Second National Labour Commission Report

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(NEW DELHI – OCTOBER 16-18, 2003)



1. Background

India’s Labour Policy is mainly centred towards various labour laws. These laws have evolved
over a period of time in response to two main needs. In the first place, they reflected certain needs of
individuals; society and the nation based on the Fundamental Rights guaranteed by the Constitution. For
example, Article 19 guarantees freedom of speech and expression, freedom to form Association or
Unions and freedom to practice any profession or to carry on any occupation, trade or business, subject
to reasonable restrictions that may be imposed by law on the exercise of these freedoms. Article 23
prohibits traffic in human beings and forced labour and Article 24 prohibits employment of children in
factories etc. These are constitutionally binding and are reflected in the labour laws. In addition, the
Directive Principles of State Policy in Part IV of the Constitution are fundamentals in the governance of
the country and it shall be the duty of the State to apply these principles in making laws. The Principles
enshrined in Articles 39, 41, 42, 43, 43-A are the basic pillars for formulating the policy for our workers.

The labour laws were also influenced by important Human Rights and the conventions and
standards that have emerged from the United Nations and the International Labour Organization. These
include the Right to: work of one’s choice; against discrimination; prohibition of child labour; just and
humane conditions of work; social security; protection of wages; redressal of grievances; organize and
form trade unions; collective bargaining and participation in management.

The country has, therefore, a plethora of labour laws covering various facets of labour issues
such as factories, mines, plantations, transport, shops and commercial establishments, industrial
housing, safety and welfare, wages, social security, industrial relations, employment and training,
emigration, compensation insurance etc. The labour being in the concurrent list, laws are enacted and
implemented both by the Central and State Governments. As on date, we have about 50 Central and
more than 100 State Labour Acts.

2. Setting up of the Second National Commission on Labour

In order to bring labour reforms, Government of India constituted the Second National
Commission on Labour under the Chairmanship of Hon’ble Shri Ravindra Varma on 15.10.1999. The
Commission was given a two-point terms of reference (i) to suggest rationalization of existing laws
relating to labour in the organized sector; and (ii) to suggest ‘umbrella’ legislation for ensuring a
minimum level of protection to the workers in the unorganized sector. In developing the framework for
its recommendations, the Commission was required to take into account the emerging economic
environment involving rapid technological changes, globalization of economy, liberalization of trade and
industry and emphasis on international competitiveness and the need for bringing the existing laws in
tune with the future labour market needs and demands.

3. Submission of the Report by the Commission

The comprehensive Report was submitted by the Commission to the Govt. on 29th June 2002.
The Report is a voluminous document running into 1751 pages and is brought out in two volumes. The
Report of the Commission was placed in the Parliament Library and the copies of the Report were
distributed to the Members of Parliament. The Report (both in Hindi & English) was also placed on
Internet and can be accessed at The Commission has comprehensively
covered various aspects of labour and given recommendations relating to review of laws, social security,
women & child labour, wages, skill development, labour administration, unorganized sector.

A summary of main recommendations relating to rationalization of labour laws and unorganized

sector is given at Annexure-I.

4. Efforts of the Ministry to implement the Report

The Report has been receiving the highest attention of the Government. The specific
recommendations are under in-depth examination in the Ministry of Labour. The Union Labour Minister
has discussed the report individually with all recognized trade unions, employers’ representatives and
eminent personalities to get their considered views. He has also held discussions in various States like
Kerala, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu etc.

The Union Labour Minister has requested the Chief Ministers of all States to initiate appropriate
action to rationalize the labour laws falling within their sphere. He has also written to all Members of
Parliament and eminent personalities including political parties and their functionaries to send their
comments on the recommendations of NCL. The Labour Secretary has also requested to the Chief
Secretaries of all States for rationalization of labour laws falling under their spheres.

Certain more specific initiatives taken by the Ministry in this regard are enumerated below: -

(i) Discussions on the Report of NCL in 38th session of Indian Labour Conference on 28-29
September, 2002

The Report of the Commission was discussed as one of the agenda items at the Indian Labour
Conference (ILC) meeting held on 28-29 September 2002. The state representatives, employers, trade
unions and other social partners expressed their views on the report and requested the Government for
a detailed discussion on the report before its acceptance. Even then, there was convergence of views on
certain recommendations of National Labour Commission. These, inter-alia, include:

(a) introduction of umbrella legislation for workers in the unorganized sector and
agricultural labour.
(b) creation of skill development fund for training/retraining of workers.
(c) encouragement of small scale industries, agri-business and rural sector for higher
employment generation.
(d) bringing about attitudinal changes and changes in the mindset and work culture where
employer and worker work with each other as partners, with emphasis on participative
(e) consolidation of social security legislations and establishment of social security system.

At the end of the Conference, it was decided to convene a tripartite meeting to exhaustively
discuss the report.

(ii) National Seminar on Unorganised Sector Labour

A two-day national seminar on ‘Unorganised Sector Labour: Social Protection, Skill Development
and Legislative Interventions’ was organized on 7-8 November, 2002. The Seminar was attended by the
representatives of trade unions, employers, State Governments and Central Ministries, academicians,
NGOs, ILO, social activists and representatives of media. Labour Ministers from the States of Kerala,
Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Maharashtra also participated.

There was a consensus among the delegates that social security should consist of medical care,
maternity benefit, old-age pension, unemployment, insurance benefit and education opportunities. It
was suggested that the ceiling / threshold limit of EPFO and ESIC need to be modified and package of
benefits unbundled to bring the unorganized sector workers within its ambit. The setting of a Central
Welfare Fund was recommended to expand the coverage of the existing social welfare schemes.

The need for skill upgradation is paramount for increasing the productivity in the unorganized
sector and also for sustaining the employability of the growing workforce. It was felt that earmarking of
a certain percentage of the GDP for training and skill development, together with the creation of a Skill
Development Fund with contributions from employers, employees and Government would provide
necessary resources to enhance the productivity of the unorganized sector workers. Designing and
developing Labour Market Information System, development of competency standards and introduction
of certification system for skills acquired through informal means and modernization and optimum
utilization of existing skill development institutions were also suggested.

The introduction of umbrella legislation was found feasible considering the need for
rationalization, simplification and consolidation of labour laws. It was suggested that the legislation
should provide for regulating the conditions of service of workers in the unorganized sector particularly
in terms of payment of minimum wages, hours of work, collective bargaining etc. apart from ensuring
minimum welfare provisions.

(iii) Tripartite Committee Meeting

A two-day Tripartite Committee Meeting was held on 18-19 February 2003 at V.V. Giri National
Labour Institute. The agenda items for the meeting were: -

(i) Comprehensive Social Security

(ii) Skill Development & Training
(iii) Industrial Relations
(iv) Social Protection for Unorganized Sector Workers

In the meeting, representatives of Central trade unions, employers organizations, key officials
from the Government (both Central and States) and labour experts participated. The important
suggestions of the tripartite meeting were as follows: -

 The social partners unanimously supported the proposal of Unorganized Sector Workers
Bill, 2003. It was also suggested that Government should meet the cost of welfare
schemes for the vulnerable sections of the society.

 Social security may be made as a fundamental right by amending the Constitution and
to earmark 2-3% of GDP for social security.

 Trade Unions felt that Government should ratify the ILO Convention, especially
Convention No. 102 on Social Security (Minimum Standards).

 Need was felt for integrated social security schemes with single window operation
where all the social security benefits may be put under one basket.

 To evolve a comprehensive social security system, a computerized Social Security

Number and Card should be issued to the workers.

 Need of private sector participation in skill development was emphasized through the
combined efforts of Government, employers and employees.

 Necessity of setting up of a Skill Development Fund for training / retraining was

stressed. There should not be any cess linked with provident fund. The Skill
Development Fund should consist of a corpus from the Government and donations by

 Presently, as many as 13 Ministries / Departments of Government of India are running

various employment generation and vocational training schemes. The need for bringing
them under one umbrella was felt. However, reservations were expressed regarding
the administrative difficulties in the process of integration.

 The need for having an efficient labour market information system for skill training was

 State Governments were of the view that private placement agencies should be
regulated, as they were charging exorbitant amounts. The employers’ organizations
were, however, not in favour of any such regulation.

 The employers suggested contractual and fixed term employments, workers’

participation as per TISCO Model, Check-off System, amendment in Section 9-A for
enabling restructuring, amendment in Section 11-A for enforcing discipline and
restrictive clauses regarding retrenchment and closure should be done away with
whereas the trade unions were of the view that unfettered right for retrenchment and
closure in the name of flexibility was not conducive to employment generation. No
flexibility was required in the matters relating to strike, lockout, closure, lay-off and

 Unions felt that competition in the market should not be at the cost of workers. Though
simplification of law was desirable, it should not be construed as exemption from law
itself. Determination of strike on the basis of ballot was not desirable.

 No consensus could be arrived on the contentious issues of industrial relations.

However, it was agreed to discuss the issue under the initiative of the Ministry of Labour
to bridge the differences.

(iv) Consultative Committee Meetings

The Draft of the Umbrella Legislation on Unorganized Labour, as recommended by NCL in its
Report, was discussed in the Consultative Committee of Ministry of Labour in its meeting held on
07.02.2003. The valuable suggestions of the members on the Draft Bill on Unorganized Sector Workers
were incorporated in the Bill.

Report of the 2nd National Commission on Labour was discussed again in a meeting of the
Consultative Committee held on 30.04.2003 and the House agreed with the suggestions that decisions
on the recommendations will be taken after keeping in view the ground realities and accept such of
them which are practicable for implementation. It was also felt that there was need to have a lot of
detailed discussions before coming out some conclusions about the type of Bills needed to be brought

In the 39th Session of Standing Labour Committee held on 25.07.2003, it was decided that the
Report of Second National Commission on Labour with emphasis on rationalization of labour laws and
the unorganized labour would be one of the Agenda Item for the 39th Session of Indian Labour

5. Rationalisation of Labour Laws: -

The Commission suggested codification of existing laws in 4 to 5 groups and also suggested
amendment to the existing laws and to enact the following new draft laws:

(i) Labour Management Relations Bill:- The National Commission on Labour has given a Draft Bill
on Labour Management Relations. The details of the new provisions contained in this Bill are as under:

The draft Bill provides provisions to establish a machinery in the form of Labour Relations
Commissions, which will offer adjudication/arbitration services to the parties in disputes and also
promote healthy industrial relations.

The Bill also provides provisions for appeals against the orders or awards of Labour Courts can
be filed before the Central Labour Relations Commission or the State Labour Relations Commission,
which shall be deemed to be established under Article 323 –B of the Constitution of India. Appeals
against the order or award of the Central or State Labour Relations Commission can be filed before the
National Labour Relations Commission, which shall be deemed to be established under Article 32(3) of
the Constitution of India. The arrangement will bar the jurisdiction of High Courts and Supreme Court in
the industrial disputes covered by the Bill. Since these Commissions will be specialized bodies the
system will help evolve a consistent labour jurisprudence.

The draft Bill also provides the provisions of lay-off which shall apply to all establishments
instead of their applications to establishments employing 50 or more workers as this has become
counter-productive. The requirement of prior permission for lay-off, retrenchment and closure will be
required by the factory, plantation or mines employing 300 or more workers instead of 100 workers at
present. The compensation in case of retrenchment and closure shall be 45 days wages.

The draft Bill also provides provisions for recognition of trade unions and negotiating agent. At
present, there is no provision for recognition of trade unions under the Central Laws.

The draft Bill also contains provisions for prohibition of strikes and lock-outs in socially essential
services. At present the Industrial Disputes Act contains notice of strike or lock-out in public utility

services only and there is no provision for taking strike ballot to be taken before issuing notice of strike.
The workers employed in any socially essential services cannot resort to strike unless the strike has been
called by the Negotiating Agent and the call for strike by the Negotiating Agent has been preceded by
Strike Ballot in which not less than 51% of workers have supported the proposed strike.

(ii) Unorganized Sector Workers (Employment and Welfare) Bill: - The NCL has recommended an
umbrella legislation to consolidate and amend the laws relating to the regulation of employment and
welfare of workers in the unorganized sector in India and to provide protection and social security to
these workers. A Draft Unorganised Sector Workers’ Bill has been prepared in consultation with the
States and the same is presently under consideration of the Group of Ministers headed by Hon’ble
Deputy Prime Minister.

(iii) Law on Wages:- The Commission has recommended framing of a new Law on Wages to include
the provisions of wage related Acts viz. Minimum Wages Act, 1948, Payment of Wages Act, 1936,
Payment of Bonus Act, 1965 and the Equal Remuneration Act,1976. It applies to all establishments
wherever there are 20 or more workers irrespective of the nature of activity that is carried on in the
(iv) The Small Enterprises (Employment Relations) Bill: - NCL recommended that considering the
limited managerial capability and the financial and administrative burden imposed on small scale units
by subjecting them to the same laws as those for the big industries, a separate law be enacted to look
after the employment relations of the workers in such units. The draft law suggested by the
Commission contains provisions for social security, health, safety, welfare, hours of work, and annual
leave in small-scale units employing upto 19 workers.

(v) Umbrella Legislation on Occupational Safety & Health: The Commission has suggested the
Umbrella Legislation on Occupational Safety & Health.

(vi) The Hours of Work, Leave and other Working Conditions at the Workplace Bill: The
Commission has suggested the Act to provide for regulation of hours of work, leave and other working
conditions in all establishments.

(vii) Model Standing Orders: NCL suggested for establishments employing 20 or more but
less than 50 workers.

(viii) Indicative Law on Child Labour: The Commission suggested to replace existing Child Labour
(Regulation and Prohibition) Act, 1986.

6. Unorganised Sector Workers

According to the survey conducted by the National Sample Survey Organization (NSSO) in 1999-
2000, the total employment in both the organized and unorganized sectors in the country was 397
million, of which 28 million are in the organized sector and 369 million (about 93%) are in the
unorganized sector. Of this, 237 million workers are in the agricultural sector, 41 million in
manufacturing and 91 million in services including construction (37 million in trade, 37 million in
transport, communication and services, and 17 million in construction). On account of their unorganized
nature, these workers do not get adequate labour protection in terms of job security, wages, working
conditions, social security and welfare. Nor is the expression unorganized sector capable of any
compact definition.

Over the years, the status of unorganized labour in the country has been studied in several
contexts – by First National Commission on Labour National Commission on Self-Employed Women

(1987), National Commission on Rural Labour (1987) and National Council for Applied Economic
Research (NCAER) and Self-Employed Women’s Associations (SEWA, 1997). All these studies have
projected the plight of workers in the unorganized sector and called for substantial measures to improve
their labour protection.

Considering the enormity of the persisting problems of labour protection in this area, the
Second National Commission on Labour (NCL) appointed by the Government was asked; inter alia, “to
suggest an umbrella legislation for ensuring a minimum level of protection to the workers in the
unorganized sector.” The Commission which has given its report in June, 2002, while addressing this
specific Term of Reference has identified the following important characteristics of unorganized labour:

• Casual, seasonal, contractual, kinship-based labour relations;

• Home-based / self-employed nature of work, whether production is on own account or
for wage;

• Marginal work (that is, work for less than 180 days in a year);

• Migrant nature;

• Access to finance through exploitative private channels and debt bondage;

• Application of indigenous resources and technologies;

• Dependence on common property resources;

• Health hazards;

• Feminisation of labour and employment of child labour;

• Casualisation / informalization from organized sector enterprises.

As NCL has pointed out, most of our labour laws are relevant only to the organized sector. Even
the major focus of the Trade Unions both at Centre and in the State is on the problems relating to the
organized sector workers only. The medical facilities, provident fund, insurance and pension like
benefits under the Employees’ State Insurance Act, 1948 and the Employees Provident Fund and
Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 are for this category of workers. On the other hand the unorganized
sector workers which comprise of 93% of the total labour force and comprises the most vulnerable
section of the society viz. SC/ST minorities and OBC, who are generally living below the poverty line are
deprived of any social security cover.

The Central Government has constituted five Welfare Funds for specific groups of unorganized
sector workers – for those engaged in beedi, non-coal mines and cine industries. Implementation of the
progressive legislation like the Building and Other Construction Workers (RECS) Act, 1996 will go a long
way in providing safe and healthy working environment along with social protection measures. These
are apart from National Social Assistance Programme (NSAP) consisting of schemes for old age pension,
family benefit and maternity benefit, group insurance schemes and poverty alleviation (employment
assistance) schemes generally meant for those living below poverty line including job seekers and some
categories of workers.

Some of the State Governments also have been implementing welfare programmes for a few
categories of unorganized sector workers. The Government of Kerala have been operating a number of

welfare funds for last many years covering like agriculture workers, construction workers, cashew
workers, toddy tappers, tailoring workers etc. Similarly, Government of Tamil Nadu is also
implementing welfare funds for construction workers, tailoring workers, transport workers, handicraft
workers, rickshaw and taxi drivers workers, handloom and silk weaving workers etc. The Government of
Goa has also recently started ‘Dayanand Social Security Scheme’ for old, destitute and single women
which also includes certain category of workers in the unorganized sector like auto rickshaw & taxi
drivers, toddy tappers, etc. Similarly, the Government of Punjab is implementing a scheme to provide
financial assistance to the farmers and labourers in case of death or injury by operating the agricultural
machinery/implements and other operations. Besides, the Government of Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh,
Madhya Pradesh are in the process of enacting of their own umbrella legislations for the workers in
unorganized sector. The major benefits being provided by the State Governments under existing
welfare schemes for the unorganized sector include group insurance, education assistance, medical care

Despite all these efforts, there are colossal deficits in the coverage of unorganized sector
workers in the rural as well as urban areas by labour protection and social security measures. NCL while
dealing with the impacts of globalization and new economic and industrial policies has observed that
traditional industries are facing problems of demand contraction; that enterprises are downsizing or
closing; that they are not embarking on new projects or expansion because of mergers and acquisitions;
that employment in general is not growing and where it grows, is limited to narrow fields; and that
workers are getting “casualized and contractualized”.

The NCL justified the need of an Umbrella Legislation for the unorganised sector workers and
also gave an indicated Bill. The report of the NCL has been discussed at various fora. The 38th session of
the Indian Labour Conference held in September, 2002 had convergence of view on the need for the
umbrella legislation. Subsequently, the recommendations of NCL in regard to unorganized sector
including the draft Bill suggested by it were examined and consultations on the matter were held by the
Ministry in a National Conference on Unorganized Labour in November, 2002. This conference was
attended by representatives of Trade Unions, employers, non-governmental organizations, State
Governments, Central Ministries and academics. The Conference endorsed the need for the umbrella
legislation and suggested that it should provide for regulation of conditions of service of workers
including payment of minimum wages and provision of social security. Keeping in view the
recommendations of the NCL and views of all stake holders, a draft Unorganized Sector Workers Bill,
2003 was prepared by the Ministry. The draft was also circulated to the State Governments and
discussed in a meeting of State Labour Secretaries in January, 2003. This was further discussed in a
meeting of the Parliamentary Consultative Committee for the Ministry on 7th February, 2003. There was
also a tripartite consultation on the Draft Bill on the 18th and 19th of February, 2003 and then in the
meeting of CTUs held on 24th May 2003. The draft Bill envisage to regulate the employment and
conditions of service of unorganised sector workers and to provide for their safety, social security,
health and welfare. The Cabinet in its meeting held on 23rd July, 2003 considered the proposal and
decided to refer it the Group of Ministers (GoM) under the Chairmanship of the Deputy Prime Minister.
First meeting of the GoM was held on 14th August 2003. The second meeting is likely to be held shortly.

7. Present status on the action taken on the recommendations.

The future course of labour reforms strategy would be mainly guided by the recommendations
of the NCL. In order to systematically adopt the recommendations of the Commission and initiate action
on labour reforms, the following action have been taken or are being taken: -

(i) Social Security Legislation: The Government proposes to establish social security system by
providing for old age pension, medical insurance, workers injury scheme, maternity benefits and

unemployment insurance and also for providing efficient service delivery in terms of social security

Action has been initiated for amending the provisions of various Social Security Acts in line with
the recommendations of Second National Commission on Labour and suggestions received by the
Ministry. The reforms in labour legislation include the need to extend coverage of the ESIC and EPFO to
various categories of workers and the need for efficient service delivery in terms of social security

The Employees’ State Insurance Act, 1948, the Employees’ Provident Fund and Miscellaneous
Provisions Act, 1952 are both being amended appropriately. A few suggestions have also been received
regarding the Workmen’s Compensation Act, 1923 and the Maternity Benefit Act, 1961. These
suggestions are being examined in terms of the need for amendment, if any. The focus is now on
launching different benefit schemes to suit the need of the workers in various sectors.

ESIC is now widening the coverage of its hospitals by setting up the Model Hospitals and Super-
speciality hospitals.

A major thrust area is the ambitious scheme for allocation of Social Security Numbers to all the
subscribers of EPFO. The Scheme provides for a unique identification number for each subscriber and a
unique business number for each employer. This measure alone will solve the problems related to
identification of workers in the present trend of high labour mobility and casualization of labour.

An important recommendation of the NCL Report is the setting up of the National Social
Security Authority under the chairmanship of the Prime Minister. This recommendation is being
processed presently.

(ii) Labour Management Relations Bill:- The amendment in the Industrial Disputes Act in the light
of the recommendations of NCL is under consideration of the Government in consultation with the
social partners.

(iii) Umbrella Legislation for Workers in Unorganized Sector: - The Ministry of Labour proposes to
bring an umbrella legislation for workers in unorganized sector to provide social security and other
benefits under various labour laws. This is an enabling legislation that will lead to growth of economy,
improve the quality of employment and provide a decent life to the workers. The modalities with regard
to operation and mobilization have been worked out and the draft legislation is presently before the
Group of Ministers for their consideration.

(iv) Unified Law on Wages:- The Commission has recommended framing of a new Law on Wages to
include the provisions of wage related Acts viz. Minimum Wages Act, 1948, Payment of Wages Act,
1936, Payment of Bonus Act, 1965 and the Equal Remuneration Act,1976. This recommendation is
under examination of the Ministry.

(v) Law for Workers in Small Scale Units: - NCL recommended that considering the limited
managerial capability and the financial and administrative burden imposed on small scale units by
subjecting them to the same laws as those for the big industries, a separate law be enacted to look after
the employment relations of the workers in such units. The draft law suggested by the Commission
contains provisions for social security, health, safety, welfare, hours of work, and annual leave in small-
scale units employing upto 19 workers. The law is basically to be implemented by the State
Governments and hence the draft law has been circulated to State Governments for their comments

and also the comments of the Ministry of Small Scale Industries have been sought to consider Bill for the
Small Enterprises.

(vi) Simplification of Forms, Returns and Registers under various Labour Laws:- Various laws
regulating different aspects of labour related matters were enacted from time to time. Whenever a new
law was enacted, various registers were prescribed to maintain the details of wages, employment
conditions, etc for enforcement thereof. Simultaneously, forms were also prescribed for furnishing
returns of various details by the employers to the law enforcing agencies. Over the time, the number of
such registers and returns to be maintained/submitted by the employers under different laws have
increased considerably. Hence, there have been persistent demands from various quarters to simplify
the forms of various returns/registers being submitted/maintained by employers under different labour
laws. With this end in view, a Working Group to consider simplification of existing forms of returns and
registers prescribed under the existing labour laws and suggest measures to adopt the simplified forms.
The Working Group has submitted its report and the same is under examination. A copy of the same is
enclosed as Annexure-II.

