Assignment 1
Assignment 1
Assignment 1
Table of contents
Critical review of the topics/subtopics and its importance for student learning 15-20
1.0 Physical Chemistry Topics & subtopics in STPM
Structure of Atoms. In this subtopic, students will learn how to:
a) Explain the formation of the emission line spectrum of atomic
hydrogen in the Lyman and Balmer series using Bohr’s Atomic
2.2 Atomic orbitals: s, p and d
In this subtopic, students will learn how to:
a. Deduce the number and relative energies of the s, p and d
orbitals for the principal quantum numbers 1, 2 and 3,
including the 4s orbitals
b. Describe the shape of the s and p orbitals.
2.3 Electronic configuration
In this subtopic, students will learn how to:
a. Predict the electronic configuration of atoms and ions given
the proton number (and charge)
b. Define and apply Aufbau principle, Hund’s rule and Pauli
exclusion principle.
2.4 Classification of elements into s, p, d and f blocks in the Periodic
In this subtopic, students will learn how to:
a. Identify the position of the elements in the Periodic Table as
(i) block s, with valence shell configurations s1 and s2
(ii) block p, with valence shell configurations from s2 p1 to s2
(iii) block d, with valence shell configurations from d1s2 to
b. Identify the position of elements in block f of the Periodic
a) Draw the Lewis structure of covalent molecules (octet rule as
exemplified by NH3, CCl4, H2O, CO2, N2O4 and exception to
the octet rule as exemplified by BF3, NO, NO2, PCl5, SF6)
b) Draw the Lewis structure of ions as exemplified by SO4*2- ,
CO3*2-, NO3- and CN-
c) Explain the concept of overlapping and hybridisation of the s
and p orbitals as exemplified by BeCl2, BF3, CH4, N2, HCN,
NH3 and H2O molecules
d) Predict and explain the shapes of and bond angles in
molecules and ions using the principle of valence shell
electron pair repulsion
e.g., linear, trigonal planar, tetrahedral, trigonal bipyramid,
octahedral, V-shaped, T-shaped, seesaw and pyramidal
e) Explain the existence of polar and non-polar bonds (including
C-Cl, C-N, C-O, C-Mg) resulting in polar or/and non-polar
f) Relate bond lengths and bond strengths with respect to
single, double and triple bonds
g) Explain the inertness of nitrogen molecule in terms of its
strong triple bond and nonpolarity
h) Describe typical properties associated with ionic and covalent
bonding in terms of bond strength, melting point and
electrical conductivity
i) Explain the existence of covalent character in ionic
compounds such as Al2O3, AlI3 and LiI
j) Explain the existence of coordinate (dative covalent) bonding
as exemplified by H3O+, NH4+, Al2C16 and [Fe (CN)6] 3.
3.3 Metallic bonding
In this subtopic, students will learn how to:
a) Explain metallic bonding in terms of electron sea model.
a) Describe hydrogen bonding and van der Waals forces
(permanent, temporary and induced dipole)
b) Deduce the effect of van der Waals forces between molecules
on the physical properties of substances
c) Deduce the effect of hydrogen bonding (intermolecular and
intramolecular) on the physical properties of substances.
Topic 4: States of Matter. 4.1 Gases
In this subtopic, students will learn how to:
a) Explain the pressure and behaviour of ideal gas using the
kinetic theory
b) Explain qualitatively, in terms of molecular size and
intermolecular forces, the conditions necessary for a gas
approaching the ideal behaviour
c) Define Boyle’s law, Charles’law and Avogadro’s law; (d) apply
the pV=nRT equation in calculations, including the
determination of the relative molecular mass, Mr
d) Define Dalton’s law, and use it to calculate the partial
pressure of a gas and its composition
e) Explain the limitation of ideality at very high pressures and
very low temperatures.
4.2 Liquids
From this subtopic, students will learn about:
a) The kinetic concept of the liquid state
b) The melting of solid to liquid, vaporisation and vapour
pressure using simple kinetic theory
c) The boiling point and freezing point of liquids
4.3 Solids
From this subtopic, students will learn about:
a) Qualitatively the lattice structure of a crystalline solid which
(i) ionic, as in sodium chloride,
(ii) simple molecular, as in iodine,
(iii) giant molecular, as in graphite, diamond and silicon
(IV) oxide,
(iv) metallic, as in copper
b) The allotropes of carbon (graphite, diamond and fullerenes),
and their uses.
