Seed Quality Control
Seed Quality Control
Seed Quality Control
1.1 Seed Testing is a part of seed certification programme, seed law enforcement
including Seeds (Control) Order, 1983, seed production and marketing. Accordingly, the
importance of seed testing laboratory has been well recognized. The Seeds Act, 1966 and
the Seeds Rules, 1968 empower State Governments to establish one or more seed testing
laboratory in the State.
1.2 Seed Testing Laboratory is the hub of seed quality control activities. Seed testing
services are critical to gain information regarding planting value of seed lots. To carry out
these responsibilities effectively, it is necessary that seed testing laboratories are established,
manned and equipped in a manner such that whatever samples are received can be analyzed
in the least possible time.
1.3 General Principles
(i) Building: The space requirements and financial estimates for testing
approximately 10,000 samples per year is given at Annexure - I for guidance. The cost for
construction of building with a size of 250 sq. meter i.e. 2500 sq. feet as per details provided
in Annexure-I, @ Rs. 750/- per sq. feet with tiled floorings, has been estimated as Rs.
18,75,000/-. Cost of furnishing has been estimated at Rs 1.00 lakh. Hence the total
estimated cost for construction of a seed testing laboratory for 10,000 seed samples with
area of 250 Square meters is determined approximately as Rs.19.75 lakh. Financial
assistance shall be provided to various implementing agencies accordingly or in multiples
there of. The estimates given in Annexure-I are indicative and may vary from case to case
based on requirement, work-load and price variations etc., for which justification will be
provided in detail by the implementing agency.
(iii) Equipment required for setting up of DNA Finger Printing / Varietal Purity-
Testing Laboratory
Biochemical descriptors, in particular DNA based descriptors, are valuable tests for
providing information on genetic identify and similarity. As many of the gene-enzyme
system can be altered in its developmental expression by extra cellular signals viz. light,
hormones etc., identification of varieties based on iso-enzymes may not be accurate /
reliable. Therefore, installation of facilities for conducting DNA Finger Print Test is
imperative so as to pin-point the distinct morphological/agronomic/biochemical traits.
Molecular data based on DNA markers, which gives unique identity to the varieties,
facilitates easy comparison, corresponding to important morphological characters of the
varieties. It is proposed to set up at least one DNA finger-printing facility at notified seed
testing laboratories in a State/UT for the purpose of analyzing genetic purity of seed
samples, includes genetically modified crops. Total estimated cost for setting up a DNA
finger printing / varietal purity testing laboratory is determined as Rs 40.39 lakh based on
the present cost. A list of equipment along with cost for setting up of a DNA finger-printing
facility is given in Annexure-III. The list is indicative in nature and may vary from case to
case based on actual requirement and prices.
i Development of fencing facilities based on actual estimates from appropriate State
ii Development of irrigation based on actual estimates from appropriate State
facilities agency.
iii Purchase of equipments, power based on cost estimates emerging from
tiller and required accessories i.e., process adopted by implementing agency
implements, attachments etc.,
iv Development of land based on actual estimates from appropriate State
The assistance will be subject to limit of Rs. 50.00 lakh for establishment and Rs.
25.00 lakh for strengthening of Grow-out Test farm.
In addition, State Governments will be re-imbursed with the actual cost of seed
sample drawn by them in the process of seed law enforcement under the Seeds Act, 1966
upto the maximum limit of Rs 5.00 lakhs per annum.
(iii) Green House: Green house facilities are very much essential in order to screen the
plants for the seed health test, seedling symptom studies through screening under controlled
conditions, including the GM crop plants, varietal purity testing etc., For establishment of
Green House, a requirement of Rs.7,50,000/- (approximately) is estimated. Technical
specifications for establishment of a green-house as estimated by National Seed Research
and Training Centre, Varanasi are given at Annexure – IV for guidance. Green house can be
considered for grow out test farm and other purposes also.
