AAPGPub Catalog 2013 Book
AAPGPub Catalog 2013 Book
AAPGPub Catalog 2013 Book
MEMO I RS .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...................................................3-5
MEMO I RS O N C D .. . . . . . . . . . . . ...................................................6-7
AR C H I E. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...................................................... 8
H I GH WAY M A P S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...................................................... 8
C O MP U TE R A P P L I C AT I O NS................................................... 8
D ATAPAGE S P U B L I C AT I O NS.............................................. 9-11
H ED B ERG.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................................................... 12
S TU D I ES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................................... 13-15
S P EC I AL P U B L I C AT I O N S.. ............................................... 15-16
METH O D S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................................................... 17
FRO M O THE R P U B L I SH E R S............................................ 18-21
B ARGAI N B O O K S.. . . . . . . . . . . . .................................................... 22
S U B JEC T M AT T E R I N D E X .................................................... 23
New Releases
Shale Reservoirs: Atlas of Australian and Tectonics and Sedimen-
Giant Resources New Zealand tation: Implications for
of the 21st Century Hydrocarbon Seals Petroleum Systems
$144 Member, $219 List $154 Member, $174 Member
Page 3 $234 List $174 List
Page 13 Page 3
The Great American Anatomy of a Giant Car-
Carbonate Bank Electron Microscopy bonate Reservoir: Ful-
$189 Member of Shale Hydrocarbon lerton Clear Fork (Lower
$304 List Reservoirs Permian) Field, Permian
Page 3 $TBD Member, $TBD List Basin, Texas
Page 3 $159 Member, $159 List
Page 13
Lacustrine Sandstone Energy Resources for Heavy-oil and oil-sand
Reservoirs and Human Settlement in the Petroleum Systems in
Hydrocarbon Systems Solar System and Earth’s Alberta and Beyond
$139 Member, $209 List Future in Space $135 Member,
Page 3 $184 Member, $184 List $209 List
Page 3 Page 13
Coming Soon
Hedberg 5 Memoir 103 Studies 65
Critical Assessment of Shale Oil and Gas Fields of the Cook Application of Structural Methods to Rocky
Resource Plays Inlet Basin, Alaska Mountain Hydrocarbon Exploration and
5/13, 500
Electron Microscopy of The Salt Mine: A Digital Uncertainty Analysis and
Shale Hydrocarbon Reservoirs Atlas of Salt Tectonics Reservoir Modeling
Edited by Wayne K. Camp, Elizabeth Diaz, and Edited by Y. Zee Ma
By Michael R. Hudec and and Paul La Pointe
Barry Wawak
Martin P. A. Jackson
The purpose of Memoir 102 is to Memoir 96 presents a
provide a practical reference for Memoir 99 – Co-published by comprehensive survey of cutting-
geologists, geophysists, engineers, the Bureau of Economic Geology edge approaches used by industry
and students to gain a better and AAPG, The Salt Mine provides to quantify the uncertainty in both
understanding of the various state-of- a guided tour of some of the finest examples of conventional and unconventional reservoirs. Balanced
the-art techniques and applications of salt tectonics in both classic and little-known salt between case histories and theory, the chapters in this
electron microscopy for shale hydrocarbon reservoir basins. The tour includes more than 1350 images volume equip experienced practitioners and those just
evaluation. Intended for both specialists and non- and 50 animations of salt structures, including many entering the field with the theories, workflows, and
specialists alike, the reference volume will serve as previously unpublished physical and numerical models case history examples needed to make better reservoir
a practical guide for petrographic interpretation and produced by the Applied Geodynamics Laboratory. management decisions in the modern oil and gas field.
reservoir analog studies. Each image has a detailed caption discussing the Release date: 12/2011
Release date: Coming soon most interesting, unique, or well-illustrated aspects of #1097 $129 $181
the structure.
#1197 $TBD $TBD Release date: 12/2011 Lacustrine Sandstone
#1183 $60 $70 Reservoirs and
Energy Resources for Hydrocarbon Systems
Human Settlement in the Solar The Great American Edited by Olive W. (Terry)
System and Earth’s Carbonate Bank: The Geology Baganz, Yuval Bartov, Kevin
Future in Space and Economic Resources of Bohacs, and Dag Nummedal
the Cambrian-Ordovician Sauk Memoir 95 – Many publications
Edited by William A. Ambrose, James F. Reilly II, and on lacustrine systems concentrate
Douglas C. Peters Megasequence of Laurentia
on reconstructing paleo-
Edited by James Derby, environments, deciphering
This Memoir is a comprehensive Richard Fritz, Susan Longacre, paleoclimate or estimating hydrocarbon source
and integrated review of energy William Morgan, and Charles potential. The outcome of a Hedberg Conference
and mineral resources in the Solar Sternbach held in Baku, Azerbaijan in 2004, this publication
System, including materials that describes the occurrence, distribution and character
can both sustain future manned Memoir 98 – This memoir comprises of sandstones in various lake settings. This memoir
expeditions and colonies in space and works on biostratigraphy, ichnology, is divided into four sections beginning with a global
support Earth’s energy and critical material challenges stratigraphy, depositional facies, diagenesis, and overview, and followed by two sections covering
in the 21st century and beyond. petroleum and mineral resources of the Great lacustrine systems in compressional and extensional
Release Date: 03/2013 American Carbonate Bank. regimes. The volume concludes with a series of
Release date: 01/2013 papers on modern lake regimes.
#1179 $184 $184 Release date: 11/2012
#787 $189 $304
Tectonics and #1087 $139 $209
Sedimentation: Implications Shale Reservoirs: Giant
Thrust Fault-
for Petroleum Systems Resources for the 21st Century
Related Folding
Edited by Dengliang Gao Edited by J. A. Breyer
AAPG Memoir 94 AAPG Memoir 94
Memoir 97– Far from being isotropic Edited by K. McClay, Thrust Fault-Related Folding
Edited by K. McClay, J. H. Shaw, and J. Suppe
Thrust Fault-Related Folding
involved fold systems. Case histories and examples included in this book range
from the sub-aerial fold belts of the Tianshan of western China, the Zagros fold
belts of offshore Brazil and the Niger delta. Theoretical, geometric, numerical
variation on scales ranging from deep-water fold and thrust belts as well as in inversion
AAPG_Mem94_Cov_v3.indd 1 7/31/11 9:46:51 PM
Member Price
MEMOIRS Product Code List Price
Seismic Imaging of Carbonate Color Guide to Petrography Interpretation of
Reservoirs and Systems of Carbonate Rocks Three-Dimensional
Edited by Gregor P. Eberli, Seismic Data, 7TH Edition
Edited by Peter A. Scholle
Jose Luis Masaferro, and and Dana S. Ulmer-Scholle By Alistair R. Brown
J. F. “Rick” Sarg
Using Memoir 77, students and other Memoir 42, 7th Edition. Conceived
Memoir 81 documents the current in 1979 and first published in 1986,
state in seismic imaging and workers with little formal petrographic
training should be able to examine the book helps geoscientists extract
interpreting of carbonate systems and more information from their seismic
captures the dynamics of the carbonate system on thin sections or acetate peels under the microscope
and interpret the main rock constituents and their data and improve the quality of their
a large exploration scale and a small reservoir scale. interpretations (James D. Robertson). The prime focus
Among the topics covered are the delineation of the depositional and diagenetic history. Designed to help
deal with challenges in identifying skeletal grains, of the book continues to be the synergy between
complex histories of carbonate platform sequences 3-D seismic data and the workstation. The author
from seismic data, the relationships between it includes a wide variety of examples of commonly
encountered skeletal and nonskeletal grains, passionately addresses the widespread problem of
geometries and forming processes, the imaging data underutilization. Two new chapters and several
of faults for improved mapping of potential fluid cements, fabrics, and porosity types and keys to grain
identification. new sections have been added in the 7th Edition, but
migration pathways, and use of seismic attributes for basic data understanding continues to be stressed.
