Chapter 4 Predicting and Managing Supply Chain Risks
Chapter 4 Predicting and Managing Supply Chain Risks
Chapter 4 Predicting and Managing Supply Chain Risks
Chain Risks
Samir Dani
4.1 Introduction
Since the start of the new century the world at large has experienced escalating
uncertainty as a result of climate changes, epidemics, terrorist threats and an
increasing amount of economic upheaval. These uncertainties create risks for the
proper functioning of supply chains. This chapter provides an insight into deve-
loping a proactive approach to predict risks and manage uncertainties that may
potentially disrupt the supply chain.
The aim of the chapter is to present a holistic perspective regarding supply
chain risk management and incorporate a methodology to manage supply chain
risks proactively. When discussing supply chain risk issues with industry personnel
it was noticed that post 9/11, the issue of supply disruption had gained importance
within the industry. But the focus on managing these disruptions and sources of
these disruptions has been primarily reactive. Supply chain personnel in some
instances have remarked that they have in the past researched and presented to
their top management proactive risk management solutions which had been
subsequently rejected and no investment provided. There is now, however, an
increasing interest regarding proactive tools and hence this chapter seeks to
present a framework for implementing proactive risk management. The chapter
also suggests some tools which may prove useful in predicting supply chain risks.
The chapter begins by defining and discussing the concepts of Uncertainty and
Risk as suggested in the literature. A discussion regarding supply chain risks and
supply chain risk management leads on to the issues of proactive risk manage-
ment. The chapter then suggests the use of predictive methods for data gathering
54 Samir Dani
and analysis to aid the proactive management of supply chain risks. Such an
approach requires that a thorough understanding of the external and internal
sources of supply chain risks is gained and that systems are put in place in order to
counter these risks. A methodology encapsulating the predictive and proactive
approaches is presented, which will also prove useful for initiating further research
and applications regarding proactive supply chain risk management.
In today’s business world a supply chain may be stretched out across the globe in
order to provide the customer with the product at the lowest cost and highest
quality. The supply chains are thus exposed to a whole new set of factors, which
can create chaos and disruption. Local political turmoil, the ever increasing
complexity and uncertainty of weather conditions, terrorism, counterfeiting, and a
plethora of other such issues create external risks in the supply chain. But this
does not mean that the supply chain is devoid of any risks internally. Supplier
issues, strikes, quality problems, and logistics issues are more internal operational
risks, which need a different level of mitigation. Zsidisin (2003) suggested that
risk in a supply chain context can be defined as the potential occurrence of an
incidence associated with inbound supply in which the result is the inability of the
purchasing organization to meet customer demand.
Christopher and Peck (2003), taking inspiration from Mason-Jones and Towill
(1998), have categorised supply chain risk into five categories:
1. Internal to the firm: Process, Control
2. External to the firm but Internal to the Supply network: Demand, Supply
3. External to the network: Environmental
Peck (2005, 2006) suggests that the sources and drivers of supply chain risk
operate at several different levels. These are intricately linked as elements of a
system, and are described within four discrete levels of analysis:
1. Level 1 – value stream/product or process.
2. Level 2 – assets and infrastructure dependencies.
3. Level 3 – organisations and inter-organisational networks.
4. Level 4 – the environment.
Each level reflects quite different perspectives but together these levels cover
elements of a supply chain and the environment within which they are embedded
(Peck 2005). This has also been suggested by Faisal et al. (2006) that risk sources
are the environmental, organizational or supply chain related variables that cannot
be predicted with certainty and that affect the supply chain-outcome variables.
