Lecture 3 - Doubly Linked List

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Data Structures & Algorithms

Lecture 3

Doubly Linked List

Computer Science
• The singly linked list contains only one pointer
field i.e. every node holds an address of next

• The singly linked list is uni-directional i.e. we can

only move from one node to its successor.

• This limitation can be overcome by Doubly

linked list.

Computer Science
Doubly Linked List
• In Doubly linked list, each node has two
• One pointer to its successor (NULL if there is
none) and one pointer to its predecessor (NULL
if there is none).
• These pointers enable bi-directional traversing .

*Previous Data *Next

Computer Science
A Singly Linked List

A Doubly Linked List


Computer Science
Comparison of Linked Lists
• Linked list
struct Node {
int data;
Node* next;
• Doubly linked list
struct Node {
Node *previous;
int data;
Node *next;
Computer Science
• In insertion process, element can be inserted in three
different places
– At the beginning of the list
– At the end of the list
– At the specified position.

• To insert a node in doubly linked list, you must update

pointers in both predecessor and successor nodes.

Computer Science

Computer Science
• In deletion process, element can be deleted from three
different places
– From the beginning of the list
– From the end of the list
– From the specified position in the list.

• When the node is deleted, the memory allocated to that

node is released and the previous and next nodes of that
node are linked

Computer Science

Computer Science
Advantages of Doubly Linked List

1. The doubly linked list is bi-directional, i.e. it can be

traversed in both backward and forward direction.
2. The operations such as insertion, deletion and
searching can be done from both ends.
3. Predecessor and successor of any element can be
searched quickly

Computer Science

1. It consume more memory space.

2. There is a large pointer adjustment during insertion and
deletion of element.
3. It consumes more time for few basic list operations.

Computer Science

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