the extraction of rock properties in the sedimentary Release Date: 08/2011
bodies. #649 $48 $68
#1025 $84 $115
#659 $49 $64 Western Gulf of Mexico Basin
Carbonate Depositional Environments
Integration of Outcrop and Modern Edited by Claudio Bartolini,
Richard T. Buffler, and Edited by Peter A. Scholle,
Analogs in Reservoir Modeling
Abelardo Cantú-Chapa Don G. Bebout,
Edited by G. Michael Grammer, and Clyde H. Moore
Memoir 75 – Covering a wide
Paul M. (Mitch) Harris, Memoir 33 – Designed specifically
range of topics related to petroleum
and Gregor P. Eberli for use by the non-specialist – the
geochemistry and hydrocarbon origin,
migration, and entrapment, this book is of interest petroleum geologist or field geologist
Memoir 80 provides an overview – who uses carbonate depositional environments
to explorers and managers who want a regional
of current approaches used in in facies reconstructions and environmental
perspective and the detailed information to make
the development of geologically constrained and interpretations, this classic work, covering settings
better-informed exploration decisions. The 21 chapters
integrated reservoir models. Topics addressed are from non-marine to deep water, focuses on the
discuss structural geology, sedimentary basins,
the process of creating a reservoir model through recognition of depositional environments with
stratigraphy, and case studies of fields in Mexico.
the development and incorporation of an analog, extensive use of color diagrams and photographs
extracting the quantitative input parameters on lateral of sedimentary structures and facies assemblages.
and vertical variability, and the development and #593 $59 $79
Suitable for use as a textbook, Companion to Memoir
modification of a 3-D reservoir model. 31.
Carbonate Sequence
#658 $69 $89 Stratigraphy: Recent #656 $59 $79
Developments and Applications
The Circum-Gulf of Mexico and the
Sandstone Depositional
Caribbean — Hydrocarbon Habitats, Edited by Robert G. Loucks Environments
Basin Formation, and Plate Tectonics and J. Frederick Sarg
Memoir 57 – Derived from the 1991 Edited by Peter A. Scholle
Edited by Claudio Bartolini, and Darwin Spearing
Richard T. Buffler, Research Symposium on Carbonate
and Jon F. Blickwede Sequence Stratigraphy, the authors
have brought together in one volume Memoir 31 – A classic reference
a representative sampling of pivotal research in book designed for the petroleum
Memoir 79 documents a wide range geologist, field geologist, or
of research on this vast area. Of the this important topic. Its three sections describe 1.)
sequence concepts and sedimentologic principles, sedimentologist, this volume emphasizes the
44 papers, roughly two-thirds pertain to the Mexican importance of environmental analysis to exploration
portion of the Gulf of Mexico, and to the petroliferous 2.) seismic sequence case studies involving seismic
and outcrop interpretations, and 3.) examples of high- and production. Illustrated with over 500 color
areas of the southern Caribbean. The remaining photos and diagrams of sedimentary structures and
papers relate to the Antilles and Central America, as frequency, meter-scale cycle deposition and stacking
patterns. depositional models. Companion to Memoir 33.
well as a series of papers that address region-wide
topics such as plate tectonic evolution.
#585 $44 $65 #627 $59 $79
#657 $49 $69
Member Price
MEMOIRS ON CD Product Code List Price
Stochastic Modeling and Geographic Information Systems in Geologic Log Analysis Using
Geostatistics: Principles, Methods, Petroleum Exploration and Development Computer Methods
and Case Studies, Volume II
Edited by Timothy C. Coburn By John H. Doveton
Edited by T. C. Coburn, and Jeffrey M. Yarus
J. M. Yarus, and R. L. Chambers Computer Applications 2 cov-
Computer Applications 4 - ers most of the current methods
This publication takes an informative and paradigms developed for the
Computer Applications 5 - look at the use of computer-based
This volume focuses on applications computer analysis of petrophysical
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in the energy logs in geologic applications. Statistical inference
and case studies from the petroleum industry. The book’s thoroughly illustrated chapters
and related fields, but it also contains an appropriate methods, graphical pattern recognition, “top-down”
address the full range of GIS topics, approaches, and and “bottom-up” approaches, time series methods,
mix of the theory and methods developed throughout philosophies, with special emphasis on the petroleum
the past decade. Geologists, petroleum engineers, and automated log correlation, interpolation of sequences
industry; there is a good mix of theory, applications, between wells, and artificial intelligence are some of
other individuals working in the earth and environ- resources, and practical advice. Case studies include a
mental sciences will find this book to be an important the topics covered.
regional study, conceptual geological modeling, a field
addition to their technical information resources. study, reservoir characterization, and more.
#321 $30 $42
#629 $89 $115 #605 $39 $59
AAPG/Datapages Digital Products
Getting Started Series
“Getting Started In” is the reprint compilation series designed by the AAPG Editorial Board to provide a quick-start overview to help
the worker in a new geographic area or someone trying to understand a new technology.
Featured are key articles published in the specialty, selected by an expert in each area, and confirmed by a review committee. These
articles represent some of the best thinking on a subject to help the worker “Get Started!”
Getting Started #22: Economics, Getting Started #14: Getting Started #7:
Chance and Uncertainty Hydrocarbon Fluid Isotopes Fluvial Stratigraphy
Compiled by William J. Haskett Compiled by Michael P. Dolan Compiled by Frank G. Ethridge
Getting Started #21: Arctic Geology Getting Started #13: Getting Started #6: Salt Tectonics
Compiled by Snorre Olaussen and Ronald J. Steel
Fractured Reservoirs Compiled by Mark G. Rowan
#1119 $35 $35 Compiled by Julia F. W. Gale
#899 $32 $32
#182 $34 $34
Getting Started #20: Shales
Compiled by Andrew C. Aplin Getting Started #5: Deltas
and Joe H. S. Macquaker Getting Started #12: Compiled by John W. Snedden
#1093 $35 $35 Compiled by Dan Moos #879 $32 $32
Getting Started #19: Microbial #794 $34 $34 Getting Started #4: Understanding
Carbonate Reservoirs Diagenetic Controls of Sandstone
Compiled by Ernest A. Mancini, Wayne M. Ahr, Wil- Getting Started #11: Reservoir Quality
liam C. Parcell, and William A. Morgan
Sequence Stratigraphy Compiled by Kitty L. Milliken
Compiled by Shuji Yoshida
#1092 $35 $35
#878 $32 $32
#799 $34 $34
Getting Started #18: Carbonate
Getting Started #3:
Sequence Stratigraphy
Compiled by Jeroen Kenter, Getting Started #10: Coalbed Methane
Paul (Mitch) Harris, and Ted Playton 3-D Seismic Technology Compiled by Robert A. Lamarre
Compiled by B. S. Hart.
#1039 $35 $35 #874 $30 $30
#798 $34 $34
Getting Started #17: Getting Started #2:
Basin Center Gas Getting Started #9: Carbonate Reservoirs
Compiled by Stephen P. Cumella Strike-Slip Structure and Tectonics Compiled by Wayne M. Ahr
Compiled by Dengliang Gao
#1015 $35 $35 #873 $30 $30
#797 $30 $30
Getting Started #16: Basin and Getting Started #1:
Petroleum System Modeling Getting Started #8: Deepwater Slope Channels
Compiled by Kenneth E. Peters (Schlumberger)
Thrust Structures & Tectonics Compiled by Michael L. Sweet
#1013 $35 $35 Compiled by Dengliang Gao
#871 $30 $30
Getting Started #15: Fluid #796 $30 $30
Inclusions in Petroleum Systems
Compiled by Don L. Hall
AOA Western Iraq Quickstudy GCAGS Transactions (Volume 50) Oklahoma City Geological
Society Publications
#1071 $4285 $4285 #492 $40 $40
#861 $145 $145
AOA Northern Iraq Quickstudy GCAGS Applications of 3-D Tech GOM
Panhandle (Amarillo) Geological
#1072 $4285 $4285 #491 $30 $30
Society Publications
AOA Central Iraq Quickstudy GCAGS Applications
of Sequence Stratigraphy GOM #90 $75 $75
#1073 $4285 $4285
#490 $30 $30 Re-Discovery #1: Coalbed Methane CD
AOA Iraq Quickstudy-Full
Country Study Indonesian Petroleum Association DVD #489 $28 $28
Discovery 16 Discovery 12/Method 17 Discovery 8/Studies 57
Introduction to Seismic Interpretation Analog for Carbonate Sand Petroleum Geology of Deepwater
Reservoirs: Joulters Ooid Shoal Settings
By Bruce S. Hart
This DVD publication is a compila- This publication is intended to provide the working
This CD provides an introduction
tion of previously published papers, geologist, geophysicist, and petroleum engineer with
to the geologic interpretation of
reports, and abstracts dealing with a broad overview of the petroleum systems of deep-
seismic data. Seismic interpreters
the geology of the Joulters Ooid water settings and to provide information that will be
can be geologists, geophysicists, and
Shoal, Bahamas. The premise is to usable even as the technologies advance beyond what
even engineers. To be effective, it is
convey the many “lessons learned” is presented here.
necessary to teach geologists (and engineers) a bit of
from this important modern analog
geophysics, and geophysicists (and engineers) a bit of
to others involved in the exploration and development #859 $85 $85
of carbonate reservoirs.
