Mes Schedule of Rates-2014
Mes Schedule of Rates-2014
Mes Schedule of Rates-2014
01-06 Excavation over areas as in Ordinary Cum 151.24
Soil upto 1.5 m depth in foundation/ to
obtain earth for filling under floors / areas
etc Or for shafts, wells exceeding 30 sqm
each, throw earth clear of edges of
excavation within 10m.
01-11 Add to item 01-01 and 01-02 for each Cum 135.86
additional 1.5 M lift or part thereof.
01-12 Add to item 01-03, 01-04 and 01-05 for Cum 150.54
each additional 1.5 M lift or part thereof.
01-13 Add to item 01-06 and 01-07 for each Cum 100.21
additional 1.5 M lift or part thereof.
01-14 Add to item 01-08, 01-09 and 01-10 for Cum 150.54
each additional 1.5 M lift or part thereof.
Earth Filling
01-15 Earth filling as in Ordinary or hard soil Cum 160.33
,filling in foundation , pipe trenches, shafs,
wells, independent holes, under floors or
around plinth etc, 1.5 M below or above
Ground Level (GL), with spoil obtained from
excavation in trenches/over areas within
10m including watering and compaction in
150mm layer and dressing to required
profile and shape.
01-16 Add to item 01-15 for each additional 1.5 M Cum 32.07
lift or part thereof, above or below GL.
01-17 Load "excavated spoil", as in soil/rock on Cum 280.12
truck/trolly or any other means, carry
beyond 10 meters (specified in items 01-01
to 01-10) upto 100 meters or part thereof,
unload and stack or spread
01-18 Load "materials" (like demolished brick Cum 252.11 501.28
bats, bricks, sand and bitumen etc) on
truck/trolly or any other means, carry
beyond 10 meters (specified in items 01-01
to 01-10) upto 100 meters or part thereof,
unload and stack or spread
01-19 Add for carrying soil/ rock beyond 100M Cum 30.38
upto 500M or part thereof, on Macadam/
Katcha road
01-20 Add for carrying soil/ rock for eack Cum 24.31 218.79
susequent 500M or part thereof, on
Macadam/ Katcha road
01-21 Excavate hill side slips or similar loose Cum 191.23
material of any description and remove to a
distance not exceeding 25 meters and
deposit where directed, (loose or packed
measure is to be converted into solid
Collection of Materials
02-01 Collection of sand, bajri and shingle within Cum 282.09
a radius of 25 M and stacking to template
(1/12th to be deducted from measured
quantum of stack)
02-02 Screening bajri, shingle or Metal as Cum 192.88
directed and within a radius of 25 M and
stacking to template (Measurement to be
taken before screening) Using one screen.
02-03 Cut or fill in Granular Soil not exceeding Sqm 13.42
150 mm, compact formation surface by
compacting equipment and roller upto
100% Modified AASHTO density, incl filling
in depression with hard soil.
02-06 Cut or fill in soft or hard soil not exceeding Sqm 12.15
150 mm, dry roll and compact formation
surface by power roller including filling in
depression with hard soil.
Bottoming/sub base
02-11 Bottoming/sub base 115 mm thick as Sqm 906.02
specified using over burnt brick (without
02-12 Bottoming/sub base 150 mm thick as Sqm 1134.59
specified using over burnt brick (without
02-13 Bottoming/sub base 230 mm thick as Sqm 1812.06
specified using over burnt brick (without
02-14 Bottoming/ sub base of any thickness as Cum 1336.64
specified using soil aggregate of CBR-30
laid and compacted to 100% modified
AASHTO density by appropriate
compacting equipment and roller.
Repair etc
02-48 Scarifying water bound macadam surfaces Sqm 19.75
by hand or by power not exceeding 50 mm
deep including removing to not exceeding
50 meters and stacking for reuse, all as
02-49 Add to item 02-48 for every 25mm or part Sqm 9.88
thereoff beyond 50mm deep incl removing
not exc 50 M and stacking for reuse.
02-54 Repair to pot holes not exceeding one Sqm Sqm 554.80
each in surface of roads by scarifying
surfaces cutting edges at least 25 mm
deep, sweeping freee from dust and mud,
coating surface with asphalt bitumen and
filling premix of broken or crushed stone
and ramming it well
02-55 Repair to pot holes not exceeding one Sqm Sqm 452.47
each in surface of roads by scarigying
surface cutting edges at least 25 mm deep,
sweeping free from dust and mud, coating
surface with cold dressing and filling with
premix of crushed stone and asphalt
bitumen and ramming it well
02-56 Repair to pot holes not exceeding one Sqm Sqm 170.01
each in surface of roads by scarifying
surfaces cutting edges at least 25 mm
deep, sweeping freee from dust and mud,
coating surface with asphalt bitumen and
filling premix of broken or crushed stone
and ramming it well except the cost of
02-57 Repair to pot holes not exceeding one Sqm Sqm 112.36
each in surface of roads by scarigying
surface cutting edges at least 25 mm deep,
sweeping free from dust and mud, coating
surface with cold dressing and filling with
premix of crushed stone and asphalt
bitumen and ramming it well but except the
cost of cold emulsion.
Expansion Joints.
02-96 Labour and necessary material for forming Sqm 332.52
of expansion joint 13 mm wide and leaving
the joint clear for filling (length of joint
multiplied by thickness of joint).The filling of
joints with requisite filler will be carried out
by specialists or by departmental labour.
03-01 Providing and laying of Plum concrete Cum 4537.59
concrete 1:4:8, with coarse aggreagate
graded as specified with 15% boulders
03-02 Providing and laying of Plum concrete Cum 5040.79
concrete Type C, with coarse aggreagate
graded as specified with 15% boulders
03-17 Providing and laying reinforced cement Cum 7008.10
concrete Type B using shingle or gravel in
foundations, independent column footings,
solid floors etc including form work as
specified. Reinforcement measured and
paid separately
03-18 Providing and laying reinforced cement Cum 7350.07
concrete Type B using crushed or broken
stone in foundations, independent column
footings, solid floors etc including form work
as specified. Reinforcement measured and
paid separately
04-01 Sun dried brick work in mud mortar Cum 3958.06
04-02 Burnt brick work straight or to curve with Cum 8113.03
inner radius of 6 m and over, laid and
jointed in mud mortar
04-03 Burnt brick work straight or to curve with Cum 8548.71
inner radius of less than 6 m , laid and
jointed in mud mortar
Brick Work (Ground Floor)
04-04 Burnt brick work in wall 115 mm thick laid Cum 10258.30
and jointed in cement mortar 1:3 straight or
to curve with inner radius of 6 m and over
upto G.F roof level
04-05 Burnt brick work in wall 115 mm thick laid Cum 9992.70
and jointed in cement mortar 1:4 straight or
to curve with inner radius of 6 m and over
upto G.F roof level
04-06 Burnt brick work in wall 115 mm thick laid Cum 9685.67
and jointed in cement mortar 1:6 straight or
to curve with inner radius of 6 m and over
upto G.F roof level
04-07 Burnt brick work in wall over 115 mm thick Cum 9624.36
laid and jointed in cement mortar 1:3
straight or to curve with inner radius of 6 m
and over upto G.F roof level.
04-08 Burnt brick work in wall over 115 mm thick Cum 9356.68
laid and jointed in cement mortar 1:4
straight or to curve with inner radius of 6 m
and over upto G.F roof level.
04-09 Burnt brick work in wall over 115 mm thick Cum 9052.60
laid and jointed in cement mortar 1:6
straight or to curve with inner radius of 6 m
and over upto G.F roof level.
Brick Work (First Floor)
04-10 Burnt brick work in wall 115 mm thick laid Cum 10420.88
and jointed in cement mortar 1:3 straight or
to curve with inner radius of 6 m and over
upto 1st floor roof level
04-11 Burnt brick work in wall 115 mm thick laid Cum 10153.44
and jointed in cement mortar 1:4 straight or
to curve with inner radius of 6 m and over
upto 1st floor roof level
04-12 Burnt brick work in wall 115 mm thick laid Cum 9851.13
and jointed in cement mortar 1:6 straight or
to curve with inner radius of 6 m and over
upto 1st floor roof level
04-13 Burnt brick work in walls over 115 mm thick Cum 9755.72
laid and jointed in cement mortar 1:3
straight or to curve with inner radius of 6 m
and over upto 1st floor roof level
04-14 Burnt brick work in walls over 115 mm thick Cum 9488.28
laid and jointed in cement mortar 1:4
straight or to curve with inner radius of 6 m
and over upto 1st floor roof level
04-15 Burnt brick work in walls over 115 mm thick Cum 9188.89
laid and jointed in cement mortar 1:6
straight or to curve with inner radius of 6 m
and over upto 1st floor roof level
Brick Work (Second Floor)
04-16 Burnt brick work in walls 115 mm thick laid Cum 10583.19
and jointed in cement mortar 1:3 straight or
to curve with inner radius of 6 m and over
upto 2nd floor roof level
04-17 Burnt brick work in walls 115 mm thick laid Cum 10315.91
and jointed in cement mortar 1:4 straight or
to curve with inner radius of 6 m and over
upto 2nd floor roof level
04-18 Burnt brick work in walls 115 mm thick laid Cum 10013.44
and jointed in cement mortar 1:6 straight or
to curve with inner radius of 6 m and over
upto 2nd floor roof level
04-19 Burnt brick work in wall over 115 mm thick Cum 9886.96
laid and jointed in cement mortar 1:3
straight or to curve with inner radius of 6 m
and over upto 2nd floor roof level
04-20 Burnt brick work in wall over 115 mm thick Cum 9619.53
laid and jointed in cement mortar 1:4
straight or to curve with inner radius of 6 m
and over upto 2nd floor roof level
04-21 Burnt brick work in wall over 115 mm thick Cum 9317.20
laid and jointed in cement mortar 1:6
straight or to curve with inner radius of 6 m
and over upto 2nd floor roof level
Brick Work (Below Ground)
04-22 Burnt brick work in wall 115 mm thick laid Cum 10906.86
and jointed in cement mortar 1:3 straight or
to curve with inner radius of 6 m and over
upto 4.25 m depth
04-23 Burnt brick work in wall 115 mm thick laid Cum 10639.59
and jointed in cement mortar 1:4 straight or
to curve with inner radius of 6 m and over
upto 4.25 m depth
04-24 Burnt brick work in wall 115 mm thick laid Cum 10337.27
and jointed in cement mortar 1:6 straight or
to curve with inner radius of 6 m and over
upto 4.25 m depth
04-25 Burnt brick work in wall over 115 mm thick Cum 10059.79
laid and jointed in cement mortar 1:3
straight or to curve with inner radius of 6 m
and over upto 4.25 m depth
04-26 Burnt brick work in wall over 115 mm thick Cum 9792.35
laid and jointed in cement mortar 1:4
straight or to curve with inner radius of 6 m
and over upto 4.25 m depth
04-27 Burnt brick work in wall over 115 mm thick Cum 9491.08
laid and jointed in cement mortar 1:6
straight or to curve with inner radius of 6 m
and over upto 4.25 m depth
04-28 Burnt brick work in wall 115 mm thick laid Cum 11101.99
and jointed in cement mortar 1:3 straight or
to curve with inner radius of 6 m and over
from 4.25 m to 8.25 m depth
04-29 Burnt brick work in wall 115 mm thick laid Cum 10852.02
and jointed in cement mortar 1:4 straight or
to curve with inner radius of 6 m and over
from 4.25 m to 8.25 m depth
04-30 Burnt brick work in wall 115 mm thick laid Cum 10532.24
and jointed in cement mortar 1:6 straight or
to curve with inner radius of 6 m and over
from 4.25 m to 8.25 m depth
04-31 Burnt brick work in wall over 115 mm thick Cum 10091.81
laid and jointed in cement mortar 1:3
straight or to curve with inner radius of 6 m
and over from 4.25 m to 8.25 m depth
04-32 Burnt brick work in wall over 115 mm thick Cum 9824.39
laid and jointed in cement mortar 1:4
straight or to curve with inner radius of 6 m
and over from 4.25 m to 8.25 m depth
04-33 Burnt brick work in wall over 115 mm thick Cum 9522.06
laid and jointed in cement mortar 1:6
straight or to curve with inner radius of 6 m
and over from 4.25 m to 8.25 m depth
04-34 Burnt brick work in wall 115 mm thick laid Cum 11306.48
and jointed in cement mortar 1:3 straight or
to curve with inner radius of 6 m and over
from 8.25 to 12 m depth
04-35 Burnt brick work in wall 115 mm thick laid Cum 11039.04
and jointed in cement mortar 1:4 straight or
to curve with inner radius of 6 m and over
from 8.25 to 12 m depth
04-36 Burnt brick work in wall 115 mm thick laid Cum 10736.73
and jointed in cement mortar 1:6 straight or
to curve with inner radius of 6 m and over
from 8.25 to 12 m depth
04-37 Burnt brick work in wall over 115 mm thic Cum 10258.30
laid and jointed in cement mortar 1:3
straight or to curve with inner radius of 6 m
and over from 8.25 to 12 m depth complete
all as specified
04-38 Burnt brick work in wall over 115 mm thic Cum 10132.75
laid and jointed in cement mortar 1:4
straight or to curve with inner radius of 6 m
and over from 8.25 to 12 m depth complete
all as specified
04-39 Burnt brick work in wall over 115 mm thic Cum 9657.99
laid and jointed in cement mortar 1:6
straight or to curve with inner radius of 6 m
and over from 8.25 to 12 m depth complete
all as specified
Brick Work (Machine Made)
04-40 Machine made burnt brick work in wall 115 Cum 15678.32
mm thick laid and jointed in cement mortar
1:3 straight or to curve with inner radius of
6 m and over upto G.F roof level
04-41 Machine made burnt brick work in wall 115 Cum 15473.48
mm thick laid and jointed in cement mortar
1:4 straight or to curve with inner radius of
6 m and over upto G.F roof level
04-42 Machine made burnt brick work in wall 115 Cum 15242.74
mm thick laid and jointed in cement mortar
1:6 straight or to curve with inner radius of
6 m and over upto G.F roof level
04-43 Machine made burnt brick work in wall over Cum 15481.43
115 mm thick laid and jointed in cement
mortar 1:3 straight or to curve with inner
radius of 6 m and over upto G.F roof level
04-44 Machine made burnt brick work in wall over Cum 15276.59
115 mm thick laid and jointed in cement
mortar 1:4 straight or to curve with inner
radius of 6 m and over upto G.F roof level
04-45 Machine made burnt brick work in wall over Cum 15045.85
115 mm thick laid and jointed in cement
mortar 1:6 straight or to curve with inner
radius of 6 m and over upto G.F roof level
04-46 Machine made burnt brick work in wall 115 Cum 15905.18
mm thick laid and jointed in cement mortar
1:3 straight or to curve with inner radius of
6 m and over upto first floor roof level
04-47 Machine made burnt brick work in wall 115 Cum 15700.34
mm thick laid and jointed in cement mortar
1:4 straight or to curve with inner radius of
6 m and over upto first floor roof level
04-48 Machine made burnt brick work in wall 115 Cum 15469.60
mm thick laid and jointed in cement mortar
1:6 straight or to curve with inner radius of
6 m and over upto first floor roof level
04-49 Machine made burnt brick work in wall over Cum 15698.60
115 mm thick laid and jointed in cement
mortar 1:3 straight or to curve with inner
radius of 6 m and over upto first floor roof
04-50 Machine made burnt brick work in wall over Cum 15493.75
115 mm thick laid and jointed in cement
mortar 1:4 straight or to curve with inner
radius of 6 m and over upto first floor roof
04-51 Machine made burnt brick work in wall over Cum 15263.01
115 mm thick laid and jointed in cement
mortar 1:6 straight or to curve with inner
radius of 6 m and over upto first floor roof
04-52 Machine made burnt brick work in wall 115 Cum 16131.50
mm thick laid and jointed in cement mortar
1:3 straight or to curve with inner radius of
6 m and over upto 2nd floor roof level
04-53 Machine made burnt brick work in wall 115 Cum 15926.66
mm thick laid and jointed in cement mortar
1:4 straight or to curve with inner radius of
6 m and over upto 2nd floor roof level
04-54 Machine made burnt brick work in wall 115 Cum 15694.96
mm thick laid and jointed in cement mortar
1:6 straight or to curve with inner radius of
6 m and over upto 2nd floor roof level
04-55 Machine made burnt brick work in wall over Cum 15914.94
115 mm thick laid and jointed in cement
mortar 1:3 straight or to curve with inner
radius of 6 m and over upto 2nd floor roof
04-56 Machine made burnt brick work in wall over Cum 15710.13
115 mm thick laid and jointed in cement
mortar 1:4 straight or to curve with inner
radius of 6 m and over upto 2nd floor roof
04-57 Machine made burnt brick work in wall over Cum 15479.38
115 mm thick laid and jointed in cement
mortar 1:6 straight or to curve with inner
radius of 6 m and over upto 2nd floor roof
Additional labour cost
04-58 Additional labour cost for each storey of Cum 291.13
building above 2nd floor roof level for burnt
brick work straight or curve with inner
radius of 6 m and over in any mortar
04-67 Burnt brick work in wall 115 mm thick laid Cum 12882.53
and jointed in cement mortar 1:4 straight or
to curve with inner radius of less than 6 m,
above 4.25 m to 8.25 m depth
04-68 Burnt brick work in wall 115 mm thick laid Cum 12580.21
and jointed in cement mortar 1:6 straight or
to curve with inner radius of less than 6 m,
above 4.25 m to 8.25 m depth
04-69 Burnt brick work in wall over 115 mm thick Cum 11633.78
laid and jointed in cement mortar 1:3
straight or to cuve with inner radius of less
than 6 m, above 4.25 m to 8.25 m depth.
04-70 Burnt brick work in wall over 115 mm thick Cum 11555.52
laid and jointed in cement mortar 1:4
straight or to cuve with inner radius of less
than 6 m, above 4.25 m to 8.25 m depth.
04-71 Burnt brick work in wall over 115 mm thick Cum 11253.21
laid and jointed in cement mortar 1:6
straight or to cuve with inner radius of less
than 6 m, above 4.25 m to 8.25 m depth.
04-72 Burnt brick work in wall 115 mm thick laid Cum 13456.94
and jointed in cement mortar 1:3 straight or
to curve with inner radius of less than 6 m,
above 8.25 m to 12 m depth
04-73 Burnt brick work in wall 115 mm thick laid Cum 13189.50
and jointed in cement mortar 1:4 straight or
to curve with inner radius of less than 6 m,
above 8.25 m to 12 m depth
04-74 Burnt brick work in wall 115 mm thick laid Cum 12887.18
and jointed in cement mortar 1:6 straight or
to curve with inner radius of less than 6 m,
above 8.25 m to 12 m depth
04-75 Burnt brick work in wall over 115 mm thick Cum 12088.79
laid and jointed in cement mortar 1:3
straight or to curve with inner radius of less
than 6 m, above 8.25 m to 12 m depth
04-76 Burnt brick work in wall over 115 mm thick Cum 11821.36
laid and jointed in cement mortar 1:4
straight or to curve with inner radius of less
than 6 m, above 8.25 m to 12 m depth
04-77 Burnt brick work in wall over 115 mm thick Cum 11519.04
laid and jointed in cement mortar 1:6
straight or to curve with inner radius of less
than 6 m, above 8.25 m to 12 m depth
04-78 Cut and rubbed brick work in arches and Cum 25371.03
vaults, etc laid and jointed in cement mortar
04-79 Cut and rubbed brick work in arches and Cum 25103.60
vaults, etc laid and jointed in cement mortar
Honeycomb Brick work:
04-80 Brick work in honey comb walls any Cum 5961.44
description laid and jointed in cement
mortar 1:3.
04-81 Brick work in honey comb walls any Cum 5846.92
description laid and jointed in cement
mortar 1:4.
04-82 Brick work in honey comb walls any Cum 5737.06
description laid and jointed in cement
mortar 1:6.
Fire Bricks.
04-83 Fire brick work set and jointed in fire clay. Cum 63671.89
04-84 Fire brick work set and jointed in fire clay Cum 8602.12
(except cost of brick)
Cavity Walls:
04-85 Extra to brick work for forming cavity, 57 Sqm 696.26
mm wide, laid and jointed in cement mortar,
1:3 as specified. One face of wall to be
04-86 Extra to brick work for forming cavity, 57 Sqm 696.26
mm wide, laid and jointed in cement mortar,
1:4 as specified. One face of wall to be
04-87 Extra to brick work for forming cavity, 57 Sqm 696.26
mm wide, laid and jointed in cement mortar,
1:6 as specified. One face of wall to be
04-88 Facing with machine made tiles built in CM Sqm 2763.30
1:3 (228 mm x 114 mm x 43 mm to 47 mm
Pointing to Brick work:
04-89 Pointing flush, or recessed in CM 1:3 to old Sqm 284.35
or new brick work built in any mortar
04-90 Pointing flush, or recessed in CM 1:4 to old Sqm 279.11
or new brick work built in any mortar
04-91 Pointing flush, or recessed in CM 1:6 to old Sqm 273.69
or new brick work built in any mortar
04-92 Tuck pointing in CM 1:3 to old or new brick Sqm 337.24
work built in any mortar
04-93 Tuck pointing in CM 1:4 to old or new brick Sqm 331.99
work built in any mortar
04-94 Tuck pointing in CM 1:6 to old or new brick Sqm 326.57
work built in any mortar
04-95 Struck pointing in CM 1:1 to old or new Sqm 364.79
brick work built in any mortar.
04-96 Struck pointing in CM 1:2 to old or new Sqm 330.15
brick work built in any mortar.
04-97 Racking out joints of old walls built in any Sqm 253.86
mortar, including preparing surface for
Damp Proof Courses (DPC)
04-98 13 mm thick DPC of CM 1:3 mixed with Sqm 350.37
pudlo(or other similar approved mateial )3%
by weight
04-99 20 mm thick DPC of CM 1:3 mixed with Sqm 525.78
pudlo or other similar approved mateial 3%
by weight
04-100 DPC of hessien cloth No. 2 impregnated Sqm 280.69
with bitumen (hot application) as specified
04-105 Extra only to brick work built in any mortar Sqm 562.74
for plain or moulded purpose made brick,
cornices, oversailing courses, neckings,
strings or copings including weathering or
throating of required
04-106 Cutting out in any mortar and facing up with Sqm 1233.12
brick work in CM 1:3, where old walls had
been bonded in and removed.
04-107 Cutting out decayed brick work in any Sqm 1492.55
mortar and refacing with new brick (any
bond) in CM 1:3 and pointing/striking in
same mortar, 115 mm thick.
04-108 Cutting out old air bricks, gratings, soot C Nos 20842.22
doors and similar (including frames etc) and
fix only new / replacements including
bedding and joining in cement mortar,
removal to and from stores, 230 mm x 75
mm upto 330 mm x 230 mm.
04-109 Cutting out old air bricks, gratings, soot C Nos 26052.81
doors and similar (including frames etc) and
fix only new / replacements including
bedding and joining in cement mortar,
removal to and from stores, 460 mm x 230
mm upto 610 mm x 380 mm.
Squared Rubble-Un-Coursed
05-07 Squared rubble, uncoursed roughly Cum 3903.21
hammer dressed stone, well bonded, faced
with hammer dressed selected stone with
square quoins and jambs, any thickness in
building work PLATE-II, laid dry.
05-24 Stone in blocks, with faces, beds and joints Cum 6839.70
on one-line dressed as in bands, string and
plinth courses, blocking courses pilaster,
cornice, columns, caps, bases, copings,
kneelers, lintels, etc., (measured net) - built
in cement mortar 1:6
Miscellaneous Repairs
05-28 Racking out ONLY joints of stone masonry Sqm 28.06
in any mortar, including preparing surface
for re-pointing in any mortar.
05-29 Refastening or resecuring ends of balusters Each 63.60
newels rag bolts let into stone recutting of
mortices and re-running with cement .
Wood Work
06-04 Supply & Fix timber in scantling first class Cum 140681.98
softwood complete all as specified
06-05 Supply & Fix timber in scantling first class Cum 44427.98
hard wood (Shisham) complete all as
06-06 Supply & Fix timber in scantling 1st class Cum 348578.62
Burma Teak complete all as specified
06-14 Supply & Fixing fillets not exceeding 12.90 Metre 54.60
SqmCm sectional area of 1st class hard
wood (shisham), wrought & fixed with
06-15 Supply & Fixing fillets not exceeding 12.90 Metre 286.47
SqmCm sectional area of 1st class Burma
Teak, wrought & fixed with screws.
06-21 Supply & fixing fillets exceeding 25.80 Sqm Metre 904.87
Cm but not exceeding 38.70 SqCm in
sectional area of 1st class Burma Teak,
wrought and fixed with screws
06-22 Supply & fixing boarding, rebated, grooved Sqm 2343.61
and tongued, beaded or chamfered one or
both sides, and fixed complete with screws
in any position and any width required, of
1st class soft wood, wrought one side
edges short, 13 mm thick.
06-65 Hoisting and fixing old timber trusses upto 8 Each 1359.56
m span
06-66 Hoisting and fixing old timber trusses Each 2039.33
exceeding 8 m not exceeding 11 m span
Trellis Work
06-67 Supply and fix 40 mm x 10 mm first class Sqm 3010.65
soft wood wrought trellies work two way,
square or diagonal at 50 mm space and 75
mm x 25 mm fillet framing all around fixed
Moulding and Turned Work
06-68 Supply and fix first class softwood moulding Metre 339.89
and turned work exc75 mm but not
exceeding 150 mm, 25 mm, thick.
06-69 Supply and fix first class softwood moulding Metre 723.00
and turned work exc75 mm but not
exceeding 150 mm, 40 mm, thick.
06-70 Supply and fix first class softwood moulding Metre 955.67
and turned work exc75 mm but not
exceeding 150 mm, 50 mm, thick.
Small Articles
06-71 Supply and fix first class soft wood small C Nos 14892.01
fittings wrought, splayed, chamfered,
shaped, rounded etc., such as brackets,
small schelves, latch hinge, switch and bell
push blocks, door & window stops etc.
Articles not exceeding 440 CuCm (size
measured as net rectangular timber from
which article can be cut or constructed).
06-72 Supply and fix first class soft wood small C Nos 20867.90
fittings wrought, splayed, chamfered,
shaped, rounded etc., such as brackets,
small schelves, latch hinge, switch and bell
push blocks, door & window stops etc.
Articles exceeding 440 CuCm but not
exceeding 1050 Cucm (size measured as
net rectangular timber from which article
can be cut or constructed).
06-73 Supply and fix ballies complete having Metre 149.12
mean diameter exceeding exceeding 75
mm and not exceeding 100 mm.
06-74 Supply and fix ballies complete having Metre 173.15
mean diameter exceeding exceeding 100
mm and not exceeding 150 mm.
Workmanship, Plugging, etc.
06-75 Labour only for beads, chamfers, splay, Metre 76.96
rebate, rounded, angles, tongues, grooves,
rounded nosings, staff beads, flutes, each
exceeding 6 mm and not exceeding 75 mm
width or girth mouldings and turned work
not exceeding 75 mm girth, where not
otherwise provided. Rate per 25 mm girth
or part thereof - soft wood
06-77 Extra for work in rifle rack I.e., cutting and C Rifles 15391.20
dishing for butts, notching for stocks and
cutting for ends of barrel softwood first
06-78 Extra for work in rifle rack I.e., cutting and C Rifles 19239.00
dishing for butts, notching for stocks and
cutting for ends of barrel hard wood
(Shisham) first class.
06-79 Supply and fix Rawal Plug 25mm long for Metre 49.70
boards etc not exc 200mm c/c(in any wall in
any mortar or concrete walls)
06-80 Supply and fix Rawal Plug 50mm long for Metre 46.81
boards etc not exc 200mm c/c(in any wall in
any mortar or concrete walls)
06-81 Resecuring of wire gauze (fly and mosquito Sqm 48.10
netting with fillets and framing) hard /soft
06-82 Taking up or down ,and refixing of wire Sqm 73.75
gauze . (fly and mosquito netting with fillets
and/ or framing) hard /soft wood.
06-83 Taking up or down wire gauze . (fly and Sqm 25.65
mosquito netting with fillets and/ or framing)
and removing to store ,hard /soft wood.
Wood Work
07-01 Supply and fix first class soft wood wrought Sqm 8138.16
sashes, glazed with moulded or chamfered
bars, panels filled in with glass including
chowkats, hold fasts and fixed with screws
to frames, 32mm thick.
07-02 Supply and fix first class soft wood wrought Sqm 8036.26
sashes, glazed with moulded or chamfered
bars, panels filled in with gauzed 9x9 mesh,
24 gauge including chowkats, hold fasts
and fixed with screws to frames, 32mm
07-03 Supply and fix first class soft wood wrought Sqm 8427.85
sashes, glazed with moulded or chamfered
bars, panels filled in with glass including
chowkats, hold fasts and fixed with screws
to frames, 38mm thick glazed.
07-04 Supply and fix first class soft wood wrought Sqm 8338.29
sashes, glazed with moulded or chamfered
bars, panels filled in with wire gauzed 9x9
mesh, 24 gauge including chowkats, hold
fasts and fixed with screws to frames,
38mm thick.
07-07 Supply and fix first class Burma Teak Sqm 17809.38
wood wrought sashes, glazed with
moulded or chamfered bars, panels filled in
with gauzed 9x9 mesh gauge including
chowkats, holdfasts and fixed with screws
to frames, 32mm thick.
07-08 Supply and fix first class Burma Teak Sqm 18704.66
wood wrought sashes, glazed with
moulded or chamfered bars, panels filled in
with glass including chowkats, holdfasts
and fixed with screws to frames, glazed
38mm thick.
07-09 Supply and fix first class Burma Teak Sqm 18615.11
wood wrought sashes, glazed with
moulded or chamfered bars, panels filled in
with gauzed 9x9 mesh 24 gauge including
chowkats, holdfasts and fixed with screws
to frames, glazed 38mm thick.
07-13 Supply and fix first class soft wood Sqm 8893.12
wrought sashes, and doors ,glazed with
moulded or chamfered bars, panels filled in
with glass including chowkats,hold fasts
and hung with hinges or pivots including
iron mongery as described, 38mm thick.
07-14 Supply and fix first class soft wood Sqm 8803.57
wrought sashes, and doors ,glazed with
moulded or chamfered bars, panels filled in
with gauzed 9x9 mesh 24 GB including
chowkats,hold fasts and hung with hinges
or pivots including iron mongery as
described, 38mm thick.
07-17 Supply and fix first class Burma Teak Sqm 18375.17
wood sashes, and doors ,glazed with
moulded or chamfered bars, angels filled in
with gauzed 9x9 mesh 24 GB including
chowkats,hold fasts and hung with hinges
or pivots including iron mongery as
described, 32mm thick.
07-18 Supply and fix first class Burma Teak Sqm 19341.50
wood sashes, and doors ,glazed with
moulded or chamfered bars, angels filled in
with glass including chowkats,hold fasts
and hung with hinges or pivots including
iron mongery as described, 38mm thick.
07-19 Supply and fix first class Burma Teak Sqm 19251.94
wood sashes, and doors ,glazed with
moulded or chamfered bars, angels filled in
with gauzed 9x9 mesh 24 GB including
chowkats,hold fasts and hung with hinges
or pivots including iron mongery as
described, 38mm thick.
07-20 Deduct from item 07-2, 07-4, 07-7, 07-9, Sqm 154.65
07-12, 07-14, 07-17 and 07-19 if mosquito
proof gauze 16x16 mesh 26 gauge is used.
07-23 Supply and fix first class soft wood , Sqm 10633.65
glazed CSWs, with moulded or chamfered
bars, panels filled in with gauzed 9x9 mesh
24 gauge including chowkats hung with
pivots including mongery as described,
32mm thick
07-24 Supply and fix first class soft wood , Sqm 10859.45
glazed CSWs, with moulded or chamfered
bars, panels filled in with glass including
chowkats hung with pivots including
mongery as described, 38mm thick
07-25 Supply and fix first class soft wood , Sqm 10790.99
glazed CSWs, with moulded or chamfered
bars, panels filled in with gauzed 9x9 mesh
24 gauge including chowkats hung with
pivots including mongery as described,
38mm thick
07-28 Supply and fix first class Burma Teak Sqm 23635.35
wood , glazed CSWs, with moulded or
chamfered bars, panels filled in with
gauzed 9x9 mesh 24 gauge including
chowkats hung with pivots including
mongery as described, 32mm thick.
07-29 Supply and fix first class Burma Teak Sqm 24137.02
wood , glazed CSWs, with moulded or
chamfered bars, panels filled in with glass
including chowkats hung with pivots
including mongery as described, 38mm
07-30 Supply and fix first class Burma Teak Sqm 24084.11
wood , glazed CSWs, with moulded or
chamfered bars, panels filled in with
gauzed 9x9 mesh 24 gauge including
chowkats hung with pivots including
mongery as described, 38mm thick.
07-31 Deduct from item 07-23, 07-25, 07-28 and Sqm 21.36
07-30 if mosquito proof gauze is used.
07-34 Supply and fix venetian shutter for windows Sqm 9799.53
made of first class soft wood 100mm wide
rails and styles and hard wood (shisham)
venetian, includind chowkats 75mm x
125mm, hold fasts and fixed with screws to
frame, 38 mm thick.
Steel Windows
07-84 Supply and fix "Z" type steel window or Sqm 3190.29
CSW using Z and beam sections n-exc
1.48 Sqm Super each with openable / fixed
panels with all necessary steel fitting/ iron
mongery, hold fasts etc, and two coats of
synthetic enamal paint in addition to one
coat of primer/rust proof paint but except
glass panes and wire gauze.
07-85 Supply and fix "Z" type steel window or Sqm 3590.87
CSW using Z and beam sections n-exc
1.48 Sqm Super each with openable / fixed
panels with all necessary steel fitting/ brass
mongery, hold fasts etc, and two coats of
synthetic enamal paint in addition to one
coat one coat of primer/rust proof paint but
except glass panes and wire gauze.
07-86 Supply and fix "Z" type steel windows or Sqm 3435.67
CSW using Z and beam sections n-exc
1.48 Sqm Super each with openable / fixed
panels with"T" section sashes all
necessary steel fitting/ iron mongery, hold
fasts etc, and two coats of synthetic enamal
paint in addition to one coat one coat of
primer/rust proof paint but except glass
panes and wire gauze.
07-87 Supply and fix "Z" type steel windows or Sqm 3799.53
CSW using Z and beam sections n-exc
1.48 Sqm Super each with openable / fixed
panels with"T" section sashes all
necessary steel fitting/ brass mongery, hold
fasts etc, and two coats of synthetic enamal
paint in addition to one coat one coat of
primer/rust proof paint but except glass
panes and wire gauze.
07-88 Supply and fix "Z" type steel windows or Sqm 2191.22
CSW using Z and beam sections exc 1.48
Sqm Super each with openable / fixed
panels with all necessary steel fitting/ iron
mongery, hold fasts etc, two coats of
synthetic enamal paint in addition to one
coat one coat of primer/rust proof paint but
except glass panes and wire gauze.
07-89 Supply and fix "Z" type steel windows or Sqm 2756.76
CSW using Z and beam sections exc 1.48
Sqm Super each with openable / fixed
panels with all necessary steel fitting/ brass
mongery, hold fasts etc, two coats of
synthetic enamal paint in addition to one
coat one coat of primer/rust proof paint but
except glass panes and wire gauze.
07-90 Supply and fix "Z" type steel windows or Sqm 2670.79
CSW using Z and beam sections exc 1.48
Sqm Super each with openable / fixed
panels with "T" section sashes with all
necessary steel fitting/ iron mongery, hold
fasts etc, and two coats of synthetic enamal
paint in addition to one coat one coat of
primer/rust proof paint but except glass
panes and wire gauze.
07-91 Supply and fix "Z" type steel windows or Sqm 2983.72
CSW using Z and beam sections exc 1.48
Sqm Super each with openable / fixed
panels with "T" section sashes with all
necessary steel fitting/ brass mongery, hold
fasts etc, and two coats of synthetic enamal
paint in addition to one coat one coat of
primer/rust proof paint but except glass
panes and wire gauze.
07-92 Supply and fix Box type steel sliding /Fixed Sqm 3531.55
windows or CSW using 16 gauge frame
section 75mm x 30mm and panel section
25mm x 50mm & 10mm x 10mm square
gola with all necessary steel fitting/ iron
mongery, hold fasts etc, and two coats of
synthetic enamal paint in addition to one
coat one coat of primer/rust proof paint but
except glass panes,grill and wire gauze.
07-93 Supply and fix Box Pipe type openable and Sqm 3586.68
Fixed side hung windows or CSW using 16
gauge frame section 50mm x 25mm and
panel "Z" shape 38mm x 31mm & 38mm
&10mmx 10mm square gola n.exc 1.48
Sqmsuper each with all necessary fitting/
iron mongery, hold fasts etc, and two coats
of synthetic enamal paint in addition to one
coat one coat of primer/rust proof paint but
except wire gauze, glass panes and grill.
07-94 Supply and fix Box Pipe type openable and Sqm 3585.48
Fixed side hung windows or CSW using 16
gauge frame section 50mm x 25mm and
panel "Z" shape 38mm x 31mm & 38mm
&10mmx 10mm square gola exc 1.48 Sqm
super each with all necessary fitting/ iron
mongery, hold fasts etc, and two coats of
synthetic enamal paint in addition to one
coat one coat of primer/rust proof paint but
except wire gauze, glass panes and grill.
Steel Windows
07-95 Supply and fix first class soft wood, Sqm 9566.67
framed and panelled doors, gates etc incl
hanging chowkats, holdfast,and iron
mongery as described, 32mm thick
07-96 Supply and fix first class soft wood, Sqm 9811.45
framed and panelled doors, gates etc incl
hanging chowkats, holdfast,and iron
mongery as described, 38mm thick
07-97 Supply and fix first class soft wood, Sqm 9955.44
framed and panelled doors, gates etc
(panelled filled in with MDF 16mm sheet)
incl hanging chowkats, holdfast,and iron
mongery as described, 32mm thick
07-98 Supply and fix first class soft wood, Sqm 10141.00
framed and panelled doors, gates etc
(panelled filled in with MDF 16mm sheet)
incl hanging chowkats, holdfast,and iron
mongery as described, 38mm thick
07-99 Deduct from item 07-95, 07-96, 07-97 and Sqm 3103.82
07-98 if chowkats not "supplied and
fixed". .
07-100 Supply and fix first class Burma Teak Sqm 20669.73
wood, framed and panelled doors, gates
etc incl hanging chowkats, holdfast,and iron
mongery as described, 32mm thick
07-101 Supply and fix first class Burma Teak Sqm 21473.87
wood, framed and panelled doors, gates
etc incl hanging chowkats, holdfast,and iron
mongery as described, 38mm thick
07-111 Supply and fix hollow flush door Shisham Sqm 5654.67
venered, 32mm thick including iron
mongery all as specified except chowkats.
07-114 Supply and fix solid flush door Shisham Sqm 7816.96
venered, 38mm thick including iron
mongery all as specified except chowkats.
07-120 Supply and fix MDF (Medium Density Fiber Sqm 3104.24
Board) hollow flush door, 38mm thick with
Malaysian Ply( Pak made) 3mm skin panel
on both sides internal wood, second class
soft wood frame, 75mm x 32mm
hydraulically hot pressed with glue in any
design, shape and pattern complete,
including iron mongery and first class soft
wood chowkat all as spd.
07-121 Supply and fix solid flush door Teak Sqm 5856.70
venered, 25mm thick for Cup board all as
specified except chowkats.
07-122 Supply and fix solid flush door Shisham Sqm 5940.23
venered, 25mm thick for Cup board all as
specified except chowkats.
07-123 Supply and fix solid flush door Sqm 5472.40
Commercial venered, 25mm thick for Cup
board all as specified except chowkats.
07-124 Fixing only of solid flush door (07-121, 07- Sqm 292.86
122 & 07-123), 25mm thick for Cup board
all as specified except chowkats.
07-125 Add to item 07-121, 07-122 & 07-123, if Sqm 19.77
fixed in repairs.
07-126 Deduct from item 07-107 & 07-109 , if Sqm 576.46
second class soft wood is used in frameand
07-127 Deduct from item 07-110 to 07-112 , if Sqm 358.23
second class soft wood is used in frameand
07-128 Deduct from item 07-113 to 07-115 , if Sqm 248.50
second class soft wood is used in frameand
07-129 Deduct from item 07-116 to 07-118 , if Sqm 211.02
second class soft wood is used in frameand
07-130 Deduct from item 07-121 to 07-123 , if Sqm 200.50
second class soft wood is used in frameand
Aluminum Doors
07-131 Supplying of aluminum sliding door Sqm 6413.89
( Deluxe Model) of Anodized aluminum
extruded section incl fixings on concrete,
wooden or steel frames complete except
glass, lock and handle.
07-132 Supplying of aluminum sliding door Sqm 6505.34
( Deluxe Model) of Anodized Bronze
extruded section incl fixings on concrete,
wooden or steel frames complete except
glass, lock and handle.
07-133 Supplying of aluminum sliding door Sqm 6927.05
( Deluxe Model) of Anodized Champagne
extruded section incl fixings on concrete,
wooden or steel frames complete except
glass, lock and handle.
07-134 Supplying of aluminum sliding door Sqm 7072.51
( Premium Model) of Anodized aluminum
extruded section incl fixings on concrete,
wooden or steel frames complete except
glass, lock and handle.
07-135 Supplying of aluminum sliding door Sqm 7282.71
( Premium Model) of Anodized Bronze
extruded section incl fixings on concrete,
wooden or steel frames complete except
glass, lock and handle.
07-136 Supplying of aluminum sliding door Sqm 7586.61
( Premium Model) of Anodized
Champagne extruded section incl fixings
on concrete, wooden or steel frames
complete except glass, lock and handle.
Wire Gauze
07-149 Supply of iron tinned wire gauze fly proof Sqm 699.22
9x9 mesh , 24 gauge and fixed with cover
fillets to window chowkats etc.
07-150 Supply of iron tinned wire gauze fly proof Sqm 1183.37
9x9 mesh , 22 gauge and fixed with cover
fillets to window chowkats etc.
07-151 Fixing only of iron tinned wire gauze fly Sqm 453.11
proof 9 x 9 mesh , 22or24 gauge and fixed
with cover fillets to window chowkats etc.
(Except cost of wire gauze)
07-215 Supply and fix kitchen wall cabinet 381 Meter 4831.55
mm wide and 610mm high 19mm thick
Teak veneered board shutter complete as
per IS Arch 17, 18 & 19 incl all necessary
chromium plated (CP) mongery fixture and
deodar wood edging provided to door
07-235 Supply and fixing First Class soft wood Sqm 4409.86
dolly frame chowkat usig 57mm x 57mm
fillets on edge side of wall and @ 381mm
c/c cross fillets covered with 3mm Shisham
ply incl architrave on both sides
(Inside/Outside) not exc. 12.90 Sqcm in any
design/ shade, holdfast, bitumen coating on
wall side of frame and wood, preservative
on remaining side of frame, gapes filled
with CC Type B for 230mm wall, complete
all as spd (Single/ double rebate)
07-236 Supply and fixing First Class soft wood Sqm 4410.74
dolly frame chowkat usig 57mm x 57mm
fillets on edge side of wall and @ 381mm
c/c cross fillets covered with 3mm Teak ply
incl architrave on both sides
(Inside/Outside) not exc. 12.90 Sqcm in any
design/ shade, holdfast, bitumen coating on
wall side of frame and wood, preservative
on remaining side of frame, gapes filled
with CC Type B for 230mm wall, complete
all as spd (Single/ double rebate)
07-237 Supply and fixing First Class soft wood Sqm 4755.56
dolly frame chowkat usig 57mm x 57mm
fillets on edge side of wall and @ 381mm
c/c cross fillets covered with 3mm
commercial ply incl architrave on both
sides (Inside/Outside) not exc. 12.90 Sqcm
in any design/ shade, holdfast, bitumen
coating on wall side of frame and wood,
preservative on remaining side of frame,
gapes filled with CC Type B for 345mm
wall, complete all as spd (Single/ double
07-238 Supply and fixing First Class soft wood Sqm 4941.54
dolly frame chowkat usig 57mm x 57mm
fillets on edge side of wall and @ 381mm
c/c cross fillets covered with 3mm Shisham
ply incl architrave on both sides
(Inside/Outside) not exc. 12.90 Sqcm in any
design/ shade, holdfast, bitumen coating on
wall side of frame and wood, preservative
on remaining side of frame, gapes filled
with CC Type B for 345mm wall, complete
all as spd (Single/ double rebate)
07-239 Supply and fixing First Class soft wood Sqm 4950.06
dolly frame chowkat usig 57mm x 57mm
fillets on edge side of wall and @ 381mm
c/c cross fillets covered with 3mm Teak ply
incl architrave on both sides
(Inside/Outside) not exc. 12.90 Sqcm in any
design/ shade, holdfast, bitumen coating on
wall side of frame and wood, preservative
on remaining side of frame, gapes filled
with CC Type B for 345mm wall, complete
all as spd (Single/ double rebate)
uPVC Door/Window
07-240 Supply and fix uPVC sliding window, Sqm 6380.93
37mm thick shutter with frame 80mm x
50mm complete exc 2.23 Sqm super each
in white colour incl nec fittings, mongery,
Fly Proof netting, exccept glass complete
as per Section shown in Fig 07-2, Sketch
No 7-1.1 to 7-1.3
07-244 Supply and fix uPVC 37mm thick Fixed Sqm 4496.08
window with frame complete exc 2.23 Sqm
super each in white colour incl nec fittings,
mongery, exccept glass, complete as per
Section shown in Fig 07-2, Sketch No 7-1.1
to 7-1.3
07-245 Supply and fix uPVC 37mm thick Fixed Sqm 4925.81
window with frame complete exc 2.23 Sqm
super each in any colour incl nec fittings,
mongery, exccept glass, complete as per
Section shown in Fig 07-2, Sketch No 7-1.1
to 7-1.4
07-246 Supply and fix uPVC sliding door, 37mm Sqm 8121.72
thick shutter with frame 80mm x 50mm
complete exc 3.5 Sqm super each in white
colour incl all nec fittings, mongery, Fly
Proof netting, exccept glass complete as
per Section shown in Fig 07-2, Sketch No
7-1.1 to 7-1.3
07-247 Supply and fix uPVC sliding door, 37mm Sqm 9150.96
thick shutter with frame 80mm x 50mm
complete exc 3.5 Sqm super each in any
colour incl all nec fittings, mongery, Fly
Proof netting, exccept glass complete as
per Section shown in Fig 07-2, Sketch No
7-1.1 to 7-1.3
07-248 Supply and fix uPVC door, 60mm thick Sqm 10092.11
shutter for Full Glass with frame complete
exc 1.9 Sqm super each in white colour incl
all nec fittings, mongery, Fly Proof netting,
exccept glass complete as per Section
shown in Fig 07-2, Sketch No 7-2.1 to 7-2.3
07-249 Supply and fix uPVC door, 60mm thick Sqm 12748.48
shutter , groove panel 20mm thick, filled as
per Fig 07-2, Sketck No 7-2.4 instead of
Glass complete exc 1.9 Sqm super each in
white colour incl all nec fittings, mongery,
Fly Proof netting, all as spd.
