Experimental Investigation of Combustion, Performance and Emission Characteristics of A Diesel Engine Fuelled With Diesel-Biodiesel-Alcohol Blends

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Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (2019) 41:389



Experimental investigation of combustion, performance and emission

characteristics of a diesel engine fuelled with diesel–biodiesel–alcohol
Ümit Ağbulut1   · Suat Sarıdemir1 · Serdar Albayrak2

Received: 22 May 2019 / Accepted: 26 August 2019

© The Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering 2019

The purpose of this study is to investigate the impacts of diesel–biodiesel–alcohol blends on the combustion, performance
and emissions characteristics of a single-cylinder diesel engine. Tests were conducted at different engine speeds of 1750,
2250, 2750 and 3250 rpm and under full load. In this study, different fuels [called as reference diesel (D100), 20 vol% cot-
tonseed methyl ester (D80C20), 10 vol% ethanol (D90E10) and finally the ternary type of their derivations (D70C20E10)],
were used. The experimental results showed that the highest reduction values were observed on CO emission by 42%, 30%
and 8% for the D90E10, D70C20E10 and D80C20 fuels, respectively. These reductions for HC emission were achieved as
40%, 31% and 23% for the D90E10, D70C20E10 and D80C20, respectively. On the other hand, the reductions of ­NOx and
­CO2 emissions were not sharp and varied between 2–7%. Besides the reductions on the exhaust emissions, biodiesel–ethanol
blend presented better results in terms of H­ RRmax and C­ Pmax than using biodiesel alone. Additionally, ignition delay of the
biodiesel blends was longer than that of D100 fuel owing to their low cetane numbers. Combustion duration was shortened
with the increment in engine speed because the turbulence increased in the combustion chamber at high engine speed. This
case also improved the homogeneity of test fuels and increased the quality of the combustion process. As a consequence, this
paper clearly reported that it is possible to achieve fewer emissions, the highest ­CPmax values with the presence of ethanol
in biodiesel fuels rather than using biodiesel alone for diesel engines.

Keywords  Biodiesel–alcohol blends · Combustion · Diesel engine · Emission · Ternary blends

List of symbols CO Carbon monoxide

ACPmax Angle of maximum cylinder pressure (°CA) CO2 Carbon dioxide
AIPmax Angle of maximum pressure increase CPmax Maximum cylinder pressure
(°CA) D80C20 20% cottonseed biodiesel + 80% diesel
BSFC Brake-specific fuel consumption (g/kWh) (v/v)
BTE Brake thermal efficiency D70C20E10 20% cottonseed biodisel + 10% etha-
C20 20% cottonseed biodiesel + 80% diesel nol + 70% diesel (v/v)
(v/v) D90E10 10% ethanol + 90% diesel (v/v)
C100 100% cottonseed methyl ester D100 Reference fuel—conventional diesel
CD Combustion duration DF Diesel fuel
EPi Pollutant mass, i, referenced to Peff (g/kWh)
EVi,d Exhaust emission value of components on
Technical Editor: Mário Eduardo Santos Martins.
dry basis, i, as volume share (ppm)
* Ümit Ağbulut EVi,w Exhaust emission value of components on
umitagbulut@duzce.edu.tr wet basis, i, as volume share (ppm)
1 HC Hydrocarbon
Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering,
Faculty of Technology, Düzce University, 81620 Düzce, HRRmax Maximum heat release rate (J/°CA)
Turkey ICEs Internal combustion engines
Department of Aircraft Technology, Vocational School, k Polytrophic constant
Istanbul Istinye University, 34010 Istanbul, Turkey

