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This is a revised edition of the law, prepared by the Law Revision Commissioner
under the authority of the Law Revision Act, Chapter 3 of the Laws of Belize,
Revised Edition 1980 - 1990.

This edition contains a consolidation of the following laws- Page



Amendments in force as at 31st December, 2000.





This is a revised edition of the law, prepared by the Law Revision Commissioner
under the authority of the Law Revision Act, Chapter 3 of the Laws of Belize,
Revised Edition 1980 - 1990.

This edition contains a consolidation of the following laws- Page



Amendments in force as at 31st December, 2000.
Intoxicating Liquor Licensing [CAP. 150 3






1. Short title.

2. Interpretation.


The Kinds of Licences, the Privileges Conferred and the Duties Payable

3. Kinds of licences.

4. Jukebox to be licensed.

5. Benefit of the duties.

6. Register of licences, issuing authority.

7. Grant or transfer of licence to certain persons unlawful.

8. Hotel Register.

9. Sale of liquor in restaurants.

10. Regulations as to licensed premises.


[ No. 1 Power Lane,

Belmopan, by the authority of
the Government of Belize.
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4 CAP. 150] Intoxicating Liquor Licensing

11. Alteration or construction of premises requiring a licence.

12. Licensing Board, constitution, functions.

13. Licensing Board for Belmopan.

14. Licensing Boards for San Pedro and Benque Viejo del Carmen.

15. Licensing Board for the Village of Caye Caulker.

16. Clerk to the Board.

17. Board Meetings.

18. Notice of Application.

19. Hearing by the Board.

20. Grounds of refusal.

21. Special and vessel licences.

22. Transfer of licence to other premises.

23. Transfer of licence to another person.

24. Entry in register of transfer, cancellation, etc.

25. Death of a licence holder.

26. Regulations.


[ No. 1 Power Lane,

Belmopan, by the authority of
the Government of Belize.
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Intoxicating Liquor Licensing [CAP. 150 5


Duties and Liabilities of Licence Holders and Others

27. Hours of closing licensed premises.

28. Prohibition of communication between licensed premises and other

adjoining premises.

29. Power to name hours, days, in which sale of liquor prohibited.

30. Penalties where a person is found on licensed premises when they are
required to be closed.

31. Proof of illegal sale or consumption of liquor.

32. Power of entry on licensed premises.

33. Power to search for liquor.

34. Penalty for obstructing entry and search of premises.

35. Penalty where liquor is found on certain unauthorised premises.

36. Liability of occupier for sale of liquor on unlicensed premises.

37. Penalty on licence holder for permitting consumption of liquor on

premises unlawfully or carrying liquor off licensed premises for sale.

38. Arrest of offenders.

39. Remedy barred in case of sale of less than a quart of liquor.


[ No. 1 Power Lane,

Belmopan, by the authority of
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6 CAP. 150] Intoxicating Liquor Licensing

40. Expulsion of drunken persons.

41. Provisions to prevent drunkenness or disorder on licensed premises.

42. Reputed thieves and prostitutes.

43. Gaming.

44. Prohibition of sale of liquor to person under eighteen years.

45. Police officers on duty.

46. Publican’s signs.

47. Penalty for false signs.

48. No action of debt to lie on unlawful sale of liquor.

49. Payment for liquor sold to be made in money only.

50. Forfeiture of licences.

51. Publication in Gazette of forfeited licences.

52. Forfeiture of licence on conviction for felony, etc.

53. Assembling illegal societies.

54. Unlicensed persons selling.

55. Forcible entry on suspicion.

56. Hawking spirits.


[ No. 1 Power Lane,

Belmopan, by the authority of
the Government of Belize.
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Intoxicating Liquor Licensing [CAP. 150 7

57. Maltsters selling spirits.

58. Liquors adulterated, etc.

59. Non-production of licence.

60. Production of licence on complaints.

61. Public exhibition of licence on premises.

62. Paying wages in liquor shops illegal.

63. Prohibition of employment of young persons to sell liquors.

64. Police and peace officers neglecting duty.

65. Licensed premises a public place.


Procedure and Application of Penalties, etc.

66. Fines, etc., summarily recovered.

67. Appeal.

68. Rewards to informers.


Exemption of Certain Persons from the

Provisions of this Act

69. Saving.


[ No. 1 Power Lane,

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8 CAP. 150] Intoxicating Liquor Licensing










[ No. 1 Power Lane,

Belmopan, by the authority of
the Government of Belize.
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Intoxicating Liquor Licensing [CAP. 150 9



R.L., 1958.
[27th July, 1878] CAP. 117,
R.E. 1980-1990.
13 of 1962.
8 of 1963.
30 of 1963.
38 of 1963.
40 of 1963.
11 of 1966.
4 of 1967.
3 of 1973.
14 of 1975.
22 of 1987.
3 of 1989.
9 of 1992.
2 of 1995.
42 of 1999.
49 of 1999.
S.I. 2 of 1983.


1. This Act may be cited as the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Act. Short title.

2. In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires- Interpretation.

“hotel” means a house regularly used and kept open as such for the feeding and
lodging of guests or bona fide travellers where-

(a) if accommodation is available, all persons able and ready to

pay therefor are received for entertainment while they conduct
themselves properly without any stipulated engagement as to
the duration of their stay or the rate of compensation; and


[ No. 1 Power Lane,

Belmopan, by the authority of
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10 CAP. 150] Intoxicating Liquor Licensing

(b) guests are supplied at a reasonable charge with meals,

lodgings, refreshment, service and other attention necessar-
ily incident to the use of the place as a temporary home; and

(c) the only other dwellers therein are the family and the servants
of the hotel-keeper;

3 of 1989. “judicial district” means each of the judicial districts into which Belize is
CAP. 94. divided under the Inferior Courts Act;

“licence holder” means a person to whom a licence of any kind is granted

under this Act;

3 of 1973. “licence” or “liquor licence” means a licence issued under this Act authorising
sale of liquor in accordance with this Act, rules made thereunder, and condi-
tions endorsed thereon;

“licensed premises” means any premises in which sale or supply of liquor has
been authorised by a licence issued under this Act;

“Licensing Board” or “Board’ means a Licensing Board established under this


“liquor” means any wine, spirits, ale, porter, cider, perry, liqueurs, cordials and
other spirituous or fermented liquor of an intoxicating nature;

CAP. 85. “local authority” means the Belize City Council established under the Belize
CAP. 87. City Council Act or a Town Council of any town established under the Town
CAP. 86.
9 of 1992.
Councils Act and, in the case of Belmopan, the Belmopan City Council estab-
49 of 1999. lished under the Belmopan City Council Act, and, in the case of the Village of
Caye Caulker, the Caye Caulker Village Council;

CAP. 312. “members’ club” has the same meaning as in the Clubs (Registration) Act;


[ No. 1 Power Lane,

Belmopan, by the authority of
the Government of Belize.
Printed by the Government Printer,
Intoxicating Liquor Licensing [CAP. 150 11

“premises” includes the land, buildings and appurtenances thereto;

“restaurant” means an establishment where meals of three courses may be ob-


“retail” or “sale by retail” includes any sale, barter, dealing or exchange for
valuable consideration of any liquor or spirituous liquor in any other than unbro-
ken packages, or in less quantities than two gallons at any one time;

“sale” includes any barter, dealing or exchange for valuable consideration of

any liquor or spirituous liquor;

“spirituous liquor” means any liquor exceeding in strength thirty per centum of
proof spirits;

“town” means Belize City or the City of Belmopan or any one of the towns CAP. 87.
mentioned and described in the Schedule to the Town Councils Act, or any 40 of 1963.
other place which the Minister may from time to time declare a town for the 9 of 1992.
purposes of this Act, but the Minister may from time to time declare a place to
be no longer a town for the purposes of this Act;

“village” means the Village of Caye Caulker. 49 of 1999.


The Kinds of Licences, the Privileges

Conferred and the Duties Payable

3.-(1) There shall be granted under this Act the following kinds of licences Kinds of
permitting sale of liquor in the premises and by the person described in the licences.
licence- 3 of 1973.

(a) a publican’s general licence for the sale of liquor either by

retail or in unbroken packages;

[ No. 1 Power Lane,

Belmopan, by the authority of
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12 CAP. 150] Intoxicating Liquor Licensing

(b) a shop licence for the sale of liquor in sealed containers for
consumption off the premises;

(c) a malt licence for the sale of wine, ale, beer, cider, for
consumption on the premises;

(d) a beer licence for the sale of beer only in sealed containers
not for consumption on the premises;

(e) an hotel licence for the sale of liquor by retail for

consumption on the premises, and for the sale of liquor in
sealed containers for consumption off the premises only to
its guests or a bona fide traveller in person;

(f) a restaurant licence for the sale of liquor in the restaurant for
consumption on the premises;

(g) a publican’s special licence for the sale by retail of liquor for
consumption on the premises;

(h) a members’ club licence for supply or sale of liquor by retail

to the members of the club and their guests for consumption
on the premises;

(i) a vessel licence for the sale by the master of the vessel of
liquor to passengers for consumption on board the vessel;

(j) a special licence for the sale by retail of liquor at the place
and between the hours specified therein.

