The Turn of The Screw Optimal Design of An Archime PDF
The Turn of The Screw Optimal Design of An Archime PDF
The Turn of The Screw Optimal Design of An Archime PDF
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1 author:
Chris Rorres
Drexel University
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ABSTRACT: The geometry of an Archimedes screw is governed by certain external parameters (its outer radius,
length, and slope) and certain internal parameters (its inner radius, number of blades, and the pitch of the blades).
The external parameters are usually determined by the location of the screw and how much water is to be lifted.
The internal parameters, however, are free to be chosen to optimize the performance of the screw. In this paper
the inner radius and pitch that maximize the volume of water lifted in one turn of the screw are found. The
optimal parameter values found are compared with the values used in a screw described by the Roman architect
and engineer Vitruvius in the first century B.C., and with values used in the design of modern Archimedes
FIG. 4. Seven 96-Inch-Diameter, 3-Flight Screw Pumps That Lift Wastewater from Pretreatment Section to Balance of Treatment Plant
in Memphis, Tenn. [Each Pump Has Capacity of 19,900 gal./min (Courtesy Lakeside Equipment Corp., Bartlett, Ill.)]
In this paper it is assumed that the blades have negligible
thickness. With this assumption the volume of water in one The algorithm for computing the volume ratio n(N, r, l)
cycle monotonically increases with the number N of blades. If for a specific set of screw parameters N, r, and l is described
the blades had some nonnegligible thickness, however, they in Appendix I. As an example of this algorithm, consider the
would occupy an increasing fraction of the volume of the volume ratio for Vitruvius’s 8-bladed screw. Since r = 1/2 and
screw as their number increased and a point of diminishing l = 3/8 for his screw, the desired volume ratio is n(8, 1/2,
returns would be reached. One could then include the deter- 3/8). The algorithm gave 0.1703 for this volume ratio, so that
mination of an optimal N in the problem statement. But in 17% of Vitruvius’s screw was occupied by water when oper-
modern screws the number of blades is usually 1, 2, or 3, ating. With this value of n(8, 1/2, 3/8), Eqs. (1–3) and the
because of manufacturing, weight, and cost constraints. It is fact that K = 3/4 leads to
thus assumed that the number of blades is predetermined, and
their thickness is neglected in the computations. VT = 1.68R 3o (8)
In the next section this formula is compared with the corre-
DIMENSIONLESS PARAMETERS sponding formula that the optimization algorithm provides.
Fig. 7 is plot of n(N, r, l) for N = 8 and all values of r
The analysis of the optimization problem is begun by de-
and l between 0 and 1. Plots of n(N, r, l) for other values
fining a dimensionless parameter n as the ratio of VT (the vol-
of N are similar, with n(N, r, l) monotonically increasing as
ume of water in one cycle of the screw) to pR 2oL (the total
N increases for each fixed r and l.
volume of one cycle of the screw):
Fig. 7 shows that the volume ratio has a global maximum
VT for some value of r when l = 0. The case l = 0 arises when
n= = volume ratio (1) either the slope or the pitch of the screw is zero. Although
pR 2oL
neither situation is practical, they may be considered as the
= fraction of the volume of one cycle of the screw occupied limiting cases when the slope or the pitch approaches zero.
by water. Fig. 8 is a typical cross section of a screw when l = 0, show-
This volume ratio is also the fraction of the entire screw ing how the water level is tangent to the top of the inner
occupied by water if the ends where water is either entering cylinder. Every cross section of the screw has the same water
or leaving the screw are neglected. By its definition n is a profile when l = 0 and this is true regardless of the number
number between 0 and 1. Notice that maximizing VT is not the
same as maximizing n.
Two more dimensionless parameters are defined as follows:
r= = radius ratio (0 # r # 1) (2)
l= = pitch ratio (0 # l # 1) (3)
Because Ro = maximum value of the inner radius Ri, the radius
ratio r is the ratio of the actual inner radius to its maximum
possible value. Similarly, because 2pRo /K = maximum pitch
for which buckets will form, the pitch ratio l is the ratio of
the actual pitch to its maximum possible value. In the case of
Vitruvius’s screw: Ri = (1/2)Ro, L = 2pRi, K = 3/4, and so r
= 1/2 and l = 3/8.
