Islam Ipteks (Abdullah)

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1. Name of Course : Islam, Science and Technology

2. Code/SKS : UMS 303/2 SKS
3. Requirement : Certificate of Reading Al Qur’an
4. Course Status : Required
5. Learning Form : Lecturer/Discussion
6. Lecture : Drs. Abdullah Mahmud., M.Ag
7. Short Description of Course :
Broadly speaking, by studying this course students are expected to have knowledge of
Islamic teachings that are comprehensive from one another, inseparable, covering a
variety of fields. Among them common sense and revelation, position and function of
common sense and revelation in understanding Islam, common sense and revelation in the
perspective of the purpose of human creation, science, the importance of mastery of
science, epistemology of science in Islam and the ethos and code of scientific ethics. Then
in the middle of the second semester students will explore more focused knowledge in the
field of science according to their respective sciences in the study program including
Muslim medical ethics, character of Muslim health workers, Muslim health worker
communication, Islamic views about stem cells, Islamic review of the use of illicit
substances and cosmetics, tibun nabawi and Islamic principles about cloning, Islamic
health perspectives (physical and mental health), and Disaster Jurisprudence Study
8. Learning Outcomes
Islamic Learning Achievements and Science and Technology related subjects:
a. CP-ST (Achievement of Learning Attitudes and Values)
CP-ST 01. Be faithful to God Almighty and be able to show a religious attitude and
give an impact on the realization of the main community.
CP-ST 02. Upholding the value of humanity in carrying out duties based on religion,
morals and ethics.
CP-ST 03. Contributing to improving the quality of life in a society, nation, state and
the advancement of civilization based on Pancasila.
CP-ST 04. Serves as a proud and loving citizen of the country, has nationalism and a
sense of responsibility to the country and nation.
CP-ST 05. Respect the diversity of cultures, views, religions and beliefs and opinions /
original findings of others.
CP-ST 06. Cooperate and have social sensitivity, and care for the community and the
CP-ST 07. Obey the law and discipline in community and state life.
CP-ST 08. Internalize academic values, norms and ethics.
CP-ST 09. Showing attitude of responsibility for work in the field of expertise
CP-ST 10. Internalize the spirit of independence, struggle and entrepreneurship
b. CP-KU (General Skills Learning Outcomes)
CP-KU 01. Able to apply logical, critical, systematic, and innovative thinking in the
context of developing or implementing science and technology that pays attention to
and applies humanities values that are appropriate to their area of expertise.

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CP-KU 02. Able to show independent, quality and measurable performance.
CP-KU03. Able to study the implications of the development or implementation of
technological science that pays attention to and applies humanities in accordance with
their expertise based on scientific principles, procedures and ethics in order to produce
solutions, ideas, designs or art criticism.
CP-KU 04. Compile a scientific description of the results of the study in the form of a
thesis or final project report and upload it to the university's record.
CP-KU 05. Able to make appropriate decisions in the context of problem solving in
their areas of expertise, based on the results of information and data analysis.
CP-KU 06. Able to maintain and develop networks with mentors, colleagues,
colleagues both inside and outside the institution.
CP-KU 07. Able to be responsible for the achievement of group work results and
conduct supervision and evaluation of the completion of work assigned to workers
under his responsibility.
CP-KU 08. Able to carry out a process of self-evaluation of work groups under its
responsibility, and be able to manage learning independently.
CP-KU 09. Able to document, store, secure and recover data to ensure validity and
prevent plagiarism
c. CP-KK (Special Skills Learning Outcomes)
CP-KK 01. Able and skilled at gathering, assessing, analyzing, and applying
information (including data, facts, concepts, and theories) to then make decisions based
on evidence.
CP-KK 02. Understanding the main knowledge of public health science, critical
thinking skills related to scientific disciplines in the public health science family.
d. CP-PP (Knowledge Mastery Learning Outcomes)
CP-PP 01. Applying health knowledge and technology to preventive promotion based
on scientific common senseing to the main disciplines of public health namely
epidemiology, biostatistics, environmental health / work health, administration and
health, social and health policy policies, logically, critically, systematically and
CP-PP 02. Reviewing health knowledge and technology for preventive promotion based
on scientific principles or methods, compiled in the form of a thesis, published in
compliance with scientific writing requirements, and accessible to the academic
9. Course Learning Outcomes:
1) Understanding common sense and revelation,
2) Understanding the position and function of common sense and revelation in
understanding Islam
3) Understanding common sense and revelation in the perspective of the purpose of
human creation
4) Explaining science,
5) Explaining the importance of mastery of knowledge
6) Describing the epistemology of science in Islam
7) Explaining ethos and scientific code of ethics

