Catalogo Rotulas SKF

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SKF spherical plain bearings

and rod ends


The SKF brand now stands for more than ever before, 1 Product information ................................................ 4
and means more to you as a valued customer.
Where self-alignment is called for ................................ 4
When flexibility pays ...................................................... 6
While SKF maintains its leadership as the hallmark of
An incomparable range ................................................. 9
quality bearings throughout the world, new dimensions
Multi-purpose performance .......................................... 12
in technical advances, product support and services
have evolved SKF into a truly solutions-oriented supplier,
creating greater value for customers.
2 Recommendations .................................................. 16
Selection of bearing size ............................................... 16
These solutions encompass ways to bring greater Load ratings ................................................................. 16
productivity to customers, not only with breakthrough Basic rating life ............................................................ 17
application-specific products, but also through leading- Load ............................................................................. 18
edge design simulation tools and consultancy services, Equivalent dynamic bearing load ............................ 18
plant asset efficiency maintenance programs, and the Equivalent static bearing load ................................. 20
industry’s most advanced supply management Permissible loads for rod ends................................ 20
techniques. Requisite bearing size.................................................. 21
Specific bearing load............................................... 21
The SKF brand still stands for the very best in rolling Mean sliding velocity ............................................... 21
bearings, but it now stands for much more. Basic rating life ............................................................ 24
Sliding contact surface combinations
SKF – The knowledge engineering company requiring maintenance: steel-on-steel and
steel-on-bronze ....................................................... 24
Maintenance-free sliding contact surface
combination steel/sinter bronze composite ............ 26
Maintenance-free sliding contact surface
combination steel/PTFE fabric ................................ 27
Maintenance-free sliding contact surface
combination steel/PTFE composite ........................ 29
Variable load and sliding velocity ............................ 30
Calculation examples................................................... 30
Friction ............................................................................ 35
Application of bearings.................................................. 36
Radial location of bearings .......................................... 36
Axial location of bearings............................................. 40
Sealing ......................................................................... 43
Designing the bearing arrangement for easy
mounting and dismounting .......................................... 46
Lubrication ...................................................................... 48
Spherical plain bearings requiring maintenance.......... 48
Maintenance-free spherical plain bearings.................. 48
Rod ends requiring maintenance................................. 50
Maintenance-free rod ends.......................................... 50
Maintenance ................................................................... 51
Mounting ......................................................................... 52
Spherical plain bearings ............................................. 52
Rod ends ..................................................................... 54
Dismounting.................................................................... 55
Spherical plain bearings ............................................. 55
Rod ends ..................................................................... 55

3 Product data ............................................................ 57
Radial spherical plain bearings
Product information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1
requiring maintenance .................................................. 58
General ....................................................................... 58
Steel-on-steel spherical plain bearings
with metric dimensions............................................ 62
with inch dimensions............................................... 66
Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 2
with extended inner ring .......................................... 70
Maintenance-free radial spherical plain bearings ...... 72
General ....................................................................... 72
Bearings with sliding contact surface combination
steel/sinter bronze composite ................................ 76
Product data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 3
steel/PTFE fabric ..................................................... 78
steel/PTFE composite ............................................ 82
Angular contact spherical plain bearings .................... 86
Radial spherical plain bearings
General ........................................................................ 86
Maintenance-free bearings with sliding contact
requiring maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 3.1
surface combination steel/PTFE composite ............... 90
Spherical plain thrust bearings ..................................... 92
General ........................................................................ 92
Maintenance-free radial spherical
Maintenance-free bearings with sliding contact
surface combination steel/PTFE composite ................ 94
plain bearings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 3.2
Rod ends requiring maintenance ................................. 96
General ....................................................................... 96
Steel-on-steel rod ends
with female thread ...................................................100
with female thread for hydraulic cylinders ..............102
Angular contact spherical plain bearings . . . . . 86 3.3
with male thread .....................................................104
with cylindrical section welding shank ....................106
with rectangular section welding shank .................108
Steel-on-bronze rod ends
with female thread ...................................................110
Spherical plain thrust bearings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 3.4
with male thread .....................................................112
Maintenance-free rod ends ...........................................114
General ........................................................................114
Maintenance-free rod ends
with female thread, steel/sinter bronze composite 118
Rod ends requiring maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 3.5
with male thread, steel/sinter bronze composite ....120
with female thread, steel/PTFE fabric .....................122
with male thread, steel/PTFE fabric ........................124
with female thread, steel/PTFE composite..............126
with male thread, steel/PTFE composite ................128
Maintenance-free rod ends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 3.6
Special solutions and related products........................130
Plain bearings for road vehicles ..................................130
Plain bearings for rail vehicles ....................................130
Spherical plain bearings and rod ends for
airframe applications ..................................................131
Special solutions and related products . . . . . . . 130 3.7
Dry sliding bushings and flanged bushings .................132
Dry sliding thrust washers and strip ...........................133

SKF – The knowledge engineering company ......... 134

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
User benefits Page .............. 16 Page .............. 57

Where self-alignment is called for

Spherical plain bearings

Spherical plain bearings are standard-
ized, ready-to-mount mechanical com-
ponents that are self-aligning and en-
able multi-directional alignment move-
ments to be made. The inner ring has
a sphered convex outside diameter
and the outer ring a correspondingly
sphered but concave inside surface
Operational reliability is high even when Misalignment is not a problem for
(➔ fig 1 ). The forces acting on the a design is made more compact – edge spherical plain bearings
bearing may be static or may occur stresses and overloading do not occur
when the bearing makes oscillating
or recurrent tilting and slewing move-
ments at relatively low speeds.
The advantages inherent in the de-
sign of spherical plain bearings mean
that in practice

• errors of alignment or angular mis-

alignment do not influence bearing
• deformation of surrounding compo-
nents in operation has no effect
• edge stresses and excessive stress-
ing of adjacent components do not
• operational reliability of lightweight
constructions is enhanced
• reasonably wide manufacturing
tolerances allow the use of cost-
favourable welded constructions

Fig 1 Spherical plain

1 1 Outer ring
2 2 Sliding contact
3 surfaces
4 3 Seal
5 4 Inner ring
6 5 Lubrication hole
6 Lubrication groove

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
User benefits Page .............. 16 Page .............. 57

Rod ends
Rod ends are bearing units that con-
sist of a spherical plain bearing in an
eye-shaped head with integral shank:
the rod end housing (➔ fig 2 ). They
are used primarily on the ends of pis-
ton rods or together with hydraulic as
well as pneumatic cylinders to join the
cylinder to associated components.
Deformation in operation does not have Wide manufacturing tolerances are
influence on bearing life accommodated = cost-favourable
welded constructions

Rod end Fig 2

1 Spherical plain
2 Rod end
2a Rod end hous-
ing (eye)
2b Rod end shank 2a
3 Lubrication
3 2

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Design features Page .............. 16 Page .............. 57

When flexibility pays

SKF spherical plain bearings and rod • heavy static loads and
ends should be the first choice for total • heavy alternating loads and Radial spherical
plain bearing
design economy. These state-of-the- • high-frequency alignment or oscil-
art products are stocked in a wide lating movements
range of designs, dimension series
and sizes. occur.
Whether a large bearing is required, They are also relatively insensitive to
or a small maintenance-free rod end – contamination and high temperatures.
both are available from SKF and offer: These advantages come at a price – in
this case the need for maintenance. Angular contact
spherical plain
• long service life, Therefore, lubrication holes and bearing
• simple maintenance and grooves are provided in both the inner
• high operational reliability. and outer rings of all bearings – with
the exception of a few small sizes – to
Easy replaceability is also provided facilitate relubrication. To further en-
as all SKF spherical plain bearings and hance lubrication, all bearings having
rod ends are standardized products. an outside diameter of 150 mm and
Spherical plain
Their worldwide availability goes with- above incorporate the “multi-groove
thrust bearing
out saying – thanks to the global SKF system” in the sliding surface of the
sales organisation. outer ring.
It is not just total economy considera- SKF steel-on-bronze rod ends also
tions that point to SKF spherical plain require maintenance, although require-
bearings and rod ends, but also their ments are less stringent than for steel-
unparalleled design characteristics. on-steel rod ends, as the emergency
Some of the advantages are outlined running properties are better.
in the following. Rod end with
female thread
The multi-groove system
Mature, well-proven designs Standard steel-on-steel spherical plain
SKF spherical plain bearings and rod bearings that have to perform minor
ends offer the performance to meet alignment movements under very
application demands. The designs, heavy, constant direction loads have a
materials and manufacturing quality lubricant starvation problem. The SKF
have been selected for long service multi-groove system is the answer to
lives and reliability. “Fit and forget” is this. The multi-groove system Rod end with male
a philosophy embraced by SKF.
• improves lubricant supply to the
Easily maintainable sliding contacts loaded zone,
for heavy loads • enlarges the lubricant reservoir in the
SKF steel-on-steel spherical plain bearing,
bearings have high-strength sliding • enables relubrication under load,
contact surfaces of carbon chromium • permits extended relubrication inter-
(rolling bearing) steel which are phos- vals and Rod end with
welding shank
phated and treated with a special • provides space for wear particles and
running-in lubricant. Their prime areas contaminants to be deposited
of use are where
All in all the system improves lubri-
cant distribution in the heavily loaded
zone and thus extends the service life
and/or maintenance intervals.

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Design features Page .............. 16 Page .............. 57

Maintenance-free, long-life sliding The self-lubricating dry sliding ma- long-life sliding
contact surfaces terials of the maintenance-free sliding contact surfaces 1
All freedom, as also freedom from contacts are not as strong as steel Sinter bronze
maintenance, has a price. In this case and consequently deform more under composite
a one-off cost – the purchase price. load. This makes these bearings more
Once installed, maintenance-free sensitive to alternating or “hammer-
spherical plain bearings and rod ends ing” loads so that steel-on-steel bear-
require no or very little maintenance. ings should be used under such con-
The initial higher price is largely com- ditions. Maintenance-free spherical PTFE fabric
pensated by the cost of the mainten- plain bearings and rod ends are de-
ance that is avoided. As to offer main- signed for types of duty where
tenance-free solutions in a large num-
ber of applications SKF produces • loads are heavy and are of constant
spherical plain bearings and rod ends direction, or PTFE composite
with different sliding contact surface • friction should be low and also con-
combinations (partly size-dependent): stant, or
• relubrication is impossible or
• steel/sinter bronze composite, undesirable.
• steel/PTFE fabric and
• steel/PTFE composite.

In the first two combinations, the steel

is hard chromium plated.

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Design features Page .............. 16 Page .............. 57

Free choice of materials Wide operating temperature range

There is a free choice of materials. In Temperature is not a problem. There is
most applications, SKF spherical plain a choie of SKF spherical palin bear-
bearings of through hardened steel are ings and rod ends for temperatures
the best choice; but in difficult environ- ranging from –50 to +300 °C.
mental conditions, SKF maintenance-
free stainless steel spherical plain bear- Minimal maintenance
ings may be preferred. Please contact Fit and forget applies to most SKF
the SKF application engineering ser- spherical plain bearings and rod ends.
vice for other options. It is not neces- They are maintenance-free. In some
Choice of materials
sary to be limited or make comprom- applications, where heavy loads and Bearings of rolling bearing steel for normal
ises. difficult environments prevail, there conditions and, for difficult environments,
might be a need for some mainten- bearings of stainless steel
With or without seals ance. However, this need is minmal for
SKF also provides a choice of seals. SKF plain bearings, as there is an opti-
The most popular sizes of standard mal choice of five different sliding con-
bearings are available with and without tact surface combinations and also
seals. Sealed bearings provide oppor- seals executions are available.
tunities to solve many sealing prob-
lems simply by using standard bear- Exhaustive range
ings, saving space and above all ex- The SKF range starts with bearings
pense. The double lip seal integral having a 4 mm bore and the rod end
with the face of the outer ring efficient- range covers almost all normal require-
ly protects the sliding contact surfaces ments. More information will be found
from contaminants in normal environ- in the following section.
With or without seals
ments. If environmental conditions are Many sealing problems can be solved eco-
difficult, the SKF high-performance nomically and in a space-saving manner
seals of the LS design should be con- using sealed bearings that dominate the
sidered (➔ page 44). The operational SKF range
reliability of the bearing arrangement
will be much enhanced – a benefit for
original equipment manufacturers as
well as their customers. +300


Wide permissible operating temperature

Open steel-on-steel spherical plain bear-
ings can operate at temperatures ranging
from –50 to +300 °C


Minimum maintenance
The multi-groove system dramatically
extends maintenance intervals for steel-on-
steel spherical plain bearings

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Product overview Page .............. 16 Page .............. 57

An incomparable range 1

All the products shown here belong to

the SKF standard range.

• Radial spherical plain bearings

requiring maintenance
• Maintenance-free spherical plain
• Angular contact spherical plain bear-
• Spherical plain thrust bearings
• Steel-on-steel rod ends requiring
• Steel-on-bronze rod ends requiring
• Maintenance-free rod ends

If the standard range does not fulfill

the requirements, SKF can produce
special bearings, provided quantities
permit manufacturing economy. The
design will be specially tailored to
meet particular application demands.
Nothing is too much trouble.

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Product range overview Page .............. 16 Page .............. 57

GE .. E GE .. ES GEM .. ES GEG .. ES GEZ .. ES GEH .. ES

GE .. ES-2RS GEM .. ES-2RS GEG .. ES-2RS GEZ .. ES-2RS GEH .. ES-2RS

GE .. ES-2LS

Radial spherical plain bearings requiring maintenance

GE .. C GE .. TXE-2LS GE .. TXGR GEC .. FSA GEP .. FS GEH .. C



Maintenance-free radial spherical plain bearings

Angular contact spherical plain bearings Spherical plain thrust bearings

GAC .. F GAC .. TX GAC .. SA GAZ .. SA GX .. F GX .. TX

to order to order to order to order

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Product range overview Page .............. 16 Page .............. 57

SI(L) .. E SI(L) .. ES/ES-2RS SI(L)A .. ES-2RS SIJ .. ES SIR .. ES SIQG .. ES SI(L)KAC .. M 1

SA(L) .. E SA(L) .. ES/ES-2RS SA(L)A .. ES-2RS SA(L)KAC .. M

Rod ends with threaded shank requiring maintenance

Designation Dry sliding surface

SC .. ES SCF .. ES
C sinter bronze composite
F PTFE composite
TX PTFE fabric, embedded in
phenolic or epoxy resin

For detailed information on these materials, see page 72

Identification of maintenance-free sliding materials Rod ends with welding shank requiring

Maintenance-free rod ends with threaded shank

SI(L) .. C SI(L) .. TXE-2LS SI(L)A .. TXE-2LS SI(L)KB .. F

SA(L) .. C SA(L) .. TXE-2LS SA(L)A .. TXE-2LS SA(L)KB .. F
Caption heading

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Application areas Page .............. 16 Page .............. 57

Multi-purpose performance

Long life, high reliability, minimum Application areas where maintenance- Suspended roof
maintenance and a representative free spherical plain bearings and rod SKF steel-on-steel spherical plain
product range are strong arguments ends are used include bearings have been in service in an
for SKF spherical plain bearings and unusual, but world-renowned applica-
rod ends. As this benefits the user as • conveyors, tion for more than 30 years – the roof
well as the operator, a wide range of • industrial robots, of the Olympia Stadium in Munich. Al-
applications in almost all sectors of • textile and printing machinery, though this type of bearing requires
industry has evolved. Typical use of • switching levers, maintenance, none has been given to
spherical plain bearings and rod ends • packaging as well as food and bever- these particular bearings.
requiring maintenance are found in age treatment machines, and last The roof is constructed of a number
but not least of prestressed steel ropes in a net-
• the steel construction industry, • the many uses in segment gates, work. At the torque-free nodal points
• cranes, barrages and similar installations. of the network 225 completely normal
• fork lift trucks, SKF steel-on-steel spherical plain
• hydraulic cylinders, SKF spherical plain bearings and bearings having bore diameters rang-
• stabilizers, rod ends are in use around the world. ing from 160 to 300 mm do their duty.
• mineral processing equipment, Some well-proven applications are The nodes are statically loaded but
• rolling mill equipment and shown in the following as examples. must allow occasional oscillations of
• linkages of all kinds in construction the roof construction.
and earth-moving machines and What better proof could there be for
equipment. staying power, robustness and

Nodal point of
suspended roof

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Application areas Page .............. 16 Page .............. 57

Articulated pendulum joint previously led to lubricant starvation,

of a wheel loader this has been solved. 1
Three SKF steel-on-steel spherical Heavy-duty performance at no extra
plain bearings with the multi-groove cost provides much extended service
lubrication system are used for the lives even with long maintenance inter-
bearing arrangement of the articulated vals.
pendulum joint of this wheel loader.
Two of the bearings provide the articu-
lation. The third bearing together with a
cylindrical sliding bushing in the pen-
dulum joint serves to compensate for
uneven ground so that the driven
wheels adhere well to the surface.
The multi-groove lubrication system
of SKF spherical plain bearings im-
proves the transport of lubricant to the
loaded zone and also enlarges the
lubricant reservoir in the bearing.
Neglection of lubrication intervals

Articulated pendulum joint

of a wheel loader

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Application areas Page .............. 16 Page .............. 57

Dam gate
Truck twin-axle supports
The purpose of the bearing arrange-
ment of a truck twin-axle support is to
provide even load distribution between
the two axles on bumpy roads or off-
highway. This means that the arrange-
ment is subjected to heavy loads and,
depending on the road/off-highway
conditions, heavy shock loads and
highly frequent alignment movements.
The bearings are hidden behind the
tyres and are difficult to access. It is
evident that any sudden bearing dam-
age, calling for immediate on site re-
pairs need to be avoided.
A pair of SKF angular contact spher-
ical plain bearings mounted back-to-
back make sure that such emergen-
cies will not occur. They can withstand
all the rigours of truck duty, are simple
to install and also to maintain. Dam gates
Segment gates for dam bar-
rages are the home of large-
size SKF maintenance-free
spherical plain bearings. The
reference list is long – over
3 000 applications being included
to date.
As main bearings, they compensate
for non-alignment of their seatings,
alterations in length as a result of tem-
perature changes, elastic deformation
of the dam gates as well as changes
Truck twin-axle support caused by settling of the foundations.
They cope with the heavy radial loads
caused by the water pressure as well
as axial loads arising from the inclined
position of the support arms.
SKF bearings not only serve as heav-
ily loaded bearings under static condi-
tions; they also serve in the frequently
operated linkage attachments of the
lifting and plunger cylinders as well as
the flaps.

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Application areas Page .............. 16 Page ............... 57

Hydraulic and For pneumatic cylinders with working Newspaper conveyor

pneumatic pressures up to approximately 1 MPa Speed is all-important when producing 1
cylinders steel-on-bronze rod ends are mainly newspapers, not only in the printing
SKF steel-on-steel used as well as maintenance-free rod but also in their transportation. The
and steel-on-bronze ends at the piston rod end and at the conveyor system from the printing
rod ends are main- other end SKF rod ends with welding press to the distribution point is there-
ly used in these shank are employed. fore important if the newspapers are to
applications. They come out on time.
act as the link be- The endless conveyor chain is one
tween the cylinder such system. It consists of a multitude
and its attachments. They are able to of links which together provide the flex-
transmit high mechanical forces. ibility required. In the example shown
Hydraulic cylinders (e.g. to DIN more than 1 000 SKF maintenance-
24336) are often fitted with steel-on- free spherical plain bearings GEH 10 C
steel rod ends with female thread are used. They have been in daily ser-
(compressible) at one end and steel- vice without any maintenance whatso-
on-steel rod ends with welding shank ever for many years now.
at the other. Such hydraulic cylinders
are found in all types of construction
equipment, agricultural machinery, lift-
ing equipment and shutters, recycling
depot presses as well as other heavily
loaded manoeuvering equipment.

Hydraulic and
pneumatic Newspaper
cylinders conveyor

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ................ 4 Load ratings Page .............. 57

Selection of bearing size

Load ratings sired rating life. The basic dynamic the associated components of the
load ratings quoted in the product bearing arrangement. In order to fully
There is no standardized method for tables are based on the specific load exploit the static load rating of a spher-
determining the load ratings of spher- factor K (➔ Table 4 , page 21) and ical plain bearing it is generally neces-
ical plain bearings and rod ends, nor the effective projected sliding surface. sary to use shafts and housings of
is there any standardized definition. high-strength materials. The basic
As different manufacturers define load Basic static load rating static load rating must also be consi-
ratings differently, it is not possible to The basic static load rating C0 repre- dered when bearings are dynamically
compare the load ratings of bearings sents the maximum permissible load loaded if they are also subjected to
produced by one manufacturer with that may be applied to a bearing when additional heavy shock loads. The
those published by another manufac- there is no relative movement of the total load in such cases must not
turer. sliding contact surfaces (➔ fig 2 ). exceed the basic static load rating.
For spherical plain bearings the For rod ends it is the strength of the
Basic dynamic load rating basic static load rating represents the eye-shaped head of the rod end (hous-
The basic dynamic load rating C is maximum load which the bearing can ing) at room temperature under a con-
used, together with other influencing accommodate at room temperature stant load acting in the direction of the
factors, to determine the basic rating without its performance being impaired shank axis which is the determining
life of spherical plain bearings and rod as a result of inadmissible deform- factor. The basic static load rating rep-
ends. As a rule it represents the max- ations, fracture or damage to the slid- resents a safety factor of at least 1,2
imum load that a spherical plain bear- ing contact surfaces. The basic static relative to the yield strength of the ma-
ing or rod end can sustain at room tem- load ratings quoted for SKF spherical terial of the rod end head under the
perature when the sliding contact sur- plain bearings are based on a specific above conditions.
faces are in relative motion (➔ fig 1 ). static load factor K0 (➔ Table 4 ,
The maximum permissible load in any page 21) and the effective projected
individual application should always sliding surface. It is assumed that the
be considered in relation to the de- bearing is adequately supported by

Dynamic bearing load Static bearing load Angle of oscillation

Fig 1 Fig 2 Fig 3

3 0
ϕ = angle of oscillation = 2 β
A complete oscillation is from point 0 to point 4 and

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ................ 4 Basic rating life Page .............. 57

Basic rating life basic rating life and the service life ac-
tually achieved.
Spherical plain bearings belong to the The basic rating life is a guideline
category “dry sliding bearings”. In con- value which will be attained or ex-
trast to, say, hydrodynamic plain bear- ceeded by the majority of a large num-
ings, no lubricant film can form to fully ber of apparently identical bearings
separate the sliding surfaces. There- under the same test conditions. 2
fore, under dynamic loads wear is nat- The service life achieved by identi-
urally produced which enlarges the cal bearings has been found to differ,
internal clearance. as the service life depends on the ac-
The service life of a spherical plain tual operating conditions. These inclu- Calculation of basic rating life
bearing or rod end represents the op- de not only the magnitude and type of By using the SKF Interactive Engin-
erating period under test conditions load but also other factors such as eering Catalogue it is possible to per-
which is ended when one of the criteria contamination, corrosion, load and form all the necessary calculations for
listed in Table 1 for the end of service movement cycles of high frequency, spherical plain bearing selection at the
life is reached. The life is expressed and shock loads. These factors are click of a mouse using the programs
either in operating hours or in the num- difficult or even impossible to quantify. incorporated in the catalogue. The
ber of oscillating movements (➔ fig 3 ). product data necessary for the calcu-
A distinction is made between the lations is automatically put in by select-
ing a spherical plain bearing or rod end
from the product tables. It is then only
necessary to fill in the fields for the
operating data.
The SKF Interactive Engineering
Catalogue is available on CD-ROM or
online at

Criteria for end of service life

Table 1
Sliding contact surface combination Increase Coefficient
in bearing of friction
clearance µ

– mm –

Steel-on-steel > 0,004 dk 0,20

Steel-on-bronze > 0,004 dk 0,25

Steel/sinter bronze composite

constant direction load 0,2 0,20
alternating direction load 0,4 0,20

Steel/PTFE fabric
constant direction load 0,3 0,20
alternating direction load 0,6 0,20

Steel/PTFE composite design and 0,25

size dependent

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ................ 4 Load Page .............. 57

Radial load
Load Equivalent dynamic bearing Fig 4
When considering load, a distinction is If the load acting on
made between:
• radial and angular contact spherical
• load direction plain bearings is purely radial
– radial loads (➔ fig 4 ) • spherical plain thrust bearings is
– axial loads (➔ fig 5 ) purely axial
– combined (axial and radial) loads • rod ends is purely radial and also in
(➔ fig 6 ) the direction of the shank axis
Axial load Fig 5
• the way in which the load acts
– loads of constant direction and is of constant magnitude, then the
(➔ fig 7 ), i.e. the direction in load can be directly inserted in the
which the load is applied does not equation for the specific bearing load p
change and the same part of the (➔ page 21). In all other cases it is
bearing (loaded zone) is always necessary to calculate the equivalent
subjected to the load dynamic bearing load P. If the load is
– alternating loads (➔ fig 8 ), not of constant magnitude, then the
change direction so that loaded procedure given under “Variable load
zones at opposite positions in the and sliding velocity” (➔ page 30)
Combined load Fig 6
bearing are continuously loaded should be followed.
and unloaded
• the type of load
– dynamic load is when sliding move-
ment takes place in the loaded
– static load is when no movement
takes place in the loaded bearing.

Constant direction Fig 7


Alternating Fig 8
direction load

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ................ 4 Load Page .............. 57

Radial spherical plain bearings Angular contact Fig 9 Spherical plain Fig 10
Radial spherical plain bearings can spherical plain thrust bearings
accommodate a certain amount of bearings Spherical plain
axial load Fa in addition to the simultan- When the resultant thrust bearings can
eously acting radial load Fr (➔ fig 6 ). load (➔ fig 9 ) is carry a radial load
When the resultant load is constant in constant in magni- Fr in addition to the
magnitude, the equivalent dynamic tude, then axial load Fa. How- 2
bearing load can be obtained from ever, the radial load
P = y Fr must not exceed
P = y Fr 50 % of the simultan-
Angular contact Spherical plain
where spherical plain eously acting axial thrust bearing
where P = equivalent dy- bearing under load (➔ fig 10 ). under combined
P = equivalent dynamic bearing load, namic bearing combined load When the resultant load
kN load, kN load is constant in
Fr = radial component of the load, kN Fr = radial component of the load, kN magnitude, then
y = a factor that depends on the ratio y = a factor that depends on the ratio
of the axial to the radial load Fa/Fr of the axial to the radial load Fa/Fr P = y Fa
– for bearings requiring mainten- (➔ Diagram 3 )
ance (➔ Diagram 1 ) where
– for maintenance-free bearings P = equivalent dynamic bearing load,
(➔ Diagram 2 ) kN
Fa = axial component of the load, kN
y = a factor depending on the ratio of
the radial to the axial load Fr/Fa
(➔ Diagram 4 )
Diagram 1



0 0,05 0,1 0,15 0,2 0,25

Factor y for radial spherical plain

bearings requiring maintenance

Factor y for maintenance-free radial Factor y for angular contact spherical Factor y for spherical plain thrust
spherical plain bearings plain bearings bearings

Diagram 2 Diagram 3 Diagram 4

2,5 2,5
y y y
Other series
2,25 2,25
2 2

1,75 1,75 1,5

1,5 GEP .. FS 1,5
1,25 1,25
1 1 1
0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0 0,5 1 1,5 2 0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5
Fa Fa Fr
Fr If Fa/Fr > 2, a spherical plain thrust Fr If Fr/Fa > 0,5, an angular contact Fa
bearing should be used instead, or spherical plain bearing should be used
SKF should be contacted instead, or SKF should be contacted

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ................ 4 Load Page .............. 57

Equivalent static bearing load Permissible loads for rod ends Fig 11
If spherical plain bearings and rod Rod ends are primarily intended for the
ends are subjected to load when sta- support of radial loads acting in the dir-
tionary or making only slight alignment ection of the shank axis. If loads act at
movements, then the permissible load right angles to the shank axis (➔ fig
is not limited by wear, but by the 11 ), the maximum permissible load
strength of the sliding contact layer or will be reduced as additional bending
the strength of the rod end housing. stresses occur in the shank. When
If the actual load is a combined radial checking, consideration should also
and axial load, then an equivalent be paid to the rod end head (housing)
static bearing load must be calculated. material which differs depending on
This can be done in a similar way to design and size.
the calculation of the equivalent dy- The load directed at an angle or
namic bearing load, for radial and axially to the rod end (to the direction
angular contact spherical plain of the shank axis) should never ex-
Rod end under combined load
bearings using ceed the value of 0,1 C0. If heavier
loads are involved then a larger rod
P0 = y Fr end should be chosen.
The maximum permissible load for
and for spherical plain thrust bearings a rod end in the direction of the shank
using axis can be calculated from

P0 = y Fa Pperm = C0 b2 b6

where where
P0 = equivalent static bearing load, kN Pperm = maximum permissible load, kN
Fr = the radial component of the load, C0 = static load rating, kN
kN b2 = temperature factor
Fa = the axial component of the • for rod ends requiring main-
load, kN tenance (➔ Table 5 , page
y = a factor which depends on the 24)
ratio Fa/Fr • for maintenance-free rod
– for radial bearings requiring ends with the sliding contact
maintenance (➔ Diagram 1 , surface combination Factor b6 for rod end load type
page 19) – steel/sinter bronze composite
– for maintenance-free radial (➔ Diagram 16 , page 26) Table 2
bearings (➔ Diagram 2 , – steel/PTFE fabric Type of load Factor
page 19) (➔ Diagram 17 , page 27) (magnitude and direction) b6
– for angular contact spherical – steel PTFE composite
plain bearings (➔ Diagram 3 , (➔ Diagram 19 , page 29) Constant
page 19) b6 = factor for the type of load
+ Fr
and on the ratio Fr/Fa (➔ Table 2 )
– for spherical plain thrust bear- 1
ings (➔ Diagram 4 , page 19)
Pulsating magnitude (single direction)
+ Fr


Alternating direction,
+ Fr
– Fr (0,35)

