Assignment-2 Final
Assignment-2 Final
Assignment-2 Final
Q1. You need to link your intranet site to the Internet website. How
will you achieve that? While doing so, you need to address the
security concern associated with it.
Internet-The internet is the wider network that allows computer networks around
the world run by companies, governments, universities and other organizations to talk to
one another. The result is a mass of cables, computers, data centers, routers, servers,
repeaters, satellites and Wi-Fi towers that allows digital information to travel around the
It is that infrastructure that lets you order the weekly shop, share your life on Facebook,
stream Outcast on Netflix, email your aunt in Wollongong and search the web for the
world’s tiniest cat.
Benefits of an Intranet-If you are reading this article, then the chances
are that you are already thinking about creating a company intranet and are familiar with
the benefits on offer. It’s worthwhile though quickly reminding ourselves of the
undoubted advantages which include the following:
increased workforce productivity
streamlined business processes
enhanced team integration and collaboration
ease of communication
open all hours, 24/7 access enabling more flexible working arrangements
Improved rates of employee engagement across the business.
Simply put, a company intranet will add value to your business by helping staff
members to be more productive as well as efficient and effective.
So, now that we’ve made the business case for a company intranet let’s look at the
different types of intranet and how businesses are using them.
Types of Extranet
So, in what situations do businesses deploy an extranet? Here are some examples of
how companies have used extranet software to support their operations:
Universities and colleges- have utilized extranet software for the payment of
fees and sharing of information with students and parents.
Manufacturing companies- have used extranets to enhance communication,
collaboration, and the flow of information with suppliers. The extranet helps to
streamline the supply chain resulting in cost reductions and enhanced operations.
Graphic design businesses, accountants or law firms- are good examples of
companies that need to share information backwards and forwards with clients and
customers regularly. These types of businesses have made extensive use of extranet
software as it saves valuable time and resources, especially when compared to more
traditional emails or phone calls.
Intranet Security
Zoom app- has become one of the leading video conferencing software apps. It
enables you to virtually interact with co-workers when in-person meetings aren't
possible and it thas been hugely successful for social events, too.
Here are the five top reasons why your sales team needs zoom:-
Q3. As the head buyer for a major supermarket chain, you are
constantly being asked by manufacturers and distributors to stock
their new products. More than 50 new items are introduced each
week. Many times, these products are launched with national
advertising campaigns and special promotional allowance to retailers.
To add new products, the amount of shelf space allocated to existing
products must be reduced or items must be eliminated together.
Develop a MIS report that you can use to estimate the change in
profits from adding or deleting items from an inventory. Your analysis
should include input such as estimated weekly sales in units, shelf
space allocated to stock items, total cost per unit, and sales per unit.
Your analysis should calculate total annual profit by items and then
sort the rows in descending order based on total annual profit.
MIS stands for management information system. Executives and the top tier
management from all departments, refer to the MIS reports that are created after
collecting, comparing and analyzing data related to daily tasks and overall business
A management information system helps businesses identify problems, pressure
points and bottlenecks. Essentially, MIS is a combined solution of systems,
hardware, processes, storage and generates reports for efficient management of an
How to Prepare MIS Report?
There are two main methods of preparing MIS reports for different tasks; in Tally
and in Excel. Both these processes require advanced MIS reporting skills. Let’s
have a look at the two methods.
Here are the specific stages required to create MIS reports in Microsoft Excel.
Before beginning the process, it is important to collect all the necessary raw
data, required to create the report from different departments. Every report is
specific to a department, such as sales, marketing, operations, accounts,
manufacturing etc.
The next step is to mine or clean up the raw data, to filter the information that
is required for the particular report.
Keep a separate sheet for data repository from where you can pick up
information and include in the main report. This works as a back-end database and
helps minimise the scope of errors and make the whole process systematic.
Next, with the help of Excel formulas, you can connect the back-end
database to the MIS template on the spreadsheet. Excel will pull the data from the
database to convert it into a well-structured report.