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<?php die("Access Denied"); ?

1:=Admin Panel
2:=Network Management
4:=View Users
5:=View Admins
6:=View Reports
7:=View Plugins
8:=User Levels
10:=Ad Campaigns
11:=Global Settings
12:=General Settings
13:=Signup Settings
14:=Recent Activity Feed
15:=HTML Templates
16:=Profile Fields
18:=User Connections
19:=URL Settings
20:=System Emails
21:=Other Tools
22:=Invite Users
25:=Access Log
27:=Administrator Login
31:=Browser Anda tidak mengaktifkan Javascript. Harap aktifkan Javascript dan co
ba lagi.
32:=The login details you provided were invalid. Did you <a href='admin_lostpass
.php'>forget your password</a>?
33:=Lost Password
34:=If you cannot login because you have forgotten your password, please enter y
our email address in the field below.
35:=You have been sent an email with instructions how to reset your password. If
the email does not arrive within several minutes, be sure to check your spam or
junk mail folders.
36:=The email you have entered was not found in the database. Please try again.
37:=Email Address:
40:=Reset SocialEngine Admin Password Request
You have requested to reset your SocialEngine admin password. If you would like
to do so, please click the link below. If you did not request a password reset,
simply ignore this email.
Thank You
42:=Reset Password
43:=Lost Password Reset
44:=Your password has been reset. <a href='admin_login.php'>Click here</a> to lo
45:=Complete the form below to reset your password.
46:=New Password
47:=Confirm New Password
48:=Layout Settings
49:=Language Settings
50:=This link is invalid or expired. Please <a href='admin_lostpass.php'>resubmi
t</a> your password request and follow the link sent to your email address.
51:=Please make sure you have completed all fields.
52:=Username and Password fields must be alpha-numeric.
53:=Passwords must be at least 6 characters in length.
54:=Password and Password Confirmation fields must match.
55:=Hello, Admin!
56:=Welcome to your social network control panel. Here you can manage and modify
every aspect of your social network. Directly below, you will find a quick snap
shot of your social network including some useful statistics.
58:=SocialEngine License:
60:=Upgrade Available
61:=Total Users:
63:=Private Messages:
64:=User Levels:
66:=Abuse Reports:
68:=News Posts:
69:=Views Today:
70:=Signups Today:
71:=Logins Today:
72:=Admin Accounts:
73:=User(s) Online:
74:=<h2>Getting Started</h2>If you have just setup SocialEngine and are ready to
build your social network, here are some helpful suggestions:
75:=Create Profile Fields
76:=One of the most defining aspects of your social network are your profile fie
lds. These determine what information users share about each other on their prof
iles. They are an essential for emphasizing your social network's unique theme o
r subject.
77:=Edit Signup Settings
78:=After you've created your profile fields, you will want to customize the use
r signup process. Here you can specify what information users have to provide, w
hether or not they must be invited to signup, and other important details.
79:=Edit Default User Level
80:=Now let's decide what features users have access to and what limits we will
place on their accounts. You can accomplish this by editing the default user lev
el or creating additional user levels.
81:=Install Plugins
82:=Plugins give your social network additional functionality and interactivity.
If you've already purchased any plugins, now would be an excellent time to inst
all them and configure their settings.
83:=Customize Look & Feel
84:=The next step is to give your new social network its own style! You can edit
any of the HTML templates (including a global header template and CSS file) to
add your own personal design.
85:=You must specify a field type.
86:=This page contains a list of the last 300 login attempts. Use this page to o
bserve suspicious login attempts to your social network.
94:=Please enter a title for your field.
95:=Your users will distinguish themselves through their profile page. You must
give them profile fields that allow them to describe themselves in a way that is
relevant to the theme of your social network. On this page, you can create prof
ile categories, tabs, and fields.<br><br>If you want all users on your social ne
twork to have the same profile fields, you will only need to create one profile
type. On the other hand, for example, you may want to have 'Musician' profiles a
nd 'Fan' profiles, in which case you would create two profile types. You can cre
ate a unique set of profile tabs and fields for each profile type, meaning that
Musicians and Fans will each fill out different profile fields. If you have crea
ted more than one profile type, users will select their profile type when they s
ignup.<br><br>Profile tabs allow you to organize your profile fields into sectio
ns. Commonly used tabs are 'Personal Info', 'Contact Info', 'About Me', etc., bu
t you should create tabs that organize your fields appropriatel
96:=Please ensure you have completed all the required fields.
97:=Please ensure you have filled out the fields in the proper format.
99:=Add Tab
101:=Add Field
102:=Dependent Field
103:=Profile Categories
104:=Add Category
105:=Are you sure you want to delete this category? NOTE: If you are deleting a
main category, all subcategories and fields will be deleted as well.
106:=Field Title:
109:=Field Type:
110:=Text Field
111:=Multi-line Text Area
112:=Pull-down Select Box
113:=Radio Buttons
114:=Date Field
115:=Inline CSS Style:
116:=Field Description:
117:=Custom Error Message:
119:=Not Required
121:=Search Type:
122:=Do Not Display Search Field
123:=Exact Value Search
124:=Range Search
125:=If you would like your users to be able to search based on this field, choo
se either an "Exact Value Search" or a "Range Search". If you select "Exact Valu
e Search", results will need to match the exact search value entered by the user
. If you select "Range Search", users will be able to input minimum and maximum
search values. This is useful for numerical fields such as "price", "square foot
age", and "age". Please note that "Range Search" does not work for date fields.
126:=Allowed HTML Tags:
127:=By default, the user may not enter any HTML tags into this profile field. I
f you want to allow specific tags, you can enter them above (separated by commas
). Example: <i>b, img, a, embed, font<i>
128:=Field Maxlength:
129:=Link Field To:
130:=If you want this field to link to another URL, enter the link format above.
Note that this will override the "Searchable/Linked" setting above. Use [field_
value] to represent the user's input for this field. Examples: <i>Regular link (
if user's input is a URL - must begin with "http://"):</i> <strong>[field_value]
</strong><br><i>Mailto link (if user's input is an email address):</i> <strong>m
ailto:[field_value]</strong><br><i>AIM Link (if user's input is an AIM screennam
e):</i> <strong>aim:goim?screenname=[field_value]</strong>
131:=Regex Validation:
132:=If you want to force the user to enter data in a certain format, enter the
corresponding regular expression above. A preg_match() will be applied when the
user enters data. This is optional - if you don't understand or need regular exp
ressions, leave this blank.
136:=Dependent Field Label
137:=Add New Option
139:=Add select box, radio button, or checkbox options by filling out the fields
below. The value field should be a positive integer, and each option should hav
e a unique value. If you would like an additional field to display when a user s
elects one of your options, you can create a dependent field for that option.
140:=Edit Field
141:=Delete Field
142:=Are you sure you want to delete this field?
143:=You must enter at least one option.
144:=No dep. field
145:=Yes, has dep. field
146:=You must enter a non-negative integer for the option values.
147:=The layout of your social network includes hundreds of phrases of text whic
h are stored in a language pack. SocialEngine comes with an English pack which i
s the default when you first install the platform. If you want to change any of
these phrases on your social network, you can edit the pack below. If you want t
o allow users to pick from multiple languages, you can also create additional pa
cks below. If you have multiple language packs, the pack you've selected as your
"default" will be the language that displays if a user has not selected any oth
er language. Note: You can not delete the default language. To edit a language's
details, click its name.
148:=Edit Dependent Field
149:=Language Name
150:=Language Code
151:=Autodetection Regex
154:=edit phrases
156:=Create New Language Pack
157:=Delete Language Pack
158:=Create Language Pack
159:=Edit Language Pack
160:=Language Selection Settings
161:=If you have more than one language pack, do you want to allow your <b>regis
tered users</b> to select which one will be used while they are logged in? If yo
u select "Yes", users will be able to choose their language on the signup page a
nd the account settings page. Note that this will only apply if you have more th
an one language pack.
162:=Yes, allow registered users to choose their own language.
163:=No, do not allow registered users to save their language preference.
164:=If you have more than one language pack, do you want to display a select bo
x on your homepage so that <b>unregistered users</b> can change the language in
which they view the social network? Note that this will only apply if you have m
ore than one language pack.
165:=Yes, display a select box that will allow unregistered users to change thei
r language.
166:=No, do not allow unregistered users to change the site language.
167:=If you have more than one language pack, do you want the system to autodete
ct the language settings from your visitors' browsers? If you select "Yes", the
system will attempt to detect what language the user has set in their browser se
ttings. If you have a matching language, your site will display in that language
, otherwise it will display in the default language.<br><br>The system uses rege
xes used to detect the visitor's language. They will be run on the request heade
r "HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE" after it has been cleaned. For example, here is a copy
of your browser's language settings:
169:=Your HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE after cleaning:
170:=Your autodetected language with the current settings:
171:=Yes, attempt to detect the visitor's language based on their browser settin
172:=No, do not autodetect the visitor's language.
173:=Save Changes
174:=Are you sure you want to delete this language pack?
176:=Please enter a name for your language.
177:=Please enter your language pack's language name, language code (used to set
content headers), setlocale code, and regex in the fields below. The setlocale
code allows you to display dates in other languages and uses the PHP function <a
href=''>setlocale()</a>. All
of the available locale settings for your sever are provided below. If given th
e option, select the locale code with "utf8" in it, as dates may not display pro
perly otherwise. If you leave this field blank, the default server language will
be used.
178:=Use this page to edit phrases of text within this language pack. Note that
you can use the search box to find a specific phrase you may be looking for. If
you cannot find the phrase, try just using one or two words from the phrase in t
he search box. When you edit a phrase, a small window will appear with a box for
each language pack (if you have more than one) - you can enter all the differen
t translations for this phrase into each respective box. After you close this po
pup window, the "edit" link for the next phrase will be automatically highlighte
d. If you want to edit the next phrase, you can press the "Enter" key on your ke
yboard to open the next phrase quickly. Note that if you change admin panel phra
ses, you may need to refresh the page to see the changes.
179:=<b>Note: You do not have any phrases in this language pack. To add phrases,
go to another language pack and edit the phrases there - you will be able to pr
ovide tranlsations for this language pack.</b>
180:=Partial Phrase:
181:=Find Phrase
182:=Last Page
183:=Next Page
184:=viewing result %1$s of %2$s
185:=viewing results %1$s-%2$s of %3$s
188:=Edit Phrase
189:=Change your phrases in the languages below:
190:=This page contains general settings that affect your entire social network.
191:=Your changes have been saved.
192:=Public Permission Defaults
193:=Select whether or not you want to let the public (visitors that are not log
ged-in) to view the following sections of your social network. In some cases (su
ch as Profiles), if you have given them the option, your users will be able to m
ake their pages private even though you have made them publically viewable here.
195:=Yes, the public can view profiles unless they are made private.
196:=No, the public cannot view profiles.
197:=Invite Page
198:=Yes, the public can use the invite page.
199:=No, the public cannot use the invite page.
200:=Search Page
201:=Yes, the public can use the search page.
202:=No, the public cannot use the search page.
203:=Portal Page
204:=Yes, the public view use the portal page.
205:=No, the public cannot view the portal page.
207:=Please select a default timezone setting for your social network. This will
be the default timezone applied to users' accounts if they do not select a time
zone during signup, or if they are not logged in.
208:=Date Format
209:=Select the date format you want to use on your social network. This will af
fect the appearance of the dates that appear on your social network pages.
210:=Social networks are often the target of aggressive spam tactics. This most
often comes in the form of fake user accounts and spam in comments. On this page
, you can manage various anti-spam and censorship features. Note: To turn on the
signup image verification feature (a popular anti-spam tool), see the <a href='
admin_signup.php'>Signup Settings</a> page.
211:=Ban Users by IP Address
212:=To ban users by their IP address, enter their address into the field below.
Addresses should be separated by commas, like <i>123.456.789.123,</
213:=Ban Users by Email Address
214:=To ban users by their email address, enter their email into the field below
. Emails should be separated by commas, like <i>, user2@domain2
.com</i>. Note that you can ban all email addresses with a specific domain as fo
llows: <i>*</i>
215:=Ban Users by Username
216:=Enter the usernames that are not permitted on your social network. Username
s should be separated by commas, like <i>username1, username2</i>
217:=Censored Words on Profiles and Plugins
218:=Enter any words that you you want to censor on your users' profiles as well
as any plugins you have installed. These will be replaced with asterisks (*). S
eparate words by commas like <i>word1, word2</i>
219:=Require users to enter validation code when commenting?
220:=If you have selected Yes, an image containing a random sequence of 6 number
s will be shown to users on the "write a comment" page. Users will be required t
o enter these numbers into the Verification Code field in order to post their co
mment. This feature helps prevent users from trying to create comment spam. For
this feature to work properly, your server must have the GD Libraries (2.0 or hi
gher) installed and configured to work with PHP. If you are seeing errors, try t
urning this off.
221:=Yes, enable validation code for commenting.
222:=No, disable validation code for commenting.
223:=Require users to enter validation code when inviting others?
224:=If you have selected Yes, an image containing a random sequence of 6 number
s will be shown to users on the "invite" page. Users will be required to enter t
hese numbers into the Verification Code field in order to send their invitation.
This feature helps prevent users from trying to create comment spam. For this f
eature to work properly, your server must have the GD Libraries (2.0 or higher)
installed and configured to work with PHP. If you are seeing errors, try turning
this off.
225:=Yes, enable validation code for inviting.
226:=No, disable validation code for inviting.
227:=Facilitating associations and relationships between users is essential to b
uilding a successful social network. There are several different types of connec
tions that can exist between users. Use this page to determine how your users wi
ll associate with each other. Note that although we refer to these relationships
as "friendships" in this control panel, you should use a word that best fits wi
th your social network's theme. For example, if you are running a business-orien
ted social network, you may want to change this word to "connections."
228:=Who can users invite to become friends?
229:=Please select who users can invite to become their friends. Note that if yo
u select "nobody", none of the other settings on this page will apply.
231:=Users cannot invite anyone to become friends.
233:=Users can invite any other user to become friends.
234:=Same Subnetwork
235:=Users can only invite other users in the same subnetwork to become friends.
236:=Friends of Friends
237:=Users can only invite their current friends' friends to become friends.
238:=Friendship Framework
239:=Please select how you want the friendship request process to work. If you c
hange this setting from "Verified Friendships" to "Unverified Friendships", all
pending friendships will be automatically confirmed.
240:=Verified Friendships (Two-way)
241:=When UserA invites UserB to become friends, UserB is added to UserA's frien
d list and UserA is added to UserB's friend list after UserB confirms the friend
242:=Verified Friendships (One-way)
243:=When UserA invites UserB to become friends, UserB is added to UserA's frien
d list after UserB confirms the friendship.
244:=Unverified Friendships (Two-way)
245:=When UserA invites UserB to become friends, UserB is immediately listed in
UserA's friend list, and UserA is immediately listed in UserB's friend list.
246:=Unverified Friendships (One-way)
247:=When UserA invites UserB to become friends, UserB is immediately listed in
UserA's friend list.
248:=Friendship Types
249:=Add friendship types to allow your users to specify their varying degrees o
f friendships. Example friendship types include "Acquaintance", "Co-Worker", "Be
st Friend", "Significant Other", etc. If you only specify one friendship type or
leave this area blank, users will not be prompted to specify a friendship type
when connecting to other users.
250:=Add New Type
251:=Custom Friendship Types
252:=Allow users to specify a custom friendship type.
253:=Do not allow users to specify a custom friendship type.
254:=Friendship Explanation
255:=Allow users to provide an explanation of their friendships.
256:=Do not allow users to provide an explanation of their friendships.
257:=Your social network can have more than one administrator. This is useful if
you want to have a staff of admins who maintain your social network. However, t
he first admin to be created (upon installation) is the "superadmin" and cannot
be deleted. The superadmin can create and delete other admin accounts. All admin
accounts on your system are listed below.
262:=Add Admin
263:=Delete Admin
264:=Are you sure you want to delete this admin?
265:=Complete the form below to add/edit this admin account. Note that normal ad
mins will not be able to delete or modify the superadmin account. If you want to
change this admin's password, enter both the old and new passwords below - othe
rwise, leave them both blank.
266:=Confirm Password
267:=The Old Password field must match this admin's old password.
268:=The username you have entered is already in use by another admin.
269:=Old Password
270:=Edit Admin
271:=If you want to put users into different groups with varying access to featu
res (e.g. Bronze, Silver, and Gold membership plans), you can create multiple us
er groups. You must always have at least one group - your default group (which c
annot be deleted). When users signup, they will be placed into the group you hav
e designated as the default group on this page. You can change a user's group by
editing their account from the <a href='admin_viewusers.php'>View Users</a> pag
e. If you want to give all users on your social network the same features and li
mits, you will only need one user level.
272:=Add User Level
275:=To create a user level, complete the following form. Once it is created, yo
u will be able to edit all the settings for this user level.
276:=Please specify a name for this user level.
278:=Add Level
279:=Are you sure you want to delete this user level? Users in this level will b
e moved to the default user level.
280:=Delete User Level
281:=Edit User Level
282:=You are currently editing this user level's settings. Remember, these setti
ngs only apply to the users that belong to this user level. When you're finished
, you can edit the <a href='admin_levels.php'>other levels here</a>.
283:=To modify this user level, complete the following form.
284:=Please specify a name for this user level.
285:=Level Settings
286:=User Settings
287:=Message Settings
288:=Editing User Level: %1$s
289:=This page contains various settings that affect your users' accounts.
290:=Photo file types can only be gif, jpg, jpeg, or png.
291:=Photo width and height must be integers between 1 and 999
292:=Can users block other users?
293:=If set to "yes", users can block other users from sending them private mess
ages, requesting their friendship, and viewing their profile. This helps fight s
pam and network abuse.
294:=Yes, users can block other users.
295:=No, users cannot block other users.
296:=Privacy Options
297:=Search Privacy Options
298:=If you enable this feature, users will be able to exclude themselves from s
earch results and the lists of users on the homepage (such as Recent Signups). O
therwise, all users will be included in search results.
299:=Yes, allow users to exclude themselves from search results.
300:=No, force all users to be included in search results.
301:=Profile Privacy Options
302:=Your users can choose from any of the options checked below when they decid
e who can see their profile. If you do not check any options, everyone will be a
llowed to view profiles.
303:=Profile Comment Options
304:=Your users can choose from any of the options checked below when they decid
e who can post comments on their profile. If you do not check any options, every
one will be allowed to post comments on profiles.
305:=Allow User Photos?
306:=If you enable this feature, users can upload a small photo icon of themselv
es. This will be shown next to their name/username on their profiles, in search/
browse results, next to their private messages, etc.
307:=Yes, users can upload a photo.
308:=No, users can not upload a photo.
309:=If you have selected "Yes" above, please input the maximum dimensions for t
he user photos. If your users upload a photo that is larger than these dimension
s, the server will attempt to scale them down automatically. This feature requir
es that your PHP server is compiled with support for the GD Libraries.
310:=Maximum Width:
311:=(in pixels, between 1 and 999)
312:=Maximum Height:
313:=What file types do you want to allow for user photos (gif, jpg, jpeg, or pn
g)? Separate file types with commas, i.e. <i>jpg, jpeg, gif, png</i>
314:=Allowed File Types:
315:=Allow custom CSS in profiles?
316:=Enable this feature if you want to allow users to customize the colors and
fonts of their profiles with their own CSS styles.
317:=Yes, users can add custom CSS styles to their profiles.
318:=No, users cannot add custom CSS styles to their profiles.
319:=Allow profile status messages?
320:=Enable this feature if you want to allow users to show their "status" on th
eir profile. By updating their status, users can tell others what they are up to
, what's on their minds, etc.
321:=Yes, allow users to have a "status" message.
322:=No, users cannot have a "status" message.
324:=All Registered Users
325:=Only My Friends and Everyone within My Subnetwork
326:=Only My Friends and Their Friends within My Subnetwork
327:=Only My Friends
328:=Only Me
330:=Facilitating user interactivity is the key to developing a successful socia
l network. Allowing private messages between users is an excellent way to increa
se interactivity. From this page, you can enable the private messaging feature a
nd configure its settings.
331:=Who can users send private messages to?
332:=If set to "nobody", none of the other settings on this page will apply. Oth
erwise, users will have access to their private message inbox and will be able t
o send each other messages.
333:=Nobody - users cannot send private messages.
334:=Friends only - users can send private messages to their friends only.
335:=Everyone - users can send private messages to anyone.
336:=Inbox/Outbox Capacity
337:=How many total conversations will users be allowed to store in their inbox
and outbox? If a user's inbox or outbox is full and a new conversation is starte
d, the oldest conversation will be automatically deleted.
338:=conversations in inbox folder.
339:=conversations in outbox folder.
340:=Use this page to invite new users to your social network. You can specify 1
0 email addresses at a time. If you have specified that users may signup by invi
tation only, this page will email an invitation code to the email addresses you
specify. Otherwise, a simple invitation email will be sent. Both these emails ca
n be modified on your <a href='admin_emails.php'>System Emails</a> page.
341:=Invitations have been sent!
342:=Email Addresses
343:=Enter email addresses (max 10), separated by commas, in the field below.
344:=Create Advertising Campaign
345:=Follow this guide to design and launch a new advertising campaign.
346:=Advertisement Media
347:=Upload a banner image from your computer or specify your advertisement HTML
code (e.g. Google Adsense). If you choose to upload an image, it must be a vali
d GIF, JPG, JPEG, or PNG file under 200kb.
348:=Upload Banner Image
350:=Insert Banner HTML
351:=Insert Banner HTML Code
352:=Save HTML Code & Preview
353:=Please insert your banner HTML before continuing.
354:=Banner Preview
355:=Save Banner
356:=Remove Banner
357:=Edit HTML
358:=Upload Banner Image
360:=Link URL:
361:=Upload Banner & Preview
362:=Please choose a file from your hard drive to upload.
363:=The file you specified failed to upload. Please make sure this is a valid i
mage file and the /uploads_admin/ads directory is writeable on the server.
364:=Campaign Information
365:=Begin by naming this campaign and determining its start date and ending ter
ms. If you select an ending date, the campaign will end immediately when that da
te is reached. If you specify a certain number of total views allowed or total c
licks allowed, the campaign will end when that number of views or clicks is reac
hed. If you specify a minimum CTR (click-through ratio, which is the ratio of cl
icks to views) and the campaign's CTR goes below your limit, the campaign will e
nd. If you decide to specify a minimum CTR limit, you should enter it as a perce
ntage of clicks to views (e.g. 0.05%). To create a campaign with no definite end
, don't specify an end date or any other limits and your campaign will continue
until you choose to end it.
