Developing and Managing An Advertising Program
Developing and Managing An Advertising Program
Developing and Managing An Advertising Program
Advertising can be a cost-effective way to disseminate messages, wheter to build a brand preference or
to educate people. Even in today’s challenging media environment, good ads can pay off. P&G has aldo
enjoyed double digit sales gains in recent years from ads touting the efficacy of Olay definity antiaging
skin products and head & shouders intensive treatment shampoo
In developing an advertising program marketing managers must always start by identifying the target
market and buyer motives. Then they can make the five major decisions, known as “the five Ms” :
Mission : what are our advertising objectives ? Money : How much can we spend and how do we
allocate our spending across media types? Message : what messages should we send? Media : what
media should we use ? measurement : how should we evaluate the results? These decisions are
summarized in figure 18.1 and described in the following sections
An advertising objective (or goal) is a specific communications task and achievement level to be
accomplished with a specific audience in a specific period of time
To increase among 30 million homemakers who own automatic washers the number who identify brand
X as a low-sudsing detergent, and who are persuaded that is gets clothes cleaner, from 10 percent to 40
percent in one year
We can classify advertising objectives according th wheter their aim is to inform, persuade, remind, or
reinforce. These objective correspond to different stages in the hierarchy-of-effects model discussed in
chapter 17.
Informative advertising aims to create brand awareness and knowledge of new products or new
features of existing products. To promote its Onstar in-vehicle safety, security and information
service that uses wireless and GPS satellite technology, GM Launched the “real Stories”
campaign in 2002. The award-winning TV, radio and print ad campaign used actual subscriber
stories in their own words and voices to share the importance and benefits of Onstar through
life-changing experiences. By 2005, the Onstar brand had reached 100 percent awareness
among consumers shopping for a new vehicle.
Persuasive advertising aims to create liking, preference, convition and purchase of a product or
service. Some persuasive advertising uses comparative advertising, which makes an explicit
comparison of the attributes of two or more brands. Miller lite took market share from bud lite
by pointing out that bud lite had higher carbs. Comparative advertising works best when it elicits
cognitive and affective motivations simultaneously, and when consumers are processing
advertising in a detailed, analytical mode?
Reminder advertising aims to stimulate repeat purchase of products and services. Expensive,
four - colour coca cola in magazines are intended to remind people to purchase coca cola
Reinforcement advertising aims to convince current purchasers that they made the right choice.
Automobile ads often depict satisfied costumers enjoying special feature of their new car
The advertising objective should emerge from a through analysis of the current marketing situation. If
the product class is mature, the company is the market leader, and brand usage is low, the objective is
to stimulate more usage. If the product class is new, the company is not the market leader, but the
brand is superior to the leader, then the objective is to convice the market of the brands superiority
FACTORS AFFECTING BUDGET DECISIONS here are five specific factors to consider when
setting the advertising budget
1. Stage in the product life cycle - new products typically merit large advertising budgets
to build awareness and to gain consumer trial, established brands usually are supported
with lower advertising budgets measured as a ratio to sales
2. Market share and consumer base- high market-share brands usually require less
advertising expenditure as percentage of sales to maintain share. To build share by
increasing market size required larger expenditures
3. Competition and clutter - in a market with a large number of competitors and high
advertising spending, a brand must advertise more heavily to be heard. Even simple
clutter form advertisements not directly competitive to the brand creates a nedd for
heavier advertising
4. Advertising frequency- the number of repetitions needed to put the brands message
across to consumers has an obvious impact on the advertising budget
5. Product sustainability - brands in less-differentiated or commodity - like product classes
(beer, soft drinks, bank and airlines) require heavy advertising to establish a unique
Other studies reinfore there conclusion. In 2004 IRI study of 23brands, advertising often didn’t
increase sales for mature brands or categories in decline. A review of academic research found
that advertising elasticites were estimated to be higher for new. Than for established product.
MESSAGE GENERATION AND EVALUATION many of today’s automobile ads look similar-
a car drives at high speed on a curved mountain road or across a desert. Advertisers are always
seeking “the big idea” that connects with consumers rationally and emotionally, sharply
distinguishes the brand from competitors and is broad and flexible enough to translate to
different media, markets and time periods. Fresh insght are important for avoiding using the
same appeals and position aas other.