389   Page 2 of 12 Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (2019) 41:389

Mi Molecular mass of the components, i (g/ is coupled with engine developments [8]. In this context,
mol) biodiesel fuels can be considered as the most promising
MExh,d Molecular mass of the exhaust gases on dry fuel type because they are a renewable energy source pro-
basis (g/mol) duced from vegetable or animal origin oils. In general, bio-
MExh,w Molecular mass of the exhaust gases on wet diesel fuels have a lower cetane number than conventional
basis (g/mol) diesel fuels. Moreover, they have fewer sulphur contents,
NaOH Sodium hydroxide no aromatics and also have nearly 10–11% oxygen con-
NOx Nitrogen oxide tent by weight [9, 10]. Biodiesel fuels have close combus-
Pe Brake power (kW) tion characteristics as compared with conventional diesel
PM Particulate matter fuel. However, these close characteristics by using some
RMS Root-mean-square methods can be made much closer to conventional diesel
SOC Start of combustion (°CA) fuels. Transesterification method is undoubtedly the most
SOI Start of injection (°CA) acceptable one among these methods.
TDC Top dead centre The previous studies in the literature have gener-
Tex Exhaust temperature (°C) ally reported that the presence of biodiesel into diesel
UHC Unburnt hydrocarbon fuels leads to higher fuel consumption and higher nitro-
wt% Weight per cent gen oxides (­ NO x) emission, lower unburnt hydrocarbon
v/v Volumetric ratio (UHC), carbon monoxide (CO) and particulate matter
vol% Volumetric per cent (PM) emissions, while there is a small change on the brake
Ø or °CA Crank angle thermal efficiency (BTE) [11, 12]. On the other hand, the
𝜕P Change in-cylinder pressure low volatility, high viscosity and poor cold-flow proper-
mExh,d Exhaust mass flow (kg/h) ties affect its combustion yield and quality particularly at a
peff Power output (kW) low temperature of biodiesel [13, 14]. Also, low volatility
𝜕V Change in-cylinder volume and high viscosity of biodiesel fuels caused the adverse
λ Air–fuel equivalence ratio effects on the atomizability of the fuel blends from the
injector. On the other hand, poor cold-flow properties of
biodiesels have caused the formation of crystals and solidi-
1 Introduction fication of fatty acid compounds particularly at the low
temperature [15]. Actually, these poor properties of the
Today, the most important problem faced by the world biodiesel fuels can be improved by blending with alcohol
is probably the energy issue. Global energy demand has types because alcohols have pretty high oxygen content
increased every passing day compared with 1 day before [1]. compared to biodiesels [16]. Since ethanol has good cold-
Currently, 85% of the world energy consumption has been flow and low viscosity properties, the biodiesels can be
provided by fossil-based fuels [2]. The fact that the reserves blended with ethanol in order to improve their cold-flow
of the existing fossil fuels are limited forced human beings properties, their volatility and viscosity properties [13,
to seek alternative sources. 15]. As compared with conventional diesel and biodiesel
Clearly, one of the dominant usage fields for fossil fuels fuels, ethanol has more oxygen content [16], and ethanol
has been in the transportation sector because nearly all vehi- has been considered as one of the most promising mixing
cles on the roads have been powered by internal combus- additives for diesel fuels in the literature [17].
tion engines burning fossil fuels. In this regard, scientists However, there are many technical obstacles to directly
and researchers started a tendency to various applications use ethanol into diesel fuels owing to some properties of
to reduce fossil fuel consumption in transportation. For this ethanol such as poor solubility in diesel fuel particularly
purpose, some of them tried to modify the vehicle design in cold weather, lower flash point and low cetane number.
[3–5] such as light-material usage and geometry changes, In reality, diesel engines are not able to run normally on
while others tried to modify the fuels [6]. ethanol–diesel blend without any special additives [18, 19].
Diesel engines are widely used for high combustion effi- That is why, many additives have improved to ensure solu-
ciency, adaptability, reliability and cost efficiency, and so bility of ethanol–diesel blends. Effects of some of the addi-
they are one of the major contributors to harmful exhaust tives into ethanol–diesel blend were reviewed by Hansen
emissions [7]. Particularly with increasing environmental et al. [20]. Moreover, it is possible to find many studies in
awareness and concerns, the studies focusing on reducing the literature which have investigated the performance of
the harmful exhaust emissions have been intriguing. The diesel–ethanol blends with some special additives (emulsi-
adopted view in the literature is that clean combustion can fiers). However, general conclusions from these studies have
be only provided by fulfilling if diesel fuel reformulation encouraged small quantity usage of ethanol in diesel fuel.

Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (2019) 41:389 Page 3 of 12  389

Some countries (e.g. Turkey since 1 January 2018) made it or superior fuel properties as compared with conventional
compulsory to blend ethanol into diesel and gasoline fuels diesel fuel [27]. The studies in the literature on diesel–etha-
[6]. nol–biodiesel blends have obviously indicated that add-
The additives help for solubility of the blend, while they ing biodiesel into ethanol–diesel fuel blend could improve
cannot improve the properties of the blend [21–23]. Addi- the properties of blends and showed a promising case to
tionally, the low flashpoint of the diesel–ethanol blends is an formulate a new form of biodiesel, ethanol and diesel fuel
obstacle to the application of this fuel blend because stud- blends. In this respect, this study focused on the experimen-
ies in the literature clearly indicated that the presence of tal investigation of combustion, performance and emission
emulsifiers has no effect on flashpoint property [19]. On characteristics of a diesel engine fuelled with diesel–bio-
the other hand, many studies in the literature have reported diesel–alcohol blends.
that biodiesel fuels derived from different sources can act
as an emulsifier for ethanol [24–26]. Therefore, blending
biodiesel with diesel and ethanol has improved the solubil- 2 Experimental equipment and procedure
ity of ethanol into diesel fuel. The diesel–ethanol–biodiesel
(namely bioethanol or ternary blends in some studies) fuel 2.1 Equipment
blends are well-stable below zero temperature and have close
The engine tests were carried on direct injection, air-cooled,
naturally aspirated and single-cylinder diesel engine. Table 1
Table 1  Technical specification of the test engine shows the main characteristics of the used diesel engine in
this study.
Model Lombardini 15 LD 350
A Kemsan brand DC dynamometer was used to load the
Engine type Naturally aspirated, test engine in the experiments that it is capable of generating
air-cooled, DI diesel 15 kW at 3000 rpm. All experiments were performed at full
load. The engine was loaded by this dynamometer, and the
Cylinder number 1
engine speed was then reduced. Additionally, Kistler rotor-
Maximum power 7.5 HP/3600 rpm
type 4550A torque measuring system was used in the study.
Maximum torque 16.6 N m/2400 rpm
This system is able to measure the engine torque values from
Displacement 349 cm3
the shaft via a magnetic system.
Compression ratio 20.3/1
To sum up, the schematic view of the experimental setup
Bore × stroke 82 mm × 66 mm
used in this study is shown in Fig. 1.
Injection pump type QLC type
Injection nozzle 0.22 × 4 holes × 160°
2.2 Experimental procedure
Nozzle opening pressure 207 bar
Fuel delivery advance (°CA) 20 BTDC
In this paper, ethanol, cottonseed methyl ester and conven-
Intake valve open/close (°CA) 10 BTDC/42 ABDC
tional diesel fuels and their derivation were used as test

Fig. 1  Schematic view of the

experimental setup. 1. Test
engine; 2. Dynamometer; 3.
Control panel; 4. Torque meter;
5. Exhaust gas emissions ana-
lyser; 6. Encoder; 7. Injector; 8.
In-cylinder pressure sensor; 9.
Computer; 10. Fuel consump-
tion level; 11. Mainboard

389   Page 4 of 12 Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (2019) 41:389

fuels. The fuel types, ratios and abbreviation used in the 2250, 2750 and 3250 rpm) and four fuel blends are derived
study are shown in Table 2. from conventional diesel (D), cottonseed oil methyl ester (C)
Cottonseed methyl ester-biodiesel was used in the current and ethanol (E) (D100, D90E10, D80C20, D70C20E10).
study, and it was prepared by the transesterification method. Prior to starting the experiments, the test engine was oper-
In this regard, the biodiesel production steps and rates were ated for approximately 5 min to reach a steady-state test
preferred in light of the literature studies which previously condition. The obtained values from the tests were repeated
performed and achieved high performance [28, 29]. Bio- three times under the same conditions. The given values in
diesel production steps are given in Fig. 2. the result section of this study were obtained by calculating
As shown in Fig. 2, NaOH was preferred as catalyst, the arithmetic mean of these three measurements.
and methanol was preferred as reactor alcohol in this study. In order to analyse the combustion characteristics,
Additionally, some important properties of diesel, cotton- Febris software was preferred in this paper. The cylinder
seed oil methyl ester and ethanol are given in Table 3. volume, position of crank angles and cylinder gas pres-
In this study, ethanol and diesel fuels were blended sure values were measured by the sensors that are attached
together in volumetric ratios. Just before the tests, the fuels to this software. With an accuracy of 0.1°, a kübler sen-
were mixed for 10 min at 500 rpm by using a thermomag- dix brand encoder was connected onto the crankshaft. The
netic (at room temperature) mixer, and so it was provided to top dead centre (TDC), crank angle and engine speed were
obtain a homogeneous blend. All tests were performed when measured by using this encoder. Combustion data were
the oil temperature of the test engine reached 40 °C. The processed by an Optrand Auto PSI-TC pressure sensor
tests were conducted for four different engine speeds (1750, with a precision of 1% in the combustion chamber during