366:=Note: Current date is %1$s
367:=Campaign Name:
368:=Start Date:
369:=End Date:
370:=Don't end this campaign on a specific date.
371:=End this campaign on a specific date.
372:=Total Views Allowed:
374:=Total Clicks Allowed:
375:=Minimum CTR:
376:=Select Placement Position
377:=Where on the page do you want your banners to display? You can place your b
anners at the very top of the page, just above the main content area, to the lef
t of the content area, to the right of the content area, or at the very bottom o
f the page. Please note that this automatic placement will NOT work if you have
removed the advertisement code Smarty variables from your header.tpl and footer.
tpl files. Also note that if you select a position below, the banner will show u
p in that position on every page of the social network. You can insert banners o
n a single page (or a few pages) by following the manual insertion instructions
378:=If you want to have this advertisement display somewhere other than the sit
e-wide positions shown above (e.g. within the content on a single page), you can
insert the following code into any of your <a href='admin_templates.php' target
='_blank'>templates</a> and it will display your advertisement once you've creat
ed the campaign.
379:=Select Audience
380:=Specify which users will be shown advertisements from this campaign. To inc
lude the entire user population in this campaign, leave all of the <a href='admi
n_levels.php' target='_blank'>user levels</a> and <a href='admin_subnetworks.php
' target='_blank'>subnetworks</a> selected. To select multiple user levels or su
bnetworks, use CTRL-click. Note that this advertising campaign will only be disp
layed to logged-in users that match both a user level <b>AND</b> a subnetwork yo
u've selected.
382:=(signup default)
383:=Default Subnetwork
384:=Also show this advertisement to visitors that are not logged in.
385:=Create New Campaign
386:=Please upload a banner or specify your advertisement HTML for this campaign
387:=Please provide a name for this advertising campaign.
388:=Please provide a complete start date for this campaign.
389:=Please provide a complete end date for this campaign.
390:=Please select an end date that is later than your start date.
391:=Please provide a maximum number of views for this campaign. This must be an
integer (e.g. 250000).
392:=Please provide a maximum number of clicks for this campaign. This must be a
n integer (e.g. 250).
393:=Please provide a minimum CTR limit in the form of a percentage of clicks to
views (e.g. 1.50%). This value may not exceed 100%.
394:=Displaying advertisements is an excellent way to monetize your social netwo
rk. By creating ad campaigns, you can determine exactly where your ads will appe
ar, how long they will be displayed, and who they will be shown to. The key to g
enerating substantial revenue from your social network is to create targeted ad
campaigns. This means that you should make an effort to show specific ads to use
rs based on their interests or personal characteristics (e.g. their profile info
rmation). To accomplish this, ad campaigns can be created for specific <a href='
admin_levels.php'>user levels</a> and/or <a href='admin_subnetworks.php'>subnetw
395:=Refresh Stats
401:=There are currently no advertising campaigns on your social network.
404:=Waiting For Start Date
406:=Delete Ad Campaign
407:=Are you sure you want to delete this ad campaign?
408:=Edit Advertising Campaign
409:=Edit this advertising campaign's details below.
410:=The user signup process is a crucial element of your social network. You ne
ed to design a signup process that is user friendly but also gets the initial in
formation you need from new users. On this page, you can configure your signup p
411:=Fields on Signup Page
412:=Your users will have an opportunity to begin filling out their profile when
they signup. Below, you can specify which profile fields will appear on the sig
nup page, and which will be required. Keep in mind that a lengthly signup proces
s may deter some users from signing up to your social network. To add or delete
profile fields, visit the <a href='admin_profile.php'>Profile Fields</a> page.
413:=User Photo Upload
414:=Do you want your users to be able to upload a photo of themselves upon sign
415:=Yes, give users the option to upload a photo upon signup.
416:=No, do not allow users to upload a photo upon signup.
417:=Enable Users?
418:=If you have selected YES, users will automatically be enabled when they sig
nup. If you select NO, you will need to manually enable users through the <a hre
f='admin_viewusers.php'>View Users</a> page. Users that are not enabled cannot l
419:=Yes, enable users upon signup.
420:=No, do not enable users upon signup.
421:=Send Welcome Email?
422:=Send users a welcome email upon signup? If you have email verification acti
vated, this email will be sent upon verification. You can modify this email on t
he <a href='admin_emails.php'>System Emails</a> page.
423:=Yes, send users a welcome email.
424:=No, do not send users a welcome email.
425:=Invite Only?
426:=Do you want to turn off public signups and only allow invited users to sign
up? If yes, you can choose to have either admins and users invite new users, or
just admins. If set to yes, an invite code will be required on the signup page.
427:=Yes, admins and users must invite new users before they can signup.
428:=Yes, admins must invite new users before they can signup.
429:=No, disable the invite only feature.
430:=Should each invite code be bound to each invited email address? If set to N
O, anyone with a valid invite code can signup regardless of their email address.
If set to YES, anyone with a valid invite code that matches an email address th
at was invited can signup.
431:=Yes, check that a user's email address was invited before accepting their i
nvite code.
432:=No, anyone with an invite code can signup, regardless of their email addres
433:=How many invites do users get when they signup? (If you want to give a part
icular user extra invites, you can do so via the <a href='admin_viewusers.php'>V
iew Users</a> page. Please enter a number between 0 and 999 below.
434:=invites are given to each user when they signup.
435:=Show "Invite Friends" Page?
436:=If you have selected YES, your users will be shown a page asking them to op
tionally invite one or more friends to signup. The "invite friends" feature is d
ifferent from the "invite only" feature because "invite friends" simply sends an
email to the invitee instead of sending them an actual invitation code. Because
of this, you probably do not want to enable both "invite friends" and "invite o
nly" features simultaneously.
437:=Yes, show invite friends page.
438:=No, do not show invite friends page.
439:=Verify Email Address?
440:=Force users to verify their email address before they can login? If set to
YES, users will be sent an email with a verification link which they must click
to activate their account.
441:=Yes, verify email addresses.
442:=No, do not verify email addresses.
443:=Require Users to Enter a Verification Code?
444:=If you have selected YES, an image containing a random sequence of 6 number
s will be shown to users on the signup page. Users will be required to enter the
se numbers into the Verification Code field before they can continue. This featu
re helps prevent users from trying to automatically create accounts on your syst
em. For this feature to work properly, your server must have the GD Libraries (2
.0 or higher) installed and configured to work with PHP. If you are seeing error
s or users cannot signup, try turning this off.
445:=Yes, show verification code image.
446:=No, do not show verification code image.
447:=Generate Random Passwords?
448:=If you have selected YES, a random password will be created for users when
they signup. The password will be emailed to them upon the completion of the sig
nup process. This is another method of verifying users' email addresses.
449:=Yes, generate random passwords and email to new users.
450:=No, let users choose their own passwords.
451:=Require users to agree to your terms of service?
452:=Note: If you have selected YES, users will be forced to click a checkbox du
ring the signup process which signifies that they have read, understand, and agr
ee to your terms of service. Enter your terms of service text in the field below
. HTML is OK.
453:=Yes, make users agree to your terms of service on signup.
454:=No, users will not be shown a terms of service checkbox on signup.
455:=There are no fields in this profile category.
456:=Some users prefer to have profile addresses (URLs) that are easier to remem
ber, more visually appealing, and more search-engine friendly. By default, your
users' URLs will appear in the "normal" format as demonstrated below. If you wan
t to give them "subdirectory URLs", your web server must be running Apache and h
ave mod_rewrite installed.
457:=URL Style
458:=After you select a URL style and click the submit button below, you will be
prompted with further instructions for enabling the URL style of your choice. P
lease follow these instructions carefully to ensure that your URLs are working p
459:=<b>Normal URLs</b><br>Profile URL:
460:=<b>Subdirectory URLs</b><br>Profile URL:
461:=Normal URLs
462:=Subdirectory URLs
463:= - (Need help? Review the instructions <a href='javascript:urlhelp();'>here
464:=URL Settings Help
465:=The system is now set to use subdirectory URLs, which require an .htaccess
file in your SocialEngine root directory. Copy and paste the code in the followi
ng box into a blank text file named .htaccess, and place it into your SocialEngi
ne root directory. This is the directory on your server in which you have instal
led SocialEngine.
467:=You have complete control over the look and feel of your social network. Th
e PHP code that powers your social network is completely separate from the HTML
code used for presentation. Your HTML code is stored in the templates listed bel
ow, which can be edited directly on this page. To edit a template, simply click
it's name.<br><br><b>About the template system:</b><br>The template system uses
Smarty, which is the most advanced and renown third-party PHP templating system
available. Although the templates are primarily HTML, some Smarty tags are used
for various purposes. For help with the templating system, please visit the <a h
ref='' target='_blank'>Smarty</a> website. Note that many o
f the tags you will find in the templates are actually language variables. These
are used to display bits of text that have been specified in your language pack
. To change these bits of text, you must edit the language file you are using in
the "lang" directory on your server.<br><br><b>Adding your web
468:=Logged-in User Pages
469:=Public Pages
470:=Header/Footer Templates
471:=Edit Template
472:=The HTML and Smarty code for this template is displayed below. After making
your desired changes to the template, be sure to click the "Save Changes" butto
n. For help with Smarty, see the <a href='' target='_blank'
>official website</a> and <a href='' target
='_blank'>crash course</a>.
473:=The file you specified is not a valid template file.
474:=The template you specified could not be found.
475:=The template you specified could not be read. Try setting full permissions
(CHMOD 777) to this file and the templates directory.
476:=The template you specified is not writable. Try setting full permissions (C
HMOD 777) to this file and the templates directory.
477:=Use this page to monitor network usage and traffic patterns. Begin by selec
ting one of the types of available statistics below.
478:=Quick Summary
480:=New Logins
481:=New Signups
482:=New Friendships
483:=Network Usage
484:=Other Stats
485:=Referring URLs
486:=Space Used
487:=Last Period
489:=This Week (Daily)
490:=This Month (Daily)
491:=This Year (Monthly)
493:=Next Period
495:=These are the 100 most common referring URLs tracked from your <a href='../
home.php' target='_blank'>home.php</a> file.<br>This indicates that most new tra
ffic is coming from the following URLs.<br>Clearing the list periodically will g
ive you fresh referrer data.
496:=clear now
498:=The referrer URL list is currently empty.
499:=Uploaded Media:
500:=Database Size:
501:=Total Space Used (Estimated):
502:=Quick Network Statistics
503:=The following data is a quick snapshot of your social network.<br>The data
does not include any items that have been deleted.
504:=Total Users:
505:=%1$d users
506:=%1$d messages
507:=%1$d comments
508:=Page Views
509:=%1$s's Profile
510:=Hello, %1$s!
511:=Statistik Jaringan
512:=Week of
513:=This page allows you to change the content of email messages sent by the sy
514:=From Address
515:=Enter the name and email address you want the emails from the system to com
e from in the fields below.
516:=From Name:
517:=From Address:
518:=Invite Code Email
519:=This is the email that gets sent if you allow users to join by invite only.
523:=Invitation Email
524:=This is the email that gets sent when users invite their friends to join du
ring the signup process.
526:=Verification Email
527:=This is the email that gets sent to users to verify their email addresses.
529:=New Password Email
530:=This is the email that gets sent if you have chosen to create a random pass
word for users upon signup.
532:=Welcome Email
533:=This is the email that gets sent when a user signs up. Please note that if
you have email verification enabled, the password variable is <b>not available</
b>. This is due to the fact that passwords are securely encrypted upon signup an
d cannot be unencrypted when a user verifies their email address and the welcome
email is sent.
535:=Lost Password Email
536:=This is the email that gets sent if a user forgets their password and reque
sts to create a new one.
538:=Friend Request Email
539:=This is the email that gets sent to a user when they are added as a friend
by another user.
541:=New Message Email
542:=This is the email that gets sent to a user when they receive a new message.
544:=New Profile Comment Email
545:=This is the email that gets sent to a user when a new comment is posted on
their profile.
547:=The recent activity feed is an auto-updating list of actions that have rece
ntly occurred on your social network. This information is displayed (by default)
on users' "My Home" page. Also, each user's own personal activity list will be
displayed on their profile page if enabled below. Please note that some of the s
ettings here are not retroactive, meaning that changes you make here may not aff
ect old feed items.
548:=Which actions do you want to include in the activity list?
549:=All of the possible actions that can appear in your recent activity feed ar
e shown below. You can choose not to include them in the recent activity feed by
unchecking the appropriate box, or you can alter their text. Note that some of
the actions have variables that are replaced by the system (e.g. username, photo
, comment). Also, note that installing new plugins may add new actions. Unchecki
ng the designated checkbox will disable that action type, however any previously
recorded actions of that type will not be deleted from the feed. You can also d
ecide whether or not to allow users the option of disabling the activity feed ty
pe by checking or unchecking the appropriate box.<br><br><b>Note: If you are usi
ng more than one language on your social network, you can provide translations f
or these activity feed items on the <a href='admin_language.php'>Language Settin
gs</a> page.</b>
550:=Action Text
552:=How many actions should be stored about each user?
553:=How many recent actions do you want to store in the database for each user?
A higher value will show more information about each user's activity, while a l
ower value will increase database performance. Note: If the number of actions yo
u want to display on each user's profile is less than the number of actions you
want to store in the database, you can edit the "profile.tpl" template file to l
imit the number of actions dispalyed.
554:=action(s) stored in the database and published on each user's profile page
555:=Feed Limits
556:=How many total actions do you want to display in the recent activity feed?
557:=action(s) published in the recent activity feed
558:=How long do want items to be visible in the recent activity feed? A shorter
amount of time will generally result in a shorter list of actions. For small so
cial networks, a longer time period may be more appropriate.
564:=How many actions per user can be shown on the recent activity feed? It's im
portant to have a nice mix of actions from various users on your social network,
so here you can set a limit on the number of actions published about each user
at any given time. For smaller social networks, a higher number of published act
ions per user might be more appropriate.
565:=action(s) published per user in the recent activity feed
566:=Should users be allowed to delete actions published about themselves?
567:=Do you want to give users the option of deleting actions published about th
emselves? This is generally an important freedom to give users because it helps
to maintain their privacy.
568:=Yes, allow users to delete actions about themselves.
569:=No, users may not delete actions about themselves.
570:=Whose actions should users see in the recent activity list?
571:=When a user is looking at the recent activity feed, whose actions should th
ey see? For smaller networks, it may make more sense to show recent actions from
"All Registered Users" so the feed is quickly populated.
572:=Should users be able to prevent certain action types from being published?
573:=Do you want to allow users to prevent specific action types from being publ
ished about them? If yes, a setting will appear on your users' account settings
page allowing them to choose which action types to NOT publish in the recent act
ivity feed.
574:=Yes, users can specify which action types will not be published about them.
575:=No, users cannot specify what actions will be published or not published ab
out them.
576:=Include this action in the recent activity feed
577:=Display enable/disable option on user settings page
578:=Available Variables:
582:=There are no language variables in this language matching your search phras
583:=You can use announcements to get a message out to all the users on your soc
ial network. You can submit announcements via email or news items.
584:=Send Email Announcement
585:=Your announcement will be sent as an email to all of the users on your soci
al network. If you have many users, this process may take some time to complete.
586:=Post News Item
587:=Your announcement will be posted on your social network portal page. Regard
less of the size of your social network, this process is instantaneous. If you h
ave posted any news items in the past, they will be listed below. If you have in
cluded HTML in your news items, it will not be rendered below but will display p
roperly on your portal page.
590:=No Date Provided
591:=move down
592:=Post News Item
593:=Please complete the following form to post your news item.
594:=(date will be displayed exactly as you enter it above)
595:=(HTML OK)
596:=Save News Item
597:=Edit News Item
598:=Delete News Item
599:=Are you sure you want to delete this news announcement?
600:=Use this form to compose an email message to be sent to every registered us
er on the social network. When you click the send button below, the system will
begin looping through the user database and emailing the message to each user. I
ncreasing the number of emails per page will make the process complete more quic
kly. However, if your server is currently under stress or you're simply not conc
erned about time, selecting a lower number of emails per page will reduce the ri
sk of a timeout.
602:=Emails Per Page
604:=Select which users will receive this email announcement. By default, all <a
href='admin_levels.php'>user levels</a> and <a href='admin_subnetworks.php'>sub
networks</a> are selected - this means that every user on your social network wi
ll receive this announcement. Use CTRL-click to select or deselect multiple user
levels or subnetworks. If a user matches any user level OR subnetwork you have
selected here, they will receive this announcement.
605:=Send Announcement
606:=Please provide a message body for this announcement.
607:=Please select at least one user level or subnetwork that will receive this
608:=Emailing in Progress
609:=Your announcement is being sent to users. Do not navigate away from this pa
ge until the process is complete. Please wait...
610:=Emailing Complete
611:=The emailing process has been completed. All users on your social network h
ave been sent an email with your announcement.
612:=Your social network has the ability to organize users into "subnetworks" ba
sed on profile information they have in common with each other. You can use this
to limit access and privacy between subnetworks, display subnetwork-specific co
ntent in your templates, or to simply organize your users.
613:=Show Detailed Instructions
614:=<b>Important:</b> The requirement fields you select must be set to "Require
d on Signup" on the <a href='admin_signup.php'>Signup Settings</a> page. If they
are not set to "Required on Signup", they may not appear during the signup proc
ess and users will not have an opportunity to fill them out. Because they have n
ot filled out your requirement fields, they will automatically be placed in the
"Default Subnetwork" until they fill out the fields. If you already have users i
n subnetworks on your social network and you change the requirement fields or th
e requirements of a specific subnetwork, users will remain in the same subnetwor
ks (based on the original requirements or differentiation fields you had set) un
til their profile information is updated. All users that are not sorted into a s
ubnetwork will be placed into the "Default Subnetwork" until their profile infor
mation is updated and matches the requirements of a different subnetwork. When a
subnetwork is deleted, users within the deleted subnetwork wil
615:=Primary Requirement Field:
616:=Email Address
617:=Profile Category
618:=Secondary Requirement Field:
620:=Add New Subnetwork
622:=Default Subnetwork
623:=Users Not In Another Subnetwork
624:=Add Subnetwork
625:=To create/modify a subnetwork, complete the following form. You will need t
o specify who can belong to this subnetwork. You can do this by creating require
ments. Note that you must specify a requirement with regards to your primary req
uirement field. Requirements based on the secondary requirement field are option
al. The use of wildcards (*) is accepted when using the "is equal to (==)" and "
is not equal to (!=)" operators. String values (such as words and phrases) will
NOT be case sensitive. Please make sure that subnetwork requirements are mutuall
y exclusive; that is, make sure users can only be placed in one subnetwork based
on the requirements you provide. If the requirements overlap with another subne
twork's requirements, users will be randomly placed into one of the overlapping
626:=is equal to ( == )
627:=is not equal to ( != )
628:=is greater than ( > )
629:=is less than ( < )
630:=is greater than or equal to ( >= )
631:=is less than or equal to ( <= )
633:=Please specify a name for this subnetwork.
634:=You must specify a primary requirement.
635:=Edit Subnetwork
636:=Delete Subnetwork
637:=Are you sure you want to delete this subnetwork? All users in this subnetwo
rk will be moved to the default subnetwork.
638:=The subnetwork you selected has been deleted.
639:=An Error Has Occurred
640:=You do not have permission to view this page. The user whose page you are t
rying to view has placed you on their blocklist.
642:=Social Network
649:=Hello, %1$s
651:=My Account
656:=You must be logged in to view this page. <a href='login.php'>Click here</a>
to login.
658:=Account Login
659:=Member Login
660:=Remember Me
661:=Members: %1$d members
662:=Friendships: %1$d friends
663:=Comments: %1$d comments
665:=People Online
666:=Anggota Baru
667:=No members have signed up yet.
668:=Popular Members
669:=%1$d friends
670:=No members have become friends yet.
671:=Anggota yang telah masuk
672:=No members have logged in yet.
673:=Welcome to the social network! If you already have an account, you can logi
n below.<br>If you don't have an account, you can <a href='signup.php'>sign up h
674:=<br>If you are still waiting to receive your verification email, <a href='s
ignup_verify.php?task=resend'>click here</a> to resend it.
675:=Forgot password?
676:=The login details you provided were invalid. Please try again.
677:=The administrator has disabled your account.
678:=You have not yet verified your email address. If you would like to have the
email resent to you, please <a href='signup_verify.php?task=resend'>click here<
679:=Create Your Account
680:=Welcome to the social network! To create your account, please provide the f
ollowing information.
681:=Login Information
682:=You will use your email address to login.
683:=Enter your password again for confirmation.
684:=Account Information
685:=This is the name others see when they view your profile. If you decide to c
hange your username, you must enter one that has not already been taken by anoth
er person.
686:=This will be the name people see when they view your profile.
688:=Security Information
689:=Invitation Code
690:=Security Code
691:=Enter the numbers you see in this image into the field to its left. This he
lps keep our site free of spam. If you have trouble reading the code, click it t
o generate a new one.
692:=I have read and agree to the <a href='help_tos.php' target='_blank'>terms o
f service</a>.
694:=Please ensure your username is alphanumeric.
695:=The username you selected is banned. Please choose another.
696:=The username you selected is reserved. Please choose another.
697:=The email address you provided is banned. Please provide another.
698:=The email address you provided is not a valid email address.
699:=The username you selected has already been taken. Please choose another.
700:=The email address you provided has already been taken. Please provide anoth
701:=The old password you provided is incorrect. Please try again.
702:=Please be sure you have provided the same password in both new password fie
703:=Please provide a password with at least 6 letters or numbers.
704:=Please ensure your password is alphanumeric.
705:=The invite code and email address combination you have entered is invalid.
706:=The invite code you have entered is invalid.
707:=You must agree to the terms of service to signup.
708:=Please make sure you have correctly entered the verification code.
709:=Account Type
710:=Create Your Profile
711:=Tell us a little more about yourself. Fields marked with an asterisk (*) ar
e required.
712:=Upload Your Photo
713:=Upload a photo of yourself from your computer. This will be the icon other
people will see on your profile.
