Isilon Commands
Isilon Commands
Isilon Commands
isi devices drive firmware list Displays a list of firmware details for the data drives in a node.
isi devices drive firmware list –node-lnn all View the drive firmware status of all the nodes.
isi devices drive firmware list –node-lnn View the drive firmware status of drives on a specific node.
isi devices drive firmware update start all –node-lnn all Update the drive firmware for your entire
isi devices drive firmware update start all –node-lnn Update the drive firmware for a specific node
isi devices firmware list Displays a list of firmware details for the data drives in a node.
isi devices drive firmware update list Ensure that no drive firmware updates are currently in progress.
isi devices firmware update start Updates firmware on one or more drives in a node.
isi devices firmware update view Displays info about a drive firmware update for a node.
isi devices firmware view { | –lnum } Displays information about the firmware on a single drive
isi devices node list Identify the serial number of the node.
isi devices node smartfail Smartfails a node and removes it from the cluster.
isi devices –action smartfail –device 3 This command removes a node with a logical node number
(LNN) of 3.
isi devices add Scans for available drives and adds the drives
isi devices drive add Scans for available drives and adds the drives to the node.
isi devices drive format Formats a drive so you can add it to a node.
isi devices drive suspend Temporarily suspends all activities for a drive.
isi devices drive purposelist Displays a list of possible use cases for drives.
isi devices drive smartfail Smartfails a drive so you can remove it from a node.
isi devices drive stopfail Discontinues the smartfail process on a drive.
isi devices drive suspend Temporarily suspends all activities for a drive.
isi servicelight list Displays a list of service LEDs in the cluster by node and the status of each
service LED.
isi devices drive purpose Assigns a use case to a drive. For example, you can designate a drive for
normal data
storage operations, or you can designate the drive for L3 caching instead of storage.
System Commands
isi services [-l | -a] [ [{enable | disable}]] Displays a list of available services.
isi set Works similar to chmod, providing a mechanism to adjust OneFS-specific file attributes
isi version [–format {list | json}] –verbose Displays cluster version information.
isi_gather_info Collects and uploads the most recent cluster log information to ESRS
isi license licenses view View information about the current status of any optional Isilon software
isi status Cluster node and drive health, storage data sizes, ip addresses, throughput, critical
events and job status
isi batterystatus list View the status of all NVRAM batteries and charging systems on the node.
isi snmp settings Modify SNMP settings for a cluster.
isi get Displays information about a set of files, including the requested protection, current
isi batterystatus list Displays a list of batteries in the cluster by node & the status of each battery.
Config Commands
isi config Opens a new prompt where node and cluster settings can be altered, only isi config
commands are valid
changes Displays a list of changes to the configuration that have not been committed.
date Displays or sets the current date and time on the cluster.
encoding [list] Sets the default encoding character set for the cluster.
interface {enable | disable} Displays the IP ranges, netmask, and MTU and enables or disables
internal interfaces.
iprange Displays a list of internal IP addresses that can be assigned to nodes, or adds addresses to the
joinmode Displays the setting for how nodes are added to the current cluster.
migrate Displays a list of IP address ranges that can be assigned to nodes or both adds and removes IP
ranges from that list.
mtu Displays the size of the maximum transmission unit (MTU) that the cluster uses
name Displays the names currently assigned to clusters when run with no arguments, or assigns new
deliprange Displays a list of internal network IP addresses that can be assigned to nodes or
lnnset Displays a table of logical node number (LNN), device ID, and internal IP address for
each node in the cluster when run without arguments. Changes the LNN when specified.
Statistics Commands
isi statistics client Displays the most active, by throughput, clients accessing the cluster for each
supported protocol.
isi statistics heat Displays the most active /ifs paths for varous metrics.
isi statistics list operations Displays a list of valid arguments for the –operations option.
isi statistics protocol Displays statistics by protocol, such as NFSv3 and HTTP.
isi statistics system Displays general cluster statistics & op rates for supported protocols, network &
disk traffic.
Access Zones
isi zone zones create Isolates data and restrict which users can access the data
isi zone zones create DevZone /ifs/hr/data Creates an access zone named DevZone and sets the
base directory to /ifs/hr/data.
isi zone zones modify DevZone –clear-auth-providers Remove all authentication providers.
isi zone zones delete DevZone Delete any access zone except the built-in System zone.
isi zone zones list View a list of all access zones on the cluster.
isi zone zones view TestZone Display the setting details of TestZone.
isi zone restrictions create Prohibits user or group access to the /ifs directory.
isi zone restrictions delete Removes a restriction that prohibits user or group access to the /ifs
isi zone restrictions list Displays a list of users or groups that are prohibited from accessing the /ifs
Authentication/Active Directory
isi auth ads view Displays the properties of an Active Directory provider.
isi auth ads modify Modify the advanced settings for an Active Directory provider.
isi auth ldap modify Modify any setting for an LDAP provider (except its name).
isi auth nis modify Modify any setting for an NIS provider (except its name).
isi auth nis list Displays a list of NIS providers and indicates whether a provider is functioning correctly.
isi auth krb5 create { | –keytab-file } Creates an MIT Kerberos provider and joins a user to an MIT
Kerberos realm.
isi auth krb5 delete [–force] Deletes an MIT Kerberos authentication provider and removes the user
from an MIT Kerberos realm.
isi auth krb5 list Displays a list of MIT Kerberos authentication providers.
isi auth krb5 view Displays the properties of an MIT Kerberos authentication provider.
isi auth krb5 domain create [–realm ] Creates an MIT Kerberos domain mapping.
