5 Draft Research Journal

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Project Title

with a maximum of 12
Name of Researchers Cabajes, Reymart B.
Your last name must be in Olpos, Sany C.
alphabetical order Ting, John Andrew C.
1st sentence Amphibious house allows to remain on land during normal, non-flood conditions, but enables
Describe your project in the house to rise and float on the water’s surface during a flood and provides floating condition
one sentence for the whole system by water level.
2nd to 3rd sentence This concept is based on the principle of Buoyancy. The amphibious house helps in allowing
Discuss the methods you water to flow rather than creating obstruction. Approaching this concept helps in planning and
apply in your study in two recognizing the beneficial aspects of seasonal and occasional flooding, it means that allowing
sentence not only to live with water, but to expand with it.
Keywords Amphibious house, Buoyancy, Flood-proof, Flood mitigation, Hybrid structure,
Put five keywords related
to your project study
1. Introduction
1st paragraph We know that due to climate change and global warming advances, level of sea rises gradually,
Discuss the brief which leads to heavy rain, flooding and other natural disasters. Therefore there is need to adapt
description of the effective countermeasure against these disaster especially flooding. The concept of Amphibious
technology related to your house has been adopted, in which it refers to structures that will function both in land and water
project study in response to flood in low lying areas. In engineering languages, it can be said as a hybrid
structure, in which the weight of a structure is partially supported by both land and water
simultaneously and mitigating the damage caused by the seasonal flooding.
2nd paragraph The significant of this research is to establish the importance of using amphibious house as a
Discuss the significant novel and sustainable flood mitigation strategy, as this new strategy increases the usability of
impact of this technology the low lying lands and provide economic and flexible solution for diverse urban societies in
floodplain areas, also it can reduce catastrophic vulnerability due to flooding and reduce use
hassle to evacuate people and valuable things if the situation is merit. The research provides
buoyancy for floating platform by a special designed pontoon system and determine sustainable
and the most suitable lightweight concrete material to be used for reinforced concrete pontoon.
Also this study provides maximum stability for the house and its occupants during the flood.
3rd paragraph Flooding is one of the most common natural disasters specifically in the Philippines and this
Discuss existing problem phenomenon has been worsening due to current global warming condition. Recently, Luzon
that you would like to particularly in Cagayan Valley and Isabela had experienced massive flooding as typhoon
solve thru your project Ulesses makes landfall to the two provinces. According to the news articles of GMA, the flood
study risen up 9ft above the ground. This is an indicator that flood should be given full attention and
that should be treat seriously.
4th paragraph This project study will address the frequent flooding issue throughout the country. The
Discuss your offer of amphibious house concept developed by this research adapt to the nature of flooding
solution using the environment, in which it can float during flooding by using the special lightweight concrete
technology pontoon within pit system technology in floodplain areas here in the Philippines.
5th paragraph The researcher decided to conduct this project study in order to promote a new idea or a new
Discuss what opted you to mitigation strategy throughout the country that can be applied in alleviating flood. Instead of
conduct this project study fighting against it, amphibious house is design to live with flood. This leads the occupants not
to evacuate to other places rather staying to their own house safe and sound.
1.1 Related Literature
1st paragraph – topic 1 [1] Amphibious House, a Novel Practice as Flood Mitigation Strategy in South-East Asia ,
Paraphrase cited May 2012
literatures based on the The author presents the vulnerability of flooding in terms of exposing population and assets is
topic increased dramatically over these decades. There are different strategies to prevent or mitigate
the flood destructions in urban areas. Fighting and protection against flood vulnerability is one
of the most important afford of human species. In this paper they have concluded that in
Malaysia amphibious house with concrete pontoon is the most appropriate. Pre-cast concrete
pontoons, which are filled by expanded polystyrene blocks (EPS) are one of the appropriate
towards economic and time saving strategy. These pontoons provide buoyancy for the whole
2nd paragraph – topic 2 [2] Thriving with water: Development in amphibious architecture in North America,
Paraphrase cited Elizabeth English1, a, Natasha Klink1 and Scott Turner1, August 2015
literatures based on the From this paper the author concluded that traditional flood-mitigation strategies that attempt to
topic control the flow of water only increase the likelihood of catastrophic consequences in the long
run, when failure inevitably occurs after years of complacency and development behind flood
barriers. Sequences when eventual failure occurs. Current popular approaches to flood risk
reduction promote the control of flooding by erecting barriers that may provide some measure
of protection for the time being. The implementation of buoyant foundations as both retrofit and
new construction could provide benefit to communities at high risk of chronic flooding.
3rd paragraph – topic 3 [3] A Study on the Floating House for New Resilient, Living Author: Changho Moon
Paraphrase cited Article, October 2015
literatures based on the The author aims to discuss the concept of resilience in floating housing Resilient features of the
topic floating house can be summarized as the buoyant characteristics for natural disasters, the easy
employment & potential use of renewable and nearly self-sufficient energy system in
locations subject to limited energy sources, the movability, mobility, long life, water recycle
system, prefabrication and modular construction with the potential for reduced environmental
4th paragraph – topic 4 [4] Review Paper on Ferrocement in Construction, May 2017, Author: Gursewak Dass,
Paraphrase cited Mohit Talwar
literatures based on the The author concluded from this study how ferrocement is better than conventional types RCC,
topic PCC, etc. and perform well against lateral displacement, fire resistant etc. economically without
required any skilled worker. Ferrocement is a composite material used to form thin section, it is
composed of a mortar, and reinforcement include light steel fabrics and meshes. Pre-cast
ferrocement structure are in light weight as compared with RCC and sometime pre stressed
concrete structure, considerably reduce the cost hence ferrocement is most appropriate in pre-
cast industry.
5th paragraph – topic 5 [5] Floating Concrete by Using Expanded Polystyrene, Beads Mayank Patel, Rishabh
Paraphrase cited Yadav, Jayvirsinh Parmar, Nishani Salvi Abhijitsinh Parmar
literatures based on the The author discuss that EPS or expanded polystyrene is a rigid cellular plastic originally
topic invented in Germany in 1950. It has been used in packaging solutions since 1958. It is 98% air
but the rest is made from tiny, spherical EPSS beads – themselves made only of carbon and
hydrogen. Nowadays enormous amount of waste polystyrene is produced in the world. This will
ultimately cause pollution and is detrimental to the ecosystem. Rapid and relatively simple
construction. Economical in terms of transportation as well as reduction in man power.