First and Second (2) Licences may be in the form of the First and Second
Schedules. Schedules or as near thereto as is suitable.


[ No. 1 Power Lane,

Belmopan, by the authority of
the Government of Belize.
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Intoxicating Liquor Licensing [CAP. 150 13

(3) The following annual duty shall be payable in respect of the

licences, that is to say-

In Belize City Elsewhere

(a) a publican’s general licence $1,500 $900

(b) a shop licence 600 250
(c) a malt licence 350 200
(d) a beer licence 150 100
(e) an hotel licence 900 600 S.I 2 of 1983.
(f) a restaurant licence 600 250
(g) a publican’s special licence 1,200 750
(h) a members’ club licence 500 500
(i) a vessel licence 200 200
(j) a special licence 25 25
(for each occasion)

Provided that, in the case of special licences, the Minister may, if he is 14 of 1975.
satisfied that the occasion for which the licence is sought is one sponsored by
the Government, a local authority, a village council, fraternal organisation or a
religious organisation and that the proceeds are to be used for a charitable or
public purpose, waive all or part of the fee payable for such licence.

(4) If an annual licence is granted after the 30th April in any year,
there shall be payable only three-fourths of the annual duty payable in respect
thereof, and if granted after the 31st July in any year, only one-half of the duty.

(5) Every licence granted under this Act, except a special licence,
shall continue in force until the 31st January next ensuing the date of the grant

(6) The Minister may from time to time, by Order published in the


[ No. 1 Power Lane,

Belmopan, by the authority of
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14 CAP. 150] Intoxicating Liquor Licensing

Gazette, vary the amounts of the duties prescribed herein.

Jukebox to be 4.-(1) There shall be payable in respect of every jukebox on every licensed
licensed. premises an annual duty of fifty dollars and an annual licence taken out in
3 of 1973.
respect thereof which shall continue in force until 31st January next ensuing
the date of the issue.

(2) Section 3 (4) shall apply to the duty in respect of a jukebox


(3) A licence for a jukebox shall be issued by the authority re-

sponsible for the issue of a liquor licence for the premises in which the jukebox
is installed.

(4) Failure to comply with subsection (1) shall render the person
holding the licence in respect of the premises on which the jukebox is found
liable on summary conviction to a fine of fifty dollars.

Benefit of the 5. The duties received under this Act on the issue or transfer of licences
duties. shall, in the case of any corporate town, be placed to the credit of the town
3 of 1973. fund of that town or in the case of a village, the village fund of that village, and
49 of 1999.
in all other cases to the credit of the Consolidated Revenue Fund.

Register of 6.-(1) Licences for sale of liquor in the premises situated in a corporate town
licences, issuing
or village shall be issued by the local authority of that town or village.
49 of 1999.
3 of 1973. (2) Where no local authority exists in the part of the country in
3 of 1989. which the licence is to operate, it shall be issued by the magistrate of the
respective judicial district.

3 of 1989. (3) The local authority and the magistrate of the respective judi-
9 of 1992. cial district shall keep a register and make a record therein of all licences
issued, renewed, transferred, suspended, cancelled and forfeited. The regis-
ter shall be forwarded to the Board for the district or area in the month of

[ No. 1 Power Lane,

Belmopan, by the authority of
the Government of Belize.
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Intoxicating Liquor Licensing [CAP. 150 15

February every year containing a record for the preceding year ending on 1st

(4) No licence shall be issued, renewed or transferred, unless the

requisite certificate is produced, and the appropriate duty prescribed is fully
paid by the applicant to the local authority or the magistrate of the respective
judicial district.

(5) On the issue of a licence the certificate relating to that licence

shall be retained by the authority as authorisation to it to issue, renew or transfer
the licence.

7. The grant or transfer of- Grant or transfer

of licence to
certain persons
(a) a licence to any person holding office or employment under
the Government; or 3 of 1973.

(b) a licence to any police officer; or

(c) a licence, other than a spirit merchant’s licence, to a licensed

auctioneer; or

(d) a licence in respect of any premises or vessel of which a

police officer is the owner, landlord or proprietor, or in which
a police officer has any partnership or share,

shall not be lawful.

8.-(1) Every holder of an hotel licence shall keep an “Hotel Register” in which Hotel Register.
shall be entered by or on behalf of every guest, the name, occupation, address, 3 of 1973.
and the time of arrival and departure of such guest.

(2) The Hotel Register shall at all times be open to inspection by

any member of the police department or of the Board who may enter such 42 of 1999.


[ No. 1 Power Lane,

Belmopan, by the authority of
the Government of Belize.
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16 CAP. 150] Intoxicating Liquor Licensing

premises for that purpose at any time when it is open.

(3) Every person who neglects or refuses to keep an “Hotel

Register” or to permit inspection as required by this section commits an
offence, and is liable for a first offence to a fine not exceeding fifty dollars, and
for any subsequent offence to a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars.

Sale of liquor in 9.-(1) It shall not be lawful for any person to sell liquor in a restaurant licensed
restaurants. under this Act except to a customer buying a full meal therein and consuming
3 of 1973.
the liquor with the meal.

(2) Any person contravening this section commits an offence and

is liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars;
but if that person is the owner or the manager of the restaurant he shall be
liable to a fine of one hundred dollars.

Regulations as to 10.-(1) The Minister, having regard-

licensed premises.
3 of 1973.
(a) to the existing circumstances or conditions; or

(b) to the existing, current, future development; or

(c) to the number of licensed premises, their distribution,

location, distance inter se, in any area, locality, street,
or the surroundings thereof, may by an Order published
in the Gazette-

(i) prohibit the issue of licences authorising sale of liquor

in premises situated in any area, locality or street,
specified in the Order, or prohibit the transfer of li-
cences to premises in any area, locality or street, speci-
fied in the Order;


[ No. 1 Power Lane,

Belmopan, by the authority of
the Government of Belize.
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Intoxicating Liquor Licensing [CAP. 150 17

(ii) prescribe the maximum number of licences and kinds

thereof to be issued authorising sale of liquor in pre-
mises in any area, locality or street, specified in the

(iii) prescribe conditions subject to which licences may be

granted or transfer of licences permitted authorising sale
of liquor in premises situated any area, locality street,
specified in the Order.

(2) It shall be unlawful to issue a licence or permit the transfer of a

licence in contravention of any provisions of such Order.

11.-(1) Any person intending to construct or alter any premises, or being in- Alteration or
terested in any premises about to be constructed or altered, and desiring to construction of
apply for a licence, or to have the transfer to him of a licence, authorising sale premises
requiring a
of liquor in the premises which are to be constructed or altered, or in any part licence.
thereof, after completion of construction or alteration, or desiring to remove his 3 of 1973.
business from the premises described in his licence to the premises which are to
be constructed or altered, or to any part thereof, after completion of construc-
tion or alteration, shall before constructing, altering or acquiring the premises,
apply to the Board in the form to the effect of the Third Schedule and submit Third Schedule.
together with the application plans, specifications and whatever other informa-
tion the Board may require.

(2) The provisions of this Act applicable to an application for a

certificate authorising the issue of a licence shall apply to an application under
this section except that the notice required to be affixed on the premises under
section 18 shall, in case of premises to be constructed, be put up conspicuously
on or at the site proposed for the premises.

(3) If the Board is satisfied that the premises would be suitable for
the specific use as licensed premises to which it is intended to be part, it may,
but only subject to other provisions and requirements of this Act being satis-

[ No. 1 Power Lane,

Belmopan, by the authority of
the Government of Belize.
Printed by the Government Printer,
18 CAP. 150] Intoxicating Liquor Licensing

fied, grant a provisional certificate.

(4) Notwithstanding the grant of a provisional certificate, the Board

may refuse to grant a certificate authorising the issue of a licence if the pre-
mises are not constructed or altered in accordance with the plans approved
by the Board.

Licensing Board, 12.-(1) Subject to sections 13, 14 and 15 below, there shall be established in
constitution, func- each judicial district in Belize a Licensing Board consisting of five members
appointed annually by the Minister by Order published in the Gazette:

3 of 1989. Provided that of the five members, one shall be either the mayor or a
9 of 1992. member of the City Council or the Town Council, or the village Chairman or
2 of 1995. member of the Village Council, as the case may be, of the respective judicial
district, who shall be an ex officio member:

Provided further that where in any judicial district there are two or
more Town Councils, or a City Council and one or more Town Councils, the
Minister shall, in his discretion, nominate the mayor or member of any such
City Council or Town Council to be an ex officio member of the Licensing
Board for that judicial district.