The values in brackets apply to rod ends with

lubrication hole or nipple

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ................ 4 Selection of bearing size Page .............. 57

Requisite bearing size is calculated. If the calculated rating Specific bearing load
life is shorter than the requisite rating The magnitude of the specific bearing
When determining the requisite size of life, a larger bearing or rod end should load can be determined using
bearing (or rod end), it is necessary to be chosen and the calculation
know the basic rating life required for repeated.
the particular application. This is de- If, on the other hand, the first check p = K ––
pendent on the type of machine, the shows the pv range is exceeded, a C 2
operating conditions and the demands bearing having higher load carrying
regarding operational reliability. capacity should be chosen. where
As a first approximation the guide- The bearing (or rod end) size is p = specific bearing load, N/mm2
line values of the load ratio C/P given often dictated to a greater or lesser K = a specific load factor depending on
in Table 3 can be used to obtain the degree by the dimensions of the asso- the basic dynamic load rating
requisite basic dynamic load rating C. ciated components. In such cases the (➔ Table 4 ), N/mm2
A suitable bearing or rod end can then pv diagram should be consulted first P = equivalent dynamic bearing load,
be selected from the product tables. to check that the product can be kN
It should then be checked whether used. C = basic dynamic load rating, kN
the chosen size can be used under the
actual load and sliding velocity condi-
tions using the appropriate diagram for Mean sliding velocity
the sliding contact surface combination The mean sliding velocity for constant
from those shown on pages 22 and 23 movement can be obtained from
(Diagrams 5 to 10 inclusive). The
specific bearing load p and the sliding v = 5,82 × 10–7 dm β f
velocity v needed to perform this check
can be calculated as explained in the where
following sections. v = mean sliding velocity, m/s
If, having checked the pv diagram, When operation is intermittent
it is found that the bearing or rod end (not continuous) the mean sliding
can be used, then the basic rating life velocity should be calculated for a
cycle of operation
dm = mean diameter of inner ring or
shaft washer, mm
dm = dk for radial spherical plain
Guideline values for C/P Specific load factors bearings
dm = 0,9 dk for angular contact
Table 3 Table 4 spherical plain bearings
Spherical plain Load ratio Sliding contact Specific load dm = 0,7 dk for spherical plain
bearings/rod ends C/P surface combination factors thrust bearings
with sliding contact dyn. stat.
surface combination K K0 β = half the angle of oscillation
(➔ fig 3 , page 16), degrees
– N/mm2 For rotation β = 90°
Steel-on-steel 2
f = frequency of oscillation, min–1,
Steel-on-bronze 2 Steel-on-steel or rotational speed, r/min
Metric sizes 100 500
Steel/sinter bronze Inch sizes 100 300
composite 1,6 For intermittent movement, the angle
Steel-on-bronze 50 80 of oscillation is usually given per unit
Steel/PTFE fabric 2
Steel/sinter time. In this case the mean sliding
Steel/glass fibre bronze composite 100 250 velocity can be calculated using
reinforced plastic
GAC .. F 1,25 Steel/PTFE fabric 300 500
GX .. F 1,25 2β
GEP .. FS 1,6 Steel/glass fibre v = 8,73 × 10–6 dm –––
GEC .. FSA 1,6 reinforced plastic t
GAC .. F 50 80
Rod ends 1,25 GX .. F 50 80
GEP .. FS 80 120 where
GEC .. FSA 80 120
β = half the angle of oscillation, degrees
Rod ends 50 80 t = time taken to pass through 2 β
(= whole angle of oscillation), s

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page .................... Selection of bearing size Page .............. 57

Diagram 5 pv diagram for sliding contact surface

combination steel-on-steel
See Note 1 for explanation of operating
200 ranges



0,0001 0,001 0,002 0,005 0,01 0,02 0,05 0,1 0,2 0,5
v m/s

Diagram 6 pv diagram for sliding contact surface

combination steel-on-bronze
See Note 1 for explanation of operating




0,0001 0,001 0,002 0,005 0,01 0,02 0,05 0,1 0,2 0,5
v m/s

Diagram 7 pv diagram for sliding contact surface

combination steel/sinter bronze
See Note 2 for explanation of operating
N/mm2 Note 1
100 pv operating ranges
I Range where rating life equation is
50 valid
II Quasi-static range; before using the
rating life equation, please contact
III Possible range of use, e.g. with
very good lubrication; before using
the rating life equation, please con-
tact SKF
5 IV Extended range where rating life
0,0001 0,001 0,002 0,005 0,01 0,02 0,05 0,1 0,2 0,5 1,0 equation is valid provided the load
v m/s is exclusively alternating

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page .................... Selection of bearing size Page .............. 57

pv diagram for sliding contact surface Diagram 8

combination steel/PTFE fabric
See Note 2 for explanation of operating
ranges 500





0,0001 0,001 0,002 0,005 0,01 0,02 0,05 0,1 0,2 0,5
v m/s

pv diagram for sliding contact surface Diagram 9

combination steel/PTFE composite,
FS and FSA designs
See Note 2 for explanation of operating
p 120




0,0001 0,001 0,002 0,005 0,01 0,02 0,05 0,1 0,2
v m/s

pv diagram for sliding contact surface Diagram 10

combination steel/PTFE composite,
F design
See Note 2 for explanation of operating

Note 2 p
pv operating ranges N/mm2
I Range where rating life equation is 50
valid III
II Quasi-static range; rating life
equation has limited validity, see 20
under “Basic rating life” starting II I
on page 24 10
III Possible range of use, e.g. with
very good heat removal; before
using the rating life equation, 5
please contact SKF 0,0001 0,001 0,002 0,005 0,01 0,02 0,05 0,1 0,2
v m/s

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ................. 4 Basic rating life Page .............. 57

factor b2
Table 5 Basic rating life
Operating Temperature
temperature factor
over incl. b2 Sliding contact surface combi-
°C –
nations requiring maintenance:
steel-on-steel and steel-on-
– 120 1,0
120 160 0,9 For the initial lubrication
160 180 0,8
180 – Please contact SKF 330
Gh = b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 –––––
p2,5 v

and when the product is regularly

relubricated thereafter
The following temperature limits must also be respected
80 °C For bearings of series GEZ .. ES-2RS
(polyurethane seals)
130 °C For all other sealed bearings GhN = Gh fβ fH
(polyester elastomer seals)
120 °C Upper temperature limit for standard grease
Sliding factor b3 Diagram 11 GN = 60 f GhN

Gh = rating life for the initial lubrica-
tion, operating hours
5 GhN = basic rating life with regular
relubrication, operating hours
GN = basic rating life with regular
relubrication, number of oscilla-
b1 = load direction factor,
1 b1 = 1 for constant direction
10 20 50 100 200 500 load
d k mm b1 = 2 for alternating direction
b2 = temperature factor (➔ Table 5 )
b3 = sliding factor (➔ Diagram 11 )
b4 = velocity factor (➔ Diagram 12 )
b5 = factor for angle of oscillation
(➔ Diagram 13 ), see also
Velocity factor b4 Diagram 12 under “NB.”
f = frequency of oscillation, min–1
fβ = factor depending on the angle of
b4 oscillation (➔ Diagram 14 ), see
10 also under “NB.”
fH = factor depending on frequency
Steel-on-steel of relubrication (➔ Diagram 15 )
5 p = specific bearing load, N/mm2
(for values of p < 10 N/mm2 use
p = 10 N/mm2)
v = mean sliding velocity, m/s

If the basic rating life requirement is

not met, then the relubrication interval
0,002 0,005 0,01 0,02 0,05 0,1 N (➔ Diagram 15 ) should be short-
v m/s ened, or a larger bearing or rod end
should be chosen.

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ................ 4 Basic rating life Page .............. 57

Diagram 13 Angle of oscilla-

tion factor b5


5 2


5 10 20 45

If ß < 5°, the value of b5 for ß = 5° should be used

Diagram 14 Multiplication
factor fβ


NB. 2
SKF steel-on-steel spherical plain
bearings having an outside diam- 1
eter of 150 mm and above are
produced as standard with the
multi-groove feature in the outer 5 10 15 20
ring (➔ page 6). The extra large β°

grease reservoir in the bearing If β < 5°, half the value of fβ for β = 5° should be used
made possible by the multi-groove
system is advantageous, particu- Relubrication
Diagram 15
larly where the load is of constant factor fH
direction, and enables the relubri- 6
cation interval to be extended, and
also the service life. 5
These advantages are consider-
ed in the calculation of the basic 4
rating life by the coloured regions
in Diagrams 13 and 14 for the 3
factors for the angle of oscillation
b5 and fβ. Values of these two fac-
tors up to the upper limit of the
coloured area may be used for
bearings with the multi-groove
1 10 20 30 40 50
The frequency of relubrication H is defined as the ratio of the basic rating life Gh to
the relubrication interval N (in h), i.e. H = Gh/N; if H < 5, the values indicated by the
broken line can be used

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ................ 4 Basic rating life Page .............. 57

Load direction Table 6

factor b1 for Maintenance-free sliding
sliding contact Type of load Factor Permissible contact surface combination
surface combina- b1 specific steel/sinter bronze composite
tion steel/sinter bearing load1)
bronze composite
– – N/mm2
1 400
Gh = b1 b2 –––––
p1,3 v
Constant load2)
Single direction 1 – or
Variable load
Alternating direction or pulsating G = 60 f Gh
magnitude at a frequency
up 0,5 Hz 0,4 40 to 60
over 0,5 up to 5 Hz 0,2 25 to 40 where
G = basic rating life, number of oscil-
Gh = basic rating life, operating hours
b1 = load direction factor
Inertia forces should also be taken into consideration
For constant load, oscillating frequencies above 300 min–1 and very short sliding (➔ Table 6 )
distances, b1 = 1 can no longer be used because of possible material fatigue;
please contact SKF for guidance b2 = temperature factor (➔ Diagram
16 )
f = frequency of oscillation, min–1
Temperature Diagram 16
factor b2 for p = specific bearing load, N/mm2
sliding contact v = mean sliding velocity, m/s
surface combina-
tion steel/sinter 1,0
bronze composite b2





0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160

t °C

Calculation of the rating life con-
siders the influence of the load and
sliding velocity. Under very light
loads and/or low sliding velocities,
the equations will give relatively
long service lives. However, the
influence of environmental factors
such as contamination, damp or
moisture and corrosion increases
in importance the longer the life so
that deviations from the calculated
life occur and in many cases the
calculated life will not be attained.

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ................ 4 Basic rating life Page .............. 57

Table 7 Load direction

Maintenance-free sliding factor b1 for slid-
contact surface combination Type of load Specific load factor b1 ing contact sur-
steel/PTFE fabric face combination
steel/PTFE fabric
– N/mm2 –

Gh = b1 b2 b4 ––––– Constant, 2
pn v single direction up to 300 1

Varying loads
where (alternating, pulsating)
Gh = basic rating life, operating hours at load frequencies
up to 0,5 Hz up to 50 0,55
b1 = load direction factor 50 to 100 0,4
(➔ Table 7 )
b2 = temperature factor over 0,5 to 1 Hz up to 50 0,35
50 to 100 0,15
(➔ Diagram 17 )
b4 = velocity factor over 1 to 5 HZ up to 50 0,1
(➔ Diagram 18 , page 28)
p = specific bearing load, N/mm2
Kp = a constant for the specific bear-
ing load (➔ Table 8 )
Diagram 17 Temperature
n = an exponent for the specific factor b2 for slid-
bearing load (➔ Table 8 ) ing contact sur-
v = mean sliding velocity, m/s b2 face combination
steel/PTFE fabric




0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160

t °C

Table 8 Constant Kp and

exponent n for slid-
Specific bearing load Constant Exponent ing contact sur-
Kp n face combination
over incl. steel/PTFE fabric
N/mm2 – –
Calculation of the rating life con- 25 770 0,2
siders the influence of the load and 25 90 4 000 0,7
sliding velocity. Under very light
loads and/or low sliding velocities, 90 300 40 000 1,2
the equations will give relatively
long service lives. However, the
influence of environmental factors
such as contamination, damp or
moisture and corrosion increases
in importance the longer the life so
that deviations from the calculated
life occur and in many cases the
calculated life will not be attained.

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ................ 4 Basic rating life Page .............. 57

Velocity factor b4 Diagram 18

1,0 2
5* N/mm

0,7 40*

0,6 60*




0,001 0,005 0,01 0,05 0,1 0,5 1
v, m/s


0,45 100*

0,40 120*

0,35 140*


0,20 200*

0,15 220*
0,10 260*
0,05 300*

0,001 0,005 0,01 0,05 0,1
v, m/s

*) Specific bearing load

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ................ 4 Basic rating life Page .............. 57

Table 9 Load direction

Maintenance-free sliding factor b1 for
contact surface combination Type of load Factor Permissible sliding contact
steel/PTFE composite b1 specific surface combina-
bearing load1) tion steel/PTFE
KM – – N/mm2
Gh = b1 b2 b3 –––
pv 2
Constant load2)
Single direction 1 –
Variable load
Alternating direction or pulsating
G = 60 f Gh magnitude at a frequency
up to 0,5 Hz 0,25 25 to 40
over 0,5 up to 5 Hz 0,1 15 to 25
G = basic rating life, number of oscil-
Gh = basic rating life, operating hours 1)
Inertia forces should also be taken into consideration.
b1 = load direction factor (➔ Table 9 ) 2)
For constant load, oscillating frequencies above 300 min–1 and very short sliding
distances, b1 = 1 can no longer be used because of possible material fatigue;
b2 = temperature factor (➔ Diagram please contact SKF for guidance
19 )
b3 = sliding factor (➔ Table 10 )
Diagram 19 Temperature
KM = material constant (➔ Table 10 ) factor b2 for
f = frequency of oscillation, min–1 1,0 sliding contact
p = specific bearing load, N/mm2 b2 surface combina-
v = mean sliding velocity, m/s tion steel/PTFE
0,8 composite




0 20 40 60 80 100
t °C

Table 10 Sliding factor b3

NB. and constant KM
1.The basic rating life calculated Bearing type Bore diameter Sliding Constant for sliding contact
using the above equation can Series d factor surface combina-
Nominal b3 KM tion steel/PTFE
be doubled by initial lubrication over incl. composite
together with occasional relubri-
– mm – –
cation, see under “Lubrication
and maintenance”.
2. Calculation of the rating life con- Radial bearings
GEP .. FS – 180 1 1 055
siders the influence of the load 180 440 1,15 1 055
and sliding velocity. Under very 440 – 1,35 1 055
light loads and/or low sliding vel- GEC .. FSA – 440 1 1 055
440 – 1,15 1 055
ocities, the equations will give
relatively long service lives. How- Angular contact bearings1)
GAC .. F – 60 1 480
ever, the influence of environ- 60 – 1,5 480
mental factors such as contam-
ination, damp or moisture and Thrust bearings
GX .. F – 60 1 670
corrosion increases in import- 60 – 1,5 670
ance the longer the life so that
deviations from the calculated Rod ends 1 530
life occur and in many cases the
calculated life will not be
For preloaded bearings which cannot be re-adjusted, b3 always = 1

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ................ 4 Basic rating life Page .............. 57
Calculation examples
Variable load and 1 Calculation examples
sliding velocity Gh = –––––––––––––––––––––––
If, during operation, the load and/or the t1 t2 t3 The calculation examples shown in
––––– + ––––– + ––––– +…
sliding velocity change it is first neces- T Gh1 T Gh2 T Gh3 the following serve to illustrate the
sary to calculate individual rating lives methods used to calculate the requis-
for the periods of constant load and ite bearing size or the basic rating life
sliding velocity, before the basic rating where for spherical plain bearings and rod
life can be calculated. If the load and Gh = total basic rating life, operat- ends.
sliding velocity occur as shown by (a) ing hours Using the SKF Interactive Engin-
in fig 12 the individual basic rating life t1, t2 …= time during which eering Catalogue which incorporates
can be calculated using the constant p1 and v1, p2 and v2 etc. programs to do these and many other
values of p and v. However, when the pertain, h calculations, results will be obtained
load and sliding velocity are not con- T = total duration of one cycle quickly and accurately. Additionally, the
stant (b) in fig 12 , it is first necessary (= t1 + t2 + t3 + …), h programs can be run any number of
to calculate the basic rating life for the Gh1 … = individual values of rating life times to enable the best possible solu-
individual time periods using mean for conditions p1 and v1, p2 tion to be obtained.
values of the load and the sliding vel- and v2 etc., operating hours The SKF Interactive Engineering
ocity for the individual time periods. Catalogue is available on CD-ROM or
When this has been done, the total online at
basic rating life can be calculated
using the following equation

Alternating load and variable sliding velocity

Fig 12

v p p2 p1
v p
v1 v2 v3
v2 v1
p3 p2
v3 v4 p3
t t
t1 t2 t3 t4 t1 t2 t3
a T b T

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ................ 4 Calculation examples Page .............. 57

Example 1 Bearing GE 25 ES having C = 48 kN

and dk = 35,5 mm is chosen. The val-
The torque support of a concrete ues for the specific bearing load
Given: p = 100 × ––– = 25 N/mm2
Purely radial load (alternating direc- 48 2
tion): Fr = 12 kN
Half angle of oscillation: β = 15° and the sliding velocity
(➔ fig 3 , page 16)
Frequency of oscillation: f = 10 min–1 v = 5,82 × 10–7 × 35,5 × 15 × 10
maximum operating temperature: +80 °C
= 0,0031 m/s
A bearing which has a basic rating life lie within the permissible operating
of 7 000 h. b1 = 2 (alternating direction load) range I of the pv diagram 6 , page
As the load is alternating, a steel-on- b2 = 1 (operating temperature <120 °C 22. As before
steel spherical plain bearing is the from Table 5 , page 24)
appropriate choice. The intention is to b3 = 1,5 (from Diagram 11 , page 24, b1 = 2, b2 = 1, b5 = 3,7
relubricate the bearing after each 40 for dk = 29 mm)
hours of operation. b4 = 1,1 (from Diagram 12 , page 24, and now
If, for the first check, a guideline for v = 0,0025 m/s) b3 = 1,6 (from Diagram 11 , page 24,
value of 2 is used for the load ratio C/P b5 = 3,7 (from Diagram 13 , page 25, for dk = 35,5 mm)
(➔ Table 3 , page 21), the required for β = 15°) b4 = 1,3 (from Diagram 12 , page 24.
basic dynamic load rating C for the p = 40 N/mm2 for v = 0,0031 m/s)
bearing is v = 0,0025 m/s
Therefore, the basic rating life for initial
C = 2 P = 24 kN Therefore lubrication

Bearing GE 20 ES having C = 30 kN
330 330
and a sphere diameter dk = 29 mm is Gh = b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 ––––– Gh = 2 × 1 × 1,6 × 1,3 × 3,7 × ––––––––––––
chosen from the product table, page 62. p2,5 v 2,5
25 × 0,0031
To be able to check the suitability of
the bearing using the pv diagram 5 , = 2×1×1,1×1,1×3,7× –––––––––––––
≈ 520 h
page 22, it is first necessary to calcu- 40 × 0,0025
late the specific bearing load using K With fβ = 5,2 (from Diagram 14 , page
= 100 from Table 4 , page 21 ≈ 160 operating hours 25) and fH = 3,1 (from Diagram 15 ,
page 25 for H = 520/40 = 13) the
The basic rating life of the bearing basic rating life for regular relubrica-
P 12
p = K –– = 100 × ––– = 40 N/mm2 which is to be relubricated regularly tion (N = 40 h) becomes
C 30 can now be calculated using
GhN = 520 × 5,2 × 3,1
and the sliding velocity v using dm = dk fß = 5,2 (from Diagram 14 , page 25)
= 29 mm, β = 15° and f = 10 min–1 fH = 1,8 (from Diagram 15 , page 25, ≈ 8 300 operating hours
for a relubrication frequency H =
v = 5,82 × 10–7 dm β f Gh/N = 160/40 = 4 with the relu- This larger bearing thus satisfies the
brication interval of 40 h) rating life requirement.
= 5,82 × 10–7 × 29 × 15 × 10
GhN = Gh fβ fH = 160 × 5,2 × 1,8
= 0,0025 m/s
≈ 1 500 operating hours

These values for p and v lie within the As this life is shorter than the required
permissible operating range I of the rating life of 7 000 h, a larger bearing
pv diagram 5 , page 22, for steel-on- must be chosen and the calculations
steel spherical plain bearings. To cal- repeated.
culate the basic rating life for initial
lubrication, the values that apply are

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ................ 4 Calculation examples Page .............. 57

Example 2 Example 3
The attachment of a shock absorber The 320-bar hydraulic cylinder of
of an off-highway vehicle a fully automatic press for building
industry waste
Radial load: Fr = 7 kN Given:
Axial load: Fa = 0,7 kN Radial load (constant direction):
Half angle of oscillation: β = 8° Operation Load, Fr Time
(fig 3 , page 16) case period, t
Frequency of oscillation: f = 15 min–1 I 300 kN 10 %
Load frequency: 2–5 Hz II 180 kN 40 %
Maximum operating temperature: III 120 kN 50 %
+75 °C
The number of press cycles n = 30 per
Required: b1 = 0,2 (from Table 6 , page 26, for hour, and the movement between the
A bearing which will have a basic rat- a load frequency over 0,5 Hz and end positions (90°) is made in 10 sec-
ing life corresponding to a driven dis- 25 < p < 40 N/mm2) onds. The operating temperature is
tance of 100 000 km at an average b2 = 1 (from Diagram 16 , page 26, less than +50 °C.
speed of 65 km/h without maintenance. for temperatures < 80 °C)
For design reasons, spherical plain Required:
bearing GE 20 C with the sliding con- the basic rating life for bearing GE 20 C A maintenance-free spherical plain
tact surface combination steel/sinter with the sliding contact surface com- bearing with the sliding contact sur-
bronze composite is proposed. From bination steel/sinter bronze composite face combination steel/PTFE fabric for
the bearing table, page 76, the basic is a rating life of 5 years for 70 h of oper-
dynamic load rating C = 31,5 kN and ation per week.
the sphere diameter dk = 29 mm. Using a guideline value for the load
1 400
First the equivalent dynamic bearing Gh = b1 b2 –––––– ratio C/P = 2 (➔ Table 3 , page 21),
load must be determined p1,3 v and with P = FrI the required basic
dynamic load rating
1 400
Fa/Fr = 0,7/7 = 0,1 = 0,2 × 1 × –––––––––––
31 × 0,002 C = 2 P = 2 × 300 = 600 kN
which gives factor y = 1,4 from ≈ 1 600 h
Diagram 2 , page 19. The equivalent From the product table, page 78, bear-
dynamic bearing load is thus This basic rating life corresponds to a ing GE 60 TXE-2LS has a basic dy-
distance (at an average speed of namic load rating C = 695 kN and a
P = y Fr = 1,4 × 7 = 9,8 kN 65 km/h) of 1 600 × 65 = 104 000 km. sphere diameter dk = dm = 80 mm is
chosen (➔ page 21).
A first check of bearing size using the First it is necessary to check that the
pv diagram 7 , page 22, shows that operation cases I to III fall within the
the values for the specific bearing load permissible range of the pv diagram
(K = 100 from Table 4 , page 21) 8 , page 23.
The sliding velocity is the same for
all three cases. The angle of oscillation
P 9,8
p = K –– = 100 × ––––– = 31 N/mm2 is specified as 2β, the time t as the
C 31,5 time taken to pass through 2β in sec-
onds. Complete cycle duration is 4β
and the sliding velocity (dm = dk = (➔ pages 16 and 21).
29 mm)

v = 5,82 × 10–7 dm β f v = 8,73 × 10–6 × dm –––
= 5,82 × 10–7 × 29 × 8 × 15
= 0,002 m/s = 8,73 × 10–6 × 80 × –––
so that this lies in the permissible oper-
ating range I of the pv diagram. Using = 0,0063 m/s

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ................ 4 Calculation examples Page .............. 57

b4 = (from Diagram 18 , page 28) The required 5 years of rating life leads
b4 I = 0,31 with the mentioned 70 h/week, 30 cyc-
b4 II = 0,48 les/hour and assumed 50 weeks per
b4 III = 0,57 year, to 525 000 cycles or 2 920 h.
Kp = (from Table 8 , page 27) (Note that time for a complete cycle is
Kp I = 40 000 20 s.)
Kp II = 4 000 2
Kp III = 4 000 GN, Req = 5 × 70 × 30 × 50
n = (from Table 8 , page 27) = 525 000 cycles
n1 = 1,2 Gh, Req = (525 000 × 20)/3 600
n2 = 0,7 = 2 916 h
n3 = 0,7

for case I

The specific bearing load, p = K(P/C),

40 000
using K = 300 from Table 4 , page GhI = 1 × 1 × 0,31 × –––––––––––––––
21, is 129,51,2 × 0,0063

for case I ≈ 5 746 h

for case II
P 300
pI = K –– = 300 × –––– ≈ 129,5 N/mm2
C 695
4 000
GhII = 1 × 1 × 0,48 × –––––––––––––––
for case II 77,70,7 × 0,0063

≈ 14 477 h
P 180
pII = K –– = 300 × –––– ≈ 77,7 N/mm2
C 695 for case III

for case III

4 000
GhIII = 1 × 1 × 0,57 × –––––––––––––––
51,8 × 0,0063
P 120
pIII = K –– = 300 × –––– ≈ 51,8 N/mm2
C 695 ≈ 22 833 h

The values for pI, pII, pIII and v are Using the calculated basic rating lives
within the permissible range I of the of the three operation cases, the total
pv diagram 8 , page 23. basic rating life for continuous opera-
To make the lifetime estimation for tion is (➔ page 30)
variable loads and/or sliding velocities
the calculation of each load case has
to be made separately, with the equa- Gh = ––––––––––––––––––––––
tion for TX bearings first: ––––– + ––––– + –––––

Gh = b1 b2 b4 ––––
pn v For tI, tII etc. the percentages given in
the operating data are inserted and for
The parameters b1, b2, b4, kp and n T = tI + tII + tIII = 100 %.
are defined on page 27 and are as
Gh = ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
10 40 50
b1 = 1 (from Table 7 , page 27, con- –––––––– + ––––––––– + –––––––––
stant load) 100×5 746 100×14 477 100×22 833
b2 = 1 (from Diagram 17 , page 27,
operating temperature < +50 °C) ≈ 14 940 h

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ................ 4 Calculation examples Page .............. 57

Example 4 fH = 2 (from Diagram 15 , page 25,

for H = Gh/N = 180/40 = 4,5)
The linkages of a conveyor GhN = Gh fβ fH = 180 × 5,2 × 2
≈ 1 900 operating hours
Radial load of alternating direction: The required basic rating life of 9 000 h
Fr = 5,5 kN is not achieved by the rod end, so that
Half angle of oscillation: β = 15° a larger one has to be used. Rod end
(➔ fig 3 , page 16) SI 20 ES, with C = 30 kN, C0 = 57 kN
Frequency of oscillation: f = 25 min–1 and dk = 29 mm is selected and the
Operating temperature: ≈ +70 °C calculation repeated.
The values for the specific bearing
Required: load
A rod end that will provide a basic rat-
ing life of 9 000 hours under condi-
tions of alternating load. p = 100 × –––– ≈ 18 N/mm2
As the load is alternating, a steel-on-
steel rod end is appropriate, and it is to
be relubricated after every 40 hours of and the mean sliding velocity (dm = dk
operation. Using the guideline value for Pperm = C0 b2 b6 = 29 mm)
the load ratio C/P = 2 from Table 3 ,
page 21, and as P = Fr, the requisite = 37,5 × 1 × 0,35 v = 5,82×10–7 ×29×15×25 = 0,0063 m/s
basic dynamic load rating will be
= 13,125 kN > P both lie within the permissible range I.
C = 2 P = 2 × 5,5 = 11 kN. It is not necessary to check the permis-
The following values of the factors are sible rod end housing load since the
The rod end SI 15 ES with a basic dy- used to determine the basic rating life basic static load rating of the larger
namic load rating C = 17 kN is se- for initial lubrication: rod end is higher. Also, as before
lected (page 100). The basic static
load rating C0 = 37,5 kN and the b1 = 2 (alternating load) b1 = 2, b2 = 1 and b5 = 3,7
sphere diameter dk = 22 mm. b2 = 1 (for operating temperatures
The first check of size is made using < 120 °C, from Table 5 , page 24) whilst
the pv diagram 5 , page 22, and with b3 = 1,3 (from Diagram 11 , page 24, b3 = 1,4 (from Diagram 11 , page 24,
K = 100 (from Table 4 , page 21) for dk = 22 mm) for dk = 29 mm)
b4 = 1,6 (from Diagram 12 , page 24, b4 = 1,8 (from Diagram 12 , page 24,
for v = 0,0048 m/s) for v = 0,0063 m/s)
P 5,5
p = K –– = 100 × –––– = 32 N/mm2 b5 = 3,7 (from Diagram 13 , page 25,
C 17 for β = 15°) so that
p = 32 N/mm2
and the mean sliding velocity (dm = dk = v = 0,0048 m/s
22 mm) Gh = 2 × 1 × 1,4 × 1,8 × 3,7 × –––––––––––
Therefore 182,5 × 0,0063
v = 5,82 × 10–7 dk β f
330 ≈ 710 operating hours
= 5,82 × 10–7 × 22 × 15 × 25 Gh = b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 –––––
p2,5 v With fβ = 5,2 (from Diagram 14 , page
= 0,0048 m/s 25) and fH = 3,7 (from Diagram 15 ,
= 2×1×1,3×1,6×3,7× ––––––––––––
page 25, for H = 710/40 ≈ 18) the
p and v both lie within the permissible 32 × 0,0048 basic rating life for regular relubrica-
range I of the pv diagram 5 , page 22. tion (N = 40 h) becomes
Checking the permissible load on ≈ 180 operating hours
the rod end housing GhN = 710 × 5,2 × 3,7
The basic rating life for regular relubri-
C0 = 37,5 kN cation (N = 40 h) with ≈ 13 600 operating hours
b2 = 1 (from Table 5 , page 24, for
temperatures < 120 °C) fβ = 5,2 (from Diagram 14 , page 25) Thus the larger rod end meets the
b6 = 0,35 (from Table 2 , page 20, for and rating life requirements.
rod ends with lubrication hole)