Table 2  A brief summary of test fuel type and blends

Fuel number Test fuel Abbreviation
Diesel, vol% Cottonseed methyl Ethanol,
ester, vol%20, C20 vol%10, E10
%100, D100 90%, D90 80%, D80 70%, D70

1 ✓ D100
2 ✓ ✓ D80C20
3 ✓ ✓ D90E10
4 ✓ ✓ ✓ D70C20E10

Fig. 2  Biodiesel produc-
tion steps (transesterification

Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (2019) 41:389 Page 5 of 12  389

Table 3  Some important Property Diesel Cottonseed Ethanol Method

properties of conventional methyl ester
diesel, cottonseed oil methyl
ester and ethanol [17, 30, 31] Purity (%, v/v) – – 99.5 –
Density ­(mm2/s; 15 °C) 842 887 789 EN ISO 3675
Cetane number 54.92 46.84 53.44 –
Kinematic viscosity ­(mm2/s; 40 °C) 2.93 4.42 1.13 EN ISO 3104
Cloud point (°C) − 4.3 7.0 – EN 23015
Lower heating value (kJ/kg) 42.93 36.87 26.84 UNE 51123
Flash point (°C) 92.5 150 – TS EN ISO 2719
Carbon (wt%) 86.74 70.96 52.14 –
Hydrogen (wt%) 13.26 11.43 13.13 –
Oxygen (wt%) 0 9.46 37.73 –
Water content (mg/kg) 74.25 456.3 2024 EN ISO 12937
Pour point (°C) − 21.0 6.0 – ASTM D97

all experiments. Depending on the changes of crank angle Empirical constants were calculated how the literature stud-
(°CA), the heat release rate was obtained by considering the ies [32, 33] calculate them. In calculations, the following Eqs.
start and finish of the combustion. All data regarding the (3) and (4) were used:
combustion process were calculated by taking an average mExh,d
of at least 1000 cycles. This software calculated the heat kd = = 3.873 g∕kWh (3)
release rate by using the following equation in accordance
with the first law of thermodynamics. mExh,w
𝜕Q𝜂 kw =
= 4.160 g∕kWh (4)
k 𝜕V 1 𝜕P
= P + V (1)
𝜕� k − 1 𝜕� 1 − k 𝜕�
Taking into account the empirical constants in Eq. (2), the
where k shows the polytrophic constant and taken as 1.37 in values of ­EPi,d and ­EPi,w in Eqs. (5) and (6) were derived.
this paper, and n shows the polytropic index. ∂P shows the ( )
change in-cylinder pressure and ∂V changes in the volume. ( g ) EV (ppm)
i,d Mi g
EPi,d = × 30.21 g × 3873
Ø is the crank angle. In the calculations, it was assumed kWh 1 × 106 kWh
that the mass into the cylinder cannot change because of mol
the gas leakage from the valves and segments, and the ther-
modynamic properties of all fuel blends in the combustion
( )
( g ) EV (ppm) Mi g
chamber are regular during the tests. Also, it was assumed EPi,w = × × 4160
kWh 1 × 106 24.84 g kWh
that the gas in the cylinder acts as an ideal gas. mol
Additionally, exhaust emissions for each variable in the (6)
study were measured by using K Test brand exhaust emis- Under this assumption, Eqs. (7–10) may be used to esti-
sion analyser. mate the corresponding SFC of exhaust emission values in
The exhaust emissions from the internal combustion this study. The general conversion from exhaust gas emission
engines are typically measured by the aid of a gas analyser (ppm and vol%) to SFC (g/kWh) for heavy-duty vehicles is
and generally given in parts volume per cent (vol%) and per summarized as follows:
million (ppm) in the previous studies. In order to do better ( g )
comparison, it is actually important to use these emissions CO = 3.591 × 10−3 × CO (ppm) (7)
according to the standards of European vehicle emissions
which are usually referred in g/km for light-duty and pas- ( g )
senger vehicles and g/kWh for heavy-duty vehicles. Previ- NOx = 6.636 × 10−3 NOx (ppm) (8)
ous studies have reported an interesting relationship between
vehicle emission concentration and SFC [32, 33]. The men- ( g )
tioned relations are defined by Eq. (2). HC = 2.002 × 10−3 × HC (ppm) (9)
( ) ( )
Mi Mi m
EPi = EVi,d × × = EVi,v × × Exh ( g )
Mexh,d Peff Mexh,w Peff
O2 = 41.024 × O2 (Vol,%) (10)
(2) kWh

