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Streams: 1 st year classes Teacher:Mr:Messaoud Hank

Source: The Crossroads

Unit I: Getting Through Input: Listening and Speaking

The project
Internet Project Poster
CV writing
Sequence 1: Listening and speaking pp. 4-7
The aim of this sequence is to develop the listening and speaking skills with reference to the following
functions: instructing and expressing purpose, and related language forms (e.g., sequencers and
Aim: To interact the learners to what will come next in the listening and speaking sequence.
Steps of the lesson:
Timing Steps Input / Output Aims
10mns Warming -« T » asks questions -To introduce the topic
up What does the picture show? by interpreting pictures
-The students look at the picture and answer.
35mns Task 1+2 -« T » asks questions about the computer? -To interact and identify
(P 4) Have you got a computer at home? the different parts of the
What does it consist of? pc.
-The students answer
-« T » asks pps to listen and to identify the
parts of the computer -To get new vocabulary
-« T » reads the words in the box loudly. items.
- « T » checks ,corrects
- Pps write on the bb
-« T » asks pps to find other words related to
computers and write them on the copy book

15mn Task 3+4 -« T » asks pps to listen then say the e mail -To know how to ask for
(P4) address written and give information in
-Pps read aloud the address. relation with e-mail
-« T » asks the pupils to invent their own e- addresses.
mail. - To work in pairs :
-Pps tell each other their e-mail address. Ask for and give the e-
mail address.
Steps Solutions

Task 1+2 -it represents a pc

-the parts of the computer :
(P 4)
1-printer, 2-central unit,3-monitor, 4-screen ,5-speaker ,6-mouse ,7-key board,8-
floppy disks , 9- floppy disk drive.
Other words related to computers :
Cd –rom ,DVD, scanner, mouse mat/mouse pad(US),laptop,web cam, flash disk,

Task 3+4 Yacine two thousand and five at yahoo dot com
Streams: First Year Classes (SE) Source: The Crossroads
Unit I: Getting Through
Input: Listen and check p.5/17
The Aim:

Steps of the lesson:

Timing Steps Input /Output Aims
- direct the learners’ attention to the picture
and interact with them about it
task1 p in order to make them identify/interpret the -The aim behind this task is to
5 context ‘teach’ learners to recognise and
then the teacher asks them the following sequence the main ideas in
questions spoken interaction
T: What does the picture represent?
20mn pp:give various answers
T: How many children are there?
pp: - follow the thread of what is
T: Where/who are they? being said by concentrating and
pp: recognising the key words
T: What are they doing?
T: How would you describe their attitudes
towards each other/one another
then the teacher Makes his interaction with - Trains on the learners in this
his learners drift gradually and smoothly listening strategy with reference
towards the question asked in task one to the function of instructing and
-Once the teacher is sure that his learners related language forms and
have understood what to do, he allows them notions (e.g., the imperative and
just enough time to read the jumbled the sequencers).
instructions on how to access e-mail to
sequence them correctly. He Provides helps
in case the learners meet with vocabulary
problems in the instructions.

task 2 P5 First, the teacher Simulates the spoken - learners check their answers
15 MN interaction (the listening script) on page (i) at to the question in task one
the end of the textbook. - train the learners to speak
The teacher must stress only the key words from notes or memory with
(e.g., sequencers).since learners will listen to reference to the function of
key words in order to pick out the sequencing instructing and related language
order of the instructions. forms.
_then the teacher asks the students to
sequence the instructions using
sequencers:first,then,next,after that and
- The teacher has to make the learners build
an overall impression of what the listening
task4 +5P script will be about before having them
5/17 listen to it.
-learners listen for specific details
25mn -He can ask them about their own opinions of information coming in a spoken
concerning the advantages and drawbacks interaction involving an interview
of sending e-mail and ordinary messages. about the advantages and
T: How often do you send messages? drawbacks of sending messages by
Which way of sending messages do you electronic and ordinary mail
think is better, electronic or ordinary mail?

-The teacher must Encourage learners to use

one of the following phrases when they give
their opinions: I think/believe/It seems to
me (that)… To my mind/In my opinion/ As
far as I’m concerned
-the teacher lets the students copy down the
table and indicates their opinion by ticking
in appropriate boxes. -The learners will revise the
functions (e.g., comparing,
-then the teacher Simulate the spoken expressing opinion/point of view)
interaction on pages (i) and (ii) at the end and related language forms.
of the textbook.
-First, the teacher checks the listening
comprehension task i.e., finds out whether
learners have picked out the opinions
expressed in the spoken interaction.

- Then he interacts with the learners to

know whether or not the two informants
have the same or differing opinion

- After that he asks them to comment

further in order to justify their answers.
After that, he personalise the interaction
by asking them whether or not they have the
same opinion as the informants

TS: Are you of the same mind? Why? How

do you feel about it? I think that email is…,
but s/he thinks that …)’.
PP: various answers.
Steps Solutions

Task 1+2 Task 1/2 P5

(P 5)
In order to access e-mail, you need to do the following, first you switch on
your computer, and then you select an ISP; next click on e-mail. After that, you
enter your ID and password.Next, you sign in, then you wait for the connection
to your e-mail.Finally, you click on read or send to check your in-box.

Task 4/5 Task 5 P5/17

(P 5)
Features E-mail Snail mail
Faster x
Cheaper x
More interesting x
Less personal x
Less convenient x

Paragraph1: I prefer sending my messages by e-mail rather than sending them

by snail mali because of many reasons. First of all,e-mail is faster than snail
Task 6 (p 5) mail,you know,in order to send a letter,you need to go to the post office,buy
stamps,stick them on the envelope,and so forth….I can save myself all the trouble
by using e-mail……..

paragraph 2:I prefer sending my messages by snail mail rather than sending
them by e-mail because of many reasons. First of all,e-mails are less personal
than letters,anyone can read them.Secondly,letters are more interesting than e-
mails because we don't have to write short messages only,you know I am not the
type/kind of person who writes short messages,I want my readers to know exactly
what I mean and how I feel….
Streams: First Year Classes (SE) Source: The Crossroads
Unit I: Getting Through
Input: Listening and Speaking
Say it clear p.6/18

The Aim: - learners will revise the intonation pattern in requests and get familiar with the comparative of
superiority of adverbs.

Steps of the lesson:

Timing Steps Input /Output Aims
10 mn Warming -. - interact with your
up Books closed Ask learners to tell you learners by simulating
why they were absent/What they did class situations where
yesterday/What class they will have next? you will use all the
Who is their teacher of Mathematics? requests in task 1.

Presentation - Each time they answer your prompts, -To interact with the
15mn simulate misunderstanding or mishearing learners about the
and ask them to repeat what they have sentences.
said using the requests in task 1. -To make them interpret
the contexts in which the
-When you speak, you communicate different sentences can
information both verbally i.e., by using occur.
words and non-verbally, i.e., by using
gestures, facial expressions, etc... So hold
your hand close to your ear to indicate
mishearing). -To derive rules.

tell them to open their books and do the

task as indicated.
intonation goes up at the end of
Requests will become orders in
case you make them with a falling

10mn Oral drill -The teacher asks the pupils to give1 or 2 -To check the pupils
examples. comprehension.
-Students give examples.
-the teacher checks and corrects.

Refer the learners to samples of requests

10mn in task one. If necessary, illustrate what
the learners are required to do by
transforming one of the statements into a - make requests out of
request information provided in
Practice Read aloud the request and mark the the form of statements
Activity two intonation pattern. containing comparatives
key to the task: of superiority.
a- Could you type more quickly, please?

b- Can you press the key more

smoothly, please?

c- Could you drive less quickly, please?

d- Could you use the computer more

frequently, please?

e- Can you arrive earlier, please?

f- Can you jump higher, please?

g- Could you work harder, please?

Streams: First Year Classes (SE) Source: The Crossroads
Unit I: Getting Through
Input: listening and speaking
The Aim: The aim behind this lesson is to recognise stress patterns in two syllable words related to
Steps of the lesson:
Timing Steps Input /Output Aims

Warming -The teacher refers the learners to the

10 mn up phonetic symbols on pages XII and XIII
The hidden of the textbook. - To initiate the
message -Then he Re-writes the first word himself learners to phonetic
for illustration transcription.
P6/18 - Then he gets the learners to compete as
to who will be the first to decipher the
whole message.

Key :
Your floppy contains a virus;
remove it from my computer

- The teacher Directs his learners’ - The aim behind this

15mn Task three attention to the table and shows them task is to recognise
p6/18 how to split words into syllables. stress patterns in two
-then Foreground the sound-spelling links syllable words
represented by the words and their related to computers.
phonetic transcriptions as well as the - Identifying and
stressed syllables. You can use the recognizing syllables
following table for highlighting this
You see/write You say/read

Once the learners know what is required

of them, let them do the task alone on a
rough copybook.
-the teacher checks and corrects

10mn Task four - The teacher copies the table on board - learners will check
P6/18 and to have the learners correct their their answers to task
answers on their own. three as you read
-then he must Give some time for the aloud the words in
learners to analyse the stress pattern in the box
the two columns to draw the rule for
accentuation/word stress in two syllable

TS: Look at the words in column A. Are

they verbs, nouns, prepositions or
Where is the stress, on the first or on the
second syllable? What about the words in - to draw the rule for
column B? … What conclusion can you accentuation/word
draw ? stress in two syllable
the rule of two syllables words stress words

In two-syllable words, stress usually

falls on the second syllable when the
word is a verb, but it is placed on the
first syllable when the word is a noun.

browser - cursor - connect - protect -
pointer - window remove
floppy - icon - erase - escape -
keyboard - display

5mn Produce -Pupils try to give examples of two -To drill the rule of word
syllables words either verbs or nouns and stress(two syllables).
identify the stress patterns.
Streams: First Year Classes (SE) Source: The Crossroads
Unit I: Getting Through
Input: Listening and speaking

Your turn p.7

The Aim: - the learners will practise and consolidate the speaking skill with reference to functions (e.g.,
instructing and expressing purpose) and related language forms.
Steps of the lesson:
Input /Output Aims
-TS Refers the learners to the sentences in columns A and
B. Then asks them to read them very quickly and - allow the students to have an overall
identify the main idea impression of what the sentences are
-then s/he makes sure everyone understands the sentences about
before telling them to work in pairs to do task 1. - instructing and expressing purpose
-after that, s/he interacts with her/his learners to check
their answers.
The key to the task  Task 1 p 7
1-b, 2-a, 3-d, 4-c.  Timing 20 mn
-The teacher asks his/her students to organise the jumbled
sentences written on the board during the previous task
into a coherent paragraph using sequencers and modals.
s/he can help the learners by giving them the first two -Sequencing
introductory sentences in the key below. -reordering
Students do the task -expressing obligation with must and have to
-teacher checks -using modal:need to
-correction on the board - organisation of ideas in a paragraph

Here is a suggested key to task two:

‘Ok, you want to create an e-mail account? It is very
easy. First, you have to switch on the central unit and the
monitor in order to start the computer. Next, you need to  Tasks 2/3 p 7
go to the address section to choose a site’. ‘Well, if you
want to create an e-mail account, click on the e-mail
 Timing 25 mn
option in the menu. After that, click on the ‘sign up’
icon in order to open the page for personal details....

Streams: First Year Classes (SE) Source: The Crossroads

Unit I: Getting Through
Input: Listening and speaking
Say it in writing p.7
The Aim: - The learners will re-invest what they have learned in the previous tasks in terms of functions
and related language forms in order to produce an argumentative paragraph defending a point of view
about the usefulness of the Internet.
Steps of the lesson:
Timing Steps Input /Output Aims
10 mn Warming up -The teacher brainstorms the topic with -.To brainstorm the
the students and jot notes on board. topic
-TS: What do you think about/of the -to jot down ideas
Internet? - to elicit what the
TS: Is it useful or not? Why ? learners think about the
TS: Can you give other reasons? Internet

Presentation -the teacher encourages the learners to list

15mn the reasons why they think that the
Internet is useful or not by giving the -To interact with the
following transitional sentence: learners about the
‘I think that the Internet is a useful reasons.
invention. Let me explain/There are
several reasons for this. Here are some.
First ...’
Here are some other ways of giving an
opinion/point of view: ‘I think/ believe
that/ in my opinion/to my mind/as far as I
am concerned/If you ask me..

-The teacher discusses the reasons with

his / her students.

Practice -Teacher asks the pupils to make mini- - to check if the

15mn presentations about the usefulness of the students understands
Internet’on the work sheet. the task
-Pupils think then do it. -to make them learn
-T checks. strategies of writing.
-Pps correct.

15mn Produce -the students read their paragraphs and -Error correction
identify errors and correct them -feedback
The teacher chooses the best paragraph
and asks the students to copy it on their
copybooks as an example of paragraph.
Sequence two: Reading and writing pp. 8-11

Aim: The aim of this rubric is to help learners read icons in a computer screenshot. This is a very
useful social skill in our modern technological world. This social skill will be developed in relation to
functions covered earlier. It also aims to create a lead-in to the reading tasks proper on page 9.

Steps of the lesson:

Timing Steps Input / Output Aims
10mns Warming - Direct learners’ attention to the first -To introduce the topic
up screenshot and have them identify/ interpet by interpreting pictures
the different icons and information on the - To create a lead-in to
screenshot. the reading tasks proper
-then he Illustrates the difficult vocabulary on page 9.
items. -to consolidate the
-in order to consolidate the use of use of purpose
expressions of purpose(to/in order to/so as
to)and modals need to/have to,the teacher
can write full sentences containing these need to/have to.
expressions in order to cite the function of
each icon.

20 min Task 1 -the teacher sets the students to the task -To interact and identify
key the different parts of the
a-3b-1c–6d-4e-5f–2 pc.
-in order to return to your web browser's
home page,you have to click on icon
3(home). -To get new vocabulary
-you need to click on icon 2(back),so as to go items.
back to to the last page you saw earlier.
-to identify functions of
different parts of the

10mn Task 3 - Direct the learners’ attention to the second - learners will learn to
screenshot and interact with them in order to make predictions about
elicit an interpretation of the information what will come next in
contained on the screenshot. an e-mail message on the
-The screen shot is used for sending e-mails. basis of information
-email sender is:kirsi@hotmail.com contained in an e-mail
-recipient is:amel@yahoo.fr box screenshot.
-subject:correspondence with a keypal. -to identify the

Read and check p 9:
Steps of the lesson:
10mns Task 1-2 P - Make sure the learners understand what - The learners will check
9 is expected of them in this task. They do the predictions they have
not need to read the whole message.
Indeed, they can check their predictions made in task three of the
by reading only two or three sentences of Anticipate rubric.
the e-mail message. But note that the -collect information.
process of making predictions keeps
going all along the reading of any text. -discovering new
- Giving the main idea of each words/explaining
paragraph,then,teacher gives more them.
details by reading to pupils/explaining
not understood terms/giving synonyms or
-Paragraph1:introduction of the e-mail
-Paragraph2:Kirsi is introducing
-Paragraph 3:Kirsi tells about her daily
activities on weekdays/weekend.
-paragraph4:Kirsi's family members.
-paragraph5:Kirsi gives information about
her village(inhabitants/nearby town).
-paragraph6:Kirsi is giving information
about her country.

15 min Task 2 -the teacher asks the learners to read the

(P 9) questions and makes sure they understand
what they have to do
- As he checks the learners’ answers, he - This task reverts to
interacts with them to elicit further traditional reading
information about Finland. For example, he comprehension. The
can ask questions about the languages learners are required to
spoken in Finland, Finland’s neighbouring answer a set of
countries, its currency, etc... comprehension
keys questions.
A-she is Finnish
B-because she wants to know about Amel
and Algeria.
C-so as not to arrive late to school.
D-she lives in the countryside because it is
very nice and big.
E-She rarely goes out at the weekend.
- the teacher draws his students attention to - Identifying reference
the underlined words,then s/he asks them words/This task aims to
some questions like: which part of speech is encourage the learners to
the word? Is it a verb, a noun or an adverb? guess the meaning of
If a noun is it singular or plural? How do you new/ difficult words
Task 3 know? …..then s/he asks them to infer them from context.
10mn (p9) from the context.
-It's possible to give these words in sentences
to elicit what their meaning is,for
example:the word relax,teacher gives this
"imagine you are working all the day,then
you get tired,so you need to stop working in
order to relax...then the teacher asks pupils
what they understand from the word relax in
this sentence...

Streams: First Year Classes (SE) Source: The Crossroads
Unit I: Getting Through
Input: Reading and Writing
Discover the language pp.10-11 frequency adverbs
The Aim: - Skill building in this rubric is treated at different levels: the word level, the sentence level,
and the paragraph level.
Steps of the lesson:
Timing Steps Input /Output Aims
15 mn Warming up -the teacher writes examples of sentences -to interact with
containing adverbs of frequency written with pupils by
a different colour.like:"I always get up at 7 examples
o'clock in the morning."/ They usually spend the containing
summer in the mountains/he never eats adverbs of
hamburger…. frequency in
order to explore
the idea of
-The teacher discusses the examples with his frequency.
students:-explaining the idea of "frequency"to
pupils from these examples by showing that
frequency adverbs are used to talk about our
daily activities or routines which happen
frequently/routinely./ Adverbs of Frequency
provide information on how often something

they answer the question"how often?"

-the teacher can ask his pupils to tell about

their daily routines using appropriate adverbs
of frequency.
Example:how often do you start class at 8 in
the morning?
Pupil:I always start my class at 8…

Presentation -to draw a vertical chart in order to rank the -To interact with
15mn adverbs of frequency. the learners about
ranking of
adverbs of
Never………………………………… Always

0% 100%
-to pronounce the
0% Never/ seldom+ rarely / adverbs correctly.
occasionally/ sometimes/ often/
usually/generally/ always 100%
15mn Activity two - The teacher refers the learners to paragraph -to reinforce and
three. It is this paragraph, which talks about expand the notion
Kirsi’s regular activities. of frequency
then he asks the learners to pick out the adverbs ranking.
sentences which contain the frequency adverbs
-the teacher writes the sentences on the board
as examples
the examples:
1-Igenerally get up very early
2-I always go there by bus.
3-I rarely go out at the weekend
4-I often visit my grandparents on weekend
5-I sometimes watch TV.
-the teacher asks pupils to classify these
sentences from the least frequent to the most
frequent in a chart (like the one used in the
previous activity) in order to expand the notion
of frequency adverbs ranking.

-the teacher underline the adverbs of frequency - the learners will

10mn Activity in the examples of previous activity and asks observe/study
three questions: the sentences in
-teacher: which part of speech is the word order to identify
before the frequency adverbs? the position of the
-student:it's the subject. adverbs of
-Teacher:what about the word after the frequency in the
frequency adverb? sentences. They
-Student:it's a verb. will draw the
-teacher:can you give me the position of the rule as to the
frequency adverb in the sentence? sentence position
The students can conclude the rule easily from in which
the examples above:1/"the rule is that frequency
frequency adverbs usually occur between the adverbs usually
subject and the verb in full occur.
affirmative/negative sentences."

10mn Task four -the teacher Direct the learners’ attention to the -students will use
questionnaire and ask them to identify what it "how often"to ask
is about.(student's daily activities) questions about
-After writing the questionnaire on the daily activities
board,the teacher start interacting with pupils and answer the
by telling them to tick the appropriate column questions using
to tell how often they do the listed activities. the appropriate
adverb of
15mn Task five -the students use the information to write - write/produce a
sentences in a small paragraph to list the short report
regular activities student's do using frequency -use and identify
adverbs. frequency adverbs.
A sample paragraph would be like this:

Hamid generally gets up around 7 in the

morning.He always goes to school on foot.He
never eats in the school canteen,he revises his
lessons everyday.He usually studies from 8 to
12 in the morning.Hamid is staying in
secondary school until the baccalaureate

25mn Task six "Degree adverbs" -to introduce the

To introduce adverbs of degree notion: notion of degree
the teacher writes some example of sentences containing the adverbs through
degree adverbs and start interacting with students: examples/asking
and answering
1-The USA is a very big country. questions to explore
2-Badis is a bit tired today. the meaning of
3-Winter is extremely cold in Russia. degree adverbs.

Teacher:is the USA a small country? -defining the degree

Student:no,it isn't. adverbs.
Teacher:how could you know that?
Student:from the word "very big". -degree adverbs
Teacher:what's the meaning of very in this sentence? ranking.
Student:its meaning is:to a great degree/extremely.
USA is very big=its area is of great degree/its area is extremely
Teacher:that's OK.and this word is called adverb of degree.
Then,the teacher gives a simple definition to degree adverbs and
write it on the board.
Degree adverbs are used to give information about the degree
or extent of something.
-The teacher goes further and starts explaining the ranking of
these adverbs,from the least extent to the most extent:
Degree adverbs ranking:

0% of degree 100% of dgree

Not at all ...........................................................................extremely

- ++++++
not very......a bit.....rather......quite..........very
+ ++ +++ ++++ +++++
After seeing the ranking,teacher goes further and gives more
examples of sentences containing degree adverbs for more clarification.
15 mn Task To look for sentences containing degree adverbs in Kirsi e- -To consolidate
seven mail,and ranking them from the least extent to the most: degree adverbs
-Jyvaskyla is not very big. ranking.
…………………………………..winter is extremely harsh.

15 mn Task Teacher underlines degree adverbs in sentences of previous -In this task the
eight activity,and start asking questions about words before and learners will
after the degree adverbs in order to identify the position of observe/study the
the adverbs: sentences in order
Teacher:what's the function of the first word in the to identify the
sentence? position of the
Student:it's the subject. adverbs of degree
Teacher:what about the second word? in the sentences.
Student:it's the auxiliary "to be".
The teacher continues his questions,and asks students to
draw the rule:
Degree adverbs occur before the adverbs or adjectives that
they modify.
15mn Task nine -The students will produce short dialogues using the -The aim behind this
cues in the box. task is to consolidate
(Sample Dialogue): the function of
A: Tell me, which continent is your country located in? locating a
B: It is located in Africa. place,country and
A:what's its area? bordering
B:it has an area of more than 2 million km countries,number of
A:which country borders it to the east? inhabitants,area.what
B:it is bordered to the east by Tunisia and Lybia. seasons are like…in
A: Which country borders it to the west? order to use the
B: Morocco. (or Morocco borders it to the west.)and information in writing
Western sahara. the reply e-mail.
A: What’s its average temperature in summer?
B: It’s more than 30° C.
A: What is it famous for?
B: It’s famous for its beautiful beaches, marvellous
southern regions,
and historical sights.