(vii) Participation of Workers in Management Bill: - NCL in its report has recommended introduction
of a Bill namely “participation of workers in management” in the wake of globalization where there is
continuous demand for introduction of new technologies, improving work processes and making the
enterprises capable of standing upto global competition. The Bill is under consideration of the Ministry.

(viii) Amendment of Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act, 1970: NCL in its report has
recommended outsourcing of certain activities of an establishment and granting of contract labour. The
proposal to amend the provisions of the Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970 are under
examination of a Group of Ministers.

(ix) Umbrella Legislation on Occupational Safety & Health: The Commission has recommended
Umbrella Legislation on Occupational Safety & Health. The draft Legislation was prepared by the Group
under the Chairmanship of DGFASLI. It was circulated during the 45th Conference of Chief Inspectors of
Factories to all participants for seeking their comments. A final view in the matter will be taken on the
basis of comments received from the State Governments. Further, the Second National Commission on
Labour also recommended for framing of a National Policy on Occupational Safety and Health. Action
for formulating the National Policy has already been initiated by the Ministry of Labour on the basis of
recommendations given by the Working Group on Occupational Safety and Health for the 10th Five Year
Plan which was constituted by the Planning Commission. This Working Group had reviewed the existing
set up for Occupational Safety and Health in the country in the light of the growing demands of all
sectors of the economy. A Draft National Policy on Occupational Safety and Health was prepared by the
Core Group under Directorate General, Factory Advice Service and Labour Institute (DGFASLI). A copy of
the Draft National Policy on Safety, Health and Environment at Workplace is enclosed as Annexure-III.

This Draft was circulated for wider consultations to all the stakeholders. A National
Level Conference was held on 17.09.2003 for threadbare deliberations on the subject. The intention of
the Government in bringing out such a policy were well appreciated by all the stakeholders in the
Conference. Important suggestions / inputs were received. Action is being taken to modify the
provisions of the policy in the light of the suggestions received.

The House may also provide its valuable suggestions on the Draft Policy.

Further, in respect of action for reforms in Labour Legislations, the Factories (Amendment) Bill,
2003 was introduced in the Lok Sabha on 29.07.2003. The Bill proposes to amend Section 66 of the

Factories Act, 1948 so as to provide flexibility in the matter of employment of women during night with
adequate safeguards for ensuring their safety, dignity and honour of women at workplace.


Keeping in view the recommendations of the Second National Commission on Labour, the
course curricula are being revised to keep pace with technological changes taking place in the industry.
Obsolete trades are deleted and new trades are introduced as per need of the industry. The details are
as follows: -

(a) Introduction of 36 new trades w.e.f. January, 2003, revision of curriculum of 37 trades
and deletion of 9 trades under the Craftsman Training Scheme

(b) Introduction of 17 new trades besides 13 new trades under the scheme covering
informal sector, revision of curriculum of 42 trade syllabi and deletion of 10 trades
under the Apprenticeship Training Scheme.

(c) DGET gives due importance to industry institute linkages, Institute Managing
Committees (IMCs) for 221 Government ITIs in 15 States have already been set up and
formation of IMCs in three more States are in final stages. The State Directors have
already been requested to set up IMCs for Government ITIs in their respective States.

DGET proposes to take up a scheme to develop 100 Government ITIs as Centre of excellence
during 10th Plan period. The various conditions for providing central assistance to such Institutes of
Excellence are:

1. The Institute should have established tie-ups with industry and formed an Institute
Managing Committee.

2. The institute will have sufficient functional, administrative and financial autonomy.

3. The institutes will conduct new modern courses as per the demand of the industry.

The House is requested to express the valued opinions the recommendations pertaining to the
major issues for facilitating the Government to take decisions of those respective recommendations.




5.4 Labour laws are not the only cause of our unsatisfactory economic development and there are
other factors that affect the efficiency of the industry.

5.6 This does not mean that we do not believe in the need for changes both in laws and attitude.

5.8 The wages have to be looked upon as incomes that are earned through hard work.

5.24 We have maximum number of holidays. A study reveals that out of seven days an average govt.
servant works for three days. If the Government offices are closed all economic activities
dependant on government departments come to a standstill.

5.29 There should be three national holidays. In addition there can be two more holidays and ten
restricted holidays in a year.

5.32 The attitude to hours of work should not be rigid, but hours of work put in beyond nine hours a
day and 48 hours a week must be compensated by payment of O.T. wages.

5.34 In transforming the basis of employment (by meeting the demand of hire and fire), it is equally
necessary to create social acceptability for change and the social institutions that can take care
of the consequences.

5.35 A fundamental change of this kind has to be preceded by the evolution of socially accepted
consensus on new perceptions of jobs, evolution of a system of constant upgradation of
employability through training and setting up of social security including unemployment

6.16 Whatever be the employment limit, there are certain provisions like maternity benefit, child
care, workmen's compensation, medical benefits and other elements of social security and
safety which must be applicable to all workers, irrespective of the employment size of that
establishment, or the nature of its activity.

6.19 We recommend that Government may lay down a list of such highly paid jobs who are presently
deemed as workmen as being outside the purview of the laws relating to workmen and included
in the proposed law for the protection of non workmen. Another alternative is that the
Government fix a cut off limit of remuneration which is substantially high enough, in the present
context, such as Rs.25,000/- p.m. beyond which employees will not be treated as ordinary

6.20 Supervisors would be kept out of definition of ‘workers’ and would be clubbed alongwith
managerial and administrative employees.

6.21 The existing set of labour laws should be broadly grouped into four or five groups of laws
pertaining to (i) industrial relations, (ii) wages, (iii) social security, (iv) safety and (v) welfare and
working conditions and so on.

6.22 Managerial and other excluded employees too may be provided a minimum level of protection
against unfair dismissal or removals.

6.24 There is no need for different definitions of the term ‘appropriate government’. There must be
a single definition of the term, applicable to all labour laws. (List of activities or industries for
which Central Government would be the appropriate Government has been given in the report).

6.26 The provisions of all laws be judiciously consolidated into a single law called the ‘Labour
Management Relations Law’. However, we would carve out a section of these workers who are
employed in establishments with an employment size of 19 and below, for a different kind of
dispensation. We also recommend the repeal of the Sales Promotion Employees (conditions of
Service) Act, 1976 and other specific Acts governing industrial relations in particular trades or
employments and also specific laws.

6.28 Special law for small scale units which employ nineteen or less workers be enacted.

6.32 Term ‘Workmen’ be changed as workers.

6.33 There no agreement or understanding between the two parties is reached, the recourse to third
party should be through arbitration or adjudication.

6.34 Provisions must be made in the law for determining Negotiating Agents on behalf of workers.

6.35 The law must provide for authorities to identify the negotiating agent in the shape of labour
courts and labour relations commissions to adjudicate the disputes and so on.

6.37 Changes in labour laws should be accompanied by well defined social security package.

6.38 Definition of certain terms such as worker, wages, establishment, etc. should be common in all
the labour laws. Domestic service should be covered under the proposed type of umbrella
legislation, particularly in regard to wages, hours of work, working conditions, safety and social

6.40 It is desirable to define two terms, 'wages' and 'remuneration' for the purpose of contributions
to social security and for other claims while the wages will include basic wages and dearness
allowance, the remuneration will include all other allowances and over time wages.
6.41 Go slow” and “work to rule” are forms of action which must be regarded as misconduct.

6.43 Retrenchment should be defined precisely to cover only termination of employment arising out
of reduction of surplus labour.

6.48 In socially essential services like water supply, there may be a strike ballot and if the strike ballot
shows that 51% of workers are in favour of a strike, it should be taken that the strike has taken
place, and the dispute must forthwith be referred to compulsory arbitration.

6.50 We are recommending a ceiling on the total number of trade unions of which an ‘outsider’ can
be a member of executive bodies is needed. Trade Unions of workers in the unorganised sector
should be registered even where there is no employer employee relationship or such
relationship is not clear and provision stipulating 10% membership for registration shall not
apply in their case.

6.53 Inter-union or intra-union disputes should be resolved by labour courts by reference of such
disputes by the disputing parties or suo motto.

6.54 Federations or Central organisations of workers should be subject to the same discipline as
primary trade unions.

6.55 Craft or caste-based trade unions should not be entitled to any privileges, immunities or rights.

6.66. We recommend that the negotiating agent should be selected for recognition on the basis of the
check off system. A union with 66% membership be entitled to be accepted as the single
negotiating agent, and if no union has 66% support, then unions that have the support of more
than 25% should be given proportionate representation on the negotiating college.

6.73 Check off System in an establishment employing 300 or more workers must be made
compulsory for members of all registered trade unions and may be applicable in the case of
establishment employing less than 300 persons.

6.76 Recognition once granted, should be valid for a period of four years, to be coterminous with the
period of settlement. The individual workers’ authorisation for check off should also be co-
terminus with the tenure of recognition of the negotiating agent or college.

6.77 All establishments employing 20 or more workers should have standing orders or regulations.
Employers of establishments employing 50 or more workers will discuss and decide the standing
orders in consultation with the negotiating agent. In case no understanding is reached, the
matter shall be decided by the certifying officer appointed by the appropriate govt.

6.79 Subsistence allowance would be payable to workers suspended pending domestic enquiry.

6.80 A Grievance Redressal Committee for organisations employing 20 or more should be


6.82 There need be no statutory obligation for the employer to give prior notice, in regard to item 11
of the Fourth Schedule increase in the workforce, as is the position now under sec 9A. Notice of
change, issued by an employer as per provisions of Sec 9A, should not operate as a stay under
Sec 33 though such a decision of the management will be justiciable under Sec 33 A.

6.83 Refusal to go for training, which must be at the employers’ cost and in the employer's time, may
be included as an act of misconduct under the standing orders if such refusal is without valid
6.87 Government should not compel unviable undertakings to continue to bear the financial
burden. Such units must be allowed for closure, provided adequate compensation to the
workers is paid.

6.88 Prior permission is not necessary in respect of lay-off and retrenchment in an establishment of
any employment size. However, in cases of establishments employing 300 or more workers if
the lay off is continued for more than 30 days, post facto permission of the appropriate govt.
shall be required. The provisions of Chapter VB pertaining to permission for closure should be
made applicable to all establishments to protect the interests of workers in establishments
which are not covered at present by this provision if they are employing 300 or more workers.
All dues of the workers have to be first settled as a precondition to retrenchment or closure. In
case of retrenchment, the profit making units shall be required to pay sixty days wages as
compensation for every completed year of service and the establishments which are making
losses will have to pay 45 days wages as compensation. In case of closure, the units which have

been incurring losses continuously for three years or more will pay thirty days wages for every
completed year of service as compensation and the establishments which are not making losses
but want to close down shall pay 45 days wages as compensation. Units employing less than
100 workers will have to pay 50% of the amount mentioned above as compensation for
retrenchment and closure.

6.91 The provision for permission to close down an establishment employing 300 or more workmen
should be made a part of Chapter VA, and Chapter VB should be repealed. A sixty days notice
will be required to be given or wages will be required to be paid in lieu of notice for retrenching
or closing down.

6.92 We have recommended arbitration or adjudication for determining disputes between

management and labour. We feel arbitration is the better of the two. Every settlement should
contain an arbitration clause including the name(s) of arbitrator(s) who shall arbitrate in case of
any dispute.

6.93 Panel of arbitrator shall be maintained by the Labour Relations Commissions.

6.94 Labour courts, lok Adalats and Labour Relations Commissions shall form the adjudicatory system
to deal with all matters. The labour court will function under the supervision of LRC. The
conciliation function will remain with the executive.

6.95 Officials of labour departments at the Centre and the State who are of and above the rank of
Deputy Labour Commissioners/Regional Labour Commissioners with ten years experience in the
labour department and a degree in law would be eligible for being appointed as presiding
officers of labour courts.

6.96 All matters pertaining to individual workers be determined by recourse to the grievance
redressal committee, conciliation and arbitration/ adjudication by the labour court. In this view,
section 2A of the Industrial Disputes Act 1947 may be amended. A union, which does not have
at least 10% membership amongst the employees in an establishment, should have no locus-
standi in that establishment. All disputes, claims or complaints under the law on labour
relations should be raised within one year of the occurrence of the cause of action. As regards
Sec. 11-A, if a worker has been dismissed or removed from service after a proper and fair
enquiry on charges of violence, sabotage, theft and/or assault, and if the labour court comes to
the conclusion that the grave charges have been proved, then the court will not have the power
to order reinstatement of the delinquent worker. The union having at least 10% membership
amongst the workers of an establishment shall only have the right to represent cases of
individual workers.

6.97 System of Lok Adalats on labour matters appears promising and should be pursued.

6.99 We would also recommend levy of a token court fee in respect of all matters coming up before
labour courts and labour relations commissions.

6.102 We recommend that a strike should be called only by the recognised negotiating agent and that
too after it had conducted a strike ballot amongst all the workers, of whom at least 51% support
the move to strike. For declaring lock out, the decision should be taken at the highest level in
the management. No strike or lock out should be declared without giving 14 days’ notice. In
case of illegal strike, the workers shall lose three days’ wages for every day of illegal strike. For

illegal lock out, the employer shall pay three days wages for every day of such lock out to the

6.103 The time has come to legislatively provide for a scheme of workers participation in
management. It may be initially applicable to all establishments employing 300 or more persons.
For the smaller establishments, a non-statutory scheme may be provided.

6.104 The existing provisions in labour laws (on which no recommendation has been made) should be
suitably incorporated in the consolidated laws, if not otherwise inconsistent with the
recommendations of this Commission.

6.105 We would urge that recommendations should be taken up as a whole.

6.106 Small Entrepreneurs (Employment Relations) Act that we have recommended seeks to cover all
aspects of employment including wages, social security, safety and health, bonus and so on
(which will be a composite law and will apply to all establishments employing 19 workers and
6.109 Contract labour shall not be engaged for core production/ services/activities. However, for sporadic
seasonal demand, the employer may engage temporary labour for core production/service
activity. We are aware that off loading perennial non-core services like canteen, watch & ward,
cleaning, etc. to other employing agencies has to take care of three aspects – (1) there have to
be provisions that ensure that perennial core services are not transferred to other agencies or
establishments; (2) where such services are being performed by employees on the pay rolls of
the enterprises, no transfer to other agencies should be done without consulting, the bargaining
(negotiating) agents; and (3) where the transfer of such services do not involve any employee
who is currently in service, the management will be free to entrust the service to outside
agencies. The contract labour will, however, be remunerated at the rate of a regular worker
engaged in the same organization doing work of a comparable nature or if such worker does not
exist in the organization, at the lowest salary of a worker in a comparable grade, i.e. unskilled,
semi-skilled or skilled. The principal employer will also ensure that the prescribed social security
and other benefits are extended to the contract worker.

6.110 No workers should be kept casual or temporary for more than two years continuous.

6.112 The minimum wage payable to anyone in employment, in whatever occupation, should be such
as would satisfy the needs of the worker and his family (consisting in all of 3 consumption units)
arrived at on the Need Based formula of the 15th Indian Labour Conference supplemented by
the recommendations made in the Judgment of the Supreme Court in the Raptakos Brett & Co

6.113 The Commission recommends that every employer must pay each worker his one-month's
wage, as bonus before an appropriate festival. Any demand for bonus in excess of this upto a
maximum of 20% of the wages will be subject to negotiation. Wage ceiling for coverage of
workers and for calculation of bonus be raised to Rs.7500 and Rs.3500 respectively.

6.114 Central Government may notify the National Floor Level Minimum Wage. Each State/Union
Territory should have the authority to fix minimum rates of wages, which shall not be, in any
event, less than the National Floor Level Minimum Wage when announced.

6.115 Piece rated workers, if not provided work by the employer, should be paid at least 75% of the

6.116 We, therefore recommend that fixation of piece rate wages must be so done as to enable a
diligent worker to earn after 8 hours work what would be the time rated daily rate.

6.117 There is a case to distinguish between regular wage employment or food or remuneration in
return for some token work for which opportunities are created.

6.118 There is no need for any wage board, statutory or otherwise, for fixing wage rates for workers in
any industry.

6.121 We would recommend consolidation of all laws of the kind and the enactment of a general law
relating to working conditions at the work place. For safety, we recommend an omnibus law
with different rules for different activities (such as factories, mines, construction, etc.). Every
worker must be provided an appointment letter and a copy of this standing orders. List of
activities for the purpose of exemption under Section 64 of Factories Act be extended, but the
workers must be paid double the wages if ask to work for more than 9 hours a day or 48 hours a
day. There should be no restriction on employment of women worker during night workers, if
there are at least 5 women workers working in the establishment during that time and the
employer provides for their safety and transport. There should be no exemption from labour
laws for export processing or special economic zones. Appropriate Govt. may grant exemptions
under the laws in case of extreme emergency or hardship. Normal amenities like canteen,
drinking water, washing facilities, be prescribed under the law. Help of local bodies, or NGOs
may be sought in this regard. All establishments employing 20 or more workers must provide

6.124 Workman’s Compensation Act 1923 - the Commission recommends that the domestic sector be
kept out of the purview of the Act.

6.125 Schedule II of Workmen’s Compensation Act be widened. Categories like clerical should not be
excluded from application of the Act.

6.128 Small enterprises should not be deprived of having apprentices under the law. The law should
be made flexible to enable the same.

6.131 Bonded Labour System (Abolition) Act be dealt by Labour Ministry. Commission has suggested a
new law on Child Labour. Pledging of Child Labour should be made of crime under the Criminal
Law. DFGASLI should be enabled to advise the State Government on safety matters in minor
ports. We have provided for equal wages for equal work for female workers under the
composite law on wages. The other provision of Equal Remuneration Law should be suitably
incorporated either in law on wages or on working conditions. In case an inter-State Migrant
Worker in unskilled category is engaged by an establishment, the establishment shall inform the
state of region of the workmen and the state in which the establishment is located and there
shall be no need for separate law in this regard. The simplification of returns and registers
required to be maintained by the employers should be simplified.

6.132 The law on the welfare boards on mathadi workers in Maharashtra and head-load workers in
Kerala though advantageous, the system has lent itself to certain abuses. Perhaps better results
can come from the system if due steps are taken to prevent the closed shop system and work by

6.133 Social security protection including economic security is a sine qua non and also the starting
point of labour protection and infancy clauses have no place.

6.134 We would broadly exclude from coverage of labour laws, all functions and functionaries
performing sovereign function. However, those employed in sovereign task should get
adequate protection including right to form associations and unions.

6.136 All offences must be made triable by a labour court which will have to be empowered for the
purpose. Any offence which is not only violation of labour laws but also violation of basic
human right should attract stringent punishment.

6.137 Law may provide for compounding and such compounding may be permitted.

6.141 Right to file a complaint may be vested in addition to an inspector or an officer authorise for the
purpose, in the person aggrieved or an office bearer of a trade union or in a recognised welfare

6.142 Rules and regulations must be published as draft giving a period of 90 days for commence and
must be finalised only thereafter after examining the comments.

6.143 Every large State and groups of small States set up Institutions for training and research in
labour matters. V.V.Giri National Labour institute will help the State Governments in their effort
to transform the calibre of labour administration.

6.147 All matters needing adjudication including under Workmen’s Compensation Act or claims or
disputes relating to Social Security will be determined by labour courts with provision for appeal
to LRCs. Collective disputes between the negotiating and the employer, if not resolved bilateral
or in conciliation or arbitration should be dealt with by the LRCs. This will need considerable
increase in the number of labour courts and setting up of labour commissions will also increase
the demands for high level labour adjudicating functionaries. We recommend an all India
Labour Judicial Service which in the new dispensation will be viable and necessary.

6.148 Equally important is the need for constituting an All India Labour Administrative Service which
will enable exchange of officers between centre or state.

6.150 We have attempted to make a draft of what a comprehensive law on labour management
relations as visualised would look like. It may be taken as an indicative draft.

7.15 The unorganised sector is too vast to remain within the confines of conceptual definition. Hence,
descriptive means are used to identify the unorganised sector.

7.399 To achieve recognition as a worker each person who is actually working should be given an official
identity card. The identity card gives the worker a definite legal identity and recognition.

7.405 The right to work would have to be viewed as a necessary concomitant of the right to social
security. According to us, social security must contain at least healthcare (including maternity,
injury), childcare, shelter and old age support that strengthens productivity

7.433 We have to address the question, what is the minimum that the Umbrella legislation for workers
in the Unorganised Sector should ensure. There should be a policy framework that ensures the
generation and protection of jobs, access to jobs; protection against the exploitation of poverty
and lack of organisation: protection against arbitrary or whimsical dismissals; denial of minimum
wages and delay in payment of wages, etc. The system of Welfare should include access to
compensation for injuries sustained while engaged in work; provident fund; medical care;
pensionary benefits; maternity benefits and childcare.

7.434 The law should be capable of being implemented and monitored easily. It should include
machinery for disposal of claims and complaints at a place that is closer to the place of work
with expeditions.

7.435 The system of social security must be such that the worker can make commensurate
contribution to the cost, consistent with as many as of his needs as possible. The machinery
should not be cumbersome, costly, centralise and burden with many administrative layers and

7.472 It is clear to us that the crucial guarantees of justice lie in the minimum wage, job security,
safety and social security.

7.473 To meet these crucial requirement we propose the constitution of unorganised sector workers
board with constituent bodies that will extend to the level of Panchayats.

7.475 An indicative bill for the workers in the unorganised sector to ensure their minimum protection
and welfare has been appended in our report.

8.96 The term ‘workman’ may be replaced by the firm ‘employee’ so as to make the Workmen’s
Compensation Act applicable to all categories of employees.

8.97 The Workmen’s Compensation Act should be converted from an employers’ liability scheme to a
social insurance scheme.

8.101 In the unorganised sector women workers need separate legislations for maternity benefits.

8.108 Casual and contact workers may be covered under ESI for limited benefits at reduced rates of

8.111 Extension may be granted from ESI in cases there establishment provide similar or superior

8.114 The provision for payment of funeral expenses should be substituted by the term emergency
expenses so as to include care of sick and elderly members.

8.115 A law to place all provident fund under a common seems to be called for.

8.117 EPF Act be made applicable to all classes of establishments, subject to such exceptions as may
be considered necessary for specified reasons.

8.118 The Task Force on Social Security has recommended that the employment threshold should be
brought down to 10 immediately, to 5 during the next 3-5 years, and to one within a short time
frame thereafter. The Commission agrees with these suggestions.

8.122 The provision of EPF Act to cover persons employed as casual and contact labour has been
operating largely to the disadvantage of these workers. Although the EPF scheme requires that
every employ should be provided with a pass book, the organisation has failed to do the same.

8.123 Provision may be made in the EPF act to enable the organisation to frame different schemes
with different contributory and benefit packages.

8.149 The Payment of Gratuity Act may be integrated with the EPF Act and converted into a social
insurance scheme.

8.415 We strongly recommend the constitution of a high-powered National Social Security Authority,
preferably under the chairmanship of the Prime Minister of India. The functions of the Authority
will be mainly to formulate the National Policy on Social Security and to co-ordinate the Central
and State level programmes.

8.416 We would suggest a Department of Social Security within the Ministry of Labour.

8.433. A social security fund of India and a social security fund of each state may be set up.

9.208 A definition of child labour, which equates all children not going to school with child labourers,
emanates from the rights-based approach towards development which considers being-out-of
school as a denial of the child’s right to education.