Product Code Member Price List Price
Understanding, Exploring, and Evaluating Fault Deformation, Fluid Flow, and
Developing Tight-Gas Sands: 2005 and Cap Rock Seals Reservoir Appraisal in Foreland
Vail Hedberg Conference Fold and Thrust Belts
Edited by Peter Boult
and John Kaldi Edited by Rudy Swennen,
Edited by S. P. Cumella,
K. W. Shanley, and François Roure,
W. K. Camp Hedberg 2 contains 18 chapters that and James Granath
reflect the spectrum of presentations
at the 2002 Hedberg Conference. Hedberg 1 offers a comprehensive look
Hedberg 3 is recommended for
The knowledge imparted by these chapters will be a at understanding petroleum systems
geologists and engineers involved
window on the state of seal knowledge at this juncture in fold and thrust belts. Links between deformation,
in exploring, developing, and appraising tight-gas
of time and includes topics such as seal failure related fluid flow, diagenesis, and reservoir characteristics
sand plays for a comprehensive updated view of
to basin-scale processes, the role of geomechanics in and descriptions of petrographic techniques integrated
this natural-gas resource. The result of the 2005 Vail
seals, and the economic evaluation of prospects with with basin modeling are discussed in case studies for
Hedberg Conference, this book has aided in improved
a top seal risk. carbonate reservoirs in the Apennines, the Canadian
exploration models and development and completion
strategies required to exploit the vast North American Rockies, and the Polish Carpathians, and for sandstone
tight-gas sand potential and emerging international #941 $72 $94 reservoirs in Eastern Venezuela.
tight-gas sand plays.
#940 $74 $89
#943 $59 $74
New Release: Hedberg 4
AAPG Hedberg Series
AAPG Hedberg
Basin Model
New Horizons in Re
Research io ns
and Appl ic at
Basin Modeling: New Horizons in
Series, No. 4
one of the most
ecause of the high
predictions of petrole
ented at the AAPG
m System Modeling
in Research an
e an
These articles provid
to geochemists and
cademia; geoscientist
s with
Basin and petroleum system modeling is one of the most rapidly
growing disciplines within the geosciences because of the high
and specialists in
d Applications
to the development
ISBN 0891819037
780891 8190
Edited by Kenneth E.
David J. Curry, and Marek
demand by industry for continuous improvement in predictions of
petroleum generation migration, accumulation, and alteration.
This special volume contains 18 papers presented at the AAPG Hedberg Research Conference on Basin
and Petroleum System Modeling (BPSM) held in Napa, California May 3-8, 2009. These articles provide an
overview of the current state of the science
AAPG Hedberg Series, No. 4 will appeal to geochemists and BPSM modelers in industry, government,
and academia; geoscientists with interest in region-specific BPSM studies; and specialists in different
geoscience disciplines that are significant to the development of BPSM input parameters and simulation
Release date: 04/2012
#1106 $139 $209
Application of Structural Methods to Sediment Transfer from Shelf to Deep Geology of Cuba
Rocky Mountain Hydrocarbon Water: Revisiting the Delivery System
Exploration and Development By Georges Pardo
Edited by R. M. Slatt and C. Zavala Abundantly illustrated, Studies
Edited by Constance N. Knight, Jerome J. Cuzella, and 58 provides a general description
Leland D. Cress An outgrowth of the 2008 AAPG of the geology of the island, an
Hedberg Conference on Sediment updated description of its stratigraphy,
Studies 65 The purpose in publishing Transfer from Shelf to Deep Water, and interpretation of its complex structures, some
this collection of key papers is to aid Studies 61 was designed specifi- mechanism for its emergence from the Caribbean, and
future workers in addressing complex cally to explore the growing interest a description of its petroleum occurrences.
interrelationships between structural in hyperpycnal and associated #845 $59 $74
geology and hydrocarbon exploration flows and hyperpycnites as significant contributors to
and development. The first four chapters of this book fo- the deep-water sedimentary record. This collection of Atlas of Deep-Water Outcrops
cus on structural concepts and techniques. The second chapters offers important new insights into the sedi- Edited by Tor H. Nilsen,
part is a collection of Rocky Mountain fault and fracture ment delivery system to deep-marine waters. Roger D. Shew,
studies. These well-documented studies are valuable Release date: 02/2012 Gary S. Steffens,
reference materials for all petroleum geologists. and Joseph R. J. Studlick
Release date: Coming soon #1081 $100 $122 Studies 56 - Co-Published by AAPG
and Shell Exploration & Production,
#1198 $TBD $TBD Atlas of Australian and New Zealand this atlas assembles the first collection of quantitative
Hydrocarbon Seals: Worldwide Analogs architectural data on deep-water outcrops geared for
Heavy-oil and oil-Sand Petroleum Sys- for Cap Rocks and Intraformational ease of use in reservoir characterization and modeling. It
tems in Alberta and Beyond Barriers in Clastic Depositional Settings contains 154 papers, and is a collection of both qualita-
tive and quantitative data on deep-water outcrops from
Edited by Frances J. Hein, Dale Leckie, Steve Larter and By Richard (Ric) Daniel and John Kaldi around the world. The companion CD-ROM includes 38
John R. Suter articles on the overview papers from the hardcopy and
more detailed reviews of selected outcrops.
Studies 64 This volume showcases Studies 60 - This Seals Atlas presents
the geology of oil sands from around the microstructural, petrophysical, and #736 $189 $239
the world. It highlights the Athabasca geomechanical properties of selected
Oil Sands of northern Alberta and the examples of cap rocks and fault seals for use as Oil and Gas of the
geochemistry of the associated bitumen analogs in the prediction of seal capacity or containment Greater Caspian Area
resource, but points directionally to the development of potential. Edited by Pinar O. Yilmaz
other oil-sands deposits in the world. Release date: 08/2012 and Gary H. Isaksen
Release date: 04/2013 Studies 55 contains 12 extended
#1044 $154 $234 abstracts and 6 full-length papers that
#1187 $135 $209 discuss technology development, chal-
Carbon Dioxide Sequestration in Geologi- lenges in estimating proven and potential
Anatomy of a Giant Carbonate Reservoir: cal Media — State of the Science reserves, outcrop-based studies of potential reservoirs,
Fullerton Clear Fork (Lower Permian) Field, regional tectonics and geodynamic evolution, and
Permian Basin, Texas Edited by M. Grobe, source rock and stratigraphic analyses of the greater
J. C. Pashin, Caspian area.
Edited by Stephen C. Ruppel and R. L. Dodge
#734 $44 $59
Co-published with BEG, Studies 63 Studies 59 presents a compilation of
documents, in detail, the necessary state of the science contributions from Energy: A Historical Perspective
steps required to develop and test the international research community on the topic and 21st Century Forecast
methodologies for improved imag- of carbon dioxide sequestration in geological media, By Amos Salvador
ing, measurement, modeling, and also called geosequestration. This book is structured Studies 54 provides much-needed
prediction of reservoir properties in into eight parts, and, among other topics, provides an detailed historical statistical data on hu-
carbonate reservoirs. This multidisciplinary study inte- overview of the current status and challenges of the man population, energy consumption,
grates geology, geophysics, petrophysics, engineering, science, regional assessment studies of carbon dioxide and current information about present
and reservoir modeling to define reservoir architecture geological sequestration potential, and a discussion of and possible future sources of energy.
and the distribution of remaining oil in one of the largest the economics and regulatory aspects of carbon dioxide It offers a foundation for readers to broaden their
carbonate reservoirs in the Permian Basin. sequestration. knowledge about past energy consumption and its
Release date: 02/2013 Release date: 03/2010 sources of supply. It also furnishes a glimpse into
the future of how, and how much, energy will be
#1140 $159 $159 #739 $89 $89 consumed in the 21st century and what sources
will most likely supply it.
