G. Orwell, T A F, 99, (1989) - Internet Desk, JNU Row: What Is The Outrage All About?, T H (March 5 2016), Available About/article8244872.ece (Last Accessed On April 9, 2016)
G. Orwell, T A F, 99, (1989) - Internet Desk, JNU Row: What Is The Outrage All About?, T H (March 5 2016), Available About/article8244872.ece (Last Accessed On April 9, 2016)
G. Orwell, T A F, 99, (1989) - Internet Desk, JNU Row: What Is The Outrage All About?, T H (March 5 2016), Available About/article8244872.ece (Last Accessed On April 9, 2016)
brow periodicals.”1
Constitutive censorship focuses on the implicit power structures within our society which
lead to the propagation of certain acceptable ideas and expressions in society, whilst
marginalizing others. These implicit power structures mandate what the normative
expectation of behavior are, and in what manner one is expected to express oneself in society.
“These expectations vary from culture to culture, as well as over time. We see that this form
of censorship may be externally imposed; however, it is internally regulated”.
“While the wielders of power may employ censors in order to maintain themselves at the
helm of power, their reasons for employing censorship are often masked behind other,
seemingly nobler causes, namely moral quandaries and political and social stability.
Censorship in the form of sedition charges against individuals who speak out against the
government, as was seen in the case of Kanhaiya Kumar 2, is justified in the name of
“nationalism” and “social stability”, when in reality, it is but a means of silencing dissenters.
This silencing of dissenting voices is the main goal of censorship. It involves the prevention
of “unacceptable” materials from being viewed by the public by prohibiting their creation or
circulation”. This can range from blasphemous texts, speech that seeks to subvert existing
societal power structures, and obscene material (the most commonly censored subject in most
countries across the globe).
G. Orwell, THE ANIMAL FARM, 99, (1989).
Internet Desk, JNU row: What is the outrage all about?, THE HINDU (March 5 2016), available
about/article8244872.ece (Last accessed on April 9, 2016).