POLGOV Grade 12 (Semi-Finals Reviewer)
POLGOV Grade 12 (Semi-Finals Reviewer)
POLGOV Grade 12 (Semi-Finals Reviewer)
Lack of Funds AGRARIAN REFORM – established
HUK Problem: Terrorism and Disruption National Resettlement and
of Peace and order Rehabilitation Administration (NARRA)
to resettle dissidents and landless - Appointed Secretary of Foreign Affairs
farmers. by president Ramon Magsaysay for 4
Savior democracy in Philippines years concurrently serving as vice-
Man of the Masses president
Stopped HUK communist rebellion SIGNIFICANT EVENTS IN THEIR TERM:
Improved conditions of barrios Assumed presidency the day after
Constructed roads, bridges, canals Ramon Magsaysay’s death. After Garcia
Established SEATO: Southeast Asia finished Magsaysay’s term, he was
Treaty Organization elected president in his own right
Imposed high moral standard for public He is most remembered for his
officials Austerity Program and Filipino First
Impending projects He was among founders of Association
Lack of funds for Southeast Asia (1963)
Graft and corruption Was the precursor of Association for
Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)
Carlos Polistico Garcia (Eight President) SUCCESSES OF EACH PRESIDENT AFTER THEIR
Fourth President of the Third Republic; 1957 – TERM:
1961 The Filipino First Policy put the rights of
- Known for his “Filipino First” policy, Filipinos above those of foreigners.
which put interests of Filipino above Garcia’s policies aimed at boosting
foreigners and the ruling party economy and obtaining greater
EARLY LIFE economic independence. He also aimed
- Born in Talibon, Bohol to Policronio at reviving old Filipino cultural
Garcia and Ambrosia Polestico traditions
- His father serve as a municipal mayor PROBLEMS
for 4 terms Graft and corruption
- Took law courses at Siliman University Lack of treasury funds
in Dumaguete City and studied in Huge national debt
Philippine Law School and earned his Impending projects
degree in 1923. Among top ten in bar Garcia ran for president again in 1961 election
examination but lost to VP Diosdado Macapagal. On June 1,
- He worked as teacher for 2 years at 1971, he was elected delegate of the 1971
Bohol Provincial HS Constitutional Convention and chosen as
- Became famous for his poetry in Bohol, president. He died 2 weeks later from a heart
where he earned nickname “Prince of attack
Visayan Poets” and the “Bard from
Bohol” Diosdado Pangan Macapagal (Ninth President)
- Congressman of 3rd district of Bohol in Fifth President of the 3rd Republic; 1961-1965
1925-1931 and Governor of Bohol for - “Poor boy from Lubao”, “The
two terms in 1931-1946 Incorruptible”
- Became member of congress in 1946, - He is of royal blood due to descent from
and was elected 3 times to senate for 3 their great-great grandfather Don Juan
consecutive terms from 1941 to 1953 Macapagal (a prince of tondo) who was
- He was the running mate of Ramon a great grandson of last reigning Rajah
Magsaysay in presidential election of of Selurong, Rajah Lakandula
Born on Sept. 28, 1910 in Lubao He also aimed to stimulate economy
Pampanga and placed peso in free currency-
He finished his pre-law course at UP, exchange market encouraging
then enrolled at Philippine Law School wealthiest families to invest
in 1932, studying on a scholarship and He also passed Land Reform Bill which
supporting himself with a part time job freed many farmers from slavery as
as an accountant tenant farmers
Topping 1936 bar exam with score of Another achievements was Forming of
89.95% Maphilindo (Malaysia, Philippines and
After passing bar exams, he was invited Indonesia) this paved the way for
to join an American law firm as creation of ASEAN
practicing attourney, a honor for a Was the one who changed
Filipino at time Independence day to June 12 from Jul
Master of Laws degree in 1941, a 4.