Write it out p. 11
This task aims to make the learners re-invest what they have learned in the Disover the language rubric
to write a reply to the e-mail message that they have read in the Read and check rubric.
50 mn Write it -refer your learners to Kirsi’s e-mail on -to re-invest what the learners
out page 9 of the textbook, and have them have learned in order to write an
take it as a parallel or model of building e-mail reply to Kirsis's one.:
and organising the paragraphs of their adverbs of frequency+daily
replies activities/degree
Provide them with a topic sentence for adverbs+adjectives,introducing
the first paragraph. oneself,family members,telling
-The learners can check whether they about country city...
have organised their paragraphs
correctly by referring to the same letter.

-The teacher asks each student to read

his/her letter of reply to kirsi e-mail;
students must use frequency adverbs to
describe their daily activities and to
describe their families and hometown.
-The teacher writes the best reply on the
board and asks the students to copy it on
their copybooks as an example.

Streams: First Year Classes

Unit I: intercultural exchanges
Input: developing skills/sequence three
The Aim: -Develop social skills like telephoning/ writing letters/Business letter
Steps of the lesson:
timing steps Input/output aims
15 mn Activity -students
1p12 anticipate
and guess
what to say
on the phone
-teacher interacts with students and explain the in some
theme of the lesson. situations.
- students read the different situations silently and provide the
answers they chose.

20 mn Activity -Students
2p12 Listen to a
dialogue in
order to
check their
-the teacher reads the phone conversations and asks answers.
students to underline the phone tactics(expressions) seen in the
previous activity in order to check their choices.

-the teacher asks students to sum up the general idea of the two
phone conversations,starting with the first one then the second one.

-the teacher asks the students opinion about the meaning of the
tactics seen in the conversations(from the context).for example:
Teacher:can you guess what the expression "hold on please"
Students can guess the meaning,if this is not possible,then the
teacher can give the meaning.

20 mn Activity Pair work: -Interact in

3p12 -The teacher gives the instructions to students,and let them work in a situation
pairs to prepare the phone conversation which involves telling one's involving
number. telling one's
-The teacher provides help to students when needed. number.
-The teacher asks students to read their conversations .
Teacher writes the dialogue on the board and students copy it on their

30 mn Phone PHONE TACTICS SUMMARY - Familiarize

tactics -Introduce the different tactics used in making calls and students with the
summary drawing attention to the difference between formal and different tactics
p13 informal settings. used in making
- The T explains the tactics and the formal/informal calls.

T can explain the tactics on the basic of:expressions used by

the person calling "what to say" and those ones used by the
person called "what to expect"
T can draw a table dividing it into two columns, an example of a
column from the table is provided here for illustration:
Asking if someone in:
Person calling Person called
-Can I speak to Mr -Hold the line,please.
Lee,please? -Hold on,please.I'll see.
-Hello,is Laura there? -Yes,I'll just get her.
-Hi,it's Jim Wilson here.Is -I'll just transfer you.
Sandra in? -Yes,just a moment.
-Could you put me through to Person wanted is not
Maria Garcia,please? there:
-Can I speak to someone in -I'm afraid she isn't in at
marketing,please? the moment
-sorry,he has just gone
out,would you like to call
back later.
-she's away for a few
days,can I give her a
-He's out of the office this
week,I'm afraid,you can
contact him on his
mobile,the number is
Phone tactics concerning how to say numbers/figures:
a)We say each figure separately (e.g., 875754 , eight-seven-
b) We say 0 as Oh (Br. English) or Zero (Am. English).
(e.g., 405 four-oh-five or four-zero-five).
c) When two numbers are the same and are together, we can
say double or we say the figures separately.( e.g., 6554 , six-
double five/five five-four)

30 mn Activity 4 -T explains situation 1 for students and asks them to work the -Make students
p12 situation out in pairs.T moves around to check progress and select the
provide help, then asks PP to play out the conversation. appropriate
Besides the phone tactics which students have seen in the tactics to use in
previous step,T asks students to take the dialogues seen in making different
activity two as a model.T does the same with situations 2 and 3. phone
-T Gives students enough time to work out the situations and conversations.
play out different roles
40 mn Activities - the teacher interacts with students and ask the following question: -Make
1,2,3 *listen to me students,if you want to send a letter to a friend of yours students
p14 and if you want to send another one to a company director,do you use the familiar
same style/letter?of course students will say no.then,teacher explains to
students that the style used when speaking or writing to a friend is called
"informal register/style" whereas the one used when speaking or writing
and Thank-
to a company director is called "formal register/style".
you notes
Then,teacher invites students to read the four texts and fill in the table. formats
Text number Type of message distinguish
2 An Informal invitation between
3 An informal acceptance of invitation formal and
1 A formal invitation informal
4 An informal refusal of invitation styles.

Then, the Teacher explains that the formal style is used to talk with or
write to people we don't know such as the teacher, a company,a company
director,a minister etc. Some rules or conventions have to be respected.
Whereas the informal style is everyday or common style used among
friends, family, etc.

- Formal English is the kind of English we use for serious public

- Informal or colloquial English is the kind of English we use
everywhere, everyday.
*The former is used especially in print: official reports, business
letters, serious books, public notices, important speeches, new
*while the latter is used mainly in speech, private letters, converstation
between friends, etc...

- Students read again text 1 to answer specific questions.

- Students compare texts 1 and 2:

text1: formal style(would like to..., look forward to...), general invitation,
text2: informal(Dear Peter-first name-, come to share"imperative
form",abbreviations:We'll,you're....: direct address, regards, Sam), special
to Peter.
A table is drawn to illustrate some differences between formal and
informal styles
Formal Informal
Dear Sir/Madam, Dear Mr Dear Peter
We would like to... Come to...
We look forward to... Please, accept to
Yours sincerely(faithfully) Regards (love, best
Sam Brown wishes, etc.)
40 mn Activity Pair work: -Practise
4p14 Teacher interacts with students and explains to them what they have to writing
do.Then suggests some situations,for example:a student invites his/her Invitation
friend to a party celebrating his/her birthday(birthday party). and Thank-
The friend(recipient)reply to the invitation either by accepting or
you notes.
refusing it...etc.
one student writes an invitation and the other replying to it using
messages already learned as models, then students read their productions
and a sample is written on the board.

Here is the format that personal letters usually take in English.

Sender’s address
85 Oxford Street,
Kenton, Sussex
14 March, 2005 (2)
Dear George, (3)
I am pleased/happy/glad to learn that you have moved to a new flat.
With best wishes (4)
(signature) (5)
Karim Boudri
2: The date should appear just below the address.
3: Letters need salutations (Dear George, Hello…).
4: Letters also need complimentary closes (e. g, Love, Best wishes).

Here is a sample invitation to a birthday party:(informal one)

06 November,2011
Dear Amel,

Hi Amel.How are you? I am sorry I haven’t written for so long. I'm

really busy these days,I am doing my first term exams and I must
work hard to have good grades as usual.
In fact,I'm writing to invite you to my birthday party. I'll turn 18 the
next Friday11th,the party will take place at my house and the time
will be 18:00 o'clock,It would be very great to see you at my house
to share the celebration with all the family members and classmates.

With my very best wishes


Here is another sample invitation:(formal one)

Peter and Alice Brown June 14th,2011

Would like to invite you to their wedding ceremony on Thursday

23rd June from 8.00 t0 11.00 P.M and look forward to seeing you.

Yours sincerely,

Here is a sample reply/thank-you note to the above invitation(birthday

08 November,2011
Dear Linda,

Hi my dear friend Linda.Thanks so much for your invitation,well I

want to say I'm also doing my exams this week.but it doesn't matter
if I come to share the party with you since it will be organised at
weekend,and it's a good opportunity to have some rest with you and
to meet all our classmates there.
I am looking forward to seeing you on Friday11th,at 18:00.
With all my love,

- Students read the three messages and fill in the table. students
15 mn P 14 texts Type of message between
formal and
6 A formal letter of apology.
5 A formal note to ask for school leave. styles./ to
7 An informal note of apology. categorise
according to
10 mn Activity6 - students read again texts 5 and 6 and say which one is more -Make
P14 formal giving arguments and interacting with the Teacher. students
*Teacher can attract the learners’ attention to the way: the degree
- the senders address their conrespondents in the salutations: of
text 5: dear Mr Johnson of texts.
text 6:dear Sir/Madam
-the degree of politness of the sentences :

text 5:Please excuse Tim from school next week…..

text6:I am writing to apologise for the absence of my daughter…..
the closing of the letters:

text5: Yours sincerly

text6: Yours faithfully

Text 6 is more formal:Dear Mr. Johnson, Vs Dear Sir / Madam,

20mn Activity The teacher interacts with students in order to present and explain -to identify
1 p 16 what this type of letter is:letter of enquiry/request(of information) what a letter of
letter. enquiry is,and
*This is a letter you write to ask a person for information. For example, to focus on the
you may need to receive the trains’ timetable, or list of books on certain formal layout
topic from a library or an itinerary for a trip you have booked to Africa. of a ‘business’
There are 3 paragraphs in this type of letter. They should look like letter, i.e., a
this: letter of
1. Start with “Dear Sir/Madam" Explain shortly (in one or two enquiry.
sentences) what kind of information you are interested in.
“I am writing to ask for information about membership in the Shape
sports club.”
2. Explain in more details who you are, exactly what information
you need, why, when and in what form do you need it – a letter, a
fax, an e-mail, a phone-call, etc. This should be the biggest
paragraph of the whole letter.
3. Write formal ending for the letter, your name and sign.
“I look forward to hearing from you.” If you know the name of
person you are writing to, sign
“Yours sincerely,
Mr. Smith”
If you don’t know the name of person you are writing to, sign
“Yours faithfully,
Mr. Smith”

Students read the question and start organising the letter's layout:
a. Your address 3
b. Date 2
c. Name & address
of language school 8
d. Re: 4
e. Salutation 9
f. Say why you are writing 5
g. Introduce yourself. 7
h. Ask for information. 6
i. Closing
15mn Activity +Name of1 ideas in the reply
Students guess how should the organisation -to focus on
2 p 16 letter be. the
a. say they are enclosing an information organization of
ideas with
prospectus. 2 reference to a
b. thank Meriem Djoual for her enquiry. 1 reply to the
letter of
c. try to persuade her to follow summer enquiry in task
Stratford School of English. 3 one above.
d. invite further contact enquiries. 4 -The aim is to
20 mn Activity produce a
Here is a suggested body for the letter of reply that learners are reply to a letter
4 p 16
supposed to produce: of enquiry by
Thank you for your enquiry about our summer ordering
courses.Please find enclosed here our latest information jumbled
prospectus, which we hope will be of interest to you. sentences and
We’re permanent, we’re professional and we offer re-investing
you a warm welcome here at a our school. what is learned
We look forward to hearing from you soon. in tasks one,
two and three.
The Stradford School of English
8, Tiddington Road,
October 1st , 2005
Meriem Djoual
12, Rue Colonel Chabani,

Re: Summer Courses

Dear Miss Djoual,

Thank you for your enquiry about our

summer courses. Please find enclosed here our
latest information prospectus, which we hope will
be of interest to you.
We’re permanent, we’re professional, we offer
you a warm welcome here at our school. We invite
you to write for further contact enquiries.you can
find more information on our website
We look forward to hearing from you

Yours faithfully,
The headmaster
Mr. John White

20 Activity1 Sympathy vs congratulations - The aim

mn p 17 *We congratulate in order to express pleasure when something good behind this task
happens to relatives and people with whom we are acquainted and is to train
those to whom congratulations are due. (e.g., wedding, engagement, learners to
the passing of exams, etc...). interpret and
identify texts
*Messages of sympathy including condolences can be expressed by according to
saying that you were sorry to hear about a bad thing which has content/message
happened to your correspondent. .Students
A letter of condolence, is sent to express sympathy for something identify letters
that has happened to the reader of the letter or to someone close to of sympathy
him/her. and letters of
2 Message expressing
4 Obituary
1 Congratulating someone.
3 Announcing a happy event.
30 Activity3 Students practise Writing small messages to express sympathy -students
mn p17 and congratulations.using texts 1 and 2 as models: practise writing
congratulations sympathy and
Dear Salim and Fahima, letters.
I have just heard the happy news!
Congratulations on the birth of Iheb. We’re all
delighted. I’ll pay you a visit soon.
Take care of yourselves!


Dear Moussa,
I have heard that you have passed your exams with top
marks.Everybody is proud of you.

Dear Farida and family,
I have just heard the heartbreaking news! I was
very sad about your brother’s death. Please accept my
deepest sympathy/ condolence. I only met him briefly, but
I remember him as a warm and generous person.
I am sorry I was unable to come to the funeral. If
there is any way I can help, please let me know.

Yours sincerely,
Unit I: Intercultural exchanges Expressing purpose

Input: Stop and Consider

Aim: to enable students to express purpose and join sentences using "to/in order to/so as to"

Steps of the lesson:

Timing Steps Input /Output Aim
25mn Activity1 *The teacher refers the students to the sentences and starts -To study the
p18 interacting with them about the words written in bold.He asks sentences in
students to underline the parts of the sentences which follow order to
these expressions.The teacher gives details about the bold words deduce the
and their function in the sentences: function of
We use `to' , `so as to' and `in order to' to express purpose. the
- All these three expressions of purpose have the same expressions
meaning. of purpose
-They are used to join two sentences; one of them is the result and position
and the other is the purpose.
- They are always followed by infinitive verbs without" to".
of purpose in
*Then,the teacher asks the students to deduce the position of
expressions of purpose in the sentences: "to/so as to/in order
deduce the
- They might be used at the beginning or in the middle.
form of these
(result) (purpose)
- Sami travelled to America in order to/ to/ so as to complete
his higher education.

(purpose) (result)
- In order to/ to/ So as to complete high education, Sami
travelled to America.
1/in the middle:

SENTENCE + to/so as to/ in order to + STEM VERB +

rest of sentence.
2/ at the beginning:

To/so as to/in order to+stem verb+rest of the sentence.

The negative form of these expressions:

SENTENCE + not to/so as not to/ in order not to + STEM

VERB + rest of sentence
The teacher refers the students to the reminder in
order to check their answers:
 We use `to' , `so as to' and `in order to' to express
♥ Example: A: What did you send her a
message for?
B: I sent her a message to/so as to/
in order to congratulate her.
 The negatives are: not to, in order not to , and so as
not to.
♥ Example: - I sent her a message not to invite her,
but to congratulate her.
- So as not to be late for the party,
you have to start now.
- You have to start now in order not
to be late for the party.
10mn Activity2 p a. We are writing to/in order to/so as to congratulate you for -students
18 your success in the competition. practise
b.to/in order to/so as to complete your registration, you using
have to pay the fees before September 12 th. appropriate
c. I will go to university not to/in order not to/so as not toexpressions
study Mathematics, but to study literature. of purpose
d. Read your message silently in order not to disturb other or their
internauts. negatives to
fill in the
provided in
25mn Activity 3 Reflexive pronouns: -To identify
p19 *As a warming up step the teacher can start interacting with the notion of
learners about the picture by asking the following questions in reflexive
order to interpret the meaning of reflexive pronouns.: pronouns
- What does the picture show? and to make
-How many parrots/birds are there? One or two? students be
(There is one parrot only. The parrot in the mirror is just a able to use
reflexion of the parrot perched on a stick’….) the reflexive
*The sentence ‘The parrot is talking to itself’ can serve as an pronouns
example for completing the blanks in task three with appropriate correctly.
reflexive prounouns.
*the teacher refers learners to the reminder in order to identify
the meaning of reflexive pronouns.
Reflexive pronouns are used with certain
verbs, when the object of the Verb is the same
as the subject.
Example: I have to introduce myself.
Solution to the activity one above:

60 mn Activity4 Expressing obligation/prohibition/absence of - Enable PP to

p 20 obligation: express obligation,
-Teacher raises discussion about the meaning of "must" and absence of obligation
"have to" in order to learn more about usage and use of have to, and prohibition
need, must; then writes rules and examples for each category, :students learn to
the teacher can start interacting with students through these use the modals:
examples: must, have to, need
1/Expressin obligation: appropriately and
*When we say that it is necessary to do something we use correctly with
"must "or" have to" personal pronouns
*We use 'must' and ' have to' to express obligation. and in the present
Examples: and past tenses.
-you must wear the safety belt when you drive.
-I have to wake up early to prepare myself for school.
-I have to catch the bus in order to arrive early.
-we haven't got much time,we must hurry.
-George can't come with us this evening,he has to work late.
-you can't turn right here,you have to turn left.
*We use do/does/did+have to in questions(for the present and
the past)
e.g:-why did you have to leave early?
-do I have to start from here?
-does he have to apologise to the teacher for his lateness?

2/expressing prohibition:
*We use 'must not'(mustn't) to express prohibition/we
mustn't to say that something is not allowed /you
mustn't do something=it is necessary that you do not
do it:
- You mustn't drive on the left .
-you must keep it a secret,you mustn't tell anybody else.
-we must be quiet,we mustn't make any noise.
-you mustn't walk on the grass here.
-you mustn't take photographs in here,it's forbidden.
-you mustn't use a dictionary in the exam.
3/expressing absence of obligation:
*We use 'don't need to/needn't' and 'don't have to' to express
absence of obligation /we use needn't (or don't need to) or
don't have to to say that something is not necessary
-this book is easy to understand,so you don't have to
use a dictionary.
-you don't need to hurry up, you are not late.(don't
-We don't have to study on Fridays.
-I needn't take a jacket, it's not cold.(needn't without"to")
-we have got plenty of time,we needn't hurry(it is not
necessary to hurry)
we say: we needn't hurry or: we don't need to
hurry(the same meaning).
*We can use either needn't or don't have to when we say that
it is unnecessary to do something:
• It would be good to see you, but you needn't ((or don't have
to) come if you're busy.
• You needn't (or don't have to) whisper. Nobody can hear
Note: There is no past form of must. We use `had to'
and `did not / didn't have to'/didn't need to to express
obligation and absence of obligation in the past.
Absence of obligation in the past: When we say that it
was not necessary to do something in the past, and it wasn't
done, we use didn't need to or didn't have to.

1/past obligation:
 Examples: -We had to switch off the
computer before leaving.
-we had to leave early yesterday.
- The car broke down and "we had to" get a taxi.
2/absence of obligation in the past:
 Examples:
-I didn't need to get up early,but it was a lovely
morning,so I did.
-you didn't need to bring any food,but it was very
kind of you.

PRACTICE: -students practise

Students will practise using modals "must/had using modals
to/mustn't/needn't/don't have to" in sentences to express Must/had
obligation/prohibition/absence of obligation: to/mustn't/needn't/d
Activity one: complete the sentences with must/mustn't or on't or doesn't have
needn't: to in sentences in
1.we haven't got much time.We................................hurry. order to consolidate
2.we have got plenty of time.We..............................hurry. the notion of
3.Gary gave me a letter to post.I......................remember to obligation/
post it. prohibition/ absence
4.Gary gave me a letter to post.I..........................forget to post of obligation.
5.you...................wash those tomatoes.They have already been
6.this is a valuable book.You....................look after it carefully
and you.........................lose it.
Activity two:complete the sentences using needn't+ the
following verbs:
Ask come explain leave tell walk
1.we have got plenty of time.We needn't leave yet.
2.I can manage the shopping alone.You............................with
3.we............................all the way home.We can get a taxi.
4.just help yourself if you would like to eat
5.we can keep this a secret between
ourselves.We ............................anybody else.
6.I understand the situation
Activity three: complete the sentences with mustn't or
don't/doesn't have to:
1.I don't want anyone to know about our
plan.You....................tell anyone.
2.There is a lift in the building,so we.............................climb
the stairs.
3.You........................forget what I told you.It's very important.
4.Don't make so much noise.We............................wake the
5.Whatever you do.you.............................touch that switch.It's
very dangerous.
Activity four: complete using "must" or "had to":
1.Bill starts work at 5 a.m.He.............................get up at 4 a.m
2.I broke my arm last week.I.......................go to hospital.
3.there was a lot of noise from the street
yesterday.we.........................close the windows.
4.I have some homework to do.I...................leave the
cybercafé now.
5.Tom can't stay for the whole meeting.He......................leave

Unit I: Intercultural exchanges "indefinite and definite articles"

Sequence three: Stop and consider
Aim: "This task aims to consolidate the use of definite and indefinite articles".
Steps of the lesson:
time steps Input/output aim
10 mn Warming -to explore the
up phase/ .The teacher can start the interaction with pupils about notion of
interaction indefinite and definite articles by presenting the following indefinite/
examples on the board: definite articles
1.I work in a factory. and to
2.he is an English teacher. consolidate the
3.the car over there is very fast. cases where to
.the teacher,then starts the explanation as follows: use and not to
1:A/AN are called indefinite articles: use the articles
*"A" is used with consonants: A/AN/THE in
e.g:a car/a dog/a pen……..etc. different
*"An" is used with vowels: contexts.
e.g: an apple/an astronaut/an umbrella…….etc.
2:"THE" is called definite article
Some rules about when to use and not to use
Reminder: articles(main uses):
35 mn rules A." A/AN"
Indefinite articles A/AN are used:
*we use A/AN with singular countable nouns that are not definite(not
known)to the reader and the listener.It's not important if the person
who is speaking knows which one. The important thing is if the person
who is listening knows or not. For example:
e.g:.I bought a blue sweater yesterday (the speaker knows which
sweater, but the listener doesn.t, so we use .a.).
. We went to a large cybercafé (the speaker knows which one but the
listener doesn.t, so we use .a.).
* We use A/AN to say what somebody/something is or
what someone's job is :
e.g:. My brother is a doctor./ .A dictionary is a book.
.He is an engineer.
Indefinite articles A/AN are NOT used:
*We do not use A/AN with plural nouns:
A pen pens/ An orange oranges.
* We don't use A/AN with uncountable nouns. We use
some instead.
some sugar some milk
some common uncountable nouns:
Food and drink: bread,butter,milk,coffee,cheese,meat……
Nonfood substances: paper,soap,snow,coal,rain,wood…
Abstract nouns: advice,hope, anger, beauty, confidence, courage,
employment, fun, happiness, health, honesty, information, intelligence,
knowledge, love, poverty…
Others: mail, money, news, poetry, traffic, transportation, violence,
weather, work….

*We do not use A/AN with names of

Germany is an important economic power.
Algeria is situated in North Africa.
He is Spanish.
*We do not use A/AN with the names of languages/subjects:
English is spoken all over the world.
*We do not use A/AN with names of meals:
Lunch is at midday.
Dinner is in the evening.
Breakfast is the first meal of the day.
*We do not use A/AN with names of persons:
Ahmed is coming to the party.
Amir is my brother.
*We do not use A/AN with colours:
He has fair hair /I like that blue jacket over there.
*the first time you speak of something use "a or an", the next
time you repeat that object use "the".
I live in a house. The house is quite old and has four
I ate in a Chinese restaurant. The restaurant was very good.
*to refer to objects we regard as unique:
Examples: the sun, the moon, the world,the sky.
*when both the speaker and listener know what is being talked
about, even if it has not been mentioned before.
Example: 'Where's the bathroom?'
15 mn 'It's on the first floor.'

practice Choose the correct definite or indefinite article: "the", "a",

"an" or "Ø" (zero article) .