isi auth krb5 domain delete [–force] Deletes an MIT Kerberos domain mapping.
isi auth krb5 domain list Displays a list of MIT Kerberos domain mappings.
isi auth krb5 domain modify [–realm ] Modifies an MIT Kerberos domain mapping.
isi auth krb5 domain view Displays the properties of an MIT Kerberos domain mapping.
isi auth krb5 realm list View a list of all Kerberos realms configured on the cluster.
isi auth krb5 realm view View a list of all Kerberos realms configured on the cluster.
isi auth krb realm view TEST.corp.COM View a list for a specific domain.
isi auth krb5 domain create Add an MIT Kerberos domain to an MIT Kerberos realm.
isi auth krb5 domain modify –realm Example of modifying a Kerberos domain by specificing an
alternate realm.
isi auth krb5 domain view View the properties of an MIT Kerberos domain mapping.
isi auth krb5 domain list List one or more MIT Kerberos domains.
isi auth krb5 domain delete Delete one or more MIT Kerberos domain mappings.
isi auth krb5 spn list View the service principal names (SPNs) and their associated keys that are
registered for an MIT Kerberos provider.
isi auth krb5 spn delete –all Delete all keys for a specified SPN or a specific version of a key.
isi auth krb5 spn create Add or update keys for an SPN.
isi auth krb5 spn check Compare the list of registered SPNs against the list of discovered SPNs.
isi auth krb5 spn fix Add missing SPNs for an MIT Kerberos service provider
isi auth krb5 spn import Import the keys of a keytab file.
isi auth ads spn check Checks valid service principal names (SPNs).
isi auth ads spn create Adds one or more service principal names (SPNs) for a machine account.
isi auth ads spn delete Deletes one or more SPNs that are registered against a machine account.
isi auth ads spn fix Adds missing service principal names (SPNs) for an Active Directory provider.
isi auth ads spn list Displays a list of service principal names (SPNs) that are registered against a
machine account.
isi auth krb5 spn create Creates or updates keys for an MIT Kerberos provider.
isi auth krb5 spn delete { | –all} Deletes keys from an MIT Kerberos provider.
isi auth krb5 spn check Checks for missing service principal names (SPNs) for an MIT Kerberos provider.
isi auth krb5 spn fix Adds the missing service principal names (SPNs) for an MIT Kerberos provider.
isi auth krb5 spn import Imports keys from a keytab file for an MIT Kerberos provider.
isi auth krb5 spn list Lists the service principal names (SPNs) and keys registered for an MIT Kerberos
isi auth ads trusts controllers list Displays a list of domain controllers for a trusted domain.
isi auth ads trusts view Displays the properties of a trusted domain.
isi auth error Displays error code definitions from the authentication log files.
isi auth mapping create {| –source-uid Creates a manual mapping between a source identity and target
isi auth mapping delete {| –source-uid Deletes one or more identity mappings.
isi auth mapping dump Displays or prints the kernel mapping database.
isi auth mapping flush Flushes the cache for one or all identity mappings.
isi auth mapping import Imports mappings from a source file to the ID mapping database.
isi auth mapping list Displays the ID mapping database for an access zone.
isi auth mapping token Displays the access token that is calculated for a user during authentication.
isi auth roles members list Displays a list of the members of a role.
isi auth roles privileges list Displays a list of privileges that are associated with a role.
isi auth settings acls modify Modifies access control list (ACL) settings for OneFS.
isi auth settings acls view Displays access control list (ACL) settings for OneFS.
isi auth settings global modify Modifies the global authentication settings.
isi auth settings krb5 modify Modifies the global settings of an MIT Kerberos authentication provider.
isi auth settings krb5 view Displays MIT Kerberos provider authentication settings.
isi auth settings mapping view [–zone ] Displays identity mapping settings in an access zone.
isi auth status Displays provider status,available authentication providers, and which are functioning.
isi auth mapping token To view a list of privileges for another user.
isi auth file create Specify replacement files for any combination of users, groups, and netgroups.
isi auth file modify Modify any setting for a file provider, including its name.
isi auth users delete { | –uid | –sid } Deletes a local user from the system.
isi auth users view { | –uid | –sid } Displays the properties of a user.
isi auth users list –provider=”:” View a list of users and groups for a specified provider.
isi auth users list –provider=”lsa-ldap-provider:Unix LDAP” List users and groups for an LDAP
provider type that is named Unix LDAP.
isi auth local view system View the current password settings.
isi auth log-level modify [–verbose] Specifies the logging level for the authentication service on the
isi auth log-level view Displays the logging level for the authentication service on the node.
isi auth users modify Modify any setting for a local user account except the user name.
isi auth groups modify Add or remove members from a local group.
isi auth groups members list { | –gid | –sid } Displays a list of members that are associated with a
isi auth groups view { | –gid | –sid } Displays the properties of a group.
isi auth access /ifs/ Lists the permissions that a user has to access a given file or directory.
isi smb settings global view View the global SMB settings.
isi smb shares permission create Creates permissions for an SMB share.
isi smb shares permission delete Deletes user or group permissions for an SMB share.
isi smb shares permission list Displays a list of permissions for an SMB share.
isi smb shares permission modify Modifies permissions for an SMB share.
isi smb shares permission view Displays a single permission for an SMB share.
isi smb shares view [–zone ] Displays information about an SMB share.
isi smb settings shares view View the default SMB share settings specific to an access zone.
isi smb settings shares modify Configure SMB share settings specific to each access zone.