Seismic Interpretation of
Contractional Fault-Related Folds: CD VERSIONS Surface Exploration Case Histories:
Applications of Geochemistry,
An AAPG Seismic Atlas OF STUDIES Magnetics and Remote Sensing
Edited by John H. Shaw,
Christopher Connors,
IN GEOLOGY Edited by Dietmar Schumacher
and Leonard A. LeSchack
and John Suppe
Petroleum Geology of CD version of Studies in Geology 48
Deepwater Settings Through a series of independent case histories, this
Studies 53 - This Seismic volume presents clearly documented evidence that
Atlas serves as an instructional guide for the interpre- demonstrates how surface exploration methods can
tation of complex structures imaged in seismic reflec- By Paul Weimer and Roger M. Slatt
significantly reduce exploration risk and finding costs
tion profiles using quantitative fault-related folding of geochemical, magnetic and remote sensing.
CD version of Studies in Geology 57/Discovery 8
theories. The emphasis is on contractional fault-related
This publication is intended to provide the work-
folds, including fault-bend folds, fault-propagation
folds, detachment folds, shear fault-bend folds, imbri-
ing geologist, geophysicist, and petroleum engineer #145 $34 $34
with a broad overview of the petroleum systems of
cate thrust systems, and structural wedges.
deepwater settings.
Atlas of Coal Geology
#731 $69 $84 #859 $85 $85 Edited by Alexander R. Papp, James C. Hower, and
Douglas C. Peters
Regional to Wellbore Analog for
Fluvial-Deltaic Reservoir Modeling: Jonah Field: Case Study of a This CD version of Studies in Geology 45 is designed as a
The Ferron Sandstone of Utah Tight-Gas Fluvial Reservoir reference and learning resource for both the novice and
the expert in academia or the energy industry.
Edited by John W. Robinson and Keith W. Shanley
Edited by Thomas C. Chidsey,
Jr., Roy D. Adams,
CD version of Studies in Geology 52 #755 $39 $52
and Thomas H. Morris
The discovery of a giant natural gas field within a ma-
ture petroleum province is a significant event. Under- Geologic Applications of Gravity
Studies 50 - These 22 papers discuss standing the factors that control such an accumulation and Magnetics: Case Histories
all aspects of Ferron deposition, distribution, sequence is important if the oil and gas industry is to continue
stratigraphy, evolution of coal sequences, development to develop natural gas resources. This volume brings Edited by R. I. Gibson and P. S. Millegan
of facies and permeability, growth faulting, paleoge- together previously unpublished material on Jonah This CD version of Studies 43 and SEG Geophysi-
ography and interpretation, flow simulation within field and attempts to integrate all aspects including cal Reference Series No. 8 utilizes world-wide case
the reservoir, and coalbed methane development in geology, geophysics, reservoir engineering, drilling studies to provide insight into various analytical
several Western USA fields. and completion, and regulatory affairs. As such, this is approaches to gravity and magnetic data. Twenty-four
a definitive collection that provides a truly integrated technical papers range from classic salt interpretations
#655 $64 $79 perspective of this giant field. to state-of-the-art gravity and magnetic gradiometry
Geological Perspectives of #866 $32 $32
#1059 $39 $60
Global Climate Change
Seismic Expressions and
Edited by Lee C. Gerhard, Paleogeography, Paleoclimate,
Interpretation of Carbonate
William E. Harrison, and Source Rocks
and Bernold M. Hanson Sequences: The Maldives Platform,
Equatorial Indian Ocean By Alain-Yves Huc
Studies 47 - Geoscientists; life, earth,
and atmospheric scientists; educators; research By Andrei V. Belopolsky and André W. Droxler CD version of Studies in Geology 40
workers; and policymakers will appreciate having this The results of a research conference on paleogeog-
well-timed publication which focuses on the current CD version of Studies in Geology 49 raphy, paleoclimate, and source rocks held in Paris
debates regarding potential man-induced modification This study examines the stratigraphy and evolu- in July 1992; this CD contains 13 papers focusing on
of climate. Soft Back. tion of the Maldives isolated carbonate platform, in three main points. 1.) Interest Trends in oil companies;
the equatorial Indian Ocean. This study is based on 2.) Reduction of risk in exploration; and 3.) Data and
interpretation of the regional 2-D seismic data set and information transfers from oil companies to academia.
#527 $49 $49 data from one deep exploration well that resulted from
Royal Dutch/Shell during its exploration campaign in #1186 $34 $34
Hydrocarbons from Coal Source Rocks in a Sequence Atlas of Seismic Stratigraphy
Edited by Ben. E. Law and Dudley D. Rice Stratigraphic Framework By A. W. Bally
Edited by Barry J. Katz and Lisa M. Pratt CD version of Studies in Geology 27
CD version of Studies in Geology 38 This CD contains an Acrobat version of the popular
During the early stages of coalbed methane explora- atlas with searchable texts on CD-ROM. Topics range
CD version of Studies in Geology 37
tion and exploitation, in the late 1970s and early from interpretation procedures, to definitions of se-
Assessment of quantitative data within a sequence
1980s, there were many misconceptions about the quence stratigraphy to seismic stratigraphic principles
stratigraphic framework permits a better understand-
nature of coalbed gas accumulations that resulted at work in various locations..
ing of the net versus gross source and reservoir thick-
in a large number of unsuccessful ventures. Since ness in a given locality. The 14 papers in this volume, #478 $95 $95
those early beginnings, there has been a rapid growth including case studies, describe such problems as
of information in coalbed methane research and variability within source rock systems, geochemical Seismic Expression of Structural Styles
development. variability of organic matter and hydrocarbon products
By A. W. Bally
as a function of depositional setting, and the relation-
CD version of Studies in Geology 15
ship between accumulation of organic-rich strata and
#1162 $34 $34 sea level.
A searchable Acrobat version of the 1983 atlas, this
CD explains structural geology through the use of
reflection seismics. Other sections focus on rifts,
#1083 $32 $32 passive margins, cratonic basins, and the tectonics of
dominantly compressional provinces and strike-slip or
wrench fault tectonics.
Member Price
Bulletin Product Code List Price
Course Notes/Treatise
CN 41 Manual and Atlas of Structural TR Exploring for Oil and Gas Traps
Styles, Niger Delta Edited by Edward A. Beaumont and Norman H. Foster
By Deborah E. Ajakaiye and Albert W. Bally
A how-to encyclopedia of prospecting for oil and gas, this book focuses on proce-
AAPG Bulletin Special Issue on CD-ROM: dures and proven petroleum exploration techniques that are critical for generating
The title includes 25 seismic profiles with instructions and discussion, which are
viable prospects.
keyed to a line drawing of a regional profile.
