized by COBIT process groups and indicate the issues, recommendations and
associated initiatives that the
Figure 4—Plan and Organize Summary client adopted.

With the input of the
organization’s leadership
team, a future vision and
strategy were created that
defined the results expected
from the IT organization, such
as accurate, timely and
accessible data; proactive
support; and innovative ideas.
These were translated into
timeless objectives depicted
in a strategy map.
Corresponding metrics were
then defined. Together, these
comprised the BSC, which
provided long-term direction
for achievement of the

The BSC typically has four

perspectives: financial,
customer, internal process,
and learning and growth (or
human capital). Figure 8
shows a slice of the BSC
representing an objective for
Figure 5—Acquire and Implement Summary
“quality solution delivery” in
the process perspective.

A thorough organizational
assessment was executed
that included evaluation of
each staff member’s skills,
abilities and interests, which
were then matched to a new
organization structure and
role set. This resulted in new
roles, responsibilities and
expectations. Additionally, the
longer-term initiatives, aligned
with the strategy, are now
underway. A program
management office in which
project disciplines are defined
has been put in place, a
solution architect has been

Volume 1, January 2011 Page 4

appointed, change and
Figure 6—Deliver and Support Summary
quality management
disciplines have been
adopted, and vendor and
financial management is
now functioning. An active
and proposed project
portfolio now provides a
basis for prioritization of
work and governance. In
just a few months, these
changes have already
resulted in positive
outcomes. As one example,
a recent core system
upgrade was implemented
without a single issue.

As a result of this analysis,

recommendations and
tactical action items (e.g.,
elimination or redefinition of
certain roles, release of
certain employees) have
Figure 7—Monitor and Evaluate Summary been fulfilled. Also, system
issues such as performance
and data quality have been
resolved. Internal and
external clients have
provided unsolicited positive
feedback on IT’s overall
performance and
responsiveness, which is
evidence of the success of
this approach.

The organization adopted

an integrated change model
consisting of people,
process and technology
(figure 9). The focus on
“people” means ensuring
Figure 8—BSC Extract that the right people are in
the right roles with the right
Perspective Objective Definition Metric expectations for their
performance. This effort will
M5: Percent of project be completed over a four- to
Process P3: Use defined project tollgates completed six-month time frame.
P3: Deliver methodology with tollgates
quality (milestone sign-offs) to ensure M6: Percent of projects Optimizing these processes
solutions, on that projects are delivered with delivered on-time, on- will take longer; however,
time and on repeatable, industry standard budget, at a high quality, preliminary definitions of
budget, that processes. Projects should in line with expectations governance, project
meet the result in quality business on functions management and quality
business solutions based on management are already
M7: Number of missed
needs. documented requirements and underway. These will be
requirements after design
business case. refined over time through
is complete

Volume 1, January 2011 Page 5

Figure 9—Summary Road Map for IT Maturity use and feedback.
Technology and/or tools are
being implemented to drive
efficiency in previously
defined processes, which are
executed by skilled people.
This organization has now
deployed and implemented a
quality management tool,
which is enabling the
organization to evaluate its
project management and
portfolio management options
more efficiently, accurately
and comprehensively.

The consultant team used
COBIT Quickstart to evaluate
the current state of the
organization and the BSC to define and refine the vision and strategy. Leveraging both of these frameworks, a three-year road
map was presented, which will evolve the organization’s maturity level to at least a level three. The organizational assessment
was completed four months after the engagement concluded. This resulted in the release of several low-performing
associates, the elimination of low-value positions, and the creation or redefinition of several critical roles. Although processes
are still being developed and refined, the organization’s internal and external clients have already experienced improved
system performance, proactive support and a customer-centric attitude through IT leadership.

Serena Frank, PMP

has been a leader in strategy and project management for nearly 25 years. Frank is the principal consultant for 360°
performance excellence, which includes corporate strategic planning, governance, project management office and
organizational alignment, at Diane Meiller & Associates in 2009. She is currently leading engagements focused on project
management, organizational strategy and development, metrics-based management, process improvement, leadership
development, risk management, and governance. Frank has previously worked at Walt Disney World, Harcourt, and
Wyndham Vacation Ownership.