4.4 Phase diagrams
From this subtopic, students will learn about:
a) The phase diagram for water and carbon dioxide, and explain
the anomalous behaviour of water and phase diagrams as
graphical plots of experimentally determined results, as
curves describing the conditions of equilibrium between
phases and as regions representing single phases
b) How a phase may change with changes in temperature and
c) Vaporisation, boiling, sublimation, freezing, melting, triple
and critical points of H2O and CO2
d) Qualitatively the effect of a non-volatile solute on the vapour
pressure of a solvent, and hence, on its melting point and
boiling point (colligative properties)
e) The uses of dry ice.
activation energy and temperature using Arrhenius equation
b) How to use the Boltzmann distribution curve to explain the
distribution of molecular energy
5.4 The role of catalysts in reactions
From this subtopic, students will learn about:
a) The effect of catalysts on the rate of a reaction
b) How a reaction, in the presence of a catalyst, follows an
alternative path with a lower activation energy
c) The role of atmospheric oxides of nitrogen as catalysts in the
oxidation of atmospheric sulphur dioxide
d) The role of vanadium(V) oxide as a catalyst in the Contact
e) Enzymes as biological catalysts.
5.5 Order of reactions and rate constants
From this subtopic, students will learn about:
a) The order of a reaction (zero-, first- and second-) and the rate
constant by the initial rates method and graphical methods
b) How to verify that a suggested reaction mechanism is
consistent with the observed kinetics
c) How to use the half-life (t½) of a first-order reaction in
Topic 6: Equilibria. 6.1 Chemical equilibria
From this subtopic, students will learn about:
a) A reversible reaction and dynamic equilibrium in terms of
forward and backward reactions
b) Mass action law from stoichiometric equation
c) Expressions for equilibrium constants in terms of
concentrations, and partial pressures, for homogeneous and
heterogeneous systems
d) How to calculate the values of the equilibrium constants in
terms of concentrations or partial pressures from given data
e) How to calculate the quantities present at equilibrium from
given data
f) How to apply the concept of dynamic chemical equilibrium to
explain how the concentration of stratospheric ozone is
affected by the photodissociation of NO2, O2 and O3 to form
reactive oxygen radicals
g) The Le Chatelier’ principle and use it to discuss the effect of
catalysts, changes in concentration, pressure or temperature
on a system at equilibrium in the following examples:
(i) the synthesis of hydrogen iodide,
(ii) the dissociation of dinitrogen tetroxide
(iii) the hydrolysis of simple esters,
(iv) the Contact process,
(v) the Haber process
(vi) the Ostwald process
h) The effect of temperature on equilibrium constant from the
6.2 Ionic equilibria
From this subtopic, students will learn about:
a) How to use Arrhenius, BrØnsted-Lowry and Lewis theories to
explain acids and bases
b) The way to identify conjugate acids and bases
c) How to explain qualitatively the different properties of strong
and weak electrolytes and how to explain and calculate the
terms pH, pOH, Ka, pKa , Kb, pKb, Kw and pKw from given
d) The changes in pH during acid-base titrations
e) The choice of suitable indicators for acid-base titrations
f) Introduction to buffer solutions
g) How to calculate the pH of buffer solutions from given data
h) The use of buffer solutions and their importance in biological
systems such as the role of H2CO3 / HCO3 in controlling pH in
6.3 Solubility equilibria
From this subtopic, students will learn about:
a) An introduction to solubility product, Ksp
b) How to calculate Ksp from given concentrations and vice
c) The common ion effect, including buffer solutions
d) How to predict the possibility of precipitation from solutions
of known concentrations
e) How to apply the concept of solubility equilibria to describe
industrial procedure for water softening.
6.4 Phase equilibria
From this subtopic, students will learn about:
a) How to state and apply Raoult’s law for two miscible liquids.
b) How to interpret the boiling point-composition curves for
mixtures of two miscible liquids in terms of “ideal” behaviour
or positive or negative deviations from Raoult’s law
c) The principals involved in fractional distillation of ideal and
non-ideal liquid mixtures.
d) How to explain the term azeotropic mixture, the limitations
on the separation of two components forming an azeotropic
mixture and how to explain qualitatively the advantages and
disadvantages of fractional distillation under reduced
From this subtopic, students will learn how to:
a) state Hess’ law, and its use to find enthalpy changes that
cannot be determined directly, e.g., an enthalpy change of
formation from enthalpy changes of combustion
b) Construct energy level diagrams relating the enthalpy to
reaction path and activation energy
c) Calculate enthalpy changes from energy cycles.