1. I bought a pair of shoes.

2. I saw a movie last night.
3. They are staying at a hotel.
4. I think The man over there is very unfriendly.
5. That is the problem I told you about.
6. The night is quiet. Let's take a walk!
7. John traveled to X Mexico.
8. Juan is X Spanish.
9. I read  an amazing story yesterday.
10.My brother does not eat X chicken.
11.I live in an apartment. The apartment is new.
12.I would like a piece of cake.
13.I was in a Japanese restaurant. The restaurant served
good food.

Activity 3 p32:

1 :the 2 : Ø 3 : Ø 4 :Ø 5 :a 6 :the 7: Ø 8 :Ø 9: Ø 10: Ø 11:the 12 : Ø

13 : Ø 14 : Ø 15 : Ø 16 : an 17 : a 18 :a 19 :an 20 : Ø
Unit I: Intercultural exchanges "double conjunctions: both/either/neither"
Sequence three: Stop and consider

Aim: to consolidate the notion and the use of double conjunctions: both/either/neither.
Steps of the lesson:
time steps Input/output aim
45mn The function "Both...and/either......or/neither.......nor " used for two things or -to explore the
of the three two persons. conjunctions'
conjunctions function and to
1."Both......and" : addition/linking "one person/thing and the practise using
other" them in sentences
The teacher can start the interaction with pupils by presenting the as a substitute or
following examples on the whiteboard: exchangeable
*Ahmed likes football,Amine likes football. form to make
*Karim wants to be a doctor, Farid wants to be a doctor. sentences shorter.
The teacher asks the following questions:
questions answers
1.How many persons are there -the expected answer would
in each example? be:there are two persons in
each example.
2. in example 1:Who likes -The expected answer would
football? be: Ahmed and Amine like
3.in example 2: who wants to football.
be a doctor? -the expected answer would
be: Karim and Farid want to
be doctors.

The teacher starts explaining:

*when we want to talk about two things or two persons that/who
share the same characteristic in the sentence we can use the
conjunction: "Both........and....."
So we can say:-Ahmed and Amine like football=Both Ahmed and
Amine like football.
-Karim and Farid want to be doctors=Both Karim and Farid want
to be doctors.
-I live in Jijel.my friend lives in Jijel=Both I and my friend live in
2."either........or": choice:" one or the other"
The teacher draws the pupils' attention to the following dialogue:
A:do you want to have a computer or a camera for your birthday?
B:I want both of them.
A:I am really sorry,you can have either a computer or a camera.
A:do you want to watch TV or using the computer?
B:I want to do both.
A: I am sorry.you can either watch TV or use the computer.you
can't do both.
The teacher explains the function of the conjunction"either.....or"
as follows: it is used when there is a choice between two things.
3."neither.......nor": negation: "not one and not the other"
The teacher draws the pupils' attention to the following dialogue
written on the board:
Sami:I want to use either this computer or that one.
Farid: I'm really sorry,you can use neither this computer nor the
other,someone must fix them first.

The teacher reads the dialogue to students and starts interacting

with them through the following questions:
1.teacher:was Sami able to use any of two computers?
Student:no he wasn't.
Teacher:Sami wasn't able to use both computers because they
were broken down. Is this sentence affirmative or negative?
Student: it's negative.
Teacher:so we can say: Sami didn't use computer1,and he didn't
use computer2. In order to express these two negative sentences
shortly we can use the conjunction "neither......nor".
*Sami could use neither computer1 nor computer2.
Practice: Activity 2 page 34
Practice Activity one: write sentences
15 mn Act 2 page with:"both....and/neither......nor/either.......or"
34+two 1.Chris is late. Pat is late.
activities for 2.He didn't write ,he didn't phone.
consolidation 3.Joe is on holiday.Sami is on holiday.
4.Jack hasn't got a car.Sam hasn't got a car.
5.Brian doesn't watch TV,he doesn't read newspapers.
6.I haven't got time to go on holiday.I haven't got the money.
7.We can leave today or we can leave tomorrow.
Activity two: choose the correct pair:"either.....or/neither......nor"
1...........Charly.......Bill will write the report,just ask one of them.
2.My mum can............read.......write,she is illiterate.
3.You can use.........this computer.....the other one,they're broken
4............you return the money you had stolen......I'll call the police.
5.When I go to the restaurant,I eat.......fish.....roast chicken.these are
my favourite meals.
6.........Sue......Sara will help you with your homework,they are both
busy at the moment.
Act 1:
1.Both Chris and Pat are late.
2.He neither wrote nor phoned.
3.Both Joe and Sami are on holiday.
4.Neither Jack nor Sami has got a car.
5.Brian neither watches TV nor reads newspapers.
6.I have got neither the time nor the money to go on holiday.
7.We can leave either today or tomorrow.
Act 2: 1.either....or
Unit I: Intercultural exchanges
Sequence four: consolidation and extension
Write it out: job application letter
Steps of the lesson:
time steps Input/output aim
15 mn Activity - The Teacher explains the words advertisement and application -Make students
one page and refers Pupils to "help wanted" advert to read it and draw interpret an
35 the requirements (using have to, must) as well as the way to get advertisement
the job. To illustrate the role of the camp leader a simple and draw the
diagram is drawn: requirements of
a job using 'have
A camp leader

Leads or guides
Organises the Participates in
a group of
group daily activities
-the applicant has to be tolerant,patient.open-minded...........
–the applicant has to deal with children,organise and participate
in daily activities which include:swimming,singing,dancing.....etc.
–the applicant has to write to the address indicated below:
Mr Michael Armstrong,
Director,Haryton Bay Summer
Camp,2187 Mountain Street
Miami,Florida 60306
30 mn Activity - The Teacher Tells the Pupils to read the letter of application -recognise the
two page silently to guess if the applicant "Joy.J.Parfit" is suitable for the layout of a
35 job of camp leader or not. formal
-Then.teacher asks questions about the applicant's name, letter(job
address, addressee and the purpose of the letter. Once Pupils application
have done this, the Teacher draws a letter layout to show how a letter).
letter of application is and should be organised.

The important pieces of information that the applicant has

included in her letter to show that she is suitable for the job
are: a) I often volunteer to work in infant hospital wards;
b) I often look after my brothers and sisters when my mother
and father are at work.
c)I'm a member of the photography and music clubs,and I
enjoy meeting people.

15 mn Activity - The Teacher invites the Pupils to fill in the résumé or CV - scan a letter of
three and explains the meaning of interests and reference, then application to fill
page 35 in a résumé.
moves around to check progress. A collective correction is

Unit two: "Our Findings Show" / "The Press" Teacher: Mr: M.Hank
Sequence one: Listening And Speaking
Anticipate/ aim: in this sequence students will be able to:
*Listen and respond to an interview.
*Read the horoscope and report orally and in writing what the stars say.
*Mark stress in compound nouns.
Steps of the lessons:
Time Steps Input/Output Aim
-The Teacher introduces the theme of the unit and asks -to introduce the
leading questions to have students brainstorm on the meaning theme of the unit
of communication. and prepare
students for

exchange ideas
Warming up Express Transmit
20 Phase/Anticipate ideas messages
mn :
-PP are asked to go through some activities in this -to interact with
section. In the process, the T shows PP a newspaper students,brainstorm
Activities 1,2,3 p their knowledge on
and a magazine in English, then PP supply other
78. the theme of the
titles they know esp. English ones. The T shows the unit "The press"
meaning of a newspaper title,headline, page, rubric and prepare them
and tabloid . A diagram is drawn to illustrate. for listening.

The Press

Newspapers Magazines

The Times The

Independent Newsweek
The Sun Harper's
The Daily Mail FIFA world magzine
El Watan Echacha
El Khabar

Inform us Educate us
20 Pre-listening *Students are invited to complete a survey on newspaper -to check students'
mn phase: readership habits and justify their choices. knowledge/habits
Activity 4 p 78. The teacher writes the survey containing questions on the with regard to
board and asks students to tick the appropriate response newspapers
according to their own opinions: readership.

1.What kind of newspapers do you usually read?

A/Weekly:....... B/Daily:.......
2.Do you read newspapers to:
A/Get news:..... C/play word games:..... D/to get
3.Which rubrics do you read most?
A/Economy:...... B/Adverts:...... C/Sport:.....
4.Do you read e-papers(electronic papers)?
A/yes:....... B/No:........
5.What do you prefer?
A/E-papers:........ B/Print papers:.......
6.Do you think that newspapers are objective in reporting
A/yes:........ B/No:...........
7.When I read newspapers, I:
A/Believe everything because journalists are well-
B/Check the information first:.......
C/Do not believe everything because journalists are
poorly informed:......

20 Listen and check *students are invited to listen to a dialogue between a -Learners listen
mn phase: reporter and a British man on newspapers readership habits and check the
Activity 1 p 79. in order to compare those habits in the dialogue with the answers on the
ones(habits) they provided on the previous survey. dialogue,then
compare them with
15 *students are invited to listen again to take the most
mn Activity 2 p 79 important notes/information from the table,then,they are -Learners identify
invited to report what the interviewee says about the most important
newspapers. information from a
-Students are supposed to produce the following report: table to write a
report(listen for
The interviewee reads daily newspapers especially on specific
weekdays.He prefers serious newspapers because they information).
are objective and report reliable news:He thinks that
tabloids are subjective and give only half truths.

15mn Activity *Using the previous knowledge they had from the interview,students are -To provide learners
3 p 79 invited to guess the best meaning for the underlined words from the with more lexis related
context(interview): to the topic.

A/Sensational= shocking.
B/Half-truth = a statement that is true but not complete.
C/ Tabloids = newspapers that tell sensational stories.

20 mn Activity *Students are invited to answer questions about the picture and interact -Students interpret a
4 p 79 among themselves to determine their habits when they travel. picture and talking
a- The people in the picture are on a train, probably a "tube train" (metro). about one's activities
b- They are reading newspapers and magazines. when travelling.
c- They are probably going to work.
d- No, none of them are/is talking.
e- Very few people do.
f- They talk to one another about various subjects related to politics and
society in general.
g- (Learners‟ personal answers)

20 mn Say It *Students are asked to match words from list "A" to the corresponding -Students form new
Clear: ones on list "B".Students select two words to form a meaningful words out of two parts
Activity compound word. and recognise stress in
1and 2 p *The teacher draws a table and asks students to listen and classify words compound words.
80. according to their stress pattern,all the words have primary stress on the
first element.

1.Newspaper. 6.Bookshop.
2.Broadcast. 7.Postcard.
3.Headline. 8.Newscaster.
4.Newsagent. 9.Sportsman.
5.Bestseller. 10.Crossword.
*The teacher invites students to guess the meaning of compound words
through matching them with their right definitions using the table below:
Compound Definitions
Newspaper 1.To send out radio or TV programmes.
Broadcast 2.The title of a newspaper article printed in large
Headline 3.A card that you write a message on and send to
Newsagent 4.A word game published in a
Bestseller 5.Large folded pieces of paper containing
Bookshop 6.A person who works in a shop that sells
Newscaster 7.A person who reads the news on TV or radio.
Sportsman 8.A shop that sells books.
Crossword 9.A book or other product that is bought by large
numbers of people.
Postcard 10.A man who likes and does a lot of sport.
10 mn The *Students work out the message using the phonetic symbols on pages 12 -To make students
hidden and 13: familiar with phonetic
message script.
P 80 Tabloids usually report scandals and use sensational language.
25 mn It's your *The teacher interacts with students on the horoscope,then asks them to -Students
turn p perform the dialogues in pairs to ask and report about each other's star practise reporting
81 sign and express opinion about what the stars say( orally). statements.
*Students practise reporting the statements and pay attention to the
necessary changes in subject and verb (students are introduced to the
reported speech) in written.

The stars say that Selma likes to be free and different.Little kids and
animals like her.

Unit two: "Our Findings Show" / "The Press" Teacher: Mr: M. Hank
Sequence Two: Reading and Writing
Objectives: in this sequence students will be able to:
*Read and interpret a graphic display.
*Report questions.
*Pronounce the sounds /h/ in unstressed syllables.
*Use direct speech and reported speech.
Steps of the lessons:
Time Steps Input/Output Aims
20 mn Anticipate *The teacher starts interaction with his students on the graphic - Reading and
p 82 display asking them to look at it carefully,then he asks the questions interpreting graphs
below: and charts/to provide
*Look at the graphic display and guess the appropriate answer: answers
A/What type of graphic display is it? by reading a graph.
 It is a bar graph.
B/What does it display?
 It displays numbers.
C/What do you think it describes?
 It describes the results of a survey about the different uses of
the computer.
D/Number 60 at the top of the graphic represents what?
 It represents the total number of people questioned.
E/Look at the graph above again.Then look at these different
number of informants:28/2/4/6/60/16.
Try to complete the table below with the numbers given above to
say what each group of informants use the computer for?
 The students should make the best use of their personal
experience to guess the informants’ different uses of the
computer (guessing game).
1- to keep addresses and phone numbers 16
2 - to learn programming 6
3 - to play games 60
4- as a calculator 2
5- for their studies 4
6- to do some word-processing at home 28

45 mn Read and -To check the

check *The students are invited to read the report (newspaper article) to previous guessing
check the answers they provided to the previous activities. activities/
Activity 1 Interpreting survey
p83 results.

*The teacher invites his students to read the report again for 15
Activity 2 minutes in order to give answers to the questions that follow: -A detailed
p 83 Key: comprehension of the
A- The reporter questioned 60 teenagers. passage/introduce the
B- S/he decided to do a survey to find out if it was true that teenagers reported speech.
knew about computers.
C- The survey shows that teenagers don't really know how to use
D- 1.Do you use the computer to play games?
2.Do you use the computer to do word-processing at home?
E- The reporter uses the following verbs to report his/her findings: said
- told me
F- The verbs used for reporting are in the past simple tense.
G- The verbs following the reporting verb are also in the past simple
H- Teacher interacts with the learners about the differences in word
order, tenses to introduce the notions of direct and indirect speech.

When reporting questions we do not inverse subject and verb. We

do not use “do” or “does”
Direct question : “How much time do you spend using your
computer?” the reporter / I asked the informants.
Reported question : The reporter / I asked them how much time
they spent using their computer.

*the students are provided with the rule how to change "yes/no and
wh-questions" from direct into reported speech with more details and
consolidated with examples.

1.The rule for "yes/no questions" is:

*Reporting verb+if/whether+subject+verb+rest of the sentence.
Note: When reporting questions we do not use the auxiliary "to
do" in the reported question .
2.The rule for "wh-questions" is:
*Reporting verb+wh-question word+subject+verb+rest of the
Note: When reporting questions we do not use the auxiliary "to
do" in the reported question.

Discover *Students are invited to take turns interviewing one another using -To practise
15 mn the the questions seen in "the computer different uses survey".They questioning (Direct
language have to make dialogues,then to act them out in pairs giving answers Speech) and to give
which reflect their personal uses of the computer. students a chance to
Activity A sample dialogue is provided below: practise the notion of
one p 84. Reporter: What's your name? personalizing in a
Informant: (My name's) Amine. survey.
Reporter: Where do you go to school?
Informant: I'm a first-year secondary school student at Lycée
Reporter: Do you have a computer?
Informant: Yes, I do.
Reporter: What do you use it for?
Informant: I generally use it for my studies, but I sometimes use it
to play games.
-To practise reporting
*Students will have the opportunity to practise turning "direct questions.
Activity 2 speech" questions into "reported speech" ones using the rules
20 mn p 84. provided previously.
*Teacher order students to work in pair,asking and answering
questions done in the previous activity using "reported speech".
A sample dialogue is provided below:

A: What questions did she ask you at the interview?

B: She asked me what my name was and where I went to school.
A: And then ?
B: Then she asked me if I had a computer and what I used the
computer for.

*Students are invited to read the results of a sports questionnaire in -To interpret survey
30 mn Write it order to write the results in a report form using "the reported results and write
right speech".The teacher guides his students providing them with steps reports/to consolidate
how to write the report,students follow the instructions on the report reporting statements
form and use the rules how to turn statements and questions from and questions.
"direct speech" into "reported speech".
A suggested report is written below:


In present-day Algeria, sport is the teenagers‟ favourite pastime.
But people today keep complaining that the good sportsmanship of
yore is gone and dead. I decided to find out whether it was true that
our teenagers were less sporty than their elders.
I questioned eighty high school teenagers between 15 and 17 in
order to know which sport was the most popular with them and why
it was popular. When I asked them if they liked practising sports,
all the teenagers said yes. But my main interest in fact was what
they practised sport for.
Sixty of them said they practised sports for fun. 12 told me they did
it for challenge. Only 8 informants said they practised sports to
keep fit. Then I asked them what their favourite sport was. Fifty of
them told me they liked playing football whereas 18 said they liked
playing handball. Only 12 of the informants said they preferred
practising basketball.
Surprisingly, my survey showed that our teenagers were more
sporty than their elders.

Unit Two: "Our Findings Show" / "The Press" Teacher: Mr: M. Hank
Objectives: In this sequence students will be able to:
*Conduct an interview.
*Read and interpret a newspaper article.
*Summarise what people say: orders,requests,greetings,advice,warns………….
Steps of the lessons:
Time Steps Input/Output Aims
10 Activity Part one: -Students are
mn 1 p 86. *The teacher draws the questionnaire on the board,then he provides asked to
students with the three form types (an application form/a hotel booking identify a
form/a questionnaire form).The teacher provides students with the meaning questionnaire.
of each one,he asks students to identify which type of form is the one
drawn on the board.

Key: the form is a questionnaire (c).

20 Activity *Students are invited to listen to a dialogue on high school students' leisure -Students use a
mn 2 p 86. time activities to fill in the questionnaire form drawn on the board. questionnaire
to fill in correct
Name : Lila Chennab Boy Girl X answers.


Listening to music X
Surfing on the web X
Going to concerts
Watching TV X
Taking part in team sports X
Riding bicycles

Please write down any other activities you


*The teacher reminds his students about the "how sporty our teenagers"
30 Activity report and how students turned "direct speech" questions into "reported -To consolidate
mn 4 p 86. speech" ones. shifting of
The teacher interacts with his students and asks them to write a report about questions and
the questionnaire findings using the questions and answers seen on the answers from
dialogue between the interviewer and the high school student,turning them direct into
from "direct speech" into "reported speech". reported
The teacher writes the following question on the board: speech/students
Imagine that you are a reporter of a newspaper or magazine and you have will have
asked Sihem(the high school student) the questions we saw in the another chance
dialogue,write a report of your questions and her answers: to write a
Suggested report

I am a reporter in "El Watan" newspaper,I decided to do a survey on

students' leisure time activities.I met a high school student whose name
is Sihem and I asked her some questions to find out how she spent her
free time and what she liked doing as activities apart from school ones.

First,I asked her if she could tell me the three things she liked doing
most in her leisure time.Sihem answered that she liked listening to
music,surfing the net and watching TV.Then,I wanted to know which
team sport she liked playing most,she said that she liked playing
Basketball.Finally,I asked her to mention what other activities she liked
doing apart from the ones she had already mentioned,she said that she
was keen on painting,in her free time,she tried to paint tableaux.

El Watan newspaper,January 25th.2012.

Written by:……………………

10 Activity Part two:

mn. 1 and 2 *Students are invited to look at a picture to guess what attitude it - To interpret a
p 88. illustrates.The teacher interacts with students asking them some questions picture/ to
about the picture like:what can you see?what is the man doing?what did the check the pps
man give to the boy?what shape the piece of watermelon he gives to the interpretation
boy has?.......... of the picture
 The picture illustrates love and kindness. The man is doing through
something nice and kind for the boy. The piece of watermelon he skimming.
gives him has the shape of a heart (heart-shaped).
*Students are invited to read the passage that follows silently in order to
check their answer for the previous activity.
*The teacher goes through the passage and gives the main idea it
covers,then he reads the passage to his students explaining some difficult
and key words for more clarification…
25 Activity *The students are required to go through the activity questions provoding - Scanning: to
mn. 3 p 89 them with answers according to the text: read the text for
Keys: a detailed
A. Title "c ": Choosing to Be Kind . comprehension.
B. Answer "b" :support her point of view about kindness.
C. He says / tells us that when we do something nice and kind to someone,
we experience a beautiful feeling of ease and peace.
D. “On the contrary” in § 2 expresses CONTRAST (c).
E. But
F. As a decent and generous behavior.
words ending in “ness” roots

Kindness kind

tenderness tender
calmness calm
happiness happy
Conclusion: in English, we can derive nouns from adjectives by adding the
suffix “ness” to some adjectives.
-To practise
10 Activity *1/The teacher interacts with his students about the underlined sentence in turning into
mn. 4 p 89. paragraph two asking them to identify which type of speech the sentence is
"direct speech"
written in:"direct" or "reported" speech.After identifying the type of
speech:"reported speech",students are required to turn it into "direct
speech" providing the necessary changes that occur:colon/quotation
marks/capital letter/punctuation.
Direct speech:
Sinatra says, “Rage and anger, which are the reverse side of kindness,
increase surges in adrenaline and cortisol two of the main hormones which
contribute to heart disease.”
 2/Students are notified about the tense of the" reporting verb":
simple present(Sinatra says),the students are notified that no tense
shift occurs in the "reported statement" when the reporting verb is
in the simple present.

15 Activity *Students are invited to turn some famous people quotes using both - To practise
mn. 5 p 89. "direct" and "reported" speech.Students are required to turn the statements direct and
without changing the reported statements verbs' tense because of the use of reported speech
simple present tense in the reporting verbs.(Katie Courie says/Peter Carlson and notice the
says/Lynda Johnson says). unchanged
Keys: tenses when the
Direct speech: reporting verb
*Katie Courie says, “Kindness is not an inherited trait; it is learned is in the simple
behaviour.” present.
*Peter Carlson says, “I feel good when I help people.”
*Lynda Johnson says, “Small gestures can make people happy.”
Reported speech:
* Katie Courie says that kindness is not an inherited trait; it is learned
* Peter Carlson says that he feels good when he helps people.
* Lynda Johnson says that small gestures can make people happy.

