The term community is one of the most elusive and vague in sociology and is by
now largely without specific meaning. At the minimum it refers to a collection of
people in a geographical area. Three other elements may also be present in any
(3) All the daily activities of a community, work and non-work, take place within
the geographical area, which is self-contained. Different accounts of community will
contain any or all of these additional elements
1. Territory
2. Close and informal relationships
3. Mutuality
4. Common values and beliefs
5. Organized interaction
6. Strong group feeling
7. Cultural similarity
(4) Naturality:
(5) Permanence :
(6) Similarity:
The members of a community are similar in a number of ways. As they live within
a definite locality they lead a common life and share some common ends. Among
the members similarity in language, culture, customs, and traditions and in many
other things is observed. Similarities in these respects are responsible for the
development of community sentiment.
A community has wider ends. Members of a community associate not for the
fulfillment of a particular end but for a variety of ends. These are natural for a
A community has no legal status because it is not a legal person. It has no rights
and duties in the eyes of law. It is not created by the law of the land.
A community is classified on the basis of it’s size. It may be big or small. Village
is an example of a small community whereas a nation or even the world is an
example of a big community. Both the type of community are essential for human