9.258 The implementation of the Act depends entirely on the State’s bureaucratic machinery. It
assumes that the bureaucracy, poorly staffed and ill–equipped as it is today, will be able to
ensure that children do not work in hazardous processes and occupations, and conditions of
work in non–hazardous settings will be upgraded.

9.275 We are proposing an indicative law on child labour which would replace the existing Child
Labour (Regulation and Prohibition) Act 1986.

11.25 It is necessary to have a clear and unambiguous definition of the ‘appropriate government’.

11.26 There is a need to have uniformity in the definition of the term ‘workman’ which appears in
many labour laws.

11.27 The ambiguity in the definition of ‘appropriate government’ and the multiplicity of the term
‘workman’ will be resolved if the amendments that we have suggested in Chapter VI are

11.30 In the Chapter on Review of Labour Laws, we have recommended that the Labour Laws
(Exemption from Furnishing Returns and Maintaining Registers by Certain Establishments) Act,
1988 should be made applicable to all establishments, and the penalty prescribed under the
respective laws should be enhanced to make it at par with the Labour Laws (Exemption from
Furnishing Returns and Maintaining Registers by Certain Establishments) Act, 1988.

11.31 The employer should be required to maintain registers and display notices at the work-spot and
not elsewhere.

11.32 The procedure for prosecution for non-payment of wages and payment of less than minimum
rates of wages should be simplified.

11.33 To make enforcement effective, there should be commensurately deterrent punishment under
all enactments.

11.34 Laws like Payment of Wages Act and Minimum Wages Act should contain a provision for
recovery officers to be appointed by the Labour Department, as has been done in Section 8-B of
the Employees’ Provident Fund & Miscellaneous Provisions Act 1952.

11.35 Provisions to grant exemptions from various laws, in case of extreme emergency or hardship,
should vest with the appropriate Government, and should be exercised by officers not below
the rank of the Joint Secretary.

11.36 Minimum Wages Act should apply to all establishments and not be confined only to certain
scheduled employments.

11.37 Criminal cases under labour laws be tried by Labour Courts, as is being done in Madhya Pradesh.

11.39 In rights disputes over dismissal, denial of regularisation, promotion, etc., conciliation should be
optional. The party should have the right to approach Labour Courts and the Labour Relations
Commission straightway. However, conciliation should be compulsory in case of industrial
disputes related to interests disputes, like wages, allowances, fringe benefits etc. Conciliation
proceedings should also be compulsory in the case of strikes and lockouts over any issue.

11.40 Industrial disputes not settled in conciliation should go for either voluntary arbitration or by
arbitrators maintained by the Labour Relations Commission or adjudication. In the case of
essential services the dispute should go for compulsory arbitration. In other cases, it should go
for adjudication. Arbitrators should be chosen from eminent persons in industry, conciliators,
trade unionists and labour judiciary.

11.43 All employing Ministries should be advised to implement awards or sanction prosecution within
one month of the matter being referred to them, failing which it should be deemed that the
sanction has been given.

11.59 Qualifications for appointment of Presiding Officers of Labour Courts, be relaxed to enable
Conciliation Officers to be considered for appointment.
11.60 Labour Courts be given powers to issue decrees or initiate contempt proceedings for non-
implementation or non-compliance of awards.

11.61 A Central Labour Relations Commission should be set up for Central sphere establishments, and
State Labour Relations Commission should be set up for establishments in the State sphere.
Above the Central and State Labour Relations Commissions, there will be the National Labour
Relation Commission to hear appeals against the decisions of the two other Commissions. The
National LRC, Central LRC and the State LRCs will be autonomous and independent. These
Commissions will function as appellate tribunals over the Labour Courts. They will be charged
with the responsibility of superintendence of the work of labour courts.

11.75 The Central Government should lay down some norms for the laws – inspector ratio and the
infrastructure of the Labour Departments.

11.81 For effective labour administration, there should be legislative backup for the simplification of
laws and procedures through uniform definitions of ‘appropriate government’, ‘workmen’,
‘employer’, etc., enabling provisions to cover all employments in the unorganised sector under
the Minimum Wages Act, speedy recovery of the dues payable to workers, empowerment of the
appropriate government to exempt from the provisions of the laws in deserving cases, ensuring
that the employment of contract labour is restricted for areas beyond those of core

competence, deterrent punishment to make the cost of violation dearer than the cost of
implementation, clubbing of the existing set of labour laws into five or more groups pertaining
to (i) industrial relations, (ii) wages, (iii) social security, (iv) safety and (v) welfare and working
conditions etc., and reduction in the number of registers to be maintained and returns to be

11.82 Voluntary resolution of disputes should be encouraged over legalistic approach of settlement of
disputes through adjudication. Labour Administration should encourage better human resource
management practices.

11.83 There should be a legislative framework for voluntary dispute settlement. A basic prerequisite is
to place a system of recognition of negotiating agency on the statute. The responsibility of
conducting verification of trade union membership for recognition of trade unions should be
vested in the Central Labour Relations Commission and the State Labour Relations Commission.
The Works Committee required to be constituted under Section 3 of the Industrial Disputes Act
should be substituted by an Industrial Relations Committee to promote in-house dispute

11.84 The National Labour Relations Commission should function as the appellate authority in respect
of the decisions of the Central and State LRCs.

11.228 We endorse the proposal that a Commission on Occupational Safety and Health should be set up
by the Central and State Governments. A draft bill for establishment of such a Commission is
given in appendix–III.

11.229 A Model Safety and Health Policy for organisations is given in appendix-IV to this Chapter.

12.54 The time has come for the Government to enact a law to provide for participatory forums at all

12.454 The Commission recommends that a legislation like the Census Act, 1948 be introduced so that
such surveys can be conducted throughout the country at fixed intervals.




On the recommendation of the second National Commission on Labour the Ministry of Labour
constituted a high powered group to consider the following terms of reference and to submit its report
to the Ministry.

a) To consider simplification of existing forms for returns and registers prescribed under
various labour laws and suggest the simplified forms for replacement thereof.

b) To suggest measures for introduction/adoption of these simplified forms for returns and
registers in the respective labour laws.

The meeting of the group was held on 27.01.03. In a day long meeting the group deliberated at
length on various aspects of consolidation, simplification and rationalisation of forms of registers,
returns etc. prescribed under different labour enactments. The group took into account initiatives made
in this regard by Government of Andhra Pradesh, Kerala etc and also took note of recommendations of
the Girotra committee and another committee constituted to simplify and rationalise various returns
and forms under the Factories Act, 1948.

After detailed discussions, a major part of which was devoted to the report submitted by the
Girotra Committee during the year 1998, the group makes the following observations and
recommendations in respect of consolidation, simplification and rationalisation of forms of returns and
registers etc prescribed under various Labour Laws


1.1 The group noted that there are more than 15 Labour Laws in the central sphere and almost
equal number of Labour Laws if not more in the state sphere which prescribe a variety of
returns which the employers must furnish to the authorities and registers which they are
required to maintain at or near the workplaces. Employers are also required to display various
notices and abstracts of Acts and send their copies to prescribed authorities. Furnishing the
returns, maintenance of registers, issue and display of the notices including abstracts of the laws
involves a lot of paper work resulting in poor compliance particularly by the employers of small
and medium size establishments. The number of returns to be furnished, registers to be
maintained etc is quite large. Reducing the number of returns and registers through
consolidation and simplifying them through rationalisation may lead to better compliance by the

1.2 There is an apathy on part of the employers in furnishing returns, maintaining registers although
not furnishing the returns and non-maintenance of registers is a punishable offence under the
Labour Laws. However, penalties/ punishments provided for such offences are so meagre that
they do not have a deterrent effect.

1.3 There are many registers which have columns for information/details which is overlapping or is
common to all these registers. Maintaining these registers results in duplication and repetition
of work which can be avoided if these are consolidated and rationalised.

1.4 After studying the provisions of various Labour Laws and the rules thereunder the group
concludes that it is possible to combine the annual returns and some of the registers prescribed
under some of the Labour Laws and rules. These are as under :-



1.5 The group observed that in addition to above the Girotra Committee has recommended
clubbing of club wage slip and employment card prescribed under some Labour Laws and rules
made thereunder. Similarly the committee has recommended that notices like notice of
opening/commencement and notice of closure/ abandonment as also notice required to be
displayed within the establishment under some Labour Laws be combined and accordingly the
committee has proposed combined forms of

A) Wage Slip cum Employment Card

B) Notice of opening/ commencement and completion/ closure etc.
C) Notices to be displayed

1.6 Certain Acts which deal with safety and health of workers such as Factories Act, Mines Act,
Plantation Labour Act, Building and other Construction Workers (RE&CS) Act also prescribe a
variety of registers and returns. However, keeping in view the specific safety provisions
prescribed under these laws it is desirable that registers pertaining to safety and health
provisions under these enactments are allowed to be maintained separately. A Task Force
constituted by DGFASLI has examined the question of rationalisation of various return and
registers under Factories Act and has recommended considerable reduction in the no. of
registers and returns by deletion of some registers/returns and clubbing of some other
registers/ returns.

1.7 Enactments such as Employees State Insurance Act, Employees Provident Fund and Miscellaneous
Provisions Act, which deal with social security also prescribe registers to be maintained and returns
to be furnished by the employers. The information incorporated in the registers under these
enactments reflect individual accounts of contribution etc by workmen and employers. It is
desirable that these registers are not clubbed with the registers proposed above.

1.8 Permitting the employers to transmit the annual returns to concerned authorities through E-
mail, floppy and maintenance of registers on computers will minimize paper work and afford the
employers ease of furnishing/ maintaining these documents.


The detailed recommendations of the High Powered Group in respect of the returns, registers
etc to be consolidated and simplified are as under :-

2.1 Register of Employed Persons :-

Maintenance of registers of employed persons has been provided for under the following

- Contract Labour (R&A) Act, 1970 and Central Rules, 1971

- The Child Labour (P&R) Act, 1986 and Central Rules
- The Equal Remuneration Act, 1976 and Central Rules, 1977.
- The Interstate Migrant Workmen (RE&CS) Act and Central Rules, 1980.
- Building and other Construction Workers (RE&CS) Act, 1996 and Central Rules,
- Sales Promotion Employees (conditions of service) Act, 1976 and rules made
- Working Journalists and other Newspaper Employees (conditions of service) and
Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1955 and rules made thereunder.

After studying in detail the forms of registers of employed persons under the above mentioned
enactments/rules the group is of the view that the registers of employed persons prescribed
under the above mentioned rules except Sales Promotion Employees Act (conditions of service)
Act, 1976 and Working Journalists and other Newspaper Employees (conditions of service) and
Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1955 can be consolidated into one register. The register of
employed persons under these two enactments/rules cannot be clubbed along with the
consolidated register proposed above as these two enactments/rules are industry specific and
the registers prescribed under these enactments and rules contain columns requiring specific
information pertaining to sales promotion employees and working journalists respectively.

The consolidated form of the register of employed persons to be maintained by employers in

lieu of similar register prescribed under the above mentioned enactments/rules except the last
two enactments/rules is appended to this report as Form I.

2.2 Muster Roll cum Wage Register :-

The Labour Laws (Exemption from Furnishing Returns and Maintenance of Registers by Certain
Establishments) Act, 1988 has provided for maintenance of a combined muster roll cum wage
register in lieu of the ones provided under Payment of Wages Act, Weekly Holidays Act,
Minimum Wages Act, Factories Act, Plantation Labour Act, Working Journalists and other
Newspaper Employees Act, Contract Labour (R&A) Act, Sales Promotion Employees Act and
Equal Remuneration Act. Some of the above mentioned enactments have also prescribed
separate registers of fines, OT wages, advances etc. The Girotra Committee has recommended
that the muster roll registers, register of wages, register of deductions for damage or loss,
register of fines, register of OT wages, register of work done by piece rate, etc prescribed under
CL(R&A) Central Rules, 1971, ISMW (RE&CS) Central Rules, 1980, the MW (Central) Rules 1950,
PW (Mines, Railways, ATS) Rules can be consolidated into one muster cum wage register. The
BOCW (RE&CS) Rules also prescribes maintenance of muster roll, wage register and registers of
fines, and other deductions. The High Powered Group recommends that the muster rolls, wage
register and register of other deductions prescribed under the following enactments/rules can
be consolidated into one register.

- Payment of Wages Act 1936 and rules made thereunder

- Minimum Wages Act and Rules made thereunder
- CL(R&A) Act and Rules made thereunder.
- ISMW (RE&CS) Act and Rules made thereunder.

- BOCW (RE&CS) Act and Rules made thereunder.

The format of this register is appended as Form II to this report.

2.3 Annual Return :-

Employers are required to furnish Annual Returns under the 9 enactments given in the schedule
of the Labour Laws (Exemption from Furnishing Returns and Maintaining Registers by Certain
Establishments) Act, 1988 and has prescribed a common core annual return in lieu of the annual
returns required to be furnished under these Laws. The Girotra Committee has further
identified the annual returns under Payment of Bonus Act, ISMW Act and Rules and PW (Mines)
Rules for this purpose. The High Powered Group studied the forms of Annual Returns
prescribed under all the above mentioned enactments as well as those under Factories Act,
Maternity Benefit Act, BOCW (RE&CS) Act, EPF and MP Act and ESI Act, Sales Promotion
Employees (conditions of service) Act, 1976 and rules made thereunder and Working Journalist
and other Newspaper Employees (conditions of service) and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1955
and rules made thereunder.

The group is of the view that the annual return prescribed under all the above enactments
except Factories Act, Maternity Benefit Act, EPF and MP Act, ESI Act, Sales Promotion Employees
Act, Working Journalists Act 1955 and Payment of Bonus Act, 1965 can be consolidated into one
common form of annual return. The forms of annual return prescribed under these enactments
are distinctly different from the annual returns under the rest of the enactments and therefore,
these cannot be combined and employers will have to continue to furnish them separately
under each of these six laws. The format of annual return devised by the group will replace the
requirement of furnishing the annual and half yearly returns under the following enactments/

- ISMW Act and Rules

- Minimum Wages Act and Rules.
- PW Act and Rules made thereunder including PW(Mines) Rules, PW(Railways)
Rules, PW(ATS) Rules.
- BOCW(RE&CS) Act and Rules.
- Contract Labour (R&A) Act and Rules

The format of the annual report devised by the group is appended as Form III to this report.

2.4 Notice of opening or commencement and closure or completion, notices to be displayed and
wageslip cum employment cards.

The employers are required to issue notices of opening or commencement or of discontinuance

or closure and also regarding change in the address or name of the establishment etc under the
following Rules :-

- PW(Mines, ATS) Rules,

- CL(R&A) Central Rules, 1971
- PG(Central) Rules, 1972
- BOCW (Central) Rules, 1988

The MW Rules, CL(R&A) Rules and BOCW (Central) Rules provide for issue of wage slip and/or
employment card to the workers.

Display of notices by the employers/contractors and also sending a copy of the same to the
Inspector has been provided under Rule 22 of the Minimum Wages (Central)Rules, 1950, Rule 8
of Payment of Wages (Mines) Rules, 1956, Rule 81 of CL (R&A) Central Rules, 1971, Rule 51 of
ISMW (RE&CS) Central Rules, 1980. There are no prescribed Proforma under these rules,
though the items/ information to be included in the notices have been indicated in the said

The group is of the view that keeping in view the fact that the notices, wage slip and
employment card discussed above have been prescribed only under three or four enactments,
and also the fact that these, except the wage slip are required to be issued only once, there is no
necessity to club them.

2.5 Some enactments provide for display of abstracts of Acts and Rules at the workplace. The group
is of the opinion that this requirement can be done away with.

2.6 Place at which the registers are to be maintained have been prescribed differently under
different enactments. The group suggests that the registers be maintained only at the
workplace and not as near as possible the workplace or within the radius of 3 kilometers of the
workplace as specified under some Labour Laws.

2.7 As regards rationalisation of forms of return and register under Factories Act, the group
recommends that the recommendation of the committee constituted by DGFASLI during the
year 2002 may be pursued for giving effect to the same.

2.8 Suitable provisions in the Labour enactments may be made to enable the employer to furnish
annual returns, notices etc to concerned authorities through E-mail and floppy and to maintain
the prescribed registers on computers.

2.9 The group is required to suggest measures for introduction/ adoption of the proposed simplified
forms of returns and registers. In order to give effect/ to adopt the simplified forms of returns
and registers etc in the respective Labour Laws as proposed by the group, the relevant
provisions of these laws and rules will have to be amended. The Girotra Committee has
suggested repeal of Labour Law (Exemption from Furnishing Returns and Maintenance of
Registers by Certain Establishments) Act, 1988 and enactment of a new law which will require all
employers, irrespective of the size of the establishment to maintain the consolidated registers,
submission of only one return, submission of opening/ closing notice and issue of wage slip cum
employment card. The committee has also prepared a draft of the proposed law. This group
has carefully perused the draft and is of the opinion that the same with some changes can be
adopted for enactment. The amended draft of the proposed law is enclosed to this report.

2.10 In case the schedule of the proposed draft law appears voluminous or complicated the Group
would like to suggest an alternative proposal on simplification and rationalization of register and
returns. This alternative proposal is placed at Annexure of the report.



Sec.1 The Act shall be applicable to all establishments to which laws given in Schedule-I apply
provided that the appropriate Govt. may add any other law in Schedule-I to provide for maintenance of
registers as per this Act in lieu of the Act added to the said schedule by the appropriate Govt.

Sec.2 Definitions

All the definitions under this Act will have the same meaning as assigned to them in the respective
enactments given in Schedule-I.

Employer shall include a Principal Employer a contractor as defined under Contract Labour (R&A)
Act and ISMW (RE&CS) Act or any other law.

Sec.3 On and from commencement of this Act, the Acts given in Schedule-I shall have effect subject to
provisions of this Act.

Sec.4 (1) Exemption from maintenance of registers required to be maintained under certain labour

On and from commencement of this Act, it shall not be necessary for an employer in relation to
an establishment to which the Acts given in Schedule-I apply.

(a) To maintain the registers given in part-I of Schedule-II provided such employer maintains
the register of persons employed as per Form-I prescribed under this Act at the work

Provided further that it shall not be necessary for an employer of a mining establishment
to maintain register as per Form-I of this Act if a register is being maintained as per
Form-B prescribed under Mines Act.

(b) To maintain the registers given in Part-II of Schedule-II provided such employer
maintains a consolidated Muster Roll-cum-wage-cum Deduction register as per Form-II
prescribed under this Act at the work spot.

(2) The employer may maintain the registers prescribed under Cluse(a) & (b) on a
computer. Where the registers are maintained on a computer, the employer shall
furnish a print of the register or print of a portion of the register to the inspector on

Sec.5 Submission of Annual Return and Notice of opening / closing, etc.

On and form commencement of this Act, it shall not be necessary for an employer in relation to
an establishment to which the Acts given in Schedule-I apply to :-

(a) Furnish the retuns given in Part-III of schedule-II provided such employer furnishes a
consolidated return as per Form-III prescribed under this Act to the inspector and the
Assistant Labour Commissioner concerned.

(b) The employer may furnish the return prescribed under sub section (a) through E-mail if
the inspector and the Asstt. Labour Commissioner concerned has E-mail address or
through a floppy of a computer.

Sec.6 Dispensing with the requirements of display of abstracts.

On and from commencement of this Act it shall not be necessary for an employer in relation to
an establishment to which the Acts given in Schedule-I apply to display abstracts of Acts and Rules.

Sec.7 Saving of other provisions of relevant enactments: -

The commencement of this Act shall not affect the requirement of: -

(a) Maintenance of any records / registers or Submission of any return by an employer

other than those mentioned in Scheduled-II of this Act.

(b) Any investigation, legal proceedings or remedy in respect of any such privilege,
obligation, liability, penalty, forfeiture or punishment already incurred before the
commencement of this Act.

Sec.8 Power to amend forms or make additions in schedules

(1) The Appropriate Govt. may if it is of the opinion that it is expedient to do so by the
notification in the official Gazette add any Act to the Schedule–I and also prescribe any form in
which any record may be required to be maintained or amend the forms given under this Act or
any format or rule in any part of the Schedule-II indicating that it shall not be necessary to
maintain any record or furnish any information as per the format or rule so added.

Provided that where any amendment is made by state Govt. being the appropriate
Govt. the same shall apply to the establishments for which the concerned State Govt. is the
appropriate government.

(2) Any notification issued under this Section shall be laid before the State Legislature or
before the Parliament as the case may be by an appropriate Govt. within six months of

Sec.9 Delegation of Powers.

Where the Central Govt. is the appropriate Govt. any delegation made by that Govt. to the
State Govt. under any Act given in schedule-I and where a State Govt. is appropriate Govt. any
delegation made by that State Govt. to the Central Govt. shall be automatically deemed to be a
delegation under this Act.

Sec.10 Power to Exempt: -

The appropriate Govt. or any authority duly authorized by the appropriate Govt. may exempt
any establishment from maintenance of any register or records or furnishing of any return or notice
under this Act if the appropriate Govt. or the authority is satisfied that a satisfactory alternative
mechanism or method of maintenance of record electronically or otherwise exists or any arrangement
which is intended to be introduced in an establishment meets the requirements or the concerned
register or record or furnishing of any return or notice to the concerned authorities.

Sec.11 Penalties: -

(a) In case of first conviction, imposition of fine which may extend to Rs. 2000/- or
imprisonment upto three months or with both and
(b) In case of any second or subsequence offence imposition of fine which will not be less
than Rs. 5000/- or with imprisonment upto six months or with both.


1) The Payment of Wages Act, 1936 and the Rules made thereunder.
2) The Minimum Wages Act, 1948 and the Rules made thereunder.
3) The Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970 and the Rules made
4) The Inter-State Migrant Workmen (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of
Service) Act, 1979 and the Rules made thereunder.
5) The Equal Remuneration Act, 1976 and the Rules made thereunder.
6) The Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 1986 and the Rules made thereunder.
7) BOCW (RE&CS) Act and Rules made thereunder


Part I

The registers not required to be maintained if a register in Form – I prescribed under this Act is

(1) Register of workmen employed by contractor in Form-XIII under the Contract Labour
(Regulation and Abolition) Rules, 1971.
(2) Register of children employed or permitted to work in Form-A under the Child Labour
(Prohibition and Regulation) Rules, 1988.
(3) Registers of workers employed in Form-D under the Equal Remuneration Rules.
(4) Registers of workers employed in Form XV under BOCW (RE&CS) Rules 1998.
(5) Register of workmen employed by contractor in Form XIII under ISMW (RE&CS) Central
Rules, 1980.


The registers not required to be maintained if a register in Form-II prescribed under this Act is

(a) Under the Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Rules, 1971 –

(1) Muster Roll Register in Form-XVI.

(2) Register of Wages in Form-XVII.
(3) Register of Wages-cum-Muster Roll in Form-XVIII.
(4) Register of deductions for damage or loss in Form-XX.
(5) Register of Fines in Form XXI.
(6) Register of O.T. in Form –XXII.

(b) Under the Inter-State Migrant Workmen (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service)
Central Rules, 1980.

(1) Muster roll register in Form-XVII.

(2) Register of wages in Form-XVIII.
(3) Register of deduction for damage or loss in Form-XIX.
(4) Register of fines in Form-XX.
(5) Register of advances in Form-XXI.
(6) Register of overtime in Form-XXII.