Synthesis of the review This project study does not focus only on the stability of the structure when floating on water
Declare the uniqueness of but also to withstanding lateral forces cause by earthquakes. As appears in our country, we are
your project as compared located near in the Pacific ring of fire where the oceanic Philippine plate and several smaller
to the literature cited micro-plates are subducting along the Philippine Trench to the E, and the Luzon, Sulu and
several other small Trenches to the W (according to Volcano discovery Philippines). The
challenge here is that the structure itself is not rigid with its foundation. So we are subjected to
design a structure that is resistant both flood and earthquake.
1.2 Theoretical
Theory 1 Floatation of the structure is based on its density with respect to buoyant forces exerted by the
Discuss the theory and fluid as a body is totally or partially submerged with water. This whole concept explained the
equations related to your theory behind buoyancy. According to the principles of Archimedes, “If the body is totally
project submerged, the displaced volume is the volume of the body. If a body is partially submerged,
the displaced volume is the portion of the volume that is submerged”. Thus, in order for the
object to not fully submerge with water, the main goal is to make it as light as it can. For a
certain amphibious house that we are going to design we will consider light materials to make
the structure lighter as possible so that it will float during flood. Buoyancy equation also will be
utilize with this concept;

F B=γ V D
Where; F B=¿ Buoyant force
γ =¿ unit weight of water
V D=¿ submerged volume
For an object partially or completely submerged in a fluid, there is a net upward force (buoyant
force) equal to the weight of the displaced fluid.