07-250 Supply and fix uPVC door, 60mm thick Sqm 11378.12
shutter , groove panel 20mm thick, filled as
per Fig 07-2, Sketck No 7-2.4 instead of
Glass complete exc 1.9 Sqm super each in
any colour incl all nec fittings, mongery, Fly
Proof netting, all as spd.
07-251 Supply and fix uPVC door, 60mm thick Sqm 16159.25
shutter , groove panel 20mm thick, filled as
per Fig 07-2, Sketck No 7-2.4 instead of
Glass complete exc 1.9 Sqm super each in
any colour incl all nec fittings, mongery, Fly
Proof netting, all as spd.
Tower Bolt
08-01 Supply and fix 100 mm long wrought iron Each 103.89
tower bolts with bright shoots and fixed with
sockets or let into any material. .
08-02 Supply and fix 100 mm long wrought iron Each 103.89
CP (cromium Plated ) tower bolts with
bright shoots and fixed with sockets or let
into any material. .
08-03 Same as item 08-1 or 08-2 but fixing only. Each 59.00
08-04 Add to item 08-1 or 08-3 if fixed in repairs. Each 25.65
08-05 Supply and fix 100 mm long brass tower Each 187.26
bolts with brass shoots and fixed with
sockets or let into any material.
08-06 Fixing only 100 mm long brass tower bolts Each 59.00
with brass shoots and fixed with sockets or
let into any material. .
08-07 Add to item 08-5 or 08-6 if fixed in repairs. Each 25.65
08-08 Supply and fix 150 mm long wrought iron Each 138.52
tower bolts with bright shoots and fixed with
sockets or let into any material.
08-09 Supply and fix 150 mm long wrought Each 146.22
iron( chromium plated.) tower bolts with
bright shoots and fixed with sockets or let
into any material.
08-10 Same as item 08-8 or 08-9 but fixing only. Each 74.39
08-87 Supply and fix hydraulic door closer, Pak Each 915.14
08-88 Supply and fix hydraulic door closer, Each 1628.58
08-89 Same as item 08-87 or 08-88 but fixing Each 145.90
08-90 Add to item 08-87 or 08-89 if fixed in Each 89.78
Latches , Rim (Night)
08-91 Supply and fix jappaned, pressed steel Each 487.39*
latch 100mm strong brass bolts and knobs,
with 2 brass levers, and 2 keys.
08-92 Fixing only jappaned, pressed steel latch Each 121.85
100mm strong brass bolts and knobs, with
4 brass levers, and 2 keys.
08-93 Add to item 08- 91 ot 08-92 if fixed in Each 25.65
Locks (Rim)
08-94 Supply and fix chromium plated locks rim Each 572.04
or latch 150 mm with two bolts and two
levers, in any pattern/shape best quality
with 2 keys.
08-95 Fixing only chromium plated locks rim or Each 123.13
latch 150 mm with two bolts and two
levers, in any pattern and shape best
quality with 2 keys.
08-96 Add to item 08-94 0r 08-95 if fixed in Each 25.65
Locks (Ordinary Cupboard)
08-97 Supply and fix chromium plated locks for Each 107.74
cupboard 50 mm complete.
08-98 Fixing only chromium plated locks for Each 30.78
cupboard 50 mm complete.
08-99 Add to item 08- 97 or 08-98 if fixed in Each 25.65
08-100 Supply and fix brass locks for cupboard 50 Each 120.56
mm complete.
08-101 Fixing only brass locks for cupboard 50 Each 30.78
mm complete.
08-102 Add to item 08- 100 or 08-101 if fixed in Each 25.65
Locks Furniture.
08-103 Supply and fix 44 mm dia cast brass knobs Each 109.02
with solid necks, cast brass cover rose and
escutcheon, wrought iron spindle (wilkes
Mace's or other equal and approved
08-104 Supply and fix 50 mm dia cast brass knobs Each 123.13
with solid necks, cast brass cover rose and
escutcheon, wrought iron spindle (wilkes
Mace's or other equal and approved
08-105 Supply and fix 63 mm dia cast brass knobs Each 141.09
with solid necks, cast brass cover rose and
escutcheon, wrought iron spindle (wilkes
Mace's or other equal and approved
08-106 Same as item 08-103 or 08-104 or 08-105 Each 32.07
but fixing only.
08-107 Add to item 08-103 to 08-106if fixed in Each 19.24
Cleats Belaying
08-108 Supply and fix Cleats belaying wrought iron Each 93.63
100 mm, for cords, etc., fixed, including
circular wooden disc.
08-109 Supply and fix Cleats belaying wrought Each 110.30
iron but chromium plated. 100 mm, for
cords, etc., fixed, including circular wooden
08-110 Supply and fix Cleats belaying brass 100 Each 130.83
mm, for cords, etc., fixed, including circular
wooden disc.
08-111 Same as item 08-108 or 08-110 but fixing Each 21.80
08-112 Add to item 08- 108 through to 08-111 if Each 15.39
fixed in repairs
Eyes, Secrews.
08-113 Supply and fix wrought iron eyes, screws Each 11.54
10 mm to 15mm internal diameter, for
08-114 Supply and fix wrought iron but chromium Each 13.47
plated.eyes, screws 10 mm to 15mm
internal diameter, for cords.
08-115 Supply and fix brass eyes, screws 10 mm Each 26.93
to 15mm internal diameter, for cords.
08-137 Supply and fix brass fastener and stays Each 402.74
(casement) 380 mm with hinged joint and
two plates with studs complete.
08-138 Same as item 08-136 or 08-137 but fixing Each 82.09
08-139 Add to item 08- 136 or 08-137 or 08-138 Each 38.48
if fixed in repairs.
08-140 Supply and fix wrought iron /steel studs on Each 43.61
plates ( when ordered separately).
08-141 Supply and fix brass studs on plates ( when Each 76.96
ordered separately).
08-142 Same as item 08-140 or 08-141 but fixing Each 20.52
08-143 Add to item 08- 140 or 08-141 or 08-142 Each 7.70
if fixed in repairs.
Pivots and Sockets (or sash centres)
08-144 Supply and fix malleable cost iron Pivots Each 56.43
and Sockets (or sash centeres) 56 mm
plates as for swing sashes.
08-145 Supply and fix malleable cost iron but Each 59.00
chromium plated.Pivots and Sockets (or
sash centeres) 56 mm plates as for swing
08-146 Supply and fix malleable brass Pivots and Each 101.33
Sockets (or sash centeres) 56 mm plates
as for swing sashes.
08-147 Same as item 08-144 or 08-145 or 08-146 Each 30.78
but fixing only.
08-148 Add to item 08-144 to 08-148 if fixed in Each 12.83
Casement Stays.
08-149 Supply and fix wrought iron casement stays Each 274.48
quardrant for fan light 300 mm.
08-150 Supply and fix brass casement stays Each 459.17
quardrant for fan light 300 mm.
08-151 Same as item 08-149or 08-150 but fixing Each 56.43
08-152 Add to item 08- 149 or 08-150 or 08-151 Each 15.39
if fixed in repairs.
Cleats Hinges
08-153 Supply and fix cleats, wood n-exc. 442 Cu Each 71.83
Cm wrought and splayed, to doors and
windows, including 75mm pressed steel
butt, and fixing with screws.
08-154 Fixing only cleats, wood n-exc. 442 Cu Cm Each 33.35
wrought and splayed, to doors and
windows, including 75mm pressed steel
butt, and fixing with screws.
08-155 Add to item 08- 153 or 08-154 if fixed in Each 12.83
08-156 Supply and fix wrought iron handle bow, Each 114.15
150mm overall.
08-157 Supply and fix brass handle bow, 150mm Each 229.59
08-158 Supply and fix wrought iron but chromium Each 144.93
plated.handle bow, 150mm overall.
08-172 Supply and fix wrought iron but chromium Each 85.93
plated.drawer handles (drop handle and 2
screws on plates) 75 mm grip.
08-249 Supply and fix knobs brass,40 mm dia with Each 115.43
rose spindle turns and screws chromium
plated. complete.
08-250 Same as item 08-248 or 08-249 but fixing Each 51.30
08-251 Add to item 08- 248 ot 08-250 if fixed in Each 25.65
Poles, Curtains Etc.
08-252 Supply and fix poles (soft wood ) turned Metre 173.15
stained and varnished, 30 mm to 50 mm
08-253 Supply and fix curtain rail 'C' type with Metre 129.54
fitting complete best quality all as specified.
08-254 Fixing only curtain rail 'C' type with fitting Metre 76.96
complete best quality all as specified.
08-255 Add to item 08- 253or 08-254 if fixed in Metre 25.65
08-256 Supply and fix ends (soft wood )for curtain Each 69.26
poles turned(including double ended steel
secrews) stained and varnished for poles,
30 mm to 50 mm diameter.
08-257 Fixing only ends (soft wood )for curtain Each 28.22
poles turned (including double ended steel
secrews) stained and varnished for poles,
30 mm to 50 mm diameter.
08-258 Add to item 08- 256 or 08-257 if fixed in Each 12.83
08-259 Supply and fix brackets, strong, cast brass, Per Pair 677.21
for curtain poles,any diameter.
08-260 Fixing only brackets, strong, cast brass, for Per Pair 56.43
curtain poles,any diameter.
08-261 Add to item 08- 259 or 08-260 if fixed in Per Pair 25.65
08-262 Supply and fix white cotton sash lines and Metre 27.10
CSW Cords, 20 mm girth best quality.
08-263 Supply and fix nylon sash lines and CSW Metre 28.38
Cords, 20 mm girth best quality.
Push and Kick plates Etc.
08-264 Supply and fix brass or copper push plate Each 338.61
exceeding 160 SqCm in area (16 to18
08-265 Supply and fix brass or copper push plate Each 321.93
exceeding 160 SqCm in area (16 to18
gauge) But Stainless steel
08-266 Supply and fix brass or copper push plate Each 296.28
exceeding 160 SqCm in area (16 to18
gauge) but CP
08-267 Same as item 08-264 or 08-266 but fixing Each 39.76
08-268 Add to item 08- 264 or 08-267 if fixed in Each 15.39
08-269 Supply and fix brass or copper kick plate Sqm 8687.05
(16 to 18 gauge).
08-270 Supply and fix Stainless steel kick plate Sqm 7450.12
(16 to 18 gauge).
08-271 Supply and fix chromium plated. kick plate Sqm 4405.37
(16 to 18 gauge).
08-272 Same as item 08-269 or 08-271 but fixing Sqm 1313.05
08-273 Add to item 08- 269 ot 08-272 if fixed in Sqm 1028.79
Knob Lock
08-274 Supply and fix knob lock chromium plated Each 600.26
150 mm.
08-275 Fixing only knob lock chromium plated Each 135.96
150 mm.
08-276 Add to item 08- 274 or 08-275 if fixed in Each 19.24
Aluminium Door Lock and Closer
08-277 Supply and fix aluminium door lock Each 356.56
(economy model) anodized bronze .
08-278 Supply and fix aluminium door lock Each 382.21
( Deluxe model) anodized bronze.
08-279 Supply and fix aluminium door lock Each 577.34
(premium model) anodized bronze.
08-280 Supply and fix aluminium door closer Each 2190.04
( Deluxe model) anodized bronze.
08-281 Supply and fix aluminium door closer Each 2382.43
single action (premium model) anodized
08-282 Supply and fix floor concealed door closer Each 8795.43
(swing machine,single/double action best
quality (imported) 900 location applicable for
door with upto 250mm with load bearing
range upto 150 kg all as spd
09-50 Supply and fix cast iron work weight not- Kg 426.44
exceeding 6kg machine turned as in
pullyes etc.
09-51 Supply and fix cast iron work weight Kg 262.75
exceeding 6kg machine turned as in
pullyes etc.
Steel Reinforcement.
09-52 Supply and fix MS bars round, square or Kg 98.60
flat including cutting, bending, binding and
placing reinforcment in position.
09-53 Bars round, square or flat including cutting, Kg 14.75
bending, binding and placing reinforcment
in position.but except cost of bars.
09-81 Same as item 09-77 to 09-80 but fixing only Sqm 174.43
09-86 Same as item 09-82 to 09-85 but fixing only Sqm 178.28
09-87 supply and fix pipes of black sheets 20 BG, Sqm 1378.97
any dia, welded or riveted side joints (fixed
length to nearest 15mm).
09-88 supply and fix pipes of galvanized sheets Sqm 1448.06
20 BG, any dia, welded or riveted side
joints (fixed length to nearest 15mm).
09-89 supply and fix pipes of black sheets 18 BG, Sqm 1391.88
any dia, welded or rivetted side joints (fixed
lenth to nearest 15mm).
09-90 supply and fix pipes of galvanized sheets Sqm 1573.30
18 BG, any dia, welded or rivetted side
joints (fixed lenth to nearest 15mm).
10-46 Supply and fix plain black steel sheets 24 Sqm 969.88
BG in ridges, hips, valleys and straight and
stepped flashings, roof plates and straight
and stepped flashings, roof plates and
sleeves pieces etc; with out wooden
10-82 Supply and fix AC building pipe class "A" Meter 401.63
100mm dia with spigot and socket joints
and hexagonal head for rain water
including jointing and supports M S flat
19mm x 6mm spaced not exceeding 1.00
meter apart.
Mud Roofs
10-93 25mm thick mud plaster and leaping over Sqm 186.02
50mm thick mud on roofs.
10-94 25mm thick mud plaster and leaping over Sqm 202.36
75mm thick mud on roofs.
10-95 25mm thick mud plaster and leaping over Sqm 235.03
125mm thick mud on roofs.
10-96 Mud plaster 25mm thick including 3mm Sqm 153.34 917.44
leaping on roofs or floors.
10-97 3mm leaping on roofs or floors. Sqm 65.55
Felt Work
10-98 Supply and fix two ply felt, bituminous in Sqm 274.04
flashing and concrete/brick work joint, joints
wedged and tucked in ,side end joints stuck
with approved bituminous adhesive.
Building paper
10-99 Supply of water proof building or insulating Sqm 89.76
paper weighing 3.92 Kg per 10 Sqm and fix
in any position with 50mm side and 150mm
end laps and nailing as described for felt.
Bitumen coating
10-100 One coat of bitumen applied hot on roof at Sqm 141.35
the rate of 0.75 Kg per Sqm and blinding
with sand at 0.012 Cum per Sqm ( incl
cleaning surface).
10-101 One coat of water proofing compound Sqm 106.73
using bitumen 10-20 applied hot at 4.90 Kg
per 10 Sqm.
10-102 One coat of water proofing compound Sqm 217.35
using bitumen 10-20 applied hot at 14.68
Kg per 10 Sqm.
10-103 One coat of bitumen 10-20 at 1.64 Kg per Sqm 247.13
Sqm blinded with sand at 0.012 Cum per
10-104 One coat of bitumen 10-20 at 2.44 Kg per Sqm 327.29
Sqm blinded with sand at 0.012 Cum per
10-105 One cost of water proofing primer cold Sqm 97.16
sticker at 0.75 Kg per Sqm all as specified.
Termite Proofing
11-01 Termite proofing of new buildings incl Sqm 71.38
wood-work therein with approved
11-02 Termite proofing of old buildings with Sqm 61.73
approved chemicals.
11-03 Termite proofing of new and old wooden Sqm 60.13
joinery partition walls trusses ceilings and
floors etc with approved chemical.
Sub Floors
12-01 Providing and laying hard core of any Cum 2250.05
description sany thickness spread level and
ram, filling under floors.
12-02 Providing and laying cement concrete Cum 4385.50
1:4:8 laid under floors using shingle or
12-03 Providing and laying cement concrete Cum 4753.73
1:4:8 laid under floors using crushed or
broken stone
12-04 Providing and laying cement concrete Cum 3530.29
1:6:12 laid under floors using shingle or
12-05 Providing and laying cement concrete Cum 4149.96
1:6:12 laid under floors using crushed or
broken stone.
12-06 Providing and laying burnt bricks, laid flat in Sqm 507.27
floors, roofs , channels, etc., laid and
jointed in sand or mud.
12-07 Providing and laying burnt bricks, laid on Sqm 741.48
edge. in floors, roofs , channels, etc., laid
and jointed in sand or mud.
12-08 Providing and laying burnt bricks, laid flat in Sqm 678.02
floors, roofs , channels, etc., laid , jointed &
pointed in cement mortar 1:4.
12-09 Providing and laying burnt bricks, laid on Sqm 972.83
edge in floors, roofs , channels, etc., laid ,
jointed & pointed in cement mortar 1:4.
12-10 Providing and laying burnt bricks, laid flat in Sqm 657.74
floors, roofs , channels, etc., laid , jointed &
pointed in cement mortar 1:6.
12-11 Providing and laying burnt bricks, laid on Sqm 942.08
edge in floors, roofs , channels, etc., laid ,
jointed & pointed in cement mortar 1:6.
Terrazo Floor
12-35 Providing and laying 10 mm thick terrazo Sqm 514.79
floor marble chips (1:2) with white/coloured
cement including cutting, rubbing and
12-36 Providing and laying 10 mm thick terrazo in Sqm 735.42
dados,skirtings etc; using marble chips
(1:2) with white/coloured cement including
cutting, rubbing and polishing. including
10mm thick cement plaster 1:3 rendering.
Tiling Imported
12-56 Providing and laying of white / light colour/ Sqm 2029.89
glazed/non skid tiles up to 600 SqCm area
each,on walls and floors, set in neat
cement and jointes grouted with white
/colour cement complete all as
specified.Imported Asian origin (China
Malaysia Thailand or equivalent).
Mosaic Tiles
12-68 Providing and laying mosaic tiles 200mm x Sqm 1136.98
200mm x 20mm of white cement, on walls
and floors laid, set in cement mortar (1: 2)
and joints grouted with white/coloured
cement, chemical polished complete.
12-116 Providing and laying, Porcelain Tiles Sqm 2498.55
glazed/ unglazed in any colour/print/texture
exc 1600 sqcm on walls and floors,set in
neat cement and jointed in white / coloured
cement, complete, as specified,imported
13-01 19mm thick mud plaster including 3mm Sqm 212.23
thick leeping.
13-02 25mm thick mud plaster including 3mm Sqm 264.78
thick leeping.
Cement Plaster
13-03 13mm thick cement plaster 1:3 finished as Sqm FF
13-04 Add to item 13-3 for pudlo or other similar Sqm 33.20
approved material mixed with cement at the
rate of 3% by weight.
13-05 13mm thick cement plaster 1:4 finished as Sqm 219.01
13-06 Add to item 13-5 for pudlo or other similar Sqm 23.43
approved material mixed with cement at the
rate of 3% by weight.
13-07 13mm thick cement plaster 1:6 finished as Sqm 200.27
13-08 Add to item 13-7 for pudlo or other similar Sqm 16.66
approved material mixed with cement at the
rate of 3% by weight.
13-09 19mm thick cement plaster 1:3 finished as Sqm 313.16
13-10 Add to item 13-09 for pudlo or other similar Sqm 39.06
approved material mixed with cement at the
rate of 3% by weight.
13-11 19mm thick cement plaster 1:4 finished as Sqm 291.29
13-12 Add to item 13-11 for pudlo or other similar Sqm 31.24
approved material mixed with cement at the
rate of 3% by weight.
13-13 19mm thick cement plaster 1:6 finished as Sqm 267.29
13-14 Add to item 13-13 for pudlo or other similar Sqm 22.65
approved material mixed with cement at the
rate of 3% by weight.
13-15 6mm thick rough cast plaster 1:2 using Sqm 242.47
3mm aggregate, all as specified.
13-16 13mm thick rough cast plaster 1:2 using Sqm 354.97
3mm aggregate, all as specified.
13-17 6 mm thick gypsum plaster finished as Sqm 129.29
13-18 12mm thick gypsum plaster finished as Sqm 217.11
Scraping Plaster
13-19 Hacking cement plaster of walls or lathing, Sqm 100.04
racking out joints when required, or racking
out cement jointing to walls, roofs or floors
of any description, or hacking concrete to
from key, or dismantling lathing with or
without plaster.
14-05 Supply and fix hard board sheets exe. 4mm Sqm 415.77
and n. exc. 6mm thick fixed in ceilings and
partitions with first class soft wood beveled
edges cover fillets 50mm x 13mm screwed
14-06 Same as item 14-4 or 14 -5 but except Sqm 260.29
Cost of hard board sheets.
14-07 Add ot item 14-4 or 14 -5 or 14-6 if fixed in Sqm 42.97
Soft Board Ceiling , etc.
14-08 Supply and fix 13mm thick soft board Sqm 716.03
sheets fixed in ceilings and partitions with
first class soft wood beveled edges cover
fillets 50mm x 13mm screwed on.
14-09 Supply and fix 13mm thick soft board Sqm 262.43
sheets fixed in ceilings and partitions with
first class soft wood beveled edges cover
fillets 50mm x 13mm screwed on. except
Cost of soft board sheets
14-10 Same as item 14 - 8 or 14 -9 if fixed in Sqm 42.97
14-11 Supply and fix 13mm thick chip board Sqm 580.75
sheets fixed in ceilings and partitions with
first class soft wood beveled edges cover
fillets 50mm x 13mm screwed on.
14-12 Supply and fix 20mm thick chip board Sqm 699.45
sheets fixed in ceilings and partitions with
first class soft wood beveled edges cover
fillets 50mm x 13mm screwed on.
14-13 Same as items14 -11 or 14 -12 but except Sqm 267.28
cost of chip board sheets.
14-14 Add ot item 14 - 11 through 14 -13 if Sqm 42.97
fixed in repairs.
Thermopore Ceilings,etc.
14-15 Suply and fix thermopore tiles fixed in Sqm 368.94
ceilings, partitions and dados etc; all as
14-16 Add to item 14 -15 if fixed in repairs. Sqm 42.97
14-17 Suply and fix thermopore ceiling 600mm x Sqm 1310.38
600mmx 20mm tiles, alongwith aluminum "
Tee " & aluminum angles 25mm x 25mm x
1mm including hanger clips, jointing clips
and GI wire 14SWG etc; complete as
14-23 Suply and fix fiber glass ceiling 200mm x Sqm 2305.77
600mm panels,single ply (not less than
2mm thick) in any colour/texture including
aluminum "Tee" & angles 25mm x 25mm x
1mm, including hanger clips, jointing clips
and GI 14 SWG wire etc; complete,
inculiding provision of openings for lights.
14-24 Suply and fix fiber glass ceiling 200mm x Sqm 2964.45
600mm panels,single ply (not less than
3mm thick) in any colour/texture including
aluminum "Tee" & angles 25mm x 25mm x
1mm, including hanger clips, jointing clips
and GI 14 SWG wire etc; complete,
inculiding provision of openings for lights.
Gypsum Ceiling
14-34 Supply and fix Gypsum Ceiling 600mm x Sqm 991.44
600mm x 7.5mm thick, including aluminum
"Tee" & aluminium angles 25mm x 25mm x
1mm, including hanger clips, jointing clips
and GI 14 SWG wire etc; complete.
15-44 1st coat of painting to new or old work, Sqm 107.37 191.23
such as doors of any type and description,
with synthetic enamel paint.
Road Marking
15-102 1st coat of road marking paint on any new Sqm 73.15
or old surface.
15-103 Same as item 15-102 but 2nd and Sqm 59.38
subsequent coat.
Camouflaging Paint
15-104 1st coat of camoflaging paint on new or Sqm 99.47
old work.
15-105 Same as item 15-104 but 2nd and Sqm 87.54
subsequent coat.
Wall paper
15-106 Supply and fix wallpaper,plain or decorative Sqm 710.03
best quality imported all as specified.
Epoxy Paint
15-107 1st coat of Epoxy red oxide zinc chromate Sqm 121.02
primer on steel surface, on new or old work,
as specified
15-108 Same as item 15-107 but 2nd and Sqm 107.92
subsequent coat.
15-109 1st coat of Epoxy finish on steel surface, on Sqm 124.27
new or old work, as specified
15-110 Same as item 15-109 but 2nd and Sqm 107.92
subsequent coat.
15-111 One coat of Epoxy protective protective Sqm 98.07
primer on blast cleaned surface of new or
old work.
15-112 1st coat of Epoxy coaltar to concrete or Sqm 114.47
steel work on new or old work.
15-113 Same as item 15-112 but 2nd and Sqm 92.74
subsequent coat.
15-114 Ist coat of Epoxy concrete finish to concrete Sqm 192.09
or plastered surface, new or old work.
Wall Coatings
15-119 Wall finish coat of Acrylic based marble Sqm 390.55
chips coating (Mesh - 16 large) 1.00mm to
2.00mm thick in any colour (No extra
coating of water repellant is required.)
15-120 Wall finish coat of roll-on wall coating Sqm 795.80
1.00mm thick including a base coat in any
colour .
15-121 Wall finish coat of graffiato wall coating Sqm 430.81
1.5mm to 3.00mm thick (stright and swirl )
in any colour .
15-122 Wall finish coat of venetian gain wall Sqm 465.07
coating 1.5mm to 3.00mm thick (straight
and swirl) in any colour.
15-123 Wall finish, spray coat (Like Zola etc) single Sqm 318.32
colour complete all as specified.
15-124 Wall finish, spray coat (Like Zola etc) multi Sqm 355.05
colour complete all as specified.
15-125 Surface preparation by using putty on Sqm 44.63
plastered wall or ceiling to form smooth
base for distemper, plastic emulsion paint
all as specified.
Epoxi Painting (POL Tanks)
15-126 Cleaning of fuel tank including removal of Lit 0.55
settled materials/fuel particles from inner
surface all as specified
15-127 Abrasive/ Sand blasting of fuel tanks for Sqm 506.63
new un-painted (Un-corroded) steel surface
all as specified.
15-128 Abrasive/ Sand blasting of fuel tanks for Sqm 769.56
new un-painted corroded steel surface all
as specified.
15-129 Abrasive/ Sand blasting of fuel tanks for Sqm 630.51
previously painted (un-corroded) steel old
surface all as specified.
15-130 Premier coat imported (USA or Europe) to Sqm 483.60
steel surface buff or ivory colour minimum
125 micron dry film thickness complete as
15-131 Finish coat imported (USA or Europe) to Sqm 440.75
steel surface white colour minimum 125
micron film thickness complete as spd.
16-01 Supply and fix 3mm thick plain sheet glass Sqm 750.29
fixed to timber or steel sashes with putty as
16-02 Supply and fix 5mm thick plain sheet glass Sqm 981.93
fixed to timber or steel sashes with putty as
16-03 Supply and fix 3mm thick frosted sheet Sqm 862.07
glass fixed to timber or steel sashes with
putty as specified.
16-04 Supply and fix 5mm thick frosted sheet Sqm 1010.21
glass fixed to timber or steel sashes with
putty as specified.
16-05 Supply and fix 5mm thick tinted sheet glass Sqm 1314.57
fixed to timber or steel sashes with putty as
16-06 Supply and fix 3mm thick Milky glass fixed Sqm 750.29
to timber or steel sashes with putty as
16-07 Supply and fix 5mm thick Milky glass fixed Sqm 965.76
to timber or steel sashes with putty as
16-08 Supply and fix 3mm thick plain sheet glass Sqm 782.61
fixed to timber or steel sashes with
hard/soft wood beads and screws as
16-09 Supply and fix 5mm thick plain sheet glass Sqm 1014.25
fixed to timber or steel sashes with
hard/soft wood beads and screws as
16-10 Supply and fix 8mm thick plate sheet glass Sqm 1789.38
fixed to timber or steel sashes with
hard/soft wood beads and screws as
16-11 Supply and fix 10mm thick plate sheet Sqm 2224.37
glass fixed to timber or steel sashes with
hard/soft wood beads and screws as
16-12 Supply and fix 12mm thick plate sheet Sqm 2804.81
glass fixed to timber or steel sashes with
hard/soft wood beads and screws as
16-13 Supply and fix 12mm thick plate sheet Sqm 3744.83
glass fixed to timber or steel sashes with
hard/soft wood beads and screws as
specified. but Imported
16-14 Supply and fix 15mm thick plate sheet Sqm 4969.01
glass fixed to timber or steel sashes with
hard/soft wood beads and screws as
specified. but Imported
16-15 Supply and fix 3mm thick frosted glass Sqm 894.39
fixed to timber or steel sashes with
hard/soft wood beads and screws as
16-16 Supply and fix 5mm thick frosted glass Sqm 1042.53
fixed to timber or steel sashes with
hard/soft wood beads and screws as
16-17 Supply and fix 5mm thick tinted glass fixed Sqm 1346.89
to timber or steel sashes with hard/soft
wood beads and screws or by use of rubber
16-18 Supply and fix 8mm thick tinted glass fixed Sqm 1789.38
to timber or steel sashes with hard/soft
wood beads and screws or by use of rubber
16-19 Supply and fix 3mm thick milky glass fixed Sqm 782.61
to timber or steel sashes with hard/soft
wood beads and screws as specified.
16-20 Supply and fix 5mm thick milky glass fixed Sqm 998.09
to timber or steel sashes with hard/soft
wood beads and screws as specified.
Hacking Out
16-21 Hacking Out old broken glass from sashes, Sqm 314.95
remove any serviceable portions to store
and dispose off rubbish.
16-22 Tempering to any thickness of glass sheet Sqm 3622.70
all as spd
Glass Blocks
16-23 Supply and fix Plain Glass blocks size Sqm 489.72
190mm x 190mm x 80mm as specified.
16-24 Supply and fix Coloured Glass blocks size Sqm 575.42
190mm x 190mm x 80mm as specified.
17-16 Supply and fix Ceramic Sanitary ware five Set 12756.34
pieces i.e WC apparatus european pattern
(width not less than 380mm) complete
comprising closet, 13 litres glazed flushing
cistern (coupled set), seat cover wash hand
basin (WHB) size 660 x 560mm with
pedestal etc complete (IFO Pattern or
equivalent) white colour fixed to concrete,
brick, stone or wood work , best quality Pak
17-17 Supply and fix Ceramic Sanitary ware five Set 15621.81
pieces i.e WC apparatus european pattern
(width not less than 380mm) complete
comprising closet, 13 litres glazed flushing
cistern (coupled set), seat cover wash hand
basin (WHB) size 660 x 560mm with
pedestal etc complete (IFO Pattern or
equivalent) light colour fixed to concrete,
brick, stone or wood work , best quality Pak
17-18 Supply and fix Ceramic Sanitary ware five Set 18315.53
pieces i.e WC apparatus european pattern
(width not less than 380mm) complete
comprising closet, 13 litres glazed flushing
cistern (coupled set), seat cover wash hand
basin (WHB) size 660 x 560mm with
pedestal etc complete (IFO Pattern or
equivalent) special colour fixed to
concrete, brick, stone or wood work , best
quality Pak Made
17-19 Supply and fix Ceramic Sanitary ware five Each 12303.35
pieces complete set i.e WC apparatus
european pattern (like porta design or
equivalent) comprising closet,13 litres
flushing glazed cistern (coupled set, seat
cover WHB size 660 x 560mm with
pedestal etc complete imported (China)
17-20 Supply and fix Ceramic Sanitary ware five Each 15780.35
pieces complete set i.e WC apparatus
european pattern (like porta design or
equivalent) comprising closet,13 litres
flushing glazed cistern (coupled set, seat
cover WHB size 660 x 560mm with
pedestal etc complete imported coloured
17-21 Same as item 17-16 to 17-20 but fixing Set 1241.80
17-22 Add to item 17-16 to 17-21 if fixed in repair. Set 791.02
17-23 Supply and fix water closet Asiatic pattern Each 5479.97
(white colour incl foot rest, full orrisa pattern
or equivalent) 13 lit flushing cistern low
down, plastic flush pipe,etc fixed to
concrete, brick, stone or wood work , best
quality Pak made
17-24 Supply and fix water closet Asiatic pattern Each 5951.33
(light colour incl foot rest, full orrisa pattern
or equivalent) 13 lit flushing cistern low
down, plastic flush pipe,etc fixed to
concrete, brick, stone or wood work , best
quality Pak made
17-25 Supply and fix water closet Asiatic pattern Each 6232.92
(Special colour incl foot rest, full orrisa
pattern or equivalent) 13 lit flushing cistern
low down, plastic flush pipe,etc fixed to
concrete, brick, stone or wood work , best
quality Pak made
17-33 Supply and fix, WC pan and trap european Each 2825.26
pattern white colour including connection
to drain or out going pipe,and to flushing
pipe anti siphon pipe, etc; complete (IFO
Pattern or equivalent width not less than
380mm best quality Pak made
17-34 Supply and fix, WC pan and trap european Each 3009.33
pattern light colour including connection to
drain or out going pipe,and to flushing pipe
anti siphon pipe, etc; complete (IFO Pattern
or equivalent width not less than 380mm
best quality Pak made
17-35 Supply and fix, WC pan and trap european Each 3039.51
pattern special colour including connection
to drain or out going pipe,and to flushing
pipe anti siphon pipe, etc; complete (IFO
Pattern or equivalent width not less than
380mm best quality Pak made
17-46 Supply and fix low down plasic flushing Each 2582.05
cistern light colour 13 lit capacity with
connection to flushing pipe etc complete.
17-47 Supply and fix low down plasic flushing Each 2765.69
cistern special colour 13 lit capacity with
connection to flushing pipe etc complete.
17-48 Same as item 17-45, 17-46, 17-47, but Each 268.12
fixing only
17-49 Supply and fix urinal basin/stall patteren Each 2815.89
white colour incl connection to out going
pipe and to flushing pipe complete .
17-53 Add to item 17-49, 17-50, 17-51 and 17-52 Each 307.30
but fixing only
17-54 Add to item 17-49, to 17-53 for fixing only Each 195.89
in repair
Bath Tub
17-55 Supply and fix Fiber Glass bath tub with Each 13704.39
acrylic finishing 1473 x 736mm incl waste
coupling china with plug except tub mixer
any colour complete Pak made
17-56 Fixing only bath tub of any size make or Each 965.54
colour incl waste coupling and china with
plug washer and trap etc complete Pak
17-57 Add to item no 17-55 and 17-56 if fixed in Each 238.74
Sink Scullery
17-58 Supply and fix sink scullery of stainless Each 11110.52
steel with single drainage board complete,
shallow or deep pattern upto 6000 Sq Cm,
super, fixed to concrete,brick, stone,or
wood.(Pak Made) incl fittings accessories
etc as required,
17-59 Supply and fix sink scullery of stain less Each 15089.50
steel with double drainage board with single
bowl upto 6000 Sq Cm, super,fixed to
concrete,brick, stone,or wood.(Pak Made)
inclS/F fittings accessories etc as required,
17-60 Supply and fix sink scullery of stain less Each 20739.64
steel with single drainage board with double
bowl exc 6000 upto 7500 Sq Cm, super,
fixed to concrete,brick, stone,or wood.(Pak
Made) incl S/F fittings accessories etc as
17-61 Supply and fix sink scullery of stain less Each 22588.34
steel with double drainage board with
double bowl complete,shallow or deep
pattern exc 6000 Sqcm, upto 9300 Sqcm
super,fixed to concrete,brick, stone,or
wood.(Pak Made) incl S/F fittings
accessories etc as required,
17-72 Fixing only shower tray of fiber glass acrylic Each 318.32
incl coupling etc., 940mm x 940mm in any
colour.(best quality, Pak Made)
17-79 Supply and fix wash hand basin in special Each 4914.34
colour Glazed Ware 660mm x 560mm,
( IFO pattern or equivalent), one hole
complete with waste pipe, coupling china &
plug etc (Except mixer) fixed to
concrete,brick, stone or wood work best
quality Pak made
17-80 Supply and fix wash hand basin with Each 5179.58
pedestal Glazed Ware size 660mm x
560mm, in white colour , one hole complete
with waste pipe, coupling CP china & plug
and pedestal etc (except mixer) best quality
(IFO pattern or equivalent) fixed to
concrete,brick, stone or wood work Pak
17-81 Supply and fix wash hand basin with Each 5786.04
pedestal Glazed Ware size 660mm x
560mm, in light colour , one hole complete
with waste pipe, coupling CP china & plug
and pedestal etc (except mixer) best quality
(IFO pattern or equivalent) fixed to
concrete,brick, stone or wood work Pak
17-82 Supply and fix wash hand basin with Each 6612.02
pedestal Glazed Ware size 660mm x
560mm, in special colour , one hole
complete with waste pipe, coupling CP
china & plug and pedestal etc (except
mixer) best quality (IFO pattern or
equivalent) fixed to concrete,brick, stone or
wood work Pak made
17-83 Supply and fix WHB with pedestal Glazed Each 7077.25
Ware imported (China) (like Porta design or
equivalent) in white/lvory colour, one hole
complete with waste pipe, coupling CP
china & plug and pedestal etc (except
mixer) best quality fixed to concrete,brick,
stone or wood work Pak made
17-84 Supply and fix WHB with pedestal Glazed Each 7444.54
Ware imported (China) (like Porta design or
equivalent) in coloured, one hole complete
with waste pipe, coupling CP china & plug
and pedestal etc (except mixer) best quality
fixed to concrete,brick, stone or wood work
Pak made
17-89 Supply and fix Bidet in white colour, Pak Each 14964.19
made best quality incl CP bidet mixer
complete, fixed to concrete, brick, stone,
wood work.
17-90 Supply and fix Bidet in light colour, Pak Each 14689.15
made best quality incl CP bidet mixer
complete, fixed to concrete, brick, stone,
wood work.
17-91 Supply and fix Bidet in special colour, Pak Each 15607.38
made best quality incl CP bidet mixer
complete, fixed to concrete, brick, stone,
wood work.
17-92 Same as item 17-89, 17-90 and 17-91 but Each 597.46
fixing only
17-93 Add to item 17-89 ,17-90,17-91 and 17-92 Each 238.74
if fixed in repairs.
17-94 Supply and fix mirror, any shape and Each 1441.00
pattern, ciircular rectangular oval etc upto
2700 sqmc 5mm thick imported (mirror
foregin made but frame pak made) with
plastic frame any colour edges ground
complete, fixed to concrete,brick, stone, or
wood work.
17-113 Supply and fix towel rail, chromium plated, Each 1415.29
double rod, any pattern shape and size,
Pak made, with plugs screws etc., fixed to
concrete,brick, stone or wood work.
17-114 Supply and fix towel rail, chromium plated, Each 1133.70
double rod, any pattern shape and size,
Imported, with plugs screws etc., fixed to
concrete,brick, stone or wood work.
17-115 Supply and fix towel rail, chromium plated, Each 2572.25
double rod, any pattern shape and size,
Imported, with plugs screws etc., fixed to
concrete,brick, stone or wood work.
17-128 Supply and fix brass conection with brass Each 249.76
union on both ends 15mm dia, 300mm to
450mm long.
17-129 Supply and fix brass conection with brass Each 271.79
union on both ends 20mm dia, 300mm to
450mm long.
17-130 supply and fix plastic conection with brass Each 198.33
CP or alumium union on both ends 15mm
dia, 300mm to 450mm long.
17-131 supply and fix plastic conection with with Each 179.97
plastic union at both ends 15mm dia,
300mm to 450mm long.
17-132 supply and fix plastic conection with brass Each 222.82
CP or alumium union on both ends 20mm
dia, 300mm to 450mm long.
17-136 Supply and fix vanity bowl glazed ware one Each 6805.88
hole complete with bottle trap waste
coupling chian & plug etc (except mixer)
best quality fixed to concrete, brick, stone
and marble slab in any size shape Special
17-137 Supply and fix vanity bowl glazed ware one Each 6377.38
hole complete with bottle trap waste
coupling chian & plug etc (except mixer)
best quality fixed to concrete, brick, stone
and marble slab in any size shape Light
17-138 Same as item 17-135 to 17-137 but fix only Each 334.23
17-140 Fixing only Toilet shower for WC, best Each 79.58
Quality 15mm dia Pak made.
17-141 S/F Toilet shower best quality (Pak made) Each 814.16
15mm dia.
17-142 Finxing only wal shower any type and Each 190.99
colour Pak Made
17-143 Supply and fix Seat cover plastic in any Each 967.20
colour shape best quality Pak Made
18-02 Supply and fixing Tubes, water quality G.I Metre 404.07
with all fittings (i.e sockets, bends, tees,
elbows, where required) and laid complete
in trenches (exclusive of excavation) or
fixed to walls,floor (surface or concealed)
and ceilings etc incl caps and plugs as
required 20mm dia (light) .
18-03 Supply and fixing Tubes, water quality G.I Metre 415.77
with all fittings (i.e sockets, bends, tees,
elbows, where required) and laid complete
in trenches (exclusive of excavation) or
fixed to walls,floor (surface or concealed)
and ceilings etc incl caps and plugs as
required 25mm dia (light) .
18-04 Supply and fixing Tubes, water quality G.I Metre 666.37
with all fittings (i.e sockets, bends, tees,
elbows, where required) and laid complete
in trenches (exclusive of excavation) or
fixed to walls,floor (surface or concealed)
and ceilings etc incl caps and plugs as
required 40mm dia (light) .
18-05 Supply and fixing Tubes, water quality G.I Metre 832.43
with all fittings (i.e sockets, bends, tees,
elbows, where required) and laid complete
in trenches (exclusive of excavation) or
fixed to walls,floor (surface or concealed)
and ceilings etc incl caps and plugs as
required 50mm dia (light) .
18-06 Supply and fixing Tubes, water quality G.I Metre 1132.40
with all fittings (i.e sockets, bends, tees,
elbows, where required) and laid complete
in trenches (exclusive of excavation) or
fixed to walls,floor (surface or concealed)
and ceilings etc incl caps and plugs as
required 65mm dia (light) .
18-07 Supply and fixing Tubes, water quality G.I Metre 1350.92
with all fittings (i.e sockets, bends, tees,
elbows, where required) and laid complete
in trenches (exclusive of excavation) or
fixed to walls,floor (surface or concealed)
and ceilings etc incl caps and plugs as
required 80mm dia (light) .
18-08 Supply and fixing Tubes, water quality G.I Metre Metre
with all fittings (i.e sockets, bends, tees,
elbows, where required) and laid complete
in trenches (exclusive of excavation) or
fixed to walls,floor (surface or concealed)
and ceilings etc incl caps and plugs as
required 100mm dia (light) .
18-09 Supply and fixing Tubes, water quality G.I Metre 334.12
with all fittings (i.e sockets, bends, tees,
elbows, where required) and laid complete
in trenches (exclusive of excavation) or
fixed to walls,floor (surface or concealed)
and ceilings etc incl caps and plugs as
required 15mm dia (medium) .
18-10 Supply and fixing Tubes, water quality G.I Metre 423.51
with all fittings (i.e sockets, bends, tees,
elbows, where required) and laid complete
in trenches (exclusive of excavation) or
fixed to walls,floor (surface or concealed)
and ceilings etc incl caps and plugs as
required 20mm dia (medium) .
18-11 Supply and fixing Tubes, water quality G.I Metre 470.79
with all fittings (i.e sockets, bends, tees,
elbows, where required) and laid complete
in trenches (exclusive of excavation) or
fixed to walls,floor (surface or concealed)
and ceilings etc incl caps and plugs as
required 25mm dia (medium) .
18-12 Supply and fixing Tubes, water quality G.I Metre 686.40
with all fittings (i.e sockets, bends, tees,
elbows, where required) and laid complete
in trenches (exclusive of excavation) or
fixed to walls,floor (surface or concealed)
and ceilings etc incl caps and plugs as
required 40mm dia (medium) .
18-13 Supply and fixing Tubes, water quality G.I Metre 944.02
with all fittings (i.e sockets, bends, tees,
elbows, where required) and laid complete
in trenches (exclusive of excavation) or
fixed to walls,floor (surface or concealed)
and ceilings etc incl caps and plugs as
required 50mm dia (medium) .
18-14 Supply and fixing Tubes, water quality G.I Metre 1197.99
with all fittings (i.e sockets, bends, tees,
elbows, where required) and laid complete
in trenches (exclusive of excavation) or
fixed to walls,floor (surface or concealed)
and ceilings etc incl caps and plugs as
required 65mm dia (medium) .
18-15 Supply and fixing Tubes, water quality G.I Metre 1559.27
with all fittings (i.e sockets, bends, tees,
elbows, where required) and laid complete
in trenches (exclusive of excavation) or
fixed to walls,floor (surface or concealed)
and ceilings etc incl caps and plugs as
required 80mm dia (medium) .
18-16 Supply and fixing Tubes, water quality G.I Metre 2232.89
with all fittings (i.e sockets, bends, tees,
elbows, where required) and laid complete
in trenches (exclusive of excavation) or
fixed to walls,floor (surface or concealed)
and ceilings etc incl caps and plugs as
required 100mm dia (medium) .
