Jing Wang - 3-Part Lesson Plan Final
Jing Wang - 3-Part Lesson Plan Final
Jing Wang - 3-Part Lesson Plan Final
Strand/Topic: E1 Geometric and Spatial Reasoning: Introducing Grade: 3 Date: October 20, 2020
3-D Shapes
Expectations: Connection to Students?
Overall: describe and represent shape, location, and movement by applying Students encounter 3-D shapes everyday but may not necessarily know what makes those
geometric properties and spatial relationships in order to navigate the world shapes 3-D or may not know their specific names and attributes. We can relate this lesson to
around them (Ontario Ministry of Education, 2020). their everyday lives by finding common objects and naming their geometric properties.
Specific: E1.1 sort, construct, and identify cubes, prisms, pyramids, cylinders, Connections to other Curricular Areas?
and cones by comparing their faces, edges, vertices, and angles (Ontario Connections to other curricular areas include the grade 3 science strand of “understand
Ministry of Education, 2020). structures and mechanisms” (Ontario Ministry of Education, 2007). Structures are 3-D
shapes and this will be explored a bit more throughout this lesson and in lessons to follow
as we construct 3-D shapes. Students will be practicing their investigation skills.
Equity/ Diversity and Social Justice (Teacher Actions)
• Verbification: utilize “verbification” (Lunney Borden, 2011) to explain mathematical concepts.
o Eg. “where two faces meet” “where this face ‘says hello’ to this face”
o Eg. “a cube has six smooth faces” “this cube is able to ‘sit’ on its six faces”
• Language: support ELL learners or students who have different understandings of math outside Western context
o Eg. “what is circle in some other languages?”
o Eg. allow students to use aids like translator apps, dictionaries, cue cards, vocab sheets
o Eg. non-verbal ways to answer questions (thumbs up/down, nodding)
• Multiple means of representation: show shapes in different ways either through picture on a board, manipulatives etc.
• Accessibility: ensure that materials used for activities are accessible to all students
o Eg. for the 3-D shape scavenger hunt, check that several types of 3-D shapes are scattered around the classroom at varying heights and in different places so
that there are shapes at accessible points for students to find
vertex/vertices, edge, cube, square-based pyramid, rectangular prism, attribute). objects/shapes 2. Check in on pairs who markers to write
2. Think, Pair, Share Activity: hold up a common 3-D object (eg. tissue box) and different? may not be engaged with out vocab words
draw the matching 2-D shape on the board (rectangle). Ask students to share 2. What can we remember question and help them or use
with their elbow partner which they think is a 2-D shape and which is a 3-D about 2-D shapes? start off by asking them PowerPoint
shape. Ask students to share their thoughts with the rest of their group. 3. What are some 3-D what shapes they see in
a. 2-D shapes have two dimensions: length and width; circles, squares, etc. shapes? What do these the 2-D vs. 3-D shape, 3-D object to
b. 3-D shapes have three dimensions: length, width, height; cubes, rectangular 3-D shapes make you what the differences are show students
prisms, cylinders think of? between the two.
3. Discuss thoughts and
3. Explain lesson goals and period overview: At the end of lesson, students will be
questions together as a
able to: identify different 3-D shapes, identify the geometric attributes of 3-D
shapes, count faces, edges, and vertices.
Lesson Plan – Jing Wang
Questions to Ask Accommodations/ Materials
1. Explicit teaching – 7 mins 1. What dimensions do When doing explicit 2-D and 3-D
a. 2-D vs. 3-D shapes: 2-D shapes have two dimensions of length (side to side) we think 3-D shapes teaching, use both a shape
and height (top to bottom). 3-D shapes have three dimensions of length have? manipulative and a drawing manipulatives for
(side to side), height (top to bottom), and width (front to back). 2-D shapes 2. Can we clap over 2-D or picture on smart board so clap test.
are flat and 3-D shapes are solid. shapes? What about 3- that students have two
b. Clap Test Activity: students have manipulatives on desks. Explain that you D shapes? Why? types of visuals to follow Scavenger hunt
can clap over 2-D shapes because they’re flat, but not over 3-D shapes 3. If edges are where two along with. activity sheet.
because they are solid. Ask students to try it out with their table group and faces meet, what do we
share with the whole class what happened. think vertices are? Extension: ask students to
c. Attributes of 3-D shapes 4. How many think about shapes that do
i. Explain what geometric attributes are faces/edges/vertices do not have more than one
ii. Faces: flat surface of a 3-D shape; count faces by looking at how many we have at the bottom face, edge or vertex
faces are on the bottom, the top, and the sides of the shape. Emphasize of this shape? Top? (sphere/cylinder). What
that faces are smooth and flat. Sides? How many in makes them 3-D?
