PIANO Exam Pieces Grade 2 PDF
PIANO Exam Pieces Grade 2 PDF
PIANO Exam Pieces Grade 2 PDF
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Thomas Attwoor
Allegro | = c.126)
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Ihomas \tnvood was an English composer and organist, who sang in the choir of the Chapel Royal from the age of nine. He studied in Naple:
Italr., and then r,vith Mozart in Vienna, Austria (l7BS-7) . After his return to England, he became music
tutor to the royal family and later organi:
oi St Paul's Cathedral in London and composer to the Chapel Royal.
-{rurood's melodious style often seems to owe much to Mozart, who said of him: 'He partakes more of my style than any scholar I eve¡ hac
and I predict that he r'viIl prove a sound musician.'This Atlegro is taken from a set of four sonatinas. In the
f,rst edition these are called ,iesson.
,,':rich shorts that they t¡,¡ere intended for teaching purposes.
AB 3987
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AB 3987
Minuet in A
f rom fesson s for the Harpsichord, Op.2
Elisabetta de Gambarini
f) = c.921 -lJ-
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Elisabetta de Gambarini was an English composer, singer and keyboard player, whose parents were Italian. As a singer, she took part in
performances of some of Handel's oratorios. As a composer, she published sixharpsichord sonatas, abookof keyboard pieces mixedwiü Italian
and English songs, and twelve songs for flute and continuo.
Source: I¿ssons fur the Harpsichord, Intermix'd with ltalían and English Songs, Op. 2 (tondon, 1748). All dynamics are editorial suggestions only, as are the slurs in
bars 7-18. The second-time bar (bar 20b) is also editorial.
AB 3987
Ecossaise in G
No. 23 from 50 piéces á l'usage des commengans, Op. 38
[Allegretto ) = c.B4]
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The German composer and pianist Johann Wilhelm Hássler could be described as a grand-pupil of I. S. Bach - he studied music with his uncle
J. C. Kittel, who had been a pupil of Bach's. He became court pianist at St Petersburg, Russia, in 1793, but soon after that moved to Moscow where
he became a successful pianist and piano teacher.
The écossaise is a lively country dance in 214 time.Its name is French for'scottish', and it might have originated in Scotland. However, üe
dance became popular throughout Europe in the l8th and early 19th centuries. In this piece, from 50 piéces d I'usage des commengans (50 Pieces
for Beginners), üe staccato wedges do not mean staccatissimo, but are the l8th-century equivalent of the present-day staccato dot.
Sowce: Cinquante piéces h l'usage des commengan§, Op. 38 (Moscow: C. Wenzel, n.d.). The slurs in ba¡s 9 ald 11, right hand, and 10, left hand, arc editorial
suggestions only.
AB 3987
Helen Madden
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AB 3987
The Shepherd's Song
Le chant du pátre
No. 11 from Les chants et les ieux
Simone Plé
Modéré | = c.92)
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Simone p1é was a French music teacher, composer and pianist. She studied at the Paris Conservatoire, where she taught from 1928 onrta¡ds- Her
compositions include two books of piano music for children, one of which is Les chants et les jeux (Songs and Games).'Le chant du pátre'. ta-ken
from that book, has an open-air feel and the simplicity of a folk song.
@ 193 I Editions Henry Lemoine
AB 3987
O Waly Waly
Trad. English
Arranged by Hywel Davies
Sostenuto ) = 56
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Thispieceisselectedfiomacollectionofpianoarangementsoffolksongs, FolkRootsforPiano.Thearranger,HF¡¡elDavies,haswritten:'The
origins of this melody are uncertain, but it is well hrown as the musical setting for the folk song "Thewater iswide",
üe lyrics of which date back
in part to üe 1@0s. ln üe 20ü century üe tune became frequently used as a setting for üe hymn "when I survey üe wondrous cross", and
artists, includingBob Qdan
Benjamin Brittenwrote an Éurangement of the melodyin lg48. "TheWaterisWide" has been recorded bv countless
Ioan Bau and |ames Tar{or.'
I Copyrighr 2013 by Bgosel'& Hautes Music Publishers Ltd
I. Reproduced ['permisirion of Boosey & Hawkes Music Publiqhes frd
AB 39,81
March Hare
No. 5 from ln the Pink
Brian Chapple
(born 1945)
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Brian Chapple is a British composer who studied composition with Lennox Berkeley and piano with Harry Isaacs at the Royal Academy of Music
in London. He has written a wide varie§ of music, including three books of piano pieces for his pupils: On the Cool Síd.e, Lazy Days and In the
Pink, fromwhich this piece is chosen.
@ Copyright i992 Chester Music
All rights reserved. Internationá copy,right secured. Used by permission ofHal Leonard Europe Limited.
AB 3987
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Anne Crosby Gaudet is a piano teacher, composer and music publisher from Nova Scotia, Canada. Having trained in piano and music teaching
at the University of Michigan, USA, she began teachingprivately in the early 1990s and soon afterwards started composing music for her pupils.
'Angelflsh' is an atmospheric piece, with mainly long notes in the left hand and three-note patterns of short notes in the right hand. The
composer says that it creates'üe peaceful movement of the angelflsh with graceful crossing-hand patterns.'
@ Copyright 1997 Anne Crosby Gaudet, Music Discoveries
AB 3987
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AB 3987
lnter-City Stomp
No, 7 from Microiazz Collection 2
Christopher Norton
(born 1953)
Lively J = c.144
mf sempre stacc.
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The British composer and pianist Christopher Norton was born in New Zealand, studying music at the University of Otago and teaching al
various schools inWellington. Later, he settled in England, studying composiüon atYork University with wilfrid Mellers and Daüd Blake. Among
his educational works, the greatest success has been inis Mícrojazzseries, which combines classical technique with popular sryles. This piece, for
example, makes a feature of staccato alongside slmcopated rhythms, which belong to jazz style. Although the composer's metronome mark is
) = c.l4l,students may prefer a slower tempo, for example J = c.I32.
@ Copy,right 1983 by Boosey & Hawkes Music Publishers Ltd
Reproduced by permission ofBoosey & Hawkes Music Publishers Ltd.
AB 3987