Journal Article - Al Shafi by Aisha Musa
Journal Article - Al Shafi by Aisha Musa
Journal Article - Al Shafi by Aisha Musa
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This article examines al-Sh?fiYs most important contribution to both thefoundations
of Islamic jurisprudence and to Islamic thought in general as we know it today: his
doctrines regarding theHad?th. Al-Sh?fi? laid thefoundations which eventually
establishedHad?th as the second revelatory source of law and guidance. His Kit?b
Jim?* al-'Ilm and al-Ris?lah are the earliest and most important extant works that
established the authority of the Had?th. A close examination of these works
demonstrates the early opposition to the authority of theHadith and the responses
which overcame that opposition. The aim of this examination is to better understand
this crucial contribution to the status o/Hadith in Islam.
This article formspart of the discussion in the academy about the authority and authenticity
of Sunnah/Hadith forwell over a century. In view of the subject's vital importance, Islamic
Studieswould be willing to consider publication of other articleson one or the other aspect of it
aswell as comments on thepresent article. Editor.
N.J. Coulson, A History ofIslamicLaw (Edinburgh:EdinburghUniversity Press, 1994), 53.
Wael B. Hallaq, "Was Al-Shafi'i theMaster Architect of Islamic Jurisprudence?,"International
Journal ofMiddle East Studies,no. 25 (1993), 587-605.
Ibid., 592-593.
Joseph Schacht, The Ongins ofMuhammadan Junsprudence (Oxford: Claredon Press, 1967)
Norman Calder, Studies inEarlyMuslim JuHsprudence(New York: Oxford University Press,
1993), 84.
Joseph Lowry, "The Legal Hermeneutics ofAl-Sh?fi'i and IbnQutayba: A Reconsideration,"
IslamicLaw and Society,11:1 (2004), 2.
Ibid., 41.
David Kraemer, aThe Formation ofRabbinic Canon: Authority and Boundaries," Journal of
Biblical Literature, 110: 4 (1991), 613-30.
"Oral Law,* The Encyclopedia ofJudaism (New York: Facts on File, Inc., 2006), 367-368.
Hermann L. Strack, Introduction to theTalmud andMidrash (New York: Atheneum, 1969),
Ibid., 12ff.
Kit?b Jim?*al'llm formspart of themulti-volumeKit?b al-Umm. Inmodern
print editions, it is the eighthof thirteentreatisesthatmake up the seventh
volume of theUmm. Perhaps because it is one part of a collectedwork, itdoes
not beginwith the customarybenedictionpraisingGod and invokingblessings
on the Prophet (peace be on him) that normally introduces independent
works. Though it generally comes to us as part of Kit?b al-Umm> an
Kraemer, "The Formation ofRabbinic Camon: Authority and Boundaries," 618.
Muhammad ibn Idris al-Sh?fi%al-Ris?lah, ed. Ahmad Muhammad Sh?kir (Cairo: al-B?b? al
Halab?, 1940), 78-79.
Majid Khadduri, "Translator's Introduction,"al-Sh?fiVsRisala: Treatise on theFoundations of
IslamicJurisprudence,second edition (Cambridge,UK: IslamicTexts Society, 2003), 22-23.
Ibid., 37.
If you saw al-Sh?fi'i and the beauty of his explanations, you would be amazed. If
he had composed these books in the Arabic that he used in debates with us, it
Muhammad b. Idr?s al-Sh?fi'I,Jim?' al-'Ilm, ed. Ahmad Muhammad Sh?kir (Cairo:Matba'at
al-Ma'?rif, 1940).
18 . Idr?s al
Joseph E. Lowry, "The legal-theoreticalcontent of the Risala of Muhammad
Sh?fiT (Ph.D. diss.,University of Pennsylvania, 1999), 8.
'Abd al-Halim al-Jindi,al-Im?m al-Sh?fil:N?sir al-Sunnab wa Wad? al-Us?l (Cairo: Dar al
Kit?b al-4Arabi li 'l-Tib?'ahwa l-Nashr, 1967), 70.