(2) The Minister shall also nominate a member to be the chair-

man, and may appoint any person to act in place of the chairman if absent,
unable or prevented to act.

(3) The Minister may fill a vacancy in the Board caused at any
time by a member’s resignation or death or a member being unable or other-
wise prevented to act.

(4) The Board may act by any four of its members notwithstand-
ing any vacancy and may regulate its own proceedings.

(5) No member shall, directly or indirectly, take part in any pro-


[ No. 1 Power Lane,

Belmopan, by the authority of
the Government of Belize.
Printed by the Government Printer,
Intoxicating Liquor Licensing [CAP. 150 19

ceedings of the Board if his interest, or that of his spouse or of a business

concern in which he or his spouse has any interest, is likely to be affected in any
way by a decision of the Board to be taken in the proceedings; nor shall he
seek in any manner to influence any decision that might be taken in the pro-
ceedings. Any member knowingly contravening this subsection commits an
offence and is liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding five hun-
dred dollars.

(6) The Board shall hear and determine applications for cer- 3 of 1989.
tificates authorising the issue, the renewal or the transfer of licences, and all 9 of 1992.
matters connected therewith or with forfeiture, cancellation or suspension of
licences, in relation to premises situate in its own judicial district or area.

(7) The Board may grant a certificate subject to conditions it may

deem fit which it shall endorse on the certificate and which shall be endorsed on
the licence by the authority issuing it.

(8) The Board shall not issue a certificate authorising the issue of a
licence, nor permit the transfer of a licence, in contravention of any Order made
under section 10.

(9) The Board may at any time on good cause being shown, or, on
an infringement of any provision of this Act or of rules made thereunder or of
any condition imposed under subsection (7) being shown, or on any of the
grounds in section 20 being proved, cancel or suspend a licence, or impose
conditions in respect thereof, after the licensee has had an opportunity to ex-
plain to the Board the matter raised against him.

13.-(1) There shall be established for Belmopan a separate Licensing Board, Licensing Board
consisting of five persons appointed annually by the Minister by Order pub- for Belmopan.
lished in the Gazette: 9 of 1992.

Provided that of the five members, one shall be the Mayor or a mem-
ber of the Belmopan City Council, who shall be an ex officio member.

[ No. 1 Power Lane,

Belmopan, by the authority of
the Government of Belize.
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20 CAP. 150] Intoxicating Liquor Licensing

(2) The provisions of subsections (2) to (9) of section 12 shall apply

to the Board established under this section.

49 of 1999. (3) The Licensing Board for Belmopan established under this
section shall have jurisdiction over the City of Belmopan and the surrounding
areas starting at mile 32 on the Western Highway, to the Villages of Ontario on
the Western Highway (including the Villages of Cotton Tree, St. Matthews,
Valley of Peace, Roaring Creek, Camalote, Salvapan and Las Flores), and
from the junction of the Western and Hummingbird Highways to the Village of
St. Margarets on the Hummingbird Highway.

49 of 1999. (4) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act or any other

law, the Licensing Board for the Cayo Judicial District shall have no jurisdic-
tion over the City of Belmopan and the other areas specified in subsection (3)
above over which the Licensing Board for Belmopan has been given jurisdic-
tion under the said subsection, and the functions and powers entrusted to a
Licensing Board under this Act shall, in respect of the said areas, be exercised
by the Licensing Board for Belmopan established under this section.

Licensing Boards 14.-(1) There shall be established a separate Licensing Board for each of the
for San Pedro and towns of San Pedro and Benque Viejo del Carmen.
Benque Viejo del
2 of 1995. (2) A Licensing Board established for any of the towns mentioned
in subsection (1) above shall consist of five persons appointed annually by the
Minister by Order published in the Gazette:

Provided that of the five persons, one shall be the Mayor or member
of the Council of the town in question and such person shall be an ex officio

(3) The provisions of subsection (2) to (9) of section 12 of this

Act shall apply mutatis mutandis to any Board established under this


[ No. 1 Power Lane,

Belmopan, by the authority of
the Government of Belize.
Printed by the Government Printer,
Intoxicating Liquor Licensing [CAP. 150 21

(4) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act, the Licensing

Boards for the Belize judicial district and the Cayo judicial district shall have no
jurisdiction in the towns of San Pedro and Benque Viejo del Carmen; and the
functions and powers entrusted to a Board under this Act shall, in respect of
San Pedro and Benque Viejo del Carmen, be respectively exercised by the
Board established for such town under this section.

15. There shall be and is hereby established a separate Licensing Board for Licensing Board
the Village of Caye Caulker. for the Village of
Caye Caulker.

(2) The Licensing Board established under subsection (1) above

shall consist of five persons appointed annually by the Minister by Order pub-
lished in the Gazette.

Provided that of the five persons, one shall be the Chairperson of the
Village Council and shall be an ex officio member of the Licensing Board.

(3) The provisions of subsections (2) to (9) of section 12 of this

Act shall apply mutatis mutandis to the Licensing Board established under
this section.

(4) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act, the Licensing

Board for the Belize Judicial District shall have no jurisdiction in the Village of
Caye Caulker; and the functions and powers entrusted to a Licensing Board
under this Act shall, in respect of the Village of Caye Caulker, be exercised by
the Licensing Board established under this section.

16. The Board shall appoint a suitable person to act as clerk to the Board Clerk to the
to carry out the directions of the Board. Board.
2 of 1995.
49 of 1999.

17.-(1) The Board shall on the second Mondays in the months of January, Board Meetings.
April, July and October in each year and in such other months into which the 3 of 1973.
proceedings may be adjourned hold licensing meetings.

[ No. 1 Power Lane,

Belmopan, by the authority of
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22 CAP. 150] Intoxicating Liquor Licensing

(2) A meeting may be adjourned at the instance of an applicant or

person concerned in the proceedings upon such terms as to costs or other-
wise as the Board may think proper.

49 of 1999. (3) The Board shall hold its meetings in the inferior court house in
the district or area, or at such other place or places as the Board may deter-
mine from time to time.

3 of 1989. (4) If any person pays a fee of one hundred dollars to the clerk of
a Licensing Board and requests him in writing to summon a special licensing
meeting, that clerk shall summon a special meeting of the Licensing Board for
a day to be fixed by the chairman to meet, as far as is reasonably practicable,
the convenience of the person, and the clerk shall give public notice of the time
and place when and where such meeting will be held.

9 of 1992. (5) At any such special meeting, the Licensing Board may trans-
act any business relating to the application of the person who had re-
quested the special meeting, which it could have transacted at a normal
quarterly licensing meeting, but the Board shall transact no other business at
such special meeting.

Notice of 18.-(1) Every person who desires to obtain a licence other than a special
application. licence shall send to the clerk of the Board of the district or area wherein the
3 of 1973.
premises to be licensed are situate a notice in triplicate in the form or to the
Third Schedule.
9 of 1992. effect of the Third Schedule at least fourteen days before the commencement
of a quarterly session of the Board.
Third Schedule.

(2) An application for a members’ club’s licence shall be accom-

CAP. 312. panied by the certificate of registration of the club issued under the Clubs
(Registration) Act.

(3) The clerk shall send a copy of the application to the Commis-
sioner of Police and all other documents submitted therewith.


[ No. 1 Power Lane,

Belmopan, by the authority of
the Government of Belize.
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Intoxicating Liquor Licensing [CAP. 150 23

(4) Every notice of application shall be accompanied by a document

issued by the appropriate authority certifying that no duty in respect of any
previous licence for the same premises for which a certificate is being ap- plied
for remains unpaid.

(5) The applicant shall affix to the outer side or front of the princi-
pal entrance door of the premises intended to be licensed, and keep there
affixed until the licensing meeting is held, a copy of the notice and shall also
publish in a local newspaper the contents thereof prior to the date of the meet-
ing. He shall submit a copy of such publication to the Board with his applica-

(6) The clerk shall cause a copy of the notice to be posted on

some conspicuous part on the outside of the building in which the meeting will
be held.

19.-(1) The hearing by the Board of any matter under section 12 (6) shall be Hearing by the
open to the public. Board.
3 of 1973.
(2) Every person concerned in or affected by the matter may at-
tend personally or by an agent at the hearing, but the Board may require such
person to attend personally.

(3) The Board shall determine every matter after considering all
representations and objections.

(4) A certificate granted by the Board shall be in the form of the Fourth
Fourth Schedule or to the like effect. Schedule.

20.-(1) The Board may refuse to grant a certificate or permit transfer of a Grounds of
licence on any of the following grounds- refusal.
3 of 1973.