Kaplan, Robert S.; David P. Norton; The Strategy-focused Organization: How Balanced Scorecard Companies Thrive in the New Business Environment,
Harvard Business School, USA, 2001
Office of Government Commerce, ITIL, UK, www.itil-officialsite.com
George, Michael L.; The Lean Six Sigma Pocket Toolbook: A Quick Reference Guide to Nearly 100 Tools for Improving Process Quality, Speed, and
Complexity, McGraw-Hill, USA, 2005
IT Governance Institute, COBIT Quickstart, 2nd Edition, USA, 2007, www.itgi.org and www.isaca.org

Laugh & Learn: Cloud Computing and the Genie

By Corjan Bast
A chief information officer (CIO) who recently got involved in her first cloud computing initiative was walking on the
beach in Atlantic City, New Jersey, USA, when she came across a bottle. When she rubbed the bottle, a genie
appeared. The genie was so grateful for being freed that he said that he would grant the CIO one wish.

The CIO thought about it for a moment, and then said, "I've always wanted to go to Bermuda. What I really wish is
that you would build me a superhighway from Atlantic City to Bermuda so I could drive there easily."

Volume 1, January 2011 Page 6

The genie got annoyed, saying, "What kind of idea is that? Do you know how
hard that would be and how much concrete it would take? Not to mention the Research Update
environmental impact…"

So, the CIO said she would think of another wish. "OK then, what I want is
this," she said. "I wish that all the applications that my organization is COBIT 5
currently running, new or old, developed in-house or off-the-shelf, are moved Visit the COBIT 5 Initiative
into the cloud." page for status updates.
The genie thought for a moment and then replied, "So, how many lanes did
you want on that superhighway?"

Transitioning to the Cloud New Materials for Academia

Cloud computing is not a new phenomenon; the concepts have been around for Information Security Using the
years, but only recently have providers of cloud solutions started to offer innovative CISM Review Manual and
solutions that really benefit the organization. The move to the cloud for an BMIS™ series is available to
organization, however, can be quite a challenge. It is probably not as complex as academics:
building a superhighway and taking into account considerations of the environment,
• Caselets
complexity of design and impact on people’s habitat, but it is still something that will
involve significant organizational change. • More4Less Foods Case
The first thing to do is to ensure a strong understanding of what cloud computing is • Caselets and More4Less
all about. For example, the CIO in the story wants to move all applications to the
cloud. But it may not make sense to run all applications in the cloud. It may not be Foods Case Study—Teaching
possible or necessary to run applications developed in-house in a virtual Notes

To determine the need and appropriateness of moving an application to the cloud,

try to find out the business challenge: What is being solved by running the
application in a virtual environment? If it is improved availability, consider the Upcoming Releases
availability processes of ITIL to see whether something is lacking there. If it is cost, Publications scheduled to be
there may be a cheaper option; consider the COBIT processes that focus on the available in the first quarter of
financials. For example, AI5 Procure IT resources can improve the organization’s 2011 as complimentary PDFs for
ability to negotiate good deals and obtain value for money. DS9 Manage the ISACA members and for
configuration can help clarify the cost of assets, reduce the number of software
licenses that are not used, etc. There are many more processes provided by COBIT purchase in the ISACA
that can help focus on the financial side of IT.
1 Bookstore include:
• COBIT® Mapping: Mapping
In addition, perhaps the application or service that is intended to move to the cloud
CMMI® for Development V1.2
already exists in the cloud in one way or another. Moving an organization to the cloud
will mean massive change, and a solid strategy is essential to back it up. It seems With COBIT® 4.1
that the CIO in the story does not have a clear picture yet. Here are some tips to get • COBIT® Mapping: Mapping
started: ISO 20000 With COBIT® 4.1
1. Try to clearly understand the types of clouds. There are two primary types: the
public cloud and the private cloud (a third one, the hybrid cloud, is a combination
of the two).
2. Understand the three major cloud service models: software as a service (SaaS),
platform as a service (PaaS) and infrastructure as a service (IaaS). Visit the ISACA Bookstore to
order these and other related
There are some good sources to get started:
• Defining a Framework for Cloud Adoption, which provides a good overview and
2 publications.
a framework to take the first steps
• Cloud Computing for Dummies