Indeed, God theMost High has made accepting reports from God's Messenger
us and for those before and after
(peace and blessings be upon him) obligatory for
us. No one disputes the obligation and duty of accepting reports from God's
Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him), except a faction whose doctrine I
will describe, ifGod Most High wills.... Furthermore, the adherents of kal?m are
clearly divided about affirming the validity of reports from God's Messenger
some others whom
(peace and blessings be upon him); the general public
considers jurists are also divided about it.As for some of them, they are excessive
in followingblindly,inmaking lightof rationalinquiry,inheedlessnessand in
hastening to gain [popular] authority. Iwill give you examples that indicate what
is behind the doctrines of each group of which I am aware, ifGod Most High
IbnHajr Ahmad b. cAlial-'Asqalan?,Tawal? -Ta's?sliMa'?l?Muhammad ihnld?s> ed. Abu 1
Fida' 'AbdAllah al-Q?di (Beirut:Dar al-Kutub al-'Ilmiyyah, 1986), 96.
Muhammad ibn Idris al-Sh?fi'?,Kit?b Jim?' al-llm, inKit?b al-Umm. ed. Mahmud Matraj?
(Beirut:Dar al-Kutub al-'Ilmiyyah, 1993), 7: 460-483.
Ibid., 460.
Ibid., 481.
Ibid., 460.
Section 1
Ibid., 467.
Ibid., 460; Qur'?n 16: 89: "We have sent down to you the Scripture as an Explanation of
everything,aGuide, aMercy, andGlad Tidings toMuslims."
does not minimize its import for the early debates over the authorityof the
Had?th, however.Whether itdates from the late first/seventh centuryor the
mid-second/eight century,it predates al-Sh?fi'?;and although the criticismof
the use ofHad?th here is presented as part of an overall attack against Shf?
beliefs and practices, rather than Sunni beliefs and practices, those criticisms
demonstrate a clear objection to the generaluse and authorityof theHad?th.
Key portions of one passage thatCook reproduces inEarlyMuslim Dogma are
particularly significant.In criticizingtheKufans, the lettersays: "wa kharaj?
min hukmi rabbihim wa ittakhadh? -ab?dithadi?an, wa za'am? anna
'indahum 'ilman as?b?hu min ghayri 3l-Qur'?ni"which Cook translatesas:
"They abandoned the judgment of theirLord and took hadiths for their
religion; and they claim that theyhave obtained knowledge other than from
the Koran...."31 This is clearly a criticism of the use of Had?th as an
authoritative source other than the Qur'?n. The same passage also indicates
that the extra-Qur'?nic source is written: "wa ?man? bi-kit?bin laysa min
All?hi katabathu 'l-rij?lubi-ayd?him(f.21lb) thummaasnad?hu il? ras?lAll?hi
(s).nThis Cook translatesas, "They believed in a book which was not from
God, written by thehands ofmen; they thenattributedit to theMessenger of
The data available in earlyMuslim literaturedoes not allow us to clearly
identifyspecific groups that held such a position. Only a few groups are
mentioned as doing so, and informationon them is limitedand inconsistent.
InKit?b Usui al-Nihal, al-N?shi' al-Akbar (d. 293/906) identifiesa sub-sectof
theAz?riqah called theKh?zimiyyah who "impose only those laws that are
based on aQur'?nic text,or thathave been transmittedby the consensusof all
Muslim groups."He alsomentions an offshootof theKh?zimiyyah called the
Bid'iyyah.33 Several decades after al-N?shi' al-Akbar, in alMaq?l?t al
Ibid., 9. For thispassage, I have used both Cook's transliterationand translation.
'Abd Allah ibn Muhammad al-N?shi', Kit?b Usui al-Nihal in Fr?he Mu'tazilitische
H?resiographie, Zwei Werke des N?si'al-Akbar (Beirut: In Kommission bei F. Steiner,
Wiesbaden, 1971), 69.
not the Sunnah as the basis of their religiouspractices. Such discrepancies
could mean that at differenttimes,and in differentplaces, different members
associatedwith the same groups held differingviews on the use and authority
of theHadith vis-?-vistheQur'?n or it could indicate that the authors of the
various works were working with incompleteor inaccurate information.The
existenceof a number of sects,many ofwhich also contained a varietyof sub
sectsdivided on differentdoctrinal issues,also furthercomplicates attemptsto
clearly identifyexactlywho the earlyQur'?nic scripturalists may have been.