25 Activity Part three: -to report

mn. 1 p 90. *The teacher starts interaction with students who are reminded that when dialogues using
using the "reported speech" we don't usually use the verbs say and tell to different
report what people said,we can use other verbs such reporting verbs.
 The teacher orders his students to look at the example provided on
the book and tells them to take it as a model to choose the verbs
that best summarize the situation in each of the fourth dialogues.
*Situation 1: The policeman requested / ordered / told the motorist to fasten
his seat belt. The motorist apologized and fastened it right away.
*Situation 2: Karim invited Doris for a meal out. Doris thanked him and
accepted the invitation.
*Situation 3: Meriem suggested to Aicha to revise their lessons, and Aicha
agreed .
*Situation 4: Mother warned her child not to do that again another time.
Otherwise he wouldn't have his pocket money. The child apologized and
promised not to repeat the mistake.
15 Activity *The teacher reminds his students about the rule concerning how to turn an -To practise
mn 2 p 90 order or command from "direct speech" into "reported speech": reporting orders
1/affirmative orders are reported using:reporting verb+to+verb in and commands in
infinitive+the rest of the sentence. context.
2/negative orders are reported using:reporting verb+not+to+verb in
infinitive+the rest of the sentence.
The teacher asks his students to apply the rule to report the poem orders.
Students should start their production like this:
Key :
The author (Michael Rosen) says that parents order their children to speak up
, to sit up, to say please, to make less noise, to take their hands off, to shut the
door behind them, to say thank you, to stop hiking and to take elbows off the
He also says that parents order the children not to talk with their mouths full,
not to stare, not to pick their nose, not to interrupt and not to drag their feet.

10 Activity *The students are invited to read the text in order to guess which newspaper -To skim through
mn 1 p 91 rubric it is taken from.They have to circle the correct answer. the passages and
 The teacher interacts with his students about the picture at the top of distinguish their
the page and asks his students what they can see on it,then he explains source.
the meaning of the word "tips" to his students as a help procedure to
know which newspaper rubric the text is taken from:
 Key: answer (b): They are taken from the advice column of
a newspaper or a magazine.

*The teacher interacts with his students on the 4th paragraph of the newspaper
25 Activity article which contains advice that the psychologist gave to Meriem concerning -To practise
mn 3 p 91 her problem with exams failure. reporting advice
using either
 The teacher asks his students to list all the pieces of advice that the
psychologist has offered Meriem with,the pieces of advice have to be
+infinitive" or
listed into two groups:
Group 1: Affirmative advice: -You should start to think positively about
your exams.
-You ought to look at exams as an opportunity to show to yourself what
you can really do.
Group 2: Negative advice: - Don't think that you are a total failure just
because of lack of success in previous exams.
-You should also keep in mind that you don't take exams only for the
 The teacher writes the following question on the board: imagine how
Meriem would answer if a friend of her asked her what the
psychologist advised her to / not to do.
 The teacher reminds his students about the two rules how to turn
advice from "direct speech" into "reported one":
1.Reporting verb+ should/shouldn't+infinitive verb+ rest of the sentence.
2.Reporting verb+to/not to+infinitive verb+rest of the sentence.
The teacher writes the first part of a sample dialogue in order to
help students to start the task:
Bashir : Tell me Meriem, what did the psychologist tell you?
Meriem: S/he advised me to start thinking positively about my
exams/She advised me that I should start to think positively…..
 The students continue doing the task in pairs:
The key:
Bashir : Tell me Meriem, what did the psychologist tell you?
Meriem: S/he advised me to start thinking positively about my exams.
Bashir : Is that all?
Meriem: No,S/he advised me to look at exams as an opportunity to show to
myself what I could really do.
Bashir: What did s/he advise you not to do?
Meriem:S/he told me not to take exams only for scores.
Bashir : Is that all?
Meriem: S/he also advised me not to start answering the exam questions as
soon as the teacher handed them to me.
Unit Two: "Our Findings Show" / "The Press" Teacher: Mr: M. Hank
Sequence : Stop and Consider
*To transform direct speech into reported speech.
*Use reported speech with statements,questions,orders,requests and advice.
*Use adverbs of manner to write a report.
*Form and pronounce adjectives ending in "ful" and "less".
Steps of the lesson:
Tim Steps Input/Output Aims
1 Reminde *The teacher provides his students with different rules concerning the shift -To make
hour r I and II from "Direct speech" into "Indirect/Reported speech",students are provided students
with different rules concerning: familiar
1.Tense changes. with
2.Pronouns changes. reported
3.Time and place changes. speech
4.The use of reported speech with: questions/orders/requests/advice. forms and
5.The use of other summarising verbs apart from "say" and "tell". uses and
6.The use of simple present with reporting verbs. showing the
changes to
*For warming-up,teacher reminds his students about the horoscope and how be made
they reported a statement from direct to indirect speech. when
*To consolidate:the teacher draws a picture of a person and a bubble saying: "I sentences
like football" and explains that there are two ways of telling someone else what from direct
this person said: speech into
A/ We can repeat his words: indirect
Paul said:"I like football" -Direct speech. speech.
B/ Report his statement:
Paul said(that)he liked football -Indirect or reported speech.
 Students are provided with definitions of both direct speech and
reported speech.

*The teacher writes the first sentence again and indicates with arrows the
reporting verb,the reported statement,the reported verb,colon,quotation
marks(inverted commas),full stop.

*The teacher reminds his students about the omission of the above punctuation
marks when transforming from direct speech into reported speech.

*The teacher provides his students with the reporting verbs that are usually used
when transforming from direct speech into reported one:

*The teacher moves ahead with his students and provides them with a table
containing the different tense changes occuring when transforming from direct
speech into reported speech.

*The teacher provides his students with a table containing the different time and
place changes occuring when transforming from direct speech into reported

*The teacher provides his students with rules concerning the shift of:
"questions,orders,requests and advice" from direct speech into reported
speech,and attracts their attention to the use of appropriate reporting verbs to
report the above statements.

1 Direct -Training
hour and *Students are asked to do several activities to transform statements from direct activities to
reported to reported speech: allow
Speech students to
Practice Activity one: Yesterday you met a friend of yours "Steve".You hadn't seen him move
for a long time.Here are some of the things Steve said to you: smoothly
 12 statements Steve said in "direct speech". between
Later that day you tell another friend what Steve said.Use "reported speech" direct and
 Students have to transform what Steve said using "reported speech" indirect
speech and
Activity two: Here are some of the things your teacher said to you: make the
 5 orders written in "direct speech" necessary
Tell your friend what your teacher said.Use reported speech: and suitable
 Students have to transform the teacher's orders into "reported speech" changes.

Activity three: Turn the following questions from "direct speech" into
"reported speech":
 Students have to transform questions into "reported speech".

15 Activity 1 *Students are required to say what "Rachid" told "Karim" to do using "reported -To
mn p 92 speech" and appropriate reporting verbs: reinforce
Key : Suggested key to task 1: orders and
1)You to Karim: He asked you to send a message to Ryan. requests.
2)You to Karim: He ordered you to stop writing.
3)You to Karim: He told you not to write the message there.
4)You to Karim: He asked you to give him the pen.
5)You to Karim: He asked you to email the message.

20 Activity 1 -To practise

mn p 93 *Students are required to supply appropriate punctuation to the statements said direct
in "direct speech" and using suitable reporting verbs: speech using
Key : Direct speech: punctuation
a- „Can you read and write?‟ the reporter asked the woman. and
„Yes I can,‟ she answered. reporting
b- „Is Rashid here?‟ Ali asked Bashir. verbs.
„I‟m sorry, he isn‟t here,‟ he answered.
c- „Do you want to drink tea?‟ Karim asked Sofiane.
„Yes, please. Just a little,‟ he answered.
d- „You have to do your work,‟ the teacher told the student.
„I‟ll do it tomorrow,‟ the student said.
e- „Do you have to go now?‟ Melissa asked Dyhia.
„Yes, I have to. I‟m so late,‟ she answered.
f- „She may come tomorrow,‟ Jamel said.
„It‟s great,‟ said Salima.
20 Activity 2 *The students are required to transform the dialogues in activity 1 p 93 into -To practise
mn p 93 "indirect speech",students are to apply the rules they have already seen reported
previously concerning how to transform statements from "direct speech" into speech.
"reported speech":
 Students and their teacher can discuss the first dialogue and transform it
together as a helping phase for students to do the following dialogues.

Key : Reported speech:

a- The reporter asked the woman if she could read and write.
The woman said that she could.
b- Ali asked Bashir if Rashid was there.
Bashir answered that he was not there.
c- Karim asked Sofiane if he wanted to drink tea.
Sofiane said that he would drink just a little.
(Karim invited Sofiane for tea; Sofiane accepted.)
d- The teacher told the student that he had to do his work.
The student said that he would do it the day after.
e- Melissa asked Dyhia if she had to go then.
Dyhia answered that she had to because she was so late.
f- Jamel said that she might come the day after.
Salima said (that) that was great.

20 Reminde -To remind

mn r III *The teacher interacts with his students about "adverbs of manner" function, students
form and irregular forms. about
"Adverbs  The students have already dealt with "adverbs of manner" during their adverbs of
of middle school studies,the teacher gives general rules about them and manner
manner" consolidate the rules with examples of use. function,
*Students are reminded about the function,form and irregular forms of "adverbs form and
of manner" through reminder III p 94. irregular

20 Activity 1 -To practise

mn p 94 *The teacher attracts his students attention to the monthly report about the two forming
employees (Anne and Tom),the teacher asks his students to go through the report adverbs of
in order to cite the positive notes of the two employees as well as the negative manner out
ones. of
*Students are invited to add suffix"ly" to positive and negative notes(adjectives) and use
when necessary(regular/ irregular) to form adverbs of manner. them to
complete a
* Students have to use the formed adverbs of manner concerning the positive report.
and negative notes about the two employees(Anne and Tom) to fill in the blanks
in the monthly report.
 Students start with positive qualities and use the formed manner adverbs
to complete Anne and Tom report.
 Students move to negative qualities and use the formed manner adverbs
to complete Anne and Tom report.
The key:
Monthly report – confidential
RE.New employees: Anne Trevor, Tom Fielding
Both Anne and Tom work hard.Anne welcomes our guests very cordially,and
she talks to them very politely.Tom is perhaps less popular than Anne with the
guests ,but he works on the computer very quickly and carefully.
Anne is friendly and our customers like her,but she sometimes arrives late at
work.Tom talks to the customers coldly,and he smokes heavily.This disappoints
some customers.

15 Reminde *The reminder is a continuing/follow-up to the consolidation activities about the -To
mn r IV use of "direct speech" and "reported speech". distinguish
*Students are reminded about the use of other reporting verbs other than "say" functions of
and "tell". statements.

Activity 1 Column "A" Column "B"

p 95 1- "Remember you have to buy an air ticket." A-warn
2- "Beware of the dog!"
3- "You should go and see a doctor."
4- "I'll never say it again." C-remind
5- "Why don't we open the box first?"
6- "Please, please, please, show me the way to D-suggest
do it."
7- "I'm so sorry for the incident!" E-apologise
8- "Okay, Okay, I touched it. It's true."



15 Activity 2 -To use

mn p 95 Key : different
verbs and
1- "Remember you have to buy an air ticket." he reminded him.
2- "Beware of the dog!" he warned him.
3- "You should go and see a doctor" he advised her.
4- "I'll never say it again" he promised.
5- "Why don‟t we open the box first?" he suggested.
6- "Please, please, please, show me the way to do it." he begged.
7- "I'm so sorry for the incident!" he apologised.
8-"Okay, Okay, I touched it. It‟s true." he admitted.
Unit Two: "Our Findings Show" / "The Press" Teacher:Mr:Hank
Sequence four: Consolidation and extension/ Write It Out
*Write a report.
*Identify problem letters(silent letters) in words.
*Pronounce final "S" and "ES" in different words.
Steps of the lesson:
Tim Steps Input/Output Aims
15 -To
mn WRIT *Students are required to fill in the blanks in a report choosing appropriate consolidate
E IT reporting verbs from the list provided at the top of the activity. the use of
OUT *Students have to use the reporting verbs in the simple past as the report uses suitable
"reported speech" statements. reporting
Activity  Students are asked to look at each statement and identify it whether it's a verbs to
1 P 96 sentence or a question in order to provide it with appropriate reporting verb complete
used in the simple past. reported
 As a help phase,the teacher interacts with his students about the first blank speech
and try to find which reporting verb is suitable to complete the statements in
statement.To do so,the teacher asks the students to look at the first a report.
statement to identify it(whether it's a question,an answer…) in order to
complete it with its suitable reporting verb…
 Students work in pairs and try to complete the report using the same

The key:

1- asked 2- answered 3- asked 4- said 5- told 6 –said 7- told

20 Activity -To practise

mn 2 p 96 *After they have completed the first activity above,the teacher attracts his students using
attention to the second activity below.The task is simple and clear:Students have to punctuation
provide appropriate punctuation to the statements seen in the first activity but this and
time they are provided using "direct speech": capitalizatio
 Students go through the statements one by one and try to identify where the n in direct
reporting verb is,where the reporting statement is in order to know where speech
they have to put the right punctuation. statements.
 Students can easily notice the statements structure (whether a question or a
normal sentence) by identifying the reporting verbs (asked=question/
answered= answer /told= normal statement)
The key:

"Is that your house?" The policeman asked him.

"Yes it is," the man said. "I can't find my keys and I want to get in."
"What's your name please?"The officer asked. "My name is
Jones,"the man answered.
As he climbed down the ladder, a neighbour came out of her house.
"What's the problem?" she asked. "Mr Jones wants to get into his
house," the officer said. She looked at the man and told the officer in a
low voice, "The people from number 19 are on holiday."
The police officer arrested Jones and brought/took him to the police
- to interpret
15 Activity *The students are required to read the three newspaper headlines in the box in newspaper
mn 3/4 order to interpret what they all emphasize. headlines.
p 97  In order to help his students,the teacher interacts on the vocabulary items
used in each headline through asking about the meaning of the words in
each headline.Then, the teacher asks his students what the three headlines
are speaking about/the subject they cover.

The key:

A)The reports are about road accidents.

1- A child was killed in a terrible road accident.
2- A car driver was badly injured.
3 -A lorry ran over a child.

*In order to identify which headline is the most dramatic,the taecher has to ask
students about the meaning of the word "dramatic".If necessary he has to explain
the meaning of "dramatic" himself to his students:

b) which one is the most dramatic? Why?

- The most dramatic article headline is:
The reporter has called it terrible.

40 Activity -to write a

mn 5 p 97 *The task of this activity is to write a newspaper story reporting the events in a report about
road accident represented in a picture. a road
 As first instructions,the teacher interacts with with his students on the accident
picture asking them some questions in order to interpret the picture and say using quotes.
what it represents.
Students are reminded to look at the table below the picture to guess their
 Teacher: Students,in general,what can you see on the picture?
 Teacher:What can you see near the road where the accident happened? A
hospital, a police station or a school?
 Teacher:Is the person hit in the accident an old man,a woman or a child?
*Students look at the picture and try to provide as much as possible
answers to the questions above as a warming-up phase to write the
newspaper report later.
*After they have finished interpreting the picture,the teacher goes on and reads the
Main question of the activity which is:
Imagine that you are a journalist.Write a newspaper report/story reporting
the accident events.
 In order to simplify the task for students,the teacher provides them with
witnesses quotes written in "direct speech" reciting the accident
events.The teacher asks his students to use them in their report essay.
 The quotes are arranged according to the progress of the accident from
beginning to the end.
 The students are provided with the beginnig of the report in their school
books,they have to use the quotes provided by the teacher to complete
the report.

Key : Suggested report


The accident occurred yesterday morning near a sharp bend in the road
leading to Canstantine. According to a witness, the car driver who hit/ran over
a boy was holding his mobile phone near his ear and driving very fast.
Another witness said that the child came into the road, running after a
football. "I don't know how it happened exactly." he declared. "I saw the
child, but I didn't see the car. It happened very quickly."he added. I enquired
about the child's health, and the witness said he was not dangerously injured.
When I asked him who took the child to hospital, he said that it was the car
driver himself.

20 Work it -to identify

mn out Act1: Students have to guess and try to Find the silent letters and cross them silent letters
out. to pronounce
Activity words
1/2 p99 correctly.
Act 2: Students have to listen to the teacher pronouncing the words to check
theiranswers. Then they have to pronounce themselves the Words correctly.

20 Activity -to distinguish

mn 3 p 99 *The teacher reads the tongue twisters and asks his students to guess the the different
pronunciation of final "s" in verbs and plural nouns ending in "s": final “s”

/S/ /Z/ /IZ/

Makes -Clocks – Says- Friends- Mrs - Watches –
Writes -Books Questions -Spells Matches.
-Asks- Lots- -Words- Tells
Students- Jokes- -Friends.
Reports- Events.
Unit I: Intercultural exchanges
Input: Stop and Consider
The Aim: -To consolidate grammar notions Expressing purpose
- To make them consider these notions in context both deductively and inductively.
Steps of the lesson:
Timing Steps Input /Output Aims
10 mn Warming -T asks the pupils some questions related -In order to pick out
up to the text given. examples.
E.g.:-Why does Omar use the internet?
- Why does he download pictures?
-The pupils skim the text then answer.
Presentation -The teacher discusses the examples with -To interact with the
15mn his / her students. learners about the
-“T” explains sentences.
-Pps derive rules -To make them interpret
-Pupils fill in the reminder. the contexts in which the
different sentences can
-To derive rules.

10mn Oral drill -The teacher asks the pupils to give1 or 2 -To check the pupils
examples. comprehension.
-Students give examples.
Practice -Teacher asks the pupils to do the -To be able to use to, in
10mn Activity one activity 1 on the work sheet. order to, so as to and its
-Pupils think then do it. negatives.
-T checks.
-Pps correct.
10mn Activity two -To be able to link
-Teacher read the instruction. sentences with their
-Pupils do the activity. appropriate purposes.
-Teacher checks the pps answers.
-Pps correct on the board.
10mn Activity Pair Work: - To motivate pupils to
three -Pupil1 reads the first part of the sentence practice the rules more
written in the card. The other pupils and more.
check for the completion in their cards -To use correct sentences
then read the best completion using the expressing purpose.
appropriate linker.
5mn Produce -Pupils try to build up sentences of their -To build up correct
own expressing the purpose meaningful sentences
expressing purpose.

Steps Solutions
Warming - He always uses the internet to research
up - He downloads a lot of pictures from there in order to use them in his work
Presentatio The Reminder
n * We use to, so as to, in order to to express purpose.
* To, so as to, in order to can be used in the beginning or in the middle.
* The negatives are not to, in order not to, so as not to.
* After to, so as to, in order to and their negatives we use a verb (stem)

Oral drill

Practice - to – in order to – so as not to – to –in order not to


Activity 1- so as not - a
Two 2- in order to - c
3- to - d
4- in order not to - b

Activity Pair Work:

Three 1-She gives her daughter a chocolate in order to stop crying.
2-He doesn’t shout so as not to disturb his neighbors
3-He got a new e-mail to chat with his friends.
4-I have collected money to buy q dictionary.

Unit three: "BACK TO NATURE" Teacher: Mr: M.Hank
Sequence one: Objectives: In this sequence students will be able to:
*Listen and respond to a radio interview.
*Write an SOS about pollution.
*Express feelings,opinions and suppositions.
*Mark stress in words ending in "tion" and "ssion".
*Recognise and mark intonation in complex sentences.
*Express condition using "if".
Listening And Speaking:
Skills: Identifying types of climate areas.
Identifying types of natural disasters.
Functions: Expressing opinion and justifying it.
Steps of the lesson:
Time Steps Input/Output Aims
15 mn. Anticipate *The teacher interacts with his students and introduces the theme -To brainstorm
covered in this unit "Nature" and the different dangers it faces.The the students
teacher writes the unit title on the board "BACK TO NATURE" and ideas on the
tries to brainstorm the students ideas about the title.The teacher can theme of the
ask the following questions: unit.
1.What do we mean by"back to nature"?
2.Is our nature in danger or not?
3.Do you think that man is trying to protect the nature?
4.Is our nature threatened by man's activities like:pollution and
5.What should we do to protect our nature?
*After asking his students the questions above,the teacher interacts
and gives his students the general idea about this unit's theme "BACK
TO NATURE":"man should take care of the nature he lives in and
protect it against all kinds of pollution and deforestation,global
warming......etc, because our nature is the source of all aspects of
life.Nature and human beings should co-exist together and man
should be more conscious about the vital and significant role the
nature plays in this life".
25 mn. Activity 1 p *Students are invited to look at the map in order to answer the -To interpret a
140. questions that follow: map to identify
a. Say the names of climate areas in the map in your own language. different world
Then listen and read them aloud in English. climates.
► Polar/Tundra/Cool temperature/Warm
temperature/Mountain/Desert/Monsoon is derived from the Arabic
word "‫( "موسم‬mawsim'), which means season/Tropical.
b. Say aloud the source of the world climate map above.
► www.worldclimate.com is the source of the world climate
map above.
c. Identify the type (s) of climate areas, which you have in Algeria
and in your region.
► Tropical climate in the North & dry climate in the South
► Mediterranean warm temperature climate and desert
d. Identify on the map the climate areas where you have rainforests.
► There are rainforests in tropical areas in mountains.
Input/Output Aims
Time Steps
25 mn. Activity 2 p *The teacher starts interaction with students on the different natural -To introduce
140. disasters providing them with more explanation of difficult words some natural
used in defining the natural disasters.Then,he tells students to think disasters,then
which natural disasters are most likely to affect our country. to elicit
-The teacher can ask one the following questions:1/Look students,we students ideas
have seen the definitions of different natural disasters above,now on the ones that
which one do you think can occur/happen in our country?and say can affect our
why?(justification) country.
2/The teacher can go through the different natural disasters one by -Students
one asking his students opinion which ones(disasters) they think are express an
likely to happen in our country . opinion and
Example: justify it.
1:Teacher: do you think that our country can be affected by
blizzards?/do you think that blizzards can occur in our country?
Students:We don't think so,because our country's climate is not
affected by heavy snow durig winter.