Doctor of Civil Law degree in 1947, and Among significant achievements of
a Ph.D. in Economics in 1957 Macapagal were abolition of tenancy
POLITICAL CAREER and accompanying land reform program
Legal assistant to President Manuel L. in Agricultural Land Reform Code of
Quezon and President Jose P. Laurel in 1963
Malacanang Palace He was elected president of
He worked as an attorney with one of constitutional convention in 1971
the largest law firms in country, Ross, PROBLEMS
Lawrence, Selph and Carrascoso. Problem in unemployment
Pres. Manuel Roxas appointed him to Widespread mass poverty
the Dept. of Foreign Affairs as the head Graft and corruption
of its legal devision Lack of treasury funds
In 1948, President Elpidio Quirino
appointed macapagal as chief Ferdinand Emmanuel Edralin Marcos (Tenth
negotiator in successful transfer of the President)
Turtle Islands in Sulu Sea from the UK to Sixth Presidet of the 3rd Republic; 1965-1986
Philippines - In 1949, he said: “Elect me your
Same year, he was assigned as 2nd congressman now and I’ll give you an
secretary to the Philippine Embassy in Ilokano President in 20 years”
Washington D.C. In 1949, he was - Marcos had the most infrastructure and
elevated to position of Counselor and constitutional accomplishments
Legal Affairs Treaties at time the 4th EARLY LIFE AND CAREER
highest post in Philippine Foreign Office Born on Sept 11, 1917 in Sarrat, Ilocos
First won election in 1949 to House of Norte
Representatives Named after Ferdinand VII of Spain and
baptized into Philippine church
In 1957, he became vice president in 1939 – cum laude with a law degree
administration of President Carlos P. from UP College of Law; was elected to
Garcia Pi Gamma MU international honor
He fought to suppress graft and Passed bar examination with one of
corruption within government and tax highest score in history, while also
evasion writing an 800-page defense
1941- serve as part of military against liberties, closed down Congress and media
Japanese and became one of victim of establishments and order arrest of opposition
Bataan Death March leaders and militant activists.
EARLY POLITICAL CAREER Constitutional convention in 1970 to
Congressman for 3 terms replace colonial 1935 constitution. The
Senator; served as minority floor leader new constitution went into effect in
before gaining Senate presidency. 1973, changing form of government
Established record for having from presidential to parliamentary
introduced a number of significant bills allowing marcos to stay in power
Construction of roads, bridges and June 16, 1981, 6 months after martial
public works law, the 1st presidential election in 12
Generator with electric power capacity years was held. Marcos ran and won a
of 1,000,000 kilowatts massive victory
Water services to 8 regions and 38 In 1983, Benigno Aquino Jr. was
localities assassinated at Manila International
Revitalization of judiciary, national Airport upon return to Philippines. This
defense posture and fight against coalesced popular dissatisfaction with
smuggling, criminality, and corruption Marcos and began a succession of
Mobilized man power and resources of events
Armed Forces of the Philippines The Philippine economy suffered a
North Diversion Road (North Luzon great decline after Aquino assassination
Expressway) was constructed with help in Aug 1983 and the economy
of AFP engineering construction experienced negative economic growth
battalion beginning in 1984 and continued to
SECOND TERM (1969-1972) decline despite the government’s
Reelected because of his impressive recovery efforts
performance The unemployment rate ballooned from
In 1969, the Philippines experienced 6.30% in 1972 to 12.55% in 1985
higher inflation rate and devaluation of DOWNFALL
Philippine peso Rampant corruption
The communal violence in Mindanao Political mismanagement by his
resulted in 100,000 refugees, burning relatives and cronies
hundred of homes, death of hundreds The Philippine government today is still
of Christians and Muslims paying interests more than US$28
On Aug. 21, 1971, following the billion public debts
bombing of Liberal Party proclamation Marcos called a snap presidential
rally in Plaza Miranda, President Marcos election for 1987 with more than a year
issued Proclamation No. 889 left in his term. The final tally of
suspending privilege of writ of habeas national movement for free elections
corpus showed Aquino winning by almost
Martial law and the New Society 800,000 votes. However the
Marcos declared MARTIAL LAW on Sept. 21, government tally showed Marcos
1972, by Proclamation no. 1081, ruling by winning by almost 1.6 million votes
decree, curtailed press freedom and civil
The “People Power movement” drove Retained presidential form of
Marcos into exile and installed Corazon government.