A dimensional analysis shows that n depends only on N, r,
and l. This quantity can be written as n(N, r, l) to emphasize
this fact. From the above three equations it follows that
VT = S D
2p 2 R o3
ln(N, r, l) (4)
FIG. 7. Graph of n(N, r, l) (Volume Ratio) versus r (Radius Ra-
tio) and l (Pitch Ratio) for 8-Bladed Screw (N = 8)
Given N, Ro, and K, the problem of maximizing VT with re-
spect to Ri and L can then be reduced to maximizing ln(N,
r, l) with respect to r and l, each restricted to the interval
[0, 1]. Let the values of r and l that maximize ln(N, r, l)
be denoted by r* and l*, respectively. Then the optimal values
of Ri, L, and VT are given by
i = r*Ro (5)
L* = (6)
FIG. 8. Cross Section of 8-Bladed Screw with Zero Pitch Ratio
and (l = 0)
Number of Optimal Optimal volume-per- Optimal
blades radius ratio pitch ratio turn ratio volume ratio
N r* l* l*n(N, r*, l*) n(N, r*, l*)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
1 0.5358 0.1285 0.0361 0.2811
2 0.5369 0.1863 0.0512 0.2747
3 0.5357 0.2217 0.0598 0.2697
4 0.5353 0.2456 0.0655 0.2667
5 0.5352 0.2630 0.0696 0.2647
6 0.5353 0.2763 0.0727 0.2631
7 0.5354 0.2869 0.0752 0.2619
8 0.5354 0.2957 0.0771 0.2609
9 0.5356 0.3029 0.0788 0.2601
10 0.5356 0.3092 0.0802 0.2592
11 0.5358 0.3145 0.0813 0.2586
12 0.5360 0.3193 0.0824 0.2580
13 0.5360 0.3234 0.0833 0.2574
14 0.5360 0.3270 0.0841 0.2571
15 0.5364 0.3303 0.0848 0.2567
16 0.5362 0.3333 0.0854 0.2562
17 0.5362 0.3364 0.0860 0.2556
18 0.5368 0.3380 0.0865 0.2559
19 0.5364 0.3404 0.0870 0.2555
20 0.5365 0.3426 0.0874 0.2551
21 0.5370 0.3440 0.0878 0.2553
22 0.5365 0.3465 0.0882 0.2544
23 0.5369 0.3481 0.0885 0.2543
24 0.5367 0.3500 0.0888 0.2538
25 0.5371 0.3507 0.0891 0.2542
? ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ?
FIG. 9. Two views of Graph of ln(N, r, l) (Volume-per-Turn Ra- ? ? ? ? ?
tio) versus r (Radius Ratio) and l (Pitch Ratio) for 8-Bladed ` 0.5394 0.3953 0.0977 0.2471
Screw (N = 8)
FIG. 11. Views Looking down Optimal 1-, 2-, 3-, and 4-Bladed
Screw of Single Bucket Lying Between Two Adjacent Blades
(Dark-Shaded Region Is Horizontal Water Surface and Light-
Shaded Region Is Portion of bucket in Contact with Blade nearer
Top of Screw)
Vitruvius’s screw configuration can be compared with its
optimal configuration as determined by the calculations above.
As shown in (8), the volume per turn of the Vitruvius screw
is governed by VT = 1.68R 3o. The optimal volume per turn is
governed by (10) with K = 3/4, which gives V * T = 2.03R o. The
optimal design thus results in a fractional increase in the water
lifted per turn given by V *T /VT = 2.03/1.68 = 1.21, or a per-
centage increase of 21%. Consequently, the output of Vitru-
vius’s screw is fairly close to that of the optimal 8-bladed
screw. In addition, its radius ratio is within 7% of the optimal
value (0.5 versus 0.5354), its pitch ratio is within 27% of the
optimal value (0.375 versus 0.2957), and the construction lines
associated with its design are much simpler than those that
would be needed to construct the optimal screw. No doubt
many generations of experience went into the design of the
screw that Vitruvius described.
Fig. 12 shows one bucket in a screw of Vitruvius’s design
and one bucket in a screw of the corresponding optimal design.
Ritz-Atro Pumpwerksbau of Nürnberg, Germany, a manu-
facturer of Archimedes screws, prepared an Archimedean
Screw Pump Handbook in 1968 to ‘‘provide the technical in-
formation needed for the calculation, planning, construction,
and operation of water pumping installations using Archime-
dean screw pumps’’ (Nagel 1968). This handbook gives cer-
tain rules of thumb for maximizing the volume of water raised
with each turn of the screw based on heuristic arguments and
field experience. In particular, it states that the ratio of the
inner radius to the outer radius should be between 0.45 and
0.55 for most conditions (Nagel 1968, p. 30). The results of
this paper show that it should be 0.54 under all circumstances
when the corresponding optimal pitch is used.
For the pitch, the handbook gives the following heuristic
rule for a screw tilted at an angle u (Nagel 1968, p. 31):
L = 2.4Ro if u < 307
L = 2.0Ro if u = 307
L = 1.6Ro if u > 307
The result obtained in this paper is given in (6): L = (2pl*
FIG. 10. Graphical Representation of Data in Table 1 cot u)Ro, where the numerical value of l* is given in Table 1
and depends on N. Fig. 13 is a graph of L as a function of u APPENDIX I. VOLUME OF A BUCKET (DETAILS)
as given by this formula for the cases N = 1, 2, and 3. Also
in Fig. 13 is a graph of the piecewise constant formula deter- This appendix describes the algorithm used in the paper for
mined by the handbook’s heuristic rule. The heuristic rule can the computation of the volume ratio n(N, r, l). Run an x-axis
be seen to be a pretty good match for the exact relationship, along the axis of the screw, with x increasing going up the
especially for a 2-bladed screw. The handbook further states screw. Select any particular bucket of the screw at any partic-
that to avoid a proliferation of screw designs and the concom- ular time and set
itant manufacturing costs, the choice L = 2.0Ro should be AB(x) = Area (m2) of the water in the cross section of the screw
made for all angles. Fig. 13 justifies this particular simplifying
choice for 1-, 2-, and 3-bladed screws and for angles around at position x (m) in the selected bucket.