389   Page 6 of 12 Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (2019) 41:389

Table 4 briefly gives the measuring range and accuracy of the D80C20 fuel. Moreover, SOI and SOC were closer
values of all instruments in this paper. to TDC for all fuel types depending on engine speed. The
low cetane number of the D80C20 fuel caused the ID to
last longer than other fuel types. For all fuel types, the CD
3 Results and discussion values decreased with the increment in the engine speed. It
is thought to be caused by higher turbulence in the combus-
In this paper, an experimental study was conducted to deter- tion chamber as a result of increasing the engine speed. In
mine the combustion, performance and emission character- addition, with high turbulence, the homogeneity of the fuel
istics of a diesel engine fuelled with diesel–biodiesel–alco- blends improved, and then combustion process accelerated.
hol blends. Diesel–biodiesel and alcohol blends (ethanol as In Figs. 3, 4, 5 and 6, the impacts of test fuels on CP and
alcohol and cottonseed methyl ester as biodiesel) were used HRR are seen depending on the various engine speeds. As
as the test fuels, namely D100, D90E10, D70C20E10 and seen from these figures, the highest maximum in-cylinder
D80C20. Tests were performed at various engine speeds pressure ­(CPmax) values for each fuel type were achieved
(1750, 2250, 2750 and 3250 rpm) and under 207 bar injec- at 1750 rpm, and C ­ Pmax values were generally decreased
tion pressure. As a consequence, the following results from depending on increasing the engine speed. The starting point
the present study were achieved. of the combustion process gets closer to the top dead centre
(TDC) because of the increment in engine speed. However,
3.1 Combustion this case shortened the time of the uncontrolled combustion
phase (or premixed combustion phase) at high speeds and so
Combustion characteristics such as in-cylinder pressure decreased the ­CPmax values by increasing the diffusion-con-
(CP) and heat release rate (HRR) are the most important trolled combustion time. The reduction in the ­CPmax depend-
parameters that strongly affect engine performance as well ing on the engine speed also similarly reduced the maximum
as exhaust emissions. The chemical and physical properties HRR values ­(HRRmax) of each fuel type depending on the
of the test fuels largely influence the combustion character- engine speed. On the other hand, the ignition delay (ID) was
istics and performance of diesel engines. As well-known, another parameter which can significantly affect the com-
the time interval between the start of injection and the start bustion process. The oxygen content of the used fuels, the
of combustion has been stated as ID in the diesel engines. atomization rate and also cetane number markedly affect the
The viscosity, cetane number and oxygen content of the ID. The lower cetane numbers of both biodiesel and ethanol
test fuels strongly influence the ignition delay. On the other prolonged the duration of ID and caused more fuel accu-
hand, ID also strongly influences the CP, SOC and HRR. mulation in the combustion chamber prior to starting of the
Table 5 gives the numerical data obtained for the injection combustion process. In addition, the high evaporation latent
and combustion characteristics of all fuel types depending heat of ethanol caused longer ID. That is why the highest
on the various engine speeds. ­CPmax and ­HRRmax values were achieved by the fuels of
As shown in Table 5, the SOI of the D80C20 fuel was D90E10 and D90C20E10, respectively. Owing to the more
earlier in nearly all experiments. This is due to the fact that ­O2 content of the ethanol and biodiesel-content fuel types,
the fuel line pressure earlier reached to 207 bar (the injector they provided to reach to higher C ­ Pmax and ­HRRmax values
opening pressure) owing to the high density and viscosity than D100 fuel.