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ................ 4 Friction Page .............. 57


The friction in a spherical plain bearing be reduced to the given minimum value quoted in the table may be approached
or rod end is primarily dependent on as soon as the transfer of PTFE from or even exceeded if conditions are par-
the sliding contact surface combina- the sliding layer to the opposing steel ticularly unfavourable. In applications
tion, the load and the sliding velocity. surface has been completed. The fric- where friction is especially important,
Because there are so many influencing tion torque for a spherical plain bear- therefore, it is recommended that the
factors which are not mutually inde- ing or rod end can be calculated using maximum values of the coefficient of
pendent it is not possible to quote friction be used when determining the
exact values for the coefficient of fric- M = 0,5 × 10–6 µ P dm required power rating, for security
tion. Under laboratory conditions, how- reasons. For all bearings, which are
ever, it is possible to record typical de- where operated under conditions of mixed or
velopments of the coefficient of fric- M = friction torque, Nm dry friction, there may be small differ-
tion for different sliding contact surface µ = coefficient of friction ences between adhesive and sliding
combinations. The friction during the (➔ Table 1 ) friction. Operation which is entirely
running-in phase is higher than the P = equivalent dynamic bearing load, free of stick-slip cannot be achieved.
value recorded during the subsequent kN Experience has shown that stick-slip
test period. For example, for regularly dm = mean bearing diameter, mm, for effects occur when the surrounding
relubricated steel-on-steel spherical radial spherical plain bearings construction is “soft”. In most applica-
plain bearings when a suitable highly dm = dk for radial spherical plain tions, however, the effects are negli-
viscous lubricant is used (e.g. the SKF bearings gible.
grease LGHB 2). Guideline values for dm = 0,9 dk for angular contact
the coefficient of friction µ will be found spherical plain bearings
in Table 1 . They have been deter- dm = 0,7 dk for spherical plain
mined in laboratory trials. thrust bearings
The coefficient of friction for the
maintenance-free sliding contact sur- As operation progresses and as a
face combinations steel/PTFE fabric result of negative influences (contam-
and steel/sinter bronze composite de- ination, inadequate lubrication), even
crease with increasing specific load. under very light loads, the maximum
At a constant specific load, friction will values of the coefficient of friction

Table 1
Sliding contact surface Coefficient of friction
combination µ

min max

Steel-on-steel 0,08 0,20

Steel-on-bronze 0,10 0,25

Steel/sinter bronze composite 0,05 0,25

Steel/PTFE fabric 0,03 0,15

Steel/PTFE composite 0,05 0,20

of friction for
different sliding
contact surface
(guideline values)

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ................ 4 Radial location Page .............. 57

Application of bearings

Radial location of 1. Type and magnitude of the load 2. Bearing internal clearance
The degree of interference must suit An interference fit will cause the
bearings the type and magnitude of the load,
The inner and outer rings of spherical i.e. the heavier the load, and the higher • inner ring to expand elastically, and
plain bearings must be radially se- the shock content, the heavier the the
cured (located) to the shaft and in the interference required (➔ fig 1 ). • outer ring to be compressed elastic-
housing so that the sliding movements ally.
take place, as intended, in the bearing. • Under heavy loads, spherical plain
Otherwise the rings may begin to creep bearings will deform elastically which This reduces the original internal clear-
or wander in or on their seatings in the may lead to a loosening of the fit and ance in the bearing to the so-called
circumferential direction under load. creeping of the ring on/in its seating. operating clearance (➔ fig 2 ). The
Successful radial location is only • The strength of the associated com- clearance also depends on load and
usually achieved by using fits with suf- ponents must be adequate to take temperature.
ficient interference. However, an inter- up the loads and fully support the The original internal clearance dif-
ference fit cannot always be applied, bearing. fers depending on the type and size of
e.g. if easy mounting and dismounting • If the associated components deform, the bearing and has been selected so
are desired, or if the bearing must be there is a risk that hardened bearing that if the recommended tolerances for
able to be displaced axially without rings will break. the shaft and housing seatings are ap-
restraint. • Steel-on-steel spherical plain bear- plied, an appropriate operational clear-
The appropriate fits are always deter- ings require tighter fits than the main- ance (or preload) will be left in the bear-
mined by the operating conditions. tenance-free bearings which have ing under normal operating conditions.
lower friction. If interference fits are used for both
bearing rings, or if the temperature con-
ditions are unusual, it may be neces-
sary to use a larger initial internal clear-
ance than “Normal” for steel-on-steel

Relationship between load and requisite interference Operating clearance

Fig 1 Fig 2

internal Operating
clearance clearance

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ................ 4 Radial location Page .............. 57

3. Temperature conditions 4. Design of associated components 5. Axial displacement of non-

In operation, the bearing rings will nor- The design of the components provid- locating bearings
mally have a higher temperature than ing the bearing seatings should not A non-locating bearing, which is to pro-
their seatings. This means that lead to irregular deformation (out-of- vide radial support only, must always
round) of the bearing (➔ fig 4 ). be able to be displaced axially (➔ fig
• the fit of the inner ring will loosen 5 ). This is normally achieved by se-
(➔ fig 3 ) and • Split housings are not suitable for lecting a loose fit for one of the bearing 2
• the fit of the outer ring will become interference fits. rings, generally the inner ring of spher-
tighter, which may restrict any re- • Thin-walled housings, light alloy hous- ical plain bearings. The reasons are
quired axial displacement in the ings and hollow shafts all call for a
housing. tighter fit to be used than for thick- • the shaft seating can be easily and
walled steel or cast iron housings and economically hardened and ground;
If there is a considerable temperature solid shafts – and must have suffi- this facilitates axial displacement.
difference between inner and outer cient strength. The hardness should be at least
rings there will be a change in the oper- • Heavy loads and interference fits call 50 HRC and the surface roughness
ating clearance which must be con- for thick-walled one-piece steel or Rz should be ≤ 10 µm.
sidered when selecting the fits, so cast iron housings and solid steel • the outer rings of most spherical
that a blockage of the bearing can be shafts. plain bearings are axially fractured at
avoided. one or two positions, or are radially
split. This can hinder axial displace-
ment or make it completely impos-
• the housing bore should be protec-
ted against wear.

Surface finish of seatings

The recommended surface roughness
to ISO 4288:1996 for the bearing seat-
ings is

• for shaft seatings

Rz ≤ 10 µm
• for housing bore seatings
Rz ≤ 16 µm

Change of fit with temperature Out-of-round bearing seating Axial displacement

Fig 3 Fig 4 Fig 5



1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ................ 4 Tolerances Page .............. 57

Table 1 Recommended fits

Operating conditions Tolerance Only a limited number of ISO tolerance
Sliding contact surface combination grades are appropriate to spherical
steel-on-steel maintenance-free
plain bearings. Fig 6 shows schemat-
ically the relative positions of these in
Radial bearings relation to the bore and outside diam-
Loads of all kinds m6 (n6)1) k6
interference fit eters of the bearings. The recommend-
ed tolerances for
Loads of all kinds h6 h6 or g6
clearance or (hardened (hardened
transition fit shaft) shaft) • the shaft seating are given in Table
1 , and
Angular contact bearings
Loads of all kinds m6 (n6) m6 • the housing bore in Table 2 .
interference fit
These recommendations are based on
Thrust bearings
Loads of all kinds m6 (n6) m6 the considerations described above
interference fit and have been confirmed in a wide
variety of bearing applications.The ISO
tolerance limits are given in
The tolerances given in brackets may be chosen for very heavily loaded bearings. If chosen, it is necessary to check
that the residual operating clearance is sufficient for correct performance of the bearing or whether a bearing with • Table 3 for shafts, and
larger clearance must be used
• Table 4 for housing bores.
These recommendations do not apply to bearings of series GEG which have a bore diameter tolerance to H7 and
are normally mounted on shaft seatings machined to m7. If, for mounting reasons the shaft is machined to toler-
ance f7, it should be hardened as relative movements of the shaft with respect to the bearing bore will take place
and wear may result To facilitate the calculation of the min-
imum and maximum values of the the-
oretical interference or clearance, the
Shaft fits
standardized bearing bore diameter de-
viations (∆dmp) and the bearing outside
diameter deviations (∆Dmp) are given in
Housing fits the tables.

Table 2
Operating conditions Tolerance
Sliding contact surface combination
steel-on-steel maintenance-free

Radial bearings
Light loads, H7 H7
axial displacement required

Heavy loads M7 (N7) K7

Light alloy housings N7 M7

Angular contact bearings

Loads of all kinds, M7 (N7) M7
interference fit
ISO shaft and housing tolerances
Loads of all kinds, J7 J7
can generally be displaced axially
Fig 6
Thrust bearings
Purely axial loads H11 H11
Combined loads J7 J7

+ H7 J7 K7
M7 N7

k6 m6 n6
+ g6 h6

The tolerances given in brackets may be chosen for very heavily loaded bearings. If chosen, it is necessary to
check that the residual operating clearance of radial bearings is sufficient for correct performance of the bearing or
whether a bearing with larger clearance must be used

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ................ 4 Tolerances Page .............. 57

Table 3
Shaft Bearing Shaft diameter tolerances
Diameter Bore
∆dmp g6 h6 k6 m6 n6
Nominal Deviations
over incl. min max high low high low high low high low high low

mm µm µm 2

3 6 –8 0 –4 –12 0 –8 +9 +1 +12 +4 +16 +8

6 10 –8 0 –5 –14 0 –9 +10 +1 +15 +6 +19 +10
10 18 –8 0 –6 –17 0 –11 +12 +1 +18 +7 +23 +12
18 30 –10 0 –7 –20 0 –13 +15 +2 +21 +8 +28 +15
30 50 –12 0 –9 –25 0 –16 +18 +2 +25 +9 +33 +17
50 80 –15 0 –10 –29 0 –19 +21 +2 +30 +11 +39 +20

80 120 –20 0 –12 –34 0 –22 +25 +3 +35 +13 +45 +23
120 180 –25 0 –14 –39 0 –25 +28 +3 +40 +15 +52 +27
180 250 –30 0 –15 –44 0 –29 +33 +4 +46 +17 +60 +31
250 315 –35 0 –17 –49 0 –32 +36 +4 +52 +20 +66 +34
315 400 –40 0 –18 –54 0 –36 +40 +4 +57 +21 +73 +37
400 500 –45 0 –20 –60 0 –40 +45 +5 +63 +23 +80 +40

500 630 –50 0 –22 –66 0 –44 +44 0 +70 +26 +88 +44
630 800 –75 0 –24 –74 0 –50 +50 0 +80 +30 +100 +50
800 1 000 –100 0 –26 –82 0 –56 +56 0 +90 +34 +112 +56

1 000 1 250 –125 0 –28 –94 0 –66 +66 0 +106 +40 +132 +66

ISO shaft limits

ISO housing limits

Table 4
Housing Bearing Housing bore tolerances
Bore Outside
diameter diameter
∆Dmp H11 H7 J7 K7 M7 N7
Nominal Deviations
over incl. max min low high low high low high low high low high low high

mm µm µm

10 18 0 –8 0 +110 0 +18 –8 +10 –12 +6 –18 0 –23 –5

18 30 0 –9 0 +130 0 +21 –9 +12 –15 +6 –21 0 –28 –7
30 50 0 –11 0 +160 0 +25 –11 +14 –18 +7 –25 0 –33 –8

50 80 0 –13 0 +190 0 +30 –12 +18 –21 +9 –30 0 –39 –9

80 120 0 –15 0 +220 0 +35 –13 +22 –25 +10 –35 0 –45 –10
120 150 0 –18 0 +250 0 +40 –14 +26 –28 +12 –40 0 –52 –12

150 180 0 –25 0 +250 0 +40 –14 +26 –28 +12 –40 0 –52 –12
180 250 0 –30 0 +290 0 +46 –16 +30 –33 +13 –46 0 –60 –14
250 315 0 –35 0 +320 0 +52 –16 +36 –36 +16 –52 0 –66 –14

315 400 0 –40 0 +360 0 +57 –18 +39 –40 +17 –57 0 –73 –16
400 500 0 –45 0 +400 0 +63 –20 +43 –45 +18 –63 0 –80 –17
500 630 0 –50 0 +440 0 +70 – – –70 0 –96 –26 –114 –44

630 800 0 –75 0 +500 0 +80 – – –80 0 –110 –30 –130 –50
800 1 000 0 –100 0 +560 0 +90 – – –90 0 –124 –34 –146 –56
1 000 1 250 0 –125 0 +660 0 +105 – – –105 0 –145 –40 –171 –66

1 250 1 600 0 –160 0 +780 0 +125 – – –125 0 –173 –48 –203 –78
1 600 2 000 0 –200 0 +920 0 +150 – – –150 0 –208 –58 –242 –92

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ................ 4 Axial location Page .............. 57

Axial location of Fig 7 Fig 8

An interference fit is not sufficient to
axially locate a bearing ring. Normally a
suitable axial securement is required.
The bearing rings of a locating bear-
ing should be axially located on both
sides. The bearing rings generally
have an interference fit and are usually
supported on one side by a shaft or
housing shoulder. Inner rings are axial-
ly secured on the side opposite the
shoulder by
Using an end plate and cover to locate Using a spacer sleeve and cover to
• a plate screwed to the shaft end a bearing locate a bearing
(➔ fig 7 ), or
• a spacer sleeve between the ring and
a neighbouring machine component
(➔ fig 8 ).
For bearing location, the retaining
Outer rings are generally retained by rings used usually have constant radial
the cover of the housing bore (➔ fig width (also known as snap rings) to
7 ). DIN 471:1981 or DIN 472:1981.
For non-locating bearings the outer
ring (which normally has a tight fit)
should be axially located; the inner ring
must be free to move axially on the
shaft (➔ fig 5 , page 37).
It should be observed that with bear-
ings of series GEP (➔ fig 9 ), which
have a radially split outer ring, expan-
sion forces will be produced under
purely radial load; the axial compon-
ents of these forces will act on the
housing cover. The axial load acting on
the cover may be as much as 30 % of
the radial load. This must be taken into
account when dimensioning the hous- Locating a radially split bearing
ing cover and selecting the size and
number of the attachment screws. Fig 9
If shaft and/or housing shoulders are
undesirable because of manufacturing
or assembly considerations, spacer
sleeves or rings can be inserted be-
tween the bearing ring which is to be
located and an adjacent machine com-
ponent (➔ fig 10 and 11 ).
The axial location of non-separable
bearings using retaining rings (➔ fig
10 and 11 ) saves space and permits
quick mounting and dismounting, as
well as simplifying the machining of
seatings. If larger axial forces have
to be accommodated, a support ring
(➔ fig 11 ) should be arranged between
the bearing ring and the retaining ring,
so that the retaining ring is not subjected
to excessive bending moments.

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ................ 4 Abutment and fillet dimensions Page .............. 57

Fig 10 Fig 11 Abutment and fillet dimensions

The abutment and fillet dimensions
should be such that

• a sufficiently large support surface is

available for the bearing ring,
• moving parts of the bearing arrange- 2
ment cannot foul stationary compo-
nents, and
• the fillet radius should be smaller
than the chamfer of the bearing.

Appropriate abutment dimensions

(➔ fig 12 ) are given for each bearing
in the product tables. The transition
Locating a bearing using snap rings in Locating a bearing using adjacent com-
the housing and adjacent components ponents in the housing and a retainer from the bearing seating to the shaft or
on the shaft ring on the shaft housing shoulder may be designed
either as a fillet (➔ fig 13 ) or an
undercut (➔ fig 14 ).

Recommended abutment and fillet Fillet dimensions for shaft and housing Undercut dimensions for shaft and
dimensions shoulders housing shoulders

Fig 12 Fig 13 Fig 14

ra r bmax

rb r2min rs
ha rc

Da da
r amax rc
r1min ha


1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ................ 4 Fillets Page .............. 57

Fillets Rod ends

Suitable dimensions for the fillet are The inner rings of rod ends can, in the
given in the product tables and for the same way as bearings, be axially lo-
undercut in Table 5 . The stress con- cated by a shaft shoulder, a nut or a
ditions in a stepped shaft are more retaining ring.
favourable, the larger the fillet (round- Rod ends mounted on threaded
ing) of the transition to the shaft rods or in extension tubes should be
shoulder. prevented from coming loose by an
extra nut on the rod or the external
thread of the rod end shank. The nut
should be securely tightened against
the support surface on the rod end
housing or on the tube (➔ fig 15 ).

Relieved fillets Attachment of rod ends

Table 5 Fig 15
Chamfer Fillet dimensions
r 1 , r2 ba ha rc

mm mm

1 2 0,2 1,3
1,1 2,4 0,3 1,5
1,5 3,2 0,4 2

2 4 0,5 2,5
2,5 4 0,5 2,5
3 4,7 0,5 3

4 5,9 0,5 4
5 7,4 0,6 5
6 8,6 0,6 6

7,5 10 0,6 7

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ................ 4 Seals Page .............. 57

Sealing Note
Further information about radial CR sea
Most bearing arrangements must be shaft seals, referred to in the table, ls
sealed to prevent external contamina- can be found in the SKF catalogue
tion and damp from entering the bear- 4006 “CR seals” or the “SKF Inter-
ing. The efficiency of the sealing has a active Engineering Catalogue” on
decisive influence of the service life of CD-ROM or online at 2
the bearing. In contrast to most other Sealing strips can also be sup-
bearing types, which only move in one plied by SKF in felt (FS strips) or,
plane, the alignment capabilities of the for high temperatures, in alumin-
spherical plain bearings place extra ium-boron silicate material
demands on the sealing. (FSB strips).
When selecting appropriate seals,
many factors have to be considered

• the permissible angle of tilt,

• the available space,
• the environmental conditions,
• the efficiency of the seal,
• the type of lubrication and the
frequency of relubrication, and
• the justifiable cost.

Depending on the application, one

or other of the above factors will out-
weigh the others. It is therefore not
possible to establish general rules for
sealing design. Table 6 , pages 44
and 45, gives an overview of the pos-
sible seals, their design characteristics
and suitability to meet different

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ................ 4 Seals Page .............. 57

Table 6
Seal Illustration Design characteristics Suitability

Integral RS Double-lip rubbing seal of ✔ for compact bearing arrangements,

design polyurethane (–20 to +80 °C) or mainly indoors
polyelastomer (–30 to +130 °C) ✔ for cramped spaces
✔ for high sealing demands when com-
bined with an outboard seal
✔ for long service life with minimum
✔ for bearings which are to rotate

Integral heavy Triple-lip rubbing seal of elastomer ✔ for compact bearing arrangements
duty LS design with steel backing (–25 to +120 °C) ✔ for high sealing demands
✔ for long service life with minimum
✔ for rotating bearing arrangements
✔ for difficult operating conditions in the
presence of sand or mud

Gap type Simple and economic, no wear, ✔ for maintenance-free bearings

simple mounting ✔ for small angles of tilt
✔ for high temperatures
✔ for moderately dusty environments
✔ for bearings which are to rotate

Gap type with Simple and efficient with periodic ✔ for bearings and rod ends requiring
grease relubrication maintenance
May pollute environment ✔ for small angles of tilt
✔ for rough conditions in the presence
of sand, clay, slush etc.

V-shaped Simple, lightly preloaded seal of ✔ for contaminant exclusion

(commercially polyurethane (–40 to +100 °C) ✔ for angles of tilt up to 2°
available) Good wear strength and resistance to ✔ for bearing arrangements with shafts
grease, oil and other environmental up to 300 mm diameter
influences ✔ for bearings which are to rotate

V-Ring Elastic seal which sits on shaft and rotates ✔ for contaminant exclusion
(commercially with it, axial sealing lip ✔ for maintenance-free and grease-
available) of nitrile rubber (–40 to +100 °C) lubricated bearings
or fluoro rubber (–40 to +200 °C) ✔ for all shaft diameters
Good wear and chemical resistance ✔ for angles of tilt between 2 and 4°
depending on size
✔ for bearings which are to rotate

Felt Simple to install, good resistance to grease ✔ for dust and minor damp exclusion
(commercially (–40 to +100 °C) ✔ for grease retention
available) ✔ for large angles of tilt
✔ for all sizes of bearing
✔ for bearings which are to rotate

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ................ 4 Seals Page .............. 57

Table 6
Seal Illustration Design characteristics Suitability

Radial shaft Steel reinforced (either externally ✔ for contaminant exclusion

(commercially or internally) elastomer with lip ✔ for grease retention
available) of nitrile rubber (–40 to +100 °C) ✔ for oil retention
or fluoro rubber (–40 to +200 °C) ✔ for small angles of tilt 2
Good wear resistance, good resistance ✔ for all sizes of bearing
to grease, oil and other environmental ✔ for bearings which are to rotate

Radial shaft Steel reinforced (either externally ✔ for strong contaminant exclusion
with dust lip or internally) elastomer with lips ✔ for oil retention
(commercially of nitrile rubber (–40 to +100 °C) ✔ for small angles of tilt
available) or fluoro rubber (–40 to +200 °C) ✔ for bearings up to approx. 300 mm
Good wear resistance, good resistance bore
to grease, oil and other environmental ✔ for bearings which are to rotate

O-ring Nitrile rubber (–30 to +100 °C) or ✔ for reliable moisture exclusion
(commercially fluoro rubber (–20 to +200 °C) ✔ for oil and grease retention
available) ✔ for very small angles of tilt
✔ for slow oscillating movements

Profiled rubber Polyurethane (–40 to +100 °C) ✔ for hermetically sealed bearing
(commercially Good wear resistance, good resistance arrangements
available) to grease, oil and other environmental ✔ for small angles of tilt
influences ✔ for slow oscillating movements;
initial oiling or greasing of faces
reduces friction

Profiled rubber Elastomer strip (–40 to +100 °C) ✔ for hermetically sealed bearing
with clamp and Good wear resistance, good resistance arrangements
lock to grease, oil and other environmental ✔ for slow oscillating movements
(commercially influences Initial oiling or greasing of faces
available) reduces friction
✔ for small angles of tilt

Mechanical Stainless steel rings and cup springs of ✔ for contaminant exclusion
seals nitrile rubber (–40 to +100 °C) ✔ for oil and grease retention
(commercially Good wear resistance, good resistance ✔ for small angles of tilt
available) to grease, oil and other environmental ✔ for bearings which are to rotate

Spring steel Labyrinth seals of sets of washers for high ✔ for contaminant exclusion
washers temperatures. Excellent wear resistance, ✔ grease exit vents needed in housing
(commercially good chemical resistance cover if grease used
available) ✔ for small angles of tilt
✔ for bearings which are to rotate

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ................ 4 Design for easy mounting Page .............. 57

Designing the bearing To facilitate subsequent removal of any risk of damaging the bearing and
a bearing, it can be advantageous to seating.
arrangement for easy In order to employ the oil injection
mounting and dismount- • provide recesses in the shaft method it is necessary to provide an oil
shoulder (➔ fig 17 ), and supply duct in the shaft as well as an
ing • recesses or threaded holes in the oil distributor groove in the seating
To ease mounting, the shaft ends and housing bore (➔ fig 18 ) (➔ fig 19 ). The distance between this
housing bores should have a lead-in groove and the bearing side from which
with an angle of between 10 and 20° so that withdrawal tools can be used mounting and dismounting are to be
(➔ fig 16 ). This not only eases mount- without difficulty. performed should be approximately
ing but reduces the risk of damaging To dismount maintenance-free bear- one third of the seating width. Recom-
the mating surfaces by skewing of the ings having a bore diameter of some mended dimensions for the ducts and
bearing rings. 80 mm and above, it is recommended grooves as well as for the threads for
Particularly for large bearings, it is that the oil injection method be used. the oil supply connection are given in
necessary to design the arrangement This involves introducing oil under high Tables 7 and 8 .
so that bearing mounting, and espe- pressure between the bearing inner
cially dismounting, are simplified or ring and its shaft seating. This greatly
even made possible. reduces the force required to dismount
the bearing and practically eliminates

Chamfering shaft ends and housing

bore entrances Shaft shoulder with recess Housing shoulder with threaded holes

Fig 16 Fig 17 Fig 18

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ................ 4 Design for easy mounting Page .............. 57

Table 7 Table 8


Ga Ga
60° Gc G
b Gc G

ba Na Na

Design A Design B

Bearing Dimensions Thread Design Dimensions

diameter ba ha ra N Ga Gb Gc1) Na
over incl. max

mm mm – – mm

100 3 0,5 2,5 2,5 M6 A 10 8 3

100 150 4 0,8 3 3
150 200 4 0,8 3 3 G 1/8 A 12 10 3

200 250 5 1 4 4 G 1/4 A 15 12 5

250 300 5 1 4 4
300 400 6 1,25 4,5 5 G 3/8 B 15 12 8

400 500 7 1,5 5 5 G 1/2 B 18 14 8

500 650 8 1,5 6 6
650 800 10 2 7 7 G 3/4 B 20 16 8

800 1 000 12 2,5 8 8

Oil ducts and distributor grooves Threaded holes for connection

Fig 19

Bearing seating with oil ducts

and distributor grooves for easy

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ................ 4 Lubrication Page .............. 57


Spherical plain bearings steel spherical plain bearings (with the If operating temperatures are higher
exception of the smallest bearings of than this special grease should be used
requiring maintenance the E and ESA designs) have an annu- instead, and the SKF application engin-
Steel-on-steel spherical plain bearings lar groove and lubrication holes in both eering service should be contacted.
must be maintained and lubricated to inner and outer rings. More information on SKF greases will
If the arrangement is appropriately be found in Table 1 .
• reduce friction, designed, the bearing can be supplied
• reduce wear, with grease from the side. To compel
• extend bearing life, grease to pass through the bearing it is Maintenance-free
• protect against corrosion and necessary to prevent the grease from
• prevent contamination by dirt or exiting the bearing arrangement from
spherical plain bearings
moisture. the same side as it is supplied and to Sliding contact surface combin-
provide a grease exit opening at the ations steel/sinter bronze compos-
The sliding contact surfaces are phos- opposite side (➔ fig 3 ). Where pos- ite and steel/PTFE fabric
phated and treated with a “running-in” sible, the free space surrounding the During the first period of operation of
lubricant. This special surface treat- bearing should be filled with grease. these bearings, a transfer of PTFE
ment has a favourable influence on the It is recommended that the SKF takes place from the dry sliding contact
running-in phase. In order to obtain the grease LGHB 2 be used to lubricate surface to the opposing surface of the
desired rating life the bearings must be steel-on-steel spherical plain bearings. inner ring. Any lubrication of the sliding
greased at the very latest before being This is a high-quality calcium sulphona- contact surfaces would disturb this
taken into operation and must then be te base grease. Its properties include transfer and shorten bearing life. There-
regularly relubricated. fore, lubrication of these bearings, or
Relubrication of the bearing can only • excellent load carrying capacity, rod ends with the same sliding contact
be made if the necessary ducts for re- • very good rust inhibition, surface combinations, is not advisable
lubrication are provided in the housing • very good resistance to ageing, and they have no relubrication
(➔ fig 1 ) or the shaft (pin) (➔ fig 2 ) • good water resistance, and facilities.
so that grease can be directly supplied • a wide operating temperature range To provide protection against corro-
to the bearing. To facilitate efficient lu- of –20 to +150 °C. sion and to enhance sealing, the free
brication in service, all SKF steel-on- space surrounding the bearing may,

Relubricating the bearing via the outer Relubricating the bearing via the inner
ring ring Relubricating the bearing from the side

Fig 1 Fig 2 Fig 3

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ................ 4 Lubrication Page .............. 57

Table 1 Sliding contact surface combination

Property SKF greases (designation) steel/PTFE composite
LGHB 2 LGMT 3 LGEP 2 LGGB 21) An initial lubrication followed by occa-
for sliding contact surface combinations sional relubrication of steel/PTFE com-
steel-on-steel steel-on-bronze steel/PTFE composite
posite bearings can extend the service
life by a factor of at least 2. The inner
Thickener Calcium Lithium Lithium Lithium/
sulphonate soap soap calcium rings and shaft washers of such bear- 2
complex soap soap ings are coated with lithium base
grease before leaving the factory.
Base oil Mineral oil Mineral oil Mineral oil Ester oil
If operating conditions are such that
Colour Brown Yellowish Light brown White protection against corrosion and en-
hanced sealing are required, the free
Operating –20 to +150 –30 to +120 –20 to +110 –40 to +120 space surrounding the bearing (➔ fig
temperature, °C 5 ) should be filled with the same
(continuous operation)
grease as that used for bearing lubri-
Kinematic viscosity cation. The appropriate time to replen-
of base oil, mm2/s ish or renew the grease in the bearing
at +40 °C 400 to 450 120 to 130 200 110
at +100 °C 26,5 12 16 13 arrangement is determined by the op-
erating conditions and the ageing of
Consistency 2 3 2 2
(to NLGI Scale)
the grease.
Rust inhibiting, water-repellant lithium
base greases of normal consistency
Biologically degradeable grease for use in applications where strict ecological demands must be met and where should be used, for example, the SKF
lubrication cannot be dispensed with
grease LGEP 2 (➔ Table 1 ). On no
account should greases containing
SKF lubricating greases
molybdenum disulphide or other solid
lubricants be used.

however, be filled with grease (➔ fig

4 ). Rust inhibiting, water-repellant
lithium base greases of normal consi-
stency should be used, for example,
the SKF greases LGEP 2 or LGMT 3
(➔ Table 1 ).