307. The volume of VB of the bucket is the integral of AB(x) over
Finally, it seems appropriate to close this paper with the the extent of the bucket along the x-axis. Thus, if (x0, x1) is
following words that Vitruvius used to close the description the interval along the x-axis over which the bucket is defined,
of his screw: then
I have now described as clearly as I could, to make them
VB = AB(x) dx (11)
better known, the principles on which wooden engines for x0
raising water are constructed, and how they get their motion
so that they may be of unlimited usefulness through their Next define a new (dimensionless) variable by
f= (12)
called the blade angle. The blade angle goes through 2p rad
over one cycle of the screw. With respect to the blade angle,
(11) becomes
L ˆ B(f) df
VB = A (13)
2p f0
f1 of the chute so that the value of gB is 1/4, since for this screw
VT NVB N the cross-sectional area of each chute is one-fourth the cross-
n= = = gB(f) df (15)
pR 2o L pR 2o L 2p f0 sectional area of the entire screw.
Fig. 16 illustrates how certain angles associated with the
The above concepts are illustrated in Fig. 14 with a 3-bladed geometry of a bucket are determined. In both the profiles and
screw for which K = 3/8, L = pRo, and Ri = (1/2)Ro (thus, cross-sectional views only a single bucket is shown and only
N = 3, r = 1/2, and l = 3/16). The top diagram shows the the two blades of the chute containing the bucket are shown.
profile of the screw with the bucket shaded. Of course, the Additionally, the surfaces of the two blades and the inner and
screw is actually tilting upward with slope K = 3/8 and the outer cylinders have been made transparent. Looking down
straight lines slanting downward in the diagram are the hori- into the screw in the cross-sectional view, the darker region is
zontal water levels in the buckets. The middle diagram shows the top horizontal water surface of the bucket and the lighter
a single bucket with the angles f0 and f1 indicated. The origin region is the portion of the bucket in contact with the upper
has been chosen along the f-axis so that the equation of the blade of the chute. Letting y denote distance above the axis of
sine curve forming the outer edge of the lower blade of the the screw in the profile view, the following curves in this fig-
bucket is Ro sin f. The bottom diagram is a graph of gB(f) ure have the following equations:
versus f of the particular bucket selected. (The top curve in
the bottom graph is the cumulative area ratio of all of the Outer edge of the lower (left) blade: y = Ro sin f
buckets in the screw. It is a periodic curve with period 2p/N Inner edge of the lower (left) blade: y = Ri sin f
and its average value is n.)
Fig. 15 shows cross sections of this 3-bladed screw for val- Outer edge of the upper (right) blade: y = Ro sin(f 2 2p/N)
ues of the blade angle from 907 to 4207. The chute containing Inner edge of the upper (right) blade: y = Ri sin(f 2 2p/N)
the selected bucket is outlined heavily, and the cross section
of the bucket itself is shaded darker than the buckets in the KL
Water level in the bucket: y = 2 (f 2 f0) 1 Ri sin f0
other two chutes. The cycle of cross sections in Fig. 15 repeats 2p
with each pitch of the screw, that is, for every 3607 increase
of the blade angle. In fact, the pattern of cross sections actually The angle f0, where the bucket begins, is where the water
level is tangent to the inner edge of the lower blade. Thus
KL l
Ri cos f0 = 2 or cos f0 = 2 (16)
2p r
(This is assuming l < r; otherwise f0 = p.) The angle f1
where the bucket ends is where the water level hits the outer
edge of the upper blade for a third time. Thus
R0 sin Sf1 2
N D =2
(f1 2 f0) 1 Ri sin f0
or S
sin f1 2
N D = 2l(f1 2 f0) 1 r sin f0
The angles denoted fL or fR determine the portion of the outer
cylinder in contact with the water. If the outer cylinder is an
open trough, then they determine the minimum angular bound-
aries of the trough needed to contain the buckets of water.
Both angles are determined by points of intersection of the
water level and the outer edge of the lower blade, so that they
are both solutions of the equation
Ro sin f = 2 (f 2 f0) 1 Ri sin f0
FIG. 15. Cross Section of Screw for Various Values of Blade 2p
Angle (Water in One Chute Is Darkened for Easier Identification)
or sin f = 2l(f 2 f0) 1 r sin f0 (18)