Aquino as the new president Named woman of the Year by Time
Magazine and her popularity waned
Maria Corazon “Cory” Sumulong Cojuangco because of the people who wanted to
Aquino (Eleventh President of the Philippines) exact vengeance on Marcos
First Female President; First President of Fifth The country went through great
Republic; 1986-1992) problems and calamities during her
- First elected female head of state in reign like the earthquake of July 16,
Asia 1990. Typhoon Rufing and increase in
- Best remembered for leading 1986 price of oil due to Middle East War and
EDSA People Power Revolution which eruption of Mount Pinatubo in 1991.
toppied authoritarian regime of PROBLEMS AS PRESIDENT
Ferdinand Marcos and restored Natural disasters and calamities
democracy Nine coup attemts against her
- “Icon of Democracy” Graft and corruption
- Born on Jan 25, 1933 to Jose Cojuangco Failure of land reform
of Tarlac, a wealthy Chinese Filipino and Rising prices
Demetria Sumulong of Antipolo, Rizal Inadequate essential public service
and ethnic Filipino who belongs to Economic decline
politically influential clan
- Married to late Sen. Benigno “Ninoy” Fidel Valdez Ramos (Twelfth President)
Aquino Third President of the Fifth Republic
- The couple produced five offsprings, 4 Philippines 2000 Five-Point Program:
girls and 1 boy; Ballsy, Pinky, Noynoy, 1. Peace and Stability
Viel and Kris 2. Economic Growth and Sustainable
- Led the 1986 People Power Revolution Development
and established Presidential 3. Energy and Power Generation
Commission on Good Government 4. Environmental Protection
(PCGG) during her presidency 5. Streamlined Bureaucracy
- Issued Proclamation No. 3, which - 1st protestant president of the country
established a revolutionary government - Only Filipino officer in history to held
- Economic Management and Agrarian every rank in Ph military from 2nd
Reform as her top agenda as president. Lieutenant to Commander in Chief.
Agreed to run for president against Born in March 18, 1929 in Lingayen,
marcos in Feb 7, 1986 Snap election Pangasinan
after supporters gathered million Philippine Military Academy as cadet
signatures and won a government scholarship to
Installed as President of the Philippines US Military Academy in West Point
on Feb 25 1986 because of the historic Masters Degree in Civil Engineering in
People’s Power University of Illinois at Urbana-
Implemented a program of Champaign, where he was a
reconciliation and freed political government scholar in 1951
prisoners like Bernabe Buscayno of New In 1960, he topped Special Forces- Psy
People’s Army and Jose Maria Sison of Operations Airborned course at US
the Communist Party of the Philippines
Army Infantry School at Fort Bragg, Charter change
North Carolina Clark centennial expo scandal
2nd Lieutenant Infantry Platoon leader in PEA-Amari Scandal
the Philippine Expeditionary Forces to Power crisis
Korea (PEFTOK( in 1952 during Korean Spratly Islands
War to Chief of Staff of Philippine Civil Asian Financial Crisis
Action Group to Vietnam from 1966 to
1968 Joseph Ejercito Estrada (Thirteenth President)
Serves the Marcos regime for more Third President of 5th Republic; 1998-2001
than 20 years. He was head of - Gained popularity as a film actor playing
Philippine Constabulary, the country’s lead role in over 100 films in an acting
national police force and one of Marcos career spanning 33 yrs
trusted advisers which he was known as EARLY LIFE:
member of Rolex 12, elite group of loyal Joseph Marcelo Ejercito known as Erap
to Marcos himself. was born on April 19, 1937 in Tondo,
Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces of poorest district of manila
the Philippines and later Secretary of Ateneo de Manila Univ – high school;
National Defense under Pres. Aquino expelled because of unruly behavior
PROGRAMS Mapua Institute of Technology;
Power crisis – Ramos issued licenses to engineering course but dropped out
independent power producers (IPP) to construct from studies altogether 2 years later
power plants within 24 months Began in film at 20 years of age
Economic reforms – (E-VAT law) from 4% to First FAMAS hall of Fame awardee for
10% mandated by World Bank and International best actor (1981)
Monetary Fund Entered politics in 1967 when he ran for
Death penalty – In 1966 ramos signed a bill that mayor of San Juan but proclaimed
returned capital punishment with electric chair mayor in 1969 after winning against Dr.
