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Creating a Brand
1. Understand basics of branding

2. Discuss about creating a brand

3. Explain how to manage the


 is a graphic mark, emblem, or symbol
used to aid and promote public

There is more to your “brand essence”
than just your logo and a snappy slogan.
Your brand is the entire sum of what your
company does, what you excel at and the
experience your customers have with you.
It determines whether customers join your
loyalty club and refer you to friends — or
don’t bother with you again.

Guidelines: Building a Strong Brand
1. Know specifically why you are in
2. Clearly define your brand promise
3. Target whom you want to serve
4. Be honest and authentic about who
you are
5. Differentiate yourself from the
Guidelines: Building a Strong Brand
6. Keep your messaging and visual
identity professional and consistent
7. Create a dialogue with your customers
8. Give Customers a Great Experience at
every Point of Contact
9. It is Easier than You Think

Know specially why you are in business
In today’s competitive marketplace, you
do not want to be a “jack of all trades,
master of none.” While it may be
tempting to offer clients a wide menu of
products and services, it is important to
keep your brand focused.

Clearly Define Your Brand Promise
Brand Promise is the statement you make
to your customers and target audience
that lets them know what to expect every
time they interact with you and your
employees, products and services.

A brand promise is based in reality, and it is
something you can prove. It is grounded in your
company’s culture, philosophy and atmosphere.
It reflects how you serve your customers and
deliver value to them; how you make a problem
they have go away; how you make their lives

Your brand promise is why they cannot do

without you and would never go anywhere else.
Target Whom You Want to Serve
Your customers may skew toward certain
demographic or socioeconomic groups.

They may share a particular problem,

interest or need. Your brand needs to
connect with these people. They are your
target audience, the consumers you
specifically aim to serve.
Be honest & authentic about who you are
Your brand has to talk the talk and walk the
walk. Otherwise, you will present yourself
inconsistently and confuse the marketplace.

If you have clearly defined your audience and

what sets you apart, authenticity should come
easily. Do not be hip and casual if that is not
who you are, or if that is improper for the
service you provide.
Differentiate Yourself from Competition
Knowing what you do best and being able to
convey that to your target audience means
knowing what you are up against.

With that in mind, you must be aware of your

strengths and your weaknesses. Learn how to
accentuate the former and how to address the
latter — or, even turn those weaknesses into
Keep your messaging & visual identity
professional & consistent

From business cards and logo to email

newsletters and brick-and-mortar signage,
all of your printed communications and
sales materials should look, feel and sound
like they come from the same source.

In terms of messaging, reuse key phrases that
are your unique selling points, whether they
are used in your brochure, on your website or
in ads.

Put your company slogan or tagline on

everything — it is your brand promise boiled
down to a catchy, memorable phrase.
Ideally, your brand’s visual appearance
and messaging:

► Reflect your brand’s personality and

► Set you apart from the competition.
► Appeal to your target audience.
► Command attention.

Create a Dialogue with Your Customer
Sure, you talk to customers when they come in,
call or email. That is a conversation. But
conversations end.

Dialogues are ongoing.

Give Customer a Great Experience at Every
Point of Contact
In our digital age, it is both easier and harder
than ever to reach your customers. They are
only a click away, but they may never meet you
face to face.

Make customer service a core value at all levels

of your business, and become known as a
brand that delivers a terrific experience. Your
customers will reward you.
It is Easier than You Think
These tips may seem to take a lot of effort. At
the outset of establishing and building your
brand, you might have to do a little homework.

Once you get going, though, it gets easier,

more routine and more instinctive — as long as
you know your market, trust your intuition,
maintain consistency and be yourself.
Any questions?


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