7.3 Born-Haber cycle
From this subtopic, students will learn how to:
a) Define lattice energy for simple ionic crystals in terms of the
change from gaseous ions to solid lattice
b) Explain qualitatively the effects of ionic charge and ionic
radius on the numerical magnitude of lattice energy values
c) Construct Born-Haber cycle for the formation of simple ionic
7.4 The solubility of solids in liquids
From this subtopic, students will learn how to:
a) Construct energy cycles for the formation of aqueous
solutions of ionic compounds
b) Explain qualitatively the influence on solubility of the
relationship between enthalpy change of solution, lattice
energy of solid and enthalpy change of hydration or other
solvent-solute interaction.
electrode potential (standard reduction potential), E°
c) Calculate the standard cell potential using the E° values, and
write the redox equations
d) Predict the stability of aqueous ions from E° values
e) Predict the power of oxidising and reducing agents from E°
f) Predict the feasibility of a reaction from value and from the
combination of various electrode potentials: spontaneous
and nonspontaneous electrode reactions.
8.3 Non-standard cell potentials
From this subtopic, students will learn about how to:
a) Calculate the non-standard cell potential, E cell, of a cell using
the Nernst equation.
8.4 Fuel cells
a) How to describe the importance of the development of more
efficient batteries for electric cars in terms of smaller size,
lower mass and higher voltage, as exemplified by hydrogen-
oxygen fuel cell.
8.5 Electrolysis
From this subtopic, students will learn about how to:
a) Compare the principles of electrolytic cell to electrochemical
b) Predict the products formed during electrolysis
c) State the Faraday’s first and second laws of electrolysis
d) State the relationship between the Faraday constant, the
Avogadro constant and the electronic charge
e) Calculate the quantity of electricity used, the mass of
material and/or gas volume liberated during electrolysis.
8.6 Applications of electrochemistry
From this subtopic, students will learn about how to:
a) Explain the principles of electrochemistry in the process and
prevention of corrosion (rusting of iron)
b) Describe the extraction of aluminium by electrolysis, and
state the advantages of recycling aluminium
c) Describe the process of anodisation of aluminium to resist
d) Describe the diaphragm cell in the manufacture of chlorine
from brine
e) Describe the treatment of industrial effluent by electrolysis
to remove Ni2+, Cr3+ and Cd2+
f) Describe the electroplating of coated plastics.
Question 1
Chapter chosen: Chapter 2 (Electronic Structures of Atoms)
Description: The question is first introduced to the concept of Bohr’s postulate regarding energy
transition in the form of light and students are then required to demonstrate the Lyman and Balmer
series which links to Bohr’s postulate. Calculation regarding Lyman series is also given. The next part
of the question touches about Hund’s rule which is also related with this chapter.
Question 2
Description: VSEPR principle is firstly introduced which reminds students about Chapter 3. Students
are then required to use VSEPR principle to predict the shape of some compounds. The next part of
the question also goes to the structures and bonding which let students to explain about some
Question 3
Chapter chosen: Chapter 6 (Equilibria)
Description: Students are tested on their understanding on the chemical equilibrium by asking them
to find out the equilibrium constant for each equation. Then, calculation question is provided. The
last part of the question is testing students on their understanding about effect of temperature on
Question 4
Description: The first part of question asks students to find concentration of ozone through
calculation using knowledge in Chapter 4. The next part of the question is from Chapter 3 whereby
students are required to deduce structures of some compound using VSEPR theory.
Generally, each question will be based on one chapter only whereby students are
required to explain some concepts and apply those concepts to solve the questions whereby
different conditions are provided. The questions mainly start with a condition or an
introduced concept which acts as a hint for students so that they know these questions are
related to which chapter before going to the questions. Sometimes, the questions are direct
like as explaining concepts but the others may require students to think of the concepts and
apply it in order to solve the questions. Calculations may also be given to test on students’
understanding about that chapter. However, some of the question may consists of two
chapters and this requires students’ well mastering about every chapter they have studied.
