Government Dealing To Chinese Mestizo (Before and at Present Time)

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“Government dealing to Chinese Mestizo (before and at present time)”

Chinese mestizo is also called as a “Sangley de meztizo” means mixed Chinese

and Filipino ancestry or mixed-raced of business and until now, they are known as
provisionaries of food, retail traders and artisan. Does Chinese mestizo have a big
impact to our society until now?
During Spanish Era, Chinese Mestizo has already a big part in our country
especially in Economics and it is the time that they made a remarkable history in the
Philippines. As Spanish Colonial arrived in our country, Chinese Mestizo saw a new
opportunity on it. Spanish wanted an indispensable of the Chinese in the economy and
they are mandated to pay a tax according to their income. Indeed, it was a double price
compares to the Indios (Filipino) taxes. As time passed by, Spanish was eager to have
the Chinese Mestizo an indispensable service in the economy yet there was still a
suspicious as the population of Chinese Mestizo grew and found out that they are
threatened to what Chinese Mestizo can do better than them. Furthermore, Spanish
didn’t want to treat a Chinese Mestizo as Chinese but they include them as one of the
Indio. Evidently, both Spanish and Chinese Mestizo cannot live without each other.
Moreover, today’s generation the population of Chinese Mestizo in the Philippines is
expanding and it is indeed not good because government are not tight when it comes in
migration of Chinese people. According to the internet, there is 18-27% Chinese
ancestry in the Philippines which means almost 1.5 million. As we observed there are
many Chinese Mestizo who are belong to the business industry and most of them are
successful like Henry Sy (founder of the SM). Literally, the government of our country is
not really threatened in the presence of the Chinese despite of many Filipinos became a
victim to the abuses of Chinese. Not only were the Filipino people abused, but also our
To conclude, because of Government blindness to the foreign people, the
Philippines is not yet free. As we can see many countries are interested in controlling
our country by their own hands. It is much like that history repeats itself but different

Agrarian dispute brews in Quezon estate vs. Agrarian Disputes: Friar Estates in
the Philippines

Agrarian Dispute refers to any controversy relating to tenurial arrangements,

whether leasehold, tenancy, stewardship or otherwise, over lands devoted to
agriculture, including disputes concerning farm workers' associations or representation
of persons in negotiating, fixing, maintaining, changing, or seeking to arrange terms or
conditions of such tenurial arrangements.
Agrarian Disputes: Friar Estates in the Philippines is all about the friars deprive
by force the lands of the tenants and also about the cases in retrieving the lands of the
tenants. This controversy took how many years to get back the land titles of the tenants
from the friars. Of course, there are a lot of people who’s the reason behind of these
sufferings of the tenants but there are also people behind of winning the case. While
Agrarian dispute brews in Quezon estate is all about land titles between farmers and
settlers. Francisco Bacobo, a resident of Malabon City is the owner of the said land.
Settlers are occupying the lands even before Bacobo acquired it. But the incidents
began when Settlers and Farmers are blaming Aguirre of this matter. Harassment
started, some are experiencing prohibition from building houses or even doing
repairs, unfair sharing of farm proceeds, physical harm, collection of monthly fees,
cursing and being ordered to vote for particular candidates and settlers said Rodolfo,
Vitaliano’s younger brother who has since been acting as caretaker of the estate, was
behind the supposed harassment. “They were acting as the real owners of the land,
but they can’t show to us any proof of ownership,” Icaro said. But Cornelio
Villapando, head of the DAR-Quezon II office investigated the said matters and finally
the settlers and farmers got their wanted justice.
To sum up, both are all about the land titles and political issues but the
difference between the two is in Spanish Era, the tenants, America colonial, the
Madrid Government and friars is the people involved. While in Agrarian dispute brews
in Quezon estate, only Filipinos are involved.

“The Retrieval of Death Penalty”
According to the Cambridge Dictionary, the death penalty means “The legal
punishment of particular crimes by death”. Is it worth to punish the person who commits
an immoral doings? Does it bring a peaceful life to the victims? If this person died, will
the justice totally achieved?
Philippines are one of the countries who are against in Death penalty yet
attempted to reintroduce the death penalty for “heinous crimes related to illegal drugs
and plunder”. One of the reasons why the country doesn’t relive the death penalty is
because most of the citizens are Catholic or Christian; Churches are not in favour to this
matter. There are advantages and disadvantages of death penalty; Advantages (1) A
sentence of life in prison is disproportionate to the capital crime. (2) The death penalty
can provide a deterrent against violent crime. (3) It doesn’t need to be carried out with
brutality. (4) The death penalty does not re-victimize the affected family. (5) It eliminates
the possibility of an escape and future victims. (6) The application of capital punishment
in just ways can limit prison overpopulation issues. Disadvantages (1) It is the ultimate
denial of human rights when implemented. (2) The death penalty can execute someone
who is possible innocent. (3) The cost to prosecute the death penalty is much higher
than other cases. (4) There may not be any deterrence to crime with the death penalty
in place. (5) It is used to control political messages. (6) There is no going back after the
execution takes place. (7) It tends to be applied in a discriminatory way. (8) Family
members of a victim are adversely impacted by the death penalty. This shows that
death penalty has more bad side that may cause the person/s who will prosecute the
death of the suspect is also a killer or has no difference to the people who does an
immoral act.
To sum up, Death penalty is neither good nor best to do. There are other ways in
order to give the suspect a punishment to his/her committed crimes. Death penalty is
not a joke; it is a serious matter that the government deals in. If this death penalty
retrieves again, then government is also a sinner.

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