Peace with separatists – he signed into law Braulio Sto. Domingo
Republic Act 7636, which repealed the Anti Sponsored bills that were signed into
Subversion law, membership in once-outlawed law; The Preservation of the Carabao
communist party of Philippines became legal (Republic Act no. 7307), The
Spratly Islands – starting claim the islands from Construction of Irrigation Projects
china (Republic Act no. 6978)
Migrant Workers Protection – enactment of ACHIEVEMENTS
Republic Act 8042, known as Magna Carta for “Erap para sa Mahirap Project”
Overseas Workers or Migrant Workers Act PROBLEMS
ACHIEVEMENTS: The Philippine Daily Inquirer; bias,
1. Philippine 2000 malice and fabrication against him
2. Southern Philippines Council for Peace The Manila Times; libel suit against
and Development country’s oldest newspaper the
3. ARMM Manila Times over story that
4. Peace Agreement with MNLF alleged corruption in awarding of
5. Increased foreign investments public works project
6. APEC Corruption charrges and
PROBLEMS: impeachment; allegations of
Graft and corruption corruption spawned an
Economic problems impeachment trial in Senate, and in
High crime rate
2001 Estrada was ousted from OAKWOOD MUTINY
power after trial was aborted - July 27, 2003
Maria Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo (Fourteenth - Led by Lt. Antonio Trillanes IV, Army
President) Capt. Gerardo Gambala of the Phil.
Fourth President of the 5th Republic: Second Navy
Female President; 2001- Present - Arroyo Administration was going to
BIOGRAPHY proclaim Martial Law and issue of
Born on Apr. 5, 1947; Daughter of corruption
former Pres. Diosdado Macapagal and 2ND TERM, 2004-Present
Eva macaraeg Dec. 2002 – Arroyo announced that she
Valedictorian, Elementary and will not run for Pres in 2004 Election but
HIghschool at Assumption Convent, 10 months after she reversed her
1964 decision
Magna Cum Laude, BA Economics at 2004 Presidential Election – FPJ, Ping
Assumption College, 1968 Lacson, Raul Roco and Eddie Villanueva
Consistent Dean’s List, Georgetown as her opponent
Univ’s Walsh School of Foreign in Issues as President after 2004 Election
Washington D.C - “Hello Garci Tape”
1987, Asst. Sec of DTI - State of Emergency under Proclamation
PRESIDENT, 1st Term 2001-2004 No. 1017
“Strong Republic - Manila Peninsula Rebellion
- Strong bureaucracy - NBN ZTE Deal
- Lowering crime rates - 32 Satisfaction rate as of 1st quarter of
- Increasing tax collection 2009, lowest rate among the presidents
- Improving economic growth - Impeachment complaints
- Intensifying counter-terrorism efforts - Extra judicial killings
As Senator
- Ranked as 13th and has 3 year term,
- Top in election, 1995
- 400 bills, 55 sponsored or authored
laws (Anti- secual harassment law,
indigenous people’s rights law, export
dev’t act
Run under Lakas CMD with Jose de
Sen Edgardo angara as opponent
1st female vice president
Sec of DSWD (resigned in 2000 because
of allegation against pres. Estrada.
Became president through edsa 2
Sword as president by chief justive
hilario davide jr.
May 1, 2001 EDSA 3 against arroyo
administration; manila was declared in
state of rebellion