Critical review of the topics/subtopics and its importance for student learning
Since 2012, a new form six system was introduced by the Malaysian Examinations
Council (MEC). This system divided form six into three terms, and candidates will sit for an
examination at the end of each term in order to enhance the teaching and learning
orientation of form six so as to be in line with the orientation of teaching and learning in
colleges and universities since form six is also known as pre-university level.
In form 6 chemistry syllabus, students will learn 8 physical chemistry topics where the
first six topics are contained in the first term syllabus while the others 2 topics can be found
in the second term syllabus. All 8 physical chemistry topics are very important for students
to learn since physical chemistry is the branch of chemistry concerned with the
interpretation of the phenomena of chemistry in terms of the underlying principles of
physics. Besides, physical chemistry also has an essential role to play in the understanding of
the complex processes and molecules characteristic of biological systems and modern
materials. Next all of this topic is important to make sure that students know and can state
all the basic chemistry principles, theories and law. For example, in subtopic 4.1, students
will be introduced to Boyle’s law, Charles’ law and Avogadro’s law. Besides, in this subtopic,
students also will be introduced to Dalton’s law and use it to calculate the partial pressure
of a gas and its composition. Overall, all the physical chemistry topics play a very important
roles to enhance students’ knowledge and understanding of chemistry. Furthermore, it will
promote awareness of the roles of chemistry in the understanding of nature and the
universe and also help students to apply or relate all the knowledge in their daily life. For
example, at the end of subtopic 8.6,applications of electrochemistry, students are
supposedly able to explain the principles of electrochemistry in the process and prevention
of corrosion (rusting of iron),able to describe the extraction of aluminium by electrolysis,
and state the advantages of recycling aluminium, able to describe the process of
anodization of aluminium to resist corrosion, able to describe the treatment of industrial
effluent by electrolysis to remove Ni2+, Cr3+ and Cd2 and also able describe the
electroplating of coated plastics. Last but not least, all the topics will be able to produce pre-
university candidates which are mature minded, knowledgeable, and able to communicate
ideas effectively using various forms of communication meanwhile also can help students to
become more prepared once they enter the next education level.
Next, in topic 3, students will learn about the chemical bonding. This may strengthen
student’s prior knowledge whereby this topic has been taught to the students during the
chemistry lesson when they are at form 4 in topic 5(chemical bonding). However, at form 6
level, students will introduce to many more chemical bonds such as metallic bonds, dative
bond and other intermolecular forces. This may help students to strengthen and upgrade
their chemistry knowledge by realising that there are many more different compounds
formed by different chemical bonds other than ionic and covalent bond.
In topic reaction kinetics, students already have their prior knowledge in form 5,
chapter 1 which is rate of reaction. But during form 5, students only learnt about factors
affecting rate of reaction. In form 6, students will enhance their prior knowledge by
explaining and use the terms rate of reaction, rate law, the effect of temperature, the role
of catalyst and they also will be introduced to half-life.
Besides, in topic electrochemistry, students will notice that they already learnt one
of the subtopics which is electrolysis when they are at form 4. However, the curriculum
shows that there is connection between this topic with the chapter 3 (redox reaction) in
form 5. But at this level, students will enhance their prior knowledge since they are
introduced to Nernst equation. They need to calculate the non-standard cell potential using
this equation and they also will learn about the application of electrochemistry.
Next,during form 4, students were already learnt about the periodic table. But, when
they enter pre-university level, new topic is introduced to them which are topic 2,
(electronic structure of atoms) where one of the subtopics required students to learn about
how to classify the elements into s, p, d and f blocks in the Periodic Table. This may help
students to learn more detailed and increased their knowledge about the periodic table and
at the same time this has strengthen their chemical knowledge.
Lastly, there are chemical energetics topics in this form 6 curriculum. Chemical
energetics is such a new topic for the student since they never heard of found this term
before. But, if we recall, there are one topic which are related to this topic which is
thermochemistry. Students already learnt this topic during form 5. During that time, they
learnt about the heat of precipitation, displacement, neutralisation and combustion. Based
on students’ prior knowledge, they are introduced to enthalpy changes and entropy
changes accompany chemical reactions (endothermic and exothermic). This knowledge is
important for students since this is one of basic chemistry knowledge that they should