Grease supply to free space in the Grease supply to free space in housing
housing surrounding a steel/sinter surrounding a large steel/PTFE compo-
bronze composite bearing site bearing

Fig 4 Fig 5
SKF spherical plain bearings, de-
pending on their design are either
completely or partially coated with
an oily preservative or filled with
grease. Skin contact should be
avoided as these substances may
give rise to irritation or allergic

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ................ 4 Lubrication Page .............. 57

Rod ends requiring Maintenance-free rod Note

maintenance ends SKF rod ends, depending on their
design are either completely or par-
Rod ends with the sliding contact sur- Rod ends with maintenance-free slid- tially coated with an oily preserva-
face combinations steel-on-steel and ing contact surface combinations are tive or filled with grease. Skin con-
steel-on-bronze require maintenance generally to be used as dry sliding tact should be avoided as these
and must be lubricated. To facilitate bearings, i.e. they should not be lubri- substances may give rise to irrita-
this cated; the maintenance-free rod ends tion or allergic reactions.
are without relubrication facilities.
• all SKF steel-on-steel rod ends can However, the service life of steel/-
be relubricated via a lubrication hole PTFE composite rod ends can be much
or grease nipple in the rod end hous- extended by an initial application of
ing as well as via the inner ring (➔ grease followed by occasional relubri-
fig 6 ) with the exception of the cation. The inner ring is already coated
small-sized rod ends of the E and with a lithium base grease before leav-
ESA designs; ing the factory.
• all SKF steel-on-bronze rod ends can
be relubricated via a lubrication hole
or grease nipple in the rod end hous-
ing (➔ fig 7 ).

The recommendations above for steel-

on-steel spherical plain bearings also
apply to steel-on-bronze rod ends.
These recommendations also apply
to the steel-on-bronze rod ends of the
SIKAC .. M and SAKAC .. M series
where SKF grease LGMT 3 is recom-
mended. It is, however, also possible
to use lithium base greases of normal
consistency without solid lubricant

Relubrication facilities for steel-on-steel rod ends Relubrication facilities for steel-on-bronze rod ends

Fig 6 Fig 7

Lubrication hole Grease nipple Rod end with female thread Rod end with male thread

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ................ 4 Maintenance Page .............. 57


To obtain a long service life with spher- Relubrication of non-locating Storage

ical plain bearings and rod ends requir- bearings SKF spherical plain bearings and rod
ing maintenance, they must be relubri- Non-locating bearings, where axial ends are treated with a preservative
cated. Used grease together with wear displacement takes place along the before they are packaged. They can,
debris and any contamination should shaft or pin, should always be relubri- therefore, be stored in their original
be removed from the contact zone and cated via the shaft and bearing inner packages for several years. However,
be replaced by fresh grease. ring (➔ fig 2 , page 46). By supplying the relative humidity in the storeroom
The relubrication interval should be lubricant in this way grease will also should not exceed 60 %.
determined when performing the bear- enter between the mating surfaces of
ing calculation. The frequency of relu- inner ring and shaft seating. This re-
brication is of decisive importance for duces friction and consequently the
the attainable service life and depends axial forces produced when axial dis-
on many factors including placement takes place.

• the magnitude of the load,

• the type of load,
• the angle of oscillation,
• the frequency of oscillation,
• the operating temperature
• the sealing arrangement and
• other environmental conditions.

Long service lives can be attained when

the following relubrication conditions
are observed:

• the same grease is used as originally

• the relubrication should be carried
out at the operating temperature;
• the bearing should be relubricated
before a long interruption in operation
occurs, e.g. before construction
machinery or agricultural equipment
is laid up.

SKF has the correct greases for spher-

ical plain bearings and rod ends, includ-
ing the biologically degradable grease

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ................ 4 Mounting Page .............. 57


Spherical plain bearings Fig 1 Fig 2

Skill and cleanliness when mounting

are necessary if spherical plain bear-
ings and rod ends are to perform cor-
rectly and not fail prematurely.
The bearings and rod ends should
only be taken from their packages im-
mediately before mounting so that they
do not become contaminated. Any
components which have possibly be-
come dirty as a result of improper hand-
ling (damaged packaging etc.) should
be wiped using a clean cloth.
The sliding contact surfaces of the
Plane of fracture or split and main Mounting with the aid of a dolly
bearings are matched to provide fa- direction of load
vourable friction and wear characteris-
tics. Any alteration of the sliding sur-
faces would shorten the service life,
therefore, bearings must not be
washed or come into contact with solv- When mounting spherical plain bear-
ents, cleaners, oils or similar media. ings with a fractured or split outer ring
The components associated with it is essential that the joint be position-
the bearings (housings, shafts or pins ed at right angles to the main direction
etc.) should be cleaned and any burrs of load (➔ fig 1 ) as otherwise the ser-
removed. They should also be check- vice life will be shortened, particularly
ed with regard to accuracy of dimen- under heavy loads.
sions and form before mounting is

Simultaneous mounting in housing and

on shaft Mounting using a press Never direct blows at the bearing rings

Fig 3 Fig 4 Fig 5

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ................ 4 Mounting Page .............. 57

Mechanical mounting Mounting using heat Note

The following tools are suitable for Larger bearings cannot usually be Maintenance-free spherical plain
mounting spherical plain bearings mounted in the cold state as the force bearings and rod ends having slid-
required increases sharply with increas- ing contact surfaces containing
• a mounting dolly (➔ fig 2 ) or length ing bearing size. Therefore, the bear- PTFE should never be subjected
of tubing; the ring having an interfer- ing or housing should be heated be- to temperatures in excess of
ence fit should generally be mounted fore mounting (➔ fig 7 ). +280 °C. PTFE is completely inert 2
first; The requisite temperature difference below this temperature but at high-
• a dolly having two abutment surfaces between the bearing ring and shaft or er temperatures (from approx.
(➔ fig 3 ) for mounting simultaneous- housing bore depends on the seating 320 °C) it rapidly decomposes.
ly on the shaft and in the housing; diameter. Generally, a temperature of The fluorine compounds released
• for larger numbers of bearings, suit- 60 to 80 °C above ambient is adequate during this process are extremely
able tools can be used in combin- to allow the rings to be easily mounted. toxic, even in small quantities. It
ation with a press (➔ fig 4 ). The temperature to which a bearing should also be remembered that
can be heated also depends on the the material is dangerous to
When mounting spherical plain bear- permissible temperature for the bear- handle once it has been over-
ings, ing which may be limited, for example, heated even after it has cooled
by the material of the seals. down again.
• on no account should blows be dir-
ected at the bearing rings (➔ fig 5 );
the use of a hammer and drift can
also easily damage the rings;
• the mounting force should never be
directed through the sliding contact
surfaces (➔ fig 6 ); this could
– damage the sliding contact sur-
faces and/or
– expand fractured or split bearing
outer rings, which would cause an
increase in the mounting force

Never apply the mounting force via the sliding contact

surfaces Mounting a heated bearing

Fig 6 Fig 7

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ................ 4 Mounting Page .............. 57

The use of SKF induction heaters Rod ends

has been found particularly beneficial
(➔ fig 8 ). They are equipped with in- Rod ends are fitted on the pins in the
tegral protection against overheating same way as spherical plain bearings.
and automatically demagnetize. The Slight heating will reduce the force
induced current flow serves to rapidly required for mounting and reduce the
heat the bearing. The non-metallic com- danger of damaging associated com-
ponents, such as seals or PTFE fabric ponents.
remain cold as does the heater itself. When attaching rod ends to thread-
To ease the mounting of large bear- ed rods or in extension tubes (➔ fig
ings, particularly if they have been 11 ) a counter lock nut should be used
heated, it is possible to use slings and on the rod or on the external thread of
a hoist. Metal or textile slings placed the rod end. It should be securely
around the outer ring can be used tightened against the abutment sur-
(➔ fig 9 ). A spring between the hoist face on the rod end or the tube.
hook and the sling also facilitates bear-
ing handling. Heat-resistant gloves
should be worn when handling hot

Fig 10

Securing a rod end

A bearing in position on an SKF

induction heater Mounting a large heated bearing

Fig 8 Fig 9
SKF has a comprehensive range
of mechanical and hydraulic tools
as well as heating equipment for
bearing mounting and dismount-
ing. Details of these tools can be
found in the SKF catalogue
MP3000 “SKF Maintenance and
Lubrication Products” or in the
online catalogue at

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ................ 4 Dismounting Page .............. 57


Spherical plain bearings For large bearings with an interfer- Rod ends
ence fit, dismounting is considerably
If the bearings are to be re-used after facilitated if the SKF oil injection To dismount rod ends the lock nut se-
dismounting, the same care and atten- method is used (➔ fig 3 ). In order to curing the shank should be loosened
tion are required as when mounting. do this it is necessary to provide the and, if possible, the rod end be un-
The requisite withdrawal force should necessary oil ducts and distributor screwed from its rod or tube. The rod
always be applied to the ring which is grooves when designing the bearing end can then be removed from the pin
to be dismounted. arrangement (➔ page 46). in the same way as a bearing, e.g.
SKF offers a range of different puller Small bearings can be dismounted using a puller.
types to accommodate many applica- using a mounting dolly or a length of
tions. If the shaft is pre-machined to tubing applied to the outer ring. For
accommodate the arms of a jaw puller, larger bearings with an interference fit,
then a two- or three-armed puller can a mechanical or hydraulic press can
be used (➔ fig 1 ). In other cases be used where possible.
where there is enough space behind It is also possible to dismount bear-
the ring, a strong back puller such as ings from housing bores by quickly
the SKF TMBS series can be used heating the bearing housing without
(➔ fig 2 ). heating the bearing outer ring to any

A strong back puller facilitates Dismounting a bearing using the SKF oil
Removing a bearing with a jaw puller dismounting of the inner ring injection method

Fig 1 Fig 2 Fig 3

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ................ 4 Page .............. 16 General

Bearing data – general

3 Product data ............................................................ 57
Radial spherical plain bearings
requiring maintenance ................................................... 58
General ........................................................................ 58
Steel-on-steel spherical plain bearings
with metric dimensions............................................ 62
with inch dimensions............................................... 66
with extended inner ring .......................................... 70
Maintenance-free radial spherical plain bearings....... 72
General ........................................................................ 72
Radial spherical plain bearings
Bearings with sliding contact surface combination
steel/sinter bronze composite ................................. 76
requiring maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 3.1
steel/PTFE fabric ..................................................... 78
steel/PTFE composite ............................................. 82
Angular contact spherical plain bearings .................... 86
General ........................................................................ 86
Maintenance-free bearings with sliding contact
radial spherical plain bearings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 3.2
surface combination steel/PTFE composite ............... 90
Spherical plain thrust bearings ..................................... 92
General ........................................................................ 92
Maintenance-free bearings with sliding contact
surface combination steel/PTFE composite ................ 94
Angular contact spherical plain bearings. . . . . . 86 3.3
Rod ends requiring maintenance.................................. 96
General ....................................................................... 96
Steel-on-steel rod ends
with female thread ...................................................100
with female thread for hydraulic cylinders ..............102
Spherical plain thrust bearings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 3.4
with male thread .....................................................104
with cylindrical section welding shank ....................106
with rectangular section welding shank .................108
Steel-on-bronze rod ends
with female thread ...................................................110
Rod ends requiring maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 3.5
with male thread .....................................................112
Maintenance-free rod ends ...........................................114
General ........................................................................114
Maintenance-free rod ends
with female thread, steel/sinter bronze composite 118
Maintenance-free rod ends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 3.6
with male thread, steel/sinter bronze composite ....120
with female thread, steel/PTFE fabric .....................122
with male thread, steel/PTFE fabric ........................124
with female thread, steel/PTFE composite..............126
with male thread, steel/PTFE composite.................128
Special solutions and related products . . . . . . . 130 3.7
Special solutions and related products........................130
Plain bearings for road vehicles ..................................130
Plain bearings for rail vehicles ....................................130
Spherical plain bearings and rod ends for
airframe applications ..................................................131
Dry sliding bushings and flanged bushings .................132
Dry sliding thrust washers and strip ...........................133

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ................ 4 Page .............. 16 Radial spherical plain bearings
requiring maintenance

Radial spherical plain bearings

requiring maintenance
A characteristic feature of the SKF
steel-on-steel spherical plain bearings
is the outer ring, which is intentionally
fractured at a given point so that it can
be sprung apart to enable the inner ring
to be inserted (➔ fig 1 ). The bearings
are therefore non-separable and easy
to handle.
The surfaces are manganese phos-
phated and the sliding contact surface
also treated with a running-in lubricant.
This makes the bearings wear resistant
and easy to run-in. To facilitate effect-
ive lubrication, all bearings – except
some small sizes – have an annular
groove and two lubrication holes in
both outer and inner rings. Addition-
ally, bearings with an outside diameter
of 150 mm and above also have the
“multi-groove system” (➔ page 6) in
the outer ring sliding contact surface
as standard (➔ fig 2 ).
With the multi-groove system SKF
has the answer to lubricant starvation
in steel-on-steel bearings, which is
otherwise prevalent where the bear-
ings have to perform minor alignment
movements under heavy constant
direction loads.
The multi-groove system (➔ fig 3 )
improves lubricant distribution in the
heavy loaded zone and thus extends
the service life and/or maintenance

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ................ 4 Page .............. 16 Radial spherical plain bearings
requiring maintenance

Dimensions Tolerances
The dimensions of spherical plain bear- The tolerances to which metric radial
ings of series GE, GEH and GEG con- spherical plain bearings are made are
form to ISO 12240-1:1998. given in Table 1 and those of inch-
Bearings with cylindrical extensions size bearings are given in Table 2 on
to the inner ring, series GEM, have page 60. Outer ring tolerances apply
a non-standard inner ring width but to conditions before fracture and sur-
otherwise have the dimensions of face treatment. Acccordingly, inner
series GE bearings. ring tolerances apply to rings before
The dimensions of spherical plain surface treatment.
bearings with inch dimensions, series The tolerances are in accordance
GEZ, conform to the American Stand- with ISO 12240-1:1998 (metric) and
ard ANSI/ABMA Std. 22.2-1988. ANSI/ABMA Std. 22.2-1988 (inch-size
The symbols used in the tolerance
tables are explained in the following.
d nominal bore diameter
∆dmp deviation of the mean bore
diameter from the nominal
D nominal outside diameter
∆Dmp deviation of the mean outside
diameter from the nominal
∆Bs deviation of single inner ring
width from the nominal
∆Cs deviation of single outer ring
width from the nominal

Heavy-duty spherical plain bearing with

Outer ring with multi-groove lubrication multi-groove lubrication system and LS
Insertion of inner ring into outer ring system in heavy duty ESL design seals

Fig 1 Fig 2 Fig 3

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ................ 4 Page .............. 16 Radial spherical plain bearings
requiring maintenance
Tolerances of Table 1
metric bearings
Nominal Series GE, GEH, GEM Series GEG All series
diameter Inner ring Inner ring Outer ring

d, D ∆dmp ∆Bs ∆dmp ∆Bs ∆Dmp ∆Cs

over incl. high low high low high low high low high low high low

mm µm µm µm µm µm µm

6 0 –8 0 –120 – – – – – – – –
6 10 0 –8 0 –120 – – – – 0 –8 0 –240
10 18 0 –8 0 –120 +18 0 0 –180 0 –8 0 –240

18 30 0 –10 0 –120 +21 0 0 –210 0 –9 0 –240

30 50 0 –12 0 –120 +25 0 0 –250 0 –11 0 –240
50 80 0 –15 0 –150 +30 0 0 –300 0 –13 0 –300

80 120 0 –20 0 –200 +35 0 0 –350 0 –15 0 –400

120 150 0 –25 0 –250 +40 0 0 –400 0 –18 0 –500
150 180 0 –25 0 –250 +40 0 0 –400 0 –25 0 –500

180 250 0 –30 0 –300 +46 0 0 –460 0 –30 0 –600

250 315 0 –35 0 –350 – – – – 0 –35 0 –700
315 400 – – – – – – – – 0 –40 0 –800

400 500 – – – – – – – – 0 –45 0 –900

Tolerances of Table 2
inch-size bearings
Nominal diameter Inner ring Outer ring

d, D ∆dmp ∆Bs ∆Dmp ∆Cs

over incl. high low high low high low high low

mm µm µm µm µm

50,8 0 –13 0 –130 0 –13 0 –130

50,8 76,2 0 –15 0 –130 0 –15 0 –130
76,2 80,962 0 –20 0 –130 0 –15 0 –130

80,962 120,65 0 –20 0 –130 0 –20 0 –130

120,65 152,4 0 –25 0 –130 0 –25 0 –130
152,4 177,8 – – – – 0 –25 0 –130

177,8 222,25 – – – – 0 –30 0 –130

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ................ 4 Page .............. 16 Radial spherical plain bearings
requiring maintenance

Radial internal clearance Table 3

Steel-on-steel spherical plain bearings Bore diameter Radial internal clearance
are produced with Normal radial intern- d C2 Normal C3
over incl. min max min max min max
al clearance as standard; the actual val-
ues are shown in Table 3 . The avail- mm µm
ability of bearings with radial internal
clearance smaller than Normal, C2, or Metric bearings1)
greater than Normal, C3, should be
checked before ordering. 12 8 32 32 68 68 104
12 20 10 40 40 82 82 124
The clearance values for the metric 20 35 12 50 50 100 100 150
bearings conform to ISO 12240-1:1998. 35 60 15 60 60 120 120 180

60 90 18 72 72 142 142 212

Materials 90 140 18 85 85 165 165 245
The inner and outer rings of SKF steel- 140 200 18 100 100 192 192 284
on-steel radial spherical plain bearings 200 240 18 110 110 214 214 318
are made of through-hardened steel, 240 300 18 125 125 239 239 353
ground and phosphated. The sliding 3.1
contact surfaces are treated with a Inch-size bearings
running-in lubricant.
15,875 15 75 50 150 150 200
The double-lip rubbing seals of met- 15,875 50,800 25 105 80 180 180 260
ric bearings with designation suffix 2RS
are made of polyester elastomer. Poly- 50,800 76,200 30 130 100 200 200 300
76,200 152,400 40 160 130 230 230 350
urethane is used for the seals of the
inch-size bearings.
Bearings with designation suffix 2LS
have a triple lip elastomer seal, with a
steel backing, on each side of the
Bearings of series GEH with bore diameter d = 20, 35, 60 and 90 mm have a radial internal clearance
bearing. corresponding to the values quoted for the next larger diameter range

Permissible operating temperature

Radial internal clearance of steel-on-steel spherical plain bearings
Steel-on steel spherical plain bearings
can be used in the temperature range
of –50 to +300 °C, but their load carry-
ing capacity will be reduced at tempera-
tures above +150 °C.
For sealed bearings, the permissible
operating temperature range is limited
by the seal material,

for 2RS seals

• –30 to +130 °C for polyester elasto-

mer (metric bearings), and
• –20 to +80 °C for polyurethane (inch-
size bearings),

for 2LS seals

• –25 to +120 °C for metric bearings.

The operating temperature range for

the actual grease used to lubricate the
bearings must also be taken into con-

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ................ 4 Page .............. 16 Steel-on-steel spherical
plain bearings
d 4 – 50 mm
B b α

r1 b1

D dk d

GE .. E GE .. ES GEH .. ES-2RS GE .. ES-2LS

Principal dimensions Angle Basic load ratings Mass Designation

of tilt1) dynamic static Standard Heavy duty2)
design design
d D B C α C C0

mm degrees kN kg –

4 12 5 3 16 2,04 10,2 0,003 GE 4 E –

5 14 6 4 13 3,4 17 0,004 GE 5 E –

6 14 6 4 13 3,4 17 0,004 GE 6 E –

8 16 8 5 15 5,5 27,5 0,008 GE 8 E –

10 19 9 6 12 8,15 40,5 0,012 GE 10 E –

12 22 10 7 10 10,8 54 0,017 GE 12 E –

15 26 12 9 8 17 85 0,032 GE 15 ES –
26 12 9 8 17 85 0,032 GE 15 ES-2RS –

17 30 14 10 10 21,2 106 0,050 GE 17 ES –

30 14 10 10 21,2 106 0,050 GE 17 ES-2RS –

20 35 16 12 9 30 146 0,065 GE 20 ES –
35 16 12 9 30 146 0,065 GE 20 ES-2RS –
42 25 16 17 48 240 0,16 GEH 20 ES-2RS –

25 42 20 16 7 48 240 0,12 GE 25 ES –
42 20 16 7 48 240 0,12 GE 25 ES-2RS –
47 28 18 17 62 310 0,20 GEH 25 ES-2RS GEH 25 ES-2LS

30 47 22 18 6 62 310 0,16 GE 30 ES –
47 22 18 6 62 310 0,16 GE 30 ES-2RS GE 30 ES-2LS
55 32 20 17 80 400 0,35 GEH 30 ES-2RS GEH 30 ES-2LS

35 55 25 20 6 80 400 0,23 GE 35 ES –
55 25 20 6 80 400 0,23 GE 35 ES-2RS GE 35 ES-2LS
62 35 22 15 100 500 0,47 GEH 35 ES-2RS GEH 35 ES-2LS

40 62 28 22 7 100 500 0,32 GE 40 ES –

62 28 22 6 100 500 0,32 GE 40 ES-2RS GE 40 ES-2LS
68 40 25 17 127 640 0,61 GEH 40 ES-2RS GEH 40 ES-2LS

45 68 32 25 7 127 640 0,46 GE 45 ES –

68 32 25 7 127 640 0,46 GE 45 ES-2RS GE 45 ES-2LS
75 43 28 14 156 780 0,80 GEH 45 ES-2RS GEH 45 ES-2LS

50 75 35 28 6 156 780 0,56 GE 50 ES –

75 35 28 6 156 780 0,56 GE 50 ES-2RS GE 50 ES-2LS
90 56 36 17 245 1 220 1,60 GEH 50 ES-2RS GEH 50 ES-2LS

To fully utilize the angle of tilt, the shaft shoulder should not be made larger than da max
Bearings with outside diameter ≥ 150 mm have the multi-groove lubrication system in the outer ring as standard (➔ page 6)
Bearings with outside diameter < 150 mm can also be supplied with multi-groove features; the designation then becomes GE .. ESL-2LS

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
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Da da Da

Dimensions Abutment and fillet dimensions

d dk b b1 M r1 r2 da da Da Da ra rb
min min min max max min max max

mm mm

4 8 – – – 0,3 0,3 5,5 6,2 10,7 7,6 0,3 0,3

5 10 – – – 0,3 0,3 6,6 8 12,6 9,5 0,3 0,3

6 10 – – – 0,3 0,3 7,5 8 12,6 9,5 0,3 0,3

8 13 – – – 0,3 0,3 9,6 10,2 14,5 12,3 0,3 0,3

10 16 – – – 0,3 0,3 11,7 13,2 17,5 15,2 0,3 0,3

12 18 – – – 0,3 0,3 13,8 15 20,4 17,1 0,3 0,3

15 22 2,3 2,3 1,5 0,3 0,3 16,9 18,4 24,3 20,9 0,3 0,3
22 2,3 2,3 1,5 0,3 0,3 16,9 18,4 24,3 22,8 0,3 0,3

17 25 2,3 2,3 1,5 0,3 0,3 19 20,7 28,3 23,7 0,3 0,3
25 2,3 2,3 1,5 0,3 0,3 19 20,7 28,3 26 0,3 0,3

20 29 3,1 3,1 2 0,3 0,3 22,1 24,2 33,2 27,6 0,3 0,3
29 3,1 3,1 2 0,3 0,3 22,1 24,2 33,2 30,9 0,3 0,3
35,5 3,1 3,1 2 0,3 0,6 22,7 25,2 39,2 36,9 0,3 0,6

25 35,5 3,1 3,1 2 0,6 0,6 28,2 29,3 39,2 33,7 0,6 0,6
35,5 3,1 3,1 2 0,6 0,6 28,2 29,3 39,2 36,9 0,6 0,6
40,7 3,1 3,1 2 0,6 0,6 28,6 29,5 44 41,3 0,6 0,6

30 40,7 3,1 3,1 2 0,6 0,6 33,3 34,2 44 38,7 0,6 0,6
40,7 3,1 3,1 2 0,6 0,6 33,3 34,2 44 41,3 0,6 0,6
47 3,9 3,9 2,5 0,6 1 33,7 34,4 50,9 48,5 0,6 1

35 47 3,9 3,9 2,5 0,6 1 38,5 39,8 50,9 44,6 0,6 1

47 3,9 3,9 2,5 0,6 1 38,5 39,8 50,9 48,5 0,6 1
53 3,9 3,9 2,5 0,6 1 38,8 39,8 57,8 54,5 0,6 1

40 53 3,9 3,9 2,5 0,6 1 43,6 45 57,8 50,3 0,6 1

53 3,9 3,9 2,5 0,6 1 43,6 45 57,8 54,5 0,6 1
60 4,6 4,6 3 0,6 1 44,1 44,7 63,6 61 0,6 1

45 60 4,6 4,6 3 0,6 1 49,4 50,8 63,6 57 0,6 1

60 4,6 4,6 3 0,6 1 49,4 50,8 63,6 61 0,6 1
66 4,6 4,6 3 0,6 1 49,8 50,1 70,5 66,2 0,6 1

50 66 4,6 4,6 3 0,6 1 54,6 56 70,5 62,7 0,6 1

66 4,6 4,6 3 0,6 1 54,6 56 70,5 66,2 0,6 1
80 6,2 6,2 4 0,6 1 55,8 57,1 84,2 79,7 0,6 1

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ................ 4 Page .............. 16 Steel-on-steel spherical
plain bearings
d 60 – 300 mm
B b
M α


D dk d

GE .. ES GEH .. ES-2RS GE .. ES-2LS

Principal dimensions Angle Basic load ratings Mass Designation

of tilt1) dynamic static Standard Heavy duty2)
design design
d D B C α C C0

mm degrees kN kg –

60 90 44 36 6 245 1 220 1,10 GE 60 ES –

90 44 36 6 245 1 220 1,10 GE 60 ES-2RS GE 60 ES-2LS
105 63 40 17 315 1 560 2,40 GEH 60 ES-2RS GEH 60 ES-2LS

70 105 49 40 6 315 1 560 1,55 GE 70 ES –

105 49 40 6 315 1 560 1,55 GE 70 ES-2RS GE 70 ES-2LS
120 70 45 16 400 2 000 3,40 GEH 70 ES-2RS GEH 70 ES-2LS

80 120 55 45 6 400 2 000 2,30 GE 80 ES –

120 55 45 5 400 2 000 2,30 GE 80 ES-2RS GE 80 ES-2LS
130 75 50 14 490 2 450 4,10 GEH 80 ES-2RS GEH 80 ES-2LS

90 130 60 50 5 490 2 450 2,75 GE 90 ES –

130 60 50 5 490 2 450 2,75 GE 90 ES-2RS GE 90 ES-2LS
150 85 55 15 610 3 050 6,30 GEH 90 ES-2RS GEH 90 ES-2LS

100 150 70 55 7 610 3 050 4,40 GE 100 ES –

150 70 55 6 610 3 050 4,40 GE 100 ES-2RS GE 100 ES-2LS
160 85 55 13 655 3 250 6,80 GEH 100 ES-2RS GEH 100 ES-2LS

110 160 70 55 6 655 3 250 4,80 GE 110 ES –

160 70 55 6 655 3 250 4,80 GE 110 ES-2RS GE 110 ES-2LS
180 100 70 12 950 4 750 11,0 GEH 110 ES-2RS GEH 110 ES-2LS

120 180 85 70 6 950 4 750 8,25 GE 120 ES –

180 85 70 6 950 4 750 8,25 GE 120 ES-2RS GE 120 ES-2LS
210 115 70 16 1 080 5 400 15,0 GEH 120 ES-2RS –

140 210 90 70 7 1 080 5 400 11,0 GE 140 ES –

210 90 70 7 1 080 5 400 11,0 GE 140 ES-2RS –

160 230 105 80 8 1 370 6 800 14,0 GE 160 ES –

230 105 80 8 1 370 6 800 14,0 GE 160 ES-2RS –

180 260 105 80 6 1 530 7 650 18,5 GE 180 ES –

260 105 80 6 1 530 7 650 18,5 GE 180 ES-2RS –

200 290 130 100 7 2 120 10 600 28,0 GE 200 ES –

290 130 100 7 2 120 10 600 28,0 GE 200 ES-2RS –

220 320 135 100 8 2 320 11 600 35,5 GE 220 ES-2RS –

240 340 140 100 8 2 550 12 700 40,0 GE 240 ES-2RS –

260 370 150 110 7 3 050 15 300 51,5 GE 260 ES-2RS –

280 400 155 120 6 3 550 18 000 65,0 GE 280 ES-2RS –

300 430 165 120 7 3 800 19 000 78,5 GE 300 ES-2RS –

To fully utilize the angle of tilt, the shaft shoulder should not be made larger than da max
Bearings with outside diameter ≥ 150 mm have the multi-groove lubrication system in the outer ring as standard (➔ page 6)
Bearings with outside diameter < 150 mm can also be supplied with multi-groove features; the designation then becomes GE .. ESL-2LS

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
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Da da Da

Dimensions Abutment and fillet dimensions

d dk b b1 M r1 r2 da da Da Da ra rb
min min min max max min max max

mm mm

60 80 6,2 6,2 4 1 1 66,4 66,8 84,2 76 1 1

80 6,2 6,2 4 1 1 66,4 66,8 84,2 79,7 1 1
92 7,7 7,7 4 1 1 67 67 99 92 1 1

70 92 7,7 7,7 4 1 1 76,7 77,9 99 87,4 1 1

92 7,7 7,7 4 1 1 76,7 77,9 99 92 1 1
105 7,7 7,7 4 1 1 77,5 78,3 113,8 104,4 1 1

80 105 7,7 7,7 4 1 1 87,1 89,4 113,8 99,7 1 1

105 7,7 7,7 4 1 1 87,1 89,4 113,8 104,4 1 1
115 9,5 9,5 5 1 1 87,2 87,2 123,5 112,9 1 1

90 115 9,5 9,5 5 1 1 97,4 98,1 123,5 109,3 1 1

115 9,5 9,5 5 1 1 97,4 98,1 123,5 112,9 1 1
130 11,3 11,3 5 1 1 98,2 98,4 143,2 131 1 1

100 130 11,3 11,3 5 1 1 107,8 109,5 143,2 123,5 1 1

130 11,3 11,3 5 1 1 107,8 109,5 143,2 131 1 1
140 11,5 11,5 5 1 1 108,1 111,2 153,3 141,5 1 1

