Pembahasan: (TPS) Bahasa Inggris (BI) - Try Out UTBK 2021 Part 2

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Pembahasan: [TPS] Bahasa Inggris (BI) - Try Out UTBK 2021 Part 2

The Following Passage is for Questions Number 1-5! 

Humanity's primal efforts to systematize the concepts of size, shapes, and number are usually
regarded as the earliest mathematics. However, the concept of number and the counting process
developed so long before the time of recorded history (there is archaeological evidence that
counting was employed by humans as far back as 50,000 years ago) that the manner of this
development is largely conjectural. Imaging how it probably came about is not difficult. The
argument that humans, even in prehistoric times, had some number sense, at least to the extent of
recognizing the concepts of more and less when some objects were added to or taken away from
a small group, seems fair, for studies have shown that some animal possess such a sense.

With the gradual evolution of society, simple counting became imperative. A tribe had to know
how many members it had and how many enemies, and shepherd needed to know if the flock of
sheep was decreasing in size. Probably the earliest way of keeping a count was by some simple
tally method, employing the principle of one-to-one correspondence. In keeping a count of
sheep, for example, one finger per sheep could be turned under. Counts could also be maintained
by making scratches in the dirt or on a stone, by cutting notches in a piece of wood, or by tying
knots in a string.Then, perhaps later, an assortment of vocal sounds was developed as a word
tally against the number of objects in a small group. And still later, with the refinement of
writing, a set of signs was devised to stand for these numbers. Such an imagined development is
supported by reports of anthropologists in their studies of present-day societies that are thought
to be similar to those of early humans.

The following statements are true according to the passage EXCEPT…

a.Each marker represents a single object

b.Early humans first counted because of necessary
c. tribe counted because they want to know how many enemies they had
d.The first concept of counting is believed to be found way before a history was recorded
e. tribe sometimes made scratches on a stone to mark their group


Jawaban: E

Pernyataan berikut ini benar menurut teks KECUALI ...

a. Setiap penanda mewakili satu objek. Perhatikan kalimat ke tiga paragraf ke dua “Probably
the earliest way of keeping a count was by some simple tally method, employing the principle
of one-to-one correspondence.” (Mungkin cara paling awal untuk menghitung adalah dengan
metode penghitungan sederhana, menggunakan prinsip korespondensi satu-ke-satu.) one-to-
one corerespondence disini maksudnya 1 penanda mewakili satu objek. Maka, jawaban A sesuai
dengan isi bacaan.
b. Manusia purba pertama-tama menghitu karena merasa memerlukan perhitungan. perhatikan
kalimat pertama paragraph ke 2: “With the gradual evolution of society, simple counting
became imperative” (Dengan evolusi masyarakat yang bertahap, penghitungan sederhana
menjadi keharusan). Maka, opsi jawaban B sesuai denga nisi bacaan.

c. Suatu suku menghitung karena mereka ingin tahu berapa banyak musuh yang mereka
miliki. Perhatikan kalimat ke dua paragaraf ke dua “A tribe had to know how many
members it had and how many enemies, and shepherd needed to know if the flock of sheep
was decreasing in size.” (Sebuah suku harus tahu berapa banyak anggotanya dan berapa
banyak musuh yang ia miliki, dan gembala perlu mengetahui apakah kawanan domba itu
berkurang ukurannya. ”). Maka, opsi C sesuai dengan teks bacaan.

d. Konsep penghitungan pertama diyakini ditemukan sebelum sejarah dicatat. Perhatikan

kalimat pertama paragraf ke dua “However, the concept of number and the counting process
developed so long before the time of recorded history” (Namun, konsep angka dan proses
penghitungan berkembang jauh sebelum waktu sejarah dicatat). Maka, opsi jawaban D
sesuai dengan teks bacaan.

e. Suatu suku terkadang membuat goresan di atas batu untuk menandai kelompok
mereka. Perhatikan kalimat terakhir di paragraf ke dua “Counts could also be maintained
by making scratches in the dirt or on a stone, by cutting notches in a piece of wood, or by
tying knots in a string.” (Penghitungan juga dapat dilakukan dengan membuat goresan di
tanah atau di atas batu, dengan memotong takik pada sepotong kayu, atau dengan mengikat
simpul dalam sebuah tali). Goresan di atas batu dibuat untuk menandai perhitungan, bukan untuk
menandai suatu kelompok. Maka, jawaban opsi E tidak sesuai dengan teks bacaan.