isi smb settings global modify –zone=TestZone –impersonate-guest=never Specifies that guests
are never allowed access to shares in zone 5.
isi smb shares delete Share1 –zone=zone-5 Deletes a share named Share1 from the access zone
named zone-5.
isi smb log-level filters create Creates a new SMB log filter.
isi smb log-level filters view View an individual SMB log-level filter.
isi smb log-level modify [–verbose] Sets the log level for the SMB service.
isi smb log-level view Shows the current log level for the SMB service.
isi smb openfiles list Displays a list of files that are open in SMB shares.
isi smb sessions delete [{–user | –uid | –sid }] [–force] Deletes SMB sessions, filtered first by computer
and then optionally by user.
isi smb sessions delete computer1 Deletes all SMB sessions associated with a computer named
isi smb sessions delete computer1 –user=user1 Deletes all SMB sessions associated with a computer
named computer1 and a user named user1.
isi smb sessions delete-user { | –uid | –sid } [–computer-name ] Deletes SMB sessions, filtered first by
user then optionally by computer.
isi smb settings global view Displays the default SMB configuration settings.
isi smb settings shares modify Modifies default settings for SMB shares.
isi nfs settings global view View the global NFS settings that are applied to all nodes in the cluster.
isi nfs settings export view [–zone ] View the current default export settings.
isi nfs settings export modify Configure default NFS export settings.
isi nfs settings export modify –max-file-size 1099511627776 Specifies a maximum export file size of
one terabyte.
isi nfs settings export modify –revert-max-file-size Restores the maximum export file size to the
system default.
isi nfs exports view 1 Displays the settings of the default export.
isi nfs exports modify 1 –map-root-enabled true –map-root nobody Enable root-squash for the
default NFS export.
isi nfs exports create Create NFS exports to share files in OneFS.
isi nfs exports create /ifs/data/projects,/ifs/home –all-dirs=yes Creates an export supporting client
access to multiple paths and their subdirectories.
isi nfs exports check Check for errors in NFS exports, conflicting export rules, invalid paths, etc.
isi nfs exports modify Modify the settings for an existing NFS export.
isi nfs exports modify 2 –add-read-write-clients For example, the following adds a client
with read-write access to NFS export 2
isi nfs exports delete 3 –force Deletes an export whose ID is 3 without displaying a confirmation
isi nfs aliases create Create an NFS alias to map a long directory path to a simple pathname.
isi nfs aliases create /home /ifs/data/offices/hq/home –zone hq-home Creates an alias to a full
pathname in OneFS in an access zone named hq-home
isi nfs aliases modify /home –zone hq-home –name /home1 Changes the name of an alias in the
access zone hq-home.
isi nfs aliases delete /home –zone hq-home Deletes the alias /home in an access zone named hq-
isi nfs aliases list [–zone] View a list of NFS aliases that have already been defined for a particular
isi nfs aliases view /projects –zone hq-home –check Provides information on an alias in the access
zone, hqhome, including the health of the alias.
isi nfs log-level modify Sets the logging level for the NFS service.
isi nfs log-level view Shows the logging level for the NFS service.
isi nfs netgroup modify Modifies the NFS netgroup cache settings.
isi nfs nlm locks list Applies to NFSv3 only. Displays a list of NFS Network Lock Manager (NLM)
advisory locks.
isi nfs nlm locks waiters List of clients waiting to place a Network Lock Manager (NLM) lock on a
currently locked file.
isi nfs nlm sessions refresh Refreshes an NFS Network Lock Manager (NLM) client.
isi nfs nlm sessions viewDisplays information about NFS Network Lock Manager (NLM) client
isi nfs settings zone modify Modifies the default NFS zone settings for the NFSv4 ID mapper.
isi nfs settings zone view Displays the default NFSv4-related access zone settings.
isi ftp settings view View a list of current FTP configuration settings.
isi services vsftpd enable Enable FTP. The FTP service, vsftpd, is disabled by default.
isi http settings modify –service=enabled –dav=yes \ basic-authentication=yes Enables the HTTP
service, WebDAV, and basic authentication.
File Filtering
isi file-filter settings view View file filtering settings in an access zone.
isi file-filter settings view –zone=DevZone Displays file filtering settings in the DevZone access
isi audit settings global modify [–protocol-auditing-enabled {yes | no}] Modify the types of protocol
access events to be audited.
isi audit settings modify –syslog-forwarding-enabled Enable forwarding of protocol access events to
isi audit settings global modify –config-auditing-enabled=yes Enables system configuration auditing
on the cluster.
isi audit settings global view Displays global audit settings configured on the EMC Isilon cluster.
isi audit settings view [–zone] [–verbose] Displays audit filter settings in an access zone and
whether syslog forwarding is enabled.
isi audit topics list Displays a list of configured audit topics, which are internal collections of audit
It is recommended that you do not create more than 1,000 snapshots of a single directory to avoid
performance degradation.
isi snapshot snapshots modify Modify the name and expiration date of a snapshot.
isi snapshot snapshots list View a list of snapshots or detailed information about a specific
isi snapshot schedules modify hourly_media_snap –duration 14D Snapshots created with the
schedule hourly_media_snap are deleted 14 days after creation.
isi snapshot schedules view every-other-hour Displays detailed information about the snapshot
schedule every-other-hour
isi snapshot schedules modify WeeklySnapshot –alias LatestWeekly Configures the alias
LatestWeekly for the snapshot schedule WeeklySnapshot.
isi snapshot schedules pending list Displays a list of snapshots that are scheduled to be generated
by snapshot schedules.