18-17 Supply and fixing Tubes, water quality G.I Metre 3899.13
with all fittings (i.e sockets, bends, tees,
elbows, where required) and laid complete
in trenches (exclusive of excavation) or
fixed to walls,floor (surface or concealed)
and ceilings etc incl caps and plugs as
required 150mm dia (medium) .
18-36 Supply and fixing Tubes, water quality G.I Metre 5839.40
with all fittings ( I.e sockets, bends, tees,
elbows, where required) and laid complete
in trenches ( excl of excavation) or fixed to
walls, ceilings and floors etc incl caps and
plugs as required 200mm dia (4.8mm
thickness) .
18-37 Supply and fixing Tubes, water quality G.I Metre 6821.89
with all fittings ( I.e sockets, bends, tees,
elbows, where required) and laid complete
in trenches ( excl of excavation) or fixed to
walls, ceilings and floors etc incl caps and
plugs as required 200mm dia (6.4mm
thickness) .
18-40 Supply and fixing Tubes, water quality G.I Metre 7426.25
with all fittings ( I.e sockets, bends, tees,
elbows, where required) and laid complete
in trenches ( excl of excavation) or fixed to
walls, ceilings and floors etc incl caps and
plugs as required 250mm dia (4.8mm
thickness) .
18-41 Supply and fixing Tubes, water quality G.I Metre 8473.78
with all fittings ( I.e sockets, bends, tees,
elbows, where required) and laid complete
in trenches ( excl of excavation) or fixed to
walls, ceilings and floors etc incl caps and
plugs as required 250mm dia (6.4mm
thickness) .
18-69 Prepare surface clean of all dust, dirt etc of Metre 35.57
MS pipe. 15mm dia and apply two coats of
bitumen solution and then wrap all round
with bitumen paper duly dipped in bitumen
solution with overlap of 100mm (excl of
cost of pipe)
18-70 Prepare surface clean of all dust, dirt etc of Metre 43.94
MS pipe. 20mm dia and apply two coats of
bitumen solution and then wrap all round
with bitumen paper dully dipped in bitumen
solution with an overlap of 100mm
(exclusive of cost of pipe)
18-71 Prepare surface clean of all dust, dirt etc of Metre 53.37
MS pipe. 25mm dia and apply two coats of
bitumen solution and then wrap all round
with bitumen paper dully dipped in bitumen
solution with an overlap of 100mm
(exclusive of cost of pipe)
18-72 Prepare surface clean of all dust, dirt etc of Metre 74.44
MS pipe. 40mm dia and apply two coats of
bitumen solution and then wrap all round
with bitumen paper dully dipped in bitumen
solution with an overlap of 100mm
(exclusive of cost of pipe)
18-73 Prepare surface clean of all dust, dirt etc of Metre 90.57
MS pipe. 50mm dia and apply two coats of
bitumen solution and then wrap all round
with bitumen paper dully dipped in bitumen
solution with an overlap of 100mm
(exclusive of cost of pipe)
18-74 Prepare surface clean of all dust, dirt etc of Metre 118.66
MS pipe. 65mm dia and apply two coats of
bitumen solution and then wrap all round
with bitumen paper dully dipped in bitumen
solution with an overlap of 100mm
(exclusive of cost of pipe)
18-75 Prepare surface clean of all dust, dirt etc of Metre 130.39
MS pipe. 80mm dia and apply two coats of
bitumen solution and then wrap all round
with bitumen paper dully dipped in bitumen
solution with an overlap of 100mm
(exclusive of cost of pipe)
18-76 Prepare surface clean of all dust, dirt etc of Metre 165.10
MS pipe. 100mm dia and apply two coats
of bitumen solution and then wrap all round
with bitumen paper dully dipped in bitumen
solution with an overlap of 100mm
(exclusive of cost of pipe)
18-77 Prepare surface clean of all dust, dirt etc of Metre 215.39
MS pipe. 150mm dia and apply two coats
of bitumen solution and then wrap all round
with bitumen paper dully dipped in bitumen
solution with an overlap of 100mm
(exclusive of cost of pipe)
18-78 Socket GI, 15mm dia, supply and fixing. Each 34.78
18-79 Socket GI, 20mm dia, supply and fixing. Each 46.17
18-80 Socket GI, 25mm dia, supply and fixing. Each 69.99
18-81 Socket GI, 40 dia, supply and fixing. Each 117.07
18-82 Socket GI, 50mm dia, supply and fixing. Each 188.47
18-83 Socket GI, 65mm dia, supply and fixing. Each 344.52
18-84 Socket GI, 80mm dia, supply and fixing. Each 597.87
18-85 Socket GI, 100mm dia, supply and fixing. Each 857.81
18-86 Socket GI, 150mm dia, supply and fixing. Each 2902.12
18-87 Socket Reducing GI, 20 x 15mm dia, Each 60.10
supply and fixing.
18-88 Socket Reducing GI, 25x20mm dia, supply Each 74.95
and fixing.
18-89 Socket Reducing GI, 40x25mm dia, supply Each 134.23
and fixing.
18-90 Socket Reducing GI, 50x40mm dia, supply Each 200.86
and fixing.
18-91 Socket Reducing GI, 65x50mm dia, supply Each 407.43
and fixing.
18-92 Socket Reducing GI, 80x65mm dia, supply Each 624.55
and fixing.
18-93 Socket Reducing GI, 100x80mm dia, Each 1068.26
supply and fixing.
18-94 Socket Reducing GI, 150x100mm dia, Each 3227.78
supply and fixing.
BEND GI 45'/90'
18-95 Bend GI 45' / 90', 15mm dia, supply and Each 80.91
18-96 Bend GI 45' / 90', 20mm dia, supply and Each 107.44
18-97 Bend GI 45' / 90', 25mm dia, supply and Each 148.41
18-98 Bend GI 45' / 90', 40mm dia, supply and Each 322.77
18-99 Bend GI 45' / 90', 50mm dia, supply and Each 574.27
18-100 Bend GI 45' / 90', 65mm dia, supply and Each 1089.37
18-101 Bend GI 45' / 90', 80mm dia, supply and Each 1512.17
18-102 Bend GI 45' / 90', 100mm dia, supply and Each 2965.03
18-103 Bend GI 45' / 90', 150mm dia, supply and Each 12887.51
Elbow GI
18-104 Elbow GI, 15mm dia, supply and fixing. Each 38.06
18-105 Elbow GI, 20mm dia, supply and fixing. Each 54.47
18-106 Elbow GI, 25mm dia, supply and fixing. Each 85.97
18-107 Elbow GI, 40mm dia, supply and fixing. Each 151.37
18-108 Elbow GI, 50mm dia, supply and fixing. Each 262.07
18-109 Elbow GI, 65mm dia, supply and fixing. Each 480.89
18-110 Elbow GI, 80mm dia, supply and fixing. Each 887.78
18-111 Elbow GI, 100mm dia, supply and fixing. Each 1429.43
18-112 Elbow GI, 150mm dia, supply and fixing. Each 5480.49
18-113 Same as item 18-78 or 18-87 or 18-95 or Each 8.68
18-104 but fixing only.
18-114 Same as item 18-79 or 18-87 or 18-96 or Each 10.39
18-105 but fixing only.
18-115 Same as item 18-80 or 18-89 or 18-97 or Each 11.29
18-106 but fixing only.
18-116 Same as item 18-81 or 18-90 or 18-98 or Each 14.25
18-107 but fixing only.
18-117 Same as item 18-82 or 18-91 or 18-99 or Each 17.42
18-108 but fixing only.
18-118 Same as item 18-83 or 18-92 or 18-100 or Each 18.32
18-109 but fixing only.
18-132 Tee Equal GI, 20mm dia, supply and fixing. Each 77.12
18-133 Tee Equal GI, 25mm dia, supply and fixing. Each 112.86
18-134 Tee Equal GI, 40mm dia, supply and fixing. Each 203.98
18-135 Tee Equal GI, 50mm dia, supply and fixing. Each 309.06
18-136 Tee Equal GI, 65mm dia, supply and fixing. Each 717.65
18-137 Tee Equal GI, 80mm dia, supply and fixing. Each 1027.62
18-138 Tee Equal GI, 100mm dia, supply and Each 1698.85
18-139 Tee Equal GI, 150mm dia, supply and Each 8364.83
Tee Reducing GI
18-140 Tee Reducing GI, 20 x 15mm dia, supply Each 90.82
and fixing.
18-141 Tee Reducing GI, 25x20mm dia, supply Each 139.88
and fixing.
18-142 Tee Reducing GI, 40x25mm dia, supply Each 256.09
and fixing.
18-143 Tee Reducing GI, 50x40mm dia, supply Each 373.95
and fixing.
18-144 Tee Reducing GI,65x50mm dia, supply and Each 824.16
18-145 Tee Reducing GI, 80x65mm dia, supply Each 1290.84
and fixing.
18-146 Tee Reducing GI, 100x80mm dia, supply Each 1962.08
and fixing.
18-147 Tee Reducing GI, 150x100mm dia, supply Each 10642.03
and fixing.
Union Socket GI / MS
18-148 Union Socket GI, screwed BSP, 15mm dia, Each 109.50
supply and fixing.
18-149 Union Socket GI, screwed BSP, 20mm dia, Each 143.46
supply and fixing.
18-150 Union Socket GI, screwed BSP, 25mm dia, Each 174.07
supply and fixing.
18-151 Union Socket GI, screwed BSP, 40mm dia, Each 341.79
supply and fixing.
18-152 Union Socket GI, screwed BSP, 50mm dia, Each 476.79
supply and fixing.
18-153 Union Socket GI, screwed BSP, 65mm dia, Each 1007.81
supply and fixing.
18-154 Union Socket GI, screwed BSP, 80mm dia, Each 1327.57
supply and fixing.
18-155 Union Socket GI, screwed BSP, 100mm Each 2515.46
dia, supply and fixing.
18-156 Same as item 18-131 or 18-148 but fixing Each 10.33
18-157 Same as item 18-132 or 18-140 or 18-149 Each 12.46
but fixing only.
18-158 Same as item 18-133 or 18-141 or 18-150 Each 14.91
but fixing only.
18-159 Same as item 18-134 or 18-142 or 18-151 Each 17.35
but fixing only.
18-160 Same as item 18-135 or 18-143 or 18-152 Each 21.35
but fixing only.
18-161 Same as item 18-136 or 18-144 or 18-153 Each 22.25
but fixing only.
18-162 Same as item 18-137 or 18-145 or 18-154 Each 29.81
but fixing only.
18-163 Same as item 18-138 or 18-146 or 18-155 Each 33.80
but fixing only.
18-164 Same as item 18-139 or 18-147 but fixing Each 39.59
18-165 Add to item 18-131 18-148 18-156 if Each 3.72
removal only
18-166 Add to item 18-132 18-140 18-149 18-157 Each 4.65
if fremoval only
18-167 Add to item 18-133 18-141 18-150 18-158 Each 5.82
if removal only
18-168 Add to item 18-134 18-142 18-151 18-159 Each 9.98
if removal only
18-169 Add to item 18-135 18-143 18-152 18-160 Each 9.29
if removal only
18-170 Add to item 18-136 18-144 18-153 18-161 Each 9.29
if removal only
18-171 Add to item 18-137 18-145 18-154 18-162 Each 11.62
if removal only
18-172 Add to item 18-138 18-146 18-155 18-163 Each 13.94
if removal only
18-173 Add to item 18-139 18-147 18-164 if Each 16.26
removal only
Check Nut GI
18-174 Check Nut GI, screwed BSP, 15mm dia, Each 32.16
supply and fixing.
18-175 Check Nut GI, screwed BSP, 20mm dia, Each 45.72
supply and fixing.
18-176 Check Nut GI, screwed BSP, 25mm dia, Each 49.39
supply and fixing.
18-177 Check Nut GI, screwed BSP, 40mm dia, Each 69.69
supply and fixing.
18-178 Check Nut GI, screwed BSP, 50mm dia, Each 97.65
supply and fixing.
18-179 Check Nut GI, screwed BSP, 65mm dia, Each 165.88
supply and fixing.
18-180 Check Nut GI, screwed BSP, 80mm dia, Each 230.25
supply and fixing.
18-181 Check Nut GI, screwed BSP, 100mm dia, Each 425.29
supply and fixing.
18-182 Check Nut GI, screwed BSP, 150mm dia, Each 874.98
supply and fixing.
Plugs GI / MS
18-183 GI / MS plug screwed BSP, 15mm dia, Each 27.27
supply and fixing.
18-184 GI / MS plug screwed BSP, 20mm dia, Each 37.15
supply and fixing.
18-185 GI / MS plug screwed BSP, 25mm dia, Each 51.84
supply and fixing.
18-186 GI / MS plug screwed BSP, 40mm dia, Each 81.93
supply and fixing.
18-187 GI / MS plug screwed BSP, 50mm dia, Each 119.69
supply and fixing.
18-188 GI / MS plug screwed BSP, 65mm dia, Each 218.53
supply and fixing.
18-189 GI / MS plug screwed BSP, 80mm dia, Each 267.38
supply and fixing.
18-190 GI / MS plug screwed BSP, 100mm dia, Each 535.47
supply and fixing.
18-191 Same as item 18-174 or 18-183 but fixing Each 5.23
18-192 Same as item 18-175 or 18-184 but fixing Each 6.54
18-193 Same as item 18-176 or 18-185 but fixing Each 6.54
18-194 Same as item 18-177 or 18-186 but fixing Each 8.47
18-195 Same as item 18-178 or 18-187 but fixing Each 9.51
18-196 Same as item 18-179 or 18-188 but fixing Each 9.51
18-197 Same as item 18-180 or 18-189 but fixing Each 12.33
18-198 Same as item 18-181 or 18-190 but fixing Each 15.14
18-199 Same as item 18-182 but fixing only. Each 17.97
18-200 Add to item 18-174 18-183 18-191 if Each 1.24
removal only
18-201 Add to item 18-175 18-184 18-192 if Each 1.55
removal only
18-202 Add to item 18-176 18-185 18-193 if Each 1.55
removal only
18-203 Add to item 18-177 18-186 18-194 if Each 2.33
removal only
18-204 Add to item 18-178 18-187 18-195 if Each 3.11
removal only
18-205 Add to item 18-179 18-188 18-196 if Each 3.11
removal only
18-206 Add to item 18-180 18-189 18-197 if Each 3.87
removal only
18-207 Add to item 18-181 18-190 18-198 if Each 4.65
removal only
18-208 Add to item 18-182 to 18-199 if removal Each 5.42
Bib Cocks ( Brass light)
18-209 Bib cocks (bass light) plug, round way (low Each 330.32
pressure), with galvanised iron or brass
lever handle and shouldered tail, screwed
for iron pipe, 15mm dia supply and fixing.
18-210 Bib cocks (bass light) plug, round way (low Each 416.91
pressure), with galvanised iron or brass
lever handle and shouldered tail, screwed
for iron pipe, 20mm dia supply and fixing.
18-211 Bib cocks (bass light) plug, round way (low Each 601.45
pressure), with galvanised iron or brass
lever handle and shouldered tail, screwed
for iron pipe, 25mm dia supply and fixing.
18-212 Bib cocks (brass light) screw down (high Each 576.96
pressure) screwed for iron pipe, or for brass
ferrule, 15mm dia supply and fixing.
18-213 Bib cocks (bass light) screw down (high Each 722.99
pressure) screwed for iron pipe, or for brass
ferrule, 20mm dia supply and fixing.
18-214 Bib cocks (bass light) screw down (high Each 883.04
pressure) screwed for iron pipe, or for brass
ferrule, 25mm dia supply and fixing.
18-215 Bib Cock brass chromium plated fancy type Each 819.49
screwed down B.S.P 15mm dia,supply and
18-216 Bib Cock brass chromium plated fancy type Each 1003.68
screwed down B.S.P 15mm dia,supply and
fixing.but with long head
18-217 Double Bib Cock brass chromium plated Each 1493.40
fancy type screwed down B.S.P 15mm
dia,supply and fixing. (Tolit bic cock
18-218 Bib Cock brass chromium plated ordinary Each 269.10
type screwed down B.S.P 15mm dia,supply
and fixing.but with long head
18-571 Same as item No. 18-563 but fixing only. Each 44.76
18-572 Same as item No. 18-564 but fixing only. Each 69.55
18-573 Same as item No. 18-565 but fixing only. Each 69.55
18-574 Same as item No. 18-566 but fixing only. Each 96.18
18-575 Same as item No. 18-567 but fixing only. Each 128.55
18-576 Same as item No. 18-568 but fixing only. Each 159.54
18-577 Same as item No. 18-569 but fixing only. Each 419.63
18-620 Same as item No. 18-612 but fixing only. Each 47.29
18-621 Same as item No. 18-613 but fixing only. Each 47.29
18-622 Same as item No. 18-614 but fixing only. Each 61.99
18-623 Same as item No. 18-615 but fixing only. Each 84.94
18-624 Same as item No. 18-616 but fixing only. Each 107.90
18-625 Same as item No. 18-617 but fixing only. Each 274.55
18-683 Polyethlene (PE) Pipe 25mm dia, class PN-10 / SDR-13. Meter 120.92
18-684 Polyethlene (PE) Pipe 32mm dia, class PN-10 / SDR-13. Meter 145.92
18-685 Polyethlene (PE) Pipe 40mm dia, class PN-10 / SDR-13. Meter 222.39
18-686 Polyethlene (PE) Pipe 50mm dia, class PN-10 / SDR-13. Meter 303.70
18-687 Polyethlene (PE) Pipe 63mm dia, class PN-10 / SDR-13. Meter 434.70
18-688 Polyethlene (PE) Pipe 75mm dia, class PN-10 / SDR-13. Meter 615.31
18-689 Polyethlene (PE) Pipe 90mm dia, class PN-10 / SDR-13. Meter 841.56
18-690 Polyethlene (PE) Pipe 100mm dia, class PN-10 / SDR-13. Meter 1350.24
18-691 Polyethlene (PE) Pipe 125mm dia, class PN-10 / SDR-13. Meter 1651.42
18-692 Polyethlene (PE) Pipe 160mm dia, class PN-10 / SDR-13. Meter 2534.88
18-693 Polyethlene (PE) Pipe 180mm dia, class PN-10 / SDR-13. Meter 3275.33
18-694 Polyethlene (PE) Pipe 200mm dia, class PN-10 / SDR-13. Meter 3963.27
18-695 Polyethlene (PE) Pipe 250mm dia, class PN-10 / SDR-13. Meter 5987.29
18-943 S/F Reducing Tee 32mm x 20mm x 32mm dia for PPR Each 120.97
18-944 S/F Reducing Tee 32mm x 25mm x 32mm dia for PPR Each 159.54
18-945 S/F Reducing Tee 40mm x 20mm x 40mm 40mm x 25 Each 231.63
18-946 S/F Reducing Tee 50mm x 25mm x 50mm 50mm x 32 Each 437.31
18-947 S/F Reducing Tee 63mm x 25mm x 63mm dia for PPR Each 499.06
18-948 S/F Reducing Tee 63mm x 32mm x 63mm dia for PPR Each 537.01
18-949 S/F Reducing Tee 63mm x 40mm x 63mm or 63x50x63 Each 679.03
18-950 S/F Reducing Tee 75mm x 63mm x 75mm dia for PPR Each 1898.44
18-958 S/F Male threaded Tee 20mm x 20mm dia for PPR pip Each 645.59
18-959 S/F Male threaded Tee 25mm x 15mm dia for PPR pip Each 398.28
18-960 S/F Male threaded Tee 25mm x 20mm dia for PPR pip Each 398.28
18-961 S/F Male threaded Tee 32mm x 20mm dia for PPR pip Each 480.16
18-962 S/F Male threaded Tee 32mm x 25mm dia for PPR pip Each 541.37
18-964 S/F Female threaded Tee 20mm x 20mm dia for PPR p Each 496.22
18-965 S/F Female threaded Tee 25mm x 15mm dia for PPR p Each 217.08
18-966 S/F Female threaded Tee 25mm x 20mm dia for PPR p Each 281.97
18-967 S/F Female threaded Tee 32mm x 20mm dia for PPR p Each 345.49
18-968 S/F Female threaded Tee 32mm x 25mm dia for PPR p Each 541.37
18-991 S/F Male threaded 900 Elbow 20 x 20mm dia for PPR Pipe Each 498.14
18-992 S/F Male threaded 900 Elbow 25 x 15mm dia for PPR Pipe Each 230.02
18-993 S/F Male threaded 900 Elbow 25 x 20mm dia for PPR Pipe Each 273.94
18-994 S/F Male threaded 900 Elbow 32 x 20mm dia for PPR Pipe Each 390.25
18-995 S/F Male threaded 900 Elbow 32 x 25mm dia for PPR Pipe Each 453.91
18-997 S/F Female threaded 900 Elbow 20 x20mm dia for PPR PipeEach 396.53
18-998 S/F Female threaded 900 Elbow 25 x15mm dia for PPR PipeEach 179.83
18-999 S/F Female threaded 900 Elbow 25 x20mm dia for PPR PipeEach 243.33
18-1000 S/F Female threaded 900 Elbow 32 x20mm dia for PPR PipeEach 341.27
18-1001 S/F Female threaded 900 Elbow 32 x25mm dia for PPR PipeEach 445.34
18-1009 S/F Ball tap with handle 25mm dia for PPR pipe Each 1214.36
18-1010 S/F Ball tap with handle 32mm dia for PPR pipe Each 1948.94
18-1011 S/F Ball tap with handle 40mm dia for PPR pipe Each 4326.37
18-1012 S/F Ball tap with handle 50 or 63 mm dia for PPR pipe Each 4938.52
18-1014 S/F Screw tap with handle 25mm dia for PPR pipe Each 2772.89
18-1015 S/F Screw tap with handle 32mm dia for PPR pipe Each 3770.70
18-1016 S/F Screw tap with handle 40mm dia for PPR pipe Each 5463.74
18-1017 S/F Screw tap with handle 50 or 63 mm dia for PPR pip Each 6968.41
18-1024 S/F Male threaded adapter 25 x 15 mm dia for PPR pi Each 251.36
18-1025 S/F Male threaded adapter 25 x 20 mm dia for PPR pi Each 281.97
18-1026 S/F Male threaded adapter 32 x 20 mm dia for PPR pi Each 803.68
18-1027 S/F Male threaded adapter 32 x 25 mm dia for PPR pi Each 565.86
18-1029 S/F Male threaded adapter 50 x 40 mm dia for PPR pi Each 1722.82
18-1030 S/F Male threaded adapter 63 x 50 mm dia for PPR pi Each 2761.57
18-1032 S/F Female threaded adapter 20 x 20 mm dia for PPR Each 545.19
18-1033 S/F Female threaded adapter 25 x 15 mm dia for PPR Each 184.02
18-1034 S/F Female threaded adapter 25 x 20 mm dia for PPR Each 226.88
18-1035 S/F Female threaded adapter 32 x 25 mm dia for PPR Each 418.94
18-1036 S/F Female threaded adapter 40 x 32 mm dia for PPR Each 1398.38
18-1037 S/F Female threaded adapter 50 x 40 mm dia for PPR Each 1735.68
18-1038 S/F Female threaded adapter 63 x 50 mm dia for PPR Each 2633.02
18-1039 S/F Female threaded adapter 75 x 63 mm dia for PPR Each 8019.94
18-1047 S/F Cross piece 25mm dia for PPR pipe Each 185.25
Shut off Valve with Handle
18-1048 S/F Shut off valve handle 20mm dia for PPR pipe Each 4879.22
18-1049 S/F Shut off valve handle 25mm dia for PPR pipe Each 5173.05
19-02 Centrifugal pumping set AC electric motor driven 400 Each 36239.13
19-03 Centrifugal pumping set AC electric motor driven 220/2 Each 31061.87
19-04 Centrifugal pumping set AC electric motor driven 220/2 Each 23869.11
19-15 Pumping set cetrifugal with AC electirc motor 400 vol Each 505636.06
19-16 Pumping set cetrifugal with AC electirc motor 400 vol Each 410751.89
19-17 Pumping set cetrifugal with AC electirc motor 400 vol Each 429698.85
19-18 Pumping set cetrifugal with AC electirc motor 400 vo Each 486046.95
19-32 Tube Well Boaring in any soil drilling a bore hole 450 mm diaMeter
employing Reverse
Rotary Hydraulic method/Percussion method upto 50 meters
19-33 Tube Well Boaring in any soil drilling a bore hole 600 mm diaMeter
employing Reverse
Rotary Hydraulic method/Percussion method upto 50 meters
19-34 Tube Well Boaring in any soil drilling a bore hole 375 mm diaMeter
employing Reverse
Rotary Hydraulic method/Percussion method above 50 but up
19-35 Tube Well Boaring in any soil drilling a bore hole 450 mm diaMeter
employing Reverse
Rotary Hydraulic method/Percussion method above 50 but up
19-36 Tube Well Boaring in any soil drilling a bore hole 600 mm diaMeter
employing Reverse
Rotary Hydraulic method/Percussion method above 50 but up
19-37 Tube Well Boaring in any soil drilling a bore hole 375 mm diaMeter
employing Reverse
Rotary Hydraulic method/Percussion method above 100 but u
19-38 Tube Well Boaring in any soil drilling a bore hole 450 mm diaMeter
employing Reverse
Rotary Hydraulic method/Percussion method above 100 but u
19-39 Tube Well Boaring in any soil drilling a bore hole 600 mm diaMeter
employing Reverse
Rotary Hydraulic method/Percussion method above 100 but u
19-40 Tube Well Boaring in any soil drilling a bore hole 375 mm diaMeter
employing Reverse
Rotary Hydraulic method/Percussion method bore beyond 15
19-41 Tube Well Boaring in any soil drilling a bore hole 450 mm diaMeter
employing Reverse
Rotary Hydraulic method/Percussion method bore beyond 15
19-42 Tube Well Boaring in any soil drilling a bore hole 600 mm diaMeter
employing Reverse
Rotary Hydraulic method/Percussion method bore beyond 15
19-43 In any soil drilling trail bore hole 150mm dia, bore upto 50 meters
Meter depth. 1836.45
19-44 In any soil drilling trail bore hole 150mm dia, bore ab Meter 2258.83
19-45 In any soil drilling trail bore hole 150mm dia, bore a Meter 2422.89
19-46 In any soil drilling trail bore hole 150mm dia, bore be Meter 2558.79
19-47 Supply and installation MS blind pipe 5.0mm thick 200mm dia
with screwed4652.25
joints complete.
19-48 Supply and installation MS blind pipe 5.5mm thick 250 Meter 6213.97
19-49 Supply and installation MS blind pipe 6.35mm thick 30 Meter 7449.35
19-51 Supply and installation brass slotted strainer 4.75mm Meter 26619.75
19-52 Supply and installation brass slotted strainer 4.75mm Meter 37166.79
19-54 Supply and installation stainless steel strainer 4.75m Meter 47252.51
19-55 Supply and installation stainless steel strainer 4.75m Meter 59524.95
19-56 Supply and installation of Bail plug 200mm dia of approved specifications.
Meter 8361.97
19-57 Supply and installation of bail plug 250mm dia of appro Each 11422.72
19-58 Supply and installation of bail plug 300mm dia of appro Each 14361.04
19-60 Supply and poring of shrouding gravel of requisite grad Meter 156.22
19-61 Supply and poring of shrouding gravel of requisite grad Meter 270.57
19-63 Provision of sanitary seal of approved design and speci Meter 1198.45
19-64 Provision of sanitary seal of approved design and speci Meter 2256.10
19-65 Develop Test and Sterilize tube well in accordance with approved
Each procedure,
200mm dia.
19-66 Develop test and sterilize tube well in accordance wi Each 102841.20
19-67 Develop test and sterilize tube well in accordance wi Each 117532.80
19-69 Pumping set deep well turbine hollow shaft AC electric motorEach
driven 400 volts
3 phase 50 cycles complete with shafts, column pipes, motor and aut
19-70 Pumping set deep well turbine hollow shaft AC electric motorEach
driven 400 volts
3 phase 50 cycles complete with shafts, column pipes, motor and aut
19-71 Pumping set deep well turbine hollow shaft AC electric motorEach
driven 400 volts
3 phase 50 cycles complete with shafts, column pipes, motor and aut
19-72 Pumping set deep well turbine hollow shaft AC electric motorEach
driven 400 volts
3 phase 50 cycles complete with shafts, column pipes, motor and aut
19-73 Pumping set deep well turbine hollow shaft AC electric motorEach
driven 400 volts
3 phase 50 cycles complete with shafts, column pipes, motor and aut
19-74 Pumping set deep well turbine hollow shaft AC electric motorEach
driven 400 volts
3 phase 50 cycles complete with shafts, column pipes, motor and aut
19-75 Pumping set deep well turbine hollow shaft AC electric motorEach
driven 400 volts
3 phase 50 cycles complete with shafts, column pipes, motor and aut
19-76 Pumping set deep well turbine hollow shaft AC electric motorEach
driven 400 volts
3 phase 50 cycles complete with shafts, column pipes, motor and aut
19-77 Pumping set deep well turbine hollow shaft AC electric motorEach
driven 400 volts
3 phase 50 cycles complete with shafts, column pipes, motor and aut
19-78 Pumping set deep well turbine hollow shaft AC electric motorEach
driven 400 volts
3 phase 50 cycles complete with shafts, column pipes, motor and aut
19-79 Pumping set deep well turbine hollow shaft AC electric motorEach
driven 400 volts
3 phase 50 cycles complete with shafts, column pipes, motor and aut
19-80 Pumping set deep well turbine hollow shaft AC electric motorEach
driven 400 volts
3 phase 50 cycles complete with shafts, column pipes, motor and aut
19-108 Extra column pipe with moter shaft (3 meter length e Each 126805.65
19-109 Extra column pipe with moter shaft (3 meter length e Each 143191.68
19-110 Extra column pipe with moter shaft (3 meter length e Each 169621.26
19-111 Extra column pipe with moter shaft (3 meter length e Each 177367.40
Submersible Pump
19-122 Pumping set submersible with AC electric motor driven Each 1729709.40
19-123 Pumping set submersible with AC electric motor driven Each 1765610.78
19-124 Pumping set submersible with AC electric motor driven Each 2192838.53
19-125 Pumping set submersible with AC electric motor driven Each 3117189.92
19-126 Pumping set submersible with AC electric motor driven Each 3420112.35
19-127 Pumping set submersible with AC electric motor driven Each 3048306.83
19-128 Pumping set submersible with AC electric motor driven Each 3133418.94
19-129 Pumping set submersible with AC electric motor driven Each 3145657.65
19-130 Pumping set submersible with AC electric motor driven Each 2882403.77
19-131 Same as item 19-122 but fixing only Each 1867.06
19-132 Same as item 19-123 but fixing only Each 1867.06
19-133 Same as item 19-124 but fixing only Each 2012.44
19-134 Same as item 19-125 but fixing only Each 2012.44
19-135 Same as item 19-126 but fixing only Each 2012.44
19-136 Same as item 19-127 but fixing only Each 2157.83
19-137 Same as item 19-128 but fixing only Each 2157.83
19-138 Same as item 19-129 but fixing only Each 2448.60
19-139 Same as item 19-130 but fixing only Each 2448.60
19-140 Add to item 19-122 or 19-131 if removal only Each 1400.29
19-149 Gas Chlorinator Imported direct cylinder mounted al Each 275674.10
19-150 Gas Chlorinator Imported direct cylinder mounted al Each 159365.60
19-151 Fixing only Gas Chlorinator Imported direct cylinder Each 206.60
19-152 fixing only Gas Chlorinator Imported direct cylinder Each 206.60
19-160 S/F Gas chlorinator direct cylinder mounted model F-50 Each 86642.18
19-161 S/F Gas chlorinator direct cylinder mounted model F-23 Each 64604.78
19-162 S/F gas chlorinator cylinder mounted (Pak Made) all Each 69991.70
19-163 S/F Hypo Chlorinator Pak Made series M-1222 solenoid t Each 95097.50
19-164 Same as item 19-160 or 19-161 but fixing only Each 206.60
19-172 S/F Reciprocating pump (donkey pump) 1450 rpm driven Each 6840.78
19-173 S/F Reciprocating pump (donkey pump) 1450 rpm haeavy Each 20308.08
19-174 Same as item 19-172 or 19-173 but fixing only Each 474.42
19-175 Add to item 19-172 or 19-173 or 19-174 if removal only Each 355.82
Motor electric
19-176 S/F Motor electric single phase 220V,1/2hp 1425/1450 Each 8918.27
19-177 S/F Motor electric single phase 220V,2 hp 1425/1450 Each 19202.39
19-178 Same as item 19-176 or 19-177 but fixing only Each 103.31
19-179 Add to item 19-176 or 19-177 or 19-178 if removal only Each 77.47
19-180 Supply and fix cast steel gate/sluice valve Each 14685.17
flanged and drilled to BS Table 18-19 rising
stem oil quality Class 150 lbs complete with
packing sheet 25mm dia .
19-181 Supply and fix cast steel gate/sluice valve Each 16762.81
flanged and drilled to BS Table 18-19 rising
stem oil quality Class 150 lbs complete with
packing sheet 40mm dia .
19-182 Supply and fix cast steel gate/sluice valve Each 17908.75
flanged and drilled to BS Table 18-19 rising
stem oil quality Class 150 lbs complete with
packing sheet 50mm dia .
19-183 Supply and fix cast steel gate/sluice valve Each 23777.29
flanged and drilled to BS Table 18-19 rising
stem oil quality Class 150 lbs complete with
packing sheet 62mm dia .
19-184 Supply and fix cast steel gate/sluice valve Each 29164.21
flanged and drilled to BS Table 18-19 rising
stem oil quality Class 150 lbs complete with
packing sheet 75/80mm dia .
19-185 Supply and fix cast steel gate/sluice valve Each 36220.92
flanged and drilled to BS Table 18-19 rising
stem oil quality Class 150 lbs complete with
packing sheet 100mm dia .
19-186 Supply and fix cast steel gate/sluice valve Each 49964.91
flanged and drilled to BS Table 18-19 rising
stem oil quality Class 150 lbs complete with
packing sheet 150mm dia .
19-187 Same as item 19-180 or 19-182 but fixing only Each 289.85
19-188 Same as item 19-183 or 19-184 but fixing only Each 393.16
19-189 Same as item 19-185 or 19-186 but fixing only Each 975.77
19-190 Add to item 19-180 or 19-182 or 19-187 if removal only Each 154.95
19-191 Add to item 19-183 or 19-184 or 19-188 if removal only Each 232.42
19-192 Add to item 19-185 or 19-186 or 19-189 if removal only Each 436.16
19-204 Mono block Pumping Set (cast iron body) Each 10758.54
single phase, electric motor with copper
winding 1 HP, max suction 6M, head 10-24
Meter, discharge 70-25 Ltr/min.
19-205 Same as item 19-203 or 19-204 but fixing only Each 474.42
19-206 Add to item 19-203 or 19-204 or 19-205 if removal only Each 355.82
20-06 Supply and fixing 100mm bore cast iron Meter 508.46
soil, SWV pipes but except cost of pipes.
20-07 Supply and fixing 150mm bore cast iron Meter 714.79
soil, SWV pipes but except cost of pipes.
20-10 Supply and fix 100mm bore cast iron plain Each 1352.21
bends, joints, filled with lead as specified.
20-11 Supply and fix 150mm bore cast iron plain Each 3408.89
bends, joints, filled with lead as specified.
20-12 Supply and fix 75mm bore cast iron plain Each 672.02
bends, joints, filled with lead but expect
cost of bend as specified.
20-13 Supply and fix 100mm bore cast iron plain Each 807.98
bends, joints, filled with lead but expect
cost of bend as specified.
20-14 Supply and fix 150mm bore cast iron plain Each 1176.00
bends, joints, filled with lead but expect
cost of bend as specified.
20-15 Supply and fix 75mm bore cast iron plug Each 1389.11
bends, joints, filled with lead as specified.
20-16 Supply and fix 100mm bore cast iron plug Each 1641.67
bends, joints, filled with lead as specified.
20-17 Supply and fix 150mm bore cast iron plug Each 3863.63
bends, joints, filled with lead as specified.
20-18 Supply and fix 75mm bore cast iron plug Each 672.02
bends, joints, filled with lead but expect
cost of bend as specified.
20-19 Supply and fix 100mm bore cast iron plug Each 807.98
bends, joints, filled with lead but expect
cost of bend as specified.
20-20 Supply and fix 150mm bore cast iron plug Each 1176.01
bends, joints, filled with lead but expect
cost of bend as specified.
20-21 Supply and fix 75mm bore cast iron plain Each 2143.63
tee, joints, filled with lead as specified.
20-22 Supply and fix 100mm bore cast iron plain Each 2559.25
tee, joints, filled with lead as specified.
20-23 Supply and fix 150mm bore cast iron plain Each 5430.24
tee, joints, filled with lead as specified.
20-24 Supply and fix 75mm bore cast iron plug Each 2295.21
tee, joints, filled with lead as specified.
20-25 Supply and fix 100mm bore cast iron plug Each 2710.83
tee, joints, filled with lead as specified.
20-26 Supply and fix 150mm bore cast iron plug Each 5785.87
tee, joints, filled with lead as specified.
20-27 Supply and fix 75mm bore cast iron yee Each 2371.01
tee, joints, filled with lead as specified.
20-28 Supply and fix 100mm bore cast iron yee Each 2899.73
tee, joints, filled with lead as specified.
20-29 Supply and fix 150mm bore cast iron yee Each 6013.24
tee, joints, filled with lead as specified.
20-30 Supply and fix 75mm bore cast iron plain, Each 1309.94
plug & yee tee, joints, filled with lead but
expect cost of plain,plug and yee tee as
20-31 Supply and fix 100mm bore cast iron plain, Each 1573.98
plug & yee tee, joints, filled with lead but
expect cost of plain,plug and yee tee as
20-32 Supply and fix 150mm bore cast iron plain, Each 2299.53
plug & yee tee, joints, filled with lead but
expect cost of plain,plug and yee tee as
20-33 Supply and fix 100 mm x 50 mm bore cast Each 1527.40
iron reducer socket joints, filled with lead
as specified.
20-34 Supply and fix 100 mm x 75 mm bore cast Each 1604.36
iron reducer socket joints, filled with lead
as specified.
20-35 Supply and fix 100 mm x 50mm/75 mm Each 807.96
bore cast iron reducer socket joints, filled
with lead expect cost of reducer socket to
item 20-33 and 20-34 as specified.
20-40 Supply and fix Vent Cowel over out lets of Each 521.65
down pipes top of ventilating pipe etc fixed
complete dome or ballon pattern 75 mm
20-41 Supply and fix Vent Cowel over out lets of Each 634.75
down pipes top of ventilating pipe etc fixed
complete dome or ballon pattern 100 mm
20-42 Supply and fix Vent Cowel over out lets of Each 1961.66
down pipes top of ventilating pipe etc fixed
complete dome or ballon pattern 150 mm
20-43 Same as item 22-40 to 22-41 or 20-42 Each 28.43
but fixing only
20-44 Same as item 22-40 to 20-43 if fixed in Each 17.06
20-45 Supply and fix 75 mm bore cast iron SWV Meter 1621.07
pipe as specipied.
20-46 Supply and fix 100 mm bore cast iron SWV Meter 1957.67
pipe as specipied.
20-47 Supply and fix 150 mm bore cast iron SWV Meter 3469.33
pipe as specipied.
20-48 Add to item 22-45 to 20-46 or 20-47 if Meter 79.58
fixed in repairs.
20-49 Supply and fix 75 mm bore cast iron SWV Meter 433.26
pipe but except cost of pipes .
20-50 Supply and fix 100 mm bore cast iron SWV Meter 508.46
pipe but except cost of pipes.
20-51 Supply and fix 150 mm bore cast iron SWV Meter 715.00
pipe but except cost of pipes.
20-52 Add to item 22-49 to 20-50 or 20-51 if Meter 79.58
fixed in repairs.
20-53 Supply and fix 75 mm bore cast iron plain Each 1293.50
band joints, filled with lead as specified.
20-54 Supply and fix 100 mm bore cast iron plain Each 1690.64
band joints, filled with lead as specified.
20-55 Supply and fix 150 mm bore cast iron plain Each 3802.36
band joints, filled with lead as specified.
20-56 Supply and fix 75 mm bore cast iron plug Each 1460.24
band joints, filled with lead as specified.
20-57 Supply and fix 100 mm bore cast iron plug Each 1810.74
band joints, filled with lead as specified.
20-58 Supply and fix 150 mm bore cast iron plug Each 4278.73
band joints, filled with lead as specified.
20-59 Supply and fix 75 mm bore cast iron plain & Each 672.02
plug band joints, filled with lead but except
cost of plain & plug bends as specified.
20-60 Supply and fix 100 mm bore cast iron plain Each 807.98
& plug band joints, filled with lead but
except cost of plain & plug bends as
20-61 Supply and fix 150 mm bore cast iron plain Each 1055.58
& plug band joints, filled with lead but
except cost of plain & plug bends as
20-62 Supply and fix 75mm bore cast iron plain Each 2192.60
tee joints, filled with lead as specified
20-63 Supply and fix 100mm bore cast iron plain Each 2862.41
tee joints, filled with lead as specified
20-64 Supply and fix 150mm bore cast iron plain Each 5402.25
tee joints, filled with lead as specified
20-65 Supply and fix 75mm bore cast iron plug Each 2312.70
tee joints, filled with lead as specified
20-66 Supply and fix 100mm bore cast iron plug Each 3005.83
tee joints, filled with lead as specified
20-67 Supply and fix 150mm bore cast iron plug Each 5880.31
tee joints, filled with lead as specified
20-68 Supply and fix 75mm bore cast iron Yee tee Each 2977.32
joints, filled with lead as specified
20-69 Supply and fix 100mm bore cast iron Yee Each 3847.68
tee joints, filled with lead as specified
20-70 Supply and fix 150mm bore cast iron Yee Each 7225.88
tee joints, filled with lead as specified
20-71 Supply and fix 75 mm bore cast iron plain Each 1309.94
tee plug tee & Yee tee joints, filled with
lead but except cost of plain tee, plug tee
& Yee tee.
20-72 Supply and fix 100 mm bore cast iron plain Each 1573.98
tee plug tee & Yee tee joints, filled with
lead but except cost of plain tee, plug tee
& Yee tee.
20-73 Supply and fix 150 mm bore cast iron plain Each 2299.53
tee plug tee & Yee tee joints, filled with
lead but except cost of plain tee, plug tee
& Yee tee.
20-74 Supply and fix 100 mm x 50 mm bore cast Each 1690.64
iron reducer socket joints, filled with lead
as specified.
20-75 Supply and fix 100 mm x 75 mm bore cast Each 1929.67
iron reducer socket joints, filled with lead
as specified.
20-76 Supply and fix 100 mm x 50mm/75 mm Each 807.98
bore cast iron reducer socket joints, filled
with lead but expect cost of reducer socket
to item 20-74 , 20-75 as specified.
20-81 Supply and fix Vent guard/Cowel over out Each 576.45
lets of down pipes top of ventilating pipe etc
fixed complete dome or ballon pattern 75
mm bore.
20-82 Supply and fix Vent guard/Cowel over out Each 672.06
lets of down pipes top of ventilating pipe etc
fixed complete dome or ballon pattern 100
mm bore.
20-83 Same as item 20-81 or 20-82 but fixing only Each 28.43
20-86 Supply and fix UPVC Soil and waste pipe Meter 593.33
75mm bore (outside dia) complete with Z
joint and rubber ring all as specified.
20-87 Supply and fix UPVC Soil and waste pipe Meter 845.93
110mm bore (outside dia) complete with Z
joint and rubber ring all as specified.
20-88 Supply and fix UPVC Soil and waste pipe Meter 1440.95
160mm bore (outside dia) complete with Z
joint and rubber ring all as specified.
20-89 Supply and fix UPVC Soil and waste pipe Meter 453.31
50mm bore (outside dia) complete with
plain end and solvent cement joint as
20-90 Supply and fix UPVC Soil and waste pipe Meter 720.83
75mm bore (outside dia) complete with
plain end and solvent cement joint as
20-91 Supply and fix UPVC Soil and waste pipe Meter 1045.30
110mm bore (outside dia) complete with
plain end and solvent cement joint as
20-92 Supply and fix UPVC Soil and waste pipe Meter 2285.11
160mm bore (outside dia) complete with
plain end and solvent cement joint as
20-93 Supply and fix UPVC Vent pipe 50mm bore Meter 220.99
(outside dia) complete with Z joint and
rubber ring all as specified.
20-94 Supply and fix UPVC Vent pipe 75mm bore Meter 320.31
(outside dia) complete with Z joint and
rubber ring all as specified.
20-95 Supply and fix UPVC Vent pipe 110mm Meter 545.73
bore (outside dia) complete with Z joint and
rubber ring all as specified.
20-96 Supply and fix UPVC Vent pipe 50mm bore Meter 281.91
(outside dia) complete with plain end and
solvent cement joint as specified
20-97 Supply and fix UPVC Vent pipe 75mm bore Meter 447.81
(outside dia) complete with plain end and
solvent cement joint as specified
20-98 Supply and fix UPVC Vent pipe 110mm Meter 922.87
bore (outside dia) complete with plain end
and solvent cement joint as specified
20-124 Supply and fix 75mm dia socket complete Each 219.92
with 'Z' joint and rubber ring all as specified
20-125 Supply and fix 110mm dia socket complete Each 480.84
with 'Z' joint and rubber ring all as specified
20-126 Supply and fix 160mm dia socket complete Each 1673.47
with 'Z' joint and rubber ring all as specified
20-127 Supply and fix 50mm dia socket complete Each 104.38
with solvent cement joint all as specified
20-128 Supply and fix 75mm dia socket complete Each 184.59
with solvent cement joint all as specified
20-129 Supply and fix 110mm dia socket complete Each 447.84
with solvent cement joint all as specified
20-130 Supply and fix 160mm dia socket complete Each 897.98
with solvent cement joint all as specified
Surface Gullies
21-19 Excavate for, dispose of surplus spoil on Each 1570.84
site, make good surface distributed, supply
(230mm x 230mm x 100mm out let)
surface gullies and bed and surround in
100mm of cement concrete type 'C'
provide 100mm x 125mm rounded cement
concrete type 'C' curb or 900mm x 900mm
x 100mm dished cement concrete type 'C'
top and 250 x 250mm galvd cast iron loose
grating complete.
