Doctrine: Doctrine:: Sitchon v. Aquino 98 Phil. 458 (1955) Velasco v. Manila Electric Co

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Sitchon v. Aquino 98 Phil. 458 [1955] Velasco v. Manila Electric Co.

Doctrine: Doctrine:
Houses constructed without governmental authority on public streets and river Noise may constitute a nuisance but it must be of such character as to produce
beds for they obstruct at all times the free use by the public of said places are actual physical discomfort and annoyance to a person of ordinary sensibilities.
considered nuisance. As such, they may be summarily removed without judicial
proceedings. FACTS:
Velasco bought three (3) adjoining lots. He sold two (2) of these to Meralco and
The duties vested in the district health officer in case of nuisances may be placed maintained the last one as his residence. Meralco constructed on their lots a sub-station
upon other officers as may be designated by special provision of law. at a distance of 10-20 meters away from appellant’s house. The company also built a
concrete wall at the sides along the streets but put up only an interlink wire fence
(previously a sawali wall) on the boundary with appellant. An unceasing sound
FACTS: emanates from the substation, caused by transformers. Such, appellent contends,
This decision stems from six (6) different suits. All of the petitioners implead constitute a nuisance which has worsened his health condition and has lowered the
Aquino (the City Engineer of Manila) as respondent so that he may be enjoined from value of his property. Several witnesses came forth but their testimonies were vague
causing the demolition of their respective houses situated in different areas along public and imprecise. Resort was made to a sound level meter. The audible sound from
streets in Manila inasmuch as these constitute public nuisances. All of the petitioners different areas in Velaso’s property was measured in terms of decibels. It was found
occupied the subject parcels of land initially entirely without consent. However, all of that the sound exceeded the average intensity levels of residences.
them subsequently paid concession fees or damages for the use of the land with the
agreement that such payment and consent shall be without prejudice to an order to ISSUE:
vacate. The time came when the City Engineer demanded that petitioners vacate the Can there be a nuisance caused by noise or sound?
occupied streets. Unheeded, he threatened to demolish the houses. Petitioners contend
that by virtue of arts. 700 and 702, the power to remove public nuisances is vested in HELD:
the District Health Officer, not in the City Engineer. Yes. Several American decisions are cited showing that noise is an actionable
nuisance. In fact, Kentucky v. Anderson dealt with noise emanating from electrical
ISSUES: machinery and appliances.
Is there a public nuisance? Does the City Engineerhave authority to cause the
abatement of the nuisance? The determining factor, however, is not just intensity or volume. It must be of
such character as to produce actual physical discomfort and annoyance to a person of
HELD: ordinary sensibilities. However, appellant’s testimony is too plainly biased. Nor are the
There is a public nuisance. This case falls on art. 694 par. 4, classifying as a witnesses’ testimonies revealing on account of different perceptions. Consequently,
nuisance the obstruction of free passage of any public highway or street. It is public sound level meters were used.
because it affects a community or neighbourhood. The constructions in fact constitute
nuisances per se, obstructing at all times the streets. As such, the summary removal of As stated above, the sound exceeds average residential decibels. Also, the
these may be authorized by statute or ordinance. testimonies of appellant’s physicians (which were more reliable since they actually
treated him, unlike the appellee’s) point to the noise as having caused appellant loss of
Aquino, as City Engineer, is vested with authority to effect the abatement of the sleep, irritation and tension weakening his constitution. Notable lastly is the fact that in
nuisances through demolition. By virtue of the Revised Charter of Manila, such duty, the Kentucky case, where the nuisance was ordered abated, the average reading was
among others, was placed upon him. Arts. 700 and 702 must yield to this provision not 44 decibels while in the instant, the readings include 52, 54, and 55. The decision goes
only because it is later law but also because of the principle that special provisions on to discuss the proper award of damages.
prevail over general ones. Moreover, an ordinance authorized the action sought to be
taken by respondent. Meralco was ordered either to transfer the facilities or reduce the produced
sound to around.

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