Reg Thomas
BSc (Hons), FCIOB, ACIArb, MlMgt
Director: James R. Knowles (Hong Kong) Limited, James R. Knowles
(Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd, James R. Knowles (Thailand) Limited and
James R. Knowles (Singapore) Pty Limited
Second Edition
O Reg Thomas 1993,2001
ISBN 0-333-930804
To m y wife Joan
2 Choice of Contracts
2.1 The first steps
2.2 Clients' objectives
2.3 Contracting methods
2.4 Standard forms of contract
2.5 The Joint Contracts Tribunal standard forms of contract
The Minor Works Form, MW80 (MW98)
The Intermediate Form of Building Contract, IFC84
The Standard Form of Building Contract, JCT80
viii Contents
x Contents
5.13 Fluctuations
5.14 Quantum meruit
5.15 Finance charges: remedies for late payment
Remedies for late payment
5.16 Cost of preparing the claim
5.17 Assessment and evaluation
The tender
Accounting practice
5.18 Summary on presentation of claims for additional
5.19 Formal claim submission
Introduction: contract particulars
Summary of facts
Basis of claim
Details of claim
Evaluation of claim
Statement of claim
6 Subcontractors
6.1 Subcontracting generally
6.2 Nominated subcontractors
6.3 Contractor's rights to object to nominees
6.4 Subcontractors' programmes
6.5 Extensions of time for completion of subcontract works
6.6 Delay by nominated subcontractors
6.7 Architect's consent to grant an extension of time to a
nominated subcontractor
6.8 Design and drawings provided by the subcontractor
6.9 Variations to the subcontract works
6.10 Delay and disruption claims
6.11 Liquidated damages
6.12 The law applicable to the subcontract
Books and publications
List of cases
Abbreviations used in case references
Forms of contract
Miscellaneous abbreviations
Foreword to the
First Edition
Foreword to the First Edition xiii
Roger Knowles
FRICS FCIArb, Barrister
Foreword to the
Second Edition
Foreword to the Second Edition xv
Those who bought copies of the first edition will waste no time in order-
ing the second edition. Anybody who deals with claims and does not have
a copy of the first edition will be well advised to buy the second.
Roger Knowles
FRICS FCIArb, Barrister
Preface t o the
First Edition
Preface to the First Edition xvii
cases, a lack of records may not be fatal to a claim, but it may be an uphill
battle to persuade the recipient of a claim to pay out large sums of money
on the basis of hypothetical calculations which have no real foundation.
Readers should be aware that there is no real substitute for good records
when it comes to quantifying a claim for an extension of time or for addi-
tional payment. Nevertheless, if the contractor has been delayed at almost
every turn, it must be right that he receives some relief and compensation
so far as it can be established by applying commonsense according to the
circumstances. As a consultant to contractors and subcontractors, a duty is
owed to them to use every means available, providing that they are honest
and justifiable, to obtain the best possible settlement of their claims. As a
consultant to employers (or to contractors defending a claim from subcon-
tractors), a duty is owed to them to defend all claims and to discredit any
unmeritorious claims. Nevertheless, employers (and contractors as the case
may be) will need to be advised on the possible worth of a claim in order
to facilitate a decision as to settlement or arbitration or litigation.
Whilst some practitioners may seek refuge in cases in which claims have
been rejected on the grounds that the records and/or the method of quan-
tification were lacking, the author supports the view expressed in Penvidic
Contracting Co. Ltd v. International Nickel Co. of Canada Ltd (1975)
53 DLR (3d) 748 (quoting Davies J in Wood v. Grand Valley Railway Co)
- see A Building Contract Casebook by Dr Vincent Powell Smith and
Michael Furmston at page 316:
'It was clearly impossible under the fact of that case to estimate with anything
approaching to mathematical accuracy the damages sustained by the plaintiffs,
but it seems to me clearly laid down there by the learned Judges that such an
impossibility cannot "relieve the wrongdoer of the necessity of paying damages
for his breach of contract" and that on the other hand the tribunal to estimate
them, whether juy or Judge, must under such circumstances do "the best it can"
and its conclusion will not be set aside even if 'the amount of the verdict is a
matter of guess work.' (emphasis added).
However, the above quotation should not be relied upon to cure all ills. The
terms of the contract and other circumstances may require a more robust
approach when defending any claim which is clearly deficient in the essen-
tial ingredients to justify anything less than total or partial rejection.
It is hoped that this book will provide useful guidance for those respon-
sible for dealing with claims so that they can be resolved with the minimum
cost and without any party being seriously disadvantaged.
Reginald W. Thomas
Spring 1992
Preface to the
Second Edition
Since the first edition of this book, there have been several important
changes in contracts and law which are worthy of note. There have also
been a number of excellent new publications, in particular, the eleventh
edition of Hudson's Building and Engineering Contracts, Delay and Dis-
ruption in Construction Contracts by Keith Pickavance and a number of
'up-to-the minute' regular publications by James R. Knowles to which the
author has been fortunate to have had access and which have been invalu-
able in the preparation of this book. As in the first edition of this book, the
author has referred to the tenth edition of 'Hudson' and its supplements
for a number of early cases and to Construction Contracts: Principles and
Policies in Tort and Contract by the same author, much of which is now
reproduced in the eleventh edition of 'Hudson'. In addition the author has
sourced a number of important US cases of interest from Construction
Delay Claims by Barry B. Bramble and Michael T. Callahan, a publication
which ought to be read by those wishing to have an account of many
aspects of claims which are seldom covered in detail in the UK.
During the decade since the first edition, the report 'Constructing
the Team' published under the chairmanship of Sir Michael Latham (The
Latham Report) stimulated constructive discussion about the direction of
contracting in the UK. The Government, in its enactment of the Housing
Grants, Construction and Regeneration Act 1966 (The Construction
Act), took on board many of the recommendations in the Latham Report.
The publication of 'The New Engineering Contract' (NEC), now reissued
under a new title, 'The Engineering and Construction Contract', helped to
promote a new approach to contracting based on good contract adminis-
tration and minimisation of disputes (as well as quick and effective resolu-
tion of such disputes if they arose). The decade ended with the NEC gaining
ground in the UK and internationally.
Unfortunately, the good ingredients in the NEC have not been grasped
by institutions promoting other forms of contract. Whilst it is true that
dispute resolution in the UK has been given new dimensions by require-
ments imposed by the Construction Act, little has been done to follow some
of the better principles found in the NEC. At the end of the decade, Fbdbra-
tion International des Ingbnieurs-Conseils(FIDIC)introduced its test editions
of four new contracts, three of which were to replace existing contracts and
Preface to the Second Edition xix
one of which was entirely new (for small works). The test editions illustrated
an attitude which promoted adversity by the introduction of stringent notice
provisions which could only have increased the incidence of poor relation-
ships and disputes. Fortunately, after consultation with contractors and
other interested parties, FIDIC has softened its approach to some extent.
It has introduced a Dispute Adjudication Board into all of its standard con-
tracts which fits broadly into the recommendations of the Latham Report.
FIDIC has also improved procedures for contract administration by the con-
tractor, but has not seen fit to bring the employer into the team in the same
way as the NEC.
This book does not seek to promote any one single contract over
another. The criticism of FIDIC when compared to NEC is intended to illus-
trate the author's view that, in spite of several important changes in con-
tracts and law, the fundamental divide between employers and contractors
is still fairly deep rooted. Claims and disputes are unlikely to change in sub-
stance and form in the near future unless all sides of the industry recognise
that co-operation is more effective than separation. A new wind of change
is still needed if the highly experienced and expensive resources currently
engaged in the claims and arbitration business are to be better used in
designing, managing and constructing exciting projects in the twenty-first
'An offending brother is more unyielding than a fortified city,
and disputes are like the gates of a citadel.' Proverbs 18: 19 (NIV)
Reg Thomas
Spring 2000
Acknowledgements to the
First Edition
The author expresses his sincere thanks to Roger Knowles for giving his
consent to use of the extensive computer library facility of James R.
Knowles, including notes and diagrams used for seminars conducted by the
company, and for writing the Foreword to this book.
Particular mention and thanks must be given to Ann Glacki, head of
James R. Knowles' library and author of BLISS (Building Law Information
Subscriber Service) for her co-operation and assistance in searching for suit-
able cases and other reference material which have been invaluable for the
preparation of this book. I also thank Peter Nuttall, formerly a senior con-
sultant of James R. Knowles for his help in preparing many of the diagrams
used for illustration.
Thanks are also given to Professor Ivor H. Seeley and the publishers for
their support and constructive advice on the preparation and production of
all stages of this book.
Last, but not least, to my wife, Joan, for her tolerance and support during
the long evenings and weekends that I have taken to write this book.
Acknowledgements to the
Second Edition
The author again expresses his thanks to Roger Knowles for his consent
to use the extensive library facilities of James R. Knowles, including notes
and diagrams from seminars conducted by the company and for kindly
writing the Foreword to this second edition.
Particular thanks must also be given to:
Anne Glacki, head of James R. Knowles' library and author of BLISS, and
her staff for co-operation in sourcing reference material;
David Price, Managing Director of James R. Knowles (International Divi-
sion) for his valuable input into some of the source materials used for
sections on BOT (Build, Operate and Transfer) and the 1999 FIDIC
family of contracts;
Ian Dunbar, former Director of Knowles' Project Services, for his assistance
with some of the graphical presentations in this book and for his com-
puter skills and handling tens of thousands of data entries for the prepa-
ration of a multi-million pound loss of productivity claim on a shipbuilding
contract which successfully put into practice the 'productivity factor'
method described in 5.9 and Appendix B;
Chris Binnington of Binnington Copeland and Associates (Pty) Ltd,
Greenside, South Africa for bringing a number of important South
African cases to my attention and for his assistance in the commentaries
on these cases and on South African Law which are mentioned in this
Barry B. Bramble of Pinnacle One and Michael T. Callahan, president of
CCL Construction Consultants, Inc., and John Wiley & Sons for their
co-operation and consent to use and incorporate extracts from Con-
struction Delay Claims, first edition in James R. Knowles' publication
and seminar 'All you need to know about claims' from which much ma-
terial has been drawn in the preparation of 5.9 of this second edition.
Thanks are also given to the publishers for their support and constructive
advice in preparing this second edition.
Finally to my wife, Joan, for again giving me support and encourage-
ment during the preparation of this work.
Brief History of
Construction Contracts
and Case Law
2 Construction Contract Claims
Fortunes could be made quickly, but many contractors went broke from
underestimating the practical difficulties of constructing the work to strict
standards in all weathers and a lack of awareness of the consequences of
delay and other serious breaches of contract. It was soon realised that a
major area of risk was inherent in the uncertainty of the quantity of work
to be done and the variable ground conditions. Civil engineering contracts
developed on the basis that all work would be remeasured at rates which
were agreed at the outset; a reasonable solution bearing in mind the uncer-
tainty of ground conditions which affected most of the work which was to
be carried out. On the other hand, it was thought that building work was
capable of quantification with reasonable accuracy (with the exception of
changes ordered after the contract was agreed).
Therefore, building contracts were generally not subject to remeasure-
ment and the contractor bore the risk of any mistakes which he may
have made when measuring the work to be done from the drawings. The
high cost of tendering for building work caused tendering contractors to
engage a 'surveyor' who was responsible for measuring all of the work from
the drawings and whose fees would be shared by all tenderers. Very soon
this practice was overtaken by the employer (or his architect) engaging the
surveyor to measure the work and for the 'quantities' to be provided
for each tendering contractor for pricing the work. The surveyor's fees for
measuring the work was usually required to be shown at the foot of the
priced bill of quantities to be submitted with the tender and the successful
contractor would then pay the surveyor out of the proceeds of interim cer-
tificates. This meant that each tendering contractor started by pricing the
work based on the same bills of quantities, thereby reducing the cost of
History of Construction Contracts and Case Law 3
'(a)The fees for the Bills of Quantities and the Surveyor's expenses (if any) stated
therein shall be paid by the Contractor to the Surveyor named therein out of
and immediately after receiving the amount of the certificates in which they shall
be included. The fees chargeable under clause 13 [Variations] shall be paid by
the Contractor before the issue by the Architect of the certificate for final
payment. (b) If the Contractor fails or neglects to pay as herein provided, then
the Employer shall be at liberty, and is hereby authorised, to do so on the cer-
tificate of the Architect, and the amount so paid by the Employer shall be
deducted from the amount otherwise due to the Contractor.'
Until 1963 the RIBA standard forms of contract contained optional provi-
sions (clause 10) whereby the contractor could be responsible for paying
the quantity surveyor's fees out of monies certified by the architect.
However the quantity surveyor generally became engaged by the building
owner, or his architect, who were responsible for paying the fees.
Whilst much of the case law which was relevant to construction contracts
was shaped in the nineteenth century, there continued to be cases of note
during the twentieth century. In parallel, non-standard and standard forms
of contract evolved. The first 'standard forms of contract' were probably
developed by public corporations. Revisions to many forms of contract were
often prompted by decisions in the courts and these revisions (or the inter-
pretation and application of them) sometimes became the subject of later
cases which were to have a continuing influence on the draftsmen of new
contracts and on the understanding of the law which affects contracts in
Standard forms of contract which came into general use in building con-
tracts were developed by the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA).By
the early twentieth century the use of the RIBA form of contract was wide-
spread. This form of contract, which was to be the subject of several edi-
tions and revisions, was to become the basis of most building contracts and
was the forerunner of the Joint Contracts Tribunal (JCT) forms of contract
4 Construction Contract Claims
of 1963 and 1980. In civil engineering, the first edition of the Institution
of Civil Engineers (ICE) conditions of contract was launched in 1945. The
seventh edition (1999) is currently in use. One of the features of these stan-
dard forms of contract is that they are approved and accepted by the pro-
fessional institutions and the contractors' associations. Several other
standard forms of contract developed independently, such as GC/Works/l
for use by government departments and forms published by other profes-
sional bodies.
Internationally, particularly where there was British influence, standard
forms of contract developed on the same lines as in the United Kingdom.
Forms of contract which were (almost verbatim) the same as the RIBA/
JCT forms of contract came into use in Cyprus, Jamaica, Gibraltar,
Bahrain, Hong Kong and Singapore. In Cyprus, one of the first editions of
the RIBA form of contract (probably used in the United Kingdom about the
time of the First World War) has been used alongside a variant of the 1963
edition of the JCT form of contract.
In Hong Kong a variant of the 1963 edition of the JCT form of con-
tract is widely used and a draft based on the 1980 edition of the JCT form
has been awaiting sanction since the early 1980s. Until recently, the form
of contract used in Singapore was a variant of the 1963 edition of the JCT
form. However, since 1980 the Singapore Institute of Architects has
departed from following developments in the United Kingdom and has
adopted an entirely new form of contract which bears no resemblance to
any other standard form of contract used in the United Kingdom. In civil
engineering a standard form of contract for use internationally was devel-
oped and agreed by the Fbdbration Internationale des Ingknieurs-Conseils
(FIDIC) using almost entirely the same format and conditions as the ICE
conditions of contract. Various editions of FIDIC are currently being used
internationally. The fourth edition of FIDIC (published in 1987) is the last
to be used, based on the ICE format, and the new 1999 editions are likely
to be used in the future.
In all forms of international contracting, it is important to be aware that
there are significant differences in law in various parts of the world. There
are four main categories of law:
Common law based on the English legal system;
Civil law based on the French or German codes;
Local law (such as the Shari'a in the Middle East);
Combinations of various laws and legal systems.
History of Construction Contracts and Case Law 5
departures from English law can be found. Some examples are given later
in this chapter.
6 Construction Contract Claims
parties under English law. In many civil law jurisdictions, a letter of intent
is an 'Agreement in Principle'. That is to say that all of the terms may
not have been agreed but the principle of an agreement has. The parties
are required to negotiate in good faith and conclude a contract in due
Liquidated damages and penalties - Under English law, a penalty
clause cannot be enforced. Roman Dutch law recognises penalty clauses
and they can be enforced. Sometimes the law includes the powers given
to the Court to modify a penalty if the amount shall be considered
excessive or derisory. In South Africa, there are limited provisions for
modifying penalties (see 1.4).In many Middle Eastern countries, the dis-
tinction between liquidated damages and penalties is a matter of trans-
lation (there is no Arabic word for 'liquidated damages') and 'penalties'
are construed as if they were liquidated damages.
Local law
Some countries have developed their own laws and have been almost unin-
fluenced by the laws of other countries. In some cases, much of the law is
based on religious teachings. For example, Saudi Arabia law is almost
entirely based on the Shari'a (Islamic Law), in which there are four main
'Sunni Schools' (Hanafi, Maliki, Shafi'i and Hanbali). The main differ-
ences between the four schools is the priority which is given to the Qur'an.
Some countries have combined Shari'a with modern statutes or codes to
a greater or lesser extent.
History of Construction Contracts and Case Law 7
Difficulties can arise if the choice of law is ambiguous. In general, the choice
of law specified in the contract will be upheld unless:
it is contray to public policy of the place where the proceedings are
the choice is not exercised for bona fide and legal reasons;
dicta of Denning LG in Bouissevan v. Weil (1948) 1KB 4 8 2 applies -
' I do not believe the parties are free to stipulate by what Law the valid-
ity of their contract is to be determined. Their intention is only one of
the factors to be taken into account.'
Problems can arise if the choice of the law of contract for main contracts
and subcontracts are not the same (see 6.12 infra).
8 Construction Contract Claims
tracts, tenth edition, at page 196) that where it was stipulated that the
builder should pay the architect for the calculation of the quantities, and he
had done so, then the builder was entitled to compensation from the archi-
tect if the bill was not reasonably accurate.
As late as the 1920s the Model Form of Contract (RIBA)did not incor-
porate a standard method of measurement, nor did it expressly state that
the bills of quantities was a contract document. Nevertheless it was implied
that the bills of quantities had contractual status and the contract contained
provisions in clause 12a as follows:
'Should any error appear in the Bills of Quantities other than in the Contrac-
tor's prices and calculations, it shall be rectified, and such rectification shall
constitute a variation of the Contract, and shall be dealt with as hereinafter
The provisions in the above contract have survived to the present day and
almost identical wording appears in the 1963 and 1980 editions of the
JCT form of contract. Similar provisions also appear in the sixth and
seventh editions of the ICE conditions of contract in clause 55(2).
In the absence of a standard method of measurement, errors in com-
posite descriptions and alleged omissions of items, as opposed to errors in
measurement, became a constant source of argument. The first steps to
rectify these difficulties probably took place in 1909, when the Quantity
Surveyors' Association appointed a committee to prepare and publish pam-
phlets recommending the method of measurement for three trades. The
first edition of the Standard Method of Measurement (SMM) was published
in 1922 with the agreement of representatives of the Surveyors' Institution,
the Quantity Surveyors' Association, the National Federation of Building
Trades Employers and the Institute of Builders. The situation which existed
prior to the publication of the first edition is perhaps best described in the
opening paragraph of the preface to this historic document:
'For many years the Surveyors' Institution and the Quantity Surveyors' Associ-
ation (which bodies are now amalgamated) were accepted as the recognised
authorities for deciding disputed points in connection with the measurement of
building works. The frequency of the demands upon their services for this
purpose directed attention to the diversity of practice, varying with local custom,
and even with the idiosyncrasies of individual surveyors, which obtained. This
lack of uniformity afforded a just ground of complaint on the part of contractors
that the estimator was frequently left in doubt as to the true meaning of items
in the bills of quantities which he was called upon to price, a circumstance which
militated against scientific and accurate tendering.'
As might be expected, it took several years for the quantity surveying pro-
fession to become aware of the SMM and to use it in practice. Several years
after the publication of the first SMM, in House and Cottage Construc-
History of Construction Contracts and Case Law 9
10 Construction Contract Claims
1.3 Variations
Building and civil engineering contracts are of such a nature that it is almost
impossible, especially where work has to be carried out in the ground, to
design and construct a project so that the final product is identical in every
way to the original design which formed the basis of the contractor's tender.
Changes to the original design and/or details may come about for techni-
cal reasons or because the building owner desires a revision to the plans
or details.
Where technical reasons are the cause of a variation (for example, unsuit-
able ground conditions) the employer, or his architect, or engineer, will have
limited control over the scope of the change in the work to be done by the
contractor. Where the employer desires a change to the plans or details (for
example, for aesthetic, or practical, or financial reasons), the scope of the
change is to a large extent within the control of the employer. Without a
suitable provision in a contract which allows the works to be varied, such
changes would not be permitted (under the terms of the contract) and
in the event of unavoidable changes for technical reasons the contractor
would no longer be obliged to complete the work. Changes could only be
executed with the agreement of the contractor or by way of a separate
The standard forms of contracts used in building and civil engineering
forms of contract provide for variations which are necessary or desirable
(the latter being the employer's prerogative, but it does not exclude varia-
tions initiated by the contractor). The JCT forms of contract expressly
provide for the architect to sanction a variation made by the contractor
without an instruction issued by the architect.
Sometimes arguments are raised concerning the limit beyond which it
History o f Construction Contracts and Case Law 11
may be regarded that the changes were outside the scope of the variation
clause. Such arguments, if successful, would enable the contractor to refuse
to execute the revised works or to escape from the contract rates and
recover on a quantum meruit basis (a reasonable valuation in all the cir-
cumstances). There are no finite guidelines to assist in this matter. Some
early forms of contract expressly stated a percentage of the contract price
as the yardstick for determining the extent of variations permitted under
the terms of the contract. The international form of contract (FIDIC) pro-
vides for a limited revision to the contract price if the sum total of all changes
and remeasurement (with some exceptions) exceeds 10 per cent (clause
52(3)of the third edition) or 15 per cent (clause 52.3 of the fourth edition).
However, this cannot be construed as being a true valuation on a quantum
meruit basis. In the absence of stated limits such as a percentage, it is nec-
essary to decide whether or not the scope of the changes went beyond that
which was reasonably contemplated by reference to the contract documents
and the surrounding circumstances of the case.
In Bush v. Whitehaven Port and Town Trustees (1888) 5 2 JP 392,
the contractor was to lay pipes and possession of the site was to be given
to the contractor for the performance of the work. Owing to delay in giving
possession of the site to the contractor, the work had to be done in the
winter, whereas it was contemplated that the work would be done in
the summer. It was held that the contractor was entitled to payment
on a quantum meruit basis (a reasonable price for the work in all the
Modern contracts contain variation provisions which are so wide that it
may appear doubtful that any claim for payment on a quantum meruit
basis would succeed. However, in Wegan Construction Pty. Ltd. v.
Wodonga Sewerage Authority [I9781V R 6 7 (Supreme Court of Victoria),
the contractor successfully claimed on a quantum meruit basis. This case
is worthy of further consideration on the grounds that the contractual pro-
visions for variation were very wide (being similar to the ICE fifth and sixth
editions and FIDIC fourth edition) and is summarised in Chapter 5.
Another problem which has come before the courts over the years, is
the vexed question about omissions when the employer intends to have the
work done by others. It is an increasingly common practice, when progress
is delayed by the contractor, for the employer (through his architect) to omit
work. This is often work which ought to be done by nominated subcon-
tractors under the architect's instructions and its omission appears to be
aimed at holding the contractor liable for liquidated damages (due to the
contractor's own delay) on the mistaken premise that such an omission is
a valid variation.
Presumably the employer believes that if the work is omitted, the archi-
tect does not have to issue any (late) instructions to carry out the work,
12 Construction Contract Claims
which would have the effect of defeating the employer's claim to liquidated
damages. It is well established in law that the power to omit work, even
where the contract provides that no variation should in any way vitiate or
invalidate the contract, is limited to genuine omissions, that is, work not
required at all. It does not extend to work taken out of the contract for it
to be done by another contractor: Carr v. J. A. Berriman Pty Ltd (1953)
2 7 ALJR 237 (Aus).
History o f Construction Contracts and Case Law 13
14 Construction Contract Claims
History of Construction Contracts and Case Law 15
16 Construction Contract Claims
wording in the two contracts were not the same. Perhaps more importantly,
the cause of delay in Miller was within the control of the employer, whereas
in Amalgamated Building Contractors, the cause of delay was beyond the
control of the employer. In the latter case the delay was continuous, over
a period of several months, thereby making it difficult, if not impossible, to
estimate the length of the delay until the works had been completed. A
detailed explanation of the law as it applies to this subject is given in the
judgement in Fernbrook Trading Co. Ltd v. Taggart [I97911 NZLR 556.
(For an excellent summary of this case, refer to A Building Contract
Casebook by Dr Vincent Powell-Smith and Michael Furmston at page
Contractors seeking to argue that the contract does not provide for
extensions of time (for delay by the employer), or that an extension of time
was made too late, thereby being invalid, may not necessarily be in a better
position than they might have been by accepting a reasonable extension of
time, valid or otherwise. If the contractor's arguments are successful and
the contract completion date is no longer applicable, the contractor's ob-
ligation is to complete within a reasonable time (time is at large) and the
employer cannot rely on the liquidated damages provision to deduct the
sums stated in the contract. In these circumstances the contractor does not
have all the time in the world to complete the works, nor does he escape
liability for general damages which the employer may suffer as a result of
delay within the control of the contractor. Nevertheless, contractors may
find it attractive to escape from the contractual period and the potential lia-
bility for delay at the rate stated as liquidated damages in the contract on
the basis that the burden of proof shifts from the contractor to the employer.
In Wells v. Army and Navy Co-operative Society (supra), Wright, J, the
trial judge said:
'The defaults were, in my opinion, sufficiently substantial to cast upon the defen-
dants [the employer] the burden of showing that the defaults did not excuse the
and in Peak Construction (Liverpool) Ltd v. Mckinney Foundations Ltd,
(supra) Salmon, w said:
'If the failure to complete on time is due to fault of both the employer and the
contractor, in my view, the clause does not bite. I cannot see how, in the ordi-
nary course, the employer can insist on compliance with a condition if it is partly
his own fault that it cannot be fulfilled: . . . I consider that unless the contract
expresses a contrary intention, the employer, in the circumstances postulated, is
left to his ordinary remedy; that is to say, to recover such damages as he can
prove flow from the contractor's breach.'
The term time a t large is a principle of English law which may be inap-
propriate in some countries. In many civil law jurisdictions and, for example,
History of Construction Contracts and Case Law 17
in South Africa, the principle is recognised but not by that title, namely that
a debtor is excused from performing an obligation on time if his creditor
wrongfully prevents him from doing so.
In Group 5 Building Limited v. The Minister of Community Devel-
opment 1993(3) SA 629 (A), the Plaintiff, Group 5, was delayed arising
from delays in giving variation orders and instructions and unauthorised
suspension orders which constituted, so it was alleged, breaches of the con-
tract by the Defendant.
The extension of time clause, clause 17(ii),contained the standard pro-
vision in regard to delays occasioned 'by any other causes beyond the
contractor's control'. Group 5 contended that the delays arising out of the
alleged breaches of contract fell outside the ambit of clause 17(ii)and as a
consequence time was at large (following strictly English principles of law
and indeed the South African law at that time as provided in the judgement
in Kelly & Hingles Trustees v. Union Government (Minister of Public
Works) 1928 TPD 272).
His Lordship Mr Justice Nienaber said:
'In my opinion the words "or by any other causes beyond the contractor's
control" in clause 17(ii)are wide enough to embrace a wrongful conduct by the
employer or his agent. Such conduct would entitle the contractor to apply for
an extension of time and, if the application is refused, to have the matter tested
in a court of law. In addition, the contractor can recover any losses he may have
suffered as a result of the owner's wrongful conduct by means of an action for
damages. The express terms of the contract accordingly provide for the very
eventuality which the Plaintiff (Group 5) alleges occurred in this instance.'
The essential difference between the South African approach and that
adopted by the English courts is that the latter are prepared to give a much
narrower interpretation to the provisions of the extension of time clauses.
In the Group 5 decision the phrase 'or any other causes beyond the con-
tractor's control' was given a much broader interpretation to include for
breaches by the employer.
The Group 5 decision may also have been influenced by the fact that
'the other causes' complained of by Group 5 were in fact expressly covered
elsewhere and qualified for extensions of time in any event. No doubt Group
5 used this argument to overcome its failure to give notice.
Recent legal decisions indicate that there may be a wind of change. It
may be that the contractor's argument that 'time is at large' if the engineer
or architect fails to grant an extension at the appropriate time is losing
favour (see 7.1, infra).
It is often argued that the employer cannot recover more in general
damages than he would have been able to recover by way of liquidated
damages. It appears from Rapid Building Group Ltd v. Ealing Family
Housing Association Ltd (supra), that if the employer has lost his rights
18 Construction Contract Claims
to liquidated damages, his claim for general damages may not be limited
by the amount specified in the contract for liquidated damages. This point
was not decided in the Rapid Building case but it must be at least arguable
that this may be the case in certain circumstances.
In Temloc Ltd v. Erril Properties Ltd (1987) 39 BLR 31, the sum
specified for liquidated damages was 'Enil' and the employer sought to
recover unliquidated damages arising out of delay in completion by the con-
tractor. The Court of Appeal decided that by inserting a Enil rate for liqui-
dated damages (to be calculated pursuant to clause 24.2.1 of a 1980 edition
of the JCT form of contract), the parties had agreed that there should be
no damages for late completion. However, in this case the Court of Appeal
took the view that an extension of time which had been made by the archi-
tect after the twelve-week period required by clause 25.3.3 of the contract
did not invalidate the liquidated damages provision and general damages
could not be recovered as an alternative. Accordingly, the matter of the
employer's rights in the event of the liquidated damages provisions being
inapplicable did not have to be considered.