110 140 11,5 11,5 5 1 1 118 121 153 133 1 1

140 11,5 11,5 5 1 1 118 121 153 141,5 1 1
160 13,5 13,5 6 1 1 119,5 124,5 172 157,5 1 1

120 160 13,5 13,5 6 1 1 129,5 135,5 172 152 1 1

160 13,5 13,5 6 1 1 129,5 135,5 172 157,5 1 1
180 13,5 13,5 6 1 1 130 138,5 202,5 180 1 1

140 180 13,5 13,5 6 1 1 149 155,5 202,5 171 1 1

180 13,5 13,5 6 1 1 149 155,5 202,5 180 1 1

160 200 13,5 13,5 6 1 1 169,5 170 222 190 1 1

200 13,5 13,5 6 1 1 169,5 170 222 197 1 1

180 225 13,5 13,5 6 1,1 1,1 191 199 250,5 214 1 1
225 13,5 13,5 6 1,1 1,1 191 199 250,5 224,5 1 1

200 250 15,5 15,5 7 1,1 1,1 212,5 213,5 279,5 237,5 1 1
250 15,5 15,5 7 1,1 1,1 212,5 213,5 279,5 244,5 1 1

220 275 15,5 15,5 7 1,1 1,1 232,5 239,5 309,5 271 1 1

240 300 15,5 15,5 7 1,1 1,1 252,5 265 329,5 298 1 1

260 325 15,5 15,5 7 1,1 1,1 273 288 359 321,5 1 1

280 350 15,5 15,5 7 1,1 1,1 294 313,5 388,5 344,5 1 1

300 375 15,5 15,5 7 1,1 1,1 314 336,5 418,5 371 1 1

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ................ 4 Page .............. 16 Steel-on-steel spherical
plain bearings, inch sizes
d 0,5 – 2,5 in
B b
M α

r1 b1

D dk d


Principal dimensions Angle Basic load ratings Mass Designation

of tilt1) dynamic static

d D B C α C C0

mm/in degrees kN kg –

12,700 22,225 11,100 9,525 6 14 41,5 0,020 GEZ 008 ES

0,5000 0,8750 0,4370 0,3750
15,875 26,988 13,894 11,913 6 21,6 65,5 0,035 GEZ 010 ES
0,6250 1,0625 0,5470 0,4690
19,050 31,750 16,662 14,275 6 31,5 93 0,055 GEZ 012 ES
0,7500 1,2500 0,6560 0,5620
22,225 36,513 19,431 16,662 6 42,5 127 0,085 GEZ 014 ES
0,8750 1,4375 0,7650 0,6560
25,400 41,275 22,225 19,050 6 56 166 0,12 GEZ 100 ES
1,0000 1,6250 0,8750 0,7500
41,275 22,225 19,050 6 56 166 0,12 GEZ 100 ES-2RS
1,6250 0,8750 0,7500
31,750 50,800 27,762 23,800 6 86,5 260 0,23 GEZ 104 ES
1,2500 2,0000 1,0930 0,9370
50,800 27,762 23,800 6 86,5 260 0,23 GEZ 104 ES-2RS
2,0000 1,0930 0,9370
34,925 55,563 30,150 26,187 5 104 310 0,35 GEZ 106 ES
1,3750 2,1875 1,1870 1,0310
55,563 30,150 26,187 5 104 310 0,35 GEZ 106 ES-2RS
2,1875 1,1870 1,0310
38,100 61,913 33,325 28,575 6 125 375 0,42 GEZ 108 ES
1,5000 2,4375 1,3120 1,1250
61,913 33,325 28,575 6 125 375 0,42 GEZ 108 ES-2RS
2,4375 1,3120 1,1250
44,450 71,438 38,887 33,325 6 170 510 0,64 GEZ 112 ES
1,7500 2,8125 1,5310 1,3120
71,438 38,887 33,325 6 170 510 0,64 GEZ 112 ES-2RS
2,8125 1,5310 1,3120
50,800 80,963 44,450 38,100 6 224 670 0,93 GEZ 200 ES
2,0000 3,1875 1,7500 1,5000
80,963 44,450 38,100 6 224 670 0,93 GEZ 200 ES-2RS
3,1875 1,7500 1,5000
57,150 90,488 50,013 42,850 6 280 850 1,30 GEZ 204 ES
2,2500 3,5625 1,9690 1,6870
90,488 50,013 42,850 6 280 850 1,30 GEZ 204 ES-2RS
3,5625 1,9690 1,6870
63,500 100,013 55,550 47,625 6 345 1 040 1,85 GEZ 208 ES
2,5000 3,9375 2,1870 1,8750
100,013 55,550 47,625 6 345 1 040 1,85 GEZ 208 ES-2RS
3,9375 2,1870 1,8750
To fully utilize the angle of tilt, the shaft shoulder should not be made larger than da max

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
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Da da Da

Dimensions Abutment and fillet dimensions

d dk b b1 M r1 r2 da da Da Da ra rb
min min min max max min max max

mm/in mm/in

12,700 18,263 2,6 2,5 1,5 0,15 0,6 13,7 14,5 19,9 17,3 0,15 0,6
0,5000 0,719 0,102 0,098 0,059 0,006 0,024 0,539 0,571 0,783 0,681 0,006 0,024
15,875 22,835 3,2 3 2,5 0,15 1 17 18,1 23,6 21,7 0,15 1
0,6250 0,899 0,126 0,118 0,098 0,006 0,039 0,669 0,713 0,929 0,854 0,006 0,039
19,050 27,432 3,2 3 2,5 0,3 1 20,9 21,8 28,3 26,1 0,3 1
0,7500 1,080 0,126 0,118 0,098 0,012 0,039 0,823 0,858 1,114 1,028 0,012 0,039
22,225 31,953 3,2 3 2,5 0,3 1 24,2 25,4 33 30,4 0,3 1
0,8750 1,258 0,126 0,118 0,098 0,012 0,039 0,953 1,000 1,299 1,197 0,012 0,039
25,400 36,5 3,2 3 2,5 0,3 1 27,5 29 37,7 34,7 0,3 1
1,0000 1,437 0,126 0,118 0,098 0,012 0,039 1,083 1,142 1,484 1,366 0,012 0,039
36,5 3,2 3 2,5 0,3 1 27,5 29 37,7 35,2 0,3 1
1,437 0,126 0,118 0,098 0,012 0,039 1,083 1,142 1,484 1,386 0,012 0,039
31,750 45,593 4,8 5 4 0,6 1 34,8 36,2 47 43,3 0,6 1
1,2500 1,795 0,189 0,197 0,158 0,024 0,039 1,370 1,425 1,850 1,705 0,024 0,039
45,593 4,8 5 4 0,6 1 34,8 36,2 47 44,8 0,6 1
1,795 0,189 0,197 0,158 0,024 0,039 1,370 1,425 1,850 1,764 0,024 0,039
34,925 49,2 4,8 5 4 0,6 1 38,1 38,9 51,7 46,7 0,6 1
1,3750 1,937 0,189 0,197 0,158 0,024 0,039 1,500 1,531 2,035 1,839 0,024 0,039
49,2 4,8 5 4 0,6 1 38,1 38,9 51,7 47,1 0,6 1
1,937 0,189 0,197 0,158 0,024 0,039 1,500 1,531 2,035 1,854 0,024 0,039
38,100 54,737 4,8 5 4 0,6 1 41,4 43,4 58 52 0,6 1
1,5000 2,155 0,189 0,197 0,158 0,024 0,039 1,630 1,709 2,283 2,047 0,024 0,039
54,737 4,8 5 4 0,6 1 41,4 43,4 58 52,3 0,6 1
2,155 0,189 0,197 0,158 0,024 0,039 1,630 1,709 2,283 2,059 0,024 0,039
44,450 63,881 4,8 5 4 0,6 1 48,5 50,7 67,4 60,7 0,6 1
1,7500 2,515 0,189 0,197 0,158 0,024 0,039 1,909 1,996 2,654 2,390 0,024 0,039
63,881 4,8 5 4 0,6 1 48,5 50,7 67,4 61,3 0,6 1
2,515 0,189 0,197 0,158 0,024 0,039 1,909 1,996 2,654 2,413 0,024 0,039
50,800 73,025 4,8 5 4 0,6 1 55,1 57,9 75,9 69,4 0,6 1
2,0000 2,875 0,189 0,197 0,158 0,024 0,039 2,169 2,280 2,988 2,732 0,024 0,039
73,025 4,8 5 4 0,6 1 55,1 57,9 75,9 69,1 0,6 1
2,875 0,189 0,197 0,158 0,024 0,039 2,169 2,280 2,988 2,720 0,024 0,039
57,150 82,169 5,7 5 4 0,6 1 61,7 65,2 85,3 78,1 0,6 1
2,2500 3,235 0,224 0,197 0,158 0,024 0,039 2,429 2,567 3,358 3,075 0,024 0,039
82,169 5,7 5 4 0,6 1 61,7 65,2 85,3 79 0,6 1
3,235 0,224 0,197 0,158 0,024 0,039 2,429 2,567 3,358 3,110 0,024 0,039
63,500 91,186 9 8 6,5 0,6 1 68,3 72,3 94,7 86,6 0,6 1
2,5000 3,590 0,354 0,315 0,256 0,024 0,039 2,689 2,846 3,728 3,409 0,024 0,039
91,186 9 8 6,5 0,6 1 68,3 72,3 94,7 87 0,6 1
3,590 0,354 0,315 0,256 0,024 0,039 2,689 2,846 3,728 3,425 0,024 0,039

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ................ 4 Page .............. 16 Steel-on-steel spherical
plain bearings, inch sizes
d 2,75 – 6 in
B b
M α

r1 b1

D dk d


Principal dimensions Angel Basic load ratings Mass Designation

of tilt1) dynamic static

d D B C α C C0

mm/in degrees kN kg –

69,850 111,125 61,112 52,375 6 425 1 270 2,40 GEZ 212 ES

2,7500 4,3750 2,4060 2,0620
111,125 61,112 52,375 6 425 1 270 2,40 GEZ 212 ES-2RS
4,3750 2,4060 2,0620
76,200 120,650 66,675 57,150 6 500 1 500 3,10 GEZ 300 ES
3,0000 4,7500 2,6250 2,2500
120,650 66,675 57,150 6 500 1 500 3,10 GEZ 300 ES-2RS
4,7500 2,6250 2,2500
82,550 130,175 72,238 61,900 6 585 1 760 3,80 GEZ 304 ES
3,2500 5,1250 2,8440 2,4370
130,175 72,238 61,900 6 585 1 760 3,80 GEZ 304 ES-2RS
5,1250 2,8440 2,4370
88,900 139,700 77,775 66,675 6 680 2 040 4,80 GEZ 308 ES
3,5000 5,5000 3,0620 2,6250
139,700 77,775 66,675 6 680 2 040 4,80 GEZ 308 ES-2RS
5,5000 3,0620 2,6250
95,250 149,225 83,337 71,425 6 780 2 360 5,80 GEZ 312 ES
3,7500 5,8750 3,2810 2,8120
149,225 83,337 71,425 6 780 2 360 5,80 GEZ 312 ES-2RS
5,8750 3,2810 2,8120
101,600 158,750 88,900 76,200 6 900 2 650 7,00 GEZ 400 ES
4,0000 6,2500 3,5000 3,0000
158,750 88,900 76,200 6 900 2 650 7,00 GEZ 400 ES-2RS
6,2500 3,5000 3,0000
114,300 177,800 100 85,725 6 1 120 3 400 9,80 GEZ 408 ES
4,5000 7,0000 3,9370 3,3750
177,800 100 85,725 6 1 120 3 400 9,80 GEZ 408 ES-2RS
7,0000 3,9370 3,3750
120,650 187,325 105,562 90,475 6 1 250 3 750 11,5 GEZ 412 ES
4,7500 7,3750 4,1560 3,5620
187,325 105,562 90,475 6 1 250 3 750 11,5 GEZ 412 ES-2RS
7,3750 4,1560 3,5620
127 196,850 111,125 95,250 6 1 400 4 150 13,5 GEZ 500 ES
5,0000 7,7500 4,3750 3,7500
196,850 111,125 95,250 6 1 400 4 150 13,5 GEZ 500 ES-2RS
7,7500 4,3750 3,7500
152,400 222,250 120,650 104,775 5 1 730 5 200 17,5 GEZ 600 ES
6,0000 8,7500 4,7500 4,1250
222,250 120,650 104,775 5 1 730 5 200 17,5 GEZ 600 ES-2RS
8,7500 4,7500 4,1250

To fully utilize the angle of tilt, the shaft shoulder should not be made larger than da max

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
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Da da Da

Dimensions Abutment and fillet dimensions

d dk b b1 M r1 r2 da da Da Da ra rb
min min min max max min max max

mm/in mm/in

69,850 100,330 9 8 6,5 0,6 1 74,9 79,6 105,7 95,3 0,6 1

2,7500 3,950 0,354 0,315 0,256 0,024 0,039 2,949 3,134 4,161 3,752 0,024 0,039
100,330 9 8 6,5 0,6 1 74,9 79,6 105,7 96 0,6 1
3,950 0,354 0,315 0,256 0,024 0,039 2,949 3,134 4,161 3,780 0,024 0,039
76,200 109,525 9 8 6,5 0,6 1 81,4 86,9 115 104 0,6 1
3,0000 4,312 0,354 0,315 0,256 0,024 0,039 3,205 3,421 4,528 4,094 0,024 0,039
109,525 9 8 6,5 0,6 1 81,4 86,9 115 104,8 0,6 1
4,312 0,354 0,315 0,256 0,024 0,039 3,205 3,421 4,528 4,126 0,024 0,039
82,550 118,745 9,3 8 6,5 0,6 1 88 94,2 124,4 112,8 0,6 1
3,2500 4,675 0,366 0,315 0,256 0,024 0,039 3,465 3,709 4,898 4,441 0,024 0,039
118,745 9,3 8 6,5 0,6 1 88 94,2 124,4 114,2 0,6 1
4,675 0,366 0,315 0,256 0,024 0,039 3,465 3,709 4,898 4,496 0,024 0,039
88,900 128,016 10,5 8 6,5 0,6 1 94,6 101,7 133,8 121,6 0,6 1
3,5000 5,040 0,413 0,315 0,256 0,024 0,039 3,724 4,004 5,268 4,787 0,024 0,039
128,016 10,5 8 6,5 0,6 1 94,6 101,7 133,8 122,8 0,6 1
5,040 0,413 0,315 0,256 0,024 0,039 3,724 4,004 5,268 4,835 0,024 0,039
95,250 136,906 10,5 8 6,5 0,6 1 101,2 108,6 143,1 130,1 0,6 1
3,7500 5,390 0,413 0,315 0,256 0,024 0,039 3,984 4,276 5,634 5,122 0,024 0,039
136,906 10,5 8 6,5 0,6 1 101,2 108,6 143,1 131,4 0,6 1
5,390 0,413 0,315 0,256 0,024 0,039 3,984 4,276 5,634 5,173 0,024 0,039
101,600 146,050 10,5 10 8 0,6 1 108 115,5 152,5 139 0,6 1
4,0000 5,750 0,413 0,394 0,315 0,024 0,039 4,252 4,547 6,004 5,472 0,024 0,039
146,050 10,5 10 8 0,6 1 108 115,5 152,5 139,5 0,6 1
5,750 0,413 0,394 0,315 0,024 0,039 4,252 4,547 6,004 5,492 0,024 0,039
114,300 164,465 11 10 8 1 1,1 122,5 130,5 171 156,5 1 1
4,5000 6,475 0,433 0,394 0,315 0,039 0,043 4,823 5,138 6,732 6,161 0,039 0,039
164,465 11 10 8 1 1,1 122,5 130,5 171 157 1 1
6,475 0,433 0,394 0,315 0,039 0,043 4,823 5,138 6,732 6,181 0,039 0,039
120,650 173,355 11 10 8 1 1,1 129 137,5 179 165 1 1
4,7500 6,825 0,433 0,394 0,315 0,039 0,043 5,079 5,413 7,047 6,496 0,039 0,039
173,355 11 10 8 1 1,1 129 137,5 179 166,5 1 1
6,825 0,433 0,394 0,315 0,039 0,043 5,079 5,413 7,047 6,555 0,039 0,039
127 182,626 11 10 8 1 1,1 135,5 144,5 188,5 173,5 1 1
5,0000 7,190 0,433 0,394 0,315 0,039 0,043 5,335 5,689 7,421 6,831 0,039 0,039
182,626 11 10 8 1 1,1 135,5 144,5 188,5 175,5 1 1
7,190 0,433 0,394 0,315 0,039 0,043 5,335 5,689 7,421 6,909 0,039 0,039
152,400 207,162 15 11 8 1 1,1 161 168 213,5 197 1 1
6,0000 8,156 0,591 0,433 0,315 0,039 0,043 6,339 6,614 8,406 7,756 0,039 0,039
207,162 15 11 8 1 1,1 161 168 213,5 197,5 1 1
8,156 0,591 0,433 0,315 0,039 0,043 6,339 6,614 8,406 7,776 0,039 0,039

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ................ 4 Page .............. 16 Steel-on-steel spherical
plain bearings
with extended inner ring
B b α d 12 – 200 mm

r1 b1

D dk d d1


Principal dimensions Angle Basic load ratings Mass Designation1)

of tilt dynamic static

d D B C α C C0

mm degrees kN kg –

12 22 12 7 4 10,8 54 0,020 GEG 12 ESA2)

16 28 16 9 4 17,6 88 0,035 GEG 16 ES

20 35 20 12 4 30 146 0,070 GEG 20 ES

35 24 12 6 30 146 0,073 GEM 20 ES-2RS

25 42 25 16 4 48 240 0,13 GEG 25 ES

42 29 16 4 48 240 0,13 GEM 25 ES-2RS

30 47 30 18 4 62 310 0,17 GEM 30 ES-2RS

32 52 32 18 4 65,5 325 0,17 GEG 32 ES

35 55 35 20 4 80 400 0,25 GEM 35 ES-2RS

40 62 38 22 4 100 500 0,35 GEM 40 ES-2RS

62 40 22 4 100 500 0,34 GEG 40 ES

45 68 40 25 4 127 640 0,49 GEM 45 ES-2RS

50 75 43 28 4 156 780 0,60 GEM 50 ES-2RS

75 50 28 4 156 780 0,56 GEG 50 ES

60 90 54 36 3 245 1 220 1,15 GEM 60 ES-2RS

63 95 63 36 4 255 1 270 1,25 GEG 63 ES

70 105 65 40 4 315 1 560 1,65 GEM 70 ES-2RS

80 120 74 45 4 400 2 000 2,50 GEM 80 ES-2RS

120 80 45 4 400 2 000 2,40 GEG 80 ES

100 150 100 55 4 610 3 050 4,80 GEG 100 ES

125 180 125 70 4 950 4 750 8,50 GEG 125 ES

160 230 160 80 4 1 370 6 800 16,5 GEG 160 ES

200 290 200 100 4 2 120 10 600 32,0 GEG 200 ES

Bearings with outside diameters  150 mm have the multi-groove lubrication system in the outer ring sliding contact surface as standard (➔ page 6)
Can only be relubricated via the outer ring

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
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Da da

Dimensions Abutment and fillet dimensions

d dk d1 b b1 M r1 r2 da da Da Da ra rb
min min min max max min max max

mm mm

12 18 15,5 2,3 – 1,5 0,3 0,3 14,5 15,5 20,4 17,1 0,3 0,3

16 23 20 2,3 2,3 1,5 0,3 0,3 18,7 20 26,3 21,9 0,3 0,3

20 29 25 3,1 3,1 2 0,3 0,3 23,1 25 33,2 27,6 0,3 0,3

29 24 3,1 3,1 2 0,3 0,3 23 24 33,2 30,9 0,3 0,3

25 35,5 30,5 3,1 3,1 2 0,6 0,6 29,2 30,5 39,2 33,7 0,6 0,6
35,5 29 3,1 3,1 2 0,3 0,6 28,3 29 39,2 36,9 0,3 0,6

30 40,7 34 3,1 3,1 2 0,3 0,6 33,5 34 44 41,3 0,3 0,6

32 43 38 3,9 3,9 2,5 0,6 1 36,3 38 48,1 40,9 0,6 1

35 47 40 3,9 3,9 2,5 0,6 1 38,8 40 50,9 48,5 0,6 1

40 53 45 3,9 3,9 2,5 0,6 1 44 45 57,8 54,5 0,6 1

53 46 3,9 3,9 2,5 0,6 1 44,8 46 57,8 50,3 0,6 1

45 60 52 4,6 4,6 3 0,6 1 49,6 52 63,6 61 0,6 1

50 66 57 4,6 4,6 3 0,6 1 54,8 57 70,5 66,2 0,6 1

66 57 4,6 4,6 3 0,6 1 55,9 57 70,5 62,7 0,6 1

60 80 68 6,2 6,2 4 0,6 1 65,4 68 84,2 79,7 0,6 1

63 83 71,5 6,2 6,2 4 1 1 69,7 71,5 89,2 78,9 1 1

70 92 78 7,7 7,7 4 0,6 1 75,7 78 99 92 0,6 1

80 105 90 7,7 7,7 4 0,6 1 86,1 90 113,8 104,4 0,6 1

105 91 7,7 7,7 4 1 1 88,7 91 113,8 99,7 1 1

100 130 113 11,3 11,3 5 1 1 110,1 113 143,2 123,5 1 1

125 160 138 13,5 13,5 6 1 1 136,5 138 172 152 1 1

160 200 177 13,5 13,5 6 1 1 172 177 222 190 1 1

200 250 221 15,5 15,5 7 1,1 1,1 213 221 279,5 237,5 1 1

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ................ 4 Page .............. 16 Maintenance-free radial spherical
plain bearings

Maintenance-free radial spherical

plain bearings
SKF maintenance-free spherical plain
bearings are produced in a variety of
designs and a wide range of sizes.
Three sliding contact surface combi-
nations are available:

• steel/sinter bronze composite,

suffix C
• steel/PTFE fabric, suffix TX
• steel/PTFE composite, suffix F

The different designs of SKF mainten-

ance-free spherical plain bearings are
presented in Matrix 1 . The designs
used depend on size and series, the
main differences being in the material
or in the design of the outer ring.

The materials for inner ring, outer ring,
sliding layer and, where applicable, for
the double-lip rubbing seals, are listed
in Matrix 1 . The sliding contact sur-
face of the inner rings of series GEC
and GEP bearings are coated with a
lithium base grease.

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
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plain bearings
Matrix 1

Sliding contact Steel/sinter bronze composite Steel/PTFE fabric Steel/PTFE composite

surface combi-
2 1

Liner 1 PTFE 1 PTFE fibres Glass fibre reinforced plastic

2 Tin bronze 2 Reinforcement fibres containing PTFE
3 Copper layer 3 Resin
4 Sheet steel backing 4 Backing

Inner ring C and CJ2 designs TXA and TXE designs Series GEP and GEC
Through hardened and ground Through hardened and ground Carbon chromium steel 100 Cr 6/
steel, sliding surface hard chro- steel, sliding surface hard chro- 1.3505, hardened, ground, sliding
mium plated and polished mium plated and polished surface of series GEP hard chro-
mium plated
TXG3E and TXG3A designs
Stainless steel X 46 Cr 13/1.4034,
hardened, ground, sliding surface
polished 3.2

Outer ring C design TXA and TXE designs Series GEP and GEC
Sinter bronze composite moulded Through hardened and ground Series GEP: unhardened heat
around the inner ring, with a butt steel treatable steel C35/1.0501,
joint TXA: split two-piece, held together ground, radially split. A liner of
by one or two steel bands glass fibre reinforced plastic con-
CJ2 design TXE: fractured at one point taining PTFE is glued in position in
Unhardened free cutting steel with each outer ring half.
sliding sleeve of sinter bronze TXG3A design
composite pressed around the Stainless steel X 46 Cr 13/1.4034, Series GEC: Unhardened heat
inner ring, without a butt joint. hardened, ground, split two-piece, treatable steel C35/1.0501,
held together by one steel band ground. With sliding discs made of
glass fibre reinforced plastic con-
TXGR design taining PTFE held by a cage made
d ≤ 17 mm: unhardened stainless of unhardened steel C35/1.0501,
steel X 22 CrNi 17/1.4057, pressed which is pinned and screwed
over the inner ring, no butt joint together with the outer ring.
d ≥ 20 mm: hardened stainless
steel X 46 Cr 13/1.4034, hardened,
ground, fractured at one position

Seals To order Bearings with designation suffix None

2RS or 2LS (depending on bearing
size) have double or triple lip seals
on both sides


Operating Permissible: –50 to +180 °C Bearings without seals: Permissible: –40 to +75 °C
temperature For short periods: to +280 °C Permissible: –50 to +150 °C For short periods: to +110 °C
range Sealed bearings:
Permissible: –30 to +130 °C RS
–25 to +120 °C LS
Reduced carrying Reduced carrying capacity above Reduced carrying capacity above
capacity above 80 °C 60 °C for both sealed and unsea- 50 °C
led bearings

Lubrication To enhance sealing and protect The bearings must not be Occasional relubrication is
against corrosion the free space in lubricated beneficial and extends service life
the housing may be filled with

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
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plain bearings

Dimensions Table 1
The dimensions of the maintenance- Nominal Inner ring Outer ring
free spherical plain bearings conform diameter
d, D ∆dmp ∆Bs ∆Dmp ∆Cs
to ISO 12240-1:1998.
over incl. high low high low high low high low
mm µm µm µm µm
The tolerances to which maintenance-
free radial spherical plain bearings are
made are given in Table 1 ; they are 18 0 –8 0 –120 0 –8 0 –240
18 30 0 –10 0 –120 0 –9 0 –240
in accordance to ISO 12240/1:1998. 30 50 0 –12 0 –120 0 –11 0 –240
The symbols used are explained in the
50 80 0 –15 0 –150 0 –13 0 –300
following. 80 120 0 –20 0 –200 0 –15 0 –400
120 150 0 –25 0 –250 0 –18 0 –500
d nominal bore diameter
150 180 0 –25 0 –250 0 –25 0 –500
∆dmp deviation of the mean bore 180 250 0 –30 0 –300 0 –30 0 –600
diameter from the nominal 250 315 0 –35 0 –350 0 –35 0 –700
D nominal outside diameter
315 400 0 –40 0 –400 0 –40 0 –800
∆Dmp deviation of the mean outside 400 500 0 –45 0 –450 0 –45 0 –900
diameter from the nominal 500 630 0 –50 0 –500 0 –50 0 –1 000
∆Bs deviation of single inner ring 630 800 0 –75 0 –750 0 –75 0 –1 100
width from the nominal 800 1 000 0 –100 0 –1 000 0 –100 0 –1 200
∆Cs deviation of single outer ring 1 000 1 250 0 –125 0 –1 250 0 –125 0 –1 300
width from the nominal 1 250 1 600 – – – – 0 –160 0 –1 600
1 600 2 000 – – – – 0 –200 0 –2 000
Radial internal clearance, preload
Maintenance free spherical plain bear-
ings with a bore diameter up to and
including 90 mm may have an internal
clearance or a slight preload (negative
clearance) because of their design.
Tolerances of maintenance-free radial bearings
For these bearings, therefore, only the
permissible maximum limit for bearing
clearance is given in the table, and
also only the permissible upper limit for
the frictional moment depending on the
preload in the circumferential direction Permissible operating temperature
under measuring load. range
The radial internal clearance and the The permissible operating temperature
upper limit of the permissible frictional range of maintenance-free spherical
moment of bearings with the sliding plain bearings depends on the sliding
contact surface combination steel/sin- contact surface combination and also
ter bronze composite and steel/PTFE on the polyester elastomer material of
fabric are given in Table 2 . The values the seals (➔ Matrix 1 ). However, if
for the clearance limits of bearings with the load carrying capacity of the bear-
the sliding contact surface combination ings is fully exploited the temperature
steel/PTFE composite are listed in range is narrowed. Under normal loads
Table 3 . it is possible to operate at temperatures
above the upper limit for brief periods.