The Following Passage is for Questions Number 1-5! 

Humanity's primal efforts to systematize the concepts of size, shapes, and number are usually
regarded as the earliest mathematics. However, the concept of number and the counting process
developed so long before the time of recorded history (there is archaeological evidence that
counting was employed by humans as far back as 50,000 years ago) that the manner of this
development is largely conjectural. Imaging how it probably came about is not difficult. The
argument that humans, even in prehistoric times, had some number sense, at least to the extent of
recognizing the concepts of more and less when some objects were added to or taken away from
a small group, seems fair, for studies have shown that some animal possess such a sense.

With the gradual evolution of society, simple counting became imperative. A tribe had to know
how many members it had and how many enemies, and shepherd needed to know if the flock of
sheep was decreasing in size. Probably the earliest way of keeping a count was by some simple
tally method, employing the principle of one-to-one correspondence. In keeping a count of
sheep, for example, one finger per sheep could be turned under. Counts could also be maintained
by making scratches in the dirt or on a stone, by cutting notches in a piece of wood, or by tying
knots in a string.
Then, perhaps later, an assortment of vocal sounds was developed as a word tally against the
number of objects in a small group. And still later, with the refinement of writing, a set of signs
was devised to stand for these numbers. Such an imagined development is supported by reports
of anthropologists in their studies of present-day societies that are thought to be similar to those
of early humans.

Humans in pre historic times were …

a.argued to have the sense of number

b.found that they had no record of counting
c.suspected of not knowing any counting
d.known as the first people to introduce Mathematic
e.not mentioned in the text


Jawaban: A

Manusia di zaman prasejarah dulu …

a. dianggap memiliki kemampuan berhitung (secara alami)

b. ditemukan bahwa mereka tidak memiliki catatan penghitungan
c. dicurigai tidak mengetahui penghitungan apapun
d. dikenal sebagai orang pertama yang memperkenalkan Matematika
e. tidak disebutkan dalam teks

Perhatikan kalimat terakhir paragraph pertama: “The argument that humans, even in
prehistoric times, had some number sense, at least to the extent of recognizing the concepts of
more and less when some objects were added to or taken away from a small group, seems fair,
for studies have shown that some animal possess such a sense.” (Argumen bahwa manusia,
bahkan di masa prasejarah, memiliki beberapa kemampuan menghitung dasar, setidaknya sejauh
mengenali konsep “lebih dan lebih sedikit” ketika beberapa objek ditambahkan ke atau diambil
dari kelompok kecil, tampaknya adil, karena penelitian telah menunjukkan bahwa beberapa
hewan memiliki kemampuan yang sama.) Disini dijelaskan bahwa ada argument yang
menyatakan jika manusia pra sejarah juga sudah memiliki kemampuan menghitung dasar
secara alami, dan pendapat ini dapat dibenarkan karena hewan saja juga memiliki “sense
of number” yang sama.

Maka, jawaban yang paling tepat adalah opsi A. Selain itu, opsi B, C, dan D tidak dibahas
di dalam teks.

 3.The Following Passage is for Questions Number 1-5! 

Humanity's primal efforts to systematize the concepts of size, shapes, and number are usually
regarded as the earliest mathematics. However, the concept of number and the counting process
developed so long before the time of recorded history (there is archaeological evidence that
counting was employed by humans as far back as 50,000 years ago) that the manner of this
development is largely conjectural. Imaging how it probably came about is not difficult. The
argument that humans, even in prehistoric times, had some number sense, at least to the extent of
recognizing the concepts of more and less when some objects were added to or taken away from
a small group, seems fair, for studies have shown that some animal possess such a sense.