Nevertheless, notwithstanding the Temloc case, it appears likely that
in the event of the contractor successfully arguing that the liquidated
damages provisions are no longer applicable, then he may run the risk of
being liable for general damages in excess of the liquidated damages. On
the other hand, an employer who caused the liquidated damages provision
to be invalidated, for any reason, for the purposes of claiming a higher
amount of general damages than he might have recovered under the con-
tractual provisions would be unlikely to find favour in the courts (see further
commentary on the Temloc case in Chapter 7). This practice would surely
fall foul of the rule of law which prevents a party
- . from taking advantage of
1 History of Construction Contracts and Case Law 19
20 Construction Contract Claims
History o f Construction Contracts and Case Law 21
22 Construction Contract Claims
History of Construction Contracts and Case Law 23
24 Construction Contract Claims
History of Construction Contracts and Case Law 25
as the death knell for all claims of this kind. It should be noted that the
judge in a subsequent case, Mid-Glamorgan County Council v. J
Devonald Williams & Partner [I992129 ConLR 129, considered the pre-
vious cases involving rolled-up claims (including the Wharf case) and held
that, provided the circumstances were appropriate, such a claim could
Global claims were again scrutinised in Imperial Chemical lndustries v.
Bovis Construction Ltd and Others (1993) 32 ConLR 90, where the
plaintiff was ordered to serve a Scott Schedule containing:
the alleged complaint;
a the defendant against whom the claim was made;
which clause in the contract had been breached;
a the alleged failure consequences of such breach.
In GMTC Tools & Equipment Ltd v. Yuasa Warwick Machinery Ltd
(1995) 7 3 BLR 102, the use of a Scott Schedule was raised again. The
Judge had ordered that a Scott Schedule should be drawn up setting out
the details and effects of each of the plaintiff's complaints.
The plaintiff had difficulty in preparing the Scott Schedule and failed to
comply with the Unless Order. The matter was eventually dealt with on
appeal where Lord Justice Leggatt ruled that a Judge is not entitled to pre-
scribe the way in which the quantum of damage is pleaded and proved or
to require a party to establish causation and loss by a particular method.
His Lordship said:
'I have come to the clear conclusion that the Plaintiff should be permitted to for-
mulate their claims for damages as they wish, and not be forced into a strait-
jacket of the Judge's or their opponent's choosing.'
In British Airways Pension Trustees Ltd v. Sir Robert McAlpine and
Son (1995) 7 2 BLR 26, Judge Fox Andrews had ordered that the claim
be struck out and the action dismissed on the grounds that the plaintiffs
failed to properly particularise their claim. However, this decision was over-
ruled by the Court of Appeal where Lord Justice Savill said:
'The basic purpose of pleadings is to enable the opposing party to know
what case is being made in sufficient detail to enable that party properly to
answer it. To my mind, it seems that, in recent years, there has been a tendency
to forget this basic purpose and to seek particularisation even when it is not
really required. This is not only costly in itself, but is calculated to lead to delay
and to interlocutory battles in which the parties and the Courts pore over endless
pages of pleadings to see whether or not some particular points have or have
not been raised or answered, when in truth each party knows perfectly well
what case is made by the other and is able properly to prepare to deal with it.
Pleadings are not a game to be played at the expense of citizens nor an end in
26 Construction Contract Claims
themselves, but a means to the end, and that end is to give each party a fair
In Amec Building Ltd v. Cadmus Investment Co Ltd [I997151 ConLR
105 the judge appears to have taken the view that each case will be dealt
with on its merits without laying down principles as to whether global claims
will or will not be accepted.
In summary, in spite of numerous recent cases, it appears that little has
changed since the principles laid down in Mid-Glamorgan County Council
v. J. Devonald Williams & Partner. In practice, global claims should be
a last resort, not just because it is difficult to particularise a number of
claims but because particularisation is impracticable or impossible owing to
complex entanglement with numerous overlapping and/or concurrent
1.7 Notice
History of Construction Contracts and Case Law 27
after the date of the Engineer's order as is practicable, and in the case of
additional work before the commencement of the work or as soon there-
after as is practicable.'
Sub-clause 52(4) provided for claims to be made monthly and 'no claim
for payment for any such work will be considered which has not been
included in such particulars. Provided always that the Engineer shall be enti-
tled to authorise payment to be made for any work notwithstanding the
Contractor's failure to comply with this condition if the Contractor has at
the earliest practical opportunity notified the Engineer that he intends to
make a claim for such work.' It was held that clause 52(2) only required a
notice in general terms that a claim was being made and that clause 52(4)
only related to payment in monthly certificates. The proviso in clause 52(4)
which empowered the engineer to authorise payment, and the provisions
of clauses 60, 6 1 and 62, which contemplated that the contractor's rights
remained open until the final maintenance certificate had been issued were
sufficient to show that the contractor had complied with the contractual
In Crosby v. Portland UDC (supra),the works were suspended by order
of the engineer and the contractor did not give notice within the period
specified in sub-clause 40(1) of the fourth edition of the ICE conditions of
contract which contained the proviso 'Provided that the Contractor shall
not be entitled to recover any extra cost unless he gives written notice of
his intention to claim to the Engineer within twenty-eight days of the Engi-
neer's order.' It was held that since the contractor had not given notice
within the specified period the claim failed.
The distinction between the Tersons and the Crosby cases is best
explained in Bremer Handelsgesell-Schaft M. B. H. v. Vanden Avenne-
lzegem F! V B. A. [I9781 2 Lloyds LR 109, in which Lord Salmon said:
'In the event of shipment proving impossible during the contract period, the
second sentence of cl. 21 requires the sellers to advise the buyers without delay
and the reasons for it. It has been argued by buyers that this is a condition prece-
dent to the seller's rights under that clause. I do not accept this argument. Had
it been intended as a condition precedent, I should have expected the clause to
state the precise time within which the notice was to be served, and to have
made plain by express language that unless notice was served within that time,
the sellers would lose their rights under the clause.'
28 Construction Contract Claims
Very little change has been made to subsequent editions of the ICE and
FIDIC conditions of contract. Both ICE and FIDIC relaxed the conditions
precedent with respect to suspension. However, the 1999 FIDIC contracts
(Red, Yellow and Silver Books) now contain strict provisions to give notice
within twenty-eight days for all claims (sub-clause20.1). The giving of notice
in accordance with this sub-clause (but not the requirements to provide par-
ticulars and accounts of claims) is a condition precedent to the contrac-
tor's rights to claim for delay or additional payment (see 4.9, infra).
The requirements to give notice in RIBA and pre-1980 JCT standard
forms of contract were less stringent than the requirements in the ICE
conditions. Notice of delay under the extension of time clause (clause 2 3
in the 1963 edition of JCT) is required to be given by the contractor 'forth-
with'. The case of London Borough of Merton v. Stanley Hugh Leach
Ltd (supra) dealt with a host of issues, one of which involved extensions
of time if the contractor fails to give written notice upon it becoming rea-
sonably apparent that the progress of the works is delayed. It was held that,
if the architect was of the opinion that the progress of the works is likely
to be delayed beyond the completion date by one of the specified causes
of delay for which there was power to extend time for completion of the
works, the architect owes a duty to both the employer and the contractor
to estimate the delay and make an appropriate extension of time. The
giving of notice of delay by the contractor was not a condition precedent
to an extension of time. However, failure on the part of the contractor to
give notice in accordance with the contract was a breach of contract and
that breach may be taken into account when considering what extension
should be made.
Most building and civil engineering contracts provide for the architect or
engineer to be responsible for granting extensions of time and certifying
payment of sums due under the contract. In carrying out these duties the
architect or engineer is required to act fairly and impartially and the
employer is not permitted to influence or obstruct them in the performance
of their duties. Several early cases show that the courts have taken a con-
sistent view in cases where the employer has sought to influence the person
appointed by him to certify or value in accordance with the contractual pro-
visions, even if there was no fraud on the employer's part: Hudson's Build-
ing and Engineering Contracts, tenth edition at pp 460-463. In the case
of Morrison-Knudsen v. B.C. Hydro & Power (1975) 85 DLR 3d 186,
all of the contractor's requests for an extension of time were rejected and
History of Construction Contracts and Case Law 29
no extensions of time which were due to the contractor were granted. The
contractor accelerated the progress of the work and the project was com-
pleted shortly after the contractual date for completion. It was subsequently
discovered that the employer was instrumental in securing an agreement
with a government representative that no extensions should be granted.
The Court of Appeal of British Columbia held that the contractor was enti-
tled to recover the acceleration costs which he had incurred as a result of
the breach of contract. Further, the contractor would have been entitled to
rescind the contract and sue for payment in quantum meruit if he had
been aware of the breach.
In a recent Scottish case, the contractor claimed to be entitled to inter-
est on a sum which the contractor claimed to be due but which had not
been certified by the engineer. The contract was the ICE fifth edition which
provided for interest to be paid in the event of failure to certify (clause
60(6)).The Judge held that the clause did not allow for interest if the engi-
neer certified sums which were less than the sums which the engineer
ultimately certified as being due. If the engineer had certified what
in his opinion was due at the time, it could not be construed as a failure
to certify.
However, it was discovered that the employer had instructed the engi-
neer that under no circumstances should he certify more than a specified
sum without the employer's permission. The engineer appeared to ignore
the employer's instructions and prepared a draft letter to the contractor
indicating that a sum exceeding the employer's ceiling was due. The
employer sacked the engineer. The Judge held that the employer's inter-
ference was sufficient to deny effect to the engineer's certificates in which
case there must have been a failure on the part of the engineer to certify
within the meaning of clause 60(6) of the contract. In these circumstances
the contractor was entitled to interest: Nash Dredging Ltd v. Kestrel1
Marine Ltd (1986)SLT 62. [This decision, on the general matter of inter-
est payable in accordance with the provisions of clause 60(6) of the ICE
conditions, should not be regarded as being applicable in England. See
Morgan Grenfell v. Sunderland Borough Council and Seven Seas Dredg-
ing Ltd, Secretary of State for Transport v. Birse-Farr Joint Venture and
other cases, (infra) Chapter 5.1
It has long been held that if a consultant acts negligently in the performance
of his duties, and the employer suffers loss as a result, then the employer
would have a claim for damages against the consultant. This was held to
30 Construction Contract Claims
The law relating to construction contracts has evolved rapidly in recent years
and it looks set to continue at a similar pace in the future. Recent cases
have put new interpretations on some aspects of the law but many grey
areas still exist. The wide range of new or revised forms of contract will
bring with them new problems that will need resolution. An increasing
awareness of contract law and its application in modern contracts will be
in evidence and new contractual provisions will be drafted to deal with the
decisions of the courts. A considerable effort needs to be made in the direc-
tion of contracts administration, monitoring progress, claims formulation
and presentation, and this is likely to be evidenced by the ever increasing
number of seminars and training courses on the subject.
Resolution of disputes has become an increasingly costly exercise where
the costs of arbitration are often no less than the costs of litigation. Pro-
cedures, extensive pleadings, tactics and joining of several parties have been
the cause of escalating costs of managing an arbitration. The use of Alter-
native Dispute Resolution (ADR) is bound to find favour with all sides of the
History of Construction Contracts and Case Law 31
32 Construction Contract Claims
an early warning of the problem, both parties can put their heads together
to find the best possible solution which may involve rescheduling some of
the work (very often at no extra cost). If the contractor is aware of a poten-
tial delay, such as late delivery of equipment, then following an early
warning notice, both parties try to resolve the problem which may include
the authorisation of alternative equipment. Properly used, these useful pro-
visions may save time and money for both parties and avoid unnecessary
delay and/or claims for additional payment. The employer also has a better
chance of keeping the project on schedule.
The 1999 FIDIC Red, Yellow and Silver Books, intended for use on
major international contracts (generally exceeding US$500 000.00), only
provide for an early warning to be given by the contractor to the employer.
There appears to be no machinery for the employer to respond to an early
warning by the contractor by way of a solution in the best interests of both
parties. By way of contrast, in the Green Book, its contract for smaller
works (generally less than US$500000.00), FIDIC goes part of the way to
improve the matter by stating that both the employer and the contractor
shall give an early warning. Unfortunately, the contract only provides for
the contractor to '.. . take all reasonable steps to minimise these effects.'
What are the employer's obligations?
It remains to be seen if co-operation (NEC) wins the day or if adversity
(FIDIC) continues to stay in front in international contracting. No doubt
the major funding agencies, such as The World Bank, will influence the
The Single European Market and the changes which have occurred in
the 1980s and 1990s have lead to greater flexibility in contracting. Foreign
firms often compete against British firms for work in the UK, and British
firms are equally keen to compete in mainland Europe. There is still a long
way to go. Harmonisation of products and standards is well advanced but
differences in legal systems and forms of contract have not allowed any sig-
nificant harmonisation in this area. Perhaps the NEC and FIDIC contracts
will help to change the face of domestic contracting throughout Europe and
that the days of having numerous different standard forms of contract in
the UK will disappear. The NEC is already well established in the UK and
overseas and there are no reasons why FIDIC contracts should not be used
in the UK, France or Germany as a domestic contract. The NEC and FIDIC
contracts go a long way to providing a solution to almost any type of con-
tract under any contractual arrangements, thereby substantially satisfying \
the recommendations in the Latham Report (and in the Banwell Report of
1964)- that is, one form of contract for all types of building and civil engi- '
neering is desirable.
Choice of Contracts
There are three main categories of client who require the construction of,
or alterations, or extensions to, a building or civil engineering project. The
first category consists of clients who embark upon a building or civil engi-
neering venture only once or perhaps a few times. The second category
consists of clients who regularly have the need to refurbish, alter or expand
existing premises or develop new projects in the course of their business.
The third category comprises a variety of speculative developers who con-
struct projects for sale or lease.
Clients who embark upon any construction venture for the first time are
often faced with a number of alternative routes but usually the first stop will
be at the office of a qualified architect or engineer. For the majority of pro-
jects this approach may be sufficient. Most professional firms of architects
and engineers are well versed in the use of standard forms of contract and,
unless the client has unusual requirements, a standard form of contract will
be available to suit most purposes. They are, however, not without their
pitfalls and some architects and engineers fail to provide the necessary
advice which may make the difference between ultimate client satisfaction
and a potential claim for professional negligence.
Whether it is an architect, engineer, quantity surveyor, solicitor or a
lawyer specialising in construction contracts, the best advice is usually given
by someone who has had 'hands on' experience in administering or man-
aging contracts and is well versed in contract law, including all of the recent
developments in case law which affect the interpretation and application of
standard forms of contract. An unamended standard form of contract may
be more appropriate than a masterful piece of legal drafting which fails to
take account of practical reality and commercial practice. In most cases a
good contract will comprise the appropriate standard form suitably
amended to rectify its deficiencies and incorporating reasonable client's
Clients who are familiar with the pitfalls of contracting often have their
own amendments for use with a standard form or they may have a tailor-
made form of contract to suit their own requirements. This is a step in the
34 Construction Contract Claims
right direction but recent cases in the courts have shown that many amend-
ments to tried and tested standard forms of contract, and some provisions
in hybrid forms of contract, fail to contain the standard of clarity necessary
to ensure that the draftsman's intentions are understood. The application
of the 'con tra-proferentern rule' and other well established principles in
English law may assist contractors when the terms of the contract are
decided in the courts.
The criticism of contractual provisions introduced by major corporations
and public clients suggests that some of them should approach the prob-
lems of contracting with equal caution to first time venturers. The vast
sums of money which may be at stake merit special attention to the con-
tract conditions and one of the first steps which ought to be taken by any
client embarking on a major project should be to obtain expert professional
advice from someone who is not a member of its own organisation. If
this is done, the incidence of provisions which may appear to be in the
client's interests, but which are likely to have the opposite result, may be
Some clients may be advised to proceed on the basis of an outline design
brief and contractors may be invited to tender for the design and con-
struction of the project. Independent advice is essential at all stages if this
is to be adopted. If the client has confidence in a particular contractor, it
may choose to go directly to the contractor to negotiate for the design and
construction of the project. Only in exceptional circumstances should a
client contract for work in this manner without the guidance of an inde-
pendent professional throughout the contract.
Choice of Contracts 35
client has a generous budget, he may insist on the best quality and design
whilst cost and time are secondary.
Whatever the client's objectives it is important to set out a master pro-
gramme, showing the various anticipated design and construction phases,
at an early stage. This may have a bearing on the type of contracting
methods to be used and should not be overlooked. The most common
causes of construction delay claims stem from insufficient time allowed for
design and commencing on site before sufficient design and detailing has
been completed.
36 Construction Contract Claims
C / / / / / ~ r / m
e z z z z z a ~ ~ r n e a
machinery to adjust the contract sum and/or the contract period (see Figure
Support for the view that a lump sum contract should be designed in all
its essential elements at tender stage is found in The Banwell Report (The
Placing and Management of Contracts for Building and Civil Engi-
neering Work, HMSO, 1964). The JCT standard forms of building con-
tract used for this method of contracting clearly contemplate the design
being substantially, if not wholly, complete at tender stage. The recitals of
the JCT forms expressly state that the employer 'has caused Drawings and
Bills of Quantities showing and describing the work to be done to be pre-
pared by. . . .' Clause 1.3 of JCT80 defines these Drawings as the Con-
tract Drawings, and clause 2.1 requires the contractor to 'carry out and
complete the Works shown on the Contract Drawings. . . .'
It has long been an accepted practice, and provided for in most forms
of contract, that some work may not be fully designed at tender stage. This
is usually dealt with by provisional sums or provisional quantities. In recent
years the proportion of work covered by provisional items has increased
beyond that for which this type of contract was intended. In some cases as
much as forty per cent of the contract sum has been made up of provi-
sional items, leaving the contractor unsure as to the scope of the work and
the employer without a realistic budget for the project.
Other forms of abuse include the use of provisional sums under the guise
of PC (Prime Cost) Sums. Very often the prime cost sum is no more than
a provisional sum, whereas on the strict interpretation of the contract, a
prime cost sum should be a reasonable estimate based on a design which
was in existence at tender stage. This will be dealt with in more detail in
later chapters.
Some practitioners are bent on using a form of contract intended for
use in the above circumstances (such as JCTSO), when it was known at the
outset that the design stage would extend well into the construction phase.
Choice of Contracts 37
This practice may work if the designer co-ordinates the design into a master
programme which is synchronised with the contractor's construction pro-
gramme. However, there are many risks, such as under-estimation of 'lead-
in' times for procurement, limitation on the flexibility in the contractor's
programme (in the event that the contractor needs to change sequence for
his own convenience) and an unacceptable incidence of variations caused
by lack of foresight. All of these factors may lead to late completion and
claims for compensation of one kind or another.
Another disadvantage of traditional contracting is that it does not usually
permit the contractor to have an input at design stage. Many contractors
are able to contribute to the design so that savings in cost and time can
be made for the benefit of the employer. Sometimes contractors offer
alternative designs, but very often this is so late in the day that it places
more pressure on the design team to take account of the contractor's pro-
posals in the overall design. Variants on the traditional forms of contract
include an element of design by the contractor such as JCT80 used with
the 'Contractor's Designed Portion Supplement (CDPS) 1981 (revised
It is becoming increasingly popular for employers to move in the direc-
tion of design and build or turnkey contracts. A degree of competition may
be introduced by a comprehensive design brief and a schedule of the client's
requirements. It is important to ensure that firms bidding for work of this
nature have a sound track record which can be verified and that a detailed
inspection of previous projects is undertaken by the client's professional
advisers. Care should be taken to investigate previous performance. Have
the projects been completed on time and within budget? What are the main-
tenance costs? In addition to written testimonials from previous clients, it
may be advisable to obtain permission to discuss the bidding contractors'
performance and the quality of the buildings with clients and consultants
for previous projects.
It is important to select a contractor in whom the client has complete
faith and confidence. That is not to say that the client should go ahead
without professional advice throughout the project. This may take the form
of a project manager and possibly a quantity surveyor. An architect or engi-
neer may also be engaged to advise on technical matters. A good project
manager can make the difference between the success or failure of this
method of contracting. It is essential that the person selected to carry out
this role is given the freedom to act fairly and impartially. Whilst the
employer's interests must be given priority, it is very often counter-
productive to adopt an adversarial position which creates distrust between
all parties. Much more benefits can be obtained for the client if the project
manager helps to preserve trust and confidence by showing authority,
integrity and competence at all levels.
38 Construction Contract Claims
m m e a
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~ 1eaeara
rzza e z z z z a rzaezza ea ea ea
lzaezaeaP777777T/T/71caezlFaeza ra ra
Choice of Contracts 39
method of contracting which has been used for many years. The outline
design of the project, together with a detailed brief, is prepared by the
design team and bidding contractors are required to submit their proposals
for the management and 'procurement of construction'. The criteria used
as a basis for selection will include:
reimbursable costs of site management, supervision and general services
(similar to 'Preliminaries' in traditional contracting);
lump sum or percentage to be added to the prime cost of the project;
management capability and resources;
ability to contribute to the design of the project - 'buildability';
programme and methods of construction;
methods of ensuring quality control;
systems for cost control;
industrial relations;
proposed packaging of work to be done by subcontractors;
buying power and negotiation skills;
previous track record.
The selected management contractor does not usually execute any work
himself. His obligations are, in collaboration with the design team and the
employer, to procure completion of the project on time and within budget,
by subcontracting various parts of the work and by purchasing materials to
be fixed by subcontractors. Balance will have to be made when consider-
ing the size and scope of work packages.
Large packages will not enable the employer to obtain the benefit of
buying margins, but a lower management fee may be required. On the other
hand, a large number of small work packages will usually reduce the prime
cost, but the management fee and reimbursable costs may be higher to
reflect the increased management, supervision and risk involved.
In this method of contracting, the management contractor enters into
an agreement with the employer in the same way as the contractor in tra-
ditional contracting. The contracting structure is shown in Figure 2.3. It is
often the case that the management contractor's liability for late comple-
tion is limited to any damages which it can recover from subcontractors.
This can cause serious problems if the subcontractors are financially vul-
nerable. Subcontractors carrying out small work packages may be faced
with damages for late completion which are out of proportion to the value
of work undertaken by them.
In traditional contracting, the employer may recover all of the damages
from the contractor without being concerned about which subcontractors
were the culprits. In management contracting, the liabilities of several sub-
contractors responsible for overlapping delays can cause difficulties and may
often lead to disputes and arbitration or litigation.
I *no managomant
Choice of Contracts 41
Why use a standard form of contract? Firstly, it will have been prepared
having regard to the nature of the work to be undertaken. Secondly, prac-
titioners in the industry are more comfortable using a standard form of
contract with which they are familiar and which is usually capable of
interpretation by reference to readily available text books and case law.
Thirdly, they are often drafted and agreed by recognised bodies represent-
ing all sides of the industry which will be affected by them. This last point
is to some extent a disadvantage in that a form of contract, 'by commit-
tee', is often a compromise containing some defective aspects of one form
or another.
Standard forms of contract are available to suit contracts of almost
any size and complexity and to suit most methods of contracting. Some
practitioners select forms of contract with which they are familiar without
having sufficient regard to their suitability or limitations. This practice is
not to be recommended and should be regarded as 'short changing' the
client. Any client embarking upon a construction project is entitled to expect
sound advice from his professional advisers on all aspects of the contract,
not least of which is the selection of the right form of contract for the
42 Construction Contract Claims
r - - - - -I--- -- - T----- '
.I I I
I I I I 1
Choice of Contracts 43
The most commonly known standard forms of contract are those issued by
The Joint Contracts Tribunal (JCT).The first standard form issued by the
JCT was in 1963 which superseded the RIBA forms of contract. It was
published in four main variants; the private and local authorities' versions,
each with, or without, bills of quantities. Today there are a number of stan-
dard forms for a variety of needs.
The contract references given below for the most common forms of
JCT contract are the original references upon first publication. In many
instances, later publications have been issued to incorporate amendments
since the original issue. The latest issue and reference at April 2000 is given
after the original reference.
44 Construction Contract Claims
Choice of Contracts 45
employer. There is no provision to vary the scope of the work. The final
cost to the employer is the actual prime cost ascertained from the con-
tractor's accounts and invoices plus the fixed fee quoted by the contractor.
There is provision for reimbursement of loss and expense caused by dis-
turbance of the regular progress of the works.
The 1987 publication of this form of contract retains the format of the
1963 JCT standard form of contract. Some of its provisions, therefore, are
subject to the same criticism as JCT63.
46 Construction Contract Claims
FIDIC Contracts
The first contracts designed specifically for international contracts were
probably initiated in the United States. These were largely defence project
orientated and the most well known is probably the Corps of Engineers
contracts. The Associated General Contractors of America and the Feder-
ation of Americana de la Industria de la Construction led the way for the
US construction industry to move in the direction of the international
conditions of contract known as FIDIC (Fkdkration Internationale des
Ingbnieurs-Conseils) which was based almost entirely on the pre-Fifth
Edition ICE conditions of contract. The First Edition of FIDIC was published
in 1956 and has gone through several revisions, the latest edition which
followed the ICE format being the Fourth Edition (commonly known as the
Red Book) published in 1987. This form of contract was intended for use
where the design was done by the employer and construction was done by
the contractor.
Because of a growing international demand for a variety of contracts to
suit different methods of procurement, other standard international forms
of contract issued by FIDIC up to 1999 were (for Electrical and Mechani-
Choice of Contracts 47
cal Works) the Yellow Book and (for Design-Build and Turnkey) the Orange
Book. Apart from the changes giving emphasis to the nature of some of
the specialist work in electrical and mechanical contracts, the main differ-
ence between these two forms is the degree of design responsibility placed
on the contractor. Both the Yellow and Orange Books contemplate design
by the contractor.
In 1999, FIDIC published a new family of contracts:
48 Construction Contract Claims
In spite of the criticism levied at the FIDIC contracts (infra), the new stan-
dard layout incorporating a great deal of common or 'core' conditions is
welcome. Greater emphasis on definitions and a specific definition of 'force
majeure' is new. There are numerous minor changes to some definitions
and clauses between the three contracts for major construction projects
(Red, Yellow and Silver Books) but the principal changes appear in the fol-
lowing clauses:
Clause 3
In both the Red Book and the Yellow Book, these clauses are almost iden-
tical and deal with the powers and obligations of the engineer (the Red
Book provides for the contractor to confirm verbal instructions of the engi-
neer whilst the Yellow Book requires all instructions to be in writing). The
engineer does not feature in the Silver Book where clause 3 deals with
employer's administration.
Clause 5
In the Red Book this clause deals with nominated subcontractors. (In the
Yellow and Silver Books there are very brief provisions for nominated sub-
contractors in sub-clause 4.5.) The same clause in the Yellow Book and
Silver Book deals with design (by the employer). In the Yellow Book, the
contractor may lose his rights to any claim in respect of incorrect infor-
mation provided by the employer if he failed to properly scrutinise the
employer's information in accordance with the contract and failed to give
notice of the error within twenty-eight days. In the Silver Book, the con-
tractor is deemed to have scrutinised the information provided by the
employer before submitting the tender (before the base date) and shall be
fully responsible for any error, inaccuracy or omission in the employer's
information with the exception of:
(a) information stated in the contract as being immutable or the employer's
(b) definitions of the intended purpose of the works;
(c) criteria for testing and performance of the works; and
(d) information which cannot be verified by the contractor except as oth-
erwise stated in the contract.
Choice of Contracts 49
Clause 72
In the Red Book, this clause deals with measurement and valuation. In both
the Yellow and Silver Books, clause 1 2 deals with tests after completion of
the works.
The Red, Yellow and Silver books all have provisions for 'value engineer-
ing'. In the Red Book, the contractor and the employer share any saving
that the contractor may be able to make or any benefit that the employer
may receive as a result of:
(a) accelerated completion;
(b) reduction in cost to the employer of executing, maintaining or operat-
ing the works;
(c) improved efficiency or value to the employer of completed works; or
(d) other benefits to the employer.
Under the Yellow and Silver Books, any such proposal (for value engi-
neering) shall be treated as a variation. It is unlikely that value engineering
will feature in the Yellow and Silver Books as most contractors ought to
have 'value engineered' his design at the tender stage.
The Red, Yellow and Silver Books have much improved procedures for
better management, monitoring and control of the project (see Chapter 4).
50 Construction Contract Claims
The first core clause 10.1 sets out the philosophy behind the contract:
'The Employer, the Contractor, the Project Manager and the Supervisor shall
act as stated in this contract and in the spirit of mutual trust and co-operation.
The Adjudicator shall act as stated in this contract and in the spirit of
In general terms, the project manager and the supervisor carry out the
duties of 'the Engineer' in ICE and FIDIC contracts. The adjudicator settles
disputes between the employer and the contractor.
As stated in Chapter 1 , there is provision for an 'early warning' to be
given by the contractor or by the project manager. The response to an early
warning contemplated by the contract is refreshing and should be taken on
board in any form of contract if the employer is really going to have the
best possible chance of getting his project on time and within budget. Clause
'At an early warning meeting those who attend co-operate in:
making and considering proposals for how the effect of each matter
which has been notified as an early warning can be avoided or reduced,
seeking solutions that will bring advantage to all those affected, and
deciding upon actions which they will take and who, in accordance with
this contract, will take them.'
The various main options (A-F) use most of the core clauses and each
option requires changes to particular clauses to suit the method of con-
tracting. In addition, there are numerous secondary options. Some exam-
ples are:
Choice of Contracts 51
employer's designer exercised reasonable skill and care (of the standard
expected of a competent professional man), using all relevant and univer-
sally known codes and standards, then he will not normally be liable if the
design fails. This Option M limits the normal liability for design by the con-
tractor to the same as 'that of a professional man'. This may be of signifi-
cance, particularly if it is impossible to insure for design defects if the liability
is 'fitness for purpose'.
52 Construction Contract Claims
where the government does not have sufficient public funds available to
finance vital infrastructure, power or water projects and the like. Whilst this
method has seen most growth in developing countries such as India, Thai-
land, Malaysia, China and Vietnam, it is also popular in developed coun-
tries. In the UK, BOT or BOOT is the basis of the Government's Private
Finance Initiative (PFI).
Projects which attract revenue by way of tolls or levies -a re candidates
for this type of venture. A project is founded by the granting of a 'conces-
sion' for a period of years (say twenty to thirty years) to the promoter or
concession company. The promoter will seek equity funding from inter-
ested investors and long-term finance from banks and financial institutions.