isi snapshot aliases create [–verbose] Assigns a snapshot alias to a snapshot or to the live version of
the file system.
isi snapshot aliases create latestWeekly Weekly-01-30-2017 Creates a snapshot alias for Weekly-01-
isi snapshot aliases modify latestWeekly –target LIVE Reassigns the latestWeekly alias to the live file
isi snapshot aliases delete { | –all} [–force] [–verbose] Deletes a snapshot alias.
isi snapshot aliases list View a list of all snapshot aliases by running the following command.
isi snapshot locks modify Modify the expiration date of a snapshot lock.
isi snapshot locks modify SnapshotApril2014 1 –expires 3D Sets an expiration date three days from
the present date for a snapshot lock with an ID of 1.
isi snapshot locks delete Snapshot2014Apr16 1 Deletes a snapshot lock that is applied to
SnapshotApril2014 with a lock id of 1
isi snapshot settings modify –reserve 30 Sets the snapshot reserve to 30%.
isi job jobs start ChangelistCreate –older-snapid 3 –newersnapid 7 Create a changelist that shows
what data was changed between snapshots.
isi job jobs start domainmark –root /ifs/data/media \ –dm-type SnapRevert Creates a SnapRevert
domain for /ifs/data/media.
isi snapshot snapshots create /ifs/data/media –name media-snap Creates a snapshot for
isi snapshot schedules create hourly /ifs/data/media \ Creates a snapshot schedule for
isi job jobs start snapshotdelete Increase the speed at which deleted snapshot data is freed on the
cluster, use this command
isi job jobs start shadowstoredelete Increase the speed at which deleted data shared between
deduplicated and cloned
isi dedupe settings modify –assess-paths /ifs/data/archive Assess the amount of disk space you
will save by deduplicating a directory.
isi job jobs start dedupeassessment Start the assessment job by running the following command.
isi dedupe reports list Identify the ID of the assessment report by running the following command.
isi dedupe reports view View prospective space savings by running the isi dedupe reports view.
isi job types Dedupe –schedule “Every Friday at 11:00 PM” Configures the deduplication job to be
run every Friday at 11PM.
isi dedupe stats View the amount of disk space that you are currently saving with deduplication.
Data Replication
isi sync settings modify Configure default settings for replication policies.
isi sync settings modify –report-max-age 3Y Configures SyncIQ to delete replication reports that are
older than three years.
isi sync policies resolve [–force] Resolving a replication policy enables you to run the policy again.
isi sync policies reset { | –all} [–verbose] If you cannot resolve the issue that caused the error, you can
reset the replication policy.
isi sync policies modify dailySync –schedule “” Ensures that the policy dailySync runs only manually.
isi sync policies delete dailySync Eeletes dailySync from the source cluster.
isi sync policies view dailySync Displays detailed information about dailySync.
isi job jobs start domainmark –root /ifs/data/media \ –dm-type SyncIQ Start Domainmark.
isi sync jobs start dailySync –test Creates a report about how much data will be transferred when
dailySync is run.
isi sync reports view dailySync 1 Displays the assessment report for dailySync.
isi sync jobs reports list Displays information about running replication jobs targeting the local cluster.
isi sync jobs reports view Displays information about a running replication job targeting the local
isi sync jobs view dailySync Displays detailed information about a replication job.
isi sync recovery allow-write dailySync Enables replicated directories and files specified in the dailySync
policy to be writable.
isi sync recovery allow-write newPolicy –revert Reverts a failover operation for newPolicy.
isi sync recovery resync-prep dailySync Creates a mirror policy for dailySync.
isi sync jobs start dailySync_mirror Runs a mirror policy named dailySync_mirror immediately.
isi sync modify dailySync_mirror –enabled yes –schedule “every day at 12:01 AM” Schedules a
mirror policy named dailySync_mirror to run daily at 12.01 AM.
isi sync recovery allow-write dailySync_mirror Allows writes to the directories specified in the
dailySync_mirror policy.
isi sync recovery resync-prep dailySync_mirror Complete failback for dailySync_mirror, places
secondary clust into RO mode, checks consistency.
isi sync recovery allow-write SmartLockSync Enables writes to the target directory of SmartLockSync.
isi sync target cancel Cancel a replication job that is targeting the local cluster.
isi sync target cancel dailySync Cancels a replication job created according to dailySync
isi sync target cancel –all Cancel all jobs targeting the local cluster.
isi sync target list View information about replication policies that are currently replicating data.
isi sync target view dailySync Displays detailed information about dailySync.
isi sync target reports list Displays information about completed replication jobs targeting the
local cluster.
isi sync target reports view Displays information about a completed replication job that targeted
the local cluster.
isi sync target reports subreports list Displays subreports about completed replication jobs targeting
the local cluster.
isi sync target reports subreports view Displays a subreport about a completed replication job targeting
the local cluster.
isi sync rules create bandwidth 9:00-17:00 M-F 100 Creates a network traffic rule that limits
bandwidth (100 KB per second from 9AM to 5PM weekdays).
isi sync rules create file_count 9:00-17:00 M-F 3 limits the file-send rate to 3 files per second from 9.00
AM to 5.00 PM every weekday
isi sync rules view Displays information about a replication performance rule.
isi sync rules modify bw-0 –days X,S Performance rule with an ID of bw-0 to be enforced only on
Saturday and Sunday.
isi sync rules delete { | –all | –type } [–force] [–verbose] Deletes a replication performance rule.
isi sync rules delete bw-0 Deletes a performance rule with an ID of bw-0.
isi sync rules modify bw-0 –enabled true Enables a performance rule with an ID of bw-0..