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8) Explaining the ethics of Muslim medical personnel
9) Practicing communication of Muslim Doctor
10) Explaining the Islamic view of stem cells, cloning
11) Explaining the use of illicit substances, and tibbun nabawi
12) Explaining physical and mental health
13) Case study 1
14) Case study 2
10. Learning Materials
1) Common sense and revelation,
2) Position and function of common sense and revelation in understanding Islam
3) Common sense and revelation in the perspective of the purpose of human creation
4) Science,
5) The importance of mastery of science
6) The epistemology of science in Islam
7) Ethics and scientific code of ethics
8) Ethics of Muslim medical personnel
9) Muslim doctor communication
10) Islamic view of stem cells, cloning
11) The use of illicit materials, and tibbun nabawi
12) Physical and mental health
13) Case study 1
14) Case study 2
11. Learning Methods
Islam and science and technology learning is in the form of lectures and / or tutorials.
Therefore, cooperative learning strategies (cooperative learning) or problem based learning
(problem based learning) are used to increase student activity during the lecture process.
Learning methods are group discussion (peer group discussion), presentations, structural
12. Planned Assignment Form
Planned assignments include training during the lecturer and individual assignments outside
the lecture. Assignments during lectures can be done in groups related to the topic being
studied. In addition to reinforcing the concepts students have, this activity is also used to
determine student activity during lectures.
Individual assignments done outside of lectures can be paper or paper. Individual
assignments are planned four times, twice before the midterms, whereas twice assignments
are carried out before the Final Exam.
Scoring for each assignment will be included with those assignments. In addition, students
must memorize juz 30 at least 15 letters.
13. Planned scoring
Scoring to determine the success of student learning in Islamic and science and technology
lectures pay attention to aspects of knowledge (cognitive), attitudes (affective), and skills
(skills). Therefore, the assessment element includes elements of student attendance and
activity in face-to-face lectures, sincerity and ability to complete assignments, as well as the
ability to take midterm and final semester exams. Midterm exams (UTS) in the form of
written tests in the form of essay questions with a minimum length of time to work on
questions of 90 minutes and end of semester exams. Trying to be in groups in groups,
according to the number of students to prepare papers. The scoring weight of the exam will be
included along with the exam questions. Final scores obtained by students in lectures follow

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the formula:
Final Score =
10 *Pr esence+30∗Assignment−Assignment +25∗MidtermTes+35∗Final
The assessment approach used is the benchmark reference approach (PAP). The final
grade grades of the course are categorized as follows:

No Final Score Grade

1 Score ≥ 77 A
2 70 ≤ Score ≤ 76 AB

3 63 ≤ Score ≤ 69 B
4 56 ≤ Score ≤ 62 BC

5 50 ≤ Score ≤ 55 C
6 35 ≤ Score ≤ 49 D

Score< 35 E
14. References and Information Sources :
1) [B1] Sudarno Shabran, dkk. Islam dan Ipteks. Surakarta: LPIK UMS
2) EM Sutrisno, Supratman, Burhanuddin Ikhsan, Suprapto, Islam dan Ipteks. Surakarta:
3) Fiqh Kebencanaan, LPB PP Muhamamdiyah – Majelis Tarjih. Yogyakarta: Suara
4) AL-Qur’an dan terjemahan at-tanwir. Suara Muhammadiyah
5) Undang-undang dan PERKA tentang Penanggulangan Bencana

Rpsibadah muamalah halaman 4

15. Weekly Learning Plan

Media and Refer
learning Activity Evaluation ences
tools***) s
Learning egy,
Wee Outcome Lecturer Learning Indicat Material tech
k of Major Outcomes or s nical
Study )



Lecturer Student

1 ST-8, Students are able Students are Lecture 100 √ √ - √ √ √ Cooperative Explaining Pay close Assignmen Book:
KK-3, to understand able to contract: learning, Thaharoh attention to t [B1],
KP-2, reason and perform explain RPS. Expository, according to Thaharoh [B2]
KP-8, revelation, Thaharoh Inquiry, Sharia according to
according to Introduction to Group Shariah
KM-8. Thaharoh
Sharia discussion,
according to Practice Web:
Sharia [W1],



2 ST-8, Students are able Students are Compulsory 100 √ √ - √ √ √ Cooperative Explaining Pay close Assignmen Books
ST-10, to understand the able to prayer and learning, Compulsory attention to t :
KU-1 position and understand sunnah Expository, prayer and Compulsory [B1],

Rpsibadah muamalah halaman 5

KK-3, function of reason the position according to Inquiry, sunnah prayer and [B2]
KP-2, and revelation in and function Sharia Group according to sunnah
KP-8, understanding of reason and discussion, Sharia according to Web:
KM-8. Islam revelation in Practice Sharia [W1],
understandin [W2],
g Islam [W3]