4. Power back up facility:
For ensuring precision in test results and to maintain the shelf life of guard seed
samples, the controlled germination room, seed germinators and controlled seed storage
room in seed testing laboratory requires uninterrupted power supply. Hence it is considered
necessary to provide financial assistance for power back up facility to the seed testing
laboratories. For this purpose financial assistance up to Rs 5.00 lakhs for a Generator up to
50 KVA capacity, or multiple thereof, will be provided.
5.1 The Seeds Act, 1966 provides the legislative framework for regulation of quality of
seed sold in the country. The Act provides a system of certification of seeds, which is
intended to assure the farmer about the quality of the seeds that he purchases. There are 21
State Seed Certification Agencies of State Governments/Union Territories engaged in
quality control and certification of seed in country.
5.2 The objective of Seed Certification is to maintain and make available high quality of
seeds and propagated material of notified kind/varieties through certification to ensure
genetic identity and genetic purity. Seed Certification is also designed to achieve prescribed
Indian Minimum Seed Certification Standards under Section 17A of Seeds Rules, 1968.
5.3 The seed certification process involves a large number of day to day operational
activities from the receipt of seed farm registration till the issue of seed certification tags.
Hence, for effective seed certification programmme and also link through SeedNet portal of
India, it is proposed to release the funds to Seed Certification Agencies for supporting all
such activities with a maximum limit of Rs 25.0 lakhs, for which detailed proposals will be
required to be submitted by the Agencies.
5. 4 The financial assistance as prescribed above will be considered on case to case basis
as per the requirement.
6. Training
6.1 With the rapid development of science and technology, seed production has arisen to
the status of commercial activity. Human Resource Development is of prime importance for
seed production programme and effective seed laws enforcement. It is therefore imperative
to organize training in a regular manner for the state government officials engaged in Seed
Development Programmes as well as other stake-holders like farmers, dealers and traders.
Directors, Agriculture of State Governments will be empowered to choose the
farmers/dealers/traders for the training and provide the required training to them according
to their needs. It is proposed to extend the financial assistance for organizing training
courses for the personnel mentioned above to NSRTC, State Governments/UTs, NSC, State
Seed Corporations, Certifications Agencies, Seed Science and Technology Division of
Agricultural Universities, ICAR Institutes, KVKs, and other institutes of repute ( to be
decided by the Department). The training should be related to dissemination of seed
production and seed development technology, seed quality assurance, seed regulations,
seed law enforcement, seed testing and evaluation, integrated seed improvement, varietal
purity testing, testing of specified traits (GMOs), seed health, post harvest seed management
and need based specialized training on seed related issues etc.
6.2 The amount of financial assistance will be available from Rs. 75,000/- for a training
of about 25 officials for 5 days training course, which will be considered on case to case
basis by the competent authority in this Department. The break up of admissible expenditure
is at Annexure –V.
7.1 Central Seed Committee(CSC) and Central Seed Certification Board (CSCB) are
constituted under the provisions of the Seeds Act, 1966 to advise the Central Government
and the State Governments on all matters arising out of the administration of Seeds Act, all
matters relating to seed certification, and to coordinate the functioning of Seed Certification
Agencies established under the Act.
7.2 The provision under this component is to be utilized for the payment of TA/DA of
the staff of CSC and CSCB and TA/DA of the non-official members of its sub-committees
constituted under the relevant provision of Seeds Act, 1966 and Seeds Rules 1968, as well as
for strengthening of the CSC and the CSCB with regard to office efficiency, delivery
mechanisms etc. This expenditure will be need based and will be considered accordingly.
7.3 For effective implementation of Seeds Division’s schemes and also to cater to the
increased work load due to new initiatives, such as implementation of OECD Seeds
Schemes, operationalization of NSRTC, Varanasi, proposed Mission on Seeds, out sourcing
of various services, infrastructure requirement for OECD Cell etc, it is proposed make an
estimated outlay of Rs.50.00 lakhs for strengthening of Seeds Division in XI plan period..
This amount would also be utilized for purchase of books, computers for technical staff,
organization of symposium/seminars, payment of consultancy service for revision of
standards of seed testing, seed certification, publication of Seed Division etc.
7.4 These provisions are continuing from the IX Plan period and are proposed to have in
view of their continuous necessity
8.2 OECD Seed Scheme is one of the international frameworks available for certification
of agricultural seeds moving in international trade. The objective of the OECD Seed
Schemes is to encourage use of seeds of consistently high quality in participating countries.
The Scheme authorizes use of labels and certificates for seed produced and processed for
international trade according to agreed principles.