isi sync rules modify bw-0 –enabled false Disables a performance rule with an ID of bw-0.
isi sync reports view dailySync 2 Displays a replication report for dailySync.
isi sync reports subreports list dailySync 1 Displays subreports for dailySync.
isi sync reports subreports view dailySync 1 2 Displays a subreport for dailySync.
isi sync reports rotate [–verbose] Causes excess reports to be deleted immediately.
isi sync policies create mypolicy sync /ifs/data/source Creates a policy that replicates the directory
/ifs/data/ /ifs/data/target –schedule “Every Sunday at 12:00 AM” source on the source cluster to
/ifs/data/target on target cluster
isi ndmp settings global modify –dma=emc configures OneFS to interact with EMC NetWorker.
isi ndmp settings diagnostics view [–format {list | json}] Displays NDMP diagnostic settings.
isi ndmp users create NDMPuser –password=1234 Creates an NDMP user account called
isi ndmp users modify NDMPuser –password=5678 Modifies the password of a user named
isi ndmp users view Displays information about the account for a specific user.
isi tape rescan –reconcile Remove entries for devices and paths that have become inaccessible.
isi tape modify tape003 –new-name=tape005 Modify the name of an NDMP device entry.
isi tape list –node=18 –tape List tape devices on node 18.
isi tape view Displays information about a tape or media changer device.
isi fc settings modify 5.1 –topology=ptp Configures port 1 on node 5 to support a point-to-point Fibre
Channel topology.
isi fc settings modify 5.1 –state=enable | disable Enable or disable an NDMP backup port.
isi fc settings view 5.1 View Fibre Channel port settings for port 1 on node 5.
isi ndmp sessions list Retrieve the ID of the NDMP session that you want to end.
isi ndmp sessions delete View the status of NDMP sessions or terminate a session that is in
isi ndmp sessions delete 4.36339 –force Ends an NDMP session with an ID of 4.36339.
isi ndmp contexts list –type bre View NDMP restartable backup contexts that have been configured.
isi ndmp contexts view View detailed information about a specific restartable backup context.
isi ndmp settings global modify Specify the number of restartable backup contexts that OneFS can
retain, up to 1024.
isi ndmp settings global modify –bre_max_num_contexts=128 Modify max number of contexts.
isi ndmp settings variables modify Modify default NDMP variable settings.
isi ndmp settings variables list view the default NDMP settings for a path.
isi ndmp settings variables create Sets the default value for an NDMP environment variable for a
given path.
isi ndmp dumpdates delete [–name ] Delete snapshots created for snapshot-based incremental
isi ndmp dumpdates list View snapshots generated for snapshot-based incremental backups.
File Retention
isi worm cdate view View the current time of the compliance clock.
isi job jobs start DomainMark –root /ifs/data/smartlock –dm-type Worm Creates a SmartLock
enterprise domain
isi worm domains view View detailed information about a specific SmartLock directory.
isi worm files view /ifs/data/SmartLock/prod_dir/file Displays the WORM status of a file.
Protection Domains
isi job jobs start domainmark –root /ifs/data/media \ –dm-type SyncIQ Creates a SyncIQ domain for
isi job jobs start domainmark –root /ifs/data/media \ –dm-type SyncIQ –delete Deletes a SyncIQ
domain for /ifs/data/source.
isi_reformat_node Securely deletes the authentication keys on an entire cluster, smartfails each
isi quota quotas create –help Information about the parameters and options that can be used.
isi job events list –job-type quotascan Verify that no QuotaScan jobs are in progress.
isi quota quotas list –help For information about the parameters and options that you can use.
isi quota quotas list –path=/ifs/data/quota_test_1 Finds all quotas that monitor the
/ifs/data/quota_test_1 directory.
isi quota reports list -v Lists all info in the quota report.
isi quota quotas delete /ifs/data/quota_test_2 directory Deletes the specified directory-type quota.
isi quota quotas modify /ifs/dir-1 user –linked=false –user=admin Unlinks a user quota.
isi_classic quota list –export The quota configuration file displays as raw XML.
isi_classic quota import –from-file= Import quota settings in the form of a configuration file.
isi quota settings notifications modify –help Information about the parameters and options.
isi quota settings notifications modify advisory exceeded \ –action-alert=true Generate an alert when
the advisory threshold is exceeded.
isi quota settings reports modify –schedule=”Every 2 days” Creates a quota report schedule that
runs every two days.
isi quota settings mappings create -v Creates a SmartQuotas email mapping rule.
isi quota settings mappings delete Deletes SmartQuotas email mapping rules.
isi quota settings mappings list Lists SmartQuotas email mapping rules.
isi quota settings mappings modify Modifies an existing SmartQuotas email mapping rule.
isi quota quotas view Displays detailed properties of a single file system quota.
isi quota quotas notifications create /ifs/data/test_2 \ directory advisory exceeded –holdoff=10W
Advisory quota notification rule, specifies length of time to wait before creating a notification.
isi quota quotas notifications delete –path Deletes a quota notification rule.
isi quota quotas notifications list Displays a list of quota notification rules.
isi quota quotas notifications modify Modifies a notification rule for a quota.
isi quota quotas notifications view Displays the properties of a quota notification rule.
isi quota quotas notifications clear Clears rules for a quota and uses system notification settings.