2:Teacher: do you think that our country can be affected by

Students: Drought can affect our country because it has a desert
climate, especially in the South.
-The teacher goes through the remaining disasters asking the same
These are the natural disasters which are likely to affect our country:
- Drought can affect my country because it has a desert climate,
especially in the South.
- Earthquakes can affect my country because the north of Algeria is
situated in a seismic zone.
- Sandstorm can affect my country because of the desert climate.
- Floods can affect my country because of sudden and heavy rainfalls
in autumn.
20 mn. Activity 3 p -To interact in a
140. *Students are invited to interact with one another in order to express question
their opinions about the world climate and say if they think the world expressing an
climate is changing or not. opinion and
-The teacher can go through some questions to elicit his students justifying it.
opinions about the world climate nowadays.
Example:- do you think that summer season is short or long?
-do you think that winter season is short or long?
-do you think that rainfall is high during winter?
The teacher summarise all his students opinions writing the following

* I think / in my opinion / to my mind / according to me / from my

standpoint / as far as I am concerned / that the world climate is
changing. It is becoming warmer. The winter seasons are becoming
shorter and the summer seasons longer.
25 mn. Listen -To check a
and *Students are invited to listen to a radio interview in order to discover guess through
check. how our climate is changing and what are the main causes behind these listening./To
changes. listen and
Activity 1 interact on the
p 141. -The teacher reads the interview twice and interacts with his students on main climate
the different changes which are occuring in our climate recently in order to changing and
let students check their guess about climate changing in the previous the main
activity. causes behind
-The teacher elicits as much as possible information from his
students.Then,he writes the main chages occuring in our climate nowadays
besides to the main causes of these changes:

*The main climate changes occuring in our climate nowadays are:

 "Global warming":The earth is getting warmer(the studies show
that four years out of the last ten have been the hottest since
records begin.)
*The main causes of climate changing are:
 The volume of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the air has increased
because of burning oil,coal and wood,besides to different toxic
chemicals released by factories in the atmosphere.

20 mn. Activity 2 *Students are invited to fill in a table expressing their opinion about the 1-To interact
p 141. consequences of global warming. with students
to elicit
-as instructions,the teacher invites his students to give their opinions about opinions
the expected results of "global warming" seen in the previous listening 2-To guess
script,the teacher can ask the following question: consequences
of a natural
-Students listen to me,we have seen the main changes which are taking disaster(global
place in our climate recently besides the main causes behind these warming).
changes.Now what do you expect the consequences/results will
be( because of global warming)? Look at the table below and guess:

The sea level will… The food producing The The coastal
areas will… temperatures areas will …
will …

*Rise ... X.... *become *go up.. X.... *become

deserts.... deserts........
*Remain the same *be under *remain the *be under
....... water........ same......... water... X....
*Drop/decrease..... *produce *go down....... *be under
. more........ storms........

-The teacher interacts with his students about each column separately,for
example: The teacher asks: Do you think that the sea level will:
rise,remain the same or drop as a result of global warming?
-Students guess and give their opinion........
20 mn. Activity 3 *The teacher invites his students to listen to the second part of the radio 1-To listen to
p 141. interview in order to check their answers for the previous activity. check a guess.
-The students listen and check their answers. 2-To express
-The teacher interacts with his students on the sentences containing "if" results of
conditional explaining that the sentences express a condition and the global
possible result from this condition. warming using
-The teacher elicits the main results of the global warming seen in the conditional
interview from his students and writes them: type 1
-If the earth gets hotter,the glaciers will melt. introduce the
-If the glaciers melt,the volume of the water in the seas will increase,and conditional
the level of the sea water will increase,this will cause flooding. type 1).
-If flooding happens,vast areas of the Indian coast,Bingladesh,Holland
and even London will be under water.
-If the climate changes,the direction of the winds and rainfall will
change,some regions will have more storms.These storms will destroy
-If climate changes,vast areas of the world-the United States of America
and Russia,North Africa will suffer from lack of rain,this lack of
rain,can transform these areas into deserts......

20 mn. Activity 4 *The teacher interacts with his students on the questions and asks them to -To listen to a
p 141. remember what the interviewee said about global warming,then he invites dialogue,then
them to give the answers from the interview: to answer
-The answers to the questions are: comprehension
a. Which gas is responsible for global warming?
a. The gas, which is responsible for global warming, is carbon
dioxide (CO2).
b. To what does Mike Richards compare the accumulation of this gas
around the earth?
b. He compares it to a greenhouse, a type of plastic house
where farmers grow vegetables.
c. Why is it called so? (Use the picture to explain to your classmates).
c. It is called so because carbon dioxide traps the heat from
the sun, just like a greenhouse.
d. How can we reduce the high temperatures?
d. We can reduce high temperatures by reducing the volume
of CO2 emissions.
e. Is the climate specialist worried or indifferent about climate change?
Pick out from the interview words and phrases that tell us about his
e. The climate specialist is worried about climate change.
Evidence from the interview: ‘Everybody is worried about high
temperatures these days’ ; ‘scientists are raising the alarm about
global warming’ ; ‘a question of life and death to us, humans’.
25 mn. IT'S *The teacher interacts with his students about the pictures and asks them -to explore the
YOUR to interpret what they can see on them=♣ the first picture represents negative
TURN deforestation activities of human beings. results of
Page 143 ♣ the second picture represents a seabird stuck in oil spills. deforestation
Box A:*The teacher attracts his students attention to box A and interacts and sea
with them about the negative results that will happen if we keep pollution
deforestation activities. through the
♣The teacher:Can you give me one negative result of deforestation? consolidation
Students:The earth will become desert. of conditional
♣The teacher:So,if we keep deforestation activities,the earth will become type 1
desert. sentences.
♣The teacher and his students go through the remaining examples using if
conditional type 1 to cite the different negative results of deforestation.
*If we don't stop deforestation,animals will lose their habitat.
*There will be less oxygen in the atmosphere if we don't stop the cutting
down of trees.
Box B:*The teacher attracts his students attention to box B and interacts
with them about the negative results that will happen/affect the aquatic
life if we keep spillig oil in the sea(pollute the sea).
♣The teacher:Can you give me one negative result of sea pollution?
Students:Fish will die.
♣The teacher:So,if we don't stop polluting the sea,fish will die.
♣The teacher and his students go through the remaining examples using if
conditional type 1 to cite the different negative results of sea pollution.
*If we keep polluting the sea,seabirds will get stuck in oil spill.
*Beaches will be polluted if we don't stop polluting the sea.

20 mn SAY IT *The students are invited to write an SOS message in a trying to attract -To write SOS
IN the world's governments consciousness to what will happen to our messages and
WRITIN environment if nothing is done to stop the problem of pollution and to consolidate
G deforestation. the use of
P 143 *The students are encouraged to use the information contained in the conditional
boxes of previous activity to write their SOS messages. type 1
*Students are supposed to produce the following piece of writings: sentences.
Environmental threat!
If you don't stop spilling oil into the sea now,many disastrous things
will happen.Do you know what will happen?Fish will die,seabirds will
get stuck in oil spill,fishermen will lose their jobs,many beaches will be

Environmental threat!
Do you know what will happen if you don't stop polluting the sea?
many disastrous things will happen,first,seabirds will get stuck in oil
spill,beaches will be polluted,fish will die……………………

15 mn Sequence *Students are invited to interpret pictures as a pre-reading phase to the -To interpret
two/ reading passage that follows on the next page.The teacher interacts with pictures in
Reading his students on the pictures in order to answer the questions that follow: order to
and A. Picture 1 is: a. a cartoon. illustrate the
writing b. a painting . causes and
Activity 1 ♣ c. a photo. consequences
p 144. Picture 2 is: a. a poster. of pollution.
b. a comic strip.
♣ c. a cartoon
B. The focus in ...
Picture 1 is on :a the aero plane.
♣ b. the pesticide spray.
c. the field.
Picture 2 is on : a. legs.
b. a head.
♣ c. lungs
C. In the background of ...
Picture 1, there is: a. an ocean.
♣ b. a field.
c. a football pitch
Picture 2, there are: ♣ a. cars and factories
b. oil refineries
c. trees
D. In the foreground of ...
Picture 1 there is: a. a stadium.
♣ b. an aero plane / airplane
c. a pesticide spray
Picture 2 there is: ♣ a. a lung X-Ray.
b. a television screen
c. a theatre stage

5 mn Activity 2 -To select the

p 144. *The teacher asks his students to choose the best title for the two pictures best title for
seen in the previous activity: an
☺The two pictures above illustrate ... interpretation
♣ a. the causes and consequences of pollution of pictures.
b. the dangers of smoking
c. progress in medicine and agriculture

25 mn Read and - reading and

check *Reading comprehension text: The students are invited to read the responding to
passage silently and to try to find answers to the comprehension questions a magazine
Activity 1 that follow: article /to
p 145. a. How do vehicles and factories poison the environment? interact with
♣ a- They swallow oxygen, and their fumes poison the air with carbon students on
dioxide (CO2). the causes and
b. Which gas is responsible for air pollution? results of
♣ b- The gas responsible for air pollution is carbon dioxide - CO2 -. pollution.
c. What are the main diseases caused by pollution in towns?
♣ c- Pollution in towns causes lung and skin cancers.
d. How would you explain the negative impact of modern agriculture on
people's health?
♣ d- The negative impact of modern agriculture on people’s health is
that most pesticides used on food crops are toxic and can cause diseases.
30 mn Discover Cause and effect relationship: -Cause/effect
the *The teacher interacts with his students on the idea of cause and effect relationship
language relationship through the following example: and the
"A drought hit the north of Algeria.As a result,many crops have been different
damaged". connectors
♣ The teacher interacts with his students through the following questions: that are used
1.What happened in the north of Algeria? to express a
 ♣ Students expected answer: A drought hit the north of Algeria. result/effect.
2.What was the result of that drought?
 ♣ Students expected answer: Many crops have been damaged.
3.Which part of the sentence that expresses the cause?
 ♣ Students expected answer: Part one: A drought hit the north of
4.Which part of the sentence that expresses the result?
 ♣ Students expected answer: Part two: As a result,many crops
have been damaged.
5.When we want to express the result in part two of the sentence,which
expression we have used to show that result?
 ♣ Students expected answer: We have used the expression "As a
*The teacher provides his students with the general idea this kind of
sentences expresses:
1.In this kind of sentences one part of the sentence expresses the
cause,and the second part of the sentence expresses the effect/result
obtained from the previous cause expressed in the first part of the
 ♣ Something that happens because of something else.
2.In order to express the effect(s) that result(s) from a cause in a
sentence,we can use connectors: "As a result"/"So""Consequently"/"As a
Other examples:
1.Many people use their cars in their daily life.Consequently,our air
" Cause " " Connector"
is polluted with CO2 emissions.
" Effect"
2.The traffic was very heavy this morning.As a result,I arrived late to
my school.
3.Some pupils didn't pay attention to their teachers in the classroom.As
a consequence,they had bad results in their exams.
Activity 3 *Students are invited to express the results of pollution using the suitable
p 146. connectors (as a result/as a consequence/consequently/therefore/thus): -To practise
Cause Connectors Effect cause/effect
a. Factories and relationship
As a result 2. The atmosphere is
vehicles release gases full of pollution. using
into the air. connectors.
b. CFCs destroy the so 1. The UV rays are not
ozone layer . filtered .
c. The atmosphere is consequently 4. Acid rains destroy
loaded with acids . forests.
d. The UV rays reach Therefore / thus 3. People suffer from
the surface of the skin cancer.
earth .
25 mn Activity 4 *Students are invited to express the causes and effects of pollution in -To produce
p 147 sentences using the expressions "The main cause of…."/"The main sentences
effects of…..". about the
1-Expressing the causes: causes/the
main effects
♣A/The teacher explains to his students where they can find the causes of of pollution.
different kinds of pollution on the frame.
♣B/In order to show the way how pupils produce their sentences,the
teacher interacts with his students through the following example :
The main cause of acid rain is the acid gas emissions from power
stations and cars.
♣C/The teacher writes the beginning of sentences and asks pupils to look
-for the causes on the box to complete the sentences.
The teacher writes and the students complete the task in pairs:
♣The main cause of destruction of the ozone layer is……………………
♣The main cause of rainforests destruction
♣……………………………….is the main cause of air pollution.
♣The main cause of water pollution

2-Expressing the effects:

♣A/The teacher explains to his students where they can find the effects of
different kinds of pollution.
♣B/In order to show the way how pupils produce their sentences,the
teacher interacts with his students through the following example:
The main effect of acid gas emissions from power stations and cars is
the ceartion of acid rain and killing of trees and marine life.
♣C/ The teacher writes the beginning of sentences and asks pupils to look
for the effects on the box to complete the sentences.
- The teacher writes and the students complete the task in pairs:
♣The main effect of factory and vehicle emissions
♣The main effect of deforestation is…………………………………….
♣The main effect of sewage and oil spills is…………………………….
35 mn Write it Written expression: -To practise
wright. The teacher interacts with his students: writing a
After we have seen the different causes and effects of pollution on our paragraph
environment,it's time to think about some possible solutions for the about the
problem. possible
The teacher writes the following question on the board: solutions for
Use the clues below and add your own ones to write a paragraph about the the problem of
possible solutions for the problem of pollution. pollution.
The clues:
♣Use less cars,use bikes instead.
♣Stop using oil,coal which cause carbon dioxide emissions.
♣Use renewable energy(the sun/the wind/water).
♣Stop using chemical products(pesticides) on food crops.
♣Stop polluting the sea(filtering sewage).
-The teacher writes the introduction of the paragraph to students and asks
them to write the rest of the paragraph to cite the different possible
solutions for the problem of pollution.
Proposed introduction:
Pollution is a very serious problem,most of it comes from machines that
man invented to satisfy his needs regardless of the negative effects that
can be resulted from these machines.
Because of all the damage that pollution may have on our life,we should
start looking for effective solutions for this big problem,you may ask
how?I will show you some of the possible solutions below:
As possible solutions for the problem,we must reduce co2 emissions from
factories and cars.We can use less cars in our daily life,we can use public
transportation instead and why not using bikes or walking if the journey
is a short one,we can stop using factories that harm our nature with toxic
and chemical gases,we can use renewable energy like the sun,the wind
and water to produce energy.We must stop spilling oil in the sea,a large
number of fish and other sea creatures are dying every year because of
the damage that oil ships do on the seas and oceans.
In addition to all what I said,we have to reduce the use of toxic pesticides
on food crops,these products(pesticides)are harmful for both human and
the environment,so we must use natural water to irrigate these crops in
order to preserve our lives and our nature.
At last,I want to say that pollution is a man-made phenomenon,by this I
mean that man is the only responsible for the creation of pollution,so we
must be responsible and try to solve this problem as soon as possible,we
mustn't forget that the coming generations need this world to live in,so we
must preserve it.

40 mn Stop and 1-To explore

consider conditional
type 1
(part one) sentences.
2-To discover
the form of
 "Input ": conditional
"Conditional type 1": type 1
1-The Form: 3-To discover
The teacher interacts with his students about the following example: the function
"Lisa" has lost her watch.She tells "Sue": of conditional
Lisa:I have lost my watch.Have you seen it anywhere? type 1
Sue:No I haven't,but if I find it,I will tell you. sentences.
The teacher asks his students:
1.What happened to "Lisa"?
2.Did "Sue" find "Lisa's" watch?
3.How did" Sue" answer "Lisa"?
4.What is the type of tense which comes after"if-clause"?
5.What is the type of tense which comes after "the main clause"?

 "Output":
Students expected answers to the above questions:
1."Lisa" has lost her watch.
2.No,"Sue "didn't find "Lisa's" watch.
3."Sue "told "Lisa":"No I haven’t,but if I find it,I will tell you"
4.The "simple present" comes after the "if-clause" .
5.The "simple future" comes after the "main clause".

*The teacher interacts with his students on this kind of sentences telling
them about the form "conditional type 1" sentences always have:
The teacher writes on the board:
In a Type 1 conditional sentence, the tense in the 'if clause is the simple
present, and the tense in the main clause is the simple future.
2-The Function:

 "Input":

*The teacher writes the following question on the board and try to elicit
his students answers for it:
-Students,in the dialogue above "Sue" told "Lisa":"If I find your watch,I
will tell you".Do you think that "Sue" may find "Lisa's watch"?or:is
there a possibility for "Sue" to find "Lisa's watch"?

 "Output":

Students expected answers to the above questions:

-Yes,there is a real possibility for "Sue" to find "Lisa's watch" or,"Sue"
may find "Lisa's watch"..

*The teacher interacts with his students on the function of "type 1

conditional sentences" and writes the summary of what the teacher and
his students concluded about the function of this type of sentences:

In this example,"Sue" feels that there is a real possibility that she will
find "Lisa's watch",so she says:If I find it,I will tell you.


In these sentences, the time is the present or future and the situation is
real. They refer to a possible condition and its probable result. They are
based on facts, and they are used to make statements about the real world,
and about particular situations.
*The teacher provides his students with examples of the use:
-Hurry up! If we don't hurry,we will be late. -To
-It is raining heavily.We will get wet if we go out. consolidate
-If you don't stydy hard,you will not have good marks. conditional
-If you drop that glass,it will break. type 1
-If anyone phones,tell them I will be back at 11:00. sentences
*The teacher asks his students to tell their own examples using function
"conditional type 1" sentences: through
*The teacher offers help for students to provide some examples of examples.
their own:
 Teacher:What will you do if you pass your baccalaureate exam?
 Student:If I pass my baccalaureate exam,I will go to a medical
 Teacher:What will you do if you fail your baccalaureate exam?
 If I fail my baccaleaureate exam,I will go to a training centre.

Tim Steps Input/Output Aims
40 Stop and 1-To
mn Consider explore
(part two) type 2
discover the
form of
type 2
Conditional type 2 3-To
 Input: discover the
function of
1-The Form: conditional
The teacher interacts with his students about the following example: type 2

The teacher writes the following questions on

the board and asks his students to answer them according to the example above:
1.Was" Sarah" able to phone "Paul"?If no,why?
2.What did "Sarah "say when she couldn't phone "Paul"?
3.What is the type of tense which comes after"if-clause"?
4.What is the type of tense which comes after "the main clause"?

 Output:
Students expected answers to the above questions:
1."Sarah" wasn't able to phone "Paul".She didn't phone "Paul" because she doesn't
have his number.
2.When she couldn't phone "Paul",Sarah said:"If I knew his number,I would
phone him."
3. The "simple past" comes after the "if-clause" .
4.The "present conditional" comes after the "main clause".
*The teacher interacts with his students on this kind of sentences telling them
about the form "conditional type 2" sentences always have:

In a Type 2 conditional sentence, the tense in the 'if' clause is the simple
past, and the tense in the main clause is the present conditional:

2-The Function:

 Input:
*The teacher writes the following question on the board and try to elicit his
students answers for it:
-When "Sarah" said "If I knew his number,I would phone him." Do you think that
there is a real possibility for her to phone "Paul" at the moment of speaking?

 Output:
Students expected answers to the above questions:
-When "Sarah" said:"If I knew paul's number,I would phone him."There is no real
possibility for her to phone "Paul",she is imagining a situation that will probably
not happen.The real situation is that:she doesn't know Paul's number.


In these sentences, the time is now or any time, and the situation is unreal.
They are not based on fact, and they refer to an unlikely or hypothetical condition and
its probable result. The use of the past tense after 'if' indicates unreality.

*The teacher provides his students with examples of the use:

-If my grandfather was still alive,he would be a hundred today. consolidate
-If you went to bed earlier,you wouldn't be so tired. conditional
-If I won a million Pound,I would buy a nice car,a big house………. type 2
-If I were not a teacher,I would be a painter. function
-If I knew where he lived,I would go and see him. through
-We would be able to buy a larger house if we had more money. examples.
-If he prepared well for the interview,he would get the job.

20 Activity 1 *The students are invited to go through the sentences in order to say which ones -To practise
mn p 153 express "real possibility" and those which express "unreal possibility".In order to finding out
do so,they think of the situation in each sentence and they will have to put the the
verbs into the correct form in the"if-clause" and the "main-clause". situation in
*The teacher asks questions about each sentence in order to elicit his students in order to
opinions whether they think the sentences express "real" or "unreal" express
possibility,the teacher can ask the following questions: "real" and
-Teacher:Look at the first sentence,do you think that if we stop traffic "unreal"
pollution,the air may be cleaner? possibility.
-Students:Yes,that may happen. (conditiona
-Teacher:So,here we have a "real possibility" for something to happen.So,here we l type 1and
say: If we stop traffic pollution,the air will be cleaner.(conditional type1). 2).

*The teacher with his students go through the remaining sentences and do the
same procedure.
This is the key for the activity:

a. If we stop traffic pollution, the air will be cleaner.

b. If I were you, I would not use that soap. It contains many pollutants.
c. If we continue to pollute our water sources, we will die of thirst.
d. What would happen if Martians landed on earth?
e. What will we do if we fail the exam this time?

20 Activity 2 *Students are invited to tell the class what they would do for the environment if -To
mn. p 153 they were Prime Minister,they have to express unreal/imaginary sentences using consolidate
conditional type 2: the use of
 The teacher asks students the following question: type 2
What would you do for the environment if you were prime minister? sentences
 The teacher attracts his students attention to the first sentence,and asks in order to
them to use the verb between brackets (to ban) in order to express a imagine
conditional type 2 sentence,the teacher helps his students by giving them solutions
the first correct form of the first sentence: for
 The teacher writes the sentence on the board: pollution.
 If I were prime minister,I would ban the use of CFCs which destroy the
ozone layer.
The teacher and his students go through the remaining sentences in order to
express conditional type 2 sentences.

This is the key for the activity:

If I were Prime Minister:

a. I would /’d ban CFCs. b. I’d limit toxic wastes.

c. I’d impose higher taxes d. I’d restrict traffic in towns.
e. I’d restore monuments. f. I’d preserve plants and animal species.
Tim Steps Input/Output Aim
25 Stop and *The teacher interacts with his students on the reminder about suffixes in English -To explore
mn Consider and how we can derive adjectives from verbs and nouns by adding suffixes to the
p 154 them. function of
 The teacher starts interaction by writing the suffixes and the meaning they some
add to the words they are added to: suffixes,an
1."Able/ible": Changes a verb into an adjective meaning "able to be": d to choose
Examples: Avoid avoidable /Like Likeable/Admire Admirable the
2." Ous": Changes a noun into an adjective meaning "having that quality": ones to add
Examples: Danger dangerous/Courage courageous/Ambition to nouns
ambitious and verbs.
Fury furious /Humour humourous
3."Al": Changes a noun into an adjective meaning "relating to":
Examples: Culture cultural/Nation national/Nature natural/Politics
political/Economy economical
4."Ful": Changes a noun into an adjective meaning "having a particular
Examples: Beauty beautiful/Power powerful/Wonder
wonderful/Use useful/Wonder wonderful
5."less": Changes a noun into an adjective meaning "without":
Examples: Home homeless/Use useless/Care careless/Hope
Friend friendless
6."Ive": Changes a verb into an adjective meaning "having a particular
quality or effect":
Examples: Attract attractive/Create creative/Explode explosive/
Effect effective
7."Ing": Makes an adjective meaning "making someone feel something":
Examples: Interest interesting/Surprise surprising/Shock
Amaze amazing

20 Activity 1 *The students are going to add appropriate suffixes to nouns and verbs in order to
mn p 154 turn them into adjectives and use them to complete sentences:
 In doing so,the teacher asks his students to think carefully in order to find
which suffix to add to verbs and nouns:

Here is the key to the activity:

a. Paper is a material we can recycle. = Paper is a recyclable material.

b. Co2 emissions contain many toxins. => CO2 emissions are very toxic.
c. Oil spills harm the oceans and seas. =>Oil spills are harmful to the oceans
and seas.
d. Ecoclean doesn't harm the environment. => Ecoclean is harmless to the
e. A lot of noise aggresses the ears. => Noise is is aggressive to the ears.
f. The greenhouse effect constitutes a danger to the earth. =>The greenhouse
effect is dangerous to the earth.
g. Desertification is a problem of ecology. => Desertification is an ecological
h. This food has no taste. You cannot eat it. => This food is tasteless. It is not

20 Activity 2 *The students are invited to think which prefix is appropriate to add to adjectives
mn p 154 in order to form their opposites: -To form
the opposite
Im- In- Un- Ir- Il- Dis- Words of
X pure adjectives
X legal through the
use of
X possible
X logical
X suitable
X drinkable
X responsible
X moral
X effective
X regular
X significant
X agreeable

*The teacher interacts with his students about the meaning of words and their new
meanings after adding the prefixes,then he asks them to try to use the new formed
adjectives in sentences of their owns.