Table 4  Specifications of the No. Measuring instrument Range Units Accuracy

measurement equipment
1 Pressure (Optrand Auto PSI-TC) 0–20.68 MPa ± 1%
2 Crank angle encoder (kübler sendix) 0–360 ° ± 1%
3 Thermocouple (K-Type) 0–1200  °C ± 0.1 °C
4 Fuel flow burette 0–100 ml ± 1%
5 Torque measuring system (Kistler Rotor- 0 ± 100–0 ± 5000 Nm 0.05%
type 4550A)
6 K Test exhaust gas emission analyser
6a  O2 0–25 % ± 0.1%
6b  CO 0–15 % ± 0.01%
6c  NOx 0–5000 ppm ± 0.1%
6d  HC 0–20.000 ppm ± 1%
6e  CO2 0–20 % ± 0.1%

Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (2019) 41:389 Page 7 of 12  389

Table 5  Combustion and Engine Fuel types SOI ID SOC CD CPmax ACPmax AIPmax HRRmax
injection characteristics of test speed [°CA] [°CA] [°CA] [°CA] [bar] [°CA] [°CA] [J/°CA]
fuel types at different engine (rpm)
speeds in this study
1750 D100 − 12 5 − 7 45 93.52 6 − 4 40.24
D80C20 − 13 6 − 7 47 95.86 5 − 4 45.55
D90E10 − 12 5 − 7 45 96.80 7 − 3 54.58
D70C20E10 − 12 5 − 7 46 95.01 5 − 4 45.12
2250 D100 − 10 5 − 5 43 86.71 7 − 1 47.69
D80C20 − 11 6 − 5 46 90.06 6 − 1 49.69
D90E10 − 11 6 − 5 44 91.74 7 0 57.29
D70C20E10 − 12 7 − 5 45 90.65 8 0 40.89
2750 D100 − 9 6 − 3 41 78.80 6 3 38.13
D80C20 − 10 7 − 3 43 80.11 8 2 46.10
D90E10 − 9 6 − 3 43 83.15 9 3 47.94
D70C20E10 − 9 6 − 3 42 82.59 9 2 46.82
3250 D100 − 8 6 − 2 40 76.84 9 3 36.36
D80C20 − 10 7 − 3 38 75.00 7 3 32.78
D90E10 − 8 6 − 2 40 79.94 9 5 45.99
D70C20E10 − 8 6 − 2 40 78.00 7 4 41.02

Fig. 3  Change of the CP and D100 D80C20 D90E20 D70C20E10 1750 RPM

HRR according to the crank
100 100
angle at 1750 rpm
90 90

Heat Release Rate (J/°CA)

80 80
Cylinder Pressure (bar)

70 70
60 60
50 50
40 40
30 30
20 20
10 10
0 0
-10 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 -10
Crank Angle (°CA)

The higher density of the used biodiesel drew the 3.2 Performance characteristic
start of the fuel injection earlier. The earlier injected fuel
flowed to an ambient in which the pressure and the tem- The impacts of test fuels on torque values depending on
perature in the combustion chamber were partially lower. engine speed are given in Fig. 7. The high volumetric effi-
This was why the ID increased for the fuel blends con- ciency at lower engine speeds increased the combustion
taining biodiesel. Moreover, the low cetane number and period and decreased friction loss, gas leakage per cycle
high viscosity of this biodiesel caused a higher ­CPmax and and also heat loss. This case caused to the increments in the
­HRRmax compared with D100 at all engine speeds except torque values up to 2500 rpm for each test fuel, and then they
for 3250 rpm. On the other hand, the lower heating value started decreasing. Because the lower heating values of both
of D100 was higher than ethanol and cottonseed methyl biodiesel and ethanol additives were lower than D100, the
ester, and it has a lower density than cottonseed methyl torque values were obtained lower than D100 at all engine
ester. These properties of D100 caused to the highest speeds. Even though ethanol has the smallest lower heating
­CPmax and ­HRRmax at 3250 rpm compared with D80C20. value among all test fuels, its ­O2 content was approximately

389   Page 8 of 12 Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (2019) 41:389

Fig. 4  Change of the CP and D100 D80C20 D90E20 D70C20E10 2250 RPM

HRR according to the crank
100 100
angle at 2250 rpm
90 90

Heat Release Rate (J/°CA)

80 80

Cylinder Pressure (bar)

70 70
60 60
50 50
40 40
30 30
20 20
10 10
0 0
-10 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 -10
Crank Angle (°CA)

Fig. 5  Change of the CP and

HRR according to the crank
angle at 2750 rpm

Fig. 6  Change of the CP and D100 D80C20 D90E20 D70C20E10 3250 RPM

HRR according to the crank
100 100
angle at 3250 rpm
90 90

Heat Release Rate (J/°CA)

80 80
Cylinder Pressure (bar)

