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ACT Plus_fcv.

fm 4/17/12 10:09 AM Medtronic Confidential

5.5" x 7.75" (139.7 mm x 196.85 mm) CS0010

ACT Plus®
Automated Coagulation Timer

Operator’s Manual

M950403A001 Rev 1A
ACT 4/17/12 10:09 AM Medtronic Confidential

5.5" x 7.75" (139.7 mm x 196.85 mm) CS0010

M950403A001 Rev 1A 4/17/12 10:09 AM Medtronic Confidential

5.5" x 7.75" (139.7 mm x 196.85 mm) CS0010

Explanation of symbols on product or package

Conformité Européenne (European Conformity). This symbol means that

the device fully complies with the European Council Directive 98/79/EC
(27 October 1998, on in vitro diagnostic medical devices).

Attention, See Instructions for Use

Consult Instructions for Use


On (power)

Off (power)

Alternating Current

Medical equipment with respect to electric shock, fire and mechanical

hazards only in accordance with IEC 61010-1:2001 and CSA C22.2
No. 61010-1.

In Vitro Diagnostic Device

For US Audiences Only


Serial Number

Catalog Number

Authorized Representative in the European Community

Fragile, Handle with Care

This Way Up

Main Menu

Quality Control Menu


Date of Manufacture

M950403A001 Rev 1A 4/17/12 10:09 AM Medtronic Confidential

5.5" x 7.75" (139.7 mm x 196.85 mm) CS0010

Biological Risks

Nonionizing Electromagnetic Radiation

Manufactured In




Temperature Limitation

Humidity Limitation


Do not dispose of this product in the unsorted municipal waste stream.

Dispose of this product according to local regulations. See for instructions on proper disposal of this

China RoHS Standard (SJ/T11364-2006) Electronic Information Products

Pollution Control Symbol. The number represents the years the device can
be used before it must be recycled (environmental protection use period).

M950403A001 Rev 1A 4/17/12 10:10 AM Medtronic Confidential

5.5" x 7.75" (139.7 mm x 196.85 mm) CS0010

Table of Contents

Section 1: System Description 9

Intended Use 9
Principle of Clot Detection 9
Data Storage 9
Test Cartridge 9
Reagent Chamber 10
Reaction Chamber 10
Plunger Assembly 11

Section 2: Precautions 12
General Precautions 12
No Unapproved Instrument Use 12
Explosive Anesthetics 12
Main Power Off and Disconnect Access 12
Electric Shock 12
Proper Maintenance and Calibration 13
No User-Serviceable Parts 13
Cleaning/Decontamination 13
Biohazard 13
Use of Cartridges and Controls 13

Section 3: Instrument Components 14

Actuator Heat Block Assembly 14

Section 4: Installation 15
Unpacking 15
Power ON: Initial Checkout Procedure 15
Setup 16

Section 5: Instrument Controls 17

User Interface 17

ACT Plus® Operator’s Manual English 3

M950403A001 Rev 1A 4/17/12 10:10 AM Medtronic Confidential

5.5" x 7.75" (139.7 mm x 196.85 mm) CS0010

Rear Panel 18
Instrument Bottom 19
Optional Bar Code Scanner 19

Section 6: Data Entry 20

Main Menu 20
Enter Patient and User IDs 21
Manual Entry 21
Bar Code Entry 22
Select Cartridge Type 22
Enter ACTtrac® Serial Number 23
Enter Cartridge Lot Number and Expiration Date 23
Manual Entry 23
Bar Code Entry 24
View Test Results for the Last 20 Tests Performed 24
Transmit Patient and Quality Control (QC) Test Results 25
Transmission Using Floppy Drive 25
Transmission Using USB Port 25
Set Instrument Parameters 26
Quality Control (QC) Menu 27
General Quality Control (QC) Functions 27
Select the Control Type 28
Enter Control Lot Number, Expiration Date, and Range 28
Manual Entry 28
Bar Code Entry 29
To verify/record the ACT Plus® actuator heat block temperature 30
To view the due status for quality control testing 30
QC Manager Functions 30
Select the location for the ACT Plus® instrument: 32
Add/delete User IDs: 32
Add a User ID: 32
Delete a User ID: 32
Enable User Lockout: 32

4 English ACT Plus® Operator’s Manual

M950403A001 Rev 1A 4/17/12 10:10 AM Medtronic Confidential

5.5" x 7.75" (139.7 mm x 196.85 mm) CS0010

Change the QC Manager Password: 33

Download User IDs: 33
Transfer User IDs from ACT Plus® Instrument to Multiple
Instruments: 33
Select the Time Interval for Clearing Patient and User IDs: 33
Select the QC Lockout Function: 33
Set the QC Interval for Liquid and Electronic Controls: 34
To set the liquid QC interval: 34
To set the ACTtrac® electronic QC interval: 34
Enable or Disable Test Cartridge Types: 34
Download All of the Instrument Settings to a Floppy Disk or USB Storage
Device: 34
Set the Permanent Record or the Mode by Which the ACT Plus®
Instrument Maintains a Record of Downloaded Data: 34
Upload Software Upgrades from a Floppy Disk or USB Storage
Device: 35

Section 7: Test Methods 36

General 36
Activated Clotting Times: High Range (HR-ACT), Low Range (LR-ACT),
and Recalcified (RACT) Cartridges 37
Results 37
High Range Heparinase (HR-HTC) 38

Section 8: Quality Assurance 39

Instrument Self-Test 39
Liquid QC 39
Electronic QC (ACTtrac®) 39

Section 9: Maintenance 41
Instrument Case Cleaning 41
Actuator Assembly Cleaning 41
Actuator Heat Block Temperature 42
Temperature Verification Cartridge 42
Verification with Thermometer 43
Fuse Replacement 43
Preventive Maintenance 44

ACT Plus® Operator’s Manual English 5

M950403A001 Rev 1A 4/17/12 10:10 AM Medtronic Confidential

5.5" x 7.75" (139.7 mm x 196.85 mm) CS0010

Section 10: Service and Troubleshooting 45

Service 45
Instrument Return 45
End of Life Disposition 45
Troubleshooting 45
Message Types 45
Message Priorities 46
Alerts 48
Error Messages 49
Temperature 50

Section 11: Specifications 51

Instrument 51
Electrical 51
Default Operating Parameters 52
Electromagnetic Emissions and Immunity Declarations 53

Appendix A: Optional Bar Code Scanner LS1900 57

Introduction 57
Parts of the LS1900 Series Scanner 57
Scanning in Hand-Held Mode 58
Setting Bar Code Format Options 58
Code 39 58
Interleave 2 of 5 59
Codabar 60
Troubleshooting 60
Defaults 60
Procedure for setting the defaults: 61

Appendix B: Optional Bar Code Scanner LS2208 65

Introduction 65
Parts of the LS2208 Scanner 65
Scanning in Hand-Held Mode 66
Setting Bar Code Format Options 66

6 English ACT Plus® Operator’s Manual

M950403A001 Rev 1A 4/17/12 10:10 AM Medtronic Confidential

5.5" x 7.75" (139.7 mm x 196.85 mm) CS0010

Bar Code Scanner Installation Instructions 70

Appendix C: Warranties 71

ACT Plus® Operator’s Manual English 7

M950403A001 Rev 1A 4/17/12 10:10 AM Medtronic Confidential

5.5" x 7.75" (139.7 mm x 196.85 mm) CS0010

8 English ACT Plus® Operator’s Manual

M950403A001 Rev 1A 4/17/12 10:10 AM Medtronic Confidential

5.5" x 7.75" (139.7 mm x 196.85 mm) CS0010

Section 1: System Description

The Medtronic ACT Plus® Automated Coagulation Timer is a
microprocessor-controlled electromechanical coagulation instrument intended for
in vitro determination of coagulation endpoints in fresh and citrated whole blood
samples. The ACT Plus® instrument is designed for use with the following
Medtronic disposable cartridges: High Range ACT, Low Range ACT, Recalcified
ACT, and High Range Heparinase.

Intended Use
The ACT Plus® instrument is intended for in vitro diagnostic testing in either a
hospital laboratory setting or a point of care (decentralized) setting (eg, in the
operating room, cardiac catheterization lab, intensive care unit, or clinic, etc.).

Principle of Clot Detection

Test reactions occur at 37°C ±0.5°C in single use cartridges placed in the Actuator
Heat Block Assembly. Fibrin formation is the endpoint of tests performed on the
ACT Plus® instrument. Fibrin formation is detected by measuring the rate of fall of
the plunger-flag mechanism in each cartridge channel. The plunger assembly falls
rapidly at programmed timed intervals through an unclotted sample. The fibrin web
formed during clotting impedes the fall rate of the plunger and is detected by a
photo-optical system located in the ACT Plus® instrument’s actuator assembly.
Tests are performed in duplicate, and the clotting time results are displayed on the
red Light Emitting Diode (LED) display and on the Liquid Crystal Display (LCD)
screen of the ACT Plus® instrument.

Data Storage
The ACT Plus® stores a total of 1000 test results, any combination of patient and
quality control tests. Test data is stored in the order performed. Patient and quality
control test data may be transferred to the ACT Plus EDM (external data manager)
using the floppy drive or USB port. Test data may be transferred to a laboratory or
hospital information system using the serial communication port with vendor
neutral connectivity software.

Test Cartridge
Test cartridges for the ACT Plus® instrument consist of the reagent chamber, the
reaction chamber, and the plunger assembly.

ACT Plus® Operator’s Manual English 9

M950403A001 Rev 1A 4/17/12 10:10 AM Medtronic Confidential

5.5" x 7.75" (139.7 mm x 196.85 mm) CS0010

2 8

4 9


Figure 1. Test Cartridge

1. Flag
2. Plunger
3. Tang
4. Reaction Chamber
5. Daisy
6. Reagent Chamber
7. Bottom Plug
8. Upper Fill Line
9. Lower Fill Line
Reagent Chamber
The reagent chamber contains the activator and other reagents which initiate and
contribute to formation of a clot. The reagent chamber is enclosed on the top by the
“daisy” and on the bottom by a flexible plug.
Reaction Chamber
The reaction chamber is located above the reagent chamber. The test sample is
introduced into the reaction chamber. Upon test initiation the plunger assembly is
lifted and the bottom plug of the reagent chamber is pushed up. This action delivers
the contents of the reagent chamber into the reaction chamber and mixes the
reagents with the test sample.

10 English ACT Plus® Operator’s Manual

M950403A001 Rev 1A 4/17/12 10:10 AM Medtronic Confidential

5.5" x 7.75" (139.7 mm x 196.85 mm) CS0010

Plunger Assembly
The plunger assembly consists of the “daisy”, the plunger and the “flag”.
The “daisy” provides the upper seal for the reagent chamber and is the mechanical
sensing element for the formation of a clot. As the plunger rises and falls, the
“daisy” moves up and down through the test sample/reagent mixture. Clot
formation impedes the movement of the “daisy” through the sample.
The “flag” is located at the top of the plunger. A photo-optical system senses motion
of the plunger tang through the reaction mixture. When a decrease in the plunger’s
fall rate is detected, the timer stops and the clotting time results are displayed.

ACT Plus® Operator’s Manual English 11

M950403A001 Rev 1A 4/17/12 10:10 AM Medtronic Confidential

5.5" x 7.75" (139.7 mm x 196.85 mm) CS0010

Section 2: Precautions
General Precautions
■ The ACT Plus® instrument is intended for in vitro diagnostic use only.
■ For use by healthcare professionals.
■ The ACT Plus® instrument is intended for use while positioned on a level
■ To obtain valid results, the ACT Plus® instrument’s operating parameters
must be set up appropriately.
■ The screen values shown in this manual are intended for illustration only; they
are not intended to match actual test results.
■ Cartridge channels must be filled to the proper level for testing. Refer to the
specific cartridge package insert for details.
■ Dropping, soaking, or otherwise misusing the ACT Plus® instrument may
prevent it from functioning properly.

No Unapproved Instrument Use

Do not use the ACT Plus® instrument in any manner not specified in the operator’s
manual or other applicable labeling. The ACT Plus® instrument must be used in
accordance with all the instructions and labeling provided by Medtronic. Any other
use may adversely affect the safe and effective use of the instrument.

Explosive Anesthetics
The instrument must not be used in the presence of explosive gases or

Main Power Off and Disconnect Access

Do not locate the ACT Plus® instrument in a place that restricts quick and easy
access to the main-power switch or the power cord. The main-power switch (on/off)
at the rear of the instrument and the power cord must be accessible at all times,
because they are the means to turn off or disconnect the instrument from its power

Electric Shock
Electric shock hazard exists; do not remove the instrument cover. Refer all
servicing to Medtronic Technical Service or other authorized service

12 English ACT Plus® Operator’s Manual

M950403A001 Rev 1A 4/17/12 10:10 AM Medtronic Confidential

5.5" x 7.75" (139.7 mm x 196.85 mm) CS0010

Proper Maintenance and Calibration

It is important that the ACT Plus® be maintained in good working order and
calibrated on a regular basis by a Medtronic-qualified service technician.
Otherwise, a reduction in the accuracy of a measuring function may occur.

