Phylogenetic Relationships and Generic Re-Arrangements in "South Andean Loasas" (Loasaceae)

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66 (2) • April 2017

International Journal of Taxonomy, Phylogeny and Evolution

Electronic Supplement to

Phylogenetic relationships and generic re-arrangements

in “South Andean Loasas” (Loasaceae)
Rafael Acuña, Stella Fließwasser, Markus Ackermann, Tilo Henning,
Federico Luebert & Maximilian Weigend

Taxon 66: 365–378

TAXON 66 (2) • April 2017 Electr. Suppl. to: Acuña & al. • Generic re-arrangements in “South Andean Loasas” (Loasaceae)

Table S1. List of the nuclear regions for which DNA amplification was attempted for SAL.
Nuclear region Forward primers Reverse primers References
DAL1 ATG63900-1F, ATG63900-2F ATG63900-1R, ATG63900-2R Granados-Mendoza & al. (2015)
ETS ETS-1F, AST-1, ETS-MentF 18S-ETS Baldwin & Markos (1998), Linder & al. (2000),
Markos & Baldwin (2001), Schenk & Hufford (2011)
G3pdh GPDX7F GPDX9R Strand & al. (1997)
LFY LFYF2 LFYR1 Howarth & Baum (2005)
PHYC PHYC upstream PHYC downstream Mathews & Donoghue (1999)
TIF3H1 ATG10840-2F, ATG10840-3F ATG10840-2R, ATG10840-3R Granados-Mendoza & al. (2015)
TOPO6 Top6_6F_1175, Topo6P_8_700F Top6_9R_1958, Top6_11R_2338 Jakob & Blattner (2010), Blaner & al. (2014),
Blattner (2016)
waxy waxy1F waxy9R Evans & al. (2000)
The references describe the primers and their respective amplification protocols.

Literature cited

Baldwin, B.G. & Markos, S. 1998. Phylogenetic utility of the external Jakob, S.S. & Blattner, F.R. 2010. Two extinct diploid progenitors
transcribed spacer (ETS) of 18S-26S rDNA: Congruence of ETS were involved in allopolyploid formation in the Hordeum murinum
and ITS trees of Calycadenia (Compositae). Molec. Phylogen. Evol. (Poaceae: Triticeae) taxon complex. Molec. Phylogen. Evol. 55:
10: 449–463. 650–659.
Blaner, A., Schneider, J. & Röser, M. 2014. Phylogenetic relationships Linder, C.R., Goertzen, J.R., Heuvel, B.V, Francisco-Ortega, J. &
in the grass family (Poaceae) based on the nuclear single copy locus Jansen, R. 2000. The complete external transcribed spacer of 18S-
topoisomerase 6 compared with chloroplast DNA. Syst. Biodivers. 26S rDNA: Amplification and phylogenetic utility at low taxonomic
12: 111–124. levels in Asteraceae and closely allied families. Molec. Phylogen.
Blattner, F.R. 2016. TOPO6: A nuclear single-copy gene for plant phy- Evol. 14: 285–303.
logenetic inference. Pl. Syst. Evol. 302: 239–244. Markos, S. & Baldwin, B.G. 2001. Higher-level relationships and major lineages of Lessingia (Compositae, Astereae) based on nuclear
Evans, R.C., Alice, L.A., Campbell, C.S., Kellogg, E.A. & Dickinson, rDNA internal and external transcribed spacer (ITS and ETS)
T.A. 2000. The granule-bound starch synthase (GBSSI) gene in the sequences. Syst. Bot. 26: 168–183.
Rosaceae: Multiple loci and phylogenetic utility. Molec. Phylogen. Mathews, S. & Donoghue, M. 1999. The root of angiosperm phylogeny
Evol. 17: 388–400. inferred from duplicate phytochrome genes. Science 286: 947–950.
Granados-Mendoza, C., Naumann, J., Samain, M.-S., Goetghebeur,
P., De Smet, Y. & Wanke, S. 2015. A genome-scale mining strategy Schenk, J.J. & Hufford, L. 2011. Phylogeny and taxonomy of Mentzelia
for recovering novel rapidly-evolving nuclear single-copy genes section Bartonia (Loasaceae). Syst. Bot. 36: 711–720.
for addressing shallow-scale phylogenetics in Hydrangea. B. M. C.
Evol. Biol. 15: 132. Strand, A.E., Leebens-Mack, J. & Milligan, G. 1997. Nuclear DNA
Howarth, D.G. & Baum, D.A. 2005. Genealogical evidence of homo- based markers for plant evolutionary biology. Molec. Ecol. 6: 113–
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TAXON 66 (2) • April 2017 Electr. Suppl. to: Acuña & al. • Generic re-arrangements in “South Andean Loasas” (Loasaceae)