Storage Pools
isi storagepool compatibilities class active create Create a node class compatibility.
isi storagepool compatibilities class active create N400 N410 creates a compatibility between Isilon
NL400 and NL410 nodes.
isi storagepool compatibilities class active list lists active compatibilities and their ID numbers
isi storagepool compatibilities class available list Lists node class compatibilities that are available, but
not yet created.
isi storagepool compatibilities class active delete 9 deletes a node class compatibility with an ID
number of 9.
isi storagepool compatibilities class active view Displays the details of an active node class
isi storagepool compatibilities ssd active create S200 Creates an SSD class compatibility for Isilon
S200 nodes that have different capacity SSDs.
isi storagepool compatibilities ssd active delete 1 Deletes an SSD compatibility with an ID number
of 1.
isi storagepool compatibilities ssd active list Lists SSD compatibilities that have been created.
isi storagepool compatibilities ssd active view Displays the details of an active SSD compatibility.
isi storagepool compatibilities ssd available list Lists SSD compatibilities that are available, but not yet
isi storagepool nodepools create PROJECT-TEST –lnns 1,2,3 Creates a node pool by specifying the
LNNs of three nodes to be included.
isi storagepool nodepools delete Deletes a node pool and autoprovisions the affected nodes into
the appropriate node pool.
isi storagepool nodepools modify PROJECT-TEST –lnns 3-4, 11 Adds nodes with the LNNs (logical node
numbers) of 3, 4, and 11 to an existing node pool.
isi storagepool nodepools modify PROD_ARCHIVE –remove-lnns 7,9 Removes two nodes, identified
by its LNNs.
isi storagepool nodepools modify PROD-PROJECT –tier PROD_ARCHIVE Adds a node pool named PROD-
PROJECT to a tier.
isi storagepool settings modify –ssd-l3-cache-default-enabled yes Sets L3 cache enabled as the
default for new node pools that are added.
isi storagepool nodepools modify hq_datastore –l3 true Enables L3 cache on a node pool named
isi storagepool nodepools create Creates a manually managed node pool (use with assistance of
technical support personnel)
isi storagepool tiers create PROD_ARCHIVE –children hq_datastore1 –children hq_datastore2 Creates
a tier named PROD_ARCHIVE, and adds node pools to the tier.
isi storagepool tiers modify PROD_ARCHIVE –set-name ARCHIVE_TEST Renames a tier from
isi storagepool tiers delete ARCHIVE_TEST Deletes a tier named ARCHIVE_TEST.
isi filepool policies list view a list of available file pool policies.
isi filepool policies view View the current settings of a file pool policy.
isi filepool policies view OLD_ARCHIVE Displays the settings of a file pool policy named OLD_ARCHIVE.
isi filepool default-policy view Display the current default file pool policy settings.
isi filepool policies modify PERFORMANCE –apply-order 1 Changes the priority of a file pool policy
isi filepool policies delete PROD_ARCHIVE Deletes a file pool policy named PROD_ARCHIVE.
isi storagepool health –verbose Displays a tabular description of storage pool health.
isi storagepool list Displays node pools and tiers in the cluster.
isi filepool apply Applies all file pool policies to the specified file or directory path.
isi filepool policies delete Delete a custom file pool policy. The default file pool policy cannot be
isi filepool templates list Lists available file pool policy templates.
isi filepool templates view View the detailed settings in a file pool policy template.
CloudPools can seamlessly connect to EMC-based cloud storage systems and to popular third-party
providers, Amazon S3 and Microsoft Azure.
isi cloud pools create cp_az azure csa_azure1 –vendor Microsoft Creates an Azure-based CloudPool.
isi cloud pools view cp_az View the result of this operation of the CloudPool that you created.
isi cloud pools list View a list of CloudPools that have been created on your cluster.
isi cloud pools view cah_s3_cp Information on the CloudPool named cah_s3_cp.
isi cloud pools modify c_pool_azure –remove-accounts c_acct2 –description “Secondary archive”
modifies a CloudPool named c_pool_azure, removing its cloud storage acct.
isi cloud pools delete c_pool_azure Deletes the CloudPool named c_pool_azure.
isi cloud archiveArchive specific files directly to the cloud.
isi cloud archive /ifs/data/shared/images/*.* –recursive yes Specifies a directory and all of its
subdirectories and files to be archived.
isi cloud access add Adds cloud write access to the cluster.
isi cloud access list List the GUIDs of clusters that are accessible for SyncIQ failover or restore
isi cloud access remove Remove previously granted access to SmartLink files.
isi cloud access view View the details of a cluster with, or eligible for, write access to cloud data.
isi cloud jobs resume Resume a cloud job that has been paused.
isi cloud jobs files list Displays the list of files matched by the specified CloudPools job.
isi cloud settings view View the top-level settings for CloudPools.
isi cloud settings modify –default-archive-snapshot-files=no Disables archival of files that have
snapshot versions.
isi cloud settings regenerate-encryption-key –verbose Generate a new master encryption key.
isi cloud recall [–recursive {yes | no}] [–verbose] Specify one or more files to be recalled from the cloud.
isi cloud restore_coi Restores the cloud object index (COI) for a cloud storage account on the cluster.
isi cloud settings regenerate-encryption-key –verbose Generates a new master encryption key for data
to be archived to the cloud.
isi cloud accounts list List all cloud storage accounts created on your cluster.
isi cloud accounts view CloudAcct3 Displays account information for the CloudAcct3 account.
isi cloud accounts modify CloudAcct3 –name=CloudAcct5 Changes the name of the cloud storage
account CloudAcct3 to CloudAcct5
isi cloud accounts delete OldRecords –acknowledge yes Deletes the cloud storage account OldRecords.