715:=To upload your photo, click the "Browse" button, locate the photo on your c
omputer, and click the "Upload" button. Your photo must be less than 4 MB in siz
e and must be one of these types:
716:=Keep This Photo
717:=Skip This Step
718:=Upload failed. Please try again. If this problem persists, please contact t
he administrator for assistance.
719:=The size of your uploaded file is greater than the maximum allowed filesize
720:=Your file's filetype is not allowed.
721:=Your image's dimensions are greater than the maximum allowed width and heig
722:=Undang teman Anda
723:=Invite teman anda untuk bergabung! Masukkan alamat email teman Anda yang di
pisahkan oleh koma di bidang di bawah ini.
724:=Send Invitations To:
725:=Enter your friends' email addresses (up to 5) below, separated by commas.
726:=Your Message
727:=If you want to include a personal message in your invitations, enter it her
e. (optional)
728:=Send Invitations
729:=Signup Complete!
730:=Congratulations! You have successfully created your account.
731:=You will be able to login after you have been approved by an administrator.
732:=Your password has been sent to the email address you provided.
733:=Click the button below to login.
734:=An email has been sent to the email address you provided. Please follow the
link in that email to verify your email address.
735:=Return to Home
738:=There has not been any recent activity on the social network.
739:=Profile Stats
740:=%1$d profile views
742:=My Status
743:=Update your status.
748:=The email you have entered was not found in the database. Please try again.
749:=Send Password
750:=This link is invalid or expired. Please <a href='lostpass.php'>resubmit</a>
your password request and follow the link sent to your email address.
751:=Your password has been reset. <a href='login.php'>Click here</a> to login.
753:=Terms of Service
754:=Contact Us
755:=Account Settings
756:=Change Password
757:=Delete Account
758:=If you want to change your account password, please complete the following
759:=Delete Account?
760:=Are you sure you want to delete your account? All of your account data, inc
luding any files you have uploaded, will be permanently deleted! Upon deletion o
f your account, you will be automatically logged out.
761:=Delete My Account
763:=Profile Style
764:=Edit Profile: %1$s
765:=Please provide some information about yourself.
766:=Changing this field may change which network you belong to.<br>You currentl
y belong to: %1$s
767:=Your network has been changed from %1$s to %2$s.
769:=Edit My Photo
770:=Current Photo
771:=remove photo
772:=Upload Photo
773:=%1$d detik yang lalu
774:=%1$d menit yang lalu
775:=%1$d jam yang lalu
776:=%1$d day(s) ago
777:=%1$d week(s) ago
778:=%1$d month(s) ago
779:=%1$d year(s) ago
781:=Sent Messages
782:=My Message Inbox
783:=You have %1$s unread conversation(s) in your inbox.
784:=Compose New Message
785:=Your inbox is empty. When you receive messages in the future, they will be
listed here.
786:=%1$s's Profile
788:=Delete Selected
789:=Create your new message with the form below.<br>You can specify multiple re
cipients (up to %1$d) - you can either select a friend from the autosuggestion a
rea or simply type a user's name and press Enter.
791:=Send Message
792:=Maximum Recipients
793:=How many recipients can a user send a message to at one time?
794:=recipient(s) at a time
795:=Please enter a valid recipient.
796:=You must enter a message.
797:=My Sent Messages
798:=You have %1$d total message(s) in your outbox.
799:=Your outbox is empty. When you send messages in the future, they will be li
sted here.
800:=%1$s recipients
801:=Between %1$s and You
803:=Reply All:
804:=Your message has been sent!
805:=Back to Inbox
806:=Back to Outbox
807:=You do not have permission to view this page. You have been banned from the
808:=If necessary, you can make changes to your account settings below.
809:=This is the name others see when they view your profile. If you decide to c
hange your username, you must enter one that has not already been taken by anoth
er person.
810:=Note that changing your username will clear your recent activity feed.
811:=Recent Activity Privacy
812:=Which of the following things do you want to have published about you in th
e <a href='user_home.php'>recent activity feed</a>?<br>Note that changing this s
etting will only affect future news feed items.
813:=Block List
814:=Adding a person to your block list makes your profile (and all of your othe
r content) unviewable to them. Any connections you have to the blocked person wi
ll be canceled. To add someone to your block list, click the "Add New Person" li
nk and enter their username. If you enter a username of someone that does not ex
ist or has been deleted, they will not be added to your block list.
815:=Add New Person
816:=Your changes have been saved. Before your new email becomes active, you mus
t follow the link in the email sent to you.
817:=Your changes have been saved. Before your new email becomes active, you mus
t follow the link in the email sent to you. Once you verify your email address,
your network will be changed from %1$s to %1$s.
818:=Waiting for verification for %1$s.
819:=Your changes have been saved and your network has been changed from %1$s to
820:=Allow username change?
821:=Enable this feature if you want to allow your users to be able to change th
eir username. Note that if you have usernames disabled on the <a href='admin_gen
eral.php'>General Settings</a> page, this feature is irrelevant.
822:=Yes, allow users to change their username.
823:=No, do not allow users to change their username.
824:=Allow account deletion?
825:=Enable this feature if you would like to allow your users to delete their a
ccount manually.
826:=Yes, allow users to delete their account.
827:=No, do not allow users to delete their account.
828:=The profile you are looking for has been deleted or does not exist.
829:=Write Something...
831:=Please enter a message.
832:=You have entered the wrong security code.
833:=Post Comment
836:=View %1$s's Friends
837:=Remove from My Friends
838:=Add to My Friends
839:=Send Message
840:=Report this Person
841:=Unblock this Person
842:=Block this Person
843:=Private Profile
844:=You do not have permission to view this profile.
845:=%1$s is online.
846:=Profile Views:
848:=%1$d friends
850:=Signup Date:
851:=Recent Activity
852:=%1$d years old
853:=view all friends
855:=view all comments
856:=Enter the numbers you see to the left. If you have trouble reading the numb
ers, click them to generate new ones.
857:=Notify an Administrator
858:=Please complete the following form to notify the administration of this pag
859:=What are you reporting?
861:=Inappropriate Content
864:=Please give us a short description of the problem.
865:=Send Report
866:=Thank you for your report. We have received it and will process it as soon
as possible.
867:=You have successfully unblocked %1$s.
868:=Block User
869:=Unblock User
870:=Are you sure you want to unblock %1$s?
872:=You have successfully blocked %1$s.
873:=Are you sure you want to block %1$s?
875:=Awaiting Friendship Confirmation
876:=Add to My Friends
877:=Are you sure you want to remove %1$s from your friends?
878:=A message has been sent to this user to confirm your friendship.
879:=This user has been added to your friendlist.
880:=You are about to add %1$s to your friends. If you add this person to your f
riends, they will be able to see your profile (even if it's viewable by friends
only). Are you sure you want to add %1$s to your friends?
881:=Tell us more about how you know %1$s.
882:=Friend Type:
883:=How do you know this person?
884:=Add Friend
885:=Confirm Pending Friend Request
886:=This user's friendship request has been confirmed.
887:=Confirm Friend Request
888:=Are you sure you want to confirm %1$s's friendship request?
889:=Remove Friend
890:=This user has been removed from your friendlist.
892:=HTML in Comments
893:=By default, the user may not enter any HTML tags into comments. If you want
to allow specific tags, you can enter them below (separated by commas). Example
: <i>b, img, a, embed, font<i>
894:=Current Friends
895:=Friend Requests
896:=Outgoing Friend Requests
897:=My Friends
898:=Everyone currently on your friend list is shown here. To search for a speci
fic friend, enter a keyword in the field below.
899:=Search my friends:
900:=Sort by:
901:=Recently Updated
902:=Recently Logged-In
903:=Friend Type
904:=Your friend list is empty.
905:=None of your friends match your search criteria.
906:=Last Login:
908:=Edit Friendship
909:=When other people request to become your friend, their requests appear here
. You can approve or reject their requests.
910:=You do not have any friend requests at this time.
911:=Reject Friend Request
912:=Are you sure you want to reject %1$s's friendship request?
913:=Reject Request
914:=You have successfully rejected this user's friendship request.
915:=When you ask other people to be your friend, your pending requests will app
ear here until they are approved or rejected.
916:=You do not have any outgoing friend requests at this time.
917:=Cancel Friendship Request
918:=You are waiting for a friendship confirmation from %1$s. Are you sure you w
ant to cancel your request for friendship with %1$s?
919:=Cancel Request
920:=You have successfully canceled your friendship request to this user.
921:=To edit the details of your friendship with %1$s, complete the form below.
922:=Edit Friendship
923:=You have successfully edited the details of this friendship.
924:=Search the social network.
925:=Search for:
926:=Advanced Search
927:=No results for "<b>%1$s</b>" were found.
928:=%1$s seconds
929:=Currently Online
930:=%1$s's Friends
931:=The following people are listed as %1$s's friends.
932:=%1$s has not yet added any friends.
933:=Search %1$s's friends:
934:=None of %1$s's friends match your search criteria.
935:=FAQ Manager
936:=A frequently asked questions (FAQ) page can help you reduce your support re
sponsibilities by allowing users to find answers to their common questions in yo
ur help area. Add any questions and answers that you feel are appropriate for yo
ur social network here. Also, be sure to organize your questions into relevant c
ategories to help your users find answers more easily.
937:=Add Question
938:=Answer:<br>(HTML OK)
940:=Avg. Daily Views
943:=move up
944:=Please provide a title for this FAQ category.
945:=Please specify a name for this category.
947:=Please specify a question.
948:=Please provide some information about this FAQ question.
949:=%1$d total views
950:=Reset the views for this question?
951:=Edit Category
952:=Delete Category?
953:=Are you sure you want to delete this category? NOTE: All questions within t
his category will also be deleted!
954:=Edit Question
955:=Delete Question?
956:=Are you sure you want to delete this question?
957:=Frequently Asked Questions
958:=If you need help, the answer to your question is likely to be found on this
959:=Email Notifications
960:=Which of the following things do you want to receive email notifications fo
961:=When I receive a message.
962:=When I receive a friend request.
963:=When I receive a profile comment.
964:=Edit your profile's style here.
965:=Profile Style
966:=Add your own CSS code below to give your profile a more personalized look.<
br>The contents of the text area below will be output between &lt;style&gt; tags
on your profile.
967:=Profile Privacy
968:=Who can view your profile?
969:=Comments Privacy
970:=Who can post comments on your profile?
971:=Search Privacy
972:=Do you want to be included in search results?<br>Note that this privacy set
ting also applies to users displayed on the homepage (such as Most Popular User)
973:=Yes, include my profile in search results.
974:=No, do not include my profile in search results.
975:=[ Refresh ]
976:=%1$s and %2$d guest(s)
977:=%1$d guest(s)
978:=Enable this feature if you want your users to choose from existing CSS samp
les. To add additional samples, simply insert a row into the se_stylesamples dat
abase table containing the exact CSS code that should be entered into the Profil
e Style textarea and, optionally, the path to a thumbnail for the template.
979:=Sample Profile Layouts
980:=Click on one of the sample layouts below to select it for your profile.<br>
<b>NOTE:</b> Choosing one of the sample layouts below will remove your current l
981:=Are you sure you want to replace your profile style with this template?
982:=Yes, users can choose from the provided sample CSS.
983:=No, users can not choose from the provided sample CSS.
984:=Site Online?
985:=Use this feature when you want to take your site offline for maintenance or
upgrades. When your users attempt to access the site, a message will be display
ed letting them know the site is undergoing routine maintenance and will be avai
lable again soon. If you are logged in as an administrator, you will be able to
browse the site freely.
986:=Yes, the site is online.
987:=No, the site is offline for maintenance.
988:=The site is currently down for maintenance. Check back again shortly!
990:=Display Type:
991:=Displayed, Linked on Profile
992:=Displayed on Profile
993:=Not Displayed on Profile
994:=Special Attribute:
995:=Birthday (Date Field Only)
996:=This page lists all of the users that exist on your social network. For mor
e information about a specific user, click on the "edit" link in its row. Click
the "login" link to login as a specific user. Use the filter fields to find spec
ific users based on your criteria. To view all users on your system, leave all t
he filter fields blank.
997:=User Level
1003:=No users were found.
1004:=%1$d Users Found
1007:=Signup Date
1010:=The site is now online.
1011:=The site is now offline.
1012:=Are you sure you want to delete this user?
1013:=Delete User
1014:=Note that if you change your Account Type, you may have to re-enter your p
rofile information.
1015:=Your Email Address
1016:=Resend Verification
1017:=Continue To Login...
1018:=Phrase ID:
1019:=%1$s new update(s)
1020:=View Mutual Friends
1021:=view all
1022:=View All Friends
1023:=You do not have any friends in common with %1$s.
1024:=Mutual Friends with %1$s
1025:=Delete Comment
1026:=Are you sure you want to delete this comment?
1027:=<b>Note:</b> This action has media (such as photos) associated with it. Si
mply include the tag <i>[media]</i> to display them.
1028:=Congratulations! You have successfully verified your email address. Click
the button below to login.
1029:=First Name/1st Display Name (Text Field Only)
1030:=Last Name/2nd Display Name (Text Field Only)
1031:=This field allows you to treat certain profile fields differently. Designa
ting a date field as "Birthday" will make a user's age display on their profile.
If you would like to use the user's First Name or Last Name as their display na
me instead of their username, you can create special fields with these designati
ons that will display instead of the user's username on their profile. It is adv
ised that you only create one field per category with each special designation o
r unexpected results may occur.
1032:=Profile Comment Conversation
1033:=Conversation Between %1$s and %2$s
1034:=Allowed HTML Tags: %1$s
1035:=If you want to ask us a question directly, please submit your message with
the following form.
1036:=Please provide a detailed message.
1037:=Another user has already taken this email address.
1038:=There is no user in the system with that email address. Please <a href='ho
me.php'>click here</a> to return to the home page.
1039:=The link you have clicked is invalid or expired. <a href='
p?task=resend'>Click here</a> to resend the verification email.
1040:=Your message has been received. We will assist you as soon as possible.
1041:=Congratulations! You have successfully verified your email address and you
r network has been changed from %1$s to %2$s. Click the button below to login.
1042:=A new verification email has been sent to the email address you provided.
Please follow the link within to verify your account.
1043:=To have the email verification resent, enter your email address in the fie
ld below. If you have reached this page in error, <a href='home.php'>click here<
/a> to return to the home page.
1044:=The email address you have provided is already verified. If you have forgo
tten your password, please <a href='lostpass.php'>click here</a> to have it sent
to you.
1045:=Email Address Verification
1046:=Please provide your name.
1047:=Allow users to go invisible?
1048:=Enable this feature if you want to allow users to go "invisible" (not be d
isplayed in the online users list even if they are online).
1049:=Allow users to see who viewed their profile?
1050:=If you enable this feature, users will be given the option of seeing which
users have visited their profile.
1051:=Yes, allow users to go invisible.
1052:=No, do not allow users to go invisible.
1053:=Yes, allow users to see who has viewed their profile.
1054:=No, do not allow users to see who has viewed their profile.
1056:=Privacy Settings
1057:=Change your account's general privacy settings here.
1058:=Go Invisible
1059:=Do not display me in the "Online Users" list.
1060:=Show Profile Views
1061:=Yes, display users who viewed my profile.
1062:=Note: If you choose to display users who viewed your profile, other users
will be able to track whether you viewed their profile. If you do not want other
users to know you viewed their profile, do not enable this feature.
1063:=No users have viewed your profile yet.
1064:=Who viewed my profile?
1065:=Do you want to allow your users to decide which actions they want to see i
n their activity feed? If you enable this feature, users will be able specify ac
tions they do and do not want to see in their recent activity feed.
1066:=Yes, allow users to specify which actions they will see in the activity fe
1067:=No, do not allow users to specify which actions they will see in the activ
ity feed.
1068:=Activity Feed Preferences
1069:=Which actions do you want to see in the recent activity feed?
1071:=[User Deleted]
1072:=%1$d profiles
1073:=Please enter at least one recipient email address for your invitation.
1074:=Undang teman Anda
1075:=Invite teman anda untuk bergabung! Masukkan hingga 10 alamat email teman A
nda yang dipisahkan oleh koma di bidang di bawah ini.
1076:=You must be logged in to invite other people.
1077:=You have <b>%1$d</b> invites remaining.
1078:=When they signup, they will be instantly added to your friends list.
1080:=Separate multiple email addresses (up to 10) with commas.
1082:=Type your message here. (optional)
1083:=Browsing members that match %1$s
1084:=We found %1$d member(s) with profiles that match %2$s.
1085:=No people matched your search criteria.
1087:=Advanced Search Members
1088:=Search through our members with your own keywords and criteria.
1089:=Search Criteria
1090:=Update Results
1091:=Sort Results By:
1092:=Last Update
1095:=Last Login
1096:=Last Signup
1098:=Add New Suggestion
1099:=If you would like this field to auto-suggest values to the user when they
are filling out this field (such as US States), add suggestions below, separated
by line breaks. Note that the user will not be restricted to these values, they
will merely be suggested to the user as they are typing.
1100:=This page lists all of the reports your users have sent in regarding inapp
ropriate content, system abuse, spam, and so forth. You can use the search field
to look for reports that contain a particular word or phrase. Very old reports
are periodically deleted by the system.
1103:=No reports have been made.
1104:=%1$d Reports Found
1105:=login & view
1107:=Any SocialEngine plugins that you have installed will appear on this page.
Note that some plugins may have user level-specific settings which are availabl
e on the <a href='admin_levels.php'>User Levels</a> page.
1108:=There are currently no plugins installed. Visit the <a href='' target='_blank'>SocialEngine website</a> to add plugins to your
social network!
1109:=Install Plugin
1110:=Warning: You have not yet deleted install_%1$s.php. Leaving this file on y
our server is a security risk!
1111:=Install Upgrade
1112:=Upgrade Available!
1114:=The admin has not enabled any advanced search fields.
1120:=Account Type:
1121:=Online Users Only
1122:=Users with Photos Only
1123:=Editing User: %1$s
1124:=To edit this users's account, make changes to the form below. If you want
to temporarily prevent this user from logging in, you can set the user account t
o "disabled" below.
1125:=total friends
1126:=total logins
1127:=total messages stored
1128:=total comments made
1129:=Last Login:
1131:=resend verification email
1132:=manually verify
1135:=Only enter if you want to reset pass.
1138:=User Level:
1139:=Invites Remaining:
1140:=Email verification has been resent.
1141:=User email has been manually verified.
1142:=The number of invites left must be between 0 and 999.
1143:=Your changes have been saved and this user's subnetwork has been changed f
rom %1$s to %2$s.
1144:=Signup IP:
1145:=Last Recorded IP:
1146:=Are you <b>REALLY</b> sure you want to delete your account? You account wi
ll be <i>permanently</i> deleted and you will not be able to restore any of your
account data!
1147:=Setlocale Code
1148:=Enable Username?
1149:=By default, usernames are used to uniquely identify your users. If you cho
ose to disable this feature, your users will not be given the option to enter a
username. Instead, their user ID will be used. Note that if you do decide to ena
ble this feature, you should make sure to create special REQUIRED display name p
rofile fields - otherwise the users' IDs will be displayed. Also note that if yo
u disable usernames after users have already signed up, their usernames will be
<b>deleted</b> and any previous links to their content <b>will not work</b>, as
the links will no longer use their username! Finally, <b>all recent activity and
all notifications will be deleted</b> if you choose to disable usernames after
previously having them enabled.
1150:=Yes, users are uniquely identified by their username.
1151:=No, usernames will not be used in this network.
1152:=Display Name
1153:=Help Request: %1$s
1154:=Hello %1$s,<br><br>You have received a support request:<br><br>Email: %2$s
<br>Name: %3$s<br>Subject: %4$s<br><br>%5$s
1155:=What's New In My Network: %1$s
1156:=Social Network Default Meta Tag Description
1157:=Terms of Service: %1$s
1158:=%1$s's Profile - %2$s
1160:=Default Location(s)
1161:=What's New
1162:=My Network
1163:=Rubah Info Profil
1164:=Ganti Foto Profil
1165:=Ubah Layout Profil
1167:=Compose New Message
1168:=Message Inbox
1169:=Message Outbox
1170:=View My Friends
1171:=Incoming Friend Requests
1172:=Outgoing Friend Requests
1173:=Account Settings
1174:=Privacy Options
1176:=Friends' Birthdays
1177:=Recent Status Updates
1178:=No one has changed their status recently.
1179:=No users have joined this network yet.
1180:=There are no upcoming birthdays.
1181:=Delete this message.
1182:=(Listed By Most Recent Visitor)
1183:=Having trouble uploading files? Click here to use the simple uploader.
1184:=File 1:
1185:=File 2:
1186:=File 3:
1187:=File 4:
1188:=File 5:
1189:=Upload Selected Files
1191:=Add Files
1192:=Overall Progress
1193:=File Progress
1194:=Please specify a file to upload by clicking the "Add Files" link.
1195:=Upload with %1$s/2. Time left: ~%2$s
1196:=Upload complete!
1197:=Search Friends
1198:=New Updates
1199:=You have %1$s new update(s):
1200:=Enable Plugin
1201:=Disable Plugin
1203:=Add Subcategory
1204:=Photos of %1$s (%2$d)
1205:=Photos of <a href='%1$s'>%2$s</a>
1206:=download this file
1207:=Viewing #%1$d of %2$d <a href='%3$s'>photos of %4$s</a> &nbsp;|&nbsp; <a h
ref='%5$s'>Return to %4$s's Profile</a>
1210:=These are the terms of service of this social network.
1211:=Plugin Settings
1212:=Add Tag
1213:=Type a tag or select a name from the list:
1214:= (me)
1216:=From <a href='%1$s'>%2$s</a> by <a href='%3$s'>%4$s</a>
1217:=From <a href='%1$s'>%2$s</a>
1218:=In this photo:
1219:=Uploaded %1$s
1220:=Share This
1221:=Report Inappropriate Content
1222:=To share this photo or embed it on another web page, please copy and paste
the code of your choosing:
1223:=Direct Link
1224:=HTML - Embedded Image
1225:=HTML - Text Link
1226:=UBB Code (for forums)
1227:=Close Window
1228:=remove tag
1229:=The file "%2$s" exceeds the max allowed file size: %1$s bytes
1230:=You may not upload more than %1$s file(s) at a time.
1231:=Unknown Error
1232:=The extension of the file "%2$s" is not in the list of allowed extensions:
1233:=Require users to enter validation code when logging in?
