SumiShield 50WG Technical Brochure 2019 EN PDF
SumiShield 50WG Technical Brochure 2019 EN PDF
SumiShield 50WG Technical Brochure 2019 EN PDF
Breakthrough: There has been no new mode of action IRS product in over 40 years.
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Product Concept
Insecticide resistance in malaria vectors is one
Sumitomo Chemical has developed a new mode of action
of the major issues concerning stakeholders today.
Indoor Residual Spraying (IRS) that is effective against many
mosquitoes that have already developed resistance to one or
more than one of the major classes of insecticides currently
available for IRS.
4 5
Directions for Use Consumer Acceptance
SumiShield 50WG has been developed for Indoor Calibration is conducted as follows: During village scale trials in Cote d’Ivoire a survey was
Residual Spraying (IRS) and can be sprayed on the conducted of householder experiences of Pirimiphos-
Sprayers with 1.5 bar CFV
inside of houses and residences on walls and other methyl 300CS compared to SumiShield 50WG.
Fill sprayer with 7.5L water. Pressurise to 4 bar
surfaces that serve as resting places for mosquitoes. There was virtually no odour detected after SumiShield
(58psi). Spray into a measuring cylinder for exactly
50WG applications which resulted in people more readily
Mixing instructions 1 minute. This should deliver 550-570ml.
accepting this product being sprayed in their homes.
• Fill sprayer with half the required volume of Sprayers without 1.5 bar CFV However there was a significant dislike of the odour of
clean or filtered water. The amount of water will Fill sprayer with 10L water. Pressurize to 4 bar Pirimiphos-methyl after spraying homes which could
Figure A
depend on whether the sprayer is fitted with a (58psi). Spray into a measuring cylinder for exactly Cote d’Ivoire(See
result in refusals. — Homeowner
Fig A.)preference survey of
SumiShield 50WG and Pirimiphos-methyl 300CS
pressure regulating device set at 1.5 bar (red CFV*). 1 minute. This should deliver 760 -790ml.
100 96.6
6 7
Fig. 4
India — Residual efficacy in weeks that >80%
mortality was achieved in WHO cone bioassays vs. lab
10 Mud
Fig. 1
Tanzania — Comparative efficacy in WHO cone bioassays Phase II WHOPES trials were conducted by National Institute of Malaria Research 5
vs. An. gambiae (Each data point represents total
combined mortality averaged over 8 months). (NIMR) in India. Fig. 4 shows the number of weeks that four IRS products 0
managed to achieve >80% mortality in 120 hours after exposure of An. culicifacies Bendiocarb Deltamethrin Pirimiphos-methyl SumiShield
100 Fig. 5 WP WG CS 50WG
Figure 1: Tanzania — Comparative efficacy in WHO cone on two surfaces (cement & mud). SumiShield 50WG was superior to all three other Residual
(400 mg activity
ai/m2) of(25SumiShield
mg ai/m2) (1000 50WG mg and ai/m2) (300 mg ai/m2)
bioassays vs. Anopheles gambiae (Each data point represents commonly used IRS products and gave at least 80% kill for at least 25 weeks. Pirimiphos-methyl CS in WHO cone bioassays against
Ref: NIMR India Phase II WHOPES trials, 2017
An. culicifacies
total combined mortality averaged over 8 months).
% Mortality
40 Pirimiphos-methyl CS (1000 mg ai/m2) In WHOPES Phase III trials conducted in Tanzania the efficacy of Figure 5: Residual activity of SumiShield 50WG and 80
20 SumiShield 50WG (300 mg ai/m2) SumiShield 50WG was compared to Pirimiphos-methyl CS in houses
Pirimiphos-methyl CS in WHO cone bioassays against An.
using the WHO cone tests. Mortality counts at different times post- 60
% Mortality
exposure were combined and averaged over 8 months.
24 48 72 96 120 144 168 40
Pirimiphos-methyl CS (1000 mg ai/m2)
Time post exposure (hours) Fig 1. shows the data 8 months post-spray which demonstrates that NIMR India also conducted WHOPES Phase III trials. Fig 5 shows a comparison of 20 SumiShield 50WG (300 mg ai/m2)
Fig. 2 Ref: Ifakara Tanzanaian Phase III WHOPES trials, 2017 SumiShield 50WG out-performed Pirimiphos-methyl CS and gave SumiShield 50WG vs. Pirimiphos-methyl CS in the field using WHO cone bioas-
Tanzania — Efficacy of Pirimiphos-methyl CS and good mortality even at 8 months post-treatment. says against An. culicifacies. SumiShield 50WG again delivered better results than
SumiShield 50WG in WHO cone tests on mud baked Pirimiphos methyl CS and was effective at least 6 months post-spray.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
bricks 8 months after spraying.
Pirimiphos-methyl CS (1000 mg ai/m2) Fig. 6 Ref: NIMR India Phase III WHOPES trials, 2017
Figure 2: Tanzania — Efficacy of Pirimiphos-methyl CS and Effect of low doses of SumiShield 50WG on mortality
100 SumiShield 50WG (300 mg ai/m ) 2
and blood feeding inhibition of An. gambiae 24 hours
SumiShield 50WG in WHO cone tests on baked mud bricks 8
Figure 6: Effect of low doses of SumiShield 50WG on after exposure to sublethal deposits on cement plates
80 months after spraying.