isi cloud accounts create –name=c-acct1 –type=azure Creates a Microsoft Azure cloud storage
–uri= –account-username=adm1
System Jobs
isi job jobs start Collect –policy MEDIUM –priority 2 Runs the Collect job with a stronger impact
policy and a higher priority.
isi job jobs start multiscan –priority 8 –policy high Starts a MultiScan job with a priority of 8 and a
high impact policy.
isi job jobs list –state paused_user Lists jobs that have been manually paused.
isi job jobs list –format csv > /ifs/data/joblist.csv Outputs a CSV-formatted list of jobs to a file in the
/ifs/data path.
isi job jobs view Displays information about a running or queued job, including the state, impact policy,
priority, and schedule.
isi job jobs modify Changes the priority level or impact policy of a queued, running, or paused job.
isi job jobs modify 7 –priority 3 –policy medium Updates the priority and impact policy of an active job.
isi job jobs modify Collect –priority 3 –policy medium Job type can be specified instead of the job id.
isi job jobs resume Collect Job type can be specified instead of the job id.
isi job jobs cancel Collect Job type can be specified instead of the job id.
isi job types modify mediascan –priority 2 –policy medium Modifies the default priority level and
impact level for the MediaScan job type.
isi job types modify mediascan –schedule ‘every Saturday at 09:00’ –force Schedules the
MediaScan job to run every Saturday morning.
isi job types modify mediascan –clear-schedule –force Removes the schedule for a job type that is
isi job types list Displays a list of job types and default settings.
isi job types view Displays the parameters of a specific job type
isi job events list –job-type multiscan Displays the activity of the MultiScan job type.
isi job events list –begin 2013-09-16 View all jobs within a specific time frame.
isi job events list –begin 2013-09-15 –end 2013-09-16 > /ifs/data/report1.txt Outputs job history for
a specific two-week period.
isi job policies create MY_POLICY –impact medium –begin ‘Saturday 00:00’ –end ‘Sunday 23:59’ Creates
a custom policy defining a specific time frame and impact level.
isi job policies view MY_POLICY Displays the impact policy settings of the custom impact policy
isi job policies modify MY_POLICY –reset-intervals Resets the policy interval settings to the base
defaults. Low impact and anytime operation.
isi job policies delete MY_POLICY Deletes a custom impact policy named MY_POLICY.
isi job policies list –verbose Displays the names and descriptions of job impact policies.
isi job statistics view –job-id 857View statistics for a job in progress.
isi job statistics list Displays a statistical summary of active jobs in the Job Engine queue.
isi job reports view 857 Displays the report of a Collect job with an ID of 857.
isi job reports list Displays information about successful job operations.
isi job status [–verbose] Displays a summary of active, completed, and failed jobs.
Run the isi config command, The command-line prompt changes to indicate that you are in the isi config
subsystem. Run the commit command to complete.
interface int-b enable Specifies the interface name as int-b and enables it.
interface int-b disable Specifies the int-b interface and disables it.
isi network groupnet create Create a groupnet and configure DNS client settings.
isi network groupnets list Retrieve and sort a list of all groupnets on the system.
isi network groupnets list –sort=id –descending Sorts the list of groupnets by ID in descending order.
isi network groupnets view ProdGroupNet Displays the details of a groupnet named
isi network groupnets modify Modifies a groupnet which defines the DNS settings applied to services
that connect through the groupnet.
isi network subnets create Add a subnet to the external network of an EMC Isilon cluster.
isi network subnets create \ ProdGroupNet.subnetX ipv4 Creates a subnet associated
with ProdGroupNet.
isi network subnets modify ProdGroupNet.subnetX \ –name=subnet5 Changes the name of subnetX
under ProdGroupNet to subnet5.
isi network subnets modify g1.sbet3 –mtu=1500 –gateway= –gateway-priority=1 Sets the
MTU to 1500, sets GW to, sets GW priority to 1.
isi network subnets view ProdGroupNet.subnetX displays details for subnetX under
isi network subnets modify ProdGroupNet.subnetX \ –sc-service-addr= Specifies the
SmartConnect service IP address on subnetX under ProdGroupNet.
isi networks modify subnet Enable or disable VLAN tagging on the external subnet.
isi network pools create ProdGroupNet.subnetX.ProdPool1 Creates a pool named ProdPool1 and
assigns it to subnetX under ProdGroupNet.
isi networks modify pool Modify IP address pools to update pool settings.
isi networks delete pool Delete an IP address pool that you no longer need.
isi network pools delete ProdGroupNet.subnetX.ProdPool1 Deletes the pool name ProdPool1 from
isi network pools list View all IP address pools within a groupnet or subnet
isi network pools list ProdGroupNet.subnetX Displays all IP address pools under
isi network pools view ProdGroupNet.subnetX.ProdPool1 Displays the setting details of ProdPool1
under ProdGroupNet.subnetX.
isi network pools sc-suspend-nodes .. Suspends DNS query responses for an node.
isi network pools sc-resume-nodes Resumes DNS query responses for an IP address pool.
isi network external view Displays configuration settings for the external network.
isi network external modify Modifies global external network settings on the EMC Isilon cluster.
isi network external modify –sc-balance-delay Specifies a rebalance delay (in seconds) that passes
after a qualifying event prior to an automatic rebalance.
isi networks modify pool .. Configure which network interfaces are assigned to an IP address pool.
isi network interfaces list Retrieve and sort a list of all external network interfaces on the EMC
Isilon cluster.
isi network interfaces list –nodes=1,3 Displays interfaces only on nodes 1 and 3.
