Carga Nitrogeno NPK PDF
Carga Nitrogeno NPK PDF
Carga Nitrogeno NPK PDF
The nitrogen gas pressure must be measured with no preload on the tool. Remove the
tool or position the hammer with the tool fully extended against the tool retaining pin. The
hammer must not be resting vertical on the tool. The gas pressure in the hammer will vary
according to the gas temperature.
The preferred method to measure or charge the nitrogen gas pressure is with the hydraulic
system temperature stabilized after 1 to 2 hours of running and with a system oil
temperature of 140° to 180°F (60° to 80°C).
The nitrogen gas pressure can be measured or charged at ambient temperature (cold),
before operating the hammer. It is recommended the pressure be verified at operating
Exceeding the gas pre-charge specifications can result in damaging hammer components.
The NPK WARRANTY does not cover failures resulting from exceeding the specified
nitrogen gas pressure.