Experiment No 9 Load Cell

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Experiment No: 9

Measurement of Load using Load Cell.

9.1 Objective 9.2 Apparatus Required: 9.3 Theory: 9.4 Procedure: 9.5 Observation Table 9.6
Result 9.7 Precaution

9.1 OBJECTIVE: Measurement of Load using Load Cell.


S. No. Equipment Rang/Rating Quantity Type/Mode

1. Weight 500 g 4
2. Strain gauge _ 1 SIL- 215
bridge kit
3. Multimeter _ 1 _

Introduction: This set up is designed to study of load cell and its utilization as pressure
transducer. The set up consists a load cell with mount, the signal conditioner circuit and a
digital display calibrated for pressure measurement. The set up have its own inbuilt regulated
de supplies. The complete system can be described in following manners.

a .The load cell: A load cell is an electromechanical device which converts force in to an
electrical signal and used for measurement of static and dynam ic forces. The Load cell has
a load receiving element having highly tensile strength and strain gauge whi ch convert this
change in(de) formation of load receiving element into proportional change in electrical
signal. Construction wise the load cell has three basic parts, the housing or mount (holding
the cell ), the load receiving element (Al bar with drilled holes))and strain gauges in bridge
form.In the load cell four strain gauges are mounted from which two sense compressive
strains at the bottom side, and tensile strains on the upper side. Since both the compressive
and tensile strains are equal the bridge output is twice. Connections are made to from four
arm active bridge as shown in fig 1. The bridge is excited with a d c potential obtained from a
band gap reference . The output of the bridge is fed to signal conditioner.


Force: If an object is in uniform position/motion, that a change in its position can be

affected through some external rnean with appropriate exchange of energy. The action
performed by this is defined as' force' and resultant energy exchange is' work' . The SI
unit of force is defined in Newton (N) equal to 1Kg - m/s2•

Pressure: it is simply the force per unit area ,that a substance exerts on its surrounding
(such as container withgas), or greatest to the bottom of liquid filled container and,
finally the solid that is not moving in space. The pressure of this kind are called static
pressure. The SI unit of this is defined in 'Pascal'. Where customary word is called 'psi'
(lb in2)
The relationship between force 'F' applied to an object ,is its mass and Resultant change
in position /motion ,expressed in terms of acceleration is formulared by Newton's law

Where m is mass in Kg and a is acceleration due to gravity =9.81m/s2. The relationship

between pressure and force is given by the unit area of object under force is given by P =
F/A ..Pascal
Where A is area under force.

= b


Fig1:Schematic circuit diagram of strain gauge bridge.

b. The signal conditioner: Since first stage of signal generation is performed by the stain
gauge bridge but it offer very low potential change (in order of volts) as an measurend
signal. Furlhur signal conditioning has an instrumentation amplifier, w hich not only offer
high input impedance but also an amplification factor of (A1). To minimize the offset
drift t he gain is kept low otherwise it can be programmed for higher gains.
The Furhtur amplification is done by following amplifier A2 and output voltage is filtered by
an active low pass filter having 2nd order with cut-off frequency 34Hz. To correct offset and
made correct scaling a final stage included which is a summing amplifier with a gain of 1.4
to 1.8 adjustable by span control. These voltage than displayed at digital panel meter as
weight Kg /cm and also available at analog output socket.

c. The load cell : As shown in fig 1, the load cell consists four active elements in form
of strain gauges. The technical specs of it is given The resistance of strain gauge
:3500hm ±.10 Ohm
The Gauge factor GF = 2.1+1%
Type FLA -350 - 6
Temp compensation: 14x10 -4 /0·C
Trnnsverse sensitivity :-0.25%
Gauges length: 6mm.
Lest condition: 23°C 50% RH.

The application of force is made by putting known quantity weights and resultant pressure is
calculated as
F={(wt Kg) (acceleration due to gravity)}
P: F/A
Where A (in m2) is pr2 ,and radius of measurement area =38mm. (A 𝜋𝑟2)

For example 0.5 Kg weight. apply force

F = (0.5 Kg) (9.81m/s2) =4. 9N
x 103) =1082 Pascal =. 0.157 psi.
P = (4.9N) /(4.53-=
To convert Pascal in psi we use conversion ratio1pascal = 1.45x10 4 psi.
1. Connect the given load cell with the set up by of 5 pin connector.
2. Switch on the power. The readout will be glow. Wait about 3 min. for thermally stabilization.
3. Set zero control to made readout zero.
4. Now apply known load upon the load receiving platform centrally.
5. Adjust the spam control to read the output display as given weight in kg.
6. Lift up the weight from the load cell and if required re adjust zero control for zero readout.
7. Put the load (same weight) again and adjust spam to readout for same weight to display.
8. Now apply given weights and note the pressure from reading. Tabulate readings.
9.plot the graph between applied weights and displayed value which should be straight
line. It show the linear relation between transducer output1psi and weight (since Av is
constant), therefore (.psi is proptional to F)


S. No. Weight (kg) Psi

1. We get linear relation between force and Van.
2. we also get linear relation between force and Δ V.

1. Pin connectors should be tight.
2. Zero and spam control are regulate carefully
3. Take readings carefully.
4. Apply weight as procedure.

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