1234:=If you have selected Yes, an image containing a random sequence of 6 numbe
rs will be shown to users on the "login" page. Users will be required to enter t
hese numbers into the Verification Code field in order to login. This feature he
lps prevent users from trying to spam the login form. For this feature to work p
roperly, your server must have the GD Libraries (2.0 or higher) installed and co
nfigured to work with PHP. If you are seeing errors, try turning this off.
1235:=Yes, enable validation code for logging in.
1236:=No, disable validation code for logging in.
1237:=If "no" is selected in the setting directly above, a Verification Code wil
l be displayed to the user only after a certain number of failed logins. You can
set this to 0 to never display a code.
1238:=failed logins
1239:=Require users to enter validation code when using the contact form?
1240:=If you have selected Yes, an image containing a random sequence of 6 numbe
rs will be shown to users on the "contact" page. Users will be required to enter
these numbers into the Verification Code field in order to contact you. This fe
ature helps prevent users from trying to spam the contact form. For this feature
to work properly, your server must have the GD Libraries (2.0 or higher) instal
led and configured to work with PHP. If you are seeing errors, try turning this
1241:=Yes, enable validation code for the contact form.
1242:=No, disable validation code for the contact form.
1245:=For very large social networks, it may be necessary to enable caching to i
mprove performance. If there is a noticable decrease in performance on your soci
al network, consider enabling caching below (or upgrading your hardware). Cachin
g takes some load off the database server by storing commonly retrieved data in
temporary files (file-based caching) or memcached (memory-based caching). If you
are not familiar with caching, we don't recommend that you change any of these
1246:=Once you have set up caching, you can generate a configuration file to put
in your include folder. This will allow the cache to initialize earlier and wil
l be able to cache the site settings, which contain the cache connection info.
1247:=Click <a href="%1$s" onclick="%2$s">here</a> to generate.
1249:=General Cache Settings
1250:=Enable caching?
1251:=Enabling caching will decrease the CPU usage of your database server (resu
lting in a decrease of page load times). While some non-critical data may appear
slightly out of date, this will usually not be noticable to users. For example,
some of the general site statistics on your homepage may take longer to update.
This will not be noticable if your social network is already large and populate
d with a lot of data.
1252:=Yes, enable caching.
1253:=No, do not enable caching.
1254:=What kind of caching do you want to enable by default?
1255:=If you have enabled caching above, please select the type of caching that
you want to use. Memcache caching (if available) will use memory (RAM) which is
not as abundant as disk space, however it will be faster than file-based caching
when performing read/write operations.
1256:=Note to developers: If you are writing custom code, it is possible to over
ride the type of caching used. If you choose not to do this, the system will use
this default setting.
1259:=Default cache lifetime.
1260:=This determines how long the system will keep cached data before reloading
it from the database server. A shorter cache lifetime causes greater database s
erver CPU usage, however the data will be more current. We recommend starting of
f with 60-120 seconds.
1261:=Note to developers: This will only affect places that do not specify a lif
etime. To modify those, you will have to adjust the settings in that plugin or m
odule, or change the code manually.
1263:=File-based Cache Settings
1264:=The settings below are applicable if you have selected file-based caching
1265:=Successfully initialized. The cache folder exists and is writable.
1266:=The file caching was unable to initialize. The folder might not be writabl
e - please set it to chmod 777.
1267:=Temporary directory location.
1268:=This is where the temporary files containing the cached data are stored. F
older must be writable (chmod 777). This should be a path relative to the base d
irectory where SocialEngine is installed.
1269:=File locking.
1270:=This is used to prevent two Apache processes from trying to write to the s
ame file at the same time. Some operating systems may not support file locking.
1271:=Enable file locking?
1272:=Memcache-based Cache Settings
1273:=The settings below are applicable if you have selected Memcache-based cach
ing above. In this case, data is stored in memory using <a target="_blank" href=
"">memcached</a> and its <a target="_blank" href=
"">PHP extension</a>. You must set up a memcached ser
ver in order to use this option.
1274:=Successfully initialized. The Memcache extension was detected.
1275:=The Memcache extension was not detected or we were unable to connect to th
e memcached server.
1276:=Use compression?
1277:=Compression will decrease the amount of memory used, however will increase
processor usage.
1278:=Enable compression
1279:=Memcached server configuration.
1280:=Click <a href="%1$s" onclick="%2$s">here</a> to add an additional server.
1284:=Import Pack from File
1285:=Language Import Tool
1286:=Here you can import a language pack from an exported file. If generated by
SocialEngine, the file will contain all of the necessary info to create a new l
anguage pack.
1291:=Import Options
1292:=Please select an existing language or "New Language". If you select "New L
anguage", the imported file will be used to create a new language pack.
1293:=New Language
1294:=You are about to replace an existing language pack with the one you are im
porting. Any new language phrases in the imported file will be added automatical
ly. How do you want to handle changes to existing language phrases?
1295:=Replace all phrases with those in the imported file.
1296:=Do not replace any existing phrases, just add new ones.
1297:=Please select a language file to import.
1299:=SocialEngine uses sessions to authenticate users and keep them logged-in.
The settings below only need to be changed if your users are having trouble logg
ing in (e.g. if your server does not allow native sessions) or if you want to im
prove system performance by enabling Memcache sessions. If you are not familiar
with sessions, we do not recommend that you change any of these settings.
1300:=General Session Settings
1301:=The native method uses the current setting of <a href="
manual/en/session.configuration.php">session.save_handler</a>, in php.ini, which
is file-based by default. <b>Note: If you change the session storage method, al
l of your users will be logged out.</b>
1303:=How many seconds of inactivity is allowed before the session expires? An e
xpired session will cause the user to be logged out and may invalidate forms tha
t were partially filled out. This cannot be disabled, instead set it to a high v
alue such as 259200 (3 days).
1304:=File Session Settings
1305:=If you have enabled file-based sessions above, please provide the path (re
lative to your SocialEngine base directory) to where you want to store session d
ata. This directory must be writable (chmod 777).
1306:=Memcache Session Settings
1307:=Memcached supports multiple servers.
1308:=Could not read file.
1309:=A language code was not specified in the file.
1310:=A language name was not specified in the file.
1311:=Could not create new language
1312:=Admin Interface Language
1313:=If you have multiple language packs installed, you can change the language
the admin interface is displayed in.
1314:=You have not yet deleted install.php and/or installsql.php. Leaving these
files on your server is a security risk!
1315:=You have not yet deleted upgrade.php and/or upgradesql.php. Leaving these
files on your server is a security risk!
1316:=More ...
1317:=More ...
1318:=Some problems have been detected with your installation or server configur
1319:=Click to expand.
1320:=Your version file (%1$s) does not contain the same version as your databas
e (%2$s). You may have not uploaded include/version.php or not run the upgrade s
cript. In the latter case, database corruption may occur if using different file
and database versions.
1321:=Reply could not be sent because the recipient blocked you.
500362:=Standard Users
500364:=Identitas diri
500366:=Band Information
500367:=Band Name
500370:=First Name
500373:=Last Name
500384:=Musical Influences
700001:=<a href='profile.php?user=%1$s'>%2$s</a> logged in.
700002:=<a href='profile.php?user=%1$s'>%2$s</a> updated their profile photo.<di
v class='recentaction_div_media'>[media]</div>
700003:=<a href='profile.php?user=%1$s'>%2$s</a> updated their profile.
700004:=<a href='profile.php?user=%1$s'>%2$s</a> mengomentari kiriman <a href='p
rofile.php?user=%3$s&v=comments'>%4$s</a>'s profile:<div class='recentaction_div
700005:=<a href='profile.php?user=%1$s'>%2$s</a> and <a href='profile.php?user=%
3$s'>%4$s</a> are now friends.
700006:=<a href='profile.php?user=%1$s'>%2$s</a> signed up.
700007:=<a href='profile.php?user=%1$s'>%2$s</a> %3$s
700008:=Logging in.
700009:=Changing profile photo.
700010:=Editing profile
700011:=Posting a profile comment.
700012:=Adding a friend
700013:=Signing Up.
700014:=Changing status.
750001:=%1$d Friend Request(s)
750002:=%1$d New Messages
750003:=%1$d New Profile Comment(s)
750004:=When I receive a friend request
750005:=When I receive a message
750006:=When I receive a profile comment
800001:=Your Account
800002:=Reporting Abuse
800004:=I can&#039;t login, or I forgot my username or password.
800005:=If you can't login, check to make sure that your "caps lock" key is off.
Your username and password are CaSe SeNsItIvE. If you still cannot login, you c
an request to <a href='lostpass.php'>reset your password</a> or <a href='help_co
ntact.php'>contact us</a>.
800006:=How can I delete my account?
800007:=If you are aboslutely sure that you want to delete your account, you can
do so <a href='user_account_delete.php'>here</a>. Please note that your account
will be permanently deleted and irrecoverable!
800008:=How can I update my profile?
800009:=To update your profile, you must visit the <a href='user_editprofile.php
'>Edit Profile</a> page. You can move through the different parts of your profil
e by clicking the tabs at the top of the page.
800010:=How can I update my email address?
800011:=You can update your email address on the <a href='user_account.php'>My A
ccount</a> page.
800012:=How can I report an error or other problem with the site?
800013:=To report an error or problem with the site, you can contact us <a href=
800014:=How can I deal with someone that is bothering me?
800015:=If someone is bothering or harassing you, blocking them is usually the b
est solution. Visit the <a href='user_account.php'>Account Settings</a> page to
learn how to block people. If someone continues to harass you despite your effor
ts, you can report them <a href='help_contact.php'>here</a>.
800016:=How can I report spam or other inappropriate content?
800017:=You can report spam, pornography, or any other inappropriate content <a
href='help_contact.php'>here</a>, or by clicking the "Report" link on the page c
ontaining the content you wish to report.
800018:=Is my information kept private?
800019:=Absolutely. We do not share any personally identifying information about
you to any third party.
800020:=How can I make my profile private?
800021:=If the administrator has enabled it, you can make your profile private b
y visiting the <a href='user_account_privacy.php'>Account Privacy</a> page.
800022:=How can I block users from contacting me?
800023:=You can block people by adding their username to your blocked users list
. Visit the <a href='user_account.php'>Account Settings</a> page to learn more a
bout how to block people.
850001:=You have received an invitation to join our social network!
850002:=Hello,<br><br>You have been invited by %1$s to join our social network.
To join, please follow the link below and enter your invite code.<br><br>%5$s<br
><br>Invite Code: %4$s<br><br>Best Regards,<br>Social Network Administration<br>
850003:=You have received an invitation to join our social network.
850004:=Hello,<br><br>You have been invited by %1$s to join our social network.
To join, please follow the link below:<br>%4$s<br><br>Best Regards,<br>Social Ne
twork Administration<br><br>----------------------------------------<br>%3$s
850005:=Social Network - Email Verification
850006:=Hello %1$s,<br><br>Thank you for joining our social network. To verify y
our email address and continue, please click the following link:<br>%3$s<br><br>
Best Regards,<br>Social Network Administration
850007:=Social Network - Login Details
850008:=Hello %1$s,<br><br>Thank you for joining our social network. Click the f
ollowing link and enter your information below to login:<br><br>%4$s<br><br>Emai
l: %2$s<br>Password: %3$s<br><br>Best Regards,<br>Social Network Administration
850009:=<div align="left"> <strong> KABAR TERBARU </strong></div>
850010:=Hello %1$s,<br><br>Thank you for joining our social network. Click the f
ollowing link and enter your information below to login:<br><br>%4$s<br><br>Emai
l: %2$s<br>Password: %3$s<br><br>Best Regards,<br>Social Network Administration
850011:=Social Network - Lost Password
850012:=Hello %1$s,<br><br>You have requested to reset your password because you
have forgotten your password. If you did not request this, please ignore it. It
will expire in 24 hours.To reset your password, please click the following link
:<br><br>%3$s<br><br>Best Regards,<br>Social Network Administration
850013:=%2$s has added you as a friend.
850014:=Hello %1$s,<br><br>%2$s has added you as a friend. Please click the foll
owing link to login and confirm this friendship request:<br><br>%3$s<br><br>Best
Regards,<br>Social Network Administration
850015:=You have received a new message.
850016:=Hello %1$s,<br><br>You have just received a new message from %2$s. Pleas
e click the following link to login and view it:<br><br>%3$s<br><br>Best Regards
,<br>Social Network Administration
850017:=New Profile Comment
850018:=Hello %1$s,<br><br>A new comment has been posted on your profile by %2$s
. Please click the following link to view it:<br><br>%3$s<br><br>Best Regards,<b
r>Social Network Administration
1000001:=New Media Comment Email
1000002:=This is the email that gets sent to a user when a new comment is posted
on one of their photos.
1000003:=Album Plugin Settings
1000004:=View Photo Albums
1000005:=Global Album pengaturan
1000006:=Pengaturan Album
1000008:=This page contains general album settings that affect your entire socia
l network.
1000009:=Select whether or not you want to let the public (visitors that are not
logged-in) to view the following sections of your social network. In some cases
(such as Profiles, Blogs, and Albums), if you have given them the option, your
users will be able to make their pages private even though you have made them pu
blically viewable here. For more permissions settings, please visit the <a href=
'admin_general.php'>General Settings</a> page.
1000010:=Yes, the public can view albums unless they are made private.
1000011:=No, the public cannot view albums.
1000012:=Your maximum filesize field must contain an integer between 1 and 20480
1000013:=Your maximum width and height fields must contain integers between 1 an
d 9999.
1000014:=Your maximum allowed albums field must contain an integer between 1 and
1000015:=If you have allowed users to have file albums, you can adjust their det
ails from this page.
1000016:=Allow Albums?
1000017:=Do you want to let users have albums? If set to no, all other settings
on this page will not apply.
1000018:=Yes, allow albums.
1000019:=No, do not allow albums.
1000020:=Album Privacy Options
1000021:=If you enable this feature, users will be able to exclude their albums
from search results. Otherwise, all albums will be included in search results.
1000022:=Yes, allow users to exclude their albums from search results.
1000023:=No, force all albums to be included in search results.
1000024:=Album Privacy Options
1000025:=Your users can choose from any of the options checked below when they d
ecide who can see their albums. If you do not check any options, everyone will b
e allowed to view albums.
1000026:=Media Comment Options
1000027:=Your users can choose from any of the options checked below when they d
ecide who can post comments on their media. If you do not check any options, eve
ryone will be allowed to post comments on media.
1000028:=Maximum Allowed Albums
1000029:=Enter the maximum number of allowed albums. The field must contain an i
nteger between 1 and 999.
1000030:=allowed albums
1000031:=Allowed File Types
1000032:=List the following file extensions that users are allowed to upload. Se
parate file extensions with commas, for example: jpg, gif, jpeg, png, bmp
1000033:=Allowed MIME Types
1000034:=To successfully upload a file, the file must have an allowed filetype e
xtension as well as an allowed MIME type. This prevents users from disguising ma
licious files with a fake extension. Separate MIME types with commas, for exampl
e: image/jpeg, image/gif, image/png, image/bmp
1000035:=Allowed Storage Space
1000036:=How much storage space should each user have to store their files?
1000038:=Maximum Filesize
1000039:=Enter the maximum filesize for uploaded files in KB. This must be a num
ber between 1 and 204800.
1000040:=Enter the maximum width and height (in pixels) for images uploaded to a
lbums. Images with dimensions outside this range will be sized down accordingly
if your server has the GD Libraries installed. Note that unusual image types lik
e TIFF, RAW, and others may not be resized.
1000041:=Allow Custom CSS Styles?
1000042:=If you enable this feature, your users will be able to customize the co
lors and fonts of their albums by altering their CSS styles.
1000043:=Yes, enable custom CSS styles.
1000044:=No, disable custom CSS styles.
1000045:=This page lists all of the file albums that users have created on your
social network. Depending on the settings you have specified in this control pan
el, users can create albums and use them to upload, organize, and share photos,
music, videos, and other files. You can use this page to monitor these albums an
d delete offensive material if necessary. Entering criteria into the filter fiel
ds will help you find specific albums. Leaving the filter fields blank will show
all the albums on your social network.
1000048:=No albums were found.
1000049:=%1$d Albums Found
1000051:=Space Used
1000053:=Are you sure you want to delete this album? Warning: All images within
this album will also be deleted.
1000054:=Delete Album?
1000055:=My Albums
1000056:=Album Settings
1000057:=You have %1$d albums and %2$d photos.
1000058:=You have %1$s MB of free space remaining.
1000059:=Create New Album
1000060:=My Albums Link:
1000062:=Last Update:
1000064:=%1$s photos (%2$s MB)
1000066:=%1$d views
1000067:=Viewable By:
1000068:=View Album
1000069:=Edit Album
1000070:=Delete Album
1000071:=You do not have any albums.
1000072:=Create an album to begin uploading files.
1000073:=Please enter a name for this album.
1000074:=Please give us some information about your new album.
1000075:=You have reached the maximum number of allowed albums (%1$d). You must
delete some of your old albums before you can create a new one.
1000076:=Return to My Albums
1000077:=Album Name:
1000078:=Album Description:
1000079:=Include this album in search/browse results?
1000080:=Yes, include this album in search/browse results.
1000081:=No, exclude this album from search/browse results.
1000082:=Who can see this album?
1000083:=Who can comment in this album?
1000084:=Create Album
1000085:=You do not have enough free space to upload %1$s.
1000086:=%1$s was uploaded successfully.
1000087:=Upload Photos:
1000088:=To upload photos from your computer, click the "Browse" button, locate
them on your computer, then click the "Upload" button.
1000089:=Back to Photos
1000090:=You may upload files of the following types: %1$s
1000091:=You may upload files with sizes up to %1$s KB.
1000092:=Your album has been created. You can begin uploading photos below.
1000093:=Edit Album Details
1000094:=Use this page to change the album name, description, or privacy level.
1000095:=Edit Photos:
1000096:=All photos inside this album are listed below.<br>This album contains <
b>%1$s files</b> and has been viewed <b>%2$s times</b>.
1000097:=Back to Albums
1000098:=Add New Photos
1000099:=Edit Album Info
1000100:=There are no files in this album.
1000101:=Click here to begin adding files.
1000103:=Delete Photo
1000104:=Album Cover
1000105:=Move To:
1000106:=Profile Position
1000107:=Your users can choose from any of the options checked below when they d
ecide where they want their albums to appear on their profile.
1000108:=Display Albums in Tab
1000109:=Display Albums in Side Gutter
1000110:=Where do you want your albums to display on your profile?
1000111:=Edit album settings such as your album's style.
1000112:=My Albums' Style
1000113:=You can change the colors, fonts, and styles of your albums by adding C
SS code below. The contents of the text area below will be output between &lt;st
yle&gt; tags on your album.
1000114:=Move Up
1000115:=Rotate Left
1000116:=Rotate Right
1000118:=%1$d albums/photos
1000119:=Photo: %1$s
1000120:=Album: %1$s
1000121:=Media posted by <a href='%1$s'>%2$s</a><br>%3$s
1000122:=Album created by <a href='%1$s'>%2$s</a><br>%3$s
1000124:=updated %1$s by <a href='%2$s'>%3$s</a>
1000125:=You do not have permission to view this file.
1000127:=Browse Photo Albums
1000129:=Everyone's Albums
1000130:=My Friend's Albums
1000132:=Recently Updated
1000133:=Recently Created
1000134:=Photo Tagging Options
1000135:=Your users can choose from any of the options checked below when they d
ecide who can tag their photos. If you do not check any options, everyone will b
e allowed to tag photos.
1000136:=Who can tag photos in this album?
1000137:=Photos of %1$s (%2$d)
1000138:=<a href='%1$s'>%2$s</a>'s albums
1000139:=%1$s does not have any albums.
1000140:=Updated %1$s
1000141:=<a href='%1$s'>%2$s</a>'s <a href='%3$s'>albums</a>
1000142:=download audio
1000143:=download video
1000144:=download this file
1000145:=Viewing #%1$d of %2$d in <a href='%3$s'>%4$s</a>
1000148:=Report Inappropriate Content
1000149:=Photos of <a href='%1$s'>%2$s</a>
1000150:=Viewing #%1$d of %2$d <a href='%3$s'>photos of %4$s</a> &nbsp;|&nbsp; <
a href='%5$s'>Return to %4$s's Profile</a>
1000151:=Notification of Being Tagged
1000152:=This is the email that gets sent to a user when someone tags them in a
1000153:=New Photo Tag Email
1000154:=This is the email that gets sent to a user when someone tags one of the
ir photos.
1000155:=%1$s's album: %2$s
1000157:=From %1$s by <a href='%2$s'>%3$s</a>
1000158:=%1$s's photo - %2$s
1000160:=%1$s's albums
1000161:=%1$s's albums
1000162:=In this photo:
1000163:=Add Tag
1000164:=Share This
1000165:=To share this photo or embed it on another web page, please copy and pa
ste the code of your choosing:
1000166:=Direct Link
1000167:=HTML - Embedded Image
1000168:=HTML - Text Link
1000169:=UBB Code (for forums)
1000170:=Close Window
1000171:=Photo Albums
1000172:=%1$d photos
1000173:=remove tag
1000174:=Albums: %1$d albums
1000175:=Media: %1$d media
1000176:=Media Comments: %1$d media comments
1000177:=Media Tags: %1$d media tags
1000178:=Creating an Album
1000179:=<a href="profile.php?user=%1$s">%2$s</a> created a new album: <a href="
1000180:=Uploading Photos to an Album
1000181:=<a href="profile.php?user=%1$s">%2$s</a> uploaded new photos to their a
lbum: <a href="album.php?user=%1$s&album_id=%3$s">%4$s</a><div class="recentacti
1000182:=Posting a Photo Comment
1000183:=<a href="profile.php?user=%1$s">%2$s</a> posted a comment on <a href="p
rofile.php?user=%3$s">%4$s</a>'s <a href="album_file.php?user=%3$s&media_id=%6$s
">photo</a>:<div class="recentaction_div">%5$s</div>
1000184:=Getting Tagged in a Photo
1000185:=<a href="profile.php?user=%1$s">%2$s</a> was tagged in these photos:<di
v class="recentaction_div_media">[media]</div>
1000186:=%1$d New Photo Comment(s): %2$s
1000187:=When I receive a new photo comment.
1000188:=%1$d New Photo(s) Tagged of You: %2$s
1000189:=When I am tagged in a photo.