Table S2. Comparison of previous classifications of South Andean Loasas sensu Weigend (1997) (Blumenbachia Schrad., Caiophora C.Presl, Loasa Adans., Scyphanthus Sweet) with the one proposed in this
Urban & Gilg (1900) Type species of basionym Weigend (1997) This study
Blumenbachia Blumenbachia insignis Schrad. Blumenbachia sect. Blumenbachia Blumenbachia sect. Blumenbachia
Caiophora sect. Angulatae Blumenbachia sylvestris Poepp. Blumenbachia sect. Angulatae Blumenbachia sect. Angulatae
Caiophora sect. Bialatae Gripidea scabra Miers Blumenbachia sect. Gripidea Blumenbachia sect. Gripidea
Caiophora sect. Bicallosae Blumenbachia arechavaletae Urb. Caiophora sect. Bicallosae Caiophora
Caiophora sect. Dolichocarpae Loasa contorta Desr. ex Lam. Caiophora sect. Caiophora Caiophora
Caiophora sect. Orthocarpae ser. Pentamerae Loasa coronata Gillies ex Arn. Caiophora sect. Orthocarpae Caiophora
Caiophora sect. Orthocarpae ser. Pleiomerae Loasa chuquitensis Meyen Caiophora sect. Orthocarpae Caiophora
Caiophora sect. Platypetalae Illairea canarinoides Lenné & K. Koch Caiophora sect. Caiophora Caiophora
Loasa sect. Euloasa ser. Acanthifoliae Loasa acanthifolia Lam. Loasa ser. Loasa Loasa ser. Loasa
Loasa sect. Euloasa ser. Acaules Loasa lateritia Gillies ex Arn. Loasa ser. Acaules Grausa gen. nov. (p.p.)
Loasa sect. Euloasa ser. Deserticolae Loasa elongata Hook. & Arn. Loasa ser. Deserticolae Loasa ser. Deserticolae
Loasa sect. Euloasa ser. Floribundae Loasa floribunda Hook & Arn. Loasa ser. Floribundae Loasa ser. Floribundae
Loasa sect. Euloasa ser. Macrospermae Loasa nitida Lam. Loasa ser. Macrospermae Loasa ser. Macrospermae
Loasa sect. Euloasa ser. Malesherbioideae Loasa malesherbioides Phil. Loasa ser. Malesherbioideae Presliophytum (p.p.)
Loasa sect. Euloasa ser. Pinnatae Loasa volubilis Juss. Loasa ser. Pinnatae Pinnasa gen. nov.
Loasa sect. Euloasa ser. Volubiles Loasa micrantha Poepp. Loasa ser. Volubiles Grausa gen. nov. (p.p.)
Scyphanthus Scyphanthus elegans Sweet Scyphanthus Scyphanthus

TAXON 66 (2) • April 2017 Electr. Suppl. to: Acuña & al. • Generic re-arrangements in “South Andean Loasas” (Loasaceae)

