Final Advent Calendar 2020 1 PDF

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November 29 30 December 1 2 3 4 5
The First Sunday of Advent Make a resolution at the start Today is Giving Tuesday! Use this Advent season to Memorial of St. Francis Xavier, “Social friendship and univer- Advent is a season of waiting
of this liturgical year that will Many of our parishes have ready your heart for Jesus. In Priest sal fraternity necessarily call and anticipation of the birth of
Begin your Advent journey by
bring you closer to Christ. been impacted by the what ways can you improve for an acknowledgement of the Christ. It can be easy to lose
blessing your Advent wreath. In honor of St. Francis Xavier,
COVID-19 pandemic. your relationship with him? worth of every human person, sight of this, focusing more
Light the first violet candle one of the first Jesuits, try the
always and everywhere.” on gift giving and receiving.
and sing “O Come, O Come, Consider making a recurring practice of the Daily Examen.
(Pope Francis, Fratelli Tutti, Set aside time to pray with
Emmanuel.” gift to your parish.
no. 106) your family, even virtually, to
refocus on the greatest gift.

6 7 8 9 10 11 12
The Second Sunday of Advent Today is the Memorial of St. On this Solemnity of the This year has been challeng- Walking with Moms in Need “In some areas of our cities, On her feast day, pray to Our
Ambrose, one of the Doctors Immaculate Conception, ing for many. Bring joy to encourages us to “walk in there is still a lively sense of Lady of Guadalupe, that she
Today, churches hold a special neighborhood. . . . Where peo-
of the Church. He baptized St. attend Mass and pray the Hail someone today. Text or call a the shoes” of local pregnant may “help us never to see
collection for retired religious. ple experience a closeness
Augustine and is the patron Mary before meals. As Mary friend, help a stranger in need, and parenting women in need others as burdens,” especially
Pray for these dedicated ser- marked by gratitude, solidarity
saint of catechumens. Today, is also the patroness of the or share today’s Gospel with and to learn how we can help. migrants to our country and
vants of Christ as you light the and reciprocity.”
pray for those seeking to join U.S., take time to pray for our your loved ones. Take the pledge today! communities.
second violet candle on your (Pope Francis, Fratelli Tutti,
the Church. country today.
Advent wreath. no. 152)
Seek out volunteer opportunities
in your neighborhood this week.

13 14 15 16 17 18 19
The Third Sunday of Advent Memorial of St. John of the “As couples or friends, we Las Posadas, a reenactment Today marks the beginning In today’s Gospel we are What’s your favorite Christmas
Cross, Priest and Doctor of find that our hearts expand as of Mary and Joseph seeking of the “O Antiphons.” This reminded of St. Joseph’s movie? Gather your friends or
Today is Gaudete Sunday
the Church we step out of ourselves and shelter before the birth of tradition, which comes from courage. Reflect on how God family (in-person or virtually)
when we shift our reflection
embrace others.” Jesus, traditionally begins Evening Prayer, has been is calling you to demonstrate and watch a Christmas classic.
from “the Lord is coming” to There are 10 days left in
(Pope Francis, Fratelli Tutti, today. Pray for migrants seek- around since at least the courage in serving him.
“the Lord is near.” Rejoice as Advent. In honor of a saint
no. 89) ing shelter around the world. eighth century.
you light the pink candle on known for his deep spirituality
your Advent wreath. and compassion, reflect
honestly on your own spiritual How can you embrace others
journey so far this season. today?

20 21 22 23 24
The Fourth Sunday of Advent St. Francis of Assisi made the “Jesus, Mary, and Joseph According to custom, the “Blessed be the Lord, the God
“Mary said, ‘Behold, I am the Christmas crèche, or manger, themselves were refugees in Christmas tree is set up just of Israel; for he has come to
handmaid of the Lord. May it for Christmas Eve of 1223. Egypt . . . with whom Christian before Christmas and remains his people and set them free.”
be done to me according to Gather your loved ones, and migrants and refugees through- in place until the Solemnity of (Lk 1:68)
your word.’” bless your family’s crèche. out the ages can identify, giving Epiphany. Share this blessing
(Lk 1:38) them hope and courage.” with your family and friends.
(USCCB, Strangers No Longer,
Mary had complete trust in no. 26)
God, saying “yes” to his will.
How would you describe your How can you welcome the
trust in God? stranger today?

Copyright © 2020, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Washington, DC. All rights reserved. Quote from Pope Francis, copyright © 2020, Libreria Editrice Vaticana, Vatican City State. All rights reserved. Quotes from the
Lectionary for Mass for Use in the Dioceses of the United States of America, second typical edition © 2001, 1998, 1997, 1986, 1970 Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, Inc., Washington, DC. Used with permission. All rights reserved.

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