Theory 2 The question of stability is more involved for floating bodies than for immersed bodies because
Discuss the theory and the center of buoyancy may take different positions with respect to the center of gravity,
equations related to your depending on the shape of the body and the position in which it is floating. When an object is
project floating, it may be unstable or stable. Stable means that if the object is tipped, the buoyant force
causes a moment that rotates the object back to its equilibrium position. An object is stable if
the metacentric height is positive. In this case tipping the object causes the center of buoyancy
to move such that the buoyant force produces a righting moment. The metacentre and distance
to centre of gravity and centre of buoyancy can be achieved by following equation:
γ L yy

If the center of buoyancy is above the center of gravity, such as in the figure, any tipping of the
body produces a righting couple, and consequently, the body is stable. However, if the center of
gravity is above the center of buoyancy, any tipping produces an increasing overturning
moment, thus causing the body to turn through 180°. This is the condition shown in figure c.
Finally, if the center of buoyancy and center of gravity are coincident, the body is neutrally
stable—that is, it lacks a tendency for righting or for overturning, as shown in Fig.b.
Theory 3 Another equation that is applicable to this project study is the equilibrium of forces in which in
Discuss the theory and this case of buoyancy, the weight of structure is equal to the buoyant force;
equations related to your
project ƩFy = 0

Theory 4 Upon introducing the distance between G and B as l the meta-centric will be computed by
Discuss the theory and
equations related to your
project The new equilibrium developed based on moment equilibrium to determine rotation angle by
different corner point loads. It helps to estimate maximum rotation for different sizes and
different loads.

Where; F = external load

A = torque arm
W = weight of the structure
Theory 5
Discuss the theory and
equations related to your
1.3 Conceptual
Block diagram
Present the conceptual
block diagram that
Development of Research scope and objectives
represent your project
study The aim of this research is to develop amphibious house system, which can float during flooding by using the special lightweight
concrete pontoon within pit system technology in floodplain areas in Surigao City.

 To analyze and evaluate the buoyancy and hydraulic reaction on amphibious house system.
 To design a floating system for amphibious house for flood mitigation.
 To develop the conceptual design of amphibious house system.

Evaluate limitation of current flood mitigation strategies

Methods and tools: questionnaires survey, interviews, content analysis,

Evaluating the rationality and the need for alternative flood mitigation strategy by using
amphibious house

Methods and tools: questionnaires survey, SWOT analysis

Evaluating the suitable concrete material for lightweight concrete pontoons

Step 1: From literature source: cross analysis of different cementing materials and lightweight aggregate within
parameters of lightweighting, strength, workability, less permeability, economy and environmental friendly
(sustainability factors)
Step2: Establishing logic and comparitive tables for Material selection
Step3: Conducting structured interview with experts panel to finalize material selection guided by logic and
comparitive tables
Step4: Elimination process of cementious and lightweight materials to minimize selection from structured
interview process
Step5: Development of trial mix process to finalize lightweight concrete material selection for pontoons

Buoyancy analysis to determine suitability of lightweight concrete pontoons

Methods and Tools: Mathematical Simulation
Discuss the block diagram
you presented
Buoyancy analysis to determine suitability of lightweight concrete pontoons
Methods and Tools: Mathematical Simulation
1.4 Objectives
General Objectives The aim of this research is to develop amphibious house system, which can float during
Present the general flooding by using the special lightweight concrete pontoon within pit system technology in
objective of your project floodplain areas in Surigao City.
Specific Objectives  To analyze and evaluate the buoyancy and hydraulic reaction on amphibious house
Limit to a maximum of 4 system.
specific objectives. Follow  To design a floating system for amphibious house for flood mitigation.
the ADDIE process.  To develop the conceptual design of amphibious house system.
 To implement a hybrid structure that will function both on land and water.
2. Methods
2.1 Research Design The research design applicable in our study is the Action Research Design. We have considered
Discuss the research design our project study as an action research design because this type of research design tends itself to
applicable to your project use in a community situation. The essentials of action research design follows a characteristics
study cycle whereby initially an exploratory stance is adopted, where an understanding of a problem
is developed and plans are made for some form of interventionary strategy or can be able
implement a solution in order to achieve a specific problem.
2.2 Project Design
Present a block diagram
(BSECE, BSEE) or concept
map (BSCE) for your
proposed project. Then
discuss the diagram.

mitigation Precast
strategy concrete

methods Fabricated


Below sea
level Lightweight

FLOOD Buoyancy
Floodplain blocks


Tilting of

2.3 Project Development

Present a block diagram
relating to the different
stages in the development
of the project. Then discuss
the diagram.
In this stage, we will use to consider existing technologies for flood
mitigation and analyze its performance capacity base on the previous
studies so that we can derive new ideas for certain developments that
ANALYSIS we can apply for the design of amphibious house. The analysis also
PHASE include the availability of materials in the market so that there will be
smooth transition for the propose study.