No User-Serviceable Parts
There are no user-serviceable parts inside the ACT Plus® instrument case. Only a
Medtronic Service Representative or authorized representative should repair or
service the instrument.

Do not steam, autoclave, or immerse the ACT Plus® instrument. Refer to Section 9,
Maintenance, for cleaning instructions.

All blood samples, controls, blood filled cartridges, syringes, and needles should
be considered potentially hazardous and handled with universal precautions to
protect against blood-borne pathogens. Dispose of all blood samples and these
products in accordance with the guidelines established for the specific institution.
The user must wear protective gloves when handling potentially infectious

Use of Cartridges and Controls

Please refer to the specific cartridge and control package inserts for additional
detailed warnings and precautions regarding use. Treat all blood samples as
potentially infectious.

ACT Plus® Operator’s Manual English 13

M950403A001 Rev 1A 4/17/12 10:10 AM Medtronic Confidential

5.5" x 7.75" (139.7 mm x 196.85 mm) CS0010

Section 3: Instrument Components

Actuator Heat Block Assembly
The actuator heat block is the receptacle for test cartridges. The ACT Plus®
software maintains the actuator heat block temperature at 37.0°C ±0.5°C. The
actuator heat block rotates between the open and closed positions. Cartridges
can be inserted into and removed from the actuator heat block when it is in the
open position. To initiate a clotting test, the operator rotates the actuator heat block
to the closed position. At termination of a test, the actuator heat block will
automatically rotate to the open position, and the results will be displayed. A test
can be terminated manually and the actuator heat block rotated to the open
position by depressing the Stop key on the front panel.

14 English ACT Plus® Operator’s Manual

M950403A001 Rev 1A 4/17/12 10:10 AM Medtronic Confidential

5.5" x 7.75" (139.7 mm x 196.85 mm) CS0010

Section 4: Installation
1. The ACT Plus® instrument is shipped with the following items:
■ Operator's manual
■ Power cord
■ Temperature verification cartridge
■ Point of care quick start envelope
■ Quick reference guide
■ Actuator assembly cleaning kit
■ USB storage device
2. Check the box for damage, and report any damage to the carrier.
3. Remove the protective bag.
4. Set the ACT Plus® instrument on a level surface.
5. Check the ACT Plus® instrument for visible damage.
6. Retain all shipping materials.

Power ON: Initial Checkout Procedure

1. Connect the power cord to an AC power source with the same voltage rating
that is listed on the serial plate located on the bottom of the ACT Plus®
2. Rotate the actuator heat block to the closed position.
3. [Optional] Attach the optional bar code scanner.
4. Turn the power switch, located on the rear panel, to the ON position. The
actuator heat block should rotate to the open position, followed by
illumination of all clotting time display segments, with the LCD indicating
“Self-Test Pass.” An audible tone indicating the end of the self-test should
accompany this sequence. The version of the ACT Plus® software will display
during this step.
5. From the Main Menu, select [Cartridge Lot]. Scan the bar code label on the
cartridge package. The cartridge lot number and expiration date should be
entered in the appropriate cartridge-type fields.
Note: For manual data entry, refer to Section 6, Data Entry. For data entry
using the bar code scanner, refer to Appendix A or Appendix B.
Note: The lot number and expiration date must be entered before a cartridge
is used; if no bar code scanner is used, see Section 6, Data Entry, for detailed
6. From the Main Menu, select [Cartridge Type]. Select the cartridge type
entered in Step 5, and press Enter.
7. Insert an empty cartridge into the actuator heat block.

ACT Plus® Operator’s Manual English 15

M950403A001 Rev 1A 4/17/12 10:10 AM Medtronic Confidential

5.5" x 7.75" (139.7 mm x 196.85 mm) CS0010

8. Rotate the actuator heat block to the closed position. The instrument should
begin a test.
9. Terminate the test by pressing the Stop key. The actuator heat block should
rotate to the open position.
10. Insert the temperature verification cartridge. After 10 minutes, check both the
temperature indicator on the front panel and the temperature verification
cartridge to confirm that both show a temperature of 37°C ±0.5°C. Adjust the
temperature, if necessary (see Section 9, Maintenance, “Temperature
Verification Cartridge”, for detailed instructions).
11. Insert a floppy disk or a USB storage device into the appropriate drive.
12. From the Main Menu, select [Transmit Test Results], then [Transmit
Unsent Patient Tests]. The results of the previous test should be sent to the
floppy disk or USB storage device.
13. If the instrument does not function properly, contact a Medtronic Service
Representative (see Section 10, Service and Troubleshooting).

Medtronic suggests taking the following steps prior to running tests with the ACT
Plus® instrument. Consult your Point of Care Coordinator for details.
1. Set Instrument Parameters (see page 26).
2. Set QC Manager parameters (see page 30):
a. Enter Instrument Location.
b. Enter User IDs.
c. Select QC Interval.
d. Set QC Lockout.
e. Enable Cartridge Type.
f. Set Permanent Record.
3. Enter Cartridge Lot Information (see page 23).
4. Enter Control Lot Information (see page 28).
5. Run Controls.

16 English ACT Plus® Operator’s Manual

M950403A001 Rev 1A 4/17/12 10:10 AM Medtronic Confidential

5.5" x 7.75" (139.7 mm x 196.85 mm) CS0010

Section 5: Instrument Controls

User Interface
Figure 2 identifies the User Interface components. A bar code scanner (not shown)
is optional.


10 4


Figure 2. User Interface

1. Clot Time Display
2. Data Entry Display
3. Variable Function Keypad
4. Quality Control Key
5. Cancel Key
6. Enter Key
7. Numeric Keypad
8. Clear Key
9. Stop Key
10. Main Menu Key

ACT Plus® Operator’s Manual English 17

M950403A001 Rev 1A 4/17/12 10:10 AM Medtronic Confidential

5.5" x 7.75" (139.7 mm x 196.85 mm) CS0010

1. The Clot Time Display is a red, seven-segment display of the clotting times
for Channels 1 and 2.
2. The Data Entry Display, an LCD screen, displays clotting times. It also is
used to select a test, enter data, and navigate through the screens (see
Section 6, Data Entry, for detailed instructions).
3. The Variable Function Keypad is used to select the desired field in the
various screen options.
4. The Quality Control Key is used to access the Quality Control Menu.
5. The Cancel Key is used to cancel any currently active function.
6. The Enter Key is used to accept entered numbers or data in an active field.
7. The Numeric Keypad is used to enter data into acceptable fields (ie, lot
numbers, user identification numbers [UIDs], and patient identification
numbers [PIDs]).
8. The Clear Key is used to clear the field.
9. The Stop Key is used to stop a test in progress.
10. The Main Menu Key is used to access the Main Menu.

Rear Panel
Figure 3 identifies the Rear Panel components.


Figure 3. Rear Panel Components

1. Handle
2. Fuse Holder
3. Main Power Switch (ON/OFF)
4. Power Inlet Module
5. Equal Potential Terminal

18 English ACT Plus® Operator’s Manual

M950403A001 Rev 1A 4/17/12 10:10 AM Medtronic Confidential

5.5" x 7.75" (139.7 mm x 196.85 mm) CS0010

6. Serial Port (RS-232)

7. Serial Port (USB)
8. Bar Code Scanner Port
9. Floppy Drive
1. Handle.
2. The Fuse Holder is located in the Power Inlet Module. See Section 9,
Maintenance, for fuse replacement.
3. The Main Power Switch is a rocker-type switch: “|” indicates ON and “O”
indicates OFF. It is located in the Power Inlet Module.
4. The Power Inlet Module is used to connect the power cord to the ACT Plus®
5. The Equal Potential Terminal is used to connect the ground of the ACT
Plus® instrument to other instruments that may be used in a clinical setting.
6. The Serial Port (RS-232) is a female DB-9 connector (see Section 11,
Specifications, for details).
7. The USB Port is used to transfer and store patient and QC test information.
8. The Bar Code Scanner Port is the connection for the optional bar code
scanner (see Section 11, Specifications, for details).
9. The Floppy Drive is used to transfer and store patient and QC test

Instrument Bottom
The Serial Number Label, which contains the serial number and safety agency
approvals, is located on the bottom of the ACT Plus® instrument.

Optional Bar Code Scanner

See Appendix A, Optional Bar Code Scanner LS1900, and Appendix B, Optional
Bar Code Scanner LS2208, for additional information.

ACT Plus® Operator’s Manual English 19

M950403A001 Rev 1A 4/17/12 10:10 AM Medtronic Confidential

5.5" x 7.75" (139.7 mm x 196.85 mm) CS0010

Section 6: Data Entry

Main Menu
The following variable function keys appear on the Main Menu: [Enter ID],
[Cartridge Type], [Cartridge Lot], [View Test Results], [Transmit Test Results],
and [Instrument Parameters].
The Main Menu can be accessed from any screen by pressing the [Main Menu]
key on the left-hand side, below the display screen.


Temp: 37.1°C


Enter ID View Test


Cartridge Type  Transmit Test

[HR-ACT] Results

Cartridge Lot  Instrument

9710000772 Parameters

Figure 4. Main Menu Screen

The [Enter ID] variable function key is used to enter patient (PID) and user (UID)
identification numbers. This information may be alphanumeric and is entered using
the numeric keypad.
The [Cartridge Type] variable function key is used to select the appropriate type
of cartridge for the test that is being performed (HR-ACT, LR-ACT, HTC, RACT,
GPC, or ACTtrac®). For test method instructions, refer to Section 7 of this manual
and to the package insert for the specific cartridge.
The [Cartridge Lot] variable function key is used to enter the cartridge lot number
and expiration date. Up to 2 lots of each cartridge type may be entered in the
database at a time.
The [View Test Results] variable function key is used to display the results of the
last 20 tests performed including date, time, patient ID and test results.

20 English ACT Plus® Operator’s Manual

M950403A001 Rev 1A 4/17/12 10:10 AM Medtronic Confidential

5.5" x 7.75" (139.7 mm x 196.85 mm) CS0010

The [Transmit Test Results] variable function key is used to transmit patient and
Quality Control (QC) results to an external location. Results may be exported to a
1.44 MB, 3.5-inch PC-formatted diskette using the floppy drive on the lower right
side of the instrument panel, a USB storage device using the USB port or results
may be exported via the serial port to a secure network interface (SNI) for
transmission to a Laboratory Information System (LIS) using vendor neutral
connectivity software. A message will display the number of test records
The [Instrument Parameters] variable function key is used to enter the following
instrument settings: current date, current time, audio tone, language, screen
contrast adjustment, and output location.

Enter Patient and User IDs

A Patient ID must be entered before a test can be run. The Patient ID can include
up to 12 alpha-numeric characters. Non alpha-numeric characters will be removed
when the Patient ID is scanned.
A User ID must be entered if the User Lockout option has been turned ON. The
User ID can include up to 15 alpha-numeric characters. Non alpha-numeric
characters will be removed when the User ID is scanned.
Note: Up to 600 user IDs can be entered.
Manual Entry
From the Main Menu:
1. Select [Enter ID]. The Enter ID screen will appear with options for entering
Patient and User ID numbers.

To enter a Patient ID:

1. Select [Patient ID].
2. Enter the Patient ID using the numerical keypad.
3. For an alpha character, press the decimal point “.” An alpha character will
appear in the Patient ID field.
4. To change the character, press the [A…Z] and [Z…A] keys until the desired
character is shown.
5. To accept the character select the decimal point if you would like to enter
another alpha character or enter from the numeric keypad.
6. To continue entering numbers, select the number using the numerical keypad.
7. After entering the last alpha character or number in the Patient ID, press
[Enter] to confirm the ID.
8. The Patient ID will appear in the upper right-hand corner of the Enter ID

ACT Plus® Operator’s Manual English 21

M950403A001 Rev 1A 4/17/12 10:10 AM Medtronic Confidential

5.5" x 7.75" (139.7 mm x 196.85 mm) CS0010

To enter a User ID:

1. Select [User ID].
2. Enter the User ID using the numerical keypad.
3. For alpha entry, press the decimal point “.” An alpha character will appear in
the User ID field.
4. To select a character, press the [A…Z] and [Z…A] keys until the desired
character is shown.
5. Select the decimal point again if you would like to enter another alpha
character or enter from the numeric keypad.
6. After entering the last alpha character or number of the User ID, press [Enter]
to confirm the ID.
7. A message will appear, “Load Cartridge, Close Actuator.”
8. To return to the Main Menu, press [Main Menu]. A message will appear at the
top of the screen, “Verify Patient and User ID.”
Bar Code Entry
From the Main Menu:
1. Select [Enter ID]. The Enter ID screen will appear with options for entering
Patient and User ID numbers.
To enter a Patient ID:
1. Select [Patient ID].
2. Scan the Patient ID from the patient band.
3. The Patient ID will appear in the upper right-hand corner of the Enter ID
To enter a User ID:
1. Select [User ID].
2. Scan the User ID from the user's badge.
3. A message will appear, “Load Cartridge, Close Actuator.”
4. To return to the Main Menu, press [Main Menu]. A message will appear at the
top of the screen, “Verify Patient and User ID.”

