A Citizen's Guide To Bioremediation
A Citizen's Guide To Bioremediation
A Citizen's Guide To Bioremediation
A Citizen’s Guide
to Bioremediation
EPA uses many methods to clean up pollution at Superfund and other sites. Some, like bioremediation, are
considered new or innovative. Such methods can be quicker and cheaper than more common methods. If you
live, work, or go to school near a Superfund site, you may want to learn more about cleanup methods. Perhaps
they are being used or are proposed for use at your site. How do they work? Are they safe? This Citizen’s Guide
is one in a series to help answer your questions.
Bioremediation allows natural processes to clean up harmful chemicals in the environment.
Microscopic “bugs” or microbes that live in soil and groundwater like to eat certain harmful
chemicals, such as those found in gasoline and oil spills. When microbes completely digest
these chemicals, they change them into water and harmless gases such as carbon dioxide.
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Microbe eats oil Microbe digests oil and changes Microbe releases
it to water and harmless gases water and harmless
gases into soil or
In order for microbes to clean up harmful chemicals, the right temperature, nutrients (fertiliz
ers), and amount of oxygen must be present in the soil and groundwater. These conditions
allow the microbes to grow and multiply—and eat more chemicals. When conditions are not
right, microbes grow too slowly or die. Or they can create more harmful chemicals. If
conditions are not right at a site, EPA works to improve them. One way they improve
conditions is to pump air, nutrients, or other substances (such as molasses) underground.
Sometimes microbes are added if enough aren’t already there.
The right conditions for bioremediation cannot always be achieved underground. At some
sites, the weather is too cold or the soil is too dense. At such sites, EPA might dig up the soil
to clean it above ground where heaters and soil mixing help improve conditions. After the soil
is dug up, the proper nutrients are added. Oxygen also may be added by stirring the mixture
or by forcing air through it. However, some microbes work better without oxygen. With the
right temperature and amount of oxygen and nutrients, microbes can do their work to
“bioremediate” the harmful chemicals.
Sometimes mixing soil can cause harmful chemicals to evaporate before the microbes can eat
them. To prevent these chemicals from polluting the air, EPA mixes the soil inside a special tank
or building where chemicals that evaporate can be collected and treated.
Microbes can help clean polluted groundwater as well as soil. To do this, EPA drills wells and
pumps some of the groundwater into tanks. Here, the water is mixed with nutrients and air
before it is pumped back into the ground. The added nutrients and air help the microbes
bioremediate the groundwater. Groundwater can also be mixed underground by pumping
nutrients and air into the wells.
Once harmful chemicals are cleaned up and microbes have eaten their available “food,” the
microbes die.
Bioremediation is very safe because it relies on microbes that naturally occur in soil. These mi
crobes are helpful and pose no threat to people at the site or in the community. Microbes them-
selves won’t hurt you, but never touch the polluted soil or groundwater—especially before eating.
No dangerous chemicals are used in bioremediation. The nutrients added to make microbes
grow are fertilizers commonly used on lawns and gardens. Because bioremediation changes the
harmful chemicals into water and harmless gases, the harmful chemicals are completely de
stroyed. To ensure that bioremediation is working, EPA tests samples of soil
and groundwater.
Washington, DC 20460
EPA uses bioremediation because it takes advantage of natural processes. Polluted soil and
groundwater can be cleaned at the site without having to move them somewhere else. If the right
or call them at conditions exist or can be created underground, soil and groundwater can be cleaned without
(703) 603-9910. having to dig or pump it up at all. This allows cleanup workers to avoid contact with polluted soil
Further information also and groundwater. It also prevents the release of harmful gases into the air. Because microbes
can be obtained at change the harmful chemicals into water and harmless gases, few if any wastes are created.
www.cluin.org or Often bioremediation does not require as much equipment or labor as most other methods.
www.epa.gov/ Therefore, it is usually cheaper. Bioremediation has successfully cleaned up many polluted sites
superfund/sites. and is being used at 50 Superfund sites across the country.
NOTE: This fact sheet is intended solely as general guidance and information to the public. It is not intended, nor can it be relied
upon, to create any rights enforceable by any party in litigation with the United States, or to endorse the use of products or services
provided by specific vendors. The Agency also reserves the right to change this fact sheet at any time without public notice.