Normally banks and financial institutions need to be satisfied on the
debt:equity ratio and a minimum ratio may be set by the government. The
promoter designs and constructs the project or it enters into a turnkey con-
tract with a contractor for the design and construction of the works. Unlike
a traditional contract, the concession company does not receive payment
in stages or on completion, but relies on the income generated from tolls
or levies throughout the life of the concession. The remuneration (and
profits) are generated over the period of the concession by tolls or levies,
out of which the capital and interest charges are repaid to the lenders, and
dividends are paid to the investors. If there is delay to the construction of
the project, then the promoter suffers a loss of revenue. Depending on the
discount rate, one-year delay to completion of construction may require
more than five years' extension to the concession period in order to recover
the loss.
Any project which has the potential to earn revenue over a number of
years which is more than sufficient to pay back loans and interest and
produce a reasonable return for investors is suitable for a BOT scheme.
The contractual structure of a typical BOT scheme is shown in Figure
2.5 and the flow of expenditure and income for most models of BOT
schemes is shown in Figure 2.6.
The comparison of costs incurred and the income does not, by itself,
indicate whether or not the bid is profitable. The costs and the income must
be brought back to a similar basis by discounted cash flow (DCF)techniques.
Lenders to a project want to be sure that the project has a potentially
satisfactory financial position. Lenders will measure the financial position
of the concession company investors, for example, ROE (Return on Equity),
and they expect to see a financially attractive scheme. Lenders fully realise
that the project is more likely to succeed if the persons or bodies investing
in the concession company have an excellent opportunity to earn a very
good return.
In the early years of the operating period, all or most of the 'surplus'
revenue will be used to repay loans - 'debt service and repayment of inter-
Choice of Contracts 53
est'. The ratio of debt to equity will diminish as years pass until, at a certain
point, all the debt is repaid.
Diagrams showing how costs and revenue can be reconciled are given
in Figures 2.7 and 2.8. Figure 2.7 shows expenditure and income and
Figure 2.8 shows equity against dividends.
54 Construction Contract Claims
The repayment of the loan and interest in Figures 2.7 and 2.8 assumes
that the concession company must repay capital in equal instalments over
nine years with interest on the reducing amount (commencing in the first
year). Other options include a flat annual repayment, whereby the capital
Choice of Contracts 55
, , , I t
, , , , I
T I , , ,
56 Construction Contract Claims
repaid in the first year is small and the interest is large. The amount of
capital repaid each year increases and the interest decreases. In some cases,
repayment may be deferred for three to twelve months (after commence-
ment of operation). An important factor to be taken into account in some
developing countries is the fact that much, and in some cases all, of the
loans and equity will be provided in hard currency, but the revenue (out of
which the loans have to be repaid and dividends paid) will be in local cur-
rency. The long-term effect of exchange rate fluctuations may be critical or
even disastrous unless the concession agreement has a built-in remedy to
compensate the concession company.
It should be noted that these 'financial models' in Figures 2.7 and 2.8
represent a poor investment on a number of grounds:
ideally, there should be a reasonable surplus (income over expenditure)
throughout the concession period (very often the lenders will insist on
the breakeven point for investors should be within the first third of the
total concession period;
investors would normally expect dividends within a few years of com-
mencement of operation;
any delay to the project is likely to cause the project to be a failure
because there is insufficient margin in the financial model (the breakeven
point will disappear at the end of the twenty-five year concession period
if there is one-year delay to the project with a ten per cent discount
Where a BOT project involves the use of land or facilities owned by or
controlled by government, it is necessary to pass specific legislation to cover
the project. This may be done by enacting specific legislation governing the
granting of a concession agreement and its terms for a particular project,
or by enacting general legislation governing the terms of concession agree-
ments and specific legislation for each particular project.
It will be seen from Figure 2.5 that there are a number of contracts
between the various parties. There are no standard forms for BOT con-
cession contracts (between government or public authority and the con-
cession company). Likewise, there are no standard forms for operating
contract, loan agreement or shareholder's agreement. The independent
consultant agreement and the agreement between the contractor and the
designer may be based on one of the standard forms, such as the FIDIC
Consultants Agreement (1990).
Whilst there are no standard forms of construction contract (between the
concession company and the contractor), a number of standard forms of
design and construct or turnkey contracts may be modified to suit the BOT
model. FIDIC promotes its 1999 Silver Book as a form of contract suited
Choice of Contracts 57
to BOT (suitably amended). It is perhaps here that the debate over whether
to use FIDIC or NEC (suitably amended) will be the hottest. On the one
hand, there are good grounds to argue that a 'tough' contract such as FIDIC
should be preferred. On the other hand, having regard to the fact that all
parties suffer from increases in cost or delay in a BOT project, there is all
the more reason for the parties to co-operate to ensure completion on time
and within budget (hence the choice of NEC may be the better one). As
long as the amendments to FDIC take on board the constructive elements
of NEC, it is probable that FIDIC will be equally, if not more, appropriate
than NEC in these types of project.
One of the factors to be considered in any construction contract within
a BOT model (FIDIC, NEC or any other) is how to deal with the contrac-
tor's conflict of interest (where, as is often the case, the contractor is a sig-
nificant shareholder of the concession company). Such matters as loading
construction costs, or errors in compiling the estimate of construction costs
and variations which might have been avoided, need to be addressed by
the use of deferred payment (but only if there is sufficient surplus in
revenue). All shareholders and lenders should be aware that contractors will
often look for short-term gains (profit in the construction contract) rather
that long-term returns (dividends from the concession company).
However, the wise contractor will see that a sensible mixture of short-
term gains (from construction) and long-term gains (from shareholdings in
a number of concession companies)will be advantageous over several years,
during which there may be cycles of 'boom and bust' in the construction
58 Construction Contract Claims
'Clause 2.2.1 Nothing contained in the Contract Bills shall override or modify
the application or interpretation of that which is contained in the Articles of
Agreement, the Conditions or the Appendix.'
Choice of Contracts 59
60 Construction Contract Claims
Choice of Contracts 61
JCT63) does not include 'any other cause of delay referred to in these
conditions', there may be some doubt as to how the revised provisions
will be construed.
It remains to be seen if the 1999 FIDIC contracts will be subject to the
same sort of abuse. Lessons may be learned from the fact that contractors
sometimes conspire to boycott the contract by refusing to tender if the
abuse justifies it.
Tender and Acceptance
Many mistakes and potential claims can be avoided if sufficient thought and
planning is put into the pre-tender stage of a contract. A common mistake
is to invite too many contractors, at the last possible minute, to submit a
tender for a project. There have been cases of over twenty contractors
being invited to bid for a project. In a recession, all or most of the invitees
will oblige. This process may provide the lowest possible tender figure.
However, it does not guarantee the lowest final account and very often com-
pletion of the project on time (if the contractor survives the course) may be
in doubt because of the failure to resource the project properly. In a buoyant
market, some contractors may submit cover prices (not a genuine tender,
but one based on another tendering contractor's price and uplifted to ensure
that it will not be successful). It has not been unknown for only one serious
bid to be made alongside several cover prices. In such circumstances, the
contractor submitting the serious bid usually discovers that fact and the
tender price increases accordingly.
Substantial benefits can be gained by early selection of contractors who
are willing to submit a bona fide tender and who are capable of carrying
out the work. This can be done by carefully selecting potential contractors,
giving them reasonable notice of the proposed tender and inviting them to
indicate their willingness to submit a tender for the project. The invitation
should contain sufficient information to enable the invitees to consider their
ability to submit a tender and execute the work, such as:
date for issuance of complete tender documents;
date for receipt of tenders;
date of award of contract;
date for commencement of the work;
contract period;
form of contract (with or without bills of quantities);
liquidated and ascertained damages;
brief description of the project.
Tender and Acceptance 63
It should be made clear that any firms wishing to decline from submitting
a tender would not prejudice their chances of being invited to tender for
future work. Firms who accept the invitation should be given the oppor-
tunity to attend a preliminary meeting and view the drawings which are
If the above procedures are followed, the employer will be reasonably
confident that he will receive serious bids from contractors. In the event
of insufficient positive replies, the employer can widen his net to make
enquiries of other firms. In addition, each contractor will be able to prepare
for the necessary staff to be available and it can begin to make enquiries
of potential subcontractors and suppliers.
In the case of large complex projects it may be desirable to invite con-
tractors to prequalify to tender for the work. The procedures described
above will be equally applicable to this process. However, in addition to
providing the information mentioned hereinbefore, the employer will wish
to find out more about the potential tenderers' capability. Prequalification
enquiries should cover:
previous track record on similar projects;
proposed management structure and staff responsible for the project;
financial standing of the firm;
resources which can be made available for the project;
details of any joint venture if tenders are to be submitted in the name
of more than one firm;
a outline proposals for method of construction and programme.
In some circumstances it may be appropriate to include all of the matters
described for management contracting in Chapter 2.
Pre-qualification enquiries should inform tenderers of the criteria to be
used for selection. After receipt of pre-qualification documents from the
invitees, a shortlist should be prepared according to the applicants'
responses, measured against the relevant criteria. This should be followed
by interviews of the shortlisted firms and the final tender list should be
drawn up as soon as possible so that all firms can be notified without
With the advent of the Single European Act, a number of Directives
issued by the European Commission have come into effect. The EC
Public Procurement Directives cover work in the public sector, that is,
work to be done by Contracting Authorities (government departments,
local authorities, nationalised industries and private sector bodies receiv-
ing more than fifty per cent of their funding from government and all
bodies governed by public law), the value of which exceeds specified thresh-
olds (subject to review). The principal EC Directives relating to procurement
64 Construction Contract Claims
Tender and Acceptance 65
66 Construction Contract Claims
to determine plant size and other resources. This is the case even where
bills of quantities are provided by the employer. Prices for special items
are often obtained on the basis of the drawings. In many cases, tenderers
may be able to establish, with reasonable accuracy, the cost of carrying
out the works, before the final set of tender documents is issued. All
that may remain to be done, during the relatively brief period allowed to
submit the tender, is to thoroughly check the tender documents, obtain
confirmation (or adjustment) of prices from subcontractors and sup-
pliers, adjust costs where necessary, adjudicate on the final tender sum
and compile the rates in the tender to arrive at the proposed tender
A suggested timetable for the above is shown in Figure 3.1.
The EC Public Works Directive 89/440/EEClaid down strict rules for
tenders which are covered by the legislation. The open tendering pro-
cedure must allow a minimum of 52 days from dispatch of tender notice
to receipt of tenders. The restricted (or selected) procedure must allow a
minimum of 37 days from dispatch of tender notice to receipt of applica-
tions to tender and a minimum of 40 days from dispatch of written invita-
tions to tender to receipt of tenders. The accelerated tender procedure may
be permitted in some cases of emergency, in which case the periods may
be reduced. Where no suitable tenders have been received during the
normal tendering procedures, or where additional work is required in
connection with an existing contract, direct negotiation with one or more
contractors may be permitted.
Directive 93/37/ECdated 14 June 1993 provides for certain amend-
ments and relaxations to the tendering procedures having regard to the
increasing number of concession contracts (BOT).
- - - 'I
Figure 3.1 Suggested timetable for phased issue of tender documents
68 Construction Contract Claims
The estimator's task is to accurately calculate the cost of carrying out the
works and to apportion the cost to the various elements (or items in a bill
of quantities) of the job. In order to do this he may have to rely on several
other departments, or individuals, in the company. The cost of carrying out
the works is very much determined by the method of construction and the
programme for the project. The method of construction will determine the
type of plant to be used and the productivity to be expected. The pro-
gramme will determine the cost of time-related items such as external scaf-
folding, tower cranes and hoists. The amount of work to be subcontracted
may determine the number of supervisory staff and the cost of attendance
on each subcontractor. Compiling the estimate is a completely separate task
from tendering. The estimator should not make decisions or allowances
which are influenced by external market forces or post-contractual matters
such as front loading the rates (increasing the rates for work executed early
in order to improve cash flow). He may, however, advise management on
such matters.
Once the estimate has been compiled and the cost of executing the work
has been established, management will consider external factors such as
the competition and the probable successful tender sum. The existing work-
load of the company and the requirement to obtain further work will also
be considered, as well as the assessment of risk, staff resources, profit and
possible savings in cost which can be made. This process is known as adju-
dication. After due consideration of all of these factors, the estimate will
be converted into the tender for the works. The estimator will then make
all of the necessary adjustments to the rates in accordance with the deci-
sions of management. The form of tender will then be completed and
Tender and Acceptance 69
submitted. In times of recession, the tender sum may be less than the esti-
mate of cost for executing the works.
A typical estimating and tendering process is shown in Figure 3.2.
70 Construction Contract Claims
1 I
Tender and Acceptance 71
72 Construction Contract Claims
Some public bodies are prohibited from accepting tenders on the basis of
any other criteria than the lowest price (errors excepted). The lowest price
does not guarantee the lowest final account, and a detailed analysis of
tenders can sometimes indicate a possible exposure to a higher price than
the tender sum.
Save where tenders are very close, the acceptance of the lowest tender
may not be in the employer's best interests. A very low tender should not
normally be accepted without first discussing every contentious matter with
the tenderer. Errors should be dealt with in accordance with one of the
codes of practice (which should be notified to tenderers prior to submission
of tenders).
However, for some projects, price alone may not be the criterion which
determines the best bid. The tender programme may indicate to what
extent the tenderer has appreciated the complexity of the design. Proposed
methods may indicate to what extent the tenderer has appreciated the
details and co-ordination of services. It is essential that the employer sets
out the criteria, giving each a standard, or yardstick, by which tenders are
evaluated. Tendering contractors should be made aware of the evaluation
criteria to be used so that the tender can be prepared accordingly.
Evaluation can be assisted if tenderers are required to submit additional
information in support of the tender. This may include:
breakdown of major items into labour, plant, materials, overheads and
breakdown of costs related to time, volume, method and event;
cash flow forecast.
Rates inserted in schedules, or bills of quantities, by the tenderers should
be examined and compared to ensure that there are no obvious and sig-
nificant departures from what is considered to be reasonable. Suspect
rates may be due to ambiguous descriptions, mistake as to quality, failure
to allow for materials or other causes. Inconsistencies in rates (between
sections of bills of quantities) should be adjusted by agreement if it is
Final selection should not take place before interview with the tenderer.
Key staff proposed by the tenderer should attend the interview and all
important matters should be discussed in detail to ensure that there are no
problem areas that cannot be resolved.
Tender and Acceptance 73
The criteria for the award of contracts laid down in the EC Directives
are lowest price or most economically advantageous tender. In most cases,
lowest price will be the deciding factor. If the latter is to be adopted, the
contracting authority is required to advertise the fact giving a list (and if pos-
sible, the order of priority) of the criteria to be used in evaluating tenders.
Matters such as completion periods (which may be a competitive element),
maintenance costs, costs in use and technical specifications may be used
for evaluation purposes.
In the normal course of events (and subject to certain criteria laid down in
the EC Directives), there will be no problem if a tender is rejected. However,
in the event that a tenderer has been required to do a substantial amount
of preparatory work which is outside the scope of that which is normally
required, the tenderer may be entitled to payment. In the case of William
Lacey (Hounslow) Ltd v. Davis [I9871 2 All ER 712, it was held that there
was no distinction between work done which was intended to be paid for
under a contract erroneously believed to exist and work done which was
intended to be paid for out of proceeds of a contract which both parties
erroneously believed was about to be made. Such work was not done gra-
tuitously and a reasonable price must be paid for it. The same principle was
applied in Marsden Construction Co Ltd v. Kigass Ltd (1989) 15 ConLR
The EC Directives provide that tenders may not be rejected because they
appear to be too low, without allowing the tenderer to give an explanation.
In Fratelli Costanzo SpA v. Comune di Milano (Municipality of Milan)
[I9901 3 CMLR 239, an unsuccessful tenderer commenced proceedings
against the Municipality on the grounds that his tender had been rejected
pursuant to the Municipality's formula which automatically rejected all
tenders which were more than ten per cent lower than the average of all
tenders. It was held that the tenderer had the right to seek enforcement of
the Directive.
The Directives also forbid rejection on the grounds that the tender is
based on equivalent alternative specifications which meet IS0 standards. In
Commission of the European Communities v. Ireland (1988) 44 BLR 1,
an Irish company complained that its tender was rejected because the
Spanish products offered by the tenderer did not comply with Irish stan-
dards specified in the tender documents. The Spanish products complied
with IS0 standards and it was held that the contracting authority (Dundalk
Urban District Council) had failed to comply with Article 3 0 of the Treaty
of Rome by excluding products of equivalent IS0 standards. It should be
74 Construction Contract Claims
noted that this particular contract was excluded under the threshold provi-
sions of the Public Works Directive, but it was not exempt from the general
provisions of the Treaty of Rome for nondiscriminatory technical
Errors in tenders should not normally be cause for rejection. Where
errors in the tender are discovered and dealt with in accordance with the
relevant codes of practice, many potential problems can be avoided. In any
event, if the employer discovers an error in the tender before acceptance,
and the tender is accepted without adjustment, the contractor will not be
bound by the error: McMaster University v. Wilchar Construction Ltd
(1971) 22 DLR (3d) 9 - High Court of Ontario.
Tenderers are often asked to keep their tenders open for acceptance for
a specified period. This does not prevent the tenderer from withdrawing
his tender at any time. Tenderers may be bound by their tenders if there is
consideration. The amount of consideration may only be nominal. Alter-
natively, a Bid Bond may be required by the employer. Once the employer
has unconditionally accepted a tender within the time for acceptance of
tenders (or within a reasonable time if there is no specified time) and pro-
vided that the tender has not been withdrawn, there is a binding contract.
Post-tender negotiations often take place, particularly in the private
sector. Public tenders are less likely to be subject to negotiation. Current
EC law does not cover post-tender negotiations. However, the Council of
Ministers have issued a statement on this matter:
'The Council and the commission state that in open or restrictive procedures all
negotiations with candidates or tenderers on fundamental aspects of contracts,
variations in which are likely to distort competition, and in particular on prices,
shall be ruled out; however, discussions with candidates or tenderers may be held
but only for the purposes of clarifying or supplementing the content of their
tenders or the requirements of the contracting authorities and providing this does
not involve discrimination.' Public Procurement Directives, conference paper
by Robert Falkner, 10 December 1990.
It is not unusual for acceptance to be conditional, usually by way of a letter
of intent. Care should be taken by the employer when drafting a letter of
intent. Equally, the contractor should carefully consider the terms of a letter
of intent in order to understand fully to what extent he has been authorised
to proceed and how payment for work done will be established. Matters to
be addressed when drafting a letter of intent should include:
a detailed instructions clearly describing the work which is to proceed,
distinguishing between design, ordering, taking delivery and execution
of work;
full compliance with the tender documents so far as they apply to matters
for which authority to proceed has been given;
Tender and Acceptance 75
It is important that the letter of intent should make it clear that it is not an
acceptance of the contractor's tender. It should, however, also make it clear
that the employer has the option to accept the contractor's tender.
Even the most carefully prepared letter of intent may have its problems.
In British Steel Corporation v. Cleveland Bridge Engineering Co Ltd
(1981) 24 BLR 94, the courts had to consider whether, or not, a contract
had been created by a letter of intent. It was considered that each case must
depend on the particular circumstances. However, it was decided that if
a party acted on a request in a letter of intent and was simply claiming
payment, it did not matter if a contract was not created as payment could
be based on quantum meruit.
In C.J. Sims Ltd v. Shaftesbuy PIC(1991) QBD;8-CLD-03-10, the
court had to consider the payment terms of a letter of intent. The terms
provided for reimbursement of reasonable costs, including loss of profit and
contribution of overheads, 'all of which must be substantiated in full to the
reasonable satisfaction of our quantity surveyor'.
At first glance it would appear that the above terms were reasonable
commercial requirements for payment. The employer successfully argued
that it was a condition precedent to any payment being made to the con-
tractor that the costs should be substantiated in full and to the satisfac-
tion of the quantity surveyor. The judge was not disposed to the view that
the contractor should be paid something on account pending full substan-
tiation (which, with respect, is what would normally be expected).
A potential disaster area exists when contracts proceed on the basis of
protracted correspondence and exchanges of letters, all of which contain
elements of change to previous documents and there is no clear definition
of the terms agreed between the parties. In Mathind Ltd v. E. Turner &
76 Construction Contract Claims
Sons Ltd [I9861 2 3 ConLR 16, the contract was intended to be JCT63.
Exchanges of correspondence and an addendum bill of quantities dealt with
phased handover. The works proceeded but the contract was never signed.
Disputes arose over phased completion dates and liquidated damages. The
court had to consider when and how the contract was made. In doing so
it came to the conclusion that both parties had agreed to phased comple-
tion. As no contract had been signed the contractor could not rely on the
words in clause 12(1)of JCT63 which prohibited modification to the stan-
dard printed form in the contract bills. (It should be noted that in M.J.
Gleeson (Contractors) Ltd v. London Borough of Hillingdon (1970) 215
EG 165, provisions for phased completion were contained in the contract
bills. The provisions were held to be ineffective on the grounds that the
contract stipulated that nothing contained in the contract bills should over-
ride or modify in any way the contract conditions.) The effect of the pro-
visions in the post JCT63 forms of contract regarding precedence of the
contract conditions over the contract bills may be quite different (see Barry
D Trentham Ltd v. McNeil in 2.7, supra).
It is not uncommon to agree to change the conditions, or specification
or details, in the tender documents, prior to signing the contract. Failure
to amend the contract documents to reflect the change may mean that the
change, when made, is a variation to the contract despite the fact that the
parties had agreed to the change prior to signing the contract. In H. Fair-
weather & Co Ltd v. London Borough of Wandsworth (1987) 3 9 BLR
106, the contract was signed after both parties had agreed that the speci-
fied Clifton bricks would not be used and that Funton bricks would be
substituted therefor. There was delay in delivery of Funton bricks. The
contractor claimed that the delay arose out of a variation and claimed an
extension of time under clause 23(e) and loss and expense under clause
l l ( 6 ) of JCT63. The architect granted an extension of time under clause
23(j)(ii)for unforeseen shortages of materials, and refused a claim for loss
and expense. It was held that the substitution was a variation.
In view of the above, it is essential that all agreed changes to the tender
documents should be reflected in the contract to be signed by the parties.
Any agreed change which would otherwise constitute a variation should be
reflected in revised contract bills. If any change affects the completion dates
previously mentioned in the tender documents, the appropriate adjustment
should be made in the contract documents prior to signature. If necessary,
the tender (or contract) programme should be revised.
Finally, with the exception of essential key dates, it may be fatal to incor-
porate the contractor's programme as a contract document. Acceptance of
a tender may be on the basis of the contractor's programme, but its use as
a contract document can cause considerable problems. This aspect will be
dealt with in Chapter 4.
Monitoring Delay and
Disruption Claims:
78 Construction Contract Claims
Before award of the contract, the employer and the contractor should agree
on the period of notice to commence, in order to allow for mobilisation
and the taking of records and photographs showing the condition of access
and of the site prior to possession by the contractor. Any restriction or limi-
tation on the free use of the site should be recorded and the effects (if any)
on programme or cost should be established as soon as possible. Contrac-
tual provisions which envisage possession of the site being given to the con-
tractor within a short period (for example, seven days) should be avoided
if possible. Consideration should be given to allowing the contractor to
mobilise and set out even if there are outstanding approvals which are
essential to commence construction of the permanent works. Early access
to the site should be distinguished from the contractual date which is the
commencement of the period for completion of the works.
Prior to possession of the site (if practicable before award of the contract)
the parties and their professional advisers should convene a meeting to
discuss and record certain important matters. These should include:
the role and authority of each member of staff participating in the
where the contract provides for delegating powers to other persons,
these powers should be clearly established;
status of the programme, key dates for information, periods for approval,
long delivery periods and special problems;
requirements for named, nominated and selected domestic
works or materials to be provided by the employer;
procedures for interim valuations and certificates;
procedures for measurement, records, notices, particulars to be provided
and response;
procedures for monitoring the progress of the works, photographs,
video, progress records and updating programme.
Monitoring Delay and Disruption Claims 79
80 Construction Contract Claims
Monitoring Delay and Disruption Claims 81
82 Construction Contract Claims
With the exception of some of the more recent engineering forms of con-
tract, and the latest editions of GC/Works/l, most standard forms of con-
tract do not place sufficient emphasis on a construction programme. It is
sometimes not even mentioned or required. Having regard to the sums of
money spent on some modern projects and what might turn on events
which affect the contractor's programme and progress, it is essential that
a realistic programme showing how the contractor intends to construct the
works should be available at the outset (see Chapter 3).
There may be problems if the contractor's programme becomes a con-
tract document as failure to follow it in every detail may be a breach of con-
tract. The contractor's obligations are normally to complete the works (or
sections of the works) by given dates. Departures from the programme will
be of no significance so far as the employer's remedies for performance
are concerned. It there are good reasons for introducing key dates (for
example, to facilitate installation of plant and equipment by the employer
or specialists), these can be incorporated as contractual requirements, with
appropriate remedies in the event of the contractor's failure to meet these
key dates.
Another problem (when programmes become contractual documents)
arises in the event of it being impossible to carry out the work in accor-
dance with the programme. In the case of Yorkshire Water Authority v.
Sir Alfred McAlpine and Son (Northern) Ltd (1985) 3 2 BLR 114, the
contractor's programme and method statement became contract docu-
ments. The method statement, which was the contractor's own chosen
method of working, provided for an outlet to a culvert to be constructed by
proceeding upstream. The contract obliged McAlpine to execute the works
'in all respects in accordance with the contract documents.' It was found
that this method was impossible and McAlpine successfully argued that it
was entitled to a variation order to enable it to carry out the work. (It should
be noted that the contract was based on the ICE conditions which provided,
in clause 13(1),for the contractor to be relieved of its obligations to carry
out work which is physically impossible.)
The 1987 fourth edition of FIDIC contains similar provisions regarding
impossibility in clause 13. However, the 1999 family of FIDIC contracts do
not provide for any similar relief in the event where the works are physi-
cally impossible to execute.
ICE and FIDIC contracts are well known for their 'clause 14 programme'.
These provisions require the submission and acceptance of a first pro-
gramme at the outset and regular updates in the event where actual pro-
gress departs significantly from the first or subsequent programmes. The
1999 FIDIC family of contracts continues this practice with much improved
Monitoring Delay and Disruption Claims 83
Many delay claims by contractors fail owing to lack of notice and/or failure
to justify any (or sufficient) extension of time, or additional payment,
because of a lack of records. No truer comment has been made than that
of Max W. Abrahamson in his book Engineering Law and the 1.C.E Con-
tracts, fourth edition at page 443; quote: 'A party to a dispute, particu-
larly if there is arbitration, will learn three lessons (often too late): the
importance of records, the importance of records and the importance of
Whether, or not, there are contractual requirements to give notice of
delay, or extra payment, contractors must, if they are to maximise the relief,
or compensation, within the contractual remedies, give written notice of
the delay or circumstance giving rise to the claim. Where the contractual
provisions are stringent (and particularly where they are conditions prece-
dent), contractors should ensure that each, and every, member of staff be
made aware of these requirements and that each knows what role to play
within contractual procedures designed to manage all delay and disruption
claims. Where the contractor's staff have a good working relationship with
84 Construction Contract Claims
I \
\ - L
- --
0-E L1
I =-
I a- C
w C-E 3
Monitoring Delay and Disruption Claims 85
the employer's staff, all notices should be clearly set out, identifying the
contractual provisions under which the notice is being given, together with
sufficient information to enable the recipient to be aware of the actual, or
likely, effects of the matters in respect of which the notice is being given.
In the unfortunate (and sadly, too frequent) cases where notice of any kind,
no matter how well justified, produces a hostile reaction and continuous
allegations aimed at 'muddying the waters', there may be some justification
in couching the terms of any notice so that it is almost disguised. If this
approach must be adopted, the significance of the notice must be capable
of being understood in the light of other documents and the surrounding
Having given notice, the contractor should keep contemporary records
in order to illustrate the effects of the events, or circumstances, for which
notice has been given. The recipient (the architect, or engineer) should also
keep contemporary records. It is good practice to agree what records should
be kept, to jointly monitor events and to agree facts during the progress of
the works. Many contracts now contain express provisions for keeping
records. Failure to agree facts is often caused by attempting, at the same
time, to establish liability and entitlement. If both parties address their minds
solely to agreeing facts as facts, leaving liability and entitlement for another
day, agreement may be more readily achieved.
The most common records which ought to be kept are:
86 Construction Contract Claims
Monitoring Delay and Disruption Claims 87
tify potential claim events in order to comply with the contract is likely to
increase costs. Many notices will be for minor events which may not sub-
sequently affect the works. Paperwork will increase unnecessarily and the
resources required to deal with these notices and respond to them will also
be increased.
It should be noted that in some civil law jurisdictions, contracts may not
be permitted to oust a party's legal rights to a remedy or compensation by
the incorporation of 'time-bar' provisions. In such jurisdictions, contractors
may be able to claim even if there has been failure to give notice within a
specified period. However, it is advisable to follow the contract whenever
possible to avoid the potential high cost of finding out if a late notice is
good enough. Where time-barring of claims is outlawed, it should not be
seen as an excuse to leave all notifications to the last minute.
MF/l, a contract used extensively on major projects, contains very
onerous provisions. Whilst sub-clause 33.1 (extensions of time) contains
requirements to give notice 'as soon as reasonably practicable' (not a con-
dition precedent), sub-clause 41.l(a) (notification of claims) requires notice
to be given within twenty-eight days, failing which the claim will not be
allowed (a condition precedent).
The requirements to keep particulars and submit accounts of claims in
the ICE and FIDIC contracts (including the 1999 FIDIC Red, Yellow and
Silver Books) are subject to the proviso that the contractor does not lose
his rights to any claims if he fails to comply, however his entitlement may
be severely prejudiced by such failure (clause 53 of ICE and 1987 fourth
edition of FIDIC and clause 20.1 of 1999 FIDIC contracts).
On the employer's side of the fence, the architect, engineer, clerk of
works and other staff should know what records they should each keep.
