2.method Statement Excavation and Trenching
2.method Statement Excavation and Trenching
2.method Statement Excavation and Trenching
2. Location of Activity
outside of the building.
3. Scope of Work.
The method statement covers all activities related to the Excavation and Trenching works.
General Description
The purpose of this Method Statement is to give a general outline of the methodology that will be used
for Excavation and Trenching works s at, The WTC to identify the risk associated during the Excavation
and Trenching works and to identify the quality control system to ensure full compliance with the
client’s requirements and as per the project specification.
The works shall be executed in accordance with the following methodology and sequence;
1. Excavation
The excavations will be carried out to the required depth. When excavating near existing or under
construction structure and utilities, care shall be taken to carry out hand excavation for a minimum
distance of at least 1 meter from the same.
Excavation will be protected by shoring or step excavation (if required) for deep excavation or
excavation below the ground water level it shall be taken up on a case by case basis. Care shall be
taken to ensure no part of excavation shall encroach into normal 30o bearing angle of any existing
foundation. The shoring details and all related calculations shall be submitted as a work instruction
prior to start of activity and site condition.
The excavated materials which are reusable shall be stored separately on site, but well away from
working areas. The excavated material suitable for use in backfilling shall be taken to stock pile
area identified within the site, upon previous approval by Employer’s Representative. Care shall be
taken to stockpiled suitable excavated material at a sufficient distance from the bank to avoid
overloading and to prevent slides or cave-in. In no conditions, the poor condition of top surface
material i.e. windblown sand, shall be used. This type of material shall be identified and remove
from the site.
2. Structural Excavation
Excavation shall conform to the dimensions and elevations indicated on the IFC drawings for
each structure.
Excavation shall extend a sufficient distance from structure to allow for placing and removal of
forms, except where Employer’s Representative expressly authorizes the placing of concrete for
any structure directly against excavated surfaces.
Over-excavated areas that are to receive any structure shall be restored to grades with suitable fill
material and shall be compacted to 95% of the maximum dry density obtained by ASTM D-1557
with sand conforming to the project specification, all in accordance with Contract requirements.
The trench shall be excavated as shown on the drawings, left open and maintained until pipes or
cables have been installed and provide necessary shoring protection.
To prevent soil from falling into the trench, a minimum clearance of 1.00 meter shall be kept
between the edge of the trench and the toe of the piles of excavated soil.
Minimum depth of cover shall be measured from top of any pipe, ducts or cables to finish grade
or, in the case of crossings, from the top of the work or casing to edge of road pavement.
After completing the roof, team will go for the wall cladding using scaffoldings for the access.
Methodology of the installation of wall cladding is same like the roof cladding except joint
tapes are may be not required in wall as per the building suppliers design.
According to the availability of items and site conditions crew will fix the final finishing items
such as flashing etc.
Finally visual test and if needed water test in the roof may also can be performed.
Tel: 04-453 45 41 Fax: - 04–453 45 40 P.O.Box 66554 Dubai
Al Qooz Contracting LLC
4. Responsibility
Project Engineer:
The Project Manager and the Construction Manager have the responsibility for the overall operations of
this statement. The Project Manager and Construction Manager have the responsibility to implement the
Method statement and to delegate the responsibility to a Site Engineer and the QC Engineer to directly
supervise the work on site. The site Engineer is responsible for ensuring that all the works are executed
in accordance with the specified requirements.
The Project Manager will be responsible for the following.
Plan and schedule the jobs, determine priorities, control workload, inspect projects and keep sufficient time
records for workflow and outputs.
Performs technical responsibilities and make decisions to a substantial extent.
Reviews and interprets proposed designs, drawings, and specifications for appropriateness to required
function and/or standard and initiates revisions.
Ensure that project operations are in compliance with design specifications
To provide all the necessary information to the site team.
Engineer/Supervisor in charge to conduct a toolbox meeting and communicate both the Method Statement
& Risk Assessment to the workers before commencement of the activity.
All safety precautions shall be followed as per established project safety procedure.
Only experienced and skilled labour shall be engaged for carrying out screed work.
People involved in the construction work shall wear PPE such as safety helmets, safety shoes, safety harness,
gloves safety glass, mask etc.as required.
All Hose pipe joints are properly connected and tied with clips.
Safety officer shall check and ensure that all safety precautions are followed.
All the safety equipment’s shall be periodically inspected and checked for its durability before using them to
Manual handling procedures to be followed
Any incident or near miss incident shall be reported immediately to the concerned safety officer.
Site Supervisor:
Tel: 04-453 45 41 Fax: - 04–453 45 40 P.O.Box 66554 Dubai
Al Qooz Contracting LLC
To provide the Site supervisor with daily progress reports and discuss with him planned works for the next
To ensure that all safety measures are maintained at site and workers have proper training for following all
current safety guidelines and housekeeping in accordance with the Main Contractors Safety Officer.
To ensure good housekeeping is practiced and proper tools are being used by the site team.
To ensure that all persons involved in the works are aware of their duties, and that they have enough
understanding of safety procedures.
To conduct frequent toolbox meeting on safety awareness and to maintain a log of all meetings for
To keep a record of all toolbox talks.
Liaises with the required personnel at the site for the required inspections with regards to safety.
Attends all the safety coordination meetings.
Ensure that the basic and activity specific PPE is worn regularly by the site working team.
5. Equipment Requirements
The requirements that will be engaged for Excavation and Trenching work will be as follows:
Site In-charge.
Charge Hand.
Skilled Labour.
Unskilled Labour.
Backhoe excavator JCB
Dump Truck.
Tel: 04-453 45 41 Fax: - 04–453 45 40 P.O.Box 66554 Dubai