Testing Drains
21-20 Provide water and temporary apparatus, Each 357.15
test drain till perfect testing (600mm to
1800 mm head).
21-21 Provide water and temporary apparatus Each 823.14
and test manholes, full depth of manhole
but n-exc 1800 mm .
21-22 Provide apparatus, materials, labour Each 511.02
etc.,and smooke test till perfect,testing soil,
waste, ventilating pipe and connecting
drain to nearest manhole.
21-03 Supply and fix reinforced cement concrete Meter 1028.41 #REF!
pipes150mm bore, laid and jointed with
spigot socket or collars, as specified.
Precast Slabs
22-01 Providing and laying pre cast RCC slab Sqm 700.33
length 0.914 Meter to 1.371 Meter & width
0.475 M incl hoisting setting & jointing in
Cement mortar 1:4 all as specified.
22-02 Providing and laying pre cast RCC slab Sqm 1014.11
length exc 1.397 M not exc to 1.981 Meter
& width 0.475 M incl hoisting setting &
jointing in Cement mortar 1:4 all as
22-03 Providing and laying pre cast RCC slab Sqm 958.56
length 0.914 Meter to 1.397 Meter & width
0.3048 M incl hoisting setting & jointing in
Cement mortar 1:4 all as specified.
22-04 Providing and laying pre cast RCC slab Sqm 1266.39
length 1.524 Meter to 1.891 Meter & width
0.3048 M incl hoisting setting & jointing in
Cement mortar 1:4 all as specified.
Precast Girders
22-05 Providing & laying pre cast pre stressed Metre 559.96
RCC girders size102mm x 260mm incl
setting hoisting all as specified for span
2.438M to 4.877M.
22-06 Providing & laying pre cast pre stressed Metre 811.89
RCC girders size114mm x 304mm incl
setting hoisting all as specified for span
5.182M to 6.172M.
22-07 Providing & laying pre cast pre stressed Metre 923.40
RCC girders size127mm x 337mm incl
setting hoisting all as specified for span
5.182M to 6.782M.
22-08 Providing & laying pre cast pre stressed Metre 1039.70
RCC girders size127mm x 356mm incl
setting hoisting all as specified for span
5.486M to 7.391M.
22-09 Providing & laying pre cast pre stressed Metre 1165.68
RCC girders size 140mm x 368mm incl
setting hoisting all as specified for span
6.096M to 8.306M.
22-10 Providing & laying pre cast pre stressed Metre 1520.65
RCC girders size 178mm x 457mm incl
setting hoisting all as specified for span
7.315M to 10.058M.
22-11 Providing & laying pre cast pre stressed Metre 1934.53
RCC girders size 203mm x 483mm incl
setting hoisting all as specified for span
8.534M to 11.278M.
22-12 Providing & laying pre cast pre stressed Metre 2389.48
RCC girders size 203mm x 533mm incl
setting hoisting all as specified for span
9.754M to 12.69M.
22-13 Providing & laying pre cast pre stressed Metre 2666.56
RCC girders size 203mm x 610mm incl
setting hoisting all as specified for span
5.182M to 9.449M.
22-14 Providing & laying pre cast pre stressed Metre 2878.02
RCC girders size 203mm x 711mm incl
setting hoisting all as specified for span
5.486M to 10.973M.
22-15 Providing & laying pre cast pre stressed Metre 3041.33
RCC girders size 203mm x 813mm incl
setting hoisting all as specified for span
5.791M to 111.582M.
Precast double Tees
22-16 Providing & laying pre cast pre stressed Sqm 2593.97
RCC double Tee size 3.048M x 0.686M
RCC roof panel groof panels (having web
size 101mm x 171mm & slab thickness
51mm ) for span from 9.754 M to 12.802 M
incl hoisting complete all as specified.
22-17 Providing & laying pre cast pre stressed Sqm 2776.76
RCC double Tee size 3.048M x 0.686M
RCC roof panel groof panels (having web
size 101mm x 171mm & slab thickness
51mm ) for span from 13.411 M to 15.240
M incl hoisting complete all as specified.
22-18 Providing & laying pre cast pre stressed Sqm 3006.57
RCC double Tee size 3.048M x 0.686M
RCC roof panel groof panels (having web
size 101mm x 171mm & slab thickness
51mm ) for span from 15.850 M to 17.678
M incl hoisting complete all as specified.
22-19 Providing & laying pre cast pre stressed Sqm 3304.79
RCC double Tee size 3.048M x 0.686M
RCC roof panel groof panels (having web
size 101mm x 171mm & slab thickness
51mm ) for span from 18.288 M to 18.898
M incl hoisting complete all as specified.
22-20 Providing & laying pre cast pre stressed Sqm 3522.87
RCC double Tee size 3.048M x 0.686M
RCC roof panel groof panels (having web
size 101mm x 171mm & slab thickness
51mm ) for span from 19.507 M to 21.336
M incl hoisting complete all as specified.
22-21 Providing & laying pre cast pre stressed Sqm 2102.50
RCC double Tee size 1.524M x 0.406M
RCC roof panel groof panels (having web
size 64mm x 114mm & slab thickness
35mm ) for span from 6.096 M to 7.925 M
incl hoisting complete all as specified.
22-22 Providing & laying pre cast pre stressed Sqm 2210.00
RCC double Tee size 1.524M x 0.406M
RCC roof panel groof panels (having web
size 64mm x 114mm & slab thickness
35mm ) for span from 8.534 M to 9.754 M
incl hoisting complete all as specified.
22-23 Providing & laying pre cast pre stressed Sqm 2333.30
RCC double Tee size 1.524M x 0.406M
RCC roof panel groof panels (having web
size 64mm x 114mm & slab thickness
35mm ) for span from 10.363 M to 10.973
M incl hoisting complete all as specified.
22-24 Providing & laying pre cast pre stressed Sqm 2429.17
RCC double Tee size 1.524M x 0.406M
RCC roof panel groof panels (having web
size 64mm x 114mm & slab thickness
35mm ) for span from 11.582M to 12.192M
incl hoisting complete all as specified.
22-25 Providing & laying pre cast pre stressed Sqm 1734.93
RCC double Tee size 0.610M x 0.133M
RCC roof panel groof panels (having web
size 64mm x 89mm & slab thickness
35mm ) for span from 3.658M to 4.267M
incl hoisting complete all as specified.
22-26 Providing & laying pre cast pre stressed Sqm 1909.22
RCC double Tee size 0.610M x 0.133M
RCC roof panel groof panels (having web
size 64mm x 89mm & slab thickness
35mm ) for span from 4.877M to 6.096M
incl hoisting complete all as specified.
22-28 Providing & laying pre cast pre stressed Metre 15830.37
RCC inverted Tee beam size 0.305M x
0.686M / 0.254M M for double Tee size
3.048M x 0.686M for span from 6.401M to
8.534M incl hoisting complete all as
22-29 Providing & laying pre cast pre stressed Metre 12329.75
RCC inverted Tee beam size 0.305M x
0.406M / 0.699M x 0.254M for double Tee
size 1.524M x 0.406M for span from
3.658M to 6.096M incl hoisting complete all
as specified.
22-30 Providing & laying pre cast pre stressed Metre 12659.16
RCC inverted Tee beam size 0.305M x
0.406M / 0.699M x 0.254M for double Tee
size 1.524M x 0.406M for span from
6.401M to 8.534M incl hoisting complete all
as specified.
22-31 Providing & laying pre cast pre stressed Metre 12558.58
RCC "L" beam size 0.305M x 0.686M /
0.502M x 0.254M for double Tee size
3.048M x 0.686M for span from 3.658M to
6.096M incl hoisting complete all as
22-32 Providing & laying pre cast pre stressed Metre 12465.06
RCC "L" beam size 0.305M x 0.686M /
0.502M x 0.254M for double Tee size
3.048M x 0.686M for span from 6.401M to
8.534M incl hoisting complete all as
22-33 Providing & laying pre cast pre stressed Metre 10807.92
RCC "L" beam size 0.305M x 0.406M /
0.502M x 0.254M for double Tee size
1.524M x 0.406M for span from 3.658M to
6.096M incl hoisting complete all as
22-34 Providing & laying pre cast pre stressed Metre 13831.76
RCC "L" beam size 0.305M x 0.406M /
0.502M x 0.254M for double Tee size
1.524M x 0.406M for span from 6.401M to
8.534M incl hoisting complete all as
22-35 Providing & laying pre cast pre stressed Metre 398.47
RCC "I" section boundary wall column size
102mm x 229mm length 2.438M to 3.658M
complete all as specified.
22-36 Providing & laying pre cast pre stressed Metre 414.65
RCC boundary wall beam size 102mm x
760mm length 2.438M complete all as
22-37 Providing & laying pre cast pre stressed Metre 586.06
RCC "H" section boundary wall column size
140mm x 203mm length 2.438M to 3.658M
complete all as specified.
22-38 Providing & laying RCC pre cast RCC Metre 156.10
boundary wall coloured strip,76mm wide
and 64mm thick all as specified.
22-39 Providing & laying RCC pre cast RCC Metre 358.11
planks for infill "H"type boundary wall
column size 64mm thick and 305mm wide
all as specified.
22-40 Providing & laying RCC pre cast boundary Each 250.09
wall column caps all as specified.
22-41 Supply and fix pre painted Galvd iron Sqm 1423.08
(PPGI) steel sheets for steel 'K' span from
6.096M to 7.620M using 0.5mm thick sheet
@ 4.166kg/sqm complete all as specified.
22-42 Supply and fix pre painted Galvd iron Sqm 1672.57
(PPGI) steel sheets for steel 'K' span from
7.925M to 9.144M using 0.6mm thick sheet
@ 4.941kg/sqm complete all as specified.
22-43 Supply and fix pre painted Galvd iron Sqm 1911.28
(PPGI) steel sheets for steel 'K' span from
9.449M to 10.668M using 0.7mm thick
sheet @ 5.705kg/sqm complete all as
22-44 Supply and fix pre painted Galvd iron Sqm 2149.97
(PPGI) steel sheets for steel 'K' span from
9.973M to 12.192M using 0.8mm thick
sheet @ 6.480kg/sqm complete all as
22-45 Supply and fix pre painted Galvd iron Sqm 2381.99
(PPGI) steel sheets for steel 'K' span from
12.497M to 19.812M using 0.9mm thick
sheet @ 7.244kg/sqm complete all as
22-46 Supply and fix pre painted Galvd iron Sqm 2611.49
(PPGI) steel sheets for steel 'K' span from
20.117M to 22.860M using 1.00mm thick
sheet @ 8.019kg/sqm complete all as
22-47 Supply and fix pre painted Galvd iron Sqm 3074.36
(PPGI) steel sheets for steel 'K' span from
22.860M to 25.908M using 1.2mm thick
sheet @ 9.548kg/sqm complete all as
22-48 Supply and fix pre painted Galvd iron Sqm 3298.63
(PPGI) steel sheets for steel 'K' span from
26.213M to 32.004M using 1.3mm thick
sheet @ 10.323kg/sqm complete all as
22-49 Add to item 22-01 to 22-34 for hoisting for Kg 0.49
each subsequent 4M or part thereof
22-50 Add to item 22-41 to 22-48 for hoisting for Kg 3.98
each subsequent 4M or part thereof
22-51 Add to item 22-41 to 22-48 for Kg 3.98
transportation for each subsequent 100M
or part thereof
23-01 Demolition of un reinforced lime or CC and Cum 1374.88
premix carpet etc
23-02 Add to item 23-01 if dismantled in portions. Cum 137.51
Mud on roofs
23-09 Removing mud from roofs including Cum 137.49
plastering and leeping if any.
23-10 Take up stone or pre-cast concrete slab Cum 541.71
floors of any thickness laid in any motar.
23-11 Add to item 23-10 if dismantled in portions. Cum 22.69
Cutting Openings
23-12 Cutting through walls, etc., for doors, Cum 2062.05
windows or other opening or enlarging
existing openings and from reveals as
specified, in sundried brick work.
23-13 Cutting through walls, etc., for doors, Cum 2205.10
windows or other opening or enlarging
existing openings and from reveals as
specified, in burnt brick work, stone
masonry or concrete block, in cement
23-19 Cutting small opening for pipes etc., where Cum 1412.43
sur-face area does not exceed 900SqCm
and make good around the same, in burnt
brick work, stone masonry or concrete
block, in lime or cement mortar.
23-20 Cutting small opening for pipes etc., where Cum 1611.19
sur-face area does not exceed 900SqCm
and make good around the same, in lime
or cement concrete.
23-21 Cutting small opening for pipes etc., where Cum 2690.14
sur-face area does not exceed 900SqCm
and make good around the same, in
reinforced cement concrete including
cutting reinforcements.
Wood Work
23-22 Cut out and demolish timber in scantlings in Cum 1515.80
any position not else where provided for,
clear out nails, etc., remove and stack at
23-23 Cut out and demolish timber boarding Cum 45.47
(including flooring) or PHARAS, position
not elsewhere provided and stack on site.
23-24 Cut out and demolish ballies any diameter. Sqm 15.16
23-29 Dismentling single tiling of brick or PCC in Sqm 72.88
roofs or floors laid in cement mortar
including half bricks or block on edge in any
23-30 Dismentling single tiling of brick or PCC in Sqm 109.31
roofs or floorsany other desciption
including any ridges, hips,vallys, wind ties
and barge and eaves boarding(Net area of
roof surface meaured, no aditional
allowance for ridges, hips and valleys).
24-01 *(Deleted being obsolete) One Fan point, Point _
one light point, one bell point, controlled by
one swithc, wiring complete with PVC
sheathed single core cable 3/.029 with clips
on hard wood baten
24-02 *(Deleted being obsolete) One Fan point, Point _
one light point, one bell point, controlled by
one swithc, wiring complete with PVC
sheathed single core cable 3/.029 with clips
on hard wood baten
24-05 S/F One Fan point, one light point, one bell Point 2202.03
point, controlled by one swithc, wiring
complete with PVC single core cable 1mm2
in surface conduit, stove enameled
24-06 S/F One Fan point, one light point, one bell Point 3875.40
point, controlled by one swithc, wiring
complete with PVC single core cable 1mm2
in surface flame proof conduit, stove
24-07 S/F One Fan point, one light point, one bell Point 1578.92
point, controlled by one swithc, wiring
complete with PVC single core cable 1mm2
in concealed PVC conduit, stove enameled
24-08 S/F One Fan point, one light point, one bell Point 1040.96
point, controlled by one swithc, wiring
complete with PVC single core cable 1mm2
in surface PVC conduit,stove enameled,
24-09 *(Deleted being obsolete) One Fan point, Point _
one light point, one bell point, controlled by
one swithc, wiring complete with PVC
single core cable 1.5mm2 in concealed
conduit, stove enamelled
24-10 S/F One Fan point, one light point, one bell Point 2330.58
point, controlled by one swithc, wiring
complete with PVC single core cable
1.5mm2 in Surface conduit, stove
24-11 S/F One Fan point, one light point, one bell Point 4003.95
point, controlled by one swithc, wiring
complete with PVC single core cable
1.5mm2 in surface flame proof conduit,
stove enameled
24-12 One Fan point, one light point, one bell Point 1707.47
point, controlled by one swithc, wiring
complete with PVC single core cable
1.5mm2 in concealed PVC conduit, stove
enameled, S/F
24-13 S/F One Fan point, one light point, one bell Point 1169.51
point, controlled by one swithc, wiring
complete with PVC single core cable
1.5mm2 in surface PVC conduit, stove
24-14 Same as item 24-4 or 24-9 but fixing only. Point 994.74
24-15 Same as item 24-5 or 24-10 but fixing only. Point 619.80
24-16 Same as item 24-6 or 24-11 but fixing only. Point 619.80
24-17 Same as item 24-7 or 24-12 but fixing only. Point 994.74
24-18 Same as item 24-8 or 24-13 but fixing only. Point 413.20
24-30 One Fan point, one light point, one bell Point 629.91
point, controlled by one swithc, wiring
complete with PVC single core cable
1.5mm2 in concealed conduit, stove
enameled,but without conduit,
24-31 One Fan point, one light point, one bell Point 206.60
point, controlled by one swithc, wiring
complete with PVC single core cable
1.5mm2 in concealed conduit,stove
enameled,but without conduit,
24-32 Add to item 24-30or 24-31 if removal only Point 103.31
24-37 Add for each additional light point on same Point 891.79
switch circuit/additional circuit one bell point
controlled by more than one push swithch
wiring complete with PVC single core cable
1mm2 in surface conduit, stove enameled
24-38 Add for each additional light point on same Point 1501.24
switch circuit/additional circuit one bell point
controlled by more than one push swithch
wiring complete with PVC single core cable
1mm2 in frame proof conduit, stove
enameled S/F.
24-39 Add for each additional light point on same Point 601.50
switch circuit/additional circuit one bell point
controlled by more than one push swithch
wiring complete with PVC single core cable
1mm2 in concealed PVC conduit, stove
enameled S/F.
24-40 Add for each additional light point on same Point 615.09
switch circuit/additional circuit one bell point
controlled by more than one push swithch
wiring complete with PVC single core cable
1mm2 in surface PVC conduit, stove
enameled S/F.
24-41 Add for each additional light point on same Point 966.58
switch circuit/additional circuit one bell point
controlled by more than one push swithch
wiring complete with PVC single core cable
1.5mm2 in concealed conduit, stove
enameled S/F.
24-42 Add for each additional light point on same Point 1020.34
switch circuit/additional circuit one bell point
controlled by more than one push swithch
wiring complete with PVC single core cable
1.5mm2 in surface conduit, stove enameled
24-43 Add for each additional light point on same Point 1629.79
switch circuit/additional circuit one bell point
controlled by more than one push swithch
wiring complete with PVC single core cable
1.5mm2 in flame proof conduit, stove
enameled S/F.
24-44 Add for each additional light point on same Point 730.05
switch circuit/additional circuit one bell point
controlled by more than one push swithch
wiring complete with PVC single core cable
1.5mm2 in concealed PVC conduit, stove
enameled S/F.
24-45 Add for each additional light point on same Point 743.64
switch circuit/additional circuit one bell point
controlled by more than one push swithch
wiring complete with PVC single core cable
1.5mm2 in surface PVC conduit, stove
enameled S/F.
24-46 Same as item 24-36 or 24-41 but fixing only Point 206.60
24-47 Same as item 24-37 or 24-42 but fixing only Point 154.95
24-48 Same as item 24-38 or 24-43 but fixing only Point 206.60
24-49 Same as item 24-39 or 24-44 but fixing only Point 206.60
24-50 Same as item 24-40 or 24-45 but fixing only Point 206.60
24-60 Add for each additional light point on same Point 449.70
switch circuit/additional circuit for one bell
point control by more than one push switch
wiring complete with PVC single core cable
1mm2 in surface conduit, stove enameled
but without conduit S/F.
24-61 Add for each additional light point on same Point 449.70
switch circuit/additional circuit for one bell
point control by more than one push switch
wiring complete with PVC single core cable
1mm2 in surface flame proof conduit, stove
enameled but without conduit S/F.
24-62 Add for each additional light point on same Point 449.70
switch circuit/additional circuit for one bell
point control by more than one push switch
wiring complete with PVC single core cable
1mm2 in concealed PVC conduit, stove
enameled but without conduit S/F.
24-63 Add for each additional light point on same Point 449.70
switch circuit/additional circuit for one bell
point control by more than one push switch
wiring complete with PVC single core cable
1mm2 in surface PVC conduit, stove
enameled but without conduit S/F.
24-65 Add for each additional light point on same Point 578.25
switch circuit/additional circuit for one bell
point control by more than one push switch
wiring complete with PVC single core cable
1.5mm2 in surface conduit, stove enameled
but without conduit S/F.
24-66 Add for each additional light point on same Point 578.25
switch circuit/additional circuit for one bell
point control by more than one push switch
wiring complete with PVC single core cable
1.5mm2 in surface frame proof conduit,
stove enameled but without conduit S/F.
24-67 Add for each additional light point on same Point 578.25
switch circuit/additional circuit for one bell
point control by more than one push switch
wiring complete with PVC single core cable
1.5mm2 in concealed PVC conduit, stove
enameled but without conduit S/F.
24-68 Add for each additional light point on same Point 578.25
switch circuit/additional circuit for one bell
point control by more than one push switch
wiring complete with PVC single core cable
1.5mm2 in surface PVC conduit, stove
enameled but without conduit S/F.
24-75 One light point controled by two way switch Point 2788.28
wiring complete with PVC single core cable
1mm2 in surface conduit, stove enemeled
24-76 One light point controled by two way switch Point 5298.34
wiring complete with PVC single core cable
1mm2 in surface flame proof conduit,
stove enemeled S/F.
24-77 One light point controled by two way switch Point 1660.15
wiring complete with PVC single core cable
1mm2 in concealed PVC conduit, stove
enemeled S/F.
24-78 One light point controled by two way switch Point 1448.41
wiring complete with PVC single core cable
1mm2 in surface PVC conduit, stove
enemeled S/F.
24-79 *(Deleted being obsolete) One light point Point _
controled by two way switch wiring
complete with PVC single core cable
1.5mm2 in concealed conduit, stove
enemeled S/F.
24-80 One light point controled by two way switch Point 2942.54
wiring complete with PVC single core cable
1.5mm2 in surface conduit, stove
enemeled S/F.
24-81 One light point controled by two way switch Point 5452.60
wiring complete with PVC single core cable
1.5mm2 in surface flame proof conduite,
stove enemeled S/F.
24-82 One light point controled by two way switch Point 1814.41
wiring complete with PVC single core cable
1.5mm2 in concealed PVC conduite, stove
enemeled S/F.
24-83 One light point controled by two way switch Point 1602.67
wiring complete with PVC single core cable
1.5mm2 in surface PVC conduite, stove
enemeled S/F.
24-84 Same as item 24-74 or 24-79 but fixing Point 994.74
24-85 Same as item 24-75 or 24-80 but fixing Point 619.80
24-86 Same as item 24-76 or 24-81 but fixing Point 619.80
24-87 Same as item 24-77 or 24-82 but fixing Point 872.31
24-88 Same as item 24-78 or 24-83 but fixing Point 619.80
24-89 Add to item 24-74 or 24-79 or 24-84 if Point 374.94
removal only
24-90 Add to item 24-75 or 24-80 or 24-85 if Point 206.60
removal only
24-91 Add to item 24-76 or 24-81 or 24-86 if Point 206.60
removal only
24-92 Add to item 24-77 or 24-82 or 24-87 if Point 374.94
removal only
24-93 Add to item 24-78 or 24-83 or 24-88 if Point 206.60
removal only
24-94 *(Deleted being obsolete) One light point Point _
controled by two way switch, wiring
complete with PVC sheathed single core
cable 3/.029 with clips on hard wood batten
but without hard wood batten S/F.
24-107 Add for each additional light point on same Point 852.66
switch curicuit wiring complete with PVC
single core cable 1mm2 in concealed PVC
conduit, stove enemeled S/F.
24-108 Add for each additional light point on same Point 659.65
switch curicuit wiring complete with PVC
single core cable 1mm2 in Surface PVC
conduit, stove enemeled S/F.
24-112 Add for each additional light point on same Point 981.22
switch curicuit wiring complete with PVC
single core cable 1.5mm2 in concealed
PVC conduit, stove enemeled S/F.
24-113 Add for each additional light point on same Point 788.20
switch curicuit wiring complete with PVC
single core cable 1.5mm2 in Surface PVC
conduit, stove enemeled S/F.
24-128 Add for each additional light point on same Point 501.35
switch curicuit wiring complete with PVC
single core cable 1mm2 in surface conduit,
stove enemeled but with out conduit S/F
24-129 Add for each additional light point on same Point 501.35
switch curicuit wiring complete with PVC
single core cable 1mm2 in flame proof
conduit, stove enemeled but with out
conduit S/F
24-130 Add for each additional light point on same Point 501.35
switch curicuit wiring complete with PVC
single core cable 1mm2 in concealed PVC
conduit, stove enemeled but with out
conduit S/F
24-131 Add for each additional light point on same Point 501.35
switch curicuit wiring complete with PVC
single core cable 1mm2 in surface PVC
conduit, stove enemeled but with out
conduit S/F
24-132 Add for each additional light point on same Point 629.90
switch curicuit wiring complete with PVC
single core cable 1.5mm2 in concealed
conduit, stove enemeled but with out
conduit S/F
24-133 Add for each additional light point on same Point 629.90
switch curicuit wiring complete with PVC
single core cable 1.5mm2 in surface
conduit, stove enemeled but with out
conduit S/F
24-134 Add for each additional light point on same Point 629.90
switch curicuit wiring complete with PVC
single core cable 1.5mm2 in flame proof
conduit, stove enemeled but with out
conduit S/F
24-135 Add for each additional light point on same Point 629.90
switch curicuit wiring complete with PVC
single core cable 1.5mm2 in concealed
PVC conduit, stove enemeled but with out
conduit S/F
24-136 Add for each additional light point on same Point 629.90
switch curicuit wiring complete with PVC
single core cable 1.5mm2 in surface PVC
conduit, stove enemeled but with out
conduit S/F
24-137 Same as item 24-127 to 24-136 but fixing Point 206.60
24-138 Add to item 24-127 to 24-137 if removal Point 103.31
24-139 *(Deleted being obsolete) One three pin Point _
socket outlet 5 Amps point controled by
one switch wiring complete with PVC
sheathed single core cable 3/.029 with clips
on hard wood batten incl earth wire S/F
24-140 *(Deleted being obsolete) Fixing only of Point _
One three pin socket outlet 5 Amps point
controled by one switch wiring complete
with PVC sheathed single core cable 3/.029
with clips on hard wood batten incl earth
24-143 One three pin socket outlet 5 Amps point Point 2702.31
controled by one switch wiring complete
with PVC single core cable 1mm2 in
surface conduit, stove enelemed incl earth
wire S/F
24-144 One three pin socket outlet 5 Amps point Point 4398.64
controled by one switch wiring complete
with PVC single core cable 1mm2 in flame
proof conduit, stove enelemed incl earth
wire S/F
24-145 One three pin socket outlet 5 Amps point Point 1894.21
controled by one switch wiring complete
with PVC single core cable 1mm2 in
concealed PVC conduit, stove enelemed
incl earth wire S/F
24-146 One three pin socket outlet 5 Amps point Point 1516.76
controled by one switch wiring complete
with PVC single core cable 1mm2 in
surface PVC conduit, stove enelemed incl
earth wire S/F
24-147 *(Deleted being obsolete) One three pin Point _
socket outlet 5 Amps point controled by
one switch wiring complete with PVC single
core cable 1.5mm2 in concealed conduit,
stove enelemed incl earth wire S/F
24-148 One three pin socket outlet 5 Amps point Point 2830.86
controled by one switch wiring complete
with PVC single core cable 1.5mm2 in
surface conduit, stove enelemed incl earth
wire S/F
24-149 One three pin socket outlet 5 Amps point Point 4527.19
controled by one switch wiring complete
with PVC single core cable 1.5mm2 in
flame proof conduit, stove enelemed incl
earth wire S/F
24-150 One three pin socket outlet 5 Amps point Point 2022.76
controled by one switch wiring complete
with PVC single core cable 1.5mm2 in
concealed PVC conduit, stove enelemed
incl earth wire S/F
24-151 One three pin socket outlet 5 Amps point Point 1645.31
controled by one switch wiring complete
with PVC single core cable 1.5mm2 in
surface PVC conduit, stove enelemed incl
earth wire S/F
24-152 *(Deleted being obsolete) One three pin Point _
socket outlet 5 Amps controled by one
switch, wiring complete with PVC sheathed
single core cable 3/.029 and copper
conductor for earth hard wood batten S/F
but without hard wood batten.
24-156 Fixing only of One three pin socket outlet 5 Point 206.60
Amps point controled by one switch, wiring
complete with PVC single core cable 1mm2
in concealed or surface conduit incl copper
conductor but without conduit
24-159 Fixing only of One three pin socket outlet 5 Point 206.60
Amps point controled by one switch, wiring
complete with PVC single core cable
1.5mm2 in concealed or surface conduit
incl copper conductor but without conduit
24-165 One three pin socket outlet 15 Amps point Point 3107.98
controled by one switch, wiring complete
with PVC single core cable 2.5mm2 in
surface conduit, stove enemeled incl earth
wire S/F
24-166 One three pin socket outlet 15 Amps point Point 4854.81
controled by one switch, wiring complete
with PVC single core cable 2.5mm2 in
flame proof conduit, stove enemeled incl
earth wire S/F
24-167 One three pin socket outlet 15 Amps point Point 2289.17
controled by one switch, wiring complete
with PVC single core cable 2.5mm2 in
concealed PVC conduit, glavanized or
stove enemeled incl earth wire S/F
24-168 One three pin socket outlet 15 Amps point Point 1936.21
controled by one switch, wiring complete
with PVC single core cable 2.5mm2 in
surface PVC conduit, glavanized or stove
enemeled incl earth wire S/F
24-201 Bracket bath room with globe white glass Each 580.81
opal 150 mm dia complete with lamp holder
BC with shade carrier ring, S/F.
24-202 Bracket wall with globe white glass opal Each 623.66
150mm dia complete with gallery and lamp
holder BC with shade carrier ring, S/F.
24-316 Switch fuse flame proof TPNL 500 volts 30 Each 15055.22
Amps, terminal chamber drilled and tapped
25 mm ET on both sides, solid brass
threaded plug for sealing hole not required
S/F (The complete unit should comply with
BSS No. 229, 542 and 889).
24-317 Switch fuse flame proof TPNL 500 volts 60 Each 27815.79
Amps, terminal chamber drilled and tapped
25 mm ET on both sides, solid brass
threaded plug for sealing hole not required
S/F (The complete unit should comply with
BSS No. 229, 542 and 889).
24-318 Switch fuse flame proof TPNL 500 volts Each 28183.08
100 Amps, terminal chamber drilled and
tapped 25 mm ET on both sides, solid
brass threaded plug for sealing hole not
required S/F (The complete unit should
comply with BSS No. 229, 542 and 889).
24-319 Switch fuse flame proof TPNL 500 volts Each 49881.04
200 Amps, terminal chamber drilled and
tapped 25 mm ET on both sides, solid
brass threaded plug for sealing hole not
required S/F (The complete unit should
comply with BSS No. 229, 542 and 889).
24-320 Switch fuse flame proof TPNL 500 volts Each 66531.52
300 Amps, terminal chamber drilled and
tapped 25 mm ET on both sides, solid
brass threaded plug for sealing hole not
required S/F (The complete unit should
comply with BSS No. 229, 542 and 889).
24-323 Fixing only of Switch fuse flame proof TPNL Each 363.62
500 volts 15 Amps, terminal chamber
drilled and tapped 25 mm ET on both sides,
solid brass threaded plug for sealing hole
not required (The complete unit should
comply with BSS No. 229, 542 and 889).
24-324 Fixing only of Switch fuse flame proof TPNL Each 363.62
500 volts 30 Amps, terminal chamber
drilled and tapped 25 mm ET on both sides,
solid brass threaded plug for sealing hole
not required (The complete unit should
comply with BSS No. 229, 542 and 889).
24-424 Add to item 26-420 for each additional way. Each 106.51
24-432 Add to item 26-426 for each additional way. Each 106.51
24-433 Add to item 26-427 for each additional way. Each 128.55
24-434 Add to item 26-428 for each additional way. Each 195.89
24-444 Add to item 26-436 for each additional way. Each 319.54
24-445 Add to item 26-437 for each additional way. Each 385.65
24-446 Add to item 26-438 for each additional way. Each 587.66
24-506 Conduit 25mm dia, heavy gauge class "B" Meter 670.84
screwed solid drawn complete with all
bend,tees, boxes, saddles etc. stove
enameled for surface wiring.(fitting shall be
flame proof and conform to BSS no229
24-529 Clamp hook for fan ordinary type, S/F. Each 216.93
24-530 Same as item 26-523 but box concealed or Each 284.27
for girder.
24-531 Same as item 24-529 or 24-530 but fixing Each 51.65
24-532 Add to item 24-529, 24-530 or 24-531 if Each 33.06
removal only
24-533 Fan electric with blades, conopy and rod Each 4107.48
incl connections, provn of cable and ceiling
rose for fan 140 CM sweep with out
regulator (delux model) S/F.
24-534 Fan electric with blades, conopy and rod Each 4082.99
incl connections, provn of cable and ceiling
rose for fan 120 CM sweep with out
regulator (delux model) S/F.
24-535 Fan electric with blades, conopy and rod Each 3538.18
incl connections, provn of cable and ceiling
rose for fan 90 CM sweep with out regulator
(delux model) S/F.
24-536 Fan electric water proof with blades, Each 4180.94
conopy and rod incl connections, provn of
cable and ceiling rose for fan 140 CM
sweep with out regulator of approved type
24-537 Fan electric water proof with blades, Each 4156.45
conopy and rod incl connections, provn of
cable and ceiling rose for fan 120 CM
sweep with out regulator of approved type
24-538 Same as item 24-533, 24-537 but fixing Each 154.95
24-539 Add to item 24-533 to 24-537, 538 if Each 101.24
removal only
24-540 Regulator for ceiling fans any sweep S/F. Each 509.54
24-541 Fixing only of Regulator for ceiling fans any Each 51.65
24-542 Add to item 24-540 or 24-541 if removal Each 33.06
24-543 Switch SP bakelite piano type 5 Amps all Each 86.08
insulated one way S/F.
24-544 Switch SP bakelite piano type 5 Amps all Each 92.20
insulated two way S/F.
24-545 Socket outlet 5A bakelite 2 pin concealed Each 73.84
type S/F
24-546 Dimmer for ceiling fan any sweep S/F Each 153.42
24-547 Same as item 24-543, 24-546 but fixing Each 30.99
24-548 Add to item 24-543 to 24-546, 547 if Each 15.50
removal only
Electric Moters
24-549 Motor-electric AC 400 volts 3 Phase 50 Each 16119.20
cycles 1450/2900 RPM, 1 HP, S/F.
24-550 Motor-electric AC 400 volts 3 Phase 50 Each 21161.26
cycles 1450/2900 RPM, 2 HP, S/F.
24-551 Motor-electric AC 400 volts 3 Phase 50 Each 36342.59
cycles 1450/2900 RPM, 3 HP, S/F.
24-552 Motor-electric AC 400 volts 3 Phase 50 Each 51156.62
cycles 1450/2900 RPM, 5 HP, S/F.
24-553 Motor-electric AC 400 volts 3 Phase 50 Each 68051.96
cycles 1450/2900 RPM, 7.5 HP, S/F.
24-554 Motor-electric AC 400 volts 3 Phase 50 Each 77987.91
cycles 1450/2900 RPM, 10 HP, S/F.
24-555 Motor-electric AC 400 volts 3 Phase 50 Each 111008.51
cycles 1450/2900 RPM, 15 HP, S/F.
24-556 Motor-electric AC 400 volts 3 Phase 50 Each 142406.90
cycles 1450/2900 RPM, 20 HP, S/F.
24-557 Motor-electric AC 400 volts 3 Phase 50 Each 168188.21
cycles 1450/2900 RPM, 25 HP, S/F.
24-558 Motor-electric AC 400 volts 3 Phase 50 Each 194994.26
cycles 1450/2900 RPM, 30 HP, S/F.
24-559 Motor-electric AC 400 volts 3 Phase 50 Each 255277.57
cycles 1450/2900 RPM, 40 HP, S/F.
24-560 Motor-electric AC 400 volts 3 Phase 50 Each 377761.44
cycles 1450/2900 RPM, 60 HP, S/F.
24-561 Motor-electric AC 400 volts 3 Phase 50 Each 490086.07
cycles 1450/2900 RPM, 75 HP, S/F.
24-562 Motor-electric AC 400 volts 3 Phase 50 Each 636228.31
cycles 1450/2900 RPM, 100 HP, S/F.
24-563 Motor-electric AC 400 volts 3 Phase 50 Each 1032972.52
cycles 1450/2900 RPM, 125 HP, S/F.
24-564 Motor-electric AC 400 volts 3 Phase 50 Each 1086047.15
cycles 1450/2900 RPM, 150 HP, S/F.
24-565 Motor-electric AC 400 volts 3 Phase 50 Each 1445971.76
cycles 1450/2900 RPM, 180 HP, S/F.
24-566 Same as item 24-549 to 24-553 but fixing Each 225.74
24-567 Same as item 26-554 to 26-556 but fixing Each 612.15
24-568 Same as item 24-557, 24-559 but fixing Each 1438.55
24-569 Same as item 24-560 or 24-561 but fixing Each 1438.55
24-570 Same as item 24-562 or 24-563 but fixing Each 1622.20
24-571 Same as item 24-564 or 24-565 but fixing Each 2081.31
24-572 Add to item 24-549 to 24-553 or 24-566 Each 148.99
removal only
24-573 Add to item 24-554 to 24-556 or 24-567 Each 405.86
removal only
24-574 Add to item 24-557 to 24-559 or 24-568 Each 956.18
removal only
24-575 Add to item 24-560 to 24-561 or 24-569 Each 956.18
removal only
24-576 Add to item 24-562 to 24-563 or 24-570 Each 1078.61
removal only
24-577 Add to item 24-564 to 24-565 or 24-571 Each 1373.66
removal only
Heater Electric
24-578 Heaters electric tubular AC 220/230 volts Each 8531.84
50 cycles complete with suitable fiexible
cord and plug 2000 watts, S/F.
24-579 Heaters electric tubular AC 220/230 volts Each 11225.30
50 cycles complete with suitable fiexible
cord and plug 3000 watts, S/F.
24-580 Same as item 24-578 or 24-579 but fixing Each 206.60
24-581 Add to item 24-578 to 24-579, 580 if Each 103.31
removal only
24-582 Rewinding of elect motors singel phase 50 Each 2203.74
cycles 220/230 volts complete upto 1/2 HP.
24-583 Rewinding of elect motors singel phase 50 Each 3305.61
cycles 220/230 volts complete over 1/2 HP
and upto 1 HP.
24-584 Rewinding of elect motors singel phase 50 Each 4285.05
cycles 220/230 volts complete over 1HP
and upto 2 HP.
24-585 Rewinding of elect motors AC 400 volts 3 Each 3872.90
phase 50 cycles 1450/2900 RPM complete
as per original winding upto 1 hp
24-773 Single switch one way 10A 250V S/F Each 100.25
24-774 Single switch 2 way 10A 250V S/F Each 130.85
24-775 Bell Push single 10A 250V gang type S/F Each 253.28
24-776 One socket 2 pin 10A sibgle 250V gang Each 116.16
type S/F
24-777 Single dimmer for fan 250V S/F Each 296.13
24-778 TV/Telephone Socket single gang type Each 198.19
24-779 Telephone cable 2 pairs copper conductor Each 49.58
0.6mm dia PE insulated PVC sheathed S/F
24-780 Telephone cable 3 pairs copper conductor Each 67.95
0.6mm dia PE insulated PVC sheathed S/F
Energy Savers
24-782 Energy saver Plain 14 W S/F Each 210.43
24-783 Energy saver Plain 18 W S/F Each 230.02
24-784 Energy saver Plain 23 W S/F Each 260.63
24-785 Energy saver Spiral 5, 8,11 W S/F Each 256.96
24-786 Energy saver Full Spiral 11 W S/F Each 256.96
24-787 Energy saver Full Spiral 15 W S/F Each 253.28
24-788 Energy saver Full Spiral 20 W S/F Each 265.53
24-789 Energy saver Full Spiral 23 W S/F Each 277.77
24-789.1 Energy saver Full Spiral 45 W S/F Each 1159.27
24-789.2 Energy saver Full Spiral 85 W S/F Each 1673.47
24-790 Same as item 24-782 to 24-789, 24-789.1, Each 20.67
24-789.2 but fixing only.
24-791 Add to item 24-782 to 24-790, 24-789.1,24- Each 14.46
789.2 if removal only
24-792 Choke for Fluorescent tube 20/40W S/F. Each 373.72
External Electrification
25-01 Digging hole in ordinary soil provn and Each 26633.95
eraction in position and sitting in 150mm
thick CC type D 1:4:8 foundation and
80mm thick CC type D 1:4:8 muffler all
round for and steel tubular ungalvanised
pole 9meters long complete with base
plate as spd.
25-05 Same as item 25-1 and 25-2 but fixing only. Each 5820.85
25-06 Same as item 25-3 and 25-4 but fixing only. Each 6537.50
25-07 Add to item 25-1 or 25-2 & 25-5 if removal Each 752.58
25-08 Add to item 25-3 or 25-4 & 25-6 if removal Each 1191.86
25-09 Digging hole in ordinary soil provn and Each 29944.32
eraction in position and sitting in 150mm
thick type D 1:4:8 foundation and 80mm
thick type D 1:4:8 muffler all round for and
steel tubular ungalvanized single arm street
pole 10.792 M long complete with base
plate as spd.
25-13 Same as item 25-9 or 25-10 but fixing only. Each 6070.47
25-45 Painting of steel, pole tubular and other Each 878.44
type excluding cross arms upto 12M long
incl anti corrosive paint (First coat new or
old work).
25-46 Painting of steel, pole tubular and other Each 538.69
type excluding cross arms upto 12.00 meter
long incl without anti corrosive paint (First
coat new or old work).
25-47 Painting of steel, pole tubular and other Each 400.40
type excluding cross arms upto 12.00 meter
long incl anti corrosive paint (Second and
subsequent coat, new or old work).
25-245 PVC Heat straight joint LT, complete with Each 9846.43
tapes, ferules and heat tubes etc, as
specified for LT cable 4 core, 25 to 35mm2
25-246 PVC Heat straight joint LT, complete with Each 11525.25
tapes, ferules and heat tubes etc, as
specified for LT cable 4 core, 50 to 70mm2
25-247 PVC Heat straight joint LT, complete with Each 14061.09
tapes, ferules and heat tubes etc, as
specified for LT cable 4 core, 95 to
150mm2 S/F.
25-248 PVC Heat straight joint LT, complete with Each 19570.44
tapes, ferules and heat tubes etc, as
specified for LT cable 4 core, 185 to
300mm2 S/F.
25-249 Same as item 25-244 to 25-245 but fixing Each 909.04
25-250 Same as item 25-246 but fixing only. Each 1363.56
25-251 Same as item 25-247 to 25-248 but fixing Each 1818.09
25-252 Add to item 25-244 to 25-251 if removal Each 247.92
25-253 PVC T-Service joint LT, comprising of Each 6943.01
mould resin, padding tape, funnels and
ferrules etc. as specified for LT cable 4
core, 16mm2 S/F.
25-254 PVC T-Service joint LT, comprising of Each 8709.36
mould resin, padding tape, funnels and
ferrules etc. as specified for LT cable 4
core, 25 to 50mm2 x 16 to 25mm2 S/F.
25-255 PVC T-Service joint LT, comprising of Each 11979.78
mould resin, padding tape, funnels and
ferrules etc. as specified for LT cable 4
core, 70 to 95mm2 x 35 to 50mm2 S/F.
25-256 PVC T-Service joint LT, comprising of Each 18751.68
mould resin, padding tape, funnels and
ferrules etc. as specified for LT cable 4
core, 120 to 185mm2 x 70 to 95mm2 S/F.
Natural Gas
Sui Gas Pipe Work
26-01 MS Pipe for high pressure incl cleaning applying primer, coating
Meterwith B.B.E.S710.22
(Eitumen, Binding, Enamel Surface) Compound and wrapping with fi
26-02 MS Pipe for high pressure incl cleaning applying prime Meter 951.06
26-03 MS Pipe for high pressure incl cleaning applying prime Meter 1598.53
26-04 MS Pipe for high pressure incl cleaning applying prime Meter 3399.84
26-05 MS Pipe for high pressure incl cleaning applying prime Meter 4899.95
26-31 Brass cock union type gas quality 15mm dia S/F. Each 510.39
26-32 Brass cock union type gas quality 25mm dia S/F. Each 732.44
26-33 Brass cock union type gas quality 25mm dia S/F. Each 1008.37
26-34 Fixing only of Brass cock union type gas quality 15mm Each 20.67
26-35 Fixing only of Brass cock union type gas quality 20mm Each 24.79
26-36 Fixing only of Brass cock union type gas quality 25mm Each 28.93
26-40 Brass valve ball type screwed both ends complete with steelEach
handle washer/nut
15mm dia S/F.
26-41 Brass valve ball type screwed both ends complete with Each 759.37
26-42 Brass valve ball type screwed both ends complete with Each 1008.37
26-43 Fixing only of Brass valve ball type screwed both end Each 20.67
26-44 Fixing only of Brass valve ball type screwed both end Each 24.79
26-45 Fixing only of Brass valve ball type screwed both end Each 28.93
Tandoor burner
26-49 Tandoor burner (48 nozzles) complete with burner plate, Each 6798.70
26-50 Fixing only of Tandoor burner (48 nozzles) complete wit Each 309.91
26-57 Gas water heater complete with burner pilot thermostat Each 28929.60
26-58 Gas water heater complete with burner pilot thermostat Each 65030.53
26-62 Add to item 26-57 or 26-58, 26-60 if removal only Each 309.91
26-64 Gas room heater complete with pilot double burner fix Each 7692.44
26-73 Gas cooking range 5 burner 34" single door complete with thermostat
Each oven/grill
and rotisserie tempered (heat proof) crystal glass S/F
26-74 Gas cooking range 5 burner 34" double door complete with thermostat
Each oven/grill
26411.98and rotisserie tempered (heat proof) crystal glass S/F
26-77 Thermostat of Gas water heater (imported USA) complete with
Eachburner, theremocouple
5758.04 wire and pilot tube with pilot S/F.