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
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plain bearings
Internal clearance and frictional moment Table 2
of steel/sinter bronze composite and
steel/PTFE fabric bearings Bore diameter Series
d Internal Frictional Internal
clearance moment clearance
over incl. max max min max

mm µm Nm µm

12 28 0,15 – 50
12 17 35 0,25 – 50
17 20 35 0,25 – 50

20 30 44 0,40 – 50
30 35 53 0,75 – 50
35 40 53 0,75 – 50

40 45 53 0,75 – 50
45 50 53 0,75 – 50
50 60 53 0,75 – 50

60 70 – – – 50
70 90 – – – 50
90 140 – – 50 130

140 180 – – 50 140

180 300 – – 80 190

Internal clearance for steel/PTFE com- Table 3

posite bearings
Bore diameter Radial internal clearance
d Series GEP Series GEC
over incl. min max min max

mm µm

90 120 85 285 – –
120 220 100 355 – –
220 240 110 365 – –

240 280 110 380 – –

280 300 135 415 – –
300 360 135 490 135 600

360 380 135 490 135 630

380 400 135 510 135 630
400 480 145 540 145 640

480 500 145 570 145 640

500 600 160 610 160 670
600 630 160 640 160 670

630 670 170 670 170 690

670 750 170 670 170 760
750 800 170 700 170 760

800 950 195 770 195 800

950 1 000 195 820 195 800
1 000 1 250 – – 220 820

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ................ 4 Page .............. 16 Maintenance-free spherical plain
bearings with sliding contact surface
combination steel/sinter bronze
B α composite
C d 4 – 60 mm


D dk d

GE .. C GE .. CJ2 GEH .. C

Principal dimensions Angle Basic load ratings Mass Designation

of tilt1) dynamic static

d D B C α C C0

mm degrees kN kg –

4 12 5 3 16 2,16 5,4 0,003 GE 4 C

6 14 6 4 13 3,6 9 0,004 GE 6 C

8 16 8 5 15 5,85 14,6 0,008 GE 8 C

10 19 9 6 12 8,65 21,6 0,012 GE 10 C

22 12 7 18 11,4 28,5 0,020 GEH 10 C

12 22 10 7 10 11,4 28,5 0,017 GE 12 C

26 15 9 18 18 45 0,030 GEH 12 C

15 26 12 9 8 18 45 0,032 GE 15 C
30 16 10 16 22,4 56 0,050 GEH 15 C

17 30 14 10 10 22,4 56 0,050 GE 17 C
35 20 12 19 31,5 78 0,090 GEH 17 C

20 35 16 12 9 31,5 78 0,065 GE 20 C
42 25 16 17 51 127 0,16 GEH 20 C

25 42 20 16 7 51 127 0,12 GE 25 C
47 28 18 17 65,5 166 0,20 GEH 25 C

30 47 22 18 6 65,5 166 0,16 GE 30 C

35 55 25 20 6 80 200 0,23 GE 35 CJ2

40 62 28 22 7 100 250 0,32 GE 40 CJ2

45 68 32 25 7 127 320 0,46 GE 45 CJ2

50 75 35 28 6 156 390 0,56 GE 50 CJ2

60 90 44 36 6 245 610 1,10 GE 60 CJ2

To fully utilize the angle of tilt, the shaft shoulder should not be made larger than da max

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
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Da da

Dimensions Abutment and fillet dimensions

d dk r1 r2 da da Da Da ra rb
min min min max max min max max

mm mm
4 8 0,3 0,3 5,4 6,2 10,7 7,6 0,3 0,3

6 10 0,3 0,3 7,4 8 12,7 9,5 0,3 0,3

8 13 0,3 0,3 9,4 10,2 14,6 12,3 0,3 0,3

10 16 0,3 0,3 11,5 13,2 17,6 15,2 0,3 0,3

18 0,3 0,3 11,6 13,4 20,6 17,1 0,3 0,3

12 18 0,3 0,3 13,5 15 20,6 17,1 0,3 0,3

22 0,3 0,3 13,7 16,1 24,5 20,9 0,3 0,3

15 22 0,3 0,3 16,6 18,4 24,5 20,9 0,3 0,3

25 0,3 0,3 16,7 19,2 28,5 23,7 0,3 0,3

17 25 0,3 0,3 18,7 20,7 28,5 23,7 0,3 0,3

29 0,3 0,3 18,9 21 33,4 27,6 0,3 0,3

20 29 0,3 0,3 21,8 24,2 33,4 27,6 0,3 0,3

35,5 0,3 0,6 22,1 25,2 39,5 33,7 0,3 0,6

25 35,5 0,6 0,6 27,7 29,3 39,5 33,7 0,6 0,6

40,7 0,6 0,6 27,9 29,5 44,4 38,7 0,6 0,6

30 40,7 0,6 0,6 32,8 34,2 44,4 38,7 0,6 0,6

35 47 0,6 1 37,9 39,8 51,4 44,7 0,6 1

40 53 0,6 1 42,9 45 58,3 50,4 0,6 1

45 60 0,6 1 48,7 50,8 64,2 57 0,6 1

50 66 0,6 1 53,9 56 71,1 62,7 0,6 1

60 80 1 1 65,4 66,8 85,8 76 1 1

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ................ 4 Page .............. 16 Maintenance-free spherical plain
bearings with sliding contact surface
combination steel/PTFE fabric
B α d 12 – 140 mm


D dk d

GE .. TX GE .. TX(G3)E-2LS GE .. TX(G3)A-2LS(-2RS)

Principal dimensions Angle Basic load ratings Mass Designation

of tilt1) dynamic static

d D B C α C C0

mm degrees kN kg –

12 22 10 7 10 30 50 0,017 GE 12 TXGR

15 26 12 9 8 47,5 80 0,032 GE 15 TXGR

17 30 14 10 10 60 100 0,050 GE 17 TXGR

20 35 16 12 9 83 140 0,065 GE 20 TXG3E

25 42 20 16 7 137 228 0,12 GE 25 TXE-2LS

42 20 16 7 137 228 0,12 GE 25 TXG3E-2LS

30 47 22 18 6 176 290 0,16 GE 30 TXE-2LS

47 22 18 6 176 290 0,16 GE 30 TXG3E-2LS

35 55 25 20 6 224 375 0,23 GE 35 TXE-2LS

55 25 20 6 224 375 0,23 GE 35 TXG3E-2LS

40 62 28 22 6 280 465 0,32 GE 40 TXE-2LS

62 28 22 6 280 465 0,32 GE 40 TXG3E-2LS

45 68 32 25 7 360 600 0,46 GE 45 TXE-2LS

68 32 25 7 360 600 0,46 GE 45 TXG3E-2LS

50 75 35 28 6 440 735 0,56 GE 50 TXE-2LS

75 35 28 6 440 735 0,56 GE 50 TXG3E-2LS

60 90 44 36 6 695 1 160 1,10 GE 60 TXE-2LS

90 44 36 6 695 1 160 1,10 GE 60 TXG3E-2LS

70 105 49 40 6 880 1 460 1,55 GE 70 TXE-2LS

105 49 40 6 880 1 460 1,55 GE 70 TXG3A-2LS

80 120 55 45 5 1 140 1 900 2,30 GE 80 TXE-2LS

120 55 45 5 1 140 1 900 2,30 GE 80 TXG3A-2LS

90 130 60 50 5 1 370 2 320 2,75 GE 90 TXE-2LS

130 60 50 5 1 370 2 320 2,75 GE 90 TXG3A-2LS

100 150 70 55 6 1 730 2 850 4,40 GE 100 TXA-2LS

150 70 55 6 1 730 2 850 4,40 GE 100 TXG3A-2LS

110 160 70 55 6 1 860 3 100 4,80 GE 110 TXA-2LS

160 70 55 6 1 860 3 100 4,80 GE 110 TXG3A-2LS

120 180 85 70 6 2 700 4 500 8,25 GE 120 TXA-2LS

180 85 70 6 2 700 4 500 8,25 GE 120 TXG3A-2LS

140 210 90 70 7 3 000 5 000 11,0 GE 140 TXA-2RS

210 90 70 7 3 000 5 000 11,0 GE 140 TXG3A-2RS
To fully utilize the angle of tilt, the shaft shoulder should not be made larger than da max

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
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Da da Da

Dimensions Abutment and fillet dimensions

d dk r1 r2 da da Da Da ra rb
min min min max max min max max

mm mm
12 18 0,3 0,3 13,8 15 20,4 17,1 0,3 0,3

15 22 0,3 0,3 16,9 18,4 24,3 20,9 0,3 0,3

17 25 0,3 0,3 19 20,7 28,3 23,7 0,3 0,3

20 29 0,3 0,3 22,1 24,2 33,2 27,6 0,3 0,3

25 35,5 0,6 0,6 28,2 29,3 39,2 36,9 0,6 0,6

35,5 0,6 0,6 28,2 29,3 39,2 36,9 0,6 0,6

30 40,7 0,6 0,6 33,3 34,2 44 41,3 0,6 0,6

40,7 0,6 0,6 33,3 34,2 44 41,3 0,6 0,6

35 47 0,6 1 38,5 39,8 51 48,5 0,6 1

47 0,6 1 38,5 39,8 51 48,5 0,6 1

40 53 0,6 1 43,5 45 57,5 54,5 0,6 1

53 0,6 1 43,5 45 57,5 54,5 0,6 1

45 60 0,6 1 49,5 50,8 63,5 61 0,6 1

60 0,6 1 49,5 50,8 63,5 61 0,6 1

50 66 0,6 1 54,5 56 70,5 66,5 0,6 1

66 0,6 1 54,5 56 70,5 66,5 0,6 1

60 80 1 1 66,5 66,8 84 80 1 1
80 1 1 66,5 66,8 84 80 1 1

70 92 1 1 76,5 77,9 99 92 1 1
92 1 1 76,5 77,9 99 92 1 1

80 105 1 1 87 89,4 113 105 1 1

105 1 1 87 89,4 113 105 1 1

90 115 1 1 97,5 98,1 123 113 1 1

115 1 1 97,5 98,1 123 113 1 1

100 130 1 1 108 109,5 144 131 1 1

130 1 1 108 109,5 144 131 1 1

110 140 1 1 118 121 153 141,5 1 1

140 1 1 118 121 153 141,5 1 1

120 160 1 1 130 135,5 172 157,5 1 1

160 1 1 130 135,5 172 157,5 1 1

140 180 1 1 149 155,5 202 180 1 1

180 1 1 149 155,5 202 180 1 1

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ................ 4 Page .............. 16 Maintenance-free spherical plain
bearings with sliding contact surface
combination steel/PTFE fabric
B α d 160 – 300 mm


D dk d

Principal dimensions Angle Basic load ratings Mass Designation

of tilt1) dynamic static

d D B C α C C0

mm degrees kN kg –

160 230 105 80 8 3 800 6 400 14,0 GE 160 TXA-2RS

230 105 80 8 3 800 6 400 14,0 GE 160 TXG3A-2RS

180 260 105 80 6 4 300 7 200 18,5 GE 180 TXA-2RS

260 105 80 6 4 300 7 200 18,5 GE 180 TXG3A-2RS

200 290 130 100 7 6 000 10 000 28,0 GE 200 TXA-2RS

290 130 100 7 6 000 10 000 28,0 GE 200 TXG3A-2RS

220 320 135 100 8 6 550 11 000 35,5 GE 220 TXA-2RS

240 340 140 100 8 7 200 12 000 40,0 GE 240 TXA-2RS

260 370 150 110 7 8 650 14 300 51,5 GE 260 TXA-2RS

280 400 155 120 6 10 000 16 600 65,0 GE 280 TXA-2RS

300 430 165 120 7 10 800 18 000 78,5 GE 300 TXA-2RS

To fully utilize the angle of tilt, the shaft shoulder should not be made larger than da max

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
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Da da

Dimensions Abutment and fillet dimensions

d dk r1 r2 da da Da Da ra rb
min min min max max min max max

mm mm
160 200 1 1 170 170 222 197 1 1
200 1 1 170 170 222 197 1 1

180 225 1,1 1,1 191 199 250 224,5 1 1

225 1,1 1,1 191 199 250 224,5 1 1

200 250 1,1 1,1 213 213,5 279 244,5 1 1

250 1,1 1,1 213 213,5 279 244,5 1 1

220 275 1,1 1,1 233 239,5 309 271 1 1

240 300 1,1 1,1 253 265 329 298 1 1

260 325 1,1 1,1 273 288 359 321,5 1 1

280 350 1,1 1,1 294 313,5 388 344,5 1 1

300 375 1,1 1,1 314 336,5 418 371 1 1

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
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bearings with sliding contact surface
b combination steel/PTFE composite
B α d 100 – 480 mm

b1 r1

D dk d


Principal dimensions Angle Basic load ratings Mass Designation

of tilt1) dynamic static

d D B C α C C0

mm degrees kN kg –

100 150 71 67 2 600 900 4,51 GEP 100 FS

110 160 78 74 2 720 1 080 5,35 GEP 110 FS

120 180 85 80 2 850 1 270 7,96 GEP 120 FS

140 210 100 95 2 1 200 1 800 13,0 GEP 140 FS

160 230 115 109 2 1 600 2 400 16,6 GEP 160 FS

180 260 128 122 2 2 080 3 100 24,4 GEP 180 FS

200 290 140 134 2 2 450 3 650 33,5 GEP 200 FS

220 320 155 148 2 3 050 4 550 45,8 GEP 220 FS

240 340 170 162 2 3 550 5 400 53,7 GEP 240 FS

260 370 185 175 2 4 250 6 400 69,5 GEP 260 FS

280 400 200 190 2 5 000 7 500 89,5 GEP 280 FS

300 430 212 200 2 5 600 8 300 110 GEP 300 FS

320 440 160 135 4 2 800 4 150 73,0 GEC 320 FSA
460 230 218 2 6 400 9 650 135 GEP 320 FS

340 460 160 135 3 2 900 4 400 77,0 GEC 340 FSA
480 243 230 2 7 100 10 800 150 GEP 340 FS

360 480 160 135 3 3 100 4 650 80,0 GEC 360 FSA
520 258 243 2 8 150 12 200 200 GEP 360 FS

380 520 190 160 4 3 900 5 850 120 GEC 380 FSA
540 272 258 2 9 150 13 700 220 GEP 380 FS

400 540 190 160 3 4 050 6 100 125 GEC 400 FSA
580 280 265 2 9 650 14 600 275 GEP 400 FS

420 560 190 160 3 4 250 6 400 130 GEC 420 FSA
600 300 280 2 10 600 16 000 300 GEP 420 FS

440 600 218 185 3 5 200 7 800 180 GEC 440 FSA
630 315 300 2 12 200 18 600 360 GEP 440 FS

460 620 218 185 3 5 400 8 150 190 GEC 460 FSA
650 325 308 2 12 900 19 600 380 GEP 460 FS

480 650 230 195 3 6 000 9 000 220 GEC 480 FSA
680 340 320 2 14 300 21 200 435 GEP 480 FS
To fully utilize the angle of tilt, the shaft shoulder should not be made larger than da max

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
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Da da

Dimensions Abutment and fillet dimensions

d dk b b1 M r1 r2 da da Da Da ra rb
min min min max max min max max

mm mm
100 135 7,5 7,5 4 1 1 106,7 114,8 141,9 125,6 1 1

110 145 7,5 7,5 4 1 1 117 122 151 135 1 1

120 160 7,5 7,5 4 1 1 127,5 135,5 171 149 1 1

140 185 7,5 7,5 4 1 1 148 155,5 200 172,5 1 1

160 210 7,5 7,5 4 1 1 169 175,5 218,5 195,5 1 1

180 240 7,5 7,5 4 1,1 1,1 191 203 246,5 223,5 1 1

200 260 11,5 11,5 5 1,1 1,1 211 219 276 242 1 1

220 290 13,5 13,5 6 1,1 1,1 232 245 304,5 270 1 1

240 310 13,5 13,5 6 1,1 1,1 252,5 259 323,5 288,5 1 1

260 340 15,5 15,5 7 1,1 1,1 273,5 285 352,5 316,5 1 1

280 370 15,5 15,5 7 1,1 1,1 294 311 381,5 344,5 1 1

300 390 15,5 15,5 7 1,1 1,1 314,5 327 411 363 1 1

320 380 21 – 8 1,1 3 327 344 427 381 1 3

414 21 21 8 1,1 3 335 344 434 385 1 3

340 400 21 – 8 1,1 3 347 366 447 401 1 3

434 21 21 8 1,1 3 356 359 453 404 1 3

360 420 21 – 8 1,1 3 367 388 467 421 1 3

474 21 21 8 1,1 4 377 397 490 441 1 4

380 450 21 – 8 1,5 4 389 407 505 451 1,5 4

494 21 21 8 1,5 4 398 412 508 460 1,5 4

400 470 21 – 8 1,5 4 409 429 525 471 1,5 4

514 21 21 8 1,5 4 418 431 549 478 1,5 4

420 490 21 – 8 1,5 4 429 451 545 491 1,5 4

534 21 21 8 1,5 4 439 441 568 497 1,5 4

440 520 27 – 10 1,5 4 449 472 584 521 1,5 4

574 27 27 10 1,5 4 460 479 596 534 1,5 4

460 540 27 – 10 1,5 4 469 494 604 541 1,5 4

593 27 27 10 1,5 5 481 496 612 552 1,5 5

480 565 27 – 10 2 5 491 516 631 566 2 5

623 27 27 10 2 5 503 522 641 580 2 5

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ................ 4 Page .............. 16 Maintenance-free spherical plain
bearings with sliding contact surface
combination steel/PTFE composite
B α d 500 – 1 250 mm

b1 r1

D dk d


Principal dimensions Angle Basic load ratings Mass Designation

of tilt1) dynamic static

d D B C α C C0

mm degrees kN kg –

500 670 230 195 3 6 200 9 300 230 GEC 500 FSA
710 355 335 2 15 300 23 200 500 GEP 500 FS

530 710 243 205 3 6 950 10 400 270 GEC 530 FSA
750 375 355 2 17 000 25 500 585 GEP 530 FS

560 750 258 215 4 7 650 11 400 320 GEC 560 FSA
800 400 380 2 19 600 29 000 730 GEP 560 FS

600 800 272 230 3 8 800 13 200 385 GEC 600 FSA
850 425 400 2 22 000 33 500 860 GEP 600 FS

630 850 300 260 3 10 400 15 600 495 GEC 630 FSA
900 450 425 2 24 500 37 500 1 040 GEP 630 FS

670 900 308 260 3 11 000 16 600 560 GEC 670 FSA
950 475 450 2 27 500 41 500 1 210 GEP 670 FS

710 950 325 275 3 12 500 18 600 655 GEC 710 FSA
1 500 475 2 31 000 46 500 1 400 GEP 710 FS

750 1 335 280 3 13 400 20 000 735 GEC 750 FSA

1 060 530 500 2 34 500 52 000 1 670 GEP 750 FS

800 1 060 355 300 3 15 300 22 800 865 GEC 800 FSA
1 120 565 530 2 39 000 58 500 1 940 GEP 800 FS

850 1 120 365 310 3 16 600 25 000 980 GEC 850 FSA
1 220 600 565 2 45 000 67 000 2 600 GEP 850 FS

900 1 180 375 320 3 18 300 27 500 1 100 GEC 900 FSA
1 250 635 600 2 49 000 73 500 2 690 GEP 900 FS

950 1 250 400 340 3 20 400 30 500 1 350 GEC 950 FSA
1 360 670 635 2 56 000 85 000 3 620 GEP 950 FS

1 1 320 438 370 3 23 200 35 500 1 650 GEC 1000 FSA

1 450 710 670 2 63 000 95 000 4 470 GEP 1000 FS

1 060 1 400 462 390 3 26 500 40 000 1 950 GEC 1060 FSA

1 120 1 460 462 390 3 28 000 41 500 2 050 GEC 1120 FSA

1 180 1 540 488 410 3 31 000 46 500 2 400 GEC 1180 FSA

1 250 1 630 515 435 3 34 500 52 000 2 850 GEC 1250 FSA

To fully utilize the angle of tilt, the shaft shoulder should not be made larger than da max

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
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Da da

Dimensions Abutment and fillet dimensions

d dk b b1 M r1 r2 da da Da Da ra rb
min min min max max min max max

mm mm
500 585 27 – 10 2 5 511 537 651 586 2 5
643 27 27 10 2 5 523 536 670 598 2 5

530 620 27 – 10 2 5 541 570 691 621 2 5

673 27 27 10 2 5 554 558 709 626 2 5

560 655 27 – 10 2 5 571 602 731 656 2 5

723 27 27 10 2 5 585 602 758 673 2 5

600 700 27 – 10 2 5 611 645 781 701 2 5

773 27 27 10 2 6 627 645 801 719 2 6

630 740 35 – 13 3 6 645 676 827 741 3 6

813 35 35 13 3 6 661 677 850 757 3 6

670 785 35 – 13 3 6 685 722 877 786 3 6

862 35 35 13 3 6 702 719 898 802 3 6

710 830 35 – 13 3 6 725 763 926 831 3 6

912 35 35 13 3 6 743 762 946 849 3 6

750 875 35 – 13 3 6 766 808 976 876 3 6

972 35 35 13 3 6 784 814 1 005 904 3 6

800 930 35 – 13 3 6 816 859 1 036 931 3 6

1 022 35 35 13 3 6 836 851 1 062 951 3 6

850 985 35 – 13 3 6 866 914 1 096 986 3 6

1 112 35 35 13 3 7,5 888 936 1 156 1 035 3 7,5

900 1 040 35 – 13 3 6 916 970 1 156 1 041 3 6

1 142 35 35 13 3 7,5 938 949 1 183 1 063 3 7,5

950 1 100 40 – 15 4 7,5 968 1 024 1 221 1 101 4 7,5

1 242 40 40 15 4 7,5 993 1 045 1 290 1 156 4 7,5

1 000 1 160 40 – 15 4 7,5 1 019 1 074 1 290 1 161 4 7,5

1 312 40 40 15 4 7,5 1 045 1 103 1 378 1 221 4 7,5

1 060 1 240 40 – 15 4 7,5 1 079 1 150 1 370 1 241 4 7,5

1 120 1 310 40 – 15 4 7,5 1 139 1 225 1 430 1 311 4 7,5

1 180 1 380 40 – 15 4 7,5 1 199 1 290 1 510 1 381 4 7,5

1 250 1 460 40 – 15 4 7,5 1 270 1 366 1 600 1 461 4 7,5

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ................ 4 Page .............. 16 Angular contact spherical plain

Angular contact spherical plain

The sphered sliding contact surfaces
of angular contact spherical plain bear-
ings are inclined at an angle to the
bearing axis (➔ fig 1 ). Consequently,
the bearings are particularly suitable
for the accommodation of combined
(radial and axial) loads. Singly mount-
ed angular contact bearings can only
support axial loads acting in one direc-
tion. The bearings are of separable
design, e.g. the rings can be mounted

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ................ 4 Page .............. 16 Angular contact spherical plain

Dimensions Table 1
The boundary dimensions of SKF an- Nominal Inner ring Outer ring Total width
gular contact spherical plain bearings diameter
d, D ∆dmp ∆Bs ∆Dmp ∆Cs ∆Ts1)
conform to ISO 12240-2:1998.
over incl. high low high low high low high low high low
mm µm µm µm µm µm
SKF angular contact spherical plain
bearings are made to the tolerances
specified in Table 1 . The tolerances 18 50 0 –12 0 –240 0 –14 0 –240 +250 –400
conform to ISO 12240-2:1998. 50 80 0 –15 0 –300 0 –16 0 –300 +250 –500
The symbols used in the tolerance
80 120 0 –20 0 –400 0 –18 0 –400 +250 –600
table are explained in the following.
120 150 – – – – 0 –20 0 –500 – –
d nominal bore diameter
150 180 – – – – 0 –25 0 –500 – –
∆dmp deviation of the mean bore
diameter from the nominal
D nominal outside diameter
∆Dmp deviation of the mean outside
diameter from the nominal
∆Bs deviation of single inner ring
width from the nominal
∆Cs deviation of single outer ring
width from the nominal 1)
The width tolerance is related to d
∆Ts deviation of single bearing width
(abutment width) from the
Tolerances for angular contact spherical plain bearings

Load line through an angular contact

spherical plain bearing

Fig 1

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ................ 4 Page .............. 16 Angular contact spherical plain

Radial internal clearance, preload Table 2 Fig 2

Internal clearance in a single angular Bearing Frictional Axial
contact spherical plain bearing is only moment preload
for force
obtained after mounting and is depend- 10 N/mm2 for
ent on adjustment against a second min max 10 N/mm2
bearing, which provides axial location
– Nm N
in the opposite direction.
Angular contact spherical plain bear-
ings are generally mounted in pairs in GAC 25 F 7 9 5 600
GAC 30 F 12 14 7 500
a back-to-back or face-to-face arrange- GAC 35 F 16 19 9 300
ment; the bearings are adjusted against
GAC 40 F 21 25 10 600
each other by axially displacing one GAC 45 F 26 32 13 600
bearing ring until a specific bearing GAC 50 F 31 38 12 900
load of 10 N/mm2 is obtained. The pre-
GAC 60 F 51 62 17 800
load prevents some of the elastic and GAC 70 F 76 92 21 000 Standard angular contact spherical plain
plastic deformations, which would GAC 80 F 105 126 30 000
occur under load and after a short
GAC 90 F 153 184 41 700
period of operation. When adjusting GAC 100 F 180 216 39 500
bearings for the first time in a new GAC 110 F 273 328 54 500
arrangement, the specific bearing load GAC 120 F 317 380 69 500
of 10 N/mm2 is achieved when the fric-
tional moment and the axial preload
force lie in the ranges specified in
Table 2 .
Frictional moment and axial preload
Materials force
The inner and outer rings of SKF
angular contact spherical plain bearings
are made of through hardened and
ground steel. The sliding surface of
the inner ring is hard chromium plated
and coated with a lithium base grease.
The sliding layer of glass fibre reinfor-
ced plastic containing PTFE additives
is injection moulded in the outer ring.

Permissible operating temperature

Spherical plain bearings with the slid-
ing contact surface combination
steel/PTFE composite can be used in
the temperature range of –40 to +75 °C,
although brief periods of operation up
to +110 °C are permitted. However,
the load carrying capacity of the bear-
ings will be reduced at temperatures
above +50 °C.

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ................ 4 Page .............. 16 Angular contact spherical plain
Fig 3 Fig 4 Fig 5

Maintenance-free bearing, sliding Steel-on-steel bearing Steel-on-steel bearing with “waffle”

contact surface combination steel/PTFE grooves

Special designs Fig 6

Special operating conditions may call
for angular contact spherical plain
bearings with sliding contact surface
combinations steel-on-steel or
steel/PTFE fabric and, consequently,
such bearings are also produced by 3.3
Bearings with sliding contact surface
combination steel/PTFE fabric (➔ fig
3 ) should be used when mainten-
ance-free operation is specified and
where the bearing arrangement is such
that the presence of any lubricant is
not permitted.
Steel-on-steel bearing with “diamond
Steel-on-steel bearings (➔ fig 4 ) thread” grooves
are preferred where operating tempera-
tures, loads or load frequencies are
high or where shock loads occur. To
ensure correct operation, steel-on-
steel bearings must be provided with
an adequate supply of lubricant. De-
pending on the lubricant the sliding
surface of the outer ring may be
equipped with various types of lubri-
cation grooves (➔ figs 5 and 6 ).
Inch-size steel-on-steel angular con-
tact spherical plain bearings are also
available to order.

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ................ 4 Page .............. 16 Maintenance-free angular contact
s spherical plain bearings with sliding
T contact surface combination
C steel/PTFE composite
r1 r2 d 25 – 120 mm

r2 r1

D d

Principal dimensions Angle Basic load ratings Mass Designation

of tilt dynamic static

d D T α C C0

mm degrees kN kg –

25 47 15 3,5 21,6 34,5 0,14 GAC 25 F

30 55 17 3,5 27 43 0,21 GAC 30 F

35 62 18 3,5 32,5 52 0,27 GAC 35 F

40 68 19 3,5 39 62 0,33 GAC 40 F

45 75 20 3 45,5 73,5 0,42 GAC 45 F

50 80 20 3 53 85 0,46 GAC 50 F

60 95 23 3 69,5 112 0,73 GAC 60 F

70 110 25 2,5 88 143 1,05 GAC 70 F

80 125 29 2,5 110 176 1,55 GAC 80 F

90 140 32 2,5 134 216 2,10 GAC 90 F

100 150 32 2 170 270 2,35 GAC 100 F

110 170 38 2 200 320 3,70 GAC 110 F

120 180 38 1,5 240 380 4,00 GAC 120 F

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
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Da da db Db

Dimensions Abutment and fillet dimensions

d dk B C r1 r2 s da db Da Db ra
min min max max min min max

mm mm

25 42 15 14 0,6 0,3 0,6 29 39 34 43 0,6

30 49,5 17 15 1 0,3 1,3 35 45 39 50,5 1

35 55,5 18 16 1 0,3 2,1 40 50 45 56,5 1

40 62 19 17 1 0,3 2,8 45 54 50 63 1
45 68,5 20 18 1 0,3 3,5 51 60 55 69 1

50 74 20 19 1 0,3 4,3 56 67 60 74,5 1

60 88,5 23 21 1,5 0,6 5,7 68 77 70 90 1,5

70 102 25 23 1,5 0,6 7,2 78 92 85 103 1,5

80 115 29 25,5 1,5 0,6 8,6 88 104 95 116 1,5

90 128,5 32 28 2 0,6 10,1 101 118 105 129 2

100 141 32 31 2 0,6 11,6 112 128 120 141 2

110 155 38 34 2,5 0,6 13 124 145 130 156 2,5

120 168 38 37 2,5 0,6 14,5 134 155 140 169 2,5

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ................ 4 Page .............. 16 Spherical plain thrust bearings

Spherical plain thrust

Spherical plain thrust bearings have a
sphered surface on the shaft washer
and a hollow, correspondingly sphered
surface in the housing washer (➔ fig
1 ). They are primarily intended to
carry axial loads but are also suitable
for the accommodation of radial loads
in addition to simultaneously acting
axial loads. The radial load component
of combined loads should not exceed
50 % of the simultaneously acting axial
load. When radial loads are very heavy
it may be advisable to combine thrust
bearings with larger radial bearings of
dimension series GE (➔ fig 2 ).
Spherical plain thrust bearings are
of separable design, e.g. the washers
can be mounted separately.

Fig 1

Standard spherical plain thrust bearing

Combination of radial and thrust


Fig 2

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ................ 4 Page .............. 16 Spherical plain thrust bearings

Dimensions Fig 3 Fig 4

The principal dimensions of SKF spher-
ical plain thrust bearings conform to
ISO 12240-3:1998.