25 Stop and *Students are reminded about the use of the two expressions "there is/there -To express
mn consider are" to express the existence of something/things or someone/people in the
different contexts/places. existence of
Reminder IV A/ " There is/there are"=The function: something/
and V 1.Teacher tasks: To interact with students about the two expressions' Things or
function (there is/there are),the teacher writes the following examples on the the
"there is/ board: existence of
There are" Someone/
1.Look!There is a cat in the garden. people
using the
2.I really ought to phone home. ~ Well, there is a phone box round the expressions
corner. "there is"
3.Can I make myself an omelette? ~ Of course. There are some eggs in are".
the fridge. -To explore
4.There are twenty students in the class. function
and the
 The teacher has to read the examples and provides the context in order to form of the
explain the examples meaning and especially the use of the two two
expressions "there is/there are" to indicate the existence of expressions
"something/things" or "someone/people" in such a place/location.In .
doing so,the teacher interacts with his students and asks the following
1.Students,look at the first example and tell me: *A/ what do we have in the
*B / which expression is used to indicate the existence of the cat in the
garden?/To say that the cat is found in the garden?
2.Look at the second example: *A/ what do we have round the corner?
*B/ which expression is used to indicate the existence of the phone box round
the corner?
 The teacher goes on with the third and fourth examples and asks
questions similar to the ones asked in the first and second examples.

2.Students tasks: Students try to find the answers from the examples,then the
teacher provides his students with the general rule concerning the use/the
function of the two expressions:
*There+to be=there is/there are used to say that something/someone exists,
happens, or is to be found in a particular place.

B/There is/there are=The form:

1.Teacher tasks:
To interact with students about the two expressions' Form,the teacher writes
the following questions on the board:
1.Students look at the first and second examples,then underline the nouns
coming after "there is".
2.Are the nouns("a cat"/"a phone box") coming after "there is" singular or
3.Students look at the third and fourth examples,then underline the nouns
coming after "there are".
4.Are the nouns("some eggs/twenty students") coming after "there are"
singular or plural?
2.Students tasks:
Students do the task as instructed by the teacher,then both the teacher and his
students draw the rule concerning the form of the two expressions:
*There is: is used with singular nouns.
*There are: is used with plural nouns.
 The teacher attracts the students attention about the use of "there is"
"uncountable nouns":
The teacher writes the following examples on the board:
1/ A: I am so thirsty.I want to drink water.
B: There is some water in the fridge.

2/ A: I want some olive oil to prepare the dinner.

B: There is some oil on the table there.

 The teacher asks his students to underline the nouns that comes after
"there is" in the two examples.
 The teacher asks students about the nature of the two nouns:whether they
are countable or uncountable.
 Students provide their answers,then the teacher gives more clarification
concerning the use of "there is" with uncountable nouns.

20 Practice Activity: -To give

mn "there Complete the sentences using: "There is" or "There are" students a
is/there are" 1……………a beach down here. chance to
2…………….four girls and two boys in her family. practice
3…………….a lot of problems in the world. using
4……………..more women then men in my office. "there
5…………………a new bookshop near the college. is/there
6…………………a good restaurant in this street. are"
7………………two hospitals in town.
8……………..a lot of children in the pool.
9……………..three families in that house.
10…………..some sugar in that box if you want to add.
11………………some letters for you on the desk.
12…………………a big grey cloud over there.

The key:
1.There is. 7.There are.
2.There are. 8.There are.
3.There are. 9.There are.
4.There are. 10.There is.
5.There is. 11.There are.
6.There is. 12.There is.

30 Stop and *Students are reminded about the use of "quantifiers" to describe a quantity of -To explore
mn consider matter.In doing so,the teacher writes the following examples on the board next to the notion
them are percentage figures written in random from: 0% to 100%,The examples of quantity
Reminder IV include quantifiers underlined and written in bold: expressions
and V A/Quatifiers ranking: and to
1.Teacher tasks: express a
"Quantifiers 1.All cars have wheels. 100% quantity
" 2.Most Algerians enjoy football. 50% using
3.Half of the students in this class are girls. 90% appropriate
4.Some students come late to school. 5% quantifiers.
5.There are a few cakes left on the table. 30%
6.This sauce needs a little salt.
7.None of this money is mine. 0%
8.There is no money here.
2.Students tasks:
1.Students are asked to guess how can the quantifiers be represented by using
percentage figures.
2.The teacher gives his students 5 minutes to work together in pairs to try to
match the sentences with appropriate percentage figures.
3.After they have finished their pair work on the examples,the teacher invites
students to a collective board discussion.
4.The teacher reads the examples miming with hands about the quantity the
quantifiers can represent in the sentences.
5.Students listen and give their opinions by choosing the appropriate percentage
figure for each quantifier in the sentences.
6.The teacher and his students correct the activity giving the right answers.

 The teacher draws the following diagram writing quantifiers ranked from
"none" to "all" represented by percentage figures to give students an overall
idea about the quantifiers and the quantity they represent.
*The teacher writes the definition of quantifiers for his students to copy it on
their copybooks=quantifiers are words used to indicate a quantity,they are
used before nouns.
B/Quantifiers and the use of "of": -The use of
1.Teacher tasks: "of" with
The teacher writes the following examples on the board: quantifiers
1.A/ Some students were absent yesterday. when they
B/ Some of the students were absent yesterday. are
2. A/ Most friends in this school are friendly. followed by
B/ Most of my friends live in Jijel. another
*The teacher asks his students to read the examples in pairs and try to identify determiner.
the difference between the sentences "A" and "B" in the two examples above.
2.Students tasks:
Students read the examples in pairs and try to elicit the difference in sentences
"A" and " B" in each example.
3.Teacher and students tasks:
1.The teacher invites his students to the board correction.
2.students give their answers.
3.The teacher checks the answers,then underlines the difference between
sentences "A" and "B".
4.The teacher writes the rule concerning the use of "of" with quantifiers when
the noun which comes after the quanfier is prceded by a determiner like:
5.The teacher provides his students with other examples using "quantifiers+of"
to consolidate the idea of using "of" with quantifiers.
*None of this money is mine.
*Some of the films I have seen recently have been very violent.
*Kate has lived in London most of her life.
6.The teacher attracts his students attention to the optional use of "of" with the
two quantifiers" all" and "half".So,we can say: all my friends or all of my
friends.We can say: Half the money or half of the money.

30 Practice -Students
mn *Students are invited to express quantity using quantifiers instead of percentage will have
Using figures and numbers. the chance
quantifiers 1.The teacher reads the question of the first activity(activity 1 p 155) , to practice
explains the instructions and gives time for students pair work. using
2.Students work in pairs and do the activity. quantifiers
3.Teacher and students conduct a collective correction for the activity. instead of
numbers to
This is the key of the activity 1 p 155: express
- 100% of it = all of it - 97% of it = most of it - 3% = a little of it quantity in
- 30% = some of it - 30% = some of it - No water = none (of it) contexts.

*The same instructions are given to do activity 2 p 155.The only difference is

that here we have numbers of people instead of percentage figures.

This is the key of the activity 2 p 155:

40 of them = half of them - the other 40 = the other half
60 of them = most of them - about 10 = a few of them
12 of them = some of them - no demonstrator = none of them

*Students are invited to go through extra activities to consolidate the ideas

explored about quantifiers so far.
The activities are :
Activity 1: put in "of" where necessary:
1.All……….cars have wheels.
2.None……this money is mine.
3.Some……..films are very violent.
4.Some …….the films I've seen recently have been very violent.
5.Joe never goes to museums.He says that all……museums are boring.
6.I think some………people watch too much television.
7.Kate has lived in London most……..her life.
8.Jim has lived in Chicago all……..his life.
9.Most…….days I get up before 7 o'clock.

The key:
1.Without "of". 6.Without "of".
2. Of. 7.Of.
3.Without "of". 8.Optional (all of/all).
4.Of. 9.Without "of".
5.Without "of".

Activity 2: Choose the suitable quantifier to replace the numbers between

1……..cars have wheels.(100%).
2………this money is mine(0%).
3.The test was difficult.I could only answer…….the questions(50%).
4………this money is yours(25%) and…………it is mine.(25%).
5.These books are all Jane's……….them belong to me(0%).
6………the photos you took at the party were very good(95%).
7.Our team played badly and lost the game.Only………..players played
8………students in this class are girls.(95%).
9……….meat is rich in protein(100%).
10……..this information is correct(0%).
11.Not all the tourists in the group were Spanish……….them were French(25%)
12……….students are absent today(5%).

The key:
1.All. 7.A few.
2.None of. 8.Most.
3.Half of. 9.All.
4.Some of/some of. 10.None of.
5.None of. 11.Some of.
6.Most of. 12.A few.
Unit three: "BACK TO NATURE" Teacher:Mr: Hank
Sequence Four: Consolidation and Extension.
By the end of the sequence, pupils should be able to:
-read and respond to a letter of complaint;
-write a letter of complaint;
-read and respond to a memo;
-write a memo.
Steps of the lesson:

Tim Steps Interactio Input/Output Aims

e n Procedure
10 WRITE T-Ss Pre-reading: Predict
mn IT OUT Ss-Ss * T interacts with Ss on the text title "Renewable energy" and explains the what the
Ss-T meaning of the title/ the topic they are going to deal with in the text,then T reading
Activity invites Ss to answer these questions before reading the text in order to check passage is
1 their knowledge of the topic. about.
P 156
*T asks Ss what kind of energy cars,ships,planes,Factories….use nowadays.T
gives Ss three choices(nuclear energy/solar energy/fuel energy) and try to Ss need to
elicit information from Ss about the three choices.T gives Ss a minute to know the
think,and then in groups Ss share their ideas. context of
*After they have provided their answers for the question above,T interacts the reading
with Ss through the following questions: to help
-Do you think that fuel energy is lasting forever? them
-What do you think we must do to find a replacement for gas,oil and understand
coal(fossil fuels)? the text.
*Ss think and provide their guessing answers.
*T asks Ss to look at pictures next to the reading text in order to identify
them,then he asks the following questions:
-Do you think we can supply energy from the natural resources we have
-Do you think that the energy we get from the natural resources is clean or
*Ss work in pairs and provide their answers to the questions above.
15 Activity T - Ss Reading 1: checking their predictions Ss read the
mn 1 Ss - Ss *T asks Ss to read the text on page 156 and to see which of their text and
P 156 Ss - T predictions/guesses were correct. say if their
VA T gives Ss time to compare their answers in pairs/groups. predictions
*T checks correct answers with the entire class. correct.

25 Activity T –Ss Reading 2: Deepen understanding Read the

mn 1 Ss –Ss *T asks Ss to read the text in order to answer reading comprehension text and
P 156 Ss –T questions of the text.In doing so: answer
*T reads questions A&B and asks Ss to look for their answers from the first general
paragraph.T gives Ss appropriate time to accomplish their pair work. (gist)
*Ss work in pairs to find the answers.Then,they provide their answers. questions
*T checks answers with the whole class. about the
*T writes collective answers on the board. content.
*Ss write answers on their copybooks.
*T reads questions C,D&E and asks Ss to look for their answers from the
second and third paragraphs.
*Ss do the same procedure they have already done with questions A&B to
find the answers to questions in pairs.

15 WRITE T- Ss Post reading1: exploring the renewable energies sources Students

mn IT OUT Ss-Ss *T asks Ss to think about the sources of the renewable energies in the table. explore the
Ss-T *As a first phase T&Ss work together to match each energy with its correct sources of
Activity T- Ss verb in column B,if the task proved to be difficult for Ss to do,T can provide renewable
2 p 157 himself the correct verbs which go with each energy/power. energies.
*After this first phase,Ss can work in pairs and try to connect the renewable
VA energies with their sources using appropriate verbs.
*T gives 5 minutes time for Ss pair work.
*Ss have already got ideas on the energies sources during the reading text
discussion,if necessary T can attract his Ss attention to the pictures in the
previous page to help them guess the sources of renewable energies from
those pictures.
*T invites Ss for white board correction.
*Ss give their answers.
*T checks the answers with the entire class.
*T writes the correct answers on the board.
*Ss write the answers on their copybooks.

45 WRITE T –Ss Post reading 2: A problem to solve Student use

mn IT OUT Ss –Ss Part "A": the
Ss- T *T interacts with Ss on the problem Algeria will face in the future: the information
Activity problem of energy shortage. they had
3 *T writes the following sentence on the board:" Energy specialists predict about
P 157 that Algeria will run out of oil in about 40 years". renewable
VA *T interacts with Ss and discuss the problem.then,asks the following energies to:
question: 1.Indicates
what are the possible solutions for energy shortage problem in our country? the places
*Ss give their opinions. where
*T checks them and discuss them with the entire class. these
*T attracts his Ss attention to the possible solution which is:the use of energies
renewable energy in order to produce energy and power. can be
Part" B": produced
*T draws Ss attention to the table and discuss its content. in Algeria.
*T asks Ss to try to find places in Algeria where we can produce renewable 2.Select the
energies discussed in the table. best energy
*Ss think and provide their answers. that can be
*On the board,T writes the possible places where we can produce energy in produced
Algeria. in Algeria.
A collective production is written on the board: 3. Write a
Solar: Algerian Sahara. memo
Wind: Algerian coastal area; Djurdjura; Aures; Ouarsenis... about the
Ocean: Algerian coastal area problem of
Biomass: El-Harrach; Oran; Mitidja; Medjana; El-Houdna; Medea...
Geothermal: North-eastern area: Collo; Jijel; Skikda... and suggest
Hydroelectric: Kabylia; Khenchela; Batna; Chlef… the best
solution to
Part "C": solve it in
*T prepares his Ss to write a memo concerning the problem of energy Algeria.
shortage and its possible solutions.
*T writes the question of the activity on the board outlined as follow:
Write a memo to speak about the problem of energy shortage,in your memo
follow the following steps:
1.speak about the problem(energy shortage).
2.Imagine the possible solutions(using renewable energy.
3.Select the best solution/energy.
4.Tell why you have chosen it.
*T provides his Ss with the beginning of the memo as a helping phase to do
the rest of the writing task,T writes:
"Energy specialists prdict that Algeria will run out of oil in about 40
years.And as everyone knows our country depends completely on oil to
produce energy.If oil runs out,it will be a great problem for us and for the
coming generations.So,we have to look for possible solution for this
problem as soon as possible.
In my opinion,the possible solution for the problem of energy shortage in
Algeria is…………………………………………………………………
*Ss read the beginning and complete the memo following the steps outlined
*T gives Ss time to do the task in pairs.
*T walks between rows and provides help when necessary.
*T invites his Ss to read their own productions
*Ss read the memos they have produced
*T checks the mistakes and thanks Ss for their productions.
*Both T and Ss write a collective memo on the board.
*Ss write the memo on their copybooks.
This is a sample writing piece on how the memo should be:

Energy specialists predict that Algeria will run out of oil in about 40
years.And as everyone knows our country depends entirely on oil to
produce energy.If oil runs out,it will be a great problem for us and for the
coming generations as well.So,we have to look for possible solution for the
problem as soon as possible.
In my opinion,The best solution for the problem of oil shortage in
Algeria is to start producing renewable energy from our natural
sources,as we know Algeria is a vast country,it has a large desert,a lot of
beaches and rivers and many dams…so we have to start producing energy
from these natural sources.The most viable/suitable energy source for
Algeria is solar energy because of its cleanness and the availability of
sun rays in the Sahara almost all the year round.

Streams: 1ST year Literary and Scientific classes Teacher: Mr: M. Hank
Source: At the crossroads
In this unit my pupils will learn to…

-listen and respond to a presentation about an invention;

-mark intonation in indirect questions;
-mark stress in names of sciences and adjectives derived from them;
-speak about inventions, discoveries and developments in technology;
-write a short paragraph about an invention.


-read and respond to a text about the development of telecommunications;

-express concession using 'however', 'although'…
-write a paragraph out of a flow chart.


-listen and respond orally to the presentation of a product;

-read and respond in writing to the presentation of a product;
-read a newspaper article from an opinion page;
-write a paragraph giving your opinion about technology.


-use difinite and indefinite articles;

-express result using 'so+adjective+that';
-describe an object: shape, colour, etc;
-use the future perfect to predict completed actions in the future.

-write a paragraph out of a flow chart about an invention;
-write an inventor's biography;
-identify problems related to vdeo-games;
-identify problem sounds: /n/ and / /.

-pupils will:
- make an invention profile on (a household appliance, a means of transportation, an
electric device, a
means of
-write a biography of different inventors

Unit Four: "EUREKA!" Teacher: Mr: M.Hank

Sequence one: Objectives: In this sequence students should be able to:
-listen and respond to a presentation about an invention;
-mark intonation in indirect questions;
-mark stress in names of sciences and adjectives derived from them;
-speak about inventions, discoveries and developments in technology;
-write a short paragraph about an invention.

Listening And Speaking:

Skills: - Interpreting pictures
- Stating hypotheses
Functions: - describing an object
- Asking for and giving information

Steps of the lesson:

Time Steps Interaction Input/Output Aims
pattern& Procedure
5 mn Anticipate T- Ss Interpret a
Ss- T *T interacts with Ss on the picture and ask several questions to brainstorm picture in
Warming- their ideas about the picture.T can ask Questions like: order to
up VA -What does the picture represent/show? brainstorm
-Are the people on the picture women or men? ideas for the
-Are they inside or outside their homes? coming
*Ss look at the picture and give various answers. activity.
*T writes the answers on the board.

10 Answering T- Ss -To interact

mn Questions Ss- T * T asks the students to look at the picture again and try to answer the And identify
questions A-E that follow. The old
A/B/C/D/E VA *T writes the questions on the board. method of
*T reads the questions separately and asks Ss to choose the best answer washing
for each question. clothes.
*Ss look at the picture and choose the best answers for the questions. - to get
*T writes the Ss answers on the board. pupils able
The questions are: to interpret
pictures and
T: A.Where do you think the women are?
Ss: give their choices: A/in the town. B/in the countryside.
T: B.Are the women:
A/rolling couscous B/eating C/washing clothes
Ss: give their choices.
T:C.Besides their hands,what else they are using?choose one
A/a washboard and a brush B/their feet C/a clothes beater
Ss: give their answers.
T:D.Why are women doing this activity?
A/To remove the water from the clothes.
B/To remove the dirt from the clothes.
C/To remove the soap from the clothes.
Ss:give their answers.
T:E.Do you think it is the right way of doing it?if yes,why?if
Ss: give their opinions.
15 AND Ss- T -The teacher asks the students to listen to the first part of a short Ss listen
mn CHECK presentation of an invention and check their answers to questions C- and respond
VA D-E on the previous tasks. to a
Activity 1 p *T prepares Ss for listening ordering them to take a pencil in order to presentation
111 write down the information they will hear to check their predictions. of an
*T reads the passage carefully. invention
*Ss listen and take notes. in order to
*T checks whether Ss have caught the information to check their check their
predictions. predictions
*If necessary T read the text once again. for the
*T invites Ss to a collective discussion to check the correctness of their Anticipate
*Ss give the notes they have written down to discuss the predictions
with T.

15 Activity 2 p T- Ss -The teacher then asks the students to listen to the second part of the Listening
mn 111 Ss-T presentation and answer the questions that follow in the activity. and
*As a first step before getting Ss listen to the presentation,T attracts Ss responding
attention to picture 1&2 and open a short discussion about them,T reads to a
VA questions A&B in Activity 2 p 111 and elicits answers from Ss: presentation
*T asks Ss what they can see on each of the pictures. About an
*Ss give their answers. invention.
*T writes the Ss answers on the board.
-The teacher then invites Ss to listen to the presentation and answer
questions C&D.
*T reads the passage carefully.
*Ss listen and take notes.
*T invites Ss to a collective discussion to answer questions C&D.
*T reads question C and explains the question meaning if necessary.
*Ss give their answers.
*T writes the correct answer on the board.
*T reads question D and explains the question meaning if necessary.
*Ss give their answers.
*T writes the correct answer on the board.

20 Activity 3 p T –Ss -Ss listen again to the whole text and jet down notes in column B of the To make
mn 111 Ss-Ss table. pupils able
Ss- T *T attracts Ss attention to the table explaining the content and giving them to take notes
instructions what they are going to do in this activity. while
*T prepares Ss for listening . listening.
*T reads the text slowly.
*Ss listen carefully and try to take notes.
*T helps Ss when necessary focusing on the parts of the presentation where
they have to find the information to complete the table.
*Ss and T lead a collective correction to the activity.