3 ST-8, Students are able Students are Prayer/degree 100 √ √ - √ √ √ Cooperative Explaining Pay close Assignmen Books
ST-10, to understand able to Position learning, Prayer/degree attention to t :
KU-2, reason and understand Expository, Position Prayer/degre [B1],
KK-3, revelation in the the Inquiry, e Position [B2]
KP-2, perspective of the position/degr Group
KP-8, purpose of human ee of prayer discussion, Web:
creation Practice [W1],
4, ST-8, Students are able Students are Compulsory 100 √ √ - √ √ √ Cooperative Explaining Pay close Assignmen Books
KK-3, to explain science, able to carry fasting and learning, compulsory attention to t :
KP-2, out sunnah Expository, fasting and compulsory [B1],
KP-8, compulsory according to Inquiry, sunnah fasting and [B2],
KM-8. fasting and Sharia. Group according to sunnah [B3],
sunnah discussion, Sharia. according to [B4]
according to Practice Sharia.
Sharia. Web:
5 ST-8, Students are able Students are types of 100 √ √ - √ √ √ Cooperative Explaining Pay close Assignmen Books
KU-3, to explain the able to know fasting learning, types of attention to t :
KK-3, importance of the types of Expository, fasting types of [B1],
KP-2, mastery of science fasting Inquiry, fasting [B2],
KP-8, Group [B4],
KM-8 discussion, [B5].

Rpsibadah muamalah halaman 6

6 ST-8, Students are able Students are zakat 100 √ √ - √ √ √ Cooperative Explaining Pay close Assignmen Books
KU-3, to decipher the able to distribution learning, zakat attention to t :
KK-3, epistemology of practice zakat according to Expository, distribution zakat [B1],
KP-2, science in Islam distribution Sharia Inquiry, according to distribution [B2],
KP-8, according to Group Sharia according to [B4],
KM-8 Sharia discussion, Sharia [B5].
7 ST-8, Students are able Students are Perform Hajj 100 √ √ - √ √ √ Cooperative Explaining Pay close Assignmen Books
KU-3, to explain the able to and Umrah learning, how to attention t :
KK-3, ethos and code of perform Hajj according to Expository, perform Hajj how to [B1],
KP-2, scientific ethics and Umrah Sharia Inquiry, and Umrah perform Hajj [B2]
KP-8, according to Group according to and Umrah
KM-8. Sharia discussion, Sharia according to Web:
Practice Sharia [W1],

9 ST-3, Students are able Students are about qurban 100 √ √ - √ √ √ Cooperativ Explaining Pay close Assignmen Books
ST-8, to explain the able to know worship e learning, about qurban attention to t :
ST-10, ethics of Muslim about qurban Expository, worship about qurban [B1],
KU-1, medical worship. Inquiry, worship [B2],
KU-2, personnel Group [B4].
KK-3, discussion,
Practice Web:
10 ST-3, Students are able Students are taking care the 100 √ √ - √ √ √ Cooperativ Explaining Pay close Assignmen Books
ST-8, to practice able to know corpse e learning, how to taking attention on t :
ST-10, Muslim doctor the procedures Expository, care the how to [B1],
KU-1, communication for taking care Inquiry, corpse taking care [B2],
KU-2, the corpse Group the corpse [B4].
. discussion,
Practice Web:

Rpsibadah muamalah halaman 7

11 ST-3, Students are able Students are distinguish 100 √ √ - √ √ √ Cooperativ Explaining Pay close Assignmen Books
ST-8, to explain the able to between e learning, distinguish attention to t :
ST-10, Islamic view of distinguish allowed and Expository, between the [B1],
KU-1, stem cells, between not allowed Inquiry, allowed and distinguish [B2],
KU-2, cloning allowed and marriages. Group not allowed between [B3],
KK-3, not allowed discussion, marriages. allowed and [B4],
marriages. Practice not allowed [B5].
12, ST-3, Students are able Students are distribution of 100 √ √ - √ √ √ Cooperativ Explaining Pay close Assignmen Books
ST-8, to explain the able to practice inheritance e learning, distribution of attention to t :
ST-10, use of illicit the distribution according to Expository, inheritance distribution [B1],
KU-1, materials, and of inheritance Sharia Inquiry, according to of [B2],
KU-2, tibbun nabawi. according to Group Sharia inheritance [B4],
KU-3, Sharia.. discussion, according to [B5].
Practice Sharia
13 ST-3, Students are able Students are distinguish 100 √ √ - √ √ √ Cooperativ Explaining the Pay close Assignmen Books
ST-8, to explain able to between e learning, distinguish attention on t :
ST-10, physical and distinguish conventional Expository, between distinguish [B1],
KU-1, mental health between and Sharia Inquiry, conventional between [B2],
KU-2, conventional economics. Group and Sharia conventional [B4],
KU-3, and Sharia discussion, economics. and Sharia [B5].
economics. Practice economics.