isi networks delete rule … Delete an node provisioning rule that are no longer needed.
isi network rules list Lists all of the provisioning rules in the system.
isi network rules view ProdGroupNet.subnetX.ProdPool1.rule7 Displays the setting details of rule7
under ProdGroupNet.subnetX.ProdPool1.
isi network external modify –sbr=false Disables source-based routing on the cluster.
isi network dnscache flush [–verbose] Simultaneously flushes the DNS cache of each groupnet that has
enabled DNS caching.
isi network dnscache modify Modifies global DNS cache settings for each DNS cache that is enabled
per groupnet.
isi hdfs settings modify The HDFS service (enabled by default after you activate an HDFS license) can be
enabled or disabled per access zone.
isi hdfs settings modify –service=yes –zone=DevZone Enables the HDFS service in DevZone.
isi hdfs settings modify –service=no –zone=DevZone Disables the HDFS service in DevZone.
isi hdfs settings modify Configure HDFS service settings in each zone to improve performance for HDFS
isi hdfs settings modify –default-block-size=256K –zone=DevZone Sets the block size to 256 KB in
the DevZone access zone (Suffixes K, M, and G are allowed).
isi hdfs settings modify –default-checksum-type=crc32 –zone=DevZone Sets the checksum type to crc32
in the DevZone access zone.
isi hdfs settings view –zone=ProdZone Displays the HDFS settings in the ProdZone access zone.
isi hdfs log-level modify Sets the default logging level of HDFS services events.
isi hdfs log-level modify –set=trace Sets the HDFS log level to trace on the node.
isi hdfs log-level view View the default logging level of HDFS services events.
isi hdfs proxyusers delete Deletes a proxy user from an access zone.
isi hdfs proxyusers delete hadoop-HDPUser –zone=ProdZone Deletes the proxy user hadoop-
HDPUser from the ProdZone access zone.
isi hdfs proxyusers members list Lists the members of a proxy user.
isi hdfs proxyusers list –zone=ProdZone Displays a list of all proxy users configured in ProdZone.
isi hdfs proxyusers view View the configuration details for a specific proxy user.
isi hdfs proxyusers view hadoop-HDPUser –zone=ProdZone displays the configuration details for
the hadoop-HDPUser.
isi hdfs racks create /hdfs-rack2 –zone=TestZone Creates a rack named /hdfs-rack2 in the
TestZone access zone.
isi hdfs racks modify Modify the settings of a virtual HDFS rack.
isi hdfs racks delete Delete a virtual HDFS rack from an access zone.
isi hdfs racks delete /hdfs-rack2 –zone=ProdZone Deletes the virtual HDFS rack named /hdfs-
rack2 from the ProdZone access zone.
isi hdfs racks list View a list of all virtual HDFS racks in an access zone.
isi hfds racks list –zone=ProdZone Lists all HDFS racks configured in the ProdZone access zone.
isi hdfs racks view /hdfs-rack2 –zone=ProdZone View the setting details for a specific virtual HDFS rack.
ESRS Commands
isi antivirus settings modify Target specific files for scans by antivirus policies.
isi antivirus settings modify –glob-filters-enabled true \ –glob-filters .txt Configures OneFS to scan only
files with the .txt extension.
isi antivirus settings modify –scan-on-close true \ –path-prefixes /ifs/data/media Configures OneFS to
scan files and directories under /ifs/data/media when they are closed.
isi antivirus settings modify –repair true –quarantine true Configures OneFS and ICAP servers to
attempt to repair infected files and quarantine files that cannot be repaired.
isi antivirus settings modify –report-expiry 12w Configures OneFS to delete antivirus reports older than
12 weeks.
isi antivirus servers create icap:// –enabled yes Adds and connects to an ICAP server at
isi antivirus servers modify icap:// –enabled yes Temporarily disconnects from the ICAP
isi antivirus policies create Create a policy that causes specific files to be scanned for viruses each
time the policy is run.
isi antivirus policies create HolidayVirusScan –paths /ifs/d \ –schedule “Every Friday at 12:00 PM”
Creates an antivirus policy that scans /ifs/data every Friday at 12.00 PM.
isi antivirus policies modify HolidayVirusScan \ –schedule “Every Friday at 12:00 PM” Modifies a
policy called HolidayVirusScan to be run on Saturday at 12.00 PM.
isi antivirus policies modify HolidayVirusScan –enabled yes Enables a policy called
isi antivirus scan /ifs/data/virus_file Scans the /ifs/data/virus_file file for viruses.
isi antivirus quarantine Quarantine a file to prevent the file from being accessed by users.
isi event events list View events that relate to antivirus activity.
Event Commands
isi event groups list Identify the group ID of the event group that you want to view.
isi event alerts list Identify the alert ID of the alert that you want to view.
isi event alerts view NewExternal View the details of a specific alert, the name of the alert is case-
isi event channels list Identify the name of the channel that you want to view
isi event settings view View your storage and maintenance settings.
isi event test create “Test message” Manually generate a test alert.
isi event settings modifyChange the frequency that a heartbeat event is generated.
isi event alerts create Hardware NEW-EVENTS –channel RemoteSupport This command creates an alert
named Hardware, sets the alert condition to
NEW_EVENTS, and sets the channel that will broadcast the event as RemoteSupport
For most data migrations from VNX to Isilon EMC recommends that you use the OneFS migration tool
isi_vol_copy_vnx. It can often be more efficient than host-based tools (such as EMCopy and Robocopy)
because the performance of host-based tools performance is dependent on the network connectivity of
the host, while isi_vol_copy_vnx…