1 Introduction importance of home labour-saving
2 Problem people had to keep clean
3 Original solution hand/ small rock / washboard / brush
4 Problems with the solutions but long time; hard work; clothes
5 Invention (who-what-when) James King / washing machine / 1851
6 Problems still hard work / hand powered
7 Innovation/New invention 1908 / US company / electric
8 Conclusion almost every home has one
25 Activity 4 p T- Ss -Ss are invited to use the plan from column A and the ideas they have To get pupils
mn 111 Ss- Ss already mentioned in column B in the previous activity to organize them in able to
Ss- T a logical order to make a brief presentation of the washing machine sequence
invention. /organise
*T prepares Ss for writing. their ideas in
*T writes the question of the activity on the board,giving instructions and a logical
VA order to
clarifying the task as much as possible.
*T then writes the following introduction for Ss as a help phase: transform the
"Labour-saving devices are very important in our daily life. In the past, notes they
people had to keep clean by washing their clothes. So, they used their have taken to
hands,……………………………………………………………………………" a
*T addresses Ss:"Students we have started writing our presentation and we presentation.
have dealt with the introduction as well as the problem.Now you have to
complete the presentation following the steps of the table."
*T crosses out the first and the second steps off the table.
*T gives Ss a limited time to complete the task.
*Ss work in pairs and complete the task.
*T monitors and provides help by giving Ss correct verbs they have to use
to connect the steps together.
*T invites Ss to a collective production on the board.
*Ss bring out their ideas.
*T checks mistakes and writes the ideas on the board.
This is a sample piece of writing on how the presentation should be:

Labour-saving devices are very important in our daily life. In the

past, people had to keep clean by washing their clothes. So, they
used their hands, washboards, brushes and rocks. But this solution
was impractical since it was still a hard work that took a long time
and clothes were used up (damaged). So, James king invented the
first manual washing-machine in 1851. However, it was still a hard
work since it was powered by hands. In 1908, a U.S. company
manufactured/constructed the first electric washing-machine.
Today, almost every home has one.


The Aim:
- Talking about famous people using cues and pictures.
Steps of the lesson:
Time Steps Interaction Input/Output Aims
pattern& procedure
10 mn Task 1 P T- Ss - The teacher asks the students to match pictures 1-4 with the names of -Introducing
113 Ss-Ss inventors (A-D) that follows. some
Ss-T *T asks a general question: have you ever seen these pictures? inventors
T-Ss *Ss give various answers. biographies.
*T reads the question of the activity and give Ss limited time for pair
*Ss work in pairs and try to match the pictures with the names of
*T monitors and provides help when necessary.
*T invites Ss to a collective discussion.
*Ss give their answers
*T discusses the answers with the entire class and writes the correct
answers on the board.
This is the key of the activity:
1- Alexander Graham Bell
2- Louis Pasteur
3- Albert Einstein
4- Alexander Fleming

20 mn Task 2 P T-Ss -The teacher asks the students to match the names of the scientists 1-4 -Introducing
113 Ss-T with inventions or discoveries(A-D).Then write 4 sentences using the some
Ss-Ss matched parts and the verbs in the table below. discoveries
Ss-T *T gives the instructions and allows enough time for Ss pair work. and
*As a helping phase,T invites Ss to think what "Elbert Einstein" inventions.
formulated,T can ask the following question:
"We have seen who Elbert Einstein was.Now, who can tell me what did
he formulate?"
*T asks Ss to go to the third column and try to find the answer.
*Ss look for the answer and discuss it with T.
*T checks the answer with the entire class.
*T asks Ss to carry on doing the rest of the activity.
*Ss work in pairs,T monitors and provides help when necessary.
A collective correction is held to correct the activity.
This is the key of the activity:

1-Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone .

2-Alexander Fleming discovered Penicillin.
3-Louis Pasteur discovered the vaccine against rabies.
4-Albert Einstein formulated the theory of relativity.

20 mn Activity3 T-Ss -Ss use the information they have brought out in the previous activity to To make use
p 113 Ss-Ss play the game "Tell me". of the
Ss- T *T writes the question of the activity on the board,then he interacts with Ss vocabulary
to clarify instructions for them. suggested in
*T writes an example on the board to clarify the way Ss will do the activity the previous
=questioning and answering about inventors/inventions/dates of inventions. activity
T can write the following example: through
1/A:who invented the telephone? questioning
B:I think it was Alexander Graham Bell/It was Alexander Graham Bell. and
2/A:have you got any idea who discovered Penicillin? answering.
B:I'm afraid,I have no idea.
*T gives limited time for Ss pair work.
*Ss work in pairs.
*T monitors and provides help when necessary.
A collective correction is held to write the dialogues on the board.
*Ss write the dialogues on their copybooks.
*T asks Ss to play the game in pairs.
These are some of the dialogues Ss should write:
1- A: Can you tell me who invented the telephone?
B: I think it was Alexander Graham Bell.
2- A: Have you got any idea who discovered Penicillin?
B: I guess it was Alexander Fleming.
3- A: Do you know who discovered the vaccine against rabies?
B: Yes, wasn’t it Louis Pasteur?
4- A: Do you happen to know who formulated the theory of relativity?
B: No, I’m afraid I don’t.

The Aim: - the students will learn how to write a biography of a famous person/inventor.
Steps of the lesson:
Time Steps Interaction Input/Output Aims
Pattern& procedure
25 mn Say it in T- Ss -Students are going to use information in exercises 1 and 2 to write a - To elicit
writing Ss-T Short biography of one of the inventors.The teacher brainstorms the what the
Ss-Ss topic with students and jot notes on board. learners
P 113 Ss-T *T: Do you know who is "Louis Pasteur"? know about
*T: Do you know who discovered the vaccine against rabies? a famous
*T : Have you ever read about "Louis Pasteur" in middle school? inventor.
*T: Do you know where he was from? -Ss practise
-T gives instructions to Ss and tells them what they are going to do: using
*T writes the question of the activity on the board and gives instructions to Ss
to follow.
1. Name+date of birth+place of birth. they had
2. What did he invent/discover? and when? about
3. When he died? famous
4. Importance of his discoveries/inventions. people in a
*T gives enough time for Ss pair work. biography.
*Ss work and try to write the short biography in pairs.
*T monitors and provides help when necessary.
-T invites Ss for a collective discussion on the board.

This is a sample short biography:

"Louis Pasteur was born in France in 1822. He discovered the

vaccine against rabies in 1885.Pasteur was a French chemist and
biologist who proved the germ theory of disease and invented the
process of pasteurization. He died in 1895. His vaccine has saved many
Unit Four: "EUREKA!" Teacher: Mr: M.Hank

Sequence two: Objectives: In this sequence students should be able to:

-read and respond to a text about the development of telecommunications.
-express concession using 'however', 'although'…
-write a paragraph out of a flow chart.
Skill: - interpreting pictures
- associating ideas
Language forms:
-Vocabulary: lexis related to telecommunications
Steps of the lesson:
Time Steps Interraction Input/Output Aims
10 mn Activity T-Ss -In this activity Ss Look at the pictures and use the words in the box below to -to be able
1 p 114 Ss-Ss say what each of them represent. to interpret
Ss-T *T writes the activity number and page in addition to its question on the board. pictures
T-Ss *T writes: picture 1 drum and to
Picture 2 telephone prepare Ss
VA Picture 3 telegraph for the
Picture 4 satellite next
*T reads the question and invites Ss to a collective discussion. activity.
*Ss raise their hands and go to the board to match pictures with their names.
*T checks the answers with the class.
*Ss match the pictures with their names on their copybooks.
This is the key of the activity:

Picture1 drum
Picture2 telephone
Picture3 telegraph
Picture4 satellite

5 mn Activity T-Ss -In this activity Ss are going to say what all the items represented in the pictures -to be able
2 p 114 Ss-Ss of the previous activity represent or refer to.Ss are going to select the best title to
in a list associate
Ss-T pictures
*T writes the activity number and page in addition to its question on the board.
*T interacts with Ss and explains the instructions. with ideas.
VA *T reminds Ss about the pictures of the previous activity.
*T clarifies the instructions as follows:"Listen Ss,we have seen the pictures and
we have named them.Now what idea the pictures represent?,T can give extra
clarification:"In the past,humans used drums to communicate.Then,they
invented the telephone.After that,the telegraph and nowadays we are using
satellites to communicate…..So what idea we can deduce from these steps?"
*T attracts Ss attention to the titles (A,B,C,D) and asks them to choose the idea.
*Ss think and give various answers.
*T checks the answers with the entire class.

This is the key of the activity:

B/the development of telecommunications.

10 mn Activity T-Ss -In this activity Ss are going to guess when the 4 items seen in activity 1 were -To guess
3 p 114 Ss-Ss invented (to complete a table). the
*T writes the activity number and page in addition to its question on the board. invention
Ss-T date of
* T writes the name of the four inventions below the table.
*T draws the table on the board. telecoms.
*T gives instructions and clarify the task for Ss through the following questions: -To
-Ss,we have this table which is divided into two columns,in column B we have brainstorm
four different time periods(T reads the time periods and explains the meaning of Ss general
the first and the fourth ones).Try to give the invention date of the four culture
inventions from column B(when each invention was invented?) about
*T gives 2 minutes time for Ss pair work. telecoms.
*Ss work in pairs and do the task.
*T invites Ss to a collective discussion on the board.
*T starts discussion: Which item do you think was invented during the ancient
*Ss give various answers.
*T checks the answers with the entire class.
*A Ss goes to the board to write the first answer.
*T and Ss go on with discussion to complete the activity.
-This is the key of the activity:

Name of item/invention Date/Time period

drum Ancient times
telephone 1876
telegraph 1890s
satellite Mid-twentieth century
Read and check
Skill: -reading an article about technological evolution (telecommunications).
Functions: - narrating - expressing concession
Language forms: link words: however, though, although… (concession)
Steps of the lesson:
Time Steps Interraction Input/Output Aims
Patter&VAK procedure
15 mn Activit T-Ss Reading 1: checking their predictions -Ss read the
y1p Ss-Ss *T asks Ss to read the text on page 115 and to see which of their Predictions / text and say
115 Ss-T guesses in exercises 2 and 3 on the previous page were correct. if their
*T asks Ss to underline the sentences which illustrate the correctness of their predictions
guesses. were
*T gives Ss time to compare their answers in pairs/groups. correct.
*Ss read the text and try to underline the sentences as instructed by T.
*T checks correct answers with the entire class.

15 mn Activit T –Ss Reading 2: Reading some information of the text -Ss will be
y2p Ss-Ss *In this activity Ss are going to read the information in bold type in the text able to
115 Ss-T (dates and time indicators) to choose the best title for the text. choose the
T-Ss *T writes the activity number and page in addition to its question. best title of
*T gives instructions: "Ss you are going to choose the best title for the text.You the text
have three choices A,B and C". through
*T reads the three choices and clarify their meaning. reading
*T addresses his Ss:"In order to know which title is the best,read the some
VA information written in strong black colour in the text, it will help you decipher information
the title/T can say:" read the information written in black strong colour,because from the
from these information you are going to decipher the best title of the text." text.
*T gives enough time for Ss to read the information.
*Ss read the information and discuss their answers in pairs.
*T invites Ss to a collective discussion on the board.
*Ss give their answers.
*T checks the answers with the entire class.
*T asks them why they have chosen that answer.
*Ss justify their answers.(which information indicates "past
telecommunications,which information indicates "present" telecommunications
and which information indicates "future" telecommunications)
*T writes the correct answer on the board.
*Ss copy it on their copy books.
-This is the key of the activity:
The most suitable title: Telecommunications: Past, Present and Future

25 mn Activit T-Ss Reading 3: Deepen understanding -Ss Read the

y3p Ss-Ss *T asks Ss to read the text in order to answer reading comprehension questions text and
115 Ss-T of the text.In doing so: answer
*T writes the activity number and page in addition to its question. general
*T reads questions A and asks Ss to look for its answer in the first paragraph.T (gist)
VA gives Ss appropriate time to accomplish their pair work. questions
*Ss work in pairs to find the answers.Then, they provide their answers. about the
*T checks answers with the whole class. content.
*T writes collective answers on the board.
*Ss write answers on their copybooks.
*T reads questions B&C and asks Ss to look for their answers in the second
and third paragraphs.
*Ss work in pairs to find the answers.Then,they provide their answers.
*T checks answers with the whole class.
*T writes collective answers on the board
*Ss write answers on their copybooks.

Key to task 3:

A- The ‘wireless’ telegraph was the ancestor of the radio.

B- The problem with long-distance voice communication was that the
transmissions followed a straight line from tower to tower. This made
the system impractible over the sea.
C- The solution was a system of communication satellites orbiting
around the earth.
School:Assous Ferhat Ben Mahmoud
Teacher:Mr: M.Hank
Level and stream: 3rd Year Scientific stream
Unit: One "Ill-gotten gains never prosper"
Time Steps Interraction Input/Output Aims
Patter&VAKT procedure
20 Sequence one: T-ss Getting started: brainstorming -To
minute Listen and Ss-Ss * The teacher can identify the theme of the topic from the brainstorm
s Consider p 46- Ss-T pictures and to introduce new words related to the topic. the
52 (Bribing, Whistle blowing, lobbying…) students
VA *The teacher may start by writing some words like ethical or ideas on
Brainstorming ISO…... the theme
Page 45 *Or the use a number of visual aid in order to introduce both of the unit
the topic and some lexical items. through
*The teacher can write the title of the unit and start pictures,
explaining the meaning of the words which constittute it then Vocabulary
brainstorms the students ideas on what the theme of the unit items
will be about… related to
-The teacher has to make the project outcome explicit by the topic.
talking about the final objective of the unit as a whole.

20 Listen and T-Ss -The teacher tells the students to go through practices in task -To
minute Consider Ss-Ss 1 and identify the one that the picture best illustrates.The interact
s Ss-T answer is A .Then he interacts with the students about who’ through a
Getting the people in the picture are, and then he moves on smoothly picture to
started VA to task 1. get
P 46 • Teacher: What does the picture represent/show? students
Expected PPs’ answers: (e.g., it represents ideas and
two people sitting around a table and the man with to explore
the blue costume gives his partner a sum of the theme
money.) … of the unit
• Teacher: Do you think such practise is ethical(i.e., through
morally acceptable) pictures.
• Expected PPs’ answers: (e.g., No, it’s morally wrong. It
is a bad behaviour).
 Teacher: Can you give me from the sentences below
some other illegal practices?
 Expected PPs’ answers: Spending money on lobbying
and false accounting...
20 Activity 1 p46 T-Ss -The teacher interacts with his students to read the practices - To be
minute Ss-Ss definition in order to identify which of the practices able to
s Ss-T A,B,C,D,E they regard as morally acceptable (ethical) and distinguish
which ones as morally wrong (unethical) . from the
VA -The teacher draws a table on the board while the students sentences
are reading the definitions. the ethical
-The teacher invites his students to a whiteboard discussion and the
offering help to decode the meaning of the practices. unethical
-Students provide their answers. practices.
-The teacher and students check the answers together and
write the correct answer on the board.
This is the answer of the activity:
Ethical practices Unethical practices

15 Activity 2 p T-Ss -This task can admit of many answers. First, the teacher -By the end
minute 46 Ss-Ss discusses some tentative interpretations. Then write of this
s Ss-T down on the board the one explanation that the activity my
A students regard as the most pertinent. pupils will
Business Ethics: be able to
explain in
Ô The study and evaluation of decision
about three
making by businesses according to moral sentences
concepts and judgments. what do
Ô A moral code that guides the conduct of a they know
group of professionals. about ethics
in business.

40 Let's hear it p T-Ss Let's hear it: - To develop

minute 47 Ss-T -The teacher invites his students to listen to a radio pupils’
s T-Ss interview in order to look for missing words in sentences abilities by
Ss-T A-D. listening to
A-V -First,The teacher gives instructions and attracts his the
students' attention to the sentences on the book and sets interview
them ready to listen. and
-The teacher starts reading the script while students listen inserting the
carefully and paying attention to sentence A in order to missing
find the missing word, the process goes on with the words where
remaining sentences. appropriate
-The teacher reads the script once again to give students in each
another chance to find the missing words. sentence.
-The teacher writes the first sentence on the board asking -To pave the
students to insert the missing word. way for
-Students provide their answers. grammar
The teacher goes on writing the remaining sentences and notions
students provide their answers. which will
-The teacher asks students to go to page 199 to check their be seen in
answers. the next
*The Correction of the activity: -to enrich
A. The Right-to-Know Association is an anti-corruption vocabulary
body. concerning
B. Transparency International publishes an annual the unit.
report about the level of corruption in most countries
of the world.
C. So you think there are chances of winning the fight
against corruption
D. Sorry to interrupt you but should citizens be involved
in this fight to stop corruption?

40 Around the T-Ss Grammar Explorer I: - To

minute text Ss-Ss introduce
s Ss-T -Students are invited to go through the sentences and read the grammar
Grammar A-V them to answer questions concerning the words used to notion of
Explorer I express "condition". condition
P 47 -The teacher paves the way to students asking them to read with
the sentences silently. provided
-Together with his students the teacher interacts on the that
sentences and asks his students to try to answer the /providing
questions in pairs. that and as
-The teacher gives enough time for his students to think long as/so
and try to answer the questions. long as and
-The teacher invites his students to a collective discussion the tense
on the sentences. used with
-Step by step,students will be able to acquire the meaning these
of words in bold and how they are used to express the expressions.
notion of condition,tense used in the main clause and the
one used in the subordinate clause.

**Instruction of the activity: Consider sentences 1 and 2 below and answer questions A-d that follow:

1- We will eradicate corruption providing (that) we act now.

2- The chances of eradicating corruption will increase as long as all countries are committed to
fighting it.
A-Which of the following items do you think can be used instead of the words in bold?
a- even if b-but only if c- except if d-even though
B- What do providing that and as long as express.
C- Which clauses in the sentences are subordinate clauses and which ones are main clauses?
D- Which tenses are used in the clauses? What time do they refer to?
Draw the rule for the use of these tenses with providing that and as long as.

*The Correction of the activity:

A. But only if
B. Condition
C. We will eradicate corruption (main clause ) providing that we act now (subordinate clause)
* The chances of eradicating corruption will increase (main clause).
* as long as all countries are committed to fighting it. (Subordinate clause)

D. Future in the main clause and present in the subordinate one.

** Subordinate clause: A clause in a complex sentence that cannot stand alone as a complete sentence
and that functions within the sentence as a noun or adjective or adverb.
**A subordinate clause cannot stand alone to form a complex sentence.A subordinate clause usually
begins with a connecting word or phrase which joins it to the main clause. These connecting word for
examples are: as long as, providing that, which, what and if.
*** Main clause: A clause in a complex sentence that can stand alone as a complete sentence. or It
describes some part of the main clause , or which is grammatically dependent on the main clause .

20 Practice P 48 T-Ss -The teacher explains the instructions. -COHESION:
minute Ss-Ss -The teacher attracts his students attention to find where is To use the words
s Task p 48 Ss-T the main clause and the subordinate clause in each sentence to link between the
to make the task easier. pairs of sentences
A-V -Students try to look for the two clauses in each pair of appropriately/
sentences.Once they find where the main clause is they use To be able to link
"simple future" with the verb between brackets, and the pairs of
"providing that/provided that/as long as" with the sentences using
subordinate clause. providing/provided
that and as long as
**Instruction of the activity: link the pairs of sentences usingwith the right
providing/provided that and long as with the right tenses for tenses for the
the verbs in brackets. verbs in brackets.
***Correction of the activity:
*Banks will lend you money to start a business providing
that you promise in writing to pay them back.
*Your business will continue to prosper as long as you
keep your probity and integrity.
*The Mayor will be elected for a second term as long as he manages
to avoid corruption scandals.
*Algeria will attract more foreign investments
providing/provided (that) it passes stricter anti-corruption
*The government will regain the confidence of the citizens
as long as bribery, embezzlement, and nepotism are fought.

**Probity: Complete and confirmed integrity
**Embezzlement: The fraudulent appropriation of funds or property
entrusted to your care but actually owned by someone else
**Nepotism: Favouritism shown to relatives or close friends by those
in power (as by giving them jobs)
** Scandal: Disgraceful gossip about the private lives of other people.

30 Around the T-Ss - Students are invited to go through the sentences and read -Students will be
minute text Ss-Ss them to answer questions concerning the use of " I wish" able to know and
s Ss-T and "it's high time" to express regret and desire and the work some
Grammar different grammatical rules used to express past,present grammatical
Explorer II p A-V and future wish in addition to the use of "it's high time"to structures which
48 express complain about the delay in performing an has direct relation
action. with the text by
-Students are referred to see "grammar reference" on pages studying the use of
218/219 to explore the different rules consolidated with "it’s high time" and
examlpes of use, step by step with the guidance of the "wish".
teacher students will be able to explore the different rules
concerning expresions of wish and the expresion "it's high
time+past simple".
These are the instructions of the rubric:
*Consider sentences A-E and do the task that follows.
A- I wish our fellow citizens had heard our call for
fighting corruption earlier than now.
B- I wish the present anti-corruption laws were tougher
C- I wish our government would pass a law giving the
citizens the right to know how public funds are spent and
the sooner the better.
D- It’s High time we organised ourselvesed into anti
corruption association.
E- It’s about time we fought this pollution.

*Instruction of the activity: All sentences above express a

wish. What tenses are the verbs following the verb wish and
the expression it’s high time? Arrange the sentences
according to their time reference in table below:
**The Correction of the activity:
Present BDE Past Wishes A
Future wishesC

Reminder: I wish …. If only… It’s time…

A- I wish…
1) We use wish +past simple to express regret
about present situation by imagining its opposite.E.g.
*I wish I could play the flute. (But I can’t).
*I wish you were here. (But you are not here).
The past simple refers to the present.
2) We use wish+would to express a desire for change in the
near future especially when someone or something is
annoying us.
* I wish you would stop talking. (This is a mild
* I wish you wouldn’t wear that ugly shirt.
3) Wish about ourselves cannot be expressed with would .
We must use could instead.
* I wish I Could lose weight.
4) We use wish + the past perfect to express regret about
something in the past.
* I wish I had been on holiday last July.(but wasn’t)..

B- If only…
* We can use if only instead of wish to express a
stronger feeling of regret or stronger wish.
E.g. *If only I had listened to my mother advice.
*If only I could lose weight!
C- It’s time…
1)When you say It’s time(for someone ) to do something ,
you simply imply that this is the right time to do it.
E.g. It’s (high/about) time for us to go to the stadium.

2) But when you say It’s time someone did something

you’re in fact thinking that this action should have been
performed earlier, you are complaining about the delay.
E.g. We think it’s time the government did something
about corruption.

25 Practice T-Ss Activity 2 page 49: -To be able to

minute Ss-Ss -Ss are going to respond to each of the situations provided practise the use
s Activities 1 Ss-T on the activity writing sentences starting with the verb of the verb
and 2 page V-A "wish". "wish" in
49 -The teacher attracts his Ss' attention to the tense that should responding to
be used in their sentences. different
-In order to find out which tense should be used,The teacher situations.
is going to read each sentence alone and provides Ss with
the clues to find which tense to be used in their sentences.
T:someone regretting having stolen public funds.
T:the person has already stolen the funds and s/he wish he
didnt steal them.So ,he wish s/he didnt do that unethical
practice in the past.
T:which tense should we use to express his regret about
doing something in the past?
Ss:We use the past perfect tense.
-The process goes on with other situations.
-Ss are going to decipher which tense to be used with other
**Instruction of the activity Respond to each of the
situations below by writing a sentence starting with the
verb wish. Pay attention to the tenses.