Rpsibadah muamalah halaman 8

14 ST-3, Students are able able to analyze Case Study 100 √ √ - √ √ √ Cooperativ Divide the Discuss the Assignmen Books
ST-8, to analyze the the prayers e learning, class into case that has t :
ST-10, problems of Expository, groups been given [B1],
religion Students Inquiry, Presentatio [B2],
are Group Divide cases Present the n [B4],
discussion, by groups results of the [B5].
KU-3, discussion
15 ST-3, Students are able Students are Case study 100 √ √ - √ √ √ Cooperativ Divide the Discuss the Assignmen Books
ST-8, to analyze about able to analyze e learning, class into case that has t :
ST-10, religious issues about fasting Expository, groups been given [B1],
Inquiry, Presentatio [B2],
Group Divide cases Present the n [B4],
discussion, by groups results of the [B5].
KU-3, discussion

16. Monitoring and Feedback

The lecture monitoring process is carried out by looking at the performance of students in doing the exercises in class and
homework provided. While the learning evaluation uses the Evaluation Forms of Lecturers by Students (EDoM) that have been
made by the Quality Assurance Institute (LJM) UMS. The process of getting feedback for the improvement of lectures is based on
the results of the EDoM content analysis recorded in the Lecturer Evaluation form. EDoM data analysis was performed by LJM

Rpsibadah muamalah halaman 9

Surakarta, 7th of January 2015
Authorized by Knowing, Made by,

(Dwi Astuti., SKM., M.Kes) (Dwi Astuti., SKM., M.Kes) (Drs. Abdullah Mahmud., M.Ag)



Learning Estimated Learning Time

Learning Experience
No Outcome of Indicator SKS
Course T/D P/P L/TK
Students are Students are Lecture 100 2
able to able to contract:
understand Perform explain RPS.
reason and Thaharoh
1 Introduction
revelation according to
Sharia to Thaharoh
according to

2 Students are Students are Compulsory 100

able to able to prayer and
Understand Perform sunnah
the position obligatory according to

Rpsibadah muamalah halaman 10

of reason and prayers and Sharia.
revelation Sunnah
functions in according to
understandin Sharia.
g Islam

Students are Students are the Position of 100

able to able to prayer
understand know the
reason and Position of
revelation in prayer
3 the
of the
purpose of

Students are Students are compulsory 100

able to able to carry fasting and
explain out sunnah
science compulsory according to
4 fasting and Sharia
according to

5 Students are Students are types of 100

able to able to fasting
explain the know the

Rpsibadah muamalah halaman 11

importance types of
of mastery of fasting

Students are Students are zakat 100

able to able to distribution
describe the practice the according to
6 epistemology distribution Sharia
of science in of zakat
Islam according to

Students are Students are Perform the 100

able to able to Hajj and
explain the perform the Umrah
7 ethos and pilgrimage according to
code of and Umrah Sharia
ethics of according to
science Sharia

Students are Students are About qurban 100

able to able to worship
Explain the Know about
8 ethics of the qurban
Muslim worship

9 Students are Students are the 100

able to able to procedures for
practice the Know the taking care

Rpsibadah muamalah halaman 12

communicati procedures the corpse
on of Muslim for taking
doctors care the

Students are Students are distinguish 100

able to able to between
explain the distinguish allowed and
10 Islamic view between Not allowed
of stem cells, allowed and marriages
cloning not allowed

Students are Students are inheritance 100

able to able to according to
explain the practice the Sharia
use of illicit distribution
materials, of
11 and tibbun inheritance
nabawi according to

12 Students are Students are conventional 100

able to able to and Sharia
explain distinguish economics.
physical and conventiona
mental health l and Sharia

Rpsibadah muamalah halaman 13

Students are Students are Case study 100
able to able to
13 analyze analyze the
religious prayers

Students are Students are Case study 100

able to able to
analyze analyze
14 about about
religious fasting

Total 1400 0 0

1 1
(1 x 1400)+( x 0)+( x 0 )
2 4 1400
SKS= = =2 .
14 x 50 700

 T / D: Theory / Declarative, is the learning experience gained from learning with an expository approach, with amount of 1 hour face to
face meeting which is equivalent to 50 minutes.
 P / P: Practicum / Procedural, is learning experience gained through a series of practicum, appreciation, modeling, simulation, with
amount of 1 hour face to face meeting which is equivalent to 170 minutes.
 L / TK: Field / Contextual Level, is learning experiences gained through direct practice in real situations and conditions in the field and /
or community, with amount of 1 hour face to face meeting which is equivalent to 200 minutes.

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