• Cloud Computing: Business Benefits With Security, Governance and Assurance

• Cloud Computing Management Audit/Assurance Program

Volume 1, January 2011 Page 7

Once a solid understanding of cloud computing is reached, it may be time to start an awareness and training program to help
the organization move forward and prepare itself for the necessary change. Here are a few ingredients:
• Start with a message from the CIO that outlines the strategic direction for the organization and the benefits that the cloud
will bring.
• Start training key employees on the concepts, terminology and fundamentals of virtualization and cloud computing.
• Provide certification at the end of training to help build credibility for the program.
• Offer town-hall sessions and lunch-and-learn meetings to engage employees and involve them. Key people will move on
to learn about the tools and software products that the organization starts using.

Do not underestimate the journey of cloud computing; anyone who believes that adopting cloud computing is as easy as
flipping a switch probably also believes in fairy tales. But, with the correct approach and a good understanding before the
journey begins, there is no need for a genie in a bottle, either.

Corjan Bast
is global product manager of ITpreneurs, where he is responsible for overseeing the IT governance portfolio. He works closely
with experts at standards authorities to shape best-practice standards into innovative learning solutions. In addition, he
collaborates with other professionals to publish articles and present the latest trends in the IT governance arena at industry
consortia events. Previously, Bast was an IT governance consultant for a firm that focused on assisting Fortune 1,000
organizations implementing IT governance frameworks, such as COBIT and Val IT. He currently resides in Tampa, Florida,
USA, and can be reached at corjan.bast@itpreneurs.com.

ITpreneurs, “Five Steps to Convince Management to Start Using COBIT,” www.itpreneurs.com/index.php/en/news/item/88-five-steps-to-convince-
IBM, Defining a Framework for Cloud Adoption, USA, 2010, ftp://public.dhe.ibm.com/common/ssi/sa/wh/n/ciw03067usen/CIW03067USEN.PDF
Hurwitz, Judith; Robin Bloor; Marcia Kaufman; Fern Halper; Cloud Computing for Dummies, Wiley Publishing, USA, 2009
ISACA, Cloud Computing: Business Benefits With Security, Governance and Assurance Perspectives, white paper, USA, 2010, www.isaca.org/cloud
ISACA, Cloud Computing Management Audit/Assurance Program, USA, 2010, www.isaca.org/auditprograms. In addition to this audit program and the
previously noted white paper, ISACA also offers a webcast, held a virtual seminar (archive available) and dedicates a web page in its Knowledge Center to
the subject.

Solo Cup: Using COBIT to Develop IT Policies

By Michael Ryan, CIA, CPA, and Kumar Setty, CISA
The following case study represents an example in which COBIT was used to assist in the development of a set of IT policies.
COBIT was used effectively to identify the key control elements for Solo Cup Co.’s initial set of draft IT policies. COBIT was
selected because the organization recognized it as the standard and framework for IT controls. In addition, the control
objectives presented by COBIT link very well with Solo’s existing IT processes. The principal advantage of using COBIT was
that it affords flexibility and ensures sufficient coverage through its detailed control objective statements, ensuring that no
critical areas were neglected.

Use of COBIT
Developing an IT policy framework from scratch can be a very daunting challenge for even the most experienced audit
professionals. It is not uncommon to find even larger companies lacking an IT framework and policies. Solo inherited a broader set
of policies from IT and then utilized COBIT to develop the secondary nodes of its draft IT policy framework (figure 1).