(c) Under Minimum Wages (Central) Rules, 1950.

(1) Register of fines in form-I.

(2) Register of deduction for damage or loss in form-II.
(3) Muster roll register in form-V.
(4) Overtime register in form-IV.
(5) Register in wages in form-X.

(d) Under Payment of Wages (Railway) Rules, 1938.

(1) Register of fines in form –I.

(2) Register of deductions for damage or loss in form –II.

(e) Under payment of Wages (Mines) Rules, 1936.

(1) Register of fines in form –I.

(2) Register of deductions for damage or loss in form –II.
(3) Register of wages in Form-III.
(4) Register of work done by piece rate workers in form-IV A.1
(5) Register of advances made to employees in form-VI.

(f) Under Payment of Wages (Air Transport Service) Rules , 1968.

(1) Register of fines in form –I.

(2) Register of deductions for damage or loss in form –II.

Comment of the Ministry:- Not to be accepted as a provision to issue such slip is being
proposed in second proviso of clause 4 of the Bill.
(3) Muster roll register in Form-IV.
(4) Register of wages in Form-V.
(5) Muster roll-cum-register of wages in form-VI.
(6) Register of advances made to workers in form –IX.
(7) Register of loans granted to employees e.g. house building, etc. in form-X.

g) Under BOCW (RE&CS) Central Rules 1998

(1) Muster Roll in Form XVI

(2) Register of Wages in Form XVII
(3) Register of Wages cum Muster Roll in Form XVIII
(4) Register of Deduction for damage or loss in Form XIX
(5) Register of fines in Form XX
(6) Register of advances in Form XXI
(7) Register of overtime in Form XXII


The annual returns not required to be submitted if the annual return in form-III prescribed under
this Act is furnished.

(1) Annual return in form-III under the Minimum Wages (Central) Rules,1950.
(2) Annual return in form-V under the Payment of Wages (Mines) Rules,1956.
(3) Annual return in form-VIII under PW (ATS) Rules, 1968.
(4) Annual return in form-III under PW (Railway) Rules, 1938.
(5) Annual return by the principal employer in form-XXV under the Contract Labour (Regulation and
Abolition) Rules, 1971.
(6) Half yearly return by contractor in form-XXIV under the Contract Labour (Regulation and
Abolition) Rules, 1971
(7) Annual return in form-XXIV by principal employer under the Inter-State Migrant Workmen
(Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Central Rules, 1980.
(8) Half yearly return by contractor in form-XXIII under Inter-State Migrant Workmen (Regulation of
Employment and Conditions of Service) Central Rules, 1980.
(9) Annual return in Form XXV under BOCW(RE&CS) Act, 1996.


Register of Persons Employed

Name of the Estt. and Address ………………………………………………………..

Location of Work …………………………………………………………………………

Name and Address of Employer …………………………………………………


1. Name of workman/ employee ………………………………………………..

2. Father’s/ Husband’s Name ………………………………………………….
3. Address
(i) Present ……………………………………………………………

(ii) Permanent ……………………………………………………………


4. Designation/Category …………………………………………………………
5. Date of Birth/ Age ……………………………………………………………
6. Qualification ……………………………………………………………
7. Date of entry ……………………………………………………………
8. Worker’s ID No./ESI/EPF/LW.F. No. …………………………………………
9. If the employed person is below 14 years, whether a certificate of age is maintained
10. Sex : Male or /Female …………………………………………………………
11. Nationality ……………………………………………………………………
12. Date of termination of employment with reason ……………………………
13. Signatures /thumb impression of worker/ employee
14. Signature of the employer/ Authorised officer with designation ……………

Form – II


Name of Establishment and address:- …

Location of work: ………..
Name and address of Employer: ……

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Sl. No.Name of the Designation/ Attendance Leave Leave Wage rate/ Other
worker (ID category (Dates of the Due availed pay or piece allowances
No. if any) month 1, 2 … (specify) rate/ wages e.g.
and father’s to 31) per unit (a) D.A.
/husband’s (b) HRA
name/ (c)Night


9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Overtime Amount oAmount of Total/ gross Deductions Net Signature/ Remarks
worked overtime advance earnings e.g. amount receipt of
Number of wages and (a) PF payable wages/
Hours in purpose of (b) Advance (11–12) allowances
the month advance (c) ESI for column
(d) Other No. 13



(To be furnished to the Inspector and the Astt. Labour Commissioner concerned before 31st January of
the following year.)

(Ending 31st December 20__)

1. Name of Establishment, its postal address &

2. Name and Address of the Employer………………………………………………………………………………..…
3. Name and Address of PE, if the employer is a
4. Name of Manager responsible for supervision & control…………………………………………………
5. (i) Name of Business, industry or trade or occupation carried on by the
(ii) Date of commencement of the business, industry, trade or
6. Employer’s No. under ESI/EPF/Welfare fund/PAN No. if any
7. Maximum no. of workers employed on any day during the year
Highly Skilled Skilled Semi Skilled Un Skilled
8. Average no. of workers employed during the year……………….…………………..
9. Total no. of mandays worked during the year……………………………….……….
10. No. of workers during the year
(a) Retrenched…………………
(b) Resigned…………………...
(c) Terminated…………………
(d) Retrenchment compensation and terminal benefits paid (provide information
completely in respect of each worker)…………………………………………………………………………….
11. Mandays lost during the year on account of strike or lockout..
12. Reasons for strike or lockout …………………………………………………………..
13. Total wages paid ………………………………………………………………………...
14.Total amount of deductions from wages made…………………………………..…

15. No. of accidents during the year ……………………………………………….

Reported to Inspector
Reported to ESIC Reported to Workman’s
of Factories Comp. Commr.
16. Compensation paid under the Workmens compensation Act during the
a. Fatal Accidents…………………………..
b. Non-Fatal Accidents………………………

Signature of Manager / Employer




It has come to the notice of the High Powered Group that a committee constituted by the
Cabinet Secretariat to examine extant procedures for investment approvals and implementation of
projects and to suggest measures to simplify and expedite the process for both public and private
investment has recommended that the applicability of Labour Laws (Exemption from Furnishing Returns
and Maintenance of Registers by Certain Establishments) Act, 1988 may be extended to industrial
establishments employing 500 workmen. It appears that if the applicability of this Act is extended to
factories employing 500 workers, many registers relating to safety and health of factory workers would
not be required to be maintained. The representative of DGFASLI in the HP Group reiterated that the
matters of health and safety of the workers should not be compromised in any circumstances.

Keeping in view the recommendations of the committee constituted by the Cabinet Secretariat
it is suggested that if the voluminous schedule proposed in the draft law appears complicated, then
alternatively the applicability of the Labour Laws (Exemption from Furnishing Returns and Maintenance
of Registers by Certain Establishments) Act, 1988 may be extended to industrial establishments
employing not more than 500 workmen and the expression ‘Factories Act, 1948’ be deleted from the
Schedule of the Act.

It is also pertinent to mention here that the present Act applicable to industrial establishments
employing not more than 19 workmen is not popular because the penalty prescribed under this Act is
higher than the penalty prescribed in the enactments it replaces. It is therefore, suggested that
provisions relating to penalty prescribed under the enactments given in the Schedule be amended and
enhanced at par with the penalty prescribed under the Labour Laws (Exemption from Furnishing Returns
and Maintenance of Registers by Certain Establishments) Act, 1988.





The Constitution of India enshrines detailed provisions for the rights of the citizens and other
persons and for the principles to be followed by the States in the governance of the country
labeled as “Directive Principles of State Policy”.

These Directive Principles provide a) for securing the health and strength of workers, men and
women, b) that the tender age of children are not abused c) that citizens are not forced by
economic necessity to enter avocations unsuited to their age or strength, d) just and humane
conditions of work and maternity relief are provided and e) that the Government shall take
steps, by suitable legislation or in any other way, to secure the participation of workers in the
management of undertakings, establishments or other organizations engaged in any industry.

On the basis of these Directive Principles, the Government of India declares its policy, priorities
and strategies, purposes through the exercise of its power. She is committed to regulate all
economic activities among the several states and with foreign nations for management of
occupational safety and health risks and to provide measures for protection of national assets
and for the general welfare to assure, as far as possible, every working man and woman in the
national safe and health working condition and to preserve human resources.

The formulation of policy, priorities and strategies in occupational safety, health and
environment at work places, is not undertaken by national authorities alone but in some form of
consultation with the social partners i.e. employees’ organization, employers organization,
autonomous & voluntary organizations, public etc. for agreement and involvement for ensuring
set goals / objectives.

Government of India firmly believes that without safe and healthful working conditions, social
justice cannot be achieved and that attainment of safety and health at work is fundamental to
economic growth.

The changing job patterns and working relationships, the rise in self employment, greater sub-
contracting, outsourcing of work and the increasing number of employees working away from
their establishment and home work, pose the problem of management of occupational safety
and health risks. New safety hazards and health risks will be appearing along with the transfer
and adoption of new technologies. In addition, many of the well known conventional hazards
will continue to be present at the workplace many years ahead till the risks arising from
exposure to these hazards are brought under adequate control.

Particular attention needs to be paid to the hazardous occupations and of workers in precarious
conditions such as migrant workers and various vulnerable groups of workers.

The increasing use of chemicals and biological agents with hazard potential unknown to people;
the indiscriminate use of agro-chemicals including pesticides, agricultural machineries and
equipment, and their impact on health and safety of exposed population; industries with major
accident risks; effects of computer controlled technologies and alarming influence of stress at
work in many modern jobs may pose serious safety and health risks.

Work related hazards and occupational diseases in small scale industries and agriculture are
likely to increase as the occupational safety and health services are out of reach in these

The fundamental purpose of this National Policy on Health, Safety and Environment at
workplace, is to reduce the incidence of work related injuries, diseases and fatalities.


With a view to improve the occupational safety and health performance year by year, it is
essential to –

Providing statutory framework including enactment of General Enabling Legislation on OSH in

respect of all sectors of economic activities, designing suitable control systems of compliance,
enforcement and incentives for better compliance.

Providing administrative and technical support services.

Providing a system of incentives to employees and employers to achieve higher health and
safety standards.

Establishing and developing the research and development capability in emerging areas of risk
and effective control measures.

Developing a proper interface between the work and the human resource through a system of
skill improvement.

Focusing prevention effort and monitor performance through improved data collection system
on work related injury and disease.


3.1 The policy seeks to bring the national objectives into focus as a step towards improvement in
occupational safety and health performance. The objectives are to achieve.

a) Continuous annual reduction in the incidence of work related injuries, fatalities and diseases.

b) Continuous annual reduction in the cost of work place injuries and diseases.

c) Extend coverage of work related fatalities, incidents and diseases by national data sources as a
means of better performance and monitoring the same from time to time.

d) Continuous increasing community awareness regarding occupational safety and health related

3.2 The formulation of such a policy integrating it into the national economic plan under the
collaboration of the government, employers’ and workers’ organizations will ensure the action
with the commitment of all social partners. A key for the success will be the formulation of a
practical national policy which could be implemented as suitable to local conditions in phases.
The country, as a whole, and the government and the social partners, in particular, are
committed for steady and sustainable development for economic growth of the country. We,

the all concerned, are committed to preserve our national assets, the human resource being the
most priority concern, including the environment.

3.3 For the purpose of achieving the above referred objectives and goals, Government of India
draws out the action programme referred hereunder.


4.1 Enforcement

4.1.1 By providing an effective enforcement program which shall include a prohibition against giving
advance notice of any inspection and sanctions for any individual violating this prohibition;

4.1.2 By effectively enforcing all applicable laws and regulations concerning safety, health and
environment in all economic activities with such technical variations as may be necessary for
which there shall be adequate and qualified inspection services.

4.1.3 By creating a “National Safety, Health and Environment at Workplace Fund” to enable the
effective implementation of the policy.

4.1.4 By providing that employers and employees have separate but complementary responsibilities
and rights with respect to achieving safe and healthful working conditions;

4.1.5 By amending progressively the existing laws dealing with safety, health and environment in line
with the international instruments.

4.1.6 By monitoring the adoption of national standards by regulatory authorities.

4.1.7 By facilitating the sharing of best practices and learning between OHS regulatory authorities.

4.1.7 Developing new enforcement methods including innovative sanctions that encourage and
ensure improved workplace performance.

4.2 National Standards

4.2.1 By appropriately developing standards, codes of practices on safety, health and environment for
uniformity at the national level in all economic activities consistent with international standards
and implementation by the stake holders in true spirit.

4.3 Compliance

4.3.1 By encouraging the States to assume the fullest responsibility for the administration and
enforcement of occupational safety and health laws by providing grants to the States to assist in
identifying their needs and responsibilities in the area of occupational safety and health, to
develop plans and programmes in accordance with the provisions of the Acts, to improve the
administration and enforcement of State occupational safety and health laws, and to conduct
experimental and demonstration projects in connection therewith;

4.3.2 By calling upon the cooperation in application of social partners in supervision of the application
of legislations and regulations relating to safety, health and environment at work place.

4.3.3 By developing guidance on OSH management systems, strengthening voluntary actions and
establishing auditing mechanisms which can test and authenticate management systems.

4.3.4 By providing specific measures to prevent catastrophes, and to co-ordinate and make coherent
the actions to be taken at different levels, particularly in the industrial zones where
undertakings with high potential risks for workers and the surrounding population are

4.3.5 By recognizing the best safety and health efforts and facilitating others to enulate their

4.4 Awareness

4.4.1 By providing forums for consultations with employers’ representatives, workers’ representatives
and community on matters of national concern relating to safety, health and environment at
work place with the overall objective in creating awareness and enhancing national productivity.

4.4.2 By encouraging joint labour-management efforts to preserve, protect and promote national
assets and to reduce injuries and disease arising out of employment

4.4.3 By maximizing gains from the substantial investment in awareness campaigns by sharing
experience and learning.

4.4.4 By including occupational safety and health at work place in schools higher technical, medical,
professional and vocational courses.

4.4.5 By securing good liaison arrangements with the International organizations.

4.4.6 By providing medical criteria which will assure insofar as practicable that no employee will suffer
diminished health, functional capacity, or life expectancy as a result of his work experience and
that in the event of such occupational diseases having been contracted, suitably compensated.

4.4.7 By providing for appropriate reporting procedures with respect to occupational safety and
health to help achieve the objectives and to accurately describe the nature of the occupational
safety and health problem with a view to carry out national project study, surveys to identify
problem areas and pragmatic strategies.

4.5 Research and Development

4.5.1 By providing for research in the field of occupational safety and health, including the social and
psychological factors involved, and by developing innovative methods, techniques, and
approaches for dealing with occupational safety and health problems.

4.5.2 By exploring ways to discover latent diseases, establishing causal connections between diseases
and work environmental conditions, and conducting other research relating to health problems.

4.6 Occupational Safety and Health Skills Development

4.6.1 By building upon advances already made through employer and employee initiative for
providing safe and healthful working conditions;

4.6.2 By providing for training programs to increase the number and competence of personnel
engaged in the field of occupational safety and health;

4.6.3 By integrating health and safety into workplace, industry and professional training programme,
vocational, professional and enforcement agencies training arrangements.

4.6.4 By providing information and advice, in an appropriate manner, to employers and organizations,
with a view to eliminating hazards or reducing them as far as practicable;

4.7 Data collection

4.7.1 By compiling statistics relating to safety, health and environment at work places, prioritizing key
issues for action, conducting national studies/surveys/projects through governmental and non-
governmental organizations and ensuring its compliance.

4.7.2 By reinforcing and sharing of national occupational safety, health and environment at work
place information amongst different stake holders through a national network system on OSH.

4.7.3 By extending data coverage relevant to work-related injury and disease, including measures of
exposure, and occupational groups that are currently excluded, such as self-employed people.

4.7.4 By extending data systems to allow timely reporting and provision of information.

4.7.5 By exploring partnerships to address areas where there is overlap between public health and
occupational risk.

4.8 Practical guidance

4.8.1 By providing practical guidance and encouraging employers and employees in their efforts to
reduce the incidence of occupational safety and health risks at their places of employment, and
to stimulate employers and employees to institute new and to perfect existing programs for
providing safe and healthful working conditions;

4.8.2 By giving effect to the decisions by a Courts of Law or other tribunals involving question of
principles relating to the application of safety, health and environment at work.

4.8.3 By developing the means for improved access to information.

4.8.4 By facilities sharing of practical guidance developed within industry sectors and jurisdictions.

4.9 Incentives

4.9.1 By innovative financial and non-financial incentives.

4.10 Review

4.10.1 National Policy shall be reviewed at periodical intervals to assess relevance of the National
Goals, for the adoption of targets and development of action plans for their achievements.

5. Summary

To meet the challenges ahead there is a need to develop the co-operation of social partners in the
assessment and control of workplace risks by mobilizing local resources and extending protection to
under-served working population and vulnerable groups where social protection if meager.

We are committed to review the National Policy on OSH and legislation under tripartite
collaboration; improve enforcement, statistics compilation and analysis; develop special programmes
for hazardous occupations and specific sectors; set up training mechanisms; create nation-wide
awareness; arrange for the mobilization of available resources and expertise.

The National Policy and Programme envisages total commitment and demonstration by all
concerned stake holders such as government and social partners. Through dedicated and concerted
efforts, India will, certainly and steadily, march towards economic prosperity consistent with the
requirements of safety, health and environment at work place thereby improving the standard of living
of the people.


(NEW DELHI – OCTOBER 16-18, 2003)




Planning in India focused at realizing a high rate of growth of output in the long term. A basic
assumption was that shortage of capital goods in relation to employable persons constituted a
fundamental constraint on growth in the economy. Therefore the planning process made no attempt to
define an independent employment strategy; the focus on economic growth was viewed as essential for
improving the employment situation. Initially, labour force expansion was not seen as a problem to be
contented with. Thus, in the Five Year Plans, the generation of employment was viewed as part of the
process of development and not as a goal in conflict with, or to be pursued independently of economic


The approaches to tackling the task of unemployment have varied from time to time. In the
initial years of planning reliance was placed primarily on the expectations of a rapid industrial
development and control of population. These expectations did not materialise and it was observed that
the rate of growth of employment was generally much lower than the GDP rate of growth of the
economy. Seasons of severe drought and failure of monsoons exposed large sections of population to
extensive deprivations. Successive plans, strategies, policies and programmes were, therefore, re-
designed to bring about a special focus on employment generation as a specific objective. The seventies
and eighties saw the emergence of special schemes like NREP, RLEGP to provide wage employment
through public works programmes and schemes to promote self employment and entrepreneurship
through provision of assets, skills and other support to the unemployed and the poor. While
employment levels expanded steadily during the seventies and eighties, the rate of growth of
employment continued to lag behind that of the labour force. Unemployment among the educated
showed a rising trend. Another feature of the employment situation is the sizeable proportion of the
employed working at low levels of the productivity and income. The eighties exposed the weakness in
the then ongoing strategies of expanding public sector irrespective of competition.



Anti-poverty strategy comprises of a wide range of poverty alleviation and employment

generation programmes, many of which have been in operation for several years and have been
strengthened to generate more employment, create productive assets, impart technical and
entrepreneurial skills and raise the income level of the poor. Under these schemes, both wage
employment and self-employment are provided to the people below the poverty line. In 1998-99,
various poverty alleviation and employment generation programmes are grouped under two broad
categories of Self-Employment Schemes and Wage Employment Schemes. Funding and organisational
patterns are also rationalised to achieve better impact. These programmes are primarily meant for
poverty alleviation and have generally not been helpful in sustainable employment generation.


The global employment and unemployment situation according to the World Employment
Report 1998-99, was as follows:-

 Out of an estimated 6 billion population in the year 1997 around 3 billion was in the labour

 160 million persons have been estimated to be fully unemployed.

 25 to 30 percent of the employed labour forces were underemployed.

 A large number of young people in the age group of 15 and 24 (around 60 million in 1997) are
continuously in search of work ie unemployed.

A few important conclusions which emerge from the above report are:-

 Limited demand for unskilled and less skilled labour.

 Increase in demand for skilled labour on account of technological development and up

gradation and changes in the organisation of work

 Problems in maintaining the continued employability of labour force

 Demand for multi skilling.

Some of the important strategies recommended in the World Employment Report are:-

 Timely Investment in skill development and training at enhanced level.

 Enhancement of education and skill level of workers

 Responsive training system.

 Need for effective partnership of all stake holders.


In India, due to the agrarian sector with seasonal operations time disposition and availability for
work have been the criteria for measuring employment. The accepted method of measuring
employment is the usual status. Reliable estimates of employment/unemployment are generated
through National Sample Surveys conducted once in five years by National Sample Survey Organisation
(NSSO). The concept recognises time utilisation only. Quality of work or income does not get reflected
in the approach.

As per the results of the National Sample Survey conducted in 1999-2000, total work force as on
1.1.2000, as per Usual Status approach (considering both principal and subsidiary activities) was of the
order of 406 million. About 7 % of the total work force is employed in the formal or organised sector (all
public sector establishments and all non-agricultural establishments in private sector with 10 or more
workers) while remaining 93% work in the informal or unorganised sector. The size of the Organised
Sector employment is estimated through the Employment Market Information Programme of DGE&T,
Ministry of Labour. The capacity of the organised sector to absorb additional accretion to the labour
force, taking into account the current accent on modernisation and automation, is limited. In other
words, an overwhelming proportion of the increase in the labour force will have to be adjusted in the
unorganised sector. About 369 million workers are placed today in unorganised/informal sector in India;
agriculture workers account for the majority of this work force.

The employment and unemployment scenario as per this approach depict the following picture.

Estimates of population, labour force, employment and unemployment (in million)

1983 1988 1994 1999-2000

Estimated population 718.21 790.00 895.05 1004.10

Labour Force 308.64 333.49 391.94 406.05

Employed 302.75 324.29 374.45 397.00

Unemployed 5.89 9.2 7.49 9.05

Unemployment rate (as percentage of labour 1.91 2.76 1.96 2.23


Employment in organized sector 24.01 25.71 27.37 28.11

Employment in unorganized sector 278.74 298.58 347.08 368.89

GDP growth 7.7 3.8 5.9 6.4


1. Employment , Unemployment , Unemployment rate and Labour force are on Usual Status basis
and are based on estimates given in various rounds of NSSO
2. Population estimates are as per projection made by Expert Committee on Population projection.

3. Organized sector employment are on the basis of data collected by DGE&T.
4. GDP growth rates are from Central Statistical Organization.

Growth of labour force, employment and unemployment during 1983-2000 observed were as under:-


Growth of population, labour force, employment and unemployment

Growth rate 1983-94 1994-2000

(i) Population 2.12 1.93

(ii) Labour Force 2.05 1.03

(iii) Employment 2.04 0.98

(iv) Organized sector 1.20 0.53


a) Public 1.52 -0.03

b) Private 0.45 1.87

1. Employment, Unemployment, Unemployment rate and Labour Force are on usual Status basis
and are based on estimates given in various rounds of NSSO.
2. Population estimates are as per projection made by Expert Committee on Population Projection.
3. Organized sector employment are on the basis of data collected by DGE&T.
4. GDP growth rates are from Central Statistical Organization.
5. The rates of growth of labour force, employment, population and organized sector employment
are compound rates of growth.

