Direct Instruction Lesson Plan Template: Megan Rice 9 Grade Algebra 1.1

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Direct Instruction Lesson Plan Template

Teachers: Subject:
Megan Rice 9th grade Algebra 1.1
AZ State Standards:
 Solve linear equations and inequalities in one variable, including equations with coefficients
represented by letters.
Learning Objective:
 Given a worksheet of linear equations, the students will be able to solve the equations with coefficients.
Evidence of Mastery (Measurable):

¨ How will you assess if your student achieved mastery of the lesson objective?
¨ Determine the type of demonstration/activity the student will use to demonstrate mastery of the objective.
¨ What is the condition and degree, the setting or situation in which the student will be able to express the depth and extent of
¨ What is an exemplar student responses with the level of detail you expect to see?

I will assess, if the students have achieved mastery, if they are able to complete the back of the worksheet
by themselves with no errors.

Key Academic Vocabulary: (Consider Bloom’s Materials Needed:

Verbs) Worksheet, pencil, eraser, whiteboard, math notebook
 Solve
 Assess

Opening Activity
¨ How will you activate student interest?
¨ How will you connect and uncover prior knowledge?
¨ How will you present the lesson objective in an engaging and student-friendly way?

My opening activity will consist of review from yesterday’s lesson. Yesterday we went over
linear equations without coefficients. When they walk in I will assign them a desk group that
they will be working in today. Once sat at a desk, they will copy down the date and the
objective. The warm-up is intended to be done as a group then they will walk the entire class
through their question once the warm up is done.

Instructional Input “I do”

Teacher Will: Student Will:
¨ How will you model/explain/demonstrate all ¨ What will students be doing to actively capture and
knowledge/skills required of the objective? process the new material and connect to their prior
¨ What types of visuals will you use? knowledge?
¨ How will you address misunderstandings or ¨ How will students be engaged?
common student errors that may be uncovered
within prior knowledge?
¨ How will you explain and model behavioral
¨ Is there enough detail in this section so that
another person could teach it?
After the warm-ups are done I will have the class take out their Students will be actively listening and taking notes of the
notebooks to take notes. I will use a combo of a PowerPoint presentation the teacher is teaching.
and handwritten notes on the whiteboard. After each example, I The students will be engaged by asking questions and doing the
will pause and ask the class if there are any questions. learning checks throughout.
Throughout the presentation there will be learning checks as

well, where the students do problems by themselves. I will
collect the checks at the end of class.

Guided Practice “We do”

Teacher Will: Student Will:
¨ How will you provide guidance to all students as
they practice? ¨ How will students be engaged?
¨ How will you ensure that all students have multiple ¨ How will students practice all knowledge/skills required
opportunities to practice new content and skills of the objective, with your support?
with your support? ¨ How will you elicit student-to-student interaction?
¨ How will you utilize the support of peers within this ¨ How are students practicing in ways that align to
practice? independent practice?
¨ Is there enough detail in this section so that
another person could facilitate this practice?
The students are seated in groups already. In their Students will work as teams to complete the front side
groups, they will work as a team to complete the of the worksheet. They have to work as a team since
front side of the worksheet I am handing out. As the teacher is walking around monitoring them. By
they are doing the problems I will assign each working together they can learn and practice the skills
group a number to write up on the board. The needed when working alone.
number is corresponding to question on the
worksheet. After all questions have been written up
on the board, I will go over each question to check
for correctness.

Independent Practice “You do”

Teacher Will: Student Will:
¨ How will you plan to coach and correct during this ¨ How will students be engaged?
practice? ¨ How will students independently practice the knowledge and
¨ How will you provide opportunities for remediation and skills required by the objective?
extension? ¨ How are students practicing in ways that align to
¨ How will you clearly state and model academic and assessment of collection of evidence of mastery?
behavioral expectations within the collection of ¨ How are students using self-assessment to guide their own
evidence of mastery? learning?
¨ Did you provide enough detail so that another person ¨ How are you supporting students giving feedback to one
could facilitate the practice? another?
Students will be working on the back side of the
At this point the students will be completing the worksheet by themselves. They will be motivated to do
back side of the worksheet by themselves. There the worksheet due to the fact that it is homework. I will
should be little to no sound during this time. The collect the worksheet as evidence of mastery. During
back side of this worksheet is a part of their class time if they need help, they can come and ask me
homework. They will continue to work on this until what they need help on.
the end of the class. They can come to me for
Closing Activity:
¨ How will students reflect on learning?
¨ Summarizing and stating the significance of what they learned.
¨ Acknowledge the new information that was added/developed within their schema.

The Closing Activity will be a quick discussion about what we have learned. I will then have
them complete an anonymous survey about their understanding. This will help me gauge their
standing on the topic.

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