26-78 Thermostat of Gas water heater (Pak Made) complete with burner,
Each theremocouple
2006.79wire and pilot tube with pilot S/F.
26-81 Audco valve high pressure MW-13 type - 100 mm dia flanged
with nut & bolts
complete S/F
26-82 Audco valve high pjressure MW-13 type - 150 mm dia fl Each 28084.83
26-91 Sui Gas regulator "Peeble type"domestic pak made S/F Each 913.63
26-92 Sui Gas regulator domestic pak made but 043 type S/F Each 2841.91
26-96 Sui Gas meter commercial with brass coupling, S/F. Each 8412.47
26-99 S/F heater Flue pipe assembly fabricated with 24 gauge GI Each
sheets. 342.44
26-102 S/F Looking cock brass 20mm dia for sui gas. Each 718.82
26-105 Poly Ethylene (PE) gas pipe class MDPE-80 yellow pipe (SDR-11)
Meter 20mm dia
but fusion joint (excl cost of excavation) S/F
26-106 Poly Ethylene (PE) gas pipe class MDPE-80 yellow pipe Meter 182.42
26-107 Poly Ethylene (PE) gas pipe class MDPE-80 yellow pipe Meter 340.59
26-108 Poly Ethylene (PE) gas pipe class MDPE-80 yellow pipe Meter 466.69
26-109 Poly Ethylene (PE) gas pipe class MDPE-80 yellow pipe Meter 1061.70
26-110 Poly Ethylene (PE) gas pipe class MDPE-80 yellow pipe Meter 1550.06
26-111 Poly Ethylene (PE) gas pipe class MDPE-80 yellow pipe Meter 3226.01
26-118 Butt fusion joint for pipe 20 mm dia joint complete as s Each 673.37
26-119 Butt fusion joint for pipe 25 mm dia joint complete as s Each 734.58
26-120 Butt fusion joint for pipe 40 mm dia joint complete as s Each 857.01
26-121 Butt fusion joint for pipe 50 mm or 75 mm dia joint com Each 1101.87
26-122 Butt fusion joint for pipe 100 mm dia joint complete as Each 1101.87
26-123 Butt fusion joint for pipe 160 mm dia joint complete as Each 1101.87
26-128 Elbow 100 mm dia for gas pipe PE MD 80 S/F Each 9907.27
26-129 Elbow 160 mm dia for gas pipe PE MD 80 S/F Each 24677.22
26-151 Add to item 26-141 26-143 26-147 if removal only Each 46.49
27-01 GI sheet metal duct complete with hanger for ceiling suspended,
Sqmproper support
for duct running on roof and bracing complete all respect 26 SWG
27-02 GI sheet metal duct complete with hanger for ceiling suspended,
Sqmproper support
for duct running on roof and bracing complete all respect 24 SWG
27-03 GI sheet metal duct complete with hanger for ceiling suspended,
Sqmproper support
for duct running on roof and bracing complete all respect 22 SWG
27-04 GI sheet metal duct complete with hanger for ceiling suspended,
Sqmproper support
for duct running on roof and bracing complete all respect 20 SWG
27-05 GI sheet metal duct complete with hanger for ceiling suspended,
Sqmproper support
for duct running on roof and bracing complete all respect 18 SWG
27-16 Fiber glass or rock wool insulation for GI duct 1" thickn Sqm 2173.13
27-17 Fiber glass or rock wool insulation for GI duct 1.5" thic Sqm 2968.93
27-18 Vapour barrier for GI duct consist of 2 ply Kraft foil with internal
Sqmfiber glass yarn
reinforcement at maximum I inch centre to centre.
27-19 External covering for GI duct consist of coarse cloth covering.Sqm 595.32
27-20 Sound liner thickness 1 inch for GI duct where required. supply
Sqm and fixing. 3303.16
27-21 Sound liner thickness 2 inch for GI duct where required. supply
Sqm and fixing. 5815.43
27-38 Same as item 27-34 to 27-37 but fixing only. Sqm 619.80
27-39 Added to item 27-34 or 27-37 or 27-38 if removal only. Sqm 464.85
27-40 Balancing Valve for chilled/ hot water 25mm dia (KITZ Each 2254.01
27-41 Balancing Valve for chilled/ hot water 32mm dia (KITZ Each 5926.91
27-42 Balancing Valve for chilled/ hot water 40mm dia (KITZ Each 7396.07
27-43 Balancing Valve for chilled/ hot water 50mm dia (KITZ Each 8865.23
27-44 Balancing Valve for chilled/ hot water 65mm dia (KITZ Each 11803.55
27-45 Balancing Valve for chilled/ hot water 75mm dia (KITZ J Each 29754.47
27-46 Balancing Valve for chilled/ hot water 100mm dia (KITZ Each 32607.09
27-47 Balancing Valve for chilled/ hot water 125mm dia (KITZ Each 37558.16
27-48 Balancing Valve for chilled/ hot water 150mm dia (KITZ Each 66941.36
27-49 Balancing Valve for chilled/ hot water 200mm dia (KITZ Each 96324.56
27-50 Non Return Valve screwed 75mm dia (KITZ Japan) flang Each 43094.44
27-51 Non Return Valve screwed 100mm dia (KITZ Japan) flan Each 46808.97
27-52 Non Return Valve screwed 125mm dia (KITZ Japan) flan Each 51706.17
27-53 Non Return Valve screwed 150mm dia (KITZ Japan) flan Each 56185.88
27-54 Non Return Valve screwed 200mm dia (KITZ Japan) flan Each 110544.80
27-55 Y Strainer 75mm dia (KITZ Japan) flanged and drilled BS Table
Each18-1-9 supply
and fixing.
27-56 Y Strainer 100mm dia (KITZ Japan) flanged and drilled Each 51706.17
27-57 Y Strainer 125mm dia (KITZ Japan) flanged and drilled Each 59051.97
27-58 Y Strainer 150mm dia (KITZ Japan) flanged and drilled Each 117890.60
27-59 Y Strainer 200mm dia (KITZ Japan) flanged and drilled Each 161965.40
27-60 Automatic Air Vent Valve 20mm dia (KITZ Japan) supply and
fixing. 4335.32
27-61 Automatic Air Vent Valve 25mm dia (KITZ Japan) supply and
fixing. 5192.33
27-62 Same as item 27-40 to 27-44, 27-60 to 27-61 but fixing Sqm 50.27
27-63 Same as item 27-45 to 27-49, 27-50, 27-54, 27-55 to 27 Each 316.18
27-64 Add to item 27-40 to 27-44, 27-60 to 27-61 and 27-62 i Each 223.20
27-65 Add to item 27-45 to 27-49, 27-50 to 27-54, 27-55 to 2 Each 92.97
27-68 Same as item 27-66, 27-67 but fixing only. Each 258.25
27-69 Add to item 27-66 , 27-67 or 27-68, if removel only. Each 194.21
27-70 Insulation AC Unit, wall mounted split type up to 1.5 Ton (except
Each cost of AC
Unit and electric wiring)
27-71 Insulation AC Unit, wall mounted split type up to 2.0 Ton (except
Each cost of AC
Unit and electric wiring)
27-72 Insulation AC Unit kit, floor mounted split type 3 phase 5.0 Ton
Eachcapacity (except
cost of AC Unit Kit and electric wiring and PCC foundation)
27-73 Insulation AC Unit, floor mounted split type 3 phase 10 Ton Each
capacity (except
cost of AC Unit and electric wiring and PCC foundation)
27-74 Insulation AC Unit, floor mounted split type 3 phase 16 Ton Each
capacity (except
cost of AC Unit and electric wiring and PCC foundation)
27-75 Insulation AC Unit, floor mounted split type 3 phase 20 Ton Each
capacity (except
cost of AC Unit and electric wiring and PCC foundation)
27-76 Insulation AC Unit, floor mounted split type 3 phase 25 Ton Each
capacity (except
cost of AC Unit and electric wiring and PCC foundation)
27-81 Electric Water Cooler, SP, 220/240V, cooling capacity 200 lits/hour,
Each complete,
supply and fixing.
27-82 Same as item 27-77, 27-78 but fixing only. Each 206.60
27-83 Same as item 27-79, 27-80 but fixing only. Each 309.91
27-86 Add to item 27-79 to 27-80 or 27-83, if removel only. Each 232.42
Section 28
Material Supply only - Rates
(Building and Roads- Items)
28-01 Aggregrate (Bajri, Ballast, gravel shingle) Cum 560.00
graded as specified.
28-02 Ghera approved gauge 40 mm to 50 mm Cum 517.00
(soil aggregate)
28-03 Sand (Washed). Cum 570.00
28-04 Khaha (Stone dust) Cum 459.04
28-05 Brick burnt 1st class M Nos 8000.00
28-06 Brick burnt machine made M Nos 18000.00
28-07 Fire Brick C Nos 10000.00
28-08 Fireclay KG 15.00
28-09 Brick tiles 300 x 150 x 50 mm M Nos 11000.00
28-10 Brick tiles 300 x 150 x 38 mm M Nos 9000.00
28-11 Boarding 13 mm thick 1st class soft wood. Sqm 1572.48
28-122 White light coloured glazed / non skid tiles Sqm 683.00
exc 225 Sq CM (Pak Made).
28-123 White light coloured glazed / non skid tiles Sqm 722.00
exc 225 Sq CM but dark coloured
printed textured (Pak Made).
28-124 White light coloured glazed / non skid tiles Sqm 696.00
exc 400 Sq CM but not exc 900 Sq CM
(Pak Made).
28-125 Dark coloured printed textured tiles exc Sqm 754.00
400 Sq CM but not exc 900 Sq CM (Pak
28-126 White light coloured glazed / non skid tiles Sqm 793.00
exc 400 Sq CM but not exc 900 Sq CM
(Pak Made).
28-127 Dark coloured printed textured tiles exc Sqm 858.00
400 Sq CM but not exc 900 Sq CM (Pak
28-128 White / light coloured glazed / non skid tiles Sqm 1040.00
upto 600 Sq Cm imported (Asian orign
China Malaysia Thailand or equivalent)
28-320 Double Bib Cock (1703) Bolan Range YC. Each 1152.00
28-323 Double Bib Cock (1403) Moon Series YC. Each 1328.00
28-324 Double Bib Cock (603) Swan Range CP. Each 1100.00
28-325 Double Bib Cock (603) Swan Range YC. Each 1045.00
28-326 Double Bib Cock (1003) Libra Series CP. Each 1337.00
28-327 Double Bib Cock (1003) Libra Series YC. Each 1320.00
28-328 Double Bib Cock (5003) Falcon Series CP. Each 1040.00
28-329 Double Bib Cock (5003) Falcon Series YC. Each 990.00
28-330 Double Bib Cock (3903) Capri Series CP. Each 1009.00
28-331 Double Bib Cock (3903) Capri Series YC. Each 982.00
28-336 Double Bib Cock (5103) Project Set CP. Each 877.00
28-337 Double Bib Cock (5103) Project Set YC. Each 836.00
Sink Mixers
28-338 Sink Mixer (700) Victorian CP. Each 2239.00
28-339 Sink Mixer (700) Victorian YC. Each 2277.00
28-340 Sink Mixer (800) Galaxy CP. Each 3402.00
28-341 Sink Mixer (800) Galaxy YC. Each 3176.00
28-342 Sink Mixer (900) Jawel CP. Each 3856.00
28-343 Sink Mixer (900) Jawel YC. Each 3594.00
28-344 Sink Mixer (Quarter Round) (1100) Bolan Each 3913.00
28-345 Sink Mixer (Quarter Round) (1100) Bolan Each 3655.00
28-346 Sink Mixer (1300) Margalla CP. Each 2626.00
28-347 Sink Mixer (1300) Margalla YC. Each 2450.00
28-348 Sink Mixer Single Lever (1600) Ravi CP. Each 5940.00
28-349 Sink Mixer Single Lever (1600) Ravi YC. Each 5550.00
28-350 Sink Mixer Single Lever (1700) Indus CP. Each 5376.00
28-351 Sink Mixer Single Lever (1700) Indus YC. Each 5019.00
28-477 6 piece Set (2413) Colour, with double bib Each 5874.00
cock K.B, 3xT cock, Classic Toilet Shower
with pipe and waste.
28-478 6 piece Set (2413) Colour, with double bib Each 6644.00
cock K.B, 3xT cock, Classic Toilet Shower
with pipe and waste.
28-479 6 piece Set (2405) Colour, with double bib Each 8499.00
cock Eva, 3xT cock, Eva Toilet Shower
with pipe and waste.
28-480 6 piece Set (2405) Colour, with double bib Each 9718.00
cock Eva, 3xT cock, Eva Toilet Shower
with pipe and waste.
28-481 6 piece Set (2402) Colour, with double bib Each 7245.00
cock K.B, 3xT cock, KB Toilet Shower with
pipe and waste.
28-482 6 piece Set (2402) Colour, with double bib Each 8159.00
cock K.B, 3xT cock, KB Toilet Shower with
pipe and waste.
28-483 6 piece Set (2412) Colour, with double bib Each 5874.00
cock, 3xT cock, Classic Toilet Shower with
pipe and waste.
28-484 6 piece Set (2412) Colour, with double bib Each 6644.00
cock, 3xT cock, Classic Toilet Shower with
pipe and waste.
28-485 6 piece Set (2409) Colour, with double bib Each 8499.00
cock Cera, 3xT cock, Cera Toilet Shower
with pipe and waste.
28-486 6 piece Set (2409) Colour, with double bib Each 9718.00
cock Cera, 3xT cock, Cera Toilet Shower
with pipe and waste.
28-487 6 piece Set (2409) Colour, with double bib Each 6297.00
cock Cera, 3xT cock, Cera Toilet Shower
with pipe and waste.
28-488 6 piece Set (2409) Colour, with double bib Each 7171.00
cock Cera, 3xT cock, Cera Toilet Shower
with pipe and waste.
28-489 6 piece Set (2404) Colour, with double bib Each 7821.00
cock Royal, 3xT cock, Royal Toilet Shower
with pipe and waste.
28-490 6 piece Set (2404) Colour, with double bib Each 8746.00
cock Royal, 3xT cock, Royal Toilet Shower
with pipe and waste.
28-491 6 piece Set (2414) Colour, with double bib Each 6336.00
cock Royal, 3xT cock, Classic Toilet
Shower with pipe and waste.
28-492 6 piece Set (2404) Colour, with double bib Each 7114.00
cock Royal, 3xT cock, Classic Toilet
Shower with pipe and waste.
28-493 6 piece Set (2381) Colour, with double bib Each 4957.00
cock Zoom (Head Grohe), 3xT cock,
Classic Toilet Shower with pipe and waste.
28-494 6 piece Set (2381) Colour, with double bib Each 5658.00
cock Zoom (Head Grohe), 3xT cock,
Classic Toilet Shower with pipe and waste.
28-773 Kira Single Hole Basin Mixer (042) CP & Each 5526.00
28-774 Kira Single Hole Basin Mixer (042) CG. Each 6908.00
28-775 Master Charisma Single Hole Basins Mixer Each 5600.00
with HU Type Cast Neck (051) CP & YC.
28-823 Master Common Bath Mixer wall Type with Each 6692.00
Common Hand Shawer (027) CG.
28-824 Master Common Bath Mixer wall Type with Each 7033.00
Shawer Deluxe in Colour. Face and 4 feet
Rod (029) CP & YC.
28-825 Master Common Bath Mixer wall Type with Each 8791.00
Shawer Deluxe in Colour. Face and 4 feet
Rod (029) CG.
28-826 Master Charisma Bath Mixer wall Type with Each 8367.00
Noble Over Head Shower & 4 feet Rod
(054) CP & YC.
28-827 Master Kira Bath Mixer with common Hand Each 5884.00
Shower (043) CP & YC.
28-828 Master Cobra Bath Mixer with common Each 4986.00
Hand Shower (045) CP & YC.
28-829 Master Elite Bath Mixer with Elite Hand Each 9040.00
Shower (073) CP & YC.
28-830 Master Lexus Bath Mixer with Elite Hand Each 8375.00
Shower (074) CP & YC.
28-831 Master Lexus Bath Mixer with Elite Hand Each 10469.00
Shower (074) CG..
28-832 Master Iris Single Lever Bath Mixer with Each 9190.00
Elite Hand Shower (114) CP.
28-833 Master Iris Single Lever Bath Mixer with Each 8692.00
Elite Hand Shower (114) YC.
28-834 Master Pansy Quarter Round (with disc Each 8169.00
Head work) Bath Mixer with Noble Hand
Shawer (118) CP.
28-835 Master Pansy Quarter Round (with disc Each 7670.00
Head work) Bath Mixer with Noble Hand
Shawer (118) YC.
28-836 Master Pansy Quarter Round (with disc Each 6221.00
Head work) Bath Mixer without Hand
Shawer (118-A) CP & YC.
28-837 Master Pansy Quarter Round (with disc Each 7776.00
Head work) Bath Mixer without Hand
Shawer (118-A) CG.
28-838 Master Pansy Quarter Round (with disc Each 10008.00
Head work) Bath Mixer Wall Type with
item (118-B) CP & YC.
28-839 Master Pansy Quarter Round (with disc Each 12610.00
Head work) Bath Mixer Wall Type with
item (118-B) CG.
28-840 Master Jazz Quarter Round (with disc Each 8065.00
Head work) Bath Mixer with Noble Hand
Shower (126) CP.
28-841 Master Jazz Quarter Round (with disc Each 7566.00
Head work) Bath Mixer with Noble Hand
Shower (126) YC.
28-842 Master Jazz Quarter Round (with disc Each 9026.00
Head work) Bath Mixer Wall Type with 4
feet rod 126-B) CP & YC.
28-843 Master Jazz Quarter Round (with disc Each 11283.00
Head work) Bath Mixer Wall Type with 4
feet rod 126-B) CG.
28-844 Master Bravo Single Lever with Noble Each 15005.00
Hand Shower (148) CP.
28-845 Master Bravo Single Lever with Noble Each 14507.00
Hand Shower (148) YC.
28-846 Master Bravo Single Lever with Bath Mixer Each 20356.00
with Bravo Wall Shower (148-B) CP & YC.
28-847 Master Bravo Single Lever with Bath Mixer Each 25414.00
with Bravo Wall Shower (148-B) CG.
28-848 Master Solo Single Lever with Bath Mixer Each 5141.00
with Common Hand Shower (154) CP &
28-849 Master Solo Single Lever with Bath Mixer Each 6714.00
with Wall Shower (154-B) CP & YC.
28-850 Master Ideal Bath Mixer Wall Type with Each 13538.00
Noble Hand Shower (156) CP.
28-851 Master Ideal Bath Mixer Wall Type with Each 13039.00
Noble Hand Shower (156) YC.
28-852 Master Tempo Single Lever Bath Mixer Each 9053.00
with Noble Hand Shower (134) CP.
28-853 Master Tempo Single Lever Bath Mixer Each 8554.00
with Noble Hand Shower (134) YC.
28-854 Master Orient Single Lever Bath Mixer with Each 9192.00
Noble Hand Shower (146) CP.
28-855 Master Orient Single Lever Bath Mixer with Each 8693.00
Noble Hand Shower (146) YC.
28-856 Master Dream Single Lever Bath Mixer Each 12120.00
without Hand Shower (164-B) CP & YC.
28-860 Master Bello Single Lever Bath Mixer with Each 8136.00
Wall Shower (166-B) CP &YC.
28-861 Master Dura Single Lever Bath Mixer with Each 13923.00
Noble Hand Shower (168) CP.
28-862 Master Dura Single Lever Bath Mixer with Each 13424.00
Noble Hand Shower (168-B) YC.
28-863 Master Dura Single Lever Bath Mixer with Each 18467.00
Brvo Wall Shower (168-B) CP & YC.
28-864 Master Idel Bath Mixer Wall Type with Each 15650.00
Idel Overhead Shower (156-B) CP & YC.
28-880 Master Cello Single Lever Bath Mixer Wall Each 7676.00
Type with alba Overhead Shower (181-B)
CP & YC.
28-881 Master Alba Single Lever Bath Mixer with Each 6057.00
Common Hand Shower (173) CP & YC.
28-882 Master Alba Single Lever Bath Mixer with Each 7676.00
alba Overhead Shower (173-B) CP & YC.
28-883 Master Alba Single Lever Bath Mixer with Each 8368.00
alba Overhead Shower (175) CP & YC.
28-903 Cobra Set with Noble Hand Shower 009/1, Each 17253.00
010/3, 045-B/1, 055/1, 085/1, 2015/1
(3003) CP & YC (Set consists of 8 pieces.
One Bath Mixer with hand Shower or Wall
Shower, one single hole basin mixer, three
Tee stop cocks, one double Bib Cock, one
Waste for basin and one toilet Shawer.
28-904 Cobra Set with Noble Hand Shower 009/1, Each 22015.00
010/3, 045-B/1, 055/1, 085/1, 2015/1
(3003) CG (Set consists of 8 pieces. One
Bath Mixer with hand Shower or Wall
Shower, one single hole basin mixer, three
Tee stop cocks, one double Bib Cock, one
Waste for basin and one toilet Shawer.
28-905 Charisma Set with Noble Hand Shower Each 17397.00
009/1, 010/3, 051/1, 0538/1, 085/1, 2015/1
(3006) CP & YC (Set consists of 8 pieces.
One Bath Mixer with hand Shower or Wall
Shower, one single hole basin mixer, three
Tee stop cocks, one double Bib Cock, one
Waste for basin and one toilet Shawer.
28-907 Common Bath Set with Wall Shower 009/1, Each 16522.00
010/3, 025/1, 029/1, 085/1, 2015/1 (3007)
CP & YC (Set consists of 8 pieces. One
Bath Mixer with hand Shower or Wall
Shower, one single hole basin mixer, three
Tee stop cocks, one double Bib Cock, one
Waste for basin and one toilet Shawer.
28-908 Common Bath Set with Wall Shower 009/1, Each 21071.00
010/3, 025/1, 029/1, 085/1, 2015/1 (3007)
CG (Set consists of 8 pieces. One Bath
Mixer with hand Shower or Wall Shower,
one single hole basin mixer, three Tee stop
cocks, one double Bib Cock, one Waste for
basin and one toilet Shawer.
28-909 Charisma Set with Wall Shower 009/1, Each 18571.00
010/3, 051/1, 054/1, 085/1, 2015/1 (3008)
CP & YC (Set consists of 8 pieces. One
Bath Mixer with hand Shower or Wall
Shower, one single hole basin mixer, three
Tee stop cocks, one double Bib Cock, one
Waste for basin and one toilet Shawer.
28-911 Kira Set with Wall Shower 009/1, 010/3, Each 17851.00
042/1, 0438/1, 085/1, 2015/1 (3009) CP &
YC (Set consists of 8 pieces. One Bath
Mixer with hand Shower or Wall Shower,
one single hole basin mixer, three Tee stop
cocks, one double Bib Cock, one Waste for
basin and one toilet Shawer.
28-912 Kira Set with Wall Shower 009/1, 010/3, Each 22763.00
042/1, 0438/1, 085/1, 2015/1 (3009) CG
(Set consists of 8 pieces. One Bath Mixer
with hand Shower or Wall Shower, one
single hole basin mixer, three Tee stop
cocks, one double Bib Cock, one Waste for
basin and one toilet Shawer.
28-913 Kira Set with Wall Shower 009/1, 010/3, Each 20340.00
042/1, 043A/1, 129/1, 085/1, 2015/1
(3009-A) CP & YC (Set consists of 8
pieces. One Bath Mixer with hand Shower
or Wall Shower, one single hole basin
mixer, three Tee stop cocks, one double
Bib Cock, one Waste for basin and one
toilet Shawer.
28-914 Kira Set with Wall Shower 009/1, 010/3, Each 25867.00
042/1, 043A/1, 129/1, 085/1, 2015/1
(3009-A) CG (Set consists of 8 pieces. One
Bath Mixer with hand Shower or Wall
Shower, one single hole basin mixer, three
Tee stop cocks, one double Bib Cock, one
Waste for basin and one toilet Shawer.
28-915 Iris Set with Wall Shower 009/1, 010/3, Each 22098.00
113/1, 114/1, 085/1, 2015/1 (3011) CP
(Set consists of 8 pieces. One Bath Mixer
with hand Shower or Wall Shower, one
single hole basin mixer, three Tee stop
cocks, one double Bib Cock, one Waste for
basin and one toilet Shawer.
28-916 Iris Set with Wall Shower 009/1, 010/3, Each 20685.00
113/1, 114/1, 085/1, 2015/1 (3011) YC
(Set consists of 8 pieces. One Bath Mixer
with hand Shower or Wall Shower, one
single hole basin mixer, three Tee stop
cocks, one double Bib Cock, one Waste for
basin and one toilet Shawer.
28-921 Master Elite double Bib Cock (072) CP & Each 3092.00
28-922 Master Elite double Bib Cock (072) CG. Each 3865.00
28-923 Double Bib Cock without Toilet Shawer 90 Each 1832.00
(009) CP & YC.
28-924 Double Bib Cock without Toilet Shawer 90 Each 2289.00
(009) CG.
28-925 Master Caprice Double Bib Cock (185) CP Each 2388.00
& YC.
28-926 Master Caprice Double Bib Cock (185) CG. Each 2985.00
28-927 Master Eco Double Bib Cock (199) CP & Each 1521.00
28-928 Master Eco Double Bib Cock (199) CG. Each 1901.00
28-929 Thermaster Double Bib Cock (233) CP & Each 2172.00
28-930 Thermaster Double Bib Cock (233) CG. Each 2715.00
28-931 Master Hexa Double Bib Cock (263) CP & Each 3504.00
28-932 Master Hexa Double Bib Cock (263) CG. Each 3403.00
28-934 Master Quard Double Bib Cock (266) YC. Each 3637.00
28-935 Master Lexus Double Bib Cock (078) CP & Each 2466.00
28-936 Master Lexus Double Bib Cock (078) CG. Each 3082.00
28-937 Master Caper Double Bib Cock (123) CP & Each 3191.00
28-938 Master Caper Double Bib Cock (123) CG. Each 3989.00
28-1013 Towel Rail, single rod, C.P (Foreign made). Each 825.00
Section 29
Material Supply only - Rates
(Electrification,Water Supply,Natural
29-1 Transformer, power, step down, Each 210600.00
11000/400/230 volts 3 phase, 50 cycles
indoor / outdoor 25 KVA.
29-2 Same as item 29-01 but 50 KVA. Each 292500.00
29-3 Same as item 29 -01 but 100 KVA. Each 414750.00
29-4 Same as item 29 -01 but 150 KVA. Each 525000.00
29-5 Same as item 29-01 but 200 KVA. Each 661050.00
29-6 Same as item 29-01 but 250 KVA. Each 713700.00
29-7 Same as item 29-01 but 300 KVA. Each 754650.00
29-8 Same as item 29-01 but 400 KVA. Each 1134900.00
29-9 Same as item 29-01 but 500 KVA. Each 1275300.00
29-10 Same as item 29-01 but 630 KVA. Each 1380600.00
29-11 Same as item 29-01 but 1000 KVA. Each 1702350.00
29-12 Transformer power step down, 11000/ 400 / Each 336960.00
230 volts 3 phase, 50 cycles 25 KVA, Pad
mounted type.
29-13 Same as item 29-12 but 50 KVA. Each 465150.00
29-14 Same as item 29 -12 but 100 KVA. Each 748800.00
29-15 Same as item 29 -12 but 200 KVA. Each 1041300.00
29-16 Same as item 29-12 but 300 KVA. Each 1181700.00
29-17 Same as item 29-12 but 400 KVA. Each 1683000.00
29-18 Same as item 29-12 but 500 KVA. Each 2000700.00
29-19 Energy meter with MDI, complete, suitable Each 134550.00
for HT panel.
29-20 Potential Transformer (PT) 100/230 V or Each 38500.00
110 volts for HT panel.
Pole Steel Tubular
29-21 Pole steel tubular un-galvd upto 9 M long Each 17000.00
complete with base plate, as specified in
29-22 Same as item 29-21, but galvd. Each 20500.00
29-23 Pole tubular un-galvd upto 12 M long Each 24500.00
complete with base plate, as specified in
29-24 Same as item 29- 23, but galvd. Each 29000.00
29-25 Pole steel tubular un- galvd upto 10.792 M Each 19500.00
long for street light, single arm, complete
with base plate, as specified in Section-25.
29-60 Capacitor for fan, 2.5 mfd, 6 micron 250 V. Each 35.80
29-61 Capacitor for fan, 3.0 mfd, 6 micron 250 V. Each 40.30
29-62 Capacitor for fan, 3.5 mfd, 6 micron 250 V. Each 45.50
29-63 Capacitor for fan, 4.0 mfd, 6 micron 250 V. Each 49.90
29-64 Capacitor for fan, 4.5 mfd, 6 micron 250 V. Each 55.50
29-65 Capacitor for fan, 12 mfd, 6 micron 250 V. Each 122.00
Exhaust Fan
29-152 Exhaust Fan metal body 8” (150 mm) Each 1835.00
Royal fan.
29-153 Same as item 29-152 but10”(250 mm). Each 2020.00
29-154 Same as item 29-152, but 12”(300 mm). Each 2225.00
29-155 Same as item 29-152 but 16”(400 mm). Each 3570.00
29-156 Same as item 29-152,but 18”(450 mm). Each 3735.00
29-157 Same as item 29-152,but 20” (500 mm). Each 4190.00
29-158 Same as item 29-152 but 24” (600 mm). Each 4560.00
29-159 Exhaust fan metal body 6” (150 mm), GFC Each 1705.00
29-160 Same as item 29-159 but 8” (200 mm). Each 1860.00
29-161 Same as item 29-159 but 10”(250 mm). Each 2100.00
29-162 Same as item 29-159 but 12”(300 mm). Each 2275.00
29-163 Same as item 29-159 but 16”(400 mm). Each 3400.00
29-164 Same as item 29-159 but 18”(450 mm). Each 3615.00
29-165 Same as item 29-159 but 20”(500 mm). Each 4050.00
29-166 Same as item 29-159-154 but 24”(600 mm) Each 4300.00
29-167 Exhaust Fan metal body 6”(150 mm) PAK Each 1495.00
29-168 Same as item 29-167 but 8” (200 mm). Each 1660.00
29-169 Same as item 29-167, but 10”(250 mm). Each 1850.00
29-170 Same as item 29-167 but 12” (300 mm). Each 2030.00
29-171 Same as item 29-167 but 16” (400 mm). Each 3115.00
29-172 Same as item 29-167 but 18” (450 mm). Each 3280.00
29-173 Same as item 29-167 but 20” (500 mm). Each 3690.00
29-174 Same as item 29-167 but 24” (600 mm). Each 4060.00
29-175 Exhaust Fan, metal body 12” (300 mm) Each 2350.00
29-176 Same as item 29-175 but 16” (400 mm). Each 2800.00
29-177 Same as item 29-175 but 18” (450 mm). Each 3100.00
29-178 Same as item 29-175 but 24” (600 mm). Each 4100.00
29-179 Exhaust Fan metal 8" (200 mm) Super Each 1630.00
29-180 Same as item 29-179 but 10” (250 mm). Each 1810.00
29-181 Same as item 29-179 but 12” (300 mm). Each 1980.00
29-182 Same as item 29-179 but 16” (400 mm). Each 2985.00
29-183 Same as item 29-179 but 18” (450 mm). Each 3145.00
29-184 Same as item 29-179 but 24” (600 mm). Each 3870.00
29-185 Exhaust Fan 8” (200 mm) Capacitor with Each 1920.00
shutter / grill plastic body single action (Pak
29-186 Same as item 29-185 but 10” (250 mm). Each 2000.00
29-187 Same as item 29-185 but 12” (300 mm). Each 2230.00
29-188 Exhaust Fan 8” (200 mm) Capacitor with Each 1770.00
shutter / grill plastic body single action
(Super Asia).
29-189 Same as item 29-188 but 10” (250 mm). Each 1835.00
29-190 Same as item 29-188 but 12” (300 mm). Each 2025.00
29-191 Exhaust Fan 8” (200 mm) Capacitor with Each 2095.00
shutter/grill plastic body single action (GFC
29-192 Same as item 29-191 but 10” (250 mm). Each 2175.00
29-193 Same as item 29-191 but 12” (300 mm). Each 2405.00
29-194 Exhaust Fan plastic body capacitor with Each 1900.00
grill/shutter 8” (200 mm) double action
200mm (CLIMAX FAN).
29-195 Same as item 29-194 but 10”( 250 mm). Each 2000.00
29-196 Same as item 29-194 but 12”( 300 mm). Each 2100.00
29-197 Exhaust Fan plastic body capacitor with Each 2170.00
grill/shutter 8” (200mm) double action
200mm Royal FAN.
29-198 Same as item 29-197 but 10” (250 mm). Each 2250.00
29-199 Same as item 29-197 but 12” (300 mm). Each 2510.00
29-200 Exhaust Fan plastic body capacitor with Each 1995.00
grill/shutter 8” double action 200mm, PAK
29-201 Same as item 29-200 but 10”(250 mm). Each 2080.00
29-202 Same as item 29-200 but 12” (300 mm). Each 2340.00
29-203 Exhaust Fan plastic body capacitor with grill Each 2175.00
/ shutter 8” double action 200mm, GFC fan.
29-204 Same as item 29-203 but 10” (250 mm). Each 2255.00
29-205 Same as item 29-203 but 12” (300 mm). Each 2255.00
29-206 Exhaust Fan plastic body capacitor with grill Each 1875.00
/ shutter 8” double action 200mm Super
Asia Fan.
29-207 Same as item 29-206 but 10” (250 mm). Each 1945.00
29-208 Same as item 29-206 but 12” (300 mm). Each 2160.00
Wall Bracket Fan
29-209 Wall Bracket Fan Fancy plastic body, 18” Each 3300.00
(450 mm) CLIMAX fan.
29-210 Wall Bracket Fan Fancy plastic body, 12” Each 3165.00
(300 mm) Royal fan.
29-211 Same as item 29-210 but 16” (400 mm). Each 3240.00
29-212 Same as item 29-210 but 18” (450 mm). Each 3660.00
29-213 Wall Bracket Fan Fancy plastic body, 12” Each 2500.00
(300 mm) GFC fan.
29-214 Same as item 29-213 but 14” (350 mm). Each 2550.00
29-215 Same as item 29-213 but 16” (400 mm). Each 3135.00
29-216 Same as item 29-213 but 18” (450 mm) Each 3220.00
29-217 Wall Bracket Fan Fancy plastic body, 12” Each 2275.00
(300 mm) PAK fan.
29-218 Same as item 29-217 but 14” (350 mm). Each 2835.00
29-219 Same as item 29-217 but 16” (400 mm). Each 2915.00
29-220 Same as item 29-217 but 18” (450 mm). Each 2995.00
29-221 Wall Bracket Fan Fancy plastic body, 18” Each 2875.00
(450 mm) Super Asia fan.
29-222 Circiomatic Fan deluxe w/o regulator, 14” Each 4150.00
( 350 mm ) CLIMAX.
29-223 Circiomatic Fan deluxe w/o regulator, 16” Each 2765.00
(400 mm) YUNAS.
29-224 Same as item 28-214 but 18” (450 mm). Each 2990.00
29-225 Circiomatic Fan 12” (300 mm) PAK fan. Each 2575.00
29-226 Same as item 29-225 but 14”(350 mm). Each 2845.00
29-227 Same as item 29-225 but 16”(400 mm). Each 3045.00
29-228 Same as item 29-225 but 18” (450mm). Each 3185.00
29-229 Circiomatic Fan deluxe w/o regulator, 16” Each 3290.00
(400 mm) GFC fan.
29-230 Same as item 28-229 but 18”(450 mm). Each 3370.00
Pedestal Fan
29-231 Pedestal Fan deluxe 20” Royal Fan. Each 4180.00
29-232 Same as item 29-231, but 22”. Each 5010.00
29-233 Same as item 29-231, but 24”. Each 5510.00
29-234 Same as item 29-231, but 26”. Each 6580.00
29-235 Same as item 29-231, but 30”. Each 6945.00
29-236 Pedestal Fan deluxe 20” PAK Fan. Each 4610.00
29-237 Same as item 29-236, but 22”. Each 4710.00
29-238 Same as item 29-236, but 24”. Each 5060.00
29-239 Same as item 29-236, but 26”. Each 6180.00
29-240 Same as item 29-236, but 30”. Each 6545.00
29-241 Pedestal Fan deluxe 20” GFC Fan. Each 4950.00
29-242 Same as item 29-241, but 22”. Each 5020.00
29-243 Same as item 29-241, but 24”. Each 5195.00
29-244 Same as item 29-241, but 26”. Each 6500.00
29-245 Same as item 29-241, but 30”. Each 7650.00
29-246 Pedestal Fan deluxe 22” CLIMAX Fan. Each 4300.00
29-247 Pedestal Fan deluxe 18” Super Asia Each 3585.00
29-248 Same as item 29-247, but 22”. Each 3915.00
29-249 Same as item 29-247, but 22”. Each 4560.00
29-250 Same as item 29-247, but 24”. Each 4650.00
29-251 Same as item 29-247, but 26”. Each 5580.00
29-252 Same as item 29-247, but 30”. Each 6285.00
Energy Saver Bulbs
29-253 Energy saver, Plain, 14 W. Each 150.00
29-254 Same as item 29-253, but 18 W. Each 195.00
29-255 Same as item 29-253, but 23 W. Each 200.00
29-256 Energy saver ,Full Spiral, 11 W. Each 180.00
29-257 Same as item 29-256, but 15 W. Each 185.00
29-258 Same as item 29-256, but 20 W. Each 210.00
29-259 Same as item 29-256, but 23 W. Each 220.00
29-260 Energy saver ,Spiral, 5,8 or 11 W. Each 170.00
Electric Water Cooler
29-261 Electric Water Cooler 30 lit, TASFA Model Each 30600.00
29-262 Same as item 29-261, but 40 lit, Model TS- Each 32400.00
29-263 Same as item 29-261, but 60 lit, Model TS- Each 36000.00
29-264 Same as item 29-261, but 80 lit, Model TS- Each 39600.00
29-265 Same as item 29-261, but 100 lit, Model Each 41400.00
29-266 Same as item 29-261, but 200 lit, Model Each 43200.00
29-267 Electric Water Cooler 35 lit Make NASGAS Each 31160.00
Model NC-35.
29-268 Same as item 29-267, but 40 lit, Model NC- Each 34440.00
29-269 Electric Water Cooler, 25 lit, CORONA. Each 32175.00
29-270 Same as item 29-269, but 45 lit. Each 33345.00
29-271 Same as item 29-269, but 65 lit. Each 36855.00
29-272 Same as item 29-269, but 80 lit. Each 41535.00
29-273 Same as item 29-269, but 100 lit. Each 57330.00
29-274 Same as item 29-269, but 125 lit. Each 59670.00
Flood Lights
29-275 SUNLIGHT decorative post bollards Each 13500.00
complete with 1X80W, MV lamp capacitor
and choke pole mounted bracket (Code No.
715/80 HPL-N and PMB).
29-290 SUNLIGHT Basic batten complete with 1 X Each 1525.00
36 W tube lamp starter and capacitor (Code
No. Delta-136).
29-291 Same as item 28-276 but 2 X 36 W (Code Each 2150.00
No. Delta-236).
29-292 SUNLIGHT Basic Batten complete with 1 X Each 2350.00
35W tube lamp starter and capacitor (Code
No. SOS-136).
29-293 Same as item 28-278 but (Code No. SOS- Each 2850.00
29-294 SUNLIGHT Surface mounted luminaries Each 2450.00
with diffuser complete with 1 X 36W tube
lamp starter and capacitor. (Code No.
29-295 SUNLIGHT Industrial batten with reflector Each 2650.00
complete with 2 X 36W tube lamp starter
and capacitor (Code No. Beeta-236).
29-426 Cooking range, 3 burner 34" inch with oven Each 18000.00
and grill Make "TSFA" Model TS 007.
29-427 Cooking range, 5 burner 34" inch with oven Each 18900.00
and grill Make "TSFA" Model TS 016.
29-446 Plate for gas tandoor burner 2’-0” (600 mm) Each 2800.00
29-447 Same as item 29-446, but 1’-6” (450 mm) Each 2300.00
29-448 Refrigerator (Pak made), 10 cft. Make “ Each 33000.00
29-449 Same as 29-450, but 12 cft. Each 38600.00
29-450 Refrigerator (Pak made ) 10 cft, Make Each 33000.00
29-451 Same as item 29-450, but 10 cft, Deluxe. Each 37000.00
29-460 Wall mounted spilt type, Air conditioner 1.0 Each 78500.00
Ton Capacity Cooling only,(Koolman).
29-461 Wall mounted spilt type, Air conditioner 1.5 Each 102000.00
Ton Capacity Cooling only,(Koolman).
29-462 Wall mounted spilt type, Air conditioner 2.0 Each 114000.00
Ton Capacity Cooling only,(Koolman).
29-463 Wall mounted spilt type, Air conditioner 0.8 Each 70200.00
Ton Capacity Heat/Cool, (Koolman).
29-464 Wall mounted spilt type, Air conditioner 1.0 Each 90600.00
Ton Capacity Heat/Cool, (Koolman).
29-465 Wall mounted spilt type, Air conditioner 1.5 Each 118800.00
Ton Capacity Heat/Cool, (Koolman).
29-466 Wall mounted spilt type, Air conditioner 2.0 Each 130800.00
Ton Capacity Heat/Cool, (Koolman).
29-467 Cassette type unit, Air conditioner 1.0 Ton Each 127200.00
Capacity Heat/Cool, (Koolman).
29-468 Cassette type unit, Air conditioner 1.5 Ton Each 168600.00
Capacity Heat/Cool, (Koolman).
29-469 Cassette type unit, Air conditioner 2.0 Ton Each 186000.00
Capacity Heat/Cool, (Koolman).
29-470 Cassette type unit, Air conditioner 2.50 Each 244200.00
Ton Capacity Heat/Cool, (Koolman).
29-471 Cassette type unit, Air conditioner 3.30 Each 302400.00
Ton Capacity Heat/Cool, (Koolman).
29-472 Cassette type unit, Air conditioner 4.20 Each 308400.00
Ton Capacity Heat/Cool, (Koolman).
29-473 Cassette type unit, Air conditioner 5.0 Ton Each 319800.00
Capacity Heat/Cool, (Koolman).
29-474 Ceiling and Floor Monted type unit, Air Each 127800.00
conditioner 1.0 Ton Capacity Heat/Cool,
29-475 Ceiling and Floor Monted type unit, Air Each 151200.00
conditioner 1.5 Ton Capacity Heat/Cool,
29-476 Ceiling and Floor Monted type unit, Air Each 244200.00
conditioner 2.0 Ton Capacity Heat/Cool,
29-477 Ceiling and Floor Monted type unit, Air Each 302400.00
conditioner 2.5 Ton Capacity Heat/Cool,
29-478 Ceiling and Floor Monted type unit, Air Each 319800.00
conditioner 3.3 Ton Capacity Heat/Cool,
29-479 Ceiling and Floor Monted type unit, Air Each 348000.00
conditioner 4.2 Ton Capacity Heat/Cool,
29-480 Ceiling and Floor Monted type unit, Air Each 429600.00
conditioner 5 Ton Capacity Heat/Cool,
29-481 Ceiling Concealed/ Ducted type unit, Air Each 127200.00
conditioner 1 Ton Capacity Heat/Cool,
29-482 Ceiling Concealed/ Ducted type unit, Air Each 151200.00
conditioner 1.5 Ton Capacity Heat/Cool,
29-483 Ceiling Concealed/ Ducted type unit, Air Each 244200.00
conditioner 2 Ton Capacity Heat/Cool,
29-484 Ceiling Concealed/ Ducted type unit, Air Each 302400.00
conditioner 2.5 Ton Capacity Heat/Cool,
29-485 Ceiling Concealed/ Ducted type unit, Air Each 308400.00
conditioner 3.3 Ton Capacity Heat/Cool,
29-486 Ceiling Concealed/ Ducted type unit, Air Each 319800.00
conditioner 4.2 Ton Capacity Heat/Cool,
29-487 Ceiling Concealed/ Ducted type unit, Air Each 348000.00
conditioner 5 Ton Capacity Heat/Cool,
29-488 Floor Standing type unit, Air conditioner 2 Each 252000.00
Ton Heat/Cool, (Koolman).
29-489 Ceiling Concealed/ Ducted type unit, Air Each 438000.00
conditioner 3 Ton Capacity Heat/Cool,
29-490 Ceiling Concealed/ Ducted type unit, Air Each 510000.00
conditioner 4 Ton Capacity Heat/Cool,
29-491 Ceiling Concealed/ Ducted type unit, Air Each 522000.00
conditioner 5 Ton Capacity Heat/Cool,
29-492 Air conditioner, Split type floor mounted Each 2,05,000.00
metal body, 3 phase 400 Volts capacity 5
Ton Cooling only . (WAVES).
29-493 Same as item 28-450 but 10 Ton. Each 624000.00
29-494 Same as item 28-450 but 16 Ton. Each 1040000.00
29-495 Same as item 28-450 but 20 Ton. Each 1300000.00
29-496 Same as item 28-450 but 25 Ton. Each 1664000.00
29-497 Air conditioner, Split type floor mounted Each 410000.00
metal body, 3 phase 400 Volts capacity 5
Ton Heat and Cool . (WAVES).
