Qrffi T Rfi-Fi Qaffffi Ffi T: FT - Ff-R-Ffir (Syzore

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+d cft-{6d i?rdq / MrNrsrRy oF sHrpprNc
+{6a e-6ftknfiq/ DTRECTonaTE Gf,NIRAL oF sHrpprNc
lffii: 022-2s7s2Mo/1/2/3 f{cr RF*zr, 9 fi dfr /"BETA BUTLDTNGD,9Ih FLooR r elet 022-2575204,01 L I 213
tfi: 022-2s7s2029/3s 3nq-E'6, tF'l *au 7 r-rnnx rncuxo cAMpus Fa* 022-25752029135
f$ar deship-des@nic.in fu / KANJUR vILLAGf, RoAI, E-matt:
?t: w$,ld.deshiopine.eov.in "'$,fn
*r5 ArA $C1 / KANJI]R MARG (EAST) Web: lvww.dqshippinq;sov.in
T*g - 400 042 / MUMBAT - ,loo 042

{. ft.ff-r-ffir(syzore fr+iqi 28.06.2018

+rqtcq qr*qr t.38t2O1B

qwq qrffi +
q-dfi-{T fr 5s 6r+rqv f,FFr {.. fr'ff-o&qqtrff(1y2018 R-{i6
01.06.2018 & 06.06.2018 * mq ut< oo t
{q, 2o1B q:r h crarq +€g qr{q +$>ar t*
ERr s.*( i!ft Rfi-fi*qaffffi*rqq+mqfrffi*Fcfrfreili q-t ff+€g *
qr{q HsI c-{ fi?{rffiq t zt.oo.zota (irc.) Eq ffi t q+< Afr Rfi-s * q-s r( Tr{fu6
*fiq a-.rrft +{r +d-fiH { 19900/- wr 2 * at-c qq* ilF{-d.r + srt(R {.{fir
+d-flrrrT r 19900 - 63200 + qr{ rrt q} ++q rrctrr * is t wrq-Fqq r( srr+ qrisT
*+ d-t,
dsrf dt
srn$ ff ffis SF{q ern {frqrc c.qrq{ ffiJ h 3Tft{ A 3fr qR Fcqrr{ nfrE +
ge fr xfr'go vrzr wrm { fr ffi vcrr 6( * q.r\"ft.

srfi +rftftfrs


1. d*q frAqrd, rffi vq-r qrfrq

FftE *fl, Rrt rift-{, t.ff.h. {.q-.r RR.s.r, e1.ff.sn€.
sir+ffi, si+q +s, +r€-600006 qq+ ridq t q* rtqr 6/11 gq39/2017_qe-dlR ffi6

2' rrr'd [c+-R + HE-{ (Eqmr?i'

* ft .w.A-Eu++, sc tw qr8fur ft,i++,) qrdrqrd
rwn, r,
{is-Ac qFi, a-t toool Es+ ftia tq-* d"w 6g1-r,,ou3/36/2018_ffiq{
3. ua-S-mw-gqFr.
4. *o-+ qrs +e, wfffi ftr vRa-q1, t-qt
5. E-tfi+tor.
6. yarRril q$Trrr.
7. +Tqlc-qilrr{s.rfi.
8. fr +t.g qr{eH$fi +{rqift Sfunrt.

+d cftryd ,i c,/ MtNtsrny oF sHtpptNc
dtc5r rpfthrrra / DtREcroRArE GENERAL oF sHtpptNG
lffli:2o7s2o,o-4s t€r EA*r,, g ff riB-a/ "ssra surLotNc", gd rLoon rete: 25752040-15
trrr: 2b782029r35 3rrc-frq t€t *-xg 7 rrHrnr recHNo cAMpus Faxt 2r,7f,2OZ9t3S
f*6I: dsshio@deshlooine.com 6ig{rf{ tg ,/ KANJUR v[.LAGE RoAD E-mait: dqshio@dsshipoins.com
*c: www.dgshipplng.gov.in Eig{ sIJt $e1 7 xaMun rulnc lrasr; web: www.dgshippins.gov.in
t"E - 4oo 042 / MurvrsAl - 4oo 042
No. PB-1-PRC($/20r8 Date: - 27.Q6.?Q8
QFrrcE oRpER i\p. 38/2013
, ?B JUflzoIg
In continuation to
this office Memorandum No. pB-6/sSC(1)/201g dated 01.06.2b18 &
dated 06.05.2018 for offer of appointment to the post of Lower Division Clerk in this Directorate

and acceptance thereof by Shri Borusu Shanmukha Venkatesh vide letter dated 14th June,
and upon his being medically fit , Shri Borusu Shanmukha Venkatesh is provisionally
appointed with the approval of Competent Authority to the post of Lower Division Clerk in this
Directorate with efrect from 21.06.2018(FN). on basic pay of( 19,900i- in Level-2 of pay
Iv{atrix Table in the Pay Scale of t 19900.63-20Q plus usual allowances as acirnissible to Central

Govt. Servants in that grade from time to time until further orders.

The aforesaid appointment is subject to satisfactory verification report by Police ancl shall

be terminated if anything adverse is found in his above verification reports.

I Surer{dra
Assistant Director Generat Snipp.'
Shri Borusu Shanmukha Venkatesh,
Lower Division Clerk

Copy to:-

1. The Regional Director, staff Selection commission(southem Region), 2nd floor, E.V.K.
Sampath Building, D.P.I. complex, college Road, chennai-600006 w. r. t. their letter No.
6/ I 1 L39 12017 -SR dated 24.02.20 1 8.


2. The Secretary to the Govt. of India(Kind Atnr: Shri V.S. Sehrawat, Dy. Chief Controller of
Chartering) Transport Bhavan, l, Parliament Street, New Delhi- 110001 w.r.t. their letter No.
CD-l I 0 53 I 3 61 201 8-Coord. dated 2 1 March, 20 1 8.

3. Vigilance Branch
4. The Pay & Accounts Ofiicer (Shipping), Mumbai
5. Finance & Accounts Branch
6. Admn. Branch
7. Office Memorandum File
8. Service Book of Shri Borusu Shanmukha Venkatesh, Lower Division Clerk

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