(a) that the applicant is of bad fame or character or of drunken

habits or habitually permitting or suffering breaches of the

[ No. 1 Power Lane,

Belmopan, by the authority of
the Government of Belize.
Printed by the Government Printer,
24 CAP. 150] Intoxicating Liquor Licensing

provisions of this Act or the rules or of the conditions

endorsed on the licence or habitually permitting or suffering
any nuisance or unsanitary conditions being created by
persons to whom liquor is sold on his premises;

(b) that the premises do not satisfy the requirements of this Act
or of the rules, and, if the premises are not subject to such
requirements, that they are not suitable or do not contain
proper accommodation, facilities and conveniences;

(c) that the premises are in the vicinity of place of public

worship, school, hospital;

(d) that there are already a sufficient number of licensed

premises within the boundaries of the district, town or area
or in the part whereof or of the neighbourhood in which
the licence for any premises is sought;

(e) that there is frequent drunkenness on the premises or that

persons are frequently seen leaving the premises in a state of
drunkenness or that persons in the premises frequently be
have in a disorderly manner;

(f) that the premises are likely to become a nuisance to the


(g) that the particulars in the application or relative documents

are inaccurate or incomplete.

(2) The Board may refuse to grant a certificate to a club or permit

transfer of a licence to it on any ground set out in subsection (1), and in addi-
tion on any of the following grounds-

(a) that any member of the committee of management does not


[ No. 1 Power Lane,

Belmopan, by the authority of
the Government of Belize.
Printed by the Government Printer,
Intoxicating Liquor Licensing [CAP. 150 25

bear a good character;

(b) that the club has in fact and in practice ceased to exist as a
club, although its printed rules appear to be in order;

(c) that it is not conducted in good faith as a club, or that it is kept

or used for sale of liquor without discrimination as regards
the persons to whom the liquor is sold or for some improper

(d) that persons who are not members are habitually admitted
into the clubs for the purpose of obtaining liquor;

(e) that persons are habitually admitted as members without an

interval of at least fourteen days between the nomination and
the admission;

(f) that the sale of liquor is not under the control of the members
or the committee of the club;

(g) that a person has been denied admission into the club as a
member or a guest on the grounds of colour, race, creed,
ethnicity, sex or nationality;

(h) that the rules of the clubs are habitually broken;

(i) that the evidence given as to the objects of the club or its
system of management, or as to the character of the club’s
premises is unsatisfactory;

(j) that the club is unregistered under the Clubs (Registration) CAP. 312.

(3) Any person shall be at liberty to oppose the grant of a certifi-


[ No. 1 Power Lane,

Belmopan, by the authority of
the Government of Belize.
Printed by the Government Printer,
26 CAP. 150] Intoxicating Liquor Licensing

cate or transfer of a licence on any of the grounds set out in this section if and
only if-

(a) he has given written notice to the Board and to the

applicant of his intention to oppose the grant, and has stated
in such notice in general terms, the grounds of opposition
and the facts in support thereof; and

(b) such notice has been given to the Board and to the applicant
not less than ten days before the day fixed for the hearing of
the application.

Special and vessel 21.-(1) A certificate for the issue of a special licence may be granted by the
licences. chairman in his discretion, subject however to the provisions of this Act.
3 of 1973.

(2) A certificate for a licence for a vessel shall be granted by the

Board for the district of Belize.

Transfer of licence 22.-(1) Any licence holder desiring to remove his business from the premises
to other premises. described in his licence to another building within the same district shall first
3 of 1973.
give the Board a notice of application in the form of the Sixth Schedule or to
Sixth Schedule.
the like effect.

(2) The provisions of this Act relating to notices, the hearing of

applications for certificates for licences and objections thereto, shall apply to
applications for transfer under this section.

(3) Approval of transfer applied for, if given, shall be endorsed

Seventh Schedule. upon the licence in the form of the Seventh Schedule or in the like form and
shall be subject to whatever conditions imposed and endorsed on the licence.

(4) A fee of ten dollars shall be paid for transfer approved under
this section before the approval is endorsed on the licence.


[ No. 1 Power Lane,

Belmopan, by the authority of
the Government of Belize.
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Intoxicating Liquor Licensing [CAP. 150 27

23.-(1) The chairman of a Board may, on an application in writing signed by Transfer of

the proposed transferor and the transferee, transfer any licence to the appoin- licence to
tee of the licensee, if approved by him, by the endorsement upon the licence in another person.
3 of 1973.
the form of the Fifth Schedule.
Fifth Schedule.

(2) Upon such transfer, the appointee shall, until the next quarterly
licensing meeting, possess all the rights of the original licence holder and shall
be subject and liable to the same duties, obligations and penalties as if the
licence had been originally issued to him.

(3) The person whose licence is so transferred shall cease to be

licensed under this Act:

Provided that if such appointee shall, at the next licensing meeting, ob-
tain a confirmation of such transfer by an endorsement to that effect on the
licence signed by the chairman of the Board, he shall, until the 31st January
after the date on which the original licence was issued, possess all the rights of
the original licence holder and shall be subject and liable to the same duties,
obligations and penalties, as if the licence had been originally issued to him.

(4) The provisions of this Act relating to notices, the hearing of

applications for licences and objections thereto, shall apply to the proceedings
in respect of confirmation of transfers.

(5) No transfer shall be made before the expiration of three

months after the issue of any licence.

(6) A fee of ten dollars shall be paid upon each transfer of a licence.

24. Every transfer of a licence whether as regards the holder or the pre- Entry in register
mises and every forfeiture, cancellation or suspension of a licence, shall be of transfer, can-
entered in the register of licences within fourteen days. cellation, etc.
3 of 1973.


[ No. 1 Power Lane,

Belmopan, by the authority of
the Government of Belize.
Printed by the Government Printer,
28 CAP. 150] Intoxicating Liquor Licensing

Death of licence 25. Upon the death of a licence holder, his legal personal representative
holder. may continue to carry on the business for the unexpired period of the licence,
3 of 1973.
either personally or by an agent expressly authorised in writing for that pur-
pose by the chairman, and the personal representative or his agent shall as to
all rights and obligations be regarded as the original licence holder.

Regulations. 26. The Minister may from time to time by an Order published in the
3 of 1973. Gazette make regulations for generally carrying this Act into operation, and in
particular such regulations may-

(a) prescribe requirements with regard to the nature, character,

and suitability of the premises which may be licensed and
accommodations, facilities and conveniences which should
be available therein;

(b) vary or delete the forms of the Schedule hereto or add a

new form.


Duties and Liabilities of Licence Holders and Others

Hours of closing 27.-(1) All licensed premises in which liquor is sold under a publican’s gen-
licensed premises.
eral licence shall be closed-
8 of 1963.

(a) on Christmas Day and Good Friday;

(b) on Saturdays between the hours of eleven o’clock in the

night and seven o’clock in the morning of the following

(c) on all other days, between the hours of ten o’clock in the
night and seven o’clock in the morning of the following day,


[ No. 1 Power Lane,

Belmopan, by the authority of
the Government of Belize.
Printed by the Government Printer,
Intoxicating Liquor Licensing [CAP. 150 29

and no liquor shall be sold or delivered from those premises at any time during
the period when they are required to be closed by this section.

(2) All licensed premises in which liquor is sold under a malt liquor
and cider licence shall be closed-

(a) on Christmas Day and Good Friday;

(b) on Saturdays between the hours of eleven o’clock in the night

and ten o’clock in the morning of the following Sunday;

(c) on Sundays between the hours of two o’clock in the after-

noon and seven o’clock in the morning of the following Mon

(d) on all other days between the hours of eleven o’clock in the
night and seven o’clock in the morning of the following day,

and no liquor shall be sold or delivered on the premises at any time during the
period when they are required to be closed by this section.

(3) Any person who during the times at which any licensed pre-
mises are required by this section to be closed-

(a) sells or exposes for sale in such premises any liquor; or

(b) opens or keeps open such premises for the sale of liquor; or

(c) allows any liquor, although purchased before the hours of

closing, to be consumed on such premises,

is guilty of an offence and is liable for a first offence to a fine not exceeding fifty
dollars, and for any subsequent offence to a fine not exceeding one hundred

[ No. 1 Power Lane,

Belmopan, by the authority of
the Government of Belize.
Printed by the Government Printer,
30 CAP. 150] Intoxicating Liquor Licensing

(4) All premises in which liquor is sold under an hotel licence shall be
closed daily between midnight of the one day and seven o’clock in the fore-
noon on the next day:

3 of 1989. Provided that during the visit of any tourist ship to Belize or on the
9 of 1992. occasion of any dance, ball, or other entertainment at an hotel, the chairman of
the Licensing Board of any judicial district or area may authorise in writing the
holder of an hotel licence to supply liquor to the tourists or the guests at such
dance, ball or entertainment during such hours as may be specified in the au-
thority, and upon obtaining such authority it shall be lawful for the licence holder
to keep his premises open for such time beyond the commencement of the
closing period as may be specified in the authority.

