Wind Load Calculation NZS PDF

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E 25/11/2020

TEDDS calculation version 1.0.06

Regional wind speeds (cl. 3.2)

Regional wind speeds (VR) for all directions based on peak gust wind data shall be as given in Table 3.1 AS/NZS 1170.2
for the regions shown in Figure 3.1(A) and Figure 3.1(B) where R (average recurrence interval) is the inverse of the annual
probability of exceedence of the wind speed for ultimate or serviceability limit states. Refer to AS/NZS 1170.0 for
information on values of annual probability of exceedence appropriate.
Inverse of annual probability of wind speed exceedence (serviceability);
Rservice = 25
Inverse of annual probability of wind speed exceedence (ultimate);
Rult = 500
Wind region (Figures 3.1(A) & 3.1(B)); A6
Regional wind speed (serviceability); VR.service = round(67m/s - 41m/s  Rservice-0.1, 0) = ;37; m/s
Regional wind speed (ultimate); VR.ult = round(67m/s - 41m/s  Rult-0.1, 0) = ;45; m/s

Wind direction multiplier (cl. 3.3); Md = 0.95
Terrain/height multiplier (cl. 4.2)
Terrain category; TerrainCat = 2.00 ;
Height; z = 10.00 m
Terrain/height multiplier (Table 4.1); Mzcat = 1.00
Shielding multiplier (cl. 4.3); Ms = 1.00
Topographic multiplier (cl. 4.4); Mt = 1.00
Wind speed
Site wind speed (serviceability) (cl. 2.2); Vsit.s = VR.service  Md  (Mzcat  Ms  Mt) = 35.15 m/s
Site wind speed (ultimate) (cl. 2.2); Vsit.u = VR.ult  Md  (Mzcat  Ms  Mt) = 42.75 m/s
Design wind speed (serviceability) (cl. 2.3); Vdes.s = Vsit.s ;
Design wind speed (ultimate) (cl. 2.3); Vdes.u = max(Vsit.u , 30 m/s) = 42.75 m/s; in this case.
Design wind pressure (cl. 2.4)
External aerodynamic shape factor; Cfig,e = 0.70
Internal aerodynamic shape factor; Cfig,i = -0.30
Dynamic response factor; Cdyn = 1.00
air = 1.2 kg/m3
External design wind pressure (serviceability); ps,e = 0.5  air  Vdes.s2  Cfig,e  Cdyn = 0.52 kPa
External design wind pressure (ultimate); pu,e = 0.5  air  Vdes.u2  Cfig,e  Cdyn = 0.77 kPa
Internal design wind pressure (serviceability); ps,i = 0.5  air  Vdes.s2  Cfig,i  Cdyn = -0.22 kPa
Internal design wind pressure (ultimate); pu,i = 0.5  air  Vdes.u2  Cfig,i  Cdyn = -0.33 kPa
Resultant design wind pressure (serviceability); ps = ps,e - ps,i = 0.74 kPa
Resultant design wind pressure (ultimate); pu = pu,e - pu,i = 1.10 kPa

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