Select Cartridge Type

The cartridge type (including the electronic control) should be selected or verified
before each test.
From the Main Menu:
1. Select [Cartridge Type].
2. To view the complete list of choices, [HR-ACT], [LR-ACT], [HTC], [RACT],
[GPC], and [ACTtrac®], continue to press [Cartridge Type].
3. To confirm the selection, press [Enter].

22 English ACT Plus® Operator’s Manual

M950403A001 Rev 1A 4/17/12 10:10 AM Medtronic Confidential

5.5" x 7.75" (139.7 mm x 196.85 mm) CS0010

Enter ACTtrac® Serial Number

From the Main Menu:
1. Select [Cartridge Lot].
2. To navigate through the list, use the arrows on either side of the box.
When the ACTtrac® cartridge type is activated, the following variable function keys
appear: [Add Lot Number] and [Exit to Main Menu].
1. To enter the serial number, select [Add Lot Number].
2. If the serial number has an “AT” at the beginning of it, press the “.” key and
the “AT” will appear in the serial number field.
3. Enter the rest of the serial number using the numeric keypad.
4. To confirm the entry, press [Enter].

Enter Cartridge Lot Number and Expiration Date

Manual Entry
From the Main Menu:
1. Select [Cartridge Lot].
2. To navigate through the list, use the arrows on either side of the box.
When there are no lot numbers for a cartridge type, the following variable function
keys appear: [Add Lot Number], [Add Exp Date], and [Exit to Main Menu].
1. To enter the lot number, select [Add Lot Number].
2. Enter the cartridge lot number using the numeric keypad.
3. To confirm the entry, press [Enter].
4. To enter the expiration date for the selected lot number, select [Add Exp
Date]. The date format is yy-mm-dd.
5. Enter the cartridge expiration date.
6. To confirm the entry, press [Enter].
When a cartridge type has a single lot number entered and a second lot is to be
entered, the following variable function keys will appear: [Add Lot], [Remove Lot],
[Edit Lot/Exp Date] and [Exit to Main Menu].
1. To enter the second lot number, select [Add Lot].
2. To enter the lot number, select [Add Lot Number].
3. Enter the cartridge lot number using the numeric keypad.
4. To confirm the entry, press [Enter].
5. To enter the expiration date for the selected lot number, select [Add Exp
Date]. The date format is yy-mm-dd.
6. Enter the cartridge expiration date.
7. To confirm the entry, press [Enter].

ACT Plus® Operator’s Manual English 23

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5.5" x 7.75" (139.7 mm x 196.85 mm) CS0010

When there are 2 lot numbers entered for a cartridge type, the following variable
function keys will appear: [Toggle Active], [Remove Lot], [Edit Lot/Exp Date] and
[Exit to Main Menu].

To change the lot number of the currently active cartridge:

1. Select [Toggle Active].
2. Move the “*” to the cartridge lot number that is currently in use.

To remove a cartridge lot:

1. Select [Remove Lot].
2. To select the lot to be removed, use the up/down arrows (↑↓) to toggle to the
appropriate lot number.
3. To delete the selected cartridge lot number, select [Remove Selected Lot].
Bar Code Entry
From the Main Menu:
1. Select [Cartridge Lot]. Page 1 of the Cartridge Lot/Expiration Date screen
will appear.
When there is no or 1 lot number for a cartridge type:
1. Scan the bar code on the cartridge box. The lot number and expiration date
will automatically populate their respective fields.
2. To return to the Main Menu, press [Main Menu].
When 2 lot numbers exist for a cartridge type:
1. Select [Remove Lot].
2. To remove 1 of the lot numbers, toggle to the appropriate lot number.
3. To delete the selected cartridge lot number, select [Remove Selected Lot].
4. Scan the bar code on the cartridge box. The lot number and expiration date
will automatically populate their respective fields.
5. To return to the Main Menu, select [Main Menu].

View Test Results for the Last 20 Tests Performed

1. To display the results for the last 20 tests, select [View Test Results].
2. Use the up/down arrows (↑↓) on the left and right of the screen to scroll
through the test data.
3. The date, time, patient ID and test results will be displayed.
Note: If the ACT Plus® power is cycled, the ability to display previous results is lost;
however, they are not erased from the result log.

24 English ACT Plus® Operator’s Manual

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5.5" x 7.75" (139.7 mm x 196.85 mm) CS0010

Transmit Patient and Quality Control (QC) Test Results

Patient and QC test results can be transmitted using the floppy drive, USB port, or
serial port. The transmit destination is set from the Instrument Parameters Menu.
Transmission Using Floppy Drive
From the Main Menu:
1. Select [Transmit Test Results]. The following variable function keys will
appear: [Transmit All Patient Tests], [Transmit Unsent Patient Tests],
[Transmit By Patient ID], [Transmit All QC Tests], [Transmit Unsent QC
Tests], and [Exit to Main Menu].
2. Insert a 3.5-inch IBM formatted floppy disk.
3. To transmit all patient test results in the memory, select [Transmit All Patient
4. To transmit the patient test results that have not previously been sent to the
selected output location, select [Transmit Unsent Patient Tests].
5. To transmit all results for a specific patient, select [Transmit By Patient ID].
Then enter the Patient ID and press [Enter].
6. To transmit all QC test results (liquid and electronic), select [Transmit All QC
Tests]. All QC tests in the memory will be sent to the selected output location.
7. To transmit all QC test results that have not been previously sent to the
selected output location, select [Transmit Unsent QC Tests].
Note: When transmission is complete, the number of test records sent will be
8. To return to the Main Menu, press [Main Menu].
Transmission Using USB Port
1. Select [Transmit Test Results]. The following variable function keys will
appear: [Transmit All Patient Tests], [Transmit Unsent Patient Tests],
[Transmit By Patient ID], [Transmit All QC Tests], [Transmit Unsent QC
Tests], and [Exit to Main Menu].
2. Insert a USB storage device.
3. To transmit all patient test results in the memory, select [Transmit All Patient
4. To transmit the patient test results that have not previously been sent to the
selected output location, select [Transmit Unsent Patient Tests].
5. To transmit all results for a specific patient, select [Transmit By Patient ID].
Then enter the Patient ID and press [Enter].
6. To transmit all QC test results (liquid and electronic), select [Transmit All QC
Tests]. All QC tests in the memory will be sent to the selected output location.
7. To transmit all QC tests that have not been previously sent to the selected
output location, select [Transmit Unsent QC Tests].

ACT Plus® Operator’s Manual English 25

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5.5" x 7.75" (139.7 mm x 196.85 mm) CS0010

Note: When transmission is complete, the number of test records sent will be
Note: When transmission is complete, it is safe to remove the USB storage device.
8. To return to the Main Menu, press [Main Menu].

Set Instrument Parameters

Parameters for the ACT Plus® instrument are set at the time of installation. This
must be completed prior to any other data entry.
1. Select [Instrument Parameters]. The following variable function keys
appear: [Date - yyyy-mm-dd], [Time – hh:mm], [Audio Tone], [Language],
[Go to Page 2 of 2], and [Exit to Main Menu].
2. To set the current date, select [Date - yyyy-mm-dd]. The following ranges are
acceptable for the year, month, and day entries: yyyy = year (accepted range,
1998 to 2097), mm = month (accepted range, 01 to 12), and dd = days
(accepted range, 01 to 31).
3. To confirm the date entry, press [Enter].
Note: The current date must be entered before cartridge and/or control lot
numbers and expiration dates are entered.
4. To set the current time, select [Time – hh:mm]. The current time is based on
a 24-hour clock where hh = hours (accepted range, 00 to 23) and
mm = minutes (accepted range, 00 to 59).
5. To confirm the time entry, press [Enter].
6. To set the audio tone to ON or OFF, select [Audio Tone].
7. To confirm the selection, press [Enter].
8. To select a language, select [Language]. The options are English, French
(Français), Italian (Italiano), German (Deutsch), Spanish (Español), Swedish
(Svenska), Greek (Ελληνικά), Danish (Dansk), or Norwegian (Norsk).
9. To view the choices, continue to press [Language]. The default language is
10. To confirm the selection, press [Enter].
The following variable function keys appear on page 2 of the Instrument
Parameters screens: [Screen Contrast Adjustment], [Output Location], [Back
to Page 1 of 2], and [Exit to Main Menu].
1. To adjust the contrast on the LCD screen, select [Screen Contrast
Adjustment]. The (-) key will lighten the text, and the (+) key will darken the
2. To select the output mode for transferring patient and QC data, select [Output
3. To view the choices, [Floppy], [USB], or [Serial], continue to press [Output
4. To confirm the selection, press [Enter].

26 English ACT Plus® Operator’s Manual

M950403A001 Rev 1A 4/17/12 10:10 AM Medtronic Confidential

5.5" x 7.75" (139.7 mm x 196.85 mm) CS0010

5. To return to the Main Menu, press [Main Menu].

Quality Control (QC) Menu

To access the Quality Control Menu select the [Quality Control] key on the right
below the data entry screen. If User Lockout is turned ON, a valid User ID will be
needed. Enter the valid User ID from the keypad or scan the user’s badge.
The following variable function keys appear on the Quality Control Menu: [Control
Type], [Control Lot], [Temperature Adjustment], [QC Due Status], [QC
Manager Set Up], and [Exit to Main Menu].
Note: All QC testing (liquid and electronic) must be performed from the Quality
Control Menu in order to log the controls in the QC files of the Data Manager.

--->> QC <<---

Temp: 37.1°C

Control Type 
QC Due Status

Control Lot  QC Manager Setup


Temperature  Exit to
Adjustment Main Menu

Figure 5. Quality Control Menu Screen

General Quality Control (QC) Functions

The [Control Type] variable function key is used to select the type of control to be
performed. The following control types are available and will be determined by the
test cartridge being used:
■ The ACTtrac® electronic control has 3 settings: 98-102, 190-204, and
■ High Range ACT (HR-ACT) cartridge: Normal (HR-NM) and Abnormal
(HR-AB) controls.
■ Low Range ACT (LR-ACT) cartridge: Normal Citrated Whole Blood (CWB)
and Abnormal (LR-AB) controls.
■ High Range Heparinase (HR-HTC) cartridge: Normal (HR-NM) and
Heparinase (HTC) controls.
■ Recalcified ACT (RACT) cartridge: Normal Citrated Whole Blood (CWB) and
Abnormal (RACT-AB) controls.

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M950403A001 Rev 1A 4/17/12 10:10 AM Medtronic Confidential

5.5" x 7.75" (139.7 mm x 196.85 mm) CS0010

The [Control Lot] variable function key is used to enter, remove, or edit the lot
number, expiration date, and range of the selected control. Up to 2 lots of each
control type may be entered into the database at a time.
The [Temperature Adjustment] variable function key is used to verify the actuator
heat block temperature (refer to Section 9, Maintenance, for additional
The [QC Due Status] variable function key displays the status of liquid and
electronic controls, including the date and time that the control tests must be

Select the Control Type

The correct control type must be selected before the control test is initiated.
From the Quality Control Menu:
1. To select the type of control to be performed, select [Control Type].
2. To view the complete list of choices, continue to press [Control Type].
3. To confirm the selection, press [Enter]. This selection will display only the
available control types for the test selected in the Main Menu.

Enter Control Lot Number, Expiration Date, and Range

Manual Entry
From the Quality Control Menu:
1. Select [Control Lot].
2. To select the desired control, highlight the control in the list.
When there are no lot numbers entered for a control, the following variable function
keys appear: [Add Lot Number], [Add Exp Date], [Set Range], and [Exit to
Quality Control Menu].
1. To enter the lot number, select [Add Lot Number].
2. Enter the lot number using the keypad.
3. To confirm the selection, press [Enter].
4. To enter the expiration date for the selected lot number, select [Add Exp
Date]. The date format is yy-mm-dd.
5. Enter the expiration date.
6. To confirm the entry, press [Enter].
7. To enter the range for the control, select [Set Range]. The format for entering
the control range is “lll-hhh,” where “lll” is the low end and “hhh” is the high
end of the control range.
Note: If the low range is less than 100, a zero must precede the 2-digit
number, eg, “099.”
8. Enter the range.

