4/5 Grade Recorder Within Usd 383: Teacher Guide

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The document outlines an introductory recorder unit for 4th and 5th grade students. It will utilize various online tools and be designed to transition between in-person and virtual instruction depending on COVID-19 conditions.

The resources being used include the Canvas online platform, Zoom for virtual meetings, MusicPlay for lessons and videos, and Recorder Karate materials. Students will also use iPads provided by the school district.

The goals of the unit are for students to learn to read standard music notation, demonstrate musical qualities through performance, and develop fundamental recorder playing skills.




FALL 2020
Rachel Mallon
– Table of Contents –

Introduction ……………………………………………….……………………………………........................................ 2

Unit Goals with Standards Alignment …………………………………………………………........................... 3

Resource Summaries ……………………………………………….……………………………………………………. 4




Music Play Online

Recorder Karate

Concept Lessons and Assessments

Lesson 1: A&B Blues …………………………………………………………………………………………... 7

Lesson 2: Hot Cross Buns …………………………………………………………………………………. 10

Intro Recorder Karate Packet ……………………………………………………………………………………… 13

Rubric for Belt Testing ………………………………………………………………………………………………... 16

– Introduction –

This unit is designed for 4th and 5th grade recorder at <DISTRICT>. In 4th grade, these

students are completely new to the instrument but 5 th grade was scheduled to complete

this unit in Spring of 2020 but was halted due to the pandemic. During Fall 2020, every K-

12 student in the district is on site two days a week and virtual for three days; with

Wednesday as an all-students remote day. Due to increases in cases, the unit is designed to

go online at any point and should be a smooth transition with small changes in modalities.

Students are grouped into sections named A (Attend Monday and Tuesday, remote

rest), B (Attend Thursday and Friday, remote rest), and D (Attend 4 days based on

IEPs/parents working in district). For these grade levels, we will meet in person in the

afternoons on Tuesday and Friday. The total students participating in this unit is 91, split

between 5 classes. The average class size for 4th grade is 16 and for 5th grade it is 20.

Resources used for this classroom are Canvas, Zoom, Musicplay, Recorder Karate,

and iPads provided by the district. Students will meet either on Tuesday, Friday, or both

depending on which section they are in. D group students are still expected to complete

online lessons on Thursday and Friday. This unit is designed for the first two weeks as an

introduction into recorder to set fundamentals and foundations.

– Unit Goals with Standard Alignment –

By the end of this unit introduction, students will…

 Read and perform music using standard notation.


 Demonstrate music qualities such as dynamics, tempo, and style through


 Develop fundamental skills to create a well-rounded sound.


– Summary of Resources –

This web-based, course management system allows for classes taught in

person and remote to be taught synchronously including assignments, grades,
syllabi, discussions, quizzes, and other information. <DISTRICT> fully adapted
Canvas for every class within the district and provides templates so classes can be
set up in similar ways across curriculums. Students and parents have access to
grades, assignments, and other resources. Students will submit videos/text
submissions through assignments, where each student can receive individual
feedback on their playing.
On the canvas page for each class, students have access to weekly
assignments that may or may not have a submission required. Students have access
to a choice board, which includes additional activities for students that may get their
assignments done quickly and/or are looking for music-based activities. Students
explore programs such as Garageband, Chrome Music Lab, and other web-based
The grading system at this school is 1-2-3. 3 is above expectations, 2 is
meeting expectations, and 1 is below expectations/unable to assess. There are no
late penalties for assignments, and they must be turned in by the end of the quarter.


This online video conference application allows for classrooms to meet as a

group synchronously for classes. Within the video chat, students can be placed into
smaller groups called “break out rooms” and work with peers and create social
connections within an online learning environment. Lessons/meetings can be
recorded, uploaded, and used as resources for students who were not present or
may have questions about what was covered within the lesson as they practice on
their own.


Every student within the district is 1 to 1 with an iPad. Each iPad comes
preinstalled with Mosyle, a software management system which allows students to
download approved applications and teachers can temporarily turn off applications
during a class. With the iPads, students are held individually responsible for
completing work, keeping up with grades and assignments, and that their device is
there each and every day.