Prohibition of 28.-(1) Any person who uses or allows to be used any existing internal com-
communication munication or makes or allows to be made any internal communication be-
between licensed tween any part of a building in respect of which a publican’s general licence
premises and other
has been granted under this Act and any other part of such building used as a
premises. store, shop, or business premises, commits an offence and is liable to a fine
not exceeding fifty dollars and to a further fine not exceeding twenty-five dol-
lars for every day during which such communication remains open after an
order from the chairman of the Board to close it has been served on a licence
holder either personally or by leaving the notice on the licensed premises.

(2) Every conviction for an offence under this section shall be

endorsed on the licence of the person convicted.

Power to name 29.-(1) The Minister may by Order published in the Gazette-
hours, days, in
which sale of
liquor prohibited. (a) prescribe hours during which, or days on which, it shall be
unlawful to sell liquor in any area, locality, district or part of
a district, specified in the Order;

(b) prescribe hours during which, or days on which, all licensed

premises or licensed premises in respect of which licences

[ No. 1 Power Lane,

Belmopan, by the authority of
the Government of Belize.
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Intoxicating Liquor Licensing [CAP. 150 31

of the kind indicated in the Order are held shall be closed in

any area, locality, district or part of a district, specified in the

(c) prohibit consumption of liquor on the highways or in public

space in any area, locality, district or part of a district, speci-
fied in the Order.

(2) Any person contravening the provisions of such Order com-

mits an offence and is liable to a fine not exceeding fifty dollars, and if he is the
licence holder, to a fine of one hundred dollars.

(3) Notwithstanding the existence of an Order made under this

section, sale and consumption of liquor in accordance with the conditions of a
special licence shall be lawful.

(4) Every person who holds a licence for the retail of any liquor to
which an Order under this section applies shall at all times keep a copy of the
Order both in the English and the Spanish languages conspicuously posted so
as to be easily read by customers, and, if he fails or neglects to do so, he
commits an offence and is liable to a fine not exceeding fifty dollars.

30.-(1) Any person who, not being- Penalties where

a person is
found on
(a) one of the family or a servant of the licence holder; or
premises when
(b) a bona fide guest occupying a room on such premises; or they are
required to be
(c) a bona fide traveller; or closed.

(d) a person whose presence on the licensed premises is not in

contravention of any of the provisions of this Act,

is found on any licensed premises at any time during the period when such

[ No. 1 Power Lane,

Belmopan, by the authority of
the Government of Belize.
Printed by the Government Printer,
32 CAP. 150] Intoxicating Liquor Licensing

licensed premises are required to be closed commits an offence and is liable to

a fine not exceeding ten dollars.

(2) Any police officer may demand the name and address of any
person found on any licensed premises at any time during the period when
such premises are required by this Act to be closed and, if he has reasonable
ground to suppose that the name or address given is false, may require evi-
dence of the correctness of the name and address, and he may, if such person
fails upon demand to give his name and address or such evidence, apprehend
him without warrant and carry him as soon as practicable before a summary
jurisdiction court.

(3) Every such person who, on being required by a police officer

under this section to give his name and address, fails to give the same, or gives
a false name or address, or gives false evidence with respect to such name and
address, commits an offence and shall be liable to a fine not exceeding twenty-
five dollars.

(4) Every person who by falsely representing himself to be a trav-

eller or a lodger buys or obtains, or attempts to buy or obtain, at any licensed
premises any liquor at any time during the period when the premises are re-
quired to be closed by this Act commits an offence and shall be liable to a fine
not exceeding twenty-five dollars.

Proof of illegal 31. In proving the sale or consumption of liquor for the purpose of any
sale or consump- proceeding relative to any offence under this Act, it shall not be necessary to
tion of liquor. show that any money actually passed, or that any liquor was actually con-
sumed, if the court hearing the case is satisfied that a transaction in the nature
of a sale actually took place, or that any consumption of liquor was about to
take place, and proof of consumption or intended consumption of liquor on
licensed premises by some person other than the occupier or a servant in such
premises shall be evidence that such liquor was sold to the person consuming
or about to consume or carrying away the same, by or on behalf of the licence

[ No. 1 Power Lane,

Belmopan, by the authority of
the Government of Belize.
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Intoxicating Liquor Licensing [CAP. 150 33

32. Any police officer or any officer of customs, when and so often as he Power of entry
thinks fit, may enter any licensed premises and upon any premises belonging on licensed
thereto or used therewith for the purpose of ascertaining whether the provi- premises.
sions of this Act have been or are being violated.

33. The Commissioner of Police, or a senior police officer for above the Power to search
rank of Assistant Inspector, the Comptroller of Customs or a person authorised for liquor.
by any of them in writing for every particular case, may enter any store, shop or
business premises whatever and search for any liquor.

34.-(1) Any person who- Penalty for

entry and search
(a) refuses or wilfully delays the admission of any officer
of premises.
authorised by this Act or any person having authority in
writing under this Act and exhibiting his authority to any
premises authorised by this Act to be so entered as afore
said; or

(b) in any way obstructs, molests, opposes, hinders or impedes

any such officer or person while entering such premises, or
after having entered any such premises, from searching or
otherwise ascertaining whether any breach of the provisions
of this Act has been or is being committed; or

(c) removes, throws away or destroys, or causes to be removed,

thrown away or destroyed, any liquor in order to prevent any
search for or seizure of it,

commits an offence and is liable to a fine not exceeding two hundred and fifty

(2) If such admittance be refused or delayed, whether wilfully or

not, it shall be lawful for any such officer or person to break into or employ
force to enter such premises.

[ No. 1 Power Lane,

Belmopan, by the authority of
the Government of Belize.
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34 CAP. 150] Intoxicating Liquor Licensing

Penalty where 35.-(1) The occupier of any store, shop or business premises whatever, other
liquor is found on than licensed premises, in which is found any liquor, and the occupier of any
premises in respect of which a malt liquor and cider licence has been issued
premises. under this Act in which is found any liquor other than that authorised to be sold
under such licence commits an offence and is liable to a fine not exceeding two
hundred and fifty dollars or in default of payment to imprisonment for any
period not exceeding six months.

(2) All liquor whatever so found and the packages containing it

shall be seized by the officer or person making the search and shall be re-
moved to some convenient and safe place of custody and there be detained
until adjudication of complaint for the penalty to be brought against such occu-
pier as hereinafter provided.

(3) If such complaint is decided against the defendant, the liquor

and packages so detained shall ipso facto and without any condemnation
whatever be forfeited, and if such complaint is decided in favour of the defen-
dant, the liquor and packages shall be restored to him.

(4) For the purpose of this section, any member of a firm occupying
a shop, store or other business premises may be proceeded against as the

Liability of 36.-(1) No person shall expose or offer for sale, or sell, barter, exchange or
occupier for sale otherwise dispose of any liquor-
of liquor on
premises. (a) unless he holds a licence under this Act authorising him to
sell that liquor; or

(b) at any place, other than that at which the licence authorises
him to sell liquor.

(2) Any person who acts in contravention of this section commits

an offence and is liable in respect of each offence to a fine not exceeding, in the

[ No. 1 Power Lane,

Belmopan, by the authority of
the Government of Belize.
Printed by the Government Printer,
Intoxicating Liquor Licensing [CAP. 150 35

case of the first offence, one hundred and fifty dollars or to imprisonment for a
term not exceeding three months, and in the case of any subsequent offence, to
a fine not exceeding two hundred and fifty dollars or to imprisonment for a term
not exceeding six months.

(3) On the conviction of any person for an offence under this sec-
tion, the court may, if it thinks it expedient to do so, declare all liquor found in
the possession of the person convicted and the vessels containing it to be for-
feited to the Crown.

(4) The occupier of any premises on which any intoxicating liquor

is sold in contravention of this section or, if the premises are occupied by more
than one person, every occupier thereof shall, if it is proved that he was privy or
consented to the sale, be subject to the penalties imposed upon persons under
this Act for the sale of liquor without a licence.

37.-(1) If any person purchases any liquor from a licence holder under this Act Penalty on
whose licence does not authorise the sale of that liquor for consumption on the licence holder
for permitting
premises, and consumes the liquor on the premises where it is sold, or on any
consumption of
premises adjoining or near to those premises, if belonging to the seller of the liquor on
liquor or under his control or used by his permission, or on any highway adjoin- premises
ing or near any such premises, and it appears to the magistrate that the con- unlawfully or
sumption was with the privity or consent of the licence holder who sold the carrying liquor
off licensed
liquor, the licence holder commits an offence and is liable in respect of each
premises for
offence to a fine not exceeding in the case of the first offence, fifty dollars, and sale.
in the case of any subsequent offence, one hundred dollars.