Part 2: Action – 20 mins
iii. Edges: where two faces meet/say hello; count edges by looking at total when we add it all
bottom, top, and sides of a shape, tracing finger. Emphasize that edges up? Check-in on students/pairs
are smooth lines. 5. How do you know that who are not actively
iv. Vertices: where two edges meet/say hello; count vertices by looking at that object you found is searching for shapes. Ask
bottom, top, and sides of a shape; tracing finger. Emphasize that a cube? A square-based them if there are any shapes
vertices are sharp, pointy parts of a shape. pyramid? at home they can think of.
v. Example of cube together 6. How do you know that Help students count faces,
2. Word Wall Part 2: Fill out and review vocab on word wall: face, vertex/vertices, this is a face, edge, or edges, and vertices if
edge, cube, square-based pyramid, rectangular prism, attribute vertex? How did you needed, providing hints.
3. Activity: 3-D Scavenger Hunt – 15 mins (inspired by April Brown, count the faces, edges
education.com) and vertices? For students who complete
a. Explain that in pairs, students will be walking around the class to find the activity early, ask what
objects that are in the 3-D shapes listed on the sheet. As they find shapes, strategy they used to count
students need to fill out the sheet with the objects they found and the faces, edges, vertices.
number of faces, edges, and vertices.
b. Remind students to think back to the vocab words if they need a reference
and to work in pairs to complete the sheet
c. Emphasize that it doesn’t matter how big, small, interesting the object they
find is. We are looking for objects that are in those 3-D shapes and looking
at if we can identify and count the faces, edges, vertices.
d. Extension: ask students to fill out the last row on the sheet with an abstract
shape they can draw and to count the faces, edges, vertices of their shape.
Lesson Plan – Jing Wang
Questions to Ask Accommodations/ Materials
1. Debrief: have students share the 3-D shapes they found in class, explaining the 1. What 3-D shapes did Check-in on table groups as Paper, markers
different attributes learned and the strategies they used to count faces, edges and everyone identify in they work on their words. for word wall exit
vertices. class? activity.
a. Ask if any other students found the same object 2. Does anyone want to Encourage groups to assign
b. If students want to project their activity sheets, teacher can go through the share their own abstract roles to engage all students
object and number of each attribute together as a group shape? How did you and make them feel
c. If students want to share their abstract 3-D shape, they can count the faces, essential to the group.
d. Make connections to learning goals of lesson vertices, and edges of
2. Word Wall Part 3 (inspired by Lisa Brizendine, http://cmslisa- your shape? For students who finish the
mathpd.weebly.com/math-word-walls.html): review the word wall together, 3. Did we notice any scavenger hunt early,
clarifying any questions or misconceptions that students may have. patterns when you were encourage them to draw the
Part 3: Consolidate Debrief – 15 mins
a. Each table group will be given a piece of paper, markers, and a vocab word counting faces, edges, 3-D shape themselves,
from today’s lesson. The table group will write the definition and provide and vertices? prompting them to think
an example and drawing of the word together. Each piece of paper will be 4. Are there any questions about what happens to
added to the class’s actual math word wall. about any of the words faces when we draw them
b. Can modify to assign roles if students prefer – illustrator, definition or concepts we covered out (i.e. they may be
recorder, example recorder, checker, advice-seeker today? “hidden”).
c. This would be a routine activity that happens at the end of each math lesson
3. Extension for next class: we will be constructing our own 3-D shapes next class,
instead of just identifying and sorting. What are some things we want to keep in
mind from today’s class as we construct our structures?
Lesson Plan – Jing Wang
Lunney Borden, L. (2011). The ‘verbification’ of mathematics: Using the grammatical structures
of Mi’kmaq to support student learning. For the Learning of Mathematics, 31(3), 8-13.
Ontario Ministry of Education. (2020). E1. Geometric and Spatial Reasoning. Retrieved from
Ontario Ministry of Education. (2007). The Ontario Curriculum Grades 1-8: Science and
Technology. Retrieved from