28 English ACT Plus® Operator’s Manual

M950403A001 Rev 1A 4/17/12 10:10 AM Medtronic Confidential

5.5" x 7.75" (139.7 mm x 196.85 mm) CS0010

9. To confirm the entry, press [Enter].

10. To return to the “Add Lot Number” selection, select [Exit Add Selection].
When a control type has a single lot number entered and a second lot is to be
entered, the following variable function keys appear: [Add Lot/EXP Date],
[Remove Lot], [Edit Range] and [Exit to Quality Control Menu].
1. To add a second control lot for a cartridge type, select [Add Lot/EXP Date].
2. To enter the second lot number, see the instructions above (when there are
no lot numbers).
When there are 2 lot numbers entered for a control type, the following variable
function keys appear: [Toggle Active], [Remove Lot], [Edit Range], and [Exit to
Quality Control Menu].

To change the lot number of the active control:

1. Select [Toggle Active] to move the “*” to the control lot number that is
currently being used.

To remove a control lot:

1. Select [Remove Lot].
2. To select the lot to be removed, use the up/down arrows (↑↓) to toggle to the
appropriate lot number.
3. Select [Remove Selected Lot] to delete the selected control lot number.

To edit the range of an existing control lot:

1. Select [Edit Range].
2. To select the lot of the control to be edited, use the arrows to change the
highlighted lot.
3. Enter the range for the control.
4. To confirm the entry, press [Enter].
Bar Code Entry
From the Quality Control Menu:
1. Select [Control Lot].
When there is no or 1 lot number for a control type:
1. Scan the bar code on the control box. The lot number and expiration date will
automatically populate their respective fields.
2. To enter the range for the control, select [Set Range]. The format for entering
the control range is “lll-hhh,” where “lll” is the low end and “hhh” is the high
end of the control range.
3. To confirm the entry, press [Enter].
4. To return to the Quality Control Menu, select [Exit to Quality Control Menu].

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5.5" x 7.75" (139.7 mm x 196.85 mm) CS0010

When a control type has 2 lot numbers entered for a control type:
1. To remove one of the lot numbers for the control type, select [Remove Lot].
2. To delete the selected control lot number, toggle to the appropriate lot number
and select [Remove Selected Lot].
3. To enter the new lot number, scan the bar code on the control box. The lot
number and expiration date will automatically populate their respective fields.
4. To enter the range for the control, select [Set Range]. The format for entering
the control range is “lll-hhh,” where “lll” is the low end and “hhh” is the high
end of the control range.
5. To confirm the entry, press [Enter].
6. To return to the Quality Control Menu, select [Exit to Quality Control Menu].

To verify/record the ACT Plus® actuator heat block

For detailed instructions on verifying and recording the actuator heat block
temperature, refer to Section 9, Maintenance.

To view the due status for quality control testing

From the Quality Control Menu:
1. Select [QC Due Status]. The ACT Plus® instrument will display all liquid and
electronic controls for the cartridges that have been enabled with the following
message options:
■ The date and time when the next control tests are due.
■ QC due, if the controls for a test are past due.
■ QC not performed, if controls have never been run for a cartridge type.

QC Manager Functions
The QC Manager Setup Menu is accessed from the Quality Control Menu; it is a
password-protected area. The default password is provided in a separate
envelope. If this card is lost, contact Medtronic Technical Service for assistance
(800-328-3320). Non-US customers, please contact a local/regional Medtronic
sales office.
The following variable function keys appear in the QC Manager Setup Menu:
[Location], [User ID Setup], [Clear ID Interval], [QC Lockout], [QC Interval
Setup], [Cartridge Enable Setup], [Download Settings], [Perm Record], and
[Instrument Upgrade].
Note: QC Manager parameters must be set before general QC information is
entered and before any tests are performed.

30 English ACT Plus® Operator’s Manual

M950403A001 Rev 1A 4/17/12 10:10 AM Medtronic Confidential

5.5" x 7.75" (139.7 mm x 196.85 mm) CS0010

--->> QC Manager <<--- --->> QC Manager <<---


(Page 1 of 2) (Page 2 of 2)

Location  QC Lockout Cartridge  Perm Record

[CVOR] [Off] Enable Setup [USB]

QC Interval Download  Instrument

User ID Setup Settings
Setup Upgrade

Clear ID Interval Go to Go to  Exit to Quality

[20 minutes] Page 2 of 2 Page 1 of 2 Control Menu

Figure 6. QC Manager Setup Screen

The [Location] variable function key is used to select the location of the ACT Plus®
instrument. Location options include the following: CVOR (cardiovascular
operating room), Cath Lab (Cardiac Catheterization Lab), ECMO (Extracorporeal
Membrane Oxygenation), Dialysis, ICU/CCU (Intensive Care/Coronary Care
Units), Lab, and Other.
The [User ID Setup] variable function key displays the screens for the following
functions: adding and deleting User IDs, turning ON or OFF User Lockout,
changing the QC Manager Password, downloading User IDs to a floppy disk or
USB storage device, and uploading User IDs from a floppy disk or USB storage
device to the ACT Plus® user database.
The [Clear ID Interval] variable function key is used to select the time interval
(none, 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 20 minutes, 60 minutes, or 120 minutes) that will
elapse before the Patient and User IDs are cleared. Once cleared, the PID and UID
will need to be reentered prior to testing.
The [QC Lockout] variable function key is used to set QC Lockout to 1 of the
following options: OFF, Warning, or ON.
The [QC Interval Setup] variable function key is used to set the required interval
for performing liquid and electronic QC tests. The options for liquid are the
following: None, 8 hours, or 7 days. The options for ACTtrac are None or 8 hours.
The [Cartridge Enable Setup] variable function key is used to enable or disable
the various cartridge types that may be run on the ACT Plus® instrument.
The [Download Settings] variable function key is used to download all instrument
parameters and settings to a floppy disk or USB storage device.
The [Perm Record] variable function key designates the official mode of tracking
the results that have been downloaded. The options are None, Floppy, USB, or
The [Instrument Upgrade] variable function key is used to install upgrades to the
ACT Plus® software.

ACT Plus® Operator’s Manual English 31

M950403A001 Rev 1A 4/17/12 10:10 AM Medtronic Confidential

5.5" x 7.75" (139.7 mm x 196.85 mm) CS0010

Select the location for the ACT Plus® instrument:

From the QC Manager Setup:
1. To change the desired location, select [Location].
2. Continue to press [Location] until the correct location is found.
3. To confirm the selection, press [Enter].
Add/delete User IDs:
Note: Up to 600 User IDs can be entered into the ACT Plus.
From the QC Manager Setup screen:
1. Select [User ID Setup].
From the User ID Setup screen:
1. Select [Add/Delete User IDs]. The following keys appear: [Add], [Delete],
and [Exit to User ID Setup].
Add a User ID:
From the Add/Delete User IDs screen:
1. Select [Add].
2. Enter the User ID using the numeric keypad. Press the decimal point “.” on
the keypad to activate alpha characters.
3. To select the desired character, use the [A…Z] and [Z…A] keys.
4. To confirm the selection, press [Enter].
Delete a User ID:
From the Add/Delete User ID screen:
1. Select [Delete].
2. Use the arrows on either side of the displayed box to navigate up or down to
select the desired User ID.
3. To remove the User ID from the list, select [Delete Selection].
4. To return to the User ID Setup screen, select [Exit to User ID Setup].
Enable User Lockout:
From the User ID Setup screen:
1. Select [User Lockout].
2. To view the choices, [ON] or [OFF], continue to press [User Lockout].
3. To confirm the selection, press [Enter].

32 English ACT Plus® Operator’s Manual

M950403A001 Rev 1A 4/17/12 10:10 AM Medtronic Confidential

5.5" x 7.75" (139.7 mm x 196.85 mm) CS0010

Change the QC Manager Password:

From the User ID Setup screen:
1. Select [QC Mgr Password].
2. Enter up to a 6-digit numeric password.
3. Enter the password a second time to verify.
4. To confirm, press [Enter].
5. Record the new password in a secure location.
Download User IDs:
From the User ID Setup screen:
1. Insert a formatted disk into the floppy drive or insert a USB storage device into
the USB port.
2. Select [Download User IDs]. All of the User IDs entered will be downloaded
to the floppy drive or USB storage device.
Note: When transmission is complete, it is safe to remove the USB storage device.
Transfer User IDs from ACT Plus® Instrument to Multiple
From the User ID Setup screen:
1. Insert either a formatted disk or a USB storage device containing downloaded
User IDs into the appropriate drive.
2. Select [Upload User IDs].
Note: When transmission is complete, it is safe to remove the USB storage device.
User IDs also can be uploaded to the ACT Plus® instrument using a file generated
from the ACT Plus® External Data Manager (EDM). Refer to the EDM Instructions
for specific instructions.
Select the Time Interval for Clearing Patient and User IDs:
From the QC Manager Setup screen:
1. Select [Clear ID Interval].
2. To view the choices, [None], [5 minutes], [10 minutes], [20 minutes],
[60 minutes], and [120 minutes], continue to press [Clear ID Interval].
3. To confirm the choice, press [Enter].
Select the QC Lockout Function:
From the QC Manager Setup screen:
1. Select [QC Lockout].
2. To view the choices, [ON], [Warning], or [OFF], continue to press [QC
3. To confirm the choice, press [Enter].

ACT Plus® Operator’s Manual English 33

M950403A001 Rev 1A 4/17/12 10:10 AM Medtronic Confidential

5.5" x 7.75" (139.7 mm x 196.85 mm) CS0010

Set the QC Interval for Liquid and Electronic Controls:

From the QC Manager Setup screen:
1. Select [QC Interval Setup]. The following variable function keys appear:
[Liquid Interval], [ACTtrac® Interval] and [Exit to QC Manager Setup].
To set the liquid QC interval:
1. Select [Liquid Interval].
2. To view the choices, [None], [8 hours] or [7 days], continue to press [Liquid
3. To confirm the choice, press [Enter].
To set the ACTtrac® electronic QC interval:
1. Select [ACTtrac® Interval].
2. To view the choices, [None] or [8 hours], continue to press [ACTtrac®
3. To confirm the choice, press [Enter].
Enable or Disable Test Cartridge Types:
From page 2 of the QC Manager Setup screens:
1. Select [Cartridge Enable Setup].
2. To select the desired cartridge, use the arrows on either side of the display of
cartridges to navigate up or down.
3. Select the desired cartridge.
4. To view the choices, [ON] or [OFF], continue to press the desired cartridge.
5. To confirm the choice, press [Enter].
Download All of the Instrument Settings to a Floppy Disk or USB
Storage Device:
From page 2 of the QC Manager Setup screens:
1. Insert a formatted disk or USB Storage Device into the appropriate drive.
2. Select [Download Settings].
Set the Permanent Record or the Mode by Which the ACT Plus®
Instrument Maintains a Record of Downloaded Data:
From page 2 of the QC Manager Setup screens:
1. Select [Perm Record].
2. To view the choices, [None], [Floppy], [USB] or [Electronic], continue to
press [Perm Record].

34 English ACT Plus® Operator’s Manual

M950403A001 Rev 1A 4/17/12 10:10 AM Medtronic Confidential

5.5" x 7.75" (139.7 mm x 196.85 mm) CS0010

3. To confirm the choice, press [Enter].

Note: This does not affect the output location previously selected in
Instrument Parameters. This selection will warn only if test records will be
Upload Software Upgrades from a Floppy Disk or USB Storage
From page 2 of the QC Manager Setup screens:
1. Insert the floppy disk or USB Storage Device containing the
Medtronic-released software upgrade for the ACT Plus® instrument into the
appropriate drive.
2. Select [Instrument Upgrade].
3. Enter the Upgrade Password sent with the software upgrade.
4. Select [Start Software Upgrade].
5. When the software upgrade is complete, power OFF then ON.

