Maeda-Onaka, Joint Venture: Generic Lifting Plan
Maeda-Onaka, Joint Venture: Generic Lifting Plan
Maeda-Onaka, Joint Venture: Generic Lifting Plan
Delivery ofand installation
building of mixing
materials plant equipment
to domestic using a ______
and non-domestic crane.
premises using a lorry-loader.
2. Basic Details.
Site Description a) plant
Mixing Domestic.
equipment will be installed on government approved location over existing
& Site Details. b) Non-Domestic.
ac pavement (with temporary steel plate). Area is near bodies of water (berth #1).
c) Refer to delivery ticket.
Load Information. d) Refer
Various to delivery
equipment ticket.
for mixing plant
e) Refer to appropriate Product Handling Procedure (PHP).
Loader f) terrain
Rough Refer tocrane,
Loader Matrix
_____ Guide
tons at front of PHP folder.
Site Conditions. Siteg)condition
Site conditions must beNowithin
will be evaluated. the scope
lifting when outlined
wind speed within
greater thatthe enclosed
20mph Risk
Working at when attaching High Sling to be pre attached to lifting points Low
or removing or in correct manner for product from
slings from load PHP file from ground level at loading
High wind
causes load to Low
f) High Wind speed
Wind speed toto be
be checked
checked visually
visually by
or by
collide with
Anemometer before lift starts. Lift to be
Environme fixed object Beaufort scale (copy in PHP file) or by
aborted if wind speed exceeds 20mph.
ntal Anemometer before lift starts. Lift to be
conditions Craneloader
Lorry becomes aborted if wind speed exceeds 30mph.
becomes High Low
Important: If any other issues or hazards are identified beyond the scope of those outlined in the above
4. Lift Categorisation.
Load: Basic.
Known Weight.
Known Centre of Gravity.
Within Capacity of Loader.
Not live.
Designated lifting points.
Known & manageable dimensions.
Environmental: Basic/Intermediate
The environmental conditions can vary significantly on each delivery. The enclosed Generic Risk Assessment
& Method Statement is designed to accommodate all basic and low-level intermediate scenarios.
Travis Perkins does not carry out Complex Lifting Operations under any circumstances. It is a disciplinary
offence for the Operator to exceed the scope of this documentation without written authorisation from an
authorised Appointed Person.
5. Lifting Team
All roles
Rolesand responsibilitiesshown
& Responsibilities will beare
assigned by the
only based onCrane supervisor
the Lift prior tooutlined
Categorisation lift. Anyinchanges/additions
Section 4 above.
required to the lifting team will be determined and approved by competent personnel.
Under such circumstances, the Operator is deemed by default to be his own Crane Supervisor and is
responsible for ensuring the lifting operation can be carried out within the scope of this document.
In the event of the Lift Categorisation increasing in complexity, it is the responsibility of the Appointed
Person to determine any changes/additions required to the lifting team.
6. Equipment To Be Used
1. 25Travis
The tons Perkins
Productcrane fromProcedure
Handling a lease company
(PHP) File contains a detailed Safe System of Work in relation to
2. Delivery truck
the handling of each product and states clearly which vehicle, loader; attachment/accessory specification is
required to safely carry out this task.
a) Arrive on site & report to person named on delivery ticket or their nominated representative.
b) Carry out risk & environmental assessment to ensure that the lifting operation can be carried out within the
scope of this document, paying particular attention to wind speed, overhead cables, pedestrians or local
Project supervisor or SSHO to verify crane registrations, maintenance checklist, daily equipment checklist, and
operator, rigger, signal man license. Discuss lifting and safety procedures in carrying the task.
hazards. Should the delivery require the vehicle to travel onto the customer property an indemnity form be
signed by the customer prior to leaving the public highway.
c) Site the loader including dumping & locking of air suspension ( if manual operation ), deploy stabiliser’s as
per manufacturers instructions & secure working area as necessary.
Perform lifting
d) Carryout operation
the lifting in accordance
operation as per thewith approved
delivery ticketlifting
& PHPplan.
document for the products to be delivered.
N.B. It is a disciplinary offence to lift any goods other than those stated on the delivery ticket.
e) Stow securely any lifting equipment, stow away & secure the loader / brick grab, including the resetting of
the suspension if required & double check all stabilisers are securely locked in the travel position. Ensure any
goods still on the vehicle for further deliveries or return are secured for travel.
f) Clear & stow any cones or barriers & ensure any spray flaps are unclipped from the off road position.
g) Obtain customer signature.
9. Signatures
Appointed Person I have prepared this method statement and authorise Signature
the Lifting Team to proceed with the lifting operation in
compliance with this document. Any changes to the A.Hollingsworth
specified procedure must be approved by me before the
lifting operation begins Print
Andrew Hollingsworth
Crane Supervisor I have been briefed on this Method Statement by the Signature
Appointed Person. I have checked that the lifting plan
reflects the situation on site and the details are correct. I
have briefed the contents of the Method Statement to Print
the other members of the Lifting Team
Crane Operator
Lorry Loader I have been briefed on and understand the Method Signature
Statement for this lifting operation.
Crane Supervisor is the driver / Loader operator by default & requires the driver’s signature.
Slinger / Signaller is also the driver / loader operator signature by default as he carries out his own slinging.
Driver signs as Loader operator as he is the operator.