In this phase, we tend to organize or design a system that we'll used

for our project study. Our team will design an amphibious house
using precast concrete which are very flexibible for flood. The house
is design using the concept of bouyancy which occur the structure to
float under body of water due to bouyant force. The design will also
consider the stability and sustainability of structure that are not just
resistant to flood but also to the earthquakes which are very common
in our country. In addition, the design for amphibious house is far
different from the traditional house that appears today. It is equip
DESIGN with some bouyant blocks under the basement of the structure that
PHASE serve as part of the foundation during dry season and also as a
floating instrument that enables the structure to elevate at some point
during flood phenomenon.

From the concept of bouyancy, we will design an amphibious house

that is basically one of the many ways to mitigate flood. In order to do
so, our team is incharge of collecting preliminary data to floodplain
dwellers as well as to Local Government Unit regarding flood issues,
DEVELOPMENT these will serve as basis for our project study in order to meet our
PHASE desired goals. Then, we will utilize the data and set examples base on
case to case situations that can lead to modify our perspective towards
the design of our study.

In order for the project to be organize, proper implementation must be

observe. The study will analyze first the subjected area which is
prone to flooding. Then the study will show the effects of severe
flooding and its damage cause to the houses. Data will also be
IMPLEMENTATION collected from the flooplain dwellers and undergoe further analysis.
PHASE Then, the team will start to plan and design an amphibious house that
is resistant to flood.

In this stage, our team will now use the quantitative and qualitative data
collected to evaluate the system. It is to mention that the system is fully
EVALUATION functional and operational so that we could meet our objective in our
PHASE project study.

Finalization of information gathered in the making of our project study

and to organize it appropraitely since it will be presented to the research
panelist for validation and for final approval.

2.4 Project Right after we have analyze the feasibility and availability of the technology and materials that
Implementation will be use in the design of our project study, we tend to organize a system that will serve as a
Discuss how the project pattern throughout this project journey. And as to implementation of the project, we will utilize
will be implemented. the Gantt Chart in making a step by step or series of successive activities each having time
allotment so that we will address the issue accordingly.
The following will be the activities the researcher need to do in order to attain its research
 Gather data from the existing technology that will be use in the research study.
 Gather data of amphibious house from different referrences
 Analyze the feasibility of appropriate materials used and suggest alternatives.
 Analyze the stability of the structure in resisting flood and consider the seismic factor
in the design
 Gather data from the community affecting flood
 Conduct interviews to professional experts regarding the design of amphibious house
 Conduct survey to floodplain dwellers
 Design an amphibious house base on the analysis derived from the data gathered
 Evaluate the system used
 Finalize the data and give conclusion whether the research study is operational or not.

2.5 Project Settings

Show a location map
where the project is to be
used. Then discuss the

Stakeholders Interest
Proponents To design a new concept of housing project which
is flexible for flood, a new mitigation strategy that
is applicable to housing located at flood prone
Mentors To guide and help the proponents in the conduct of
2.6 Participants of the their project study.
Study To be given acknowledgement once the project
Present a table showing study becomes successful.
the stakeholders of the
Community To have a safe and flood free living
project. Discuss the
To minimize the damage of some houses due to
sampling method in
choosing the participants flooding.
Sponsors To support the proponents in the conduct of the
study in such a way that they will also promote
their business
Local Government Unit To give proper instructions and give legalities to
the conduct of the study
Media To help in promoting the outcome of the project
study once it is completed successfully
2.7 Instruments The following are the instruments to be use for this project study:
Present the instruments  Survey Questionnaire for community– in order to know the experience of the
used to gather quantitative floodplain dwellers during flood times.
and qualitative data. Then  Survey questionnaire for professionals – in order to know the techniques and strategies
discuss their use in the applied in the conduct of the study regarding amphibious house.
 MS- Excel program – in order to know the acceptable degree of tilting of structure
with respect to their floor areas and weight.