ACT Plus® Operator’s Manual English 35

M950403A001 Rev 1A 4/17/12 10:10 AM Medtronic Confidential

5.5" x 7.75" (139.7 mm x 196.85 mm) CS0010

Section 7: Test Methods

■ Lot numbers and expiration dates for cartridges and controls must be entered
prior to running a test (refer to Section 6, Data Entry for detailed instructions).
■ The User ID and Patient ID numbers must be entered prior to running a test
(refer to Section 6, Data Entry for detailed instructions).
1. Power ON the ACT Plus® instrument. Allow at least 10 minutes for the
actuator heat block to reach a temperature of 37.0°C ±0.5°C.
Note: When the heat block temperature is less than 36.0°C the software will
not allow a patient test to be initiated. The message “Heat Block Lockout
<36.0°C” is displayed.
2. From the Main Menu, select [Cartridge Type]. Continue to press this key until
the correct cartridge is selected. Press [Enter] to confirm.
3. Prewarm the cartridges for at least 3 minutes before collecting the test
sample. Cartridges for HR-ACT, LR-ACT, and RACT may be prewarmed for
up to 12 hours without affecting performance. For specific information, consult
the package insert that accompanies each cartridge.
4. Tap the cartridge to resuspend the reagent in the chamber before adding the
test sample.
5. Fill each cartridge chamber with the appropriate sample volume. The sample
level should be between the upper and lower fill lines in each reaction
chamber. Allow the sample to flow down the back of the chamber, taking care
to avoid getting the sample on the plunger tang (see Figure 1).
6. Insert the cartridge into the actuator heat block and rotate the block to the
closed position.
7. Reagent is delivered into the reaction chamber, and the time to clot formation
is measured.
8. When clot formation is detected, or if the test is terminated, an audible tone
sounds, and the actuator heat block automatically rotates to the open

36 English ACT Plus® Operator’s Manual

M950403A001 Rev 1A 4/17/12 10:10 AM Medtronic Confidential

5.5" x 7.75" (139.7 mm x 196.85 mm) CS0010

Activated Clotting Times: High Range (HR-ACT), Low

Range (LR-ACT), and Recalcified (RACT) Cartridges
Table 1 lists the Medtronic Activated Clotting Time Cartridges available for use with
the Medtronic ACT Plus® instrument.
Table 1. Medtronic Activated Clotting Time Cartridges
Product Sample Type Channel Sample Intended Use
HR-ACT Fresh drawn 0.4 mL Cardiovascular or
Cath Lab (1 Unit
Heparin/mL or more)
LR-ACT Fresh drawn 0.2 mL Therapeutic (0-1.5
Units Heparin/mL)
RACT Citrated 0.2 mL Therapeutic (0-1.5
Units Heparin/mL)

Table 2 displays the cartridge reagents (0.1 mL per channel) and maximum
prewarm times for each cartridge type and cartridges with sample:
Table 2. Cartridge Reagents and Prewarm Limits
Cartridge Type Reagent Cartridge Max. Cartridge + Sample
Prewarm Limits Prewarm Limits
HR-ACT 12% Kaolin 12 hours Nonapplicable
0.05M CaCl2 Perform test
HEPES buffera immediately.
Sodium azideb
LR-ACT 0.75% Kaolinc 12 hours Nonapplicable
0.0025M CaCl2 Perform test
HEPES buffer immediately.
Sodium azide
RACT 2.2% Kaolin 12 hours 5 minutes
0.05M CaCl2
HEPES buffer
Sodium azide
a HEPES (hydroxyethyl-piperazine-ethanesulfonic acid) buffer.
b Sodium azide is a bacteriostatic agent.
c Kaolin concentration may vary slightly.

Duplicate channel results should fall within 10% of each other for baseline
(unheparinized) samples and within 12% of each other for extended or heparinized

ACT Plus® Operator’s Manual English 37

M950403A001 Rev 1A 4/17/12 10:10 AM Medtronic Confidential

5.5" x 7.75" (139.7 mm x 196.85 mm) CS0010

Sample Calculation:
Channel 1 clotting time 210 seconds
Channel 2 clotting time 200 seconds
Mean clotting time 205 seconds
Difference 10 seconds
12% 25 seconds

The difference of 10 seconds is less than 12%, which is 25 seconds. These results
are acceptable. The instrument’s operable range is 25 to 999 seconds.

High Range Heparinase (HR-HTC)

The HR-HTC cartridge is a modification of the High Range Activated Clotting Time
Cartridge used to identify the presence of heparin in a fresh whole blood sample.
One of the cartridge channels contains a purified heparinase, an enzyme specific
for heparin, which can rapidly neutralize up to 6 U/mL of heparin in a test sample.
For detailed instructions on using the HR-HTC Cartridge, refer to the Activated
Clotting Time Cartridges Instructions for Use.

38 English ACT Plus® Operator’s Manual

M950403A001 Rev 1A 4/17/12 10:10 AM Medtronic Confidential

5.5" x 7.75" (139.7 mm x 196.85 mm) CS0010

Section 8: Quality Assurance

Instrument Self-Test
The ACT Plus® instrument performs the following self-tests when powered ON:
1. The actuator assembly cycles and opens the actuator heat block assembly if
it is closed.
2. An audio beep will sound, the Startup screen will appear, and the message,
“Self-Test in Progress” will be displayed.
3. The message, “Self-Test Pass,” is displayed followed by automatic transition
to the Main Menu.
Note: If any of the instrument’s self-tests fail or are not completed, the
software will display the message “Self-Test: FAIL XXX,” where XXX is a
3-digit number indicating a System Error Code. Record this code (if
displayed), and notify the Medtronic Service Department or an authorized
representative before continuing (refer to Section 10, Service and
4. The temperature will be displayed automatically.
Note: Allow a minimum of 10 minutes of warm-up time for the actuator heat
block to reach the desired temperature before performing any tests. The
actual warm-up time will depend on the instrument’s ambient temperature.

Liquid QC
Liquid controls are used to verify instrument and cartridge performance and
operator technique. When only liquid controls are used the minimum QC
requirements are 2 levels of control performed every 8 hours that the device is used
for patient testing. CLOTtrac® Coagulation Controls are available for High Range,
Low Range, Recalcified, and High Range Heparinase cartridges.

Electronic QC (ACTtrac®)
The ACTtrac® Electronic Quality Control is an interactive, mechanical,
software-controlled verification device that includes both quantitative and
qualitative results. It interacts with the ACT Plus® instrument by mechanically
emulating certain functions of a test cartridge. The ACTtrac® checks the following
aspects of the ACT Plus® instrument that relate to proper test cartridge function:
flag sensor function, reagent delivery pin height, lift wire height, and 3-level tests
(emulated clotting time ranges).

ACT Plus® Operator’s Manual English 39

M950403A001 Rev 1A 4/17/12 10:10 AM Medtronic Confidential

5.5" x 7.75" (139.7 mm x 196.85 mm) CS0010

■ The ACTtrac® may be used to supplement liquid quality control testing. Refer
to the current regulatory agency guidelines on the acceptability and use of
electronic controls.
■ Refer to the ACTtrac® Operator’s Manual for the specific instructions and
additional information.

40 English ACT Plus® Operator’s Manual

M950403A001 Rev 1A 4/17/12 10:10 AM Medtronic Confidential

5.5" x 7.75" (139.7 mm x 196.85 mm) CS0010

Section 9: Maintenance
Instrument Case Cleaning
The instrument case and exposed surfaces of the actuator and dispenser should
be kept clean. Clean the case routinely by wiping off dust and dried blood with a
cloth dampened with water or 1 of the following chemicals: isopropyl alcohol,
bleach, Liqui-Nox®1, hydrogen peroxide, Sani-Cloth®2, Clorox®3 Germicidal wipes,
or mild detergent. The ACT cleaning kit can be used to clean difficult-to-reach
areas in the dispenser. Cleaning kits can be obtained from Medtronic Customer
Service or an authorized representative.

Actuator Assembly Cleaning

The actuator assembly should be cleaned at least once a month and more
frequently if required. If blood should get into the actuator assembly (see Figure 7),
it is critical that the instrument is cleaned as soon as possible.

1 1

Figure 7. ACT Plus® Actuator Assembly
1. Detectors
2. Cover
3. Flag Lift Wire
4. Heat Block

1 Liqui-Nox® is a registered trademark of Alconox, Inc.

2 Sani-Cloth® is a registered trademark of Nice-Pak Products Inc.
3 Clorox® is a registered trademark of the Clorox Company.

ACT Plus® Operator’s Manual English 41

M950403A001 Rev 1A 4/17/12 10:10 AM Medtronic Confidential

5.5" x 7.75" (139.7 mm x 196.85 mm) CS0010

An instrument cleaning kit (Catalog number 303-58) is provided with each ACT
Plus® instrument. Use the materials in the kit to perform the following cleaning
1. Dip the swab provided in the enclosed packet in the Liqui-Nox® solution.
2. Swab the flag lift wire, removing all blood.
3. Swab inside the actuator assembly cover, especially the detector and emitter
areas of the photo-optical sensor.
4. Remove any excess Liqui-Nox® solution with a dry swab.
5. If blood should get into the detector of the lamp area and cannot be removed
with a swab, Error Code “4” may be displayed.
Note: Cleaning kits can be obtained from Medtronic Customer Service or an
authorized representative.

Actuator Heat Block Temperature

The actuator heat block temperature should be checked once a month to verify that
it is 37°C ± 0.5°C. The ACT Plus® instrument records all temperature adjustments
into its temperature log.
Temperature Verification Cartridge
1. Turn the ACT Plus® instrument ON and allow the instrument to warm up for
15 minutes.
2. Place the Temperature Verification Cartridge (Catalog No. 313-11) into the
actuator heat block.
3. Wait for temperature equilibration to occur (minimum 10 minutes) and check
the Temperature Verification Cartridge reading.
4. The instrument-displayed temperature and the Temperature Verification
Cartridge temperature should both be within 36.5°C to 37.5°C. The
Temperature Verification Cartridge temperature should be within ± 0.5°C of
the instrument-displayed temperature.
From the Quality Control Menu:
5. To change the temperature, if needed, or to record that the temperature has
been verified, select [Temperature Adjustment].
6. Enter the temperature verification cartridge reading using the numeric keypad
(values must be between 35°C and 39°C).
7. To accept the entry, press [Enter]. The time, date, and temperatures of the
temperature verification cartridge and the display will be recorded in the
temperature log.
Note: If the temperature is still not within the specified range (see Step 5),
adjustments can be repeated after a minimum of 10 minutes. To repeat
adjustments, select [Repeat Adjustment].

42 English ACT Plus® Operator’s Manual

M950403A001 Rev 1A 4/17/12 10:10 AM Medtronic Confidential

5.5" x 7.75" (139.7 mm x 196.85 mm) CS0010

8. If you are unable to calibrate the display to match the temperature on the
Temperature Verification Cartridge, contact the Medtronic Service
Representative or an authorized distributor.
Verification with Thermometer
1. Turn the ACT Plus® instrument ON and allow it to warm for 15 minutes.
2. Use a cartridge, with the plunger assembly removed and filled with 0.2 to
0.3 mL of water. Insert the cartridge into the actuator heat block.
3. Place a calibrated thermometer in one of the cartridge reaction chambers.
4. Wait for temperature equilibration to occur (minimum 10 minutes) and check
the thermometer reading.
5. The instrument-displayed temperature and thermometer-measured
temperature should both read within 36.5°C to 37.5°C. The
thermometer-measured temperature should be within ± 0.5°C of the
instrument-displayed temperature.
From the Quality Control Menu:
6. To change the temperature, if needed, or record that the temperature has
been verified, select [Temperature Adjustment].
7. Enter the thermometer reading using the keypad (values must be between
35°C and 39°C).
8. To accept the value, press [Enter]. The time, date, and temperatures of the
thermometer and the display will be logged in the temperature log.
Note: If the temperature is still not within the specified range (see Step 5),
adjustments can be repeated after a minimum of 10 minutes. To repeat
adjustments, select [Repeat Adjustment].
9. If you are unable to calibrate the display to match the thermometer-measured
temperature, contact the Medtronic Service Representative or an authorized

Fuse Replacement
Two fuses are located in the Power Inlet Module on the ACT Plus® instrument’s
rear panel. To replace or examine the fuses:
1. Disconnect the power cord.
2. Open the cover of the fuse holders using a small flathead screwdriver.
3. Slide the fuse holders out and, if necessary, replace the fuses with T2A 250-V
4. Insert the fuse holders back into the Power Inlet Module.
5. Close the cover.
6. Power ON the instrument to determine if replacing the fuse(s) corrected the
power failure.

ACT Plus® Operator’s Manual English 43

M950403A001 Rev 1A 4/17/12 10:10 AM Medtronic Confidential

5.5" x 7.75" (139.7 mm x 196.85 mm) CS0010

Note: If fuses blow repeatedly, contact a Medtronic Service Representative or an

authorized representative.

Preventive Maintenance
Annual preventive maintenance is recommended for the ACT Plus® to ensure
accurate performance and reliability. A qualified Medtronic Service Representative
should perform all maintenance or service. The inspection and maintenance may
be performed at your site or at Medtronic.