If they are not kept jointly with the contractor, they should be agreed
wherever possible. Keeping records for the purposes of defeating a claim
in an arbitration may appear to be good practice, but it is more sensible
to use them to settle contentious issues at the time so as to avoid costly
disputes. In addition, if the contractor is aware that his grounds for a
claim are doubtful (having regard to better records kept by the employer's
professional team), it is more likely that the claim will be dropped and
he will make an effort to get on with the job and possibly make up some
lost time.
The employer's professional team should keep additional records to
monitor delays by the contractor and delays for which no additional
payment is payable.
Whatever records are kept, they are likely to be invaluable in the prepa-
ration of particulars in support of a claim. It should be remembered that
particulars should, in addition to supporting the claim, be persuasive. It is
all very well merely submitting all relevant records as particulars without
88 Construction Contract Claims
some argument and illustration to set out the contractor's case and the enti-
tlement sought, on the basis that it is the architect, or engineer, who is
responsible for assessing the claim; but, once the architect, or engineer, has
made their assessment, it is sometimes difficult to persuade them to change
their minds. Their assessment may be insufficient because they did not
appreciate the effects of some delays on the method, sequence or timing
of an operation, or because they did not recognise the significance of some
of the records submitted. Naturally, they may be reluctant to admit this fact,
particularly if it will bring to light their inexperience, or emphasise that the
delay was due to their own incompetence. Good particulars should, in addi-
tion to providing supporting records, illustrate the effects of the events, or
circumstances giving rise to the claim. To this end, the contractor is well
advised to provide details and diagrams indicating:
what ought to have occurred if there had been no delaying event, or
what actually occurred as a result of the delaying event, or circumstance;
analysis of facts, calculations, explanations and arguments to show how
the delaying event, or circumstance, was responsible for the change in
the method and/or programme.
The best advice that can be given to any employer is not to cause any delay
after the contractual completion date (extended, if applicable) has passed
and when the contractor is in culpable delay. Very few contracts deal with
delays by the employer after the completion date, and in many cases, once
such a delay has occurred, the time for completion is no longer applicable
and the contractor is allowed a reasonable time for completion of the works.
Even where the contract does provide machinery for extending the date for
completion in the event of such delays, there are few guidelines as to how
the extension should be dealt with, and the effects on the employer's rights
to liquidated damages. The Singapore Architects Standard Form of Con-
tract contains very detailed provisions in clause 24 (see Figure 4.2). In this
form of contract, it is intended that the employer may recover liquidated
damages during a period of culpable delay by the contractor (even if a con-
current qualifying delay should occur during the period of culpable delay).
Only if the contractor is not himself in delay is it intended that the
employer's rights to recover liquidated damages be suspended during a
further delay caused by a qualifying event or circumstance. However, with
the greatest respect to the distinguished author of these provisions, they
are unduly complicated, and they are likely to fail to protect the employer's
r ////////////I a&
I 1 2
90 Construction Contract Claims
rights to liquidated damages if the delay which occurs (after the completion
date has passed) is one within the employer's control and which was caused
by an event which would in any event have prevented the contractor from
completing by the due date (provided of course that the employer was not
relying on the contractor's progress in order to comply with a contractual,
or statutory provision). Possible circumstances which give different results
are given in Chapter 5.
If such delays cannot be prevented, careful monitoring and records are
vital where there are several causes of delay after the completion date has
Figure 4.3 Time required to complete remaining work after late instruction
92 Construction Contract Claims
Formulation and
Presentation of Claims
All modern building and engineering contracts contain provisions for exten-
sions of time in the event of delay. The nature of the work and the envi-
ronment in which the work is carried out are such that it is almost inevitable
that events and circumstances will cause completion of the work to be
delayed beyond the original completion date. Notwithstanding, claims for
extensions of time probably cause more disputes than any other contrac-
tual or technical issues. Major obstacles to prompt settlement of claims for
extensions of time claims are:
a the erroneous assumption that an extension of time is automatically
linked to additional payment;
a late, insufficient or total lack of notice of delay on the part of the
a failure to recognise delay at the appropriate time and maintain contem-
porary records;
a failure to regularly update the programme so that the effects of delay
can be monitored against a meaningful 'programme of the day';
a poor presentation of the claim to show how progress of the work has
been delayed;
insistence, on the part of the employer's professional advisers, that
unreasonably detailed critical path programmes are essential in order to
assess the effects of the delay;
a the probability that the cause of the delay will reflect on the performance
(or lack of it) on the part of the employer's professional advisers;
a pressure, on the part of the employer, to complete on time, irrespective
of delays which occur.
The first obstacle - delay means money - is understandable. Nevertheless,
it should not be a consideration when dealing with extensions of time. It
should be clearly understood that an extension of time merely enables the
contractor to have more time to complete the works and the employer to
94 Construction Contract Claims
Formulation and Presentation of Claims 95
=I -4
able from a practical point of view, practitioners should not be misled into
assuming that an extension of time for the specified relevant events will
bring with it an entitlement to additional payment.
The next three obstacles, notice, contemporary records and programme,
are all practical matters which can only be addressed by ensuring that ade-
quate contracts administration procedures are being followed from the date
of commencement of the works. Whilst the architect, or engineer, must do
their best to estimate the length of any extension of time which may be
due, irrespective of the lack of notice and particulars given by the contrac-
tor (London Borough of Merton v. Stanley Hugh Leach Ltd, supra,
Chapter I),contractors cannot complain if the extension made on the basis
of inadequate information does not live up to their expectations.
Most contracts do not require the contractor to do more than give notice
of delay, maintain records and provide particulars. Notice provisions vary.
Some examples are:
JCT80 - '. . .whenever it becomes reasonably apparent that the
progress of the Works is being or is likely to be delayed the Contractor
shall forthwith give written notice . . .' (Clause 25.2.1).
96 Construction Contract Claims
Formulation and Presentation of Claims 97
Clause 4.21 of the 1999 FIDIC Red, Yellow and Silver Books requires
the contractor to compare actual and planned progress and to show details
of any event or circumstance which may jeopardise completion.
The two problems listed above must be avoided or their effects will be
compounded, making it difficult to monitor future delays and to make real-
istic extensions of time having regard to all of the circumstances. The better
approach, on the part of the contractor, is to present his claim for an exten-
sion of time, showing how he arrived at his estimate of delay and the effects
on completion of the works. If the contractor has a detailed critical path
programme using one of the well-tried software packages, or a tailor-made
package, then this task can be simplified. Unfortunately, many contractors
who use such packages become complacent, believing that the programme,
and the software used, is the answer to all of their problems. Computer
applications can only be truly effective if the delays are quickly identified
and steps are taken immediately to monitor events and update the pro-
gramme. In many instances, full-blown computer applications are not
necessary. Carefully prepared linked bar chart programmes can be very
effective provided that the original logic is right.
98 Construction Contract Claims
" .........
YI =! w
5................................. 0
................... . . . . . .
2 ................................
2 .....................................................................
2 ...................................................................
n Y
4 W
n W
............................... . 3
(D I
.............:. ..........................
Figure 5.3 Single cause of delay on the critical path
100 Construction Contract Claims
Formulation and Presentation of Claims 101
Formulation and Presentation of Claims 103
A further qualifying delay of four weeks occurs during the contract period
(bar E). Again, this only reduces the contractor's float from eight weeks to
four weeks and no extension of time is necessary. Another qualifying delay
of four weeks occurs towards the end of the contract which takes up the
remaining float (bar F). Again, no extension of time is necessary.
Four weeks before completion, a further delay of four weeks occurs
which does not qualify for an extension of time (for example, culpable delay
on the part of the contractor). In these circumstances the contractor has
need of an extension of time and it would therefore be reasonable to make
an extension of time of four weeks. Difficulties may arise under JCT80
because the extension of time clause (25.3.1) contemplates an extension
of time being made if '. . . completion of the Works is likely to be delayed
[by the relevant event] beyond the Completion Date. . .'. In the above
example, completion of the works was delayed beyond the completion
date by an event which did not qualify for an extension. However, the cir-
cumstances described in this example may be covered by the provisions of
clause 25.3.3 which empowers the architect to '. . . fix a Completion
Date later than that previously fixed if in his opinion the fixing of such later
Completion Date is fair and reasonable having regard to any of the
Relevant Events . . .' [Emphasis added]. Some may argue that clause
25.3.3 does not apply in these circumstances. Even if that view were to be
correct, the employer would be unlikely to succeed in claiming liquidated
damages for late completion when it has been partly responsible for the
delay to the progress of the works. Regard may have to be paid to the
nature of the contractor's culpable delay. Sheer dilatoriness on the part of
the contractor may be viewed in a different light from matters such as a
plant breakdown or failure to obtain materials in spite of taking all reason-
able measures.
Those who resist making an extension of time in circumstances similar
to the above example may be persuaded to change their view by consid-
ering the position if any (or all) of the delays in bars D, E and F had been
due to the contractor's own delay and the delay in bar G had been due to
a qualifying delay. In these circumstances, there is no room to argue that
an extension of time is not required. This would appear to be the case even
if the contractor's own delays had been due to dilatoriness, since the con-
tractor would not be in breach of its obligation to complete until the com-
pletion date had passed.
The Glenlion case only dealt with delays and extensions of time when
the contractor's programme showed early completion. The South African
Case, Ovcon (Pty) Ltd v. Administrator Natal (infra), also dealt with delays
when the contractor's programme showed early completion. However, the
Ovcon case did not deal with extensions of time because the contractor's
programme showed completion four months earlier than the contract com-
104 Construction Contract Claims
MONTHS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5
pletion date, and the contractor finished one month early as a result of a
three months' delay by the employer (see Figure 5.6). The Ovcon case was
concerned with the additional costs claimed by the contractor (which Glen-
lion did not have to consider) and is discussed in 5.9 (infra).
It should be noted that clause 63.3 of the NEC contains the following
'A delay to the completion date is assessed as the length of time that, due to
the compensation event, planned Completion is later than planned Comple-
tion as shown on the Accepted Programme.' [Emphasis added]
It follows that if the accepted programme showed early completion, any
qualifying delay which affected the planned completion date would merit
an extension of time. Therefore, provided that the original float in the con-
tract was not eroded by the contractor's own default, the period of float
would be preserved.
Note - Clause 33 of GC/Works/l, Edition 3 and 1998 Edition, requires
the contractor's programme to '. . . use the whole period for completion.'
Formulation and Presentation of Claims 105
106 Construction Contract Claims
are operating during identical periods. This would also be the case if the
contractor's culpable delay (D2) to activity B-G was on a parallel critical
path and therefore also delaying completion by two weeks.
If the delay (Dl) to activity J3-E was due to the contractor's culpable
delay, and the delay (D2) to activity B-G was a qualifying delay, then no
extension of time would be necessary.
It is well known that the extension of time provisions of JCT63 (clause 23)
do not deal with delays which occur after the contract completion date
(extended or otherwise) has passed and the contractor is in culpable delay.
Indeed the clause is drafted in terms which appear to preclude making an
Formulation and Presentation of Claims 107
1 2 3 4 . 5 6 7 8 . 9 10 11 12 1314 151~171119202122232~2526272829~031323334353637383~404142434445464748,4~50515253545S565~~l
7- I
I .
; -..,
8 ,
0-C Cq-Jq0 2 05
%i i I KEY i
c-H I :
C O ~ P L E T E :W~E~~ K S /
I .
: 0 :
B-C .
: ,.
, .
0 :
I NoN C R ~ I C U
i ................................... ! I
:.......... .,. FLOAT i
, .:
..........i i
; ~ J ; D ~ Y ; ;
i. , .l PRECEDENCE i
. a
F-C . ,
: I
;. ; ..........; 1..........I;........! :I
m..; i. , ; ;
: < : ; ; ; i ; ; ;
. , ' '
Formulation and Presentation of Claims 109
extension of time for any delay which occurs after '. . . any extended time
[date] previously fixed. . . .' [Emphasis added] That is to say, even if an
extension of time ought to have been made for previous delays, if the exten-
sion has not been made by the (then) current extended completion date,
and a new (otherwise qualifying) delay occurs, there is no power to extend
time for completion. This situation does not appear to be capable of rec-
tification by subsequently making an extension of time for the previous
delay, thereby causing the new delay to occur before the subsequently
revised extended completion date.
It is doubtful if any current contract in the United Kingdom is executed
under the terms of JCT63. However, extensions of time provisions identi-
cal to JCT63 are still in everyday use in many parts of the world. Bahrain,
Cyprus, Hong Kong and Jamaica are a few examples. Wherever these con-
tracts are in use, it is therefore essential to make extensions of time for all
known delays (whether, or not, notified by the contractor) before the exist-
ing completion date has passed. Failure to do so may cause time to be at
large and invalidate the liquidated damages provisions.
Problems associated with delays after the completion date are not con-
fined to JCT63, Hudson's Building & Engineering Contracts, tenth
edition, First Supplement at page 653:
'One further matter not covered by the vast majority of extension of time clauses
is whether they are intended to operate during a period of culpable delay in
respect of matters which, but for the contractor being in delay and already liable
for liquidated damages, would entitle the contractor to an extension. Careful
analysis shows that, if so, additional machinery is required. . . . No UK standard
form as yet contains any such provision.'
1 10 Construction Contract Claims
mu1\.\\xm\\\\\\\'i\\\\=- I
completion date has passed, but there are no rules setting out how this
should be done.
These problems are addressed in the following example (see Figure
In this example it can be seen that a delay (Dl) which occurs before the
contract completion date is capable of being dealt with by an appropriate
extension of time. A new completion date (NCD1) can be fixed according
to the circumstances.
When a new qualifying delay (D2) occurs after the completion date has
passed and the contractor is in culpable delay, what period of delay should
qualify for an extension of time? Should it be the total period of delay (TD)
from NCDl to the earliest completion date caused by the new qualifying
delay, or should it be for the nett period of the new qualifying delay (ND)?
Can liquidated damages be levied?
Consider two possible alternatives:
Alternative A
Eight weeks after the contract completion date, the contractor commences
excavation for the final connections to the foul drainage. The work ought
Formulation and Presentation of Claims 111
to have been carried out not later than two weeks before the completion
date. With the exception of delay (Dl),there have been no delays for any
reason other than the contractor's failure to proceed in accordance with its
programme. Unknown existing gas main and power cables are discovered
which necessitate a variation to change the routing of the drainage and
the construction of an additional inspection chamber. The additional work
causes a delay of one week (D2) and completion of the works is delayed
by one week.
In these circumstances, had the contractor not been in culpable delay,
the necessity for a variation would have come to light before the comple-
tion date and an extension could have been made at the time. Therefore,
if the contractor had been proceeding in accordance with his programme,
one week extension of time (beyond the date already fixed as a result of
delay D l - NCD1) would have been reasonable (ND).
Alternative B
In the same circumstances as Alternative A, eight weeks after the
completion date has passed, the contractor is instructed by the architect
to cease work on the excavation for the foul drainage. The architect
then instructs the contractor to vary the levels and diameter of the
pipes and construct an additional inspection chamber and two additional
branch connections for a future extension. The additional work causes a
delay of one week (D2) and completion of the works is delayed by one
In these circumstances, the architect could, and ought to have, ordered
the additional work in sufficient time to enable the work to be carried
out before the completion date and without causing delay. The variations
ordered by the architect were not dependent upon the contractor's progress
and could not be attributable to the contractor's culpable delay. If the
contract permitted an extension of time for delays which occurred after the
completion date had passed, an extension of time for a period of ten weeks
may be reasonable in the circumstances (TD).
In Balfour Beatty Building Ltd v. Chestermount Properties Ltd (1993)
62 BLR 1it was held that on the wording of clause 25 of the 1980 Edition
of JCT (The Joint Contracts Tribunal - JCT80) form of contract, an
extension of time granted retrospectively, after the completion date, for
delay caused by the employer was valid. This decision seems to have
put an end to the uncertainty regarding delays which occur after the
completion date has passed and the contractor is in culpable delay. Or
has it?
This case, and its implications, are of sufficient importance for consid-
eration in detail. The facts of the case are summarised below (see also Figure
1 12 Construction Contract Claims
Formulation and Presentation of Claims 113
The sixth and seventh editions of the ICE conditions also contain novel pro-
visions regarding liquidated damages (infra).
I One form of contract, still widely used internationally, the JCT63 form,
I by the peculiar wording of the extension of time clause, appears to pro-
hibit extensions of time for any delays occurring after the completion date.
Had this form of contract been used in the Balfour Beatty case, perhaps
the contractor's first argument would have succeeded.
However, this case left some issues unanswered.
Whilst some modifications were made to the standard form of contract
(it was said that these were of no consequence to the issue), there is no
explanation as to why the completion date was originally 1 7 April 1989
and why the first extension of time was added to that date when, on 16
June 1988, the parties signed a contract which expressly included a date
for completion of 16 June 1989. The extension of time clause in JCT80
contemplates extensions of time if completion is delayed beyond the com-
I pletion date. It appears that the first extension of time made on 1 0 October
1988 (giving a new completion date of 9 May 1989)did not extend the
completion date given in the appendix to the contract.
I The second extension of time made on 18 December 1990 (giving a
new completion date of 1 2 September 1989) appears to be outside the
powers given to the architect in clause 25.3.1. However, this may be a
sterile argument on the grounds that the architect could subsequently make
a valid extension under clause 25.3.3.
Why did Balfour Beatty not ask for an acceptable extension of time
before agreeing to carry out the extra works? (See Fairclough Building
Ltd v. Rhuddlan Borough Council in 6.3, infra). Perhaps Balfour Beatty
thought that instructions to carry out the extra works would get them off
I the hook for damages of any sort.
Why was it fair and reasonable in all the circumstances to grant an exten-
sion of time to 2 4 November 1989 (before the date of the instruction
for the extra works) when it was clearly impossible for Balfour Beatty to
complete the works until several months after the issue of the variation
With respect to the last of the above questions, close examination of the
facts, as shown in Figure 5.11, indicates that it was highly likely that the
commencement of fitting-out works was dependent upon Balfour Beatty
completing a substantial part of the original core works. Chestermount may
have been justified in wondering whether or not Balfour Beatty would ever
finish. Had Balfour Beatty been proceeding according to programme and
heading for completion by 9 May 1989 (the first extended completion date),
Chestermount could have ordered the fitting-out works by (say) December
1988 and works could have been completed by 2 4 November 1989 (see
I Figure 5.12). If that was the case, the architect was fair and reasonable in
1 14 Construction Contract Claims
I Pnctkd c o m ~ ofn worts 4
I lncludlngmtingout wads
EMrnlon oftlms made for mting>utworks
PnctlUl mphmof
I 2U11
Extsnlon ofthwmadefiwmtingwtwodm Bnlfour8ealty's IlnbllHy for LD
Formulation and Presentation of Claims 115
1 16 Construction Contract Claims
Pnctlcal completion of wo
I Unlipuld.t.ddaMpn
or altemnhely I
Unliquld.t.d danugm
tinue until completion. The nett result would have been identical to that
which arose using JCT80.
Had Balfour Beatty been successful in arguing that time was at large and
that Chestermount had lost its rights to liquidated damages, one of the fol-
lowing alternatives may have applied:
(1) Liquidated damages would be payable from 10 May 1989 to 12
February 1990 and general damages (damages which Chestermount
could prove flowed from Balfour Beatty's default) would be payable
thereafter, or
(2) General damages would be payable for late completion calculated from
10 May 1989.
If either of the alternatives (1)or (2) above applied, Balfour Beatty may
have been no better off (or indeed worse off). There is at least the possi-
bility that general damages could exceed liquidated damages: Rapid Build-
ing Group Ltd v. Ealing Family Housing Association Ltd (see 1.4,supra).
Under the Singapore Institute of Architects standard form of contract,
as in the ICE contract, liquidated damages are suspended for the period
necessary to complete the variation (clause 24). However, it appears that
the suspension only comes into effect if the contractor is not also in default
during the same period (see 4.10, supra). In the circumstances of this case,
Formulation and Presentation of Claims 117
Balfour Beatty may have been liable for liquidated damages for the entire
period from 1 0 May 1989 until completion on 25 February 1991, in spite
of the fact that Chestermount ordered extra works requiring twenty-eight
and a half weeks to execute. Perhaps clause 24 of the Singapore contract
will not stand up if tested in the courts of Singapore in similar circumstances.
Under the NEC, the matter appears to be simply dealt with in clause
63.3 (see 5.2, supra).
Under the NEC, there may be problems if the programme is not prop-
erly and regularly updated or if programmes are not accepted by the project
In any claim for an extension of time, and whether or not there is a require-
ment to give details and particulars, it is good practice to include the
a description of the cause of delay and the contractual provision which
is being relied upon for the extension;
the date when the delay commenced and the period of delay (giving
details of intermittent effects, if appropriate);
the date of notice of delay, specifying the reference of the relevant
a summary of records and particulars relied upon (with copies included
in an appendix);
a narrative of the events and effects on progress;
a diagrammatic illustration showing the status of the programme,
progress and current completion date prior to the commencement of the
a diagrammatic illustration showing the effects of the delay on progress
and the completion date (including subsequent delays which may have
reduced the float in the programme);
a statement requesting an extension of time for the delay to completion
for the period shown on the submitted illustrations.
Whilst failure to give notice of delay for extensions of time is not usually
fatal to a claim, failure to give notice in accordance with the contract with
respect to additional payment may bar, or severely prejudice a claim.
There are good reasons for contracts to have provisions for the con-
tractor to give notice. No employer will wish to have a substantial claim
118 Construction Contract Claims
Exclusion clauses
It should be noted that if there are no remedies for breach set out in the
contract, or if a contractual remedy limits liability for breach of contract, a
clause purporting to exclude liability may not be effective in the UK (an
exclusion clause). In George Mitchell (Chester Hall) Ltd v. Finney Lock
Seeds Ltd (1983)1-CLD-05-18, it was held that a clause which limited the
Formulation and Presentation of Claims 119
seller's liability to the costs of cabbage seed in the event of failure of the
crop could not prevent the buyer from succeeding in a claim for full
damages in the event of the crop being of no commercial value.
Similar provisions in construction contracts have arisen. In Miller v
London County Council (1934) 151 LT 425, the contract provided that
there should be no allowance in respect of money, time or otherwise, other
than such extensions of time as may be given. It was held, obiter (Du Parq
J), that the clause did not include delay due to extras or interference by the
employer or persons for whom the employer was responsible, that is the
contractor may be entitled to compensation if the employer causes delay
(whatever the clause says).
In some US jurisdictions 'no damages for delay' clauses are enforceable.
In Hudson's Building and Engineering Contracts, eleventh edition,
the author writes at page 1101:
'Clauses of this kind would appear to be prime candidates for avoidance under
the English Unfair Contract Terms Act 1976 [sic, 19771 or similar legislation
Most civil law jurisdictionsexpressly prohibit contractual provisions which
attempt to bar a remedy for breach of contract. For example, Section 3 7 3
of the Civil Code of Thailand states:
'An agreement made in advance exonerating a debtor from his own fraud or
gross negligence is void.'
Under South African law, nothing prevents an employer contracting out
of the consequences of his own breach. For example, extension of time
clauses frequently provide for an extension of time but no monetary com-
pensation. Where the extension of time arises from the employer's breach,
such as failure to grant possession of site, the contractor would be entitled
to the relevant time but nothing further.
120 Construction Contract Claims
If proper notice has been given pursuant to the terms of the contract, both
parties are aware of the claim and further steps can be taken to deal with
it. Various provisions include:
JCT8O - If requested by the architect, the contractor is required to
submit appropriate information for the purposes of enabling the archi-
tect to form an opinion as to whether or not the contractor has incurred
Formulation and Presentation of Claims 121
Qualifying delays on the critical path will usually support a claim for pro-
longation costs for the period of delay (if such delays are matters which give
rise to additional payment). For the purposes of claims for additional
payment, the term 'qualifying delay' means delay which brings with it the
right to additional payment (some qualifying delays for extensions of time,
122 Construction Contract Claims
Formulation and Presentation of Claims 123
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ,041617181202223~672S3013233~~637~9~,41424I._54~4~495051~53~5S5657~
. . .
,I .: : i
% .
0 '
F-C e0 .
: I
0-H 8 . ;? ; :
k C O ~ ( P L E T E ;W~ ~ E ~ S ;
i Kt3 i
$ .............
: ..........;......,' : $ : .
D-H I .
: I '
I r..........,
H-K i p3.j
mio..Y; ;
:. ,
I :. LINK;
- :
Formulation and Presentation of Claims 125
contract period. Provided that there are no major concurrent delays by the
contractor (which would be a matter of evidence) it may be reasonable to
base a claim for prolongation costs on the costs shown in Figure 5.16.
In the above example, the cost of the isolated delay (A) may be estab-
lished using similar principles as those in the previous example. The costs
arising out of the numerous continuing delays during the period (B) may be
i1 ::z
126 Construction Contract Claims
taken as four-tenths of the total costs incurred during period (B). Some
adjustments may have to be made for special circumstances such as the
case of the electrical engineer used in the previous example. Alternatively,
comparison between the resources which were utilised on site and the
resources which ought to have been utilised (save for the delay) may give
a more accurate result.
In any event, it is not the comparison between the actual resources and
those included in the contractor's tender which form the basis of the claim.
If the contractor can show that it was reasonable and necessary to employ
more weekly resources than those allowed in the tender he may be able to
claim on the basis of the increased resources. However, if there was no
good reason to employ additional resources, the contractor's claim may be
limited to the costs of resources which were consistent with the contrac-
tor's tender assumptions. If the contractor's actual resources were less than
the tender provisions, the employer would not expect to reimburse the con-
tractor any more than the actual costs incurred.
Formulation and Presentation of Claims 127
Emden's formula
This formula can be found in Emden's Building Con tracts and Practice,
eighth edition, Volume 2 (page N/46) by Bickford-Smith. The formula is
identical to the Hudson formula, save that the head office overheads per-
centage (and profit) used in the formula is the actual percentage based on
the contractor's accounts and is arrived at as follows:
Total overhead cost (Profit)
Head office overheads (profit)% =
Total turnover
Emden's formula was approved in the case of Whittall Builders Company
Ltd v. Chester-le-Street District Council (1985) unreported. The judge
clearly stated the principles behind Emden's formula as follows:
128 Construction Contract Claims
'What has to be calculated here is the contribution to off-site overheads and profit
which the contractor might reasonably have expected to earn with these
resources if not deprived of them. The percentage to be taken for overheads
and profits for this purpose is not therefore the percentage allowed by the con-
tractor in compiling the price for this particular contract, which may have been
larger or smaller than his usual percentage, and may not have been realised. It
is not that percentage (i.e. the tendered percentage)that one has to take for this
purpose but the average percentage earned by the contractor on his turnover
as shown by the contractor's accounts.'
In J.E Finnegan v. Sheffield City Council (1989)43 BLR 124, the judge
endorsed Emden's formula as follows:
'I infinitely prefer the Hudson Formula which in my judgement is the right one
to apply in this case, that is to say, overhead and profit percentage based upon
fair annual average, multiplied by the contracts sum and the period of delay in
weeks, divided by the contract period.'
Note - The judge referred to the Hudson formula, when in fact it ought
to have been Emden's formula.
Eichleay's formula
A similar formula to Emden's formula was developed by Eichleay in the
United States in The Appeal of Eichleay Corporation, ASBCA 5183,
60-2 BCA (CCH) 2 6 8 8 (1960) and this has found approval in the US
courts: Capital Electric Company v. United States (infra). This formula
uses the actual overheads (and profit) in a similar manner to Emden, but
the total value of all certificates (the final contract price, including remeas-
urement and variations) is inserted in lieu of the contract sum.
The logic behind the use of a formula is shown in Figure 5.17. Line a-a
represents the contractor's anticipated or actual head office overheads
(depending upon the formula used). Line b-b represents the contractor's
anticipated turnover on all projects. Profile c-c represents the contractor's
anticipated turnover on the present project. Profile d-d represents the con-
tractor's actual turnover on the present (delayed) project. Profile e-e rep-
resents the contractor's actual turnover on all projects.
It will be seen that the delay has caused the actual turnover on the project
(d-d) in the early months of the project to be considerably less than would
have been the case if there had been no delay. Accordingly, the total actual
turnover (e-e) has fallen below anticipated level (b-b). During the latter
months of the project, the actual turnover on the present project (d-d) con-
tinues during the period of prolongation (making up for the shortfall in the
earlier months). In theory, the actual turnover on all projects during the
Formulation and Presentation of Claims 129
130 Construction Contract Claims
the delay period. Both also very importantly, assume an element of constraint -
that is to say that the contractor's resources (principally of working capital and
key personnel, it is suggested) will be limited or stretched, so that he will be
unable to take on work elsewhere.'
The Court rejected the appeal on the grounds that both expert and evi-
dence of fact had been heard on which the arbitrator was entitled to base
his award.
In Amec Building Ltd v. Cadmus lnvestment Co Ltd [I9971 51 ConLR
105, Mr Recorder Kallipetis QC had this to say:
'. . . it is for the plaintiff to demonstrate that he has suffered the loss he is seeking
to recover. . . [and]. . . this proof must include the keeping of some form of
record that the time was excessive and their attention was diverted in such a way
that loss was incurred . . . [and he must]. . . place some evidence before the
Court that there was other work available which, but for the delay, he would
have secured . . . thus he is able to demonstrate that he would have recouped his
overheads from those other contracts and, thus, is entitled to an extra payment
in respect of any delay period awarded in the instant contract.'
It follows that in order to succeed in delay claims involving loss of over-
heads (and profit) using a formula, the contractor must be able to show:
(1) that the anticipated turnover was adversely affected by the delayed
project, and
(2) that he was prevented from earning a contribution to overheads (and
profit) as a result of the delay (see possible methods under 'profit',
The various formulae used will enable the contractor to calculate the loss
of contribution to its head office overheads as a result of the delay. As the
contractor has been unable to release his resources to earn the contribu-
tion to overheads on another project, he must earn a similar contribution
by making a claim on the delayed project.
It will not normally be necessary for the contractor to submit a graphi-
cal representation of its turnover and overheads in the above manner as
the use of formulae are well known. Where there is resistance to the use
of a formula, illustrations using actual data may be persuasive.