Special Group headed by Dr.S.P.Gupta has adopted Current Daily Status Approach and projected
employment, unemployment and labour force. According to this approach the unemployment during
1999-2000 was of the order of 27 million. The number of persons who could have got full employment
with the work available in the economy is estimated as employment as per this approach. The difference
between labour force and employed gives estimate of unemployment.

Salient points on employment and unemployment scenario are:-

 The rate of growth of employment declined sharply from 2.04% per year in the period
1983-94 to only 0.98% per year in the period 19994 to 2000.

 There was sharp deceleration in the growth of labour force from 2.05% in the period 1983-94 to
only 1.03% in the period 1994-2000.

 Growth rate of employment is less than the growth rate of the labour force indicating an
increase in the unemployment rate.

 The open unemployment which is of the order of 9 million is not significant compared to the size
of the population in the country.

 Though, open unemployment is only 2.23% (9 million), the percentage of the population below
the poverty line is as high as 26.1%. The fact of being employed is obviously no guarantee of
escaping from poverty, which in our situation refers to a very basic level of subsistence.

 Percentage of population below the poverty line which was of the order of 36% in 1993-94 has
come down to 26.1% indicating that during the period 1994-2000 improvement in the income
level of the employed had taken place.

 Organised sector employment is not growing and its share is only 7% of the total employment.

 There was decline in self-employment whereas regular salaried and casual employment showed
an increasing trend during 1993-94 to 1999-2000.

 There was substantial increase in the average daily wage earnings in the rural areas.


 7% of the total employed are in the organised sector i.e., unorganised sector dominates in the
employment scenario.

 Additional employment generation in the organised sector is not significant i.e., scope for
additional wage employment in the organised sector continued to be less.

 Significant employment generation took place in the tertiary sector particularly in services

 Substantial employment growth was observed in the small and unorganised sector, i.e., in small
and tiny enterprises.

 Self-employment and casual labour continued to play a pivotal role in rehabilitation of the
unemployed .


Salient points which emerge out from the data are :-

a) Both growth of population and labour force have shown substantial decrease. This is a positive
signal. While the reduction in growth rate of population may be due to special efforts of the
Government and the awareness among the people, the reduction of growth rate of the labour
force to such an extent has not yet been fully explained. One of the reasons may be that more
children (particularly girls) are joining educational institution rather than joining the labour

b) Growth of employment during 1994-2000 has substantially gone down and growth in absolute
term is not much. Whatever growth has occurred was in informal sector where quality of
employment is poor.

c) Since labour force growth has substantially come down the decrease in growth of employment
does not distort the over all employment and unemployment scenario.

d) Little Growth in the organised sector employment has been noticed in the private sector. Public
sector has shown a negative growth. Share of public sector in the overall organised sector
employment being around 3/4th the increase in private sector employment can not change the
organised sector scenario.

e) Organised sector employment has not improved in spite of various policy incentives through
plan exercises, globalization and economic liberalization. Growth of informal sector has been
primarily on account of necessity . Therefore to what extent employment generation through
normal growth process, where economic growth in terms of GDP is attempted, took place or
can take place is a subject of debate. If unemployment is considered a major issue then question
is whether we should have employment objective rather than growth objective in our national

f) Growth in the organised sector, particularly of small size is hindered by local politics. Small size
organised sector is subjected to various pressures e.g. providing employment to persons without
any skill, cash subscriptions etc which the establishment may not be able to sustain. The result is
either the enterprise is not viable or the entrepreneur finds investment risky.

g) Due to various reasons which include avoiding labour laws, the entrepreneur prefers to remain
on small scale in various locations.

h) Market being too much competitive in view of globalisation and economic liberalization,
marketing of product by small enterprise may be difficult.

i) Growth rate of employment and growth rate of the economy appears to be uncorrelated.
Therefore projection of employment on the basis of GDP growth (by calculating employment
elasticity) appears to be not logical. Such projections are being used by Planning Commission
and we always find that it is always off the target.

8. Skill level of Labour Force in India

• The overwhelming majority of the work force, not only in rural areas but also in urban areas,
does not possess any identifiable marketable skill. In urban, only about 19.6% of male and

11.2% of female workers possessed marketable skills. Whereas, in rural areas only about 10% of
male and 6.3% of female workers possessed marketable skills.

• Most of the job seekers (about 80%) in employment exchange are without any professional skill.

International Comparison

• The levels of vocational skills in the labour force in India compare poorly with the position in
other countries.

• Only 5% of the Indian labour force in the age category 20-24 has vocational skills obtained
through formal training whereas the percentage in industrialised countries is much higher,
varying between 60% and 80%, except for Italy, which is about 44%. The percentage for Korea,
which has recently been categorised as an industrialised country, is exceptionally high at 96%.
The developing countries have percentages which are significantly lower than the developed
countries, but they are still much higher than India e.g. Mexico at 28% and Botswana at 22%.
Differences in definition may make inter-country comparison somewhat unreliable, but the level
in India is clearly far too low.


 A part of the unemployment problem emanates from the mismatch between the skill
requirements of employment opportunities and the skill base of the job-seekers.

 Rapid expansion of education, particularly of higher education, has also contributed to the
mismatch in the labour market. While shortages of middle level technical and supervisory skills
are often experienced, graduates and post-graduates in arts, commerce and science constitute a
large proportion of job-seekers. High private rates of return on higher education, to a large
extent resulting from low private cost, is an important reason for the rush for higher
education despite high incidence of educated unemployment.

 The mismatch is likely to become more acute in the process of rapid structural changes in the

 It is, therefore, necessary to reorient the educational and training systems towards improving its
capability to supply the requisite skills in the medium and long term, and introduce greater
flexibility in the training system so as to enable it to quickly respond to labour market changes in
the short run.

 The system should also be in a position to impart suitable training to the large mass of workers
engaged as self-employed and wage earners in the

 unorganised sector for upgradation of their skills, as an effective means for raising their
productivity and income levels.

 The existing training institutions like the ITIs / ITCs (Industrial Training Institutes/Industrial
Training Centres. There are 4700 Institutes/ Centres imparting training to 6.9 lakh trainees.)
have, no doubt, been meeting a significant part of the requirements of the skilled manpower of
organised industry. It, however, seems necessary that the processes of restructuring and

reorientation of their courses are made more expeditious with a view to quickly respond to the
labour market.

 As the responsibility for imparting training devolves on a number of agencies - in central and
state governments, NGOs and private bodies there is need for clearly identifying and
strengthening coordination at various levels.

 A greater involvement of industry in planning and running the training system would also be
necessary for this purpose.


10.1 Considering the problems of employment and unemployment situation in the country Planning
Commission set up a Task Force under the chairmanship of Dr. M.S. Ahluwalia to go into the details of
the employment generation taking place in the economy and suggest measures for creation of 100
million jobs (10 million per year) in a period of 10 years.

The Task Force has recommended intervention in five major areas as under:

 Accelerating the rate of growth of GDP, with a particular emphasis on sectors likely to ensure
the spread of income to the low income segments of the labour force.

 Pursuing appropriate sectoral policies in individual sectors which are particularly important for
employment generation. These sector level policies must be broadly consistent with the overall
objective of accelerating GDP growth.

 Implementing focused special programmes for creating additional employment of enhancing

income generation from existing activities aimed at helping vulnerable groups that may not be
sufficiently benefited by the more general growth promoting policies.

 Pursuing suitable policies for education and skill development, which would upgrade the quality
of the labour force and make it capable of supporting a growth process which generates high
quality jobs.

 Ensuring that the policy and legal environment governing the labour market encourages labour
absorption, especially in the organized sector.

10.2 Various agencies like McKinsey & Company have also studied the details and have come out with
some policy recommendations. The Policy recommendations suggested in the report of McKinsey &
Company are as follows.

 Remove product reservation for small-scale industry.

 Equalize sales tax and excise duties for all companies within a sector and strengthen

 Establish an effective regulatory framework and strong regulatory bodies in the telecom and
power sectors.

 Remove all licensing and quasi-licensing restrictions that limit the number of players in an

 Reduce import duties to ASEAN levels (10 per cent) over next 5 years.

 Remove ban on FDI in the retail sector and allow 100 per cent FDI in all sectors

 Resolve unclear real estate titles.

 Reform tenancy laws to bring rents in line with market value.

 Privatize all state and central public sector units (PSUs).

 Reform labour laws by repealing Section-5B of the Industrial Disputes Act and allowing flexibility
in the use of contract labour.

 Transfer management of existing transport infrastructure to private players, and contract out
construction and management of new infrastructure to private sector.

 Strengthen agricultural extension services.

 Rationalize property taxes, stamp duties, user charges

According to them if these policy recommendations are implemented 75 million jobs will be
created and this will be enough to absorb the expected surge in the work force.

⇒ While the policy recommendations of the Mckinsey & Company are interesting, it appears from
the analysis of the report that this may lead to opening the economy to all multinational
companies in each and every sector. Under such situation, the local industries may find it
difficult to exist in the labour market and the entire economy will be driven by the outside

⇒ The report does not analyse the job losses which may be occurring due to implementation of the
policies recommended. The job losses may outsmart the additional employment generation.
Further study is , therefore required before such drastic steps as recommended are considered.

10.3. A special group in the Planning Commission was constituted under the Chairmanship of Dr.
S.P.Gupta, Member, Planning Commission to suggest strategies and programmes in the Tenth Plan for
creating gainful employment opportunities for one crore people per year during each year of the Tenth
Plan. The special group has also submitted its report in May 2002.

The special group has also suggested restructuring in the following sectors in favour of labour
intensive activity for generating additional gainful job opportunities for the Tenth Plan.

a. Agriculture & allied sectors.

b. Greening the country through Agro Forestry
c. Energy Plantation for Biomass power Generation.
d. Rural Sectors and Small and medium enterprises(SMEs).
e. Education and Literacy.

f. Employment through ICT Development.
g. Health, Family and Child Welfare.

According to the Special Group report, out of the proposed 5 crore job opportunities to be
generated over the Tenth Plan Period, nearly 2 crore should come from specific employment
generation programme and 3 crore from growth buoyancy. The estimated composition of job
opportunities is given below: Sectoral programmes in some of the key sectors recommended are given
in Annexure-I. The recommendations for skill development including vocational training are given in

The Estimates of potential job opportunities in different sectors

Sectors/Programmes Total Additional job Total

opportunities created over (in lakhs)
the 10th Plan (in lakhs)

Growth Programme
based based

Agriculture Including National Watershed Development 4.1 90.6 94.7

Project for Rainfed Areas (NSDRPA), Farm Management
programme, Agro Clinics, Greening India Programme,
Watershed and Wasteland Development, Medicinal
Plant, Bamboo Development and Energy Plantation like
Ethanol etc.
Mining & Minerals -2.0 -2.1
Manufacturing (Excl. Prime Minister’s Rozgar Yojana 14.2 14.2
(PMRY) & Rural Employment Generation Programme (large

manufacturer) 60.0
Electricity, Gas & Water -2.1 -2.1
Construction 63.0 63.0
Trade, Hotels & Restaurants 112.3 112.3
Transport, Storage & Communications 55.1 55.1
Financial Sector 19.3 19.3
Community Sector -27.1 32.0 4.9
Special Programmes
Prime Minister’s Rozgar Yojana (PMRY) (SSI) & REGP 22.0 22.0
(KVIC) 20.0 20.0
Sampoorna Gramin Rozgar Yojana (SGRY) 12.9 12.9
Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY) 7.7 7.7
& Swarna Jayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana (SGSY) 8.0 8.0
Total 296.8 193.2 490.0

Note: Totals may not tally due to rounding off.

Source: Report of the Special Group

10.4 A comparison between Task Force Report and the Report submitted by the Special Group
indicated below gives us an idea about the divergent of views between these two committees.

Task Force headed by Dr.M.S.Ahluwalia. Special Group headed by Dr. S.P. Gupta.

1 Adopted UPSS method for estimating Adopted CDS method for estimating
employment & unemployment. employment and unemployment.

2 Depended largely on past employment Made sector wise assessment on the basis
elasticities for assessing potential of job creation. of past policies.

3 Future job-creation potential in Agriculture was Agriculture has high potential for
assessed to be near zero and focused on services contributing to employment and therefore
sectors. heavily focused on Agriculture.

4 Assumed that GDP growth is the key generator of Felt it is not possible to sustain such high
employment and assumed 8 to 9% growth of growth rate. Treated employment
GDP generation as a target variable and worked
out appropriate policies and Programme to
achieve this goal.

5 Did not quantify additional employment Quantified employment generation through

generation in various sectors and sub-sectors normal growth process and through
which were recommended to have employment Programme based employment generation.

6 Did not think unemployment is a problem and Quality of employment and lack of
centered its policy basically on improving the employment opportunities were treated
quality of jobs. simultaneously.

7 Gave priority to accelerating the growth of the Gave priority to accelerating the growth of
organized sector. the unorganized sector.

8 Freedom of conversion of Rural land into Urban Not to be done as a general rule. It should
usage and private development of township and be done only in selected wastelands.

9 Lowering of import tariffs over a three-year No view until more information is available
period. since it can have adverse effect to domestic

10 Agro companies should be allowed to buy, Time bound lease in which interest of local
develop, cultivate and sell the degraded landless labour, marginal farmers etc.
wasteland after taking this land out of the should be considered.
purview of tenancy laws.

11 De-reservation of SSI within four years and De-reservation should be done on case-to-
increase in FDI investment case basis as a gradual process. Any
increase in the ceiling of FDI investment at
the moment is not needed.

12 Fast switch to modern retail trade and removal Continue both modern and traditional retail
of ban on FDI in this sector trade. Does not recommend FDI in retail
sector for this plan.

13 Special employment programmes are not It has effective role in generating
effective and entail wastage employment specially during slack season.

14 Recommended flexibility in the hiring and firing Relaxation may create more firing than
of labour. hiring in near future.

15 Dealt extensively labour laws applicable to Exhaustively discussed problems in

organized sector. unorganized sector.

The following three major issues comes to the forefront when we compare between the
recommendations of the Task Force and Dr. S.P. Gupta Committee .

 The Task Force found services sector as the main sector which can be harnessed for
employment generation whereas Dr. S.P. Gupta Committee found Agriculture is the
main sector which can generate substantial employment opportunities.

 The Task Force puts more emphasis on organised sector whereas Dr. S.P. Gupta
Committee emphasizes mainly on unorganized sector for employment generation.

 While the Task Force regarded that special Employment Generation Programmes are
not effective and entails wastage Dr. S.P. Gupta Committee felt otherwise and
suggested creation of job opportunities of around 2 crore people (out of 5 crore) from
specific employment generation programmes.


The problem of employment, unemployment and creating decent work for the labour force
have been drawing attention of the Government. The approach to Tenth Plan focuses on providing
gainful high quality employment to the additions to the labour force and it is listed as one of the
monitorable objectives for the 10th Plan and beyond. The growth strategy of 10th Plan would lay
emphasis on rapid growth of those sectors which are likely to create high quality employment
opportunities and deal with the policy constraints which discourage growth of employment. Particular
attention would be paid to the policy environment influencing a wide range of economic activities which
have a large employment potential. A brief on the Tenth Plan is presented below.


NDC Mandated Objectives for the Tenth Plan

1. Doubling per capita income in ten years.

2. Growth rate of GDP to be 8% per annum
3. Harness the benefits of growth to improve the quality of life by:

 Reduction in poverty ratio by 5 percentage points by 2007 from 26% to 21%.

 Growth in gainful employment to, at least, keep pace with addition to labour force.

 All children in school by 2003; all children to complete 5 years of schooling by 2007.

 Reducing gender gaps in literacy and wage rates by 50%.

 Providing potable drinking water in all villages.

 Cleaning of major polluted river stretches.

Fifty Million Employment Opportunities

 8% growth with business as usual will contribute only 30 million employment


 8% growth with emphasis on employment intensive sectors and programmes will yield
50 million employment opportunities.

 Special emphasis on agriculture, irrigation, agro-forestry, small and medium enterprises,

information communication technology and other services.

 Tourism – an important stimulus to employment – rationalise hotel and entertainment


Conditions Necessary for 8% Growth

 Larger public investment in infrastructure and social sectors

 Emphasis on:

 Allocative efficiency.

 Policy reforms for investor friendly environment

 Improvement in governance

 Efficient delivery systems

Efficient Fiscal Management

 Widening the tax base and improving collections

 Removing tax incentives/concessions

 An integrated Central and State VAT

 Reduction of Central Government Staff by 2% per year

 Reduction in subsidies and administrative overheads.

Stimulating Investment

 Public Investment necessary to stimulate private investment

 Developing institutional capacity for public investment

 Revamping the public works structures at Centre and States

 Simplifying laws and procedures for investment

 Reforming Development Financial institutions for long term financing of small and medium

 Increasing annual FDI flows to at least US $7.5 billion.

Unleashing Entrepreneurial Energy

 Eliminating inter- state barriers to trade and commerce

 Essential Commodities Act to be amended

 Amending Agriculture Produce Marketing Act

 Liberalising agri-trading, agri-industry and exports

 Encouraging contract farming

 Integration of various acts dealing with food into one ‘Food Act’

 Permit futures trading in all commodities

 Removal of Government & Reserve Bank of India restrictions on financing of stocking and trading.

 Repeal of SICA, introduction and strengthening of bankruptcy and foreclosure laws to facilitate
transfer of assets

 Reform Labour Laws

 Policy reforms for village and small scale sectors

 Phased dereservation of small scale industries

 Early enactment of Electricity Bill, Coal Nationalisation Amendment Bill, and Communication
Convergence Bill

 Abolish restrictions and encourage decontrol of private road transport passenger services and
private sector participation in road maintenance

Invigorating Rural India

 Growth mediated strategy with focus on basic services and direct anti- poverty programmes, and
active involvement of the people

 Rural connectivity to all habitations of 500 or more population, by end of Tenth Plan

 Expanding area under irrigation through minor irrigation and watershed management

 Priority for completion/revival of old irrigation projects

 Regulating ground water use on sustainable basis

 Rationalise irrigation charges and ensure community participation in maintenance

 Comprehensive Flood Management Strategy especially for Eastern India

 Utilising waste and degraded lands

 Reforms for agro-forestry

 Improving credit flows and simplifying procedures

 Universalisation of Kisan Credit Cards

 Diversification of cropping systems and production of medicinal and aromatic plants

 Application of science & technology for improving agricultural productivity

 Aoption by States of key features of Multi-State Cooperative Act 1984

 Integrated agriculture markets in private and cooperative sectors

 Complete coverage of all remaining ‘not covered’ and ‘partially covered’ habitations with potable
water supply
 Promotion of proper hygiene and sanitation

Creating the Productive Base

 Capacity addition of 41,110 MW comprising 22,832 MW in Central Sector and 11,157 MW in

State Sector and 7,121 MW in private sector

 Reducing gap between cost of supply and pricing of power

 Reform component included in Accelerated Power Development Programme (now APDRP)

 Electricity 62,000 villages through grid extension, by end of Tenth Plan and 18,000 remote
villages by end of Eleventh Plan, through renewable sources of energy

 Actively promote R&D on fast breeder reactor and thorium based technologies for nuclear

 Railways to focus on provision of transport services – other peripheral activities to be


 Setting up of Rail Tariff Regulatory Authority

 Expansion of National Highway Development Programme and Strengthening of state highways

and district roads

 Make tariff Authority for Major Ports (TAMP) an appellate body and extend its jurisdiction to all

 Early adoption of a Civil Aviation Policy & establishment of a regulatory framework for the

 Auction international air routes to private Indian operators and early privatisation of major
airport services

 Removal of urban land ceiling to ease supply of land, reform of rent control to promote housing
stock, rational stamp duty rates etc.

 Improvement of municipal resources (property taxes, user charges); access to financial markets
for infrastructure schemes ; restructuring of utilities for higher efficiency

 Simplify and computerise registration of property transactions etc.

Improving the Quality of Life

 ‘Education for All’ through Sarv Shiksha Abhiyan – total enrolment by 2003; universal retention
and achievement (elementary) by 2010

 Plan for strengthening secondary stream (9th to 12th)

 Focus on vocational education to cater to increased numbers from elementary and secondary

 Quality improvement of Technical Education – IITs, RECs, other Engineering Colleges and

 Greater autonomy to UGC and higher technical institutes like IIMs, IITs etc

 Nutrition Mission for correcting nutrient deficiencies

 Grain banks in remote areas

 Provide essential public health and family welfare services

 District based differential strategy for providing family welfare and health care

 Mainstream Indian systems of medicine and homeopathy in health care system

 Medicinal Plants Board to realise the full potential of herbal products

 Women’s empowerment and gender equity

 Continuing focus on disadvantaged sections of the population like Scheduled Castes, Scheduled
Tribes, Other Backward Classes, Minorities and Differently Abled

 Projectised improvement and slums through NSDP, dovetailed with Valmiki Ambedkar Awas

 Eradication of manual scavenging by 2007

 National Commission for Children to ensure protection of their rights, to be set up

 Protection of life and property of the Aged

 Special focus on unorganised labour


Catalysing and accelerating development

 Operationalisation of National Natural Resource Management System (NNMRS)

 Major mission mode initiatives, e.g.:

 Nano Science & Technology

 Technology for bamboo products
 Exploration and exploitation of microbial wealth
 Carcass utilisation and eco-friendly leather processing
 Validation and testing of new drugs from medicinal plants


 National Environment Plan to be prepared annually

 Action Plan for reducing air and water pollution

 Expand treatment and improve management of urban waste

 Conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity and protection of ecologically sensitive areas

 Universalisation of Joint Forestry Management to ensure food and economic benefits to tribals

 Greening of degraded lands by planting medicinal plants, bamboo, jatropha etc.