1000190:=%1$d New Tag(s) on Your Photo: %2$s
1000191:=When someone tags a photo I own.
1000192:=New Media Comment
Hello %1$s,
A new comment has been posted on one of your photos by %2$s. Please click the fo
llowing link to view it:
Best Regards,
Social Network Administration
1000194:=You have Been Tagged in a Photo!
Hello %1$s,
You have been tagged in a photo. Please click the following link to view it:
Best Regards,
Social Network Administration
1000196:=New Photo Tag
Hello %1$s,
A new tag has been posted on one of your photos by %2$s. Please click the follow
ing link to view it:
Best Regards,
Social Network Administration
1500001:=Blog Settings
1500002:=View Blog Entries
1500003:=Global Blog Settings
1500004:=Blog Settings
1500005:=New Blog Comment Email
1500006:=This is the email that gets sent to a user when a new comment is posted
on one of their blog entries.
1500008:=A valid entry ID must be specified.
1500009:=A valid return URL must be specified.
1500010:=The specified entry does not exist.
1500011:=This trackback has already been received.
1500012:=You cannot send more than one trackback every 15 seconds per IP Address
1500013:=An unknown error occurred, trackback was not added.
1500014:=The trackback was received successfully.
1500019:=%1$d comment(s)
1500020:=%1$d trackback(s)
1500023:=<b><a href="%2$s">%1$s</a></b> has not posted any blog entries.
1500024:=Back to %1$s's blog
1500031:=Browse Blog Entries
1500036:=Date Posted
1500037:=Most Viewed
1500038:=Most Commented
1500039:=Posted %1$s by <a href="%2$s">%3$s</a>
1500041:=%1$d views
1500042:=%1$d comments
1500043:=Blog Entries
1500044:=My Blog Entries
1500045:=Blog Anda adalah tempat bagi Anda untuk berbagi pemikiran pribadi Anda
dan berita dengan orang lain. Gunakan halaman ini untuk mencari dan mengelola en
tri blog yang Anda telah ditulis.
1500046:=Tulis Blog Baru
1500047:=Langganan saya
1500048:=Cari yang sudah ada
1500049:=Cara yang sudah ada for:
1500050:=Tidak ada entri blog yang ditemukan.
1500051:=Anda tidak memiliki entri blog. Klik <a href="%1$s">here</a> to create
1500053:=Kirim Blog
1500054:=Membuat atau mengedit entri Anda below, then click "Post Entry" to publ
ish the entry on your blog.
1500055:=Kembali ke blog saya
1500058:=<b><a href="%2$s">%1$d comments</a></b> have been written about this en
1500059:=Tampilkan pengaturan
1500060:=Sembunyikan pengaturan
1500061:=Sertakan entri blog di hasil pencarian?
1500062:=Ya, masukkan blog ini dalam hasil pencarian.
1500063:=Tidak, Memasukkan blog ini pada hasil pencarian.
1500064:=Trackback URLs
1500065:=Posting Entry
1500066:=Lihat entri
1500067:=Lihat terlebih dahulu:
1500068:=Return to Editing
1500069:=Edit pengaturan blog seperti gaya blog Anda.
1500070:=Custom Blog Styles
1500071:=You can change the colors, fonts, and styles of your blog by adding CSS
code below. The contents of the text area below will be output between &lt;styl
e&gt; tags on your blog.
1500072:=Custom Blog Styles
1500073:=Blog Notifications
1500074:=Notify me by email when someone writes a comment on my blog entries.
1500075:=Notify me by email when someone responds through a trackback to one of
my blog entries.
1500076:=Notify me by email when a new entry is posted on a blog I have subscrib
ed to.
1500077:=My Blog Subscriptions
1500078:=Anda dapat melihat atau mengelola blog Anda sudah berlangganan ke sini.
1500079:=Anda belum berlangganan ke blog.
1500081:=Posting terakhir:
1500082:=Entry Terbaru
1500083:=Lihat blog
1500084:=Halaman ini berisi pengaturan blog umum yang mempengaruhi seluruh jarin
gan sosial Anda.
1500085:=Public Permission Defaults
1500086:=Select whether or not you want to let the public (visitors that are not
logged-in) to view the following sections of your social network. In some cases
(such as Profiles, Blogs, and Albums), if you have given them the option, your
users will be able to make their pages private even though you have made them pu
blically viewable here. For more permissions settings, please visit the <a href=
'admin_general.php'>General Settings</a> page.
1500087:=Yes, the public can view blogs unless they are made private.
1500088:=No, the public cannot view blogs.
1500089:=Blog Entry Categories
1500090:=If you want to allow your users to categorize their blog entries, creat
e the categories below. This feature is useful if you want to list all your user
s' blog entries that If you have no categories, your users will not be given th
e option of assigning a blog category.
1500091:=Add Category
1500092:=If you have allowed users to have blogs, you can adjust their details f
rom this page.
1500097:=Entries Per Page
1500098:=How many blog entries will be shown per page? (Enter a number between 1
and 999)
1500099:=%1$s entries per page
1500100:=Blog Privacy Options
1500101:=<b>Search Privacy Options</b><br>If you enable this feature, users will
be able to exclude their blog entries from search results. Otherwise, all blog
entries will be included in search results.
1500102:=Yes, allow users to exclude their blog entries from search results.
1500103:=No, force all blog entries to be included in search results.
1500104:=<b>Blog Entry Privacy</b><br>Your users can choose from any of the opti
ons checked below when they decide who can see their blog entries. These options
appear on your users' "Add Entry" and "Edit Entry" pages. If you do not check a
ny options, everyone will be allowed to view blogs.
1500105:=<b>Blog Comment Options</b><br>Your users can choose from any of the op
tions checked below when they decide who can post comments on their entries. If
you do not check any options, everyone will be allowed to post comments on entri
1500106:=Allow Custom CSS Styles?
1500107:=If you enable this feature, your users will be able to customize the co
lors and fonts of their blogs by altering their CSS styles.
1500108:=Yes, enable custom CSS styles.
1500109:=No, disable custom CSS styles.
1500110:=The blog entries per page must be a number between 1 and 999.
1500112:=No entries were found.
1500113:=%1$d blog entries found
1500114:=Are you sure you want to delete this blog entry?
1500116:=Everyone's Blog Entries
1500117:=My Friends' Blog Entries
1500118:=Blog entry: %1$s
1500119:=Blog diposting oleh <a href='%1$s'>%2$s</a><br>%3$s
1500120:=%1$d blog entries
1500121:=View All Entries
1500122:=Delete Blog Entry?
1500123:=There was an error processing your request.
1500124:=%1$s's blog
1500125:=%1$s's blog - %2$s
1500126:=Trackbacks are a way to notify other blogs that you've linked to them.
Add the trackback URLs here, one per line.
1500127:=Telah diposting %1$s
1500130:=Edit Blog Entry
1500131:=This page lists all of the blog entries your users have posted. You can
use this page to monitor these blogs and delete offensive material if necessary
. Entering criteria into the filter fields will help you find specific blog entr
ies. Leaving the filter fields blank will show all the blog entries on your soci
al network.
1500132:=Who can see this entry?
1500133:=Who can comment on this entry?
1500134:=HTML in Blog Entries
1500135:=If you want to allow specific HTML tags, you can enter them below (sepa
rated by commas). Example: <i>b, img, a, embed, font<i>
1500137:=Trackbacks allow remote users using blogging software to post a respons
e about a user's blog. This will be sent to your server and will show up when vi
ewing the blog entry as a response. In turn, enabling this feature will allow lo
cal users to send a reponse to other blogging sites by providing a trackback URL
1500138:=Yes, allow remote users to trackback to this user level's blog entries.
1500139:=No, do not allow remote users to trackback.
1500140:=If you have enabled trackbacks, you can scan blog entries' body text fo
r URLs to attempt to send a trackback to.
1500141:=Yes, attempt to detect trackbacks from this user level's blog entries'
body text.
1500142:=No, do not attempt to detect trackbacks.
1500143:=Allow Viewing and Creation of Blogs?
1500144:=Do you want to let users view blogs? If set to no, some other settings
on this page may not apply.
1500145:=Yes, allow viewing and subscription of blogs.
1500146:=No, do not allow blog to be viewed or subscribed to.
1500147:=Do you want to let users create blogs? If set to no, some other setting
s on this page may not apply. This is useful if you want users to be able to vie
w blogs and manage their subscriptions, but only want certain levels to be able
to create blogs.
1500148:=Yes, allow creation of blogs.
1500149:=No, do not allow blog to be created.
1500150:=Blog Entries: %1$d entries
1500151:=Blog Subscriptions: %1$d subscriptions
1500152:=Posting a Blog Entry
1500153:=<a href="profile.php?user=%1$s">%2$s</a> wrote a blog entry: <a href="b
1500154:=Posting a Blog Entry Comment
1500155:=<a href="profile.php?user=%1$s">%2$s</a> posted a comment on <a href="p
rofile.php?user=%3$s">%4$s</a>'s <a href="blog.php?user=%3$s&blogentry_id=%6$s">
blog entry</a>:<div class="recentaction_div">%5$s</div>
1500156:=%1$d New Blog Comment(s): %2$s
1500157:=When a comment is posted on one of my blog entries.
1500158:=%1$d New Blog Entry: %2$s
1500159:=When I an entry is posted in a blog I have subscribed to.
1500160:=New Blog Entry Comment
Hello %1$s,
A new comment has been posted on one of your blog entries by %2$s. Please click
the following link to view it:
Best Regards,
Social Network Administration
1500162:=New Blog Entry Trackback
Hello %1$s,
A new response has been posted by trackback on one of your blog entries from a b
log called <a href="%3$s">%2$s</a>. Please click the following link to view the
Best Regards,
Social Network Administration
1500164:=New Blog Entry from a Subscribed Blog
Hello %1$s,
A new entry has been posted on the blog you have subscribed to by %2$s. Please c
lick the following link to view it:
Best Regards,
Social Network Administration
1500166:=Blog Category Creation
1500167:=Allow users to create their own blog categories? If set to no, users ca
n still choose from the categories you have created on the Global Blog Settings
1500168:=Yes, allow users to create their own blog categories.
1500169:=No, do not allow users to create their own blog categories.
1500170:=Edit This Entry
1500173:=Posting a Blog Entry
1500174:=<a href="profile.php?user=%1$s">%2$s</a> just liked blog entry: <a href
3000001:=Event Settings
3000002:=View Events
3000003:=Global Event Settings
3000004:=Event Settings
3000005:=New Event Invitation Email
3000006:=This is the email that gets sent to a user when they are invited to an
3000008:=New Event Comment Email
3000009:=This is the email that gets sent to a user when a comment is posted on
an event they created.
3000010:=New Event Photo Comment Email
3000011:=This is the email that gets sent to a user when a comment is posted on
a photo for an event they created.
3000012:=New Event Invitation Request Email
3000013:=This is the email that gets sent to a user when someone requests an inv
itation to an event they created.
3000014:=Only Invited Users, Their Friends, and Their Friends' Friends
3000015:=Only Invited Users and Their Friends
3000016:=Only Invited Users and Event Creator's Friends
3000017:=Only Invited Users
3000018:=Only Event Creator
3000019:=General Event Settings
3000020:=This page contains general event settings that affect your entire socia
l network.
3000021:=Select whether or not you want to let the public (visitors that are not
logged-in) to view the following sections of your social network. In some cases
(such as Profiles, Blogs, and Albums), if you have given them the option, your
users will be able to make their pages private even though you have made them pu
blically viewable here. For more permissions settings, please visit the <a href=
"admin_general.php">General Settings</a> page.
3000022:=Yes, the public can view events unless they are made private.
3000023:=No, the public cannot view events.
3000024:=Event Categories/Fields
3000025:=You may want to allow your users to categorize their events by subject,
location, etc. If you want to allow event categories, you can create them (alon
g with subcategories) below.<br /><br />Within each category, you can create fie
lds. When an event is created, the creator (owner) will describe the event by fi
lling in some fields with information about the event. Add the fields you want t
o include below. Remember that a "Event Title" and "Event Description" field wil
l always be available and required. Drag the icons next to the categories and fi
elds to reorder them.
3000026:=Event Categories
3000027:=Photo width and height must be integers between 1 and 999.
3000028:=Your maximum filesize field must contain an integer between 1 and 20480
3000029:=Your maximum width and height fields must contain integers between 1 an
d 9999.
3000030:=If you have enabled events, your users will have the option of creating
events and inviting users. Use this page to configure your event settings.
3000031:=Allow Events?
3000038:=Allow Event Photos?
3000039:=If you enable this feature, users will be able to upload a small photo
icon when creating or editing an event. This can be displayed next to the event
name on users' profiles, in search/browse results, etc.
3000040:=Yes, users can upload a photo icon when they create/edit an event.
3000041:=No, users can not upload a photo icon when they create/edit an event.
3000042:=If you have selected yes above, please input the maximum dimensions for
the event photos. If your users upload a photo that is larger than these dimens
ions, the server will attempt to scale them down automatically. This feature req
uires that your PHP server is compiled with support for the GD Libraries.
3000043:=Maximum Width:
3000044:=Maximum Height:
3000045:=(in pixels, between %1$d and %1$d)
3000046:=What file types do you want to allow for event photos? Separate file ty
pes with commas, i.e. jpg, jpeg, gif, png
3000047:=Allowed File Types:
3000048:=Event Privacy Options
3000049:=<b>Search Privacy Options</b><br>If you enable this feature, event lead
ers will be able to exclude their event from search results. Otherwise, all even
ts will be included in search results.
3000050:=Yes, allow event leaders to exclude their events from search results.
3000051:=No, force all events to be included in search results.
3000052:=<b>Overall Event Privacy</b><br>Event Creators can choose from any of t
he options checked below when they decide who can view their events. If you do n
ot check any options, everyone will be allowed to view events.
3000053:=<b>Event Comment Options</b><br>Event Creators can choose from any of t
he options checked below when they decide who can post comments on their events.
If you do not check any options, everyone will be allowed to post comments on e
3000054:=Allow Invite-Only Events?
3000055:=Do you want to give event creators the ability to create invite-only ev
ents? If set to yes, event creators will be able to set events to "invite-only".
This means only invited users will be able to RSVP to the event and un-invited
users will need to request an invitation.
3000056:=Yes, optionally allow invite-only events.
3000057:=No, do not allow invite-only events.
3000058:=Allow custom CSS styles?
3000059:=If you enable this feature, your users will be able to customize the co
lors and fonts of their events by altering their CSS styles.
3000060:=Yes, allow custom CSS.
3000061:=No, do not allow custom CSS.
3000062:=Event File Settings
3000063:=List the following file extensions that users are allowed to upload. Se
parate file extensions with commas, for example: jpg, gif, jpeg, png, bmp
3000064:=To successfully upload a file, the file must have an allowed filetype e
xtension as well as an allowed MIME type. This prevents users from disguising ma
licious files with a fake extension. Separate MIME types with commas, for exampl
e: image/jpeg, image/gif, image/png, image/bmp
3000065:=How much storage space should each event have to store its files?
3000067:=Enter the maximum filesize for uploaded files in KB. This must be a num
ber between 1 and 204800.
3000068:=Enter the maximum width and height (in pixels) for images uploaded to e
vents. Images with dimensions outside this range will be sized down accordingly
if your server has the GD Libraries installed. Note that unusual image types lik
e BMP, TIFF, RAW, and others may not be resized.
3000069:=%1$s B
3000070:=%1$s KB
3000071:=%1$s MB
3000072:=%1$s GB
3000073:=This page lists all of the events that users have created on your socia
l network. You can use this page to monitor these events and delete offensive or
unwanted material if necessary. Entering criteria into the filter fields will h
elp you find specific events. Leaving the filter fields blank will show all the
events on your social network.
3000076:=%1$d Events Found
3000078:=Are you sure you want to delete this event?
3000079:=No events were found.
3000080:=Awaiting Approval
3000081:=Awaiting Response
3000083:=Maybe Attending
3000084:=Not Attending
3000085:=I'll be late
3000086:=My Events
3000087:=Below are all of the events that you've created or been invited to.<br>
To search for upcoming events to join, visit the <a href="%1$s">Browse Events pa
3000088:=Create New Event
3000089:=Search My Events
3000092:=By Month
3000093:=Delete Event?
3000094:=Are you sure you want to delete this event?
3000095:=Leave Event?
3000096:=Are you sure you want to leave this event?
3000097:=RSVP to Event
3000098:=To RSVP to this event, please select the appropriate option below.
3000099:=Yes, I will be attending this event.
3000100:=I may attend this event.
3000101:=No, I will not be attending this event.
3000102:=You do not have any events. Click <a href="%1$s">here</a> to create one
3000103:=No events matched your search criteria.
3000108:=Please give us some information about your new event. After you have cr
eated your event, you can begin inviting other users to attend.
3000109:=Back to My Events
3000110:=Event Name
3000111:=Event Description
3000112:=Start Time
3000113:=End Time
3000114:=(hh:mm am/pm, hh:mm)
3000117:=Invite Only?
3000118:=Is an invitation required before users can join this event?
3000119:=Yes, users may RSVP without invitation.
3000120:=No, users may not RSVP unless they were invited.
3000121:=Search Results
3000122:=Include this event in search/browse results?
3000123:=Yes, include this event in search/browse results.
3000124:=No, exclude this event from search/browse results.
3000125:=Allow Viewing?
3000126:=You can decide who can see this event.
3000127:=Allow Comments?
3000128:=You can decide who can post comments in this event.
3000129:=Allow Uploads?
3000130:=You can decide who can upload photos to this event.
3000131:=Allow Photo Tagging?
3000132:=You can decide who can tag photos within this event.
3000133:=Add Event
3000134:=Event Category
3000135:=Edit Event: <a href="%1$s">%2$s</a>
3000136:=All of this event's details are displayed and can be changed below.
3000137:=Event Details
3000139:=Your event was successfully created! You can add a photo and edit the e
vent details below.
3000140:=Images must be less than %1$s in size with one of the following extensi
ons: %2$s
3000141:=Browse Guests: <a href="%1$s">%2$s</a>
3000142:=Use this page to list or search for event guests.
3000143:=All Guests
3000145:=Invite New Guests
3000146:=No guests were found matching your criteria.
3000147:=Current Response:
3000148:=Last Update:
3000149:=Accept Request
3000150:=Reject Request
3000151:=Remove Guest
3000152:=Event Leader
3000153:=There was an error processing your request.
3000154:=Delete Guest?
3000155:=Are you sure you want to delete this guest from your event?
3000156:=Event Settings: <a href="%1$s">%2$s</a>
3000157:=Edit event settings, such as your event's style.
3000158:=Event Style
3000159:=You can change the colors, fonts, and styles of your event by adding CS
S code below. The contents of the text area below will be output between &lt;sty
le&gt; tags on your event.
3000160:=Event Guests
3000161:=Search Guests
3000162:=None of the event guests match your search criteria.
3000165:=Add New Photos
3000166:=No photos have been added to this event yet.
3000167:=Request an Invitation
3000168:=Attend this Event
3000169:=Delete Event
3000170:=Cancel Request
3000172:=Report this Event
3000173:=Private Event
3000174:=Event Information
3000175:=Event Date/Time
3000177:=To upload photos from your computer to this event, click the "Browse" b
utton, locate them on your computer, then click the "Upload" button.
3000178:=This event has %1$s MB of free space remaining.
3000179:=You may upload files with sizes up to %1$s KB and with the following ex
tensions: %2$s
3000181:=Viewing #%1$d of %2$d in <a href="%3$s">%4$s</a>
3000184:=In this photo:
3000185:=Add Tag
3000186:=Share This
3000187:=Uploaded %1$s by <a href="%2$s">%3$s</a>
3000188:=Uploaded %1$s
3000189:=Edit Photo Details
3000190:=Delete Photo
3000191:=Are you sure you want to delete this photo?
3000192:=Enter a title and description for this photo in the fields below.
3000195:=To share this photo or embed it on another web page, please copy and pa
ste the code of your choosing:
3000196:=Direct Link
3000197:=HTML - Embedded Image
3000198:=HTML - Text Link
3000199:=UBB Code (for forums)
3000200:=Close Window
3000201:=What's New
3000202:=%1$s from %2$s to %3$s
3000203:=%1$s at %2$s
3000204:=%1$s to %2$s
3000205:=Browse Events
3000206:=Everyone's Events
3000207:=My Friends' Events
3000209:=Most Popular
3000210:=Upcoming Events
3000211:=Starting Date
3000212:=Ending Date
3000213:=All Events
3000214:=No events were found matching your criteria
3000215:=%1$d guests
3000216:=led by <a href="%2$s">%1$s</a>
3000217:=updated %1$s
3000218:=Search my events for:
3000219:=Leave Event
3000220:=Are you sure you want to leave this event?
3000221:=Are you sure you want to cancel the request for invitiation to this eve
3000222:=Invited Users
3000223:=Cancel Invite
3000224:=Are you sure you want to cancel your invitiation to this user?
3000225:=Invite Guests
3000226:=To invite a friend to join this event, check the box next to their name
below. Remember that even if this event is set to be viewable by "members only"
, people that you invite will be able to view the event as though they are membe
3000227:=You have no friends that are available to join this event.
3000228:=Select All
3000229:=%1$d invite(s) were successfully sent.
3000245:=Edit Event
3000246:=You must enter a title for your event.
3000247:=You must select a category for your event.
3000248:=You do not have permission to perform that operation.
3000249:=If you have selected an end date, please ensure it is after the start d
3000250:=You must enter a date in the future.
3000251:=Target could not be found, or may have already had this operation perfo
3000252:=Event Photo
3000253:=Notification of Being Tagged in an Event Photo
3000254:=This is the email that gets sent to a user when someone tags them in an
event photo.
3000255:=New Event Photo Tag Email
3000256:=This is the email that gets sent to a user when someone tags one of the
photos in an event they lead.
3000257:=<b>Event Album Upload Options</b><br />Event leaders can choose from an
y of the options checked below when they decide who can upload photos to their e
vent. If you do not check any options, everyone will be allowed to upload photos
to events.
3000258:=<b>Event Album Tag Options</b><br />Event leaders can choose from any o
f the options checked below when they decide who can tag photos in their event.
If you do not check any options, everyone will be allowed to tag photos in event
3000259:=You may choose what access users in this level have to events.