However, when a project goes seriously wrong, the use of a formula may
produce a substantial underestimate of the costs of prolongation. A contractor
may have to increase the time spent by its managerial and supervisory staff of
its head office to cope with the particular problems of the project. Numerous
variations and other delaying matters may place greater demands on mana-
gerial staff including purchasing, planning, costing, quantity surveying and
administration staff. It may be necessary to place a director, in a full time role,
to deal with the overall management of the project (where none would have
been necessary if the project had gone according to plan).
Formulation and Presentation of Claims 131
The principles behind a claim for loss of profit arising out of a delayed con-
tract are similar to those applicable to a claim for overheads. It should be
noted that some contractual provisions only provide for recovery of addi-
tional cost or expense. Where that is the case, a claim for loss of profit is
not permissible under the terms of the contract. However, unless there are
clear terms to limit the contractor's remedy to those contained in the con-
tract (that is, excluding a common law claim), the contractor may be able
to make a claim for loss of profit under the general law. The JCT forms of
contract permit reimbursement of loss of profit.
Having established that there is a contractual, or common law, right to
recover profit lost as a result of delay, what level of profit is reasonable and
what standard of evidence to support a claim for loss of profit is required?
It is an impossible task to show that, save for the delay, the contractor
would have been successful when tendering for a particular project (which
he declined, or submitted a deliberately high bid) and that, having been
awarded the contract for the project, he would have made a profit on it. If
that was the appropriate test, no claim for loss of profit would succeed.
However, it may be necessary for the contractor to show some evidence
that he was given the opportunity to tender for other projects and that he
could not reasonably take advantage of these opportunities because of the
132 Construction Contract Claims
fact that his resources were retained on the delayed project. In formulating
a claim for loss of profit, the contractor would be advised to keep a record
of the following:
all tenders submitted and awarded (so that a success ratio can be
all projects for which the contractor was irivited to tender, but which were
declined or a deliberately high tender submitted (this may cover a period
of several months before the present delayed project has overrun, since
decisions to decline new work may have to be taken in advance as soon
as the overrun is anticipated).
The former is relatively easy to illustrate. The latter may need some analy-
sis to establish that any bids were deliberately high. This should be possi-
ble by a bid ratio technique (a system of recording the nett cost included in
each tender as a percentage, or factor, of the successful tender).
Formulation and Presentation of Claims 133
134 Construction Contract Claims
Formulation and Presentation of Claims 135
136 Construction Contract Claims
Overheads and profit during period of delay (using contract sum and over-
heads and profit as percentage of turnover income in the formula)
--7.692 X
x 70 days = f 6192
100 300 days
Overheads and profit during period of delay (using contract cost and over-
heads and profit as percentage of annual cost in the formula)
- 8.333
-- X
x 70 days = f 6192
100 300 days
This example illustrates that there is no mathematical problem when the
percentage for overheads and profit included in the tender is the same as
the average percentage for overheads and profit on all projects. Adjustment
may be necessary if different percentages are evident (as will almost cer-
tainly be the case using Emden's formula). If this is so, it is a simple matter
to convert the percentages so that they are expressed as a percentage of
cost, in which case the formula becomes:
Formulation and Presentation of Claims 137
Figure 5.19 Overheads and profit based on monthly accounts during period o f delay
Formulation and Presentation of Claims 139
completing the current project (thesubject of the claim). It was claimed that,
due to the postponement, completion of the work was delayed from 20
May 1990 until 25 November 1990, and that the delay prevented the con-
tractor from carrying out the second project at Tollerton. The contractor
claimed that, due to the overrun, he lost an opportunity of carrying out
the second project which would have contributed to overheads. Emden's
formula was employed as a means of calculating the head officeoverheads.
This argument was rejected by the arbitrator, who was not convinced that
the suspension resulted in the contractor being unable to work at the second
project or elsewhere.
The contractor's alternative claim was for the recovery of head office
overheads actually expended. The arbitrator was satisfied that the head
office costs were related to the works for the delay period. The contrac-
tor's method of calculation was:
'to extract from the company's account the overhead costs excluding fixed costs
not related specifically to progress on the site (i.e. directors' remuneration, tele-
phone, staff salaries, general administration, private pension plan, rent, rates,
light, heat and cleaning and insurance to express such annual costs as weekly
averages for both 1990 and 1991, and multiply the resulting weekly averages
by the period of overrun in each year and thus produce a figure referred to as
The total overheads for the period of delay and to be allocated between
the delayed project and other work being undertaken at the same time was
calculated as follows:
Value of work at Shipton
x Total overheads (C) = Amount claimed
Total value of work
The above formula contains a variant of the Eichleay formula and the
method described using Figure 5.19.
The employer argued that the arbitrator had erred in law because he had
awarded costs which would have been incurred by the contractor in any
event and could not therefore be classed as direct loss and expense.
The court found in favour of the contractor with the following
'All these observations like those of Lord Lloyd in Ruxley, of Forbes J in Tote
and Lyle, and of Sir Anthony May in Keating all suppose, either expressly or
implicitly, that there may be some loss as a result of the event complained of,
so that in the case of delay to the completion of a construction contract there
will be some "under recovery" towards the cost of fixed overheads as a result of
the reduced volume of work occasioned by the delay, but this state of affairs
must of course be established as a matter of fact. If the contractors overall busi-
ness is not diminishing during the period of delay, so that where for example,
140 Construction Contract Claims
Formulation and Presentation of Claims 141
or they do not cause delay. (See also The Presentation and Settlement
of Contractors' Claims by Geoffrey Trickey at pages 127 and 128.)
For example, if variations were executed during a period when there was
no delay, the contractor would be paid for them at rates which would include
additional overheads and profit. If the contract was to complete on time,
no adjustment would be made (but see Variations, infra). Therefore, if (after
completion of all varied work) there should be delay for another reason
(such as suspension),the overheads and profit recovered for this delay (using
a formula) would be the appropriate measure of damages for the period of
suspension and should stand on its own without adjustment for the over-
heads and profit recovered in the variations. Similarly, if variations are exe-
cuted concurrently with other recoverable delays, if it can be shown that
they could have been incorporated within the contractor's programme (in
the event that the other recoverable delays did not occur) then they may
also be discounted and no adjustment made.
In short, any variations which do not cause the delay which is the subject
of the prolongation claim may be ignored when making any adjustment for
overheads and profit. Conversely, if a variation is the cause of a claim for
prolongation, an adjustment should be made.
However, if Emden's formula has been used to calculate the overheads
and profit during the period of prolongation, the percentage to be used in
the adjustment may not be the same as that used in the formula. It should
be that percentage which was included in the contractor's tender.
Concurrent delays
A single cause of delay often presents no problem when dealing with pro-
longation claims. However, in practice, many delays occur at the same time.
142 Construction Contract Claims
Formulation and Presentation of Claims 143
Previous examples have illustrated the difficulties which arise when consid-
ering extensions of time in such circumstances. The situation is far more
complicated when deciding whether, or not, the contractor is entitled to
additional payment. There are no easy solutions to the wide variety of prac-
tical problems which arise when more than one cause of delay is affecting
the progress of the works at the same time. Some delays will qualify for
additional payment, whilst others, such as adverse weather conditions
(which may qualify for an extension of time) and culpable delay by the con-
tractor, will not normally qualify for additional payment.
Contractors are unlikely to offer any concession for concurrent delays
when putting forward a claim for prolongation. They cannot be blamed for
that (see Negotiation - Chapter 8). The following notes assume that the
author of the claim is impartial and is attempting to establish what is rea-
sonable reimbursement in the circumstances.
The law applicable to the rights of the parties to damages in the event
of concurrent delay is complex. In Keating on Building Contracts, fifth
edition (pages 193-197), the author discusses the various options which
may apply, taking the view that whilst the law appears to be unclear, in the
majority of cases, the dominant cause of delay should be the deciding factor.
This has been established in cases of exception clauses used in policies of
insurance: Leyland Shipping Company v. Norwich Union Fire Insurance
Society [I9181 AC 350. It does not appear to be applicable to contracts
generally. However, this may sometimes be the case where the facts
are clear and the interaction of the various delays are relatively simple to
It is submitted that the 'dominant delay' principle is generally inappro-
priate for the majority of construction delay claims (with some exceptions).
This appears to be supported by the judgement in the Fairweather case.
If the responsibility for delays can be divided according to the circumstances,
apportionment may be appropriate. If it is impossible to disentangle the
causes and effects of the delays, the claim may fail entirely: Government
of Ceylon v. Chandris [I9651 3 All ER 48. If the competing causes of
delay are in parallel, only nominal damages may be appropriate: Carslo-
gie S.S. Co. v. Norwegian Government [I9521 AC 292.
The following guidelines may be applicable in circumstances where more
than one delay is affecting the progress of the works during the same period
of time:
where the non-recoverable delay is on the critical path and the qualify-
ing recoverable delay is non-critical, no reimbursement should be
where the non-recoverable delay is non-critical and the qualifying recov-
erable delay is on the critical path, reimbursement should normally be
@ 2
Formulation and Presentation of Claims 145
where both (qualifying and nonqualifying) delays are critical, then so far
as they are of the same duration, no reimbursement should normally be
where a qualifying recoverable delay occurs first, followed by a non-
qualifying delay (both delays being on the same or parallel critical paths
- see Figure 5.21), there is an argument to support the view that reim-
bursement should be permitted;
where a non-recoverable delay occurs first, followed by a qualifying recov-
erable delay (both delays being on the same or parallel critical paths),
there are grounds to argue that no reimbursement should be permitted.
There may be circumstances which merit a departure from the above guide-
lines. For example, the greater part of the contractor's management and
supervisory staff may have been retained on site to deal with a complex
variation which has caused a delay of lesser duration than a concurrent
period of exceptionally inclement weather. If it can be shown that the con-
tractor's staff could have been released at an earlier date (had there been
no variation), then reimbursement may be permitted notwithstanding the
concurrent non-recoverable delay.
The above guidelines should not affect the contractor's rights to recover
time-related costs which are exclusively in connection with an activity which
has been delayed by the employer (such as the cost of supervisory staff
wholly employed on the section of work which has been delayed by the
146 Construction Contract Claims
Formulation and Presentation of Claims 147
148 Construction Contract Claims
Loss of productivity
The authorities and references cited above confirm the view that dis-
ruption or dislocation invariably brings about a loss of output or loss of
A claim for loss of productivity will usually arise out of:
the employer's default or breach of contract;
matters expressly permitted under the contract (such as variations or
change orders and suspension orders);
matters for which the employer has given an indemnity or has agreed
to reimburse the contractor therefor.
'Loss of productivity' is recognised as a valid head of claim:
'While this [loss of productivity] is clearly an allowable head of claim, it can be
difficult if not impossible to establish the amount of the actual additional expen-
diture involved.'
[Building Contract Claims, second edition by Vincent Powell-Smith and John
Sims (p. 139) (p. 161 in the third edition)]
In order to illustrate the effects of disruption and/or loss of productivity it
may be necessary to establish that a planned orderly timing and sequence
of events was affected by causes within the employer's control to the extent
that the contractor was prevented from carrying out the work in the planned
orderly timing and sequence. The planned sequence may not be that which
was envisaged at tender stage. The project manager may have planned an
alternative sequence and this should be the basis of comparison. It may not
be necessary to show that there was delay to any activity or that the com-
pletion date has been delayed.
Much has been written about the contractor's rights to additional
payment in the event of delay when the contractor's programme shows
early completion: Glenlion v. Guinness Trust (supra). Whilst this issue was
not decided, the judge referred to two authorities of importance:
'In regard to claims based on delay, litigious contractors frequently supplied to
architects or engineers at an early stage in the work highly optimistic pro-
grammes showing completion a considerable time ahead of the contract date.
These documents are then used (a) to justify allegations that the information or
possession has been supplied late and (b)to increase the alleged period of delay,
or to make a delay claim possible where the contract completion date has not
in the event been extended.'
[Hudson's Building and Engineering Contracts, tenth edition, p. 6031
'. . . Sometimes contractors at the commencement of or early in the course of
a contract prepare and submit to the architect a programme of works showing
Formulation and Presentation of Claims 149
completion at a date materially before the contract date. The architect approves
the programme. It is then argued that the contractor has a claim for damages
for failure by the architects to issue instructions at times necessary to comply
with the programme. Whilst every case must depend upon the particular
express terms and circumstances, it is thought that the contractors' argument
is bad; . . .' [Emphasis added]
[Keating on Building Contracts, fourth edition, First Supplement]
If, for example, the delay of five weeks on bar D (see Figure 5.5)was caused
by a suspension order issued immediately upon commencement of the
works, the contractor would be entitled to claim the non-productive costs
of its site establishment and overheads during the period of delay. These
costs would not have been incurred (or they would have been productive
costs) if the suspension order had not been issued. Similarly, if the delay of
four weeks on bar E (see Figure 5.5) was caused by a variation, the time-
related costs and any disruptive element of cost would be recoverable as
part of the value of the variation. These arguments are valid whether, or
not, the delays caused the completion date to be extended. These prob-
lems appear to have been contemplated by the judge at page 1 0 4 of the
report: 'It is unclear how the variation provisions would have applied.'
Whilst the majority of costs claimed are likely to be time-related, they
are claimed for disruption rather than prolongation. The Glenlion case does
not appear to affect the contractor's rights to claim in the appropriate
150 Construction Contract Claims
delay, the work was completed within the fifteen months but not within the
eleven months contemplated by the contractor (see Figure 5.6 - supra). The
contractor's prolongation claim for recovery of additional expense or loss
caused by the delay (additional P & Gs) was rejected by the court. It was held
that acceptance by the employer of the progress chart did not impose any
obligations on the employer and the contractor was not entitled to claim for
delays. The contract provided for completion within fifteen months and, had
the contract taken the full fifteen months (assuming no variations had been
issued),it must be presumed that the contractor had included all the expenses
associated with the period.
The arguments put forward on behalf of Ovcon for a prolongation claim
appeared to miss the point entirely. The contract had not been prolonged
as Ovcon had completed within the contract period. Based on the law in
South Africa (and in the UK), the decision appears to be at odds with the
principles of assessing damages for breach of contract:
'The sufferer by such breach [of contract] should be placed in the position he
would have occupied had the contract been performed, so far as that can be
done by the payment of money and without due hardship to the defaulting party.'
[Victoria Falls and Transvaal Power Co Ltd v. Consolidated Langlaagke
Mines Ltd (1915)AD at p. 221
The presentation of Ovcon's case by way of a general prolongation claim
possibly took the judge's eye off the ball with respect to the cause and effect
of the delays which occurred. For example, if the employer failed to give
possession of the site for several weeks, the contractor would have incurred
loss and expense which it would not otherwise have incurred save for the
failure to give possession. The payment of loss and expense to Ovcon would
only have put Ovcon back in the position in which it would have been had
there been no default by the employer. If each delay had been looked at
individually in this way, perhaps the force of the argument would have per-
suaded the court to adopt a different view.
Further, although reference was made to various authorities, counsel for
Ovcon informed the judge that no case law on the topics could be found.
However, various cases and authorities addressed this topic, and reference
to those cases and authorities may have assisted in obtaining a decision
which would be consistent with the principles for assessing damages for
breach of contract (supra).
Firstly, the English case of Glenlion Construction Ltd v. The Guinness
Trust (supra) only dealt with extensions of time and it is no surprise (in that
case) it was decided that extensions of time could only be granted if the
delay caused the completion date to be delayed. That is to say, the exten-
sion should not be granted merely because the planned (earlier) date had
been delayed. However, the Glenlion case did not address the matter of
Formulation and Presentation of Claims 151
loss and/or expense caused by the delay. The judge did venture to say: 'It
is unclear how the variation provisions would have applied,' In both the
Ovcon case and the Glenlion case, reference was made to similar author-
ities and, in addition, to Keating on Building Contracts. In the edition
referred to in these cases (the Supplement to the fourth edition), Keating
'Whilst every case must depend upon the particular express terms and circum-
stances, it is thought that, upon the facts set out [in Wells v. Army and Nauy
Co-operative Society (1902) 86 LT 7641 the contractor's argument is bad; and
that is the case even though the contractor is required to complete "on or before"
the contract date . . . There is no authority on this point.'
However, in the fifth and sixth editions of Keating (which post-date both
cases), the author goes on to say:
'Where the programme date is earlier than the Date for Completion stated in
the Contract, it may be that some direct loss and/or expense may be recover-
able on the grounds of disruption. However, provided that the contractor can
still complete within the Contract Period, he cannot recover prolongation costs.'
[Glenlion Construction Ltd v. The Guinness Trust]
It is important, therefore, to distinguish between prolongation costs (costs
of overrun beyond the contract completion date) and disruption costs (costs
arising as a result of delays and/or disruption caused by the employer
whether, or not, such delays caused completion to be delayed beyond the
contract completion date). Counsel for Ovcon did not appear to make this
distinction on a case-by-case basis.
It appears, therefore, that in the appropriate circumstances, the door is
open to claim direct loss and/or expense if delays occur but do not neces-
sarily endanger the contract completion date, and that may include time-
related costs which would not have been incurred save for the delay.
Secondly, as to there being no authority on the point (quoted both in
the Ovcon case and referred to in Keating in the Glenlion case), this topic
has been addressed on several occasions in the United States:
'Costs are no less damaging merely because they occur fortuitously before a
contract deadline rather than after.'
[Sun Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Co v. United States Lines Inc. 76 US C.Cls
154 (1932)j
'The Government may not hinder or prevent earlier completion without incur-
ring liability.'
[John F Burke Engineering and Construction, ASBCA No 8182, 1963 BCA]
152 Construction Contract Claims
not follow that the defendant may hinder and prevent a contractor's early com-
pletion without incurring liability. It would seem to make little difference whether
the parties contemplated early completion, or even whether the contractor con-
templated an early completion. Where the defendant [owner] is guilty of "delib-
erate harassment and dilatory tactics" and a contractor suffers loss as a result of
such action, we think that the defendant is liable.'
[Housing Authority v. E W Johnson Construction Co 573 S W 2d at 3231
Some US cases address other relevant matters:
'The contractor must demonstrate that its planned schedule for the early com-
pletion of its work was both reasonable and attainable.'
[Owen L Schwam Construction Co ASBCA No 22407, 79-2 BCA (CCH)]
'It is not necessary for the contractor to communicate its intent to finish early to
the owner.'
[Sydney Constructions Co No 21377, 77-2 BCA (CCH)]
In most situations, it is not the programme which is relevant. The contractor
must show that his progress was affected and that he suffered loss and/or
expense thereby.
It is submitted that the Ovcon decision was wrong in the light of the
arguments set out above. A contractor is entitled to loss and/or expense
if the employer causes delay or disruption to the contractor's progress,
whether or not the programme showed early completion and whether or
not the contractor finished after the contract completion date. However, it
is important to consider the facts of each case very carefully as there may
be some compelling reasons, in some circumstances, to take a different
Formulation and Presentation of Claims 153
'A reasonably efficient contractor should be able to establish actual costs incurred,
but it will clearly be impossible to prove as a matter of fact what the costs would
have been had the delay or disruption not occurred . . .
'. . . All that can be said is that the architect or quantity surveyor must do his
best to arrive at a reasonable conclusion from whatever evidence is available. In
our view, it must be a reasonable assumption that some loss will have been suf-
fered in these respects where delay or disruption has occurred and the architect
or quantity surveyor cannot resist making some reasonable assessment simply
on the grounds that the contractor cannot prove in every detail the loss he has
[Building Contract Claims, second edition by Vincent Powell-Smith and John
Sims (pp. 139-140) (p. 162 in the third edition)]
See also Wood v. Grand Valley Railway Co (infra).
A number of methods of assessing or estimating the cost of lost pro-
duction (loss of productivity) have been used with varying degrees of success.
154 Construction Contract Claims
method of comparing actual costs with the tender was used and accepted
in this case. However, that is not so (see commentary on this case,
Legal acceptance of this approach has been mixed. In London Borough
of Merton v. Stanley Hugh Leach Ltd (1985) 32 BLR 51 it was held that
no evidence was available to support such a contention and that the result
was too speculative.
However, in Penuidic Contracting Co. Ltd v. International Nickel
Co. of Canada (1975) 53 DLR (3d) 748, the Supreme Court of Canada
upheld the lower court's decision to accept the difference between the
contractual sum per ton of ballast (in a track for a railroad) and the larger
sum which was attributable to the adverse conditions caused by the
employer's breach of contract. The court was impressed by the decision in
Wood v. Grand Valley Railway Co (1916) 51 SCR 283, where Davies J
'It was clearly impossible under the fads of that case to estimate with anything
approaching to mathematical accuracy the damages sustained by the plaintiffs,
but it seems to me to be clearly laid down there by the learned Judges that such
an impossibility cannot "relieve the wrongdoer of the necessity of paying
damages for his breach of contract" and that on the other hand the tribunal to
estimate them whether jury or Judge must under such circumstances do "the
best it can" and its conclusion will not be set aside even if "the amount of
the verdict is a matter of guess work".' [Emphasis by the Supreme Court of
In Construction Contracts: Principles and Policies in Tort and Contracts
by I.N. Duncan Wallace, the distinguished author respectfully submits that
the decision of the Court of Appeal (which rejected the basis of assessing
damages accepted by the lower court and ultimately upheld by the Supreme
Court) is to be preferred, but the author goes on to say that there is no
evidence that the author's reservations were canvassed in evidence or
Acceptance of this method, it is submitted, will depend on:
to what extent the cause and likely effects are supported by evidence to
satisfy the requirement to prove the extent of the loss 'on the balance
of probability';
whether the claim arose out of a breach of contract or under one of the
provisions of the contract.
Perhaps the courts may be persuaded to accept this method in the case of
breach of contract but may be less willing in the case of such additional
costs arising out of variations or change orders. Each case must be viewed
on its merits.
Formulation and Presentation of Claims 155
156 Construction Contract Claims
Formulation and Presentation of Claims 157
'. . . Therefore I take the view that the total paid to the men employed, whether
by wages or bonus, should be taken as the cost actually and properly incurred
by the plaintiff for labour in pursuance of the contract up to the end of Novem-
ber 1974. Clearly the consequence of the defendant's breaches was that the
plaintiff received much less value for that expenditure than he would have done
if there had been no breaches. . .
'. . . Several different approaches were presented and argued. Most of them are
highly complicated, but there was one simple one - that was to compare the
value to the contractor to the work done per man in the period up to Novem-
ber 1974 with that from November 1974 to the completion of the contract. The
figures for this comparison, agreed by the experts for both sides, were £108 per
man week while the breaches continued, £161 per man week after they ceased.
'It seemed to me that the most practical way of estimating the loss of produc-
tivity, and the one most in accordance with common sense and having the best
chance of producing a real answer was to take the total cost of labour and reduce
it in the proportions which those actual production figures bear to one another
- i.e. by taking one-third of the total as the value lost by the contractor.
'I asked both Mr. Blackburn and Mr. Simms if they considered that any of the
other methods met those same tests as well as that method or whether they
could think of any other approach which was better than that method. In each
case the answer was no. Indeed, I think that both agreed with me that that was
the most realistic and accurate approach of all those discussed.'
The above case is illustrated in Figure 5.22.
In General Insurance Co of America v. Hercules Construction, 385
F.2d 13(8th Cir 1967), productivity and costs during the period when there
were difficulties in delivery of pre-cast units (February 12 until May 6) were
compared with productivity and costs during the period when pre-cast units
were delivered in substantially proper sequence with minimal fabrication
deficiencies (after 6 May). The increase per unit that it cost Hercules was
then multiplied by the number of units erected during the period from
February 12 to May 6 in order to determine the amount of damages.
The court found in favour of Hercules and awarded damages of
US$21900. General Insurance Company appealed on the grounds that
the proof of damages put forward by Hercules was illogical and not in
accordance with law. It was held that Hercules's method of computing
damages was not unreasonable as a matter of law.
The above case is illustrated in Figure 5.23.
In Natkin & Co v. George A Fuller Co 347 F.Supp.17 (WD Mo 1972),
reconsidered 626 F.2d 324 (8th Cir 1980), the court accepted compari-
son of productivity as a basis of assessment of damages (page 34, para
XI1 D):
'As of 11/25/66, on which date all parties accepted Natkin's performance of
the original contract as 43% complete, Natkin's cost experience on that work
which was comparable to the work remaining to be performed. . . . . .was
158 Construction Contract Claims
1974 1975
- -- ---
Formulation and Presentation of Claims 159
0.181 manhours for each standard piping unit, as contrasted with Natkin's
original estimate of 0.20 for each such unit.'
The General Insurance and Natkin cases are cited in Construction
Delay Claims by Barry B. Bramble and Michael T. Callahan (pp. 201-204)
(pp.12-70 to 12-73 in the third edition) where, with respect to Natkin v.
Fuller, the authors write:
'Costs for performing Natkin's work prior to November 25, 1966 were 0.181
man-hours for each standard piping unit compared to 0.20 man-hours after
November 25, 1966. . . . . . The court awarded Natkin $715,567 for its lost
productivity claim. The court stated that comparing actual costs before and after
the point in time defendant's failures caused damage to plaintiff was a reason-
able method for computation of damages. The court also said Natkin's evidence
of comparing the man-hour cost for a standard piping unit before November 25,
1966, with the cost after that date was a logical basis for computing Natkin's
There is an important difference between the extract from the judge-
ment (which, in paragraph XI1 D, compares actual productivity with the
tender productivity) and Bramble and Callahan's interpretation (which
appears to compare actual productivity before the disruption with produc-
tivity during disruption). However, the authors' interpretation of the court's
findings are otherwise consistent with the judgement which states at page
34, paras XI11 A and B:
'A. Plaintiff's cost for performing each unit of its work under the contract after
November 25, 1996 were greater than they were prior to November 25, 1996.
'B. Plaintiff's costs were greater after November 25, 1996 because it was com-
pelled to accelerate when the defendants failed and refused to grant extensions
of time, and there was a resulting impact.'
and in its Conclusions of Law at page 35, Appendix B, Conclusion IX:
'Plaintiff's evidence of comparing the manhour cost for a standard piping unit
before November 25, 1996 with the manhour cost for a standard piping after
said date, is a logical basis for computing plaintiff's damages pertaining to addi-
tional labor costs.'
It should be noted that the court accepted that Natkin's actual produc-
tivity before the disruption commenced (0.181 man-hours per piping unit)
was the starting point (baseline productivity)from which to calculate loss of
productivity. That is to say, even if (as the figures quoted suggest) Natkin's
productivity fell to the same level as its tender allowance during the period
of disruption (0.20 man-hours per piping unit), it was right to compensate
Natkin if his productivity during the disrupted period was no lower than its
tender. Conversely, if a contractor's achieved productivity before disruption
160 Construction Contract Claims
1966 1967
x 100%= 9.5%
= 0.1 81 man-hours
= 0.20 man-hours
was less than the tender, then that would be the baseline from which to
measure loss of productivity.
The above case is illustrated in Figure 5.24 based upon the assumption
that the quoted productivity figures before and during disruption were as
stated by Bramble and Callahan.
Formulation and Presentation of Claims 161
rial elements of the better known construction processes, with various factors for
the special conditions of particular contracts, are available in the civil engineer-
ing as well as the building industries. But the most convincing of all will be
comparisons of actual hours and output, during a period known to be unaffected,
with those in the affected period. In addition, of course, there will frequently be
found to be contemporary site records kept of standing time of men or plant on
well-organised contracts. In practice, good quantity surveyors in both industries,
on each side of the negotiating table, can always do much better than asserting
arbitrary percentages on affected turnover, or comparing contract with actual
total cost. As will be seen, there are very powerful legal as well as logical objec-
tions to the use of this latter "total cost" method.' [Emphasis added]
The reference cited by Duncan Wallace at 23 is E.C. Ernst, lnc v. Koppers
Co 4 7 6 F. Supp.729 (WDPa 1979).
The most convincing method, that is comparing productivity during a
period when there was no disruption with productivity during a disrupted
period, is not without its problems.
In Whittall Builders Company Ltd v. Chester-le-Street District
Council (supra) the method accepted by the court was based on a com-
parison of productivity over all trades for the duration of the project by
expressing the output per man-week in pounds sterling, that is:
Average productivity during period of default £108 per man-week
Average productivity during period of normal working £161 per man-week
therefore loss of productivity during period of default was:
x 100 per cent = 33 per cent
This percentage was then applied to the total cost of labour during the
period of default resulting in 33 per cent of the cost of labour (represent-
ing the loss of productivity), being a total of £21479.35.
Because this project was for the refurbishment of 108 dwellings, the pro-
portions of each trade and the type of work being undertaken in each week
were probably similar (save for the beginning and end of the period). These
circumstances lend themselves to comparison in the manner used in this
In General Insurance Co of America v. Hercules Construction (supra),
the comparison was made between productivity on the particular sections
of the work affected (in this case erection of pre-cast units). These circum-
stances also lend themselves to comparison in this manner because of the
repetitive nature of the delayed and disrupted work.
Similarly in Natkin & Co v. George A Fuller Co (supra), installation of
piping units were the subject of delay and disruption, thereby making it suit-
able for comparison purposes. In this case the loss of productivity may have
162 Construction Contract Claims
Formulation and Presentation of Claims 163
164 Construction Contract Claims
that is, for every 1.0 man-hour worked, 1.031 man-hours' value of work
was produced.
Loss of productivity in affected period A (compared with unaffected period B)
Formulation and Presentation of Claims 165
In the modified formula, the achieved man-hours includes the total value
(in man-hours) in the original contract work and in additional work executed
during a given period based on rates or prices applicable to the work exe-
cuted (that is all man-hours at cost, such as day-work, have been excluded
from the calculation).
If, during the periods in the above example, a significant amount of work
had been done at cost (that is for every hour worked, one hour's value of
work had been achieved, or PF = 1.0), then the calculation of loss of pro-
ductivity may be as follows:
166 Construction Contract Claims
In the event of delay to the progress of the works, the employer, or the
contractor, may be faced with deciding whether, or not, there are good
grounds to accelerate the progress of the works to bring about earlier com-
pletion (to the whole, or part of the works).