 Planning Commission’s focus is to promote balanced and equitable regional development

 Some steps in this regard include:

 For the first time state-wise sectoral growth rates, determined in consultation with states

 Rashtriya Sam Vikas Yojana – Special plans for (i0 Most Backward districts (ii) Bihar (iii) KBK
region of Orissa and a Reforms agenda

 Special focus on the North East

 State Development Reports to lay down road map for accelerating growth

 On Farm Water Management for Eastern India


Some Major Initiatives include:

 Core plan strategy for States

 Reform based initiatives in crucial sectors

 Accelerated Irrigation Benefit Programme

 Accelerated Power Development and Reform Programme
 Medium Term Fiscal Reforms Programme
 Urban Incentive Fund

 First National Human Development Report – inter-state development analysis and benchmark

 Better monitoring through Quarterly Progress Reviews by Members of PC

 Zero based budgeting resulting in reducing/converging CSSs and CSs from 360 to 188 and from 2247
to 922 respectively


The Essence of success

 Improved people’s participation, especially through strengthening Panchayati Raj Institutions

and urban local bodies

 Involvement of civil society, especially voluntary organizations, as partners in development

 Enactment of the Right to Information Act

 Civil service reforms for improving transparency, accountability and efficiency ; security of
tenure ; a more equitable system of rewards and punishments

 Rightsizing both the size and role of Government

 Revenue and Judicial reforms

 Using Information Technology for good governance



 Fiscal correction

 Power sector reforms

 Removing barriers to inter-state commerce


 Time bound Action Plans for policies and Programmes

 Monitoring reforms and programme implementation in states


a) As per Dr.S.P.Gupta committee report out of 50 million employment opportunities 30 million

will come through growth process and the remaining 20 million from special employment
generation programme. The work done by the persons through special employment generation
programme contributes to the GDP and can not be seen independent of the growth process.
Therefore these 20 million may get included in 30 million and finally we may achieve only 30

b) When we look at the Dr. S.P. Gupta Committee recommendations which have attempted
additional employment generation through growth based and Programme based approach, we
find that the employment generation will take place mostly in the unorganized sector in which
both physical and mental activities will be involved. Considering the unemployment situation,
wherein most of the unemployed persons are educated with general education (without any
skill) how far there will be takers for such type of job opportunities being attempted in the
unorganized sector. In fact most of the educated want regular wage paid jobs with preference
to Government jobs.

c) Organised sector and unorganized sector are having definite linkages with regard to various
aspects including employment generation. It is a fact that with the coming of one organised
sector establishment, there will be at least few unorganized sector establishments. Therefore, if
we create a conducive atmosphere for expansion of the organised sector, unorganized section
will automatically be developed and there may not be any need of special Programme or special
efforts for employment generation in the unorganized sector. Dr Gupta committee, however in
their report has indicated that the informal sector can exist of its own and can be seen as a
potential employment generating sector.

d) Though, poverty alleviation Programme implemented by the Government are important but this
does not lead to sustainable employment generation, and therefore, if we are to maintain the
level of employment generation every year, the expenditure level on such account will
automatically increase which ultimately lead to a permanent liability of the Government. Such
special employment generation Programme are required to be restricted to only to the extent of
minimum essential. The Report of Dr. S.P. Gupta Committee heavily depend on such
Programme based employment.

e) So far, since, we started our First Five Year Plan, every year emphasis was given on employment
generation. Unorganized sector has grown of its own due to various reasons including economic
compulsion on the part of the individual and it is unorganized sector which has shown
improvement in spite of the fact that organised sector did not grow in spite of focused
intervention. Therefore, how far the present proposal of development of the unorganized
sector will be grounded is to be seen. It may, perhaps, be better that we try to organize the
unorganized sector which will result in improvement in the productivity and income level of the
workers and consequently increase the standard of living. This is all the more required since
when we look at the income level of the persons already working as per various definitions we
find that a large number (about 1/3rd of the total workers) though working are living below the
poverty line. The problem in our country, perhaps, is not that of open unemployment but that
of creating a situation where the productivity and income level of the workers will increase.

f) It is recognized and accepted that employment of educated youth has been and will be one of
the major issues. It is also accepted that most of the labour absorption in the future will be in
the unorganized sector. Therefore employment planning needs to be focused on equipping the
labour force keeping in view these two issues.

g) Both the Task forces headed by Dr. M.S. Ahuluwalia and Special group headed by Dr. S.P.Gupta
felt that skill development with the work force is an essential input not only to increase the
employability but also to increase the productivity and income level of the workers. Both
strongly recommended substantial step up of skill training efforts. Tenth plan appears to have
emphasized mainly on diploma and above levels of skill development and not much on
vocational skill training which is at lower level.




In the Annexure, only specific programmes and schemes have been discussed which have been
identified for generating additional employment opportunities over the Tenth Plan.Their corresponding
investments are supposed to come partly by reallocation of the existing investment allocations and
thereby changing the patterns of growth in respective sectors for increased employment generation,
and partly as an additional sum, which is to be provided in the Tenth Plan allocation in respective
sectors. However, in case of a shortfall in the stipulated allocation, the employment generation target
accordingly may have to be scaled down. The Special Group in anticipation has made adjustments by
selectively reducing the employment generation targets of different programmes/schemes suggested by
respective Ministries and agencies.

I. Agriculture

1. The Ministry of Agriculture has estimated the potential of generating additional employment in
agriculture during the Tenth Plan, based on certain assumptions. This is because of non-availability of
precise data about actual employment being generated in various schemes in agriculture. The
assumptions are:

(a) The average man-hours used for producing one quintal of a particular crop based on the results
of “Comprehensive Scheme for Cost of Cultivation” will be applicable to the additional
production, as a result of additional area to be brought under certain agricultural crops during
the Tenth Plan.

(b) Each ha. of additional irrigated area covered under “On farm Management Scheme”will
generate 1.5 additional jobs.

(c ) The average real wage rate during the Tenth Plan period will remain Rs.60 per day per worker.

(d) Further employment potential has been worked out for the five years of the Tenth Plan as a
whole. Year-wise details could be worked out by dividing the information by the number five.

2. The average number of man-hours used for producing one quintal of crop in the year 1998-99
was as follows:
Table A1

Crops Average number of man-hours used

for producing one quintal

Groundnut 69.3
Soya bean 34.4
Rapeseed & Mustard 34.7
Tur 72.4
Gram 31.2

3. Based on the above ratios the additional employment in various sectors of crops husbandry in
agriculture has been determined as follows:

(i) It is planned that additional area under Groundnut during Tenth Plan shall be to the extent of
5.6 lakh ha. giving an additional production of 6.8 lakh tonnes. Since approximately 690 man-hours are
required to produce one tonne of groundnut, for 6.8 lakh tonnes, the total additional man-hours needed
would be 4692 lakh man-hours.

(ii) Under Rapeseed and mustard, it is planned to bring an additional 5.80 lakh ha. area, which will
give an additional production of 5.50 lakh tonnes. Since approximately 347 man-hours are needed to
produce one tonne of rapeseed and mustard, additional 5.50 lakh tonnes would require 1908 lakh man-

(iii) In respect of Soyabean, it is planned to bring additional 9.6 lakh ha. under cultivation, which will
give an additional production of 10.4 lakhs tonnes. Since in the case of Soyabean approximately 344
man-hours are needed to produce one tonne, the additional production of 10.4 lakh tonnes of soyabean
would require approximately 3577 lakh man-hours.

(iv) As per the Department’s programme, it is expected to bring an additional area of 0.47 ha. under
Arhar, which will give an additional production of 0.40 lakh tonnes.A total of approximately 724 man-
hours are needed for producing one tonne of Arhar. On this basis the additional production of 0.40 lakh
tonnes would require approximately 289 lakh man-hours of employment.

(v) In the case of Gram, it is estimated that an additional area of 2.29 lakh ha. would be brought
under cultivation giving an additional production of 2 lakh tonnes during the Tenth Plan. Since one
tonne of production of Gram requires approximately 312 man-hours, the additional 2-lakh tonnes of
production would need 624 lakh man hours.

4. The above programmes will generate 11009 million man-hours or approximately 139 million
mandays of employment during the Tenth Plan as can be seen from Table A2 below:
Table: A2

Additional Employment Generation

No. Crop Additional Additional Additional

Area Production Man hours
(Lakh ha) (Lakh tones) (lakh Man Hours)

1. Groundnut 5.6 6.8 4692

2. Rapeseed and Mustard 5.8 5.5 1908
3. Soyabean 9.6 10.4 3577
4. Arhar 0.47 0.40 289
5. Gram 2.29 2.20 624
Total 11090 or 139
Million mandays*

* 11090 lakh man-hours or 1109 million man-hours is equal to 139 million man-days assuming
that 8 man-hours constitute one manday.
5. The estimated additional employment (from Table 2) by the Ministry of Agriculture is 139
million mandays per annum on a non-cumulative basis i.e. 0.46 million person years in the last year of
the Tenth Plan. However, some of these productions will come after the land is shifted from other crops
grown. Therefore, the assessment made by the Ministry may not come true and this may be ambitious.
Corrections may be made to lower the estimate of employment to be generated from these

programmes. The net addition to employment as assumed by the Special Group will not be more than
0.35 million person years.

6. During the Eighth Five Year Plan, the average production of food grains was 187 million tonnes.
The average production of foodgrains during the Ninth Five Year Plan is expected to be around 205
million tonnes. This gives an average increase of about 18 million tonnes. Stocks of cereals with the FCI
as on 1 st June 2001 were estimated to be 60 million tonnes. There will be a procurement of about 20
million tonnes during the current Kharif season. This means that a very large portion of additional
production of cereals/foodgrains is going into stocks.

7. The normative requirement has been calculated by the norm of food requirement given by the
National Institute of Nutrition, Hyderabad which gives a figure of 182.5 Kgs. Of foodgrains needed per
capita, per annum for maintaining good health. The total population figure given by the Population
Census is converted into consumption unit by dividing the population figure by a factor of 1.06 and
adding to this the requirement for seed, feed and wastage, which is assumed to be 12.5% of the total
foodgrains production. The total.100 requirement of foodgrains as assessed by normative approach is
always less than the total production of foodgrains. Therefore, there is every reason to move away from
production of cereals to horticulture and non-commercial crops. This diversification will be a major
policy thrust for agriculture during the Tenth Five Year Plan.

7. The Department is implementing the National Watershed Development Project for Rainfed Areas
(NWDPRA) since the Eighth Plan. The programme follows an area approach and is not an
employment generation programme. However, it provides employment opportunities to small and
marginal farmers and agricultural labourers both directly and indirectly. The direct employment is
generated mostly in the activities relating to conservation and development of land and water
resources such as bunding, check dams, water harvesting structures, nurseries, afforestation etc.
The indirect employment is generated as a result of multiplier effect of natural resource
conservation and diversification of farming system, livelihood support activities leading to higher
production and higher income. Keeping this in view, a calculation has been made for direct
employment opportunities based on the Ninth Five Year Plan experience. To assess employment
generation, it has been assumed that a wage rate of Rs.60 per day will be paid to the workers
during the Tenth Plan. Estimated employment potential in NWDPRA during the Tenth Plan will be
30 million in a year as given in Table A3 below:

Table A3

Estimated Employment Potential in NWDPRA during Tenth Plan

Year Area to be Average Daily No.of labour

treated (ha.) Wage Rate days(millions)

2002-03 10 lakhs 60/day 30

2003-04 10 lakhs 60/day 30
2004-05 10 lakhs 60/day 30
2005-06 10 lakhs 60/day 30
2006-07 10 lakhs 60/day 30
Total for 10th 50 lakhs


9. The Working Group on Horticulture constituted by the Planning Commission has estimated that
by the end of the Tenth Plan period, horticulture production is required to be increased to 268 million
tonnes from existing 148 tonnes. The additional production of 120 million tonnes would require

investment of Rs.12394 crore which will also bring additional private investment and generate
additional employment to the tune of 1200 million mandays at farm level and 600 million mandays in
allied activities like grading, packaging and post-harvest management.

10. The employment generation, as per standard package and practices of Horticultural operations,
though is expected to be 3200 million mandays at farm level only by the end of Tenth Plan. The figure of
1800 million mandays has been cited as a most conservative assessment of employment over the Tenth

11. As per the standard norms of labour requirement in horticulture crops, the following is the
assessment of the employment opportunities.

i) Average requirement of labour for replacement of old orchards and brining in new areas under
horticulture crops is 800 mandays per ha. per year. During the Ninth Five Year Plan, an additional area of
31 lakh ha. was brought under horticulture crops through replacement of old orchards and new areas.
The area under horticulture increased from 132 lakh hec. to 163 lakh hec. during this period.As per the
estimates of the Tenth Plan Working Group on Horticulture, an additional area of 40 lakh hec. will be
brought under horticulture through replacement and new areas. Taking into account a conservative
requirement of 800 mandays per hec. per year, 3200 million mandays will be generated only through
this activity.

ii) The additional production of 1 tonne would require for post-harvest management activities such
as grading, packaging, processing and handling etc., labour of 5 mandays. To reach the targeted 120
million tonnes of additional production during the Tenth Five Year Plan, this would generate 600 million

iii) Thus, the total mandays employment creation potential of horticulture sector is to be of the
order of 3800 million mandays. However, on the very conservative side, the Horticulture Division of
Ministry of Agriculture has projected generation of only 1800 million mandays during this Plan period.
For each year the mandays generation would be 360 million.

12. The Department of Agriculture and Cooperation would implement a new Scheme “On
FarmWater Management” during the Plan period. The scheme will be implemented only in the Eastern
States and has following components:

(i) Assistance for installation of Shallow Tube wells with Pump-sets

(ii) Assistance for diesel pump sets
(iii) Assistance for low lift irrigation points
(iv) Assistance for dug wells in the plateau region

13. During the Tenth Plan period, it is targeted to cover 75 lakh ha. net area under the scheme.
Assuming that each ha. of additional irrigated area covered under the scheme would give 1.5 jobs,
additional jobs of a total of 112.5 lakh will be created during the entire Tenth Plan period as given in
Table A4.

Table A4

Employment Opportunities in On Farm Water Management Scheme

Nature of Schemes Plan Period Employment


(‘000 Nos.)
On-Farm Water Management Scheme Ninth Plan

2001-02 1050

Tenth Plan

2002-03 2250
2003-04 2250
2004-05 2250
2005-06 2250
2006-07 2250
Total 10th Plan 11250

14. The assumption that each hectare of additional irrigated area would give additional 1.5 jobs is
based on the present statistics of existing irrigated area and jobs created therein. Irrigation will result in
increase in intensity of cultivation. Implicit in this is the assumption that the farmers will grow more
than one crop, which will result in higher employment generation. The Group however decided to take a
conservative estimate of 1.25 million person years at the end of the Tenth Plan as against 2.3 m

15. Another new scheme on Agri-clinics will be implemented during the Tenth Plan. Under this
scheme, 25000 agri-clinics will be set up during the Plan period. Assuming that each clinic will employ at
least three persons, a total of 75000 jobs will be created under the Scheme.

16. It is planned that during the Tenth Five Year Plan, an additional 40-lakh quintals of certified
seeds would be produced for distribution to the farmers. This additional quantity would result in
generation of 75,000 additional jobs, out of which 68,000 jobs will be created on the field and the
remaining 7,000 jobs would be created for processing, cleaning, tagging and bagging of seeds.

17. There are four Farm Machinery Training and Testing Institutes working under the control of the
Ministry of Agriculture, imparting training on agricultural implements and machinery to various groups
of persons such as farmers, rural youth, mechanics etc. Around 2000 such persons are trained every
year by these institutes. About 50 per cent of these 1000 persons get wage employment, while other 50
per cent engage themselves in self-employment. Further about 1-lakh tractors are added every year to
the total population of tractors in the country. Each tractor generates several jobs, but at least one job
of a Driver can be attributed directly to the agriculture. Therefore, one-lakh jobs of tractor drivers will be
generated in the agriculture on farm machinery.

18. Therefore, at the aggregate level the total potential of additional employment generation from
different programmes and schemes already formulated by the Ministry of Agriculture comes to 3.55
million manyears by the end of the Tenth Plan, after taking a conservative approach. The Special Group
is of the view that this much employment generation in agriculture and allied activities will be possible
in the Tenth Plan. This is shown in Table A5.

Table A5

Total Employment expected to be generated in Agriculture during Five Year Plan:

Scheme Employment Potential

1. Additional areas under Cultivation to be

brought Under oilseeds and pulses 0.35 Million man years

2. NWDPRA 0.50 Million man years

3. Horticulture 1.20 Million man years

4. On Farm Management 1.25 Million man years

5. Agri Clinics and Seed Production 0.15 Million man years

6. Tractors 0.10 Million man years

Total 3.55 Million man years.

II. Greening the Country for Food, Livelihood and Environmental Security

For Ecological security following areas have to be greened on priority basis:

1) Degraded forest areas 31 million hectares

2) Wastelands 50 million hectares

Total 81 million hectares

The Task Force on greening the country (Planning Commission) has recommended the following
programme during 5 years period:

(i) 10 m. ha of degraded forestland can easily be regenerated / afforested under Joint Forest
Management with the involvement of people on share and care basis. Two million ha can be
greened annually on watershed development basis involving 2 million people. A “food for work”
scheme maintaining 50:50 ratio of food and cash will be ideal. Cash expenditure of Rs.4500
crores will be required on yearly basis. The area being hilly, integrated watershed development
will conserve soil, water and bio-diversity. Cultivation of bamboo, medicinal plants, Jatropha and
other multi purpose species will meet food, fodder, fuel, fibre, water and energy needs of the
forest dwellers (mostly tribal and majority of them living below poverty line). Avail-ability of
water and crude drugs will provide preventive and curative health care. Production of fodder
and industrial raw-material will further generate employment in secondary and tertiary sectors.
Jatropha oil will substitute for kerosene oil and diesel. Bamboo and timber production will
provide cash income to each family and help in construction of their houses. Thus during
implementation of the project each beneficiary will get cash wage and food and from the
second year onwards forest produce. Surplus forest products are easily marketable yielding cash
income to the beneficiaries. JFM will alleviate poverty and eliminate hunger and starvation

(ii) About 20 million ha of rainfed agricultural area is available for agroforestry. At present, such
areas are monocropped and crop failures are common. Lands are mostly owned by SC, ST and
other backward classes. Each family owns about 2 ha. of land. Agroforestry is proposed on field
bunds by providing technology, planting material under “food for work” scheme. Thus 10 million
families can be covered in 5 years period. Two million families can be provided employment and
food annually on a sustainable basis. Agroforesty is expected to conserve rainwater,augment
biomass production, increase productivity and improve drainage. Appropriate tech-nology,
extension, financial support and removal of various constraints can alleviate poverty of 10

million families. Annual investment required will be of the order of Rs.6000 crore which includes
40% of food component. At present the country is importing forest products worth Rs.8500
crore annually. Prior to 1986 India was net exporter of forest products. Import of forest produce
from 1987 onwards has reduced employment opportunities and increased poverty, hunger and
unrest in back-ward areas. Without greening activities floods and drought, land degradation,
advancing of deserts and environmental pollution cannot be halted. Thus JFM & Agroforestry
can easily employ 4 million people under “food for work” scheme for greening the degraded

(iii) Development of Medicinal Plants for Employment Generation- India, identified as one of the 8
important global centres for plant diversity is immensely rich in medicinal and aromatic plants
growing in diverse ecosystems. Enormous opportu-nity exists worldwide not only for Indian
System of Medicine (ISM) but also for the growth of herbal sector. The herbal sector opens fresh
opportunities for the production of a whole range of therapeutics as also for food supplements,
cosmetics, toilet-ries, nutraceuticals and veterinary medicine. The Task Force on medicinal
plants (Planning Commission) has made following recommendations:

• Identification and establishment of MPDA/Vanaspati Van over an area of 1 million ha in

forest areas for intensive management of medicinal plants. Under “food for work”
scheme 10 lakhs people will get productive employment and food.

• Nearly 1 lakh people will get employment in 10,000 pharmacies, health tourism and
manufacture of various products.

• Globalisation of ISM can easily earn Rs.10,000 crore on yearly basis.

On the recommendation of the Task Force, the Medicinal Plant Board has come in existence.
GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) has been introduced to ensure quality, safety and efficacy
of drugs. Health tourists have started visiting Kerala and Varanasi, Students from abroad have
started coming to our Ayurvedic institu-tions.Concerted effort in identified sectors can easily
generate 1.1 million jobs on a yearly basis.

(iv) Bamboo Development- Bamboo is an important feature in many parts of India. It has more than
1500 uses. Recent technological developments have given birth to new generation products,
which are in great demand inside as well as outside the country. The Task Force on greening
India had made following recommendations for this developing sector:

 All existing sawmills and plywood industries may reconstruct themselves to substitute
timber by bamboo as their raw material. Use of timber is not per-mitted by Supreme
Court order for environmental reasons. Nearly 3 million jobs are lost due to this. This
change over with bamboo will require heavy investments. Private firms owning these
industries need loans from the banks.

 Bamboo technology mission should provide technology to the industries for producing
quality bamboo products for export.

 CAPART can motivate the growers and NGOs to cultivate useful bamboo species.

 For retarding climatic change global consensus is to change over from timber to bamboo
use. For boosting the export, establishment of “Bamboo Board” will be desirable.

All these activities can generate additional employment to 2 million people. According to a study of
INBAR, India has potential to boost the bamboo trade to the extent of Rs.30,000 crore annually. The
global market will absorb it by the end of this decade.

Therefore, the total potential of additional employment generation from different programmes comes
to 7.1 million employment by the end of the Tenth Plan. This is shown in Table A6, alongwith the
assessment of Special Group.

Table A6

Employment Generation in Forestry, Medicinal Plants and Bamboo Development

during Tenth Five Year Plan: Projections by the relevant Task Forces* and the Special Group

Scheme Employment Potential

1. Forestry and agro forestry 4 million (1.5 million)

2. Medicinal Plants 1.1 Million (0.5 million)
3. Bamboo Development 2 Million (1.5 million)

Total 7.1 Million (3.5 million)

* (i) Task Force on Greening India; (ii) Task Force on Medicinal Plants.
NB : Brackets denote the Special Group’s estimates.107

III. Energy Plantations for Bio-mass Power Generation

1. Cultivation of fast growing trees such as casuarina equistifolia and bush crops such as prosopis
juliflora can serve as biomass fuel for establishing a national network of decentralized rural
power plants. These power plants, ranging in size from 10-25 MW, can generate thousands of
megawatts of power from renewable, forest based fuel sources in a cost effective manner. This
would reduce India’s dependence on imported fuel oils, stimulate private investment in the
power sector, and generate massive income and employment opportunities for the rural poor.

2. In order to meet pent up demand, India needs to create an additional 100,000 MW of power
generation capacity during the Tenth Plan period. Establishment of 10 million hectares of energy
plantation will be sufficient to generate 25,000 MW of power generation and provide year-
round employment for 7.5 million people.

3. Casuarina is a fast growing tree that can be cultivated on marginal wasteland and harvested on
a rotating basis from the third to fourth year onwards. Casuarina is already commercially
cultivated over wide tracks in the southern States, primarily as a rain-fed crop for fuel and
construction. It can also be used as pulp for papermaking. It is an excellent species for
environmental control of erosion, stabilization of soils and reclamation of poor soils. It requires
10,000 tonnes of casuarina to generate one megawatt for a year. By harvesting the crop on a
rotating basis, a standing plantation of 250 hectares is sufficient to generate one megawatt of
power. A 2500-hectare casuarina energy plantation can support a 10-12 MW power plant.
Assuming a net farm selling price of Rs.700 per tonne, one hectare of casuarinas can generate

year round net income of Rs.28000. Allocating one hectare per person, each 10 MW power
plant can provide employment for 2500 persons.

4. Prosopis is a thorny plant that grows wild on extensive areas of wasteland and serves as a fence,
but is not being harvested or utilised for commercial purposes. It grows rapidly, producing about
10 tonnes of biomass on dry-weight basis per hectare per annum. The biomass is an excellent
raw material for power generation. 1000 hectares of rain fed prosopis can provide sufficient fuel
to generate one MW of electric power. One hectare of prosopis under rainfed conditions can
produce on an average 10 tonnes of fuel per hectare per year, from the 3 rd year onwards. By
harvesting the crop on a rotating basis, a standing plantation of 1000 hectares is sufficient to
generate one megawatt of power. A 10,000-hectare prosopis energy plantation can support a 10
MW power plant. Assuming a net farm selling price of Rs.700 per tonne, one hectare of prosopis
can generate year-round net income of Rs.7, 000. Each hectare requires 100 man-days per
annum of labour input. Allocating two hectares per person, a 10 MW power plant can provide
employment for 5000 persons, each earning Rs.14, 000 per annum.

5. The challenge is how to implement the projects in a manner that will generate maximum
income and employment for the rural poor. It can be done by assigning suitable land for each
project in different parts of the state, leasing 50% of the required land to corporates willing to
invest in the approved agro-enterprises. The balance 50% may be given to rural families for
cultivation as a registered crop and supply of produce to the power plants. Cooperative power
plants can also be established in regions such as Maharashtra where agricultural cooperatives
have proven effective. Nationalised Banks may be directed to extend loans to the farmers.