Spekman and Davis (2004) suggested dimensions for understanding supply
chain risks incorporating:
1. Physical movement of goods
2. Flow of information
3. Flow of money
4. Security of the firm’s internal information systems
5. Relationship between supply chain partners
6. Corporate social responsibility and the effect on a firm’s reputation.
These dimensions were also resonated by Cavinato (2004) when identifying
risks and uncertainties in supply chains, focussing on five sub-chains/networks for
every supply chain:
56 Samir Dani
1. Physical network
2. Financial network
3. Informational network
4. Relational network
5. Innovational network
In LaFonde (2007 one of the respondents has
mentioned that “It really is almost impossible to predict when most emergencies
will happen... Many companies think, ‘It can’t happen here’ or ‘We would never
have that problem in our plant,’ but then when something does occur, they are
caught off-guard and not prepared ”. The concept of “resilience” is related to risk
and vulnerability in a perspective that not all “risks” (hazards or threats) can be
avoided, controlled, or eliminated. Instead, resilience focuses on the ability of the
system to return to its original or desired state after being disturbed, e.g., its ability
to absorb or mitigate the impact of the disturbance (Peck 2006).
tool “Ericsson risk management evaluation tool (ERMET)” and involving its
supply network in the risk management process.
One of the most important enablers for a proactive risk management strategy is
the presence of a culture and attitude that provides resources and motivates
employees to develop risk contingency plans. Smeltzer and Siferd (1998) suggested
that the formation of a risk management culture to encompass proactive risk
management is extremely necessary as:
1. Employees may feel that no steps are taken towards managing risks
identified and reported, but more is done after the impact,
2. Employees feel that top management would look upon them negatively if
they are involved in proactively identifying risks,
3. Depicting risks to shareholders may have an adverse effect on the value of
the firm.
One of the main requirements for an effective proactive risk management process
is to obtain good estimates of the probability of the occurrence of any particular
disruption and accurately measure the potential impact. Good estimates of
probabilities are obtained by risk prediction techniques. Predicting the occurrence
of the risk will vary according to the uncertainty and complexity. It may be
possible to predict an occurrence based on historical data but perhaps not possible
to predict a one-off environmental event. In supply chains, risk prediction and
identification is being helped by early warning systems or satellite tracking
systems, and smart containers, for example. Once a risk or a potential risk has
been identified it is necessary to do a cost-benefit analysis to ascertain the effect of
the risk. This will lead to the selection of the appropriate proactive methods for
mitigating the risk.
There are various tools for risk prediction, ranging from complex mathematical
models to a less complicated Event Tree Analysis. The following section provides
a description of two types of risk prediction tools: “Data Mining” and “Failure
Mode Effect Analysis (FMEA)”
the past capabilities of the system. Data mining is a process that has the ability to
use pertinent data to uncover sources of risk exposure that may otherwise remain
obscure or unnoticed before prior to the risk being realised. Haimowitz and Key
(2002) suggest that a proactive data miner will use their understanding of risk for
enterprise advantage through competitive gain or innovation (product, process or
There are two dimensions of risk: frequency is the rate at which undesirable
events exhibit themselves, while severity is the magnitude of the loss, once
exhibited. According to Haimowitz and Key (2002), data mining generally applies
to risk problems in the high frequency and low severity scenario. Data mining can
help in making more severe risks less frequent and more frequent risks less severe.
The risk or severity is lessened by identifying controllable drivers of severity or
risk frequency.
The role of data mining is to analyse historical data, to improve prediction
capability. Some of the common analytic approaches used by data miners are:
1. Estimation of the parameters of past performance: Means, Standard deviations,
Correlations, and Associations for hypothesis testing
2. Classification: Segmentation, or Clustering of data units to facilitate the
modelling process
3. Construction of a functional relationship: or model between responses and
explanatory variables.
While the strategic goal of the data mining and modelling exercise is to predict
the key phenomenon, the operational goal is to gather and understand the relevant
data with the aim of discovering patterns to provide business intelligence. Berry
and Linoff (1997) have suggested some specific tools used by data miners for
(a) Estimation: Tools useful for exploratory data analysis. These tools will
not lead to patterns but are more useful in analysing the data to identify
the most relevant sets of data to concentrate further analysis. These
include the use of statistical tools, Pareto analysis, and graphical analysis.