From the employer's point of view, acceleration may be advantageous
in the following circumstances:
where it is essential to achieve completion by an earlier date for com-
mercial reasons;
where the delays qualify for additional payment, there is a real proba-
bility that the cost of acceleration will be less than the cost of prolonga-
tion for the period, which can be reduced by acceleration;
where there may be substantial savings in escalation costs as a result of
earlier completion;
where the actual loss to the employer for late completion is greater than
the liquidated damages which may be recovered from the contractor.
Some forms of contract (for example GC/Works/l Edition 3) provide for
acceleration. However, the contractor's consent is usually required and the
acceleration cost is normally agreed beforehand. Where there are no con-
tractual provisions, a separate agreement will be required. In any event, the
terms of an acceleration agreement (including matters required to be dealt
Formulation and Presentation of Claims 167
168 Construction Contract Claims
Formulation and Presentation of Claims 169
5.11 Variations
Variations to the works are almost inevitable. Therefore, all standard forms
of contract contain provisions to deal with them. Some variations can be
made without affecting the progress of the work and with no change in the
method, sequence and cost of the work to be done in the variation. In such
circumstances, the rates applicable to the contract can be applied to the
measured quantity of work in order to arrive at the value of the variation.
170 Construction Contract Claims
However, even when these simple rules are applied, there may be some
indirect costs which need to be addressed.
For example, if the costs of insurance premiums have been included
in the 'Preliminaries' sections of the bills of quantities, there may have to
be an adjustment made to the 'value related' element of the insurance
premiums in the bills to reflect any change caused by variations. Where
there is a decrease in the contract price as a result of variations, there
may be no adjustment to the cost of insuring the works (depending
upon the insurer's practice in this regard). However, a decrease in the
contract price may justify a reduction in the allowance for employer's
liability insurance. Likewise, if small tools and equipment are priced in
the preliminaries section of the bills, an increase may be justified if the
contract price is increased by variations. Where there is a decrease in the
contract price, the likelihood of the contractor being able to save on
the amount of tools and equipment is remote (unless the reduction in
work was known well in advance of the need for the necessary tools and
In practice, most variations have some effect on the progress of the
works and the method of executing the work. Where it is possible, each
variation should be valued taking into account all of the delaying and dis-
ruptive elements which are directly related to the variation. Common factors
which affect the valuation of variations are:
Formulation and Presentation of Claims 171
172 Construction Contract Claims
Clause 52(3) of the seventh edition of the ICE conditions provides for
rates for varied works to be varied from the contract rates if the work is
not of a similar character or is not carried out under similar conditions as
those of the original contract work. Clause 52(4) provides for the contract
rates to be revised for the original contract work if the execution of the
original work renders such rates to be unreasonable. That is to say, the
method or conditions under which the contract work is executed must be
significantly affected by virtue of the varied work so that the contract rate
is no longer reasonable. The adjustment of any rates are subject to the
requirements to give notice, keep records and to provide particulars and
accounts in accordance with clause 53.
Clauses 52.1 and 52.2 of the 1987 FIDIC fourth edition contain similar
provisions as the ICE conditions, except that clause 52.2 contains what
appears to be very onerous provisions regarding the notice to be served by
the contractor if he should require a change in any rate:
'Provided also that no varied work instructed to be done by the Engineer pur-
suant to Clause 51 [Variations] shall be valued under SubClause 52.1 or under
this SubClause unless, within 14 days of the date of such instruction and, other
than in the case of omitted work, before the commencement of the varied work,
notice shall have been given either:
(a) by the Contractor to the Engineer of his intention to claim extra payment or
a varied rate or price, or
(b) by the Engineer to the Contractor of his intention to vary a rate or price.'
If taken literally (and without reference to other provisions, infra), the
provision to give notice within 1 4 days and before commencement of the
varied work is a condition precedent to the contractor's (and the engineer's)
rights under the clause. It is uncertain how RDIC intended the clause to
operate. However, there are at least two important difficulties with these
(1)Clause 52.1 covers valuation of variations at contract rates as well as
varied rates, therefore, if the clause is construed literally, it appears that
every single variation (including variations where no instruction is
required - such as increases in quantities), whether the rate is to be
changed or not, must be notified within fourteen days of the instruc-
tion and before commencement of the varied work. It is hardly likely
that the contracting parties agreed to this interpretation. It is probably
impossible to comply with such provisions in every case, particularly in
the case of an increase in quantities which may only come to light after
the work was substantially completed and had been measured on site
or from drawings by the engineer (or contractor).
(2) Clause 53.1 of FIDIC states:
Formulation and Presentation of Claims 173
Sub-clause 12.3 provides for the rates or prices applicable to the measured
work (including variations) to be the rates stated in the contract. However,
a rate or price for an item of work may be amended if:
'(a) (i) the measured quantity of the item is changed by more than 10% from the
quantity in the Bill of Quantities or other Schedule,
(ii) this change in quantity multiplied by such specified rate for this item exceeds
0.01% of the Accepted Contract Amount,
(iii) this change in quantity directly changes the Cost per unit quantity of this item
by more than 1%, and
(iv) this item is not specified in the Contract as a "fixed rate item";
(b) (i) the work is instructed under Clause 13 [Variations and Adjustments],
(ii) no rate or price is specified in the Contract for this item, and
(iii) no specified rate or price is appropriate because the item of work is not
of similar character, or is not executed under similar conditions as any item in
the Contract.'
The requirement to give notice and particulars etc. is given in sub-clause
20.1 (see 1.7 and 4.9, supra).
In some circumstances, there may be arguments as to whether the
contractual provisions permit the valuation of disruptive, or time-related,
elements as part of the variation. The proviso to clause 13.5 of JCT80
is unclear and unhelpful in this regard. It would appear that the rules gov-
erning the valuation of variations are sufficiently flexible to permit a very
wide interpretation of them so as to enable the quantity surveyor to adopt
a sensible approach according to the circumstances. Contractors should
bear in mind that it is in their interests to include as much as possible in
174 Construction Contract Claims
5.12 Dayworks
5.13 Fluctuations
Formulation and Presentation of Claims 175
) - I (p~vgy )
176 Construction Contract Claims
Formulation and Presentation of Claims 177
In nearly all cases, contractors will allow something in their tender for
finance charges on the working capital required to carry out the works.
There may not be a positive cash flow until final retention is released. What-
ever the contractor's anticipated cash flow, as a general rule, if the value
of work increases, the additional financing ought to be recovered in the
rates for variations (assuming that the finance costs are allocated through-
out the rates for measured work).
However, it is often the case that interim certificates do not reflect the
true value of the original contract work including variations. In such cir-
cumstances the contractor will be incurring additional finance charges on
the under-certified sums. Whilst significant changes have taken place in
recent years to compensate contractors for the loss incurred as a result of
increased finance charges in cases of default by employers, the commer-
cial reality of the high cost, and potential loss, has not been recognised fully
in many modern contracts or in the general law. A claim for finance charges
on late, or under-certification, will have to be founded on a contractual
provision, or for breach of contract.
In the case of Morgan Grenfell Ltd v. Sunderland Borough Council
and Seven Seas Dredging Ltd (1991) 51 BLR 85, it was held that clause
60(6) of the ICE fifth edition enabled the contractor to claim compound
interest on amounts which were included in a statement under clause 60(1)
if the engineer failed to certify and it was subsequently found that the
amounts ought to have been certified.
178 Construction Contract Claims
Formulation and Presentation of Claims 179
there was enough material before the arbitrator for him to award an appropri-
ate sum under this head, and that, if necessary, the case should be remitted to
him for determination of that sum. I reject that argument. Such determination
would involve re-opening the Commercial Settlement.'
If there had been no commercial settlement and the argument had been
included in the points of claim, perhaps a definitive answer would have been
forthcoming. However, this case did not appear to deal with the finance
charges on the 'prime cost' from the date when the cost was incurred until
the date when it ought to have been certified. This is part of the contrac-
tor's 'secondary cost' whether, or not, the engineer certifies promptly (see
Rees and Kirby Ltd v. Swansea City Council (1985), infra).
In any event, the form of contract in this case was the ICE fifth edition
where the definition of 'cost' is not so widely defined as in the sixth and
seventh edition and the FIDIC contracts.
In the case of Amec Building Ltd v. Cadmus Investments Co Ltd [I9961
51 ConLR 105, the court held that under a JCT contract it was proper for
simple interest to be awarded from the date of under-certification.
Where delay and disruption occur, the interest on the cost, or on the
loss and/or expense, may be claimed as part of the cost or expense. This
was held to be the case in Rees and Kirby Ltd v. Swansea City Council
(1985) 30 BLR 1.
A diagram illustrating interest or finance charges from the date of
expending the 'primary cost' until payment is received in given in Figure
5.26. The first element [Fl] represents the finance charges occurring from
the date of incurring the cost until the date of certification (the sums
approved in Rees and Kirby Ltd v. Swansea City Council (1985)).The
second element [F2] represents the finance charges due to late payment of
certified sums under a provision in the contract (such as ICE or FIDIC) or
for breach of contract (infra).
The Late Payment of Commercial Debt (Interest) A d of 1998 may be
of assistance with respect to late payment of certificates in the UK. Many
other jurisdictions have provisions for payment of interest on late payment.
Whilst it is not usually essential to include a statement showing the
amount of interest on delay and disruption claims, it is a practice which
should be encouraged, if only to prompt the architect or engineer to deal
with the matters in the earliest possible interim certificate.
180 Construction Contract Claims
Finance charges as part of direct costs (loss andlor expense) Payment received
El Finance charges for breach of contract
(payment provisions)
Payment due
1st Application 2nd Application 3rd Application
certificates at one time involving several million pounds. Apart from the
extreme course of action to terminate the contractor's employment (which
contractors are usually reluctant to do), what other redress is available to
contractors in these circumstances?
In most countries, there are no legal rights to suspend work or slow down
the progress of work. FIDIC, in its 1987 fourth edition of the Red Book
and in its 1999 Red, Yellow and Silver Books, has introduced provisions
to enable the contractor to suspend work or slow down his progress (sub-
clause 69.4 of the 1987 fourth edition of the Red Book and sub-clause
16.1 of the 1999 Red, Yellow and Silver Books). Subject to the contrac-
tor giving twenty-eight days' (1987 Red Book) or twenty-one days' (1999
contracts) notice of his intention to suspend or slow down the progress of
the works, if the employer fails to pay by the expiry of the notice period,
the contractor may then suspend or slow down the progress of the work.
Following such suspension or slowing down, the contractor is entitled to:
an extension of time;
additional costs;
and in the case of the 1999 contracts:
a reasonable profit.
These rights and remedies are without prejudice to any other rights (finance
charges and/or termination).
Formulation and Presentation of Claims 181
The 1999 FIDIC Green Book contains similar but much simplified
provisions (sub-clauses 7.3, 10.4 and 12.2).
In the vast majority of cases, the cost of preparing the claim is not a recov-
erable cost. However, there are circumstances in which the cost of prepar-
ing claims may be recovered:
If each claim is prepared by the contractor's staff, as and when they arise
during the contract, the salaries and other costs of the staff will usually
be included in the site or head office overheads and may therefore be
included in the general claim for prolongation.
If, in spite of all requests for an assessment of the amount of the claim
(and provided that the contractor has given all particulars in accordance
with the contract) no assessment is made within a reasonable time (and
particularly if it has not been made within the period of final measure-
ment or other specified contractual time frame), the contractor would be
justified in preparing his own claim and may be entitled to reimburse-
ment - see James Longley & Co Ltd v. South West Regional Health
Authority (1985) 25 BLR 56 at page 57: 'The costs of preparing a final
account may be recovered as damages in a suitable cases, e.g. for breach
of an obligation on the part of an employer to provide a final account.
. . .' This may include the contractor's own managerial time (provided
that it is not included in overheads): Tate & Lyle Food Distribution Ltd
and Another v. Greater London Council (supra).
Where certain work is done in connection with preparing a case for arbi-
tration: James Longley & Co Ltd v. South West Regional Health
Authority (supra).The cost of preparing unnecessary evidence may not
be allowed.
The tender
How are the overheads and profit distributed in the tender? Loading rates
or preliminaries may merit adjustments to any sums calculated using a
182 Construction Contract Claims
Accounting practice
Are head office overheads charged to the project? If so, on what basis?
Time records? Percentage allocation? Ad hoc? Unusually high allocation of
costs may have to be justified.
Are finance charges included in general overheads? If so there may be
duplication with separate claims for finance charges. This may be overcome
by deducting interest and finance charges from the general overheads and
making a separate assessment of the finance costs on the average working
capital required for the delayed project (excluding claims).
Having established the above, the assessment and evaluation of the claim
can proceed without fear of unnecessary duplication or omission.
It is important that all facts, evidence and data upon which any calcula-
tions are based are collected and bound in an annotated appendix to the
claim. In the narrative of the claim, the author should have set out the basis
of the claim, giving reasons for any particular method which has been
adopted (such as an explanation as to why a particular formula has been
used to calculate overheads and profit and any adjustments which have been
It is sometimes helpful, and persuasive, to give financial information
in tabular and graphical form. This will facilitate a better understanding of
the nature of the contractor's claim and may assist in obtaining an early
Each head of claim should state the source documents used (referring to
the appropriate appendix) and any assumptions made for the purposes of
calculation or assessment.
Formulation and Presentation of Claims 183
If individual claims are dealt with and settled promptly during the contract,
a formal submission setting out the contractual basis and detailed analysis
of the contractor's rights and entitlements will not be necessary. However,
if settlement is not reached on these claims, the contractor is faced
with preparing a document which, it is hoped, will lead to an amicable
settlement at the earliest possible time. This type of claim submission may
take a form almost approaching pleadings for arbitration. Some contrac-
tors spend considerable time and effort in negotiations which fail because
of the lack of a sound, comprehensive and persuasive submission which
sets out the contractor's claim and the basis upon which the claim is made.
The sooner a formal submission is made, the earlier a settlement can be
reached or proceedings can commence. A formal claim submission will
184 Construction Contract Claims
Summary of facts
Date of commencement and practical completion; dates of sectional
or partial completion (if applicable); summary of applications for exten-
sions of time; extensions of time awarded; summary of claims submitted;
final account and claims assessed (if any); amount of latest certificate
and retention; payments received; liquidated damages deducted (if
Basis of claim
Contract provisions relied upon; common law provisions; contractual analy-
sis and explanation of the basis of the claim.
Details of claim
Full details of every matter which is the subject of the claim. Each separate
issue should be carefully set out in a logical format. Key dates, events,
causes and effects, references to relevant documents and the like should
form the basis of a narrative which fully describes the history of the project
and the effects on progress, cost and completion. It is important to distin-
guish between the causes and effects of delay (and/or disruption), exten-
sions of time and the financial effects of delay and/or disruption. Wherever
possible, diagrams, programmes, tables and the like should be included in
the narrative (or in an appendix). The extensive use of schedules can be
Evaluation of claim
Each head of claim should be calculated, step by step, with explanations
and reasons for the methods adopted. Supporting source documents (from
which financial data has been used in the evaluation of the claim) should
be given in an appendix, or listed, so that the recipient may examine such
documents at the contractor's office when considering the claim.
Formulation and Presentation of Claims 185
Statement of claim
A brief statement setting out the claimant's alleged entitlements and relief
sought, such as extensions of time; sums claimed; repayment of liquidated
and ascertained damages (if applicable).
Copies of all documents referred to in the claim; programmes; diagrams;
schedules; financial data.
Subcontractors 187
188 Construction Contract Claims
the terms and conditions of the Principal Contract so far as the same are
applicable to the subject matter of this contract as fully as if the same had
been herein set forth at length and as if he were the Contractor under the
Principal Contract.
3. The Sub-contractor shall proceed with the said works expeditiously and
punctually to the requirements of the Contractor and so as not to hinder
hamper or delay the work or the portions of the work at such times as
the Contractor shall require having reference to the progress or condi-
tions of the Main Works and shall complete the whole of the said works
to the satisfaction of the Contractor and of the Architect and in accor-
dance with the requirements of the local and other authorities.' [Emphasis
The works under the principal contract were delayed and the subcontrac-
tor was retained on site for a considerably longer period dictated by the
progress of the principal contract. The subcontractor contended that there
was an implied term that the contractor would make sufficient work avail-
able to enable the subcontractor to maintain reasonable and economic
progress and that the contractor would not hinder or prevent the subcon-
tractor in the execution of the subcontract works. The subcontractor's claim
failed and he was unable to recover the extra costs arising as a result of
working on site for a much longer period.
Some of these problems can be avoided by using one of the standard
forms of contract which are tailor-made for use with the appropriate prin-
cipal contract. Some contractors have their own 'look-alike' forms of con-
tract which resemble the standard forms of subcontract but which contain
onerous provisions. Subcontractors should not assume that onerous provi-
sions can be defeated by implied terms.
Subcontractors 189
190 Construction Contract Claims
Subcontractors 19 1
1 2 3 4 . 5 6 7 8 . 9 10111212141516,1718192,
~ 2 2 3 9 4 0 4 1 4 2 4 3 4 4 4 5 4 6 4 7 ~ 4 9 5 0 1 1 ~
8 . I
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*T: j i ; !
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ipGJ;oaAu; ;
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PROCRAMMVPROCRESS Wk7 by 2 waakr j i
Figure 6.2 Critical delay due to contractor's default - reduced period for suuconrractor to preserve
completion date
194 Construction Contract Claims
Subcontractors 195
clause 23(f) of JCT63 for the delay caused by renomination (see Figure
6.3). Further delays occurred; the contractor completed late and the GLC
deducted liquidated damages. The contractor contended that time was at
large and that liquidated damages could not be deducted. It was held that
the delay arising out of the renomination fell into two parts. The first part
was due to the original subcontractor's default and the second part was due
to the unreasonable time taken to engage Home Counties to complete
the work. No extension of time was justified for the first part of the delay
(however, it appears that the extension of time granted by the architect
included the first part of the delay), but the architect was empowered to
grant an extension of time for the second part of the delay. As the first
part of the delay was not due to the employer's default, time was not at
large and liquidated damages could be deducted.
An important aspect of this case was reported in the Court of Appeal
17 BLR 1 (at page 18):
'A quite separate argument by Mr Garland is what is described as his "overshoot"
submission; that is to say that, at the time of the application for the re-nomina-
tion, the new subcontractor's date for completion was later than the plaintiff's
date for completion and that, since this would make it impossible for the plain-
tiffs both to accept the new subcontractor and to comply with the provision in
their own contract as to time for completion, therefore the time provision must
go completely, time will be at large and the right to liquidated damages will
I do not accept this argument. The contractor, faced with a subcontract with
such a provision as to completion, would be entitled to refuse to accept the s u b
contractor under clause 27 [of JCT631; or what the subcontractor could do would
be to say that he would not agree to accept the subcontract unless at the same
time the employer would agree to an extension of time for the completion of
the main contract.'
The above argument found support in the House of Lords, 20 BLR 1 (at
page 15).
It should be noted that this case dealt with renomination which was not
due to the employer's default. If these circumstances arose with respect to
the original nomination of a subcontractor to execute the work covered by
a PC sum, the result would probably be very different. The contractor may
have a claim for breach of contract and/or a claim arising out of a late
instruction pursuant to provisions in the contract.
In a similar case of Fairclough Building Ltd v. Rhuddlan Borough
Council (1985) 3 0 BLR 26, a nominated subcontractor ceased work in
September 1977 and the subcontractor's employment was terminated. The
subcontractor was eight weeks late at the time of termination. The stan-
dard conditions of JCT63 had been amended to exclude delay by a nomi-
nated subcontractor (unless such delay was due to a reason for which the
J ~ A I S ~ O ~ . N
J I ~F I DM I A I M I J I J I A ~s l o l ~ l Io Jl I F I M I
I 4 II (I (I
24.1 9.3 14.6 1.2
---------- T - AFTER 1.2.1910
3 1.7 ! !
'02' = dslay I n r e n e m l n a t l o n
Subcontractors 197
- .
198 Construction Contract Claims
'In the present instance delay until 24 February therefore falls on the contractor
[following Bilton v. GLC, but on the grounds that the period taken to renomi-
nate by 24 February 1978 was not an unreasonable time]. If, when his con-
tractual completion date is some two and a half months off he is asked to do
work which will take six months to complete we see no reason for saying that
the contract must be so construed that he cannot insist on an extension of time
under the main contract to bring it in line with the proposed subcontract, . . .'
and at page 42:
'It may well be that the doing of such work would not delay actual completion
of all outstanding work but if the contractor is required on 24 February to do
work which cannot be done until September it appears to us at least arguable
that he could not be in breach of contract by reason of failure to do that part of
the work until September and thus that he is entitled, if he does not exercise
his right to prevent nomination, to an extension to that date.' [Bold empha-
sis added]
The main difference between the Bilton case and the Fairclough case
was that Fairclough had asked for an extension of time to cover the period
to complete the work required by the new nominated subcontractor, and
the architect had intimated that he would grant an extension of time,
whereas no extension had been requested in the Bilton case.
Similar problems arise where the contract contemplates the use of
named subcontractors to execute work. However, if the contractor is unable
to enter into a nominated or named subcontract for reasons which are jus-
tified, there may be machinery to overcome some of the difficulties by way
of a variation or by omitting the work or by substituting a provisional sum
(clauses 3.3.1 of IFC84 and 35.2.3 of JCT80).
In most cases, the contractor's programme will indicate overall periods for
work to be done by each subcontractor. The programme may show sepa-
rately, first, second and final k i n g and various sections of the subcontract
work. Whatever the level of detail shown on the contractor's programme,
many subcontractors will need to subdivide their work into several activities
when preparing their own programmes. If the contractor has been given
sufficient design information when tendering for the work, he will have been
able to prepare his programme taking into account many of the factors
which govern the sequence of the subcontractor's work. Assuming that the
contractor's programme is still valid (based on progress and the current con-
tractual completion date), the contractor and the subcontractor ought to be
able to agree a realistic programme which is consistent with the overall pro-
gramme. It would be unusual if some minor reprogramming of the prin-
cipal works and/or the subcontract works was not necessary at the time
Subcontractors 199
200 Construction Contract Claims
within a specified period of the contractor's written notice. This may be ideal
for contractors, but subcontractors may require provisions to enable them to
recover any additional costs which may arise from delayed commencement.
Subcontractors 201
neither the contractor nor the subcontractor are disadvantaged. The FCEC
(Federation of Civil Engineering Contractors - now CECA - Civil Engineer-
ing Contractors' Association) blue subcontract form for use with the ICE
main contract and the FIDIC subcontract (1994) for use with the 1987
fourth edition do not quite achieve this. Subclause 7.2 of the 1994 FIDIC
subcontract provides for the subcontractor to be entitled to an extension of
time (inter alia) for reasons for which the contractor would be entitled to
an extension under the main contract. The subclause goes on to say:
'Provided that the Subcontractor shall not be entitled to such extension unless
he has submitted to the Contractor notice of the circumstances which are delay-
ing him within 14 days of such delay first occurring . . . and in any case to which
[the Contractor may obtain an extension under the Main Contract] the exten-
sion shall not exceed the extension to which the Contractor is entitled under the
Main Contract.'
202 Construction Contract Claims
gramme all activities (after activity l3-E) to start and finish on the original
dates and build in two weeks' float for himself?
What happens if the subcontractor's work is not on the critical path for
the main contract?
Assume that the period for completion of the subcontract works is six
weeks commencing in the fourth week (as activity B-G in Figure 5.4,
supra). There is six weeks' float in the main contractor's original pro-
gramme. A suspension order issued by the engineer under the main con-
tract causes delay to the subcontract works for a period of two weeks (delay
Dl). If the subcontractor gave notice to the main contractor within four-
teen days and the contractor gave notice under the main contract within
twenty-eight days, the contractor may not be entitled to an extension
(because the delay will not delay completion of the works) and on the
express wording of the subcontract, the subcontractor will not be entitled
to an extension.
If there should be provisions in the subcontract for liquidated damages
for late completion contemplated by sub-clause 7.4 of the sample Condi-
tions of Particular Application to the FIDIC subcontract, is the contractor
entitled to levy liquidated damages if the subcontractor fails to complete
within the original subcontract period of six weeks? The subcontractor is
blameless. The contractor is blameless (the engineer caused the problem).
If no extension can be granted to the subcontractor, does time for com-
pletion of the subcontract works become at large?
With the exception of delay on the part of nominated subcontractors
under some JCT forms of contract (infra), delays by other subcontractors
(or by the contractor) may entitle the subcontractor to an extension of time,
but the contractor may not be able to obtain an extension of time for com-
pletion of the main works. In such circumstances, various claims and
counter-claims may arise (see Chapter 7, infra).
The JCT forms of contract (JCT63 and JCT80) contain certain provisions
which can only be regarded as being against the interests of the employer.
JCTSO (clause 25.4.7) provides for extensions of time in the event of delay
on the part of nominated subcontractors or nominated suppliers which the
contractor has taken all practical steps to avoid or reduce. No doubt con-
tractors have insisted upon this provision in the light of experience and on
the grounds that they have not freely had control over the selection of the
nominee. However, if the contractor is to be given the opportunity to
discuss all essential details with the nominee, prior to nomination, and
having regard to the contractor's right to object to any nominee, these pro-
Subcontractors 203
In contracts where the responsibility for design rests with the employer, any
design of the subcontract works by the subcontractor is deemed to be the
employer's design. Therefore, any delay in design by the subcontractor will
be considered to be delay by the employer. However, where the subcon-
204 Construction Contract Claims
Variations to the subcontract works are usually subject to the same treat-
ment as variations to the main works. However, the design of the subcon-
tract works, at the time of nomination, may already incorporate variations
to the main works, in which case they will not be treated as variations to
the subcontract works. For example, the electrical installation may have
been shown on the contract drawings for the main works as having all hori-
zontal conduits in the floor screed. When the nomination is made, the sub-
contract drawings may show the horizontal conduits in the ceiling space.
Subcontractors 205
This variation (to the main works) may cause considerable reprogram-
ming of all trades in the ceiling space and have an effect on the sequence
of partitions and floor screeds. It may be one of the reasons for the sub-
contractor's programme to be at odds with the contractor's programme. If
the variation to the main works is recognised prior to the nomination, and
an extension of time is made for it, the contractor may have no need to
object to the nominee. If the variation is not recognised prior to the time
of nomination, the discrepancy between the contractor's and the subcon-
tractor's programme may have to be resolved between the architect, the
contractor and the subcontractor in the light of the variation (after nomi-
nation and preferably before the subcontract is made).
If sufficient details were given at tender stage, the type of variation men-
tioned above ought to be detected by the design team and the contractor.
What is the situation if insufficient information is given in the principal
contract to enable the contractor to know if the conduits were originally
intended to be in the floor or ceiling space? The contractor will have to
assume one or the other in order to programme the sequence of trades
and to price the work at tender stage. The design team may argue that
there is no variation to the main works (particularly if it was always intended
that conduits would be in the ceiling space, but this information had not
been given to the contractor at tender stage). In most cases the contractor
would have a strong case for a variation. The failure to give sufficient infor-
mation at tender stage may enable contractors to exploit the situation by
alleging variations when, in fact, they had made the correct assumptions at
tender stage.
Variations to the subcontract works introduced after acceptance of the
subcontractor's tender may have cost implications for the subcontractor
only, or for the subcontractor and the contractor. Time-related costs may
be justified for the subcontractor but not for the contractor. Each variation
will need careful analysis by the contractor and the subcontractor in order
to ensure that the time and cost effects are detected and notified promptly.
206 Construction Contract Claims
Subcontractors 207
'. . . whenever the Contractor is required by the terms of the Main Contract to
give any notice or other information to the Engineer or to the Employer, or to
keep contemporary records, the Subcontractor shall in relation to the Subcon-
tract Works give a similar notice or such other information in writing to the Con-
tractor and keep contemporay records as will enable the Contractor to comply
with the terms of the Main Contract.'
From a practical point of view, it is vital that contractors and subton-
tractors maintain good relationships and co-operate with each other in
order to obtain the fullest benefit under the main contract. Contractors who
are at odds with both the employer and their subcontractors are likely to
be at a disadvantage whichever way they turn to obtain payment of claims.
208 Construction Contract Claims
Many problems can be avoided if the law applicable to the main contract
is the same as the law applicable to each subcontract. However, it is not
uncommon for contractors to choose the law applicable to the subcontract
which is at odds to the law applicable to the main contract. If, for example,
the main contract was subject to the Laws of South Africa and a subcon-
tract was subject to English Law, how would penalties work if the subcon-
tractor caused delay?
What would be the situation if the subcontract work was on the critical
path and the subcontractor was the only culprit that caused delay, as a result
of which the main contractor finished late and the employer deducted penal-
ties? The subcontractor would no doubt argue that the penalties could not
be levied against it. The main contractor would argue that the deduction of
penalties by the employer was part of the damages suffered as a result of
the subcontractor's delay, which were contemplated and of which the sub-
contractor was aware by having notice of the main contract provisions.
Response t o Claims:
2 10 Construction Contract Claims
Consultants who fend off claims to avoid criticism of their own perfor-
mance may only be compounding the problem and laying themselves, and
the employer, open to greater claims from contractors. Delay in recognis-
ing a claim and responding to it may cause any hope of effective remedial
action to be lost. Poor advice given by consultants to the employer upon
which the employer relies to embark upon the road to litigation or arbitra-
tion which could otherwise have been avoided may lay the consultants open
to claims from the employer.
If claims are to be dealt with effectively, employers and their professional
team should decide on policy at the outset. There should be a system of
referral to experienced staff who are not responsible for the day-today
administration of the project. Advice from an independent consultant may
be appropriate from time to time. A policy statement should include the
consultation as soon as the first notice from the contractor is received
(or as soon as any member of the professional team recognises a poten-
tial claim);
delegation of responsibilities to verify facts;
consultation to determine the validity, merits and substance of the claim;
consultation to analyse the causes and effects of the matters which are
the subject of the claim;
recommendations on the quantum of the claim;
content of written response and necessary certificates to be issued.