SKF spherical plain thrust bearings are
made to the tolerances specified in
Table 1 . The tolerances conform to
ISO 12240-3:1998.
Steel-on-steel spherical plain thrust Maintenance-free thrust bearing with
The symbols used in the tolerance bearing with lubrication hole and groove sliding contact surface combination
table are explained in the following. steel/PTFE fabric

d nominal bore diameter

∆dmp deviation of the mean bore
diameter from the nominal Special designs
D nominal outside diameter Special operating conditions may call
∆Dmp deviation of the mean outside for spherical plain thrust bearings with
diameter from the nominal the sliding contact surface combina-
∆Bs deviation of single shaft washer tions steel-on-steel or steel/PTFE
width from the nominal fabric and consequently they are pro-
∆Cs deviation of single housing duced to order by SKF.
washer width from the nominal Steel-on-steel bearings (➔ fig 3 )
∆Ts deviation of single height of are preferred where operating tempera-
thrust bearing from the nominal tures, loads or load frequencies are
high or where shock loads occur.
Materials Bearings with the sliding contact
The shaft and housing washers of surface steel/PTFE fabric (➔ fig 4 )
SKF spherical plain thrust bearings are should be used when maintenance-
made of through hardened and ground free operation is specified and where
steel. The sliding surface of the shaft the bearing arrangement is such that
washer is hard chromium plated and the presence of any lubricant is not 3.4
coated with a lithium base grease. The permitted.
sliding layer of glass fibre reinforced
plastic containing PTFE additives is
injection moulded in the housing

Permissible operating temperature Tolerances of spherical plain thrust bearings

Spherical plain bearings with the slid- Table 1
ing contact surface combination Nominal Shaft washer Housing washer Single height
steel/PTFE composite can be used in diameter
d, D ∆dmp ∆Bs ∆Dmp ∆Cs ∆Ts1)
the temperature range –40 to +75 °C,
although brief periods of operation up over incl. high low high low high low high low high low
to +110 °C are permitted. However,
mm µm µm µm µm µm
the load carrying capacity of the bear-
ings will be reduced at temperatures
above +50 °C. – 18 0 –8 0 –240 – – – – +250 –400
18 30 0 –10 0 –240 – – – – +250 –400
30 50 0 –12 0 –240 0 –11 0 –240 +250 –400

50 80 0 –15 0 –300 0 –13 0 –300 +250 –500

80 120 0 –20 0 –400 0 –15 0 –400 +250 –600
120 150 – – – – 0 –18 0 –500 – –

150 180 – – – – 0 –25 0 –500 – –

180 230 – – – – 0 –30 0 –600 – –

The width tolerance is related to d

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ................ 4 Page .............. 16 Maintenance-free spherical plain
thrust bearings with sliding contact
surface combination steel/PTFE
d 17 – 120 mm

C α

Principal dimensions Angle Basic load ratings Mass Designation

of tilt dynamic static

d D T α C C0

mm degrees kN kg –

17 47 16 5 36,5 58,5 0,14 GX 17 F

20 55 20 5 46,5 73,5 0,25 GX 20 F

25 62 22,5 5 69,5 112 0,42 GX 25 F

30 75 26 5 95 153 0,61 GX 30 F

35 90 28 6 134 216 0,98 GX 35 F

40 105 32 6 173 275 1,50 GX 40 F

45 120 36,5 6 224 355 2,25 GX 45 F

50 130 42,5 6 275 440 3,15 GX 50 F

60 150 45 6 375 600 4,65 GX 60 F

70 160 50 5 475 750 5,40 GX 70 F

80 180 50 5 570 915 6,95 GX 80 F

100 210 59 5 735 1 180 11,0 GX 100 F

120 230 64 4 880 1 430 14,0 GX 120 F

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
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Dimensions Abutment and fillet dimensions

d dk d1 D1 B C r1 s da Da ra
min min max max

mm mm

17 52 43,5 27 11,8 11,2 0,6 11 34 37 0,6

20 60 50 31 14,5 13,8 1 12,5 40 44 1

25 68 58,5 34,5 16,5 16,7 1 14 45 47 1

30 82 70 42 19 19 1 17,5 56 59 1

35 98 84 50,5 22 20,7 1 22 66 71 1

40 114 97 59 27 21,5 1 24,5 78 84 1

45 128 110 67 31 25,5 1 27,5 89 97 1 3.4

50 139 120 70 33 30,5 1 30 98 105 1

60 160 140 84 37 34 1 35 109 120 1

70 176 153 94,5 42 36,5 1 35 121 125 1

80 197 172 107,5 43,5 38 1 42,5 135 145 1

100 222 198 127 51 46 1 45 155 170 1

120 250 220 145 53,5 50 1 52,5 170 190 1

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ................ 4 Page .............. 16 Rod ends requiring maintenance

Rod ends requiring

Steel-on-steel rod ends
Steel-on-steel rod ends consist of a
rod end housing and a normal steel-
on-steel spherical plain bearing which
is held in position axially in the hous-
ing. The rod ends are available with
female thread (➔ fig 1 ), male thread
(➔ fig 2 ) or with a welding shank
(➔ fig 3 ).

Fig 1

Rod end with

female thread

Fig 2

Rod end with male


Fig 3

Rod end with

welding shank

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ................ 4 Page .............. 16 Rod ends requiring maintenance

Steel-on-steel bronze rod ends Table 1

Steel-on-bronze rod ends consist of a Series Standards
rod end housing and a steel-on-bronze
spherical plain bearing having an outer SA(A) ISO 12240-4:1998
ring made of bronze. The bearing is SI(A) ISO 12240-4:1998
SC ISO 12240-4:1998
held in position by staking at both sides
of the outer ring. These rod ends are SCF –
available with female or male thread. SIJ ISO 8138:1991
Dimensions SIQG CETOP RP 88 H
The dimensions of SKF rod ends are SAKAC ISO 12240-4:1998
standardized and correspond to the SIKAC ISO 12240-4:1998
SIKAC/VZ019 ISO 8139:1991, CETOP RP 103 P
standards listed in Table 1 . Rod ends
identified by designation suffix VZ019
have a male thread which deviates
from the ISO standard but conforms to
the CETOP1) Recommendation RP
103 P.
The female and male threads of SKF Tolerances for steel-on-steel rod end inner rings
rod ends correspond to ISO 965-1:1998.
Table 2
Tolerances Bore Series Series
The tolerances to which SKF rod ends diameter SA(A), SI(A), SIJ, SIR, SC, SCF SIQG
are made conform to ISO 12240- d ∆dmp ∆Bs ∆dmp ∆Bs
4:1998. The tolerances for the steel-
on-steel rod end inner rings are given over incl. low high low high low high low high
in Table 2 and those for steel-on- mm µm µm µm µm
bronze rod end inner rings are given
in Table 3 .
10 0 –8 0 –120 – – – –
The symbols used in these tables 10 18 0 –8 0 –120 +18 0 0 –180
are defined in the following. 18 30 0 –10 0 –120 +21 0 0 –210

30 50 0 –12 0 –120 +25 0 0 –250

d nominal bore diameter 50 80 0 –15 0 –150 +30 0 0 –300
∆dmp deviation of the mean bore 80 120 0 –20 0 –200 +35 0 0 –350
diameter from the nominal 120 180 – – – – +40 0 0 –400
∆Bs deviation of single inner ring 180 250 – – – – +46 0 0 –460
width from the nominal 3.5

Tolerances for steel-on-bronze rod end inner rings

Table 3
Bore Series
diameter SIKAC, SAKAC

d ∆dmp ∆Bs

over incl. high low high low

mm µm µm

6 +12 0 0 –120
6 10 +15 0 0 –120

10 18 +18 0 0 –120
18 30 +21 0 0 –120
CETOP = Comité Européen des Transmissions
Oléohydrauliques et Pneumatiques (European
Committee for Hydraulic and Pneumatic Transmissions)

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ................ 4 Page .............. 16 Rod ends requiring maintenance

Table 4 Radial internal clearance

Steel-on-steel rod ends Steel-on-bronze rod ends The steel-on-steel rod ends have radial
Bore Radial internal Bore Radial internal internal clearance corresponding to the
diameter clearance diameter clearance Normal clearance values quoted in
d Normal d Normal
over incl. min max over incl. min max ISO 12240-4:1998 which are given in
Table 4 .
mm µm mm µm
12 16 68 6 5 50 The materials used for the manufac-
12 20 20 82 6 10 7 60
ture of SKF rod ends requiring main-
20 35 25 100 10 18 8 75 tenance are listed in Table 5 .
35 60 30 120 18 30 10 90 Details of the materials used for the
60 90 36 142 steel-on-steel spherical plain bearings
90 140 42 165 incorporated in SKF rod ends will be
140 240 50 192
found under the heading “Materials”
on page 61.
The bearings incorporated in the
steel-on-bronze rod ends have an
outer ring of tin bronze. The inner ring
is of carbon chromium steel and is
Radial internal clearance
hardened, ground and polished.

Permissible operating temperature

The operating temperature range for
the rod ends requiring maintenance
depends on the rod end, the bearing
incorporated, the bearing seals and
the grease used for lubrication. The
actual limits are given in Table 6 .

Rod end housing materials

Table 5
Series Size Material Material No.

SA(A) 6 to 80 Heat treatable steel C45V 1.0503

zinc coated and chromatized
SI(A) 6 to 80 Heat treatable steel C45V 1.0503
zinc coated and chromatized

SC 25 to 80 Construction steel S 355 J2G3 (St 52-3 N) 1.0570

SCF 20 to 80 Construction steel S 355 J2G3 (St 52-3 N) 1.0570

SIQG 12 to 50 Heat treatable steel C45N 1.0503

63 to 200 Spheroidal graphite cast iron GGG40 –
SIJ 12 to 50 Heat treatable steel C45N 1.0503
60 to 100 Spheroidal graphite cast iron GGG40 –
SIR 20 to 50 Heat treatable steel C45N 1.0503
60 to 120 Spheroidal graphite cast iron GGG40 –

SAKAC 5 to 12 Automatic steel 9 SMnPb 28 K 1.0718

zinc coated and chromatized Note
14 to 30 Heat treatable steel C35N 1.0501
zinc coated and chromatized The load carrying capacity of rod
SIKAC 5 to 12 Automatic steel 9 SMnPb 28 K 1.0718 ends is reduced at temperatures
zinc coated and chromatized
14 to 30 Heat treatable steel C35N 1.0501 above +100 °C. For temperatures
zinc coated and chromatized below 0 °C, the fracture toughness
of the rod end material must be
taken into consideration.

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ................ 4 Page .............. 16 Rod ends requiring maintenance

Fatigue strength Table 6

In all applications where a rod end is Series Permissible operating Reduced load
subjected to loads which vary in magni- temperature range1) carrying capacity
from incl. from
tude or are alternating, or where the
failure of a rod end would be danger- – °C °C
ous, it is advisable to check that the
selected rod end has a suitable fatigue Steel-on-steel
strength. SA .. E(S) –50 +300 +100
SA(A) .. ES-2RS –30 +130 +100
Relubrication facilities
SI .. E(S) –50 +300 +100
All SKF rod ends requiring mainten- SI(A) .. ES-2RS –30 +130 +100
ance, with the exception of steel-on-
steel rod ends of series SA .. E and SIQG .. ES –50 +300 +100
SIJ .. ES –50 +300 +100
SI .. E and the steel-on-bronze rod SIR .. ES –50 +300 +100
ends of size 5 are provided with a
SC .. ES –50 +300 +100
grease nipple or hole in the rod end SCF .. ES –50 +300 +100
housing. The type and design of the
relubrication facilities in the rod end Steel-on-bronze
housing are shown in Table 7 . SAKAC .. M –30 +180 +100
SIKAC .. M(VZ019) –30 +180 +100

NB. The permissible operating temperature range of the grease used should not be exceeded

Permissible operating temperature range

Relubrication facilities

Table 7
Series Size Grease nipple Design 3.5

SA .. ES 15 .. 20 Lubrication hole
SI .. ES 15 .. 20 2,5 mm diameter
SIJ .. ES 16 .. 20

SA(A) .. ES-2RS 25 ..80 Lubrication nipple to

SI(A) .. ES-2RS 25 ..80 DIN 71412:1987, Form A
SIJ .. ES 25 .. 100 ISO 3799:1976
SIR .. ES 25 .. 120
SIQG .. ES 12 .. 200
SC .. ES 25 .. 80
SCF .. ES 20 .. 80

SAKAC .. M 6 .. 30 Lubrication nipple to

SIKAC .. M 6 .. 30 DIN 3405:1986
Form D

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ................ 4 Page .............. 16 Steel-on-steel rod ends
with female thread
d 6 – 80 mm

B α
C1 d2

dk d
r1 l7



G d4

SI .. E

Principal dimensions Angle Basic load ratings Mass Designations

of tilt dynamic static Rod end with
right-hand left-hand
d d2 G B C1 h1 α C C0 thread thread
max 6H max

mm degrees kN kg –

6 22 M6 6 4,5 30 13 3,4 8,15 0,023 SI 6 E SIL 6 E

8 25 M8 8 6,5 36 15 5,5 12,9 0,036 SI 8 E SIL 8 E

10 30 M 10 9 7,5 43 12 8,15 19 0,065 SI 10 E SIL 10 E

12 35 M 12 10 8,5 50 10 10,8 25,5 0,11 SI 12 E SIL 12 E

15 41 M 14 12 10,5 61 8 17 37,5 0,18 SI 15 ES SIL 15 ES

17 47 M 16 14 11,5 67 10 21,2 44 0,25 SI 17 ES SIL 17 ES

20 54 M 20×1,5 16 13,5 77 9 30 57 0,36 SI 20 ES SIL 20 ES

25 65 M 24×2 20 18 94 7 48 90 0,65 SI 25 ES SIL 25 ES

30 75 M 30×2 22 20 110 6 62 116 1,00 SI 30 ES SIL 30 ES

35 84 M 36×3 25 22 130 6 80 134 1,40 SI 35 ES-2RS SIL 35 ES-2RS

40 94 M 39×3 28 24 142 6 100 166 2,20 SIA 40 ES-2RS SILA 40 ES-2RS

94 M 42×3 28 24 145 6 100 166 2,30 SI 40 ES-2RS SIL 40 ES-2RS

45 104 M 42×3 32 28 145 7 127 224 2,90 SIA 45 ES-2RS SILA 45 ES-2RS
104 M 45×3 32 28 165 7 127 224 3,20 SI 45 ES-2RS SIL 45 ES-2RS

50 114 M 45×3 35 31 160 6 156 270 4,10 SIA 50 ES-2RS SILA 50 ES-2RS
114 M 52×3 35 31 195 6 156 270 4,50 SI 50 ES-2RS SIL 50 ES-2RS

60 137 M 52×3 44 39 175 6 245 400 6,30 SIA 60 ES-2RS SILA 60 ES-2RS
137 M 60×4 44 39 225 6 245 400 7,10 SI 60 ES-2RS SIL 60 ES-2RS

70 162 M 56×4 49 43 200 6 315 530 9,50 SIA 70 ES-2RS SILA 70 ES-2RS
162 M 72×4 49 43 265 6 315 530 10,5 SI 70 ES-2RS SIL 70 ES-2RS

80 182 M 64×4 55 48 230 5 400 655 15,0 SIA 80 ES-2RS SILA 80 ES-2RS
182 M 80×4 55 48 295 5 400 655 19,0 SI 80 ES-2RS SIL 80 ES-2RS

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
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SI .. ES SIA .. ES-2RS


d dk d4 l3 l4 l5 l7 r1 w
≈ min max ≈ min min h14


6 10 11 11 43 8 10 0,3 9

8 13 13 15 50 9 11 0,3 11

10 16 16 15 60 11 13 0,3 14

12 18 19 18 69 12 17 0,3 17

15 22 22 21 83 14 19 0,3 19

17 25 25 24 92 15 22 0,3 22

20 29 28 30 106 16 24 0,3 24 3.5

25 35,5 35 36 128 18 30 0,6 30

30 40,7 42 45 149 19 34 0,6 36

35 47 49 60 174 25 40 0,6 41

40 53 58 65 191 25 46 0,6 50
53 58 65 194 25 46 0,6 50

45 60 65 65 199 30 50 0,6 55
60 65 65 219 30 50 0,6 55

50 66 70 68 219 30 58 0,6 60
66 70 68 254 30 58 0,6 60

60 80 82 70 246 35 73 1 70
80 82 70 296 35 73 1 70

70 92 92 80 284 40 85 1 80
92 92 80 349 40 85 1 80

80 105 105 85 324 45 98 1 90

105 105 85 389 45 98 1 90

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ................ 4 Page .............. 16 Steel-on-steel rod ends with female
thread for hydraulic cylinders
d 12 – 200 mm
B α

dk d
r1 l7 l4

l3 N1


Principal dimensions Angle Basic load ratings Mass Designations

of tilt dynamic static Rod end with
right-hand left-hand
d d2 G B C1 h1 α C C0 thread thread1)
max 6H max

mm degrees kN kg –

12 40 M 10×1,25 10 8 42 3 10,8 21,2 0,14 SIJ 12 E SILJ 12 E

33 M 12×1,25 12 11 38 4 10,8 22 0,11 SIQG 12 ESA SILQG 12 ESA
16 45 M 12×1,25 14 11 48 3 21,2 23,5 0,25 SIJ 16 ES SILJ 16 ES
41 M 14×1,5 16 15 44 4 17,6 32,5 0,21 SIQG 16 ES SILQG 16 ES
20 55 M 14×1,5 16 13 58 3 30 51 0,40 SIJ 20 ES SILJ 20 ES
50 M 16×1,5 20 19 52 4 30 43 0,40 SIQG 20 ES SILQG 20 ES
25 65 M 16×1,5 20 17 68 3 48 73,5 0,68 SIJ 25 ES SILJ 25 ES
58 M 16×1,5 20 23,5 50 7 48 52 0,49 SIR 25 ES SILR 25 ES
62 M 20×1,5 25 23 65 4 48 69,5 0,66 SIQG 25 ES SILQG 25 ES
30 80 M 20×1,5 22 19 85 3 62 112 1,35 SIJ 30 ES SILJ 30 ES
66 M 22×1,5 22 28,5 60 6 62 78 0,77 SIR 30 ES SILR 30 ES
32 76 M 27×2 32 29 80 4 65,5 100 1,20 SIQG 32 ES SILQG 32 ES
35 80 M 28×1,5 25 30,5 70 6 80 118 1,20 SIR 35 ES SILR 35 ES
40 100 M 27×2 28 23 105 3 100 146 2,40 SIJ 40 ES SILJ 40 ES
96 M 35×1,5 28 35,5 85 7 100 200 2,10 SIR 40 ES SILR 40 ES
97 M 33×2 40 34 97 4 100 176 2,00 SIQG 40 ES SILQG 40 ES
50 122 M 33×2 35 30 130 3 156 216 3,80 SIJ 50 ES SILJ 50 ES
118 M 45×1,5 35 40,5 105 6 156 280 3,60 SIR 50 ES SILR 50 ES
118 M 42×2 50 42 120 4 156 270 3,50 SIQG 50 ES SILQG 50 ES
60 160 M 42×2 44 38 150 3 245 405 8,50 SIJ 60 ES SILJ 60 ES
132 M 58×1,5 44 50,5 130 6 245 325 6,00 SIR 60 ES SILR 60 ES
63 142 M 48×2 63 55 140 4 255 375 6,80 SIQG 63 ES SILQG 63 ES
70 157 M 65×1,5 49 55,5 150 6 315 450 9,40 SIR 70 ES SILR 70 ES
80 205 M 48×2 55 47 185 3 400 610 14,5 SIJ 80 ES SILJ 80 ES
179 M 80×2 55 60,5 170 6 400 560 13,0 SIR 80 ES SILR 80 ES
180 M 64×3 80 69 180 4 400 600 14,5 SIQG 80 ES SILQG 80 ES
100 240 M 64×3 70 57 240 3 610 780 29,5 SIJ 100 ES SILJ 100 ES
233 M 110×2 70 70,5 235 7 610 950 30,0 SIR 100 ES SILR 100 ES
224 M 80×3 100 87 210 4 610 930 28,0 SIQG 100 ES SILQG 100 ES
120 342 M 130×3 85 90,5 310 6 950 2 450 84,0 SIR 120 ES SILR 120 ES
125 290 M 100×3 125 105 260 4 950 1 430 43,0 SIQG 125 ES SILQG 125 ES
160 346 M 125×4 160 132 310 4 1 370 2 200 80,0 SIQG 160 ES SILQG 160 ES
200 460 M 160×4 200 164 390 4 2 120 3 400 165 SIQG 200 ES SILQG 200 ES
Please check availability of rod ends with left-hand thread

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
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C1 B
α α
B d2 C1 d2

dk d dk d
r1 l4 r1 l4
l7 l7
h1 h1
l3 l3

d4 G N


Dimensions Cylinder screw

with internal hexagon
(ISO 4762:1998)
d dk d4 l3 l4 l7 N N1 r1 Size Tightening
max min max min max max min torque

mm – Nm

12 18 17 15 62 16 40 13 0,3 M6 9,5
18 17 17 55,5 13 33 11 0,3 M5 5,5
16 25 21 17 70,5 20 45 13 0,3 M6 9,5
23 22,5 19 64,5 18 41 17 0,3 M6 9,5
20 29 25 19 85,5 25 55 17 0,3 M8 23
29 26,5 23 77,5 21 48 21 0,3 M8 23
25 35,5 30 23 100,5 30 62 17 0,6 M8 23
35,5 26,5 17 81 27 46 22 0,6 M8 23
35,5 32 29 97 26 55 21 0,6 M8 23
30 40,7 36 29 125 35 80 19 0,6 M 10 46
40,7 34 23 95 29 50 27 0,6 M8 23
32 43 40 37 120 31 67 24 0,6 M 10 46
35 47 42 29 113 37 66 29 0,6 M 10 46
40 53 45 37 155 45 90 23 0,6 M 10 46 3.5
53 51 36 136 44 76 34 0,6 M 10 46
53 49 46 147 40 81 28 0,6 M 10 46
50 66 55 46 192,5 58 105 30 0,6 M 12 79
66 63,5 46 169 54 90 38 0,6 M 12 79
66 60,5 57 181 49 97 34 0,6 M 12 79
60 80 68 57 230 68 134 38 1 M 16 195
80 77,5 59 201 64 120 47 1 M 16 195
63 83 72,5 64 213 61 116 40 1 M 16 195
70 92 89 66 234 74 130 52 1 M 16 195
80 105 90 64 287,5 92 156 47 1 M 20 390
105 109 81 267 79 160 57 1 M 20 390
105 93 86 272 77 150 50 1 M 20 390
100 130 110 86 360 116 190 57 1 M 24 670
130 142 111 362 103 200 67 1 M 24 670
130 114 96 324 97 180 65 1 M 24 670
120 160 177 135 491 138 257 86 1 M 24 670
125 160 139 113 407 118 202 75 1 M 24 670
160 200 170 126 490 148 252 85 1 M 24 670
200 250 221 161 623 193 323 106 1,1 M 30 1 350

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ................ 4 Page .............. 16 Steel-on-steel rod ends
with male thread
d 6 – 80 mm

B α
C1 d2

dk d


SA .. E

Principal dimensions Angle Basic load ratings Mass Designations

of tilt dynamic static Rod end with
right-hand left-hand
d d2 G B C1 h α C C0 thread thread
max 6g max

mm degrees kN kg –

6 22 M6 6 4,5 36 13 3,4 8,15 0,017 SA 6 E SAL 6 E

8 25 M8 8 6,5 42 15 5,5 12,9 0,029 SA 8 E SAL 8 E

10 30 M 10 9 7,5 48 12 8,15 18,3 0,053 SA 10 E SAL 10 E

12 35 M 12 10 8,5 54 10 10,8 24,5 0,078 SA 12 E SAL 12 E

15 41 M 14 12 10,5 63 8 17 28 0,13 SA 15 ES SAL 15 ES

17 47 M 16 14 11,5 69 10 21,2 31 0,19 SA 17 ES SAL 17 ES

20 54 M 20×1,5 16 13,5 78 9 30 42,5 0,32 SA 20 ES SAL 20 ES

25 65 M 24×2 20 18 94 7 48 78 0,53 SA 25 ES SAL 25 ES

30 75 M 30×2 22 20 110 6 62 81,5 0,90 SA 30 ES SAL 30 ES

35 84 M 36×3 25 22 130 6 80 110 1,30 SA 35 ES-2RS SAL 35 ES-2RS

40 94 M 39×3 28 24 150 6 100 140 1,85 SAA 40 ES-2RS SALA 40 ES-2RS

94 M 42×3 28 24 145 6 100 140 1,90 SA 40 ES-2RS SAL 40 ES-2RS

45 104 M 42×3 32 28 163 7 127 200 2,45 SAA 45 ES-2RS SALA 45 ES-2RS
104 M 45×3 32 28 165 7 127 200 2,55 SA 45 ES-2RS SAL 45 ES-2RS

50 114 M 45×3 35 31 185 6 156 245 3,30 SAA 50 ES-2RS SALA 50 ES-2RS
114 M 52×3 35 31 195 6 156 245 3,90 SA 50 ES-2RS SAL 50 ES-2RS

60 137 M 52×3 44 39 210 6 245 360 5,70 SAA 60 ES-2RS SALA 60 ES-2RS
137 M 60×4 44 39 225 6 245 360 6,25 SA 60 ES-2RS SAL 60 ES-2RS

70 162 M 56×4 49 43 235 6 315 490 7,90 SAA 70 ES-2RS SALA 70 ES-2RS
162 M 72×4 49 43 265 6 315 490 10,0 SA 70 ES-2RS SAL 70 ES-2RS

80 182 M 64×4 55 48 270 5 400 585 12,0 SAA 80 ES-2RS SALA 80 ES-2RS
182 M 80×4 55 48 295 5 400 585 14,5 SA 80 ES-2RS SAL 80 ES-2RS

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ................ 4 Page .............. 16

SA .. ES SAA .. ES-2RS


d dk l1 l2 l7 r1
min max min min


6 10 16 49 10 0,3

8 13 21 56 11 0,3

10 16 26 65 13 0,3

12 18 28 73 17 0,3

15 22 34 85 19 0,3

17 25 36 94 22 0,3

20 29 43 107 24 0,3 3.5

25 35,5 53 128 30 0,6

30 40,7 65 149 34 0,6

35 47 82 174 40 0,6

40 53 86 199 46 0,6
53 90 194 46 0,6

45 60 92 217 50 0,6
60 95 219 50 0,6

50 66 104 244 58 0,6

66 110 254 58 0,6

60 80 115 281 73 1
80 120 296 73 1

70 92 125 319 85 1
92 132 349 85 1

80 105 140 364 98 1

105 147 389 98 1

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ................ 4 Page .............. 16 Steel-on-steel rod ends with
cylindrical section welding shank
d 20 – 80 mm

B α

dk d

r2 45°
d5 6

Principal dimensions Angle Basic load ratings Mass Designation

of tilt dynamic static

d d2 B C1 h2 α C C0
max max

mm degrees kN kg –

20 54 16 13,5 38 9 30 46,5 0,20 SC 20 ES

25 65 20 18 45 7 48 73,5 0,45 SC 25 ES

30 75 22 20 51 6 62 96,5 0,65 SC 30 ES

35 84 25 22 61 6 80 112 1,00 SC 35 ES

40 94 28 24 69 7 100 134 1,30 SC 40 ES

45 104 32 28 77 7 127 180 1,90 SC 45 ES

50 114 35 31 88 6 156 220 2,50 SC 50 ES

60 137 44 39 100 6 245 335 4,60 SC 60 ES

70 162 49 43 115 6 315 455 6,80 SC 70 ES

80 182 55 48 141 6 400 550 9,70 SC 80 ES

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ................ 4 Page .............. 16


d dk d5 d6 l6 l7 r1 r2
max max min min


20 29 29 4 66 24 0,3 2

25 35,5 35 4 78 30 0,6 3

30 40,7 42 4 89 34 0,6 3

35 47 49 4 104 40 0,6 3

40 53 54 4 118 46 0,6 4

45 60 60 6 132 50 0,6 4

50 66 64 6 150 58 0,6 4

60 80 72 6 173 73 1 4

70 92 82 6 199 85 1 5

80 105 97 6 237 98 1 5

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ................ 4 Page .............. 16 Steel-on-steel rod ends with
rectangualar section welding shank
d 20 – 80 mm

C1 α
B d2

dk d

Principal dimensions Angle Basic load ratings Mass Designations

of tilt dynamic static

d d2 B C1 h2 α C C0
max max js13

mm degrees kN kg –

20 51,5 16 20 38 9 30 63 0,35 SCF 20 ES

25 56,5 20 24 45 7 48 65,5 0,53 SCF 25 ES

30 66,5 22 29 51 6 62 110 0,87 SCF 30 ES

35 85 25 31 61 6 80 183 1,55 SCF 35 ES

40 102 28 36,5 69 7 100 285 2,45 SCF 40 ES

45 112 32 41,5 77 7 127 360 3,40 SCF 45 ES

50 125,5 35 41,5 88 6 156 415 4,45 SCF 50 ES

60 142,5 44 51,5 100 6 245 530 7,00 SCF 60 ES

70 166,5 49 57 115 6 315 680 10,0 SCF 70 ES

80 182,5 55 62 141 6 400 750 15,0 SCF 80 ES

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ................ 4 Page .............. 16


d dk l6 r1
max min


20 29 64 0,3

25 35,5 73,5 0,6

30 40,7 85 0,6

35 47 103,5 0,6

40 53 120 0,6

45 60 133 0,6

50 66 151 0,6

60 80 171,5 1

70 92 198,5 1

80 105 232,5 1

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ................ 4 Page .............. 16 Steel-on-bronze rod ends
with female thread
d 5 – 30 mm

C1 α d2

dk d
r1 l7


G d3
w d4

Principal dimensions Angle Basic load ratings Mass Designations

of tilt dynamic static Rod end with
right-hand left-hand
d d2 G B C1 h1 α C C0 thread thread
max 6H max

mm degrees kN kg –

5 19 M5 8 6 27 13 3,25 5,4 0,017 SIKAC 5 M1) SILKAC 5 M1)