A- Someone regretting having stolen public funds.

B- Someone wishing himself home and not in prison
(use auxiliary be).
C- Someone wishing himself out of the affair. (Use the
auxiliary be).
D- Someone expressing the wish (to the judge) to be
given a second chance.
E- Someone expressing the wish of being capable of
eradicating nepotism.
F- Someone expressing the wish to live in a
corruption-free-society someday.

*The Correction of the activity:

A- I wish I hadn’t stolen the public funds. (past)

B- I wish I were at home and not in prison.
C- I wish I were out of the affair.
D- I wish you would give me a second chance.( future)
E- I wish I could eradicate nepotism.
F- I wish I would live in a corruption-free society

25 T-Ss -Students will be

minute Ss-Ss Activity 1 page 49: able to rewrite the
s Ss-T -The teacher reminds his Ss about the structure of sentences sentences by using
started by "it's high time/it's about time" and the tense used it’s about/
V-A with them. high time.
-The taecher writes the first sentence starting by:"it's high
time the government……..",and asks Ss to give him the
verb used in the sentence.
-Ss provides the teacher with the verb.
-The teacher asks Ss which tense we have to use when
starting the sentence with "it's high time".
-Ss answer by using the past simple tense.
-The teacher asks his Ss to give him the complete sentence
using the structure "it's high time+past simple"
-Ss provides the complete sentence:
It’s about/high time the government took measures to stop
tax evasion.
-The process goes on with other sentences.

**Instruction of the activity:

Rewrite the sentences by using it’s high/about time to

express your impatience with bureaucratic malpractices.

A. You think that government should take measures to

stop tax evasion.
B. You think that something should be done to eradicate ‘
the underground’ economy in our country.
C. You feel strongly that speculators of all sorts should
be jailed.
D. You think that public authorities should make anti-
smuggling laws more stringent.

*The Correction of the activity:

A- It’s about/high time the government took measures

to stop tax evasion.

B- It’s about/high time the public authorities did

something to eradicate ‘the underground’ economy
in our country.

C- It’s about/high time speculators of all sorts were


D- It’s about/high time public authorities made anti-

smuggling laws more stringent.
20 Grammar T-Ss - Students are invited to go through the sentences and read -My students will
minute Explorer III Ss-Ss them to answer questions concerning the use of "had be able to know
s revision Ss-T better" and "had better not". and work some
Page 49 -Since students have already seen the two expressions in grammatical
A-V their 2nd year syllabus of English,the teacher is going to start structures which
discussion with students asking them to read the two has direct relation
sentences and answer the questions that follow. with the text by
studying the use
**Instruction of the activity: of had better.
*Consider sentences 1 and 2 below. Then discuss
questions A-C that follow.

1-Citizens had better stop shrugging their shoulders at

bureaucratic abuse.
2-They had better not say that the fight against
corruption is not their own business.

*The Correction of the activity:

A-They express strong advice/recommendation.
B-1—Citizens ought to/ should stop shrugging
their shoulders at bureaucratic abuse.
2-They ought to/ should not stay that the fight
against corruption is not their own business.
C- ’d better ‘can used in the second sentence
only. (Pronoun).
The meaning of had better (‘d better) is the same
as that of should/ought to. It expresses advice
or recommendation
*The negative form is: had better not or ‘d better not.
*Had better/’d better is always followed by the
infinitive without to.

20 Practice T-Ss -Since students have seen that the expression "had better" -My students will
minute Ss-Ss Can be exchanged by those of "should/ought to or must", be able to use
s Task page 50 Ss-T The teacher asks students to look for clues in the sentences "had better" and
Of the activity where they can use "had better" or "had "it’s negative
A-V Better not" appropriately. "form to convey
the same meaning
**Instruction of the activity: as that conveyed
Rewrite statements 1-5 below using "had better/'d better by the sentences
or "had better not/'d better not" to convey the same given in the
meaning as that conveyed by the sentences given: activity.

1-I have to meet our manager in 20 minutes.I must go now

or I will be late.
2-"Should I keep these files in a safety deposit box?" "Yes,
you should.They contain top secret information about our
3-You don't look very well.If I were you,I wouldn't go to
work today.
4-You should pay your electricity bill within a fortnight,
otherwise you will owe a late fee.
5-"Let's go out tonight?""I don't think we should.We've a
lot of work to do."

*The Correction of the activity:

1-I have to meet our manager in 20 minutes.I had better

go now or I will be late.
2-"Should I keep these files in a safety deposit box?" "Yes,
you had better.They contain top secret information about
our company.
3-You don't look very well.You had better not go to work
4-You had better pay your electricity bill within a fortnight,
otherwise you will owe a late fee.
5-"Let's go out tonight?""I had better not go.We've a lot of
work to do."

My students will be able to study and practise new vocabulary words by filling the gaps.
Steps Interraction Input/Output Aims
Patter&VAKT procedure
20 Vocabulary T-Ss -The teacher explains the instruction of the activity, -My students
minute Explorer Ss-Ss telling the students that there is a relation between three will be able to
s Ss-T words in each list and that one word has to be left out. cross the odd
Page 50/51 T-Ss -Through the use of dictionaries,students are asked to word out and
Ss-T look for the meaning of words in lists A-E in order to express the
Activity 1 p find the odd word in each list. reason behind
50 -Students will express the reason why the chose that their choice.
A-V word and what's the connection between the remaining
words in the list.
Example: list "A": "fraud-corruption-money laundering"
are all unethical practices.
"business" is the odd word since it has no relation with
the three unethical practices in the list.
-The teacher and students go on with the remaining lists
and do the same procedure.
**Instruction of the activity: There is a
logical connection among three of the four items in each
of the groups of items below. Which is the odd one?
Why? Get help from your dictionary.
A-fraud – corruption-Business- Money laundering.
B-false accounting- creative accounting-
auditing- tax evasion.
C-to smuggle- to bribe- to trade - counterfeit.
D-Auditor- accountant- economist-
customs officer.
E-Probity- honesty- loyalty- abuse.
*The Correction of the activity:

A Business
B auditing
C to trade
D customs officer
E abuse
15 Activity 2 T-Ss -As the activity needs some time to be fulfilled, the -My students
minute page 50 Ss-T teacher assigns it as homework. will write
s T-Ss -Students will write sentences of their own using the sentences using
words in bold in meaningful sentences of their own. the words in
-Students will read their sentences. bold
A-V -The teacher checks them and corrects mistakes if there appropriately.
are any.
-The teacher chooses some patterns of sentences to be
copied by students.
Some examples of sentences that could be produced by
Tim By the end of Rationale Interactio Procedure Materials
e the (Why do we n pattern
stage,student want our &
s will be able students to do VAKT
to this?)
10 Demonstrate Ss need to share T-Ss Pre-reading: Textbook
mn understanding Their Ss-Ss * T interacts with Ss on the text title "Renewable SE1
of the context knowledge and Ss-T energy" and explains the meaning of the title/ the Page 156
of the reading experience of topic they are going to deal with in the text,then T (new book)
the topic VA invites Ss to answer these questions before reading
because this the text in order to check their knowledge of the
will help them topic.
understand the
text and do the *T asks Ss what kind of energy cars,ships,planes,
Predict what reading Factories….use nowadays.T gives Ss three choices
the reading activities more (nuclear energy/solar energy/fuel energy) and try to
passage is effectively. elicit information from Ss about the three choices.T
about gives Ss a minute to think,and then in groups Ss
Ss need to share their ideas.
know the *After they have provided their answers for the
context of the question above,T interacts with Ss through the
reading to help following questions:
them -Do you think that fuel energy is lasting forever?
understand the -What do you think we must do to find a
text. replacement for gas,oil and coal(fossil fuels)?
*Ss think and provide their guessing answers.
*T asks Ss to look at pictures next to the reading
text in order to identify them,then he asks the
following questions:
-Do you think we can supply energy from the
natural resources we have (water/sun/wind…)?
-Do you think that the energy we get from the
natural resources is clean or pollutant?
*Ss work in pairs and provide their answers to the
questions above.

Read the text Effective T - Ss Reading 1: checking their predictions

and say if readers are able Ss - Ss *T asks Ss to read the text on page 156 and to see
their to predict what Ss - T which of their predictions/guesses were correct.
prediction a reading T gives Ss time to compare their answers in
was correct. passage will be pairs/groups.
Asking Ss to
read and find *T checks correct answers with the entire class.
out if they were
correct is a
Reading 2: Deepen understanding
*T asks Ss to read the text in order to answer
reading comprehension questions of the text.
*Ss read the text silently.
*T reads questions and asks Ss to look for their
answers from the first paragraph,then they move
gradually to answer the remaining questions.
*Ss work in pairs to find the answers.
*T checks answers with the whole class.
*T writes collective answers on the board.
*Ss write answers on their copy books
Streams: First Year Classes (SE) Source: The Crossroads
Unit I: Getting Through
Input: Stop And Consider Reflexive pronouns
The Aim: -To consolidate grammar notions
- To make them consider these notions in context both deductively and inductively.
Steps of the lesson:
Timing Steps Input /Output Aims
10 mn Warming -T asks the pupils some questions -In order to pick out
up related to the picture given. examples.
E.g.:- What does the picture show?
-How many parrots/birds are there?
One or two?
-The pupils skim the text p 9 then
Presentatio -The teacher discusses the examples -To interact with the learners
15mn n with his / her students. about the sentences.
-“T” explains -To make them interpret the
-Pps derive rules contexts in which the
-Pupils fill in the reminder about different sentences can
reflexive pronouns occur.
-To derive rules.

10mn Oral drill -The teacher asks the pupils to give1 -To check the pupils
or 2 examples. comprehension.
-Students give examples.
Practice -Teacher asks the pupils to do the -To be able to use reflexive
15mn Activity one activity 1 on the work sheet. pronouns
-Pupils think then do it. himself,herself,itself,yourself
-T checks. ourselves, themselves
-Pps correct.
10mn Produce -Pupils try to build up sentences of -To build up correct
their own using reflexive pronouns meaningful sentences
expressing purpose.

The Keys :
Steps Solutions
Warming - There is one parrot only. The parrot in the mirror is just a reflex ion of
up the parrot perched on a stick
- The parrot is talking to itself
Presentatio The Reminder
n Reflexive pronouns usually refer back to the subject of the clause or sentence.
However, the –self-particle can be used to give emphasis to the noun phrase or
pronoun subject (e.g., I cooked it myself).
Oral drill

Practice A/yourself
Activity B/himself
One C/herself


Streams: First Year Classes (SE) Source: The Crossroads

Unit I: Getting Through
Input: Stop and Consider
The Aim: -To consolidate grammar notions Expressing obligation
- To make them consider these notions in context both deductively and inductively.

Steps of the lesson:

Timing Steps Input /Output Aims
10 mn Warming -T asks the pupils some questions -In order to introduce the
up T: in order to pass to second year what do language
you have to do?
PP: we must revise our lessons.

Presentation -The teacher discusses the examples with -To interact with the
15mn his / her students. learners about the
-“T” explains. sentences.
-Pps derive rules. -To make them interpret
-Then the Pupils fill in the reminder the contexts in which the
about expressing obligation and different sentences can
prohibition and lack of necessity and occur.
their negative forms -To derive rules.

10mn Oral drill -The teacher asks the pupils to give1 or 2 -To check the pupils
examples. comprehension.
-Students give examples.
Practice -Teacher asks the pupils to do the -To be able to use to, in
10mn Activity one activity 1 on the work sheet . order to, so as to and its
-Pupils think then do it. negatives.
-T checks.
-Pps correct.
5mn Produce -Pupils try to build up sentences of their -To build up correct
own expressing the obligation and meaningful sentences
prohibition. expressing purpose.

The Keys :
Steps Solutions
Presentatio The Reminder
n 1-we use affirmative and questions forms of must and have to to express
Example: you must start from here. Do I start from here?

2-we use must not to express prohibition.

Example: you must not switch on the computer before quitting the program.

3-we use need not and does not have to to say that there is no obligation to do
Example: you need not send a message just phone them.

Note there is no past form of must we use had to and did not have to to
express obligation and absence of obligation in the past.
Example: we had to switch off the computer before leaving.

Oral drill
school rules:
Practice 1-you must respect your teacher
Activity 2-you must not eat in the classroom.
One 3-you must not smoke in the school.
4-you must study all the subjects.
5-you must practice sport to stay healthy.
6-you must wear uniform.
7-you must switch off your mobiles in class.
8-you must do your homeworks.


Streams: First Year Classes (SE) Source: The Crossroads

Unit I: Getting Through
Input: Stop and Consider
The Aim: -To consolidate grammar notions Definite and Indefinite articles
- To make them consider these notions in context both deductively and inductively.
Steps of the lesson:
Timing Steps Input /Output Aims
10 mn Presentation -the teacher writes a word in Arabic then -In order to introduce the
asks them to add and asks them to language forms
distinguish between the two forms - This task aims to
then he writes the word pen on the board consolidate the use of
then write a pen definite and indefinite
- Refer the learners to the reading text on -To interact with the
15mn page 9 of the textbook to establish links learners about the
Practice between the two texts sentences.
Activity one It will help them in accomplishing the -To make them interpret
task i.e. filling blanks with appropriate the contexts in which the
articles if they identify the context in different sentences can
which the text on page 21 is written. occur.
Encourage the learners to refer to the -To derive rules.
reminder when they check their answers.
Pupils think then do it.
-T checks.
-Pps correct.
-the students then discuss with the
teacher the reminder and make difference
between the articles in functions.

The Keys :
Steps Solutions
Presentatio The Reminder
n ‘A’ and ‘an’ are indefinite articles. We use them only before singular countable
‘The’ is a definite article. We use it before common nouns singular and plural
countable and uncountable.
countable singular countable plural uncountable singular
a photo Ø photo Ø paper
(first reference) (First reference) (first reference)
the photo the photo the paper( second
(second reference) (second reference) reference)

. 1 → the -2 →Ø ,3 → Ø ,4 → Ø, 5 a 6 → the, 7 → Ø, 8 à→ Ø ;9 → Ø, 10 →

Practice Ø, 11 → the ,12 → Ø, 13 → Ø ;14 → Ø ; 15 à→ Ø ,16 → an ,17 a 18 a 19 →
Activity an, 20 → Ø

Streams: First Year Classes (SE) Source: The Crossroads

Unit I: Getting Through
Input: Stop and Consider
The Aim: -To consolidate grammar notions prepositional and phrasal verbs
- To make them consider these notions in context both deductively and inductively.
Steps of the lesson:
Timing Steps Input /Output Aims
15 mn Presentation - The learners are already familiar with
the prepositions that go with the verbs in
Practice the sentences. So it will be very easy for
Activity one them to complete the blanks. This task is -In order to introduce the
just a shifter task (exercise enclencheur in language forms
French); it is up to you to encourage your - This task aims to
learners to find other prepositional verbs consolidate the use of of
and phrasal verbs. It will be a good idea prepositional and phrasal
if you advise the learners to create a verbs
column for prepositional and phrasal
verbs in the vocabulary notebooks that
we have already recommended as a
strategy for vocabulary development
a-switch on
b-click on
c-sign in
d-sign up
e-move down

verb+preposition=phrasal verb

Streams: First Year Classes (SE) Source: The Crossroads

Unit I: Getting Through
Input: Stop and Consider
The Aim: -To consolidate grammar notions ‘from …to…’ and ‘until
- To make them consider these notions in context both deductively and inductively.
Steps of the lesson:
Timing Steps Input /Output Aims
10 mn Warming -the teacher asks the students about the -In order to introduce the
up famous places in London topic of the advert
-the students give various answers
-then he asks them if they know the tower
of London.
They give various answers.
Presentation -Then he directs their attention to the -write notes
15mn advert and asks them to read it; -The learners will
-then he asks them to read the instruction consolidate their
or the question knowledge of time
-when he ensures that they understand prepositions:
what they are asked to do, he asked them - ‘From …to…’
to read the reminder about the uses of and ‘until/till’.
from….to and until.

10mn Oral drill -The teacher asks the pupils to give1 or 2 -To check the pupils
examples. comprehension.
-Students give examples.
Practice -Teacher asks the pupils to do the -To be able to use ‘from
10mn Activity one activity 1 on the work sheet . …to…’ and ‘until/till’.
-Pupils think then do it.
-T checks.
-Pps correct.
5mn Produce -Pupils try to build up sentences of their -To build up correct
own expressing time using ‘from …to…’ meaningful sentences
and ‘until/till’. expressing time and

The Keys :
Steps Solutions
Presentatio The Reminder
n A-We use ‘from….to’to give periods of times

(past) (future)
It will take from now to next March to finish the work.
From…….to are used with:
-years(from 1954 to 1962)
-months(from May to July)
-days(from Saturday to Thursday)
-dates(from May 1st to July 5th )
-parts of the day(from dawn to 5 p.m)
-hours(from 8a.m to 5p.m)

B-We use ‘until’ to give end points in time.

(past) 9 o’clock ( now) (future)
↓ ↓ ↓

I waited for the message until 9 o’clock and I left.
Until is used with:
-years(until 2OO5)
-months(until December )
-days(until Monday)
-dates(until July 5th )
-hours(until 5 o’clock)

Practice It is just a note to tell you that the tower of London will be open for visitors
Activity until 31 October the timing is like this
One p33 from Tuesday to Saturday it is open from 10.00 to 18.00
the timing will remain like this until 1st of November
when the timing will become like this
from Tuesday to Saturday it is open from 9.00 to 17.00 and from Monday to
Sunday it is open from 10.00 to 17.00

Streams: First Year Classes (SE) Source: The Crossroads

Unit I: Getting Through
Input: Stop and Consider
The Aim: -To consolidate grammar notions double conjunctions
- To make them consider these notions in context both deductively and inductively.
Steps of the lesson:
Timing Steps Input /Output Aims
25 mn Presentation- The teacher writes the reminder about -In order to introduce the
Task 1 the use of the double conjunctions and language forms
P34 he/she leaves a space for the examples. - This task aims to
then he asks the students to pick out the consolidate the use of
examples from Kirsi’s e-mail the double conjunctions
then he explain the different uses of the both….and
conjunctions stressing the use of either in ,neither….nor
questions and neither in negative forms either…….or
- Then the teacher moves to the task and
20mn explain to the students what they are -to practice and checking
Practice required to do. understanding
Activity two -the students do the task
p34 -T checks.
-Pps correct.

15mn PRODUCE the students give examples -to ensure that the
students best understand
after the task

The Keys :
Steps Solutions
Presentatio The Reminder
n A.We use both….and, neither…..nor, either…….or to talk about two things.
I have lunch either at the school canteen or at a fast food restaurant.

B.We use also both of…,neither of….;either of…….When we use of we

always need the,these,those,my,your,them,us,etc.
Neither of them really belongs to me
Both of them are Jari’s friends.

Practice 1-Both Hichem and Fatima is not late for class.

Activity 2-Both Farid and Foued likes learning languages.
One 3-We leave either today or tomorrow.
4-I neither smoke nor play cards.

Streams: First Year Classes (SE) Source: The Crossroads

Unit I: Getting Through
Input: Developing Skills
The Aim: -Develop social skills like writing letters/Business letter
Steps of the lesson:
Timing Steps Input /Output Aims
10 mn Warming -Ts asks the students of the different
up types of letters they know
business letters

15mn task 1 page The teacher asks the learners to read

16 silently the jumbled sentences then asks: -focus on the form layout
“What do the sentences represent? of a business letter
PPs:a letter
T: what is the letter about?
PPs:give various answers
T:what does Re stand for?
Reference = subject
After that, the teacher asks the students to
match the sentences with their
corresponding rubric in the letter’s

15mn Task two - Go over the jumbled information with

P16 your learners and have them explain the -The aim behind these
difficult vocabulary using structural and tasks is to focus on the
semantic clues organisation of ideas
- Then they will re-order the information with reference to a reply
using numbers. to the letter of enquiry.
- As you check the answers with the
learners, encourage them to justify their
choices. (e.g., they can note that when we
reply to letters, we sometimes thank the
sender for having contacted us first…. ).
- The key to the task is as follows: b-1, a-
2, c-3, d-4.

- The teacher refers the learners to the -The aim is to produce a

layout of the letter of enquiry in task one. reply to a letter of
This will help them visualise how to enquiry by ordering
present their replies. then he refers them jumbled sentences and
to the correction of task two for the re-investing what is
organisation of ideas in the body of their learned in tasks one, two
reply letter and three.
Task 4 -the teacher sets the students to do the
25 mn P34 tasks in pairs to encourage peer
-the teacher makes sure the learners place
their replies in appropriate formats:
Thank you for your enquiry about
our summer courses. Please find
enclosed here our latest information
prospectus, which we hope will be of
interest to you.
We are permanent, we are
professional and we offer you a warm
welcome here at our school.
We look forward to hearing from
you soon

The form of business letter

Your address:


Name and address of




Body of the letter


Streams: First Year Classes (SE) Source: The Crossroads

Unit I: Getting Through
Input: consolidation and extension
Write it out
The Aim: -To consolidate and extend the range of writing skills

Steps of the lesson:

Timing Steps Input /Output Aims
10 mn Warming - Ts ask the students the following
up question: when you finish your study in -to draw the students
the university, and you will get your attention to the way of
diploma what are you going to do? getting a job
PPs:I will look for a job -to make the students
Ts: where do you find the jobs understand what do we
advertisements? mean by advertisement
PPs:in newspapers
Ts: Ok, to be a teacher what are the
requirements that you must have?
PPs:you must be patient,tolerant,have a
wide range of knowledge and

T directs the PPs attention to the advert

15mn task 1 page and helps them interpret the text.
24 Qs: what is the text about?
What is it?
Where is it taken from?
Who can be interested in reading it?
Then the teacher moves to the question -to offer the learners a
of the task, model of adverts
read the help wanted ad below and then
write four sentences with must and have -revise and consolidate
to to say what characteristics potential the use of modals
candidates are required to have. expressing obligation
the teacher explains the difficult words to
the students
-Teacher asks the pupils to do the activity
1 on the work sheet.
-Pupils think then do it.
-T checks.
A key for the task:
the applicant must deal with children
the applicant must organize and
participate in daily activities such as
swimming singing dancing cooking
the applicant must be tolerant and patient

5mn Task two - - The aim of this task is

follow-up to make the learners
aware that we do not
write to ourselves but to
particular readers.

The teacher :
Steps Sollutions
Warming up

Presentation The Reminder

Oral drill

Activity One




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