Whatever policy is adopted, the timing and content of the first response
to a claim situation may be critical to its successful conclusion with the
minimum exposure to delay and additional cost. It is important that the
response should reflect the opinion of the certifier (which may take into
account the various matters discussed during consultations with other
members of the professional team and the opinions of persons to whom
the claim may have been referred).
The content should be sufficiently detailed to show that the matter has
been properly considered and the door should be left open to allow the
contractor to submit further arguments or facts in support of the claim.
Prompt response to any situation which may jeopardise progress and com-
pletion of the works by the due date is necessary for practical and con-
tractual reasons. From a practical point of view, it is essential to have a
valid programme which is consistent with progress and the latest extended
completion date. Without continual review which takes account of actual
Response to Claims: Counter-claims 211
2 12 Construction Contract Claims
templated by the contract does not mean that the architect's, or engineer's
opinion must be the right one. The architect, or engineer, need only con-
sider the delay and grant, or refuse to grant, an extension of time within
the requisite period. Provided that there was a genuine attempt to deal with
the matter, and the contractor was notified of the extension, or reasons for
refusing an extension, within the period, then the contractual provisions
will be satisfied and the employer's rights to rely on the liquidated damages
provisions will be preserved. A refusal, or insufficient extension, which is
not based on a genuine attempt to assess the delay (but merely to preserve
the liquidated damages provisions), may not be effective. No response, or
protracted exchanges of correspondence with no conclusion may not
preserve the employer's rights to liquidated damages if it should be subse-
quently held that an extension of time ought to have been granted at the
appropriate time.
The case of Aoki Corp v. Lippoland (Singapore) Pte Ltd (19951 2 SLR
is likely to be regarded as introducing a change to the existing ground rules.
This Singapore decision dealt with the peculiar wording of clause 23.2 of
the SIA (Singapore Institute of Architects) form of contract in which the
architect is required to give an initial intimation of his decision as to whether,
or not, a delaying matter deserves an extension of time, in principle within
one month of the contractor's notice of delay, without having to give his
opinion on the amount of the extension in his initial intimation. The con-
tractor argued that the architect's failure to give his initial decision in prin-
ciple within one month had the effect of the architect losing his power to
grant an extension, that time (for completion) was 'at large' and that the
employer lost its rights to levy liquidated damages.
The judge found in favour of the employer. That is to say, the architect's
initial intimation was not given too late in the circumstances of this par-
ticular case. Certainly, the wording of clause 23.2 of the SIA form does
not make it a condition precedent to the architect's rights to grant an
extension of time that the initial intimation should be given within one
month. That much can be gleaned from Bremer Handelsgesell-Schaft
M.B.H. v. Vanden Auenne-lzegem I?UB.A. (infra), in which the judge
stated that there must be express wording to bar an entitlement or right if
notice was not given within the prescribed time.
However, the Singapore case did not deal with the issue as to when the
extension of time itself should ultimately be granted. In the circumstances
of this case, the judge took the view that the initial intimation (given three
months after completion of the works) was not too late. However, it is
evident that an initial intimation given two-and-a-half years after comple-
tion quoted in a reference to an earlier case of Tropicon Contractors Pte
Ltd v. Lojan Properties Pte Ltd [I9911 2 M U 70 (CA); (1989) 2 M U
215 (dist)was given too late. Notwithstanding the Aoki v. Lippoland deci-
Response to Claims: Counter-claims 213
214 Construction Contract Claims
within fourteen days or he must give effect to it. The text of this clause
could have been clearer and there is at least the possibility that the
employer's determination could become final and binding if the contractor
fails to register his dissatisfaction within fourteen days. If the contractor reg-
isters dissatisfaction [within fourteen days], the dispute may be referred to
Under the 1999 FIDIC Green Book, no time limits are laid down within
which the employer must respond.
The contents of a response to a notice or claim for an extension of time
are important. Whilst it is not usually necessary to give periods of exten-
sion for each separate cause of delay (save to the extent that it may be
required separately for a claim for loss and/or expense pursuant to clause
26.3 of JCT80),it is good practice to do so for the following reasons:
it enables the contractor to be fully aware of the delays which have been
considered (within the time limits for granting an extension);
it facilitates agreement on some of the delays and extensions of time
granted therefor, and enables both sides to concentrate on resolving the
contentious delays;
if facilitates agreement on delays which may, in any event, have to be
quantified in order to establish the amount of additional payment;
it enables the contractor to identify which delays apply to which sub-
contractors so that consistent extensions of time can be granted under
each subcontract.
Some common problems which arise are:
Late information
Information may be issued late (having regard to the programme) but not
actually cause delay to the progress of the works because the contractor is
not ready to commence the work which is affected by the late information.
Is the contractor entitled to an extension of time? Factors to be considered
include the following:
Is there a lead time? That is to say, does the contractor have to order
materials or arrange for the work to be done by a subcontractor? The
architect, or engineer, may be already in delay prior to any delay by the
contractor and would therefore not have been in a position to anticipate
the site progress. It may well be that the information was required before
the contractor commenced the affected work and the contractor had no
need to commence prior to receiving the information (see Figure 7.1).
Is the contractor in delay for matters which would justify an extension,
or is he being dilatory?
216 Construction Contract Claims
It may be that even if no extension was justified, the employer could not
in any event have been in a position to give the information earlier and
could not therefore have obtained use of the project any earlier than the
time required to complete the remaining work affected by the late infor-
mation. The best advice is not to rely on the contractor's delays to put off
issuance of information for construction. If it is unavoidable, the contrac-
tor may be entitled to the benefit of the doubt and the employer may have
no claim against the contractor.
Omission of work
The provisions of JCT8O contemplate an allowance for any variation, as
an omission of work which produces a saving in time, when considering
the period of any extension of time which may be granted. Clause
requires the architect to state:
Response to Claims: Counter-claims 217
'the extent, if any, to which he has had regard to any instruction requiring as a
Variation the omission of work issued since the fixing of the previous Com-
pletion Date'. [Emphasis added]
The architect may also, after the completion date, fix an earlier completion
date than that previously fixed if it should be reasonable to do so having
regard to omissions ordered after the date of fixing the previous comple-
tion date - clause
Whether or not there should be any omissions, the architect is required
to grant an extension of time within twelve weeks of the contractor's notice,
or before the completion date, whichever is earlier. Even if notices and par-
ticulars and extensions of time are given without delay, the contractual pro-
visions may not allow all omissions to be taken into account. There may
be a period when omissions occur but which cannot be taken into account
(see Figure 7.2). While it is reasonable to have provisions to make allowance
for omissions, it appears that the JCT80 provisions could be improved to
catch other omissions whjch occur after the delaying matter which was
the subject of the previous extension of time had ceased to operate.
It should also be borne in mind that, where there is delay in granting an
extension of time (even if it should be granted within the requisite period),
the contractor may issue a programme which is a fair reflection of the exten-
sion due with the exception of any omissions. It would be good policy to
bring the omissions to the attention of the contractor before work has
progressed in accordance with the revised programme to the extent that
the benefit of the omission is lost.
In order to prevent these circumstances arising, where the architect is of
the opinion that there is a case to make any allowance for omissions, he
should address the matter without delay in consultation with the contractor
so that there is no doubt as to the reasonableness of any allowance. In any
event, an allowance should only be made where the omission is on the crit-
ical path, or is of such a nature that resources (previously required to execute
the omitted work) can be diverted to execute work on the critical path and
that there will be a benefit in time. It is insufficient to make a subjective
judgement without a proper analysis of the programme and progress to
establish that a saving in time was justified.
It is important to note that omissions to have the work done by others
is a breach of contract and may not qualify to be taken into account (see
also Chapter 1 - supra).
Concurrent delays
Many architects, and engineers, refuse to grant extensions of time for
qualifying delays when the contractor is himself in delay at the same time.
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Response to Claims: Counter-claims 219
220 Construction Contract Claims
Many claims which may be levied by the employer against contractors are
overlooked or are not considered to be worth pursuing. This may be
because employers are fearful that such claims could be the reason for large
claims by contractors which may otherwise have been waived.
Claims which may be levied against contractors include those arising out
of defective work and failure by the contractor to execute work expressly
Response to Claims: Counter-claims 221
authorised under the terms of the contract. Some claims may be made
under the terms of the contract and the amounts of the claims may be set
off against interim or final payments due to the contractor from the
employer. Others may be common law claims.
The most common counter-claim against contractors is the deduction of
liquidated damages for late completion of the works (or if provided for in
the contract, for late completion of sections of the works). In order to be
enforceable, a liquidated damages provision must be unambiguous and the
sum stated in the contract must be a genuine pre-estimate of the employer's
likely loss, estimated at the time of making the contract in the event of delay
to completion. If the sum stated is a penalty, the employer cannot rely on
the clause (unless the law expressly permits penalties). It will not be deemed
to be a penalty merely because the employer's actual loss is less than the
liquidated damages (for example, if the liquidated damages were based on
realistic anticipated rents at the time of making the contract, and the market
had collapsed by the time the works were complete, the contractor could
not argue that the sum was a penalty).
The employer's professional team may have to advise the employer on
the amount of liquidated damages to be inserted in the contract and on the
contractor's potential liability for liquidated damages when the contractor
is in delay during the course of the contract. However, consultants should
not use the threat of liquidated damages in any response to a contractor's
delay claim, even if it is clear that the contractor is in default. Such matters
should be for the employer alone, and then only when the consultants
have properly considered all delays which may give rise to an extension of
JCT63 required the architect to issue a certificate stating that in his
opinion the works ought reasonably to have been completed by the date
for completion as a precondition to the employer's rights to deduct liqui-
dated damages - clause 22. Having regard to circumstances which may
have arisen during the course of the contract (such as delay by the employer
which may not have qualified for an extension of time) the architect
may have had good reason not to be able to express such an opinion, in
which case no certificate could be issued and no liquidated damages
could be deducted. JCT80 only requires the architect to certify that the
contractor had failed to complete the works by the completion date (as a
fact) before the employer can deduct liquidated damages - clause 24. Many
other forms of contract do not require a certificate of any sort as a
prerequisite to the employer exercising its rights to deduct liquidated
It is often argued that the architect cannot certify that the contractor has
failed to complete the works by the completion date unless and until he has
considered all of the delays for which an extension of time may be granted:
222 Construction Contract Claims
Response to Claims: Counter-claims 223
224 Construction Contract Claims
Avoidance, Resolution and
Settlement of Disputes
226 Construction Contract Claims
Avoidance, Resolution and Settlement of Disputes 227
228 Construction Contract Claims
many claims will be settled below a sum which reflects his full entitlement.
Unfortunately, some employers will benefit at the expense of others.
The person, or persons, responsible for preparing the claim will have to
establish the basis and quantum of claim which are considered to be correct
in all respects. This will take into account all of the facts and particulars
which are available and reasonable assumptions where they are necessary.
The lowest and highest sums which are likely to be awarded if the matter
should proceed to arbitration should be considered, giving each head of
claim a rating in order of merit. In cases where there is no evidence of con-
current delay and the contractor has excellent records, it may be possible
to quantify prolongation costs with a high degree of certainty. If this is
the case, the likely success factor of this head of claim may be as high
as one hundred per cent. If there is concurrent delay and incomplete
records, the success factor of this head of claim will be reduced accordingly.
Claims for disruption will rarely justify a one hundred per cent chance of
However, such claims which are based on a logical analysis, where cause
and effect are established, will be at the high end of the probability scale.
Claims which tend to be based on a global assessment will normally be at
the lower end of the probability scale. That is not to say that global claims,
in the appropriate circumstances, will not merit a high rating. Some claims
for finance charges will be well founded in contract, or in law, whilst others
may be less likely to succeed. The likelihood of recovering the cost of
preparing the claim may be zero. In some cases this head of claim may be
justified, even if the probability of success is unpredictable.
Having established the likely range of success of the 'real' claim, it will
be necessary to decide how, and to what extent, the negotiatng margin can
be added. This is not an easy task. If experience has shown that some set-
tlements fall below fifty per cent of the original claim, the contractor is faced
with finding plausible methods to double the amount of his first submission.
The idealist will view this process with some distaste. The commercial realist
will know that it is unavoidable and all of his experience and imagination
will be called upon to ensure that the negotiating margin is at least arguable.
Every 'grey area' must be presented as black, or white, depending on
the circumstances. Care should be taken to avoid presenting black as white.
Under no circumstances should contemporary records be changed, or
invented, in order to distort the truth. Dishonesty should be avoided at
all costs. The contractor, or subcontractor, submitting the claim should be
aware of the probable range of success, the nature and quantum of the
negotiating margin, and the strengths and weaknesses of the claim before
submission. Any elements which cannot be argued with at least some
degree of conviction may have to be discarded.
Most contractors, and subcontractors, will wish to reach an amicable set-
Avoidance, Resolution and Settlement of Disputes 229
tlement. Some will have decided, before submission of the claim, that under
no circumstances will they take the matter to arbitration if settlement cannot
be reached. This attitude is often brought about by the high cost of arbi-
tration, particularly if previous experience has shown that the unrecovered
costs of arbitration have not been justified in the light of the award. If this
attitude exists, then the negotiating margin is likely to be higher than that
which may otherwise have been added. It is, of course, fatal to let the oppo-
sition discover that arbitration has been ruled out. If the case is sound, the
contractor may be persuaded to contemplate arbitration at the outset (if the
matter cannot be settled). In these circumstances, the negotiating margin
may not be excessive. If there are a number of substantial 'grey areas' in
the claim, some employers (particularly government bodies) may have no
option but to arbitrate, even if there is a willingness to settle. This must be
taken into account at the outset.
Many contractors have the resources and capability to prepare their own
claims. However, even the best organised contractors (including those who
are recognised as being amongst the leading companies in the industry) are
often unable to make the most of their case in a written submission. Whilst
a poor claim cannot be made into a good one, a good claim can easily fail
if it is presented badly. Many good claims fail, at least in part, because the
author of the claim is influenced by staff in the company who have vested
interests in overlooking any shortcomings in the contractor's case and
perhaps by placing too much emphasis on elements of the claim which
have caused dispute throughout the contract. If the contractor's staff have
been advising management that the claim is well founded and worth several
hundred thousand pounds, they will be reluctant to change their view even
in the light of valid counter arguments put forward by the other side.
Many final submissions repeat what has already been said, and rejected,
in numerous exchanges of correspondence over several months. Even if
the contractor is right, it is important to search for alternative arguments
and means of persuasion. This is usually difficult to achieve by staff who
have lived with the project and have fixed ideas on what happened and
who was to blame. In any event, it is good practice to get an independent
view of the strengths and weaknesses of the claim, the likely range of set-
tlement, or award, and expert advice on how it should be presented before
any submission is finalised for dispatch to the opposition. If there is any
potential liability for liquidated or general damages, this should be brought
to the attention of management and taken into account in the overall assess-
ment of the likely recovery.
Once the claim is submitted, the contractor will need to ensure that there
is a response or some other means of moving forward. The covering letter
to the submission should summarise the claim so that any person who is
not familiar with the detail, and who may be making important decisions,
230 Construction Contract Claims
can appreciate the nature and amount of the claim without reading the
detailed submission and appendices. The letter should invite a reply within
a reasonable specified period. It may be useful to suggest a meeting to
discuss and explain the claim in more detail before a formal reply is
8.3 Negotiation
If the contractor has a valid case, given notices in accordance with the
contract, kept accurate contemporary records and presented his case in
a logical and professional manner, he will be starting from a position of
strength. If a valid claim is not accompanied by these essential ingredients,
the recipient will have little difficulty in finding reasons to reject it.
Whatever the merits of the claim, the initial response will usually concede
very little. The contents of the response may be positive, giving cause for
optimism, or it may be totally negative, rejecting every aspect of the claim.
The former will enable both sides to move forward, whilst the latter will
form a barrier to any early progress to resolve the matter. If there is no
response at all, or if a negative response cannot be countered by some
means of opening a dialogue, the contractor may have little option but to
commence proceedings. If he has not already obtained advice before sub-
mitting the claim, the contractor should obtain the advice of experts before
taking a decision to initiate formal proceedings.
If the response is positive and negotiations commence, then both parties
may be able to settle the matters reasonably quickly. The contractor must
be wary of employers who are merely going through the motions with no
intention to settle at a reasonable figure. Their tactics will be to find out
what concessions are on the table and to waste time. A delayed settlement
usually means less in real terms, irrespective of any financing element which
may ultimately be included (if any). If there are reasonable grounds to
suspect that the employer is not genuinely seeking a fair settlement, the
decision to commence formal proceedings should be taken sooner rather
than later.
Negotiations may be conducted on an open basis (that is to say that the
records of the negotiations may be used by the parties in any proceedings),
or they may be without prejudice (that is to say that they cannot be referred
to in any proceedings). In most cases, without prejudice negotiations are
more satisfactory as they enable the parties to be more frank and they
facilitate concessions which can be withdrawn if the other party refuses to
make any concession. If there is agreement on any section of the claim,
the contractor should endeavour to persuade the employer to make the
agreement open and certify any sums which ought to flow from it. The
Avoidance, Resolution and Settlement of Disputes 231
employer will usually resist on the grounds that he will require an overall
From the employer's point of view, he will be prepared for the con-
tractor's claim if he has been informed by his professional team pursuant
to the contractor's previous notices. Even if the contractor has not com-
plied in all respects with the contract to notify the employer's architect, or
engineer, the employer ought to have been made aware of potential claims
by his consultants. If he is properly advised, he will already have an outline
defence to many of the contractor's claims. If the contractual provisions
have been followed to the letter, any sums which are, in the opinion of the
architect, or engineer, due to the contractor, will have been certified and
paid. In practice, in spite of the problems caused by interference by the
employer, the architect, or engineer, may be unable to act freely. This is
sometimes the case where the architect, or engineer, is an employee of the
Whoever represents the parties at negotiations, it is important to estab-
lish at the outset if they have the authority to make an agreement. Nego-
tiations between staff who are not authorised to finalise an agreement may
be suitable for initial discussions, but serious negotiations to conclude a set-
tlement must be conducted by staff with full authority to agree on all aspects
of the claim. It is particularly important for the contractor to establish
whether, or not, the employer's consultants have such authority (they will
not normally have this authority as part of their usual agreement with the
employer to provide professional services).
If the consultant has such authority, it should be remembered that he
stands to be shot at from both sides. If he wrongly certifies, or negotiates
a settlement, to the detriment of the employer, he may be sued for negli-
gence by the employer. If he wrongly certifies to the detriment of the
contractor, or fails to negotiate a settlement which is satisfactory to the
contractor, he may be exposing the employer to unnecessary costs of arbi-
tration or litigation. Finding the right solution may require a careful and
critical review of the consultant's own conduct during the contract and pos-
sibly acknowledging mistakes which have been made from time-to-time. For
this reason, the employer may be well advised to be represented by an
experienced negotiator who has not been involved with the day-today
administration of the project and who is not tied by previous decisions.
Both parties should decide on the team which will be present to advise
and support the negotiator. The temptation to field a large team should be
resisted. It is important to select a team that is fully conversant with the
matters under negotiation. It should be possible to verify or reject allega-
tions, facts, matters of law or contract, principles of evaluation and the like
by reference to members of the team. The negotiator should decide whether
any difficult points should be discussed in the presence of the other party,
Avoidance, Resolution and Settlement of Disputes 233
If the parties are really willing to settle, but there are genuine obstacles to
settlement, it may be possible to close the gap between the parties and
facilitate a settlement by the process of conciliation. This method may not
be imposed unilaterally and the agreement of the parties is essential. It
involves the appointment of an independent third party, mutually agreed
by the parties, to hear both parties' points of view. The conciliator will
usually be a recognised expert on the matters in dispute and he will look
at the evidence and listen to the arguments put forward by each side. He
will contribute his own ideas on the merits of the case. He will not meet
any party in private and all discussions take place with both parties present.
The parties may have legal advisers present at any meetings, and they may,
of course, meet each other without the conciliator being present. The con-
ciliator's aim will be to bring the two sides together to discuss all aspects
of the matters in dispute and lead them to an amicable settlement. The con-
ciliator will not make decisions, but he may make recommendations. It is
up to the parties to agree on an acceptable settlement. They are not obliged
to agree, and if settlement cannot be reached, the parties may pursue the
matter in arbitration or litigation.. .
This process is similar to conciliation. However, the mediator normally
meets the parties separately and he may be empowered, if the parties
cannot be persuaded to agree, to make a recommendation on the matters
in dispute. Any confidential information which is made available to the
mediator at private meetings with one party cannot be divulged to the other
234 Construction Contract Claims
party. While not usually being conducted in the formal manner normally
associated with arbitration, mediation proceedings may be conducted with
lawyers and other experts to present each party's case to the mediator. The
mediator will endeavour to find common ground at these separate meet-
ings and he will try to find means of reaching a settlement. A meeting with
both parties present will usually be required at some stage. Whoever r e p
resents the parties at these discussions, it is essential that they have the
authority to agree and settle the dispute. Failing agreement, the mediator
may decide on the matters in dispute. The parties are not normally bound
by the mediator's decision. However, there is no impediment to the par-
ties agreeing, at the outset of these proceedings, to accept the mediator's
decision as final and binding. It is important to consider the nature of the
dispute before agreeing that the mediator's decision is to be final. Disputes
which involve quantum only may be suitable, whereas disputes which
may turn on legal issues would not normally be suitable without a right of
Adjudication is a process in which the parties to a dispute submit their cases
to a third party (an individual or a panel) for a decision. This decision is
not binding unless both parties gave their prior agreement that it should
be, or otherwise if the aggrieved party fails to register his dissatisfaction
within a stipulated period. If disputed, the matter can subsequently be
referred to arbitration or litigation. Without a contractual provision in
the contrad, or without the parties' agreement, adjudication cannot be
imposed on any party unless there are provisions in the law to enforce
With the advent of the Housing Grants, Construction and Regeneration
Act 1996 (The Construction Act), mandatory provisions for adjudication
were embodied in English Law (Englandand Wales).Similar laws are applic-
able in Scotland and Northern Ireland.
The Construction Act states in Section 108:
'(1) A party to a construction contract has the right to refer a dispute arising
under the contract for adjudication under a procedure complying with this
For this purpose 'dispute' includes any difference.
(2) The contrad shall -
(a) enable a party to give notice at any time of his intention to refer a
dispute to adjudication;
(b) provide a timetable with the object of securing the appointment of an
adjudicator and referral of the dispute to him within 7 days of such
Avoidance, Resolution and Settlement of Disputes 235
(c) require the adjudicator to reach a decision within 28 days of the refer-
ral or such longer period as is agreed by the parties after the dispute
has been referred;
(d) allow the adjudicator to extend the period of 28 days by up to 14 days,
with the consent of the party by whom the dispute was referred;
(e) impose a duty on the adjudicator to act impartially; and
(f) enable the adjudicator to take the initiative in obtaining the fads and
(3) The contract shall provide that the decision of the adjudicator is binding
until the dispute is finally determined by legal proceedings, by arbitration (if
the contract provides for arbitration or the parties otherwise agree to arbi-
tration) or by agreement.
The parties may accept the decision of the adjudicator as finally determining the
(4) The contract shall also provide that the adjudicator is not liable for anything
done or omitted in the discharge or purported discharge of his functions as
adjudicator unless the act or omission is in bad faith, and that any employee
or agent of the adjudicator is similarly protected from liability.'
Standard forms of contract in the UK have now been revised, or sup-
plements issued, to give effect to the provisions required by the Construc-
tion Act. JCT issued its Amendment Number 18 in April 1998, which
included provisions for adjudication, and other institutions such as the ICE
issued similar amendments. Many standard forms have now been com-
pletely updated to include such provisions in the contract. The seventh
edition of the ICE contract contains provisions for conciliation as well as
adjudication.The procedure for adjudication may be laid down in the con-
tract, or it may be set out in a separate document (referred to in the con-
tract as the procedure to be adopted). For example, ICE stipulates that
adjudication shall be conducted under 'The Institution of Civil Engineers'
Adjudication Procedure 1997' or any amendment or modification thereof
being in force at the time of the said Notice [of Adjudication]' (sub-clause
66(6)(a)). However, in the UK, if the parties enter into a contract which
does not contain suitable provisions for adjudication, a party cannot refuse
to have a dispute referred for adjudication by virtue of section 108(5)which
'If the contract does not comply with the requirements of subsections (1)-(4), the
adjudication provisions of the Scheme for Construction Contracts apply.'
The Scheme for Construction Contracts (England and Wales) 1998 con-
tains detailed provisions for adjudication which include a procedure for the
appointment of a n adjudicator. The adjudicator may be named in the con-
tract or he may be agreed by the parties. If the adjudicator is not named,
or if the parties fail to agree on the appointment of an adjudicator, there
is provision for an adjudicator to be appointed by a nominating body named
236 Construction Contract Claims
Arbitration in England was governed by the Arbitration Acts of 1950,
1975 and 1979. Different provisions apply in Scotland where the (Scot-
land) Arbitration Act of 1894 is still used for domestic arbitration and the
UNCITRAL Model Law is used for international arbitration (or for domes-
Avoidance, Resolution and Settlement of Disputes 237
tic arbitration if the parties agree). In England, the enactment of the Arbi-
tration Act of 1996 swept up most of the previous Arbitration Acts,
however some parts of the 1950 Act are still applicable.
The parties' agreement is essential before any dispute can be settled by
arbitration. Agreement can be made at any time, but it is usual practice for
the agreement to be made at the time of entering into the contract for the
work. Standard forms of contract have express provisions for arbitration in
the articles or in the conditions of contract.
In the event of there being valid arbitration provisions in the contract
which cover the matters in dispute, the parties will generally be prevented
from having the dispute resolved by litigation. However, if one of the parties
commences litigation, and the other party does not, before taking any steps
in the litigation, apply to the courts for a stay of proceedings under Section
9 of the Arbitration Act of 1996 which states:
'(1) A party to an arbitration agreement against whom legal proceedings are
brought (whether by way of claim or counterclaim) in respect of a matter
which under the agreement is to be referred to arbitration may (upon notice
to the other parties to the proceedings) apply to the court in which the pro-
ceedings have been brought to stay the proceedings so far as they concern
that matter.
(2) An application may be made notwithstanding that the matter is to be
referred to arbitration only after the exhaustion of other dispute resolution
(3) An application may not be made by a person before taking the appropri-
ate procedural step (if any) to acknowledge the legal proceedings against
him or after he has taken any step in those proceedings to answer the s u b
stantive claim.
(4) On an application under this section the court shall grant a stay unless
satisfied that the arbitration agreement is null and void, inoperative, or in-
capable of being performed.'
then the dispute may be settled by litigation.
If, before taking any steps in the litigation, an application to stay the
proceedings is made, then provided that the applicant is ready and willing
to have the dispute settled by arbitration, the power to order a stay of pro-
ceedings is usually exercised. A stay of proceedings may be refused for the
following reasons:
the arbitration agreement does not contain provisions for immediate
the matters in dispute do not fall within the ambit of the arbitration
a there would be undue hardship on the plaintiff if the stay were granted;
the only matter to be decided in the dispute was a question of law;
a fraud is alleged;
238 Construction Contract Claims
Until recently it was thought that the courts did not have the same powers
as an arbitrator and they could not open up, or recover, an architect's cer-
tificate: North West Regional Health Authority v. Derek Crouch [I9841
2 WLR 676. Some forms of contract do not restrict the power of the courts.
The Singapore Institute of Architect's form of contract expressly states that
the courts shall have the same powers as an arbitrator - clause 37(4).The
Courts and Legal Services Act 1990 provides that the High Court may,
if all parties agree, exercise the same powers as those conferred upon an
arbitrator (section 100, giving effect to an additional section 43A in The
Supreme Court Act 1981). Other important matters to be considered are
the facts that arbitration is held in private and the costs are likely to (but
not necessarily) be less than litigation.
The decision in North West Regional Health Authority v. Derek
Crouch has since been overtaken by a House of Lords' decision in the case
of Beaufort Developments Ltd v. Gilbert Ash NI Ltd and Others [I9981
2 All ER 778, in which it was held that under a JCT contract, architects'
certificates could be reviewed by any tribunal including the courts. The
Crouch decision was therefore decided wrongly.
When one of the parties has decided to refer a dispute to arbitration,
the most important decision is to select the most appropriate arbitrator. If
the resolution of the dispute is likely to turn on questions of law, a legally
qualified arbitrator may be the best choice. Section 9 3 of the Arbitration
Act 1996 provides for a judge of the Commercial Court or an official
referee to accept an appointment as a sole arbitrator or umpire by virtue
of an arbitration agreement, if the Lord Chief Justice is satisfied that the
judge or official referee can be made available. If the dispute is mainly to
do with technical matters, then a technical arbitrator may be more appro-
priate. If the parties agree, a legal assessor, or a technical assessor, can be
appointed to facilitate resolution of the dispute. However, the arbitrator
must make his own decision, whatever the advice given by the assessor.
If the parties cannot agree on the arbitrator, there is provision in most
standard forms of contract for an appointing body (stipulated in the con-
tract) to appoint an arbitrator. Failure to agree on an arbitrator is usually
caused by the respondent's desire to delay the proceedings. The disadvan-
tage of having an arbitrator appointed by a third party is that the appointed
arbitrator may be a person which neither party would have selected. There
may, of course, be valid reasons to object to the other party's choice of
Avoidance, Resolution and Settlement of Disputes 239
Until recently, arbitration under ICC (International Chamber of Commerce)
Rules was common in Kuwait. However, administrative contracts between
contractors and government departments are more likely to contain provi-
sions for disputes to be referred to the local courts. This process is likely
to be costly, requiring all documents to be translated into Arabic (even if
the language of the contract and/or correspondence and records are in
English). The proceedings will usually be conducted in Arabic. Court fees
are required for all proceedings. A judge would normally submit technical
issues to the Department of Experts to report on their findings. Appeals
are possible to the High Court of Appeal or to the Courts of Cassation.
Some contracts in Kuwait may be subject to local arbitration.