(2) If the licence holder whose licence does not authorise the sale
of liquor to be consumed on his premises himself takes or carries, or employs
or suffers any other person to take or carry, any liquor out of or from his pre-
mises for the purpose of being sold on his account, or for his benefit or profit,
and of being consumed in any place whatever (whether enclosed or not and
whether or not a public thoroughfare) with intent to evade the conditions of the
licence, he commits an offence and is liable in respect of each offence to a fine

[ No. 1 Power Lane,

Belmopan, by the authority of
the Government of Belize.
Printed by the Government Printer,
36 CAP. 150] Intoxicating Liquor Licensing

not exceeding in the case of the first offence, fifty dollars, and in the case of
any subsequent offence, one hundred dollars.

(3) If the place is any house, tent, shed or other building of any
kind whatever belonging to the holder of the licence or hired, used or occu-
pied by him, the holder of the licence shall be deemed, unless the contrary is
proved, to have intended to evade the conditions of the licence.

Arrest of offend- 38. Any person who is found selling or offering or exposing for sale any
ers. liquor, except in accordance with the provisions of this Act, may be arrested
by any police officer and detained until such person can be brought before a
magistrate and dealt with according to law, and any liquor so sold or offered
or exposed for sale, with the packages containing it, shall be seized and for-

Remedy barred in 39. No person, however licensed, shall maintain any action for or recover
case of sale of less any debt on account of any liquor sold or delivered in any quantity less than
than a quart of li-
one reputed quart and delivered or taken away all at one time:

Provided that nothing contained in this section shall prevent any holder
of an hotel licence or a special hotel licence or a vessel licence from keeping
an account with bona fide lodgers, passengers and travellers, in which any
charge for liquor may be included and lawfully recovered as part of the amount

Expulsion of 40.-(1) Any licence holder may refuse to admit to and may turn out of his
drunken persons. premises any person who is drunken, violent, quarrelsome or disorderly, and
any person whose presence on his premises would subject him to a penalty
under this Act, and every such person who, upon being requested in pursu-
ance of this section by such licence holder or his agent or servant to quit such
premises, refuses or fails to do so commits an offence and is liable to a fine not
exceeding twenty-five dollars.

(2) All police officers are required, on the demand of such li-

[ No. 1 Power Lane,

Belmopan, by the authority of
the Government of Belize.
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Intoxicating Liquor Licensing [CAP. 150 37

censed person, agent or servant to expel or assist in expelling every such per-
son from such premises, and may use such force as may be necessary for that

41.-(1) No licence holder shall permit drunkenness, or any violent, quarrel- Provisions to
some or riotous conduct to take place on his premises, or sell any intoxicating prevent drunken-
ness or disorder
liquor to a drunken person.
on licensed
(2) Any licence holder who acts in contravention of this section
commits an offence and is liable in respect of each offence to a fine not exceed-
ing in the case of the first offence, fifty dollars, and in the case of any subsequent
offence, one hundred dollars.

(3) Every conviction for an offence under this section shall be en-
dorsed on the licence of the person convicted, unless the magistrate otherwise

(4) If the licence holder is charged with permitting drunkenness on

his premises in contravention of this section, and it is proved that any person
was drunk on his premises, it shall lie on the licence holder to prove that he and
the persons employed by him took all reasonable steps to prevent drunkenness
on the premises.

42. If any licence holder knowingly permits his premises to be the habitual Reputed thieves
resort of or place of meeting of reputed thieves or of reputed prostitutes, whether and prostitutes.
the object of the meeting or resorting of such prostitutes is or is not prostitution,
he is, if he allows them to remain longer thereon than is necessary for the pur-
pose of obtaining reasonable refreshment, guilty of an offence and is liable to a
fine not exceeding for the first offence fifty dollars, and any conviction for an
offence under this section shall, unless the magistrate otherwise directs, be re-
corded on the licence of the person convicted.

43. If any licence holder suffers any gaming or unlawful games to be car- Gaming.
ried on in his premises, he commits an offence and is liable to a fine not exceed-

[ No. 1 Power Lane,

Belmopan, by the authority of
the Government of Belize.
Printed by the Government Printer,
38 CAP. 150] Intoxicating Liquor Licensing

ing fifty dollars for the first offence, and not exceeding one hundred dollars for
any subsequent offence.

Prohibition of 44.-(1) No licence holder shall sell or deliver or allow any person to sell or
sale of liquor to deliver any description of liquor as defined in section 2 to any person under
person under
eighteen years.
the age of eighteen years.
3 of 1989.
(2) No person shall send any person under the age of eighteen
years to any licensed premises or place where liquor is sold, delivered or
distributed for the purpose of purchasing, obtaining or taking delivery of any

(3) No licence holder shall employ a member of his family or his

servant or apprentice below the age of eighteen years, as a messenger to sell
or deliver liquor.

(4) Any person who acts in contravention of this section commits

an offence and is liable in respect of each offence to a fine not exceeding five
hundred dollars or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months.

(5) It is hereby declared that an offence under this section shall be

an offence of strict liability and in any prosecution for such offence-

(a) it shall not be necessary for the prosecution to prove that the
accused person had knowledge that the person in respect
of whom the offence was committed was under the age of
18 years; and

(b) it shall not be a defence for the accused person to prove that
he had no such knowledge.

Police officers on 45. Any licence holder who-

(a) suffers any police officer to remain on his premises during

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Intoxicating Liquor Licensing [CAP. 150 39

any part of the time appointed for such police officer to be

on duty elsewhere, unless for the purpose of keeping or
restoring order, or in execution of his duty; or

(b) supplies any liquor or refreshment, whether by way of gift

or sale, to any police officer on duty;

(c) bribes or attempts to bribe any police officer,

commits an offence and is liable to a fine not exceeding fifty dollars for the first
offence and not exceeding one hundred dollars for any subsequent offence.

(2) Every conviction for an offence under this section shall,

unless the magistrate otherwise directs, be recorded on the licence of the
person convicted.

46.-(1) Every person who holds a publican’s general licence shall have his Publican’s signs.
name at full length painted in legible letters at least three inches along with the
words “licensed to retail fermented and spirituous liquors”, constantly and per-
manently on a conspicuous part of the outside of his building where it can be
plainly seen and read.

(2) Every person holding a malt liquor and cider licence or shop
liquor licence shall have his name painted as stated in subsection (1) with the
words “licensed to sell in any quantity ale, porter, beer, cider or perry” or
“licensed to sell liquor not to be consumed on the premises”, as the case may
be, constantly and permanently on a conspicuous part of the outside of his
building where the same can be plainly seen and read.

(3) Every such licence holder who fails or neglects to comply with
this section commits an offence and is liable to a fine not exceeding twenty-five


[ No. 1 Power Lane,

Belmopan, by the authority of
the Government of Belize.
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40 CAP. 150] Intoxicating Liquor Licensing
Penalty for false 47. Any person who does not hold a licence and who keeps up any sign,
signs. writing or mark on or near to his building or premises which may imply or give
reasonable cause to believe that such building or premises is or are licensed
for the sale or barter of any liquor as aforesaid, or that such liquor is sold or
served therein, commits an offence and is liable to a fine not exceeding one
hundred dollars.

No action of debt 48. No person shall maintain any action for or recover in any court any
to lie on unlawful debt or demand on account of any liquor sold or disposed of in contravention
sale of liquor.
of this Act, whether it be sold without a licence, or by exceeding the authority
conferred by a licence, or by violating the conditions annexed to any licence
by the express terms thereof, or the provisions of this Act.

Payment for liquor 49. If a licence holder takes or receives from any person whomever, in
sold to be made in payment or in pledge for liquor, or for any entertainment whatever supplied in
money only.
or out of his building or premises, any articles of clothing or slops, or any tool
or other article or thing except metallic or paper money, he commits an offence
and is liable to a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars, without prejudice to
any punishment arising out of any other law now or hereafter in force in Belize.

Forfeiture of 50. Every licence holder who is convicted of any offence under this Act
licence. may, on a second conviction within two years after a first conviction, be ad-
judged, in addition to any fine or penalty imposed by this Act, to forfeit his
licence, and immediately on such adjudication the defendant shall deliver the
licence theretofore held by him to the magistrate and on his failing to do so, he
shall be liable to a fine of fifty dollars for every day that he fails to deliver the
licence to the magistrate.

Publication in 51. Whenever any licence is forfeited under this Act, the Board or the
Gazette of magistrate shall cause the forfeiture thereof to be notified in the Gazette and,
forfeited licences. subject to anything to the contrary in this Act, no person whose licence is
forfeited or who has been twice convicted under this Act shall be capable of
holding a licence under this Act for the space of three years from the date of
such forfeiture or second conviction as aforesaid.

