Islam Ipteks (Abdullah)
Islam Ipteks (Abdullah)
Islam Ipteks (Abdullah)
1 Score ≥ 77 A
2 70 ≤ Score ≤ 76 AB
3 63 ≤ Score ≤ 69 B
4 56 ≤ Score ≤ 62 BC
5 50 ≤ Score ≤ 55 C
6 35 ≤ Score ≤ 49 D
Score< 35 E
14. References and Information Sources :
1) [B1] Sudarno Shabran, dkk. Islam dan Ipteks. Surakarta: LPIK UMS
2) EM Sutrisno, Supratman, Burhanuddin Ikhsan, Suprapto, Islam dan Ipteks. Surakarta:
3) Fiqh Kebencanaan, LPB PP Muhamamdiyah – Majelis Tarjih. Yogyakarta: Suara
4) AL-Qur’an dan terjemahan at-tanwir. Suara Muhammadiyah
5) Undang-undang dan PERKA tentang Penanggulangan Bencana
Media and Refer
learning Activity Evaluation ences
tools***) s
Learning egy,
Wee Outcome Lecturer Learning Indicat Material tech
k of Major Outcomes or s nical
Study )
Lecturer Student
1 ST-8, Students are able Students are Lecture 100 √ √ - √ √ √ Cooperative Explaining Pay close Assignmen Book:
KK-3, to understand able to contract: learning, Thaharoh attention to t [B1],
KP-2, reason and perform explain RPS. Expository, according to Thaharoh [B2]
KP-8, revelation, Thaharoh Inquiry, Sharia according to
according to Introduction to Group Shariah
KM-8. Thaharoh
Sharia discussion,
according to Practice Web:
Sharia [W1],
2 ST-8, Students are able Students are Compulsory 100 √ √ - √ √ √ Cooperative Explaining Pay close Assignmen Books
ST-10, to understand the able to prayer and learning, Compulsory attention to t :
KU-1 position and understand sunnah Expository, prayer and Compulsory [B1],
3 ST-8, Students are able Students are Prayer/degree 100 √ √ - √ √ √ Cooperative Explaining Pay close Assignmen Books
ST-10, to understand able to Position learning, Prayer/degree attention to t :
KU-2, reason and understand Expository, Position Prayer/degre [B1],
KK-3, revelation in the the Inquiry, e Position [B2]
KP-2, perspective of the position/degr Group
KP-8, purpose of human ee of prayer discussion, Web:
creation Practice [W1],
4, ST-8, Students are able Students are Compulsory 100 √ √ - √ √ √ Cooperative Explaining Pay close Assignmen Books
KK-3, to explain science, able to carry fasting and learning, compulsory attention to t :
KP-2, out sunnah Expository, fasting and compulsory [B1],
KP-8, compulsory according to Inquiry, sunnah fasting and [B2],
KM-8. fasting and Sharia. Group according to sunnah [B3],
sunnah discussion, Sharia. according to [B4]
according to Practice Sharia.
Sharia. Web:
5 ST-8, Students are able Students are types of 100 √ √ - √ √ √ Cooperative Explaining Pay close Assignmen Books
KU-3, to explain the able to know fasting learning, types of attention to t :
KK-3, importance of the types of Expository, fasting types of [B1],
KP-2, mastery of science fasting Inquiry, fasting [B2],
KP-8, Group [B4],
KM-8 discussion, [B5].
9 ST-3, Students are able Students are about qurban 100 √ √ - √ √ √ Cooperativ Explaining Pay close Assignmen Books
ST-8, to explain the able to know worship e learning, about qurban attention to t :
ST-10, ethics of Muslim about qurban Expository, worship about qurban [B1],
KU-1, medical worship. Inquiry, worship [B2],
KU-2, personnel Group [B4].
KK-3, discussion,
Practice Web:
10 ST-3, Students are able Students are taking care the 100 √ √ - √ √ √ Cooperativ Explaining Pay close Assignmen Books
ST-8, to practice able to know corpse e learning, how to taking attention on t :
ST-10, Muslim doctor the procedures Expository, care the how to [B1],
KU-1, communication for taking care Inquiry, corpse taking care [B2],
KU-2, the corpse Group the corpse [B4].
. discussion,
Practice Web:
(Dwi Astuti., SKM., M.Kes) (Dwi Astuti., SKM., M.Kes) (Drs. Abdullah Mahmud., M.Ag)
Total 1400 0 0
1 1
(1 x 1400)+( x 0)+( x 0 )
2 4 1400
SKS= = =2 .
14 x 50 700
T / D: Theory / Declarative, is the learning experience gained from learning with an expository approach, with amount of 1 hour face to
face meeting which is equivalent to 50 minutes.
P / P: Practicum / Procedural, is learning experience gained through a series of practicum, appreciation, modeling, simulation, with
amount of 1 hour face to face meeting which is equivalent to 170 minutes.
L / TK: Field / Contextual Level, is learning experiences gained through direct practice in real situations and conditions in the field and /
or community, with amount of 1 hour face to face meeting which is equivalent to 200 minutes.