29-498 Same as item 28-455 but 10 Ton. Each 660000.00
29-499 Same as item 28-455 but 16 Ton. Each 1080000.00
29-500 Same as item 28-455 but 20 Ton. Each 1350000.00
29-501 Same as item 28-455 but 25 Ton. Each 1715000.00
29-502 ACSON ceiling Cassette type Air Each 152000.00
conditioner (Reverse-able) Remote control
and plasma filter 2.5 Ton Model
29-503 ACSON Wall mounted spilt type Air Each 85800.00
conditioner (Reverse-able) Remote control
and plasma filter 1.5 Ton Model
29-504 Same as item 29-503, but 2 Ton Model Each 99000.00
29-505 ACSON ceiling wall mounted spilt type Air Each 74800.00
conditioner Remote control and plasma
filter (COOLING ONLY) Remote control
and plasma filter 1.5 Ton Model
29-506 Same as item 29-505 but 2 Ton Cooling Each 88000.00
only Model AWM25J/ALC25C.
29-507 Split Air Conditioner 12000 BTU 1 Ton Each 33800.00
Cooling only Make " Admiral"
29-508 Split Air Conditioner 18000 BTU 1.5 Ton Each 49610.00
Make " Admiral"
Water Purifier / Filter SO Safe
29-509 Water purifier / filter 3 stage with UVM- Each 37700.00
9322, SO SAFE.
29-510 Water purifier / filter 3 stage, Gold, with Each 25320.00
29-511 Water purifier / filter 3 stage, UV-2000, SO Each 15080.00
29-512 Water filter Double stage, SO SAFE. Each 7540.00
29-513 Water filter Single stage, SO SAFE. Each 4060.00
29-514 UV Lamp 9322. Each 9280.00
29-515 UV Lamp 9311.G Each 8700.00
29-516 UVM 9322 Sterilizer. Each 21460.00
29-517 UVM 9311 Sterilizer. Each 17400.00
29-518 Quarter sleeve 9322. Each 6960.00
29-519 Quarter sleeve 9311. Each 6380.00
29-520 Quarter sleeve 2000 S. Each 2320.00
29-521 Spun Cart 10" Each 406.00
29-522 PP Yarn cart 10” Regular. Each 464.00
29-523 PP Yarn 10” Extra winding Cart Gold. Each 551.00
29-524 PP Yarn 10” Jumbo. Each 1856.00
Water Tank - Polyethylene (PE)
29-525 Water tank polyethylene (PE) vertical 227 Each 4550.00
lits, 50 gallon capacity
29-526 Same as item 29-525 but 680 lits, 150 Each 10200.00
gallon capacity.
29-527 Same as item 29-525 but 900 lits, 200 Each 13500.00
gallon capacity.
29-528 Same as item 29-525 but 1136 lits, 250 Each 17200.00
gallon capacity.
29-529 Same as item 29-525 but 1360 lits, 300 Each 19000.00
gallon capacity.
29-530 Same as item 29-525 but 1810 lits, 400 Each 23800.00
gallon capacity.
29-531 Same as item 29-525 but 2270 lits, 500 Each 27600.00
gallon capacity.
29-532 Same as item 29-525 but 4540 lits, 1000 Each 54500.00
gallon capacity.
29-533 Same as item 29-525 but horizontal 680 Each 12900.00
lits, 150 gallon capacity.
29-534 Same as item 29-525 but 900 lits, 200 Each 17800.00
gallon capacity.
29-535 Same as item 29-525 but 1136 lits, 250 Each 23100.00
gallon capacity.
29-536 Same as item 29-525 but 1360 lits, 300 Each 26750.00
gallon capacity.
29-537 Diesel Generrating set Elcos Brands (Made Each 1170240.00
in Italy) Model GE.PK 10/9.SS 9 Kw 10
29-538 Diesel Generrating set Elcos Brands (Made Each 1254000.00
in Italy) Model GE.PK 15/13.SS 13 Kw 15
29-539 Diesel Generrating set Elcos Brands (Made Each 1287000.00
in Italy) Model GE.PK 21/20.SS 21 KVA.
29-602 Electrech made Bus Tie Ducts 1250TP &N Meter 57500.00
Made out of 14 SWG M.S Sheet Steel
painted with electro static powder coated
paint RAL-7032 Complete in all respect
29-608 Electrech made 15 KVA ATS Panel ATP & Each 91258.05
N Made out of 14 SWG Sheet Steel painted
with electro static powder coated paint
RAL-7032 ATS Panes will be Complete in
all respect and will be ready to use.
29-609 Electrech made 20 KVA ATS Panel ATP & Each 97618.05
N Made out of 14 SWG Sheet Steel painted
with electro static powder coated paint
RAL-7032 ATS Panes will be Complete in
all respect and will be ready to use.
29-610 Electrech made 30 KVA ATS Panel ATP & Each 111991.65
N Made out of 14 SWG Sheet Steel painted
with electro static powder coated paint
RAL-7032 ATS Panes will be Complete in
all respect and will be ready to use.
29-611 Electrech made 40 KVA ATS Panel ATP & Each 122167.65
N Made out of 14 SWG Sheet Steel painted
with electro static powder coated paint
RAL-7032 ATS Panes will be Complete in
all respect and will be ready to use.
29-612 Electrech made 50 KVA ATS Panel ATP & Each 133615.65
N Made out of 14 SWG Sheet Steel painted
with electro static powder coated paint
RAL-7032 ATS Panes will be Complete in
all respect and will be ready to use.
29-613 Electrech made 60 KVA ATS Panel ATP & Each 142201.65
N Made out of 14 SWG Sheet Steel painted
with electro static powder coated paint
RAL-7032 ATS Panes will be Complete in
all respect and will be ready to use.
29-614 Electrech made 75 KVA ATS Panel ATP & Each 166662.60
N Made out of 14 SWG Sheet Steel painted
with electro static powder coated paint
RAL-7032 ATS Panes will be Complete in
all respect and will be ready to use.
29-615 Electrech made 100 KVA ATS Panel ATP & Each 225318.60
N Made out of 14 SWG Sheet Steel painted
with electro static powder coated paint
RAL-7032 ATS Panes will be Complete in
all respect and will be ready to use.
29-616 Electrech made 125 KVA ATS Panel ATP & Each 271182.60
N Made out of 14 SWG Sheet Steel painted
with electro static powder coated paint
RAL-7032 ATS Panes will be Complete in
all respect and will be ready to use.
29-617 Electrech made 150 KVA ATS Panel ATP & Each 299886.60
N Made out of 14 SWG Sheet Steel painted
with electro static powder coated paint
RAL-7032 ATS Panes will be Complete in
all respect and will be ready to use.
29-618 Electrech made 175 KVA ATS Panel ATP & Each 349494.60
N Made out of 14 SWG Sheet Steel painted
with electro static powder coated paint
RAL-7032 ATS Panes will be Complete in
all respect and will be ready to use.
29-619 Electrech made 200 KVA ATS Panel ATP & Each 349494.60
N Made out of 14 SWG Sheet Steel painted
with electro static powder coated paint
RAL-7032 ATS Panes will be Complete in
all respect and will be ready to use.
29-620 Electrech made 250 KVA ATS Panel ATP & Each 386934.00
N Made out of 14 SWG Sheet Steel painted
with electro static powder coated paint
RAL-7032 ATS Panes will be Complete in
all respect and will be ready to use.
29-621 Electrech made 300 KVA ATS Panel ATP & Each 452454.60
N Made out of 14 SWG Sheet Steel painted
with electro static powder coated paint
RAL-7032 ATS Panes will be Complete in
all respect and will be ready to use.
29-622 Electrech made 400 KVA ATS Panel ATP & Each 661026.60
N Made out of 14 SWG Sheet Steel painted
with electro static powder coated paint
RAL-7032 ATS Panes will be Complete in
all respect and will be ready to use.
29-623 Electrech made 500 KVA ATS Panel ATP & Each 1394008.65
N Made out of 14 SWG Sheet Steel painted
with electro static powder coated paint
RAL-7032 ATS Panes will be Complete in
all respect and will be ready to use.
29-624 Electrech made 600 KVA ATS Panel ATP & Each 1413762.17
N Made out of 14 SWG Sheet Steel painted
with electro static powder coated paint
RAL-7032 ATS Panes will be Complete in
all respect and will be ready to use.
29-625 Electrech made 700 KVA ATS Panel ATP & Each 1473012.22
N Made out of 14 SWG Sheet Steel painted
with electro static powder coated paint
RAL-7032 ATS Panes will be Complete in
all respect and will be ready to use.
29-631 Gas Room Heater front and exaust, white Each 6072.00
plate front enameled regular, Auto ignition,
Single Burner, Model RH 235 K Make
29-632 Gas Room Heater front and exaust, white Each 7617.00
plate front enameled regular, Auto ignition,
Double Burner, Model RH 425 K Make
29-633 Kitchen hob with Chinese burner, Light Each 8728.00
Grill, Model HB-8229 Make Canon
29-634 Kitchen hob with Chinese burner, Heavy Each 12137.00
Grill, Model HB-8229 Make Canon
29-635 Electric Water cooler 35 ltrs Capacity body Each 39672.00
(Front, side,top) Magnetic stainless steel
pressure type 2 taps imported compressor
inner tank 16 Gauge non magnetic steel,
Model DWC-35 Make Canon.
29-639 Electric Water cooler 100 ltrs Capacity body Each 66763.00
(Front, side,top) Magnetic stainless steel
pressure type 2 taps imported compressor
inner tank 16 Gauge non magnetic steel,
Model DWC-100 Make Canon.
Calculation Sheet for Cement Required
30-01 CC Type A Cum 8.13
30-02 CC Type B Cum 6.54
30-03 CC Type C Cum 4.57
30-04 CC (1:4:8). Cum 3.51
30-05 CC (1:6:12). Cum 2.40
30-06 CC (1:8). Cum 5.07
30-07 CC (1:10). Cum 4.16
30-08 Solid / Hollow blocks set in CM (1:6). Cum 0.30
a. 300mm x 150mm x 200mm (L x B x H)
Lobour Rates
31-01 Aluminum Fixer Day 800.00
31-02 Black smith Day 800.00
31-03 Brick Layer.(Mason) Day 800.00
31-04 Cabinet maker. Day 800.00
31-05 Cable jointer . Day 800.00
31-06 Carpenter. Day 800.00
31-07 Carpenter boy. Day 450.00
31-08 Chowkidar. Day 400.00
31-09 Electrician Day 800.00
31-10 Fitter Machaine Day 900.00
31-11 Gas fitter. Day 800.00
31-12 Glazier. Day 700.00
31-13 Hammer man Day 500.00
31-14 Labour Day 500.00
31-15 Labour electric Day 550.00
31-16 Line Man Day 800.00
31-17 Mali Day 400.00
31-18 Painter Day 800.00
31-19 Pipe fitter Day 800.00
31-20 Plumber Day 800.00
31-21 Polisher / Grinder. Day 800.00
31-22 Roof tiler. Day 800.00
31-23 Sanitry worker/ khakrobe Day 500.00
31-24 Sawyer Day 650.00
31-25 Sign writer. Day 750.00
31-26 Stone breaker. Day 500.00
31-27 Stone mason Day 800.00
31-28 Supervisor Day 700.00
31-29 Tiler (for floor and wall tiles work any type Day 1000.00
glazed / unglazed ceramic procelian marble
granite vinyl etc).
31-30 Tin smith Day 900.00
31-31 Up-holsterer Day 800.00
31-32 Welder Day 800.00
31-33 Well sinker incharge Day 750.00
31-34 Wire man. Day 800.00
31-35 X-Ray Welder. Day 1000.00
Excavation over areas as in Cum 01-06 151.24
Ordinary Soil upto 1.5 m depth in
foundation/ to obtain earth for filling
under floors / areas etc Or for shafts,
wells exceeding 30 sqm each, throw
earth clear of edges of excavation
within 10m.
Add to item 01-01 and 01-02 for each Cum 01-11 135.86
additional 1.5 M lift or part thereof.
Add to item 01-03, 01-04 and 01-05 for Cum 01-12 150.54
each additional 1.5 M lift or part
Add to item 01-06 and 01-07 for each Cum 01-13 100.21
additional 1.5 M lift or part thereof.
Add to item 01-08, 01-09 and 01-10 for Cum 01-14 150.54
each additional 1.5 M lift or part
Earth Filling
Earth filling as in Ordinary or hard Cum 01-15 160.33
soil ,filling in foundation , pipe
trenches, shafs, wells, independent
holes, under floors or around plinth
etc, 1.5 M below or above Ground
Level (GL), with spoil obtained from
excavation in trenches/over areas
within 10m including watering and
compaction in 150mm layer and
dressing to required profile and shape.
Collection of Materials
Collection of sand, bajri and shingle Cum 02-01 282.09
within a radius of 25 M and stacking to
template (1/12th to be deducted from
measured quantum of stack)
Base Course
Water bound macadam (WBM) base Cum 02-17 1945.53
course of CBR 100%, any thickness
as specified laid and compacted to
100% modified AASHTO density by
appropriate compacting equipment
and roller.
Repair etc
Scarifying water bound macadam Sqm 02-48 19.75
surfaces by hand or by power not
exceeding 50 mm deep including
removing to not exceeding 50 meters
and stacking for reuse, all as specified
Expansion Joints.
Labour and necessary material for Sqm 02-96 332.52
forming of expansion joint 13 mm wide
and leaving the joint clear for filling
(length of joint multiplied by thickness
of joint).The filling of joints with
requisite filler will be carried out by
specialists or by departmental labour.
Providing and laying of Plum Cum 03-01 4537.59
concrete concrete 1:4:8, with coarse
aggreagate graded as specified with
15% boulders
Providing and laying of Plum Cum 03-02 5040.79
concrete concrete Type C, with
coarse aggreagate graded as
specified with 15% boulders
Providing and laying of cement Cum 03-03 4205.21
concrete 1:6:12 using shingle or
gravel graded as specified
Providing and laying of cement Cum 03-04 4808.64
concrete 1:4:8 using shingle or
gravel graded as specified
Providing and laying of cement Cum 03-05 5399.59
concrete Type C using shingle or
gravel graded as specified
Providing and laying of cement Cum 03-06 6485.44
concrete Type B using shingle or
gravel graded as specified
Providing and laying of cement Cum 03-07 4582.50
concrete 1:6:12 using Crushed or
Broken Stone graded as specified
Providing and laying of cement Cum 03-08 5173.94
concrete 1:4:8 using Crushed or
Broken Stone graded as specified
Providing and laying of cement Cum 03-09 5758.09
concrete Type C using Crushed or
Broken Stone graded as specified
Providing and laying of cement Cum 03-10 6827.47
concrete Type B using Crushed or
Broken Stone graded as specified
Providing and laying of cement Cum 03-11 6046.15
concrete (1:8) using mixed aggregate
Cast in Situ
Providing and laying of cement Cum 03-13 6867.24
concrete Type 'C' using shingle or
gravel as specified in walls, sills,
copings, channels, drains, steps, string
courses, corbels, pier caps, hinge
stones, bed plates etc, including form
work and fair faces to exposed
Providing and laying reinforced Cum 03-17 7008.10
cement concrete Type B using shingle
or gravel in foundations, independent
column footings, solid floors etc
including form work as specified.
Reinforcement measured and paid
Providing and laying cement concrete Cum 03-38 7901.06
Type C using shingle or gravel as in
walls, partitions, slabs, sills, copings,
channels, steps, string courses,
corbels, pier caps, hinge stones,
mantel pieces, louvers, chimney tops
etc, including setting, jointing and
pointing in cement mortar 1:4,
complete all as specified
Sun dried brick work in mud mortar Cum 04-01 3958.06
Burnt brick work straight or to curve Cum 04-02 8113.03
with inner radius of 6 m and over, laid
and jointed in mud mortar
Burnt brick work straight or to curve Cum 04-03 8548.71
with inner radius of less than 6 m , laid
and jointed in mud mortar
Brick Work (Ground Floor)
Burnt brick work in wall 115 mm thick Cum 04-04 10258.30
laid and jointed in cement mortar 1:3
straight or to curve with inner radius of
6 m and over upto G.F roof level
Extra only to brick work built in any Metre 04-103 229.26
mortar for splayed, bull-nosed or
moulded angle bricks.
Extra only to brick built in any mortar Metre 04-104 343.90
for splayed or bull-nosed brick on
edge, window sills any width, set tilting
to project 40 mm grooved for watr bar
and throated.
Extra only to brick work built in any Sqm 04-105 562.74
mortar for plain or moulded purpose
made brick, cornices, oversailing
courses, neckings, strings or copings
including weathering or throating of
Flue Pipe:
Supply and fix AC building pipe class Metre 04-113 224.13
"A" 80 mm dia with spigot and socket
joint for flue etc including jointing
Squared Rubble-Un-Coursed
Squared rubble, uncoursed roughly Cum 05-07 3903.21
hammer dressed stone, well bonded,
faced with hammer dressed selected
stone with square quoins and jambs,
any thickness in building work PLATE-
II, laid dry.
Pointing struck, flush or recessed to Sqm 05-13 407.47
old or new stone masonry any type, in
cement mortar 1:3
Pointing struck, flush or recessed to Sqm 05-14 451.74
old or new stone masonry any type, in
coloured cement mortar 1:3
Pointing struck, flush or recessed to Sqm 05-15 402.14
old or new stone masonry any type, in
cement mortar 1:4
Pointing struck, flush or recessed to Sqm 05-16 441.19
old or new stone masonry any type, in
coloured cement mortar 1:4
Tuck pointing, to old or new stone Sqm 05-17 372.95
masonry any type in cement mortar
Tuck pointing, to old or new stone Sqm 05-18 418.97
masonry any type in coloured cement
mortar 1:3
Tuck pointing, to old or new stone Sqm 05-19 364.41
masonry any type in cement mortar
Tuck pointing, to old or new stone Sqm 05-20 403.47
masonry any type in coloured cement
mortar 1:4
Struck pointing, to old or new stone Sqm 05-21 406.12
masonry any type in cement mortar
Struck pointing, to old or new stone Sqm 05-22 455.59
masonry any type in coloured cement
mortar 1:1
Dressed Stonework
Stone in blocks, with faces, beds and Cum 05-23 7157.03
joints on one-line dressed as in bands,
string and plinth courses, blocking
courses pilaster, cornice, columns,
caps, bases, copings, kneelers, lintels,
etc., (measured net) - built in cement
mortar 1:4
Miscellaneous Repairs
Racking out ONLY joints of stone Sqm 05-28 28.06
masonry in any mortar, including
preparing surface for re-pointing in any
Refastening or resecuring ends of Each 05-29 63.60
balusters newels rag bolts let into
stone recutting of mortices and re-
running with cement .
Boulders laid, jointed and pointed in Cum 05-30 4757.09
cement mortar 1:4 in pitching.
Use and waste of timbring to Sqm 06-01 479.62
excavation of any description including
walls, struts, open or close polling
board, etc., as may be necessary and
fixing and removal (payment will be
made for the area supported).
Wood Work
Supply & Fix timber in scantling first Cum 06-04 140681.98
class softwood complete all as
Supply & Fix timber in scantling first Cum 06-05 44427.98
class hard wood (Shisham) complete
all as specified
Supply & Fix timber in scantling 1st Cum 06-06 348578.62
class Burma Teak complete all as
Supply and fix timber in scantling Cum 06-07 153265.44
framed 1st class soft wood complete
Supply and fix first class soft wood C Nos 06-72 20867.90
small fittings wrought, splayed,
chamfered, shaped, rounded etc.,
such as brackets, small schelves, latch
hinge, switch and bell push blocks,
door & window stops etc. Articles
exceeding 440 CuCm but not
exceeding 1050 Cucm (size measured
as net rectangular timber from which
article can be cut or constructed).
Supply and fix ballies complete having Metre 06-73 149.12
mean diameter exceeding exceeding
75 mm and not exceeding 100 mm.
Extra for work in rifle rack I.e., cutting C Rifles 06-77 15391.20
and dishing for butts, notching for
stocks and cutting for ends of barrel
softwood first class.
Extra for work in rifle rack I.e., cutting C Rifles 06-78 19239.00
and dishing for butts, notching for
stocks and cutting for ends of barrel
hard wood (Shisham) first class.
Supply and fix Rawal Plug 25mm long Metre 06-79 49.70
for boards etc not exc 200mm c/c(in
any wall in any mortar or concrete
Supply and fix Rawal Plug 50mm long Metre 06-80 46.81
for boards etc not exc 200mm c/c(in
any wall in any mortar or concrete
Resecuring of wire gauze (fly and Sqm 06-81 48.10
mosquito netting with fillets and
framing) hard /soft wood.
Taking up or down ,and refixing of wire Sqm 06-82 73.75
gauze . (fly and mosquito netting with
fillets and/ or framing) hard /soft wood.
Wood Work
Supply and fix first class soft wood Sqm 07-01 8138.16
wrought sashes, glazed with moulded
or chamfered bars, panels filled in with
glass including chowkats, hold fasts
and fixed with screws to frames, 32mm
Supply and fix first class soft wood Sqm 07-02 8036.26
wrought sashes, glazed with moulded
or chamfered bars, panels filled in with
gauzed 9x9 mesh, 24 gauge including
chowkats, hold fasts and fixed with
screws to frames, 32mm thick.
Supply and fix first class soft wood Sqm 07-03 8427.85
wrought sashes, glazed with moulded
or chamfered bars, panels filled in with
glass including chowkats, hold fasts
and fixed with screws to frames, 38mm
thick glazed.
Supply and fix first class soft wood Sqm 07-04 8338.29
wrought sashes, glazed with moulded
or chamfered bars, panels filled in with
wire gauzed 9x9 mesh, 24 gauge
including chowkats, hold fasts and
fixed with screws to frames, 38mm
Supply and fix first class Burma Teak Sqm 07-07 17809.38
wood wrought sashes, glazed with
moulded or chamfered bars, panels
filled in with gauzed 9x9 mesh gauge
including chowkats, holdfasts and
fixed with screws to frames, 32mm
Supply and fix first class Burma Teak Sqm 07-08 18704.66
wood wrought sashes, glazed with
moulded or chamfered bars, panels
filled in with glass including chowkats,
holdfasts and fixed with screws to
frames, glazed 38mm thick.
Supply and fix first class Burma Teak Sqm 07-09 18615.11
wood wrought sashes, glazed with
moulded or chamfered bars, panels
filled in with gauzed 9x9 mesh 24
gauge including chowkats, holdfasts
and fixed with screws to frames,
glazed 38mm thick.
Supply and fix first class soft wood Sqm 07-12 8545.53
wrought sashes, and doors ,glazed
with moulded or chamfered bars,
panels filled in with gauzed 9x9 mesh
24 gauge including chowkats,hold
fasts and hung with hinges or pivots
including iron mongery as described,
32mm thick.
Supply and fix first class soft wood Sqm 07-13 8893.12
wrought sashes, and doors ,glazed
with moulded or chamfered bars,
panels filled in with glass including
chowkats,hold fasts and hung with
hinges or pivots including iron
mongery as described, 38mm thick.
Supply and fix first class soft wood Sqm 07-14 8803.57
wrought sashes, and doors ,glazed
with moulded or chamfered bars,
panels filled in with gauzed 9x9 mesh
24 GB including chowkats,hold fasts
and hung with hinges or pivots
including iron mongery as described,
38mm thick.
Supply and fix first class Burma Teak Sqm 07-17 18375.17
wood sashes, and doors ,glazed with
moulded or chamfered bars, angels
filled in with gauzed 9x9 mesh 24 GB
including chowkats,hold fasts and
hung with hinges or pivots including
iron mongery as described, 32mm
Supply and fix first class Burma Teak Sqm 07-18 19341.50
wood sashes, and doors ,glazed with
moulded or chamfered bars, angels
filled in with glass including
chowkats,hold fasts and hung with
hinges or pivots including iron
mongery as described, 38mm thick.
Supply and fix first class Burma Teak Sqm 07-19 19251.94
wood sashes, and doors ,glazed with
moulded or chamfered bars, angels
filled in with gauzed 9x9 mesh 24 GB
including chowkats,hold fasts and
hung with hinges or pivots including
iron mongery as described, 38mm
Deduct from item 07-2, 07-4, 07-7, 07- Sqm 07-20 154.65
9, 07-12, 07-14, 07-17 and 07-19 if
mosquito proof gauze 16x16 mesh 26
gauge is used.
Deduct from item 07-16 to 07-19 if Sqm 07-21 10734.62
chowkats not "supplied and fixed.
Supply and fix first class soft wood , Sqm 07-22 10701.58
glazed CSWs, with moulded or
chamfered bars, panels filled in with
glass including chowkats hung with
pivots including mongery as described,
32mm thick
Supply and fix first class soft wood , Sqm 07-23 10633.65
glazed CSWs, with moulded or
chamfered bars, panels filled in with
gauzed 9x9 mesh 24 gauge including
chowkats hung with pivots including
mongery as described, 32mm thick
Supply and fix first class soft wood , Sqm 07-24 10859.45
glazed CSWs, with moulded or
chamfered bars, panels filled in with
glass including chowkats hung with
pivots including mongery as described,
38mm thick
Supply and fix first class soft wood , Sqm 07-25 10790.99
glazed CSWs, with moulded or
chamfered bars, panels filled in with
gauzed 9x9 mesh 24 gauge including
chowkats hung with pivots including
mongery as described, 38mm thick
Supply and fix first class Burma Teak Sqm 07-28 23635.35
wood , glazed CSWs, with moulded or
chamfered bars, panels filled in with
gauzed 9x9 mesh 24 gauge including
chowkats hung with pivots including
mongery as described, 32mm thick.
Supply and fix first class Burma Teak Sqm 07-29 24137.02
wood , glazed CSWs, with moulded or
chamfered bars, panels filled in with
glass including chowkats hung with
pivots including mongery as described,
38mm thick.
Supply and fix first class Burma Teak Sqm 07-30 24084.11
wood , glazed CSWs, with moulded or
chamfered bars, panels filled in with
gauzed 9x9 mesh 24 gauge including
chowkats hung with pivots including
mongery as described, 38mm thick.
Steel Windows
Supply and fix "Z" type steel window Sqm 07-84 3190.29
or CSW using Z and beam sections n-
exc 1.48 Sqm Super each with
openable / fixed panels with all
necessary steel fitting/ iron mongery,
hold fasts etc, and two coats of
synthetic enamal paint in addition to
one coat of primer/rust proof paint but
except glass panes and wire gauze.
Supply and fix "Z" type steel window Sqm 07-85 3590.87
or CSW using Z and beam sections n-
exc 1.48 Sqm Super each with
openable / fixed panels with all
necessary steel fitting/ brass mongery,
hold fasts etc, and two coats of
synthetic enamal paint in addition to
one coat one coat of primer/rust proof
paint but except glass panes and wire
Supply and fix "Z" type steel windows Sqm 07-86 3435.67
or CSW using Z and beam sections n-
exc 1.48 Sqm Super each with
openable / fixed panels with"T" section
sashes all necessary steel fitting/ iron
mongery, hold fasts etc, and two coats
of synthetic enamal paint in addition to
one coat one coat of primer/rust proof
paint but except glass panes and wire
Supply and fix "Z" type steel windows Sqm 07-87 3799.53
or CSW using Z and beam sections n-
exc 1.48 Sqm Super each with
openable / fixed panels with"T" section
sashes all necessary steel fitting/
brass mongery, hold fasts etc, and two
coats of synthetic enamal paint in
addition to one coat one coat of
primer/rust proof paint but except
glass panes and wire gauze.
Supply and fix "Z" type steel windows Sqm 07-88 2191.22
or CSW using Z and beam sections
exc 1.48 Sqm Super each with
openable / fixed panels with all
necessary steel fitting/ iron mongery,
hold fasts etc, two coats of synthetic
enamal paint in addition to one coat
one coat of primer/rust proof paint but
except glass panes and wire gauze.
Supply and fix "Z" type steel windows Sqm 07-89 2756.76
or CSW using Z and beam sections
exc 1.48 Sqm Super each with
openable / fixed panels with all
necessary steel fitting/ brass mongery,
hold fasts etc, two coats of synthetic
enamal paint in addition to one coat
one coat of primer/rust proof paint but
except glass panes and wire gauze.
Supply and fix "Z" type steel windows Sqm 07-90 2670.79
or CSW using Z and beam sections
exc 1.48 Sqm Super each with
openable / fixed panels with "T"
section sashes with all necessary
steel fitting/ iron mongery, hold fasts
etc, and two coats of synthetic enamal
paint in addition to one coat one coat
of primer/rust proof paint but except
glass panes and wire gauze.
Supply and fix "Z" type steel windows Sqm 07-91 2983.72
or CSW using Z and beam sections
exc 1.48 Sqm Super each with
openable / fixed panels with "T"
section sashes with all necessary
steel fitting/ brass mongery, hold fasts
etc, and two coats of synthetic enamal
paint in addition to one coat one coat
of primer/rust proof paint but except
glass panes and wire gauze.
Supply and fix Box type steel sliding Sqm 07-92 3531.55
/Fixed windows or CSW using 16
gauge frame section 75mm x 30mm
and panel section 25mm x 50mm &
10mm x 10mm square gola with all
necessary steel fitting/ iron mongery,
hold fasts etc, and two coats of
synthetic enamal paint in addition to
one coat one coat of primer/rust proof
paint but except glass panes,grill and
wire gauze.
Supply and fix Box Pipe type openable Sqm 07-93 3586.68
and Fixed side hung windows or CSW
using 16 gauge frame section 50mm x
25mm and panel "Z" shape 38mm x
31mm & 38mm &10mmx 10mm
square gola n.exc 1.48 Sqmsuper
each with all necessary fitting/ iron
mongery, hold fasts etc, and two coats
of synthetic enamal paint in addition to
one coat one coat of primer/rust proof
paint but except wire gauze, glass
panes and grill.
Supply and fix Box Pipe type openable Sqm 07-94 3585.48
and Fixed side hung windows or CSW
using 16 gauge frame section 50mm x
25mm and panel "Z" shape 38mm x
31mm & 38mm &10mmx 10mm
square gola exc 1.48 Sqm super each
with all necessary fitting/ iron mongery,
hold fasts etc, and two coats of
synthetic enamal paint in addition to
one coat one coat of primer/rust proof
paint but except wire gauze, glass
panes and grill.
Steel Windows
Supply and fix first class soft wood, Sqm 07-95 9566.67
framed and panelled doors, gates
etc incl hanging chowkats,
holdfast,and iron mongery as
described, 32mm thick
Supply and fix first class soft wood, Sqm 07-96 9811.45
framed and panelled doors, gates
etc incl hanging chowkats,
holdfast,and iron mongery as
described, 38mm thick
Supply and fix first class soft wood, Sqm 07-97 9955.44
framed and panelled doors, gates
etc (panelled filled in with MDF 16mm
sheet) incl hanging chowkats,
holdfast,and iron mongery as
described, 32mm thick
Supply and fix first class soft wood, Sqm 07-98 10141.00
framed and panelled doors, gates
etc (panelled filled in with MDF 16mm
sheet) incl hanging chowkats,
holdfast,and iron mongery as
described, 38mm thick
Supply and fix first class soft wood Sqm 07-103 4673.95
framed and panelled partitions and
dados 32mm thick.
Supply and fix first class soft wood Sqm 07-104 4976.47
framed and panelled partitions and
dados 38mm thick.
Supply and fix first class Burma Sqm 07-105 11421.57
Teak wood, framed and panelled
partitions and dados 32mm thick.
Supply and fix first class Burma Sqm 07-106 12249.35
Teak wood, framed and panelled
partitions and dados 38mm thick.
Supply and fix hollow flush door Sqm 07-107 6481.02
Teak venered, 38mm thick including
iron mongery all as specified except
Supply and fix hollow flush door Sqm 07-108 6445.94
Shisham venered, 38mm thick
including iron mongery all as specified
except chowkats.
Supply and fix hollow flush door Sqm 07-109 6109.54
Commercial venered, 38mm thick
including iron mongery all as specified
except chowkats.
Supply and fix hollow flush door Sqm 07-110 5571.14
Teak venered, 32mm thick including
iron mongery all as specified except
Supply and fix hollow flush door Sqm 07-111 5654.67
Shisham venered, 32mm thick
including iron mongery all as specified
except chowkats.
Supply and fix hollow flush door Sqm 07-112 5175.68
Commercial venered, 32mm thick
including iron mongery all as specified
except chowkats.
Supply and fix solid flush door Teak Sqm 07-113 7676.25
venered, 38mm thick including iron
mongery all as specified except
Supply and fix solid flush door Sqm 07-114 7816.96
Shisham venered, 38mm thick
including iron mongery all as specified
except chowkats.
Supply and fix solid flush door Sqm 07-115 7349.13
Commercial venered, 38mm thick
including iron mongery all as specified
except chowkats.
Supply and fix solid flush door Teak Sqm 07-116 7060.02
venered, 32mm thick including iron
mongery all as specified except
Supply and fix solid flush door Sqm 07-117 7143.59
Shisham venered, 32mm thick
including iron mongery all as specified
except chowkats.
Supply and fix solid flush door Sqm 07-118 6675.73
Commercial venered, 32mm thick
including iron mongery all as specified
except chowkats.
Supply and fix MDF (Medium Density Sqm 07-119 2850.33
Fiber Board) hollow flush door, 38mm
thick with Malaysian Ply( Pak made)
3mm skin panel on both sides internal
wood, second class soft wood frame,
75mm x 32mm hydraulically hot
pressed with glue in any design, shape
and pattern complete, including iron
mongery all as specified except
Wire Gauze
Supply of iron tinned wire gauze fly Sqm 07-149 699.22
proof 9x9 mesh , 24 gauge and fixed
with cover fillets to window chowkats
Supply of iron tinned wire gauze fly Sqm 07-150 1183.37
proof 9x9 mesh , 22 gauge and fixed
with cover fillets to window chowkats
Fixing only of iron tinned wire gauze fly Sqm 07-151 453.11
proof 9 x 9 mesh , 22or24 gauge and
fixed with cover fillets to window
chowkats etc.(Except cost of wire
Add to item 07-149 or 07-150 or 07- Sqm 07-152 41.19
151 if fixed in repairs. .
Supply of iron tinned wire gauze Sqm 07-153 660.57
mosquito proof 18 x 18 mesh , 28
gauge and fixed with cover fillets to
window chowkats etc.
Fixing only of iron tinned wire gauze Sqm 07-154 453.11
mosquito proof 18 x 18 mesh , 28
gauge and fixed with cover fillets to
window chowkats etc.(Except cost of
wire gauze)
Add to item 07-153 or 07-154 if fixed Sqm 07-155 41.19
in repairs.
Supply of plastic wire gauze Sqm 07-156 532.84
mosquito proof 18 x 18 mesh , 28
gauge and fixed with cover fillets to
window chowkats etc.
Fixing only of plastic wire gauze Sqm 07-157 453.11
mosquito proof 18 x 18 mesh , 28
gauge and fixed with cover fillets to
window chowkats etc.(Except cost of
wire gauze)
Add to item 07-156 or 07-157 if Sqm 07-158 41.19
fixed in repairs.
Supply of iron tinned wire gauze fly Sqm 07-159 1125.11
proof 9x9 mesh , 22 gauge and fixed
with flat iron 13mmx3mmto steel
window frames with screws @ 75mm
c/c, complete
Supply of iron tinned wire gauze fly Sqm 07-160 637.66
proof 9x9 mesh , 24 gauge and fixed
with flat iron 13mmx3mmto steel
window frames with screws @ 75mm
c/c, complete
Fixing only of iron tinned wire gauze Sqm 07-161 390.60
(to 07-159,07-160)and fixed with flat
iron 13mmx3mmto steel window
frames with screws @ 75mm c/c,
complete (Except cost of wire gauze)
Venetian Blind
Supply and fix venetian blinds Sqm 07-222 1057.38
,horizantel having matllic, plastic
strips up to 25mm width best quality
complete with all accessaries.
Steel Chowkats
Supply and fixing steel chowkats press Mtr 07-228 807.45
moulded 16 SWG for 115mm walls
single leaf, complete including hold
fast ties for lateral movement P.C.C
(1:2:4) cavity filling, including 1 coat of
anti-creosote paint (internal surface)
and Red oxide paint (External Surface)
Supply and fixing First Class soft wood Sqm 07-236 4410.74
dolly frame chowkat usig 57mm x
57mm fillets on edge side of wall and
@ 381mm c/c cross fillets covered
with 3mm Teak ply incl architrave on
both sides (Inside/Outside) not exc.
12.90 Sqcm in any design/ shade,
holdfast, bitumen coating on wall side
of frame and wood, preservative on
remaining side of frame, gapes filled
with CC Type B for 230mm wall,
complete all as spd (Single/ double
Supply and fixing First Class soft wood Sqm 07-237 4755.56
dolly frame chowkat usig 57mm x
57mm fillets on edge side of wall and
@ 381mm c/c cross fillets covered
with 3mm commercial ply incl
architrave on both sides
(Inside/Outside) not exc. 12.90 Sqcm
in any design/ shade, holdfast,
bitumen coating on wall side of frame
and wood, preservative on remaining
side of frame, gapes filled with CC
Type B for 345mm wall, complete all
as spd (Single/ double rebate)
Supply and fixing First Class soft wood Sqm 07-238 4941.54
dolly frame chowkat usig 57mm x
57mm fillets on edge side of wall and
@ 381mm c/c cross fillets covered
with 3mm Shisham ply incl architrave
on both sides (Inside/Outside) not exc.
12.90 Sqcm in any design/ shade,
holdfast, bitumen coating on wall side
of frame and wood, preservative on
remaining side of frame, gapes filled
with CC Type B for 345mm wall,
complete all as spd (Single/ double
Supply and fixing First Class soft wood Sqm 07-239 4950.06
dolly frame chowkat usig 57mm x
57mm fillets on edge side of wall and
@ 381mm c/c cross fillets covered
with 3mm Teak ply incl architrave on
both sides (Inside/Outside) not exc.
12.90 Sqcm in any design/ shade,
holdfast, bitumen coating on wall side
of frame and wood, preservative on
remaining side of frame, gapes filled
with CC Type B for 345mm wall,
complete all as spd (Single/ double
uPVC Door/Window
Supply and fix uPVC sliding window, Sqm 07-240 6380.93
37mm thick shutter with frame 80mm x
50mm complete exc 2.23 Sqm super
each in white colour incl nec fittings,
mongery, Fly Proof netting, exccept
glass complete as per Section shown
in Fig 07-2, Sketch No 7-1.1 to 7-1.3
Supply and fix uPVC door, 60mm thick Sqm 07-249 12748.48
shutter , groove panel 20mm thick,
filled as per Fig 07-2, Sketck No 7-2.4
instead of Glass complete exc 1.9
Sqm super each in white colour incl all
nec fittings, mongery, Fly Proof
netting, all as spd.
Supply and fix uPVC door, 60mm thick Sqm 07-250 11378.12
shutter , groove panel 20mm thick,
filled as per Fig 07-2, Sketck No 7-2.4
instead of Glass complete exc 1.9
Sqm super each in any colour incl all
nec fittings, mongery, Fly Proof
netting, all as spd.
Supply and fix uPVC door, 60mm thick Sqm 07-251 16159.25
shutter , groove panel 20mm thick,
filled as per Fig 07-2, Sketck No 7-2.4
instead of Glass complete exc 1.9
Sqm super each in any colour incl all
nec fittings, mongery, Fly Proof
netting, all as spd.
Tower Bolt
Supply and fix 100 mm long wrought Each 08-01 103.89
iron tower bolts with bright shoots and
fixed with sockets or let into any
material. .
Supply and fix 100 mm long wrought Each 08-02 103.89
iron CP (cromium Plated ) tower bolts
with bright shoots and fixed with
sockets or let into any material. .
Supply and fix malleable cost iron but Each 08-145 59.00
chromium plated.Pivots and Sockets
(or sash centeres) 56 mm plates as for
swing sashes.
Supply and fix malleable brass Pivots Each 08-146 101.33
and Sockets (or sash centeres) 56 mm
plates as for swing sashes.
Same as item 08-144 or 08-145 or 08- Each 08-147 30.78
146 but fixing only.
Add to item 08-144 to 08-148 if fixed in Each 08-148 12.83
Casement Stays.
Supply and fix wrought iron casement Each 08-149 274.48
stays quardrant for fan light 300 mm.
Supply and fix plain black steel sheets Sqm 10-41 1332.70
24 BG in ridges , hips, valleys and
straight and stepped flashings, roof
plates and sleeve pieces etc; including
wooden battens as required.
Supply and fix plain black steel sheets Sqm 10-48 1192.81
22 BG in ridges, hips, valleys and
straight and stepped flashings, roof
plates and sleeve pieces etc; with out
wooden battens .
Mud Roofs
25mm thick mud plaster and leaping Sqm 10-93 186.02
over 50mm thick mud on roofs.
Building paper
Supply of water proof building or Sqm 10-99 89.76
insulating paper weighing 3.92 Kg per
10 Sqm and fix in any position with
50mm side and 150mm end laps and
nailing as described for felt.
Bitumen coating
One coat of bitumen applied hot on Sqm 10-100 141.35
roof at the rate of 0.75 Kg per Sqm
and blinding with sand at 0.012 Cum
per Sqm ( incl cleaning surface).
Termite Proofing
Termite proofing of new buildings incl Sqm 11-01 71.38
wood-work therein with approved
Termite proofing of old buildings with Sqm 11-02 61.73
approved chemicals.
Termite proofing of new and old Sqm 11-03 60.13
wooden joinery partition walls trusses
ceilings and floors etc with approved
Sub Floors
Providing and laying hard core of any Cum 12-01 2250.05
description sany thickness spread
level and ram, filling under floors.
Paving Stones
Providing and laying cement concrete Sqm 12-20 765.79
paving stone 50mm thick in natural
colour as in floors, drive way walk way
etc any pattern and any shape
(hydraulically compressed) laid and
jointed in sand including 50mm thick
sand bed as laying coarse all as
Supply and fix 2mm thick and 25mm Meter 12-27 53.38
wide aluminium dividing strips in floor .
Terrazo Floor
Providing and laying 10 mm thick Sqm 12-35 514.79
terrazo floor marble chips (1:2) with
white/coloured cement including
cutting, rubbing and polishing.
Providing and laying 10 mm thick Sqm 12-36 735.42
terrazo in dados,skirtings etc; using
marble chips (1:2) with white/coloured
cement including cutting, rubbing and
polishing. including 10mm thick
cement plaster 1:3 rendering.
Tiling Imported
Providing and laying of white / light Sqm 12-56 2029.89
colour/ glazed/non skid tiles up to 600
SqCm area each,on walls and floors,
set in neat cement and jointes
grouted with white /colour cement
complete all as specified.Imported
Asian origin (China Malaysia Thailand
or equivalent).
Mosaic Tiles
Providing and laying mosaic tiles Sqm 12-68 1136.98
200mm x 200mm x 20mm of white
cement, on walls and floors laid, set in
cement mortar (1: 2) and joints
grouted with white/coloured cement,
chemical polished complete.
Providing and laying mosaic tiles Sqm 12-69 1061.71
300mm x 300mm x 25mm of white
cement, on walls and floors laid, set in
cement mortar (1: 2) and joints
grouted with white/coloured cement,
chemical polished complete.
Racking out joints of old floors,roofs Sqm 12-84 88.85
etc; with bricks laid on edges, built in
any mortar including preparing surface
for re-pointing.
Racking out joints of old floors,roofs Sqm 12-85 67.70
etc; with bricks or tiles laid flat, built in
any mortar including preparing surface
for re-pointing.
Pointing flush in cement mortar 1:3 to Sqm 12-86 201.32
old or new bricks floors, laid on edges.
Providing and fixing, Aluminium Sqm 12-107 9870.89
Cladding upto any height with sheets
of any size and shape using 0.5mm
thick Aluminium sheet, 3mm thick PE
(Polyethene) or 0.5mm thick Alumium
sheet PVDF (Poly Vinyl Deni Flouride)
coated, in any colour/ texture with
framing, as required, complete, asa
Providing and laying, Porcelain Tiles Sqm 12-116 2498.55
glazed/ unglazed in any
colour/print/texture exc 1600 sqcm on
walls and floors,set in neat cement
and jointed in white / coloured cement,
complete, as specified,imported
19mm thick mud plaster including Sqm 13-01 212.23
3mm thick leeping.
25mm thick mud plaster including Sqm 13-02 264.78
3mm thick leeping.
Cement Plaster
13mm thick cement plaster 1:3 Sqm 13-03 235.42
finished as specified.
Add to item 13-3 for pudlo or other Sqm 13-04 33.20
similar approved material mixed with
cement at the rate of 3% by weight.
13mm thick cement plaster 1:4 Sqm 13-05 219.01
finished as specified.
Add to item 13-5 for pudlo or other Sqm 13-06 23.43
similar approved material mixed with
cement at the rate of 3% by weight.
13mm thick cement plaster 1:6 Sqm 13-07 200.27
finished as specified.
Add to item 13-7 for pudlo or other Sqm 13-08 16.66
similar approved material mixed with
cement at the rate of 3% by weight.
19mm thick cement plaster 1:3 Sqm 13-09 313.16
finished as specified.
Add to item 13-09 for pudlo or other Sqm 13-10 39.06
similar approved material mixed with
cement at the rate of 3% by weight.
19mm thick cement plaster 1:4 Sqm 13-11 291.29
finished as specified.
Add to item 13-11 for pudlo or other Sqm 13-12 31.24
similar approved material mixed with
cement at the rate of 3% by weight.
19mm thick cement plaster 1:6 Sqm 13-13 267.29
finished as specified.
Add to item 13-13 for pudlo or other Sqm 13-14 22.65
similar approved material mixed with
cement at the rate of 3% by weight.
6mm thick rough cast plaster 1:2 using Sqm 13-15 242.47
3mm aggregate, all as specified.
13mm thick rough cast plaster 1:2 Sqm 13-16 354.97
using 3mm aggregate, all as specified.
Dampa Ceilings
Supply and fix Dampa ceiling Sqm 14-20 1225.52
alongwith necessary components for
fixing direct or suspending from the
soffit complete, incl provision of
opening for lights.