70 70
60 60
50 50
40 40
30 30
20 20
10 10
0 0
-10 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 -10
Crank Angle (°CA)

Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (2019) 41:389 Page 9 of 12  389

D100 D80C20 D90E10 D70C20E10 D100 D80C20 D90E10 D70C20E10

15 2
14.5 1.8
Torque (Nm)


Lambda ( λ)
13.5 1.2
13 1
12 0.4
1750 2250 2750 3250
Engine Speed (rpm) 0
1750 2250 2750 3250

Fig. 7  Changes of torque values according to engine speeds Engine Speed (rpm)

Fig. 9  Changes in lambda (λ) according to engine speeds

D100 D80C20 D90E10 D70C20E10
4.5 D100 D80C20 D90E10 D70C20E10
Power (kW)


O2 (g/kWh)
2.5 200
2 150
1750 2250 2750 3250
Engine Speed (rpm)
Fig. 8  Changes in power according to engine speeds 1750 2250 2750 3250
Engine Speed (rpm)
4 times higher than that of biodiesel. Moreover, its density
was the lowest among the test fuels and its present ratio in Fig. 10  Changes in O
­ 2 emissions according to engine speeds
the blends was lower. Therefore, the highest torque values
were obtained with D100. Then, D90E10, D70C20E10 and
D80C20 fuels followed to D100 fuel. respectively. The reason for the lowest lambda value in the
With the increment in engine speed, the flow rate of D100 fuel was that the D100 fuel has the lowest oxygen
the injected fuel into the combustion chamber has also content among all test fuels. In addition, the lambda value
increased. This case increased  both the released energy of the D80E10 was higher than that of the D80C20. This is
amount and the engine power for all fuel types depending due to the fact that the oxygen content of ethanol was about
on the engine speed (Fig. 8). 4 times higher (see Table 3) than cottonseed methyl ester.

3.3 Emission characteristic 3.3.2 O2 emission

The lambda values (λ), ­O2, CO, ­NOx and HC emissions and The presence of O ­ 2 (%) in exhaust emissions is one from the
exhaust temperature (Tex) values were measured depending indicators of combustion quality. O ­ 2 content of ethanol in
on the various engine speeds. As well-known, emissions this study was about 4 times greater than the used biodiesel.
have negative effects on both the environment and living On the other hand, the O ­ 2 content of conventional diesel
things. Therefore, it is important to reduce the emission lev- D100 is equal to zero. As shown in Fig. 10, there are, there-
els in the vehicles. To do a more accurate comparison, the fore, the highest O
­ 2 emission levels achieved with ethanol-
emission units are converted into g/kWh in this paper. blended fuels among all fuel types at all engine speeds. The
high volumetric efficiency at low engine speeds increased
3.3.1 Lambda (λ): air–fuel equivalence ratio the ­O2 content of all fuel types. With the increment in the
engine speed, turbulence in the combustion chamber pro-
λ represents the air–fuel equivalence ratio. The changes vided more ideal mixing conditions, and therefore the flame
of λ value are given in Fig. 9 for each test condition. For speed also increased. Hereby, the ­O2 consumption increased
all fuel types, the highest lambda values were obtained with the increase in combustion quality, and the amount of
at D70C20E10, D90E10, D80C20 and D100 fuels, ­O2 released from the engine to the atmosphere reduced.

389   Page 10 of 12 Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (2019) 41:389

The maximum combustion efficiency around the maximum D100 D80C20 D90E10 D70C20E10
torque cycle area reduced the ­O2 ratio. Despite the low volu- 0.09
metric efficiency at the high engine speeds, the inadequate 0.08
time for combustion process also increased the ­O2 rate.