Settlements in Bahrain are often referred to arbitrators appointed by the
Minister of Justice and Islamic Affairs. However, in most commercial con-
tracts, it is not unusual to have a locally appointed arbitration committee
240 Construction Contract Claims
comprising one arbitrator appointed by one party, one by the other party
and a third (the chairman) by agreement of the two appointed members.
The principal centre for commercial arbitration is the Bahrain Chamber of
Commerce and Industry (BCCI).
Hong Kong
Hong Kong arbitration is based mainly on the English Arbitration
Acts embodied in the Hong Kong Arbitration Ordinance, Chapter 341
(for domestic arbitration). From April 1990, Hong Kong adopted the
UNCITRAL Model Law (for international arbitration). A number of
changes have taken place since 1July 1997 to take account of the 'Basic
Law' following transfer of sovereignty to China.
International arbitration
International arbitration is the private adjudication of commercial disputes
with international aspects and/or internationally diverse parties. It includes
both 'ad hoc' and 'institutional' arbitration.
Ad hoc arbitration is administered and conducted in a manner speci-
fically designed by the parties. Institutional arbitration is administered by
organisations such as the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) and
the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL)
pursuant to their published rules and procedures.
The ICC Rules are perhaps the most commonly used procedure in inter-
national construction contracts. The place of arbitration is fixed by the Court
unless agreed by the parties (Article 14). However, it is usual (unless the
contract provides otherwise) for the arbitration to be held where the chair-
man of the tribunal resides (or where the single arbitrator resides if only
one arbitrator is required). The ICC usually appoints a chairman from a
Avoidance, Resolution and Settlement of Disputes 241
country other than those from which the parties are nationals (unless
otherwise agreed by the parties).
However, in recent years, the greater flexibility of the UNCITRAL Arbi-
tration Rules has led to an increasing acceptance of these Rules for ad hoc
arbitration. In the UK, the London Court of Arbitration Rules are based
on the UNCITRAL Model and they also allow for the parties to agree to
arbitration under the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules with the London Court
acting as administrator. A number of countries now embody the UNCITRAL
Model Law as part of their arbitration machinery, for example Scotland,
Hong Kong, USA, Canada and Australia. Provision to opt out of the
UNCITRAL Model Law is normally available by agreement between the
Arbitration procedure
In the absence of a specified procedure in the contract, the arbitration in
the UK will probably include the following stages:
Preliminary meeting
This will formalise the appointment of the arbitrator and a preliminary
timetable will usually be drawn up. If the parties can agree a timetable in
advance, this will save time and cost of the meeting.
These set out the matters in dispute, the facts and the contractual and legal
provisions relied upon. The sequence is as follows:
claimant submits points of claim;
respondent submits points of defence and counter-claim (if any);
claimant submits points of reply to the defence and defence to counter-
respondent submits points of reply to defence to counter-claim.
Discovery of documents
After close of pleadings, each party is required to prepare lists of docu-
ments for inspection by the other party. In most disputes, discovery may
be limited to documents which are relevant to the issues in dispute. In some
cases, all documents may have to be disclosed (general discovery). Docu-
ments which must be disclosed include those relied upon by the parties and
any other documents which may be detrimental to the case, or of assis-
242 Construction Contract Claims
tance to the other party's case. There is a strict duty to disclose any and
all material, no matter how much it may be against the interests of the party
having possession, power, or control over the documents. Privileged docu-
ments (without prejudice correspondence and certain documents which
pass between the parties and their legal advisers) should also be listed, but
they should not be made available for inspection by the other party.
Inspection of the other party's documents is an important process, and
should be done by someone who is experienced and knowledgeable about
the matters in dispute. It is equally important to look for anything which is
missing, but which should exist. A list of documents which are required
should be made and a request for copies should be sent to the other party.
Agreed bundles
After collecting all of the relevant documents, those documents which will
be referred to in the hearing are collected and filed in a logical sequence
in several bundles. Normally the claimant will prepare the bundles, and the
respondent will be given the opportunity to add further documents. The
completed files are known as 'agreed bundles'.
Avoidance, Resolution and Settlement of Disputes 243
ranges within which the probable cost would fall. In these circumstances,
the expert would be abusing the process if he attempted to stand firmly by
calculations which were at the extreme end of the range that favoured the
party putting him forward as an expert.
If an expert is to command respect and maintain credibility and integrity,
he must resist any pressure from his employer, or from his employer's legal
advisers, to advance opinions which he does not truly hold. An expert
should advance the same opinion whichever party he is representing
and this should be tested in 'mock cross-examination' before the hearing.
If there is any doubt about the expert's integrity and ability to stand up to
cross-examination, he should be withdrawn.
Proofs of evidence by witnesses of fact and expert witnesses may be
exchanged before the hearing. This can be useful, particularly if it is used
as a means to agree facts and figures before the hearing commences.
The hearing
The hearing often follows similar lines to court proceedings except that it is
normally less formal. Hearings are normally held at a neutral venue, such as
a hotel, but there is no reason why they should not be held at the offices of
one of the parties. The arbitrator formally opens the hearing, followed by:
the opening address given by the claimant which sets out the issues, the
evidence supporting the claimant's case and any submissions on the law
which may be relevant;
presentation of claimant's witnesses; examination of witnesses on oath
by the claimant;
cross-examination of claimant's witnesses by the respondent;
re-examination of claimant's witnesses by claimant;
respondent's opening address;
presentation of respondent's witnesses; examination of respondent's
witnesses by respondent;
cross-examination of respondent's witnesses by claimant;
re-examination of respondent's witnesses by respondent;
respondent's closing address;
claimant's closing address.
The hearing may take one or two days, or it may consist of several hear-
ings over several months. Some hearings may deal with particular issues in
dispute, and some may deal with purely procedural matters.
The award
The arbitrator will usually reserve judgement until some weeks after the
hearing. The rules governing the arbitration may contain a time limit within
244 Construction Contract Claims
which the award must be given. The award is final and binding on the
parties, subject to a limited right of appeal pursuant to Section 6 9 of the
Arbitration Act 1996. In the case of domestic arbitrations, Section 8 7 of
the Act provides for the parties to exclude the jurisdiction of the courts only
if the parties' agreement was made after the commencement of arbitration.
The power to award costs is given by Section 61 of the Arbitration Act
of 1996. Where there is only partial success and/or where there are par-
tially successful counter-claims, the apportionment of costs may be com-
plicated. In simple cases, the award of costs is normally in favour of the
successful party. However, the conduct of the parties may be taken into
account when awarding costs. If an offer of settlement is made during the
course of the arbitration, this may be taken into account when awarding
costs. In Tramountana Armadors SA v. Atlantic Shipping Co., SA [I9781
2 All ER 870, the court determined that if the claimant receives no more
in the arbitration award than it was offered by the respondent before the
award, then costs are assessed against the claimant.
In international arbitration and in many foreign jurisdictions, the process
of setting out the parties' cases does not normally involve pleadings in the
same way as it does in the UK. Written submissions, requests, answers to
requests, statements of claim and counter-claims are included in the normal
exchanges of documents.
In complex cases, the proceedings may be almost as formal as court
proceedings. However, as arbitration is intended to be a relatively quick and
inexpensive means of settling disputes, the parties should consider every
means of simplifying the manner in which the issues are put before the
arbitrator. The following quotations should be taken seriously:
'One of the reasons for going to arbitration is to get rid of the technical rules of
evidence and so forth.' - Lord Denning in GKN Centrax Gears Ltd v. Malbro
Ltd [I9651 2 Lloyds LR 555
'It will be observed that on this occasion the arbitration machinery of the asso-
ciation operated with commendable speed. That may have been because no
lawyers were involved.' - Michael I. Warde v. Feedex International, Inc. I19841
1 Lloyds LR 310
Whatever the means of settling disputes, the party who has administered
the contract properly, and kept good records, will be much better placed
to obtain a favourable result than the party who has barely managed to
comply with the basic requirements of the contract.
Avoidance, Resolution and Settlement of Disputes 245
246 Construction Contract Claims
accordance with the agreement of the parties or with the law of the
country where the arbitration took place
(e) If the award is not binding or has been set aside or suspended by a
competent authority.
Under paragraph 2
(a) If the subject matter or difference is not capable of settlement by arbi-
tration under the laws of the county where enforcement is sought
(b) The recognition or enforcement of the award would be contrary to
public policy of the county where enforcement is sought.
Most institutional rules of arbitration specially permit either party to apply
to a court for interim relief (awards). In the absence of such a provision,
the parties may well be able to seek interim relief from the arbitrator or
tribunal. These interim awards may, under the New York Convention,
be enforceable in the courts, however the delays involved in appointing
the arbitrators and then obtaining interim relief may well be sufficient to
dissuade the parties to seek interim relief:
'Settle matters quickly with your adversary who is taking you to court. Do it while
you are still with him on the way, or he may hand you over to the judge, and
the judge may hand you over to the officer, and you will be thrown into prison.
I tell you the truth, you will not get out until you have paid the last penny.'
[Matthew 5: 25, 26 NN]
Appendix A: Sample Claim
for Extension of Time and
Additional Payment
The sample claim which follows is for an extension of time and reim-
bursement of loss and/or expense arising out of the delays (Dl), (D2), (D3)
and (D4) shown in Figure 5.9 in Chapter 5. Phased completion has been
introduced into the example as a result of which additional activities have
become critical.
For simplicity, the claim deals with the subject matter in the main nar-
rative. In practice, particularly for complex claims dealing with many issues,
more use would be made of appendices (summarising notices of delay and
the like). Copies of relevant correspondence (referred to in the claim), s u p
porting documents, particulars and detailed calculations would also normally
be given in an appendix. This example does not contain such appendices
(except for programmes and illustrations) but it is assumed that they are
In this example, clauses referred to in the form of contract are often
paraphrased. It is sometimes more appropriate to quote the clauses
248 Construction Contract Claims
Covering letter from Better Builders Ltd (the contractor) to T. Square (the
Dear Sir,
Re: ABC Stores and Depot, New Road, Lower Hamstead, Wilton
Further to our letter of 22 August 2000 requesting a review of exten-
sions of time, our letter of 12 September 2000 giving particulars of
loss and/or expense and our letter of 11 February 2001 requesting a
copy of the draft final account, to which we have had no response,
we enclose herewith our claim for extensions of time, reimburse-
ment of loss and/or expense and damages.
Please note that the contents of this submission do not contain any
particulars (with the exception of rates for finance charges for the
period after 12 September 2000) which have not been submitted to
you previously in correspondence referred to therein. It is our under-
standing that you have all information necessary for the preparation
of the final account and we can see no reason why it should not have
been issued prior to this letter.
Our claim is for further extensions of time of two weeks for section
A and the works (up t o the dates of practical completion) and for
reimbursement of loss and/or expense and/or damages for the
amount of £90637.42 (including finance charges on liquidated
We are also requesting the issuance of a certificate of making good
defects, a statement pursuant to clause 30.6.1 of the contract (includ-
ing all adjustments mentioned in the submission), release of reten-
tion of £21010.00, release of liquidated damages amounting to
£63000.00 and a final certificate pursuant t o clause 30.8 of the
Your early response would be appreciated.
Yours faithfully
For and on behalf of Better Builders Ltd
Appendix A 249
2 April 2001
250 Construction Contract Claims
Claim for extensions of time for completion of the works and section
A, reimbursement of loss and/or expense and/or damages and repay-
ment of liquidated damages.
1.0 Introduction.
Appendix A 251
252 Construction Contract Claims
Appendix A 253
254 Construction Contract Claims
Appendix A 255
2.6 Defects:
2.6.1 On 8 January 2001, the architect issued a schedule of defects
pursuant to clause 17.3 of the conditions of contract and
instructed the contractor to make good the said defects.
2.6.2 On 12 February 2001, the contractor notified the architect that
he had rectified all defects notified by the architect in his
schedule of 8 January 2001 and he requested a certificate of
making good defects pursuant t o clause 17.4 of the condi-
tions of contract.
2.6.3 At the date of this submission, no certificate of making good
defects has been issued.
256 Construction Contract Claims
Appendix A 257
258 Construction Contract Claims
4.2 Exceptionally adverse weather conditions Delay (Dl).
4.2.1 Activity B-E is for the construction of a surface water culvert
under the new access road.
4.2.2 The contractor completed the preceding activity (A-B) on pro-
gramme and was proceeding with the construction of activ-
ity B-E in accordance with the programme.
Appendix A 259
260 Construction Contract Claims
4.3.5 The contractor excavated the trench for the revised effluent
drain and laid the pipes and was ready for testing on 3 April
2000. A delay of two weeks had occurred as a result of the
said instruction. The time taken t o carry out the work prior to
testing (2 weeks) was the same time allowed in the contrac-
tor's programme for carrying out the same quantity of work
in the originally designed location of the effluent drain.
4.3.6 Backfilling and making good the floor slab at the location of
the redundant effluent drain was completed on 3 April 2000.
Had the contractor not been able to utilise resources from
activity B-E (see 4.3.4 hereof), this work could not have been
executed until after the contractor had completed the diver-
sion of the effluent drain to the revised location.
4.3.7 As a result of the foregoing, activity B-G had been delayed
by two weeks. No direct delay to completion of section A or
the works was caused by the said instruction -see appendix
II (A.2) hereto.
4.3.8 Notices and particulars of the delay and disruption and loss
and/or expense caused by the said instruction were given by
the contractor pursuant to clauses 25 and 26 of the conditions
of contract (see 2.2 and 2.4 hereof).
Appendix A 261
262 Construction Contract Claims
4.5.3 As a result of Delays D2 and D3 (see 4.3 and 4.4 hereof) the
revised latest date for receipt of instructions was 12 June
2000 [week 181.
4.5.4 On 5 June 2000, the architect issued instruction no 7 for the
supply and installation of the equipment to be done by
Pumps & Co for the sum of £42250.00 in accordance with the
tender documents attached to the said instruction. The deliv-
ery period for the equipment (which was not a standard set)
was quoted as seven to eight weeks and one week was
required for installation.
4.5.5 On the same day, the contractor notified the architect by fax
(ref BBi77) that the delivery period quoted by Pumps & Co
was unacceptable, but he would be prepared to place the
order with Pumps & Co provided that the architect would
make an appropriate extension of time.
4.5.6 On 6 June 2000, the architect notified the contractor by fax
(ref TSl12A) that he would take the delivery period of the
pumps into account when making his decision on extensions
of time.
4.5.7 On 7 June 2000, the contractor placed his order with Pumps
& Co. A formal subcontract was signed between the con-
tractor and Pumps & Co on 19 June 2000.
4.5.8 Pumps & Co delivered their equipment to site on 31 July 2000
and completed the installation, including testing, on 6 August
2000 [end of week 251. Completion of the works had been
delayed by three weeks having regard to the fact that the con-
tractor had been denied the opportunity to reduce the delay
caused by exceptionally adverse weather conditions (Delay
D l - see 4.2 and 4.4.1 hereof) - see appendix II (A.5) hereto.
4.5.9 Notices and particulars of the delay and disruption and loss
and/or expense caused by the said additional work were
given by the contractor pursuant to clauses 25 and 26 of the
conditions of contract (see 2.2 and 2.4 hereof).
4.6 Summary:
4.6.1 Completion of section A has been delayed by three weeks as
a result of Delays (D2) and (D3) - (see 4.3 and 4.4).
4.6.2 Completion of the works has been delayed by three weeks
as a result of Delays (D2), (D3) and (D4)- (see 4.3,4.4 and 4.5
Appendix A 263
264 Construction Contract Claims
Appendix A 265
266 Construction Contract Claims
Appendix A 267 Fluctuations:
The contract does not provide for reimbursement of fluctua-
tions of labour or materials (see hereof). The contrac-
tor allowed for the anticipated increase in labour in June 2000
in his tender (for the labour required to execute the work in
weeks 20-22 on activity J-K). The hours allowed by the con-
tractor i n his tender during this period were as follows:
Craft operatives 3170 hours
Labourers 2700 hours
Due to Delays (D2), (D3) and (D4), the contractor's labour
resources in weeks 20-25 were as follows:
Craft operatives 5060 hours
Labourers 4365 hours
Due to the fact that the contractor had been prevented
from mitigating the delay caused by exceptionally adverse
weather conditions (Delay D l ) - see 4.4.1 hereof, the addi-
tional costs of labour for the additional hours expended after
the wage increase on 26 June 2000 (most of which would
have been prevented by the measures proposed by the
contractor to mitigate the delay) qualify for reimbursement
pursuant to clause 26 of the conditions of contract.
The additional costs of labour claimed are calculated as
Tender 26 June 2000 Increase
Craft operatives £6.05 £6.35
NI & Employer's Ins. £0.67 £0.70
£6.72 £7.05 £0.33 (hr)
Labourers £4.90 £5.15
NI & Employer's Ins. £0.54 £0.57
£5.44 £5.72 £0.28 (hr)
Hours after 26 June 2000:
Craft operatives 5060 - 3170 = 1890 hrs
Labourers 4365 - 2700 = 1665 hrs
268 Construction Contract Claims
5.1.2 Disruption:
Activity B-G was delayed by nine weeks as a result of Delays
(D2) and (D3). Site staff and resources allocated to this activ-
ity were required on site for this additional period and the
contractor is entitled to reimbursement of expense caused
Appendix A 269
270 Construction Contract Claims
6.3 Retention:
6.3.1 The contractor is entitled to release of retention in the sum
of £21 010.00.
Appendix A 271
272 Construction Contract Claims
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Appendix A 273
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Appendix A 275
276 Construction Contract Claims
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Appendix Ill
278 Construction Contract Claims
Appendix A 279
280 Construction Contract Claims
Some of the arguments in the above example may be persuasive in
negotiations. Differences of opinion in the industry on the use of a
formula, concurrent delays, adjustment for overheads and profit
recovered in variations and the costs of preparing the claim may give
rise to real stumbling blocks in the negotiations to settle the sums in
This example may not cover all that went wrong during the progress
of the works. There may have been other delays by the contractor.
However, on the facts described in the example, the contractor
appears to have reasonable grounds to pursue his claims.
While, in this case, the architect has now granted an extension for
the full period of delay, some practitioners may argue that the words
used in clause 25.3.1 of JCT80:
'If, in the opinion of the Architect,. . any of the events.. . are a Relevant
Event and the completion of the Works is likely to be delayed thereby
beyond the Completion Date.. . the Architect shall in writing.. . give an
extension of time.. . '
Appendix A 281
Appendix B: Sample Loss
of Productivity Claim
(due to disruption)
Appendix B 283
tractor had achieved this progress using more manpower, because of inef-
ficient working, and for evey hour worked an average of 0.936 man-hours
of work had been done, that is an earned value or productivity factor (PF)
of 0.936 compared with the tender norms of 1.0. Apart from two varia-
tions issued during this period, the contractor had not been affected by any
adverse factors.
Accordingly, it is reasonable to argue that given no significant external
factors to disrupt the contractor's progress, productivity would have been
0.936 man-hour earned for each 1.0 man-hour worked for the duration of
the project, that is even without significant disrupting factors, the contrac-
tor could not achieve the tender norm of 1.0.
However, from week 9 onwards, it is evident that the number of varia-
tions issued and the amount of day-work (dismantling and re-installing work
already completed) had an affect on productivity. It is reasonable to con-
clude that the drop in productivity from week 9 onwards was a direct result
of these factors (see Figure B.2).
Similar calculations have been done in Figure B.l for all weeks.
Average productivity factor (PF) for weeks 1-8 (before significant disruption)
That is to say, for evey man-hour worked, 0.936 man-hour value of work
had been achieved.
284 Construction Contract Claims
Note - All calculations in Figure B. 1are in Excel and are calculated to more
than three decimal places. The results in Figure B.l are therefore more
accurate and are given above.
Calculations for weeks 10-17 are also shown in Figure B.1.
The total loss of productivity is 1624.42 man-hours (being the sum of
the loss of productivity for weeks 9-17 calculated in the same manner as
week 9).
In other words, the contractor's case is that if he had not been disrupted
by the numerous changes, instead of spending a total of 10320.00 man-
hours to complete the work at a productivity factor (PF)of 0.936, the man-
hours spent would have been 8695.58 man-hours calculated as follows:
Total planned man-hours to execute the work done (excluding day-work)
= 8143
Orlglnal Quanuties and Schedule of Work for 93 Week Programme EsUmated ~roductlvlty
Actual Quantltlea and Schedule of Work Done Actual Productivity Loss of Productivity
Total 1455 1265 1600 580 1120 8143 Adual 10320 0 789 Total loss prod. 1624.42
Orig. 1390 1225 1700 555 0 8208 8184 1.003 8143 10.936 8695.58
Change 65 40 -1 00 25 1120 -65 Mh" excludes daywork Check adual 10320.00
286 Construction Contract Claims
A Building Contract Casebook, second edition
Authors: Dr Vincent Powell-Smith and Michael Furmston
Publisher: BSP Professional, 1990
All You Need to Know About Construction Claims (South Africa)
Authors: Reg Thomas and Chris Binnington
Publishers: James R. Knowles and Binnington, Copeland and Associates, 1995
Alternative Dispute Resolution
Author: Patrick O'Connor
Publisher: Knowles Publications, 1991
Arbitration of Construction Disputes
Authors: Michael T. Callahan, Barry B. Bramble and Paul M. Lurie
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons, 1990
Building Case Law Digest
Author: Ann Glacki
Publisher: Lloyd's, 1999
Building Contract Claims, second edition (see Note)
Author: Dr Vincent Powell-Smith and John Sims
Publisher: BSP Professional. 1988
Note: Third edition, updat;?d by David Chappell, published by BSP Professional,
Building Law Information Subscriber Service (BLISS)
Author: Ann Glacki
Publisher: Knowles Publications, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 2000
Building Law Information Subscriber Service (BLISS) Weekly Bulletins: BLISS
Authors: Roger Knowles and Mark Entwhistle, edited by Ann Glacki
Publisher: Knowles Publications, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991
CIMAR: Construction Industry Model Arbitration Rules, 1998
Author: The Joint Contracts Tribunal
Publisher: RIBA Publications
288 References
References 289
290 References
References 291
292 References
References 293
294 References
Michael Salliss & Co Ltd v. E.C.A. Cali1 and William E Newman & Associates
[I989113 ConLR 68 - p. 30
Mid-Glamorgan County Council v. J. Devonald Williams & Partner 119921 29
ConLR 129 - pp. 25, 26, 208
Miller v. London County Council (1934)151 LT 425 - pp. 15, 119, 211
Mitsui Construction Co Ltd v. Attorney General of Hong Kong (1986)33 BLR
1 - p. 171
Moon v. Witney Union (1837): (Hudson's Building and Engineering Contracts,
tenth edition at page 113) - p. 3
Morgan Grenfell Ltd v. Sunderland Borough Council and Seven Seas Dredging
Ltd (1991)51 BLR 85 - pp. 29, 177
Morrison-Knudsen v. B.C. Hydro & Power (1975) 85 DLR 3d 186 - pp. 28,
169, 209
Morrison-Knudsen International Co Inc and Another v. Commonwealth of
Australia (1980) 13 BLR 114 - p. 21
Nash Dredging Ltd v. Kestrel1 Marine Ltd (1986)SLT 62 - pp. 29, 169, 209
Natkin & Co v. George A Fuller Co 347 F.Supp.17 (WD Mo 1972),reconsidered
626 F.2d 324 (8th Cir 1980) - pp. 157, 161
North West Regional Health Authority v. Derek Crouch [I9841 2 WLR 676 -
p. 238
Ovcon (Pty) Ltd v. Administrator Natal 1991 (4)SA 71 - pp. 71, 103, 149
Owen L Schwam Construction Co, ASBCA 22407, 79-2 BCA (CCH)- p. 152
Pacific Associates Inc and Another v. Baxter and Others (1988)44 BLR 33 -
pp. 30, 209
Peak Construction (Liverpool) Ltd v. Mckinney Foundations Ltd (1970)1 BLR
111 - pp. 14, 16, 20
Penvidic Contracting Co. Ltd v. International Nickel Co. of Canada Ltd (1975)
53 DLR (3d)748 - p. 154
Percy Bilton Ltd v. The Greater London Council (1981)17 BLR 1 (CA);(1982)
20 BLR 1 (HL)- p. 194
Perini Pacific Ltd v. Greater Vancouver Sewerage and Drainage District Council
[I9671SCR 189 - p. 13
Philips Hong Kong Ltd v. The Attorney General of Hong Kong (1990)50 BLR
122 - p. 19
Philips Hong Kong v. The Attorney General of Hong Kong (1993)61 BLR 41
(PC)- p. 19
Property and Land Contractors Ltd v. Alfred McAlpine Homes North Ltd (1996)
76 BLR 59 - p. 137
Rapid Building Group Ltd v. Ealing Family Housing Association Ltd (1984)29
BLR 5 - pp. 14, 17, 60, 116
Rees and Kirby Ltd v. Swansea City Council (1985) 30 BLR 1-p. 179
Schindler Lifts (H.K.) Ltd v. Shui On Construction Company Limited (1984)29
BLR 95 - p. 224
Secretary of State for Transport v. Birse-Farr Joint Venture (1993)62 BLR 36
- pp. 29, 178
C.J. Sims v. Shaftesbury PIC (1991)QBD; 8-CLD-03-10 - p. 75
Song Toh Chu v. Chan Kiat Neo [I9731 2 M U 206 - p. 18
References 295
296 References
Forms of Contract
References 297
298 References
Miscellaneous Abbreviations
References 299
Index 301
302 Index
Index 303
304 Index
Index 305
single cause of delay on critical path, for delay after completion date, 116
97 limit to, 17
time to exercise powers to grant, may exceed liquidated damages, 211
16, 211 recoverable where no provision for
time to exercise powers to grant, extension, 222
1999 FDIC contracts, 213 Ground conditions
time to exercise powers to grant, claims for, 20
damages, acceleration costs, 213 RDIC provisions, 21
time to exercise powers to grant, ICE conditions, clauses 11 & 12, 21
HDIC fourth edition, 213 information, duty of care, 21
time to exercise powers to grant, risk of unforeseen, 21
ICE contracts, 213 variable, 2
time to exercise powers to grant,
NEC contracts, 213 Head office overheads, 127
time to exercise powers to grant, adjustment for recovery in variations,
SIA clause 23.2, 212 140
audited accounts, 135
FDIC conditions basis of allocation to project cost,
contract documents, priority of, 59 182
HDIC contracts, 4, 46 claims for, 127
1999 editions, 46 cost of managerial time, 131
first edition, 46 distribution in tender, 182
fourth edition, 46 doubt cast on formulae, 127
Green Book, 46 Eichleay's formula, 128
Orange Book, 46 Emden's formula, 127
Red Book, 47 formulae, calculation of percentage,
Silver Book, 47 133
unreasonable modifications to, 59 formulae suspect for delay at end of
value engineering, 49 project, 137
Yellow Book, 47 Hearing
Finance charges, 23, 177 arbitration, 243
1999 HDIC clause 14.8, 178 Hudson's formula, 127
claims for, 177 under-recovery using formulae, 130
clause 60(6) of ICE conditions, 177
duplication in overheads, 182 ICE conditions, clause 60(6), 29
HDIC fourth edition, clause 60.10, measure of damages, 23
178 ICE conditions of contract
ICE seventh edition, clause 60(7), contract documents, clause 5, 59
178 first edition, 1945, 4
measure of damages, 23 seventh edition, 4
on uncertified sums, 177 Information
part of claim for loss or expense, issued to suit progress, 90
178, 180 late issuance of, 80
outstanding, 79
GC/Works/l systems for management, 86
standard form of contract, 4 Instructions, 80
General damages, 220 authority to give, 81
applicable if liquidated damages form of, 81
invalid, 16 in emergency, 81
burden of proof, 16 site, 8
for breach of contract, 222 verbal, 81
306 Index
progress, 79 failure to give for extensions of time,
review of outstanding information, 28
80 FIDIC fourth edition, 120
Method statement ICE conditions, 26
impossible to construct as, 82 JCT forms, 28
MF/1 contract 87, 120
NEC (Engineering & Construction of claims for additional payment,
Contract), 49 117, 118
bonus, 51 of intention to claim, 120
compensation events, 96 RIBA forms, 28
contract philosophy, 50 time for giving, 26
delay damages, 51 to claim loss and/or expense,
design liability, 5 0 JCT80, 119
early warning, 50, 96
low performance damages, 51 Offers of settlement
sectional completion, 50 in arbitration, 244
Negotiating team Omissions
selection of, 231 effect on extensions of time, 216
Negotiation effect on extensions of time, JCT80,
concessions given during, 232 216
delaying tactics, 230 to have done by others, breach of
of claims, 230 contract, 12, 217
without prejudice, 230
Negotiators Particulars, 83
authority of, 231 of claims, 1999 FIDIC contracts,
Nominated subcontractors, 188 121
contractor's right to object, 190 of claims, FIDIC fourth edition, 121
contractor's right to object, ICE, 190 of claims for additional payment,
contractor's right to object, JCT80, 120
190 of claims for additional payment,
co-ordination of design, 189 GC/Works/l , 121
delay by, 202 of claims for additional payment,
delay by, JCT80, clause 25,4.7, ICE, 121
202 of claims for additional payment,
extension of time, architect's JCT80, 120
consent, 203 to be provided, 87
objection if contractor in culpable PC sums
delay, 191 abuse of, 36
PC sums for work by, 188 abuse of, provisional sums in
PC sums to properly define scope of disguise, 190
work, 189 work to be nominated, 188
reasons justifying use of, 189 Penalties, 12
renomination in case of default, 194 English law, 6, 19
renomination, right of objection, Middle East, 6
197 not enforceable, 19, 221
right to object if no extension Roman Dutch law, 6, 19
granted, 195 South Africa, 6, 19
tender procedures, NSC/l, 191 Phased completion
Notice, 26, 8 3 liquidated damages for, 19
1999 FDIC provisions, 28, 86, 120 Pleadings
condition precedent, 26, 27, 8 6 in arbitration, 241
308 Index
Index 309
310 Index