Although it is not possible to easily identify were
who the early scripturalists
with any degree of certainty,the influenceof theirobjections to the authority
of theHadlth is readily apparent in the argumentsof the proponents of the
Had?th. The works of al-N?shi' al-Akbar and al-Malat?,bothwritten long after
al-Shafi'?'s time, clearly indicate the existence of groups that objected to the
use of theHad?th as a source of scripturalauthorityinmatters of religious law
and practice. Therefore,while al-Sh?fi'?has carefullychosen exactlywhat he
presents,and how he presents it,of his opponents' argumentsin order to best
serve his own overall aim, what he presents cannot be dismissed as a straw
I have found that you and those who hold your opinion do not consider anyone
you encounter and prefer (qaddamtum?hu) for his reliability and memory, nor
do I consider anyone I have encountered whom you have encountered, free from
erring, forgetting, or making mistakes in theHad?th. Instead, I have found that
you say about more than one of them: "So-and-so made a mistake in such-and
such aHad?th and so-and-so in such-and-such aHad?th. I have also found that if a
man says about a Had?th by which you have made something lawful or
to a few elite: "God's
prohibited on the basis of something known only
never said that, you or whoever
Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him)
related it you has made a mistake, or lied," you do not ask him to repent. You
do nothing more than tell him, "You have said something pernicious."35
Ab? al-HusaynMuhammad ibnAhmad al-Malatl,Kit?b al-Tanbihwa -Radd 'alaAhl -Ahw?'
wa H-Bida*(Istanbul:Matba'at al-Dawlah, 1936), 42.
Al-Sh?fi'?,Kit?b Jim?'al'Ilm, 460.
among the rulingsof theQur'?n on the basis ofwhat has been heard from
such reports, giving them the same standing as the Book of God in
determining what is allowed and what is prohibited. Again, al-Sh?fi'?
highlightshis opponent's concern for the use ofHadtth in decidedly legal
issues,adding an explicitreferenceto the statusofHadtth vis-?-vistheQur'?n.
Al-Sh?fi'? responds to his challenger by saying that he and thosewho
agreewith him only accept credible reportsfroma position of certaintybased
on "We do not accept all of them," he says, "rather some of them
are more established than others."36
When asked for an example, al-Sh?fi'?cites thevarious typesof evidence
that can be used to convict a man in court?-his confession, evidence, his
refusalto take an oath, or the swearingof an oath by his companion?- each of
which is strongerthan the next.He then explains that there is a variety of
reasons for accepting a particular type.However, he does not clarifywhat
constitutes credible reports or how he arrives at a position of certainty
regarding them.Al-Sh?fiTs response does not satisfy the questioner,who
reiterateshis primary concern, asking al-Sh?fi'?what he would offer as
evidence against one who rejectsHadtth because of the previouslymentioned
problems of error and doubt, and if it is possible to establish a position of
certainty where there is none.
Al-Sh?fi'? declares that for one who knows the language ofGod's Book
and God's rulings (ahk?m), thatknowledgewill lead him to accept Prophetic
reports from trustworthy people. The determining factor, according to al
Ibid., 461.
Qur'?n 4: 65; 4: 80; 4: 63;Kit?b Jim? al?lm, 461-462.
Qur'?n 59: 7.
Al-Sh?fi'?,Kit?b Jim?'al-Ilm, 462-463.
Lowry, "The Legal-theoratical contentof theRisala ofMuhammad B. Idris al-Sh?fi*!,*'
45 to
Al-H?jj ibn Sa'?d al-Sharif,"Introduction" H?d ibnMuhakkam, Kit?b
Tafs?r Allah al*Aziz
(Beruit:D?r al-Gharb al-Isl?m?,1990), 1:13.
Ibid., 4: 351.
Whatever God has restored toHis Messenger from the people of the towns is for
God and theMessenger, and for the relatives, the orphans, the needy and the
wayfarer, so that itwill not be circulating among those of you who are wealthy;
and take whatever theMessenger gives you, and deny yourselves whatever he
forbids you, and be wary of God; surelyGod is severe in reprisal.47
Qur'?n, 59: 7.