Basic Well Log Analysis, Geological Applications of Well Logs Satellite Images of Carbonate
Second Edition Depositional Settings
Edited by Mike Lovell
and Neil Parkinson Compiled by P. M. Harris
By George Asquith
and W. S. Kowalik
and Daniel Krygowski
Methods 13 - This book provides CD version of Methods 11 - This 147-page book
Methods 16 - This edition delivers examples of the use of well logs was originally published by AAPG in 1994 as a series
a great impact on training and across a broad range of applica- of satellite images of modern carbonate environ-
self-training along with superior tions including papers on logging ments to depict modern analogs in real-world scale
workbook exercises, newer mea- in high-angle wells and on logging and imaging to use for comparison to subsurface examples. The
surements, borehole imaging, and nuclear magnetic while drilling. The “Sedimentology and Stratigraphy” Bahamas, Abu Dhabi, Belize, Great Barrier Reef, Caicos
resonance in separate chapters, all directed to provide section, includes studies from the North West Shelf of Platform—all are classic modern carbonate areas.
a guide through the lengthy and sometimes ambigu- Australia, Kalimantan, and Iberia and the North Sea, This CD-ROM contains more than 100 satellite images
ous terminology of well logging and petrophysics. It where important new contributions have been made with detailed descriptions, oil field overlays at three
provides readers with interpretation examples (and on the wireline signature of mud rocks. The section on different scales, and 16 pairs of 35-mm stereo slides
solutions) so that the techniques described here can “Fractures and the Stress Field,” includes imaging ex- converted to Acrobat pages.
be practiced. amples and papers on the characterization of fractures
#707 $39 $59
for nuclear-waste disposal. #130 $28 $28
Old Electrical Log Interpretation #524 $54 $79 Fractured Core Analysis: Interpreta-
(Pre-1958) tion, Logging, and Use of Natural and
Development Geology
By Douglas W. Hilchie Reference Manual Induced Fractures in Core (1990)
Methods 15 - One of the most hard- Edited by Diana By B.R. Kulander, S.L Dean, and B.J. Ward Jr.
to-find, sought-after books in the well Morton-Thompson
interpretation business, this publication and Arnold M. Woods CD version of Methods 8
will help the interpreter understand This CD addresses the problem of distinguishing
Methods 10 - The production and natural fractures from induced fractures in both
the (literally) hundreds of thousands of
exploration geologist’s best database for saving time. oriented and unoriented core. Natural fractures include
electrical logs recorded prior to 1958.
A must-have volume for those in the petroleum geol- any cored fracture that existed in a volume of rock
This legacy publication will help geolo-
ogy business, this is a quick reference to concepts, prior to initiation of drilling or coring-related stresses.
gists grapple with everyday problems encountered in
tools, formulas, and techniques on everything from Induced fractures in core are those that develop during
fields discovered more than 40 years ago, particularly
economics and land leasing to wellsite and engineer- drilling, coring, and subsequent handling. Many of
those in South America drilled prior to World War II.
ing methods. the procedures for distinguishing between the two
Also included are numerous charts not found in other
publications. are based primarily on recognition of fracture surface
#612 $68 $96 structures and fracture traces that differ between
natural fractures and induced fractures
#548 Coming Soon on DVD
Horizontal Wells: Focus METHODS IN #1203 $36 $36
on the Reservoirs
Edited by Timothy R. Carr, Siliciclastic Sequence Stratigraphy in
Erik P. Mason,
Risk Analysis and Well Logs, Cores, and Outcrops: Con-
and Charles T. Feazel Management of Petroleum cepts for High-Resolution Correlation
Exploration Ventures of Time and Facies
Methods 14 - This book provides an
By Peter R. Rose
overview of the new technical approaches required for
By J. C. Van Wagoner, et al.
best use of horizontal and extended-reach technology
CD version of Methods 12 - Risk Analysis is a com-
in different reservoir situations. The 16 chapters de-
prehensive, fully integrated, state-of-the-art treatise CD version of Methods 7 - A must-have for petroleum
scribe horizontal and extended-reach wells and drilling
covering the objective evaluation of exploratory drilling geologists, stratigraphers and sedimentologists, this
programs in a variety of geologic settings all over the
ventures and key concepts for efficient, profitable book offers a basic introduction to the principles of
management of such projects. The book has a strong siliciclastic sequence stratigraphy. Included are defini-
practical orientation, setting forth sound, tested tions, concepts, and examples designed to illustrate
#525 $49 $74 principles and procedures, with simple, effective the application of well logs, cores, and outcrops to the
explanations of the underlying concepts. fundamental goal of stratigraphy: correlation.
Member Price
Product Code List Price
Blue Planet Run: The Race to Provide Crack in the Edge of the World (audio) Applied Subsurface Geological
Safe Drinking Water Mapping with Structural Methods
By Simon Winchester
By Rick Smolan and Jennifer Erwitt By Daniel Tearpock
Simon Winchester brings his inimitable storytelling and Richard E. Bischke
Blue Planet Run, a large format documentary, provides abilities to this extraordinary event, exploring not only
an extraordinary look at the global water problems we what happened in northern California in 1906 but what Published by Prentice Hall, this textbook
face — and the latest, most innovative and hopeful we have learned since about the geological underpin- is a complete and detailed book on the
solutions being brought forward by companies large nings that caused the earthquake in the first place. subject of subsurface geologic mapping
and small, by entrepreneurs and activists, and by NGOs But his achievement is even greater: he positions and structural methods. Topics include a variety of geo-
and foundations, including our own Blue Planet Run the quake’s significance along the earth’s geological physical and geologic techniques applicable in the four
Foundation’s epic worldwide relay on June 1, 2007, in timeline and shows the effect it had on the rest of major petroleum-related tectonic settings: extensional,
which an international team of runners raced through twentieth-century California and American history. A compressional, strike-slip, and diapiric. This is a must
16 countries in 95 days to call attention to the global Crack in the Edge of the World is the definitive account have book for any serious geoscientist or engineer.
safe drinking water crisis. of the San Francisco earthquake. It is also a fascinating
exploration of a legendary event that changed the way #514 $130 $139
#1014 $80 $80 we look at the planet on which we live.
Petroleum Reserves:
Avoiding Write-Downs
Krakatoa: The Day the World Exploded #962 $36 $40
Recent reserve write-downs have
(Audio on CD)
Applied Seismology: A increased attention of financial
analysts, investors, rating agencies,
By Simon Winchester Comprehensive Guide to Seismic banks, the U.S. SEC and corporate
Theory and Application boards to the process of estimating
The legendary annihilation in 1883 of the volcano-
and reporting reserves. This 4
island of Krakatoa was followed by an immense By Mamdouh R. Gadallah CD-ROM set is a Houston Geological Society Short
tsunami that killed nearly 40,000 people. Beyond the and Ray L. Fisher Course Series for PC only.
purely physical horrors of an event which has only very
Published by Pennwell, this new text
recently become properly understood, the eruption
provides comprehensive coverage of #842 $80 $80
changed the world in more ways than could possibly
be imagined. exploration seismology and elements
of geology pertinent to exploration geology. It is
#961 $36 $40 profusely illustrated and has workshops included to aid
understanding. The text includes several appendices
to explain the math, equations, and answers of the
selected exercise questions.
Southwestern Montana Geology DOTMED - Deep Offshore Tectonics
Virtual Field Trip of the Mediterranean Dictionary of Petroleum Exploration,
Drilling & Production
Published by Whitehall Geogroup, Inc., this multimedia Coordinated by N. Chamot-Rooke, C. Rangin, and By Norman J. Hyne, Ph.D.
CD presentation takes the viewer X. Le Pichon with papers by
through the valleys and mountains DOTMED Working Group The most comprehensive upstream
of southwestern Montana. Based on petroleum dictionary available, this
several years of teaching and This CD-ROM is published by the hardback book includes more than
geologic research in this area, it also includes Societe Geologique de France (SGF) as 20,000 definitions of words, phrases
print-outs of stratigraphic columns, outcrop map Memoir 177. An incredible overview portfolio of printed and abbreviations used in exploration, drilling, and
locations, and suggested references. A great resource maps plus CD-ROM, this volume is one of two deep production. Definitions are written for use by both
for southwestern Montana geology field camp ocean tectonics studies by an industry-sponsored nontechnical and technical readers; more than 500
participants. consortium of French institutions. illustrations are included in this publication. Extensive
appendices that include charts of drilling rigs and a
#521 $28 $28 #817 $110 $110 beam pumper, giant oil and gas fields, United States
and Canada geological features, sandstone and
Self-Guided Field Trips in limestone classifications, drillstem test symbols, drill-
DOTSEA - Deep Offshore Tectonics ing and completion records, and many more. Pennwell
Southwestern Montana of Southeast Asia Publishing
This CD-ROM is published by
Whitehall Geogroup, Inc. The Field
Coordinated by M. Pubellier, #614 $103 $109
C. Rangin, and X. Le Pichon
Trip guides are presented in an with papers by DOTSEA Working
Adobe Acrobat pdf format which will Effective Database Design for
auto-run from the CD-ROM once it Geoscience Professionals
is placed in the CD player. After the program begins,
Published by Societe Geologique de By David R. Hoffman
the user will be prompted to click on one of the field
France (SGF) as Memoir 176, this product offers an
trip guides.
incredible overview portfolio of printed maps plus a Geotechnical data management plays
CD-ROM. One of two deep ocean tectonics stud- a key role in problem solving for oil
#753 $13 $14 ies by an industry-sponsored consortium of French company exploration and development
institutions, this 32-page summary book includes an operations. Managing geotechnical data
D&D Standard Oil Abbreviator, overview document of Southeast Asia offshore areas, usually takes a unique professional—one with both an
6th Edition with structural maps and palinspastic reconstructions. engineering and an IT background. This is a complete
manual that geoscientists can use to provide a basic
introduction to data management concepts. A highly-
Published by PennWell and
compiled by the Association of Desk and
#850 $90 $90 organized work, each chapter is complete with an
introductory synopsis and key terms where necessary.