At Solo, the policy framework was defined to cover the following major IT general computer control areas:
• Ensure systems security.
• Manage the configuration.
• Manage data.
• Manage operations.
• Install and accredit solutions and changes.
• Manage problems and incidents.

Volume 1, January 2011 Page 8

• Manage third parties.
• End-user computing

The major general computer control areas were used to develop the IT policy framework shown in figure 1 and represent, to
a large extent, the top node.

The top node of figure 1 represents the policy areas that were inherited from IT. The COBIT guidelines were used to further
refine the subcontrol areas below the top node. The COBIT control objectives were added to Solo’s risk control matrix and
were prefixed with the question “What ensures that…?”

Once the basic framework was established, a set of draft IT policies was developed by asking the question: What are we
supposed to do? This question enabled IT and the audit teams to develop the major policy topics and appropriate policy
language to ensure control objective compliance. Then, the procedures within the policies were developed by asking the
question: How are we supposed to do it? This question facilitated the development of the specific procedures within the
policies to ensure that the appropriate and correct actions were linked back to the original control objectives.

The first versions of the policies were checked for adequacy by comparing the policy content and the risk control framework
with the appropriate COBIT control areas. Subsequent refinements of the policies were developed in cooperation with IT and
by prefixing the COBIT control objectives in the risk control matrix with “What ensures that…?” This question facilitated the
identification of content gaps along with the comparison with COBIT control objectives to ensure that existing controls covered

Figure 1—Draft IT Policy Framework

Volume 1, January 2011 Page 9

the elements of the COBIT controls. After gaps were identified, the policies were edited to close content gaps. After several
iterations between internal audit and IT management, IT policies were developed and made available to the entire company.

Example—Developing the User Access Management Policy

Access control was identified as a critical element in the top node of Solo’s IT policy framework (figure 1). Using COBIT, it
was determined that user access management should be a subelement of access control. The User Account Management
control objective (figure 2) makes reference to the life cycle of user accounts with respect to hires, changes and terminations.
Using Solo’s existing access control policy and the COBIT control objective in the risk control matrix (figure 3), a general
outline and resulting first draft of the user access management policy were developed.

Prefixing the control objective in the risk control matrix with “What ensures that..?” enabled the IT and audit teams to further
develop the first draft of the user access management policy by checking each part of the COBIT control objective, which
resulted in a subsequent
Figure 2—COBIT 4.1 Control DS5 refinement of the first draft.

The user access management

policy draft then underwent
successive refinements by
asking the question “What are
we supposed to do?” This
question enabled the team to
determine that there should be
a topic devoted to separations
of employees from the
company and that a secure
notification process, an
execution process and an audit
trail of the separation should be
developed and outlined in the
policy (figure 4).

The associated procedures

were then further developed by
asking, “How are we supposed
to do it?” The specific
procedures for notification of
separation, execution of
separation and recording of the
separation event were
developed and refined to
complete the final draft of the

The COBIT control objective

was used to develop
successive refinements to the
user access management
policy. To identify content gaps,
the “What ensures that…?”
column was prefixed to the
control objective within Solo’s
framework (figure 3). After
gaps were identified, the policy
was edited to close the content

Source: IT Governance Institute, COBIT 4.1, USA, 2007

Volume 1, January 2011 Page 10

Figure 3—Risk Control Matrix Excerpt

Source: Solo Cup Co. Used with permission.

Figure 4a—Draft User Access Management Policy

Source: Solo Cup Co. Used with permission.

Volume 1, January 2011 Page 11

Figure 4b—Draft User Access Management Policy

Source: Solo Cup Co. Used with permission.

COBIT offers a proven and effective set of guidelines for ensuring that IT policies present sufficient coverage of common
control objectives and for identifying control gaps. The control elements within COBIT contained the appropriate content,
depth and breadth to ensure that the major IT policy control areas were meeting the control objectives as described by
COBIT. The COBIT framework streamlined the process of developing a comprehensive set of IT policies. In the absence of
COBIT, this effort might not have been as comprehensive and could have required an inordinate amount of time.