With the gradual evolution of society, simple counting became imperative. A tribe had to know
how many members it had and how many enemies, and shepherd needed to know if the flock of
sheep was decreasing in size. Probably the earliest way of keeping a count was by some simple
tally method, employing the principle of one-to-one correspondence. In keeping a count of
sheep, for example, one finger per sheep could be turned under. Counts could also be maintained
by making scratches in the dirt or on a stone, by cutting notches in a piece of wood, or by tying
knots in a string.

Then, perhaps later, an assortment of vocal sounds was developed as a word tally against the
number of objects in a small group. And still later, with the refinement of writing, a set of signs
was devised to stand for these numbers. Such an imagined development is supported by reports
of anthropologists in their studies of present-day societies that are thought to be similar to those
of early humans.

Which of the following statement is true according to the second paragraph?

a.The count in pre historic era was recorded permanently

b.The calculation of the fingers provides the total count
c.Each signifier symbolises an object being counted
d.A group of quantities are represented by a certain symbol
e.Ten objects in a large group usually are considered as one group only.


Jawaban: C

Manakah dari pernyataan berikut yang benar menurut paragraf kedua?

a. Hitungan di era pra sejarah dicatat secara permanen

b. Perhitungan jari memberikan jumlah total
c. Setiap penanda melambangkan objek yang sedang dihitung
d. Sekelompok kuantitas diwakili oleh simbol tertentu
e. Sepuluh objek dalam kelompok besar biasanya dianggap sebagai satu kelompok saja.

Perhatikan kalimat ke tiga paragraf ke dua “Probably the earliest way of keeping a count was
by some simple tally method, employing the principle of one-to-one correspondence. In keeping
a count of sheep, for example, one finger per sheep could be turned under.”
Mungkin cara paling awal untuk menghitung adalah dengan metode penghitungan sederhana,
menggunakan prinsip korespondensi satu-satu. Dalam menghitung domba, misalnya, satu jari per
domba bisa diturunkan/dilipat (jika sudah dihitung). Ini artinya, satu penanda (satu jari)
melambangkan 1 objek yang sedang dihitung (domba). Maka. Jawaban C merupakan
pernyataan yang sesuai dengan paragraf ke dua. Sedangkan opsi jawaban A, B, D, dan E
tidak dibahas didalam bacaan.

4. The Following Passage is for Questions Number 1-5! 

Humanity's primal efforts to systematize the concepts of size, shapes, and number are usually
regarded as the earliest mathematics. However, the concept of number and the counting process
developed so long before the time of recorded history (there is archaeological evidence that
counting was employed by humans as far back as 50,000 years ago) that the manner of this
development is largely conjectural. Imaging how it probably came about is not difficult. The
argument that humans, even in prehistoric times, had some number sense, at least to the extent of
recognizing the concepts of more and less when some objects were added to or taken away from
a small group, seems fair, for studies have shown that some animal possess such a sense.

With the gradual evolution of society, simple counting became imperative. A tribe had to know
how many members it had and how many enemies, and shepherd needed to know if the flock of
sheep was decreasing in size. Probably the earliest way of keeping a count was by some simple
tally method, employing the principle of one-to-one correspondence. In keeping a count of
sheep, for example, one finger per sheep could be turned under. Counts could also be maintained
by making scratches in the dirt or on a stone, by cutting notches in a piece of wood, or by tying
knots in a string.

Then, perhaps later, an assortment of vocal sounds was developed as a word tally against the
number of objects in a small group. And still later, with the refinement of writing, a set of signs
was devised to stand for these numbers. Such an imagined development is supported by reports
of anthropologists in their studies of present-day societies that are thought to be similar to those
of early humans.