8.3 Government of India had applied for accession to the OECD Seed Schemes. In the
Annual Meeting of the OECD held in Chicago in July, 2008, India’s request to participate in
OECD Seed Schemes has been approved based on the recommendations of an Evaluation
Mission of OECD, which visited India in April, 2008. India’s participation in OECD Seed
Schemes is likely to boost its seed export. The Divisional Head of Seeds Division i.e. Joint
Secretary (Seeds) in the Department of Agriculture and Cooperation has been nominated as
National Designated Authority under the Scheme. Further, to begin with, the Heads of State
Seed Certification Agencies of Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra,
Rajasthan, Uttarakhand and Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, Bihar and Assam have been designated
to undertake certification work under OECD Seed Schemes and for this purpose, each of
these agencies have been allotted States for handling the certification work.
8.4 Seed Certification under OECD Seed Schemes requires creation of a special and
dedicated Cell in each of the Designated Authorities. The personnel engaged in this kind of
certification will be required to be constantly trained in India as well as abroad. The
laboratories under these Seed Certification Agencies will also be required upgraded and the
equipment and other laboratory material will also be required to be constantly replaced as
per international standards.
8.5 Seed certification Agencies engaged in OECD Seed Certification can avail financial
assistance for up-gradation of laboratories, other infrastructure facilities and training of
officials as per requirement and norms as mentioned under preceding paragraphs. However,
a lump sum one time grant of Rs. 10.00 lakh will be provided to the Designated Authority to
initiate the work under OECD Seed Certification, which will be considered on case to case
basis and decided by the competent Authority in the Department based on the proposals of
the Designated Authorities. Assistance under this sub-component may be provided purchase
of computers, furniture, fax/telephone facilities, software requirement and other
miscellaneous items. Training of officials of the Designated Authorities within India and
abroad will also be considered.
Indicative list of Items and Cost for a Seed Testing Laboratory - Building
17. U V Lamp / Chamber 1 30,000.00 30,000.00
18. Miscellaneous equipment
1. Seed blower 1 35,000.00 35,000.00
2. Digital Moisture Meter 2 20,000.00 40,000.00
3. Hand Sieves One set 50,000.00 50,000.00
4. Seed Sieve Shaker 1 50,000.00 50,000.00
5. Seed herbarium model 1 1,00,000.00 1,00,000.00
6. Counting Boards Assorted 25,000.00 25,000.00
7. Sand benches As per 50,000.00 50,000.00
8. Water Sprinklers 2 25,000.00 50,000.00
19. Miscellaneous supplies
a. Sample pans 10 10,000.00 1,00,000.00
b. Desiccators 6 10,000.00 60,000.00
c. Aluminium cans with lids 100 - 25,000.00
d. Forceps 12 - 5,000.00
e. Magnifiers (10x) 6 - 25,000.00
f. Aluminium dishes 50 - 50,000.00
g. Petri dishes As per 25,000.00
h. Plastic boxes -do- 25,000.00
i. Other glassware & Apparatus/ -do- 1,50,000.00
20.Impression Board –Assorted numbers 1 set 35,000.00 35,000.00
21. Illuminated Stand Magnifier 2 5,000.00 10,000.00
22. Hand lenses 10 10,000.00 10,000.00
23. Electrical Conductivity Meter(EC Bridge) 1 25,000.00 25,000.00
24. Laminar Flow Chamber 1 65,000.00 65,000.00
25.Computer & Laser Printer 1 45000.00 45000.00
Total 40,84,000.00
List of Equipment and cost for setting up of a DNA finger-printing facility
(Rates quoted are approximate and tentative)
Equipment No. Required Rate of Total Amount (Rs.)