3000260:=Users may view, join, and create events.
3000261:=Users may view and join events.
3000262:=Users may only view events.
3000263:=Users may not use events.
3000265:=Yes, allow event members to invite their friends to join.
3000266:=No, only the event leader may invite users to join.
3000267:=Member Invite
3000268:=Allow event members to invite users?
3000269:=Event Officers
3000273:=%1$s: %2$s
3000274:=Browse Events
3000275:=Browse the events on our social network.
3000276:=%1$s's events on %2$s
3000277:=Your status:
3000278:=My RSVP
3000279:=Your RSVP has been saved.
3000280:=Event Type
3000281:=%1$d events
3000282:=Event: %1$s
3000283:=Event Media: %1$s
3000285:=Media posted in <a href='%1$s'>%2$s</a><br>%3$s
3000291:=Events: %1$d events
3000292:=Event Comments: %1$d comments
3000293:=Event Media: %1$d media
3000294:=Event Members: %1$d memberships
3000296:=Creating an Event
3000297:=<a href="profile.php?user=%1$s">%2$s</a> created a new event: <a href="
3000298:=Joining an Event
3000299:=<a href="profile.php?user=%1$s">%2$s</a> joined an event: <a href="even
3000300:=Leaving an Event
3000301:=<a href="profile.php?user=%1$s">%2$s</a> left an event: <a href="event.
3000302:=Attending an Event
3000303:=<a href="profile.php?user=%1$s">%2$s</a> is attending an event: <a href
3000304:=Posting an Event Comment
3000305:=<a href="profile.php?user=%1$s">%2$s</a> posted a comment on the event
<a href="event.php?event_id=%6$s">%7$s</a>:<div class="recentaction_div">%5$s</d
3000306:=Posting an Event Photo Comment
3000307:=<a href="profile.php?user=%1$s">%2$s</a> posted a comment on the event
%7$s's <a href="event_album_file.php?event_id=%8$s&eventmedia_id=%6$s">photo</a>
:<div class="recentaction_div">%5$s</div>
3000308:=Posting a Photo on an Event
3000309:=<a href="profile.php?user=%1$s">%2$s</a> uploaded new photos to the eve
nt <a href="event.php?event_id=%3$s">%4$s</a><div class="recentaction_div_media"
3000310:=Getting Tagged in an Event Photo
3000311:=<a href="profile.php?user=%1$s">%2$s</a> was tagged in these photos:<di
v class="recentaction_div_media">[media]</div>
3000312:=%1$d New Event Comment(s): %2$s
3000313:=When a new comment is posted on an event I created.
3000314:=%1$d New Event Photo Comment(s): %2$s
3000315:=When a new comment is posted on a photo in an event I created.
3000316:=%1$d New Event Invitation(s)
3000317:=When I receive an event invitation.
3000318:=%1$d New Event Invite Request(s)
3000319:=When I receive an invitation request for an event I created.
3000320:=%1$d New Photo(s) Tagged of You: %2$s
3000321:=When I am tagged in an event photo.
3000322:=%1$d New Tag(s) on Your Event's Photo: %2$s
3000323:=When someone tags a photo in an event I lead.
3000324:=You have been invited to attend %2$s.
Hello %1$s,
You have been invited to attend an event: %2$s. Please click the following link
to login:
Best Regards,
Social Network Administration
3000326:=New Event Comment
Hello %1$s,
A new comment has been posted by %2$s about an event you created. Please click t
he following link to view it:
Best Regards,
Social Network Administration
3000328:=New Event Photo Comment
Hello %1$s,
A new comment has been posted by %2$s on a photo for an event you created. Pleas
e click the following link to view it:
Best Regards,
Social Network Administration
3000330:=New Event Invitation Request
Hello %1$s,
%2$s has requested an invitation to your event "%3$s". Please click the followin
g link to login and send them an invitation:
Best Regards,
Social Network Administration
3000332:=You have Been Tagged in an Event Photo!
Hello %1$s,
You have been tagged in an event photo. Please click the following link to view
Best Regards,
Social Network Administration
3000334:=New Event Photo Tag
Hello %1$s,
A new tag has been posted on one of the photos in an event you lead by %2$s. Ple
ase click the following link to view it:
Best Regards,
Social Network Administration
3000336:=Allow Event Back-dating?
3000337:=If you enable this feature, users in this levels will be able to create
events with start and end dates in the past.
3000338:=Yes, allow event back-dating.
3000339:=No, do not allow event back-dating.
3000340:=HTML in Event Descriptions
3000341:=By default, the user may not enter any HTML tags into event description
s. If you want to allow specific tags, you can enter them below (separated by co
mmas). Example: b, img, a, embed, font
3500001:=Chat Plugin Settings
3500002:=Global A/V Chat Settings
3500003:=Audio/Video Chat Settings
3500004:=Welcome to the chatroom!
3500005:=Logging you in as %1$s...
3500007:=Live Chat
3500014:=Audio On/Off
3500015:=%1$s person chatting
3500016:=%1$s people chatting
3500017:=Your have been logged out of the chatroom.<br>Either you have experienc
ed a connection issue,<br>or you have been kicked by an administrator.<br><br>Pl
ease try again in a few minutes.
3500018:=Your connection to the chatroom has timed out.<br><br>Please <a href=\"
chat_frame.php\">click here</a> to login again or try again later.
3500019:=You have been kicked from the chatroom by the administrator.<br>You wil
l be able to login again in a few minutes.
3500020:=You have been banned from the chatroom by the administrator.
3500021:=The chatroom has been disabled by the administrator.<br>Check back soon
3500022:=You could not login due to a server error.<br>Please notify the adminis
3500023:=%1$s has just joined the chat.
3500024:=%1$s has just left the chat.
3500025:=A/V Chat
3501002:=Live chat is a great way to encourage user interaction on your social n
etwork. Use the settings below to configure how your chat room will work. You ca
n also use this page to kick or ban users from the chatroom.
3501004:=%1$s has been kicked from the chatroom.
3501005:=Users Currently Chatting
3501006:=The following users are currently chatting in the chatroom. Clicking a
username will <b>kick</b> them from the chatroom. Kicking a user will prevent th
em from logging back into the chat for five minutes. If you want to permanently
ban someone, see the box at the bottom of this page.
3501007:=There are currently no users chatting.
3501012:=Update Frequency
3501013:=The chatroom application connects to your server (using AJAX) every few
seconds to get new data. How often do you want this process to occur? A shorter
amount of time will make the chat slightly faster but will also consume more se
rver resources. If your server is experiencing slowdown issues, try increasing t
his value from the default (2 seconds). <b>Please enter a number between 2000 an
d 20000 (milliseconds).</b>
3501015:=Online User List
3501016:=The chatroom includes a frame that displays what users are currently lo
gged-in to the chat. Do you want this list to simply be a textual list of userna
mes (like AIM's buddy list), or would you prefer to include each user's photo ne
xt to their username? If you expect your room to have many online users, you may
want to just show a list of usernames.
3501017:=Yes, show each user's photo next to their username.
3501018:=No, just show a list of usernames.
3501019:=Ban Usernames
3501020:=If you want to ban certain users from logging into the chat, you can en
ter their usernames below (separated by commas only).
3501021:=Chat and IM Settings
3501022:=If you have allowed users to use the chat room or IM, you can adjust th
eir details from this page.
3501023:=Allow Chat/IM
3501024:=Do you want to let users chat in the chat room?
3501025:=Yes, allow chats.
3501026:=No, do not allow chats.
3501027:=Do you want to let users have private conversations (IM)?
3501028:=Yes, allow IM.
3501029:=No, do not allow IM.
3501030:=HTML in Chat and IM Conversations
3501031:=By default, the user may not enter any HTML tags into Chat or IM Conver
sations. If you want to allow specific tags, you can enter them below (separated
by commas). Example: a, b, br, font, i, img, div
3510018:=No users have joined yet.
3510019:=No messages have been sent yet.
3510020:=You have joined the conversation
3510021:=%1$s has joined the conversation.
3510022:=%1$s has left the conversation.
3510023:=%1$s is now offline.
3510025:=None of your friends are online.
3510032:=Your Status
3510034:=The user you are trying to message is currently offline. Your message w
as not received.
3510035:=New message from %1$s
3510036:=%1$s is now online.
3510037:=%1$s is now away.
3510038:=Overflow error: too many conversations. Please close an existing conver
sations in order to open another.
4000001:=Music Settings
4000002:=View Songs
4000003:=Music Settings
4000005:=If you have allowed users to add music to their profiles, you can adjus
t the details from this page.
4000006:=Allow Music?
4000007:=Do you want to allow users to upload music to their profile?
4000008:=Yes, allow music
4000009:=No, do not allow music
4000010:=Maximum Allowed Songs
4000011:=Enter the maximum number of allowed songs. The field must contain an in
teger between 1 and 999.
4000012:=allowed songs
4000013:=Allowed Filetypes
4000014:=List the following file extensions that users are allowed to upload. Se
parate file extensions with commas, for example: mp3, mp4
4000015:=Allowed MIME Types
4000016:=To successfully upload a file, the file must have an allowed filetype e
xtension as well as an allowed MIME type. This prevents users from disguising ma
licious files with a fake extension. Separate MIME types with commas, for exampl
e: image/jpeg, image/gif, image/png, image/bmp
4000017:=Allowed Storage Space
4000018:=How much storage space should each user have to store their files?
4000019:=Maximum Filesize
4000020:=Enter the maximum filesize for uploaded files in KB. This must be a num
ber between 1 and 204800.
4000021:=You are currently editing this user level's settings. Remember, these s
ettings only apply to the users that belong to this user level. When you're fini
shed, you can edit the <a href='admin_levels.php'>other levels here</a>.
4000022:=The maximum filesize field must contain an integer between 1 and 204800
4000023:=Your maximum allowed songs field must contain an integer between 1 and
4000024:=Allow skins?
4000025:=Should the users be able to select their own skins?
4000026:=Yes, allow skins
4000027:=No, do not allow skins
4000028:=Default Skin
4000030:=%1$s KB
4000031:=View User Music
4000032:=This page lists all of the music that your users have posted. You can u
se this page to monitor the music and delete them if necessary. Entering criteri
a into the filter fields will help you find specific music. Leaving the filter f
ields blank will show all the music on your social network.
4000035:=%1$d total tracks
4000037:=There are no music tracks
4000038:=Delete Song
4000039:=Are you sure you want to delete this song?
4000041:=%1$s's Music
4000042:=My Playlist
4000044:=These are the songs you've uploaded to your playlist. People will be ab
le to listen to them on your profile.
4000045:=Type in the new title for the track below, then press "Update Song" to
make the changes.
4000046:=Song Title
4000047:=Upload Songs
4000049:=%1$d MB
4000050:=%1$d GB
4000051:=Delete Selected Songs
4000052:=You have not yet uploaded any songs.
4000053:=Delete Song?
4000054:=Edit Music Settings
4000055:=Configure the music player on your profile with these settings.
4000056:=Autoplay my music on my profile?
4000057:=Yes, make my songs auto-play when people visit my profile.
4000058:=No, visitors to my profile must click the play button to hear my music.
4000059:=Autoplay other people's music on their profiles?
4000060:=Yes, auto-play other people's music when I visit their profiles.
4000061:=No, turn auto-play off when I visit other people's profiles.
4000062:=Music Player Skin
4000063:=Music not enabled for this user
4000064:=The file %1$s has been uploaded successfully.
4000065:=The file %1$s was unable to be uploaded, please try again later.
4000066:=There was an unknown error, please try again later.
4000067:=Upload New Music
4000068:=Browse for music files on your computer and upload them to your playlis
4000069:=Kembali ke Playlist
4000070:=You may upload files with sizes up to %1$s MB
4000071:=You may upload files of the following types: %1$s.
4000072:=You have %1$s MB of free space remaining.
4000073:=Click 'Add a Song' for each song you wish to upload, up to 5 songs. The
n click 'Upload Songs' to put them on your profile.
4000074:=Select the song you wish to upload
4000075:=Add A Song
4000076:=Clear List
4000077:=Clear List
4000078:=Overall Progress
4000079:=File Progress
4000080:=Upload complete
4000081:=Upload token was invalid. Please make sure you have cookie enabled for
your browser and session support is enabled on the server
4000082:=Please make sure you are logged in.
4000083:=Music is not enabled for this user.
4000084:=This page may not be accessed from a browser window.
4000085:=The file %1$s has been uploaded successfully.
4000086:=Untitled Song
4000087:=The uploaded file(s) exceed your storage limit.
4000088:=You have uploaded %1$d songs.
4000089:=You have uploaded %1$d songs and have %2$d songs on your playlist.
4000091:=Music Downloads
4000092:=Allow users to download songs? <b>This may be illegal in your area.</b>
4000093:=Yes, allow users to download uploaded songs.
4000094:=No, do not allow users to download uploaded songs.
4000095:=Download Song
4000096:=Browse Music
4000098:=Everyone's Music
4000099:=My Friends' Music
4000101:=Recently Uploaded
4000102:=Highest Playlist Priority
4000103:=Uploaded %1$s by <a href="%2$s">%3$s</a>
4000104:=%1$d songs
4000105:=Song: %1$s
4000106:=Song uploaded by <a href='%1$s'>%2$s</a><br>%3$s
4000107:=Music: %1$d songs
4000108:=Adding a Song
4000109:=<a href="profile.php?user=%1$s">%2$s</a> added a new song.
4000110:=You have reached the max number of songs. Please delete a song before t
rying to upload another.
5500001:=Please register to view comments.
5500002:=This video does not exist
5500004:=To upload a video from your computer, click the "Browse" button, locate
it on your computer, then click the "Upload" button.<br>You can also provide a
title and description for your video, as well as specify privacy settings below.
<br>Please be patient while your video uploads - do not navigate away from the p
age until the upload is complete.
5500005:=Edit video settings
5500006:=Please provide a title for your video.
5500007:=Video File
5500008:=You may upload files of the following types: %1$s
5500009:=You may upload files with sizes up to %1$s KB.
5500011:=Please type in a title
5500013:=Describe your video or just provide some keywords.
5500014:=Include this video in search/browse results?
5500015:=Yes, include this video in search/browse results.
5500016:=No, exclude this video from search/browse results.
5500017:=Who can watch this video?
5500018:=Who can comment on this video?
5500019:=Upload video
5500020:=Save changes
5500021:=Search Videos
5500022:=%1$s's videos
5500023:=%1$s comment(s)
5500024:=Uploaded %1$s.
5500025:=My Videos
5500026:=Browse your videos
5500029:=Browse Videos
5500030:=Browse popular videos
5500032:=My Videos
5500033:=Upload new video
5500036:=Thanks for rating!
5500037:=Ratings: <b><span id='rating_total'>%1$s</span></b>
5500038:=Views: <b>%1$s</b>
5500039:=Report video
5500040:=Videos from
5500041:=Video URL
5500042:=Permanent video URL:
5500043:=%1$s view(s), %2$s comment(s)
5500045:=Video Settings
5500046:=Video Settings
5500047:=Allow Videos?
5500048:=Do you want to allow users to upload videos? If set to "NO", all other
settings on this page will not apply.
5500049:=Yes, allow users to upload videos.
5500050:=No, do not allow users to upload videos.
5500051:=Video Privacy Options
5500052:=Search Privacy Options
5500053:=If you enable this feature, users will be able to exclude their videos
from search results. Otherwise, all videos will be included in search results.
5500054:=Yes, allow users to exclude their videos from search results.
5500055:=No, force all videos to be included in search results.
5500056:=Video Privacy Options
5500057:=Your users can choose from any of the options checked below when they d
ecide who can see their video. If you do not check any options, everyone will be
allowed to view videos.
5500058:=Video Comment Options
5500059:=Your users can choose from any of the options checked below when they d
ecide who can post comments on their video. If you do not check any options, eve
ryone will be allowed to post comments on media.
5500060:=Maximum Allowed Videos
5500061:=Enter the maximum number of allowed videos. The field must contain an i
nteger between 1 and 999.
5500062:=allowed videos
5500063:=Maximum Upload Filesize
5500064:=Enter the maximum filesize for uploaded files in KB.
5500065:=Save Changes
5500066:=If you have enabled videos, your users will have the option of uploadin
g their videos to their profile. Use this page to configure your video settings.
5500067:=You are not logged in!
5500070:=%1$s view(s)
5500072:=Everyone's Videos
5500073:=My Friends' Videos
5500075:=Recently Uploaded
5500076:=<a href='%1$s'>%2$s</a>'s videos
5500077:=Could not create encoding job
5500078:=Video Title
5500079:=Video Description
5500080:=Video File
5500081:=You have reached the maximum number of allowed videos (%1$d). You must
delete some of your old videos before you can upload a new one.
5500082:=To edit your video's title, description, and privacy settings, complete
the form below and click "Save Changes".
5500083:=Edit Video
5500084:=Other Videos
5500085:=View Videos
5500086:=This page lists all of the videos that users have uploaded on your soci
al network. You can use this page to monitor these videos and delete offensive m
aterial if necessary. Entering criteria into the filter fields will help you fin
d specific albums. Leaving the filter fields blank will show all the videos on y
our social network.
5500089:=No videos were found.
5500090:=%1$d Videos Found
5500093:=about 1 month
5500095:=about 1 year
5500103:=sampai saat ini kamu memiliki %1$s video(s).
5500104:=Upload Video
5500105:=You can upload up to
5500106:=Upload New Video
5500107:=Edit Video
5500108:=Delete Video
5500109:=Sampai saat ini kamu tidak memiliki video untuk dilihat
5500110:=Upload a video here.
5500111:=Back To My Videos
5500113:=Do not close this window until your upload is complete.
5500114:=View more videos...
5500115:=Video Plugin Settings
5500116:=Global Video Settings
5500117:=Global Video Settings
5500118:=This page contains general video settings that affect your entire socia
l network.
5500119:=Select whether or not you want to let the public (visitors that are not
logged-in) to view the following sections of your social network. In some cases
(such as Profiles, Blogs, and Albums), if you have given them the option, your
users will be able to make their pages private even though you have made them pu
blically viewable here. For more permissions settings, please visit the <a href=
'admin_general.php'>General Settings</a> page.
5500120:=Yes, the public can view videos unless they are made private.
5500121:=No, the public cannot view videos.
5500122:=Path to FFMPEG
5500123:=Please enter the full path to your FFMPEG installation. (Environment va
riables are not present)
5500124:=FFMPEG Mimetypes [optional]
5500125:=Please specify the mime types your FFMPEG installation can encode.
5500126:=(comma separated list)
5500127:=Enter the file extensions that are connected to your specified mime typ
5500128:=Video And Thumbnail Size
5500129:=Enter the size of the encoded video. Note that these values must be eve
5500130:=Enter the size of the thumbnail.
5500133:=Encoding Jobs
5500134:=How many jobs do you want to allow to run at the same time?
5500135:=jobs at the same time
5500137:=You can use a cronjob to trigger the job queue handler. If you would li
ke to use a cronjob to trigger the job queue hanlder, follow the instructions in
the file video_conversion_cronjob.php
5500138:=I am using a cronjob to trigger the job queue handler.
5500139:=I want the system to trigger the job queue handler.
5500140:=Video Upload Results
5500141:=Video: %1$s
5500142:=Video posted by <a href='%1$s'>%2$s</a><br>%3$s
5500143:=%1$d videos
5500144:=Most Popular
5500145:=Delete Video?
5500146:=Are you sure you want to delete this video?
5500147:=Report Abuse
5500148:=You do not have permission to view this video.
5500149:=Recently Uploaded Videos
5500150:=Top Rated Videos
5500151:=%1$s's video - %2$s
5500152:=New Video Comment Email
5500153:=This is the email that gets sent to a user when a comment is posted on
one of their videos.
5500154:=Your maximum filesize field must contain an integer greater than 1.
5500155:=Your maximum allowed videos field must contain an integer between 1 and
5500156:=Highest Rated
5500158:=Upload a Video
5500159:=Video Utilities
5500160:=This page contains utilities to help configure and troubleshoot the vid
eo plugin.
5500161:=Ffmpeg Version
5500162:=This will display the current installed version of ffmpeg.
5500163:=Supported Video Formats
5500164:=This will run and show the output of "ffmpeg -formats". Please see <a t
arget="_blank" href="">this page</a> f
or more info.
5500165:=Log Browser
5500166:=If you have enabled debugging for the video plugin, you can use this to
easily view the contents of the log files.
5500167:=Results for "Ffmpeg Version"
5500168:=Results for "Supported Ffmpeg Formats"
5500169:=Quick overview: D - Decoding supported, E - Encoding supported, V - Vid
eo Supported, A - Audio Supported
5500170:=Filesize: %1$s bytes
5500171:=Type: %1$s
5500172:=File: %1$s
5500173:=Your video has uploaded successfully! It may take a few minutes to beco
me available.
5500174:=Please enable debugging in include/class_video.php on line 28 to enable
this feature. You must also set chmod 777 on the uploads_video/encoding/debug f
5500175:=Videos: %1$d videos
5500176:=Video Comments: %1$d comments
5500177:=Video Ratings: %1$d ratings
5500178:=Uploading a Video
5500179:=<a href="profile.php?user=%1$s">%2$s</a> added a new video "<a href="vi
deo.php?user=%1$s&video_id=%3$s">%4$s</a>": <div class="recentaction_div_media">
5500180:=Posting a Video Comment
5500181:=<a href="profile.php?user=%1$s">%2$s</a> posted a comment on the video
<a href="video.php?user=%3$s&video_id=%6$s">%7$s</a>:<div class="recentaction_di
v">%5$s</div><div class="recentaction_div_media">[media]</div>
5500182:=%1$d New Video Comment(s): %2$s
5500183:=When a new comment is posted one of my videos.
5500184:=New Video Comment
Hello %1$s,
A new comment has been posted by %2$s on one of your videos. Please click the fo
llowing link to view it:
Best Regards,
Social Network Administration
5500186:=Tambahkan video dari Youtube
5500187:=Enter the URL of the YouTube video you would like to add.
5500188:=Add Video
5500189:=The URL you have entered is invalid
5500190:=Video URL
5500191:=Click here to upload video from your computer instead
5500192:=Click here to add a YouTube video instead
5500193:=Do you want to allow users to post videos from YouTube?