Add to item 14 -20 if fixed in repairs. Sqm 14-21 439.28
Fiber Glass Ceilings
Suply and fix fiber glass ceiling Sqm 14-22 1647.05
200mm x 600mm panels,single ply
(not less than 1mm thick) in any
colour/texture including aluminum
"Tee" & angles 25mm x 25mm x
1mm, including hanger clips, jointing
clips and GI 14 SWG wire etc;
complete, inculiding provision of
openings for lights.
Wall finish, spray coat (Like Zola etc) Sqm 15-124 355.05
multi colour complete all as specified.
Supply and fix 3mm thick plain sheet Sqm 16-01 750.29
glass fixed to timber or steel sashes
with putty as specified.
Supply and fix 5mm thick plain sheet Sqm 16-02 981.93
glass fixed to timber or steel sashes
with putty as specified.
Supply and fix 3mm thick frosted sheet Sqm 16-03 862.07
glass fixed to timber or steel sashes
with putty as specified.
Supply and fix 5mm thick frosted sheet Sqm 16-04 1010.21
glass fixed to timber or steel sashes
with putty as specified.
Supply and fix 5mm thick tinted sheet Sqm 16-05 1314.57
glass fixed to timber or steel sashes
with putty as specified.
Supply and fix 3mm thick Milky glass Sqm 16-06 750.29
fixed to timber or steel sashes with
putty as specified.
Supply and fix 5mm thick Milky glass Sqm 16-07 965.76
fixed to timber or steel sashes with
putty as specified.
Supply and fix 3mm thick plain sheet Sqm 16-08 782.61
glass fixed to timber or steel sashes
with hard/soft wood beads and screws
as specified.
Supply and fix 5mm thick plain sheet Sqm 16-09 1014.25
glass fixed to timber or steel sashes
with hard/soft wood beads and screws
as specified.
Supply and fix 8mm thick plate sheet Sqm 16-10 1789.38
glass fixed to timber or steel sashes
with hard/soft wood beads and screws
as specified.
Supply and fix 10mm thick plate sheet Sqm 16-11 2224.37
glass fixed to timber or steel sashes
with hard/soft wood beads and screws
as specified.
Supply and fix 12mm thick plate sheet Sqm 16-12 2804.81
glass fixed to timber or steel sashes
with hard/soft wood beads and screws
as specified.
Supply and fix 12mm thick plate sheet Sqm 16-13 3744.83
glass fixed to timber or steel sashes
with hard/soft wood beads and screws
as specified. but Imported
Supply and fix 15mm thick plate sheet Sqm 16-14 4969.01
glass fixed to timber or steel sashes
with hard/soft wood beads and screws
as specified. but Imported
Supply and fix 3mm thick frosted glass Sqm 16-15 894.39
fixed to timber or steel sashes with
hard/soft wood beads and screws as
Supply and fix 5mm thick frosted glass Sqm 16-16 1042.53
fixed to timber or steel sashes with
hard/soft wood beads and screws as
Supply and fix 5mm thick tinted glass Sqm 16-17 1346.89
fixed to timber or steel sashes with
hard/soft wood beads and screws or
by use of rubber lining.
Supply and fix 8mm thick tinted glass Sqm 16-18 1789.38
fixed to timber or steel sashes with
hard/soft wood beads and screws or
by use of rubber lining.
Supply and fix 3mm thick milky glass Sqm 16-19 782.61
fixed to timber or steel sashes with
hard/soft wood beads and screws as
Supply and fix 5mm thick milky glass Sqm 16-20 998.09
fixed to timber or steel sashes with
hard/soft wood beads and screws as
Hacking Out
Hacking Out old broken glass from Sqm 16-21 314.95
sashes, remove any serviceable
portions to store and dispose off
Tempering to any thickness of glass Sqm 16-22 3622.70
sheet all as spd
Glass Blocks
Supply and fix Plain Glass blocks size Sqm 16-23 489.72
190mm x 190mm x 80mm as
Supply and fix Coloured Glass blocks Sqm 16-24 575.42
size 190mm x 190mm x 80mm as
Fixing only 16-23 and 16-24 Sqm 16-25 102.03
Add to item 16-23 to 16-25 if fixed in Sqm 16-26 61.22
Supply and fix wash hand basin in light Each 17-78 4240.98
colour Glazed Ware 660mm x
560mm, ( IFO pattern or equivalent),
one hole complete with waste pipe,
coupling china & plug etc (Except
mixer) fixed to concrete,brick, stone or
wood work best quality Pak made
Supply and fix wash hand basin with Each 17-80 5179.58
pedestal Glazed Ware size 660mm x
560mm, in white colour , one hole
complete with waste pipe, coupling
CP china & plug and pedestal etc
(except mixer) best quality (IFO
pattern or equivalent) fixed to
concrete,brick, stone or wood work
Pak made
Supply and fix wash hand basin with Each 17-81 5786.04
pedestal Glazed Ware size 660mm x
560mm, in light colour , one hole
complete with waste pipe, coupling
CP china & plug and pedestal etc
(except mixer) best quality (IFO
pattern or equivalent) fixed to
concrete,brick, stone or wood work
Pak made
Supply and fix wash hand basin with Each 17-82 6612.02
pedestal Glazed Ware size 660mm x
560mm, in special colour , one hole
complete with waste pipe, coupling
CP china & plug and pedestal etc
(except mixer) best quality (IFO
pattern or equivalent) fixed to
concrete,brick, stone or wood work
Pak made
Supply and fix vanity bowl glazed ware Each 17-137 6377.38
one hole complete with bottle trap
waste coupling chian & plug etc
(except mixer) best quality fixed to
concrete, brick, stone and marble slab
in any size shape Light colour
Fixing only Toilet shower for WC, best Each 17-140 79.58
Quality 15mm dia Pak made.
S/F Toilet shower best quality (Pak Each 17-141 814.16
made) 15mm dia.
Finxing only wal shower any type and Each 17-142 190.99
colour Pak Made
Supply and fix Seat cover plastic in Each 17-143 967.20
any colour shape best quality Pak
Socket GI, 15mm dia, supply and Each 18-78 34.78
Socket GI, 20mm dia, supply and Each 18-79 46.17
Socket GI, 25mm dia, supply and Each 18-80 69.99
Socket GI, 40 dia, supply and fixing. Each 18-81 117.07
Socket GI, 50mm dia, supply and Each 18-82 188.47
Socket GI, 65mm dia, supply and Each 18-83 344.52
Socket GI, 80mm dia, supply and Each 18-84 597.87
Socket GI, 100mm dia, supply and Each 18-85 857.81
Socket GI, 150mm dia, supply and Each 18-86 2902.12
Socket Reducing GI, 20 x 15mm dia, Each 18-87 60.10
supply and fixing.
Socket Reducing GI, 25x20mm dia, Each 18-88 74.95
supply and fixing.
Socket Reducing GI, 40x25mm dia, Each 18-89 134.23
supply and fixing.
Socket Reducing GI, 50x40mm dia, Each 18-90 200.86
supply and fixing.
Socket Reducing GI, 65x50mm dia, Each 18-91 407.43
supply and fixing.
Socket Reducing GI, 80x65mm dia, Each 18-92 624.55
supply and fixing.
Socket Reducing GI, 100x80mm dia, Each 18-93 1068.26
supply and fixing.
Socket Reducing GI, 150x100mm dia, Each 18-94 3227.78
supply and fixing.
BEND GI 45'/90'
Bend GI 45' / 90', 15mm dia, supply Each 18-95 80.91
and fixing.
Bend GI 45' / 90', 20mm dia, supply Each 18-96 107.44
and fixing.
Bend GI 45' / 90', 25mm dia, supply Each 18-97 148.41
and fixing.
Bend GI 45' / 90', 40mm dia, supply Each 18-98 322.77
and fixing.
Bend GI 45' / 90', 50mm dia, supply Each 18-99 574.27
and fixing.
Bend GI 45' / 90', 65mm dia, supply Each 18-100 1089.37
and fixing.
Bend GI 45' / 90', 80mm dia, supply Each 18-101 1512.17
and fixing.
Bend GI 45' / 90', 100mm dia, supply Each 18-102 2965.03
and fixing.
Bend GI 45' / 90', 150mm dia, supply Each 18-103 12887.51
and fixing.
Elbow GI
Elbow GI, 15mm dia, supply and Each 18-104 38.06
Elbow GI, 20mm dia, supply and Each 18-105 54.47
Elbow GI, 25mm dia, supply and Each 18-106 85.97
Elbow GI, 40mm dia, supply and Each 18-107 151.37
Elbow GI, 50mm dia, supply and Each 18-108 262.07
Elbow GI, 65mm dia, supply and Each 18-109 480.89
Elbow GI, 80mm dia, supply and Each 18-110 887.78
Elbow GI, 100mm dia, supply and Each 18-111 1429.43
Elbow GI, 150mm dia, supply and Each 18-112 5480.49
Same as item 18-78 or 18-87 or 18-95 Each 18-113 8.68
18-104 but fixing only.
Same as item 18-79 or 18-87 or 18-96 Each 18-114 10.39
18-105 but fixing only.
Same as item 18-80 or 18-89 or 18-97 Each 18-115 11.29
18-106 but fixing only.
Same as item 18-81 or 18-90 or 18-98 Each 18-116 14.25
18-107 but fixing only.
Same as item 18-82 or 18-91 or 18-99 Each 18-117 17.42
18-108 but fixing only.
Same as item 18-83 or 18-92 or 18- Each 18-118 18.32
100 or
18-109 but fixing only.
Same as item 18-84 or 18-93 or 18- Each 18-119 26.71
101 or
18-110 but fixing only.
Same as item 18-85 or 18-94 or 18- Each 18-120 26.71
102 or
18-111 but fixing only.
Same as item 18-86 or 18-95 or 18- Each 18-121 32.36
103 or
18-112 but fixing only.
Add to item 18-78, 18-87, 18-95, 18- Each 18-122 2.49
104,18-113, if removal only
Add to item 18-79, 18-88, 18-96, 18- Each 18-123 3.10
105,18-114, if removal only
Add to item 18-80 18-89, 18-97, 18- Each 18-124 4.65
106,18-115, if removal only
Add to item 18-81 18-90 18-98, 18- Each 18-125 4.65
107,18-116, if removal only
Add to item 18-82 18-91 18-99, 18- Each 18-126 6.35
108,18-117, if removal only
Add to item 18-83 18-92 18-100 18- Each 18-127 6.35
109,18-118, if removal only
Add to item 18-84 18-93 18-101 18- Each 18-128 9.29
110,18-119, if removal only
Add to item 18-85 18-94 18-102 18- Each 18-129 10.85
111,18-120, if removal only
Add to item 18-86 18-95 18-103 18- Each 18-130 10.85
112,18-121, if removal only
Tee Equal GI
Tee Equal GI, 15mm dia, supply and Each 18-131 47.06
Tee Equal GI, 20mm dia, supply and Each 18-132 77.12
Tee Equal GI, 25mm dia, supply and Each 18-133 112.86
Tee Equal GI, 40mm dia, supply and Each 18-134 203.98
Tee Equal GI, 50mm dia, supply and Each 18-135 309.06
Tee Equal GI, 65mm dia, supply and Each 18-136 717.65
Tee Equal GI, 80mm dia, supply and Each 18-137 1027.62
Tee Equal GI, 100mm dia, supply and Each 18-138 1698.85
Tee Equal GI, 150mm dia, supply and Each 18-139 8364.83
Tee Reducing GI
Tee Reducing GI, 20 x 15mm dia, Each 18-140 90.82
supply and fixing.
Tee Reducing GI, 25x20mm dia, Each 18-141 139.88
supply and fixing.
Tee Reducing GI, 40x25mm dia, Each 18-142 256.09
supply and fixing.
Tee Reducing GI, 50x40mm dia, Each 18-143 373.95
supply and fixing.
Tee Reducing GI,65x50mm dia, Each 18-144 824.16
supply and fixing.
Tee Reducing GI, 80x65mm dia, Each 18-145 1290.84
supply and fixing.
Tee Reducing GI, 100x80mm dia, Each 18-146 1962.08
supply and fixing.
Tee Reducing GI, 150x100mm dia, Each 18-147 10642.03
supply and fixing.
Union Socket GI / MS
Union Socket GI, screwed BSP, Each 18-148 109.50
15mm dia, supply and fixing.
Union Socket GI, screwed BSP, Each 18-149 143.46
20mm dia, supply and fixing.
Union Socket GI, screwed BSP, Each 18-150 174.07
25mm dia, supply and fixing.
Union Socket GI, screwed BSP, Each 18-151 341.79
40mm dia, supply and fixing.
Union Socket GI, screwed BSP, Each 18-152 476.79
50mm dia, supply and fixing.
Union Socket GI, screwed BSP, Each 18-153 1007.81
65mm dia, supply and fixing.
Union Socket GI, screwed BSP, Each 18-154 1327.57
80mm dia, supply and fixing.
Union Socket GI, screwed BSP, Each 18-155 2515.46
100mm dia, supply and fixing.
Same as item 18-131 or 18-148 but Each 18-156 10.33
fixing only.
Same as item 18-132 or 18-140 or 18- Each 18-157 12.46
149 but fixing only.
Same as item 18-133 or 18-141 or 18- Each 18-158 14.91
150 but fixing only.
Same as item 18-134 or 18-142 or 18- Each 18-159 17.35
151 but fixing only.
Same as item 18-135 or 18-143 or 18- Each 18-160 21.35
152 but fixing only.
Same as item 18-136 or 18-144 or 18- Each 18-161 22.25
153 but fixing only.
Same as item 18-137 or 18-145 or 18- Each 18-162 29.81
154 but fixing only.
Same as item 18-138 or 18-146 or 18- Each 18-163 33.80
155 but fixing only.
Same as item 18-139 or 18-147 but Each 18-164 39.59
fixing only.
Add to item 18-131 18-148 18-156 if Each 18-165 3.72
removal only
Add to item 18-132 18-140 18-149 18- Each 18-166 4.65
157 if fremoval only
Add to item 18-133 18-141 18-150 18- Each 18-167 5.82
158 if removal only
Add to item 18-134 18-142 18-151 18- Each 18-168 9.98
159 if removal only
Add to item 18-135 18-143 18-152 18- Each 18-169 9.29
160 if removal only
Add to item 18-136 18-144 18-153 18- Each 18-170 9.29
161 if removal only
Add to item 18-137 18-145 18-154 18- Each 18-171 11.62
162 if removal only
Add to item 18-138 18-146 18-155 18- Each 18-172 13.94
163 if removal only
Add to item 18-139 18-147 18-164 if Each 18-173 16.26
removal only
Check Nut GI
Check Nut GI, screwed BSP, 15mm Each 18-174 32.16
dia, supply and fixing.
Check Nut GI, screwed BSP, 20mm Each 18-175 45.72
dia, supply and fixing.
Check Nut GI, screwed BSP, 25mm Each 18-176 49.39
dia, supply and fixing.
Check Nut GI, screwed BSP, 40mm Each 18-177 69.69
dia, supply and fixing.
Check Nut GI, screwed BSP, 50mm Each 18-178 97.65
dia, supply and fixing.
Check Nut GI, screwed BSP, 65mm Each 18-179 165.88
dia, supply and fixing.
Check Nut GI, screwed BSP, 80mm Each 18-180 230.25
dia, supply and fixing.
Check Nut GI, screwed BSP, 100mm Each 18-181 425.29
dia, supply and fixing.
Check Nut GI, screwed BSP, 150mm Each 18-182 874.98
dia, supply and fixing.
Plugs GI / MS
GI / MS plug screwed BSP, 15mm dia, Each 18-183 27.27
supply and fixing.
GI / MS plug screwed BSP, 20mm dia, Each 18-184 37.15
supply and fixing.
GI / MS plug screwed BSP, 25mm dia, Each 18-185 51.84
supply and fixing.
GI / MS plug screwed BSP, 40mm dia, Each 18-186 81.93
supply and fixing.
GI / MS plug screwed BSP, 50mm dia, Each 18-187 119.69
supply and fixing.
GI / MS plug screwed BSP, 65mm dia, Each 18-188 218.53
supply and fixing.
GI / MS plug screwed BSP, 80mm dia, Each 18-189 267.38
supply and fixing.
GI / MS plug screwed BSP, 100mm Each 18-190 535.47
dia, supply and fixing.
Same as item 18-174 or 18-183 but Each 18-191 5.23
fixing only.
Same as item 18-175 or 18-184 but Each 18-192 6.54
fixing only.
Same as item 18-176 or 18-185 but Each 18-193 6.54
fixing only.
Same as item 18-177 or 18-186 but Each 18-194 8.47
fixing only.
Same as item 18-178 or 18-187 but Each 18-195 9.51
fixing only.
Same as item 18-179 or 18-188 but Each 18-196 9.51
fixing only.
Same as item 18-180 or 18-189 but Each 18-197 12.33
fixing only.
Same as item 18-181 or 18-190 but Each 18-198 15.14
fixing only.
Same as item 18-182 but fixing only. Each 18-199 17.97
C.P mixer 15mm dia, fancy head any Each 18-227 1106.33
pattern and shape, screw down high
pressure, lettered "HOT" and "COLD"
with long screwed channels and fly
nuts. Complete supply and fixing.
Valves "peets" patttren, strong Each 18-248 516.64
gunmetal, high pressure,"Full-way"
valves with iron wheel head screwed
both ends for iron pipe,15mm dia,
supply and fixing.
Valves "peets" patttren, strong Each 18-249 761.01
gunmetal, high pressure,"Full-way"
valves with iron wheel head screwed
both ends for iron pipe,20mm dia,
supply and fixing.
Valves "peets" patttren, strong Each 18-250 1014.63
gunmetal, high pressure,"Full-way"
valves with iron wheel head screwed
both ends for iron pipe,25mm dia,
supply and fixing.
Valves "peets" patttren, strong Each 18-251 1576.52
gunmetal, high pressure,"Full-way"
valves with iron wheel head screwed
both ends for iron pipe,40mm dia,
supply and fixing.
Valves "peets" patttren, strong Each 18-252 2380.58
gunmetal, high pressure,"Full-way"
valves with iron wheel head screwed
both ends for iron pipe,50mm dia,
supply and fixing.
Valves "peets" patttren, strong Each 18-253 3729.10
gunmetal, high pressure,"Full-way"
valves with iron wheel head screwed
both ends for iron pipe,65mm dia,
supply and fixing.
Globe valves gunmetal screwed both Each 18-254 394.21
ends,complete with steel handle class-
150, 15mm dia,supply and fixing
Polyethlene (PE) Pipe 25mm dia, class PN-10 / SDR-13.6 (excl co Meter 18-683 120.92
Polyethlene (PE) Pipe 32mm dia, class PN-10 / SDR-13.6 (excl co Meter 18-684 145.92
Polyethlene (PE) Pipe 40mm dia, class PN-10 / SDR-13.6 (excl co Meter 18-685 222.39
Polyethlene (PE) Pipe 50mm dia, class PN-10 / SDR-13.6 (excl co Meter 18-686 303.70
Polyethlene (PE) Pipe 63mm dia, class PN-10 / SDR-13.6 (excl co Meter 18-687 434.70
Polyethlene (PE) Pipe 75mm dia, class PN-10 / SDR-13.6 (excl co Meter 18-688 615.31
Polyethlene (PE) Pipe 90mm dia, class PN-10 / SDR-13.6 (excl co Meter 18-689 841.56
Polyethlene (PE) Pipe 100mm dia, class PN-10 / SDR-13.6 (excl co Meter 18-690 1350.24
Polyethlene (PE) Pipe 125mm dia, class PN-10 / SDR-13.6 (excl co Meter 18-691 1651.42
Polyethlene (PE) Pipe 160mm dia, class PN-10 / SDR-13.6 (excl co Meter 18-692 2534.88
Polyethlene (PE) Pipe 180mm dia, class PN-10 / SDR-13.6 (excl co Meter 18-693 3275.33
Polyethlene (PE) Pipe 200mm dia, class PN-10 / SDR-13.6 (excl co Meter 18-694 3963.27
Polyethlene (PE) Pipe 250mm dia, class PN-10 / SDR-13.6 (excl co Meter 18-695 5987.29
S/F Tee Equal 25mm dia for PE Pipe Each 18-749 273.41
S/F Tee Equal 32mm dia for PE Pipe Each 18-750 409.30
S/F Tee Equal 40mm dia for PE Pipe Each 18-751 864.59
S/F Tee Equal 50mm dia for PE Pipe Each 18-752 1169.44
S/F Tee Equal 63mm dia for PE Pipe Each 18-753 1743.64
S/F Tee Equal 75mm dia for PE Pipe Each 18-754 2700.35
S/F Tee Equal 90mm dia for PE Pipe Each 18-755 3802.22
S/F Tee Equal 110mm dia for PE Pipe Each 18-756 4019.84
but fusion fitting
S/F Tee Equal 125mm dia for PE Pipe Each 18-757 5064.17
but fusion fitting
S/F Tee Equal 160mm dia for PE Pipe Each 18-758 7063.45
but fusion fitting
S/F Tee Equal 180mm dia for PE Pipe Each 18-759 12992.74
but fusion fitting
S/F Tee Equal 200mm dia for PE Pipe Each 18-760 20157.34
but fusion fitting
S/F Tee Equal 250mm dia for PE Pipe Each 18-761 34195.16
but fusion fitting
Reducing Tee
S/F Reducing Tee 25 x 20mm dia for Each 18-762 288.09
pie pipe
S/F Reducing Tee 32 x 20mm dia for Each 18-763 379.91
pie pipe
S/F Reducing Tee 32 x 25mm dia for Each 18-764 395.83
pie pipe
S/F Reducing Tee 40 x 32mm dia for Each 18-765 711.71
pie pipe
S/F Reducing Tee 50 x 25mm dia for Each 18-766 816.84
pie pipe
S/F Reducing Tee 50 x 32mm dia for Each 18-767 1004.16
pie pipe
S/F Reducing Tee 50 x 40mm dia for Each 18-768 1053.13
pie pipe
S/F Reducing Tee 63 x 32mm dia for Each 18-769 1551.42
pie pipe
S/F Reducing Tee 63 x 50mm dia for Each 18-770 1616.85
pie pipe
S/F Reducing Tee 75 x 63mm dia for Each 18-771 2931.75
pie pipe
S/F Reducing Tee 90 x 63mm dia for Each 18-772 3635.72
pie pipe
S/F Reducing Tee 90 x 75mm dia for Each 18-773 3932.00
pie pipe
S/F Reducing Tee 125 x 90mm dia for Each 18-774 6119.52
pie pipe but fusion fitting
S/F Reducing Tee 160 x 90mm dia for Each 18-775 10846.54
pie pipe but fusion fitting
S/F Reducing Tee 160 x 110mm dia Each 18-776 10846.54
for pie pipe but fusion fitting
S/F Reducing Tee 180 x 125mm dia Each 18-777 14488.83
for pie pipe but fusion fitting
Same as item 18-748 to 18-750, 18- Each 18-778 30.99
762 to 18-765 but fixing only
Same as item 18-751 to 18-753, 18- Each 18-779 51.65
766 to 18-769 but fixing only
Same as item 18-754 to 18-755, 18- Each 18-780 61.99
770 to 18-773 but fixing only
Same as item 18-756 to 18-761, 18- Each 18-781 103.31
774 to 18-777 but fixing only
Add to item 18-748 to 18-750, 18-762 Each 18-782 23.24
to 18-765, 18-778 if removal only
End Cap
S/F End Cap 20mm dia for PE pipe Each 18-873 97.80
S/F End Cap 25mm dia for PE pipe Each 18-874 112.49
S/F End Cap 32mm dia for PE pipe Each 18-875 157.79
S/F End Cap 40mm dia for PE pipe Each 18-876 288.09
S/F End Cap 50mm dia for PE pipe Each 18-877 483.98
S/F End Cap 63mm dia for PE pipe Each 18-878 640.69
S/F End Cap 75mm dia for PE pipe Each 18-879 957.10
S/F End Cap 90mm dia for PE pipe Each 18-880 1582.71
S/F End Cap 110mm dia for PE pipe Each 18-881 2476.45
S/F End Cap 125mm dia for PE pipe Each 18-882 2559.02
but fusion fitting
S/F End Cap 160mm dia for PE pipe Each 18-883 3133.22
but fusion fitting
S/F End Cap 180mm dia for PE pipe Each 18-884 3715.98
but fusion fitting
Same as item 18-873 to 18-875, but Each 18-885 20.67
fixing only
Same as item 18-876 to 18-878, but Each 18-886 30.99
fixing only
Same as item 18-879 to 18-881, but Each 18-887 41.32
fixing only
Same as item 18-882 to 18-884, but Each 18-888 51.65
fixing only
Add to item 18-873 to 18-875, or 18- Each 18-889 15.50
885 if removal only
Add to item 18-876 to 18-878, or 18- Each 18-890 23.24
886 if removal only
Add to item 18-879 to 18-881, or 18- Each 18-891 30.99
887 if removal only
Add to item 18-882 to 18-884, or 18- Each 18-892 38.74
888 if removal only
S/F Tee Equal 25mm dia for PPR pipe Each 18-934 86.08
S/F Tee Equal 32mm dia for PPR pipe Each 18-935 104.45
S/F Tee Equal 40mm dia for PPR pipe Each 18-936 186.33
S/F Tee Equal 50mm dia for PPR pipe Each 18-937 357.73
S/F Tee Equal 63mm dia for PPR pipe Each 18-938 731.14
S/F Tee Equal 75mm dia for PPR pipe Each 18-939 2326.94
S/F Tee Equal 90mm dia for PPR pipe Each 18-940 3918.53
S/F Tee Equal 110mm dia for PPR pipe Each 18-941 5326.48
Reducing Tee
S/F Reducing Tee 25mm x 20mm x 25mm dia for PPR pipe Each 18-942 101.69
S/F Reducing Tee 32mm x 20mm x 32mm dia for PPR pipe Each 18-943 120.97
S/F Reducing Tee 32mm x 25mm x 32mm dia for PPR pipe Each 18-944 159.54
S/F Reducing Tee 40mm x 20mm x 40mm 40mm x 25mm x 40m Each 18-945 231.63
S/F Reducing Tee 50mm x 25mm x 50mm 50mm x 32mm x 50m Each 18-946 437.31
S/F Reducing Tee 63mm x 25mm x 63mm dia for PPR pipe Each 18-947 499.06
S/F Reducing Tee 63mm x 32mm x 63mm dia for PPR pipe Each 18-948 537.01
S/F Reducing Tee 63mm x 40mm x 63mm or 63x50x63mm dia fo Each 18-949 679.03
S/F Reducing Tee 75mm x 63mm x 75mm dia for PPR pipe Each 18-950 1898.44
S/F Male threaded Tee 20mm x 20mm dia for PPR pipe Each 18-958 645.59
S/F Male threaded Tee 25mm x 15mm dia for PPR pipe Each 18-959 398.28
S/F Male threaded Tee 25mm x 20mm dia for PPR pipe Each 18-960 398.28
S/F Male threaded Tee 32mm x 20mm dia for PPR pipe Each 18-961 480.16
S/F Male threaded Tee 32mm x 25mm dia for PPR pipe Each 18-962 541.37
S/F Female threaded Tee 20mm x 20mm dia for PPR pipe Each 18-964 496.22
S/F Female threaded Tee 25mm x 15mm dia for PPR pipe Each 18-965 217.08
S/F Female threaded Tee 25mm x 20mm dia for PPR pipe Each 18-966 281.97
S/F Female threaded Tee 32mm x 20mm dia for PPR pipe Each 18-967 345.49
S/F Female threaded Tee 32mm x 25mm dia for PPR pipe Each 18-968 541.37
S/F Elbow 25mm dia 900 for PPR Pipe Each 18-974 53.72
S/F Elbow 32mm dia 900 for PPR Pipe Each 18-975 84.94
S/F Elbow 40mm dia 900 for PPR Pipe Each 18-976 151.51
S/F Elbow 50mm dia 900 for PPR Pipe Each 18-977 285.57
S/F Elbow 63mm dia 900 for PPR Pipe Each 18-978 413.51
S/F Elbow 75mm dia 900 for PPR Pipe Each 18-979 1337.17
S/F Elbow 90mm dia 900 for PPR Pipe Each 18-980 2866.32
S/F Elbow 110mm dia 900 for PPR Pipe Each 18-981 4973.34
S/F Elbow 20mm dia 450 for PPR Pipe Each 18-982 65.66
S/F Elbow 25mm dia 450 for PPR Pipe Each 18-983 72.09
S/F Elbow 32mm dia 450 for PPR Pipe Each 18-984 104.22
S/F Elbow 40mm dia 450 for PPR Pipe Each 18-985 157.02
S/F Elbow 50mm dia 450 for PPR Pipe Each 18-986 506.55
S/F Elbow 63mm dia 450 for PPR Pipe Each 18-987 906.90
S/F Elbow 75mm dia 450 for PPR Pipe Each 18-988 1398.38
S/F Elbow 90mm dia 450 for PPR Pipe Each 18-989 2223.56
S/F Male threaded 900 Elbow 20 x 20mm dia for PPR Pipe Each 18-991 498.14
S/F Male threaded 900 Elbow 25 x 15mm dia for PPR Pipe Each 18-992 230.02
S/F Male threaded 900 Elbow 25 x 20mm dia for PPR Pipe Each 18-993 273.94
S/F Male threaded 900 Elbow 32 x 20mm dia for PPR Pipe Each 18-994 390.25
S/F Male threaded 900 Elbow 32 x 25mm dia for PPR Pipe Each 18-995 453.91
S/F Female threaded 900 Elbow 25 x15mm dia for PPR Pipe Each 18-998 179.83
S/F Female threaded 900 Elbow 25 x20mm dia for PPR Pipe Each 18-999 243.33
S/F Female threaded 900 Elbow 32 x20mm dia for PPR Pipe Each 18-1000 341.27
S/F Female threaded 900 Elbow 32 x25mm dia for PPR Pipe Each 18-1001 445.34
S/F Ball tap with handle 25mm dia for PPR pipe Each 18-1009 1214.36
S/F Ball tap with handle 32mm dia for PPR pipe Each 18-1010 1948.94
S/F Ball tap with handle 40mm dia for PPR pipe Each 18-1011 4326.37
S/F Ball tap with handle 50 or 63 mm dia for PPR pipe Each 18-1012 4938.52
S/F Screw tap with handle 25mm dia for PPR pipe Each 18-1014 2772.89
S/F Screw tap with handle 32mm dia for PPR pipe Each 18-1015 3770.70
S/F Screw tap with handle 40mm dia for PPR pipe Each 18-1016 5463.74
S/F Screw tap with handle 50 or 63 mm dia for PPR pipe Each 18-1017 6968.41
S/F Male threaded adapter 20 x 20 mm dia for PPR pipe Each 18-1023 349.31
S/F Male threaded adapter 25 x 15 mm dia for PPR pipe Each 18-1024 251.36
S/F Male threaded adapter 25 x 20 mm dia for PPR pipe Each 18-1025 281.97
S/F Male threaded adapter 32 x 20 mm dia for PPR pipe Each 18-1026 803.68
S/F Male threaded adapter 32 x 25 mm dia for PPR pipe Each 18-1027 565.86
S/Fmale threaded adapter 40 x 32 mm dia for PPR pipe Each 18-1028 1459.60
S/F Male threaded adapter 50 x 40 mm dia for PPR pipe Each 18-1029 1722.82
S/F Male threaded adapter 63 x 50 mm dia for PPR pipe Each 18-1030 2761.57
S/F Female threaded adapter 20 x 20 mm dia for PPR pipe Each 18-1032 545.19
S/F Female threaded adapter 25 x 15 mm dia for PPR pipe Each 18-1033 184.02
S/F Female threaded adapter 25 x 20 mm dia for PPR pipe Each 18-1034 226.88
S/F Female threaded adapter 32 x 25 mm dia for PPR pipe Each 18-1035 418.94
S/F Female threaded adapter 40 x 32 mm dia for PPR pipe Each 18-1036 1398.38
S/F Female threaded adapter 50 x 40 mm dia for PPR pipe Each 18-1037 1735.68
S/F Female threaded adapter 63 x 50 mm dia for PPR pipe Each 18-1038 2633.02
S/F Female threaded adapter 75 x 63 mm dia for PPR pipe Each 18-1039 8019.94
S/F Cross piece 25mm dia for PPR pipe Each 18-1047 185.25
S/F Shut off valve handle 25mm dia for PPR pipe Each 18-1049 5173.05
Centrifugal pumping set AC electric motor driven 400 volts 3 p Each 19-02 36239.13
Centrifugal pumping set AC electric motor driven 220/230 volts Each 19-03 31061.87
Centrifugal pumping set AC electric motor driven 220/230 volts Each 19-04 23869.11
Pumping set cetrifugal with AC electirc motor 400 volts 3 phas Each 19-14 429698.69
Pumping set cetrifugal with AC electirc motor 400 volts 3 phas Each 19-15 505636.06
Pumping set cetrifugal with AC electirc motor 400 volts 3 phas Each 19-16 410751.89
Pumping set cetrifugal with AC electirc motor 400 volts 3 phas Each 19-17 429698.85
Pumping set cetrifugal with AC electirc motor 400 volts 3 phas Each 19-18 486046.95
Tube Well Boaring in any soil drilling a bore hole 450 mm dia employing
Reverse Rotary
Hydraulic method/Percussion
3060.75 method upto 50 meters depth, co
Tube Well Boaring in any soil drilling a bore hole 600 mm dia employing
Reverse Rotary
Hydraulic method/Percussion
3672.90 method upto 50 meters depth, co
Tube Well Boaring in any soil drilling a bore hole 375 mm dia employing
Reverse Rotary
Hydraulic method/Percussion
3495.38 method above 50 but upto 100 m
Tube Well Boaring in any soil drilling a bore hole 450 mm dia employing
Reverse Rotary
Hydraulic method/Percussion
4285.05 method above 50 but upto 100 m
Tube Well Boaring in any soil drilling a bore hole 600 mm dia employing
Reverse Rotary
Hydraulic method/Percussion
4897.20 method above 50 but upto 100 m
Tube Well Boaring in any soil drilling a bore hole 375 mm dia employing
Reverse Rotary
Hydraulic method/Percussion
3679.02 method above 100 but upto 150 m
Tube Well Boaring in any soil drilling a bore hole 450 mm dia employing
Reverse Rotary
Hydraulic method/Percussion
4955.97 method above 100 but upto 150 m
Tube Well Boaring in any soil drilling a bore hole 600 mm dia employing
Reverse Rotary
Hydraulic method/Percussion
6121.50 method above 100 but upto 150 m
Tube Well Boaring in any soil drilling a bore hole 375 mm dia employing
Reverse Rotary
Hydraulic method/Percussion
3856.55 method bore beyond 150 meters
Tube Well Boaring in any soil drilling a bore hole 450 mm dia employing
Reverse Rotary
Hydraulic method/Percussion
5242.45 method bore beyond 150 meters
Tube Well Boaring in any soil drilling a bore hole 600 mm dia employing
Reverse Rotary
Hydraulic method/Percussion
7049.52 method bore beyond 150 meters
In any soil drilling trail bore hole 150mm dia, bore upto 50 meters depth.
Meter 19-43 1836.45
In any soil drilling trail bore hole 150mm dia, bore above 50M Meter 19-44 2258.83
In any soil drilling trail bore hole 150mm dia, bore above 100M Meter 19-45 2422.89
In any soil drilling trail bore hole 150mm dia, bore beyond 150 m Meter 19-46 2558.79
Supply and installation MS blind pipe 5.0mm thick 200mm dia with screwed
Meter joints complete.
19-47 4652.25
Supply and installation MS blind pipe 5.5mm thick 250mm dia wit Meter 19-48 6213.97
Supply and installation MS blind pipe 6.35mm thick 300mm dia w Meter 19-49 7449.35
Supply and installation Brass slotted strainer 4.75mm thick 200mm dia
with screwed joints
Supply and installation brass slotted strainer 4.75mm thick 250m Meter 19-51 26619.75
Supply and installation brass slotted strainer 4.75mm thick 300m Meter 19-52 37166.79
Supply and installation stainless steel strainer 4.75mm thick 25 Meter 19-54 47252.51
Supply and installation stainless steel strainer 4.75mm thick 30 Meter 19-55 59524.95
Supply and installation of bail plug 250mm dia of approved specif Each 19-57 11422.72
Supply and installation of bail plug 300mm dia of approved specif Each 19-58 14361.04
Supply and Pouring of Shrouding Gravel of requisite grade in annular
space between19-59
blind pipe/strainer
and bore hole according to specifications for 200m
Supply and poring of shrouding gravel of requisite grade in annul Meter 19-60 156.22
Supply and poring of shrouding gravel of requisite grade in annul Meter 19-61 270.57
Provision of sanitary seal of approved design and specifications Meter 19-63 1198.45
Provision of sanitary seal of approved design and specifications Meter 19-64 2256.10
Develop Test and Sterilize tube well in accordance with approved procedure,
Each 200mm 19-65
dia. 88149.60
Develop test and sterilize tube well in accordance with approve Each 19-66 102841.20
Develop test and sterilize tube well in accordance with approve Each 19-67 117532.80
Pumping set deep well turbine hollow shaft AC electric motor driven 400
volts 3 phase 50
cycles complete
with shafts, column pipes, motor and auto star de
Pumping set deep well turbine hollow shaft AC electric motor driven 400
volts 3 phase 50
cycles complete
with shafts, column pipes, motor and auto star de
Pumping set deep well turbine hollow shaft AC electric motor driven 400
volts 3 phase 50
cycles complete
with shafts, column pipes, motor and auto star de
Pumping set deep well turbine hollow shaft AC electric motor driven 400
volts 3 phase 50
cycles complete
with shafts, column pipes, motor and auto star de
Pumping set deep well turbine hollow shaft AC electric motor driven 400
volts 3 phase 50
cycles complete
with shafts, column pipes, motor and auto star de
Pumping set deep well turbine hollow shaft AC electric motor driven 400
volts 3 phase 50
cycles complete
with shafts, column pipes, motor and auto star de
Pumping set deep well turbine hollow shaft AC electric motor driven 400
volts 3 phase 50
cycles complete
with shafts, column pipes, motor and auto star de
Pumping set deep well turbine hollow shaft AC electric motor driven 400
volts 3 phase 50
cycles complete
with shafts, column pipes, motor and auto star de
Pumping set deep well turbine hollow shaft AC electric motor driven 400
volts 3 phase 50
cycles complete
with shafts, column pipes, motor and auto star de
Pumping set deep well turbine hollow shaft AC electric motor driven 400
volts 3 phase 50
cycles complete
with shafts, column pipes, motor and auto star de
Pumping set deep well turbine hollow shaft AC electric motor driven 400
volts 3 phase 50
cycles complete
with shafts, column pipes, motor and auto star de
Pumping set deep well turbine hollow shaft AC electric motor driven 400
volts 3 phase 50
cycles complete
with shafts, column pipes, motor and auto star de
Extra column pipe with moter shaft (3 meter length each) comp Each 19-108 126805.65
Extra column pipe with moter shaft (3 meter length each) comp Each 19-109 143191.68
Extra column pipe with moter shaft (3 meter length each) comp Each 19-110 169621.26
Extra column pipe with moter shaft (3 meter length each) comp Each 19-111 177367.40
Submersible Pump
Pumping set submersible with AC electric motor driven 400 volt Each 19-122 1729709.40
Pumping set submersible with AC electric motor driven 400 volt Each 19-123 1765610.78
Pumping set submersible with AC electric motor driven 400 volt Each 19-124 2192838.53
Pumping set submersible with AC electric motor driven 400 volt Each 19-125 3117189.92
Pumping set submersible with AC electric motor driven 400 volt Each 19-126 3420112.35
Pumping set submersible with AC electric motor driven 400 volt Each 19-127 3048306.83
Pumping set submersible with AC electric motor driven 400 volt Each 19-128 3133418.94
Pumping set submersible with AC electric motor driven 400 volt Each 19-129 3145657.65
Pumping set submersible with AC electric motor driven 400 volt Each 19-130 2882403.77
Gas Chlorinator Imported direct cylinder mounted all vacuum o Each 19-149 275674.10
Gas Chlorinator Imported direct cylinder mounted all vacuum o Each 19-150 159365.60
Fixing only Gas Chlorinator Imported direct cylinder mounted Each 19-151 206.60
fixing only Gas Chlorinator Imported direct cylinder mounted Each 19-152 206.60
Multistage centrifugal mono block chlorinator booster pumping s Each 19-155 58774.05
Multistage centrifugal mono block chlorinator booster pumping Each 19-156 74445.09
S/F Gas chlorinator direct cylinder mounted model F-500 (Pak Ma Each 19-160 86642.18
S/F Gas chlorinator direct cylinder mounted model F-230 (Pak Ma Each 19-161 64604.78
S/F gas chlorinator cylinder mounted (Pak Made) all vacuum op Each 19-162 69991.70
S/F Hypo Chlorinator Pak Made series M-1222 solenoid type havin Each 19-163 95097.50
Same as item 19-160 or 19-161 but fixing only Each 19-164 206.60
S/F Reciprocating pump (donkey pump) 1450 rpm driven with sin Each 19-172 6840.78
S/F Reciprocating pump (donkey pump) 1450 rpm haeavy duty driv Each 19-173 20308.08
Same as item 19-172 or 19-173 but fixing only Each 19-174 474.42
Add to item 19-172 or 19-173 or 19-174 if removal only Each 19-175 355.82
Motor electric
S/F Motor electric single phase 220V,1/2hp 1425/1450 rpm Each 19-176 8918.27
S/F Motor electric single phase 220V,2 hp 1425/1450 rpm Each 19-177 19202.39
Same as item 19-176 or 19-177 but fixing only Each 19-178 103.31
Add to item 19-176 or 19-177 or 19-178 if removal only Each 19-179 77.47
Supply and fix cast steel gate/sluice Each 19-180 14685.17
valve flanged and drilled to BS Table
18-19 rising stem oil quality Class 150
lbs complete with packing sheet 25mm
dia .
Supply and fix cast steel gate/sluice Each 19-181 16762.81
valve flanged and drilled to BS Table
18-19 rising stem oil quality Class 150
lbs complete with packing sheet 40mm
dia .
Supply and fix cast steel gate/sluice Each 19-182 17908.75
valve flanged and drilled to BS Table
18-19 rising stem oil quality Class 150
lbs complete with packing sheet 50mm
dia .
Supply and fix cast steel gate/sluice Each 19-183 23777.29
valve flanged and drilled to BS Table
18-19 rising stem oil quality Class 150
lbs complete with packing sheet 62mm
dia .
Supply and fix cast steel gate/sluice Each 19-184 29164.21
valve flanged and drilled to BS Table
18-19 rising stem oil quality Class 150
lbs complete with packing sheet
75/80mm dia .
Supply and fix cast steel gate/sluice Each 19-185 36220.92
valve flanged and drilled to BS Table
18-19 rising stem oil quality Class 150
lbs complete with packing sheet
100mm dia .
Supply and fix cast steel gate/sluice Each 19-186 49964.91
valve flanged and drilled to BS Table
18-19 rising stem oil quality Class 150
lbs complete with packing sheet
150mm dia .
Same as item 19-180 or 19-182 but fixing only Each 19-187 289.85
Same as item 19-183 or 19-184 but fixing only Each 19-188 393.16
Same as item 19-185 or 19-186 but fixing only Each 19-189 975.77
Add to item 19-180 or 19-182 or 19-187 if removal only Each 19-190 154.95
Add to item 19-183 or 19-184 or 19-188 if removal only Each 19-191 232.42
Add to item 19-185 or 19-186 or 19-189 if removal only Each 19-192 436.16
Add to item 19-203 or 19-204 or 19-205 if removal only Each 19-206 355.82
Supply and fix 100mm bore cast iron Each 20-13 807.98
plain bends, joints, filled with lead but
expect cost of bend as specified.
Supply and fix 150mm bore cast iron Each 20-14 1176.00
plain bends, joints, filled with lead but
expect cost of bend as specified.
Supply and fix 75mm bore cast iron Each 20-15 1389.11
plug bends, joints, filled with lead as
Supply and fix 100mm bore cast iron Each 20-16 1641.67
plug bends, joints, filled with lead as
Supply and fix 150mm bore cast iron Each 20-17 3863.63
plug bends, joints, filled with lead as
Supply and fix 75mm bore cast iron Each 20-18 672.02
plug bends, joints, filled with lead but
expect cost of bend as specified.
Supply and fix 100mm bore cast iron Each 20-19 807.98
plug bends, joints, filled with lead but
expect cost of bend as specified.
Supply and fix 150mm bore cast iron Each 20-20 1176.01
plug bends, joints, filled with lead but
expect cost of bend as specified.
Supply and fix 75mm bore cast iron Each 20-21 2143.63
plain tee, joints, filled with lead as
Supply and fix 100mm bore cast iron Each 20-22 2559.25
plain tee, joints, filled with lead as
Supply and fix 150mm bore cast iron Each 20-23 5430.24
plain tee, joints, filled with lead as
Supply and fix 75mm bore cast iron Each 20-24 2295.21
plug tee, joints, filled with lead as
Supply and fix 100mm bore cast iron Each 20-25 2710.83
plug tee, joints, filled with lead as
Supply and fix 150mm bore cast iron Each 20-26 5785.87
plug tee, joints, filled with lead as
Supply and fix 75mm bore cast iron Each 20-27 2371.01
yee tee, joints, filled with lead as
Supply and fix 100mm bore cast iron Each 20-28 2899.73
yee tee, joints, filled with lead as
Supply and fix 150mm bore cast iron Each 20-29 6013.24
yee tee, joints, filled with lead as
Supply and fix 75mm bore cast iron Each 20-30 1309.94
plain, plug & yee tee, joints, filled with
lead but expect cost of plain,plug and
yee tee as specified.
Supply and fix 100mm bore cast iron Each 20-31 1573.98
plain, plug & yee tee, joints, filled with
lead but expect cost of plain,plug and
yee tee as specified.