Ab? Zakariyy? Yahy? ibn Ziy?d al-Farr?',Ma'?n? 'l-Qur'?n, ed. 'Abd al-Fatt?h Ism?'il al
Tha'lab? (Cairo: al-Haya'ah al-Misriyyahal-'?mmah Ii 1-Kitlb, 1972), 3:144-145.
'Abd al-Razz?q al-San'?m, Tafsir 'Abd al-Razz?q, ed.Mahmud Muhammad 'Abduh (Beirut:
Dar al-Kutub al-'Ilmiyyah, 1999), 3: 298-299.
O people! We created you from male and a female, and made you into nations
and tribes, that you may know each other. Verily themost honoured of you in
thesightofGod is themost righteous ofyou.And God has fullKnowledgeand
iswell acquainted[withall things].
For amuch earlier instanceof theview thathikmahmeans sunnah see comment of al-Hasan al
Basri (d. 110/728) on Qur'?n 62: 2. Al-Hasan al-Basri,TafeirHasan al-Basri,comp, and ed. Sh?r
(Karachi: al-J?mi'ahal-'ArabivyahAhsan al-'U??m, 1993), 5:155. Ed.
Kit?h Jim?'al-'Ilm, 462-463.
See, al-Sh?fi'?,
It leads to from one serious issue to another. Then he said:Whoever does [only]
what is required of him [in theQur'an] as salah and gives theminimum as zak?h
has performed his duty. There is no established time for that,whether he prays
two rak'ahs every day, or he said, every few days. Moreover, he says, "Whatever
is not in the Book of God is not required of anyone."54
hypothetical legal situation. It is not just any legal situation, but themost
seriouspossible? one which may resultin thedeath penalty:
"I said: 'what do you say about thisman next tome? Is his blood and property
Ibid., 462.
See, ibid., 463.
See, ibid.
Ibid., 463.
"He said:Tes.'
"I said: 'And if two eyewitnesses testify that he killed a man and took his
property and that it is this,which is in his hand?'"
"He said: would killhim in retaliation
and givethepropertythatis inhishand
to the heirs of the victim.'"
"I said: 'Even though it is possible that the two eyewitnesses testified deceitfully
or erroneously?'*
"He said:Tes.'"
"I said: can you permit [taking] sacrosanct blood and property with
certainty, on the basis of two eyewitnesses about whom there is not certainty?,w
"He said: have been commanded to accept eyewitness testimony."'
"I said: 'Do you find a text in the Book of God the Exalted [saying] that you are
to accept eyewitness testimony about killing?'*
"He 'No, but by way
said: of deduction. I have only been commanded it
The evidence for this is that if theMuslims have agreed that killing requires two
eyewitnesses, then we hold that the Book carries themeaning upon which they
agree and that theywill not collectively err in themeaning of God's Book, even
if some of them err.56
If you have been commanded to do that based on the reliability of the two
Ibid., 464.
Ibid., 463-464.
according to what is readily apparent, and only God knows the unseen. But we
demand more regarding the muhaddith than we do regarding the eyewitness, for
we allow the eyewitness testimony of people fromwhom we would not accept
even a single hadtth. We find indications of the reliability or errancy of the
muhaddithwith thosewho share [suchqualities]with him among thosewho
have memorized the Book and the Sunnah. This is not possible in the case of
We hold that the Book carries themeaning upon which they [theMuslims] agree
and that they will not collectively err in the meaning of God's Book, even if
some of them err.60
The text of each of the editions consulted has this sentence as a continuation of the
challenger's statementof his remainingconcerns.But it seems tomake more sense to read this
al-Sh?fiTswords, assuming that 'faqultu' ismissing from the text.In this case, I understand the
book towhich he refersishis IkhtilafalHadlth.
Al-Sh?fi'?,Kit?b Jim?'al-'Ilm., 463-464.
Ibid., 464.
Section 2
Ibid., 469.