Derrick Clubs, this is an indispensable
tool in the oil, gas, and energy industries. Deepwater Petroleum Exploration & Published by Pennwell.
Production: A Nontechnical Guide
The information included in this book has #710 $83 $89
made writing tasks within energy and its
related industries simpler and has, through the years, By William L. Leffler,
added consistency to industry reports. The 6th edition Richard Pattarozzi, Elements of 3-D Seismology,
provides valuable supplementary information about and Gordon Sterling 2nd Edition
minerals management services two digit area prefix
standards and expands miscellaneous information Published by PennWell By Christopher L. Liner
and symbols to include directional survey methods, Publications and written by a team of
frequently cited additives, frequently cited fluids, and offshore pioneers, this book is the most comprehen-
Published by Pennwell, this book is a
lithology and formation names. sive and authoritative text available on the business,
thorough introduction to the acquisition,
engineering, and technology of this multi-billion dollar
processing, and interpretation of 3-D seismic data.
industry. Readers will find extensive coverage of all
#854 $45 $49 Developed from university courses, the text teaches
aspects of deepwater operations—including an his-
the fundamentals of 3-D seismic theory, techniques,
toric background and an outlook to future deepwater
and application.
operations. The authors compare and contrast off-
shore operations to the shelf and onshore operations
throughout the text. #721 $115 $129
Member Price
By H. Leighton Seward Pennwell Publishing Company – Reser- This new book introduces different types
voir engineers, drilling engineers, geolo- of geophysical logs and subsurface
This publication, published by AuthorHouse, probes gists, and production engineers will find maps that can be generated from basic
into the history of Earth’s climate and its old and this well-researched book most helpful. well data, and subsurface problems that
current atmosphere. Some of the issues contained in The author draws from his extensive can be solved using geophysical logs and subsurface
this writing include: What are the drivers or causes of experience in horizontal operations around the world maps. “Hands-on” exercises reveal how each map
climate change? What are the roles of the sun, Earth’s and provides you with a thorough understanding of type is generated and what applications they may
orbital perturbations, the greenhouse gases, the horizontal well technology basics. have. Exercises at the end of each chapter introduce
oceans, the movements of the continents, bombard- different types of wells and lithologies. Pennwell
ments from outer space and the impact of life itself? #622 $94 $99 Publishing
Can humans control the climate? Where may we
be headed; warmer or cooler? Is the science settled
Ichnofabrics in Clastic #556 $55 $59
regarding the current issue of global warming?
Sediments: Applications to
#1024 $22 $24 Sedimentological Core Studies
By Jean Gerard
Nontechnical Guide to Petroleum
Introduction to GIS for the and Richard Bromley Geology, Exploration, Drilling and
Petroleum Industry Production
This atlas, containing 437
By Dean E. Gaddy photos and 31 illustrations, By Norman J. Hyne, Ph.D.
has been written with a bias Published by PennWell and used by
Geographical information systems (GIS) toward application of ichnological analysis, in par- corporate training departments and
is a powerful tool used in many indus- ticular to the study of trace fossils and ichnofabrics colleges and universities worldwide,
tries that facilitates the company-wide in core. After a brief introduction to ichnology in Part this is the most complete upstream
sharing and analyzing of data. This new 1, the atlas provides an identification guide to the guide available. Hyne provides an easy to understand
book will equip readers with a solid understanding trace fossils commonly met with in core in Part 2. explanation of complex topics with pictures, graphs,
of the core features of GIS and start them down the Part 3 illustrates the types of messages recorded and illustrations covering everything from how oil and
path of realizing the many benefits GIS has to offer. by biogenic activity in sediments. Part 4 supplies gas is formed; how to find commercial quantities; how
Pennwell Publishing guidelines for defining ichnofabrics that are then to drill, evaluate, and complete a well—all the way
illustrated by a series of classic ichnofabrics in a through production and improved oil recovery.
#653 $75 $79 variety of palaeoenbironments. Finally, several case
histories are presented in Part 5, that give “real life”
#618 $75 $79
examples of applications to sequence stratigraphy
and reservoir description.
Practical Enhanced Reservoir The Technical and Legal Guide to the
Engineering: Assisted with SEPM Core Workshop Notes No. 22 - UK Oil and Gas Industry
Simulation Software Developing Models & Analogs for
Isolated Carbonate Platforms - Holocene Edited by John Wils
By Drs. Abdus Satter, Ghulam and Ewan C. Neilson
Iqbal, and James L. Buchwalter
and Pleistocene Carbonates of Caicos
Platform, British West Indies The book combines technical informa-
Intended as a reservoir engineering tion and related commercial issues
book for college students, this is not Edited by William A. Morgan on each stage of field development from licensing
the usual college text book. It is a and Paul M. (Mitch) Harris through to decommissioning. It takes the reader
modern and very practical guide offering reservoir This volume shares knowledge on the through the general principles of applying for licences
engineering fundamentals, advanced reservoir re- Holocene to Pleistocene sedimentol- in the UK, exploring for hydrocarbons, buying assets,
lated topics, reservoir simulation fundamentals, and ogy, diagenesis, platform evolution, and raising money against those assets, the subsequent
problems and case studies from around the world. the applicability of the platform as an development and operation and eventual decommis-
It is designed to aid students and professionals alike analogue for ancient isolated carbonate platforms. It sioning. An essential guide for new entrant companies
in their active and important roles throughout the includes a broad array of papers and is divided into or anyone investing in UK oil and gas exploration and
reservoir life cycle (discovery, delineation, develop- five sections: Introduction; Holocene, Platform-Scale production or for professionals who are directly or in-
ment, production, and abandonment), and in the Surficial Sediment and Facies Distribution; Holocen directly involved in the industry. Published by Aberlour
various phases of the reservoir management process Subsurface Studies; Holocene; Sedimentology, Res- Press Limited.
(setting strategy, developing plan, implementing, ervoir and Source-Rock Potential and Pre-Holocene
monitoring, evaluating, and completing). Published
by Pennwell.
Platform Evolution Sedimentology, and Diagenesis. #446 $140 $170
Published by SEPM.
Practical Reservoir Simulation SEPM Short Course Notes No. 53: By Peter Tertzakian
Satellite Imagery, Visualization and
By M. R. (Mike) Carlson In A Thousand Barrels a Second, Chief Energy
Geological Interpretation of the Economist of ARC Financial Peter Tertzakian delivers
Published by PennWell and Exumas, Great Bahama Bank: An
written by a seasoned practicing a provocative look at the future of oil and offers fresh
simulation engineer, this book Analog for Carbonate Sand insight into what it will take to rebalance our energy
describes how to practically Reservoirs needs and seize new opportunities.
carry out reservoir simulations. In Tertzakian offers a realistic, informed look into the
By Paul M. (Mitch) Harris
particular, the author shows how to link geology and volatile future of our energy supply chains and how
and James Ellis
simulation input—the most critical aspect of suc- our consumption patterns may evolve, revealing how
Published by SEPM, this publica- governments, businesses, and even individuals can
cessful reservoir simulation. The book covers all of the tion focuses on the Exhuma Islands and
fundamental techniques that are unique to reservoir meet the coming challenges with better solutions and
surrounding carbonate sand bodies innovations.
simulation, such as pseudo relative permeability. The of Great Bahama Bank. This set of
second half of the book describes advanced studies, processed satellite images, offshore/onshore digital
compositional modelling, hydraulically fractured and elevation model (DEM), and interpretation maps or-
# 835 $26 $28
horizontal wells, EOR processes and thermal simula- ganized into a GIS, includes several examples of how
tion with a heavy emphasis on steam assisted gravity this data can be visualized and used for geological Confessions of an Energy Price
drainage (SAGD). interpretation. Forecaster: A 12-Step Program to
#709 $125 $139 Enlightenment
#1037 $40 $40
By John Tobin
Why Can’t You Just Give Me the
Breathing Underwater: The Quest to
Number?: An Executive’s Guide to Published by Outskirts Press, Inc., Tobin outlines a
Live in the Sea
Using Probabilistic Thinking to 12-step program to understand why energy prices
Manage Risk and to Make Better continue to climb higher and how to become an
By Joe Macinnis
informed, energy-literate consumer.