1. DNA Electrophororesis system 1 5,00,000.00 5,00,000.00
with power supply
2. Gel Documentation Unit with 1 3,50,000.00 3,50,000.00
UV Transilluminator
3. ELISA Reader 1 2,00,000.00 2,00,000.00
4. PCR machine / Thermo Cycler 1 4,00,000.00 4,00,000.00
5. Table Top Refrigerated 1 2,50,000.00 2,50,000.00
6. Micro Centrifuge 1 2,00,000.00 2,00,000.00
7. Multipurpose Digital Shaker 1 1,30,000.00 1,30,000.00
/Orbital Shaker
8. Water Bath 1 50,000.00 50,000.00
9. Test Tube Rotator 1 20,000.00 20,000.00
10. Rotary Mixture 1 20,000.00 20,000.00
11. Heating Blocks 1 15,000.00 15,000.00
12. Water Purification /Double 1 4,00,000.00 4,00,000.00
distillation system
14. Refrigerators
a. 710 Liters 1 75,000.00 75,000.00
b. 200 Liters 1 25,000.00 25,000.00
15. Analytical Balance 2 50,000.00 1,00,000.00
16. Biotechnological Plastic - - 2,00,000.00
wares and Glassware’s
17. 6KV UPS with Batteries 1 1,10,000.00 1,10,000.00
18.Autoclave 1 60,000.00 60,000.00
19.Computer & Laser Printer 1 45000.00 45000.00
20.Fluorimeter 1 35000.00 35000.00
21.Freezer (-20 to - 80 °C) 1 100000.00 100000.00
22.Fumehood 1 50000.00 50000.00
23.Furnishing of the Lab 150000.00 150000.00
24.Hot Air Oven 1 40000.00 40000.00
25.Hot plate cum stirrer 1 12000.00 12000.00
26.Liquid nitrogen can 1 35000.00 35000.00
27.Microwave oven 1 10000.00 10000.00
28.Mortar and pestle 10 500.00 5000.00
29.pH meter 1 12000.00 12000.00
30.Pipetman 1 Set 100000.00 100000.00
31.Spectrophotometer 1 40000.00 40000.00
Total 40,39,000.00
SIZE 60’x 30’x 9’: 12’ (Length x Breadth x Side Height: Center Height)
(Two chambers of size 30’ x 30’ each floor area)
SHAPE – Dome Type with temperature control round the clock whole year as per set
point up to 20-25° C round the year for 365 days.
Details of the Product with Specifications
S.No Product and Specifications/Technical Details Nos. Nos.
. Camber – I Camber – II
1. Photo synthetically Active Radiation Lamp (PAcRaTM/PAR) 10 10
with Photo simulators. (05508 PAcRa W 1.7 to 2.6/60
PAcRaTM) are specific action spectra lamp systems for
photosynthesis for commercial production and research. The
lamps are DIN Germany, & IEC international. PAcRaTM
2. Normal Tube Lights Standard 4’ with fitting 5 5
7. Misting unit heavy duty motor with nozzles, filter, pipes sintex 1 set 1 set
polymer tank 1000 ltr. etc., to raise RH upto 90% provided
humidity created is not expelled from the green house etc., with
MPST technology.
8. Polycarbonate sheet double walled 6 mm thick, (GE make) UV Complete Complete
stablised with transparent sheet geeignet gaskets for sides & roof
9. Roof screen 50% (shading) colour green manually rolable Complete Complete
10. Super structure module aluminum anodized covering strip infra Complete Complete
structure mainly GI iron pipe 47 mm x 47 mm + 1 mm door size
1.92 x 91 m (normally 6’3”x3’) lockable.
11. Benching system size: 9’ x 4’ x 2’ (LxWxH) Mild steel rust 15 15
resistant with movable top.
12. Foundation for green house WIDE BASED 1’ below earths Complete Complete
surface, 1’ above earth’s surface, as kick-board 9” wide. Frame
base block height 2’.
13. Floor made of crushed bricks 1”, over that ‘rodi’ (small stone Complete Complete
pieces) upto 1” over that cement plaster with ratio of rodi, sand,
cement 4:3:1, tiled with full white anti slippery hard material.
14. Electrical Wiring of entire green house Complete Complete
15. Electrical Wiring and other works charges viz., leveling the site, Complete Complete
provision of electrical wiring up to Green House from the
existing electric phase connections. Water pipe ½” with water
supply up to Green House from the existing water connection
point shall also be included. No extra charges should be given.
Hence, the firm/agency should be requested to make visit and
survey the place of Green House to be installed before quoting
the rates.
16. Pro-Tray 50 Cavity (50 Nos.) 25 Nos. 25 Nos.
17. Miscellaneous washbasin, aluminum ladder, plumbing polymer Complete Complete
pipes etc., all fittings of ISI or equivalent material.