The following are the ways in which humans counted EXCEPT …

a.making a mark on the dirt or on a stone cutting notches in a piece of wood
c.tie the knot
d.using fingers
e.using sheep


Jawaban: E

Beberapa cara yang dilakukan oleh manusia pada jaman dahulu untung menghitung yang
disebutkan dalam teks adalah: membuat tanda diatas batu, membuat tanda diatas kayu,
mengikat simpul, dan menggunakan jari. Perhatikan kalimat ke tiga sampai kalimat terakhir
paragraph ke dua: “Probably the earliest way of keeping a count was by some simple tally
method, employing the principle of one-to-one correspondence. In keeping a count of sheep, for
example, one finger per sheep could be turned under. Counts could also be maintained by
making scratches in the dirt or on a stone, by cutting notches in a piece of wood, or by tying
knots in a string” (Mungkin cara paling awal untuk menghitung adalah dengan metode
penghitungan sederhana, menggunakan prinsip korespondensi satu-ke-satu. Dalam menghitung
jumlah domba, misalnya, satu jari per domba bisa dibalik. Hitungan juga dapat dilakukan
dengan membuat goresan di tanah atau di atas batu, dengan memotong takik pada sepotong
kayu, atau dengan mengikat simpul pada tali.)

Maka, jawaban yang paling tidak sesuai adalah opsi E

5. The Following Passage is for Questions Number 1-5! 

Humanity's primal efforts to systematize the concepts of size, shapes, and number are usually
regarded as the earliest mathematics. However, the concept of number and the counting process
developed so long before the time of recorded history (there is archaeological evidence that
counting was employed by humans as far back as 50,000 years ago) that the manner of this
development is largely conjectural. Imaging how it probably came about is not difficult. The
argument that humans, even in prehistoric times, had some number sense, at least to the extent of
recognizing the concepts of more and less when some objects were added to or taken away from
a small group, seems fair, for studies have shown that some animal possess such a sense.

With the gradual evolution of society, simple counting became imperative. A tribe had to know
how many members it had and how many enemies, and shepherd needed to know if the flock of
sheep was decreasing in size. Probably the earliest way of keeping a count was by some simple
tally method, employing the principle of one-to-one correspondence. In keeping a count of
sheep, for example, one finger per sheep could be turned under. Counts could also be maintained
by making scratches in the dirt or on a stone, by cutting notches in a piece of wood, or by tying
knots in a string.

Then, perhaps later, an assortment of vocal sounds was developed as a word tally against the
number of objects in a small group. And still later, with the refinement of writing, a set of signs
was devised to stand for these numbers. Such an imagined development is supported by reports
of anthropologists in their studies of present-day societies that are thought to be similar to those
of early humans.

“…an assortment of vocal sounds was developed as a word tally against the number of

The word developed has the same meaning as…  



Jawaban: B

Developed = dikembangkan, preserved = dilestarikan, expanded = dikembangkan, continued

= dilanjutkan, deleted = dihapus, Maintained = dipelihara. Maka, developed = expanded

6. The Following Passage is for Questions Number 6-10

To truly understand psychodynamic therapy, you need to go back to its roots. While this type of
therapy has changed over the last century, it is still built on the foundations of some of the
earliest work in modern psychology. In the late 19th century, Sigmund Freud was working on his
grand idea of the human mind and the theory of human development. His theories laid the
foundation for decades of psychological research and practice. While many of these theories
were eventually found to conflict with hard evidence gained through scientific research, they
formed the basis for psychodynamic theory and sparked a bold new school of thought that still
exists today, in a modified and updated form.

The psychodynamic therapies, even though they differ somewhat in theory and approach, all
have some concepts in common. With each, the role of the past in shaping the present is
emphasized, so it is important, in understanding behaviour, to understand its origins and how
people come to act and feel as they do. A second critical concept common to all psychodynamic
approaches is the belief in the unconscious, so that there is much that influences our behaviour of
which we are not aware. This makes the process of understanding more difficult, as we often act
for reasons that we cannot state, and these reasons often are linked to previous experiences.
Thus, an important part of psychodynamic psychotherapy is to make the unconscious conscious
or to help the patient understand the origin of actions that are troubling so that they can be
The main goals of psychodynamic therapy are to enhance the client’s self-awareness and foster
understanding of the client’s thoughts, feelings, and beliefs in relation to their past experiences,
especially his or her experiences as a child (Haggerty, 2016). This is accomplished by the
therapist guiding the client through the examination of unresolved conflicts and significant
events in the client’s past. The assumption in psychodynamic therapy is that chronic problems
are rooted in the unconscious mind and must be brought to light for catharsis to occur. Thus, the
client must have the self-awareness to discover these unconscious patterns of thought and an
understanding of how these patterns came to be in order to deal with them.