Fig. S1. Maximum likelihood SAL 88 Caiophora dumetorum

92 Caiophora aconquijae
tree based on the ITS dataset. 74 1.00 Caiophora lateritia
ML bootstrap support values are 63 1.00
Caiophora clavata
indicated above branches and 1.00 Caiophora cernua
Bayesian posterior probabilities are Caiophora chuquisacana
indicated below; only values above Caiophora hibiscifolia
76 Caiophora cf. buraeavii
50 and 0.5, respectively, are shown.
1.00 Caiophora madrequisa
Currently accepted generic and Caiophora canarinoides
infrageneric names are indicated Caiophora carduifolia
in the first column next to species Caiophora cinerea

names, with those in grey referring 62 Caiophora cirsiifolia (a)
0.97 Caiophora cirsiifolia (b)
to Loasa. Schematic representa- 53
Caiophora coronata
tions of fruit structure for major Caiophora pentlandii
clades of SAL and related groups 91 Caiophora rusbyana
are depicted in the middle column. 86 0.99 Caiophora boliviana
Pedicels of exclusively pendulous 1.00 Caiophora chuquitensis
Caiophora rosulata
fruits point to the top of the page. 96
Caiophora andina
Proposed generic and infrageneric 1.00 Caiophora deserticola
delimitations in SAL are shown 75 Caiophora pterosperma
as bars in the far right column. 99 66 0.90 Caiophora dederichiorum
1.00 0.86 Caiophora stenocarpa
The dark grey bars represent new
Caiophora arechavaletae
delimitations that differ from those Caiophora nivalis
currently accepted. Abbreviations: Scyphanthus elegans SCY SCY
ANG, sect. Angulatae; BLU, 98 97 Loasa bergii (a)
sect. Blumenbachia; DES, 1.00 94 1.00 Loasa bergii (b)

100 0.92 PIN
ser. Deserticolae; FLO, ser. Loasa nana
1.00 Loasa pinnatifida
Floribundae; GRA, Grausa gen. 99 Loasa micrantha (a)
nov.; LOA, ser. Loasa; MAC, 80 Loasa micrantha (b)

1.00 VOL
ser. Macrospermae; MAL, ser. 0.98 Loasa lateritia
Malesherbioideae; PIN, ser. 72 Loasa heterophylla
63 Loasa tricolor
Pinnatae; PNS, Pinnasa gen. 100 MAC
Loasa acerifolia
nov.; PRE, Presliophytum; SCY, 1.00 Loasa insons
Scyphanthus; VOL, ser. Volubiles 100 Loasa sclareifolia

and ser. Acaules. (a) and (b) indicate Loasa acanthifolia LOA
1.00 1.00
different accessions for the respec- 98 Loasa floribunda
94 1.00 Loasa illapelina
tive species. FLO
84 1.00 Loasa pallida
0.97 100 Loasa elongata (a)
1.00 Loasa elongata (b)
56 Blumenbachia latifolia
0.92 Blumenbachia catharinensis
58 99 Blumenbachia insignis BLU

0.99 1.00 Blumenbachia amana
Blumenbachia hieronymi
81 Blumenbachia sylvestris (b)
1.00 100 1.00 Blumenbachia sylvestris (a)
58 68 1.00 Blumenbachia prietea ANG
1.00 Blumenbachia dissecta (b)
Blumenbachia dissecta (a)
54 Presliophytum incanum PRE

Loasa malesherbioides
1.00 Loasa sessiliflora MAL
1.00 100 Nasa macrothyrsa
1.00 Nasa poissoniana
100 Aosa rostrata
65 56 1.00 Aosa sigmoidea
1.00 100 0.86 Aosa uleana
1.00 100 Aosa rupestris
55 Aosa parviflora

Plakothira parviflora
83 Huidobria fruticosa
1.00 Kissenia capensis
100 97 Mentzelia albescens
1.00 1.00 Gronovia scandens
100 Deutzia discolor
1.00 Philadelphus pekinensis
Panax ginseng
Antirrhinum majus
Actinidia chinensis


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