44 English ACT Plus® Operator’s Manual

M950403A001 Rev 1A 4/17/12 10:10 AM Medtronic Confidential

5.5" x 7.75" (139.7 mm x 196.85 mm) CS0010

Section 10: Service and Troubleshooting

For all repair requests in the United States, contact Medtronic CardioVascular
Service at 1-800-433-4311. Non-US customers, please contact a local/regional
Medtronic sales office.
Service training for Medtronic products is available to qualified hospital personnel
upon request. Detailed information, such as circuit diagrams, component parts
lists, and calibration instructions, is available for qualified technical personnel.
Do not attempt to service the ACT Plus® instrument during the warranty
period, as any manufacturer’s warranty will be voided.
WARNING: Do not adjust, modify, repair, or touch the internal circuitry. These
actions could injure the operator or cause faulty operation of the ACT Plus® as
these actions may injure the operator or cause malfunction of the instrument.
Refer all repair requests to a Medtronic Instrument Service Representative. In the
United States: Medtronic CardioVascular. Refer to the back cover for contact

Instrument Return
To return an ACT Plus® instrument for service, contact your Medtronic Service
Representative. Original shipping materials should be used to return the ACT
Plus® instrument; it should be enclosed within the foam inserts and placed in the
box. The actuator heat block should be in the closed position when it is shipped. If
the original box is no longer available, notify Medtronic Instrument Service or an
authorized representative to obtain shipping materials.

End of Life Disposition

Do not dispose of this product in the unsorted municipal waste stream. Dispose of
this product according to local regulations. See for
instructions on proper disposal of this product.

The ACT Plus® instrument self-diagnoses many error and precautionary
conditions, which are displayed on the LCD screen.
Message Types
The ACT Plus® instrument provides 3 types of messages to indicate its operating
condition: Information/Status; Alerts; and System Alarms. These messages, with
the exception of System Alarms, appear in the screen’s Status Message area.

ACT Plus® Operator’s Manual English 45

M950403A001 Rev 1A 4/17/12 10:10 AM Medtronic Confidential

5.5" x 7.75" (139.7 mm x 196.85 mm) CS0010

■ Information/Status: Screen message with no audio tone.

■ Alerts: Screen message with a 3-beep audio tone (audio is active when the
[Audio Tone] parameter is set to ON).
■ System Alarms: Screen message with a single, long audio tone (audio is
always active). System Alarms are presented when the ACT Plus®
instrument’s self-testing mechanism detects a condition that may affect the
ability of the instrument to function properly. These messages are displayed,
if possible, and may be accompanied by a 3-digit Error Code, which service
personnel use to identify the system error.
Message Priorities
Messages are displayed in a priority structure. If multiple error or precautionary
conditions occur simultaneously, only the highest-priority message appears on the

System Messages Cause/Resolution

Both lot numbers are filled. The user is trying to add a lot number when
OR 2 already exist for the selected cartridge.
Both cartridge lots full. Remove 1 of the lot numbers.
Bar code is not a cartridge type. The user is trying to scan a control lot on the
cartridge setup screen.
Bar code is not a control type. The user is trying to scan a cartridge lot on
the control setup screen.
Bar code is not valid. The bar code information was not valid as a
cartridge or control. Rescan the bar code.
Reprogram the bar code scanner.
Expired cartridge lot. The user is attempting to run a test with a
OR cartridge/control that is beyond the
Expired control lot. expiration date. Make sure that the
expiration date on the packaging matches
the date in the cartridge lot entry screen.
Cartridge lot already exists. The user is trying to scan a lot number when
OR that lot number already exists for the
Control lot already exists. selected cartridge/control.
Cartridge is not enabled. The cartridge selected is not enabled in the
QC Manager Setup screen. Contact your QC
Manager to enable the selected cartridge.
Cartridge for control is not enabled. The user is trying to scan in a lot number for
a control when the cartridge that uses that
control is not enabled in the QC Manager
Setup. Contact your QC Manager to enable
the selected cartridge.
Expiration date edited. QC due. The expiration date for the cartridge lot has
been changed; control tests must be
repeated for this lot. Repeat the controls for
this lot number.

46 English ACT Plus® Operator’s Manual

M950403A001 Rev 1A 4/17/12 10:10 AM Medtronic Confidential

5.5" x 7.75" (139.7 mm x 196.85 mm) CS0010

Expiration date is not valid. The expiration date is not in a valid format.
OR The proper format for the expiration date for
Invalid expiration date. a cartridge or control lot is yy-mm-dd.
Test will overwrite saved test history. The current test will overwrite test results in
the permanent record. Transmit all unsent
test records to the output source.
Invalid password. The password that was entered is not
correct. Enter the correct password.
Run ACTtrac® from QC Menu. The user is attempting to run an ACTtrac®
test from the Main Menu. Go to the QC Menu
screen to run ACTtrac® tests.
No cartridge lot number active. The user is attempting to run a test without
an active cartridge lot number. Enter the
cartridge lot number for this test type.
Cartridge not recognized. All cartridges have been disabled. Have the
OR QC Manager enable the appropriate tests.
There are no active cartridges to edit.
There are no active cartridges.
No control lot number active. The user is attempting to run a control test
without an active control lot number. Enter a
valid lot number for the control.
There are no other active cartridges. Only the selected test is enabled. Have the
QC Manager enable tests.
No test results available. No test results are available to view on the
View Current Test Results screen.
Patient ID required. Patient ID is required to run a patient test.
Enter a Patient ID in the Enter ID screen.
Preventive maintenance due. Preventive maintenance is due. Call
Medtronic Instrument Service to schedule a
preventive maintenance check.
Value Out of Range. Enter 35 – 39. The Actuator Heat Block temperature cannot
be adjusted out of the 35-to-39 range. If the
Actuator Heat Block cannot be adjusted
within the 35-to-39 range, call Medtronic
Instrument Service.
There are no intervals set. The QC Manager has not set the intervals
for liquid or electronic controls. Have the QC
Manager set QC intervals in the QC
Manager screen.
QC Due: HH:MM. The QC for this cartridge will run out at the
prescribed time (hh = hour; mm = minute).
QC not performed. The QC test for this cartridge has not been
performed or has failed. Perform QC tests
for this cartridge.

ACT Plus® Operator’s Manual English 47

M950403A001 Rev 1A 4/17/12 10:10 AM Medtronic Confidential

5.5" x 7.75" (139.7 mm x 196.85 mm) CS0010

The passwords do not match. When changing the password for the QC
Manager, the Confirm Password screen did
not match the Change Password screen.
Reenter the same password in the Confirm
Password screen that was entered in the
Change Password screen.
QC past due. The QC for this cartridge has passed its
interval. Perform QC tests for this cartridge.
Test terminated before clot detect. The test stopped before clots were detected
in both channels. Repeat test.
No User IDs to download. The QC Manager is trying to download User
IDs to the floppy disk or USB storage device,
but no User IDs are in the memory. Add User
IDs to the memory and download to the
floppy drive or USB storage device.
No valid User IDs in file. The QC Manager is trying to upload User
IDs from the floppy disk or USB storage
device, but there are no User IDs in the file.
Download User IDs from an ACT Plus®
instrument or an ACT Plus® External Data
Manager (EDM) to the floppy disk or USB
storage device, and use that floppy disk or
USB storage device to upload them.
Test requires valid User ID. The QC Manager has set User Lockout to
ON so that a User ID is required to run a
patient test. Enter a valid User ID in the
Enter ID screen.

Bar code scan timeout. A bar code input sequence was detected,
but it did not complete correctly. Rescan the
bar code.
> 10% spread error. The channels of the controls tested are not
within 10%. Repeat the control test.
> 12% spread error. The channels of the controls tested are not
within 12%. Repeat the control test.
Error - File not found. The ACT Plus® instrument is trying to read a
file on a floppy disk or USB storage device,
but cannot find it.

48 English ACT Plus® Operator’s Manual

M950403A001 Rev 1A 4/17/12 10:10 AM Medtronic Confidential

5.5" x 7.75" (139.7 mm x 196.85 mm) CS0010

Error Messages
Disk error - Disk is faulty. The ACT Plus® instrument is trying to read a
floppy disk or USB storage device and
cannot read it. Insert a floppy disk or USB
storage device that meets the specification
listed in Section 11, Specifications.
Serial port error. An error occurred in accessing the serial
port. Retry transfer.
Motor stall. Power OFF then ON (E9). The motor has been inhibited. To reset the
system, turn the power OFF then ON.
System error. Power OFF then ON. The system has become unstable. To reset
the system, turn the power OFF then ON.
Bad Reference in Ch1 and Ch2. The ACT Plus® instrument could not get a
OR baseline drop time for Channel 1, Channel 2,
Bad Reference in Ch1. and both channels. Repeat test.
Bad Reference in Ch2.
Error: E1 No cartridge is detected. Place a cartridge in
the actuator assembly and retest.
Error: E2 or E3 A software error has occurred. Call
Medtronic Instrument Service.
No flags. The ACT Plus® instrument did not sense a
OR flag in Channel 1, Channel 2, or both
No flag in Ch1. channels. Repeat the test.
No flag in Ch2.
No flags in Ch1 or Ch2.
Insufficient data. The channels of the control timed out at 999.
Repeat the control.
Error: Invalid reply. Internal communication error. Call Medtronic
Instrument Service.
Light path failure in Ch1 and Ch2 (E4). The flag sensor has failed. Clean the
OR actuator assembly cover per the instructions
Light path failure in Ch1 (E4). in the Maintenance section of this manual. If
OR the error is not corrected, call Medtronic
Light path failure in Ch2 (E4). Instrument Service.
Motor stall. The motor is inhibited. Press STOP to reset.
Repeat the test.
Motor stall, cycle power (E8). The motor is inhibited. To reset, power OFF
then ON.
No reply. Internal communication error. Call Medtronic
Instrument Service.
File system error. Call Medtronic Instrument Service.
Comm. Error; Invalid data. Call Medtronic Instrument Service.

ACT Plus® Operator’s Manual English 49

M950403A001 Rev 1A 4/17/12 10:10 AM Medtronic Confidential

5.5" x 7.75" (139.7 mm x 196.85 mm) CS0010

Notes: If a System Alarm occurs that cannot be resolved by cycling the power OFF
then ON, record the 3-digit Error Code (if displayed), and contact Medtronic
Instrument Service for assistance.
Heat Block Temp XX.X°C. The current actuator heat block temperature
(XX.X°C) is displayed when it is between
20°C and 41°C.
Heat Block Temp > 44°C (E99). The actuator heat block temperature is
greater than 44°C.
Heat Block Temp < 5°C (E00). The actuator heat block temperature is less
than 5°C.

50 English ACT Plus® Operator’s Manual

M950403A001 Rev 1A 4/17/12 10:10 AM Medtronic Confidential

5.5" x 7.75" (139.7 mm x 196.85 mm) CS0010

Section 11: Specifications

Number of Channels: 2
Timing Range (Seconds): 6 - 999
Actuator Heat Block Temperature:
Range: 37.0°C ± 2°C
Resolution: 0.1°C
Accuracy: ± 0.5°C

Note: Technical data, features, and options referenced in this manual are based on
the latest information available at the time of printing. Medtronic reserves the right
to change specifications without notice.
Classification (IEC 61010): Class I, IPX0, Continuous operation

Voltage: 100 - 240 V~ Single phase
Frequency: 50 - 60 Hz
Maximum current: 1.0 A (100 - 240)
Fuse: T2A 250 V
Power cord: 2 wires plus a ground (earth) connector
Length: 3.1 m (10 ft.)
Type: 3-prong hospital grade (USA only)

Safety Standards: IEC 61010-1: 2001 

CSA C22.2 NO. 61010-1

EMC Standards: IEC 60601-1-2: 2007

Physical Dimensions:
Depth: 33 cm (13.0 in)
Width: 20 cm (8.0 in)
Height: 27 cm (11.0 in)
Weight: 5.22 kg (11.5 lb)

Operating temperature: 14°C to 32°C (57°F to 90°F)
Operating humidity: 10% to 90%, noncondensing
Storage temperature: 0°C to 49°C (32°F to 120°F)
Storage humidity: 5% to 90%, noncondensing
Instrument use: Indoor
Altitude: ≤ 2000 meters
Mains supply voltage fluctuation: Not to exceed ± 10% of nominal voltage
Transient overvoltages: Category II
Pollution degree: 2

ACT Plus® Operator’s Manual English 51

M950403A001 Rev 1A 4/17/12 10:10 AM Medtronic Confidential

5.5" x 7.75" (139.7 mm x 196.85 mm) CS0010

Data Ports:
Serial data port: 19200 baud, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity
USB port: Used with Medtronic approved USB storage device,
Bar code scanner port: Used with the optional Bar Code Scanner LS1900 or
LS 2208.
Floppy drive: PC compatible, 1.44 MB, 3.5-inch floppy disk.