 Ballpen and paper – to list all the data gather

2.8 Research Ethics The types of research ethics to be use in our project study is honesty, we should be honest in
Discuss what research presenting and reporting data, results, methods and procedures. Intellectual property is also
ethics that you apply in considered, we should give credits and acknowledgement to the contributors of our references.
your project study. Openness is also considered, we should be open in criticism and acknowledge new ideas from
our mentors. Objectivity is also considered in making this project study because we should
avoid and minimize bias or self – deception. And lastly, Competence, which help us to improve
and develop our own ideas and expertise in the said field.

2.9 Data Collection

Present a block diagram
how you gather
quantitative and
qualitative data. Then
discuss the diagram.


2.10 Statistical Tools
Present the statistical tools The statistical tool that we need in our project study is the frequency count. For a
that are used in your
certain floodplain community we need to measure the number of times a flood occurs
study. Then discuss the use
of these tools in your in year to year bases. Thus, using frequency count as one of our statistical tool will
project. help us figure out solutions and certain recommendations about addressing the
problem of the community. Another tool that might be usable for our project study is
the qualitative description in which this tool is very relevant to the study as to
addressing the quality, serviceability and stability of amphibious house in land and
when floating.

2.11 Financial Analysis This project study can be subjected for commercialization once it is completed
Present the financial successfully. One of the tools that might be applied for this research is the product
analysis tools that can be
used in your project if it
costing. Compare to the traditional housing cost in which a client will have to focus on
will be commercialized. the estimate of their house base on the traditional land design house, amphibious
Then discuss the use of this house implies additional cost as it give attention on the design of its basement that
tool in your project study. serve as the floating instrument of the structure. While on the other hand, we see it
also accountable to use the Return of Investment (ROI) as another tool that might be
use for this project study because once this project study becomes successful it will
probably create a first floating community in the city, and modifying the design with
respect to stability and serviceability of the structure will catch out the attention of
prospect clients to build an eco-friendly and flood free house.

5. Acknowledgement
Acknowledge the people or The researcher is very grateful to God Almighty for without his graces and blessings this study
institutions that has help would not have been possible. Immeasurable appreciation and deepest gratitude to Engr. Robert
you in your project study Bacarro, Dean of College of Engineering and Information Technology, for his support, advices,
guidance, valuable comments, and suggestions that benefited the researcher in the partial
completion and success of this study.
6. References
Reference 1 [1] M. I. Mohamad, M. A. Nekooie and Z. B. Ismail. ( 2012, Nov. 3 ). Amphibious House, a
Use IEEE referencing Novel Practice as a Flood Mitigation Strategy in South-East Asia [Online]. Available:
format https://www.researchgate.net/publication/269395263
Reference 2 [2] A. V. Khanolkar, A. E. Jadhav and Prof. A. Patekhede. ( 2019, Dec. 12 ). “A Review on:
Use IEEE referencing Amphibious House” [Online]. Available: www.irjet.net
Reference 3 [3] M. I. Mohamad, M. A. Nekooie, Z. B. Ismail and R. Taherkhani. (2012, Dec. 27).
Use IEEE referencing Amphibious Urbanization as a Sustainable Flood Mitigation Strategy in South-East Asia
format [Online]. Available: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/272006732
Reference 4 [4] E. English, N. Klinkl and S. Turner. (2015, August). Thriving with water: Development in
Use IEEE referencing amphibious architecture in North America [Online]. Available: 10.1051/e3sconf/20160713009
Reference 5 [5] K. Kusliansjah and Y. Suriansyah, “The Innovation of the Manufactured Floating House
Use IEEE referencing Model: A New Concept of Waterfront Settlement for Flood Risk Reduction in Indonesia”,
format Doctoral Candidate in Architecture, Department of Parahyangan Catholic University, Bandung,
Indonesia, 2013
Reference 6 [6] C. Moon. ( 2015, October). A Study on the Floating House for New Resilient [Online].
Use IEEE referencing Available: www.irjet.net
Reference 7 [7] G. Dass and M. Talwar. (2017, May). Review Paper on Ferrocement in Construction
Use IEEE referencing [Online]. Available: www.irjet.net
Reference 8 [8]
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Reference 9 [9]
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Reference 10 [10]
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Reference 11 [11]
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Reference 12 [12]
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Reference 13 [13]
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Reference 14 [14]
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Reference 15 [15]
Use IEEE referencing

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