6 21 M6 9 6,75 30 13 4,3 5,4 0,025 SIKAC 6 M SILKAC 6 M

8 25 M8 12 9 36 14 7,2 9,15 0,043 SIKAC 8 M SILKAC 8 M

10 29 M 10 14 10,5 43 13 10 12,2 0,072 SIKAC 10 M SILKAC 10 M

29 M 10×1,25 14 10,5 43 13 10 12,2 0,072 SIKAC 10 M/VZ019 –

12 33 M 12 16 12 50 13 13,4 14 0,11 SIKAC 12 M SILKAC 12 M

33 M 12×1,25 16 12 50 13 13,4 14 0,11 SIKAC 12 M/VZ019 –

14 37 M 14 19 13,5 57 16 17 20,4 0,16 SIKAC 14 M SILKAC 14 M

16 43 M 16 21 15 64 15 21,6 29 0,22 SIKAC 16 M SILKAC 16 M

43 M 16×1,5 21 15 64 15 21,6 29 0,22 SIKAC 16 M/VZ019 –

18 47 M 18×1,5 23 16,5 71 15 26 35,5 0,30 SIKAC 18 M SILKAC 18 M

20 51 M 20×1,5 25 18 77 14 31,5 35,5 0,40 SIKAC 20 M SILKAC 20 M

22 55 M 22×1,5 28 20 84 15 38 45 0,50 SIKAC 22 M SILKAC 22 M

25 61 M 24×2 31 22 94 15 47,5 53 0,65 SIKAC 25 M SILKAC 25 M

30 71 M 30×2 37 25 110 17 64 69,5 1,15 SIKAC 30 M SILKAC 30 M

Without lubrication nipple

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ................ 4 Page .............. 16


d dk d3 d4 l3 l4 l5 l7 r1 w
≈ max min max ≈ min min h14


5 11,1 9 12 8 38 4 9 0,3 9

6 12,7 10 14 9 42 5 10 0,3 11

8 15,8 12,5 17 12 50 5 12 0,3 14

10 19 15 20 15 59 6,5 14 0,3 17
19 15 20 15 59 6,5 14 0,3 17

12 22,2 17,5 23 18 68 6,5 16 0,3 19

22,2 17,5 23 18 68 6,5 16 0,3 19

14 25,4 20 27 21 77 8 18 0,3 22 3.5

16 28,5 22 29 24 87 8 21 0,3 22
28,5 22 29 24 87 8 21 0,3 22

18 31,7 25 32 27 96 10 23 0,3 27

20 34,9 27,5 37 30 105 10 25 0,3 30

22 38,1 30 40 33 114 12 27 0,3 32

25 42,8 33,5 44 36 127 12 30 0,3 36

30 50,8 40 52 45 148 15 35 0,3 41

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ................ 4 Page .............. 16 Steel-on-bronze rod ends
with male thread
d 5 – 30 mm

C1 d2

dk d



Principal dimensions Angle Basic load ratings Mass Designations

of tilt dynamic static Rod end with
right-hand left-hand
d d2 G B C1 h α C C0 thread thread
max 6g max

mm degrees kN kg –

5 19 M5 8 6 33 13 3,25 4,8 0,013 SAKAC 5 M1) SALKAC 5 M1)

6 21 M6 9 6,75 36 13 4,3 4,8 0,020 SAKAC 6 M SALKAC 6 M

8 25 M8 12 9 42 14 7,2 8 0,032 SAKAC 8 M SALKAC 8 M

10 29 M 10 14 10,5 48 13 10 10,8 0,054 SAKAC 10 M SALKAC 10 M

12 33 M 12 16 12 54 13 12,2 12,2 0,085 SAKAC 12 M SALKAC 12 M

14 37 M 14 19 13,5 60 16 17 17,3 0,13 SAKAC 14 M SALKAC 14 M

16 43 M 16 21 15 66 15 21,6 23,2 0,19 SAKAC 16 M SALKAC 16 M

18 47 M 18×1,5 23 16,5 72 15 26 29 0,26 SAKAC 18 M SALKAC 18 M

20 51 M 20×1,5 25 18 78 14 29 29 0,34 SAKAC 20 M SALKAC 20 M

22 55 M 22×1,5 28 20 84 15 38 39 0,44 SAKAC 22 M SALKAC 22 M

25 61 M 24×2 31 22 94 15 46,5 46,5 0,60 SAKAC 25 M SALKAC 25 M

30 71 M 30×2 37 25 110 17 61 61 1,05 SAKAC 30 M SALKAC 30 M

Without lubrication nipple

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
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d dk l1 l2 r1
min max min


5 11,1 19 44 0,3

6 12,7 21 48 0,3

8 15,8 25 56 0,3

10 19 28 64 0,3

12 22,2 32 72 0,3

14 25,4 36 80 0,3

16 28,5 37 89 0,3 3.5

18 31,7 41 97 0,3

20 34,9 45 106 0,3

22 38,1 48 114 0,3

25 42,8 55 127 0,3

30 50,8 66 148 0,3

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ................ 4 Page .............. 16 Maintenance-free rod ends

Maintenance-free rod ends

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ................ 4 Page .............. 16 Maintenance-free rod ends

SKF maintenance-free rod ends are 1

produced with three different sliding
contact surface combinations.
The rod ends with the sliding contact
surface combinations steel/sinter bronze
composite (➔ fig 1 ) and steel/PTFE
fabric (➔ fig 2 ) comprise a rod end
housing and a standard spherical plain
bearing, the outer ring of which is held
in position axially.
The rod ends with the sliding contact
surface combination steel/PTFE com-
posite (➔ fig 3 ) consist of a rod end
housing and a spherical plain bearing
inner ring. Between the housing and
Maintenance-free rod end, steel/sinter
the inner ring, a sliding layer of glass bronze composite
fibre reinforced plastic containing
PTFE is injection moulded in situ.

Fig 2

Maintenance-free rod end, steel/PTFE


Fig 3

Maintenance-free rod end, steel/PTFE


1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ................ 4 Page .............. 16 Maintenance-free rod ends

Table 1 Tolerances for

Dimensions maintenance-free
The dimensions of the maintenance- Bore Series Series rod end inner
free rod ends conform to ISO 12240- diameter SA(A) and SI(A) SAKB and SIKB rings
4:1998. Those rod ends which carry d ∆dmp ∆Bs ∆dmp ∆Bs
the designation suffix /VZ019 have a
thread which deviates from that speci- over incl. high low high low high low high low
fied in ISO 12240-4 but is in accord- mm µm µm µm µm
ance with the CETOP1) recommenda-
tion RP 103 P and ISO 8139:1991.
6 0 –8 0 –120 +12 0 0 –120
The female and male threads of 6 10 0 –8 0 –120 +15 0 0 –120
SKF rod ends are in accordance with 10 18 0 –8 0 –120 +18 0 0 –120
ISO 965-1:1998. 18 30 0 –10 0 –120 – – – –
30 50 0 –12 0 –120 – – – –
Tolerances 50 80 0 –15 0 –150 – – – –
The tolerances of SKF rod ends are in
accordance with the tolerances speci-
fied in ISO 12240-4:1998. The actual
tolerance values are given in Table 1 .
The symbols used in Table 1 are
explained in the following.
Table 2 Radial internal
clearance and
d nominal bore diameter Bore Radial Friction friction torque for
∆dmp deviation of the mean bore diameter internal torque steel/sinter bronze
d clearance composite and
diameter from the nominal over incl. max max steel/PTFE fabric
∆Bs deviation of single inner ring
mm µm Nm rod ends
width from the nominal Series SA(A) and
Internal clearance, preload 12 28 0,15
SKF maintenance-free rod ends, be- 12 20 35 0,25
20 30 44 0,40
cause of their design, have a radial in-
ternal clearance but may also have a 30 35 50 2,5
35 40 60 2,5
light preload. Therefore, Tables 2 and 40 45 60 3,5
3 show maximum values for the ra-
dial internal clearance as well as for 50 60 60 4
60 70 72 5
the friction torque in the circumferential
direction caused by preload.

Table 3 Radial internal

clearance and
Bore Radial Friction friction torque for
diameter internal torque steel/PTFE com-
d clearance posite rod ends
max max Series SAKB and
mm µm Nm

5 50 0,20
6 50 0,25
8 50 0,30

10 75 0,40
12 75 0,50
14 75 0,60

16 75 0,70
18 85 0,80
20 100 1

CETOP = Comité Européen des Transmissions
Oléohydrauliques et Pneumatiques (European
Committee for Hydraulic and Pneumatic Transmissions)

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ................ 4 Page .............. 16 Maintenance-free rod ends

Rod end housing Table 4

materials Materials
Series Size Material Material No. The materials used for the rod end
housings of SKF maintenance-free rod
SA(A) 6 .. 80 Heat treatable steel C45V 1.0503 ends are listed in Table 4 . The right is
SI(A) zinc coated and chromatized reserved to make changes dictated by
technical developments.
SAKB 5 .. 12 Automatic steel
9 SMnPb 28 K 1.0718 Details of the materials used for the
zinc coated and maintenance-free spherical plain bear-
chromatized ings incorporated in the rod ends will
SIKB 14 .. 20 Heat treatable steel C35N 1.0501
zinc coated and be found in Matrix 1 , page 73.
chromatized The inner rings of rod ends with the
sliding contact surface combination
steel/PTFE composite are of bearing
steel which is hardened and ground
and the sliding contact surface is hard
chromium plated. The sliding layer of
these bearings consists of a glass
fibre reinforced polymer containing
Permissible Table 5
operating Permissible operating temperature
temperature range Series Permissible operating Reduced range
temperature range load carrying The permissible operating temperature
from incl. capacity range for SKF maintenance-free rod
ends is governed by the rod end hous-
– °C °C ing, the spherical plain bearing incorp-
orated and the bearing seals. The
Steel/sinter bronze composite ranges are given in Table 5 .
SA .. C –50 +150 +80
SI .. C
Fatigue strength
Steel/PTFE fabric In applications where the rod end is
SA(A) .. TXE-2LS –30 +130 +60 subjected to loads of alternating mag-
SI(A) .. TXE-2LS
nitude or direction, or where rod end
Steel/PTFE composite failure could be dangerous, it is neces-
SAKB .. F –40 +75 +50
SIKB .. F sary to check the fatigue strength of
SIKB .. F/VZ019 the rod end.


1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ................ 4 Page .............. 16 Maintenance-free rod ends with
female thread, with sliding contact
surface combination steel/sinter
bronze composite
d 6 – 30 mm
C1 d2

dk d



G d4

Principal dimensions Angle Basic load ratings Mass Designations

of tilt dynamic static Rod end with
right-hand left-hand
d d2 G B C1 h1 α C C0 thread thread
max 6H max

mm degrees kN kg –

6 22 M6 6 4,5 30 13 3,6 8,15 0,023 SI 6 C SIL 6 C

8 25 M8 8 6,5 36 15 5,8 12,9 0,036 SI 8 C SIL 8 C

10 30 M 10 9 7,5 43 12 8,65 19 0,065 SI 10 C SIL 10 C

12 35 M 12 10 8,5 50 10 11,4 25,5 0,11 SI 12 C SIL 12 C

15 41 M 14 12 10,5 61 8 18 37,5 0,18 SI 15 C SIL 15 C

17 47 M 16 14 11,5 67 10 22,4 46,5 0,25 SI 17 C SIL 17 C

20 54 M 20×1,5 16 13,5 77 9 31,5 57 0,35 SI 20 C SIL 20 C

25 65 M 24×2 20 18 94 7 51 90 0,65 SI 25 C SIL 25 C

30 75 M 30×2 22 20 110 6 65,5 118 1,05 SI 30 C SIL 30 C

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ................ 4 Page .............. 16


d dk d4 l3 l4 l5 l7 r1 w
≈ min max ≈ min min h14


6 10 11 11 43 8 10 0,3 9

8 13 13 15 50 9 11 0,3 11

10 16 16 15 60 11 13 0,3 14

12 18 19 18 69 12 17 0,3 17

15 22 22 21 83 14 19 0,3 19

17 25 25 24 92 15 22 0,3 22

20 29 28 30 106 16 24 0,3 24

25 35,5 35 36 128 18 30 0,6 30

30 40,7 42 45 149 19 34 0,6 36


1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ................ 4 Page .............. 16 Maintenance-free rod ends with
male thread, with sliding contact sur-
face combination steel/sinter bronze
d 6 – 30 mm
C1 d2

dk d


Principal dimensions Angle Basic load rating Mass Designations

of tilt dynamic static Rod end with
right-hand left-hand
d d2 G B C1 h α C C0 thread thread
max 6g max

mm degrees kN kg –

6 22 M6 6 4,5 36 13 3,6 8,15 0,017 SA 6 C SAL 6 C

8 25 M8 8 6,5 42 15 5,85 12,9 0,030 SA 8 C SAL 8 C

10 30 M 10 9 7,5 48 12 8,65 18,3 0,053 SA 10 C SAL 10 C

12 35 M 12 10 8,5 54 10 11,4 24,5 0,078 SA 12 C SAL 12 C

15 41 M 14 12 10,5 63 8 18 34,5 0,13 SA 15 C SAL 15 C

17 47 M 16 14 11,5 69 10 22,4 42,5 0,19 SA 17 C SAL 17 C

20 54 M 20×1,5 16 13,5 78 9 31,5 51 0,32 SA 20 C SAL 20 C

25 65 M 24×2 20 18 94 7 51 78 0,57 SA 25 C SAL 25 C

30 75 M 30×2 22 20 110 6 65,5 104 0,90 SA 30 C SAL 30 C

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ................ 4 Page .............. 16


d dk l1 l2 l7 r1
min max min min


6 10 16 49 10 0,3

8 13 21 56 11 0,3

10 16 26 65 13 0,3

12 18 28 73 17 0,3

15 22 34 85 19 0,3

17 25 36 94 22 0,3

20 29 43 107 24 0,3

25 35,5 53 128 30 0,6

30 40,7 65 149 34 0,6


1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ................ 4 Page .............. 16 Maintenance-free rod ends with
female thread, with sliding contact
surface combination steel/PTFE
d 35 – 70 mm
C1 d2

dk d



G d4

Principal dimensions Angle Basic load ratings Mass Designations

of tilt dynamic static Rod end with
right-hand left-hand
d d2 G B C1 h1 α C C0 thread thread
max 6H max

mm degrees kN kg –

35 84 M 36×3 25 22 130 6 224 134 1,40 SI 35 TXE-2LS SIL 35 TXE-2LS

40 94 M 39×3 28 24 142 7 280 166 2,20 SIA 40 TXE-2LS SILA 40 TXE-2LS

94 M 42×3 28 24 145 7 280 166 2,30 SI 40 TXE-2LS SIL 40 TXE-2LS

45 104 M 42×3 32 28 145 7 360 224 2,90 SIA 45 TXE-2LS SILA 45 TXE-2LS
104 M 45×3 32 28 165 7 360 224 3,20 SI 45 TXE-2LS SIL 45 TXE-2LS

50 114 M 45×3 35 31 160 6 440 270 4,10 SIA 50 TXE-2LS SILA 50 TXE-2LS
114 M 52×3 35 31 195 6 440 270 4,50 SI 50 TXE-2LS SIL 50 TXE-2LS

60 137 M 52×3 44 39 175 6 695 400 6,30 SIA 60 TXE-2LS SILA 60 TXE-2LS
137 M 60×4 44 39 225 6 695 400 7,10 SI 60 TXE-2LS SIL 60 TXE-2LS

70 162 M 72×4 49 43 265 6 880 530 10,5 SI 70 TXE-2LS SIL 70 TXE-2LS

80 182 M 80×4 55 48 295 6 1 140 655 19,0 SI 80 TXE-2LS SIL 80 TXE-2LS

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ................ 4 Page .............. 16


d dk d4 l3 l4 l5 l7 r1 w
≈ min max ≈ min min h14


35 47 49 60 174 25 40 0,6 41

40 53 58 65 191 25 46 0,6 50
53 58 65 194 25 46 0,6 50

45 60 65 65 199 30 50 0,6 55
60 65 65 219 30 50 0,6 55

50 66 70 68 246 30 58 0,6 60
66 70 68 254 30 58 0,6 60

60 80 82 70 246 35 73 1 70
80 82 70 296 35 73 1 70

70 92 92 80 349 40 85 1 80

80 105 105 85 389 40 98 1 90


1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ................ 4 Page .............. 16 Maintenance-free rod ends with
male thread, with sliding contact sur-
face combination steel/PTFE fabric
d 35 – 70 mm
B α
C1 d2

dk d


Principal dimensions Angle Basic load ratings Mass Designations

of tilt dynamic static Rod end with
right-hand left-hand
d d2 G B C1 h α C C0 thread thread
max 6g max

mm degrees kN kg –

35 84 M 36×3 25 22 130 6 224 110 1,30 SA 35 TXE-2LS SAL 35 TXE-2LS

40 94 M 39×3 28 24 150 6 280 140 1,85 SAA 40 TXE-2LS SALA 40 TXE-2LS

94 M 42×3 28 24 145 6 280 140 1,90 SA 40 TXE-2LS SAL 40 TXE-2LS

45 104 M 42×3 32 28 163 7 360 200 2,45 SAA 45 TXE-2LS SALA 45 TXE-2LS
104 M 45×3 32 28 165 7 360 200 2,55 SA 45 TXE-2LS SAL 45 TXE-2LS

50 114 M 45×3 35 31 185 6 440 245 3,30 SAA 50 TXE-2LS SALA 50 TXE-2LS
114 M 52×3 35 31 195 6 440 245 3,90 SA 50 TXE-2LS SAL 50 TXE-2LS

60 137 M 52×3 44 39 210 6 695 360 5,70 SAA 60 TXE-2LS SALA 60 TXE-2LS
137 M 60×4 44 39 225 6 695 360 6,25 SA 60 TXE-2LS SAL 60 TXE-2LS

70 162 M 72×4 49 43 265 6 880 490 10,0 SA 70 TXE-2LS SAL 70 TXE-2LS

80 182 M 80×4 55 48 295 5 1 140 585 14,5 SA 80 TXE-2LS SAL 80 TXE-2LS

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ................ 4 Page .............. 16


d dk l1 l2 l7 r1
min max min min


35 47 82 174 40 0,6

40 53 86 199 46 0,6
53 90 194 46 0,6

45 60 92 217 50 0,6
60 95 219 50 0,6

50 66 104 244 58 0,6

66 110 254 58 0,6

60 80 115 281 73 1
80 120 296 73 1

70 92 132 349 85 1

80 105 147 389 98 1


1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ................ 4 Page .............. 16 Maintenance-free rod ends with
female, thread with sliding contact
surface combination steel/PTFE
d 5 – 20 mm
C1 α d2

dk d



G d3
w d4

Principal dimensions Angle Basic load ratings Mass Designations

of tilt dynamic static Rod end with
right-hand left-hand
d d2 G B C1 h1 α C C0 thread thread
max 6H max

mm degrees kN kg –

5 19 M5 8 6 27 13 3,25 5,3 0,019 SIKB 5 F SILKB 5 F

6 21 M6 9 6,75 30 13 4,25 6,8 0,028 SIKB 6 F SILKB 6 F

8 25 M8 12 9 36 14 7,1 11,4 0,047 SIKB 8 F SILKB 8 F

10 29 M 10 14 10,5 43 13 9,8 14,3 0,079 SIKB 10 F SILKB 10 F

29 M 10×1,25 14 10,5 43 13 9,8 14,3 0,079 SIKB 10 F/VZ019 –

12 33 M 12 16 12 50 13 13,2 17 0,12 SIKB 12 F SILKB 12 F

33 M 12×1,25 16 12 50 13 13,2 17 0,12 SIKB 12 F/VZ019 –

14 37 M 14 19 13,5 57 16 17 27,5 0,16 SIKB 14 F SILKB 14 F

16 43 M 16 21 15 64 15 21,4 34,5 0,23 SIKB 16 F SILKB 16 F

43 M 16×1,5 21 15 64 15 21,4 34,5 0,23 SIKB 16 F/VZ019 –

18 47 M 18×1,5 23 16,5 71 15 26 41,5 0,33 SIKB 18 F SILKB 18 F

20 51 M 20×1,5 25 18 77 14 31 50 0,38 SIKB 20 F SILKB 20 F

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ................ 4 Page .............. 16


d dk d3 d4 l3 l4 l5 l7 r1 w
≈ max min max ≈ min min h14


5 11,1 9 12 8 37 4 9 0,3 9

6 12,7 10 14 9 41 5 10 0,3 11

8 15,8 12,5 17 12 49 5 12 0,3 14

10 19 15 20 15 58 6,5 14 0,3 17
19 15 20 15 58 6,5 14 0,3 17

12 22,2 17,5 23 18 67 6,5 16 0,3 19

22,2 17,5 23 18 67 6,5 16 0,3 19

14 25,4 20 27 21 76 8 18 0,3 22

16 28,5 22 29 24 86 8 21 0,3 22
28,5 22 29 24 86 8 21 0,3 22

18 31,7 25 32 27 95 10 23 0,3 27

20 34,9 27,5 37 30 103 10 25 0,3 30 3.6

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ................ 4 Page .............. 16 Maintenance-free rod ends with
male, thread with sliding contact
surface combination steel/PTFE
d 5 – 20 mm
α d2

dk d


Principal dimensions Angle Basic load ratings Mass Designations

of tilt dynamic static Rod end with
right-hand left-hand
d d2 G B C1 h α C C0 thread thread
max 6g max

mm degrees kN kg –

5 19 M5 8 6 33 13 3,25 5,3 0,015 SAKB 5 F SALKB 5 F

6 21 M6 9 6,75 36 13 4,25 6,8 0,021 SAKB 6 F SALKB 6 F

8 25 M8 12 9 42 14 7,1 10 0,035 SAKB 8 F SALKB 8 F

10 29 M 10 14 10,5 48 13 9,8 12,5 0,059 SAKB 10 F SALKB 10 F

12 33 M 12 16 12 54 13 13,2 15 0,10 SAKB 12 F SALKB 12 F

14 37 M 14 19 13,5 60 16 17 25,5 0,13 SAKB 14 F SALKB 14 F

16 43 M 16 21 15 66 15 21,4 34,5 0,20 SAKB 16 F SALKB 16 F

18 47 M 18×1,5 23 16,5 72 15 26 41,5 0,26 SAKB 18 F SALKB 18 F

20 51 M 20×1,5 25 18 78 14 31 50 0,37 SAKB 20 F SALKB 20 F

1 Product information 2 Recommendations 3 Product data
Page ................ 4 Page .............. 16


d dk l1 l2 r1
min max min


5 11,1 19 44 0,3

6 12,7 21 48 0,3

8 15,8 25 56 0,3

10 19 28 64 0,3

12 22,2 32 72 0,3

14 25,4 36 80 0,3

16 28,5 37 89 0,3

18 31,7 41 97 0,3

20 34,9 45 106 0,3


Special solutions and related
SKF products

Plain bearings for road Plain bearings for rail

vehicles vehicles
Special applications such as the bear- The SKF plain bearing range for rail-
ing arrangements for centring propeller way vehicles includes bogie swivel
shafts or gear shifts require special bearings for trams and heavy duty
spherical plain bearings or bearing goods wagons as well as spherical
units. SKF has developed appropriate plain bearings and rod ends for trans-
products in close cooperation with verse stabilizers, tilting mechanisms
customers and manufactures them in etc.
large volumes.

Spherical plain bearings SARMA manufactures spherical Direct contact:
plain bearings and rod ends in steel,
and rod ends for the stainless steel and composite mater-
1 avenue Marc Seguin
aircraft industry ials in various sliding contact surface Parc Industriel de la Brassière
In the aircraft industry spherical plain combinations: some requiring mainten- F-26241 Saint Vallier sur Rhône
bearings and rod ends take a promin- ance and some being maintenance- Cedex
ent place as airframe bearings for the free. France
transmission of rotating, tilting and Airframe control rods and structural Telephone: +33 4 75 03 40 40
oscillating movements. The SKF spe- rods of light alloy, steel, titanium and Fax: +33 4 75 30 40 00
cialist company for airframe products composite materials in a wide variety
is SARMA, producing spherical plain of designs are produced by SARMA
bearings and rod ends for the suspen- for a multitude of applications in other
sion of engines and auxiliary equip- fields as well as the aircraft industry.
ment, as well those needed for use in
undercarriages, spoilers, height and
side rudders, wing flaps etc.


Bushings and flanged • POM composite bushings Because of the great variety of SKF
These require little maintenance bushings they are to be found in all
bushings even under arduous conditions branches of industry irrespective of
Bushings and flanged bushings have • Stainless backed composite whether
been part of the SKF product range bushings • freedom from maintenance is re-
for more than thirty years and the These are appropriate for corrosive quired, or not;
most varied assortment is available environments • lubricants or other media are present,
from stock. A comprehensive range of • PTFE/polyamide bushings or not;
materials is available including the The cost-favourable, maintenance- and where
following. free bushings for light loads • rotational, slewing or linear move-
• Filament wound bushings ment must be accommodated.
• Solid bronze bushings The maintenance-free bushings for
The traditional robust bushings extreme conditions
• Sintered bronze bushings
These are impregnated with oil and
can be operated at high speed See brochure 4741 “SKF bush-
• Wrapped bronze bushings ings”, brochure 5110 “Composite
The lubricant pockets allow them to dry sliding bearings – maintenan-
function well even in dirty environ- ce-free and space-saving” or the
ments “SKF Interactive Engineering
• PTFE composite bushings Catalogue” on CD-ROM or online
The low friction enables long periods at
of maintenance-free operation

Thrust washers and SKF also supplies strip of the same See brochure 5110 “Composite
triple layer composite materials – B
strips and M. The strip can be bent, pressed
dry sliding bearings – maintenan-
ce-free and space-saving” or the
For thrust bearing arrangements that or coined to form, for example, linear “SKF Interactive Engineering
make oscillating or slow rotational guides with flat, L-shaped or V-shaped Catalogue” on CD-ROM or online
movements, thrust washers are avail- profiles or many other dry sliding com- at
able made of two different triple layer ponents.
composite materials:

• SKF thrust washers of B material

(PTFE composite), and
• SKF thrust washers of M material
(POM composite).

The thrust washers are primarily inten-

ded for applications where axial space
is extremely limited and where free-
dom from maintenance is required or
where lubricant starvation can occur.


SKF – The knowledge
engineering company
Developing a cleaner cleaner
The business of the SKF Group con- The electric motor and its bearings are the
sists of the design, manufacture and heart of many household appliances. SKF
marketing of the world’s leading brand works closely with appliance manufacturers
of rolling bearings, with a global leader- to improve their product performance,
cut costs and reduce weight. A recent
ship position in complementary prod-
ucts such as radial seals. SKF also
holds an increasingly important pos-
ition in the market for linear motion
products, high precision aerospace
bearings, machine tool spindles, as
well as plant maintenance services
and is an established producer of
high-quality bearing steel.
The SKF Group maintains special-
Harnessing wind power
ized businesses to meet the needs of The growing industry of wind-generated
the global marketplace. SKF supports electric power provides an environmentally
specific market segments with ongoing compatible source of electricity. SKF is example produced a new generation of
research and development efforts that working closely with global industry lead- vacuum cleaners with substantially more
ers to develop efficient and trouble-free suction. SKF’s knowledge in small bearing
have led to a growing number of in- technology is also applied to manufacturers
turbines, using SKF knowledge to provide
novations, new standards and new highly specialized bearings and condition of power tools and office equipment.
products. monitoring systems to extend equipment
SKF Group has global ISO 14001 life in the extreme and often remote en-
environmental certification. Individual vironments of wind farms.
divisions have been approved for
quality certification in accordance
with either ISO 9000 or appropriate
industry specific standards.
Some 80 manufacturing sites world-
wide and sales companies in 70 coun-
tries make SKF a truly international
corporation. In addition, our 7 000
distributor and dealer partners around
the world, e-business marketplace and
global distribution system put SKF
close to customers for the supply of
both products and services. In essence,
SKF solutions are available wherever
and whenever our customers need
Overall, the SKF brand now stands
Delivering asset efficiency
for more than ever before. It stands for optimization
the knowledge engineering company To optimize efficiency and boost product- SKF Reliability Systems, SKF provides a
ready to serve you with world-class ivity, many industrial facilities outsource comprehensive range of asset efficiency
product competences, intellectual some or all of their maintenance services services, from maintenance strategies and
to SKF, often with guaranteed perform- engineering assistance, to operator-driven
resources and the vision to help you ance contracts. Through the specialized reliability and machine maintenance
succeed. capabilities and knowledge available from programs.

Creating a new “cold remedy”
In the frigid winters of northern China,
sub-zero temperatures can cause rail car
wheel assemblies and their bearings to
seize due to lubrication starvation. SKF
created a new family of synthetic lubri-
cants formulated to retain their lubrication
viscosity even at these extreme bearing
temperatures. SKF’s knowledge of lubri-
cants and friction are unmatched
throughout the world.

Evolving by-wire technology

SKF has unique expertize and knowledge having jointly developed the revolutionary
in fast growing by-wire technology, from Filo and Novanta concept cars which
fly-by-wire, to drive-by-wire, to work-by- employ SKF mechatronics for steering
wire. SKF pioneered practical fly-by-wire and braking. Further by-wire develop-
technology and is a close working part- ment has led SKF to produce an all-
ner with all aerospace industry leaders. electric forklift truck which uses mecha-
As an example, virtually all aircraft of the tronics rather than hydraulics for all
Airbus design use SKF by-wire systems controls.
for cockpit flight control. SKF is also
a leader in automotive drive-by-wire,

Planning for sustainable growth

By their very nature, bearings make a posi-
tive contribution to the natural environment.
Reduced friction enables machinery to
operate more efficiently, consume less
power and require less lubrication. SKF is
continually raising the performance bar, Maintaining a 320 km/h R&D lab
enabling new generations of high-efficiency In addition to SKF’s renowned research Scuderia Ferrari a formidable force in F1
products and equipment. With an eye to and development facilities in Europe and racing. (The average racing Ferrari utilizes
the future, SKF’s global policies and manu- the United States, Formula One car racing more than 150 SKF components.) Lessons
facturing techniques are planned and provides a unique environment for SKF to learned here are applied to the products
implemented to help protect and preserve push the limits of bearing technology. For we provide to automakers and the after-
the earth’s limited natural resources. We over 50 years, SKF products, engineering market worldwide.
remain committed to sustainable, environ- and knowledge have helped make
mentally responsible growth.


SKF spherical plain bearings and rod ends

® SKF is a registered trademark of the
SKF Group.

© Copyright SKF 2004

The contents of this publication are the
copyright of the publisher and may not
be reproduced (even extracts) unless
permission is granted. Every care has
been taken to ensure the accuracy of
the information contained in this pub-
lication but no liability can be accepted
for any loss or damage whether direct,
indirect or consequential arising out of
the use of the information contained

Publication 4407/II E · April 2004

Printed in Sweden on environmentally

friendly, chlorine-free paper (Tom&Otto
Silk) by SG Tryck AB.

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