The purpose of the first paragraph is to…  

a.Explain the basic definition of psychodynamic therapy

b.Present key concepts about psychodynamic therapy
c.Elaborate the origin of psychodynamic therapy
d.Understand the basic concept of psychodynamic therapy
e.Mention how the first term is coined


Jawaban: C

Tujuan paragraf pertama adalah untuk…

a. menjelaskan definisi dasar terapi psikodinamik

b. menyajikan konsep kunci tentang terapi psikodinamik
c. menjelaskan asal mula terapi psikodinamik
d. memahami konsep dasar terapi psikodinamik
e. menyebutkan bagaimana istilah psychodynamic pertama diciptakan

Perhatikan kalimat: “To truly understand psychodynamic therapy, you need to go back to its
roots. While this type of therapy has changed over the last century, it is still built on the
foundations of some of the earliest work in modern psychology. ”Untuk benar-benar
memahami terapi psikodinamik, Anda harus kembali ke akarnya. Meskipun jenis terapi ini
telah berubah selama seabad terakhir, terapi ini masih dibangun di atas dasar beberapa karya
paling awal dalam psikologi modern.

7.The Following Passage is for Questions Number 6-10

To truly understand psychodynamic therapy, you need to go back to its roots. While this type of
therapy has changed over the last century, it is still built on the foundations of some of the
earliest work in modern psychology. In the late 19th century, Sigmund Freud was working on his
grand idea of the human mind and the theory of human development. His theories laid the
foundation for decades of psychological research and practice. While many of these theories
were eventually found to conflict with hard evidence gained through scientific research, they
formed the basis for psychodynamic theory and sparked a bold new school of thought that still
exists today, in a modified and updated form.

The psychodynamic therapies, even though they differ somewhat in theory and approach, all
have some concepts in common. With each, the role of the past in shaping the present is
emphasized, so it is important, in understanding behaviour, to understand its origins and how
people come to act and feel as they do. A second critical concept common to all psychodynamic
approaches is the belief in the unconscious, so that there is much that influences our behaviour of
which we are not aware. This makes the process of understanding more difficult, as we often act
for reasons that we cannot state, and these reasons often are linked to previous experiences.
Thus, an important part of psychodynamic psychotherapy is to make the unconscious conscious
or to help the patient understand the origin of actions that are troubling so that they can be

The main goals of psychodynamic therapy are to enhance the client’s self-awareness and foster
understanding of the client’s thoughts, feelings, and beliefs in relation to their past experiences,
especially his or her experiences as a child (Haggerty, 2016). This is accomplished by the
therapist guiding the client through the examination of unresolved conflicts and significant
events in the client’s past. The assumption in psychodynamic therapy is that chronic problems
are rooted in the unconscious mind and must be brought to light for catharsis to occur. Thus, the
client must have the self-awareness to discover these unconscious patterns of thought and an
understanding of how these patterns came to be in order to deal with them.

The second paragraph mainly talks about ... 

a.People’s previous experiences

b.How behaviour affects people’s attitude
c.How people’s past influences their decision in the future
d.people’s minds and bodies work together. 
e.The common concepts of psychodynamic therapy


Jawaban: E

Perhatikan kalimat pertama paragraf ke dua “The psychodynamic therapies, even though

they differ somewhat in theory and approach, all have some concepts in common.” (Terapi
psikodinamik, meskipun agak berbeda dalam teori dan pendekatan, semuanya memiliki beberapa
konsep yang sama.) Dilanjutkan dengan kalimat ke tiga di paragraf yang sama “A second
critical concept common to all psychodynamic approaches is the belief in the unconscious, so
that there is much that influences our behaviour of which we are not aware.” (Konsep kedua
yang umum untuk semua pendekatan psikodinamik adalah kepercayaan pada ketidaksadaran,
sehingga ada banyak hal yang mempengaruhi perilaku kita yang tidak kita sadari.) Maka,
paragraf ini menjelaskan konsep-konsep di psychodynamic therapy.