HC (g/kWh)
3.3.3 CO emission 0.04
The most important reason for the presence of CO emission 0.01
in combustion products is that the oxygen in the combus- 0
tion chamber was insufficient, so the fuel could not be oxi- 1750 2250 2750 3250
dized or partially oxidized. Figure 11 shows the CO changes Engine Speed (rpm)
depending on the engine speeds.
The reasons for lower CO emissions at low engine speeds Fig. 12  Changes in HC emissions according to engine speeds
were the high volumetric efficiency and high ­O2 ratio, and
also sufficient combustion time. CO emissions increased
due to the decreasing volumetric efficiency and shorten- to 0.09 g/kWh. However, it was observed that the O ­ 2 ratio
ing of the combustion duration (CD), while engine speeds was higher at low and high engine speeds, and it decreased
were increasing up to 2750 rpm. However, it was observed HC emission values for all fuels. The high O
­ 2 ratios of both
that CO emission values were reduced after exceeding to ethanol and biodiesel fuels decreased the HC emissions by
2750 rpm for all fuel types. It is thought that the main rea- improving the combustion quality.
son for this reduction was due to the better homogeneous
mixture with the increasing speed and as a result of that the 3.3.5 NOx emission
improvement of combustion quality. The high ­O2 content of
ethanol additive also encouraged more complete combustion There are actually three important factors in the formation of
and resulted in lower CO emissions with ethanol-containing ­NOx emissions. These are oxygen content, temperature and
fuels at all engine speeds. duration, respectively. In the cases that in-cylinder tempera-
ture exceeds 1600 K, oxygen will react with nitrogen to form
3.3.4 Unburned HCs emission ­NOx if there are sufficient oxygen and time. In Fig. 13, ­NOx
changes with engine speeds are given. The highest N ­ Ox val-
The main reason for the presence of unburned HCs in the ues were achieved with D100 fuel at all engine speeds. The
combustion products is due to the inability of the fuel to lower heating value of both biodiesel and ethanol decreased
reach the ignition temperature or not to have sufficient oxy- ­NOx values by decreasing the exhaust temperature. In terms
gen in the combustion chamber. In general, this case has of ­NOx emissions, no significant change was observed.
caused the fuel to become non-oxidized or semi-oxidized.
Figure 12 shows the HC changes with the engine speeds for 3.3.6 Exhaust gas temperature
all fuel types.
For all fuel types, the changes in HC emissions depending The change in the exhaust temperature (Tex) is shown in
on the engine speed were quite small and changed from 0.03 Fig. 14. The increase in the number of burns per unit time

D100 D80C20 D90E10 D70C20E10 D100 D80C20 D90E10 D70C20E10

14 8
12 7
10 6
CO (g/kWh)

NOx (g/kWh)

4 2
2 1
0 0
1750 2250 2750 3250 1750 2250 2750 3250
Engine Speed (rpm) Engine Speed (rpm)

Fig. 11  Changes in CO emissions according to engine speeds Fig. 13  Changes in N

­ Ox emissions according to engine speeds

Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering (2019) 41:389 Page 11 of 12  389

D100 D80C20 D90E10 D70C20E10 • The experimental results clearly show that a cleaner
source of energy can be obtained with the addition of
alcohol and/or biodiesel into conventional diesel fuels.
• The increase in the presence of ethanol in the fuel
Tex (°C)

blends resulted in the highest torque values. Therefore,

the highest torque values for the blends were achieved
by D90E10, D70C20E10 and D80C20, respectively.
• With increasing engine speed, the power obtained in all
fuel types increased approximately linearly.
1750 2250 2750 3250 • Due to the higher latent heat of vaporization, etha-
Engine Speed (rpm) nol content fuels resulted in long ignition delay time.
Therefore, the C
­ Pmax and H
­ RRmax values were obtained
Fig. 14  Changes in Tex according to engine speeds D90E10 and D90C20E10, respectively.
• Ethanol acted as an emulsifier for biodiesel fuel.
The blending of ethanol with diesel–biodiesel blend
and the amount of injected fuel from the injector, depend- improved the solubility of biodiesel into diesel fuel.
ing on the engine speed, also increased the exhaust tem- • The presence of ethanol in biodiesel fuels both caused
perature with the engine speed for all fuels. In addition, to fewer emissions and provided to reach to the highest
prolongation of diffusion combustion duration depending ­CPmax values. Therefore, this paper strongly suggests
on engine speed contributed to the increase in exhaust using alcohol into the diesel–biodiesel blends (ternary
temperature with the increasing engine speed. The lower blends) rather than using diesel–biodiesel alone for die-
thermal values of ethanol and biodiesel-containing fuels sel engines.
compared with D100 fuel caused a lower exhaust tempera- • The ID of D80C20 fuel was longer than other fuel types
ture at all engine speed. because of the low cetane number of this fuel type.
• With the increment in engine speed, turbulence in
the combustion chamber increased. High turbulence
improved the homogeneity of the fuel blends and accel-
4 Conclusion erated the combustion process. On the other hand, CD
decreased with the increment in engine speed.
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