[ No. 1 Power Lane,

Belmopan, by the authority of
the Government of Belize.
Printed by the Government Printer,
Intoxicating Liquor Licensing [CAP. 150 41

52. If any licence holder- Forfeiture of

licence on
(a) is convicted of felony, perjury or other infamous offence; or conviction for
felony, etc.

(b) holding a publican’s general licence or a malt liquor and cider

licence, or a hotel licence, permits any person to manage,
superintend or conduct the business of such premises during
his absence for a longer period than twenty-eight days in any
one year without the previous consent in writing of the
chairman of the Board or, whether present in such premise
or not, permits any unlicensed person to be in effect the keeper
thereof or allows such premises to become ruinous or dilapi-

the court of summary jurisdiction in the district in which the licensed premises
are situate, upon complaint thereof and proof of the facts aforesaid, shall, by an
order in the form of the Eighth Schedule, declare such licence to be forfeited, Eighth Schedule.
and it shall thereupon be void:

Provided that if the complaint has been made on the ground that the li-
censed premises have become ruinous and dilapidated, and that condition was
caused by fire, tempest or other cause beyond the control of the licence holder,
the licence shall not be forfeited until a reasonable time has elapsed for the
restoration of the premises.

53.-(1) No licence holder shall permit any body, union, society or assembly of Assembling
persons declared to be illegal, or which requires from persons on or before illegal societies.
admission thereto any illegal oath, test, declaration or affirmation or which ob-
serves on the admission of members or at any other proceeding any religious,
pretended religious or other rite or ceremony not sanctioned by law, or which
wears, carries about or displays on assembling any arms, flags, colours, sym-
bols, decorations or emblems whatever, to meet or assemble on any occasion
or pretence whatever in the building, premises or other places of sale of the
licence holder.

[ No. 1 Power Lane,

Belmopan, by the authority of
the Government of Belize.
Printed by the Government Printer,
42 CAP. 150] Intoxicating Liquor Licensing

(2) The licence holder shall not display or suffer to be displayed

on, from or out of any part of such premises any sign, flag or symbol, declara-
tion or emblem whatever of any such body of society as aforesaid.

(3) If any such licence holder commits a breach of any of the

provisions contained in this section, he commits an offence and is liable to a
fine not exceeding twenty-five dollars, but nothing contained in this section
shall apply to the societies or bodies of men called Freemasons, Foresters,
Ancient Druids, Oddfellows or to any benefit or friendly society.

Unlicensed per- 54. If any licence holder-

sons selling.
(a) employs any unlicensed person to sell or dispose of by retail
any liquor in any building or in any cart, dray, carriage,
vessel or boat, or in any place whatever out of the building
or place in which such licence holder is by his licence
authorised to sell or dispose of it and notwithstanding in
such building or place if otherwise than as the servant or
agent under the immediate superintendence and control of
such licence holder; or

(b) sells, barters or lends to any unlicensed person any such

liquor with the knowledge or upon the understanding that
such liquor is to be sold or bartered by such unlicensed
person contrary to the true intent and meaning of this Act,

he commits an offence and is liable to a fine not exceeding two hundred and
fifty dollars.

Forcible entry on 55.-(1) Upon information on oath being made before any magistrate or Jus-
suspicion. tice of the Peace by any police officer or credible person that he suspects and
believes that any liquor has been sold or retailed by any person who is not a
licence holder in any unlicensed building or other unlicensed place, and that
police officer or other person stating in the said information reasonable ground

[ No. 1 Power Lane,

Belmopan, by the authority of
the Government of Belize.
Printed by the Government Printer,
Intoxicating Liquor Licensing [CAP. 150 43

for such suspicion and belief, the magistrate or Justice of the Peace, as the case
may be, may, in his discretion, grant his warrant to any police officer to enter
and search any such building or other place by day or by night.

(2) Every police officer authorised by a warrant under this section

may break open the doors, if not opened within a reasonable time after de-
mand, and seize all such fermented, spirituous or mixed liquor which he then
and there finds and the vessel or vessels in which it is contained, and he may
detain the same until the owner thereof appears before a magistrate to claim the
liquor and satisfies the magistrate how and for what purpose he became pos-
sessed of it or, after being summoned, fails to appear.

(3) If it appears to the magistrate after due inquiry and examination

that such liquor was in the building or other place for the purpose of being
illegally sold or disposed of by retail, he shall adjudge the said liquor and ves-
sels to be forfeited, and the same shall be sold, and the proceeds thereof after
payment of all expenses be appropriated in like manner as fines are in this Act
directed to be appropriated.

(4) If the magistrate is not satisfied that the said liquor was in the
building or other place for the purpose of being illegally sold or disposed of by
retail, he shall order the liquor and vessel or vessels containing it to be restored
to the owner.

56.-(1) A magistrate or any Justice of the Peace, police officer or other peace Hawking spirits.
officer may seize and take away, or destroy, or cause to be seized, taken away
or destroyed all such fermented, spirituous or mixed liquor as is hawked about
or exposed for sale in any street, road or footpath, or in any booth, tent, stall or
shed, or in any boat or vessel, or in any other place whatever by any person not
licensed to sell it in such place, as well as the vessels containing it.

(2) All vessels and utensils used for drinking or measuring all such
liquor, and any cart, dray or other carriage, horse or other animal employed in
drawing or carrying it, as well as any boat or vessel used in the conveyance of

[ No. 1 Power Lane,

Belmopan, by the authority of
the Government of Belize.
Printed by the Government Printer,
44 CAP. 150] Intoxicating Liquor Licensing

such liquor may be likewise seized, taken away or destroyed.

(3) The magistrate may convict any person who hawks about or
exposes for sale or sells any such liquor as aforesaid and thereupon cause
such liquor, the vessels and utensils containing it, and any cart, dray or other
vehicle, horse or other animal and any boat or vessel used in conveying it, to
be sold, and the proceeds thereof, after deducting the expenses of sale, shall
be appropriated in like manner as fines are in this Act directed to be appropri-

Maltsters selling 57.-(1) In case the holder of any malt liquor and cider licence under this Act
spirits. possesses or has any wines or spirituous liquor whatsoever, or mixed liquor
part of which is spirituous, in or about his building or premises, or in any other
building or premises in which it is proved to the satisfaction of any magistrate
to have been placed for the purpose of being sold or disposed of by or on
behalf of the holder of such licence as aforesaid, or for the purpose of evading
the provisions of this Act in any manner, all such wines, spirituous liquor or
mixed liquor as aforesaid shall be forfeited and with the vessels and utensils
containing it dealt with and disposed of as provided in section 56 in the case of
liquor hawked about or exposed for sale.

(2) If any such liquor is in or about the building or premises for

which a malt liquor and cider licence is granted, it shall be seized by any police
officer authorised as required by this Act, without any warrant, wherever it is
found, and if the said liquor is in or about any other building or premises, a
search warrant shall be issued as hereinbefore directed in section 55 in other
cases of suspected unlicensed buildings.

Liquors adulter- 58. Any person who sells or disposes of or offers for sale any fermented
ated, etc. or spirituous liquor, or any mixed liquor part of which is fermented or spiritu-
ous, which is adulterated or mixed with any deleterious ingredient whatever
commits an offence and is liable to a fine not exceeding two hundred and fifty


[ No. 1 Power Lane,

Belmopan, by the authority of
the Government of Belize.
Printed by the Government Printer,
Intoxicating Liquor Licensing [CAP. 150 45

59. In all proceedings whatever against any person for selling or permitting Non-production
to be sold any fermented or spirituous liquor, or any mixed liquor part of which of licence.
is fermented or spirituous, without a licence or sufficient licence, such person
shall for all purposes connected with those proceedings be deemed and taken
to be unlicensed, unless at the hearing of the case he produces his licence or
then and there produces other satisfactory proof of it and of the description of
the licence held by him.

60. Every licence holder shall, on the demand of any magistrate before Production of
whom any information is being heard, produce and deliver up his licence, and if licence on
he wilfully refuses or neglects to do so, he commits an offence and is liable to a
fine not exceeding two hundred and fifty dollars.

61. Every licence holder shall cause his licence to be prominently exhibited Public exhibition
in some conspicuous part of the building wherein or whereat such licence is of licence on
exercised, and on his failure to do so, he commits an offence and is liable to a premises.
fine not exceeding fifty dollars.

62. Every master or other person who employs journeymen, workmen, Paying wages in
servants or labourers, and who pays or causes any payment of wages to be liquor shops
made to any such journeyman, workman, servant or labourer in or at any build- illegal.
ing in which any liquor as aforesaid is sold by retail, unless such master or other
person has himself a licence under this Act for such building, commits an of-
fence and is liable to a fine not exceeding twenty-five dollars.

