Sales Letters: Why We Need A Sales Letter

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Sales Letterswww.getwsodo.


Why we need a sales letter

It allows you to show up to your clients without being physically there, telling them a
story and the benefits of your product. Here you give them the reason why they should
be engaging with you, so they can make an effective decision.

Sales letters are the key element to building your brand online.

You want people to always want to read the next line, so you build up their curiosity
through the sales letter. Every statement should be compelling.

21 Elements that make a Sales Letter

*The sequence of these 21 elements might change according to your needs.

1. Pre-head: call-out to people who should read your sales letter. Who are you
writing for.
2. Headline: the “Big promise”. What should people expect from your product.
3. Sub-headline: Builds on the credibility of the entire sales page (your
experience and results). *If you want to do introductory videos, you can put them
between the headline and the sub-headline.
4. Opener: Opening paragraph of a sales letter, where you identify the pain or the
solution of your clients. Here you can introduce some questions about that.
5. Make it easy: show how your way is an easier solution than what they're
already doing. Make the problem seem smaller, and the solution far closer.
6. Speed of delivery: show how fast they can get results (people are lazy).
7. You: what makes you qualified? why is your solution the best for this problem?
8. Benefits: What can they gain from your product or service. Make the examples
real for them and real for the problem that they have.
9. Proof: testimonials, cases stories and feedback from your clients.
10. Offer: a very quick explanation of your offer, not detailed or drawn out - just
answer the question "what is it?”.
11. Value: make it clear how much service is really worth.
12. Bonuses: an ethical bribe that offers something extra that adds value to your
main product or service.
13. Price: Wait until this point to talk about the price.
14. Justify the price: Put the full price of the product or service (the one it should
have), and then make a lower offer. This creates a contrast, so they understand the real
value and take action.

First: Serve Module 8. Session Notes Ajit Nawalkha

15. Scarcity: it has to be built in and genuine.
16. Risk reversal: give your guarantee (the longer guarantee, the fewer returns)
17. Call to action: Summarize your product/service, and offer your price again.
Example: "if you're ready to change your life, click the button below, enter your credit
card information" - tell them exactly what you want them to do next.
18. Warning: warn against what will happen if they don't buy. The cost of inaction.
19. Reminder: recap your offer.
20. Frequently asked questions (FAQ): what your clients usually ask.
21. Second Call to action: the one you had presented before.

Once you are done with the sequence, read it all, to make sure it resonates with you,
and the order of the elements flows.

Example Sales Page

Elements from Evercoach:

First: Serve Module 8. Session Notes Ajit Nawalkha

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