Default Operating Parameters

The ACT Plus® instrument is shipped with the following default parameter settings:
Patient Parameters
Patient ID None
User ID None
Cartridge Lot Number 1111111111
Cartridge Exp Date 11/11/11
Control Lot Number 1111111111
Control Exp Date 11/11/11

Instrument Parameters
Date - yy-mm-dd Preset by manufacturer
Time - hh:mm Preset by manufacturer
Audio Tone [ON]
Language Preset by manufacturer
Screen Contrast Adjustment Preset by manufacturer
Output Location [Floppy]

Quality Control (QC) Manager Parameters

User Lockout [OFF]
Permanent Record [None]
QC Lockout [OFF]
Liquid Interval [None]
ACTtrac® Interval [None]
Cartridges Enabled All
Location CVOR
Clear ID Interval [None]

52 English ACT Plus® Operator’s Manual

M950403A001 Rev 1A 4/17/12 10:10 AM Medtronic Confidential

5.5" x 7.75" (139.7 mm x 196.85 mm) CS0010

Electromagnetic Emissions and Immunity Declarations

IEC 60601-1-2 Table 201,
Guidance and manufacturer's declaration - electromagnetic emissions
The ACT Plus® is intended for use in the electromagnetic environment specified below.
The customer or the user of the ACT Plus® should assure that it is used in such an
Emissions test Compliance Electromagnetic environment - guidance
RF Emissions Group 1 The ACT Plus® uses RF energy only for its internal
CISPR 11 function. Therefore, its RF emissions are very low and
are not likely to cause any interference in nearby
electronic equipment.
RF Emissions Class A The ACT Plus® is suitable for use in all establishments
CISPR 11 other than domestic and those directly connected to the
public low-voltage power supply network that supplies
Harmonic emissions Class A buildings used for domestic purposes.
IEC 61000-3-2
Voltage fluctuations/ Complies
flicker emissions
IEC 61000-3-3

ACT Plus® Operator’s Manual English 53

M950403A001 Rev 1A 4/17/12 10:10 AM Medtronic Confidential

5.5" x 7.75" (139.7 mm x 196.85 mm) CS0010

IEC 60601-1-2 Table 202,

Guidance and manufacturer's declaration - electromagnetic immunity
The ACT Plus® is intended for use in the electromagnetic environment specified below.
The customer or the user of the ACT Plus® should assure that it is used in such an
Immunity test IEC 60601 Compliance level Electromagnetic
test level environment - guidance
Electrostatic ±6 kV contact ±6 kV contact Floors should be wood,
discharge ±8 kV air ±8 kV air concrete or ceramic tile. If
(ESD) floors are covered with
IEC 61000-4-2 synthetic material, the
relative humidity should be
at least 30%.
Electrical fast ±2 kV for power ±2 kV for power
Mains power quality should
transient/burst supply lines be that of a typical
supply lines
IEC 61000-4-4 ±1 kV for commercial or hospital
±1 kV for input/output
input/output lines lines environment.
If the user of the ACT Plus®
Surge ±1 kV line(s) to ±1 kV differential requires continued operation
IEC 61000-4-5 line(s) mode during power mains
±2 kV line(s) to earth ±2 kV common mode interruptions, it is
recommended that the ACT
Plus® be powered from an
uninterruptible power supply
or a battery.
Voltage dips, <5% UT <5% UT Mains power quality should
short (>95% dip in UT) for (>95% dip in UT) for be that of a typical
interruptions 0.5 cycle 0.5 cycle commercial or hospital
and voltage 40% UT 40% UT environment.
variations on (60% dip in UT) for 5 (60% dip in UT) for 5 If the user of the ACT Plus®
power supply cycles cycles requires continued operation
input lines 70% UT 70% UT during power mains
IEC (30% dip in UT) for (30% dip in UT) for 25 interruptions, it is
61000-4-11 25 cycles cycles recommended that the ACT
<5% UT <5% UT Plus® be powered from an
(>95% dip in UT) for (>95% dip in UT) for 5 uninterruptible power supply
5 seconds seconds or a battery.
Power 3 A/m 3 A/m Power frequency magnetic
frequency fields should be at levels
(50/60 Hz) characteristic of a typical
magnetic field location in a typical
IEC 61000-4-8 commercial or hospital
Note: UT is the a.c. mains voltage prior to application of the test level.

54 English ACT Plus® Operator’s Manual

M950403A001 Rev 1A 4/17/12 10:10 AM Medtronic Confidential

5.5" x 7.75" (139.7 mm x 196.85 mm) CS0010

IEC 60601-1-2: 2001 Table 204

Guidance and manufacturer's declaration - electromagnetic immunity
The ACT Plus® is intended for use in the electromagnetic environment specified below.
The customer or the user of the ACT Plus® should assure that it is used in such an
Immunity test IEC 60601 Compliance Electromagnetic environment -
test level Level guidance
Portable and mobile RF
communications equipment should be
used no closer to any part of the ACT
Plus®, including cables, than the
recommended separation distance
calculated from the equation applicable
to the frequency of the transmitter.
Recommended separation distance
Conducted RF 3 Vrms 3 Vrms d = 1.2√P
IEC 61000-4-6 150 kHz to 80
Radiated RF 3 V/m 3 V/m d = 1.2√P 80 MHz to 800 MHz
IEC 61000-4-3 80 MHz to 2.5 d = 2.3√P 800 MHz to 2.5 GHz
GHz where P is the maximum output power
rating of the transmitter in watts (W)
according to the transmitter
manufacturer and d is the
recommended separation distance in
meters (m).
Field strengths from fixed RF
transmitters, as determined by an
electromagnetic site survey,a should be
less than the compliance level in each
frequency range.b
Interference may occur in the vicinity of
equipment marked with the following

Note: At 80 MHz and 800 MHz, the higher frequency range applies.
Note: These guidelines may not apply in all situations. Electromagnetic propagation
is affected by absorption and reflection from structures, objects and people.

ACT Plus® Operator’s Manual English 55

M950403A001 Rev 1A 4/17/12 10:10 AM Medtronic Confidential

5.5" x 7.75" (139.7 mm x 196.85 mm) CS0010

a Field strengths from fixed transmitters, such as base stations for radio (cellular/cordless)
telephones and land mobile radios, amateur radio, AM and FM radio broadcast and TV
broadcast cannot be predicted theoretically with accuracy. To assess the electromagnetic
environment due to fixed RF transmitters, an electromagnetic site survey should be
considered. If the measured field strength in the location in which the ACT Plus® is used
exceeds the applicable RF compliance level above, the ACT Plus® should be observed to
verify normal operation. If abnormal performance is observed, additional measures may be
necessary, such as re-orienting or relocating the ACT Plus®.
b Over the frequency range 150 kHz to 80 MHz, field strengths should be less than 3 V/m.

IEC 60601-1-2: 2001 Table 206

Recommended separation distances between portable and mobile RF
communications equipment and the ACT Plus®
The ACT Plus® is intended for use in an electromagnetic environment in which radiated RF
disturbances are controlled. The customer or the user of the ACT Plus® can help prevent
electromagnetic interference by maintaining a minimum distance between portable and
mobile RF communications equipment (transmitters) and the ACT Plus® as recommended
below, according to the maximum output power of the communications equipment.
Rated Separation distance according to frequency of transmitter
maximum m
output power
150 kHz to 80 80 MHz to 800 MHz 800 MHz to 2.5 GHz
of transmitter
MHz d = 1.2√P d = 2.3√P
d = 1.2√P
0.01 0.12 0.12 0.23
0.1 0.38 0.38 0.73
1 1.2 1.2 2.3
10 3.8 3.8 7.3
100 12 12 23
For transmitters rated at a maximum output power not listed above, the recommended
separation distance d in meters (m) can be estimated using the equation applicable to the
frequency of the transmitter, where P is the maximum output power rating of the
transmitter in watts (W) according to the transmitter manufacturer.
Note: At 80 MHz and 800 MHz, the higher frequency range applies.
Note: These guidelines may not apply in all situations. Electromagnetic propagation
is affected by absorption and reflection from structures, objects and people.
• Do not use non-Medtronic components with Medtronic in-line-powered external devices.
The use of non-Medtronic components may result in damage to Medtronic components,
increased emissions, or decreased electromagnetic immunity of the Medtronic devices
or systems.
• Do not use Medtronic in-line-powered external devices adjacent to, or stacked with,
other electronic devices. Using Medtronic devices in these configurations may result in
decreased electromagnetic immunity of the Medtronic devices or systems.

56 English ACT Plus® Operator’s Manual

M950403A001 Rev 1A 4/17/12 10:10 AM Medtronic Confidential

5.5" x 7.75" (139.7 mm x 196.85 mm) CS0010

Appendix A: Optional Bar Code Scanner LS1900

The Symbol®1 LS1900 Series scanner is compatible with the ACT Plus®
instrument. The scanner will read the following barcode formats:
■ Code 39
■ Code 39 With Check Digit (Mod 10)
■ Code 39 Full ASCII
■ Interleave 2 of 5
■ Interleave 2 of 5 with Check Digit (Mod 49)
■ Codabar
■ Code128

Parts of the LS1900 Series Scanner

Figure 8. Bar Code Scanner

1. Light Emitting Diode (LED)
2. Beeper
3. Trigger
4. Exit Window

1 Symbol® is a registered trademark of Symbol Technologies, Inc.

ACT Plus® Operator’s Manual English 57

M950403A001 Rev 1A 4/17/12 10:10 AM Medtronic Confidential

5.5" x 7.75" (139.7 mm x 196.85 mm) CS0010

Scanning in Hand-Held Mode

1. Connect the scanner cable to the ACT Plus® instrument. The scanner will
beep when power is on.
2. Aim the scanner at the bar code and press the trigger.
3. Be sure that the red line from the scanner goes across the entire bar code.

Figure 9. Correct scan location

When the scanner has successfully decoded the bar code, the scanner will beep,
and the information will be entered into the ACT Plus® instrument.

Setting Bar Code Format Options

The scanner is preset to read UIDs and PIDs in format Code 39 With Check Digit
(Mod 10), Interleave 2 of 5 with Check Digit (Mod 49), Codabar and Code 128. It is
also preset to read the cartridge/ control information.
To set additional barcode format options:
Code 39
Scan the “Enable Code 39 Check Digit” barcode if the UID/PID barcodes use Code
39 check digit to verify a correct scan.

Figure 10. Enable Code 39 Check Digit

Scan the “Disable Code 39 Check Digit” barcode if the UID/PID barcodes do not
use Code 39 check digit to verify a correct scan. The default setting is Code 39
Disabled, so this barcode should only be used if Code 39 was mistakenly enabled
in the previous step.
Note: Disabling the Code 39 Check Digit will allow the scanner to scan a barcode
that has the check digit and add it to the data.

Figure 11. Disable Code 39 Check Digit

58 English ACT Plus® Operator’s Manual

M950403A001 Rev 1A 4/17/12 10:10 AM Medtronic Confidential

5.5" x 7.75" (139.7 mm x 196.85 mm) CS0010

Scan the "Code 39 Full ASCII Conversion" bar code to allow for use of Code 39 full
ASCII barcodes.

Figure 12. Enable Code 39 Full ASCII

Interleave 2 of 5
Scan the "Enable Interleave 2 of 5 Check Digit" barcode if the UID/PID barcodes
use Interleave 2 of 5 check digit to verify a correct scan.

Figure 13. USS Check Digit

Scan the "Interleave 2 of 5 Any Length" bar code for use of Interleave 2 of 5
barcodes with any lengths.

Figure 14. 2 of 5 - Any Length

Scan the "Disable Interleave 2 of 5 Check Digit" barcode if the UID/PID barcodes
do not use Interleave 2 of 5 check digit to verify a correct scan. The default setting
is Interleave 2 of 5 Disabled so this barcode should only be used if Interleave 2 of
5 was mistakenly enabled in the previous step.
Note: Disabling the Interleave 2 of 5 Check Digit will allow the scanner to scan a
barcode that has the check digit and add it to the data.

Figure 15. Disable

ACT Plus® Operator’s Manual English 59

M950403A001 Rev 1A 4/17/12 10:11 AM Medtronic Confidential

5.5" x 7.75" (139.7 mm x 196.85 mm) CS0010

Scan the "Codabar" bar code to allow the use of Codabar for scanning User and
Patient IDs.

Figure 16. Enable Codabar

Scan the "NOTIS Editing Enable" barcode if the UID/PID barcodes use Codabar
barcode format. The NOTIS Editing Enable barcode will remove the Start/Stop
characters imbedded in the Codabar barcodes.

Figure 17. Enable NOTIS Editing

Nothing happens when you follow the Interface/power cables are loose. Check for
operating instructions. loose cable connections.
The laser comes on, but the symbol does not The scanner is not programmed for the
decode. correct bar code type. Be sure the scanner
is programmed to read the type of bar code
you are scanning.
The bar code symbol is unreadable. Check
the symbol to make sure it is not defaced.
Try scanning test symbols of the same bar
code type.
The distance between the scanner and bar
code is incorrect. Move the scanner closer
to the bar code.
The symbol is decoded, but not transmitted The scanner is not programmed for the
to the host. correct bar code type. Be sure the scanner
is programmed to read the type of bar code
being scanned.

If the bar code scanner does not read the bar code on the ACT Plus® disposable
packaging, reset the defaults before calling Medtronic Instrument Service. To reset
the defaults, follow this procedure, and try to rescan the packaging.