Ibid., 467.
argues that analogical deduction can be applied only when all aspects of the
properties and relationsof two thingsare equivalent and thatdivision such as
al-Sh?fi'? describes is not permitted. "Consensus," he says, "is proof for
everythingbecause there isno possibilityof error in it."66
Al-Sh?fi'i asks his opponent if the second of these? consensus? is not
the same knowledge of the generalpublic he had describedwhich every sane,
adultMuslim, both scholar and non-scholar alike, knows and about which
there is no doubt, such as thenumber of prayers.His adversaryassertsthat it
is not the same thing.The consensus he is talkingabout is the consensus of
scholars that thosewithout knowledge are required to follow,because proof is
establishedon the basis of theiragreement. However, if theyare divided, then
no such proof is established.He furtherasserts that they only agree on the
basis of binding reports and that if they are divided,whether or not they
related a report on which some of them agree, he will accept only those
reports on which there is agreement.Because if there is division as to the
acceptance of a report, there is a possibility of error in it and proof is not
established,according to al-Sh?fiTsopponent, in anymatterwhere theremay
be error.67This attitude is similar to that of al-Sh?fiTs adversary in the
previous section,and al-Sh?fi'?objects to it strongly:
Ibid., 468.
"How can you stone him," he asks, "instead of going back to the basic
principle that his blood is sacrosanctunless they agree that [shedding] it is
His rivalnow assertsthathe looks upon the opinion of "themajority" of
scholars as proof, and not to that of "theminority." Al-Shafic? asks him to
define "theminority" and "themajority." However, he insiststhathe is not
This leads al-Sh?fi'?to say:
able to define them.76
It seems that you want to make this doctrine absolutely undefined. Therefore,
when you accept an opinion about which there is disagreement you say it is
See, ibid., 468.
See, ibid.
according to themajority. But ifyou want to reject an opinion, you say: "They
are theminority.
Ibid., 469.
Al-Sh?fi'?, al-Ris?lah, 471-465.
the uninterrupted multiple transmission of a report (taw?tur al-khabar)-*0
when a singleindividual
Companion relatesa rulingon the authorityof
God's Messenger (peacebe on him) on which no one is known to have
disagreed with him.81
Ibid., 473.
For a succinct classical definitionof this typeof report seeWensinck's translationof al-Nasafi
in TheMuslim Creed: Its Genesis and Historical Development, 2nd edition (New Deli: Oriental
Reprint, 1979), 263.
Ibid., 473-474.
See, ibid., 473.
Prophet? "For this," he says, "is themethod with which you find fault."85
When his opponent claims thatthis isnotwhat he has said, al-Shafi'?tellshim
that his only
recourse is to evasion or withdrawal.86 Once more, he has
See, ibid.,473.
Ibid., 474.
See, ibid., 474-477.
Ibid., 477.
Sections 3& 4
An Explanationofthe
See, ibid., 477.
Qur'?n 59: 7 reads:Take what theMessenger gives you, and deny yourselves thatwhich he
92.See, al-Sh?fi%Kit?b Jim?*a - ,481.
See, ibid.
Let me not find any one of you who receives a command or prohibition fromme
rechning on his couch and saying, "We do not know about this.We follow what
we findin theBook ofGod, AlmightyandExalted.95
But when Our Clear Signs are recited unto them, those who rest not their hope
on theirmeeting with Us, say: "Bring us a Reading other than this, or change
this," say: "It is not forme, ofmy own accord, to change it: I follow naught but
what is inspired unto me: if I were to disobey my Lord, I should myself fear the
Penalty of a Great Day." "Follow what you are taught by inspiration from your
Lord...." "He who obeys theMessenger obeys God...."98
Next, he cites a hadith inwhich theProphet is said to have declared thathe has
neither neglected to command anythingcommanded byGod, nor to prohibit
anythingprohibited byGod.99 So he endsKitdh Jima*al-llmwhere he began,
with two ideas that form the theological basis for the authority of the
Hadith ? obedience to theProphet (peace be on him), and the concept of two
See, ibid.
Ibid., 482-483; Qur'?n 10:15, 6:106, 4: 80.
Kit?bJim?'al-'Ilm, 482-483.