Music Play Online, also known as Themes & Variations, is an online
curriculum tool for K-8 general music. This company is based in Canada and was the
first music curriculum in Canada. The website is used for educators and students to
learn and plan a full year curriculum. This service is new to the district but has been
successful with all teachers in the district. A year subscription costs $150 and may
be cheaper with additional schools in a district.

Recorder Karate is the program and packet used for all of the music used for
belt testing. This will allow students to test for “belts” by using fundamentals
developed through lessons. After 2 weeks, students will have a testing week where
they will submit videos on Canvas to earn belts. Students have to pass each belt in
succession but can test at their own rate as well. In the packets, students will fill in
the blank of music theory about each song (time signature, note names, note values,

– Concept Lessons & Assessments –

Lesson 1: A&B Blues: Learn A & B ……………………………………………………………… 7

Lesson 2: Hot Cross Buns: Learn G …………………………………………………………… 10

In-Class Lesson A&B Blues – Learn B and A and Rhythm
Video Reflection
At Home Lesson Watch “First Sounds on the Recorder” and submit video
Practice along with “A&B Blues Practice Video”
Resources iPads, Garageband loops, MusicPlayOnline, A&B Presentation

Lesson Plan for the Nov. 2nd 4/5 Grade: B&A Blues on Recorder

Standards Being Addressed:


Materials of Instruction:

Recorders, Powerpoint, B&A Blues on Musicplay

Lesson Sequence (lessons may have more or less activities as appropriate):

Entry Transition:

Good morning class! Today we’re just going to need our recorder without the head joint. We
have to wear masks, so we don’t breathe out anything, right? So, we can’t really play in class. I’ll
be playing so you can hear what it should sound like, but later on at home you can play along
with Ms. Mallon on Canvas.

In Class Objective: Students will develop the skills needed to play B&A blues on recorder.
1. Look at Recorder, discuss structure of the recorder, and discuss hand position
a. T: “We’re going to start by looking at our recorder. What do we see?”
i. Holes, some are offset and one on opposite side.
b. T: “So these holes are set up so we know exactly where our hands are supposed to
go! We hold our recorder with the side with the most holes facing up and the one
with one hole facing down. Let’s hold the bottom of the recorder with our right
hand (not covering holes, just holding it). Place your left thumb on the bottom
hole. (Wait for S to place and find correct position) Next we’ll take our left index
finger on the highest up hole on the top. (wait for S to place and find correct
2. First note, B
a. Switch powerpoint slide to “B”
b. T: “We just found our first note! This is the note B, which is the third line on the
staff. This is what “B” sounds like (T plays B on recorder)
3. Second note, A
a. T: “Before we play our song, we have one more note to learn. We’re going to take
our middle finger on our left hand on that next hole. Can you show me that?”
i. S show the fingering for A
b. Switch slide on presentation to A
c. T: “This is called A and it sounds like this (T plays A on recorder). Now we can
learn our first song!! Set your recorders down and we’ll look at the rhythm of our
new song.
4. B&A Blues
a. Switch to rhythm slides
i. First two bars, second two bars, full second line, measures 9-10, 11-12,
then last line, then full song in rhythmic notation.

b. Review B&A
i. T: “So our song is called, B & A blues. What notes do you think we’re
going to use? (S answer B&A) Can you show me what B looks like?”
1. Look and see if S have retained the fingering for B, make
corrections as needed. Have S show A next.
c. Switch to line by line with song notation, ask what notes are on each line.
i. S and T will sing along with note names and rhythm, sing along while
fingering, S sing along while T plays.
ii. First two lines, then whole song with same instructions as above
d. Play/sing full song
i. Without accompaniment
ii. If possible, play once with accompaniment video on musicplay (Kit1
Highlights the notes!)

T watches/listens for S singing notes and fingering along with each rep, take note
with the last rep before adding accompaniment.
Great job today! Make sure to check your at home lesson to learn with Ms. Mallon.

Online Objective: Students will apply the skills learned in class to perform B&A blues and
practice submitting videos on Canvas.
1. Watch B&A Blues w/ Ms. Mallon
a. Summarized video of the in-class lesson that follows along with the powerpoint
and video on musicplay.
b. This video will also cover correct air and problem-solving skills if there’s
2. Watch “First Sounds on the Recorder” on Canvas
a. S will watch the First Sounds on the Recorder on canvas
Students will submit a video on canvas playing either 4 ta’s or 2 toos. T will listen and
give feedback on hand position or other fundamentals covered in the video.

