LGBT Crossword Puzzle: Name: - Date

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LGBT Crossword Puzzle

2G E N D E R Q U E E R
3L E S B 4I A N 5H
N S O 6H
T G M O 7C
8T R A N S P H O B I A S
9H E T E E O S E X U A L E
I U 10G D
11B I P H O B I A 12A S E X U A L E

13B I S E X U A L

14T R A N S G E N D E R

Across Down
2. A term which refers to individuals or groups who 1. This term is frequently used as an umbrella term to
“queer” or problematize the hegemonic notions of sex, refer to all people who do not identify with their
gender and desire in a given society. assigned gender at birth or the binary gender system.
3. A woman who is primarily attracted to other women. 4. A person whose sexual anatomy or chromosomes do
8. The fear or hatred of transgender people or gendernot fit with the traditional markers of "female" and
non-conforming behaviour. "male."
9. A person who is only attracted to members of the 5. A range of negative attitudes and feelings toward
opposite sex. homosexuality or people who are identified or
11. Aversion toward bisexuality and bisexual people asperceived as being lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender
a social group or as individuals. (LGBT).
12. A person who generally does not feel sexual 6. A clinical term for people who are attracted to
attraction or desire to any group of people. members of the same sex.
13. A person who is attracted to both people of their7. Types of gender identity where an individual's
own gender and another gender. experience of their own gender matches the sex they
14. A person whose gender identity is different from were assigned at birth.
their biological sex, who may undergo medical 10. A person who is attracted primarily to members of
treatments to change their biological sex, often times to the same sex.
align it with their gender identity, or they may live their
lives as another sex.

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