Bio-fuel from Sugarcane – Ethanol Plantations

6. India is currently producing surplus sugar and is holding stocks equivalent to 8 months domestic
requirement. Export of the sugar is not viable because low productivity and high cost of
production make Indian sugar uncompetitive on the international market. Excess production of
sugarcane and molasses may be utilised as raw material for the production of ethanol that can
be mixed with petroleum products as a fuel for motor vehicles.

7. Ethanol can be blended with motor fuels up to 5-10% without any modification of vehicles with
fuel injection system and can be used in higher blends up to 95% in modified vehicles. Ethanol
blends generate significantly less pollution than alternative petroleum-based fuels.

8. India presently consumes approximately 40 million tonnes of petrol per annum. Assuming a 10%
blend of ethanol with petrol and diesel, the total requirement of ethanol would be 4.6 million
tonnes per annum. With engine modification, much higher ethanol blends can be utilised. The
cost of production of ethanol fuel from sugarcane will be approximately Rs.18 litre, of which 2/3
rd will go as income to farmers. Total current production of ethanol in India (primarily from
molasses) is 1.3 billion litres, of which 50% is used for industrial purposes and 50% for potable

9. India currently produces approximately 300 million tonnes of sugarcane annually, of which 60%
is crushed for sugar production and 40% for jaggary and other products. The 180 million tonnes
of cane is converted into 18 million tonnes of sugar and 8 million tonnes of molasses annually.
Current domestic sugar consumption is only 15 million tonnes. Since the cost of production in
India is above the international level, surplus sugar accumulates. India’s current stock of surplus
sugar is 10 million tonnes, equivalent to 8 months consumption. Assuming that 25 million
tonnes of sugarcane is diverted from sugar production for production of ethanol fuel, an

additional 1.6 billion litres of ethanol can be produced. By increasing the yield of sugarcane and
increasing total area under sugarcane, additional ethanol can be produced.

10. 25 million tonnes of sugarcane (8% of total cane) may be diverted for ethanol production,
resulting in production of 1.6 billion litres of ethanol fuel. Additional areas can be identified for
growing sugarcane exclusively for ethanol production. By this way, additional cane production of
75 million tonnes would be available which can produce an additional 4.8 billion litres of
ethanol. In addition, availability of sugarcane can be increased by a concerted effort to improve
the productivity and efficiency of existing sugarcane cultivation. By this way, additional cane
production of 75 million tonnes would be available which can produce an additional 4.8 billion
litres of ethanol. Total ethanol production from these programmes would be 11.2 billion litres
per annum. Existing distilleries can produce this ethanol because they are under utilised.

11. The programme would produce 11.2 million tonnes of ethanol fuel per annum, valued at
Rs.17,000 crores, as a substitute for imported oil. The most significant benefit of the
programme is that it can help meet the nation’s energy requirements in a manner that
generates additional rural income of Rs.10,000 to 12,000 crores, rather than by expenditure of
foreign exchange to generate prosperity in petroleum producing countries. Improving the
productivity of sugarcane can bring down the price of sugar to internationally competitive levels
so that surplus production can be exported. The higher cane yield and additional area
cultivated will generate 2.5 million additional employment opportunities. The programme can
produce 30 billion units of electricity from bagasse valued at Rs.9000 crores. The employment to
be generated from these programmes as well as estimates of Special Group for these
programmes are given in Summary Table A7.

Table A7

Summary Table – Energy Plantations & Employment Creation

Project Area Income Job Gestation

(Ha) Generation Creation

Energy Plantation
Prosopis 5 million 6500 7.5 3 years
Casuarina 5 million 13500 million 5 years

Ethanal Plantation 800,000 12000 2.5 million 1 year

Irrigated 5000
Total 10 million Rs.430000 10 million jobs*
wasteland and
800,000 irrigated

* Special Groups has assumed 1.22 million manyears for first project and 0.79 million man years for
second project for the 10 th five year Plan.

12. The Special Group is of the view that this much employment generation will not be possible in
the Tenth Plan. Therefore, a conservative estimate has been taken that 2.01 million
employment opportunities would be created under this in the Tenth Plan.

IV. Rural Development Programmes-Sampoorna

(i) Sampooran Gram Rozgar Yojana (SGRY)

The Ministry of Rural Development have been operating two Schemes of Wage Employment,
namely, the Employment Assurance Scheme (EAS) and the Jawahar Gram Samridhi Yojana (JGSY). While
the EAS was primarily meant for creation of additional employment opportunities during the period of
acute shortage of wage employment through manual work for the rural poor living below the poverty
line, the JGSY was aimed at creation of need-based rural infrastructure at the village level. These
programmes have contributed to a great extent in reducing rural poverty and improving the quality of
rural life. These two programmes have been merged into a single wage employment programme namely,
the Sampoorna Gramin Rozgar Yojana (SGRY) which was launched in September, 2001 with an annual
outlay of Rs. 10,000 crores. This will enable an annual increase in allocation for employment schemes by
Rs. 6000 crores. The major objective of this Scheme is to provide food security, additional wage
employment and village infrastructure simultaneously. Under the Scheme 50 lakhs tonnes of foodgrains
amounting to Rs. 5000 crores (at economic cost) is to be provided every year to the State Governments
and UTs. The remaining funds are to be utilized to meet the cash component of wages and material cost.
Under the Scheme, 100 crores mandays of employment are envisaged to be generated every year.

Past experience has shown that 50 crores mandays of employment per year have been
generated under the EAS and JGSY. Although, it is targeted to generate 100 crores mandays per year
under the new scheme of SGRY, in actual fact, at least 90 crores mandays per annum will be generated
(depending upon the actual allocation of funds). Therefore, in any case, it can be safely estimated that
40 crores mandays per annum will be the additionality in employment under the restructured SGRY.

(ii) Swarnjayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana (SGSY)

The Ministry of Rural Development implements the Swaranjayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana
(SGSY) which is a restructured Self-Employment Programme of the erstwhile IRDP and allied Schemes.
The SGSY came into operation from 1 st April, 1999 and it has been conceived as a holistic Programme
covering all aspects of Self-Employment like organisation of the rural poor into Self-Help Groups (SHGs)
and their capacity building, training, planning of activity clusters, infrastructure development, financial
assistance through bank credit and subsidy and marketing support. It is expected that individuals and
Group Swarozgaris will, over a period of time, establish micro-enterprises based on key activisties
identified taking into account the resource availability and demand potentiality in the area concerned.
Under the Scheme, while subsidy is only an enabling component great reliance is placed on the credit
component for successful operation of the micro-enterprises started under the Scheme. The various
Evaluation Studies of the erstwhile IRDP and allied Schemes have shown that these Schemes have
provided productive employment opportunities for the rural poor on a sustainable basis, although
certain shortcomings were also noticed in the actual implementation at the field level. It has been
possible to establish 7.42 lakhs Self Help Groups under the restructured Self-Help Groups under the
restructured Self-Employment Programmeof SGSY.

It is targeted to set up 14 lakhs Self-Help Groups (at least 1 SHG in every habitation of the
country) by 2004. As the SGSY is a process oriented Programme, it may take some time from the stage
of formation of Self-Help Groups to the final stage of setting up of micro-enterprises. Past experience of
the operation of the Scheme has shown that on an average, it was possible to provide employment to
8.5 lakh persons per annum, on a sustainable basis (including group and individual swarozgaris). On this
basis, it is estimated that it would be possible to provide self employment on a sustainable basis, to
about 43 to 45 lakhs persons during the next five years i.e., .8 to .85 m per years. In addition, there will
be indirect employment, also consequent to the setting up of micro enterprises by these persons. This
estimate is based on the assumption that the current level of investment of Rs. 800 crores per annum
will be maintained during the next five years under the programme.

(iii) Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY)

The allocation for rural roads was about Rs.500 crore in the year 1999-2000. This has now been
raised to Rs.2500 crore under the programme Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY). The
Special Group has taken a conservative estimate that 0.77 million person-years of additional
employment opportunities would be created under this in the Tenth Plan, taking the norm of
employment generation from the construction sector.

The Special Group on a conservative basis assessed that employment opportunities to be

created under these 3 programmes would mean a net addition of 2.86 million person-years during the
Tenth Plan:

Table A8

Employment Opportunities: Three Special Programmes.

Programme Increase in employment

opportunity during 10 th Plan
(million persons years)

SGRY 1.29

SGSY 0.80

PMGSY 0.77

Total 2.86

V. Employment Generation in Small Scale Industries (SSI) Sector

1. Employment generation has always been one of the main objectives of the policies aimed at
economic development and growth of the nation. A rise in economic growth has always led to
increased employment opportunities and similarly enhanced employment generation has
always contributed significantly towards economic growth. However, identifying and creating
employment opportunities has always been a challenging task in our country, the reasons for
which are plenty and well known. More disturbing in this context is the realization that there
has not been commensurate growth in employment vis-à-vis economic growth as demonstrated
by the GDP indicators over the past decade.

2. The Small Scale Sector currently provides employment to over 18.5 million persons. SSI
Units are set up in the Private Sector. Employment in the SSI sector is mainly generated in two

Autonomous – wherein every new SSI unit set up provides employment to entrepreneurs,
skilled, semi-skilled and unskilled workers; and

Induced – through specialized employment generation programmes like the Prime Minister’s
Rozgar Yojana (PMRY), etc.

3. The average rate of growth of production in SSI sector is estimated at 8% and average
employment is about 4% per annum respectively. This gives an employment elasticity of 0.5 for
this sector. The target of employment generation in the SSI sector by the terminal year of the 9
th Five Year Plan was 185 lakh persons in 2001-02, giving an additionality of 25 lakh persons
from the base year i.e., 1996-97. The estimates of additional employment generated in the SSI
sector during the 9 th Plan are that of about 33 lakh persons. The SSI sector provides whole-time
and sustainable and durable employment. According to 2 nd All India Census of Registered SSI
units (1987-88), the average employment per SSI unit is 6.3 persons. As a result of
modernization and technology upgradation of SSI sector and emergence of capital-intensive
products, the average employment per unit during Ninth Five Year Plan has been estimated at
5.5 persons per unit.

4. The role of Government is to facilitate and promote entrepreneurship, technology, marketing,

credit etc. so that SSI Units can compete. The policy environment enabling this sector to grow

(i) SSI sector comes under the Priority Sector Lending programme of Banks.

(ii) Fiscal support to SSI units in the form of Excise Exemption, some direct tax benefit by the
Central Government, Sales tax/loan deferment by the State Governments

(iii) Protection through product reservation (currently 799 items out of about 8000 items
manufactured in the SSI sector are reserved).

(iv) Price Preference and Purchase Preference in purchases by Government Departments.

(v) Support for technology upgradation through Small Industries Service Institutes (SISIs), Product
Cum Process Development Centres (PPDCs), Regional Testing Centres (RTCs), Tool Rooms and
Financial incentives for acquiring ISO 9000 certification.

(vi) Entrepreneurship development programmes conducted by various National level institutes and
support to state level industries.

(vii) Encouraging Ancillaries, Vendor development, sub-contracting exchanges etc.

(viii) Development of infrastructures.

5. The targeted rate of growth for SSI Sector has been kept at 12% for the Tenth Plan on the
ground that economy is expected to grow at 8% (GDP) in the Tenth Plan. With liberalization of
the economy and its assimilation into the globalised world order, latest and state of the art
technology needs to be adopted by new units coming up in the Small Scale Sector, while the
existing units need to carry out technological upgradation from time to time to enhance their
competitive strengths. This also entails commensurate improvement in the quality of
employment/labour. Emphasis would have to be given to quality of labour along with the
quantity of labour to bear the onslaught of globalisation and survive in the changing economic
scenario with increasing competitiveness. The Small Scale Sector is poised to be the engine of
employment generation/growth in the next 5 years is clear from the projections made by the
Sub-Group I of the Working Group on Small Scale Industries for the 10 th Five Year Plan. The
growth in employment is dependent on the growth in the number of units, growth rate of the
SSI sector and nature of growth i.e. the type of industries i.e. capital intensive or labour
intensive. Taking all these factors into account, the Sub-Group projected that in the terminal
year of the Tenth Plan i.e. 2006-07 there will be 43.78 lakh units of small scale industries with
employment of 237.17 lakhs.

The net addition of employment in the Tenth Plan will be 39 lakh persons from growth
buoyancy. The average growth rate for employment for the Tenth Plan will be 4.2% per annum.

6. Taking into account the increased capital intensity in the SSI sector, the current employment per
unit is estimated at 5.5 persons. Taking the 2001-02 figure of number of SSI units as the base
and applying a growth rate of 4.6% per annum over it we get the number of SSI units coming
into existence each year. This annual number of new units is multiplied by 5.0 i.e. the average
estimated current employment per unit. A relatively lower per unit employment has been
visualized for the Tenth Five Year Plan because of the increased emphasis on technology
upgradation and modernization of the SSI Sector, which is considered essential in order to
enhance the competitiveness necessitated by the ongoing process of liberalization globalization
and adherence to the WTO agreements. There are also indications that in times to come SSI
sector will be moving to product lines having higher capital intensity. There is likely to be
impetus for setting up more and more self employment ventures because of introduction of
Voluntary Retirement Scheme in the Public Sector Undertakings. Similarly, there are also
indications that the major part of the service sector will grow as small enterprises. All these
factors will help to generate additional employment of 44.10 lakh persons.

7. There are at present nearly 33 lakh SSI units all over the country, of which about 1 lakh are in
the organized (factory sector). The unorganized sector comprises of SSI units engaged in
manufacturing apart from those in the handloom, handicrafts, coir and KVIs sectors. The
organized sector includes powerlooms other than the manufacturing SSIs. There is also a large

sub-sector within the SSI sector known as Tiny Industries, which consist of micro units, which are
comparable to rural, and cottage industries.

8. The Special Group has estimated that 4.2 million additional jobs can be created by specific
programme in the small industries including KVIC. KVIC submitted a plan of creating additional
two million jobs from different special programmes including REGP and those recently
announced; Based on the good performance during the last three years in generating new
employment opportunities under REGP (Rural Employment Generation Programme) and
generating 3.05 lakh new jobs in 1999-2000 and 3.50 lakhs in 2000-01 as also the sanctions
already made by CCEA for 20 lakh new jobs through REGP in Tenth Plan, the assessment made
by Special Group for the next five years is that KVIC will generate at least 4 lakh jobs a year on a
cumulative basis, i.e. 2 million jobs over the Tenth Plan. Added to this is from special cluster
development programme and other measures in SSI resulting from the recommendations of the
Planning Commission’s Gupta Committee and from PMRY another 2.2 million additional jobs are
likely to be created. These are added to the normal growth in employment from growth
buoyancy of nearly 2.2 million when the growth will be increased from 8 per cent to 12 per cent
per annum.

Table A9

The final break up of potential areas of job creation is as follows:

(Million persons years)

I Program Based a) KVIC in REGP 2.00

b) PMRY in SSI 1.65 4.20
c) SSI : Cluster Development 0.55

(i) Small Manufacturing

II Growth induced a) SSI 3.86

b) Coir 0.10
c) Handloom 0.40
d) Power loom 0.10 7.42
e) Handicraft 0.93
f) Sericulture 0.50
g) Wool (unorganised sector) 0.10

(ii) Large Manufacturing 1.43

Total Manufacturing (including SME’s & 11.62

Special Employment
Programmes in Rural Areas).

VI. Community Services

A. Employment in Education Sector

Employment in Education Sector may be seen from the following table obtained from Ministry
of Human Resource Development.

Table A10

Assessment of present trends in Employment in

Elementary Education and Literacy

Schemes Estimate of employment Nature of Activities

Opportunities & Establishments
2002 2007

Teachers 16,92,159 32,23,757 Primary and upper primary teachers

employed under OBB, DPEP,
SSA, Lok Jumbish, Shiksha
Karmi, AS/EGS, ECCE, Mahila
Samakhya, continuing education,

DIET, BRC, CRC, 56,469 1,51,890 Resource persons and project

engineering Staff, staff employed under DPEP and


Mid-day-meal 4,00,000 4,60,000 Cook and Helper employed for

mid day meal scheme
Total 21,48,628 38,35,647

OBB - Operation Black Board
DPEP - District Primary Education Programme
SSA - Surva Siksha Abhiyan
AS/EGS - Alternative Schooling/Education Guarantee Scheme
ECCE - Early Childhood Care and Education
SRC - State Resource Centre
JSS - Jan Shikshan Sansthan
DIET - District Institute of Education and Training
BRC - Block Resource Centre
CRC - Cluster Resource Centre
SPO - State Project Office
DPO - District Project Office.119

B. Employment in Health and Child Development

Employment in health and child development may be seen from the following table given by the
Social Welfare Division. These estimates are based on the Ninth Plan achievements of the sector and the
projections for Tenth Plan are as follows:

Table A11

Employment in Women and Child Development Sector

Programmes Additional Employment

1. Integrated Child Development Projects

(ICDS)/ Angan Wadi Workers (AWWs)/
Angan Wadi Helpers (AWHs) 3.00 lakh

2. Support for Training and Employment

Programme (STEP) 1.25 lakh

3. Employment and Income Generation,

Centres for Women (NORAD) 1.39 lakh

4. Socio Economic Programmes (SEP) 1.70 lakh

5. Condensed Courses of Education and Vocational

Training for Adult Women for Employment Generation 1.00 lakh

6. National Handicapped Finance and Dev. Corporation* 1.00 lakh

Total 9.34 lakh

* Income generating activities for 9755 persons in Ninth Plan (assumed to be around 10,000 in the Tenth

The Special Group has assumed that additional 1.7 million employment will be generated in
Elementary Education and 0.8 million from Health and Child Development and other Self-Employment




As we have already mentioned, our focus needs be more on the unorganized sector, as distinct
from the capital-intensive corporate sector, since this is the sector that is identified as the main job giver
in future, and also where viability is at stake under global competition. The answer is therefore, to
increase the productivity of labour in this sector and to make it attractive to improve its job quality.
Given our terms of reference, our task is to achieve creation of employment opportunities of better
quality in a short to medium term framework of 5 years. Therefore, quick yielding measures for
improvement of skills of entrants to labour force become an important instrument of planning. The task
is by no means easy because development of human capital (HRD) is necessarily an activity with a long
gestation period. (And is becoming all the more difficult as public sector, which has capital- and hence
technology, with a well structured training programme for its fresh recruits, cuts down drastically on its
intake.) Issues, Strategy for improving Vocational Training The Group, after its deliberation, and also
considering recommendations of relevant committees includes the one by MOL as following.

i. Expansion of vocational training facilities

ii. Improvement in effectiveness, Efficiency and Relevance of existing training programmes of DGE
& T (Ministry of Labour)

iii. Improvement in Governance and Management of National Vocational Training System (NVTS
under the Ministry of Labour)

iv. Suggestions of/for other Ministries/ Departments to augment various Skill Development

v. Training for Informal Sector

(i) Expansion of vocational training facilities –the suggested measures

 Greater involvement of private providers of training and NGOs

 Adequate resources (earmarking of funds) in States’ plan budget

 Increase in training capacity for in-service workers

 Enlarge scope of Apprenticeship Training by covering more occupations in emerging

high-tech areas, service sector and informal sector

 Adoption of new training delivery mechanisms (like distance learning)

 Sufficient in-built component/ outlay for training under all schemes funded by the
Central or State Governments related to poverty alleviation/ employment promotion/
social welfare etc.

 Strengthening of Skill Development Programme for Women and disadvantaged groups.

(ii) Improvement in effectiveness, Efficiency and Relevance of existing training programmes of DGE
& T (Ministry of Labour)

 Setting up of a Skill Development Fund (SDF) on partnership basis between the industry
and the Government, with major voluntary contribution coming from industry

 Strengthening of interaction between industry and ITIs and developing some ITI’s as
Centres for Excellence

 Vertical mobility of craftsmen and apprentices (across levels of proficiency and


 Staff development and motivation

 Strengthening of monitoring mechanism and joint inspections

 Vocational guidance & counseling and assistance in placement

 Strengthening of research capabilities

 Modularisation and multi-skilling.81

 Competency based certification system for workers without formal qualifications

 Development of a formal policy for vocational training

(iii) Improvement in Governance and Management of National Vocational Training System (NVTS
under the Ministry of Labour)

The problem

 After the manifold growth of ITIs/ITCs, and continuance of 3 to 4 decades old system of
governance and management of vocational training, the NVTS still remains to be
upgraded and modernized

 Weak links between State level (wherever, they are at all existing) and the National

 Separate national level councils for ‘Vocational’ (NCVT) and ‘Apprenticeship


 No State level forum to design and promote ‘Apprenticeship Training’

 No link across multiple Departments of Central Government rendering training (as exists
for higher technical education)

Suggested Approach

 Merger of National Council for Vocational Training (NCVT) and Central Apprenticeship
Council (CAC) into an All India Council of Vocational Training (AICVT).

 Formation of State level corresponding bodies (Functions of National level and State
level bodies should not be the same; the State level bodies to do field Level functions of

recognition of ITIs etc, and National level body to set guidelines, and assign performance

 AICVT and corresponding State level bodies to take on board a number of other
vocational training providers in ministries/ departments other than Labour.

 AICVT and corresponding State level bodies to have mandatory representation of the
major actors involved in vocational training in the various economic activities.

(iv) Suggestions of/for Ministries/ Departments, other than Labour, to augment various Skill
Development Programmes

(a) Housing and Urban Development Corporation (HUDCO) - ITIs to provide both in-service
and pre-service training.

(b) Council for Advancement of People’s Action and Rural Technology (CAPART) –to set up
more technology resource centres across country

(c) Secondary Education – to earmarked funds for vocationalisation of secondaryeducation.

(d) Community Polytechnics – to reorient training to demand driven output.

(e) Khadi Village Industries Corporation (KVIC) - to identify new target groups involve NGOs

(f) Associated Chamber of Commerce (ASSOCHAM) -–Autonomous bodies with full

autonomy to manage ITIs on experimentalBasis – Incentives by Government to private
sector to establish ITIs

(v) Training for Informal Sector – the recommended strategy Training activity, for entrants to
organised sector has always received a highly preferential treatment in access to resources, in
contrast to those who enter the world of work through the unorganized sector. Market
processes in the phase of economic reforms have accentuated this tendency further. Consider
the exorbitant capitation fees for training in medicine, high private establishments fees for
newly emerging areas of employment- I.T. and I.T. enabled services, engineering, hotel and
catering, etc. The problem had already got compounded even before reforms, because the
formal training certificates became a screening parameter, for recruitment to public
sector/Government. And within the HRD activity, literacy and general education always received
greater attention of Central and State Governments than training of prospective entrants to
labour force. In short, we have not had a policy for skill building for bulk of the new entrants to
labour force, who have to find a job in the unorganized and the informal sector.

The suggestion in this respect, therefore, are:

 Government to articulate a policy framework for support of informal sector training

 Use all available methods to increase literacy standard and production skills of persons in the
informal sector

 Detailed surveys on training needs and existing arrangements for training in informal sector

 Motivate associations in the informal sector to help develop skills and entrepreneurship

 International agencies such as UNICEF and World Bank to act in collaboration with Government
at grass root level for administration and distribution of aid to informal sector.