8. The Following Passage is for Questions Number 6-10

To truly understand psychodynamic therapy, you need to go back to its roots. While this type of
therapy has changed over the last century, it is still built on the foundations of some of the
earliest work in modern psychology. In the late 19th century, Sigmund Freud was working on his
grand idea of the human mind and the theory of human development. His theories laid the
foundation for decades of psychological research and practice. While many of these theories
were eventually found to conflict with hard evidence gained through scientific research, they
formed the basis for psychodynamic theory and sparked a bold new school of thought that still
exists today, in a modified and updated form.

The psychodynamic therapies, even though they differ somewhat in theory and approach, all
have some concepts in common. With each, the role of the past in shaping the present is
emphasized, so it is important, in understanding behaviour, to understand its origins and how
people come to act and feel as they do. A second critical concept common to all psychodynamic
approaches is the belief in the unconscious, so that there is much that influences our behaviour of
which we are not aware. This makes the process of understanding more difficult, as we often act
for reasons that we cannot state, and these reasons often are linked to previous experiences.
Thus, an important part of psychodynamic psychotherapy is to make the unconscious conscious
or to help the patient understand the origin of actions that are troubling so that they can be
The main goals of psychodynamic therapy are to enhance the client’s self-awareness and foster
understanding of the client’s thoughts, feelings, and beliefs in relation to their past experiences,
especially his or her experiences as a child (Haggerty, 2016). This is accomplished by the
therapist guiding the client through the examination of unresolved conflicts and significant
events in the client’s past. The assumption in psychodynamic therapy is that chronic problems
are rooted in the unconscious mind and must be brought to light for catharsis to occur. Thus, the
client must have the self-awareness to discover these unconscious patterns of thought and an
understanding of how these patterns came to be in order to deal with them.

The psychodynamic therapy presumes that…

a.people’s previous experiences are not really important to understand.

b.some people’s previous experiences are unpleasant.
c.people’s minds and bodies work together. 
d.Chronic problem is rooted in the unconscious mind
e.People may do something yet still knowing why they do so.


Jawaban: D

Terapi psikodinamik berasumsi bahwa...

a. pengalaman orang sebelumnya tidak terlalu penting untuk dipahami.

b. beberapa pengalaman orang sebelumnya tidak menyenangkan.
c. orang tidak selalu mengerti alasan tindakan mereka.
d. Masalah kronis berakar di pikiran bawah sadar
e. Orang mungkin melakukan sesuatu tanpa mengetahui mengapa mereka melakukannya.

Perhatikan kalimat ke dua terakhir di paragraph terakhir “The assumption in

psychodynamic therapy is that chronic problems are rooted in the unconscious mind and
must be brought to light for catharsis to occur.” (Asumsi dalam terapi psikodinamik adalah
bahwa masalah kronis berakar di alam bawah sadar dan harus disingkapkan agar katarsis

Maka, jawaban yang paling tepat adalah opsi D.

9.The Following Passage is for Questions Number 6-10

To truly understand psychodynamic therapy, you need to go back to its roots. While this type of
therapy has changed over the last century, it is still built on the foundations of some of the
earliest work in modern psychology. In the late 19th century, Sigmund Freud was working on his
grand idea of the human mind and the theory of human development. His theories laid the
foundation for decades of psychological research and practice. While many of these theories
were eventually found to conflict with hard evidence gained through scientific research, they
formed the basis for psychodynamic theory and sparked a bold new school of thought that still
exists today, in a modified and updated form.

The psychodynamic therapies, even though they differ somewhat in theory and approach, all
have some concepts in common. With each, the role of the past in shaping the present is
emphasized, so it is important, in understanding behaviour, to understand its origins and how
people come to act and feel as they do. A second critical concept common to all psychodynamic
approaches is the belief in the unconscious, so that there is much that influences our behaviour of
which we are not aware. This makes the process of understanding more difficult, as we often act
for reasons that we cannot state, and these reasons often are linked to previous experiences.
Thus, an important part of psychodynamic psychotherapy is to make the unconscious conscious
or to help the patient understand the origin of actions that are troubling so that they can be

The main goals of psychodynamic therapy are to enhance the client’s self-awareness and foster
understanding of the client’s thoughts, feelings, and beliefs in relation to their past experiences,
especially his or her experiences as a child (Haggerty, 2016). This is accomplished by the
therapist guiding the client through the examination of unresolved conflicts and significant
events in the client’s past. The assumption in psychodynamic therapy is that chronic problems
are rooted in the unconscious mind and must be brought to light for catharsis to occur. Thus, the
client must have the self-awareness to discover these unconscious patterns of thought and an
understanding of how these patterns came to be in order to deal with them.