63.-(1) No licence holder shall knowingly employ nor allow any person to Prohibition of
employ anyone under the age of eighteen years to sell or assist in the sale of employment of
young persons
liquor on any licensed premises. to sell liquor.

(2) Any person who acts in contravention of this section commits an of-
fence and is liable in respect of each offence to a fine not exceeding fifty dollars.

64. If any police officer or any other peace officer refuses or knowingly Police and
peace officers
neglects to execute any part of the duty imposed upon police officers or peace
neglecting duty.

[ No. 1 Power Lane,

Belmopan, by the authority of
the Government of Belize.
Printed by the Government Printer,
46 CAP. 150] Intoxicating Liquor Licensing

officers by this Act, or to make an immediate report to the magistrate of the

district or other Justice of the Peace, or other superior officer to whom he may
in the usual course of his duty be required to make such report, after he has
received information or has otherwise obtained a knowledge of any proceed-
ings in violation of any of the provisions of this Act, such police officer or other
peace officer shall be liable to a fine not exceeding fifty dollars, or to be im-
prisoned for any term not exceeding three months.

Licensed pre- 65. Every licensed premises shall, during the period when it is authorised
mises a public by this Act to be open, be deemed to be a public place within the meaning of
the Summary Jurisdiction (Offences) Act.
CAP. 98.


Procedure and Application of Penalties, etc.

Fines, etc., 66. All fines, penalties and forfeitures imposed by this Act shall be recov-
summarily ered on summary conviction.
Appeal. 67.-(1) Any person who is aggrieved by a decision of the magistrate may
3 of 1973. appeal to the Supreme Court and the provisions of Part X of the Supreme
3 of 1989.
Court of Judicature Act shall apply to any such appeal.
CAP. 91.

(2) Any person who is aggrieved by a decision of the Board may appeal
to the Minister for review, and the decision of the Minister shall be final.

Rewards to 68. The Minister may in all cases where fines, penalties and forfeitures
informers. have been recovered upon information direct that there be paid to the in-
40 of 1963. former, out of the moneys so recovered, such a reward or rewards as to the
Minister may in each case seem fit.


[ No. 1 Power Lane,

Belmopan, by the authority of
the Government of Belize.
Printed by the Government Printer,
Intoxicating Liquor Licensing [CAP. 150 47


Exemption of Certain Persons from the Provisions of this Act

69.-(1) Nothing in this Act shall apply to any person selling any spirituous or Saving.
distilled perfume bona fide as perfumery, or to any apothecary, chemist or 40 of 1963.
druggist who may administer or sell any spirituous or fermented liquors for
medicinal purposes, or to any military canteen established under the regulations
of Her Majesty’s Service, or to any canteen established with the approval of
the Minister for the use of the Belize Defence Force or any other local military
force or the police department, or to any person or persons occupying pre- 42 of 1999.
mises bona fide as a club.

(2) Notwithstanding anything in this Act contained, the Minister may

authorise the Financial Secretary to issue to a caterer a licence for the sale by
retail of liquor at the terminal building at Belize International Airport, subject to
such conditions and restrictions as the Minister may prescribe.


[ Section 3 (2) ] 3 of 1989.



No. of Licence ( )

(* ) Licence (*) Here insert

kind of licence.
This is to licence A.B. of to sell (1 ) on the premises (1) Here insert
situate at what liquors.
being (2 ) from(3 ) till the 31st January, 20 , in (2) Describe
accordance with the provisions and on the conditions set forth in the
(3) Insert date.
CAP. 150.

[ No. 1 Power Lane,

Belmopan, by the authority of
the Government of Belize.
Printed by the Government Printer,
48 CAP. 150] Intoxicating Liquor Licensing

Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Act, applicable to a (* )

Licence and for which he has paid $

DATED this day of , 20 .

Local Authority or Magistrate.



[Section 3 (2)]


3 of 1989. BELIZE.

CAP. 150. By virtue of the authority conferred upon me by the Intoxicating Liquor
Licensing Act, I hereby grant to A.B. authority to sell/supply the liquors speci-
fied below at (insert the description of the place, occasion) on the day of
between the hours of

On condition that (here add any condition which the chairman of the
Board may have imposed).

(Here insert types of liquor).

DATED at this day of

20 .
Local Authority or Magistrate.


[ Printed by the Government Printer,

No. 1 Power Lane,
Belmopan, by the authority of
the Government of Belize.
Intoxicating Liquor Licensing [CAP. 150 49


[ Sections 11 (1) and 18 (1) ]


TO the Licensing Board in and for the

Judicial District [area]* of Belize 3 of 1973.

3 of 1989.

I, A.B., (state the trade or occupation) now residing at in

* Delete the
the town (or district) (or area)* of do inapplicable.
hereby give notice that it is my intention to apply at the next licensing meeting
to be holden for this district/town/area* for a certificate for the issue of a
licence for the sale of in the building and appurtenances
thereunto belonging, situated at

(here describe the building proposed to be

licensed, specify the situation of it, whether now licensed, and, if so,
under what sign).

I have held a licence (if before licensed, state how many years, and what
kind of licence).

GIVEN under my hand this day of , 20 .




[ No. 1 Power Lane,

Belmopan, by the authority of
the Government of Belize.
Printed by the Government Printer,
50 CAP. 150] Intoxicating Liquor Licensing

[ Section 19 (4) ]




At the quarterly licensing meeting (or an adjournment of the quarterly

licensing meeting) of the Licensing Board acting in and for the
town/area/district of Belize, holden at
on the day of ,
20 ,
pursuant to for the purpose of considering applications
CAP. 150. made to the Board under the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Act, the Board
doth by virtue of the power vested in it hereby authorise the issue to A.B., of
the licence in the said Act, called for (here state the building,
sign, district, shop, room, vessel or other particulars, according to the
description of licence and nature of the case) for the (year) ending the
thirty-first day of January next (or from the day of to
the 31 January, 20 ); and the Board doth hereby certify that it is satisfied
that the said A.B., is a person of good fame and reputation, and fit and proper
to be licensed as aforesaid.

GIVEN under our hands the day of , 20 ,

at the place aforesaid.


[ No. 1 Power Lane,

Belmopan, by the authority of
the Government of Belize.
Printed by the Government Printer,
Intoxicating Liquor Licensing [CAP. 150 51


[ Section 23 (1) ]



By virtue of the authority conferred upon me by the Intoxicating Liquor CAP. 150.
Licensing Act, I do hereby transfer the rights and privileges given to A.B. under
this licence (No. ) to C.D., until the next quarterly licensing meeting for
this district/town/area*
* Delete the
DATED at this day of , 20 . inapplicable.

Chairman of the Board.


[ No. 1 Power Lane,

Belmopan, by the authority of
the Government of Belize.
Printed by the Government Printer,
52 CAP. 150] Intoxicating Liquor Licensing


[ Section 22 (1) ]


TO the Clerk of the Licensing Board of
I, A.B., the holder of a (state the nature of the licence) licence for the
building and premises known as (or the rooms, as the case may be) situ-
ated at , do hereby give notice that it is my
intention to apply at the next licensing meeting to be holden at
, on 20 , to remove the
licence to (describe the premises to which it is proposed to remove the

GIVEN under my hand this day of , 20



[ No. 1 Power Lane,

Belmopan, by the authority of
the Government of Belize.
Printed by the Government Printer,
Intoxicating Liquor Licensing [CAP. 150 53


[ Section 22 (3) ]




By virtue of the authority conferred by the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing Act, CAP. 150.
we do hereby declare that this licence shall henceforth cease to apply in respect
of the building and premises described in the licence, and shall henceforth apply
in respect of the premises known as the and situate at
(here describe the building to which it is proposed to remove the licence,
specifying the situation of it)

DATED at this day of ,

20 .
Chairman of the Board.


[ No. 1 Power Lane,

Belmopan, by the authority of
the Government of Belize.
Printed by the Government Printer,
54 CAP. 150] Intoxicating Liquor Licensing

3 of 1989. [Section 52]


BE IT REMEMBERED that on the day of

complaint was made before the Licensing Board of the
Judicial District in and for
for that A.B., being the holder of a licence
(here set out the acts which have caused the forfeiture), and was thereof
duly convicted (or proof was made to that A.B., being the
holder of a licence, was twice within the period of twelve consecutive
months convicted) under the provisions of the Intoxicating Liquor Licensing
CAP. 150. Act, or under any other enactment relating to the same subject, that is to say,
on the day of under the
section; and on the day of under the
NOW the Board doth therefore adjudge that the said licence of the said
shall be forfeited.

GIVEN under my hand this day of ,

20 .




[ No. 1 Power Lane,

Belmopan, by the authority of
the Government of Belize.
Printed by the Government Printer,

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