26203-Surabhi Nair - Paper 6
26203-Surabhi Nair - Paper 6
26203-Surabhi Nair - Paper 6
It should contain:
a. Programme Profile b. Schedule for the programme c. For each session - i. Title of the session. ii. The objective of the session. iii.
Contents for the session (List of subtopics and activities in the right sequence) iv. Methodology v. Equipment and resources required
The past few months have been rather adventurous for all of us as we explored the technologies that brought the world closer over virtual platforms. While
most of us adapted to the new normal, we are yet to get comfortable and confident with virtual interactions. To help you get better acquainted with these
technological interventions, we are pleased to announce a training session on ‘Etiquette in Virtual Communication’.
This session will help you:
1. Improve overall communication
2. Learn to communicate effectively across levels
3. Improve listening
4. Get a better grip on utilizing the virtual medium for effective and clear communication
Date: 10th November 2020 Time: 10:00 am to 05:00 pm (6 hrs) Venue: Microsoft Teams
Sr Name of the session Time
1 Welcome, Introduction, Expectation Setting and Laying Ground Rules 10:00 hrs
2 Ice Breaker & de-brief 10:15 hrs
3 Introduction to Communication 10:45 hrs
4 Exploring the virtual world 11:00 hrs
Tea Break 11:15 hrs
5 Email – Writing & Etiquette 11:30 hrs
6 Proofreading and tips for proofreading 12:00 hrs
7 Verbal Communication & Listening 12:30 hrs
Lunch Break 13:00 hrs
9 Virtual Presence 14:00 hrs
10 Body language 14:30 hrs
11 7 essentials of virtual communication 15:00 hrs
Tea Break 15:15 hrs
12 Email Writing Activity 15:30 hrs
13 Discuss activity and close 16:15 hrs
Total Duration 06 hrs
Training Session Plan
Sr. Session Title Session Objective Content Methodology Equipment & Resources
1 Welcome & To give participants an 1. Welcome participants 1. Instructor led A complete system with
Introduction overview of the program, set 2. Set objective and share agenda interaction working audio, video,
ground rules and, to get and set 3. Manage expectations and set ground microphone set up with a
expectations, during the session. rules good and stable internet
2 Ice Breaker & To get to know each other better 1. Ice-breaker Questions 1. Group Discussion NA
De-brief and initiate rapport building. 2. Discussion activity 2. Activity
3. De-brief (explanation)
3 Introduction to To introduce and familiarize 1. Understanding Communication 1. Group Discussion NA
Communication learners with the base topic. 2. Evolution of Communication
4 Exploring the To familiarize learners with the 1. Evolution of Communication 1. Storytelling NA
virtual world major subject of the session. 2. Storytelling 2. Group Discussion
Tea Break
5 Email – To brush upon the existing 1. Play video on email manners 1. Video Menticom site access
Writing & knowledge learners and to equip 2. Quiz on DOs and DON’Ts in email 2. Quiz on Menticom YouTube link to the
Etiquette them with the best practices of writing 3. De-brief video
email writing. 3. Discussion and debriefing on best
4. Introducing importance of proof-
6 Proofreading To establish the importance of 1. Discussion on identifying errors in the 1. Group Discussion Pen and paper to keep
and tips for proofreading activity for email 2. Instructor led score of errors identified
proofreading effective and impactful 2. Ask participants to keep a track of the explanation and
communication through emails no. of errors identified interaction
3. Explain concept of proofreading 3. Individual Activity
4. Explain tips on proofreading
5. Ask participants to apply proofreading
to the email displayed earlier and count
how many errors they could identify
6. Display correct version of the email
displayed earlier
7 Verbal To introduce learners to 1. Components in Verbal Communication 1. Instructor led Pen and paper to keep
Communication effective verbal communication 2. Factors influencing Verbal explanation and score of errors identified
& Listening and active listening through Communication interaction
virtual medium 3. Play video on active listening 2. Video
4. Discuss the 7 steps of active listening 3. Group & Individual
5. Display tips for choice of words – Ask activities
participants to keep score of how many
correct answers they could guess
Lunch Break
9 Virtual To understand challenges in 1. Discuss limitations in virtual 1. Instructor led NA
Presence virtual communication and how communication explanation and
to overcome them, while 2. Discuss 4 main elements in virtual interaction
ensuring maintaining a positive communication 2. Video
virtual presence. 3. Play video on typical virtual meeting 3. Individual activity
4. Conduct activity and explain why one
must not multitask
5. Debrief using the DOs and DON’Ts
10 Body language To familiarize the learners with 1. Ask participants what comprises of 1. Instructor led NA
the concept of body language body language and whether it is explanation and
and its significance and important in virtual communication interaction
implications while 2. Discuss best practices in body language
communicating through virtual in virtual communication
11 7 essentials of To establish the essential points 1. Structure – Opening, Body, Close 1. Instructor led NA
virtual to be kept in mind while 2. Clarity explanation and
communication communicating over virtual interaction
3. Consistency
4. Medium
5. Relevancy
6. Primacy/Recency
7. The Psychological Rule of 7 + 2
Tea Break
12 Email Writing To put what has been learnt in 1. Display the email scenario 1. Instructor led NA
Activity the email writing session to 2. Give them 15 minutes to draft the email explanation and
practice and draft an email 3. Ask every participant to read their interaction
emails and the others share their 2. Group &
feedback and inputs Individual activity
4. Sharing feedback if points are missed 3. Debrief
by other participants
13 Discuss activity To highlight improvement 1. Highlight common improvement areas 1. Instructor led NA
and close areas, summarize and conclude 2. Quickly recap the session and ask explanation and
the session participants to highlight major learning interaction
points 2. Group Discussion
3. Ask if anyone has any questions/
4. Thank participants and conclude
Question No. 2: Design and Develop an experiential learning activity. This should include:
a. Title of the activity b. Learning Purpose of the activity. c. Duration d. Description of Activity stepwise. e. Material and resources
required. f. Briefs for the participants. g. Guidelines for Facilitator.
b. Learning Objective: The purpose of this activity is to get participants to put on their thinking hats and think of a creative way to solve the problem at
hand. This activity will help participants to break their mental barriers, unlearn what they know and, learn new ways of doing things differently and
creatively. It enables them to question commonly held perceptions about the right way of doing things and offers them opportunities to discover new
ways and possibilities of getting things done.