See, al-Sh?fi'?,
Like Kit?b Jima' al-llm, the Ris?lah is written in al-Sh?fi'Fs characteristic
language and style,but the formatof the twoworks differs.The Ris?lah is
divided into threeparts.Each part containsdiscussions relatingto the issueof
the position and authority ofHadith, along with other issues.Only what
relates to the authorityof theHadith will be dealtwith here.
The main ideas that al-Sh?fi'?presented inKit?b Jim?'al-llm in the form
of debates are presented in amore developed form,as generalprinciples in the
Ris?lah. However, in the subsectionentitled: "Defects in theTraditions" (B?b
al-llal fi -Had?th),in the section on Traditions, he uses the familiardebate
formatused in the firsthalf ofKit?b Jim?(al-llm.Here, too, al-Sh?fi'?does not
identifyhis challenger,again using instead the generic phrase: "q?la li q?'il..."
(a speaker said to me...).100
In Part One, al-Sh?fi'?emphasizes the religious obligation of following
the Sunnah of God's Messenger (peace be on him) and its importance in
relation to various religious practices, such as prayer, alms, fasting,and
pilgrimage,etc., as he did inKit?b Jim?(al-llm, but here he goesmuch further
in stressing the importantposition in which God has placed the Prophet
Al-Sh?fi'?, al-Ris?lahypassim.
See, ibid., 17.
See, ibid., 369 ff.
See, ibid., 17.
Ibid., 21-22.
Ibid., 75;Qur'?n 24: 62.
It is not fitting for a Believer, man or woman, when amatter has been decided by
God and His Messenger, to have any option about their decision: if anyone
authority among you. If you differ in anything among yourselves, refer it toGod
and His Messenger, ifyou believe inGod and the Last Day: that is best, and most
suitable for final determination.106
So God has mentionedthe Book, which is the Qur'an, and He has mentioned
Wisdom. I have heard those with whom I agree among the people who have
Ibid., 79;Qur'?n 13: 36,4: 59.
l07M-Sh?fi%al-Ris?hh, 32.
Ibid, 76.
Qur'?n 2:129,151; 3:164; 62: 2; 2: 231; 4:113; 33: 34.
noAl-Sh?fi% al-Ris?Uh, 78.
O Prophet! Fear God, and do not obey the rejecters and the hypocrites. Indeed,
God knowing, wise. Follow thatwhich comes to you by inspiration from your
Lord: forGod iswell acquainted with what you do.
Then We put you on the rightway, so follow it, and do not follow the desires of
those who do not know.
O Messenger! Deliver what hath been sent down to you from your Lord. If you
do not, you will not have conveyed His Message. God will defend you from the
Straight Path.112
Along with theseverses, al-Sh?fi'?also quotes two of the same ah?dith thathe
included inKit?b Jirn?*al-llm.The firstis that inwhich theProphet (peace be
on him) reportedly said that he had not neglected to command
commanded by God, or to prohibit anythingprohibited by God. The second
is thatwhich warns against rejectinga command or prohibition fromhim,
while claiming to follow onlywhat is in theQur'?n.113He again cites the latter
of thesewhen a questioner asks him for evidence against thosewho relate a
contradictoryhadith, inwhich theProphet (peace be on him) reportedlysaid:
"Compare whatever comes to you on my authoritywith theBook ofGod. If
it agreeswith it,I said it. If itdiffersfromit,I did not say it."114
Ibid., 85.
Ibid., 85-86; Qur'?n 33:1-2, 45: 18, 5: 67, 42: 52.
Al-Sh?fi'?, al-Ris?lah, 87-89.
Ibid., 224.
See, ibid., 225.
See, ibid, 225-226.
See, ibid, 210-240.
Ibid, 210-223. It may be noted that al-Sh?fi'? does include detailed discussions of the
abrogating and the abrogated, aswell as various typesof ab?dith that are the cause of disputes
elsewhere in the Risalah, but an examination of them is beyond the scope of the present
Al-Sh?fi'?, al-Ris?lah, 370-371.
Kit?b Jim?'al-'Ilm, 462.
See, al-Sh?fi'?,
Ibid., 460.
See, ibid., 462.