 Opening training-cum-production centers in informal sector to enable individuals to earn while

they learn e.g., handicrafts sector

 Common identity cards by local bodies and Police to those working in informal sector clearly
specifying the places where informal sector activity is not wanted

 Refinancing for urban micro-credit that creates training facilities for this sector to open up
entrepreneurship in this area

 Private sector companies to be enabled to create foundations to finance community-based

programmes which include training and business support to micro-enterprises,coupled with tax
and credit incentives

 Identify organisations through which action programmes can be developed – trade based guilds,
trade unions (including the smaller ones) and self-help groups

 Government not to enter into curriculum development except for the high return, high
technology areas

Construction Sector

An Act enables levy of a cess to generate funds for welfare of construction workers. A part of
this to be utilised for financing training of informal sector construction workers.

Reform of Vocational Training Establishments in the States

Mode of Administration of Training Services operated by Government

The services for training are rendered through the Central and State Governments. Most of the
ITIs in the state sector, and the institutes for advanced training, and training of instructors under the
Ministry of Labour are organised as subordinate offices of Government. In contrast, similar
establishments under other departments, Ministry of Information Technology, for example, are
organised as autonomous bodies. Administering these establishments by using the normal rules of
Governments for personnel and financial matters greatly reduces the flexibility, which a specialized
institution should have. Such institutional structures also preclude the possibility of raising any resources
from the trainees towards financing at least a part of the cost of the services rendered. Thus, the
discipline of a consumer-server relationship that accrues from claims against payments made is not
easily possible in the existing departmental set up of the services rendered. These training and training
related establishments should therefore be restructured as “autonomous bodies”. As autonomous
bodies they would be required to publish their ‘accounts’ and place them as well as a review of their
performance before the relevant legislatures. This is more transparent than the operation of an
attached office of Government whose details of operations and accounts get submerged in the
voluminous accounts of the main Ministry/Department.

As a first step in restructuring of Industrial Training Institutes, one of the prerequisites for
extending Central financial assistance for developing 100 State run ITIs as institutes of excellence during
the Tenth Plan period will be that the identified ITI (i) be registered as an autonomous body, and (ii)
have a formal tie up with industry.

Motivating States by taking up Centrally sponsored schemes

• Developing at least one ITI in each district as a centre of excellence

• Model Instructor training institutes; financial implications to be worked out including the
contribution possible by the State Governments

• ITIs in the North East

• ITIs in J & K

Attracting investment into skill building activities

Vocational skill building needs to be developed as an entrepreneurial activity in which the

private sector would be willing to invest. Income tax incentives are available to higher technical and
medical education establishments. Such establishments can draw in resources from market because of
higher returns on such education. Vocational skill building establishments need better income tax
incentives than the higher education establishments.

The Tenth Plan Working Group on Skill Building recommends a study to institutionalize
management, collection mechanism, contributions and utilization of skill development fund. The
purpose is to attract resources from the beneficiaries from training including the employers and the
trade unions. This study should be done on priority basis, and should also explore the possibility of
extending income tax incentives to the contributions made.

Under Section 37(1) of Income Tax Act, benefit for providing apprenticeship training is available
to employers employing 500 or more workers. This benefit should be available to all establishments
registered under Factories Act, Shops and Establishment Act, or any other relevant Act that enables
setting up of institutions.

Equipment donated to vocational training institutes should be exempt from customs duties.

The group concluded with the caution: unless proper action is taken because the organized
sector’s remuneration and job quality are very high, all students will move to high-tech centres for skill
development. The result is, because of low rate of new recruits in the organised sector, they will end in
increasing the unemployment pool.

Information base for planning for skill building – the National Classification of Occupations.

Skills are required for occupations. Manpower planning exercise is linked with the occupation
profile of workers. Therefore, any programme for skill building has to take note of the emerging
structure of occupations in the economy. This requires a system of classification of occupations. At
present, the available classification is the National Classification of Occupations, which was prepared in
the year 1968 (NCO, 1968). Thereafter a radical change in the occupational profile of Indian workers has
occurred. With urbanization, changes in technology, and radical changes in work practices in agriculture,
many of traditional occupations should have vanished, and new occupations emerged.

The Ministry of Labour, in consultation with the Department of Statistics, had taken an initiative
to develop a new classification of occupations. This was around the year 1996, i.e., at the
commencement of the Ninth Plan. However, due to certain practical problems, the work could not

proceed. Now, in the year 2001, the Ministry of Labour had decided to pursue the exercise with in-
house efforts.


(NEW DELHI – OCTOBER 16-18, 2003)



It is estimated that globally there are over 2 billion people who are not covered by any form of
social security protection. This is a major challenge to the existing social security system that has
evolved in the last century in the form of institutional support required by all persons in order to
mitigate hardships in the event of losses due to sickness, injury, loss of income and inability to work.

In the Indian context, Social Security is a comprehensive approach designed to prevent

deprivation, assure the individual of a basic minimum income for himself and his dependents and to
protect the individual from any uncertainties. The State bears the primary responsibility for developing
appropriate system for providing protection and assistance to its workforce. It helps to create a more
positive attitude to the challenge of globalization and the consequent structural and technological
changes. Social security measures draw their strength from the Directive Principles of State Policy, and
also the Concurrent List of the Constitution of India.

With the changing shades of the Indian economy, the working class has greater expectations
from the social security apparatus to provide the necessary safeguard. Social protection is increasingly
viewed as an integral part of the development process. Social Security programmes vary according to
the needs of the people depending on their employment and income status. The crucial factor to be
kept in mind while assessing our social security arrangements is the deep diversity in the external
circumstances and needs of the workforce and their dependants.


The dimensions and complexities of the problem in India can be better appreciated by taking
into consideration the extent of the labour force in the organized and unorganized sectors. The latest
NSSO survey of 1999-2000 has brought out the vast dichotomy between these two sectors into sharp
focus. While as per the 1991 census, the total workforce was about 314 million and the organized
sector accounted for only 27 million out of this workforce, the NSSO’s survey of 1999-2000 has
estimated that the workforce may have increased to about 397 million out of which only 28 million
were in the organized sector.


The organized sector includes primarily those establishments which are covered by the Factories
Act, 1948, the Shops and Commercial Establishments Acts of State Governments, the Industrial
Employment Standing Orders Act, 1946 etc. This sector already has a structure through which social
security benefits are extended to workers covered under these legislations. Institutionalised social
security cover is provided through the EPFO and ESIC Schemes.

The unorganized sector on the other hand, is characterized by the lack of labour law coverage,
seasonal and temporary forms of employment, high labour mobility, discretionary wages, dispersed
nature of operations, casualization of labour, lack of organizational support, low bargaining power, etc.
all of which make it vulnerable to socio-economic hardships. The nature of work in the unorganized
sector varies between regions and also between the rural areas and the urban areas, which may include
the remote rural areas as well as sometimes the most inhospitable urban concentrations. In the rural
areas it comprises of landless agricultural labourers, small and marginal farmers, share croppers,
persons engaged in animal husbandry, fishing, horticulture, bee-keeping, toddy tapping, forest workers,
rural artisans, etc. where as in the urban areas, it comprises mainly of manual labourers in construction,
carpentry, trade, transport, communication etc. and also includes street vendors, hawkers, head load
workers, cobblers, tin smiths, garment makers, etc.


The principal social security laws enacted in India are the following:

(i) The Employees’ State Insurance Act, 1948 (ESI Act) which covers factories and establishments
with 10 or more employees and provides for comprehensive medical care to the employees and
their families as well as cash benefits during sickness and maternity, and monthly payments in
case of death or disablement.

(ii) The Employees’ Provident Funds & Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 (EPF & MP Act) which
applies to specific scheduled factories and establishments employing 20 or more employees and
ensures terminal benefits to provident fund, superannuation pension, and family pension in
case of death during service. Separate laws exist for similar benefits for the workers in the coal
mines and tea plantations.

(iii) The Workmen’s Compensation Act, 1923 (WC Act), which requires payment of compensation to
the workman or his family in cases of employment related injuries resulting in death or

(iv) The Maternity Benefit Act, 1961 (M.B. Act), which provides for 12 weeks wages during
maternity as well as paid leave in certain other related contingencies.

(v) The Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972 (P.G, Act), which provides 15 days wages for each year of
service to employees who have worked for five years or more in establishments having a
minimum of 10 workers.


The existing social security arrangements in the unorganised sector can be broadly classified
into four groups as follows:

i) Centrally funded social assistance programmes;
ii) Social insurance schemes;
iii) Social assistance through welfare funds of Central and State Governments; and
iv) Public initiatives.

Centrally Funded Social Assistance

The centrally funded social assisted programmes include schemes for both rural and urban areas
under the National Social Assistance Programme (NSAP), which has three components viz., National Old
Age Pension Scheme, National Family Benefit Scheme & National Maternity Benefit Scheme. Important
programmes include Sampoorna Grameen Rojgar Yojana, Swarna Jayanti Gram Swarojgar Yojana,
Swarna Jayanti Shahri Rozjar Yojana. These programmes are implemented through the Ministry of Rural
Development & the Ministry of Urban Employment & Poverty Alleviation. In addition, the Ministry of
Textiles implements certain social security schemes for workers in the Handloom & Powerloom sector.

Social Insurance Schemes

The Social Insurance Schemes available to the unorganised sector are operated through the LIC
under a number of Group Insurance Schemes covering IRDP beneficiaries, employees of shops and
commercial establishments, etc. The most important and comprehensive scheme that has been
launched recently, is the Janashree Bima Yojana under which the following benefits are available:

• Rs.20,000 in case of death

• Rs.50,000 in case of death by accident
• Rs.50,000 in case of accident with total disability
• Rs.25,000 in case of partial disability
• The premium for the above benefits is Rs.200/- per beneficiary and 50% of this premium
i.e., Rs.100/-, is contributed by Social Security Fund .

Janashree Bima Yojana is available to persons between age of 18 to 60 years and are living
below or marginally above poverty line. The scheme is extended groups of 25 members or above.

In order to provide some social security cover to these workers, the Government has launched
the Krishi Shramik Samajik Suraksha Yojana, 2001 w.e.f 1st July 2001 though Life Insurance Corporation
of India (LIC) in 50 identified districts in the country to cover 10 lakh agricultural workers in each district
during the first phase of three years. The scheme envisages providing for life-cum-accident insurance,
money back, pension and superannuation benefits. About two lakh agricultural workers have been
registered under the scheme as on 31st March 2003.

Welfare Funds

The Central Government through the Ministry of Labour, also operates at present Five Welfare
Funds for Beedi workers, Limestone & Dolomite Mine workers, Iron ore, Chrome ore & Manganese ore
Mine workers, Mica Mine workers & Cine workers. These Funds are used to provide various kinds of
welfare amenities to the workers in the field of health care, housing, educational assistance for children,
drinking water supply etc. The coverage under these funds is about forty lakh.

Beedi workers are also covered under the EPFO and ESIC schemes. About twenty lakh beedi
workers are covered under the EPFO scheme and coverage under ESIC scheme is about twenty
thousand. The coverage of contract labour and workers engaged in construction activities under these
schemes is miniscule. In fact there appears a great potential of extensive coverage of workers engaged
in various occupations in the unorganised sector under the Provident Fund and Pension Schemes of the

Employees Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO) and the health and medical care under the Employees
State Insurance Schemes if the relevant Acts are suitably amended.

In addition to the Central Government, a number of State Governments have also set up welfare
funds for various categories of workers. The Govt. of Kerala has set up Welfare funds for different
categories of occupations and sectors. These welfare funds cater to the needs of agricultural workers,
auto rickshaw workers, cashew workers, coir workers, construction workers, fishermen and women,
khadi workers, handloom workers etc. The Govt. of Assam has set up a statutory fund under Assam
Plantation Employees Welfare Fund Act, 1951 for the benefit of the plantation workers. Similar funds
have also been set up in Gujarat and Maharashtra under Bombay Labour Welfare Fund Act, 1953 and in
Karnataka under Mysore (Karnataka) Labour Welfare Act, 1965 and in Punjab under the Labour Welfare
Act, 1965. The State Governments of Andhra Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh have also set up Welfare Funds
for various categories of workers. All these welfare funds however, cater to a very small segment of the
total workforce.

Public Initiatives

In addition to Governmental efforts, several public institutions and agencies are also imparting
various kinds of social security benefits to selected groups of workers. Two of the outstanding examples
are those of Self-Employed Women’s Association (SEWA) and the Mathadi Workers Boards in
Maharashtra. Some NGOs and the Social Security Association of India have also made several pioneering



The Ministry of Finance has launched Universal Health Insurance Scheme and Varishtha Bima
Pension Yojana. The unorganised sector workers are also eligible to get these policies. The Universal
Health Insurance Scheme is available to groups of 100 or more families. The policy provides for
insurance cover of Rs.25,000 on death due to accident and reimbursement of hospitalization expenses
upto Rs.30,000/- to an individual/family. The contribution is Re.1/- per day for individuals (Rs.365/- per
annum), Rs.1.50 for a family of five (including the first three children) [Rs.548/- per annum], Rs.2/- for
family of seven (including first three children and dependent parents) [Rs.730/- per annum]. For families
below poverty line, the Government will provide premium subsidy of Rs.100/- per family. Varishtha
Pension Bima Yojana through Life Insurance Corporation (LIC) has been launched w.e.f 14th July 2003
with an annual return of 9% in the form of a monthly pension for the persons of age 55 years and above.
An investment of Rs.1,00,000/- will fetch a pension of Rs.9,381/- yearly or Rs.4,585/- half yearly or
Rs.2,267/- quarterly or Rs.750/- monthly. The amount of pension may vary according to the amount
invested subject to the minimum (Rs.33,335/-) and maximum ceiling (Rs.2,66,665/-) prescribed. The
minimum and maximum monthly pension would be Rs.250/- and Rs.2000/- per month.


The Second Labour Commission has been constituted by the Government in December, 1998 to
suggest rationalisation of existing laws relating to labour in the unorganised sector and to suggest
umbrella legislation for ensuring a minimum level of protection to the workers in the unorganised
sector. The Commission has submitted its report and made wide-ranging recommendations including
enactment of an umbrella legislation towards protection of the rights and for providing social security
measures to the unorganised sector workers. The recommendations were discussed in a two day
National Seminar on Unorganised Sector organised ion 7-8th November 202 which was inaugurated by
the Deputy Chairman, Planning Commission and attended by the representatives of Trade Unions,

Employers, State Governments, Academicians and other concerned. Similarly, tripartite discussions were
held at VVVGLI in February 2003. The matter was also discussed in the Consultative Committee in the
meeting held in February 2003. Based on all above, the Government has drafted the ‘Unorganised
Sector Workers Bill, 2003’. The Bill envisages regulating the employment, conditions of service of the
unorganised sector workers and also providing for their safety, social security, health and welfare.


Currently, social security policy makers and administrators are engaged in a substantive debate
to redress the problems in providing social security in the country. This debate has thrown up various
arguments on the efficacy of publicly managed social security schemes as opposed to privately managed
schemes. There is no standard model that can be adopted on this issue. In the Indian context the
privately managed schemes can at best be considered as supplementary schemes after the mandatory
schemes managed publicly. It is only the publicly managed scheme, which will extend to all the sectors
of the workforce. However the lack of resources definitely affects the actualization of universal
coverage. The challenge of closing the coverage gap in social security provisions has to be developed at
three levels.

 The first level involves the re-engineering of the institutional arrangements to increase

 The second level is to restructure the legislative and administrative framework to meet
the significant increase in the social security coverage especially in the unorganized

 The third level encourages and facilitates voluntary compliance


• The various Central Acts on Social Security are being examined in the light of the
recommendations of the 2nd National Commission on Labour. Relevant amendments are
proposed in the EPF and MP Act as also the ESI Act and the Ministry has circulated the proposals
to all concerned Central Ministries as well as State Governments for articulating their
suggestions in the matter. The consultation process has also been started with reference to
amendment suggestions received in case of the Maternity Benefit Act and the Workmen’s
Compensation Act.

• Innovative measures are proposed in the running of the Social Security Schemes of EPFO and
ESIC. This includes flexible benefit schemes tailored to the specific requirements of different
segments of the population. With the National Social Security Number Scheme, the PF
subscriber will possess a unique identification number, which is independent of his employer.

• The need to evolve a National Policy on Social Security is being felt by all the administering
agencies in the field of social security. For this purpose, we propose to set up a National Social
Security Authority under the chairmanship of the Prime Minister and with representatives from
various Central Ministries and State Governments. The administrative support to such an
authority is proposed to be provided by the Department of Social Security.


The EPFO is giving serious thought for taking on programmes for extending the reach of EPF
schemes to the informal sector, migrant labour and service industry. Some other issues require detailed
discussion & analysis viz. the need to involve the employers’ organizations for bridging the coverage gap,
the need for participation of the extension machinery and grass roots organizations of the States to
increase awareness of the need for social security, the need to identify action programmes for skill
training, to achieve linkages between such programmes and the multi-benefit Insurance Scheme and so


The profiles of the Employees’ Provident Fund Organization and the Employees’ State Insurance
Corporation are being changed towards greater accessibility and client satisfaction.


• The EPFO offers a unique blend of schemes to a wide spectrum of subscribers, ranging from
software professionals to Beedi workers. It extends to the entire country covering over 393824
establishments. At present, over 39 million beneficiaries (EPF Members and their families) are
covered under the social security schemes administered by the EPFO. The total corpus of the
EPF Scheme 1952, EDLI Scheme, 1976 and Employees Pension Scheme 1995 together amounts
to about Rs.1,39,000 crores.

• Over the years, the volume of service rendered to subscribers as well as investments made, etc.
by EPFO have grown manifold. With a view to provide better services to subscribers and
employers, the organization has launched the Project RE-INVENTING EPF, INDIA since June 2001.
The prime objectives of this Project are to provide the subscribers better and efficient services,
to help the employers by reducing the cost of compliance and to benefit the organization to
register geometric growth in all fields. An important part of this Project is the allotment of the
issuing of BUSINESS NUMBERS to the employers and Business Process Re-engineering.

• The strategy for implementation has been evolved and the allotment of the Social Security
Number has begun with the entire activity being carried out in smaller phases for effective data
collection. The criteria considered for the allotment of SSN include the centralized control of
Uniqueness, ensuring the least manual intervention during allotment and near 100%
Uniqueness accuracy levels. The Social Security Number in a nutshell is a big effort towards
solving the problem of providing social protection to migrant labour and to make the database
of EPFO adaptable to the present trend of high job mobility among workers.


• The Employees State Insurance Scheme provides need based social security benefits to insured
workers in the organized sector. As in the case of the EPFO, the ESIC has also taken up the
daunting task of tailoring different benefit schemes for the needs of different worker groups.
The scheme, which was first introduced at two centers in 1952 with an initial coverage of 0.1
million workers, today covers 7.1 million workers in about 678 centers in the country. It
benefits about 31 million beneficiaries including the family workers of the insured persons,
across the country.

• The scheme is being gradually to cover new centers and steps are being taken for creation of
requisite infrastructure for providing medical care to a larger number of insured persons and
their families. While the cash benefits under the scheme are administered through a network of

about 850 local offices and pay offices, medical care is provided through 141 ESI Hospitals, 43
ESI Annexes, 1451 ESI Dispensaries and 2789 Clinics of Insurance Medical Practitioners. The
total number of medical officers under the Scheme is about 10,480.

• There have been a number of new developments in the ESIS during the past five years. Each
year, it is extended to new areas to cover additional employees. The new employees covered
varied from 30,500 in 1998, 89030 in 2000 to 46430 till Jan., 2003. Low paid workers in receipt
of daily wages up to Rs. 40/- have been exempted from payment of their share of contribution.
Earlier this limit was Rs. 25/-. This measure has benefited about six lakh insured workers across
the country. In order to provide relief to insured persons suffering from chronic and long term
diseases, the list of diseases for which Sickness Benefit is available for an extended period up to
two years at an enhanced rate of 70% of daily wages, was enlarged by adding four new diseases,
keeping in view the international classification of disease profiles and the quantum of
malignancies of some diseases which had come to light over the last few years. The
contributory conditions for this benefit were also reduced from 183 days to 156 days in the two-
year period preceding the diagnosis.

• In order to improve the standard of medical care in the States, the amount reimbursable to the
State Governments for running the medical care scheme has been increased to 87.5 % of Rs. 700
per capita with effect from 1.4.2003. The ESIC has formulated action plans for improving
medical services under the ESI scheme with focus on modernization of hospitals by upgrading
their emergency and diagnostic facilities, development of departments as per disease profiles,
waste management, provision of intensive care services, revamping of grievance handling
services, continuing education programme, computerization and upgradation of laboratories
etc. The action plans have been in operation since 1998.

• The ESIC has made plans to commission Model hospitals in each State. Thirteen States/ UTs
have so far agreed, in principle, to hand over one hospital each to the ESIC for setting up of
Model hospital. Efforts are being made to provide better community services within model
hospitals. Two Hospitals have been earmarked for being developed for superspeciality medical
care in cardiology, i.e., Rohini at Delhi and Chinchwad in Maharashtra. The Corporation is in the
process of building a new 100 bed Hospital at Gurgaon (Haryana), which will be a part of the
chain of Model ESI hospitals. Yet another 50 bed ESI hospital under construction at Jammu is
scheduled for commissioning by the end of 2003. ESI Corporation is also running a few hospitals
directly for the last many years. These include ESI general Hospital cum Occupational Disease
Centres at Basaidarapur, (Delhi), ESI Hospital Rohini, and ESI Hospital Okhla. ESI hospitals at
Noida (UP), KK Nagar, (Chennai, TN), Nagda (MP) and Jhoka, (Kolkata, WB) are also administered
directly by the Corporation. ESI has prepared a detailed Project report in respect of each
individual Hospital for reorganizing the infrastructure, Patient-care areas, supportive services
and peri-institutional areas. Some of the logistic services will be outsourced wherever necessary.

• The ESIC has also taken certain new initiatives to promote and popularize Indian Systems of
Medicines (ISM) along with Yoga and have drawn up programmes for establishing these facilities
in ESI hospitals and dispensaries in a phased manner.

• ESIC has organized a seminar on the ‘Working of ESI Schemes’ chaired by the Labour Minister in
September 2003 in order to review and discuss the Scheme with the State Governments


Social protection in India has achieved more effective access in the organized sector through the
EPFO and ESIC than in the unorganized sector. The right balance for social protection is yet to be
achieved. However efforts are on to integrate all social security and social assistance schemes for
optimum impact and synergies. With the opening up of the insurance sector, there are now new
avenues for the Government and other stake holders to evolve and put in place a comprehensive social
security system which will meet the specific needs of diverse work-groups.


• Present and future debated are centered around identifying the appropriate mix of public
sector-private sector participation in social security.

• Role of the various stake holders in the social security system.

• The adequacy of the existing legislative framework for particular target groups

• Appropriate models for financing of the schemes

• The sustainability and integration of existing schemes

• Need to focus on methods for inclusion of specific groups

• Need to focus on sensitisation of the beneficiaries to improve the delivery system.

• Exploring alternative forms of social security with private sector participation outside the
purview of currently mandated schemes.

• Ways and means to encourage voluntary compliance from employers

• Involvement of the extension machinery and grass-roots community organizations of the States
to educate workers about the benefits and need for social security.

• Explore methods to link social security programmes with action programmes for training skills.

• The expectations of the workers and efficacy of the delivery system at this juncture can also be



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