60 English ACT Plus® Operator’s Manual

M950403A001 Rev 1A 4/17/12 10:11 AM Medtronic Confidential

5.5" x 7.75" (139.7 mm x 196.85 mm) CS0010

Procedure for setting the defaults:

1. To ensure that the scanner is reset, first scan the Set All Defaults bar code.

Figure 18. Set All Defaults bar code

2. Scan the “Low Volume” bar code, unless a different volume is desired.

Figure 19. Low Volume bar code

3. Scan the "Transmit Code ID" barcode to allow the barcode scanner to
transmit the ID of Barcode format along with the data of the barcode that was
just scanned.

Figure 20. Transmit Code ID

4. Scan the “Enable UCC/EAN-128” bar code. The cartridges and controls use
this format.

Figure 21. Enable UCC/EAN-128 bar code

5. Scan the “Scan Prefix” bar code, then scan the following numbers: 1, 0, 0, 2.

Figure 22. Scan Prefix bar code

Figure 23. 1 bar code

ACT Plus® Operator’s Manual English 61

M950403A001 Rev 1A 4/17/12 10:11 AM Medtronic Confidential

5.5" x 7.75" (139.7 mm x 196.85 mm) CS0010

Figure 24. 0 bar code

Figure 25. 0 bar code

Figure 26. 2 bar code

6. Scan the “Scan Suffix” bar code, then scan the following numbers: 1, 0, 0, 3.

Figure 27. Scan Suffix bar code

Figure 28. 1 bar code

Figure 29. 0 bar code

Figure 30. 0 bar code

Figure 31. 3 bar code

62 English ACT Plus® Operator’s Manual

M950403A001 Rev 1A 4/17/12 10:11 AM Medtronic Confidential

5.5" x 7.75" (139.7 mm x 196.85 mm) CS0010

7. Scan the “Scan Options” bar code, then scan the "Prefix Data Suffix" bar

Figure 32. Scan Options bar code

Figure 33. Prefix Data Suffix bar code

8. Scan the “Enter” bar code. This completes the procedure. The bar code
scanner will now work with the ACT Plus® instrument.

Figure 34. Enter bar code

ACT Plus® Operator’s Manual English 63

M950403A001 Rev 1A 4/17/12 10:11 AM Medtronic Confidential

5.5" x 7.75" (139.7 mm x 196.85 mm) CS0010

64 English ACT Plus® Operator’s Manual

M950403A001 Rev 1A 4/17/12 10:11 AM Medtronic Confidential

5.5" x 7.75" (139.7 mm x 196.85 mm) CS0010

Appendix B: Optional Bar Code Scanner LS2208

The Symbol®1 LS2208 scanner is compatible with the ACT Plus® instrument. The
scanner will read the following bar code formats:
■ Code 39
■ Code 39 with Check Digit (Mod 10)
■ Code 39 Full ASCII
■ Interleave 2 of 5
■ Interleave 2 of 5 with Check Digit (Mod 49)
■ Codabar
■ Code128

Parts of the LS2208 Scanner


1. Light Emitting Diode (LED)
2. Beeper
3. Trigger
4. Exit Window

Figure 35.
1 Symbol® is a registered trademark of Symbol Technologies, Inc.

ACT Plus® Operator’s Manual English 65

M950403A001 Rev 1A 4/17/12 10:11 AM Medtronic Confidential

5.5" x 7.75" (139.7 mm x 196.85 mm) CS0010

Scanning in Hand-Held Mode

1. Connect the scanner cable to the bar code scanner and the ACT Plus®
instrument. The scanner will beep when power is on.
2. Aim the scanner at the bar code and press the trigger.
3. Be sure that the red line from the scanner goes across the entire bar code.

Figure 36. Correct scan location

When the scanner has successfully decoded the bar code, the scanner will beep,
and the information will be entered into the ACT Plus® instrument.

Setting Bar Code Format Options

1. Scan the following bar codes in sequence. The scanner will beep when it
successfully reads a setup bar code. If you make an error, start over.
2. Scan the "Reset Default Values" bar code (Figure 37).

Figure 37. Reset Default Values bar code

3. Scan the "IBM PC/AT & IBM PC compatibles" bar code (Figure 38) to set
communication to a PC.

Figure 38. IBM PC/AT and IBM PC Compatibles bar code

4. Scan the "Low Volume" bar code (Figure 39) to set the volume mode to Low.

Figure 39. Low Volume bar code

5. Scan the "Interleave 2 of 5 to Any Length" bar code (Figure 40).

66 English ACT Plus® Operator’s Manual

M950403A001 Rev 1A 4/17/12 10:11 AM Medtronic Confidential

5.5" x 7.75" (139.7 mm x 196.85 mm) CS0010

Figure 40. 2 of 5 Any Length bar code

6. Scan the “Enable Codabar” bar code (Figure 41).

Figure 41. Enable Codabar bar code

7. Scan the "Enable NOTIS Editing" bar code to enable Notis editing for
Codabar format (Figure 42).

Figure 42. Enable Notis Editing bar code

8. Scan the "Transmit code ID" bar code to enable the Transmit Code ID function
(Figure 43).

Figure 43. Transmit Code ID bar code

9. To format UCC/EAN-128 for reading cartridges/controls, scan the "Scan
Prefix" bar code, then scan the following numbers: 1, 0, 0, 2.

Figure 44. Scan Prefix bar code

Figure 45. 1 bar code

ACT Plus® Operator’s Manual English 67

M950403A001 Rev 1A 4/17/12 10:11 AM Medtronic Confidential

5.5" x 7.75" (139.7 mm x 196.85 mm) CS0010

Figure 46. 0 bar code

Figure 47. 0 bar code

Figure 48. 2 bar code

10. To format UCC/EAN-128 for reading cartridges/controls, scan the "Scan
Suffix" bar code, then scan the following numbers: 1, 0, 0, 3.

Figure 49. Scan Suffix bar code

Figure 50. 1 bar code

Figure 51. 0 bar code

Figure 52. 0 bar code

68 English ACT Plus® Operator’s Manual

M950403A001 Rev 1A 4/17/12 10:11 AM Medtronic Confidential

5.5" x 7.75" (139.7 mm x 196.85 mm) CS0010

Figure 53. 3 bar code

11. To format UCC/EAN-128 for reading cartridges/controls, scan the "Scan
Options" and "Prefix Data Suffix" bar codes.

Figure 54. Scan Options bar code

Figure 55. Prefix Data Suffix bar code

12. Scan the "Enter" bar code to accept the entered values.

Figure 56. Enter bar code

ACT Plus® Operator’s Manual English 69

M950403A001 Rev 1A 4/17/12 10:11 AM Medtronic Confidential

5.5" x 7.75" (139.7 mm x 196.85 mm) CS0010

Bar Code Scanner Installation Instructions

1. Remove the 2 Phillips screws using a #2 screwdriver.
2. Install the bracket as shown in Figure 57 and secure with the 2 screws
removed in Step 1.

Figure 57.
3. Plug the interface modular connector into the cable interface port on the
bottom of the scanner handle.
4. Connect the other end of the cable to the connector on the back of the ACT
Plus (Figure 58).

Figure 58.

70 English ACT Plus® Operator’s Manual

M950403A001 Rev 1A 4/17/12 10:11 AM Medtronic Confidential

5.5" x 7.75" (139.7 mm x 196.85 mm) CS0010

Appendix C: Warranties
The following LIMITED WARRANTY Applies to United States Customers
A. This LIMITED WARRANTY provides the following assurance to the
purchaser of the Medtronic® Automated Coagulation Timer Plus®, hereafter
referred to as the “Equipment”:
(1) Should the Equipment fail to function within normal tolerances due to a
defect in materials or workmanship within a period of one (1) year,
commencing with the delivery of the Equipment to the purchaser,
Medtronic will at its option: (a) repair or replace any part or parts of the
Equipment; (b) issue a credit to the purchaser equal to the Purchase
Price, as defined in Subsection A(2), against the purchase of the
replacement Equipment; or (c) provide a functionally comparable
replacement Equipment at no charge.
(2) As used herein, Purchase Price shall mean the lesser of the net invoiced
price of the original, or current functionally comparable, or replacement
B. To qualify for the repair, replacement or credit set forth in Section A, the
following conditions must be met:
(1) The Equipment must be returned to Medtronic within thirty (30) days after
discovery of the defect (Medtronic may, at its option, repair the Equipment
on the Customer’s site).
(2) The Equipment must not have been repaired or altered either (i) outside
of Medtronic's factory or (ii) by any person not authorized by Medtronic to
repair the Equipment in any way which, in the judgment of Medtronic,
affects its stability and reliability. The Equipment must not have been
subjected to misuse, abuse or accident.
C. This LIMITED WARRANTY is limited to its express terms. In particular:
(1) Except as expressly provided by this LIMITED WARRANTY,
(2) This LIMITED WARRANTY is made only to the purchaser of the
1 This LIMITED WARRANTY is provided by Medtronic, Inc., 710 Medtronic Parkway, Minneapolis, MN
55432. It applies only in the United States. Areas outside the United States should contact their local
Medtronic representative for exact terms of the LIMITED WARRANTY.

ACT Plus® Operator’s Manual English 71

M950403A001 Rev 1A 4/17/12 10:11 AM Medtronic Confidential

5.5" x 7.75" (139.7 mm x 196.85 mm) CS0010


(3) The exclusions and limitations set out above are not intended to, and
should not be construed so as to, contravene mandatory provisions of
applicable law. If any part or term of this LIMITED WARRANTY is held to
be illegal, unenforceable or in conflict with applicable law by a court of
competent jurisdiction, the validity of the remaining portions of the
LIMITED WARRANTY shall not be affected, and all rights and obligations
shall be construed and enforced as if this LIMITED WARRANTY did not
contain the particular part or term held to be invalid. This LIMITED
WARRANTY gives the purchaser specific legal rights. The purchaser may
also have other rights which vary from state to state.
(4) No person has any authority to bind Medtronic to any representation,
condition or warranty with respect to the Equipment other than as set forth


The following Limited Warranty Applies to Customers Outside the United
A. This LIMITED WARRANTY provides the following assurance to the
purchaser of the Medtronic® Automated Coagulation Timer Plus®, hereafter
referred to as the “Equipment,” that should the Equipment fail to function
within normal tolerances due to a defect in materials or workmanship within a
period of one (1) year, commencing with the delivery of the Equipment to the
purchaser, Medtronic will at its option: (a) repair or replace any defective part
or parts of the Equipment; (b) issue a credit equal to the original Equipment
purchase price (but not to exceed the value of the replacement Equipment),
against the purchase of replacement Equipment; or (c) provide functionally
comparable replacement Equipment at no charge.
B. To qualify for this repair, replacement or credit, the following conditions must
be met:
(1) The Equipment must be returned to Medtronic within sixty (60) days after
discovery of the defect (Medtronic may, at its option, repair the Equipment
on site).
(2) The Equipment must not have been repaired or altered by someone other
than Medtronic in any way which, in the judgment of Medtronic, affects its
stability and reliability.
(3) The Equipment must not have been subjected to misuse, abuse or

1 This LIMITED WARRANTY is provided by Medtronic, Inc., 710 Medtronic Parkway, Minneapolis, MN
55432. Areas outside the United States should contact their local Medtronic representative for exact
terms of the LIMITED WARRANTY.

72 English ACT Plus® Operator’s Manual

M950403A001 Rev 1A 4/17/12 10:11 AM Medtronic Confidential

5.5" x 7.75" (139.7 mm x 196.85 mm) CS0010

C. This LIMITED WARRANTY is limited to its express terms. In particular,

Medtronic is not responsible for any incidental or consequential damages
based on any use, defect or failure of the Equipment, whether the claim is
based on warranty, contract, tort or otherwise.
D. The exclusions and limitations set out above are not intended to, and should
not be construed so as to, contravene mandatory provisions of applicable law.
If any part or term of this LIMITED WARRANTY is held by any court of
competent jurisdiction to be illegal, unenforceable or in conflict with applicable
law, the validity of the remaining portion of the LIMITED WARRANTY shall not
be affected, and all rights and obligations shall be construed and enforced as
if this LIMITED WARRANTY did not contain the particular part or term held to
be invalid.

ACT Plus® Operator’s Manual English 73

M950403A001 Rev 1A 4/17/12 10:11 AM Medtronic Confidential

5.5" x 7.75" (139.7 mm x 196.85 mm) CS0010

74 English ACT Plus® Operator’s Manual

M950403A001 Rev 1A 4/17/12 10:11 AM

Medtronic Confidential
5.5" x 7.75" (139.7 mm x 196.85 mm) CS0010

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Medtronic Confidential
5.5" x 7.75" (139.7 mm x 196.85 mm) CS0010

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