mortality and blood feeding inhibition of An. gambiae 24 100 95 95 93 93
60 In WHOPES Phase III trials the residual performance of SumiShield
% Mortality
Percentage %
20 50 mg ai/m2
mortality at 8 months post-spray over time against both susceptible a blood meal ?` or `As the insecticide dose drops below target application rate will 40 36
0 An. gambiae and resistant An. arabiensis strains. SumiShield 50WG mosquitoes be able to take a blood meal ?` Fig. 6 shows that in trials conducted 21
20 19
24 48 72 96 120 144 168 24 48 72 96 120 144 168 significantly out-performed Pirimiphos methyl CS against both mos- at Health & Crop Science Research Laboratory (HCRL) in Japan using SumiShield 5
Time post exposure (hours) 0 0 0 0
quito strains. 50WG even at 50 mg a.i./m² ( 1/6th of the target dose) blood feeding was totally
An. gambiae susceptible An. arabiensis F1 resistant Susceptible Resistant VK7 Susceptible Resistant VK7
Ref: Ifakara Tanzanian Phase III WHOPES trials, 2017 inhibited and nearly all those mosquitoes subsequently died. This effect was very % Mortality % Blood Feeding
Fig. 3 similar whether the mosquitoes were insecticide resistant or not. Even at 25 mg a.i./ Ref: HCRL Laboratories, Sumitomo, Japan, 2014
Benin — Mortality of free flying wild pyrethroid
resistant An. gambiae in experimental huts m² most blood feeding is inhibited. Fig.
Effect ofirritancy of insecticide
low doses deposits.
of SumiShield Number
50WG of
on mortality
100 take-offs in three minutes (susceptible An. gambiae)
Figure 3: Benin — Mortality of free flying wild pyrethroid and blood feeding inhibition of An. gambiae 24 hours
12 after exposure to sublethal deposits on cement plates
resistant An. gambiae in experimental huts Figure 7: Contact irritancy of insecticide deposits. Number 10
60 of take-offs in three minutes (susceptible An. gambiae) 100
% Mortality
95 95 93 93
Trials were conducted in Benin by Centre de Recherche 8
No. of take-offs
40 80
Entomologique de Cotonou (CREC) who evaluated SumiShield 50WG One of the most important attributes for any IRS product is non-irritancy 0 mg ai/m2
61 25 mg ai/m2
vs. Deltamethrin WG in experimental huts against free flying wild 60
20 (repellency) so that mosquitoes will unknowingly rest on a treated surface as long
4 50 mg3.3 ai/m2
An.gambiae which were pyrethroid resistant. Mortality at 120 hours as possible and so pick up a lethal dose. Some insecticides such as deltamethrin 40 2.9 2.8 36 2.9
post exposure was recorded every month up to 8 months. 2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 have a high contact repellency which is not ideal for an IRS. Therefore Sumitomo 20 19 21
Months post spray Fig. 3 shows that SumiShield 50WG significantly out-performed the decided to develop SumiShield 50WG as a single active product since clothianidin 0
0 Untreated SumiShield 0 Deltamethrin Bendiocarb0 0
Control Deltamethrin WG SumiShield 50WG deltamethrin based product and still gave 81% mortality at 8 months is non-repellent. This is clearly shown in contact irritancy tests (Fig. 7). Mosquitoes Pirimiphos-
(25 mg ai/m2) (300 mg ai/m2) paper
Susceptible 50WG
Resistant VK7WG WP
Susceptible methyl CS
Resistant VK7
compared to 11% mortality for deltamethrin. In this example were exposed to standard doses of four products and the number of flight take offs %(300 mg ai/m2) (25 mg ai/m2) (400 mg
Mortality ai/m2) (1000
% Blood Feedingmg ai/m2)
Ref: CREC Benin Experimental Hut trials, 2016
SumiShield 50WG performed against wild pyrethroid resistant An. gambiae. recorded over 3 minutes. The results show SumiShield 50WG to have a very low Ref: HCRL Laboratories, Sumitomo, Japan, 2014
8 9
Toxicity Information
“The introduction of new IRS products like
SumiShield 50WG has been a game changer, allowing
many countries to start implementing IRS rotation”
Mammalian Toxicity David McGuire, IVCC*’s Programme Director for the NgenIRS project
Acute oral LD50: 3900 mg/kg (Rat)
Skin irritation: Minimally irritating (Rabbit)
Eye irritation: Moderately irritating (Rabbit)
Inhalation LC50 (4h): Rat: LC50 (4h) >2.3 mg/L
Other (technical grade clothianidin): Not mutagenic. Not oncogenic in rats and mice.
Not teratogenic in rats and rabbits.
Clothianidin is moderately toxic through oral exposure but toxicity is low through
skin contact and inhalation. Skin contact will be the main route of exposure to
householders as SumiShield 50WG is applied to building surfaces such as walls
and ceilings.
While clothianidin may cause moderate eye irritation, it is not a skin sensitizer.
Clothianidin does not damage genetic material nor is there evidence that it
causes cancer in rats or mice; it is unlikely to be a human carcinogen.
Aquatic life
Consistent with the majority of pesticide
products clothianidin is considered to be toxic
to aquatic invertebrates if instructions regarding Clothianidin is practically non-toxic
disposal of wastes are not followed.
to selected test bird species that
were fed relatively large doses of
the chemical on an acute basis.
According to the EPA*, clothianidin is practically
non-toxic to selected test bird species that were
fed relatively large doses of the chemical on an acute basis.
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Sumitomo Chemical Co., Ltd.
Environmental Health Division
27-1, Shinkawa 2-chome
Chuo-ku, Tokyo
104-8260, Japan
Contact Information:
+44 (0) 207 471 3742
TM: SumiShield 50WG is a trademark of Sumitomo Chemical Company Limited. © Sumitomo Chemical July 2019