By Patrick Leach Published by Penguin Books Canada, this is a true
story of a small group of daring men who set out to # 742 $24 $28
Published by Probabilistic, Leach
conquer the continental shelf by learning to live and
draws on his extensive scientific and
work at the bottom of the sea.
business experience to make a strong
case for probabilistic decision analysis.
Written in the style of “Fooled by Randomness,” this # 809 $24 $28
book is an easy and interesting read and is a “must
have” for executives, managers, and senior technical
Carbonate Concepts from the Sustainability of Energy and Water Sequence Stratigraphy in Offshore
Maldives, Indian Ocean Through the 21st Century South African Divergent Basins: An
Atlas on Exploration for Cretaceous
By E.G. Purdy and G.T. Bertram Edited by Lee C. Gerhard, P.
Lowstand Traps
Patrick Leahy, and
Studies in Geology #34 Victor John Yannacone, Jr.
By Soekor (Pty) Ltd; by L.F. Brown, Jr. and others
Using well and seismic data, the authors demonstrate
that the 2000-m Tertiary carbonate section in the Proceedings of the Arbor Day Farm Conference,
Studies in Geology #41
Maldives offers new concepts in carbonate modeling, October 8-11, 2000. This book provides a compila-
This atlas presents detailed case histories, newly
as well as a model of vast spatial extent. tion of issues and possible resolutions ranging
released by Soekor, of its recent exploration programs
from improved water management practices to the
in the Pletmos, Bredasdorp, and Orange basins. These
potential for developing mineral resources beyond
#579 Sale Price: $5 the planet Earth.
data and interpretations will also serve as an invalu-
able guide for exploration in ALL divergent basins.
Edited by Charles Sternbach, Gulf of Mexico Petroleum Systems Applications of 3-D Seismic
Marlan Downey, Data to Exploration
and Gerald Friedman Edited by Neil Hurley
Edited by Paul Weimer
This theme issue of the AAPG Bulletin highlights the and Thomas L. Davis
This volume contains case histories of both explora- petroleum systems in the northern Gulf of Mexico and Studies in Geology No. 42
tion triumphs and breakthrough concepts: Fascinating the offshore Green Canyon and Ewing Bank areas of the Thirty profusely illustrated case studies from around
stories of early discoveries, landmark technologies, outer shelf and upper slope. Included is an atlas of the the world demonstrate the latest practical applica-
and modern innovation as told by authors with privi- fields discovered in the area including seismic sections tions of 3-dimensional seismic data. This book covers
leged glimpses into critical thought processes. and type logs. fluvial-deltaic, eolian, deep-water clastic, carbonate,
#442 Sale Price: $5 and structural reservoirs.
#497 Sale Price: $5
#534 Sale Price: $5
International Relocation: A Practical
Regional and Petroleum Geology
Guide to Living and Working Overseas Remote Sensing: AAPG Treatise of
of the Black Sea
By Marc Bond
Petroleum Geology Reprint
with Rita Bond Edited by Andrew G. Robinson Compiled by Norman H. Foster,
and Edward A. Beaumont
A comprehensive and practical guide for the overseas AAPG Memoir 68
experience, specifically designed for both the Noted authority Andrew Robinson has compiled this Reprint Series, No. 19
employee and family. This handbook offers not only up-to-date research for all geoscientists interested in Thirty-six papers covering general methods, thermal
insight and information into international relocation this region stretching from Greece to the Caspian Sea. infrared imagery, radar, and case histories.
and its challenges, but also practical solutions to Scientists, many from the area, explore the diverse
many obstacles expatriates and their families may and complex geotectonism.
encounter. #541 Sale Price: $5
Structural Traps
Each volume contains in-depth case studies of 17 fields worldwide including exploration history and philosophy.
TR Structural Traps VIII TR Structural Traps V Photogeology and Photogeomorphology
Thirty-nine papers covering general methods, pho-
#26 $5 $5 #22 $5 $5 togeologic measurement techniques, applications to
petroleum exploration, fracture identification, and photo-
TR Structural Traps VII geomorphology.
TR Structural Traps IV
#25 $5 $5 #539 $5 $5
#20 $5 $5
TR Structural Traps VI
#24 $5 $5
Subject Matter Index INDEX
Series abbreviations used:
M Memoirs pages 3-7 H Hedberg page 12 TR Treatise of Petroleum Geology page 16
A Archie page 8 St Studies in Geology page 15 Mth Methods in Exploration page 17
CA Computer Applications page 8 SP Special Publications page 15 BB Bargain Books page 22
HW Geological Highway Maps page 8 CN Course Notes page 16
DP Datapages pages 9-11 BULL Bulletin page 16
CD M38 Elmworth: Case Study of Deep M79 The Circum-Gulf of Mexico and the CD-DP Getting Started #16: Basin and
Basin Gas Field Caribbean – Hydrocarbon Habitats, Basin Petroleum System Modeling
CD M45 The Pannonian Basin Formulation and Plate Tectonics CD-DP Getting Started #17: Basin
CD M48 Divergent/Passive Margin Basins M90 Petroleum Systems in the Southern Center Gas
CD M55 Foreland Basins and Fold Belts Gulf of Mexico CD-DP DSC 01: Integration of Geologic
CD M56 Cretaceous Carbonate Platforms M95 Lacustrine Sandstone Reservoirs & Models for Understanding Risk in the Gulf
CD M59 Interior Rift Basins Hydrocarbon Systems of Mexico
CD M61 Basin Compartments and Seals M98 The Great American Carbonate Bank: CD-DP DSC 07 Multidimensional Basin
CD M62 Petroleum Basins of South America The Geology and Economic Resources of Modeling
CD M64 Sequence Stratigraphy of Foreland the Cambrian-Ordovician Sauk CD-DP DSC 14 Geological Assessment of
Basin Deposits Megasequence of Laurentia Coal, Gulf Coastal Plain
BB M68 Regional and Petroleum Geology of BB Gulf of Mexico Petroleum Systems CD-DP 3-D Seismic Case Histories from the
the Black Sea and Surrounding Region BB St 41 Sequence Stratigraphy in Offshore Gulf Coast Basin
CD M73 Petroleum Systems of South Atlantic South African Divergent Basins: An Atlas CD-DP GCAGS Applications 3-D Tech GOM
Margins on Exploration for Cretaceous Lowstand St 64 Heavy-oil and oil-Sand Petroleum
CD M74 Petroleum Provinces of the Twenty- Traps Systems in Alberta and Beyond
First Century SP Stratigraphic Architecture/The Stevens
M75 Western Gulf of Mexico Basin Sandstone
CD M76 Pressure Regimes in Sedimentary H4 Basin Modeling: New Horizons in
Basins Research and Applications
M89 Natural Gas Hydrates – Energy SP Field Safety in Uncontrolled Environments BB Sustainability of Energy and Water
Resource Potential BULL Bulletin Theme Issue: High-Resolution Through the 21st Century
St 47 Geological Perspectives of Global Studies of Continental Margin Geology and
Climate Change Geohazards
St 59 Carbon Dioxide Sequestration in
Geological Media
Series abbreviations used:
M Memoirs pages 3-7 H Hedberg page 12 TR Treatise of Petroleum Geology page 16
A Archie page 8 St Studies in Geology page 15 Mth Methods in Exploration page 17