“The main goals of psychodynamic therapy are to enhance the client’s self-awareness…”

The word enhance means …



Jawaban: B

Escape = Melarikan diri, Escalate = Meningkatkan, earns = menghasilkan, Enquire =

menanyakan, encounter = menemukan, enhance = meningkatkan. Maka, enhance = escalate.

10. The Following Passage is for Questions Number 6-10

To truly understand psychodynamic therapy, you need to go back to its roots. While this type of
therapy has changed over the last century, it is still built on the foundations of some of the
earliest work in modern psychology. In the late 19th century, Sigmund Freud was working on his
grand idea of the human mind and the theory of human development. His theories laid the
foundation for decades of psychological research and practice. While many of these theories
were eventually found to conflict with hard evidence gained through scientific research, they
formed the basis for psychodynamic theory and sparked a bold new school of thought that still
exists today, in a modified and updated form.

The psychodynamic therapies, even though they differ somewhat in theory and approach, all
have some concepts in common. With each, the role of the past in shaping the present is
emphasized, so it is important, in understanding behaviour, to understand its origins and how
people come to act and feel as they do. A second critical concept common to all psychodynamic
approaches is the belief in the unconscious, so that there is much that influences our behaviour of
which we are not aware. This makes the process of understanding more difficult, as we often act
for reasons that we cannot state, and these reasons often are linked to previous experiences.
Thus, an important part of psychodynamic psychotherapy is to make the unconscious conscious
or to help the patient understand the origin of actions that are troubling so that they can be

The main goals of psychodynamic therapy are to enhance the client’s self-awareness and foster
understanding of the client’s thoughts, feelings, and beliefs in relation to their past experiences,
especially his or her experiences as a child (Haggerty, 2016). This is accomplished by the
therapist guiding the client through the examination of unresolved conflicts and significant
events in the client’s past. The assumption in psychodynamic therapy is that chronic problems
are rooted in the unconscious mind and must be brought to light for catharsis to occur. Thus, the
client must have the self-awareness to discover these unconscious patterns of thought and an
understanding of how these patterns came to be in order to deal with them.
One of the aims of doing psychodynamic therapy is…

a.To make a better world.

b.To advance the cause of science. generate an understanding of the client's thoughts, feelings, and beliefs.
d.To free the client from all anxiety in the future.
e.To make them realize their self-worth


Jawaban: C

Salah satu tujuan melakukan terapi psikodinamik adalah …

a. Untuk membuat dunia yang lebih baik.

b. Untuk memajukan penyebab sains.
c. untuk memunculkan pemahaman tentang pikiran, perasaan, dan keyakinan klien.
d. Membebaskan klien dari segala kecemasan di masa depan.
e. Untuk membuat mereka menyadari harga diri mereka
Perhatikan kalimat pertama paragraph terakhir: “The main goals of psychodynamic
therapy are to enhance the client’s self-awareness and foster understanding of the client’s
thoughts, feelings, and beliefs in relation to their past experiences, especially his or her
experiences as a child (Haggerty, 2016).” (Tujuan utama terapi psikodinamik adalah untuk
meningkatkan kesadaran diri klien dan menumbuhkan pemahaman tentang pikiran, perasaan, dan
keyakinan klien terkait dengan pengalaman masa lalu mereka, terutama pengalamannya sebagai
seorang anak (Haggerty, 2016).) Ada 2 tujuan utama psychodynamic yang pertama untuk
meningkatkan kesadaran diri dan menumbuhkan pemahaman tentang pikiran, perasaan, dan
keyakinan klien. Maka, jawaban yang paling sesuai adalah opsi C

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