5500194:=Yes, allow users to post YouTube videos
5500195:=No, do not allow users to post YouTube videos
5500196:=Enter the web address of the YouTube video below
5500197:=To post a video from YouTube, go to the video's YouTube page and copy i
ts web address from your browser's address bar into the Video URL field below. <
br />You can also provide a title and description for your video, as well as spe
cify privacy settings below.
5500198:=Adding A YouTube Video
5500199:=<a href="profile.php?user=%1$s">%2$s</a> posted a YouTube video "<a hre
f="video.php?user=%1$s&video_id=%3$s">%4$s</a>": <div class="recentaction_div_me
5500200:=Please enter a video title
5500201:=You have reached the maximum number of allowed videos. You must delete
some of your old videos before you can upload a new one.
5500202:=This video is being processed.
5500203:=This video could not be processed.
5500204:=This video failed to upload.
7800001:=Upload Settings
7800002:=View File Listings
7800003:=Global File Upload Settings
7800004:=File Upload Settings
7800005:=New File Upload Comment Email
7800006:=This is the email that gets sent to a user when a new comment is posted
on one of their File Upload listings.
7800007:=File Uploads
7800021:= Thumb Image should be less than 2MB
7800022:=File upload successfully
7800023:=File is blank or it's size should be less than 4MB
7800024:=Do you want to let users have files? If set to no, all other settings o
n this page will not apply.
7800025:=Yes, allow files.
7800026:=No, do not allow files.
7800027:=Your maximum filesize field must contain an integer between 1 and 4096.
7800028:=Your maximum width and height fields must contain integers between 1 an
d 9999.
7800029:=Your maximum allowed albums field must contain an integer between 1 and
7800030:=Enter the maximum filesize for uploaded files in KB. This must be a num
ber between 1 and 4096.
7800031:=List the following file extensions that users are allowed to upload. Se
parate file extensions with commas, for example: jpg, gif, jpeg, png, bmp
7800032:=allowed files
7800033:=Enter the maximum number of allowed files. The field must contain an in
teger between 1 and 999.
7800034:=If you have allowed users to have file files, you can adjust their deta
ils from this page.
7800035:=File Settings
7800036:=Allowed Storage Space
7800037:=Maximum Filesize
7800038:=Allowed MIME Types
7800039:=Maximum Allowed Files
7800040:=Allowed File Types
7800041:=File Privacy Options
7800042:=Allow Files?
7800044:=Category added successfully.
7800045:=Category name already exist.
7800046:=Please enter category name.
7800047:=Some error occured while adding.
7800048:=Category Delete successfully.
7800049:=This page lists all of the file listings your users have posted. You ca
n use this page to monitor these files and delete offensive material if necessar
y. Entering criteria into the filter fields will help you find specific fileuplo
ad listings. Leaving the filter fields blank will show all the fileupload listin
gs on your social network.
7800050:=No listings were found.
7800051:=%1$d Files Found
7800055:=Are you sure you want to delete this File ?
7800056:=<a href="%2$s">%1$s</a>'s <a href="%3$s">File description</a>
7800057:=You have %1$d files
7800059:=Back to %1$s's Listings
7800060:=<a href="profile.php?user=%1$s">%2$s %3$s</a>'s FileListings
7800061:=<b><a href="%2$s">%1$s</a></b> has not posted any fileupload listings.
7800062:=Views: %1$d views
7800063:=Comments: %1$d comments
7800065:=Upload New File
7800066:=Listing Settings
7800067:=Search My Listings
7800068:=My File UPload Listings
7800069:=File uploads has great way to search a particular file.
7800070:=No File Upload listings were found.
7800071:=You do not have any file upload listings. <a href="%1$s">Click here</a>
to post one.
7800072:=%1$d views
7800075:=Edit File
7800076:=Delete File
7800077:=General File Upload Settings
7800078:=This page contains general fileupload settings that affect your entire
social network.
7800079:=Select whether or not you want to let the public (visitors that are not
logged-in) to view the following sections of your social network. In some cases
(such as Profiles, Blogs, and Albums), if you have given them the option, your
users will be able to make their pages private even though you have made them pu
blically viewable here. For more permissions settings, please visit the <a href=
"admin_general.php">General Settings</a> page.
7800080:=Yes, the public can view fileuploads unless they are made private.
7800081:=No, the public cannot view uploaded files.
7800082:=File Categories
7800083:=You may want to allow your users to categorize their fileupload listing
s by subject, location, etc. Categorized fileupload listings make it easier for
users to find and fileuploads that interest them. If you want to allow fileuploa
d listing categories, you can create them (along with subcategories) below.<br /
><br />Within each category, you can create fileupload fields. When a fileupload
is created, the creator (owner) will describe the fileupload by filling in some
fields with information about the fileupload. Add the fields you want to includ
e below. Some examples of fileupload fields are "Location", "Price", "Contact Em
ail", etc. Remember that a "FileTitle" and "FileDescription" field will always b
e available and required. Drag the icons next to the categories and fields to re
order them.
7800084:=File Categories
7800085:=Most Popular
7800086:=Top Download
7800087:=Write your new listing below, then click "Post Listing" to publish the
listing on your files.
7800088:=Edit the details of this file listing below.
7800089:=File Title
7800090:=File Description
7800091:=File Category
7800092:=Include this file uploads in search/browse results?
7800093:=Yes, include this group in search/browse results.
7800094:=No, exclude this group from search/browse results.
7800095:=Who can see this file uploads?
7800096:=You can decide who gets to see this file upload.
7800097:=Allow Comments?
7800098:=You can decide who can post comments on this file upload.
7800099:=Post File upload
7800100:=Please enter a name for your File.
7800101:=Please select a category for this file.
7800102:=My Files
7800103:=Please do login to Download file
7800104:=Use this page to change the photos shown on this file listing.
7800105:=Your File listing has been posted! Do you want to add some photos?
7800106:=Add Photos Now
7800108:=Small Thumb
7800109:=Replace this photo with:
7800110:=delete File
7800111:=Deleting File...
7800112:=Add File
7800120:=You have previously voted
7800121:=Delete File ?
7800122:=Are you sure you want to delete this file from list?
7800123:=There was an error processing your request.
7800124:=Browse File Listings
7800125:=Back to File List
7800127:=Top Ratings
7800128:=Recent Downloads
7800129:=Recently Created
7800130:=Recently Uploaded
7800131:=Most Viewed
7800132:=Most Commented
7800133:=All File Listings
7800134:=No Files were found matching your criteria.
7800135:=created %1$s
7800136:=updated %1$s
7800137:=File: %1$s
7800138:=File uploaded by <a href='%1$s'>%2$s</a><br>%3$s
7800139:=%1$d files
7800143:=<a href="profile.php?user=%1$s">%2$s %3$s</a>'s File
7800144:=%1$s's File listing - %2$s
7800145:=File Uploads: %1$d Files
7800146:=File Comments: %1$d comments
7800147:=Files: %1$d files
7800148:=Posting a File Listing
7800149:=<img src="./images/icons/%6$s" alt="%7$s">&nbsp;<a href="profile.php?us
er=%2$s">%3$s</a> uploaded a new File : <a href="upload_desc.php?user=%1$s&upid=
7800150:=Update a File
7800151:=<img src="./images/icons/%6$s" alt="%7$s">&nbsp;<a href="profile.php?us
er=%2$s">%3$s</a> updated a file <a href="upload_desc.php?user=%1$s&upid=%4$s">%
7800152:=%1$d New File Comment(s): %2$s
7800153:=When I receive a file comment.
7800154:=New file Listing Comment
Hello %1$s,
A new comment has been posted on one of your file listings by %2$s. Please click
the following link to view it:
Best Regards,
Social Network Administration
7800158:=No Uploads were found matching your criteria.
(Only JPEG and GIF images can be uploaded
with size less than 2 MB.
7800160:=* fields are mandatory
11000001:=Radcodes Library
11000002:=Development Portal
11000003:=Check Version
11000004:=Radcodes Portal
11000005:=Radcodes Settings
11000006:=File class_radcodes.php in folder "include" is not correct for the ins
talled Radcodes - Core Library on this site. This usually happens when you uploa
ded a plugin that contains older version of class_radcodes.php file. To fix this
, all you have to do is re-upload the latest Radcodes - Core Library.
11000007:=Radcodes Library Setting
11000008:=This page contains settings that affect your entire social network.
11000009:=General Settings
11000010:=Select the Remote Connection type that you would like to be used for d
ata services, ex: Google Map, YouTube, RSS Feed, Webmails etc.. For better perfo
rmance, please use <strong>CURL</strong> if your server support it. The default
method is <strong>file_get_contents</strong>, which requires php.ini setting val
ue <strong><em>allow_url_fopen = On</em></strong>. Most host have these enabled
by default, contact your host if you are not sure.
11000013:=License Key
11000014:=Enter the your license key that is provided to you when you purchased
this plugin. If you do not know your license key, please contact support team.
11000015:=Format: XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX
11000016:=Google Map API Key
11000017:=Please enter your Google Map API Key, if you do not have one, you can
get one for free at <a href='' targe
t='_blank'>Google Maps API</a>
11070001:=RSSFeed Plugin
11070002:=Global RSSFeed Settings
11070003:=RSSFeed Settings
11070103:=read more &raquo;
11070104:=RSS Feed URL:
11070106:=Kelola beritaku
11070107:=Jelajahi berita
11070201:=Pengaturan Berita
11070202:=Use this page to configure your RRS Feed per level setting
11070203:=Allow Access?
11070204:=If you have selected YES, your users will have access to tool.
11070205:=Yes, users can use plugin.
11070206:=No, users cannot use plugin.
11070207:=Save Changes
11070208:=Your changes have been saved.
11070209:=Editing User Level:
11070210:=You are currently editing this user level's settings. Remember, these
settings only apply to the users that belong to this user level. When you're fin
ished, you can edit the <a href='admin_levels.php'>other levels here</a>.
11070301:=General RSS Feed Settings
11070302:=This page contains general RSS Feed settings that affect your entire s
ocial network.
11070303:=Your changes have been saved.
11070304:=Save Changes
11070305:=License Key
11070306:=Enter the your license key that is provided to you when you purchased
this plugin. If you do not know your license key, please contact support team.
11070307:=Format: XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX
11070308:=Please fill in all the fields.
11070309:=Public Permission Defaults
11070310:=Select whether or not you want to let the public (visitors that are no
t logged-in) to browse global rssfeed page of your social network
11070311:=Yes, the public can access that page.
11070312:=No, the public cannot access that page.
11070313:=Feed Entries
11070314:=Please enter maximum number of feeds user can have.
11070315:=Please enter maximum number of items per feed on profile page. Enter 0
(zero) for no entry.
11070316:=Please enter maximum number of items per feed on user feed page. Enter
0 (zero) for no limit.
11070317:=Cache Configuration
11070318:=How often would you like to clear cache? Recommend 1 to 3 hours.
11070319:=in seconds
11070601:=An Error Has Occurred
11070602:=You must be logged in to view this page. <a href='login.php'>Click her
e</a> to login.
11070604:=The user you're looking for doesn't exist!
11070605:='s Feed
11070606:=Below are feed entries shared by user.
11070607:=There is no feed entry shared by this user.
11070608:=Other source:
11070701:=An Error Has Occurred
11070702:=You must be logged in to view this page. <a href='login.php'>Click her
e</a> to login.
11070704:=Popular Tags
11070705:=Explore RSS Feeds
11070706:=Below are feed entries shared by users.
11070707:=There is no feed found.
11070708:=Last Page
11070709:=viewing feed
11070711:=viewing feeds
11070712:=Next Page
11070713:=Shared by
11070801:=An Error Has Occurred
11070802:=You must be logged in to view this page. <a href='login.php'>Click her
e</a> to login.
11070804:=The user you're looking for doesn't exist!
11070805:=RSS Feed Reader
11070806:=You can read any RSS Feed by entering the feed url below.
11070807:=There is no feed entry shared by this user.
11070808:=RSS Feed URL:
11071001:=Manage My Feeds
11071002:=Kamu dapat mengelola berita menggunakan form dibawah ini.
11071003:=Kamu benar ingin menghapus berita ini?
11071004:=Tambahkan berita dari situs lain
11071005:=Hapus Berita Ini
11071006:=Save Changes
11071007:=Your RSS Feeds changes saved.
11071008:=Feed URL:
11071009:=Mengatur berita untuk berbagi konten yang Anda buat di tempat lain. da
ri situs lain melalui halaman profil Anda. Sebagai contoh, Anda dapat mengatur f
eed untuk berbagi antrian Netflix atau rekomendasi. Jika Anda menggunakan Blogge
r, LiveJournal, WordPress, atau Xanga, atau layanan web lain yang mendukung feed
, Anda dapat menampilkan update terakhir Anda dan link kembali ke situs-situs we
b lain dalam modul Feed Anda pada halaman profil
11071011:=Silakan masukkan kata kunci untuk pakan ini, dipisahkan dengan spasi
11071012:=berbagi berita Situs Web:
11072000:=RSS XML
11072001:=Enter number of entries to show on RSS feeds
11072002:=Enter maximum number of characters for description of RSS feed entries
11072003:=Berlangganan RSS kami (Really Simple Syndication) feed untuk mendapatk
an berita yang disampaikan langsung pada profil Anda!
11072004:=Untuk melihat salah satu dari kami feed di RSS :
11072005:=1. Salin URL / shortcut yang sesuai dengan topik yang menarik bagi And
a <br> 2.. Paste URL ke pembaca Anda. <br> 3. Nikmati berita kami terbaru.
11072006:=Masukkan nama pengguna untuk anggota disesuaikan feed:
11072008:=RSS Feeds
11072010:=RSS Feed
11072011:=RSS Feed Entries
11072012:=RSS Feed
11072014:=Recent Activities
11072016:=Recent Announcements
11072018:=Recent Created Albums
11072019:=Blog Entries
11072020:=Recent Posted Blog Entries
11072022:=Recent Posted Classified Listings
11072024:=Upcoming and Recent Events
11072026:=Recent Created Groups
11072028:=Recent Uploaded Music
11072030:=Recent Created Polls
11072032:=Recent Posted Articles
11072034:=Recent Posted Pets
11072036:=Recent Posted Listings
11072038:=Site Administration
11072039:=Song Title: %1$s, Song Filesize: %2$sB
11072040:=Could not find member or member does not have permission to generate f
11072041:=Subscribe to RSS
11072100:=Allow to have personalized RSS feeds generated for activities and plug
11072103:=Profile Position
11072104:=How would you like to display RSS Feed block section on user profile?
11072105:=Display in Tab
11072106:=Display in Side Bar
11072107:=Do Not Display
11072108:=Show Browse Feeds link in main menu (top of the page)
11072109:=This member does not have RSS feeds generated from this site activitie
s and updates.
11072112:=Recent Uploaded Games
11072113:=Powered by <a href='%1$s'>SocialNetwork RSSFeed</a>
11072114:=Feeds: %1$d feeds
17000500:=People You May Know
17000501:=Check among friends of your friends
17000503:=Try to add someone to friends to see more suggestions
17000504:=See All
100018001:=View Applications
100018002:=Install more applications
100018003:=Manage Layout
100018004:=Top Bar Editor
100018006:=Global Application Settings
100018008:=Apps Settings
100018009:=Adding an application
100018010:=<a href='profile.php?user=%1$s'>%2$s</a> added <a href='app.php?id=%3
$s'>%4$s</a> application
100018011:=When I receive an Application notification.
100018012:=%1$d Application Notification(s)
100018013:= more notification(s)
100018016:=Add / Manage Applications.
100018017:=On this page you can easily install new applications or uninstall exi
sting ones.
100018018:=View Applications
100018019:=This page lists all of the applications users can add to their profil
e or homepage on your social network. For more information about a specific appl
ication, click on the "edit" link in its row. Use the filter fields to find spec
ific applications based on your criteria. To view all applications, leave all th
e filter fields blank.
100018030:=Add date
100018032:=Applications Found
100018034:=Delete User
100018035:=Are you sure you want to delete this application? Warning: Any data c
reated by users for this application will also be deleted!
100018037:=No applications were found.
100018039:=Delete Selected
100018040:=User Level
100018043:=Disable Selected
100018044:=Edit Application
100018045:=Edit Application
100018046:=Total installations:
100018047:=Total comments:
100018048:=Last installation:
100018050:=Application Profile
100018051:=General application settings
100018055:=Show in directory
100018059:=Allowed Levels
100018060:=Allowed Subnets
100018063:=User Homepage
100018065:=All Levels
100018066:=All Subnets
100018071:=Layout - Profile Page
100018072:=Layout - Profile Page
100018073:=Default column
100018076:=Supported columns
100018077:=Default installed?
100018079:=Layout - User Home Page
100018080:=Layout - User Home Page
100018086:=Require add on use
100018087:=Save Changes
100018089:=You changes have been saved.
100018090:=Applications Settings
100018091:=If you have allowed users to have applications, you can adjust their
details from this page.
100018092:=Allow Applications?
100018093:=Do you want to let users have applications? If set to no, all other s
ettings on this page will not apply.
100018094:=Yes, allow applications.
100018095:=No, do not allow applications.
100018096:=Save Changes
100018097:=Your changes have been saved.
100018098:=Maximum Allowed Applications
100018099:=Enter the maximum number of allowed applications user can add to prof
ile or homepage. Enter 0 to allow unlimited number of applications.
100018100:=Your maximum allowed applications field must contain a number between
0 and 999.
100018101:=allowed applications
100018102:=Editing User Level:
100018103:=You are currently editing this user level's settings. Remember, these
settings only apply to the users that belong to this user level. When you're fi
nished, you can edit the <a href='admin_levels.php'>other levels here</a>.
100018106:=An Error Has Occurred
100018107:=Write Something...
100018109:=Please enter a message.
100018110:=You have entered the wrong security code.
100018111:=Post Comment
100018112:=Enter the numbers you see in this image into the field to its right.
This helps keep our site free of spam.
100018115:=You must be logged in to view this page. <a href='login.php'>Click he
re</a> to login.
100018116:=My Applications
100018117:=Browse Applications
100018119:=Application Notifications
100018120:=Here you can see notifications by various applications sent on behalf
of your friends.
100018121:=You don't have any notifications at this time.
100018122:=Previous Page
100018123:=viewing notification
100018124:=viewing notifications
100018126:=Next Page
100018127:=sent you notification
100018129:=Successfully Learned %d plugins.
100018130:=Invalid API Key.
100018131:=Invalid Secret.
100018132:=You changes have been saved.
100018133:=Please specify a number between 0 and 999
100018134:=General Settings
100018135:=Your changes have been saved.
100018136:=Browse Applications
100018137:=My Applications
100018138:=You have reached a limit of maximum installed applications.
100018139:=Payment for application installation
100018141:=More ...
100018142:=More ...
100018143:=General Apps Settings
100018144:=General Apps Settings
100018146:=Learn plugins - this will detect currently installed plugins and allo
w controlling their position using drag&drop.
100018147:=Learn plugins
100018148:=Service keys
100018149:=Please enter Api Key and Secret that you have recieved. Should be a s
tring 32 characters long consisting of letters and numbers.
100018150:=API Key
100018152:=General Settings
100018153:=App Development Level - This allows safe testing of newly installed /
upgraded applications, before deplyoing to the live site. Newly installed / upg
raded application will be only available on this User Level.
100018154:=Make applications live immediately
100018155:=Maximum Apps displayed items (user menu). Rest of the menu items will
be displayed in the "More" drop down menu.
100018156:=maximum items
100018157:=Maximum Tabs on tabbed pages - this will limit maximum items in the t
abs. Rest of the menu items will be displayed in the "More" drop down menu.
100018158:=maximum tab items
100018160:=Installing ...
100018161:=Downloading files...
100018162:=Uninstalling ...
100018163:=Removing files ...
100018164:=Shopping Cart
100018165:= You have not configured API Key and Secret yet. Please click on the
following link to do it now:
100018167:= Your <strong>/apps</strong> directory has incorrect permissions. It
must be writable (777) in order to be able to install new applications.
100018174:=Back to apps list
100018175:=Shopping Cart
100018180:=Installation failed!
100018181:=Retry installation
100018182:=go back
100018183:=to application list or
100018184:=open a support ticket
100018185:=Installation successfull !
100018186:=Go to
100018189:=application or
100018190:=install more applications
100018191:=Uninstallation failed!
100018192:=Retry uninstallation
100018193:=go back
100018194:=to application list or
100018195:=open a support ticket
100018196:=Uninstallation completed !
100018197:=Go to applications
100018199:=install more applications
100018201:= There was an error processing the request. Please try again.
100018202:=Pages Layout Manager
100018203:=On this page you can manage pages layouts and status. Disabled - the
page is untouched and uses original SE layout. Enabled - the page will be render
ed using apps technology. "Default" layout means it will be selected when user v
isits the page for the first time.
100018213:=Edit Page Layout
100018214:=This is the "Default layout" - it will be used when a user visits the
page for the first time or switches to this layout. <br> Editing this default l
ayout will <strong>not</strong> affect already existing "user layouts". You can
check the "reset this page layout for all users", to reset all current "user lay
outs" of this type only.
100018215:=Save Layout
100018216:=Uninstall removed apps from this page for all users
100018217:=Reset this page layout for all users
100018218:=The box can't be dragged here
100018219:=Box Options
100018220:=Lock to Top
100018221:=Lock to Bottom
100018222:=Remove box
100018223:=Make Mandatory
100018224:=Make Optional
100018225:=Top Menu Editor
100018226:=Here you can edit Top Menu Bar Items. To learn current menu items, cl
ick "Learn". To remove menu entry, clear the file field and Save.
100018227:=Settings successfully saved.
100018229:=To learn or update menu items, please click "Learn"
100018235:= + Add More
100018236:=General Settings
100018237:=Top Bar - enable / disable controlling the top menu bar
100018238:=Maximum Top Menu displayed items. Rest of the menu items will be disp
layed in the "More" drop down menu.
100018239:=maximum items
100018240:=If you find the plugin is unable to learn some of the menu items, you
can enter them manually and then enable "Top Menu takeover", which will then on
ly show menu items present on this page and hide all the rest.
100018241:=Take over top menu (This will hide all Top Menu Bar entries that the
plugin was unable to learn).
100018243:=Application Messages
100018244:=On this page you will be able to see important information about appl
ications, such as important updates or error messages from applications.
100018245:=Visit our community forum for support and more information.