(b) Clustering/segmentation: This approach is used to logically group
observations on the basis of similarity in their characteristics, reducing
the level of heterogeneity in the data. These are a precursor to the
modelling phase, such as K-means and Distance matrices (Euclidean/
(c) Classification/discrimination: The process of assigning observations to a
predetermined number of classes. This is performed by dividing the
dataset into mutually exclusive groups such that the members of each
group are as “close” as possible to one another, and different groups are
as “far” as possible from one another. The distance between the groups is
measured with respect to specific variable(s) required for prediction such
as chi-squared automatic induction, classification and regression trees
(Breiman et al. 1993), regression analysis, discriminant analysis, and rule
Chapter 4: Predicting and Managing Supply Chain Risks 61
(d) Prediction: Formal mathematical models are built for the purpose of
predicting the occurrence of the phenomenon. Techniques used for this
purpose are: Linear/nonlinear regression, Classification and Regression
trees (Breiman et al. 1993), Multiple adapted regression splines, artificial
neural nets, genetic algorithms, time – series regression models, and
stochastic models.
Data mining activities are generally divided into two main types: Predictive
data mining and Descriptive data mining. Prediction involves using attributes of
the data to predict unknown future values of the dependent variables. Operational
data in its raw form is of limited business value when it is mainly used for
reporting what has happened. However, if this data is analysed and modelled using
Predictive data mining tools it can transform the data into actionable decisions.
Predictive data mining is a powerful tool for recognizing patterns and proacti-
vely predicting what will happen. Descriptive data mining, however, focuses on
trying to obtain insight into the data by finding patterns before trying to predict.
Both methods use some of the following core data mining tasks: Classification,
Regression, Clustering, Summarization, Dependency, Modelling, Link analysis and
Sequence analysis. To conduct a data mining process effectively it is important to
1. The fit between the data mining technique and the task, and
2. Conditions under which the identified relationships are valid
Proactive Mode: Once the data is analysed in the predictive mode, this data is
fed into the proactive phase of the risk management process to enable the
identification and quantification (effect) of the risk scenarios. As seen in Fig. 4.1,
“strategic objectives” or objectives for the supply chain are at the centre of
the process and form the most important part of the complete risk management
process. This depicts that the strategic objectives will control the risk management
process and will also influence the solutions that will be developed for mitigating
the risk. Referring to Fig. 4.1, the event or the performance of the mitigating
solution has an impact on the strategic objective for further scenarios of risk
management and will also influence the information that the risk management
team has regarding sources of risk. This process is an iterative process as the cycle
will repeat by studying new issues and risks identified after the analysis of the
event. The new data will then be analysed using tools identified in the predictive
In a proactive mode, there are two options for working with a supply chain:
(i) Designing a new supply chain,
(ii) Updating an existing supply chain
When designing a new supply chain or updating an existing one, the proactive
mode will benefit in managing risks associated with the new situation. The predic-
tive mode will provide sufficient analysis for identifying risks and quantifying
their probability of occurrence and the impact. Also, information regarding the
external and internal sources of risk in the form of security issues related to supply
Predictive mode
Gather and Discover relationship Create
understand Data patterns Intelligence
Risk Identification
Sources of Strategic Objectives and
risk Quantification
External Risk Reduction
Internal Risk Level
Fig. 4.1 The “predictive-proactive” supply chain risk management methodology © Samir
Dani, 2007
64 Samir Dani
chain members, risk profiles for countries in which the chain operates, and risk
profiles for individual members in the supply chain will be considered. These sets
of information will then be used to determine the strategic objectives for the chain
and risk reduction and mitigation plans will be put together to meet these
objectives. This, however, does not limit the existence of uncertainty and there
will be cases in which the mitigation plan will not be as efficient as required, or
that a completely different scenario has materialised. Hence, it is necessary to
update the strategic objectives and the data set of risk sources in line with the
unexpected event or performance of the mitigation/risk reduction plan.
4.8 Conclusion
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