Modular Lesson in Fs - 6
Modular Lesson in Fs - 6
Modular Lesson in Fs - 6
Subject: Field Study 6 (On Becoming a Teacher) Semester: First Semester SY. 2020-2021
Course: BSEd/BEEd Credit Unit: 1 unit
Year Level: Fourth Year and Third Year Students Number of Hours: 17 hours
Course Description:
Field Study 6, (On Becoming a Teacher) is an experiential learning subject for pre-service teachers. It shall provide them a myriad of
opportunities to learn the What, Why and How of teaching as their chosen career.
General Objectives:
General Guidelines:
Learning Outcomes: In this module you will describe the personal qualities of an experienced teacher that you have interviewed.
Learning Map: In order to meet your desired learning outcomes, follow the steps below.
Step1. You are going to interview at least 2 teachers about the why, what, and how of teaching by using The Teacher Interview Form below.
Step2. Based from their responses, analyze the values and philosophy behind their beliefs.
Step3. Reflect your own values and philosophy relative to teaching.
Step4. Show these values and philosophy in writing the mission statement as an educator.
Below is Teachers’ Values and Philosophy Matrix to for step2, step3 and step4 activities.
Teachers’ Responses Your analysis based on your Your analysis based on your State your comments/reactions
reflected values reflected philosophy (Do you agree/disagree with the
view of the teacher?
Teacher 1
Teacher 2
1. It’s now your turn to answer the three questions.
a. Why do you want to teach?
b. What do you like to teach?
c. How will you do it?
Learning Portfolio:
1. Create your mission statement as a future educator below.
My Mission Statement
2. Picture of yourself and the teacher’s being interviewed with descriptions of personal qualities in a photo essay and reflections.
Overview: The teacher is a significant person who earns great respect from the people in the community.
Learning Outcomes: In this module, you will collect information on how an educator is regarded in the learning environment.
Learning Map: The steps provided below will guide you to carry out your essential task.
Step 1. Visit your cooperating school and describe the location, the neighboring areas, and the community as a whole.
Step 2. Record what issues and concerns prevalent in the learning environment affecting the conditions of teachers and students. Gather also
information regarding the resources of the community beneficial to teachers and students alike.
Step 3. What possible partnership between the school and the community can be established?
Step 4. Reflect on the important role of the teacher as a member of the community.
Learning Portfolio:
Ocular Inspection Report
Name of the School Observed ____________________________________________________________________________________________________
School Address _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Date of Visit ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
1. Take a picture and write the description of the school’s location, neighboring areas and the community as a whole below
2. Write the issues and concerns affecting teachers and students in school and community.
3. A picture of community resources and possible partnership between the school and community.
4. Write down below your reflection on the important role of a teacher as member of the community.
Overview: The learning episodes in this module focus on the global teacher of the 21 st century
Learning Outcome: In this module, you will identify the values, skills and knowledge of a global Filipino educator.
Learning Map: The steps provided below will guide your way to do your task.
Step 1. Interview at least 2 teachers about their ideas on the knowledge, skills, and values that a global Filipino educator has.
Step 2. Summarize their responses into one paragraph.
Step 3. Reflect yourself how you can become a global Filipino educator.
Learning Portfolio:
1. Below is a matrix to present your interview data and your analysis and synthesis.
Teacher 1
Teacher 2
2. Write below your reflections on how you can become a global Filipino educator in the future.
Overview: To be a professional teacher, one must be a passer of L.E.T and a license holder issued by the P.R.C. Likewise; he/she must abide by
the Code of Ethics of Professional Teachers and must grow and bloom in the profession by taking up continuing professional education
Learning Outcome: In this module, you will gain a clear definition of professional teacher and a description of a Filipino professional teacher.
Learning Map: This episode, brings you to a closer picture of a professional teachers. Follow the steps provided below to meet your target.
Step 1. Interview a young professional teacher, master professional teacher and a retired professional teacher.
Step 2. Write down all answers given and prepare a summary written report.
Step 3. Ask a picture of the teachers as attachment to your report.
Step 4. Reflect on the impact of all these to your future life as a full-fledged professional teacher.
Learning Portfolio
Narrative 1: An Interview with a Young Professional Teacher Summary of the Narrative Report:
(5-10 years teaching experience)
Narrative 2: An Interview with a Master Professional Teacher Summary of the Narrative Report:
(15-20 years of experience)
(Picture of the Master Teacher)
Narrative 3: An Interview with a Retired Professional Teacher Summary of the Narrative Report:
(Retired from Teaching)
2. From the answers given by your interviewees, is teaching a fulfilling profession? Why? Write your reflection inside the box.
My Learning Rubric:
Grammar and spelling are Grammar & spelling are Grammar & spelling are Grammar & spelling are
excellently correct superior acceptable. unacceptable
Learning Portfolio Reflections are very clear Reflection are clear, but Most of the reflections are Majority of the reflections
and supported by not clearly supported by shallow; not supported by are unclear and are not
experiences experiences experiences supported by experiences
Portfolio Portfolio is creatively done, Portfolio is complete, clear Portfolio lacks supporting Portfolio is untidy and
complete and excellently and well-arranged documentations unorganized
Submission of Submitted before the date of Submitted on the date of Submitted a day after the Submitted a week after the
Portfolio schedule schedule date of schedule date of schedule
Off-line References:
1.Bilbao, Purita P. (2015). Field Study 6 (On Becoming the 21st Century Teacher). Philippines: Lorimar Publishing Inc.
2.Bilbao, Purita P. et. al. (2012). The Teaching Profession. Philippines: Lorimar Publishing Inc.
3.Lucas, Maria Rita D. et. al. (2007) Field Study (Experiential Learning Courses). Philippines: Lorimar Publishing Inc.