Michael Ryan, CIA, CPA

has 18 years combined internal and external auditing experience for a variety of organizations including Solo Cup Co., Career
Education Corp., United Airlines and PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP. His experience includes building new audit departments
and improving the efficiency and effectiveness of existing departments. His primary responsibility over the past seven years
has been to build and execute the US Sarbanes-Oxley Act 404 compliance strategies, focus and coverage for two multibillion-
dollar companies with brand-new audit functions. Ryan is the director of internal audit for Solo Cup Co. and a past officer of
the Northwest Metro Chicago Chapter of The Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA).

Kumar Setty, CISA

has more than 10 years of experience in the areas of data analysis, systems administration, auditing and computer security.
Setty worked as a consultant for many small to large companies performing US Sarbanes-Oxley Act compliance, auditing,
fraud detection and prevention, and computer security reviews for a variety of industries and organizations. He is the IT audit
manager for Solo Cup Co.

The Need for Value Management Has Never Been Greater

By Peter Harrison
The disciplines of value management, as contained in The Val IT™ Framework 2.0, will have even more relevance in 2011 as
the ever-increasing focus on value drives many enterprises to review seriously and strengthen their approaches and practices
to optimising business value from their portfolio of IT-enabled investments and services.

The Val IT 2.0 value management practices and processes are more relevant today than when they were when first published

Volume 1, January 2011 Page 12

in 2008. The International Organization for Standardization (ISO), legislators and analysts are now talking the value
language—promoting the need for stronger business governance of IT and the need for IT to strengthen its business
partnerships to jointly focus on outcomes. Indeed, many public and private enterprises are now successfully institutionalising
the value management disciplines. This is resulting in:
• An increased understanding of the nature of value and how it is created
• Transparency in costs, risks and benefits
• The ability to make more informed business decisions (based on business value)

What Has Changed Since Val IT 2.0 Was Launched?

The challenges most enterprises have in realising business value from their IT-enabled investments have remained the
same—namely, how to understand and manage IT, not as an end to itself, but as a means to enable business outcomes.

However, the opportunity for value management disciplines to add value has grown significantly since 2008. This is evidenced
by the impact of the global financial crisis (GFC) on many enterprises. The GFC highlighted value management weaknesses
in many enterprises. It has been identified that many enterprises were facing unparalleled challenges in managing their (IT)
investment portfolio. In particular, these challenges involved the four issues outlined in figure 1.

During the GFC, it was difficult to avoid the ‘slash and burn’ of the portfolio of IT-enabled investments. However, approaching
this cutback reflected a great deal on the maturity of those enterprises in value management. Several enterprises, in response
to directives to cut portfolio spending, cut 20 percent off all projects. This response indicates insufficient understanding of the
value of prioritising what was the least valuable 20 percent to the organisation.

Working out the GFC impacts has brought a return to limited spending on growth initiatives (including those enabled by IT)
and, thus, the need to prioritise and fund the most valuable opportunities that these investments provide. There is now much
more caution and interest in value-based approaches to this task.

In the meantime, failures of large IT-enabled transformation initiatives continue and feature prominently in the press, such as
the headline from the UK newspaper The Independent: ‘Labour’s Computer Blunders Cost £26bn’. The article featured
alarming details on the ‘series of botched IT projects [that] has left taxpayers with a bill of more than £26bn for computer
systems that have suffered severe delays, run millions of pounds over budget or have been cancelled altogether’.

The author concludes that many more enterprises are now ready and keen to have a serious value management
conversation. When making investment decisions, enterprises are recognising that outcomes and value are far more
important focuses than
Figure 1—The Unparalleled Challenges Facing Organisations cost and technology.

Evidence of An
Increasing Focus on
Value Governance
and Management
The focus and need for
value management (and,
therefore, the need for a
structured approach
such as Val IT 2.0) is
increasing. This is
illustrated in the
following areas:
• An international
standard on
governance of IT—
ISO/IEC 38500,
published in 2008, is
an international

Volume 1, January 2011 Page 13

standard (not a framework) for corporate governance of information technology. It defines six principles, on which it is
1. Establish responsibilities.
2. Plan to best support the organisation.
3. Acquire validly.
4. Ensure performance when required.
5. Ensure conformance with rules.
6. Ensure respect for human factors.