Supply and fix 150mm bore cast iron Each 20-32 2299.53
plain, plug & yee tee, joints, filled with
lead but expect cost of plain,plug and
yee tee as specified.
Supply and fix 100 mm x 50 mm bore Each 20-33 1527.40
cast iron reducer socket joints, filled
with lead as specified.
Supply and fix 100 mm x 75 mm bore Each 20-34 1604.36
cast iron reducer socket joints, filled
with lead as specified.
Supply and fix 100 mm x 50mm/75 Each 20-35 807.96
mm bore cast iron reducer socket
joints, filled with lead expect cost of
reducer socket to item 20-33 and 20-
34 as specified.
Supply and fix 100 mm x 50mm/75 Each 20-36 2295.21
mm bore cast iron reducer plain tee
joints, filled with lead as specified.
Supply and fix 100 mm x 50mm/75 Each 20-37 2446.79
mm bore cast iron reducer plug tee
joints, filled with lead as specified.
Supply and fix 100 mm x 50mm/75 Each 20-38 2749.95
mm bore cast iron reducer plug tee
single tee joints, filled with lead as
Supply and fix 100 mm x 50mm/75 Each 20-39 1309.94
mm bore cast iron reducer tee joints,
filled with lead expect cost of reducer
tee to item 20-36 , 20-37 and 20-38 as
Supply and fix Vent Cowel over out Each 20-40 521.65
lets of down pipes top of ventilating
pipe etc fixed complete dome or
ballon pattern 75 mm bore.
Supply and fix Vent Cowel over out Each 20-41 634.75
lets of down pipes top of ventilating
pipe etc fixed complete dome or
ballon pattern 100 mm bore.
Supply and fix Vent Cowel over out Each 20-42 1961.66
lets of down pipes top of ventilating
pipe etc fixed complete dome or
ballon pattern 150 mm bore.
Same as item 22-40 to 22-41 or 20- Each 20-43 28.43
42 but fixing only
Same as item 22-40 to 20-43 if fixed Each 20-44 17.06
in repairs.
Supply and fix 75 mm bore cast iron Meter 20-45 1621.07
SWV pipe as specipied.
Supply and fix 100 mm bore cast iron Meter 20-46 1957.67
SWV pipe as specipied.
Supply and fix 150 mm bore cast iron Meter 20-47 3469.33
SWV pipe as specipied.
Add to item 22-45 to 20-46 or 20-47 if Meter 20-48 79.58
fixed in repairs.
Supply and fix 75 mm bore cast iron Meter 20-49 433.26
SWV pipe but except cost of pipes .
Supply and fix 100 mm bore cast iron Meter 20-50 508.46
SWV pipe but except cost of pipes.
Supply and fix 150 mm bore cast iron Meter 20-51 715.00
SWV pipe but except cost of pipes.
Supply and fix 150 mm bore cast iron Each 20-73 2299.53
plain tee plug tee & Yee tee joints,
filled with lead but except cost of plain
tee, plug tee & Yee tee.
Supply and fix UPVC Vent pipe 75mm Meter 20-94 320.31
bore (outside dia) complete with Z joint
and rubber ring all as specified.
Supply and fix uPVC Reducer Yee tee Each 20-157 2204.85
110mm x 160mm dia complete with
solvent cement joint all as specified
Supply and fix uPVC Reducer Yee tee Each 20-158 1173.58
75mm x 110mm dia complete with
solvent cement joint all as specified
Supply and fix uPVC Reducer Yee tee Each 20-159 3102.27
75mm x 160mm dia complete with
solvent cement joint all as specified
Testing Drains
Provide water and temporary Each 21-20 357.15
apparatus, test drain till perfect testing
(600mm to 1800 mm head).
Provide water and temporary Each 21-21 823.14
apparatus and test manholes, full
depth of manhole but n-exc 1800
mm .
Provide apparatus, materials, labour Each 21-22 511.02
etc.,and smooke test till
perfect,testing soil, waste, ventilating
pipe and connecting drain to nearest
Supply and fix reinforced cement Meter 21-03 1028.41 #REF!
concrete pipes150mm bore, laid and
jointed with spigot socket or collars, as
Clearing drains by rodding and well Each 21-24 1444.67
flushing between manholes exc. 30
metres and not exceeding 92 metres.
Manholes complete rectangular or Cum 21-25 26180.2
circular as described n.exceeding
600mm deep form inverted to surface
of cover, including main channel set in
CM 1:1, 230mm thick brick walls.
Manholes Covers
Supply and fix manhole cast iron cover Each 21-33 2235.93
with frame 450mm cirular or
rectangular, exceeding 7.50 kg / each
set in cement mortar and haunching
in concrete as specified.
Taking up or down manholes cover Each 21-34 153.04
and frame, remove to store.
Providing and laying RCC type B Each 21-35 4454.27
manhole cover (precast complete with
angle iron frame embedded in
concrete all as per information sheet
No. Svcs-341 dated 10-11-99.
Supply and fix syphon traps glazed Each 21-36 507.21
ware, in cement concrete type D
(1:4:8) " P" orS traps, 100mm dia
Sinking of well
Sinking of well 2.15 meter dia, upto Meter 21-37 18851.88
3meter depth below sub soil water
Additons, Alterations etc., to
drainage, Manholes
Cutting into existing manholes for Each 21-38 361.61
connecting new drains, making goods
to pipes and rendering cutting out
existing benching and re-forming
benching as requied for new drains,
making goods to existing walls etc.,
complete 100mm bore of pipe.
Sludge Pumps
Pumping set submersible sewerage Each 21-59 271598.71
type with AC electric motor 400V
3phase 50cycles capacity 14 cum/hr
head 30ft/9.14 M supply and fixing
Precast Slabs
Providing and laying pre cast RCC Sqm 22-01 700.33
slab length 0.914 Meter to 1.371 Meter
& width 0.475 M incl hoisting setting &
jointing in Cement mortar 1:4 all as
Providing and laying pre cast RCC Sqm 22-02 1014.11
slab length exc 1.397 M not exc to
1.981 Meter & width 0.475 M incl
hoisting setting & jointing in Cement
mortar 1:4 all as specified.
Providing and laying pre cast RCC Sqm 22-03 958.56
slab length 0.914 Meter to 1.397 Meter
& width 0.3048 M incl hoisting setting
& jointing in Cement mortar 1:4 all as
Providing and laying pre cast RCC Sqm 22-04 1266.39
slab length 1.524 Meter to 1.891 Meter
& width 0.3048 M incl hoisting setting
& jointing in Cement mortar 1:4 all as
Precast Girders
Providing & laying pre cast pre Metre 22-05 559.96
stressed RCC girders size102mm x
260mm incl setting hoisting all as
specified for span 2.438M to 4.877M.
Providing & laying RCC pre cast RCC Metre 22-39 358.11
planks for infill "H"type boundary wall
column size 64mm thick and 305mm
wide all as specified.
Supply and fix pre painted Galvd iron Sqm 22-46 2611.49
(PPGI) steel sheets for steel 'K' span
from 20.117M to 22.860M using
1.00mm thick sheet @ 8.019kg/sqm
complete all as specified.
Supply and fix pre painted Galvd iron Sqm 22-47 3074.36
(PPGI) steel sheets for steel 'K' span
from 22.860M to 25.908M using
1.2mm thick sheet @ 9.548kg/sqm
complete all as specified.
Supply and fix pre painted Galvd iron Sqm 22-48 3298.63
(PPGI) steel sheets for steel 'K' span
from 26.213M to 32.004M using
1.3mm thick sheet @ 10.323kg/sqm
complete all as specified.
Demolition of un reinforced lime or CC Cum 23-01 1374.88
and premix carpet etc
Add to item 23-01 if dismantled in Cum 23-02 137.51
Demolition of RCC floor or beams/roof Cum 23-03 1480.88
slab etc., separating reinforcement
from concrete and cleaning and
straightening the same.
Wood Work
Cut out and demolish timber in Cum 23-22 1515.80
scantlings in any position not else
where provided for, clear out nails,
etc., remove and stack at site.
Cut out and demolish timber boarding Cum 23-23 45.47
(including flooring) or PHARAS,
position not elsewhere provided and
stack on site.
Cut out and demolish ballies any Sqm 23-24 15.16
Iron and steel work
Taking down CI (iron or AC) flue(or Metre 23-25 47.37
smoke) pipe, eave gutters, rain water
pipes, valley gutters or flashings,
ridges and hips, including bends, swan
necks, shoes,etc., or any supports or
brackets there to (Gutters, flashing
ridges and hips to be measured in this
item only when not taken down as part
of roofing)
Dismentle steel or iron work of any Kg 23-26 7.87
description and in any position not else
where provided for
Any position not elsewhere provide for, Sqm 23-27 28.43
Dismantle to remove iron or steel
sheeting in hearths covering to doors,
frames, curbs, mangers, and similar
fittings , any description or gauge.
Roofs etc.,
Dismantle asbestos cement Sqm 23-28 31.48
corrugated sheets or corrugated iron
plain sheeting to walls, ceiling, etc.,
including any ridges, hips,vallys, wind
ties and barge and eaves boarding
(Net area of roof and / or walls
Dismentling single tiling of brick or Sqm 23-29 72.88
PCC in roofs or floors laid in cement
mortar including half bricks or block on
edge in any position.
Dismentling single tiling of brick or Sqm 23-30 109.31
PCC in roofs or floorsany other
desciption including any ridges,
hips,vallys, wind ties and barge and
eaves boarding(Net area of roof
surface meaured, no aditional
allowance for ridges, hips and valleys).
*(Deleted being obsolete) One Fan Point 24-01 _
point, one light point, one bell point,
controlled by one swithc, wiring
complete with PVC sheathed single
core cable 3/.029 with clips on hard
wood baten
*(Deleted being obsolete) One Fan Point 24-02 _
point, one light point, one bell point,
controlled by one swithc, wiring
complete with PVC sheathed single
core cable 3/.029 with clips on hard
wood baten
S/F One Fan point, one light point, one Point 24-05 2202.03
bell point, controlled by one swithc,
wiring complete with PVC single core
cable 1mm2 in surface conduit, stove
S/F One Fan point, one light point, one Point 24-06 3875.40
bell point, controlled by one swithc,
wiring complete with PVC single core
cable 1mm2 in surface flame proof
conduit, stove enameled
S/F One Fan point, one light point, one Point 24-07 1578.92
bell point, controlled by one swithc,
wiring complete with PVC single core
cable 1mm2 in concealed PVC
conduit, stove enameled
S/F One Fan point, one light point, one Point 24-08 1040.96
bell point, controlled by one swithc,
wiring complete with PVC single core
cable 1mm2 in surface PVC
conduit,stove enameled,
*(Deleted being obsolete) One Fan Point 24-09 _
point, one light point, one bell point,
controlled by one swithc, wiring
complete with PVC single core cable
1.5mm2 in concealed conduit, stove
S/F One Fan point, one light point, one Point 24-10 2330.58
bell point, controlled by one swithc,
wiring complete with PVC single core
cable 1.5mm2 in Surface conduit,
stove enamelled
S/F One Fan point, one light point, one Point 24-11 4003.95
bell point, controlled by one swithc,
wiring complete with PVC single core
cable 1.5mm2 in surface flame proof
conduit, stove enameled
One Fan point, one light point, one bell Point 24-12 1707.47
point, controlled by one swithc, wiring
complete with PVC single core cable
1.5mm2 in concealed PVC conduit,
stove enameled, S/F
S/F One Fan point, one light point, one Point 24-13 1169.51
bell point, controlled by one swithc,
wiring complete with PVC single core
cable 1.5mm2 in surface PVC conduit,
stove enameled
Same as item 24-4 or 24-9 but fixing Point 24-14 994.74
Same as item 24-5 or 24-10 but fixing Point 24-15 619.80
Same as item 24-6 or 24-11 but fixing Point 24-16 619.80
Same as item 24-7 or 24-12 but fixing Point 24-17 994.74
Same as item 24-8 or 24-13 but fixing Point 24-18 413.20
Add to item 24-4, 24-9 or 24-14 if Point 24-19 413.20
removal only
Add to item 24-5, 24-10 or 24-15 if Point 24-20 206.60
removal only
Add to item 24-6, 24-11 or 24-16 if Point 24-21 206.60
removal only
Add to item 24-7, 24-12 or 24-17 if Point 24-22 413.20
removal only
Add to item 24 -8, 24-13 or 24-18 if Point 24-23 206.60
removal only
*(Deleted being obsolete) One Fan Point 24-24 _
point, one light point, one bell point,
controlled by one swithc, wiring
complete with PVC sheathed single
core cable 3/.029 with clips on hard
wood baten but without baten
Fixing only of One Fan point, one light Point 24-28 206.60
point, one bell point, controlled by one
swithc, wiring complete with PVC
single core cable 1mm2 in surface
conduit, stove enameled, but without
One Fan point, one light point, one Point 24-31 206.60
bell point, controlled by one swithc,
wiring complete with PVC single core
cable 1.5mm2 in concealed
conduit,stove enameled,but without
External Electrification
Digging hole in ordinary soil provn and Each 25-01 26633.95
eraction in position and sitting in
150mm thick CC type D 1:4:8
foundation and 80mm thick CC type D
1:4:8 muffler all round for and steel
tubular ungalvanised pole 9meters
long complete with base plate as spd.
Same as item 25-1 and 25-2 but fixing Each 25-05 5820.85
Same as item 25-3 and 25-4 but fixing Each 25-06 6537.50
Add to item 25-1 or 25-2 & 25-5 if Each 25-07 752.58
removal only
Add to item 25-3 or 25-4 & 25-6 if Each 25-08 1191.86
removal only
Digging hole in ordinary soil provn and Each 25-09 29944.32
eraction in position and sitting in
150mm thick type D 1:4:8 foundation
and 80mm thick type D 1:4:8 muffler
all round for and steel tubular
ungalvanized single arm street pole
10.792 M long complete with base
plate as spd.
Natural Gas
Sui Gas Pipe Work
MS Pipe for high pressure incl cleaning applying primer, coating with B.B.E.S
Meter (Eitumen,26-01
Binding, Enamel
Surface) Compound and wrapping with fibre glass
MS Pipe for high pressure incl cleaning applying primer, coatin Meter 26-02 951.06
MS Pipe for high pressure incl cleaning applying primer, coatin Meter 26-03 1598.53
MS Pipe for high pressure incl cleaning applying primer, coatin Meter 26-04 3399.84
MS Pipe for high pressure incl cleaning applying primer, coatin Meter 26-05 4899.95
Brass cock union type gas quality 15mm dia S/F. Each 26-31 510.39
Brass cock union type gas quality 25mm dia S/F. Each 26-32 732.44
Brass cock union type gas quality 25mm dia S/F. Each 26-33 1008.37
Fixing only of Brass cock union type gas quality 15mm dia . Each 26-34 20.67
Fixing only of Brass cock union type gas quality 20mm dia . Each 26-35 24.79
Fixing only of Brass cock union type gas quality 25mm dia. Each 26-36 28.93
Brass valve ball type screwed both ends complete with steel handle washer/nut
Each 15mm26-40
dia S/F. 387.96
Brass valve ball type screwed both ends complete with steel ha Each 26-41 759.37
Brass valve ball type screwed both ends complete with steel ha Each 26-42 1008.37
Fixing only of Brass valve ball type screwed both ends complete Each 26-43 20.67
Fixing only of Brass valve ball type screwed both ends complete Each 26-44 24.79
Fixing only of Brass valve ball type screwed both ends complete Each 26-45 28.93
Add to item 26-40 or 26-43 if removal only Each 26-46 15.50
Tandoor burner
Tandoor burner (48 nozzles) complete with burner plate, regulato Each 26-49 6798.70
Fixing only of Tandoor burner (48 nozzles) complete with burner p Each 26-50 309.91
Fixing only of Plate for 48 nozzles tandoor burner. Each 26-53 154.95
Gas water heater complete with burner pilot thermostat and safe Each 26-56 23400.21
Gas water heater complete with burner pilot thermostat and safe Each 26-57 28929.60
Gas water heater complete with burner pilot thermostat and safe Each 26-58 65030.53
Add to item 26-57 or 26-58, 26-60 if removal only Each 26-62 309.91
Gas room heater complete with pilot double burner fixing only. Each 26-64 7692.44
Gas cooking range 3 burner 34" double door complete with thermostatEach
oven/grill and rotisserie
26-72 tempered
(heat proof) crystal glass S/F
Gas cooking range 5 burner 34" single door complete with thermostat Each
oven/grill and rotisserie
26-73 tempered
(heat proof) crystal glass S/F
Gas cooking range 5 burner 34" double door complete with thermostatEach
oven/grill and rotisserie
26-74 tempered
(heat proof) crystal glass S/F
Thermostat of Gas water heater (imported USA) complete with burner,
wire and pilot5758.04
tube with pilot S/F.
Thermostat of Gas water heater (Pak Made) complete with burner, theremocouple
Each wire26-78
and pilot tube 2006.79
with pilot S/F.
Audco valve high pressure MW-13 type - 100 mm dia flanged with nutEach
& bolts complete
S/F 12127.30
Audco valve high pjressure MW-13 type - 150 mm dia flanged wit Each 26-82 28084.83
Sui Gas regulator "Peeble type"domestic pak made S/F Each 26-91 913.63
Sui Gas regulator domestic pak made but 043 type S/F Each 26-92 2841.91
Sui Gas meter commercial with brass coupling, S/F. Each 26-96 8412.47
S/F heater Flue pipe assembly fabricated with 24 gauge GI sheets. Each 26-99 342.44
S/F Looking cock brass 20mm dia for sui gas. Each 26-102 718.82
Poly Ethylene (PE) gas pipe class MDPE-80 yellow pipe (SDR-11) 20mm
Meterdia but fusion
joint (excl cost
of excavation) S/F
Poly Ethylene (PE) gas pipe class MDPE-80 yellow pipe (SDR-11) Meter 26-106 182.42
Poly Ethylene (PE) gas pipe class MDPE-80 yellow pipe (SDR-11) Meter 26-107 340.59
Poly Ethylene (PE) gas pipe class MDPE-80 yellow pipe (SDR-11) Meter 26-108 466.69
Poly Ethylene (PE) gas pipe class MDPE-80 yellow pipe (SDR-11) Meter 26-109 1061.70
Poly Ethylene (PE) gas pipe class MDPE-80 yellow pipe (SDR-11) Meter 26-110 1550.06
Poly Ethylene (PE) gas pipe class MDPE-80 yellow pipe (SDR-11) Meter 26-111 3226.01
Butt fusion joint for pipe 20 mm dia joint complete as specified Each 26-118 673.37
Butt fusion joint for pipe 25 mm dia joint complete as specified Each 26-119 734.58
Butt fusion joint for pipe 40 mm dia joint complete as specified Each 26-120 857.01
Butt fusion joint for pipe 50 mm or 75 mm dia joint complete as Each 26-121 1101.87
Butt fusion joint for pipe 100 mm dia joint complete as specified Each 26-122 1101.87
Butt fusion joint for pipe 160 mm dia joint complete as specified Each 26-123 1101.87
Elbow 100 mm dia for gas pipe PE MD 80 S/F Each 26-128 9907.27
Elbow 160 mm dia for gas pipe PE MD 80 S/F Each 26-129 24677.22
Add to item 26-126 to 26-127,26-132 26-135 , 26-138, 26-145 i Each 26-149 30.99
Add to item 26-126 to 26-127,26-1320 26-135 , 26-139, 26-140 Each 26-150 38.74
Add to item 26-141 26-143 26-147 if removal only Each 26-151 46.49
GI sheet metal duct complete with hanger for ceiling suspended, properSqm
support for duct27-01
running on roof
and bracing complete all respect 26 SWG supply an
GI sheet metal duct complete with hanger for ceiling suspended, properSqm
support for duct27-02
running on roof
and bracing complete all respect 24 SWG supply an
GI sheet metal duct complete with hanger for ceiling suspended, properSqm
support for duct27-03
running on roof
and bracing complete all respect 22 SWG supply an
GI sheet metal duct complete with hanger for ceiling suspended, properSqm
support for duct27-04
running on roof
and bracing complete all respect 20 SWG supply an
GI sheet metal duct complete with hanger for ceiling suspended, properSqm
support for duct27-05
running on roof
and bracing complete all respect 18 SWG supply an
Fiber glass or rock wool insulation for GI duct 1" thickness. Suppl Sqm 27-16 2173.13
Fiber glass or rock wool insulation for GI duct 1.5" thickness. Sup Sqm 27-17 2968.93
Vapour barrier for GI duct consist of 2 ply Kraft foil with internal fiber glass
Sqm yarn reinforcement
27-18 at maximum
527.98I inch centre to centre.
External covering for GI duct consist of coarse cloth covering. Sqm 27-19 595.32
Sound liner thickness 1 inch for GI duct where required. supply and fixing.
Sqm 27-20 3303.16
Sound liner thickness 2 inch for GI duct where required. supply and fixing.
Sqm 27-21 5815.43
Added to item 27-34 or 27-37 or 27-38 if removal only. Sqm 27-39 464.85
Balancing Valve for chilled/ hot water 25mm dia (KITZ Japan) sup Each 27-40 2254.01
Balancing Valve for chilled/ hot water 32mm dia (KITZ Japan) sup Each 27-41 5926.91
Balancing Valve for chilled/ hot water 40mm dia (KITZ Japan) sup Each 27-42 7396.07
Balancing Valve for chilled/ hot water 50mm dia (KITZ Japan) sup Each 27-43 8865.23
Balancing Valve for chilled/ hot water 65mm dia (KITZ Japan) sup Each 27-44 11803.55
Balancing Valve for chilled/ hot water 75mm dia (KITZ Japan) but Each 27-45 29754.47
Balancing Valve for chilled/ hot water 100mm dia (KITZ Japan) bu Each 27-46 32607.09
Balancing Valve for chilled/ hot water 125mm dia (KITZ Japan) bu Each 27-47 37558.16
Balancing Valve for chilled/ hot water 150mm dia (KITZ Japan) bu Each 27-48 66941.36
Balancing Valve for chilled/ hot water 200mm dia (KITZ Japan) bu Each 27-49 96324.56
Non Return Valve screwed 75mm dia (KITZ Japan) flanged and dr Each 27-50 43094.44
Non Return Valve screwed 100mm dia (KITZ Japan) flanged and d Each 27-51 46808.97
Non Return Valve screwed 125mm dia (KITZ Japan) flanged and d Each 27-52 51706.17
Non Return Valve screwed 150mm dia (KITZ Japan) flanged and d Each 27-53 56185.88
Non Return Valve screwed 200mm dia (KITZ Japan) flanged and d Each 27-54 110544.80
Y Strainer 75mm dia (KITZ Japan) flanged and drilled BS Table 18-1-9Each
supply and fixing.
27-55 44318.74
Y Strainer 100mm dia (KITZ Japan) flanged and drilled BS Table Each 27-56 51706.17
Y Strainer 125mm dia (KITZ Japan) flanged and drilled BS Table Each 27-57 59051.97
Y Strainer 150mm dia (KITZ Japan) flanged and drilled BS Table Each 27-58 117890.60
Y Strainer 200mm dia (KITZ Japan) flanged and drilled BS Table Each 27-59 161965.40
Automatic Air Vent Valve 20mm dia (KITZ Japan) supply and fixing. Each 27-60 4335.32
Automatic Air Vent Valve 25mm dia (KITZ Japan) supply and fixing. Each 27-61 5192.33
Same as item 27-40 to 27-44, 27-60 to 27-61 but fixing only. Sqm 27-62 50.27
Same as item 27-45 to 27-49, 27-50, 27-54, 27-55 to 27-59 but fi Each 27-63 316.18
Add to item 27-40 to 27-44, 27-60 to 27-61 and 27-62 if removel Each 27-64 223.20
Add to item 27-45 to 27-49, 27-50 to 27-54, 27-55 to 27-59 and 2 Each 27-65 92.97
Pipe line pressure gauge. supply and fixing. Each 27-67 3637.32
Same as item 27-66, 27-67 but fixing only. Each 27-68 258.25
Add to item 27-66 , 27-67 or 27-68, if removel only. Each 27-69 194.21
Insulation AC Unit, wall mounted split type up to 1.5 Ton (except costEach
of AC Unit and 27-70
electric wiring) 3672.90
Insulation AC Unit, wall mounted split type up to 2.0 Ton (except costEach
of AC Unit and 27-71
electric wiring) 3672.90
Insulation AC Unit kit, floor mounted split type 3 phase 5.0 Ton capacity
Each (except cost of
AC Unit Kit 6121.50
and electric wiring and PCC foundation)
Insulation AC Unit, floor mounted split type 3 phase 10 Ton capacity (except
Each cost of AC
Unit and electric
wiring and PCC foundation)
Insulation AC Unit, floor mounted split type 3 phase 16 Ton capacity (except
Each cost of AC
Unit and electric
wiring and PCC foundation)
Insulation AC Unit, floor mounted split type 3 phase 20 Ton capacity (except
Each cost of AC
Unit and electric
wiring and PCC foundation)
Insulation AC Unit, floor mounted split type 3 phase 25 Ton capacity (except
Each cost of AC
Unit and electric
wiring and PCC foundation)
Electric Water Cooler, SP, 220/240V, cooling capacity 100 lits/hour, complete,
Each supply 27-80
and fixing. 50995.93
Electric Water Cooler, SP, 220/240V, cooling capacity 200 lits/hour, complete,
Each supply 27-81
and fixing. 100193.65
Same as item 27-77, 27-78 but fixing only. Each 27-82 206.60
Same as item 27-79, 27-80 but fixing only. Each 27-83 309.91
Add to item 27-79 to 27-80 or 27-83, if removel only. Each 27-86 232.42
Add to item 27-81 or 27-84, if removel only. Each 27-87 309.91
Section 28
Material Supply only - Rates
(Building and Roads- Items)
Aggregrate (Bajri, Ballast, gravel Cum 28-01 560.00
shingle) graded as specified.
Ghera approved gauge 40 mm to 50 Cum 28-02 517.00
mm (soil aggregate)
Sand (Washed). Cum 28-03 570.00
Khaha (Stone dust) Cum 28-04 459.04
Brick burnt 1st class M Nos 28-05 8000.00
Brick burnt machine made M Nos 28-06 18000.00
Fire Brick C Nos 28-07 10000.00
Fireclay KG 28-08 15.00
Brick tiles 300 x 150 x 50 mm M Nos 28-09 11000.00
Brick tiles 300 x 150 x 38 mm M Nos 28-10 9000.00
Boarding 13 mm thick 1st class soft Sqm 28-11 1572.48
Boarding 19 mm thick 1st class soft Sqm 28-12 2329.00
Boarding 25 mm thick 1st class soft Sqm 28-13 2995.00
Boarding 13 mm thick 1st class Sqm 28-14 518.00
Boarding 19 mm thick 1st class Sqm 28-15 765.00
Boarding 25 mm thick 1st class Sqm 28-16 982.00
Boarding 13 mm thick 1st class Sqm 28-17 4322.00
Boarding 19 mm thick 1st class Sqm 28-18 6370.00
Boarding 25 mm thick 1st class Sqm 28-19 8190.00
Medium density fiber board 16 mm Sqm 28-20 1592.00
Formica 0.8 mm thick Sqm 28-21 277.50
PVC/upvc wall panelling /ceiling 1.5 Sqm 28-22 2371.00
mm thick (Pak Made)
Chipboard 13 mm thick Sqm 28-23 247.00
Chipboard 19 mm thick Sqm 28-24 350.00
Chipboard 25 mm thick Sqm 28-25 521.00
Cement white/ coloured in cloth or Bag 28-26 760.00
paper bags (rates incl cost of 40 kg
Cement ordinary, normal setting Bag 28-27 470.00
setting in cloth jute or paper bags
(rates incl of cost 50 kg bags).
Cement sulphateresisting in cloth jute Bag 28-28 480.00
or paper bags (rates incl of cost 50 kg
Broken or crushed stone 50 mm Cum 28-29 776.84
graded for roads
Broken or crushed stone 13/19 mm Cum 28-30 847.46
Broken or crushed stone 3 mm graded Cum 28-31 877.00
Sheet Glass
Sheet glass in squares cut to sizes as Sqm 28-80 367.00
required, 3mm thick.
Sheet glass in squares cut to sizes as Sqm 28-81 539.00
required, 5mm thick.
Sheet glass milky 3mm thick. Sqm 28-82 367.00
Sheet glass tinted 5mm thick. Sqm 28-83 786.00
Sheet glass tinted 8mm thick. Sqm 28-84 969.00
Sheet glass frosted 3mm thick. Sqm 28-85 450.00
Sheet glass frosted 5mm thick. Sqm 28-86 460.00
Bitumen 10-20 Tonne 28-87 87281.00
Asphalt Bitumen 60/70 or 80/100 Tonne 28-88 60120.00
Cold emulsion incl of containers Tonne 28-89 65620.00
Coal Tar Lit 28-90 120.00
Linseed oil raw Lit 28-91 140.00
Oil cresote Lit 28-92 80.00
Oil crude Lit 28-93 55.00
Trupentine Lit 28-94 117.00
Black japan or ordinary varnish Lit 28-95 315.00
Bee-wax KG 28-96 350.00
Bitumen washer C Nos 28-97 65.00
Oil bound distemper KG 28-98 195.00
Paint Synthetic Enamel Lit 28-99 480.00
Paint plastic emulsion Lit 28-100 481.00
Paint Aluminium Lit 28-101 480.00
Paint weather shield resistant Lit 28-102 535.71
Marble tiles 20 to 22mm thick Each 28-103 56.00
light/coloured 300 x 300 mm (except
green and yellow).
Marble tiles 20 to 22mm thick brilliant Each 28-104 225.00
white colour 300 x 300 mm
Marble tiles yellow colours (Lasbela) Each 28-105 105.00
20 to 22mm thick
Marble tiles green onxy coloured 20 to Each 28-106 313.00
22mm thick
Marble slab light coloured 20 to Sqm 28-107 3498.00
22mm thick exceeding 900 Sq CM
(except green and yellow).
Marble slab 20 to 22mm thick brilliant Sqm 28-108 2018.00
white exceeding 900 Sq CM
Marble slab 20 to 22mm thick yellow Sqm 28-109 4373.00
colours (Lasbela) exceeding 900 Sq
Marble slab 20 to 22mm thick green Sqm 28-110 4547.00
onxy exceeding 900 Sq CM
25 mm thick white / coulored marble Sqm 28-111 1959.00
slab around WHB
Marble tiles 10 to 12mm thick light Sqm 28-112 350.00
colour (except green and yellow).
Marble tiles 10 to 12mm thick brilliant Sqm 28-113 1211.00
Marble tiles 10 to 12mm thick Sqm 28-114 565.00
Marble tiles 10 to 12mm thick onxy Sqm 28-115 2421.00
Sodium silicate Kg 28-116 180.00
Calcium carbide Kg 28-117 200.00
Marble chips Cum 28-118 6075.00
Sand paper Each 28-119 12.00
White light coloured glazed / non Sqm 28-120 709.00
skid tiles not exc 225 Sq CM (Pak
White light coloured glazed / non Sqm 28-121 774.00
skid tiles not exc 225 Sq CM but dark
coloured printed textured (Pak
White light coloured glazed / non skid Sqm 28-122 683.00
tiles exc 225 Sq CM (Pak Made).
Hardcore, of any approved description. Cum 28-188 754.00
Wall Shawer
Bath Mixer Bravo (4021) Colour. Each 28-505 4450.00
Bath Mixer Bravo (4021) Chrome. Each 28-506 4684.00
Bath Mixer Drizal (3171) Colour. Each 28-507 5733.00
Bath Mixer Drizal (3171) Chrome. Each 28-508 6035.00
Bath Mixer Unique (3181) Colour. Each 28-509 6711.00
Bath Mixer Unique (3181) Chrome. Each 28-510 7064.00
Bath Mixer Flora (4031) Colour. Each 28-511 4470.00
Bath Mixer Flora (4031) Chrome. Each 28-512 4705.00
Bath Mixer Gipsy (4011) Colour. Each 28-513 4464.00
Bath Mixer Gipsy (4011) Chrome. Each 28-514 4699.00
Bath Mixer Strem (3191) Colour. Each 28-515 4467.00
Bath Mixer Strem (3191) Chrome. Each 28-516 4703.00
Bath Mixer Victoria (320) Colour. Each 28-517 6544.00
Bath Mixer Victoria (320) Chrome. Each 28-518 7119.00
Bath Mixer Classic (324) Colour. Each 28-519 8199.00
Bath Mixer Classic (324) Chrome. Each 28-520 8887.00
Bath Mixer Rosy (2181) Colour. Each 28-521 14504.00
Bath Mixer Rosy (2181) Chrome. Each 28-522 15311.00
Bath Mixer Rosy (2182) Colour. Each 28-523 7062.00
Bath Mixer Rosy (2182) Chrome. Each 28-524 7989.00
Bath Mixer Fancy (491) Colour. Each 28-525 12080.00
Bath Mixer Fancy (491) Chrome. Each 28-526 12602.00
Bath Mixer Nova (4061) Colour. Each 28-527 11549.00
Bath Mixer Nova (4061) Chrome. Each 28-528 12121.00
Bath Mixer Remax (421) Colour. Each 28-529 11554.00
Bath Mixer Remax (421) Chrome. Each 28-530 12074.00
Bath Mixer Apex (112) Colour. Each 28-531 11448.00
Bath Mixer Apex (112) Chrome. Each 28-532 11997.00
Bath Mixer New Crystal (451) Colour. Each 28-533 11549.00
Iris Set with Wall Shower 009/1, 010/3, Each 28-915 22098.00
113/1, 114/1, 085/1, 2015/1 (3011)
CP (Set consists of 8 pieces. One
Bath Mixer with hand Shower or Wall
Shower, one single hole basin mixer,
three Tee stop cocks, one double Bib
Cock, one Waste for basin and one
toilet Shawer.
Iris Set with Wall Shower 009/1, 010/3, Each 28-916 20685.00
113/1, 114/1, 085/1, 2015/1 (3011)
YC (Set consists of 8 pieces. One
Bath Mixer with hand Shower or Wall
Shower, one single hole basin mixer,
three Tee stop cocks, one double Bib
Cock, one Waste for basin and one
toilet Shawer.
Sink steel upto 6000 cm, square single Each 28-984 14500.00
drainage, double bowl, Pak made.
Sink steel exc 6000 cm, square double Each 28-985 16300.00
drainage, double bowl, Pak made.
Section 29
Material Supply only - Rates
Supply,Natural Gas)
Transformer, power, step down, Each 29-1 210600.00
11000/400/230 volts 3 phase, 50
cycles indoor / outdoor 25 KVA.
Same as item 29-01 but 50 KVA. Each 29-2 292500.00
Same as item 29 -01 but 100 KVA. Each 29-3 414750.00
Same as item 29 -01 but 150 KVA. Each 29-4 525000.00
Same as item 29-01 but 200 KVA. Each 29-5 661050.00
Same as item 29-01 but 250 KVA. Each 29-6 713700.00
Same as item 29-01 but 300 KVA. Each 29-7 754650.00
Same as item 29-01 but 400 KVA. Each 29-8 1134900.00
Same as item 29-01 but 500 KVA. Each 29-9 1275300.00
Same as item 29-01 but 630 KVA. Each 29-10 1380600.00
Same as item 29-01 but 1000 KVA. Each 29-11 1702350.00
Transformer power step down, 11000/ Each 29-12 336960.00
400 / 230 volts 3 phase, 50 cycles 25
KVA, Pad mounted type.
Same as item 29-12 but 50 KVA. Each 29-13 465150.00
Same as item 29 -12 but 100 KVA. Each 29-14 748800.00
Same as item 29 -12 but 200 KVA. Each 29-15 1041300.00
Same as item 29-12 but 300 KVA. Each 29-16 1181700.00
Same as item 29-12 but 400 KVA. Each 29-17 1683000.00
Same as item 29-12 but 500 KVA. Each 29-18 2000700.00
Energy meter with MDI, complete, Each 29-19 134550.00
suitable for HT panel.
Potential Transformer (PT) 100/230 V Each 29-20 38500.00
or 110 volts for HT panel.
Pole Steel Tubular
Pole steel tubular un-galvd upto 9 M Each 29-21 17000.00
long complete with base plate, as
specified in Section-25.
Same as item 29-21, but galvd. Each 29-22 20500.00
Pole tubular un-galvd upto 12 M long Each 29-23 24500.00
complete with base plate, as specified
in Section-25.
Same as item 29- 23, but galvd. Each 29-24 29000.00
Pole steel tubular un- galvd upto Each 29-25 19500.00
10.792 M long for street light, single
arm, complete with base plate, as
specified in Section-25.
Same as item 29-25, but galvd. Each 29-26 23500.00
Pole steel tubular un- galvd upto Each 29-27 21000.00
10.792 M long for street light, double
arm, complete with base plate, as
specified in Section-25.
Same as item 29- 27, but galvd. Each 29-28 25000.00
Steel pole Latticed “L” type un-galvd, Each 29-29 23587.00
as per WAPDA drawing No. PDW/DF-
Same as item 29- 29, but galvd. Each 29-30 24336.00
Steel pole Latticed “H” type un-galvd, Each 29-31 36130.00
as per WAPDA drawing No. PDW/DF-
Same as item 29-31, but galvd. Each 29-32 37440.00
Wire stay, steel galvd, stranded, all KG 29-33 150.00
Stay assembly, comprising elbow, rod Each 29-34 3896.00
and washers as per BS No. 16 for use
with stay wire 7/10 SWG. 13.75 M
Insulators pin, glazed, porcelain, Each 29-35 300.00
vitreous or glass caps galvd pins, max
dia in groove 150 mm, LT.
Same as item 29-35, but for HT, upto Each 29-36 410.00
11 KV
Insulators shackle with straps, or Each 29-37 280.00
D/iron for cross arms upto 30mm deep
and 175mm max top dia, LT.
Insulator for stay. Each 29-38 375.00
Starter for fluorescent tubes, 200/250V Each 29-39 25.00
40-80 W.
Choke for fluorescent tube, 200/250 V Each 29-40 285.00
Same as item 29-40 but for 40W. Each 29-41 285.00
Choke for mercury vapour lamp Each 29-42 1200.00
200/250 V, 80/125/150 W.
Same as item 29-42, but for 250W. Each 29-43 1475.00
Same as item 29-42, but for 400W. Each 29-44 1850.00
Mercury vapour lamp, 200/250V, 80W. Each 29-45 300.00
Ceiling Fans
Ceiling Fan 48" (1200 mm) Sweep, Each 29-135 3600.00
Without regulator, CLIMAX, Hi Deluxe.
Fire Extinguisher
Fire Extinguisher (Portable) CO2, 7 Kg Each 29-371 4914.00
Fire extinguisher (Portable) dry powder Each 29-372 2574.00
type, 6 Kg capacity.
Fire extinguisher (Portable) dry powder Each 29-373 1872.00
type, 5 Kg capacity.
Gas Water Heater
Gas water heater, complete with Each 29-374 11000.00
burner, thermostat and pilot capacity
68 litres, Make "SKY FLAME”.
Same as item 29-374, but 136 lit. Each 29-375 12500.00
Gas water heater” complete with Each 29-376 15375.00
burner, thermostat and pilot, capacity
70 lit , Make "NASGAS” Model DG 15.
Ceiling and Floor Monted type unit, Air Each 29-474 127800.00
conditioner 1.0 Ton Capacity
Heat/Cool, (Koolman).
Ceiling and Floor Monted type unit, Air Each 29-475 151200.00
conditioner 1.5 Ton Capacity
Heat/Cool, (Koolman).
Ceiling and Floor Monted type unit, Air Each 29-476 244200.00
conditioner 2.0 Ton Capacity
Heat/Cool, (Koolman).
Ceiling and Floor Monted type unit, Air Each 29-477 302400.00
conditioner 2.5 Ton Capacity
Heat/Cool, (Koolman).
Ceiling and Floor Monted type unit, Air Each 29-478 319800.00
conditioner 3.3 Ton Capacity
Heat/Cool, (Koolman).
Ceiling and Floor Monted type unit, Air Each 29-479 348000.00
conditioner 4.2 Ton Capacity
Heat/Cool, (Koolman).
Ceiling and Floor Monted type unit, Air Each 29-480 429600.00
conditioner 5 Ton Capacity Heat/Cool,
Ceiling Concealed/ Ducted type unit, Each 29-481 127200.00
Air conditioner 1 Ton Capacity
Heat/Cool, (Koolman).
Ceiling Concealed/ Ducted type unit, Each 29-482 151200.00
Air conditioner 1.5 Ton Capacity
Heat/Cool, (Koolman).
Ceiling Concealed/ Ducted type unit, Each 29-483 244200.00
Air conditioner 2 Ton Capacity
Heat/Cool, (Koolman).
Ceiling Concealed/ Ducted type unit, Each 29-484 302400.00
Air conditioner 2.5 Ton Capacity
Heat/Cool, (Koolman).
Ceiling Concealed/ Ducted type unit, Each 29-485 308400.00
Air conditioner 3.3 Ton Capacity
Heat/Cool, (Koolman).
Ceiling Concealed/ Ducted type unit, Each 29-486 319800.00
Air conditioner 4.2 Ton Capacity
Heat/Cool, (Koolman).
Ceiling Concealed/ Ducted type unit, Each 29-487 348000.00
Air conditioner 5 Ton Capacity
Heat/Cool, (Koolman).
Floor Standing type unit, Air Each 29-488 252000.00
conditioner 2 Ton Heat/Cool,
Ceiling Concealed/ Ducted type unit, Each 29-489 438000.00
Air conditioner 3 Ton Capacity
Heat/Cool, (Koolman).
Ceiling Concealed/ Ducted type unit, Each 29-490 510000.00
Air conditioner 4 Ton Capacity
Heat/Cool, (Koolman).
Ceiling Concealed/ Ducted type unit, Each 29-491 522000.00
Air conditioner 5 Ton Capacity
Heat/Cool, (Koolman).
Air conditioner, Split type floor Each 29-492 2,05,000.00
mounted metal body, 3 phase 400
Volts capacity 5 Ton Cooling only .
Same as item 28-450 but 10 Ton. Each 29-493 624000.00
Same as item 28-450 but 16 Ton. Each 29-494 1040000.00
Same as item 28-450 but 20 Ton. Each 29-495 1300000.00
Same as item 28-450 but 25 Ton. Each 29-496 1664000.00
Air conditioner, Split type floor Each 29-497 410000.00
mounted metal body, 3 phase 400
Volts capacity 5 Ton Heat and Cool .
Same as item 28-455 but 10 Ton. Each 29-498 660000.00
Same as item 28-455 but 16 Ton. Each 29-499 1080000.00
Same as item 28-455 but 20 Ton. Each 29-500 1350000.00
Same as item 28-455 but 25 Ton. Each 29-501 1715000.00
ACSON ceiling Cassette type Air Each 29-502 152000.00
conditioner (Reverse-able) Remote
control and plasma filter 2.5 Ton
Model ACK30ER/ALC30CR.
ACSON Wall mounted spilt type Air Each 29-503 85800.00
conditioner (Reverse-able) Remote
control and plasma filter 1.5 Ton
Model AWM20JR/ALC18CR.
Same as item 29-503, but 2 Ton Each 29-504 99000.00
Model AWM25JR/ALC25CR.
ACSON ceiling wall mounted spilt type Each 29-505 74800.00
Air conditioner Remote control and
plasma filter (COOLING ONLY)
Remote control and plasma filter 1.5
Ton Model AWM20J/ALC18C.
Same as item 29-505 but 2 Ton Each 29-506 88000.00
Cooling only Model AWM25J/ALC25C.
Calculation Sheet for Cement
CC Type A Cum 30-01 8.13
CC Type B Cum 30-02 6.54
CC Type C Cum 30-03 4.57
CC (1:4:8). Cum 30-04 3.51
CC (1:6:12). Cum 30-05 2.40
CC (1:8). Cum 30-06 5.07
CC (1:10). Cum 30-07 4.16
Solid / Hollow blocks set in CM (1:6). Cum 30-08 0.30
a. 300mm x 150mm x 200mm (L x B x
b. 300mm x 100mm x 200mm
c. 300mm x 200mm x 200mm
Solid / Hollow blocks set in CM (1:3). Cum 30-09 0.53
Lobour Rates
Aluminum Fixer Day 31-01 800.00
Black smith Day 31-02 800.00
Brick Layer.(Mason) Day 31-03 800.00
Cabinet maker. Day 31-04 800.00
Cable jointer . Day 31-05 800.00
Carpenter. Day 31-06 800.00
Carpenter boy. Day 31-07 450.00
Chowkidar. Day 31-08 400.00
Electrician Day 31-09 800.00
Fitter Machaine Day 31-10 900.00
Gas fitter. Day 31-11 800.00
Glazier. Day 31-12 700.00
Hammer man Day 31-13 500.00
Labour Day 31-14 500.00
Labour electric Day 31-15 550.00
Line Man Day 31-16 800.00
Mali Day 31-17 400.00
Painter Day 31-18 800.00
Pipe fitter Day 31-19 800.00
Plumber Day 31-20 800.00
Polisher / Grinder. Day 31-21 800.00
Roof tiler. Day 31-22 800.00
Sanitry worker/ khakrobe Day 31-23 500.00
Sawyer Day 31-24 650.00
Sign writer. Day 31-25 750.00
Stone breaker. Day 31-26 500.00
Stone mason Day 31-27 800.00
Supervisor Day 31-28 700.00
Tiler (for floor and wall tiles work any Day 31-29 1000.00
type glazed / unglazed ceramic
procelian marble granite vinyl etc).
Tin smith Day 31-30 900.00
Up-holsterer Day 31-31 800.00
Welder Day 31-32 800.00
Well sinker incharge Day 31-33 750.00
Wire man. Day 31-34 800.00
X-Ray Welder. Day 31-35 1000.00