CA Computer Applications page 8 SP Special Publications page 15 BB Bargain Books page 22
HW Geological Highway Maps page 8 CN Course Notes page 16
DP Datapages pages 9-11 BULL Bulletin page 16
Exploration (Production/Business/Processes)
CD M26 Seismic Stratigraphy: Applications to Hydrocarbon Exploration CA5 Stochastic Modeling and Geostatistics-Principles, Methods, and
CD M63 Unconformities and Porosity in Carbonate Strata Case Studies
CD M66 Hydrocarbon Migration and It’s Near-Surface Expression CD-DP Getting Started #14: Hydrocarbon Fluid Isotopes
CD M71 Reservoir Characterization: Recent Advances CD-DP Getting Started #15: Fluid Inclusions in Petroleum Systems
CD M76 Pressure Regimes in Sedimentary Basins CD-DP Getting Started #16 Basin and Petroleum System Modeling
M80 Integration of Outcrop and Modern Analogs in Reservoir Modeling CD-DP DSC 01 Integration of Geologic Models for Understanding
M86 Global Resource Estimates from Total Petroleum Systems Risk in the Gulf of Mexico
M88 Giant Hydrocarbon Reservoirs of the World: From Rocks to CD-DP DSC 07: Multidimensional Basin Modeling
Reservoir Characterization and Modeling CD-DP DSC 09: First Impressions: Petroleum Geology at the Dawn of
M96 Uncertainty Analysis & Reservoir Modeling the North American Oil Industry
H4 Basin Modeling: New Horizons in Research and Applications CD-DP DSC 11 Petroleum Geology etextbook
Mth 10 Development Geology Reference Manual SP Field Safety in Uncontrolled Environments
CD Mth 11 Satellite Images of Carbonate Depositional settings: SP Becoming an Independent Geologist
Examples of reservoir and exploration-scale geologic Facies SP International Oil and Gas Ventures: A Business Perspective
Variation BULL Bulletin Theme Issue: Risk and Uncertainty in E&P
CD Mth 12 Risk Analysis and Management of Petroleum Exploration BB Discoverers of the 20th Century: Perfecting the Search
Ventures BB International Relocation: A Practical Guide to Living and Working
St 54 Energy: A Historical Perspective and 21st Century Forecast Overseas
CA4 Geographic Information Systems in Petroleum TR Exploring for Oil and Gas Traps
CD M38 Elmworth: Case Study of Deep Basin Gas Field St 64 Heavy-oil and oil-sand Petroleum Systems in Alberta and
M88 Giant Hydrocarbon Reservoirs of the World: From Rocks to Beyond
Reservoir Characterization and Modeling CD-DP NOGS Oil and Gas Field South Louisiana
CD St 52 Jonah Field: Case Study of a Tight-Gas Fluvial Reservoir SP Geology of Petroleum
St 55 Oil and Gas of the Greater Caspian Area
St 63 Anatomy of a Giant Carbonate Reservoir: Fullerton Clear Fork
(Lower Permian) Field, Permian Basin, Texas
Regional Study
CD M43 Evolution of the Arctic-North Atlantic and the Western Tethys M98 The Great American Carbonate Bank: The Geology and
CD M45 The Pannonian Basin Economic Resources of the Cambrian-Ordovician Sauk
CD M53 Geology and Geophysics of Continental Margins Megasequence of Laurentia
CD M62 Petroleum Basins of South America M101 Energy Resources for Human Settlement in the Solar System
BB M68 Regional and Petroleum Geology of the Black Sea and and Earth’s Future in Space
Surrounding Region BB St 34 Carbonate Concepts from the Maldives, Indian Ocean
CD M73 Petroleum System of South Atlantic Margins BB St 41 Sequence Stratigraphy in Offshore South African Divergent
CD M74 Petroleum Provinces of the Twenty-First Century Basins: An Atlas on Exploration for Cretaceous Lowstand Traps
M75 Western Gulf of Mexico Basin CD St 49 Seismic Expressions and Interpretation of Carbonate
M84 The Carpathians and their Foreland Sequences: The Maldives Platform, Equatorial Indian Ocean
M86 Global Resource Estimates from Total Petroleum Systems St 50 Regional to Wellbore Analog for Fluvial-Deltaic Reservoir
M95 Lacustrine Sandstone Reservoirs & Hydrocarbon Systems Modeling: The Ferron Sandstone of Utah
Series abbreviations used:
M Memoirs pages 3-7 H Hedberg page 12 TR Treatise of Petroleum Geology page 16
A Archie page 8 St Studies in Geology page 15 Mth Methods in Exploration page 17
CA Computer Applications page 8 SP Special Publications page 15 BB Bargain Books page 22
HW Geological Highway Maps page 8 CN Course Notes page 16
DP Datapages pages 9-11 BULL Bulletin page 16
Remote Sensing
CD Mth 11 Satellite Images of Carbonate Depositional Settings CD St 48 Surface Exploration Case Histories: Applications of
BB Photogeology and Photogeomorphology Geochemistry, Magnetics and Remote Sensing
BB Remote Sensing CD-DP AOA Northern Iraq Quickstudy
M79 The Circum-Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean – Hydrocarbon CD-DP AOA Central Iraq Quickstudy
Habitats, Basin Formulation and Plate Tectonic CD-DP AOA Iraq Quickstudy - Full Country Study
CD M65 Salt Tectonics: A Global Perspective CD-DP Getting Started #6: Salt Tectonics
M99 The Salt Mine DVD-DP Salt Tectonics and Features
M93 Shale Tectonics BULL Bulletin Theme Issue: Barnett Shale
M97 Shale Reservoirs: Giant Resources for the 21st Century CD-DP Getting Started #20: Shales
M102 Electron Microscopy of Shale Hydrocarbon Reservoirs
Series abbreviations used:
M Memoirs pages 3-7 H Hedberg page 12 TR Treatise of Petroleum Geology page 16
A Archie page 8 St Studies in Geology page 15 Mth Methods in Exploration page 17
CA Computer Applications page 8 SP Special Publications page 15 BB Bargain Books page 22
HW Geological Highway Maps page 8 CN Course Notes page 16
DP Datapages pages 9-11 BULL Bulletin page 16
BB Structural Traps IV CD M21 Stratigraphic Traps in Sandstones
BB Structural Traps V CD M67 Traps, Seals and Petroleum Systems
BB Structural Traps VI BB St 41 Sequence Stratigraphy in Offshore South African Divergent
BB Structural Traps VII Basins: An Atlas on Exploration for Cretaceous Lowstand Traps
BB Structural Traps VIII
TR Exploring for Oil and Gas Traps
Unconventional Reservoirs
M89 Natural Gas Hydrates: Energy Resource Potential CD-DP Re-Discovery Series: Coalbed Methane
M97 Shale Reservoirs: Giant Resources for the 21st Century CD-DP Getting Started #3 Coalbed Methane
M102 Electron Microscopy of Shale Hydrocarbon Reservoirs CD-DP DSC 14 Geological Assessment of Coal, Gulf Coastal Plain
CD St 38 Hydrocarbons from Coal BULL Bulletin Theme Issue: Barnett Shale
CD St 45 Atlas of Coal Geology
H3 Understanding, Exploring and Developing Tight-Gas
Well Log
CD Mth 7 Siliciclastic Sequence Stratigraphy in Well Logs, Cores and A2 Application of Resistivity-Tool-Response Modeling for Formation
Outcrops: Concepts for High-Resolution Correlation of Time and Evaluation
Facies CA2 Geologic Log Analysis Using Computer Methods
Mth 13 Geological Applications of Well Logs M92 Dipmeter and Borehole Image Log Technology
Mth 14 Horizontal Wells: Focus on the Reservoirs St 50 Regional to Wellbore Analog for Fluvial-Deltaic Reservoir
Mth 15 Old Electrical Log Interpretation (Pre-1958) Modeling: The Ferron Sandstone of Utah
Mth 16 Basic Well Log Analysis, Second Edition CD-DP DSC 13 Atlas of Borehole Imagery
A1 Petrophysical Evaluation of Hydrocarbon Pore-Thickness in Thinly
Bedded Clastic Reservoirs