This standard has been well received as a means of engaging business executives in the discussion of business
governance of IT. As a framework for value governance and management, Val IT can support the implementation of the
standard’s principles.
• Legislative interest in improving governance around IT—The US House of Representatives is currently considering a
bill cited as the ‘Information Technology (IT) Investment Oversight Enhancement and Waste Prevention Act of 2009’
(S. 920). This bill seeks to require federal agencies to have greater oversight of project progress and success and more
detailed reporting on, amongst other things, ‘the achievement of program and investment outcomes’. This bill aims to
assist in holding agencies accountable for project spending and achievement of business value. Val IT, as well as COBIT
and Risk IT, will be well placed to support agencies with this legislative requirement.
• Articles and book publications on business value of IT—InformationWeek recently ran a series of articles titled ‘The
Business Value of Technology’, and books continue to be written on this subject. The Real Business of IT—How CIOs
Create and Communicate Value argues that the importance of the IT function is being able to show value for money,
focus on business outcomes (vs. on the ‘machines’ of IT), manage the portfolio transparently and manage IT projects as
business investments. All of these messages align with the Val IT framework.
• Research and surveys—The subject of whether IT projects are delivering measurable business value has been the
subject of many research studies. One of the latest is ‘Shifting Focus—Shifting Results’ from the CIO Executive Council
and Capability Management. The key findings affirm the challenges of value management:
- 20 years of improving project practices and standards have not led to improved value delivery.
- 82 percent of IT business cases are designed to deliver IT assets only.
- Almost half of CIOs (46 percent) consider their current business case a ‘destroyer’ of value.
- 82 percent of businesses do not have a formal process to govern benefits realisation.

There is currently much discussion and seriousness of intent about value governance and management, and a growing need
for enterprises to comply with good practices in this area. Val IT is well placed to support this need.

Practical Experiences of Enterprises After Introducing Value Management Based on Val IT

The author has assisted several global enterprises in developing or strengthening their value management disciplines. These
• A manufacturing firm where the challenge of prioritisation of transformation programs was addressed by introducing a
portfolio management value scoring framework and a benefits realisation process
• A mining enterprise where the challenge of the historical tactical focus of IT was addressed by introducing stronger
portfolio management disciplines with alignment to business strategy and stronger governance structures and processes

The experiences from these and other enterprises in introducing value management emphasise the need to develop value
management capabilities that recognise a number of points: the maturity of the organisation, the level of executive support
and the need to manage this as a change programme in its own right. Further reading on the practicalities of introducing value
management can be found in the Val IT publication Getting Started With Value Management.

To articulate these types of experiences, ISACA is continuing to identify and record Val IT success stories. A recent case
study detailed the implementation of Val IT by ICW.

Future of Val IT
Val IT 2.0 was developed to help enterprises optimise the realisation of value from IT investments. It is a governance
framework that consists of a set of guiding principles and a number of processes that conform to those principles and are
further defined as a set of key management practices. It supports the business (enterprise) governance of IT.

Volume 1, January 2011 Page 14

Figure 2—The Val IT Framework 2.0 Domains and Processes

Source: ISACA, The Val IT Framework 2.0, USA, 2008

The processes and key management practices are structured into three domains:
• Value Governance (VG)—Aims to ensure that value management practices are embedded in the enterprise, enabling it
to secure optimal value from its IT-enabled investments
• Portfolio Management (PM)—Aims to ensure that the enterprise secures optimal value across its portfolio of IT-enabled
• Investment Management (IM)—Aims to ensure the enterprise’s individual IT-enabled investments contribute to optimal

An overview of the processes in each domain is found in figure 2.