In-Class Lesson Hot Cross Buns – Learn G
Begin recorder packet
At Home Lesson Practice Hot Cross Buns
Record Hot Cross Buns (Intro to Recorder Karate)
Watch Professional Recorder Players and Respond
Resources iPads, Garageband loops, Kahoot, Hot Cross Buns Practice Video

Lesson Plan for the 4/5 Recorder: Hot Cross Buns

Standards Being Addressed


Materials of Instruction:

Recorder Karate Packet, iPads, Kahoot, Garageband Loop

Lesson Sequence:

Entry Activity/Transition:

Good afternoon 4/5 grade! Today we’re going to learn a new note and a new song! We’ll
start off first with a kahoot! (Kahoot is just a warmup to review some terms and other

In Class Objective: Students will perform the rhythm and pitches to Hot Cross Buns.
1. Kahoot
a. Review terms
2. Transition to Powerpoint
a. Pass out packets, review Recorder Karate
3. Powerpoint
a. Posture! Hand Position
i. Check to ensure all S are using left hand
b. Garageband Loop
c. Rhythm
i. Begin by reading rhythm that’s on the staff rather than stick to staff.
d. Fingers + Notes
i. Review B, review A
ii. Learn G!
e. Words at the end
4. Extras!
a. Videos with Hot Cross Buns remixes

T watches/listens for S singing notes and fingering along with each rep, take note with
the last rep before adding accompaniment.

Great job today! Make sure to check the at home lesson to learn with Ms. Mallon and
watch some cool recorder videos.

Online Objective: Students will apply the skills learned in class to perform Hot Cross Buns
and practice to prepare for Recorder Karate.
1. Watch Hot Cross Buns w/ Ms. Mallon
a. Summarized video of the in-class lesson that follows along with the powerpoint.
2. Watch Recorder Professionals Videos on Canvas
a. S will watch the videos on canvas then
Students will submit a text response stating which video they enjoyed the most and
why they enjoyed it.

R e co rd e r
K a ra te

W h ite - H o t C ro ss B u n s G A B
Y e llo w - GSide
e n t l yStep
S le e p G A B
O ra n ge - MStarlight
e r r ily W e R o ll A lo n g GE AGB
G re e n - I t ’s R a i n i n g E G A
P u rp le - O ld M a c D o n a ld H a d A F a r m D E G A B
B lu e - W h e n T h e S a in ts G o M a r c h in g I n G A B C ’D ’
R ed - T w in k le , T w in k le L ittle S ta r D EF#G A B
B ro w n - A m a zin g G ra c e D E G A B D ’
B la c k - O d e T o Jo y D G A B C ’D ’

N a m e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ C la s s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

© 2 0 0 2 P la n k R o a d P u b lish in g , In c .
In t e rn a t io n a l C o p y rig h t S e c u re d • A ll R ig h t s R e se rv e d

Yellow Belt



3 2 1 0 SCORE

Note Student performed Student performed Student Student did

Accuracy song with all song with mostly performed song not submit
correct notes. correct notes. with more than 3 a recording.
incorrect notes.
(Up to 3 errors)
Hand Student Student Student needs to Student did
Position demonstrated both demonstrated one work on both not submit
components of component but could categories of a recording.
Covering hand position. use more work in one hand position.
Holes category.
Fingerings (Circled on Left)
Rhythm Student performed Student performed Student Student did
Accuracy song with all song with mostly performed song not submit
correct rhythms. correct rhythms. with more than 3 a recording.
(Up to 3 errors) rhythms.
(Errors in
Sound Student Student Student needs to Student did
Production demonstrated all demonstrated 2 work on 2-3 not submit
three components components to create categories. a recording.
Posture to create a a characteristic sound
Air Support characteristic but could use more
sound. work in one
Embouchure category.
(Circled on Left)
Song Style/ Student performed Student performed Student needs to Student did
song with correct with some correct work on stylistic not submit
Musical style and styles or musically. playing and/or a recording.
Playing musically. playing
(Comments) musically.
Articulation (Comments)



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