100018246:=No Messages
100018247:=Clear All Messages
100018248:=Back to Applications
100018249:=User pages drag&drop
100018250:=Do you want to allow repositioning apps by drag&drop on user pages?
100018251:=Yes, allow drag&drop
100018252:=No, do now allow drag&drop
100018253:=Site admin
100018254:=This privilege allows user to edit site pages, like homepage, and mod
ify other pages.
100018255:=Yes, Users on this level are site admins
100018256:=No, Users on this level are not site admins
100018266:=General Settings
100018267:=Application Settings
100018268:=Back to Applications
100018269:=Back to Applications
100018270:=Menu Title
100018274:=edit photo
100018275:=Select Options
100018276:=Select All
100018278:=Select Options
100018279:=Select All
100018281:=Installation cost
100018283:=You need "Activity Points" plugin to price by points
100018284:=Application Layout Options
100018285:=General Application Layout Options
100018286:=Supported positions
100018287:=Tab Container (personal tab on profile page)
100018288:=SubContainer (Applications tab on profile page)
100018290:=Default Templates
100018293:=Narrow Column
100018294:=Wide Column
100018295:=Page Layout
100018296:=Customize application layout options for this page
100018297:=Default container
100018298:=Private Tab (On supported layouts)
100018299:=Info Tab (First tab on tabbed layouts)
100018300:=Applications Tab (only on profile page with tabbed layout)
100018302:=Application will be placed on this container after installation
100018303:=Application will be placed on this column after installation
100018304:=Require application on this page.
100018307:=Narrow Column
100018308:=Wide Column
100018313:=Current Photo:
100018314:=Replace Photo With:
100018319:=Installed Version
100018320:=Latest Version
100018328:=Back to apps
100018329:=Upgrade App
100018330:=Uninstall App
100018331:=Install Application
100018332:=Add to Cart
100018335:=No screenshots available
100018336:=Back to Applications
100018337:=Added on
100018339:=Installation cost:
100018341:=You added this application
100018342:=Go to application
100018343:=Remove application
100018345:=Show on my profile
100018346:=Show on my homepage
100018347:=Add application
100018348:=Add to page
100018349:=Click here & Drag
100018351:=Tab Options
100018353:=Remove from tab
100018354:=Move to apps tab
100018355:=Add new Tab
100018356:=More Tabs
100018362:=Box Options
100018363:=Remove box
100018365:=The box can't be dragged here
100018366:=Box Options
100018367:=Remove box
100018369:=More ...
100018370:= There was an error processing the request. Please try again.
100018371:=Page Editor
100018372:=Quick Design
100018373:=Full Design
100018374:=View Page
100018376:=Edit Page
100018377:=Edit Page
100018379:=Uninstall app
100018380:=Add to sidebar
100018381:=Move to apps tab
100018382:=Tab Options
100018383:=Remove from tab
100018384:=Uninstall app
100018385:=Move to apps tab
100018386:=Add new Tab
100018387:=More Tabs
100018388:=Edit Page
100018389:=Edit Page
100018390:=My Applications
100018391:=Browse Applications
100018393:=My Applications
100018394:=Here you can see applications you have installed.
100018395:=You have no applications installed.
100018396:=Get some!
100018398:=Add Application
100018399:=You have no pages you can add this app to.
100018400:=Select page:
100018403:=My Page
100018404:=Add to page
100018405:=My Applications
100018406:=Browse Applications
100018408:=Browse Applications
100018409:=Find an application that suits your mood & spirit.
100018410:=Search all applications
100018414:=Displaying applications
100018416:=Displaying applications
100018425:=Displaying applications
100018427:=Displaying applications
100018431:=Tag Cloud
100051000:=OpenID Connect
100051001:=OpenID Connect Settings
100051002:=OpenID Connect Settings
100051003:=OpenID Connect Settings
100051004:=Your settings have been saved.
100051005:=Please enter Api Key and Secret that you have recieved - should be a
string 32 characters long consisting of letters and numbers. <br> Please enter R
elaying URL you have received.
100051006:=Signup Process
100051007:=Please choose how signup process will look like:<br><br>Regular signu
p - users will be redirected to regular signup page after filling some details.<
br><br>Express Signup - users will benefit from fast and easy signup process, on
ly minimum required fields. You can specify which profile fields will be require
d, the imported data fields will be assigned regardless of this selection.<br>
100051008:=Regular signup process
100051009:=Express signup
100051011:=Don't ask, use default
100051014:=Don't ask, use default
100051016:=Profile Category:
100051017:=Don't ask, use default
100051020:=Data Portability - Imported Fields Mapping
100051021:=You can map the user data fields imported from various social network
s (like facebook/myspace) or openid providers (like google, yahoo) corresponding
to data fields on your network. You can see which fields are available for each
network on the following link: <a target=_blank href="http://www.socialenginemo">
100051022:=SocialEngine Field
100051023:=Imported Field
100051025:=Manage available OpenID services that will appear on the login / sign
up selection.
100051027:=Service Name
100051028:=Login Page Hook
100051029:=Please select whether you will modify the login page (login.tpl) manu
ally or would like to have it replaced automatically (experimental). If chosen "
Yes", the login page template will be "login_openidconnect.tpl".
100051030:=Yes, Replace the login page, I have not modified it and don't want to
modify it manually.
100051031:=No, Do not replace, I will modify it manually.
100051033:=Create Your Account
100051034:=Welcome to the social network! To create your account, please provide
the following information.
100051035:=quick signup
100051036:=Account Information
100051038:=You will receive your friends updates to this email.
100051041:=SIGN IN USING
100051042:=OR SIGN IN USING
100051043:=Invalid API Key.
100051044:=Invalid Secret.
100051046:=Import Profile Data?
100051047:=Or Signup Using
100051048:=You are currently logged in as
100051049:=Would you like to link your account to
100051050:=Yes, link my account
100051051:=In a matter of seconds you will be able to enjoy our site. This is an
example of the quick signup welcome message which can be replaced by editing th
e language phrase #100051051 in your admin panel.
100051055:=View OpenID Connected Users
100051056:=This page lists all of the users that exist on your social network an
d have signed up with or connected their accounts to OpenID networks like Facebo
ok, MySpace, etc. For more information about a specific user, click on the "edit
" link in its row. Click the "login" link to login as a specific user. Use the f
ilter fields to find specific users based on your criteria. To view all users on
your system, leave all the filter fields blank.
100051058:=Facebook Connect / Publisher Settings
100051059:=General Facebook Connect / Publisher Settings
100051060:=General Settings
100051061:=Please enter Facebook Api Key and Secret that you have recieved after
creating a Facebook application for your website - should be a string 32 charac
ters long consisting of letters and numbers.
100051062:=Public website name. This will be substituted in the facebook story f
eeds instead of the "{*site-name*}" variable.
100051063:=Public Site Name
100051064:=Autologin / SSO (Single Sign On) allow users of your website to autom
atically login to your site whenever they are also logged in to Facebook ( users
that have connected their accounts to Facebook ). <br><br> According to Faceboo
k internal study, about 80% of all Facebook users always stay logged in.
100051066:=The logic is as follows:<br><br>If user is not logged to your site, i
s logged into facebook and has previously connected accounts a dialog will promp
t the user to autologin and save this preference for next time.<br><br>Note: If
user is logged into your site, is also logged into facebook but has linked his f
acebook account to another account on your network, nothing will be performed.
100051067:=Would you like to enable autologin?
100051068:=Yes, enable autologin
100051069:=No, disable autologin
100051070:=Logout link hook - According to Facebook TOS, users logging out of yo
ur network should also logout from Facebook. This feature will try to take over
the Logout link located on the Top Bar. If you have a customized template you ca
n disable this feature and add the link by yourself. Please consult your templat
e designer. <br><br> Would you like to enable Logout link hook?
100051071:=Yes, enable logout link hook
100051072:=No, disable logout link hook
100051074:=Invitation Action text - This will be the message displayed to the in
viting user encouraging him to invite his friends.
100051075:=Invitation message
100051076:=Available Variables: [displayname] - Inviting user name, [sitename] -
Public site name, [signup-link] - Invitation signup link with referrer <br />
100051077:=Feed Story Templates
100051078:=Feed story templates are similar to SocialEngine 'Recent Activity Fee
d' templates and specify what and how will be published in the facebook news str
eam.<strong>Note</strong>: You should only change the text / phrasing. Modifying
variables can cause publishing errors.
100051079:=For documentation on Facebook feed templates please see
100051080:=Note: It is on your own responsibility to read and understand Faceboo
k documentation, no support is provided if incorrectly modifying these template
fails publishing to Facebook.
100051081:=I agree and I know what I'm doing, show me the templates
100051082:=User Prompt - will be displayed in the publishing dialog
100051083:=User Message - will be displayed as a suggestion in the publishing di
100051084:=Feed Story Title
100051085:=Available Variables
100051086:=Feed Story Body
100051087:=Action Link - Link
100051088:=Action Link - Text
100051089:=Template bundle id
100051091:=Story Type
100051092:=Publish stories to Facebook?
100051093:=You are currently not logged in to Facebook and can't publish stories
to your Facebook friends. Would you like to Connect ?
100051095:=Login via Facebook?
100051096:=You are currently logged in to Facebook. Would you like to autologin
to the network?
100051098:=Remember my choice
100051099:=Would you like to publish this story to Facebook?
100051101:=Not yet, I need to change a photo!
100051102:=No, do not publish
100051103:=Never ask me again
100051104:=My Facebook
100051105:=My Facebook Friends
100051106:=Invite Friends
100051108:=My Facebook
100051109:=My Facebook
100051110:=You are not connected to Facebook. Click on the button below to conne
ct with your facebook friends, publish stories and see your friends' updates.
100051112:=Please login to Facebook to see your friends.
100051113:=You have
100051114:=Facebook friend(s) that are already here
100051115:=See all
100051116:=No Facebook friends.
100051117:=Invite some
100051118:=Your Facebook friends that are still not here
100051119:=Invite friends
100051120:=Hooray! All your Facebook friends are here!
100051121:=Click here
100051122:=if you wish to disconnect your account from Facebook
100051123:=My Facebook Friends
100051124:=Here you can find your Facebook friends that are also members of this
100051125:=Invite My Facebook Friends
100051126:=Invite your Facebook friends to connect with you.
100051127:=Silahkan login ke Facebook untuk dapat mengundang teman-teman faceboo
k anda
100051128:=My Facebook Settings
100051129:=Setup your preferences
100051130:=Publish Stories to Facebook
100051131:=Which of the following stories would you like to be able to publish o
n Facebook?
100051133:=You can be automatically logged into our network if you are logged in
to Facebook. Would you like to be logged in automatically?
100051134:=Always ask me
100051135:=Yes, Log me in automatically
100051136:=No, Never log me in automatically
100051137:=My Facebook
100051138:=Invite Facebook Friends
100051140:=OpenID Users
100051141:=Facebook Connect Settings
100051142:=Facebook Users
100051144:=You have already linked your account to
100051145:=Possible reason for this error
100051146:=You are logged into %1$s with another account. Please <a href="user_l
ogout.php">logout</a> of both networks and login again.
100051147:=Facebook Feed Stories
100051148:=Used maximum Facebook invitations?
100051149:=Click here
100051150:=untuk mengundang teman-teman Anda menggunakan metode lain
100051151:=Facebook Publisher Feed Stories
100051152:=Manage Facebook feed stories text and parameters. You can create new
feed stories from SocialEngine Recent Activity Feed actions. Please see <a href=
"admin_openidconnect_facebook_help.php">Help&FAQ page</a> for description on Fee
d Stories and various parameters.
100051153:=Create New Feed Story
100051154:=Story type
100051155:=Add Story
690698101:=next &raquo;
690698103:=&laquo; previous
690706003:=%1$s like this.
690706004:=%1$s likes this.
690706006:=%1$s and %2$s
690706007:=%1$s people
690706010:=Write a comment...
690706011:=Are you sure you want to delete this comment?
690706012:=Posting in a Wall
690706013:=<a href="profile.php?user=%1$s">%2$s</a> %4$s %3$s
690706014:=<a href="profile.php?user=%1$s">%2$s</a> %6$s %3$s <a href="%4$s" tar
690706015:=%1$d Comments Found
690706016:=<a href="profile.php?user=%1$s">%2$s</a> %6$s %3$s <br/><b>%4$s</b> %
690706017:=View all %1$s comments
690706019:=View older comments
690706028:=Older Posts
690706029:=There are no more information available.
690706030:=Posted links on the wall
690706031:=Posted music on the wall
690706032:=Posted photos on the wall
690706033:=<a href="profile.php?user=%1$s">%2$s</a> %4$s %3$s <div class="recent
690706034:=Wall Plugin
690706035:=Wall Settings
690706036:=Comments per page
690706037:=Actions per page
690706045:=Back to Wall
690706046:=Wall plugin settings
690706047:=Here you can edit wall settings. You can edit how many actions or com
ments are shown in the wall. Also you can control if Wall photos/music/videos wi
ll be synchronized with appropriate plugins. Wall doesn't require these plugins,
it just allows you to synchronize content if you have such plugins.<br /> How s
ynchronization works:<br />- when synchronization is turned on for photos, poste
d photos will be added to sender's "Wall Photos" photo album.<br />- when synchr
onization is turned on for music, posted music will be added to senders music<br
/>- when synchronization is turned on for video, youtube videos will be added t
o sender videos<br /><i>It is a paid plugin from</i><br /><b>Be
low you can see settings for videos, photos and music. But NOTE: if you have ena
bled synhronization then wall will not use these settings because they have lowe
r priority than Video, Music, Photo plugin settings.</b>
690706048:=Profile Wall
690706049:=News Feed
690706053:=This page contains "Wall" plugin settings. Here you can allow users w
ith this user level to use "Wall" plugin and edit privacy settings.
690706054:=Allow "Wall" plugin?
690706055:=If set to "Yes" users can use this plugin.
690706056:=Yes, users can use "Wall" plugin.
690706057:=No, users cannot use "Wall" plugin.
690706058:=Text max length exceeded
690706059:=Wall Privacy Options
690706060:=Wall Activity Privacy Options
690706061:=Your users can choose from any of the options checked below when they
decide who can see their activities. If you do not check any options, everyone
will be allowed to view activities.
690706062:=Synchronize wall music with Music Plugin
690706063:=Synchronize wall photo with Photo Album Plugin
690706064:=Wall Photos
690706065:=This album contains photos posted on the wall
690706066:=You cannot upload music. Please upgrade your membership.
690706067:=You cannot upload photos. Please upgrade your membership.
690706069:=Choose Source
690706072:=Please choose video source.
690706073:=Please type video URL.
690706074:=Please check the URL and try again.
690706075:=Posted videos on the wall
690706076:=<a href="profile.php?user=%1$s">%2$s</a> %6$s %3$s <br/> %4$s %5$s
690706077:=Synchronize wall video(YouTube) with Video Plugin
690706078:=You cannot upload videos. Please upgrade your membership.
690706081:=You do not have permission to view this action
690706082:=New wall post Email
690706083:=This is the email that gets sent to a user when a new post is posted
on their wall.
690706084:=New Wall Post
690706085:=Hello %1$s, A new post has been posted on your wall by %2$s. Please c
lick the following link to view it: %3$s
690706086:=New wall comment Email
690706087:=This is the email that gets sent to a user when a new comment is post
ed on their wall posts.
690706088:=New Wall Comment
690706089:=Hello %1$s, A new comment has been posted on your post by %2$s. Pleas
e click the following link to view it: %3$s
690706090:=New wall likes Email
690706091:=This is the email that gets sent to a user when somebody likes their
wall posts.
690706092:=New Wall Likes
690706093:=Hello %1$s, %2$s likes your post. Please click the following link to
view it: %3$s
690706094:=%1$d New Wall Post(s)
690706095:=When a new post is posted on my wall
690706096:=%1$d commented your post
690706097:=When somebody commented my post on the wall
690706098:=%1$d likes your post
690706099:=When somebody likes my post on the wall
690706101:=You do not have permission to upload group photos.
690706102:=You do not have permission to view news feed.
690706103:=Wall Snippet Code
690706104:=Now you can show wall on any SocialEngine standard page by just putti
ng our special <b>snippet code in yellow colored box</b>. You can open a page te
mplate and put snippet code in place where you wanted, for example, you can show
wall in User Home:<br />- open `<code>templates/user_home.tpl</code>` (OR `<co
de>templates/user_home_core_newsfeed.tpl</code>` if you use Apps & Widgets plugi
n from SocialEngineMods)<br />- find text like in <u>red colored box</u> and rep
lace it by <u>snippet code in yellow colored box</u><br />- thats's all, save ch
anges.<br /><br /> If you experience problems then you can use our Professional
Plugin Installation service - <a href=""
690706105:=Allow guests to view wall
690706106:=<span class="wall_link">> <a href="%1$s" target="_blank">%2$s</a>: </
690706107:=Wall Video Settings
690706108:=Enter the size of the video player.
690706112:=Enter the size of the thumbnail.
690706113:=Wall Photo Settings
690706114:=Enter the maximum size of the photo.
690706115:=Enter the size of the photo thumbnail.
690706116:=Maximum Filesize
690706117:=Enter the maximum filesize for uploaded files in KB.
690706119:=Allowed File Types
690706120:=List the following file extensions that users are allowed to upload.
Separate file extensions with commas, for example: jpg, gif, jpeg, png, bmp
690706121:=Allowed MIME Types
690706122:=To successfully upload a file, the file must have an allowed filetype
extension as well as an allowed MIME type. This prevents users from disguising
malicious files with a fake extension. Separate MIME types with commas, for exam
ple: image/jpeg, image/gif, image/png, image/bmp
690706123:=Wall Music Settings
690706124:=Maximum Filesize
690706125:=Enter the maximum filesize for uploaded files in KB.
690706126:=Allowed File Types
690706127:=List the following file extensions that users are allowed to upload.
Separate file extensions with commas, for example: mp3, mp4
690706128:=Allowed MIME Types
690706129:=To successfully upload a file, the file must have an allowed filetype
extension as well as an allowed MIME type. This prevents users from disguising
malicious files with a fake extension. Separate MIME types with commas, for exam
ple: image/jpeg, image/gif, image/png, image/bmp
690706130:=show / hide
690706131:=You do not have permission to upload page media.
690706132:=Please type action message
690706133:=Please login to continue
690706134:=New Following Email
690706135:=This is the email that gets sent to a user when somebody follow his a
690706136:=%2$s is now following you
Hello %1$s,
%2$s is now following you on Social Network.
Check out %2$s profile: %3$s.
Best Regards,
Social Network Administration
690706138:=You are followed.
690706139:=When somebody follows me on the wall
690706140:=List was deleted.
690706148:=There are no followers.
690706149:=New list
690706150:=Are you sure you want to delete this list?
690706151:=Use this page to manage your lists and users in them.
690706152:=Here you can create, edit, delete your lists.
690706153:=Show More
690706155:=Add Followers
690706156:=Delete List
690706157:=Users were added to list.
690706158:=Choose followers.
690706159:=Add your followers by clicking on their pictures below.
690706160:=No followers.
690706162:=Edit list title
690706163:=Delete list
690706164:=Add following
690706165:=Remove following from current list
690706166:=Unfollow(remove following from all your lists)
690706167:=Create a new list
690706170:=%1$s`s followers
690706173:=This user is not followed by anybody.
690706174:=This user does not follow anybody.
690706175:=Replace standard template of the search advanced template with wall i
ntegrated template.
690706176:=When user posts a message(ONLY MESSAGE TYPE) on wall then update the
user status.
690706177:=Wall Following Settings
690706178:=Following Settings
690706179:=Disable music uploading in wall
690706180:=List Name
690706189:=See All
690706191:=Profile Status Snippet Code
690706192:=If you want to get profile page view like on <a href="http://www.hire" target="_blank"></a> then just op
en `<code>templates/profile.tpl</code>` file and follow the instruction below:<b
r />
690706193:=Please add the following code:
690706194:=Before the following line:
690706195:=Then remove this code:
690706196:=Group Wall
690790000:=Fans Plugin
690790001:=Fans Settings
690790003:=Become a fan
690790004:=Remove me from fans
690790005:=%1$s members joined %2$s fan club. Become a fan to be up to date %2$s
fans news
690790007:=%2$s members joined %1$s fan club
690790008:=Add Fan Box to your site
690790009:=Fan Box Widget
690790010:=Copy the code below and paste it on your website:
690790011:=Fan Box Preview:
690790012:=hide myself from fans box
690790013:=Fan Club
690790014:=%1$s members joined %2$s fan club
690790015:=View All
690790016:=Send an Update to Fans
690790017:=Using this simple form you can easily send message to all your fans.
690790019:=There is no fans
690790020:=Do you know about %1$s?
690790021:=Disable your fan club
690790022:=Enable a fan club
690790023:=Fans Settings
690790024:=Here you can manage fans level settings
690790025:=Can users create fan clubs?
690790026:=If set to yes, users can create fan clubs
690790027:=Yes, users can create fan clubs
690790028:=No, users cannot create fan clubs
690790029:=Can users promote their fan clubs in user_home?
690790030:=If set to yes, then it shows a random fan club in user home page so i
t makes easy owners to promote their fan club. Owners should not do anything - i
t is fully automated. If you do not like fan box on user home then just set to n
o for all users levels this setting.
690790031:=Yes, users can promote their fan clubs
690790032:=No, users cannot promote their fan clubs
690790033:=You are fan of
690790034:=Fan invitations (%1$s)
690790035:=You are invite (%1$s)
690790036:=You are fan of the following profiles:
690790037:=You are fan of the following groups:
690790038:=You are fan of the following pages:
690790039:=You are invited to the following profiles:
690790040:=You are invited to the following groups:
690790041:=You are invited to the following pages:
690790042:=Your message successfully has been sent.
690790043:=You do not have any fan invitations
690790044:=You are not in any fan club
690790045:=You are fan
690790046:=Suggest to friends
690790049:=Invited by
690790050:=My Fans
690790051:=New fans club invitation
690790052:=This is the email that gets sent to a user when a new fans club invit
ation is sent
690790053:=New fans club invitation
690790054:=Hello %1$s, a new fans invitation has been sent by %2$s. Please click
the following link to view it: %3$s
690790055:=%1$d New Fans Invitation(s)
690790056:=When a new fans invitation is sent to me
690790057:=Becoming a fan
690790058:=<a href="profile.php?user=%1$s">%2$s</a> became fan of %3$s

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