As part of the evolution and consolidation of ISACA’s frameworks, the Val IT framework will be incorporated into the new
COBIT 5 framework and will form the value delivery components of COBIT 5 practices.

In conclusion, the Val IT Framework 2.0 provides proven practices to help enterprises address the value management and
governance challenges described in this article. The principles and practices of Val IT will be relevant in 2011 and beyond to
enterprises who seek to implement and operationalise value management disciplines.

Peter Harrison
is the lead for the value management practice with IBM Australia. He was a member of the ISACA Val IT Steering Committee
and development team and is a member of the ISACA COBIT 5 Task Force.

This is based on the author’s work with global clients.

Volume 1, January 2011 Page 15

This is based on the author’s experience.
The Independent, “Labour’s Computer Blunders Cost £26bn’, UK, 19 January 2010
Hunter, Richard; George Westerman; The Real Business of IT—How CIOs Create and Communicate Value, Harvard Business Press, 2009
CIO Executive Council and Capability Management, ‘Shifting Focus Shifting Results’, a joint research initiative, September 2010, www.capability.com.au
IT Governance Institute, Enterprise Value: Governance of IT Investments, Getting Started With Value Management, 2008, http://www.isaca.org/Knowledge-
ITGI, ‘Val IT Case Study: ICW Group Uses Val IT to Pursue Ambitious Revenue Goal’, 2010,

New COBIT Case Study: Banco Supervielle S.A.

Banco Supervielle S.A. has grown considerably and steadily in the last 15 years, and is now one of the main private banks of
the Argentine Republic. To increase this expansion, the directors of the enterprise have focused on improving technology
services administration, specifically by implementing a master plan providing for the governance of IT.

In 2009, Banco Supervielle S.A. launched an IT governance project, which stemmed from key issues such as the
improvement of strategy-business alignment; the need to generate a language friendly enough to be interpreted, managed,
improved and understood by both IT and business areas in terms of fulfilling internal controls and being aware of each
person’s role within IT processes; and compliance with all regulations set by the different controlling agencies governing the
bank’s activity—most important, the Central Bank of the Argentine Republic.

Based on the needs of the enterprise, COBIT was seen as the best reference framework to use as a guideline. Using COBIT’s
control objectives and processes allowed Banco Supervielle S.A. to trace a road map to better achieve the enterprise’s
desired maturity level. Several initiatives are underway, and business continuity has been improving. Management is
confident that implementing the COBIT framework will enable the bank to achieve its objective of growth.

Click here for the full text of this and other COBIT case studies.

COBIT Focus is published by ISACA. Opinions Framework Committee

expressed in COBIT Focus represent the views
Patrick Stachtchenko, CISA, CGEIT, CA, France, chair
of the authors. They may differ from policies and
Steven A. Babb, CGEIT, UK
official statements of ISACA and its committees,
Sushil Chatterji, CGEIT, Singapore
and from opinions endorsed by authors, Sergio Fleginsky, CISA, Uruguay
employers or the editors of COBIT Focus.
John W. Lainhart IV, CISA, CISM, CGEIT, USA
COBIT Focus does not attest to the originality of
Mario C. Micallef, CGEIT, CPAA, FIA, Malta
authors’ content.
Derek J. Oliver, Ph.D., DBA, CISA, CISM, CITP, FBCS, FISM, UK
© 2011 ISACA. All rights reserved. Robert G. Parker, CISA, CA, CMC, FCA, Canada
Jo Stewart-Rattray, CISA, CISM, CGEIT, CSEPS, Australia
Instructors are permitted to photocopy isolated Robert E. Stroud, CGEIT, USA
articles for noncommercial classroom use without Rolf M. von Roessing, CISA, CISM, CGEIT, Germany
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permission must be obtained in writing from the Editorial Content
association. Please contact Julia Fullerton at Comments regarding the editorial content may be directed to
jfullerton@isaca.org. Jennifer Hajigeorgiou, senior editorial manager, at

©2011 ISACA. All rights reserved.

Volume 1, January 2011 Page 16

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