Enterprise Risk Management For Aviation: 4-Day Classroom Course (32 Hours)

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Enterprise Risk Management for

4-day classroom course (32 hours)
This course can be customized for your company and delivered at the location of your choice.
The IATA Integrated Risk Management (IRM) methodology has been specially designed for the aviation
industry, to be used as a guide for airlines, ground handlers, airports and regulatory authorities to move from
operational safety risk assessment to a fully integrated risk management across the organization. Over 4 days,
learn about the IATA IRM methodology and obtain the tools to implement a risk management process within
your organization – from corporate risks to operational-related risks.

Objectives Key topics

Upon completion of this course you will be able to: ▪ The need for risk management and how to
achieve business goals and to comply with
Explain the challenges impeding the risk regulatory requirements (e.g. ISO31000,
management implementation and the importance AIRMIC)
for a holistic risk management ▪ What is risk? – what can go wrong and what
can go right
Describe and tailor-fit the IATA IRM methodology to ▪ Types of controls available
implement a best-fit risk management process ▪ Risk management (RM) components
- IRM framework – linkage to strategy
Conduct a corporate risk management workshop in - Sample risk model
your organization to develop comprehensive risk - Risk assessment methodology and risk
registers using the sample templates provided rating parameters
- RM oversight structure and terms of
Use the risk profiles and risk treatment action plans reference RM policy and RM process
(risk registers) developed in the course as samples guidelines
to be further customized to fit your professional - RM register; RM awareness,
area communication and training
- RM performance measure
Target audience ▪ Critical requirements for RM implementation
and benefits of RM to sustain buy-in
▪ Senior management
▪ Risk management personnel
▪ Aviation professionals in strategy or
corporate planning, commercial, operational ▪ A sample airline pack
areas, support functions ▪ Practical exercises
▪ Regulators and civil aviation authorities
Recommended level
Participants should have already taken the IATA
▪ Professional Project Management Essentials course and
recommended to have taken the IATA Project
Management Advanced course

Certificate awarded Associated diplomas
You may also apply this course toward an IATA
An IATA Certificate is awarded upon successful
Diploma in Project Management or General
completion of the course and an assessment

Table of contents
Challenges in getting an organization to understand Components for risk management implementation
risk management  Risk management register
(database / software)

The need for integrated risk management  Mock risk workshop briefing
 Business goals  Sample risk register templates
 Regulatory requirements (e.g. ISO31000, Mock risk workshop – group exercise
 Risk identification
Introduction to risk management  Risk analysis and evaluation
 What is risk?  Risk rating
 Practical exercise #1  Development of risk treatment action plans
 Types of controls available
How to obtain buy-in organization-wide
 How to analyze a risk – root causes and
 Risk management process
hazards, current controls and barriers
 Risk management setup, structure, reporting
 Practical exercise #2
 Risk management policies and procedures
Global risk management requirements vs. IATA IRM
methodology Mock risk workshop – class presentation

How to develop a risk register How to sustain buy-in organization-wide (cont.)

 Linking corporate risks to the organization  Communication plan
strategies, goals and key performance  Risk management performance measure
indicators  Step-by-step process to implement risk
 Risk categorization using the Risk Model management
 Identification of the risk owner  Critical requirements to integrate risk
 Practical exercise #3 management
 Benefits of risk management
Risk rating and mapping
 Options for the risk matrix; risk map
 Risk rating – impact vs. likelihood
 Risk treatment action plans; risk mitigation
 Practical exercise #4


Please contact us https://www.iata.org/cs if you have any questions


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